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Information and Software Technology: Tomaž Kosar, Sudev Bohra, Marjan Mernik

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Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91

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Domain-Specific Languages: A Systematic Mapping Study

Tomaž Kosar a,∗, Sudev Bohra b, Marjan Mernik a
University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Context: In this study we report on a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) for Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs),
Received 22 December 2014 based on an automatic search including primary studies from journals, conferences, and workshops during
Revised 24 September 2015
the period from 2006 until 2012.
Accepted 10 November 2015
Available online 21 November 2015 Objective: The main objective of the described work was to perform an SMS on DSLs to better understand the
DSL research field, identify research trends, and any possible open issues. The set of research questions was
Keywords: inspired by a DSL survey paper published in 2005.
Domain-Specific Languages
Systematic Mapping Study Method: We conducted a SMS over 5 stages: defining research questions, conducting the search, screening,
Systematic Review classifying, and data extraction. Our SMS included 1153 candidate primary studies from the ISI Web of Science
and ACM Digital Library, 390 primary studies were classified after screening.
Results: This SMS discusses two main research questions: research space and trends/demographics of the
literature within the field of DSLs. Both research questions are further subdivided into several research sub-
questions. The results from the first research question clearly show that the DSL community focuses more on
the development of new techniques/methods rather than investigating the integrations of DSLs with other
software engineering processes or measuring the effectiveness of DSL approaches. Furthermore, there is a
clear lack of evaluation research. Amongst different DSL development phases more attention is needed in re-
gard to domain analysis, validation, and maintenance. The second research question revealed that the number
of publications remains stable, and has not increased over the years. Top cited papers and venues are men-
tioned, as well as identifying the more active institutions carrying DSL research.
Conclusion: The statistical findings regarding research questions paint an interesting picture about the main-
streams of the DSL community, as well as open issues where researchers can improve their research in their
future work.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction research field with established research groups and long-lasting

conferences/workshops. Despite some attempts to consolidate DSL
“Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are languages tailored to a research groups by organising USENIX Conferences on Domain-
specific application domain. They offer substantial gains in expres- Specific Languages in 1997 and 1999, series of HICSS Minitracks on
siveness and ease of use compared with general-purpose program- Domain-Specific Languages for Software Engineering in 2001–2003,
ming languages in their domain of application [45].” As such, DSLs IFIP Working Conference on Domain-Specific Languages in 2009 and
[16,21,27,30,37,45,47,54] become an emerging popular area of re- 2011, and more recently SPLASH 2014 workshop on Domain-Specific
search within the field of Software Engineering (SE), and one of Language Design and Implementation. More often DSL researchers
the more important constituents of software development method- have published their works either under broader communities such
ologies such as: Generative Programming [14], Product Lines [63], as programming language research (e.g., Symposium on Principles
Software Factories [26], Language-Oriented Programming [62], of Programming Languages; Conference on Programming Language
and Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) [25,56–58]. On the other Design and Implementation; Conference on Systems, Programming,
hand, research on DSLs has never become a truly independent Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity; Conference on
Functional Programming; Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declar-
ative Languages), or within specific application domains for which

Corresponding author. Tel.: +386 22207448. DSLs were developed (e.g., embedded systems, high-performance
E-mail address: (T. Kosar). computing, electronic commerce, robotics). Furthermore, DSLs can
0950-5849/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
78 T. Kosar et al. / Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91

