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Fracture Modeling

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Adlet S. Jambayev
A thesis submitted to the Faculty and the Board of Trustees of the Colorado School of

Mines in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Petroleum


Golden, Colorado

Date _______________

Signed: _________________________
Adlet S. Jambayev

Signed: _________________________
Dr. Todd B. Hoffman
Thesis Advisor

Golden, Colorado

Date _______________

Dr. William Fleckenstein
Professor and Head
Petroleum Department


“Field X” is a naturally fractured reservoir, part of a large system of carbonate reservoirs

located in North Caspian basin in western Kazakhstan. Predicting the movement of hydrocarbons

in such reservoir is challenging because of the many uncertainties due to the complicated fracture

network and the heterogeneity of carbonate rock. Due to uncertainties involved in modeling fluid

flow, discrete fracture network (DFN) models are constructed for a free well section of “Field

X”. Building realistic and representative models of fracture networks can improve reservoir

characterization and make more accurate flow prediction. Fracture parameters such as intensity,

size, shape, and orientation are assigned to each fracture based on measured data or relevant

statistical distribution derived from the measured data.

Well test results using constructed DFN models and results of actual test are compared.

The main matching involves skin effect and transmissibility. The DFN model is then upscaled

that obtains fracture properties including porosity, permeability, and sigma factor suitable for a

flow simulation model. This ensures that the upscaled DFN model preserves the properties of

actual fractures in the studied sector. Predictions of well’s long term productivity and pressure

response are valuable inputs to main business decision and reservoir management strategies.

Well-C was suspended due to high water cut (up to 60%) shortly after putting it on

production. One concern of this trend is that the water seen at Well-C might end up at nearby

wells. The objective of dynamic analysis was to predict potential water flow from the aquifer

through the fractures to the producing wells. Many different scenarios are simulated with

different water influx rate and different DFN models, which show the wide range of water

breakthrough time (from 16 to 161 months) and cumulative water (from 7907 to 978718 bbl) in

the producing wells.



LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………...……………...….........vii

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………..……………...……........xii

LIST OF SYMBOLS………………………………………………...……………...…..…........xiii


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………….1

1.1 Objectives of the Research…………………………………………………………….2

1.2 Geological Features of “Field X”……………………………………………………..4


2.1 Literature Review……………………………………………………………………...9

2.2 Application of DFN Models…………………………………………………………12

CHAPTER 3 FIELD DATA ANALYSIS……………………………………………………….14

3.1 Defining Effective Fractures…………………………………………………………14

3.1.1 Formation Micro Imager (FMI) logs………………………………………15

3.1.2 Photoelectric (PEF) logs…………………………………………………...15

3.1.3 Stoneley wave………………………………………………………...……16

3.1.4 Caliper logs………………………………………………………………...16

3.1.5 Production logs…………………………………………………………….17

3.1.6 Temperature logs…………………………………………………………..17

3.1.7 Drilling information………………………………………………………..18

3.2 Defining Model Region……………………………………………………………...20


4.1 Generation Model……………………………………………………………………22

4.2 Fracture Intensity…………………………………………………………………….23

4.3 Fracture Orientation………………………………………………………………….28

4.4 Fracture Aperture…………………………………………………………………….35

4.5 Fracture Size and Shape…………………………...…………………………………36



5.1 Fracture Properties…………………………………………………………………...41

5.2 Well Test Simulation………………………………………………………………...47

5.3 Well Test Matching…………………………………………………………………..51


6.1 Water Influx Problem………………………………………………………………..58

6.2 Fracture Upscaling……………………………………………...……………………60

6.2.1 Fracture permeability………………………………………………………62

6.2.2 Fracture porosity…………………………………………………………...63

6.2.3 Sigma factor………………………………………………………………..64

6.3 ECLIPSE Simulation………………………………………………………………...66

6.4 Sensitivity Analysis………………………………………………………………….68

6.4.1 Fracture Orientation………………………………………………………..68

6.4.2 Fracture permeability………………………………………………………71

6.4.3 Fracture size………………………………………………………………..77


7.1 Summary……………………………………………………………………………..81

7.2 Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………..83

7.3 Future Work………………………………………………………………………….84



Figure 1.1 North Caspian basin location (Ulmishek, 2001)…………………………………..5

Figure 2.1 Orthogonal (a) and Baecher (b) models (Dershowitz and Einstein,1988)……….11

Figure 2.2 Fracture sets generation in hierarchical model (Golder, 2012)…………………..12

Figure 3.1 Example of fracture in Well-B on FMI log. Original FMI image on the left and
interpreted on the right…………………………………………………………...16
Figure 3.2 Example of open, effective fractures in Well-B on FMI image log (c) and
responses of other tools in the same interval: photoelectric and Stoneley logs (a),
caliper log (b), and production log (d)…………………………………………...18
Figure 3.3 Example of open, effective fractures in Well-A on Caliper (a), Temperature (b)
and Production logs (c) in the same depth interval………………………………19
Figure 3.4 Snapshot from the wellbook of Well-A………………………………………….20

Figure 3.5 Structural model in FracMan with surfaces and wells…………………………...21

Figure 4.1 Illustration of fractures in the wellbore (Narr et al., 2006)………………………23

Figure 4.2 Tadpole plot of Well-A (a) and Well-B (b) (snapshot from image log
interpretation). Different colors correspond to the various types of natural
Figure 4.3 Dip of cavern walls in similar direction (a) and opposite direction (b) (snapshot
from image log interpretation). Example of cavern walls with simillar dip
direction (c) and opposite dip direction (d) in Well-A built in FracMan………...25
Figure 4.4 Stereoplot of cavern walls defined in Well-A (a) and their 3-D visualization (b).26

Figure 4.5 Example of cavern in Well-A on FMI log with walls in dip opposite direction...27

Figure 4.6 Planar polygon model of fracture in FracMan (Golder, 2012)…………………..28

Figure 4.7 All natural fractures in Well-A on rose diagram (a), lower hemisphere projection
(b), and contoured stereoplot (c)…………………………………………………29
Figure 4.8 Effective fractures, excluding orientation of cavern walls, in Well-A on rose
diagram (a), lower hemisphere projection (b), and contoured stereoplot (c)…….29
Figure 4.9 Cumulative Fracture Intensity plot of effective fractures in Well-A…………….30

Figure 4.10 Fracture Set 1 in Well-A on rose diagram (a), lower hemisphere projection (b),
and contoured stereoplot (c)……………………………………………………...31
Figure 4.11 All natural fractures in Well-B on rose diagram (a), lower hemisphere projection
(b), and contoured stereoplot (c)………………………………………………....31
Figure 4.12 Effective fractures, excluding orientation of cavern walls, in Well-B on rose
diagram (a), lower hemisphere projection (b), and contoured stereoplot (c)…….32
Figure 4.13 Statistical summary of ISIS analysis for all fracture sets………………………..33

Figure 4.14 Examples of dispersion parameter in Fisher distribution (Golder, 2012)………..34

Figure 4.15 Stereoplots of fracture orientations from different models: Model 1-orientation of
Fracture Set 1 (a), Model 2 - orientation of two Fracture Sets 1 and 2 (b), and
Model 3-orientation of Fracture Set 3in Well-B (c)……………………………..34
Figure 4.16 Lognormal distribution for fracture aperture…………………………………….35

Figure 4.17 Square model of fracture in FracMan……………………………………………36

Figure 4.18 Discrete Fracture Network model, Model 1……………………………………..39

Figure 4.19 Histogram of equivalent radius with Normal of Log distribution trend line, Model
Figure 4.20 Histogram of fracture size with Normal of Log distribution trend line, Model 1.40

Figure 5.1 Histogram of fracture aperture with Normal of Log distribution trend line, Model
Figure 5.2 Snapshot of flow rate from PLT report for Well-A (a) and reproduced production
log based on the most prolific fractures (b)……………………………………...44
Figure 5.3 Snapshot of flow rate from PLT report for Well-B (a) and reproduced production
log based on the most prolific fractures (b)……………………………………...45
Figure 5.4 Aperture-Permeability correlation based on PLT analysis, Well-A……………..46
Figure 5.5 Aperture-Permeability correlation based on PLT analysis, Well-B……..………46

Figure 5.6 Histogram of fracture permeability, Model 1……………………………………47

Figure 5.7 Box Regions centered on the wells (a) and created mesh (b)……………………49

Figure 5.8 Pressure responses in Well-B as a function of time……………………………...50

Figure 5.9 Log-log plot of pressure and pressure derivative in Well-B as a function of
Figure 5.10 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), Well-A Model 1 with maximum fracture length 500 m…53
Figure 5.11 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), Well A Model 1 with maximum fracture length 1000 m...53
Figure 5.12 Pressure visualization during the well test (time-10 hours), Well-A…………….54

