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Comprehensive Formative Exam in Crime Detection and Investigation

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Comprehensive Formative Exam in Crime Detection and Investigation

1. A criminal investigator who is discreetly listening to the conversation of the

subjects while the former is seated on a table near the former’s table is applying:

A. eavesdropping

B. bugging

C. discreet listening

D. wiretapping

2. The word investigation is taken from the Latin word “investigare” which means

A. determine

B. prove

C. solve

D. trace

3. The person who popularized the employment of “a thief to catch a thief” was:

A. William Henry Talbot

B. Charles Dickens

C. Thomas Byrnes

D. Jonathan Wild

4. Which of the following best describes corpus delicti:

A. the body of the victim in case of homicide or murder.

B. essential elements of the crime or the fact of the proof of the actual commission of
the crime itself.

C. the recovered stolen properties in case of theft or robbery.

D. any recovered weapon, either firearm or bladed weapon.

5. All but one govern Criminal Investigation as an art:

A. Intuition

B. Chance or luck

C. Felicity of Inspiration

D. Rigid Rules

6. What type of reasoning is used in reconstruction of the crime whereby the

detective assumes a theory based on collected information?

A. Deductive approach

B. Logical reasoning

C. Positive approach

D. Inductive approach

7. Physical evidence which identify the criminal by means of clues, personal properties
or the characteristics pattern of procedure deduced from the arrangement of objects at
the crime scene is referred to as:

A. Circumstantial evidence

B. Associative evidence

C. Modus operandi

D. Corpus Delicti

8. If the purpose of the informer in giving information to the police is merely to

gain a pecuniary material, then his motive is

A. Remuneration

B. Revenge

C. Repentance of sins

D. Vanity
9. Which of these is a statement of the suspect directly acknowledging his criminal

A. Admission

B. Acknowledgement

C. Confession

D. Deposition

10. The New York Chief of Detectives who introduce the Modus Operandi system
in the field of Criminal Investigation was:

A. Thomas Byrnes

B. Sir Francis Galton

C. Sir Richard Henry

D. Dr. Paul Kirk

11. The official inquiries made by the police on the facts and circumstance
surrounding the death of a person that is expected to be unlawful is referred to as

A. official investigation

B. death investigation

C. murder investigation

D. homicide investigation

12. The annual crime prevention week is celebrated every 1st week of

A. August

B. April

C. July

D. September
13. The following are the three fold aim of criminal investigation, except.

A. To identify the guilty party

B. To locate the guilty party

C. To provide evidence of the suspect’s guilt.

D. To administer justice

14. The process of letting or allowing a witness to select the primary suspect from a
group of chosen individuals which resembles the description of the suspects.

A. Field Identification

B. Police Line-up

C. Cartography

D. General Photographic method

15. It refers to the offender’s pattern of committing a crime.

A. Modus operandi

B. Police Lineup or Show-ups

C. Cartography

D. Surveillance

16. The earliest concept of organized crime came from which among the following?

a. La Cosa Nostra Mafia c. Taiwanese Bamboo Gang

b. Japanese Yakuza d. Burmese Koumintang

17. The percentage chemical distribution of the ingredients of a fire extinguisher is

divided into___:

A. 50% extinguishing agent, 50% water

B. 94% water, 6% extinguishing agent

C. 70% water, 30% extinguishing agent

D. 65% water, 35% extinguishing agent

18. Which among the following is considered as the Essential Chemical in the drug

a. Ephedrine

b. Hydrochloric Acid

c. Propanon

d. Sodium Carbonate

19. It is also known as the Blood and Flesh Organization/Blood Alliance.

a. Cali Cartel

b. Medellin Cartel

c. Sinaloa Cartel

d. Matamoros Cartel

20. Who among the following groups is considered as the one who controls the Golden

a. Japanese Yakuza

b. Chinese Triad

c. Koumintang

d. United Wa State Army

21. This is the stage in the process of money laundering wherein the money launderer
introduces the proceeds of the crime to the financial institution.

a. Integration

b. Layering

c. Placement
d. Insertion

e. Circulation

22. As one of the contents of the provisions of the proposed Bangsamoro Organic Law is
the creation of its own military wing which is known as the BIAF, what does it stands

a. Bangsamoro Islamic Auxilliary Forces

b. Bangsamoro Islamic Assault Forces

c. Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces

d. Bangsamoro Islamic Anti-terror Forces

e. Bangsamoro Islamic Autonomous Force

23. What is the primary illicit drug product of the Golden Triangle?

a. Cocaine c. Heroin

b. Opium d. Codeine

24. The word terrorism came from the Latin word “Terrere” which means to__?

a. Coerce

b. Warn

c. Frighten

d. Torture

25. What type of reasoning is used in reconstruction of the crime whereby the detective
develops the conclusion first before the actual inspection of the crime scene and
examining the individual pieces of evidence left in the area?

