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Holy Bible, Revelations Chapter 13, 18 Verses, Complete Interpretation, Microsoft

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Revelations Chapter # 13

Verse #1 : Then I stood on the sand of the sea .And I saw a

Beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads

And ten horns , and his horns ten crowns , and on

His heads a blasphemous name.

Interpretation Verse # 1

Beast refers to in Biblical symbols : kingdom,government, political

power and Crowns symbolizes kingship and victory.

Standing at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, watching the initial voyage of

the Mayflower arriving at Plymouth Rock with its immigrants ( so
called Puritans) in history this is a visualization of the beginnings of
this nation, the U.S.A. . The U.S.A. arose from the immigration from
Europe primarily and the other nations of the world coming across
the seas or oceans both being synonymous .

The various European Nations and people have all their

representative nationalities assembled here in the U.S.A. , and there
are also nationalities and peoples from around the globe . And
particularly the W.A.S.P. ( White Anglo- Saxon Protestant ) which
dominates the Plutocracy ( Government of the Rich or their Lackeys )
very much allies itself with other English U.K. ( United Kingdom )
England , Scotland , Wales , and Northern Ireland ( 6 counties of
Ulster ) .
Eliminating Greece and Ireland from the current “ 12” E.E.C.
( European Economic Community HAS CURRENTLY EXPANDED TO
EASTERN EUROPE ) these nations will give you the “10” Horns
,since neither Greece nor Ireland were Colonial Powers involved in
subjugating and exploiting other nations and they are not
international industrialized influential nations.

The E.E.C. nations follow the leadership of the U.S.A. , eg.,N.A.T.O.

( North Atlantic Treaty Organization ). The nation of Canada also
arose out the sea from the European immigration and in the modern
era , people are from many nations around the globe contributing
their immigrants .There certainly was immigration from Japan to the
U.S. and Canada . ( During World War ll , U.S. Govt. seized Japanese
Americans property and interned them in prison camps for the
duration of W.W. ll and Canadian Govt. seized their property too. )

The U.S.A. exerts the influence too by its economic power as it

demonstrated in 1971 , by its then President Richard Milhouse Nixon
.When the U.S.A. was suffering the effects of an imbalance of trade
,President Nixon decided to impose a 10% surcharge on all imports
in order to relieve the trade deficit.

The U.S.A. had Japan , E.E.C. ( Then The Common Market ) as well
as Canada pleading for relief because the American market is the
major destination for the manufactured products that are produced by
the other TOP BEASTS OR THE EARTH ( Modern Industrialized

A Blasphemous Name ( Motto On U.S. Currency “ In GOD We

Trust” What is done around the world by the U.S. Government with
its filthy Green Backs is an absolute Abomination to the the LORD

Revelations 13:02

Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard , his feet were like the
feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion.

The dragon gave him his power , his throne, and great authority.
Revelations 13:02 Interpretation

The U.S.A. influences Germany ( Leopard ) with the collapse of the

former U.S.S.R. ( United Soviet Socialist Republics ) , the U.S.A.
exerts great influence over Russia ( Bear ) and certainly England
( Lion ) with a mouth like a lion . Although U.K. ( England ) has
diminished greatly in actual power , it exerts a very arrogant attitude
with the People and Nations of the World . In its diplomatic relations
and business in conjunction with international finance , England still
acts like the “ The Sun never sets on the British Empire “ or projects
the attitude “ Britannia Rules The Waves “ and today the Royal Navy
is nothing.

The former Religious Leader of Iran , the Ayatola Khomeini ( Muslim

Leader ) who replaced the Shah Pahlavi ( A puppet of the U.S.A.)
referred to the U.S.A. as the “ Great Satan of the Earth “ and this is
the so called cultural influence ( Satanic ) and the political and
economic influence is guided by a Satanic Mind Set . Just examine
the Hollywood California film industry and television industry, the
totally Pagan and Hedonistic life styles that are portrayed to the
American and World Community as the example of T.V. Stars to be
sought after and emulated.

Revelations 13:03 Verse

And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded , and
his deadly wound was healed . And all the world marveled and
followed the beast.

Revelation 13:03 Interpretation

Nazi – Germany at the end of the 2nd World War lay in ashes , and
many people said, “ Germany will never rise again. “ The wounded
Germany was healed by the huge financial assistance of the
U.S.Marshal Plan formulated by the U.S. Secretary of State and former
U.S. Army General George Marshal . It was the very crucial financial
assistance of this Plan that injected the life blood into the wounded
beast Germany . Germany was healed and raised to become the
dominant Horn/Nation of the E.E.C. . ( One of the Horns / Nations
under the influence of the U.S.A. , the beast that arose out of the

Revelation 13:04 Verse

So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast ; and
they worshiped the beast saying , “ Who is like the beast? Who is
able to make war with him?

