GO Template Settings - in The Bar Right Next To: Well Section Tem'
GO Template Settings - in The Bar Right Next To: Well Section Tem'
GO Template Settings - in The Bar Right Next To: Well Section Tem'
Remove Useless NTG, also you can push sth up. Color fill or sth.
Choose supervised here, coz you want the petrel to behave as you taught. You follow what I have
assigned to do the jobs.
And create a new output tab, go apply.
And if you click new facies [new facies neutral net], you will see the result.
Then we have to do the prediction to other wells using your own-created criteria.
You will see the results in other wells now and remember click off this useless one.
Once you have done this, you need some quality control on the things you have done. So, go to home,
and windows, have a function window here.
Click all wells and set porosity, perm, new facies as your x, y, z.
So, you can easily tell shale, fine sand, coarse sand. Based on perm porosity.