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Epaminondas I Stamatiades Biografiile Marilor Drag

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Volume 9/2017, Pages 213-216

DOI: 10.1515/tran-2017-0010

Translationes 8-9 (2016-17)

Epaminondas I. Stamatiades, Biografiile marilor

dragomani (interpreți) greci din imperiul otoman [The
Lives of the Great Greek Dragomans (Interpreters) in the Ottoman
Empire], translation from Greek and translator’s foreword by
Constantin Erbiceanu, preface by Ioan-Aurel Pop, edition supervised,
afterword and notes by Rodica Baconsky and Alina Pelea, Casa Cărții
de Știință, Cluj-Napoca, 2016, ISBN 978-606-17-0970-0, 146 pages.

Biografiile marilor dragomani (interpreți) greci din

imperiul otoman has been reprinted, over a century after its initial
publication, thanks to the efforts of two academics (Rodica Baconsky
and Alina Pelea) from the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca.
Erbiceanu’s skilful translation dating from 1897 has been
modernised for the benefit of the contemporary reader. Notable in
this sense is the contribution of several specialists who have
facilitated access either to the Greek original (Ebru Diriker from the
Department of Translation and Interpretation at the Bogazici
University in Istanbul) or to the Romanian text (Bogdan Onofraș),
carefully transcribed by Mrs. Gabriela Vaida. Professor Stela
Zdrenghea, in her capacity as a Greekophone expert, compared the
Greek and the Romanian versions and provided invaluable support
to the editors in clarifying problematic passages and making the text
accessible to the public.


© 2017 Eiben Ileana Neli, Irina Diana Mădroane. This is an open access article licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License (

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Translationes 8-9 (2016-17)

The book plunges present-day Romanian readers into the

universe of the sultan’s seraglio between the second half of the 17th
century and the beginning of the 19th century. It is a journey that
gives an insight into the great dragomans’ role in building
relationships and settling various conflicts that the Sublime Porte
had with other peoples. As interpreters and authors, they left their
mark on their age as well as on the next generations. As political
personalities, they had an important part to play in the history of the
Romanian people, given that most of them were rulers in Moldavia
and Wallachia. Epaminondas I. Stamatiades draws a fascinating
portrait of their lives, which stays in the readers’ minds, crossing the
barriers of space and time.
First and foremost, the dragoman was wise, well-read and
polyglot, qualities that attracted respect and recognition. For
example, due to his linguistic competence and not only, Nicholas
Mavrocordatos was said “to resemble his father [...] in the knowledge
of many languages, especially of Greek and of the national language,
as well as of Latin and Turkish, which he came to master so
completely in a relatively short time, without even being sent abroad
for this purpose, but while he was living in his parents’ home, that
the Romans themselves were astonished at how well he spoke Latin,
and the Turks their language” (p. 75); he was held in high esteem
“not only by ordinary people, but also by important people and even
the Emperor” (p. 75). It was not uncommon for the dragomans to be
appointed at the head of the Romanian Principalities. They became
good or not so good rulers of Moldavia (Alexander Mavrocordatos,
Constantine Alexander Ypsilantis) and/or Wallachia (Nicholas
Mavrocordatos, Gregory Ghica, Alexander Ypsilantis, Constantine
Alexander Ypsilantis, Alexander Nicholas Soutzos). Sometimes, they
were so influential that they occupied political positions generally
open only to the Ottomans. Michael Soutzos was highly regarded by
the Sultan Mahmut, who, “upon setting up a secret State Council,
which, under his rule, would judge and take all the decisions that
were then sent to the council of ministers for implementation,
appointed Michael to be the eighth councillor, and bestowed upon
him the same honours that the other seven Ottoman councillors
enjoyed” (p. 120).
Well-versed in debates and excellent diplomats, these
interpreters made an essential contribution to the resolution of
certain conflicts and the signing of certain treaties. For example,
Alexander Mavrocordatos mediated the signing of the Karlowitz
Peace Treaty; John Mavrocordatos participated in the peace
discussions of Passarowitz, and Alexander Constantine Mourouzi
was instrumental in “signing the peace treaty that ended the bloody
war between the Turks and the Russo-Austrians” (p. 105).