A. Deductive approach

B. Logical reasoning

C. Positive approach
D. Inductive approach

26. The premise that minute pieces of evidence are left to be recovered in the crime
scene as a result of physical contact between two objects refers to:

a. Principle of Multiplicity of Evidence

b. Tripartite Ruling

c. Locard’s Principle

d. Principle of Individuality of Evidence

27. The erroneous perception of a present stimulus refers to:

a. Hallucination c. Illusion

b. Delusion d. Delirium

28. As a crime prober, what is your first concern if you are the first to arrive at the crime

a. Call ambulance

b. Call morgue

c. Call SOCO team

d. Save life

29. There are three “I”s of criminal investigation. The most important of these is:

A. Interrogation

B. Information

C. Investigation

D. Instrumentation
30. Which of the following is a correct chronological stage of interview?

A. Preparation, Warming-up, Approach and Questioning

B. Preparation, Approach, Warming-up and Questioning

C. Preparation, Warming-up, Questioning and Approach

D. Warming-up, Preparation, Approach, Questioning

31. POI Garcia portrays a bad guy while POII Flores portrays a good guy every time
they conduct interrogation. What technique are they applying?

a. Bluff on a split pair

b. Question barrage

c. Extenuation

d. Mutt and Jeff

32. After completion of the crime scene search, an effort must be made to determine
from the appearance of the place and its objects what actually occurred. This is known

A. Crime scene assessment

B. Crime reconstruction

C. Crime evaluation

D. Crime scene sketch

34. The general rule applied in handling pieces of physical evidence is DO NOT M.A.C,
M is for mutilate, A stands for alter, and C means:

A. Change

B. Contaminate

C. Cover

D. Color

35. The process by which evidence is handled, transferred, and accounted for from the
time of discovery until the final disposition of the case refers to

A. Intelligence Cycle

B. Criminal Investigation

C. Chain of Custody

D. Evidence Cycle

36. The method of identifying criminals by proving other facts or circumstances from
which either alone or together with other facts, the identity of the perpetrator can be
inferred is known as

A. Physical evidence

B. Confession

C. Tracing identification

D. Circumstantial Evidence
37. Human sources of information who voluntarily provide facts to the detectives are
considered as:

A. Informers

B. Suspects

C. Informants

D. Respondents

38. Listening and recording the conversation of your subject by means of a concealed
listening device is an example of:

A. Wiretapping

B. Bugging

C. Covert listening

D. Eavesdropping

39. Which among the countries in the ASEAN region that PDEA has bilateral drug law
enforcement cooperation agreement with?

a. Myanmar

b. Thailand

c. Singapore

d. Laos

e. Vietnam

40. This civilization is considered as the first major road builders in the ancient world.

a. Romans

b. Egyptians

c. Chinese

d. Greeks
41. The current law that penalizes the crime of arson.

A. P.D 1096

B. P.D 1611

C. P.D 1612

D. P.D 1613

42. Who introduced the first organized identification system based on body
measurements in 1882?

A. Alphonse Bertillion

B. Frederick the Great

C. Robert Peel

D. Alec Jeffrey

43. The prescribed penalty for simple arson

A. Prision Mayor

B. Reclusion Perpetua to Death

C. Reclusion Temporal to Reclusion Perpetua

D. Prision Correcional

44. The stage in fire-fighting process wherein methods are employed so as to prevent
poisonous gases to displace as well as to address the problem of instantaneous
explosion when firefighters enter the scene and eradicate the fire for good.

A. Cover Exposure

B. Overhauling

C. Ventilation

D. Extinguishment

45. The chemical breakdown of matter as a result of the action of heat refers to___:
A. Free Radicals

B. Pyrolysis

C. Flash Point

D. Fire Point

46. Which among the following laws paved the way for the creation of a solo
government agency which is responsible for the prevention and suppression of fires as
well as enforcement of laws relating to fire safety and response?

A. R.A 9514

B. R.A 9263

C. R.A 6975

D. P.D 1185

47. When the fire is confined to the original materials of ignition, we pertain to ___phase
of fire:

A. Free Burning

B. Incipient

C. Initial

D. Hot Smoldering

48. Inspecting the door first by using the back portion (dorsal) of the hands and
breaking the adjacent window before making entry in the burning building as a way of
displacing toxic gases best describes___:

a. Mechanical Ventilation

b. Horizontal Ventilation

c. Vertical Ventilation

d. Forced Ventilation
49. Backdraft occurs during the ____phase of fire:

A. Incipient

B. Free Burning

C. Hot Smoldering

D. Decaying

50. Attacking the Fuel side of the Fire Tetrahedron as a way of fire extinguishment
refers to__:

A. Smothering

B. Inhibition

C. Starvation

D. Cooling

51. Attacking the heat side of the fire tetrahedron best reflects what type of fire
extinguishment methods?

A. Cooling

B. Chain breaking

C. Starvation

D. Blanketing

52. Most arson cases are proved by__________________ evidence rather than that direct

a. testimonial evidence

b. associative evidence

c. circumstantial evidence

d. physical evidence
53. A French Chemist who proved that burning is the result of the rapid union of
oxygen with other substances.

a. Napoleon Bonaparte

b. Antoine Lavoisier

c. Thomas Edison

d. Benjamin Franklin

54. The case which made fingerprint identification superior than anthropometry.

A. Enderby case

B. Orlando case

C. West case

D. James case

55. The doctrine which states that if the evidence in a criminal case is evenly balanced,
the scale of justice should tilt in favor of the accused.