be developed in more varied ways than General-Purpose Languages 2. Related work

(GPLs). For example, during the design phase a new DSL can be based
on already existing language (language exploitation pattern [45]), or A systematic review (SR) is a secondary study that reviews pri-
designed from scratch without any relationship to an existing lan- mary studies with the aim of synthesising evidence related to a spe-
guage (language invention pattern [45]). Whilst, independently from cific research question. Several forms of SRs exists [31], depending
a design phase a DSL can be implemented by different approaches on the depth of reviewing the primary studies (e.g., performing qual-
(e.g., interpreter, compiler, preprocessing, embedding, extensible ity assessment of the primary studies), and on the specificities of re-
compiler/interpreter, COTS, hybrid [45]), each having its own merits search questions:
[36]. Due to the fact that research on DSLs is spreading into many
• Systematic literature review (SLR): “A form of secondary study that
software development methodologies, vast areas of application
uses a well-defined methodology to identify, analyse and interpret
domains, and different development approaches, it is hard to obtain
all available evidence related to a specific research question in a way
a complete knowledge of the DSL research field, and foreseen DSL
that is unbiased and (to a degree) repeatable [31].”
research trends. Therefore, the main objective of the described work
• Systematic mapping study (SMS): “A broad review of primary stud-
was to perform a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) [31,52] on DSLs
ies in a specific topic area that aims to identify what evidence is avail-
for better understanding the DSL research field, identifying research
able on the topic [31].”
trends, and possible open issues.
• Tertiary review (TR): “which is a systematic review of systematic
Note that the term ‘domain-specific language’ has also been used
reviews [31].”
within the MDE community as a synonym for a ‘domain-specific
modeling language’ (DSML). On one hand, the differences between Hence, SLRs are more driven by specific research questions (e.g., is
DSLs and DSMLs are not unbridgeable and many similarities in the one particular approach better than other), whilst research questions
designs and implementations of DSLs and DSMLs can be identified. As in SMS are of a higher-level (e.g., which empirical methods have been
well as dissimilarities between the syntax descriptions used (gram- used, which research topics have been addressed). A further guideline
mars vs. metamodels) [50], and the semantic description immatu- as to whether to perform a SLR or a SMS is that the latter is more
rities of DSMLs compared to DSLs [9]. Thus, due to the aforemen- appropriate if it is discovered that very little evidence is likely to exist
tioned persisting differences between DSLs and DSMLs researchers or that the topic is very broad [31]. Due to the broadness of DSLs,
have recently become more careful when using both terms. On the as discussed in Section 1, the emphasis in this work is on SMS for
other hand modeling communities, and in particular domain-specific DSLs. A more detailed definition of SMS can be found in [52]: “The
modeling communities, rarely cooperate with a programming lan- main goal of systematic mapping studies is to provide an overview of
guage community. They have established their own set of conferences a research area, and identifing the quantity and type of research and
(e.g., Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Sys- results available within it. Often one wants to map the frequencies of
tems; Domain-Specific Modeling Workshop) and journals (e.g., Jour- publication over time to see trends. A secondary goal can be to identify
nal of Software and Systems Modeling). Although, one of the goal of the forums in which research in the area has been published.”
the Software Language Engineering (SLE) [35] series of conferences It is important to point out that both SLRs and SMSs have estab-
is to bring both communities together. SLE is a young engineering lished rigorous methodologies [31] for performing such studies. Al-
discipline with the aim of establishing systematic and rigorous ap- though, that methodology for SR in SE has recently attracted more
proaches to the development, use, and maintenance of computer attention, this young SE methodology still suffers from some infancy
languages. However, SLE comprises general-purpose and domain- problems. Many of them are stated in [10,32,34,66]:
specific specification, modeling, and programming languages. Hence,
• usefulness of many SMSs is not as was expected (e.g., SMSs have
its scope is much broader than DSLs. In this work we concentrated
not as yet been used by other researchers as a starting point for
solely on grammar-based DSLs, which are intrinsically textual. We
their research, SMSs benefit more researchers than practitioners),
plan to perform similar SMS on DSMLs as future work. The main con-
• problems of classifying studies in a replicative manner, and
tributions of this paper are:
• classification of primary studies by inexperienced researchers.
• an overview of DSL research since the DSL survey paper [45] was Overall, we still need to obtain more experience in performing var-
published 10 years ago identifying trends and gaps in DSL re- ious SMSs by acquiring knowledge on how to perform and use them.
search, Hopefully, this study will introduce an additional facet of knowledge
• better classification on primary studies in the DSL research than towards gaining more experience with such studies.
presented in [49] by deriving more accurate conclusions, By examining the literature on existing SMSs we noticed that
• applying SMS to a broader field of DSLs, thus enhancing its many of them were performed on research topics with very little ex-
usability, isting evidence. In an extreme case as little as 13 primary studies were
• improving best practices on performing SMSs (e.g., keywording identified and examined [5]. There is a clear trend in current SMSs
process would be better if replaced by taking into account survey towards selecting a research topic which is not too broad in nature.
papers within a research field and/or by contacting experts within One possible reason might be that a SMS that needs to examine sev-
that research field), and eral hundred primary studies is even more time-consuming and chal-
• enhancing reliabilities of SMSs (e.g., classification of empirical or lenging. On the other hand the usefulness of such SMSs is severely
non-empirical research). hampered due the narrowness of the research topic. We are con-
vinced that SMSs would be of much greater use if they were applied
This paper is organised as follows. Related work on SMSs in gen-
to broader research topics. However, this previous claim can only be
eral and within DSLs are discussed in Section 2. Description of re-
proved after such SMSs have indeed been performed on broader top-
search method, SMS planning and execution details are highlighted
ics. This is also the aim of SMS in this paper. The only SMS we found
in Section 3. In Section 4, we report the results of performed SMS ac-
with more than 1000 examined and classified primary studies was
cording to the research questions defined in Section 3. A discussion
SMS on DSLs [49] but, this SMS [49] revealed most of the problems
on threats to validity is presented in Section 5. Key findings and con-
of current SMSs as previously mentioned and discussed in [10,66].
cluding remarks of SMS on DSLs with an outline for future work are
In particular, we didn’t find that study [49] very useful as the authors
summarised in Section 6.
classify the primary studies regarding a research focus with respect to
keywords found in the primary studies and not to already-established
T. Kosar et al. / Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91 79