Revelation 13:04 Interpretation

Today , the Top Group of 7 ( G- Seven Nations ) the U.S.A. is

included amongst , the Seven Economic Industrialized Powers as
their Leader . And the poorer nations of the world look to the U.S.A.
for their foreign aid assistance whether it be military weapons
purchase credits or famine relief , etc.

After the 2nd W.W. in 1945 , the U.S.A. had the sole
possession of the Atomic Bomb , since Russia didn’t
explode its first atomic bomb until 1949 . During this
period of history the U.S.A. was unchallengeable as a
military power around the globe .

You can reflect on the Berlin Airlift that avoided hunger

and bailed out West Berlin when the U.S.S.R. enforced a
blockade in 1948 & 1949 of all land routes via land
railways and highways , service to West Berlin through the
D.D.R. ( Deutch Democratic Republic ) . East Germany ,
which was under complete Russian hegemony or
Look at the Korea War , 1951 , as an example of military
struggle between the cold war powers with Russia
supportive of N.Korea ; however , the U.S. and Allies
actively engaged in the military conflict against
Communist Forces of N. Korea and the Peoples Republic
of China as well.

And the U.S.A. has invaded many Latin American Nations

to maintain its economic hegemony for its multi-national
corporations .It rings the globe with its military
installations necessary for American forward logistical
battle support operations .This provides the very
intimidating presence for influencing nations to adhere to
U.S. objectives in economic foreign policy that is
advantageous to American Corporate interests.
Examine the American pre-eminence in I.C.B.M.
( intercontinental ballistic missiles ) which are fueled with
solid fuel propellants , M.I.R.V. ( multiple independent
reentry vehicles ) facilitating multiple war heads , S.L.B.M.
( submarine launched ballistic missiles ) capable of
launching missiles from submerged position . The
S.L.B.M. of the Trident Submarine has 24 missiles each
capable of being M.I.R.V. , 3 separate war heads .

Revelations 13:05 Verse

And he was given a mouth speaking great things and
blasphemies and he was given authority for forty – two

Revelation 13:05 Interpretation

Revelation 13:05 Interpretation

The U.S. Presidency , when a elected president is sworn

into office at the official inauguration in January of the new
term in office “ till the next primary election period is
approximately 42 months .

Revelation 13:06 Verse

Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against GOD, to

blaspheme HIS NAME HIS tabernacle and those who
dwell in heaven.

Revelation 13:06 Interpretation

George Bush Sr. made a image to the wounded Beast that

was healed Nazi – Germany by adopting the same style ,
shape ,and design army helmet as the W.W. ll German
Armed Forces wore .( U.S. helmet is made of Kevlar
instead of stamped metal ) And during his term in Office
and the vice Presidency under Ronald Reagan was years of
thievery and corruption . George Bush Sr. and the media
disseminated the promulgations of the so called “ New
World Order “ proclamations . The U.S. and citizens of the
world are fortunate they didn’t see a final second term in
Office of George Bush Sr. .
Revelation 13:07 Verse

It was granted to him to make war with the Saints and to

overcome them. And authority was given him over every
tribe , tongue ,and nation.

Revelation 13:07 Interpretation

Reflect on individuals who have attempted to aid other

nations in their battles with : illiteracy , hunger , and
disease. In Central America even the various missionaries
, whether it be Roman Catholic Nuns or Political
Activists , have been subject to torture and murder by
lackeys of U.S. Govt. Puppets ( Corrupt military and
police officials paid by C.I.A.) . This type of suppression
and murder by lackeys killing Third World Nations
Citizens for the purpose of subjugating them to U.S. multi-
national corporate interests such as United Fruit Co. of
Boston , MA.

Revelation 13:08 Verse

All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose

names have not been written in the Book of Life of the
Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Revelation 13:08 Interpretation

The other nations of the world have many leaders envious

of U.S. society life style and amenities , willing to suppress
their citizens for American Interests. Many people are
willing to flee or abandon their own nations to seek
American life style , and even worship it . Rev.13:10 cf.
Revelation 13:09 Verse

If anyone has an ear let him hear.

Revelation 13:09 Interpretation

Many suffer for opposing Satan , and endure prison , war,

etc. the U.S. A. represents the interests of Satan.

Revelation 13:10 Verse

He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity ; he who

kills with the sword must be killed with sword .Here is the
patience and the faith of Saints.