A. Due process doctrine

B. Exclusionary rule

C. Equipose rule

D. Presumption of innocence doctrine

56. The system of paid informants is known as

A. French

B. English

C. German

D. Philippine
57. The lawful act of restraining a person believed to have committed a crime and
placing him under custody is termed as

A. Imprisonment

B. detention

C. restraint

D. all of these

58. What is not one of the Three-Fold Aim of Criminal Investigation?

A. Identify the guilty party

B. Identify other involved persons

C. Trace and locate the guilty party

D. Provide evidence of the criminal guilt.

59. The skillful questioning of a suspect or a hostile witness to divulge information

concerning the crime under investigation refers to

A. Custodial investigation

B. Interrogation

C. Interview

D. Cross Examination

60. The use of scientific instruments, methods and processes while detecting and
investigating crimes is technically called

A. Criminal Justice

B. Criminalistics

C. Forensic Science

D. Instrumentation
61. What is the most common and popular method of searching a crime scene?

A. Grid

B. Line

C. Ray

D. Link

62. Three things govern criminal Investigation as an art

A. Intuition

B. Chance or luck

C. Rigid Rules

D. Felicity or Inspiration

63. The person who used Deoxyrebonucleic Acid (DNA) to solve a crime regarding a
murder incident. where DNA was the first used to acquit an innocent suspect.

A. Alphonse Bertillion

B. Frederic the Great

C. Robert Peel

D. Alec Jeffrey

64. The person who divided his agents into four classes which he organize and describe
as the common spies, Double spies, spies of consequences and person who are spies
against their will. He is The Father of Organized Military Espionage.

A. Alphonse Bertillion

B. Frederick the Great

C. Robert Peel

D. Alec Jeffrey
65. Which of these is a statement of the suspect directly acknowledging his criminal

A. Admission

B. Acknowledgement

C. Confession

D. Deposition

66. The official inquiries made by the police on the facts and circumstance surrounding
the death of a person that is expected to be unlawful is referred to as

A. official investigation

B. death investigation

C. murder investigation

D. homicide investigation

67. This is a nucleic acid of complex molecular structure forming a principal

constituents of the genes and known to play a very important role in the genetic action
of the Chromosomes.


B. Genes

C. Nucleus

68. The reconnaissance or surveillance of a building place or area to determine its
suitability for intelligence use or its vulnerability in operations.

A . Investigation

B. Surveillance

C. Casing

D. Patrolling

69. A declaration made under a consciousness of an impending death.

a. Last will and Testament

b. Dying declaration

c. Statement of Res Gestae

d. Spontaneous Exclamation

70. This is applicable in oval or circular crime scene wherein the searchers gather at the
middle and proceed outward along spokes or radius.

a. Wheel method

b. Spiral Method

c. Strip Method

d. Zone Method

71.This refers to the principle of science applied to law enforcement

a. Instrumentation

b. Forensics

c. Legal medicine

d. Criminology
72. The physical act of conveying of persons, goods and things from one place to
another is referred to as

A. transportation

B. traffic

C. traffic management

D. a and b are correct

74. In ancient times, what is the first mode of transportation utilized by man?

A. animal power

B. wind power

C. by foot

D. wheeled carriage

75. The wheel is believed to have originated in

A. Eastern Asia

B. Europe

C. Western Asia

D. America

76. A term used in referring a narrow portion of the roadway due to traffic congestion
or where “build up” usually occurs is

A. gridlock

B. congestion

C. traffic jam

D. bottleneck
77. The application of the processes of planning, organizing, directing and controlling to
traffic affairs is referred to as.

A. traffic administration

B. traffic management.

C. traffic operation

D. traffic supervision

78. The portion on the traffic way which is either of the edges of the road or highway is

A. Shoulder

B. Sidewalk

C. Curbstone

D. Pavement

79. Republic Act 8750 is otherwise known as

A. Clean Air Act

B. Land Transportation Code

C. Seatbelt Law

D. Anti-Carnapping Act

80. The best way to put an identity mark to a biological evidence is to__it.

a. Tag

b. Mark

c. Sign

d. Label
81. The study of biorhythm is considered an important aspect of traffic safety because
an individual can avoid accident.