research focus within the DSL field. Although the authors of [49] fol- 3.1. Defining research questions
low the guidelines on how to perform SMSs in SE [52] the outcome
classification of research focus (in the authors’ words a DSL research The objective of this study was to obtain a comprehensive
type) on ADL (Architecture Description Language), DSAL (Domain- overview of current DSL research. The following research questions
Specific Aspect Language), DSML, external DSL, internal DSL, method were defined for elaborating on this overall goal.
or process, technique, and tools that are far from being satisfactory. RQ1: What has been the research space of the literature within
Our classification is presented in Section 3. The problem of classify- the field of DSLs since the survey paper on DSLs [45] was published
ing the primary studies based on the keywords found in the primary 10 years ago?
studies (keywording method) has already been identified in [10,55]. RQ2: What have been the trends and demographics of the litera-
Our proposal to overcome a problem, unfamiliarity of researchers ture within the field of DSLs after the survey on DSLs [45] was pub-
performing such studies within the research field under discussion, lished 10 years ago?
is to apply SMSs either when the categories are known in advance In a very broad sense we were interested in DSL studies from three
(e.g., ACM classification can be used as suggested in [66], existing tax- different prospectives: type of contribution, type of research, and fo-
onomies from survey papers), or experts from the field under inves- cus area. It was for these reasons that the research question RQ1 was
tigation are consulted and asked for help during categorisation. Note, further split into three sub-questions.
that whilst conducting this SMS and simultaneously writing this pa- RQ1.1 Type of contribution: What is the main contribution of DSL
per we indeed found a SMS [13] where classification of test case pri- studies with respect to techniques/methods, tools, processes, and
oritisation was already based on an existing survey paper [67]. Hence, measurements?
the keywording method has now already been replaced in some SMSs Answering RQ1.1 would enable us to assess whether the DSL com-
by existing taxonomies from survey papers, which is in our opinion munity is more focused on developing new techniques/methods for
good practice. particular DSL development phases, or on developing new tools for
As the existing SMS on DSLs [49] is unsatisfactory we decided to DSL development, or on DSL processes, or on DSL measurements.
repeat it. This was not an exact replication of SMS in [49] due to RQ1.2 Type of research: What types of research methods have been
differences in research questions and classifications, as well as the used in DSL studies?
inclusion of primary studies (we concentrated solely on DSLs, and Answering RQ1.2 would allow us to assess maturity within the
DSMLs were excluded). However, we should point out that SMS on field (e.g., whether DSL researchers have been using empirical or non-
DSLs [49] also portrayed some application domains where DSLs and empirical research methods; whether they are using controlled ex-
DSMLs have been applied. About 30 different application domains periments).
were identified and 15 more frequent application domains were men- RQ1.3 Focus area: Which research topics have been investigated in
tioned in [49] (e.g., control systems, data intensive apps, embed- DSL studies?
ded systems, security, simulation, testing, web). However, within our The following specific focus areas based on a DSL survey paper
SMS application domain identification was not a part of the research [45] have been included in this SMS:
Whilst completing our SMS another SLR on DSLs recently ap-
peared for investigating DSL type systems (see Chapter 2 in [42]). • DSL development phases. Which DSL development phase was
However, there are differences in the research questions between our described in a study? Answering this question would allow us
SMS and the SLR in [42]. In the latter case the research questions were to identify those DSL development phases (domain analysis, de-
completely oriented towards type systems in DSLs (e.g., How are DSL sign, implementation, validation, maintenance) that are currently
type systems described? How complex are DSL type systems? Are underrepresented.
DSL type systems static? Are DSL type systems strong?), whilst our • DSL domain analysis. Was domain analysis performed formally or
research questions were much broader (see Section 3). informally? If former which of the formal domain analysis method
Amongst different SRs recently performed we would like to point was used (e.g., FODA [29], FAST [63])? Answering this question
out the work of [66]. This is interesting and important work as the would allow us to identify whether informal domain analysis pre-
authors compared two different SMSs ([18] and [48]), which were vailed over formal domain analysis.
performed by two independent research groups on the same topic • DSL design phase. In which manner were the DSLs designed (two
– software product line testing. The main finding from the study orthogonal dimensions: formal vs. informal/language exploitation
[66] is that the reliability of SMSs should not simply be taken for vs. language invention [45])? Answering this question would al-
granted and that a “standardized classification scheme with an agreed low us to assess whether internal DSLs prevailed over external
interpretation [66] is need. As a response to this quest we suggest DSLs [21] (internal DSL is roughly equivalent to language exploita-
two level classifications. tion; external DSL is roughly equivalent to language invention).
• DSL implementation phase. In which manner the DSLs were im-
3. Research method plemented? Answering this question would allow us to identify
which implementation pattern [45] has been the more often used
We performed SMS on DSLs based on the guidelines presented (interpreter, compiler, preprocessor, embedding, extensible com-
in [31,52], using good practices from previous similar SMSs (e.g., piler/interpreter, COTS, hybrid). In the case of internal DSLs an in-
[1,4,8,18,20,23,40,43]), and based on very recent findings from com- teresting question would be which GPLs (e.g., Ruby, Haskell, Scala)
paring the same SMSs performed by two independent research have been used for DSL embedding? What has been the trend
groups [66].The protocol is available at [39]. over the years? Answering this question would allow us to iden-
The following simplified structure for performing SMS has been tify the more popular GPLs used for embedding. Has there been
suggested in [52] and was used in our study: any change in popularity recently (e.g., has Haskell been replaced
by Scala)? Which DSL development tools/frameworks have been
• defining research questions, used for external DSL implementations (e.g., ANTLR [51], Strat-
• conducting a search for primary studies, ego/XT [7], LISA [44,46])? Which tools/frameworks have been the
• screening primary studies based on inclusion/exclusion criteria, more popular?
• classifying the primary studies, and • DSL validation phase. Has the DSL design been validated by end-
• data extraction and aggregation. users?
80 T. Kosar et al. / Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91