Figure 5.13 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), Model 1…………………………………………………..54
Figure 5.14 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), Model 2…………………………………………………..55
Figure 5.15 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), Model 3…………………………………………………..55
Figure 5.16 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), initial permeability Model1………………………………56
Figure 5.17 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), permeability decreased Model 1…………………………56
Figure 5.18 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), permeability decreased Model 2………………………....57
Figure 5.19 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), permeability decreased Model 3…………………………57
Figure 6.1 PLT results in Well-C from three different times. Water crossflow at the rate of
290 m3/d, September 2009 (a), water from the leaky plug at the rate of 120 m3/d,
April 2011 (b), reduced water crossflow at the rate of 49 m3/d, May 2011 (c)….59
Figure 6.2 Grid between surfaces……………………………………………………………61
Figure 6.3 Exported grid coordinates into ECLIPSE, 3-D view of reservoir in Petrel…..….61

Figure 6.4 Exported fracture permeability in x direction from FracMan Model 1, 3-D view in
Petrel …………………………………………………………………………..65
Figure 6.5 Exported fracture porosity from FracMan Model 1, 3-D view in Petrel………...65

Figure 6.6 Exported fracture porosity from FracMan Model 1, 3-D view in Petrel………...66

Figure 6.7 Reduced permeability in y direction around Well-C Model 1, 3-D view in
Figure 6.8 Constant oil rates at different water influx rates, Model 1………………………69

Figure 6.9 Constant oil rates at different water influx rates, Well-A (a), Well-B (b), Model
Figure 6.10 Water production trends of the models at different water influx rates…………..72

Figure 6.11 Water production trends of the wells at different water influx rates, Model 1…..72

Figure 6.12 Water production trends of the wells at different water influx rates, Model 2…..73

Figure 6.13 Water production trends of the wells at different water influx rates, Model 3…..73

Figure 6.14 Simulated water saturation in December, 2012, snapshot from ECLIPSE, Model 1
(a), Model 2 (b), and Model 3 (c)………………………………………………..74
Figure 6.15 Simulated water saturation in December, 2022, snapshot from ECLIPSE, Model 1
(a), Model 2 (b), and Model 3 (c)………………………………………………..74
Figure 6.16 Simulated water saturation in October, 2032, snapshot from ECLIPSE, Model 1
(a), Model 2 (b), and Model 3 (c)………………………………………………..74
Figure 6.17 Breakthrough time of the total water production trend at various permeability
inputs, Model 1…………………………………………………………………..76
Figure 6.18 Water production trends of individual wells with a different fracture

Figure 6.19 Simulated water saturation in December, 2012, snapshot from ECLIPSE Model
1_3 (a), Model 1_2 (b), and Model 1_1 (c)……………………………………...78

Figure 6.20 Simulated water saturation in December, 2022, snapshot from ECLIPSE Model
1_3 (a), Model 1_2 (b), and Model 1_1 (c)…………………...…………………78
Figure 6.21 Simulated water saturation in October, 2032, snapshot from ECLIPSE Model 1_3
(a), Model 1_2 (b), and Model 1_1 (c)…………………………………………..78
Figure 6.22 Breakthrough time of the total water production trend at various length inputs,
Model 1…………………………………………………………………………..80
Figure 6.23 Water production trends of individual wells with a different fracture length……80


Table 4.1 Fisher distribution parameters……………………………………………………34

Table 5.1 Properties of the conductive fractures, Well-A…………………………………..44

Table 5.2 Properties of the conductive fractures, Well-B…………………………………..45

Table 5.3 Inputs for the well test simulation………………………………………………..49

Table 6.1 Sensitivity analysis on fracture orientation………………………………………69

Table 6.2 Sensitivity analysis on fracture permeability…………………………………….75

Table 6.3 Sensitivity analysis on fracture length…………………………………………...79


Symbol Definition, units

Photoelectric absorption index, barns/electron

Fracture intensity, 1/m (1/ft)

Number of fracture, unitless

Length, m (ft)

Dispersion factor, unitless

Area of the fracture, m2 (ft)

Constant, unitless

Equivalent radius, m (ft)

Permeability, mD

Aperture, m (ft)

Pressure, bar (psi)

Time, hr

Pressure derivative, unitless

Probability, unitless

Solid angle, degree

Grid cell volume, m3 (ft3)

Transmissivity, m2/day (ft2/day)

Fracture porosity, unitless

Shape factor, 1/m2 (1/ft2)


First, I have to thank my parents for their love, support and encouragement throughout

my life.

I would like to sincerely thank my advisor, Dr. Todd Hoffman, for his guidance and

comments throughout this study. I am extremely grateful to Dr. Ramona Graves and Dr. John

Humphrey for serving as committee members and providing me with great feedbacks and

support during my research. Special thanks to Thomas Zalan for advises regarding research


I would also like to thank Golder Associates for providing the license for FracMan7:

Reservoir Edition software. Many thanks to everyone (they know who they are) from operating

company for internship opportunity and data for this research.

I thank Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Bolashak”

program, for financial support.

Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to my wife, Aliya Ozibayeva, for her

love, support, and understanding.

Without all those people this work would not have been accomplished.



A significant amount of hydrocarbon reserves lie in naturally fractured reservoirs (NFR).

Naturally fractured reservoirs refer to an accumulation of hydrocarbons in a subsurface

geological formation that contains a network of fractures, where fractures act as highly

conductive pathways enhancing fluid flow to a wellbore. These reservoirs are found throughout

the world and some of these fields contain billions of barrels of hydrocarbons.

This research will focus on naturally fractured reservoirs’ specific feature: fractures.

According to Aguilera (1995), all reservoirs are naturally fractured to a certain degree. Narr et al.

(2006) defines naturally fractured reservoirs as “…a reservoir in which fractures enhance the

permeability field, thereby significantly affecting well productivity and recovery efficiency”.

Natural fracture detection, evaluation and processing are important goals in reservoir

characterization for geologists, geophysicists and petroleum engineers for proper exploration and

development of the field.

Many hydrocarbon deposits occur in sandstone and carbonate, where natural fractures are

more common in carbonates than in sandstone. Moreover, approximately 60% of the world’s oil

is found in carbonate reservoirs (Akbar et al., 2000). Carbonates are biochemical in nature and

formed in a unique environment. They are usually formed in warm, shallow and clean marine

water with low water energy. Distinctive and unique processes including compaction,

lithification and diagenesis of carbonates play an important role in the broad variation of

reservoir quality. Burial compaction and post-depositional diagenesis, including dissolution,

cementation, recrystallization, dolomitization and replacement by other minerals create both high
permeability zones and permeability barriers in carbonates. Therefore, an accurate estimation of

hydrocarbon recovery is an extremely challenging task in carbonate reservoirs due to their

complexity and heterogeneity. One of these fields that will be examined in this research is a giant

carbonate platform, “Field X”, located in the North Caspian basin.

“Field X” is a carbonate reservoir divided into several regions that are characterized by

different geological features and a similar pressure decline. The sector for this study is chosen in

the highly fractured region where the matrix permeability is very low and the main oil

production comes through the fractures. Uncertainties involved in modeling fluid flow usually

lead to building a fracture network. Building realistic and representative models of discrete

fracture network (DFN) can help to improve reservoir characterization and make more accurate

flow prediction.

1.1 Objectives of the Research

Reservoir behavior controlled by fluid flow through natural fractures is often complex;

therefore, every fractured reservoir must be studied in detail. The sector for this study is chosen

in the highly fractured region with approximately 10.5 million square meters in surface area and

from 500 to 700 meters in thickness.

The purpose of this study is to create a three-dimensional (3-D) geological model from

the collected field data that can predict the reservoir behavior. In this study FracMan7: Reservoir

Edition software will be used to generate 3-D discrete fracture network models of the selected

sector to provide a more realistic description of the fracture patterns. A 3-D DFN modeling has

not been done on this section of “Field X” before. A neighboring section has been modeled

recently so the results obtained in this study could be compared to the neighboring model. With a
discrete fracture network modeling, many aspects of this “Field X” section are expected to be


 better understanding of the fracture distribution and properties

 well-to-well connectedness

 well’s long term productivity and pressure response

 potential for aquifer encroachment

Natural fractures create complex pathways for fluid flow, which impacts reservoir

characterization, production performance, and total recovery. Understanding and making full use

of the fracture properties in the reservoir is an important factor for improving reservoir

performance. Better understanding of the fracture distribution helps to evaluate the potential

location of new wells in order to optimize drilling procedure and direction, among other things.