A. by knowing his intellectual capacity on a certain day.

B. by knowing his physical capacity on a certain day.

C. when he knew that he is not feeling well on a certain day.

D. by hinting on how he will tend to feel in a certain day.

82. Which among the following is considered as the purest form of marijuana?

a. Ganjab

b. Kief

c. Fruiting Tops

d. Hashish

83. Post-mortem change that is characterized by the discoloration of the body after

A. livor mortis C. algor mortis

B. rigor mortis D. all of the above

84. This is known as the Anti-Plunder Act:

A. RA 7080 C. RA 7610

B. RA 10054 D. RA 3019

85. Which of the following is not a crime against persons?

A. Physical injury C. Abduction

B. Mutilation D. Parricide
86. The notion, which declares that human behavior tends to repeat itself, can serve as
basis of the investigator in determining:

A. Criminal behavior C. Nature of the crime

B. Modus operandi D. Criminal intent

87. Covert observation of a person, place, or things by human or technical means to

acquire information.

a. Surveillance c. Undercover Operations

b. Casing d. Skip Tracing

88. This is a type of evidence which is a product of the perception of the major senses of
a witness, disseminated to the police investigator forms part of___:

a. Physical Evidence

b. Documentary Evidence

c. Testimonial Evidence

d. Circumstantial Evidence

89. The right to proceed ahead over any other vehicle or pedestrian.

a. Right of way

b. Biorhythm

c. Last Clear Chance

d. State of Necessity

90. Which of the following is not one of the means of the taking methamphetamine

A. Chasing the dragon C. Smoking

B. Inhalation D. Oral
91. Which among the following is not previously included in the original geographic
representation of the elements of fire?

a. Oxygen

b. Heat

c. Self-sustained chemical reaction

d. Fuel

92. Which among the following laws contains the latest provisions governing the
mandate of state to prevent and suppress fires as well as the enforcement of fire safety
standards required by pertinent laws?

a. P.D 1185

b. R.A 9514

c. R.A 9415

d. P.D 1096

93. What is minimum amount of oxygen percentage needed in order to start a fire?

a. 16%

b. 15%

c. 14%

d. 21%

94. A prerequisite of fire which pertains to any substance capable of burning

regardless of any form:

a. Fuel

b. Heat

c. Oxygen

d. Self-sustained chemical reaction

95. A sub-classification of any substance capable of burning in gaseous form in
which it is characterized by frigid and cold temperatures.

a. Coolers

b. Cryogenic Gas

c. Freon Gas

d. Compressed Gas

96. The method of heat transfer without an intervening medium was conceptualized

a. Antoine Lavoisier

b. Isaac Newton

c. Richard Newsham

d. Max Planck

97. Which among the following laws paved the way for the creation of a government
agency which is responsible for the prevention and suppression of fires as well as
enforcement of laws relating to fire safety and response?

a. R.A 9514

b. R.A 9263

c. R.A 6975

d. P.D 1185
98. A bluish flame as a classification of flame is defined as_________:

a. One which is characterized as smooth and steady.

b. One which is represents a complete combustion of a fuel and possessing a

relatively high temperature.

c. One which possesses a lower burning temperature and has incomplete

combustion of fuel

d. One is described as having an erratic and irregular flow stream.

99. The minimum temperature needed for a heated fuel to start a combustion, this
physical property of fire refers to_____:

a. Flash Point

b. Fire Point

c. Kindling Temperature

d. Combustion Temperature

100. A flammable liquid possesses a precise flashpoint temperature of___

a. Above 37.8 C

b. Below 37.8 C

c. Above 37.9 C
1. It supplements photographs of the crime scene and considered to be the simplest and
the most effective way of showing actual measurements and of identifying significant
items of evidence in their location at the scene.

a. Crime scene sketch c. Finished sketch

b. Rough sketch d. Direction sketch

2. Which of the following is not one of the form of information the investigator
obtained from regular, cultivated or grapevine sources?

a. Sensory c. Concrete

b. Written d. Physical forms

3. In searching for physical evidence at the crime scene, the following types of search
could be used depending upon locale, number of personnel available, type of object
sought and speed desired, except:

a. Strip and double strip or grid search

b. Zone search

c. Rectangular and circular search

d. Spiral and wheel search

4. The interview of a witness can be described by the acronym IRONIC, which stands

a. Inquiry, Recognition, Organization, Novelty, Identity, Continuity

b. Identity, Rapport, Omnipresent, Narration, Inquiry, Conclusion

c. Identity, Recognition, Opening statement, Narration, Inquiry, Conclusion

d. Identity, Rapport, Opening statement, Narration, Inquiry, Conclusion

5. Legally, when does death considered to have occurred?

a. Respiratory system is no longer performing within the body

b. Cardiac activity is no longer performing within the body

c. Central nervous system activity is no longer performing within the body

d. All of the above

6. Evidence of violence characterized by the removal of the superficial epithelial layer of

the skin brought about by the friction against a hard rough surface.

a. Contusion c. Patterned wound

b. Abrasions d. Hematoma

7. Once the crime scene has been thoroughly documented and locations of evidence was
noted, the collection process begins and will usually starts with:

A. point of exit C. fragile evidence

B. large objects D. removal of cadaver

8. Rights that can be waived except one.

a. Right to be informed of the provisions of RA 7438

b. Right to remain silent

c. Right to counsel

d. Right to be visited

9. The essence of this crime is the taking and transporting of a person against his will
from one place to another.

a. Kidnapping c. Abduction

b. Illegal detention d. Coercion

10. Republic Act 8750 is:

A. Clean Air Act C. Seatbelt Law

B. Philippine Land Transportation Code D. Anti-Carnapping Law

11. An accident which is accompanied by an unidentified road user who flees

immediately thereafter.