• DSL maintenance phase. Has DSL been evolving? Is there any ex- Table 1
Preliminary identification of relevant publications.
perience about DSL maintenance/evolution?
Digital library Accessible at No. of publications
The research question RQ2, which was about the trends and demo-
graphics of DSL research, was further split into four sub-questions. ISI web of science 792
ACM digital library 361
• RQ2.1 Publication count by year: What has been the annual number
of publications within this field?
• RQ2.2 Top cited papers: Which DSL primary studies used in this
SMS have been cited the most? The following elementary search string has been used in our SMS
• RQ2.3 Active institutions: Rather than identifying researchers (the rationale is described in more detail in the protocol [39]:
within the DSL field we opted for identifying DSL groups work-
(“domain-specific language” OR “DSL” )
ing at particular institutions. This was measured by the number
of published papers. How DSL groups are connected together (be-
AND year > 2005 AND year < 2013
ing co-authors of a same primary study)?
• RQ2.4 Top venues: Which venues (e.g., journals, conferences, work- It is interesting to compare our search string with those used in
shops) have been the main targets of DSL papers? Note, that there [49]:
have been no specialised DSL journals or conferences spanning
many years. Hence, it would be interesting to know where DSL “domain-specific language” OR
researchers have been mostly published.
“domain-specific modeling language” OR
Many papers on SMSs have followed the guidelines [52] for classi-
fying the types of research methods defined in [64]. Often, those easy “generative programming”
to understand and easy to use are mentioned [34] as a reason for us-
ing this classification. However, it has only recently been shown in Within the search string of [49] there were no constrains on the
[66] that this might not be so. Two or more independent research years of publishing and were also interested on DSMLs. Amongst
groups might classify the same studies differently. For example, only different software development methodologies where DSLs play
11 out of 33 studies were classified equally in [18] and [48] with an important role (see Section 1) they only opted for Generative
the consequences of different conclusions. The studies disagreed as Programming. In our SMS the interest is not on particular software
to whether validation research or evaluation research was predom- development methodology, nor on DSMLs. Hence, these terms have
inant [66]. Despite this threat we are still convinced that the afore- been excluded within the search string.
mentioned classification is simple and useful. However, in our SMS The search string was applied on the following set of DLs (Table 1)
some improvements to the process of classification have been incor- after following the protocol [39].
porated within the aim of being a more reliable and replicable pro-
cess. In [52] it was suggested that the types of research methods could 3.2.2. Screening papers based on inclusion/exclusion criteria
be further classified into empirical research (validation research and In our study the following inclusion criteria were used:
evaluation research), and into non-empirical research (opinion paper,
• study must have addressed DSL research,
experience paper, philosophical/conceptual paper, and solution pro-
• peer reviewed studies had been published in journals, confer-
posal). However, it seems that this coarse-grained classification has
ences, and workshops,
been unacceptable amongst SR researchers so far. In our opinion, this
• study must be written in English,
broader classification is very useful for obtaining a broader picture
• study must be accessible electronically, and
of the research field and is more reliable than the fine-grained clas-
• computer science literature.
sification. For example, the disagreement between two studies ([18]
and [48]) would be smaller regarding whether during the product The exclusion criteria were:
line testing more empirical/non-empirical research were performed.
However, there would still be disagreements between [18] and [48] • irrelevant publications that lay outside the core DSL research field,
because some primary studies have been classified as evaluation re- which also excluded DSMLs, modelware, and MDE publications,
search by one research group and as a solution proposal by another visual/graphical languages (based on graph-grammars or other
research group. Hence, such different classifications (note, that in- formalisms) or those mentioning DSL as future work;
side the group common agreement was reached amongst several re- • non-peer reviewed studies (abstracts, tutorials, editorials, slides,
searchers) might be avoided in the future if classification covers two talks, tool demonstrations, posters, panels, keynotes, technical re-
levels. In the first level the study would be classified as whether ports);
it is empirical or non-empirical research, and only later more fine- • peer-reviewed but not published in journals, conferences, work-
grained classification would be done. A refinement of the classifi- shops (e.g., PhD thesis, books, patents);
cation has been proposed very recently in [53] with more detailed • publications not in English;
guidelines for classification, which can be seen as an additional ef- • electronically non-accessible; and
fort towards a standardised classification scheme with an agreed • non-computer science literature.
interpretation [66].
The inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to the titles, key-
words, and abstracts. In those case where it wasn’t completely clear
3.2. Search conducting, papers screening, and classification from the title, keywords, and abstract that a publication really ad-
dressed the DSL research then such publications were temporarily
3.2.1. Conducting the search for primary studies included but might be excluded during the next phase (classification
The search string and inclusion/exclusion criteria were defined in phase) when the whole publication (not only the abstract) had been
order to address the research questions RQ1 and RQ2. Finally, by fol- read. Hence, only publications that were clearly outside the scope
lowing the protocol [39] all relevant primary studies were classified were excluded during this phase. After the screening of 1153 publi-
within the selected Digital Libraries (DLs). cations (see Table 1) 713 publications satisfied the aforementioned
T. Kosar et al. / Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91 81

Fig. 1. Number of primary studies per type of contribution (RQ 1.1) and coarse-grained type of research (non-empirical vs. empirical) (RQ 1.2), n = 390.