Borehole connected fracture analysis determines all fractures in the chosen area that are

connected to the well, whether directly or by interconnected fractures, and it shows how the

wells in the sector are interconnected through the fractures. This analysis is very useful in

choosing proper field development strategy.

Dynamic analysis uses time, pressure, and flow to better characterize fractures.

Predictions of well’s long term productivity and pressure response are valuable inputs to main

business decision and reservoir management strategies. Another objective of dynamic analysis

was to predict potential water flow from the aquifer through the fractures to the producing wells.

The scope of the research can be divided into three main steps: (1) data analysis, (2)

building a DFN model, and (3) DFN model analysis. Step one implies analyzing the information

from different sources of data to obtain parameters necessary to build discrete fracture network
models. These parameters include fracture locations, size, shape, orientation, flow properties,

and the number of distinct fracture sets. Step two involves generating discrete fracture network

models based on the results of the data analysis. Finally, in the last step these networks can be

analyzed to derive engineering information. This includes simple geometric analysis as well as

complex multi-well flow simulations. The history match of well test results using derived DFN

models and actual well test results are compared.

Just finding fractures or mapping fractures is not good enough for developing fractured

reservoirs because not all fractures contribute to flow. Therefore, dynamic behavior of the

fracture network is very important in determining reservoir performance. The derived DFN

model was upscaled to grid properties suitable to export to the flow simulator, ECLIPSE.

1.2 Geological Features of “Field X”

Natural fracture characterization is a complex process that depends on the geological

conditions of reservoir development. The geological environment plays an essential role in the

generation of reservoir fractures. Understanding the geological features of the field of study is

crucial in fracture characterization. Geological aspects of naturally fractured reservoirs, including

reasons for fracture development, are discussed in the following subsection.

“Field X” is an isolated carbonate platform, part of a large system of carbonate reservoirs

located in North Caspian basin in western Kazakhstan. The North Caspian basin is a petroleum-

rich basin located in Kazakhstan and Russia, which occupies the northern part of the Caspian

Sea, and a large plain to the north of the Sea (Figure 1.1) (Ulmishek, 2001). Geologists disagree

on the exact timing of origination of the basin, but they agree that the basin originated as a rift

system. According to seismic and drilling data, the North Caspian basin can be divided into two

main depositional packages, pre-salt and post-salt, separated by Kungurian salt layer.

Figure 1.1 North Caspian basin location (Ulmishek, 2001).

The pre-salt package is composed of Devonian-Carboniferous carbonate build-ups that

are many hundreds of meters high, which provide giant carbonate platform reservoirs. These

reservoirs are similar to one another in their depositional history, facies architecture and overall

geometry. The North Caspian basin is one of the deepest basins in the world, with thickness

more than 20 km (Ulmishek, 2001). The depth range of the reservoirs located in the pre-salt

package is between 3500 and 4000 meters, which results in significant overpressure conditions.

The main hydrocarbon source rocks are thick intervals of deep-water, organic-rich Carboniferous

shales and Devonian shaley carbonates.

During the early Permian, the North Caspian basin became isolated from the open sea

and subsequently evaporated, leading to significant salt deposition (Barde et al. 2002). The salt

layer filled the basin and formed the regional seal for underlying reservoirs (Ulmishek 2001).

The post-salt package is late Permian-Tertiary in age, and consists of a thick sedimentary

sequence. Sediments of this age were deposited above the thick Kungurian salt layer that

initiated salt movement. As a result, complex networks of salt domes and salt walls were formed.

The North Caspian basin is considered to be one of the most important sedimentary

basins in the world due to its size and petroleum potential. Oil and gas fields have been

discovered over the entire North Caspian basin. Most of these hydrocarbons are in pre-salt

carbonate platforms that have created pure stratigraphic traps in isolated carbonate platforms.

One of these carbonate build-ups is our studied “Field X”, with horizontally bedded grainstones

and packstones which are the primary reservoir components.

“Field X” is naturally depleted by solution-gas drive with good matrix properties. The

central platform has good intergranular porosity (up to 18%), while matrix permeability remains

very low (less than 10 mD). The oil is volatile with stock tank gravity about 47o API and highly

undersaturated, with initial pressure of 8000 psi more than bubble point pressure. Moreover,

production operations of “Field X” are complicated by extremely sour oil with about 18%

hydrogen sulfide content.

In “Field X” fracture density and distribution have an important effect on reservoir

performance and recovery efficiency. A significant portion of oil production comes from the

regions around the buildup margin and slope, where the best well productivities go up to 20,000

barrels of oil per day (BOPD) because of fractures and dissolution-enhanced permeability. The

majority of the fractures in the rim and flank areas tends to be parallel to the depositional margin

and formed due to gravitational collapse of the prograding carbonate platform. Flank and rim

areas have very low porosity less than 6%.

The relationship between the trend of the depositional margin and fracture orientation is

confirmation that the fractures developed relatively early in the evolution of the reservoir. Such

fractures might be considered syn-sedimentary fractures rather than tectonic. Syn-sedimentary

fractures form simultaneously with development of the platform and tend to be parallel to the

depositional margin, while tectonic fractures usually show consistency of fracture orientation

over the reservoir or large area.

“Field X” is a prograding carbonate platform with high-relief margins and moderate to

steep slopes consisting of different platform, reef and slope facies, and each of these facies is

affected differently during the compaction process (Goldhammer, 1997). Rapid progradation in

conjunction with differential compaction of underlying sediments is suggested to be the cause for

formation of fractures. Both open and healed fractures are present. Most of the opened fractures

show dissolution enhancement with wide and variable apertures and irregular walls, suggesting

corrosion within the fractures. Some of the fractures have experienced extensive corrosion and

formed caverns resulting in significant solution-enhanced fracture porosity. Carbonate is soluble

in a weak acid. When acidic water passes through the fractures, it dissolves the formation

resulting in enlargement of fracture network. If the water table is stable, fractures might grow

into large caverns up to several meters.

Fractures have significant influence on hydrocarbon migration, storage and permeability

of the reservoir, especially in the outer platform and flank regions. Therefore, understanding

complex fracture network is important for proper flow behavior prediction in “Field X”, and

building a representative DFN model of the field becomes an important part of this study.



This chapter presents three methods to describe fluid flow in the naturally fractured

reservoir, including dual-porosity/single-permeability, dual‐porosity/dual‐permeability and

discrete fracture network models. In addition, the following subsection provides literature review

of the existing works on the discrete fracture network modeling.

2.1 Literature Review

According to Gilman (2003), there are three approaches usually used to describe fluid

flow in naturally fractured petroleum reservoirs. The first approach is represented by a dual‐

porosity/single-permeability model, in which matrix blocks are connected only through the

fracture network. In such model most of the fluid storage is provided by the porous matrix,

whose porosity is much larger than the porosity of the fractures, and the fluid flow occurs only in

highly permeable fractures. The second approach is represented by a dual‐porosity/dual‐

permeability model, in which in comparison to the previous model, the matrix blocks also

communicate with each other allowing fluid flow in the matrix in addition to matrix‐to‐fracture


The third approach, the discrete fracture network flow modeling, is the most recent

method, which relies on three‐dimensional spatial mapping of fracture planes to construct an

interconnected network of fracture surfaces. Any three‐dimensional reservoir rock volume,

bounded by fracture planes, is a matrix block. The main advantage of a DFN model over the

other two models is that fractures are represented as discrete features rather than being presented

as a set of regularly spaced fracture network inside the matrix cubes. The purpose of this study is

to build discrete fracture network model for the naturally fractured reservoir, “Field X”.

These kinds of DFN models were developed in the late 1980s, because of the need to

investigate flow in a proposed nuclear waste repository, which led to the emergence of the

stochastic fracture models. These models also found application in mining engineering. A

discrete fracture network model represents the natural fracture system consisting of a group of

planes. Early models of fracture network were deterministic as a group of previously defined

fractures. This fracture network model was simple in which fractures were fixed, splitting the

space in equal cubes (Figure 2.1a). When examining outcrop example, fractures did not appear in

this manner; therefore, stochastic models soon were proposed.

The first stochastic models were simple models in which fractures were considered planar

and finite. Since there was no indication of their actual shape, fractures were considered as disks.

The methodology for the modeling of a fracture network has been developed by many authors.