A. Hit and Run cases C. Motor vehicle non-traffic accident

B. Motor vehicle traffic accident D. Non motor vehicle none traffic accident

12. The Philippine Center on Transnational Crime which is created by virtue of

Executive Order No. 62, is under what office or agency?

a. Office of the President c. DOJ

b. DILG d. PNP

13. Conceptualized in the 1920's and had its initial headquarters in Vienna. This
organization was established to promote international criminal police cooperation.

a. International Police

b. International Criminal Police Organization

c. International Association of the Chiefs of Police

d. Asian National Police

14. INTERPOL’s notice on planned terrorist attack to one of its member-countries.

a. Blue Notice c. Yellow Notice

b. Green Notice d. Orange Notice

15. An operation launch by the Philippine National Police- Special Action Force
Commandos that led to the killing of the international terrorist Zulkifli bin Hir at the
Mamasapano, Maguindanao.

A. Oplan Wolverine C. Oplan Neptune Spear

B. Oplan Terminator D. Oplan Exodus

16. Known as G-7 Nations, they were mandated to devise international standards and
policies to combat money laundering. Which of the following is not one of them?

a. France, Germany and Italy

b. Japan

c. United Kingdom of Great Britain, United States of America, and Canada

d. China, South Korea and Russia

17. Known as “Big Six” transnational organized crime group.

a. Sicilian and American Mafia Families; Russian Mafiya; Yakuza; Triads; Colombian
Cartels; and Mexican Federation.

b Nigeria; Panama; Jamaica; Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Colombia

c. Red Army; Shining Path; Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia; People’s Irish
Republican Army; Al Qaeda; and ISIS

d. Gambino, Colombo, Profaci, Lucchese, Bonnano, Genovese Crime Families

18. Facility used for the illegal manufacture of dangerous drugs is called:

A. drug den C. laboratory equipment

B. drug laboratory D. clandestine laboratory

19. Considered to be one of the prime suppliers of Heroin in Asia is the so called Golden
Triangle where 80% of illicit drugs of the world originate. This lies on the borders of:

A. Thailand –Laos –Burma C. Iran –Afghanistan – Pakistan

B. Thailand – Laos- Myanmar D. Peru- Columbia- Bolivia

20. The Golden Crescent is located in the South West Asia composed of which

a. Iran, Persia, India and Pakistan

b. Afghanistan, Iran, India and Pakistan

c. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Persia and Iraq

d. Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Turkey

21. The Golden Triangle produces how many percent of opium in the world?

a. 60% c. 80%

b. 70% d. 90%

22. Where does the concept of organized crime emerged?

a. In China, when the Triad was established

b. In Japan, when Yakuza was founded

c. In Sicily Italy, when the Mafia was first to emerged

d. In the US, when Al Capone ran Chicago with blood and guns

23. An offense whose inception, prevention and/or direct or indirect effects involved
more than one country.

a. Inter-border crimes c. Transnational crimes

b International crimes d. Multi-national crimes

24. It warn road users of the danger that lies ahead of the road and its nature.

A. informative signs C. warning signs

B. regulatory signs D. all of these

25. The Land Transportation Office (LTO) is under the___________, and part of

A. DILG-engineering C. DPWH-engineering

B. DOTC-enforcement D. DEPED-traffic education

26. Identification of a dead body through examination of the teeth:

A. Forensic pathology C. Forensic odontology

B. Forensic chemistry D. Forensic medicine

27. Vincent killed his now legally declared father after the rendition of judgment of the
petition for adoption. What was the crime committed by Vincent?

a. Parricide c. Homicide

b. Murder d. None of the above

28. You are a police officer who wants to determine whether a driver is authorized to
drive. What is the evidence that you will ask him to show to prove that he is allowed by
the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to operate a vehicle on public highways?

A. driver’s ID C. driver’s license

B. franchise D. operator’s license

29. In Joseph Albini’s Patron-Client Model. Organized crime group is consists of

syndicates in a loose system of power relationship. At the center of each organized
crime unit or crime family is/are:

a. Capo, Sottocapo and Consigliere c. Mafioso

b. Caporegime d. Soldati
30. The etymological concept of the word Mafia is believed to be originated from:

a. a group of bandits who formed together to commit crimes for profit.

b. the practice of the criminals to seal a black handprint at the scene of the crime

c. Italian’s beauty, perfection, grace, and excellence

d. the Sicilian struggle in the 13th Century against French Rule

31. The following are examples of property that if subjected to willful and malicious
burning, are classified as Destructive Arson except:

A. Any building where evidence is kept for use in any legislative, judicial,
administrative or other official proceeding.