criteria and entered into the next phase – classification, where an ad- 4. Data extraction and aggregation: overview of the results
ditional 323 publications were then excluded. Hence, altogether 390
primary studies were classified. This section presents and discusses the results from classifying
390 primary studies. The objective of this study was to provide an
3.2.3. Classifying the papers overview of DSL research after the DSL survey paper [45] had been
Classification is one of the more critical and time-consuming steps published. The following research questions were identified (see
when conducting SMSs. In regard to our research questions, it was Section 3):
not expected that all relevant information could only be inferred from
the abstracts. Hence, the classification was done based on reading the • RQ1.1 Type of contribution
whole primary study. • RQ1.2 Type of research
It was recommended [31] that the classification of primary stud- • RQ1.3 Focus area
ies is done by at least two authors, and in the case of disagreement • RQ2.1 Publication count by year
the authors need to decide how to resolve it. However, such a pro- • RQ2.2 Top cited papers
cess only increases the reliability of classification inside the group, • RQ2.3 Active institutions
where probably the opinions of the more senior researchers would • RQ2.4 Top venues
prevail anyway. It was shown in [66] that this process didn’t improve
the reliabilities of classifications between different research groups. Fig. 1 shows (y-axes) an overview on the type of contribution. It
To recall, in the case of two independent SMSs on product line testing can be observed that the DSL community has been more interested
22 out of 33 papers were classified differently (see Section 3.1 and in developing new techniques/methods (79.3%) that supported differ-
[66]). Due to these reasons our approach was slightly different. In our ent DSL development phases, rather than investing in developing new
study classification of the primary studies was done by a single and DSL tools (6.9%). Primary studies about integration of DSLs into other
the most experienced researcher (by the number of relevant DSL pub- SE processes have also been rare (10.5%), whilst studies about mea-
lications). In such a manner we also eliminated one of the identified suring the effectiveness of DSL approaches have been almost non-
shortcomings of SMS – classification of primary studies by inexperi- existent (3.3%). Indeed new DSL tools have rarely been developed
enced researchers [10]. Note that there are also some other SRs where over the past 10 years (an example of a new tool is Neverlang [61]).
classifications had been done by a single researcher (e.g., [33]). Dur- The matured tools (e.g., ANTLR [51], Stratego/XT [7], see also Fig. 6)
ing this phase similar studies were also identified (e.g., if a conference have merely been enhanced with new features. Recent comparisons
paper had a more recent journal version we include only the latter). It between DSL tools have been discussed in [19]. A small percentage
was for this reason that we started classifying backwards, from 2012 (6.9%) should not be of great concern. However, the situation is prob-
to 2006. In order to avoid a fatigue during classification (as a possible ably quite different for DSML where the research field has not yet
threat to validity) classification was performed in blocks of at most reached the level of DSL maturity and many DSML tools have been de-
two hours followed by at least one hour breaks. veloped recently. Interestingly, a DSML tool Xtext [17] has been used
82 T. Kosar et al. / Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91

Fig. 2. Number of primary studies per type of contribution (RQ 1.1) and fine-grained type of research (RQ 1.2), n = 390.

for grammar-based DSLs as well. However, to fully support this claim new techniques than they are in performing rigorous empirical eval-
another SMS should be carried out on DSMLs, which would be our uations (e.g., [38]).
future work. On the other hand, it is quite clear that there is a lack of Fig. 3 shows which research topics (focus area) have been investi-
DSL research regarding processes and measurements. More empha- gated in DSL research classified into various DSL development phases.
sis should be placed in the near future on integrating DSLs into other Note that a particular primary study can include various develop-
SE processes, as well as about measuring the effectiveness of DSL ment phases. Hence, the total number was higher than the sum of
approaches. included primary studies (n = 390). It is obvious from Fig. 3 that the
It can also be observed from Fig. 1 (x-axes) that empirical research primary studies usually discussed the following three DSL develop-
(72.8%) has prevailed over non-empirical research (27.2%). This is an ment phases: domain analysis, design and implementation, whilst
indication of the maturity of DSL research. It can be observed from validation and maintenance have been rarely presented. Indeed, in
Fig.2 that opinion and philosophical/conceptual primary studies have many primary studies we found a brief section on domain analysis
been rare (about 2.1%) in DSL research. The same is true for experi- identifying the main concepts of DSL under development followed by
ence reports (9%). It can also be concluded that the presented ideas the design of DSL syntax and semantics and finalising with imple-
have also been implemented at least at the level of a prototype and mentation details. On the other hand, there has been a lack of DSL re-
hence only solution proposals have been rare (16.1%). Whilst the ratio search about domain analysis (only 1.3% of primary studies have con-
between empirical and non-empirical research (72.8% vs. 27.2%) has centrated solely on domain analysis). Of particular concern should be
been much higher than within some other research fields (e.g., 18% the lack of DSL research within the validation phase. DSLs had rarely
of empirical research has been reported for aspect-oriented model- been validated (e.g., by end-users) assuming that the developed DSLs
driven code generation in [43], 28% of empirical research for soft- were perfectly tailored for domains, as well as fitting end-users re-
ware quality trade-off in [4], 34% of empirical research for software quirements [22]. However, this is far from true. DSL under develop-
product line testing in [18]) and hence satisfying, but this can’t be ment should have been validated by empirical studies, involvement
claimed for the ratio between validation and evaluation DSL research of end-users, or by the psychology of programming research. Recent
(66.1% vs. 6.7%). There has been a clear lack of evaluation research attempts in this direction are works [2,3,11,60].
into all types of contribution (technique/method, tool, process, mea- Although, that DSL primary studies mostly included the domain
surement) (Fig. 2). A need for empirical evaluation in software mod- analysis (229/390 ≈ 58.7%), design (291/390 ≈ 74.6%) and implemen-
eling research is discussed in [12], where it was found that the rigour tation (280/390 ≈ 71.8%) phases, it doesn’t mean that researchers
of empirically-validated research has been rather weak. In particular, have followed the best practices of a particular phase. It can be ob-
the authors found only 4% of controlled experiments within the re- served from Table 2 that only 5.7% of primary studies that included
search works published during the period 2006–2010 at conferences domain analysis had used a formal domain analysis approach. Hence,
on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. This number formal domain analysis methods had been rarely used in DSL de-
is even slightly higher than the number we found in this paper (1.3% velopment and domain analysis had usually been done informally
of controlled experiments) and further indicates, as in [12], that re- and probably in an incomplete manner. The rarity of formal meth-
searchers within the DSL community are more interested in creating ods within the domain analysis phase is further exhibited in Fig. 4
T. Kosar et al. / Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91 83

Fig. 3. Research distribution in DSL development phases (RQ 1.3).