One of such models is Baecher model in which finite-size fractures are disks with random

diameters and orientations (Figure 2.1b). The simplest stochastic assumption distributed disks of

different shape, size and direction at different locations of formation; as a result, fractures

intersect each other. Later this methodology has been reviewed and extended by other

researchers such as Dershowitz and Einstein (1988).

It is necessary to remember that natural fracture characterization is a complex process

and depends on the geological conditions of reservoir development. This geological environment

plays an essential role in the generation of reservoir fractures. Fractures of the same category that

are probably generated at the same time are grouped into a fracture set. Each fracture network

containing fractures is created of at least one fracture set but is not necessarily limited to it. The

situation for sedimentary rocks is very different, so more complex models were developed to

include the relationship between the various fracture sets.

Figure 2.1 Orthogonal (a) and Baecher (b) models (Dershowitz and Einstein,1988).

Conrad and Jacquin were probably the first who presented a two stage model which

includes the relationship between subsequently generated fracture sets (Einstein et al., 2000). In

the 1990s, the rock mechanics group of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

developed a model in which the fractures are created in a hierarchical pattern. This model

produces more realistic two-dimensional fracture representation. At the same time, similar

models were developed by other researchers. These models were typically two-dimensional and

have a loose relationship to the geological genesis of the fractures. Later it was improved at MIT

by Ivanova (1998) and Meyer (1999) by creating a three-dimensional model which is relatively

powerful and flexible. Figure 2.2 shows two different fractures sets combined in one model. It
represents the essential geologic genesis of the fractures. This model is both stochastic and

hierarchical since it reproduces geometrical features according to stochastic distribution and

generates fractures into related fractures sets.

Figure 2.2 Fracture sets generation in hierarchical model (Golder, 2012).

2.2 Application of DFN Models

Discrete fracture network modeling is a stochastic representation of natural fracture

networks and has been used increasingly in naturally fractured reservoir characterization for

hydrocarbons. Generation of the fracture network is predicted by statistical information from the

field measurement data. In this study, FracMan7: Reservoir Edition software, developed by

Golder Associates, will be used to build and analyze DFN that supports an integrated assessment

of fractured reservoirs from data analysis, through fracture generation, to flow simulation. In

DFN models, a series of individual fractures are generated based on stochastic descriptions of

fracture properties including intensity, orientation and size. FracMan7 generates 3-D fracture

network models to provide a more realistic description of the pattern of fractures. The statistical

properties of the generated fracture network reflect the properties of actual fracture distribution

in the studied area. This software uses a hierarchical object model for all required objects to

build a model of a fractured reservoir.

Beside the static analysis, dynamic fracture analysis can be performed in built DFN

model. Dynamic analysis uses time, pressure, and flow to better characterize fractures. The

primary objective of DFN models is to serve as the basis for flow simulation of the carbonate

reservoir. A generated fracture network is usually an input for a flow simulation model.

Therefore, the flow simulation of an accurately built DFN model can help in choosing an

appropriate developing strategy and in predicting reservoir performance.

Three wells are selected in a highly fractured region of “Field X”. These wells

demonstrate high production potential. It is believed that these wells are interconnected through

the fracture network since they show similar pressure decline regardless when an individual well

came online or well cumulative production. Connection to the fracture network explains wide

range in production behavior. However, these three wells appear to be somewhat disconnected

from the rest of the field, because pressure response is not observed in further offset wells. The

boundary between regions is drawn where individual well pressure decline trends appear to

separate from the rest of the group. The geological concept for this region is that the fracture

network is somewhat disconnected from other fracture networks, while at the same time, intra-

region connectivity remains high.



Field data analysis implies analyzing the information from different sources of data to

obtain parameters necessary to build discrete fracture network models. The main objective of this

chapter is to show the raw data that is used for constructing the DFN models, and to discuss how

the model inputs are defined.

3.1 Defining Effective Fractures

There are basically three major sources of data acquisition on natural fractures: outcrop

data, seismic data and well data. For the region of “Field X”, high resolution seismic data are not

helpful because these fractures fall below the seismic resolution. For this research, mainly well

log data was used along with some outcrop analog data. Only “effective” fractures are used for

computation of fracture properties. According to Narr (2010): “An effective fracture is one that

is both open and thought to have a significant extent, either individually or via connection with

other fractures and significantly affect fluid flow to the wellbore.” Borehole data are used to

define various important inputs to build representative fracture models. These properties are

defined below in the following subsections.

Conventional logging methods, drilling information, and production logs provide the

critical information for judging whether the fractures are “effective” or not. All effective

fractures were interpreted by a company geologist and are supplied including depth and fracture

orientation. While these fractures were examined in the current work, our assumption is that the

fractures were accurately interpreted by the geologist, and these fractures will form the

foundation for the DFN modeling.

Many well logs respond in a certain way to the fractures. Below is the brief description of

each log used for fracture interpretation with respect to its fracture response. Moreover,

analyzing a single log is not enough, but reviewing all logs together results in the best and most

coherent conclusion. Some data was modified in order not to reveal the nature of the field;

however, not in a manner that would influent the results of the work.

3.1.1 Formation Micro Imager (FMI) logs

Formation Micro Imager (FMI) logs are the main source for fracture characterization.

FMI logs provide an electrical borehole image generated from microresistivity measurements.

The logs were interpreted by company geologist to calculate important information including

orientation, depth, and aperture of the fractures and bedding plane. Every fracture detected from

FMI logs is analyzed as to whether it is open or healed and how it corresponds to the dynamic

responses at the wellbore. Open fractures generally are filled with resistive oil-based drilling

mud or formation oil and as a result, show high resistivity and appear white on the images. FMI

logs provide images of a 360 degree view of the borehole wall in 2D such that fractures

correspond to sine waves on these images. Figure 3.1 shows the FMI log for Wll-B.

3.1.2 Photoelectric (PEF) logs

The photoelectric log measures the photoelectric absorption of gamma rays by electrons.

Barite, one of the components of drilling mud, has a very large photoelectric absorption index

(Pe). When drilling mud penetrates into open fractures, it results in sharp peaks of the Pe-curve.

Noisy responses on the PEF log (filled with yellow color) show that these fractures are open

(Figure 3.2a).

Figure 3.1 Example of fracture in Well-B on FMI log. Original FMI image on the left and
interpreted on the right.

3.1.3 Stoneley wave

Stoneley waves are usually generated during borehole sonic logging. They propagate

along the walls of a fluid-filled borehole. Fractures have significant effects on Stoneley waves,

especially in the low frequency range. Waves traveling past permeable fractures cause

attenuation of wave amplitude. This log response is shown as filled with purple color (Figure


3.1.4 Caliper logs

The Caliper tool measures the size of the borehole along its depth. Any deviation in the

borehole diameter from the drilled diameter might indicate the presence of fractures. However,
washouts also an indicate increase in the borehole diameter, which is why fracture interpretation

should be made in conjunction with different methods based on different sources. In this case

(Figure 3.2b) the Caliper log does not show any enlargement in borehole diameter, although

other tools show the presence of fractures. In the next example in Well-A, the Caliper log shows

clear response to the fractures which were also confirmed by temperature and production logs

(Figure 3.3a).

3.1.5 Production logs

The Production logging tool (PLT) analyzes dynamic well performance and the

productivity of different zones. It also can be used to evaluate proportional contribution or total

flow of specific wellbore intervals. In the fractured reservoir, the PLT is run in the well under

flowing conditions to evaluate fluid contribution from the fractures. The zones with a sharp

increase in flow rate on the PLT log of cumulative oil production are potential zones with

conductive fractures (Figure 3.2d).

3.1.6 Temperature logs

The temperature of the drilling mud in the well is usually cooler than the formation

temperature. Hot formation fluid influx should increase the temperature and acts as a good

indicator of potential fracture location. Generally the temperature log is plotted as a second

derivative of temperature against depth. The second derivative measures how the rate of change

is itself changing. The Temperature log below indicates two possible inflow points into the

wellbore which are perfectly correlated to the responses of other tools (Figure 3.3b).

Figure 3.2 Example of open, effective fractures in Well-B on FMI image log (c) and
responses of other tools in the same interval: photoelectric and Stoneley logs (a), caliper log (b),
and production log (d).

3.1.7 Drilling information

Besides conventional logs, some drilling information can be used in order to identify

potential fractures. The initial indicator when drilling through the fractures are inconsistent

torque, sudden increase in rate of penetration and where caverns exist, drill bit drop.