B. Any building used as offices of the government or any of its agencies;

C. Any ammunition factory and other establishment where explosives, inflammable or

combustible materials are stored.

D. Any archive, museum, whether public or private, or any edifice devoted to culture,
education or social services

32. The point of the origin of fire (fingerprint of the fire) starts to become visible during
the ____phase of fire:

a. Free Burning

b. Hot Smoldering Phase

c. Incipient

d. Initial
33. The type of sketch that is ideally used in Arson cases

a. Floor Plan Sketch

b. Ground Sketch

c. Neighborhood Sketch

d. Exploded View

34. The recognition for the professionalization of the fire service is realized in what law?

a. R.A 9262

b. R.A 6975

c. R.A 9263

d. R.A 4864

35. A pattern or network of fine, irregular lines in glass and wood.

a. crazing b. spalling

c. alligatoring d. charring

36. An incendiary material utilized by an arsonist in order to facilitate a fire

a. Trailer

b. Streamer

c. Plant

d. Accelerant
37. It is the generalized descriptive term referring to the various methods used by the
fire service to stop, extinguish and control destructive fire for eventual prevention of
loss of life and property.

a. Fire Control

b. Fire Safety

c. Fire Protection

d. Fire Law Enforcement

38. It involves the examination of building, structure or facility for defects, deficiencies
or violation on fire safety and protection requirements

a. Fire Safety Compliance Inspection

b. Fire Safety Compliance Audit

c. Fire Safety Inspection

d. Fire Safety Audit

39. Are those that release or give off energy (heat) thus they produced substances with
less energy than the reactants, this chemical property of fire is known as ___:

a. Endothermic Reaction

b. Exothermic Reaction

c. Oxidation

d. Specific Gravity
40. This legislation in the United States outlawed all alcoholic beverages, which in turn
became as one of the main illegal businesses by organized crime syndicates in the US.

a. Harrison Act

b. Prohibition Act

c. Volstead Act

d. Merrimen Act

e. Kaufmann Act

41. Famous test conducted in order to determine whether or not the suspect is under the
influence of alcohol by instructing him to stand for at least one (1) minute, heels
together and with eyes closed. If the body will sway, then he is drunk.

a. Walker’s test

b. Sodium Rhodizonate test

c. Florence test

d. Romberg’s test

42. From which heads among the following government agencies has the ex-officio
capacity to be the chairman in the AMLAC?

a. BSP

b. DOJ

c. IC

d. SEC
43. What is the statutory policy of the government for the introduction of the anti-
money laundering laws in the country?

a. To cut off the profits of the criminals therefore a viable strategy to cripple the
operations of the organized crime networks.

b. The Philippines is a signatory to the Financial Task Force agreement by the G7

countries, so it is necessary as to comply with the provisions of the agreement that the
country must draft an anti-money laundering law.

c. The pertinent laws were legislated in order to insulate the Philippines to be a money
laundering site for criminals as well as to protect the integrity of financial institutions of
the country.

d. Because the Philippines is a signatory to the UN Palermo Protocol and 1267

Committee on Anti-Terrorism, it has to comply with its obligations to the international
community by passing laws which combat the worldwide problem of money

e. The country recognizes that such proceeds derived from illegal activity undermines
the integrity of financial institutions in the country.

44. The use of certain mechanisms in order, mostly in the form of complicated financial
transactions to cover the tracks of the ill-gotten wealth of an organized crime group
refers to what step in the money laundering?

a. Placement c. Integration

b. Layering d. Immersion
45. Crime as a business exists because there is connivance between the political
authorities and the organized crime syndicates, at the heart of its existence is
corruption, in which the criminal families and crime corporations could buy the law
enforcement authorities. This statement refers to what model of organized crime?

a. Patron Client Model

b. Bureaucratic Corporate Model

c. Enterprise Model

d. Kinship Group Model

e. Crime Network Model

46. A function of Criminal Investigation wherein the probative value of physical

evidence is to be tested.

a. Recognition

b. Collection

c. Preservation

d. Evaluation

e. Presentation

47. The willingness to use violence as a maintain to eliminate potential enemies and
position itself as a sole key player in the crime business refers to what attribute of an
organized crime group?

a. Willingness to use Violence

b. Strict Discipline

c. Monopolistic

d. Exclusivity
48. Which among the following strategic geographic locations in illegal drug trade,
situated in South America that is considered as the largest producer of cocaine?

a. Golden Triangle

b. Golden Crescent

c. Silver Triangle

d. Mexican Triangle

49. The chronological arrangement of the color of the traffic lights from the top.

A. Yellow, red, green C. Red, yellow, green

B. Green, red, yellow D. Green, yellow, red

50. Friction mark on a pavement made by a tire, which is both rotating and slipping at
the same time is called:

A. Centrifugal skid C. Scuff mark

B. Centrifugal force D. Skid mark

51. Frontal collision of the vehicles.

A. Full impact collision C. Frontal collision

B. Head on collision D. Collision

52. What is the general rule for the movement of vehicular traffic in the Philippines?

A. “keep to the left” C. none of these

B. “keep to the right” D. “watch out”

53. A type of Drugs according to pharmacological classification which often relives pain
and induces sleep.

A. Hallucinogens C. Stimulants

B. Sedatives/Depressant D. Narcotics
54. Also known as Papaver Somniferum and considered as the mother drugs of other
narcotics substance.