Fig. 4. Distribution of formal methods used in domain analysis per years (RQ 1.3), n2 = 13.
84 T. Kosar et al. / Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91

Fig. 5. Distribution of GPLs used for DSL embedding per years (RQ 1.3), n4 = 139.

Table 2 Table 3
Research distribution in DSL do- Research distribution in DSL design (in-
main analysis (RQ 1.3), n1 = 229. formal vs. formal) (RQ 1.3), n3 = 291.

Approach Percentage (%) Approach Percentage (%)

Informal 94.3 Informal 83.2

Formal 5.7 Formal 16.8

Table 4
showing the distribution per years, as well as the more frequently Research distribution of DSL design (in-
FODA [29] had been used in domain analysis. There is an urgent need ternal vs. external ) (RQ 1.3), n3 = 291.

in DSL research for identifying the reasons for lack of using formal Approach Percentage(%)
methods within domain analysis and possible solutions for improve-
Internal 47.8
ment. The first observation might be that information gathered dur-
External 52.2
ing domain analysis cannot be automatically used in the language
design process. Another reason might also be that complete domain
analysis is too complex and outside of software engineers’ capabili-
ties. DSL researchers should look into available domain analysis tool sign phase used formal approaches for describing syntax and seman-
and investigate how they can be accommodated for supporting the tics. Although internal DSLs, which rarely require formal description
DSL domain analysis phase. As noted in [41]: “The execution of a do- as they rely on (formal) description of existing language, comprised
main analysis process without a tool support can lead to an unsuccessful 47.8% (Table 4) out of 83.2% informal cases, the number of DSLs using
result, due to the complexity of interrelated activities and work prod- formal syntax and especially semantic description had still been low.
ucts.” Furthermore, only 1.3% of primary studies used in our SMS con- Again, the DSL community should identify the reasons and works to-
centrated solely on the domain analysis phase. Investigating the do- wards improvement.
main analysis phase has clearly been insufficient. Recent attempt in Figs. 5 and 6 reveal some interesting information about internal
this direction is work [15]. and external DSLs [21]. It can be observed from Fig. 5 that Haskell
A slightly better, although still unsatisfactory, situation than has still been the more frequently used host language. Whilst from
within the domain analysis phase is revealed in Table 3 where it can Fig. 6 (category unknown) it can be observed that the existing tools
be observed that only 16.8% of primary studies that included the de- had been rarely used (or not reported in the primary studies) for
T. Kosar et al. / Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91 85

Fig. 6. Distribution of tools used for external DSL per years (RQ 1.3) , n5 = 152.

Table 5 the more frequently used implementation patterns have been the
Research distribution of DSL implementation (RQ 1.3),
embedding approach (34.3%) and the compiler approach (28.1%).
n6 = 280.
Other implementation approaches had been less frequently used:
Approach Percentage (%) preprocessing (15%), COTS (7.9%), interpreter (7.9%), hybrid (3.9%),
Interpreter 7.9
and the extensible compiler/interpreter approach (2.9%). Hence, this
Compiler 28.1 study doesn’t support some claims that the embedding approach has
Preprocessing 15.0 prevailed over DSL implementation approaches (e.g., “In fact, most of
Embedded 34.3 the common DSLs used today are designed as pure embedded programs
Extensible compiler/interpreter 2.9
within the structure of an existing programming language.[24] ). In the
COTS 7.9
Hybrid 3.9 DSL survey paper [45] 37 DSLs were discussed and classified into the
aforementioned implementation patterns with somehow similar per-
centages: compiler approach (43%), preprocessing (20%), embedding
approach (17%), interpreter (5%), COTS (5%), hybrid (5%), and extensi-
the external DSLs. Amongst the tools the more frequently used had ble compiler/interpreter approach (1%).
been Xtext [17], ANTLR [51] and Stratego/XT [7]. This finding might The rest of the Figures and Tables in this section show the trends
suggest that DSL implementation had mostly required some spe- and demographics of DSL literature (RQ2). Fig. 7 shows the distribu-
cific treatment which had been unavailable in generic tools and re- tions of annual numbers of primary studies during the years 2006–
searchers had preferred to use handwritten external DSLs. Further- 2012, thus answering RQ2.1. The average number of primary stud-
more, in [45] more than 20 DSL development tools were identified. ies per year was 55.7 with the standard deviation 18.6. Seems that
However, most of the tools discussed in [45] except DMS [6], LISA the number of primary studies per year remained quite stable and
[44,46], and Stratego/XT [7] had not been used in the primary studies showed long-lasting interest within this research field.
included in our SMS. On the other hand, functionality between these Table 6 shows the top cited primary studies used in our SMS us-
tools (e.g., ANTLR, JavaCUP, YACC, Xtext vs. DMS, LISA, Silver, Strat- ing WOS (ISI Web of Science), Scopus and Google Scholar citation
ego/XT) could hardly be compared due to the fact that the former counts answering RQ2.2. In comparison, the DSL survey paper [45]
tools only supported parser generation, whilst later tools could gen- has the following citations: ACM = 271, WOS = 319, Scopus = 636,
erate a whole compiler with a semantic evaluator. Nevertheless, the Google Scholar = 1322 ( = 2548, AVG = 283.1). On the other hand,
aforementioned tools have been used for DSL implementation and the DSL survey paper [45] has been cited in 91 primary studies used
when the parser was only generated a semantic analyser had to be in this SMS (91/390 ≈ 23.3%).
written from scratch. Table 7 and Fig. 8 show the groups/institutions within the DSL
Table 5 shows the distribution of DSL implementation patterns field, measured by the number of identified primary studies in
[45], as discussed in 280/390 ≈ 71.8% of the primary studies. Amongst this SMS. The lines in Fig. 8 show collaborations between different
86 T. Kosar et al. / Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91

Fig. 7. Number of primary studies per years (RQ 2.1), n = 390.