Encountering those conditions leads to severe lost circulation and, as a result, well controls

issues. Generally lost circulation information is useful in detection of the presence of conductive

fractures. Figure 3.4 provides some drilling information of the same fractures which were

defined in Figure 3.3 by temperature and production logs. There are two main high density

intervals of fractures which correspond to lost circulation and drill bit drop zones, represented by

last two columns in purple and black colors, respectively. Lost circulation zones can give a

qualitative estimation of fractures conductivity based on the lost volume. For example, the upper

fractured interval experienced lost circulation about 200-220 bbl/hr and drill bit drop up to 5

meters, while the lower zone only lost 50 bbl/hr. Thus the upper zone should be more conductive

than the lower zone.

Figure 3.3 Example of open, effective fractures in Well-A on Caliper (a), Temperature (b)
and Production logs (c) in the same depth interval.

Figure 3.4 Snapshot from the wellbook of Well-A.

3.2 Defining Model Region

The sector for this study was chosen in the highly fractured region with approximately

10.5 million square meters of surface area. The interest region is surrounded by a boundary

separating it from other fracture networks on 3 sides, and has no boundary on one side. The 4th

side is connected to a larger fracture network, but it is large distance between producing wells,

and is represented by a no flow boundary in the flow models. The top and bottom layers of

reservoir can be determined from the logs, which can be used to construct the top and bottom

surfaces of the model.

Field data for the three wells are available in the selected sector. Based on the log data for

these wells, a measured thickness range of reservoir is defined from 500 meters to 700 meters.

For this model two surfaces of reservoir layers will define the fracture generation region, where

the south-west corner is thicker than the north-east corner (Figure 3.5).

Figure 3.5 Structural model in FracMan with surfaces and wells.



This chapter explains how inputs for FracMan software are derived from the data for

“Field X” and analyzed to build a DFN model. These parameters include fracture locations,

intensity, size, shape, orientation, and the number of distinct fracture sets.

4.1 Generation Model

FracMan allows using three different fracture generation models: Enhanced Baecher,

Nearest Neighbor, and Levy Lee. The Enhanced Baecher is the most common model for

fractured reservoirs, and was used in this study. The Enhanced Baecher model extends the

classical Baecher model, which is generally generated by Poisson’s process, by providing

fracture termination and fracture shape (Dershowitz et al, 1988).

The fracture generation region was defined as a volume between the top and bottom

layers of reservoir. There are two options to terminate fractures within generation region:

generation by “surface points” and “centers”. Both methods generate fractures at a random

location in the generation region. In this research, generation of fractures was chosen by the

“centers”, where generation location is the center of the fracture, while for “surface points”, the

location is a random point on the fracture, which may generate a large portion of the fracture out

of the generation region. In the Enhanced Baecher model, FracMan inspects every fracture. If it

intersects a pre-existing fracture, the portion of the fracture is terminated at that intersection.

4.2 Fracture Intensity

Fracture intensity is one of the most important characteristics. According to Dershowitz

(1984), fracture intensity can be measured in one, two, and three dimensions. However, field

measurements of fracture intensity in the formation are usually in one dimension, along a

sampling borehole. One dimension fracture intensity measurements generally represent the

number of fractures per unit length in the rock mass

(Dershowitz 1984). For example, if there are 3 fractures

are interpreted in 10 m (32.8 ft) wellbore (Figure 4.1),

the fracture intensity could be estimated by the Equation

4.1 and would be 0.3 1/m (0.09 1/ft).

(Eq. 4.1)


- number of fracture, unitless

- length, m (ft)

Implementation of these measurements significantly

improves the consistency of discrete fracture analysis

and modeling. Fracture intensity is typically estimated

from the image logs.

Figure 4.1 Illustration of fractures in the wellbore (Narr et al., 2006).

According to the company geologist’s interpretation, no effective fractures are defined in

Well-C. Since only effective fractures are used for computation of fracture properties, field data

for Well-A and Well-B are analyzed. Figure 4.2a shows interpreted natural fracture (full dots)

and bedding (hollow dots) data as a tadpole plot from Well-A, where fractures are plotted as dots

on a depth-dip graph and tails show azimuth direction of the fractures. Different colors

correspond to the various types of natural fractures. In this study, there is no difference between

colors; they all correspond to natural fractures. Totally, 101 natural fractures were analyzed from

the image log, from which only 31 fractures were interpreted as effective fractures.

Figure 4.2 Tadpole plot of Well-A (a) and Well-B (b) (snapshot from image log
interpretation). Different colors correspond to the various types of natural fractures.
According to the drilling information, 8 caverns were defined. Cavern is a solution

enlarged fracture and is shown on the Tadpole plot by the two fractures, which represents paired

cavern walls. Those two fractures do not show true orientation of the cavern because dip

direction of the cavern walls depend on the location where the cavern was drilled through and the

shape of the cavern (Figure 4.3a and 4.3b).

Stereoplots are used to visualize 3-D orientation of fracture poles in 2-D space. The

values around the circle represent azimuth direction and values toward the center represent a dip

angle. All cavern walls are plotted on stereoplot and also in FracMan for better visualization of

dip direction (Figure 4.4). As apparent, the dip directions of most of the cavern walls are in

Figure 4.3 Dip of cavern walls in similar direction (a) and opposite direction (b) (snapshot
from image log interpretation). Example of cavern walls with simillar dip direction (c) and
opposite dip direction (d) in Well-A built in FracMan.

Figure 4.4 Stereoplot of cavern walls defined in Well-A (a) and their 3-D visualization (b).

opposite directions. Below is the example of dip orientation in opposite directions of the biggest

interpreted cavern (around 4 meters in depth) in Well-A on the FMI log with fracture responses

on other logs (Figure 4.5). This particular cavern was also reproduced in FracMan for

visualization purposes only (Figure 4.3d).

Analysis at the defined caverns was performed in order not to double count the number of

fractures, since cavern represents one solution enlarged fracture represented by the two fractures

which are paired cavern walls. Representing the cavern by a single fracture decreases the number

of effective fractures from 31 to 23 fractures. Fracture intensity over the studied interval (627

meters (2057 ft)) was calculated by equation 1and equal to 0.0366 1/m (0.011 1/ft).

The same analysis was perfermed on Well-B, where a total number of 21 effective

fractures and 1 cavern were interpreted (Figure 4.2b). Fracture intensity over the logged interval

(376 meters (1234 ft)) was calculated and equal to 0.0532 1/m (0.016 1/ft). Unfortunately, image

data does not cover the part of reservoir which is about 324 meters (1063 ft), where fracture

intensity could be same or 0. To be unbiased the fracture intensity for the unknown depth was

assumed same to the logged interval with 50% probability which is 0.0266 1/m (0.008 1/ft) or 8

effective fractures. Fracture intensity value in Well-B over the total depth in reservoir is equal to

0.04 fractures/m (0.012 1/ft) or 28 effective fractures. By avareging outputs from two wells, the

fracture intensity value for reservior was calculated as an input for FracMan model and equal to

0.038 1/m (0.0117 1/ft).

Figure 4.5 Example of cavern in Well-A on FMI log with walls in dip opposite direction.

4.3 Fracture Orientation

Fracture orientation is a critical input in DFN modeling since it contributes to reservoir

fluid flow by controlling directional permeability. Planar polygons are used to model fractures in

FracMan. Orientation of the fractures surface in FracMan is defined by dip and pole (Figure

4.6). Dip is the inclination of the fracture plan from horizontal, and pole is a vector normal to the

fracture plane. There are many data sources that provide information on fracture orientation. In

this study wellbore images were used by the company geologist to interpret dip and azimuth of

fractures intersecting the wellbore. For orientation analysis only effective fractures were

analyzed excluding dip direction of the cavern walls because dip direction of cavern walls

depend on the location where the cavern was drilled through and the shape of the cavern (Figure

4.3a and 4.3b).

Figure 4.6 Planar polygon model of fracture in FracMan (Golder, 2012).

There are several different ways to display fracture orientation including a tadpole plot,

and a stereoplot, which were introduced in subsection 4.2, a rose diagram and a countered

stereoplot. A Rose diagram represents a histogram of the strike of natural fractures, and a
countered stereoplot shows pole density contours on the stereoplot. Orientations of all natural

fractures were analyzed for the Well-A (Figure 4.7). Overall, the trend of all natural fractures is

parallel to the platform margin, which agrees with the syn-sedimentary theory of the fractures

origin. The trend of the effective fractures is more scattered, while the overall trend is also

parallel to the platform margin (Figure 4.8).

Figure 4.7 All natural fractures in Well-A on rose diagram (a), lower hemisphere projection
(b), and contoured stereoplot (c).