A. Codeine C. Morphine

B. Heroin D. Opium

55. Which of the following is the commonly known as the “poorman’s cocaine”.

A. Amphethamine C. Methamphetamine

B. Ecstasy D. Shabu

56. Samples of the seized dangerous drugs shall be destroyed_________ after the
promulgation of judgment.

a. 2 days c. 24 hours

b. 1 day d. 48 hours

57. The law updating the provisions of guidelines with regards to the chain of custody
for drug-related evidence___:

a. R.A 10046
b. R.A 10460
c. R.A 10640
d. R.A 10064

58. RA 9165 was enacted on June 7, 2002 and took effect on July 4, 2002.

a. Statement no. 1 is true while statement no. 2 is false

b. Statement no. 1 is false while statement no. 2 is true

c. Statements no. 1 and 2 are both true

d. Statement no. 1 and 2 are both false

59. What is the minimum number of circumstances or relevant facts needed in order for
Circumstantial Evidence to be taken into materialization by the court?

a. Two c. Three

b. Five d. Four

60. Anthropometry is a method of identification/body measurement using how many

key places on the body structure?

a. 9

b. 10

c. 11

d. 12

61. Jim Paredes sets fire on the house of her neighbor, subsequently pretends to
discover it, and turn in the alarm to call the immediate attention of the fireman in the
area. She is then a/an:

a. Abnormal youth c. hero type

b. Sexual deviates d. drug addicts

62. Whether or not the evidence is at par with the actual events that the two parties are
contesting in the case and to be determined by the court falls under:

a. Admissibility of evidence

b. Relevancy of evidence

c. Competency of evidence

d. Physical Integrity of evidence

63. Kinds of drug that excite the central nervous system, increasing alertness, decreasing
fatigue and delaying sleep.

A. Narcotic C. Shabu

B. Hallucinogen D. Stimulant
64. What is the name of the operation launched by US Navy Seals that killed Osama Bin

A. Operation Geronimo C. Operation Neptune Spear

B. Operation Jabbidah D. Operation Merdeka

65. All of the foregoing are the statements that conform to the Philippine perspective of
terrorism except:

A. The motive in the use of violence is in furtherance of social or political objectives

B. Commission of certain crimes

C. Creation of widespread panic and fear among the general citizenry

D. The mens rea is to compel the authorities to succumb to a demand beyond the
purview of the law

66. The term used to describe an offense which is a subject of the crime of money

a. Proceeds of the Offense

b. Anterior Offense
c. Economic Offense
d. Predicate Offense
67. Motor vehicle accident occurs at a place other than on a highway:
A.Motor vehicle non-traffic accident
B. Non-motor vehicle traffic accident
C. Motor vehicle traffic accident
D. Motor vehicle accident
68. Any material having a flash point at or above 37.80 degree Celsius or 100 degree
a. combustible liquid b. flammable liquid
c. inflammable liquid d. corrosive liquid
69. Is a device that sounds an alarm if a small amount of smoke is detected by its
sensor. These are are attached to the ceiling or wall in a several areas of the home.
Fire protection experts recommend at least one of these devices for each floor of a
a. Smoke Sensor
b. Smoke Sonar
c. Smoke Detector
d. Smoke Alarm
70. An investigative technique which the officer conceals his true identity and adopts
an assumed role to accomplish an intelligence mission and to obtain access to
information which would not be available through other means.
a. Undercover operation c. Covert operations
b. Surveillance d. Undercover intelligence
71. The complete awareness by a person of his surroundings which are achieved
through maximum employment of the senses; and the technique of factually
reporting one’s own observations or the sensory experience recounted by others.
a. Observation and Description c. Casing
b. Elicitation d. Surveillance
72. The Philippine Center on Transnational Crimes (PCTC) is under the Office of the
President but placed under the general supervision and control of what?
a. Department of National Defense (DND)
b. Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
c. Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
d. National Security Adviser (NSA)
74. Known as Anti Fencing Law of 1979.
a. PD 1612 c. BP 22
b. RA 3019 d. PD 532