Fig. 8. Most active groups/institutions in DSL field (RQ 2.3).

researchers from different institutions on DSL research that led to puting (4). Similarly, Fig. 10 shows the distributions of primary stud-
joint primary studies that were included in this SMS (Table 7). Some ies per conferences during the years 2006–2012. There was a wide
research institutions have research centers in different cities (e.g., spectrum of different conferences where DSL research had been pub-
INRIA) or even countries (e.g., IBM Research, Microsoft Research). In lished. Most primary studies had been published from the Interna-
this SMS we didn’t differentiate between these different centers. tional Conference on Functional Programming (14), IFIP conference
Fig. 9 shows the distributions of primary studies per journal over on Domain-Specific Languages (13), Conference on Object-Oriented
the years 2006–2012. There is a wide spectrum of different jour- Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (11), and Con-
nals where DSL research had been published. Most primary stud- ference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (10).
ies had been published in the Computer Science and Information Fig. 11 shows the distributions of primary studies per workshops dur-
Systems journal (9), IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (6), ing the years 2006–2012. There was a wide spectrum of different
Software Practice and Experience (5), Science of Computer Program- workshops where DSL research had been published. Most primary
ming (5), IEEE Software (5), Information and Software Technology studies had been published from the Workshop on Language De-
(4), Journal of Systems and Software (4), and Journal of Supercom- scriptions, Tools, and Applications (6), Workshop on Domain-Specific
T. Kosar et al. / Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91 87

Table 6
Top cited DSL primary studies by ACM, WOS, Scopus and Google scholar (RQ 2.2).

Publication title Year ACM WOS Scopus Google scholar  AVG per year

1 DECOR: a Method for the specification 2010 46 66 99 243 454 90.8

and detection of code and design smells
2 Thespoofax language workbench: 2010 65 32 97 218 412 82.4
rules for declarative specification of
languages and IDEs
3 KM3: a DSL for metamodel specification 2006 76 79 86 375 616 68.4
4 Google’s MapReduce programming 2006 21 78 49 452 600 66.7
model – revisited
5 The pochoir stencil compiler 2011 40 32 46 138 256 64.0
6 TCS: a DSL for thespecification of textual 2010 72 91 280 443 49.2
concrete syntaxes in model engineering
7 RASCAL: a domain specific language for 2009 27 25 73 158 283 47.2
source code analysis and manipulation
8 SugarJ: library-based syntactic language 2011 27 17 41 70 155 38.8
9 Documenting and automating collateral 2011 49 21 19 138 227 32.4
evolutions in Linux device drivers
10 An online platform for Web APIs and 2008 24 29 62 109 224 32.0
service mashups
11 Comparing general-purpose and domain- 2010 29 55 76 160 32.0
specific languages: an empirical study
12 An approach for the systematic development 2009 22 24 56 87 189 31.5
of domain-specific languages
13 A domain-specific approach to 2009 31 12 18 121 182 30.3
heterogeneous parallelism
14 Program comprehension of domain-specific 2012 9 17 24 40 90 30.0
and general-purpose languages: comparison
using a family of experiments
15 AmbientTalk: object-oriented event-driven 2007 48 15 58 114 235 29.4
programming in mobile ad hoc networks
16 WebDSL: a case study in domain-specific 2007 28 25 28 144 225 28.1
language engineering
17 Polymorphic embedding of DSLs 2008 36 10 33 93 172 24.6
18 A preliminary study on various 2006 20 24 58 115 217 24.1
implementation approaches of domain-
specific language
19 Attribute grammar-based language 2007 36 29 27 88 180 22.5
extensions for Java
20 A domain-specific language for web APIs 2007 24 24 20 109 177 22.1
and services mashups

Fig. 9. Distribution of primary studies per number at journals (RQ 2.4).

88 T. Kosar et al. / Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91

Fig. 10. Distribution of primary studies per number at conferences (RQ 2.4).

Fig. 11. Distribution of primary studies per number at workshops (RQ 2.4).

Modeling (6), and Domain-Specific Aspect languages Workshop (3). 5.1. Construction validity
Our claim from Section 1 that DSL research has been spread over
vastly different venues is clearly supported by Figs. 9,–11 (see cate- Construct threats to validity cope with problems that might arise
gory ‘various’). during research design. In the context of SMSs such threats are re-
lated to the designing of the SMS research method and especially to
identifying relevant primary studies [68].
5. Threats to validity
In a strict sense, our findings are valid only for our sample – DSL
primary studies, which were accessible from ISI Web of Science and
The results presented in this SMS have depended on many factors,
ACM Digital Library from the period 2006–2012. But, an important
which have been categorised into the following types of threats to
question is whether the primary studies used in our SMS are good
the validity of the study’s results: construct validity, internal validity,
representation of the whole population? From Figs. 7, 9–11 we can
external validity, and conclusion validity [28,65].
T. Kosar et al. / Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91 89