Figure 4.8 Effective fractures, excluding orientation of cavern walls, in Well-A on rose
diagram (a), lower hemisphere projection (b), and contoured stereoplot (c).

Fractures of the same category, which are probably generated at the same time, are

grouped into a fracture set. The assumption in grouping fractures into sets is that they probably

have the same fracture properties including orientation.

One thing that can help us to identify fracture sets is a Cumulative Fracture Intensity

(CFI) plot. A CFI plot displays the percentage of fractures as a function of measured depth along

the well. Two constant slopes (grey and brown) in the CFI plot indicate zones of constant

fracture intensity, which usually correspond to distinct stratigraphic zones in the reservoir

(Figure 4.9). Fracture Set 1groups fractures of depth range 1000-1100 meters, while Fracture Set

2 groups fractures of depth range 1100-1400 meters. Fracture Set 1 is more representative,

because the trend is parallel to the platform margin (Figure 4.10).

Figure 4.9 Cumulative Fracture Intensity plot of effective fractures in Well-A.

Figure 4.10 Fracture Set 1 in Well-A on rose diagram (a), lower hemisphere projection (b),
and contoured stereoplot (c).

Applying the same approach for estimating fracture orientation, field data of

Well-B was analyzed. Overall, the trend of all natural fracture orientations is SE-NW, which is

consistent with the fracture orientation of effective fractures (Figure 4.11-4.12). Effective

fractures are plotted mainly far away from the center on the stereoplot (Figure 4.11b), which

implies that the fracture dip angle is steep and fractures are almost subparallel to the wellbore.

No distinctive fracture sets were observed.

Figure 4.11 All natural fractures in Well-B on rose diagram (a), lower hemisphere projection
(b), and contoured stereoplot (c).

Figure 4.12 Effective fractures, excluding orientation of cavern walls, in Well-B on rose
diagram (a), lower hemisphere projection (b), and contoured stereoplot (c).

The fracture orientation can be statistically characterized by several distributions.

FracMan has a statistical optimization tool called the Interactive Set Identification System (ISIS).

ISIS analyzes field data of fracture sets with similar properties and estimates distribution

parameters. ISIS analyses was run on the identified fracture sets in Well-A and fractures in Well-

B. Statistical analysis defined how well the data fit different distributions, and showed that all

fracture orientations are best described with a Fisher distribution (Figure 4.13). It describes the

data by mean pole orientation and the dispersion parameter ( ), which is similar to the standard

deviation. Dispersion parameter, (kappa), can vary from 0, when data is essentially randomly

dispersed on the sphere, to ∞, when all orientations are exactly the same (Figure 4.14) (Golder,


Based on field data analyses from Well-A and Well-B, different trends of fracture

orientations were defined over reservoir. Three different DFN models (Figure 4.15) are built

based on distinctive trends observed in studied wells: orientation of Fracture Set 1 (Model 1),

orientation of two fracture sets (Model 2), and orientation of fractures in Well-B (Model 3). By

running the ISIS analysis, Fisher distribution parameters are collected in Table 4.1.
Figure 4.13 Statistical summary of ISIS analysis for all fracture sets.

Figure 4.14 Examples of dispersion parameter in Fisher distribution (Golder, 2012).

Table 4.1 Fisher distribution parameters

Model Details Pole trend, deg Pole plunge, deg Dispersion

Model 1 Set 1, Well-A 93 22 9.5
Set 1, Well-A 93 22 9.5
Model 2
Set 2, Well-A 278 82 1.7
Model 3 Set 3, Well-B 243 3 6.1

Figure 4.15 Stereoplots of fracture orientations from different models: Model 1-orientation of
Fracture Set 1 (a), Model 2 - orientation of two Fracture Sets 1 (red dots) and 2 (blue dots) (b),
and Model 3-orientation of Fracture Set 3in Well-B (c).

4.4 Fracture Aperture

Fracture aperture is a perpendicular width of the fracture. Aperture measurements are

calculated directly from FMI logs. Previous research showed that the fracture aperture

distribution follows lognormal distribution (Keller, 1996; Gale, 1987). The lognormal

distribution is described by the mean and standard deviation. In this study the mean and standard

deviation for a lognormal distribution were specified in log10 space. In FracMan it can be done

by using the Normal of Log distribution. The cumulative distribution function of the lognormal

distribution for aperture was plotted (Figure 4.16). Plot contains data of all interpreted effective

fractures from Well-A and Well-B (total 43) including caverns. Caverns have big contribution to

flow capacity, which is represented by transmissibility, the product of the aperture and


Figure 4.16 Lognormal distribution for fracture aperture.

4.5 Fracture Size and Shape

Fracture size is probably the least known parameter because it cannot be measured

directly with any downhole tool. Deriving fracture size from image logs is difficult, because a

wellbore intersects only part of the fracture. Another source of size information can come from

examination of outcrop analogs. Dynamic data can provide a general idea of the length of the

fractures (Hoffman et al, 2009).

Information on fracture shape is also limited since even an outcrop exposure does not

provide complete information on shape. Fractures in FracMan are generated as planar polygons

with a given number of sides. Moreover, FracMan allows specifying an aspect ratio and a

direction in which the fractures are to be stretched. In our study fracture shape is assumed to be a

square shape with equal sides, where fracture length represents the fracture side (Figure 4.17).

Figure 4.17 Square model of fracture in FracMan.

Fracture size in FracMan is specified in terms of equivalent radius ( ) of the fracture.

Equivalent radius is the radius of a circle that would have the same area as the area of the

fracture ( ).

(Eq. 4.2)

– area of the fracture, m2 (ft)
– constant
– equivalent radius, m (ft)

Area of a square fracture is defined by the following equation:

(Eq. 4.3)

By combining Equations 4.2 and 4.3, fracture size is estimated in term of equivalent radius:

√ (Eq. 4.4)

By rearranging Equation 4.4, the equivalent radius can be defined in term of fracture length:

Several DFN models were built based on different assumptions. The first model assumed

constant size fractures. Fracture size is measured by the company geologist based on

examination of outcrop analogs. This source of length information measured at an outcrop even

in the same formation may differ significantly from the length in the reservoir. Even though this

is an important reason, the outcrop analog can be particularly clarifying with respect to the

reservoir. The company geologists measured exposed lengths of fractures on two scan lines in

mechanically similar analog. The average exposed length was between 20-50 meters (65-164 ft)
with maximum length up to 120 meters (394 ft). However, most of the fractures are incompletely

measured due to limitation of the exposure, so their actual length could have been greater than

measured. The first model assumed constant size of a square fracture with 100 m. (328 ft) of

fracture length, since is input in FracMan it was calculated and equals 56 m. (184 ft).

The second model is based on correlation of fracture size to the aperture distribution. It is

a well-known fact that fracture size is correlated to fracture aperture. Although the accurate

functional relationship is not well understood, a linear relationship is probable (Ozkaya, 2003).

Since we have an aperture distribution, fracture size can be estimated using the linear

relationship. Fracture size is assumed to be 1000 times bigger than the fracture aperture but not

more than 1000 meters in length. Some fractures on the FMI log have an aperture up to 3.5

meters (11.5 ft); therefore, the maximum size limit was implemented. Additional model

sensitivity is built with a size assumption 2000 times larger than the fracture aperture.

Based on the assumptions stated in this chapter, the DFN model was built (Figure 4.18,

4.19 and 4.20) using the following main inputs:

 generation model-enhanced Baecher

 linear fracture intensity

 fracture orientation-fisher distribution of fracture Set1

 fracture size-normal of log distribution

Figure 4.18 Discrete Fracture Network model, Model 1.

Figure 4.19 Histogram of equivalent radius with Normal of Log distribution trend line, Model

Figure 4.20 Histogram of fracture size with Normal of Log distribution trend line, Model 1.



The objective of this chapter is to describe the well test simulation that was done in this

research using FracMan software and to compare simulated results with actual test results. Well

test complete so that fracture properties can be estimated.

5.1 Fracture Properties

Qualitative and quantitative information might be gained by performing well test

analysis. Acquired information is interpreted to estimate reservoir parameters. Reservoir property

values with the pressure and derivative data in graphical form were provided in a well test

analysis spreadsheet prepared by the company reservoir engineer.