75. In order to introduce physical evidence in trial, three important factors may be
considered, except:

a. The article must be properly identified

b. Continuity or chain of custody
c. Legality of the procurement
d. Competency must be proved, that the evidence is material and relevant
76. Principles in homicide investigation that should be borne in mind are, mistakes
of the homicide investigator cannot be corrected and the homicide investigator
should not cross the three bridges which he burns behind him. Which of the
following is not one of this so called “Burned bridge”?
a. When the dead person has been moved
b. When the dead body has been embalmed
c. When the dead body has been contaminated and the chain of custody was not
properly accounted
d. When the body is burned or cremated
77. Under Republic Act 7438, when does the police’ custody of suspect to a crime
commence, hence the latter is entitled to be informed of his rights under the Miranda
doctrine which cannot be waived?
a. At the time of custodial investigation c. During the announcement that he is
under arrest
b. During the actual questioning d. At the moment that he is invited for questioning

78. Which one is not a means of recording crime a scene?

a. By photographs c. By sketches
b. By notes d. Surveying

79. What specific offence has been committed? Who committed it? When it was
committed? Where it was committed? Why it was committed? And how it was
committed? This are called_______________________ of criminal investigation.

a. Cardinal Points c. Golden Rule

b. Tools d. Backbone

80. What is the final phase of crime scene investigation?

A. preliminary survey C. documentation of scene

B. collection of evidence D. release of crime scene

81. Known as an Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009.

a. RA 9775 c. RA 9194

b. RA 8484 d. RA 9995

82. What among the following paraphernalia/activities listed are used by the money
launderer in the layering phase of the money laundering process?

I. Acquisition of different properties which form part of assets

II. Financial Investments

III. Real Estate purchases

IV. Wire Transfer receipts

V. Loan Transfers

VI. False Invoice Payment

a. I, II, III c. I, III, V

b. IV, V, VI d. II, IV, VI

83. In 2000 the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
extended the legal definition of money laundering to include all serious crimes. This
is known as:

a. Palermo Convention c. Transnational Organized Crime Convention

b. United Nations Convention d. Organized Crime Convention

84. Drugs that affects sensation, thinking and self-awareness and emotion:

A. Hallucinogens C. Stimulants

B. Sedatives/Depressant D. Narcotics

85. Removal of toxic substances from the body as a result of abusing drugs:

A. Cleansing process C. Abstinence

B. Aversion treatment D. Detoxification

86. Which of the following country in the Middle East is the biggest producer of
cannabis sativa?

a. Lebanon c. Kuwait

b. Iraq d. Afghanistan

87. After the filing of the criminal case, the courts conducts ocular inspection of seized
drugs within how many hours?

a. 48 c. 72

b. 24` d. 36

88. Gasoline, lighter fluids, kerosene, and turpentine as an incendiary materials fall as
examples of ____:

a. Trailers

b. Accelerants

c. Streamers

d. Plants

89. The following are acts that constitute drug trafficking, according to Comprehensive
Drug Act of 2002, except:

a. Cultivation, culture and delivery,

b. Administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale and trading,

c. Use, consumption, addiction and tolerance

d. Transportation, distribution, importation, exportation and possession

90. While approaching an intersection , the green traffic light is on, however, a police
officer suddenly proceed to the center and signals a motorist to stop. What should the
motorist do?

A. Ignore the police officer and proceed with caution

B. Ignore the traffic light and come to a full stop

C. Ignore both the police officer and traffic light and cross the intersection

D. Ignore the police officer and stop only when second signal is made

91. An enforcement action which the violator is commanded to appear in court without
detaining him.

A. traffic arrest C. traffic citation

B. traffic warning D. traffic summon

92. The Yakuza is organized into families which adopts a relationship known as:

a. Oyabun-Kobun c. Yubitsume

b. Kabuki-mono d. Bakuto

93. Organized crime is an enterprise of group of persons engaged in a continuing illegal

activity which has as its primary purpose is:

a. the generation of profits irrespective of national boundaries

b. the control of certain illegal activities in a specific territory

c. the creation of fear among its enemies

d. the domination of a certain community

94. Member of the organized criminal group difficult assignments involving the use of
violence in a rational manner.

a. Money mover c. Enforcer

b. Fixer d. Intelligence analyst

95. Drugs that affects sensation, thinking and self-awareness and emotion:

A. Hallucinogens C. Stimulants

B. Sedatives/Depressant D. Narcotics

96. White crystalline powder with very bitter numbering taste and said to be one of the
strongest derivatives of Opium poppy.

A. Morphine C. Codeine

B. Heroin D. Cocaine

97. The a repository file used by the police to help in identifying criminals through the
pictures of known criminals which will be shown and subject for examination by the

A. Portrait Parle

B. Police Lineup or Show-ups

C. Cartography

D. Rouges Gallery or Mug File

98. This general classification of fuels is characterized by loose fit molecular structure
and they tend to take the shape and volume of their containers.

A. Solid

B. Liquid

C. Gaseous

D. Plasma
99. A fire which bears the appearance of a black smoke with deep red flame
presupposes that the material involved is a____:

A . Magnesium based product

B. Petroleum based product

C. Chlorate based product

D. Asphalt based product

100. What is the primary purpose of Chain of Custody of evidence?

a. Physical Integrity

b. Probative Value

c. Admissibility of Evidence

d. Ultimate solution of facts to be resolved in the criminal case

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