Table 7 SMS started during the Summer of 2013). However, in that case repli-
Institutions per number of primary studies (RQ 2.3).
cation of our SMS could be hard in the future. We have traded the
Institution Number of publications slightly bigger threat to construct validity for the much bigger possi-
bility of replicating our study (less threat to conclusion validity). Yet
University of Maribor 20
Delft University of Technology 15
another threat to construct validity was the screening of publications
University of Alabama at Birmingham 13 based on inclusion/exclusion criteria, which were defined before the
INRIA 12 study was conducted. During this process only the title, keywords and
University of Copenhagen 11 abstract were examined and there was a possibility of excluding some
University of Minho 9
relevant primary study during this process. In order to mitigate this
Chalmers University of Technology 7
University of Bordeaux 7 threat, whenever we were unsure whether a publication should be
Oregon State University 6 excluded or not we opted for temporary inclusion. However, during
University of Kansas 6 classification when a whole publication was read we may still have
University of Minnesota 6 excluded it.
Vienna University of Technology 6
ETH Zurich 5
Ecole des Mines de Nantes 5 5.2. Internal validity
IBM Research 5
Imperial College London 5 Internal threats to validity cope with problems that might arise
during data extraction. Extracting data from primary studies might
National Taiwan Normal University 5
Portland State University 5 be problematic, especially if the qualities of primary studies are low
University of Marburg 5 or the requested information is buried within a paper. One such very
Utrecht University 5 broad data extraction was done during the screening phase and in-
Carnegie Mellon University 4 formation as to whether a publication was about DSL research or
Complutense University of Madrid 4
France Telecom 4
not, was extracted from the title, keywords, and abstract. More fine-
Lille University of Science and Technology 4 grained data extraction was performed during the classifications of
Microsoft Research 4 selected primary studies. This phase is one of the more error-prone
Open University of Israel 4 phases when performing SMSs due to the lack of standard terminol-
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança 4
ogy, missing information, or badly presented primary studies. In or-
Stanford University 4
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg 4 der to minimise the internal threats to validity, the extracted data
University of Murcia 4 from the whole primary study were classified by the DSL expert (see
University of Novi Sad 4 discussion in Section 3.2). Although this might inherently introduce
bias we felt that in a such manner classification would be more con-
sistent. Furthermore, criteria for classification on the type of research
were defined in more detail than in many other SMSs (see discussion
observe that our sample can be attributed as a representative sample in Section 3.1 about two level classification) to mitigate this threat to
of the whole population. In particular, Fig. 7 shows that the average validity. Moreover, as the classification of primary studies is a time-
number of identified primary studies per year is 55.7 with standard intensive process where fatigue may lead to misclassification, an ad-
deviation 18.6 (hence primary studies from only one particular year ditional constraint was placed within the research method (classifi-
do not prevail). Whilst, Figs. 9–11 show that included primary studies cation time was restricted to two consecutive hours followed by one
belonging to very diverse venues (journals, conferences, workshops). hour breaks) in order to mitigate this threat to validity. On the other
The various parts in Figs. 9–11 are always the largest part indicating hand, analysis of the classified primary studies requires only the use
that primary studies not only come from a particular journal, con- of descriptive statistics. Hence, it is less likely that we made some
ference or workshop. Furthermore, by selecting a particular digital errors during this step.
library we did not have preferences towards any research question
(e.g., type of contribution, type of research, focus area). Hence, our 5.3. External validity
sample can still be regarded as a good and unbiased representation
of the population. External threats to validity cope with problems that might arise
Besides this general and always presented threat there are also during conclusion generalisation. The conclusions drawn from this
some more specific factors for construction validity on which re- study are DSL research-specific and cannot be generalised within
searchers have greater control. For example, the search string. Due to other research topics. This is even true, for closely related fields of
the omissions of DSL synonyms (e.g., special purpose language, spe- DSMLs and visual/graphical languages. As in our SMS we excluded
cialised language, task-specific language, application language, little modeling languages, as well as graphical languages, our findings
language) in our search string there is a threat that some relevant pri- should not be generalised to these closely related research fields. Al-
mary studies were not found. However, these DSLs’ synonyms have though some conclusions could be generalised to a broader topic of
recently become unpopular (note that our research questions dealt SE (e.g., lack of evaluation research studies) we didn’t do such general
with DSL research after 2005). In order to verify that this threat to conclusions.
construction validity was not too high we applied both search strings,
original and expanded with synonyms, before actually conducted our 5.4. Conclusion validity
SMS. With the search string expanded with synonyms the number of
hits was roughly 1% bigger. Due to this reason we proceeded with Conclusion threats to validity (another term is reliability) cope
the search string without DSL synonyms. Another threat to construct with problems that might arise when deriving conclusions and
validity is the limited publishing period (in our case primary stud- whether the SMS can be repeated. Some factors that can lead to incor-
ies published during 2006–2012 were searched for). As our research rect conclusions, either by identifing wrong relationships, or by miss-
questions addressed the DSL research after the DSL survey paper [45] ing existing relationships are related to the research method and in-
was published in December 2005, the choice for 2006 is not ques- correct data extraction. Both were discussed under construction and
tionable. However, we could also include primary studies which were internal validities. Furthermore, by a two-level classification of pri-
published in the first half of the year 2013 (due to the fact that this mary studies (on the first level: empirical and non-empirical study),
90 T. Kosar et al. / Information and Software Technology 71 (2016) 77–91

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• Clear lack of evaluation research, in particular controlled experi- nen, E. Schindler, K. Schindler, R. Solmi, V. Vergu, E. Visser, K. van der Vlist,
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