When the DFN model is built, fracture properties such as aperture, permeability and

compressibility are assigned to the generated fractures. As it was discussed in Chapter 4, the

fracture length was assumed 1000 times bigger than the aperture, so the fracture aperture was

calculated back (Figure5.1). Compressibility is defined by the change in volume of fluid and

rock in a response to a pressure. Storage properties of the fractures come from the

compressibility of the fluids in the fractures and the compressibility of the fractures. In the

fracture generation section of FracMan software, fracture compressibility is used as one of the

many inputs. In the well test inputs of the Fracman software, fluid compressibility is used. The

well test data provided by the operating company contains total compressibility. For the DFN

models fracture compressibility was assigned a negligible value and total compressibility was

used as fluid compressibility in the well test section. This provides an approximate solution and

has been used successfully to model well test behavior with FracMan in similar situations

(Golder, 2012).

Figure 5.1 Histogram of fracture aperture with Normal of Log distribution trend line, Model 1.

Fluid flow through fractures is a different process than the flow through homogeneous

pore systems. In the fractured region, the natural fractures play a significant role in controlling

hydrocarbon flow. The fracture permeability is so large that the matrix permeability is not

important. Fracture permeability is calculated based on dynamic data from production logging

tests (PLT) and pressure transient tests (PTT). This method estimates transmissibility ( ), the

product of the permeability and the aperture, that represents flow capacity.

The production log profile represents cumulative oil production along the depth starting

at the deepest producing fracture through the shallowest producing fracture (Figure 5.2a). The
impact of each effective conductive fracture creates a jump in the flow rate on the log (bright

green color), where the height of the elevation shows the fracture’s flow rate. The jumps on the

production log match some interpreted effective fractures from the FMI logs. The most prolific

fractures were chosen for permeability computation purposes. Each conductive fracture was

assigned a percent of the flow (Table 5.1). A reproduced production log was build based on the

most conductive fractures (Figure 5.2b) including caverns.

The total transmissibility values for Well-A and Well-B were estimated by the company

reservoir engineer and were equal to 9280 and 4690 mD*m, respectively. Transmissibility of

each conductive fracture can be calculated by multiplying total transmissibility by its percentage

of the flow rate. Finally, permeability of the fractures can be calculated by dividing fracture

transmissibility by its aperture:

(Eq. 5.1)

The outputs for Well-A are presented in Table 5.1. The same procedure was performed

with data for Well-B in order to calculate fracture permeability (Figure 5.3 and Table 5.2).

Notice that individual fractures can have permeability as high as hundreds of Darcy’s.

The calculated permeability values from both wells were analyzed for the relationship to

its aperture values. Log-log plots for each well demonstrate strong aperture-permeability

correlations (Figure 5.4 and 5.5). Those plots show that aperture and permeability have a power

law relationship with displayed equations of the trend lines. By analyzing the equations, a

universal equation was estimate to calculate permeability for each fracture in the DFN model

(Figure 5.6) based on aperture distribution, which is:

(Eq. 5.2)
Figure 5.2 Snapshot of flow rate from PLT report for Well-A (a) and reproduced production
log based on the most prolific fractures (b).

Table 5.1 Properties of the conductive fractures, Well-A

Figure 5.3 Snapshot of flow rate from PLT report for Well-B (a) and reproduced production
log based on the most prolific fractures (b).

Table 5.2 Properties of the conductive fractures, Well-B

Aperture-Permeability correlation

100000 y = 912.12x-0.675
Permeability, mD





0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000
Aperture, m

Figure 5.4 Aperture-Permeability correlation based on PLT analysis, Well-A.

Aperture-Permeability correlation

100000 y = 1026.5x-0.786
Permeability, mD





0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000
Aperture, m

Figure 5.5 Aperture-Permeability correlation based on PLT analysis, Well-B.

Figure 5.6 Histogram of fracture permeability, Model 1.

5.2 Well Test Simulation

The main objective of the well test analysis is to compare well test results using built

DFN models and the results of actual tests. A well test data provided by the operating company

contains reservoir property values with the pressure drop and pressure derivative as data and in

graphical form.

The well test data only available for Well-A and Well-C; therefore, the history matches

of well test results were compared only for those wells. Well test simulation was still done for

Well-B, in FracMan; although there was no measured data to match it to. In addition to the well
test data, the PLT data was also available. The oil in the reservoir is highly undersaturated and

not expected to drop below bubble point during well test flowing; as a result, single phase is

specified in the well test simulations. The flow rate for Well-A was estimated at around 1113

m3/d (7000 bbl/d) with a formation volume factor 2.213, and the test was run for 10 hours. Oil

properties are assigned such as density 782 kg/m3 (6.53 ppg), viscosity 0.175 cP, and

compressibility 0.000324 1/bar (22.34*10-6 1/psi). As was discussed in the previous subsection,

the fracture compressibility was assigned a negligible value and total compressibility was used as

the fluid compressibility in well test simulations. The initial pressure was 623.6 bar (9044 psi).

All generated fractures were included in the simulation.

To decrease the model size and increase simulation speed the Box Region was installed

with each well in the middle. A 1000 meter (3281 ft) square Box Region was defined. The size

was selected by a trial and error method; with successively lager sizes until the larger box did not

change the well test outputs, 1000 meter (3281 ft) fit these criteria (Figure 5.7). The well effects

such as skin factor, well bore storage, diameter are also included in the simulation, while the

matrix effects are not because in this research, the matrix has little influence. The well effects

take account well storage of 0.07 m3/bar (0.17 ft3/psi), diameter of 0.1524 m (0.5 ft), and skin

effect of -0.356. In the same way, inputs for the well test simulation for Well-C were assigned in

FracMan, while the inputs for Well-B were approximate (Table 5.1).

The well test simulation run with FracMAn produces the pressure-time plot and the log-

log plot of pressure and pressure derivative (Figure 5.8 and 5.9) as a function of time.

Figure 5.7 Box Regions centered on the wells (a) and created mesh (b).

Table 5.3 Inputs for the well test simulation

Well Test Inputs Well-A Well-B Well-C

Duration, hr 10 20 30
Rate, m3/day (bbl/day) 1113 (7000) 1100 (6919) 1000 (6290)
F.V.F. 2.213 2.2 2.14
Oil Density, kg/m (ppg) 782 (6.53) 783 (6.53) 784 (6.53)
Oil Viscosity, cP 0.175 0.2 0.22
Oil Compressibility, 1/bar 0.000324 0.000324 0.000324
(1/psi) (22.34*10-6) (22.34*10-6) (22.34*10-6)
Initial Pressure, bar (psi) 623.6 (9044) 700 (10153) 778 (11284)
Well storage, m3/bar
0.07 (0.17) 0.06 (0.146) 0.05 (0.123)
Well diameter, m (ft) 0.1524 (0.5) 0.1524 (0.5) 0.1524 (0.50
Skin effect -0.356 0 -3.34

Figure 5.8 Pressure responses in Well-B as a function of time.

Figure 5.9 Log-log plot of pressure and pressure derivative in Well-B as a function of time.

5.3 Well Test Matching

Curve matching approach is based on comparison of the actual pressure response of the

well with the simulated model that accounts for the main characteristics of the reservoir. By the

achieving a match, reservoir parameters can be estimated. The main matching involves skin

effect and transmissibility. The skin effect controls the “hump” shape curve, while the

transmissibility moves the derivative up and down by changing permeability or aperture. Since

the aperture is measured value, permeability was changed in further adjustments.

The results (for example, Figure 5.13) were compared to the measured results on the

same plot. The pressure drop is simply the pressure difference between the initial pressure and

pressure at each step. The pressure derivative is calculated by the following equation:

(Eq. 5.3)


- pressure, bar (psi)

– time, hr

FracMan allows visualizing the pressure drop during the well test simulation (Figure

5.12). Initial assumption was to limit fracture length at 500 m (1640 ft) which resulted in higher

derivative curve (Figure 5.10). The bigger the fracture is, the higher its permeability is. The

maximum fracture length of 1000 meters (3281 ft) was implemented to improve the permeability

(Figure 5.11). An upward trend at the end of the derivative curve indicates boundary effect, so

the high permeability values will bring that upward in earlier. Simulated derivative curve as a

measured data is not flat and has some waves, which is sign of fractured reservoir with variable

fracture geometry and properties.

The model with improved fracture length produced good simulation (Figure 5.11) results.

The pressure and derivative plots show good match except the “hump” shape at the beginning of

derivative, which is controlled by the skin factor. This probably shows that properties of the

generated fractures that intersect the wellbore are not same to the actually observed, while the

remote fracture permeability shows a good match. In order to match “hump” curve, the skin

factor was increased up to 6 (Figure 5.13).

The history matching of well test results were compared for Well-A and Well-C, because

the data for Well-B is not available. Three different cases were examined based on various

fracture orientation models which were defined in Chapter 4 (Table 4.1). Well-A showed good

history matching results throughout all models (Figure 5.13, 5.14, and 5.15) after improving the

inputs mentioned above.