Revelation 13:10 Interpretation

Please refer to interpretation of : 13:07 , 13:08, and 13:09

Revelation 13:11 Verse

Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth , and

he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon

Revelation 13:11 Interpretation

At the conclusion of the 2nd World War , Nazi – Germany

was divided and partitioned into two nations , West
Germany and East Germany , the Federal Republic of
Germany and the German Democratic Republic
respectively. The Two Horns represent these Two Nations
that arose from their soil/ earth.The military might of
Nazi-Germany wasn’t restored ; however , Germany’s
economy has been restored thus providing great influence
as the preeminent leader of the E.E.C. , consequently the
authority to speak as a Dragon.

Revelation 13:12 Verse

And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his

presence , and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to
worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed .

Revelation 13:12 Interpretation

The U.S.A. with military troops of its various

occupational forces exercises its authority as the 1st Beast
in the presence of the wounded Beast that was healed
from former Nazi-Germany to West Germany and today
Germany . The international trade that the U.S.A. has
enabled West Germany /Germany to establish has fostered
the idolization of German automobiles : Mercedes Benz ,
B.M.W. ( Bavarian Motor Works ) , Porsche , Audi ,
Volkswagen , Electronics :Grundig , Telefungen , Sporting
Arms : Mauzer , H.& K. ( Heckler & Koche ) Walters. Etc.

Revelation 13: 13 Verse

He performs great signs , so the he even makes fire come
down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

Revelation 13:13 Interpretation

Revelation 13:13 Interpretation

In the Kuwait Persian Gulf Conflict , when George Bush

Sr. was Commander In Chief . He had the world seeing
the Patriot Missile Anti- Missile Batteries ( Mfn. By
Raytheon Corp. of Massachusetts ) shooting down Iraq
Scud missiles with the sights of fire coming down from the
heavens or sky synonymous . This technology emerged
from the S.D.I. ( Strategic Defense Initiative ) Star Wars
as labeled by Ronald Reagan . This program was a
political pork barrel for the U.S. Military Industrial
Complex. In the Bush and Reagan Administrations they
perpetrated a fraud on the American public faking a test of
a alleged anti-missile missile to supposedly shoot down a
test I.C.B.M . that was conducted at Vandenburg Airforce
Base in California . A couple of years after the test when
they claimed to have hit the I.C.B.M. with their anti-
missile missile , it emerged that the I.C.B.M. had a radio
transmitter emitting a radio signal to allow the anti-missile
missile to home in on the trajectory of the I.C.B.M. The
fraud was perpetrated to convince the public the fiscal
allocations for S.D.I. were worth the effort after engineers
had assess the whole project as unfeasible.

Revelation 13:14 Verse

And he deceives those who dwell in the earth by those
signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast ,
telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to
the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived.

Revelation 13:14 Interpretation

During George Bush Sr. term in Office the U.S. Army and
U.S.M.C. ( United States Marine Corp ) helmet was
redesigned to resemble the Nazi- German World War ll
helmet. ( the helmet was manufactured from Kevlar
composite resin material as used for bullet proof vests
,made by Dupont Chemical Corp.) Nazi – Germany being
the Beast /Nation wounded by the sword/war and lived .
And prospered under the assistance of the U.S. Marshal
Plan financial aid.

Revelation 13:15 Verse

He was granted power to give breath to the image of the

beast , that the image of the beast should both speak and
cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast
to be killed.

Revelation 13:15 Interpretation

George Bush Sr. gave power and breath to the image of the
beast ( Army Helmets Nazi- German Style ) the power of
the U.S. Military and the life breath of those soldiers
wearing the helmets . Those soldiers and commanders
spoke in : Panama , Somalia , and Kuwait wearing that
image of the Beast . And those who didn’t obey the
representatives of the Beast’s Military were subject to be

Revelation 13:16 Verse

Revelation 13:16 Verse

He causes all, both small and great , rich , and poor, free
and slave , to receive a mark on their right hand or on their

Revelation 13:16 Interpretation

The mark on the right hand being the works and deeds of
the individual’s hands . Eg. Soldiers killing Green Beret
assassins and C.I.A. assassins.
The poor are even subject to the employment on munitions
assembly plant production lines . Slave labor in prisons
are producing Defense Dept. industrial equipment eg.
Electronic circuit boards and cables and composite Kevlar
army helmets etc.

The mark on the forehead is symbolizing the mind set of

individuals and their thinking or planning for the Beast
/U.S.A. eg. President , Military Generals , U.S.Navy
Admirals , Director C.I.A. , C.E.O. ( Chief Executive
Officers) of Multi-National Corporations etc..

Revelation 13:17 Verse

And that no one may buy , sell except one who has the
mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.