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Translationes 8-9 (2016-17)

The mastery of several languages allowed the dragomans to

be not only interpreters, but also translators, as can be seen from
various books in Greek (An Endeavour to Write about Mores and the
Spirit of Peoples. The Century of Louis XIV and The History of the
Spanish Conspiracy against Venice, by Nicolas Caradja) or in
Turkish (Constantine Alexander Ypsilantis translated Vauban’s
Their scholarly concerns resulted in books of reference
written in Latin, Greek or Turkish, in the fields of medicine,
linguistics, law, history and philosophy. Some of these books were
printed abroad (Italy, Belgium, Germany) and were translated into
several languages. Alexander Mavrocordatos authored a rare
specialised study on the circulation of blood, De instrumento
respirationis et circulatione sanguinis, which apparently earned him
the reputation of a magician among the Turks, who were unable to
understand it. His son, who followed in his footsteps, wrote On
Sermons, Parallel Views on Holy and General Archaeology,
Dialogue about the Soul, Various Frontismata (Reflections), a treaty
about the Ottoman Empire and a study titled On the Old and the
New Dacia. Some of his writings (On Sermons) were considered
fundamental to Hellenic philology (p. 81), while others remained in
manuscript form only. Nicolas Caradja composed a French
Grammar, Successful Learning, as well as a prose work, On the
Customs of the Sublime Porte, and Alexander Ypsilantis, while he
was the ruler of Wallachia, edited a codex mostly on the basis of
Greek laws (p. 98).
The dragomans often dedicated their knowledge to a patriotic
cause: the revival of the Greek people. These men had to serve the
Sublime Porte, but they never forgot their origin, and managed,
many a time by deceit, to harness all the energies necessary for the
regeneration of modern Greece. Because their fate was shaped by
fleeting interests and friendships, they often met with tragic ends:
exile, decapitation, death by poisoning.
In spite of the dragomans’ flaws, present-day interpreters and
translators should see in them “illustrious predecessors [...] who are
still intellectual role-models” (p. 139), as Rodica Baconsky and Alina
Pelea point out. This brings us to the question of the relevance of
their editorial project in the context of our third millennium. We
could list a number of reasons why this book makes a compelling and
useful read, but we will confine ourselves to three, which are in fact
First, by its very nature, translation is a point of convergence
for several disciplines. The history of translation is tightly bound up
with the history of peoples, great empires, cultures, religions, and


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Translationes 8-9 (2016-17)

Second, by focusing on a particular category of interpreters,

i.e. the dragomans, the book “casts light on an entire age, it urges us
to reflect” (Pop, p. 7), so as to gain better knowledge of epochs long
gone and a finer understanding of an “entire universe, quasi-
unknown in the West and even in Romania” (Pop, p. 7).
Paradoxically, the dragomans “connected or reconnected us [...] with
Western Europe, with the civilised world, with the Enlightenment
and enlightened absolutism”, opening up our world to cultural
confluences and setting “a foundation stone in the process of
bringing closer the two halves of our continent” (Pop, pp. 10-11).
Third, given the universals of interpretation, the intellectual
profile of the interpreter has changed very little over time. Just like
the dragomans, contemporary translators are, in the editors’ words,
“exceptional users of their mother tongue, subtle connoisseurs of the
languages they work with and of the world they live in, people who
are always open-minded and ready to exert their ‘power’ from behind
the orator” (Baconsky and Pelea, p. 134).
If Constantin Erbiceanu directed his translation at historians,
Rodica Baconsky and Alina Pelea bring it to the attention of readers
with a passion for translation and interpretation. The moderate
“actualisation” of the text and its rich paratext, based on specialised
bibliography, turn this work into a point of reference in the history of
translation and interpretation, within the space marked by the
former borders of the Ottoman Empire.

Eiben Ileana Neli and Irina Diana Mădroane


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