Revelation 13:17 Interpretation

The U.S.A. can totally shut down Nation’s economies as it

did in Cuba , Chile when Salvatore Allende was elected in
1973 and was planning to nationalize I.T.T. ( International
Telephone and Telegraph ) , Anaconda Copper Co. ; In
Nicaragua when Daniel Ortega was elected in early 80’s .
And the U.S. dictates what Third World Nations receive for
their primary resources and agricultural products.
It has the organizational structure to exert influence eg.
I.M. F. ( International Monetary Fund ) , World Bank ,
G.A.T.&T. ( General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade )
which has since evolved into the World Trade Organization
. It does so to its own citizens who formerly labored under
slavery for the U.S. ruling class of the plutocracy , and still
are discriminated against in employment in the society that
is supposed to of emancipated them in 1865 from slavery.

Revelation 13:18 Verse

Here is wisdom , let him who has understanding calculate

the number of the beast , for it is the number of a man :
His number is 666 .

Revelation 13:18 Interpretation

A-6 A-6, B-12, C-18,D-24,E-30, F-36,G-42,H-48,I-54,

D-24 J-60, K-66,L-72,M-78,N-84,O-90,P-96,Q-102,
O-90 R-108,S-114,T-120,U-126,V-132,W-138,X-144,
L-72 Y-150,Z-156



A book published in 1968 entitled “ The Rich and Super

Rich “ describes 999 U.S. Families who dominate the
Economic Wealth of the U.S. A. ( Plutocracy =
Government of the Rich ).
It is a well known fact that many of these plutocracy
families and the companies and their corporations under
their control collaborated with Nazi-Germany . Eg. Henry
Ford 1st sold trucks to Hitler via General Francisco Franco
fascist dictator of Spain. The Rockefeller Family sold oil
to Hitler refined in Aruba Island refinery just north of
Venezuela owned by Standard Oil of N. J. , Exxon
shipped on tanker ships to Spain and then pumped on to
tanker trucks and transported through Vichy France to
Nazi-Germany . During the 1930’s some of these rich
industrialists approached U.S.M.C. Gen. Smedley Butler
requesting he conspire with them to orchestra a Fascist
Coup for the objective of establishing a fascist style
Government in the U.S.A. ; as such was being installed in
positions of government authority in Europe . This was
done under Adolf A. Hitler in Germany and was already
in power in Italy since 1924 under Benito Mussolini .
Mirror line of Geometry 999

Appendix To Interpretation

On October 24, 1929 , black Friday , the crash of the

N.Y.Stock Exchange . This signals the beginnings of the
Great Depression with the industrialized nations
economies in total disaster.

When the First World War 1914 to 1918 was concluded

by the armistice Agreement of November 11,1918 . The
victorious Allied Powers signed the Treaty of Versailles in
1919. According to this treaty the defeated Germany which
had the new government of the Weimar Republic replace
Kaiser ‘Wilhelm of the Hohenzollern Dynastic German
Royal Family . The German Military Forces were to be
limited to a total of officers and conscripted or volunteer
personnel of not more then 100,000 men . In 1933 , Adolf
A. Hitler assumed complete supreme chancellorship of
Germany , thus replacing the aging General Von
Hindenburg 1925-1933 Chancellor . In 1936 , Hitler
ordered the German Army to march west of the Rhein
River to remilitarize the Rheinland.
This was a direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles, at the
time in 1936 ,France had a standing Military of over
2,000,000 men . It could have just walked into Germany
and deposed Hitler . The question is why wasn’t this
done ?In 1936 , following remilitarizing the Rheinland ,
Hitler and Mussolini signed their Rome Berlin Axis

The dominant plutocracy families in Germany at the time

eg. Krupp , industrialist family produced many
armaments and the steel manufacturers , Chemical
Enterprises such as I.G. Farben , Bayer, BASF.,etc.
recognized that this Austrian Army Corporal Cpl. Of
World War 1 was a orator capable of stirring emotions
of the German public . And just the preparations for war
would enable their industries to profitably prosper.

The U.S. Plutocracy whom were experiencing the

economic disaster in their various industries also
recognized the potential to benefit their industries with war
production. And this overcame the economic depression ,
but at what a terrible cost worldwide . The U.S.A.
Plutocracy doesn’t care , they were supportive of Nazi-
Germany . The U.S.A. , Britain , France certainly didn’t
want all the terrific loss of life ; however , once Hitler got
established the Rich Industrialists lost their control over
him. This still doesn’t alter the fact the Holocaust and
World War ll could have been prevented in 1936 without
loss of LIFE !

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