There were no effective fractures observed in Well-C; therefore, simulated well test

results did not match with actual tests (Figure 5.16). In order to match the results, the

permeability values for simulated fractures are decreased. New values are defined by the trial

and error method. The derived permeability input was estimated 50 times less than the original

value. The same three models of fracture orientation were simulated. The history matches do not

show perfect coincidence, even though the pressure drop curves have some similarities (Figure

5.17, 5.18, and 5.19).

Figure 5.10 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), Well-A Model 1 with maximum fracture length 500 m.

Figure 5.11 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), Well A Model 1 with maximum fracture length 1000 m.

Figure 5.12 Pressure visualization during the well test (time-10 hours), Well-A.

Figure 5.13 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), Model 1.
Figure 5.14 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), Model 2.

Figure 5.15 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), Model 3.

Figure 5.16 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), initial permeability Model1.

Figure 5.17 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), permeability decreased Model 1.
Figure 5.18 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), permeability decreased Model 2.

Figure 5.19 History match comparison of simulated (green and purple colors) and measured
results (red and blue), permeability decreased Model 3.


Well-C was suspended due to high water cut (up to 60%) shortly after putting it on

production. One concern of this trend is that the water seen at Well-C might end up at nearby

wells. The objective of this chapter was to simulate water flow through the natural fractures and

determine potential water breakthrough in the producing wells (Well-A and Well-B). The built

DFN models were upscaled to grid properties suitable to export to the flow simulator, ECLIPSE,

where the water flow can be modeled. In the current work, many different scenarios were

simulated with different water influx rate and different DFN models to examine the range of

water breakthrough time and water rates in the producing wells.

6.1 Water Influx Problem

Natural fractures enhance the reservoir permeability and act as conduits within the

reservoir for fluid flow, including oil and water. Generally water production in “Field X” wells is

very low with a range from 0 to 3 % water cut.

Well-C was drilled in 2002 using the Closed Hole Circulation Drilling (CHCD) method

to drill through the fractured zone. In March 2004, PLT surveys conducted after acidizing

showed water crossflow, which was interpreted to be CHCD sacrificial water so no action was

taken. Well-C was put on production in March 2008 but it was suspended soon due to high water

cut, which was up to 60% in May 2008. According to a September 2009 PLT survey, the water

influx was estimated around 290 m3/d (1824 bbl/d) (Figure 6.1A). A water shut-off workover

was conducted in February 2011 to isolate water influx from the underlying reservoir. An April

2011 PLT survey showed that the set plug leaked (Figure 6.1B). The workover operation was

continued by setting another plug and dumping cement on the plug in May 2011. A May 2011

PLT survey showed that the water crossflow rate had reduced to 49 m3/d (314 bbl/d) (Figure

6.1C). This water rate was still considered too high to put the well online, so the well has

remained shut since then.

Figure 6.1 PLT results in Well-C from three different times. Water crossflow at the rate of
290 m /d (1824), September 2009 (a), water from the leaky plug at the rate of 120 m3/d (755

bbl/d), April 2011 (b), reduced water crossflow at the rate of 49 m3/d (314 bbl/d), May 2011 (c).
6.2 Fracture Upscaling

Fracture and matrix simulation cells are associated with each grid block to model dual

porosity system in ECLIPSE, which is one of the popular commercial software in the petroleum

industry. In this model, fluid flow is assumed to happen not only in the fracture, but also in the

matrix. In dual porosity models, fractures provide conduits for fluid flow, while the matrix

provides the storage for fluid. These matrix blocks feed hydrocarbon to the fracture network

through which fluid flow to the producing well. The dual porosity model in ECLIPSE uses the

conventional transfer function to describe the interaction between the matrix block and fracture

system. This model requires two simulation cells to represent each grid block. ECLIPSE

associates one cell of each grid block with the matrix and the second cell with the fracture. All

cells need to have porosity and permeability values. Matrix cells in the model are assumed

homogeneous with 5% porosity and 0.1 mD permeability. When upscaling of fracture properties,

FracMan preserves heterogeneity and translates the geological description of fracture networks

into reservoir simulation parameters.

The FracMan software is used to populate the fracture part of the dual porosity cells with

properties including porosity, permeability and sigma factor. FracMan is also used to generate

the cell coordinates. Before upscaling analyses can be performed, a 46 x 44 x 30 (60720 cells)

grid was created between the surfaces, which corresponds to 4500 x 4200 x 600 meters (14764 x

13780 x 1969 ft) of simulated reservoir section (Figure 6.2). FracMan supplies a corner-point-

gridding coordinate system for the entire grid. When exporting the grid to an ECLIPSE, the

coordinates are converted into the ECLIPSE system (Figure 6.3). An upscale analysis includes

Oda permeability in the x, y and z directions, fracture porosity, and sigma factor analysis.

Figure 6.2 Grid between surfaces.

Figure 6.3 Exported grid coordinates into ECLIPSE, 3-D view of reservoir in Petrel.

6.2.1 Fracture permeability

Fracture permeability depends on the fracture intensity, on the interconnectivity of the

fractures, and fracture transmissivities (Golder, 2012). Oda (1985) developed an approach to

approximate solution of the fracture permeability. Oda’s method starts with the orientation of

each fracture in a grid cell expressed as a unit normal vector . Integrating the fractures over all

of the unit normal , Oda obtained a tensor describing the mass moment of inertia of fracture

normals distributed over a unit sphere (Golder, 2012):

∫ (Eq. 6.1)


– number of fractures in

– the components of a unit normal to the fracture

– probability density function that describes the number of fractures whose

unit vector are oriented within a small solid angle

– entire solid angle corresponding to the surface of a unit sphere

An empirical fracture tensor can be calculated by adding the individual fractures for a specific

grid cell weighted by their area and transmissivity:

∑ (Eq. 6.2)


– fracture tensor

– grid cell volume

– total number of fractures in grid cell

– area of fracture
– transmissivity of fracture

– the components of a unit normal to the fracture

Finally, the Oda’s permeability tensor is derived from by assuming that expresses fracture

flow as a vector along the fracture’s unit normal. Assuming that fractures are impermeable in a

direction parallel to their unit normal, must be rotated into the planes of permeability:

( ) (Eq. 6.3)


– permeability tensor

– trace of fracture tensor

– Kroenecker’s delta

Oda’s solution has the advantage that it can be calculated without requiring flow

simulations. Oda permeability generated by the FracMan represents effective fracture

permeability (Figure 6.4).

6.2.2 Fracture porosity

Generally, fracture porosity is the proportion of the total volume of fractures over the unit

volume. The fracture porosity depends only on fracture geometry and can be calculated as the

product of fracture area per cell volume and the aperture of the fractures (Equation 6.4), where

fracture area is simply product of fracture size and height.

∑( )
(Eq. 6.4)

– total volume of fracture, m3

– total volume, m3

Fracture porosity depends on the fracture intensity, size, and aperture. In FracMan, the fracture

porosity can be calculated for each grid cell, based on the fracturing in this cell (Figure 6.5). If

the fracture extends beyond the grid cell, it is cut off at the cell edge.

6.2.3 Sigma factor

Matrix blocks contribute the main portion of the reservoir pore volume, but they have

very low permeability in comparison to the fractures. Sigma factor is one of the important factors

in a dual porosity model which measures the flow term between the matrix block and the fracture

network. The sigma factor (shape factor) introduced by Kazemi (1976) combines the average

distance in three perpendicular directions to describe this flow term in the fractured reservoir.

The Gilman and Kazemi (1983) option was chosen to calculate sigma factor in the FracMan

which uses the following equation:

( ) (Eq. 6.5)


– matrix cell length (m)

– matrix cell width (m)

– matrix cell thickness (m)

From the equation above it is obvious that sigma factor can be very large if cells are very

small. High sigma value means that fluid would flow very quickly from matrix to the fractures.

Kazemi et al. (1976) derived shape factor based on direct material balalnce on a cubic matrix

block under assumptions of pseudo steady state. Once the isgma factors are calculated in

FracMan, they can be exported into simulator for flow simulation (Figure 6.6).

Figure 6.4 Exported fracture permeability in x direction from FracMan Model 1, 3-D view in

Figure 6.5 Exported fracture porosity from FracMan Model 1, 3-D view in Petrel.

Figure 6.6 Exported fracture porosity from FracMan Model 1, 3-D view in Petrel.

6.3 ECLIPSE Simulation

ECLIPSE is a reservoir simulator (Schlumberger, 1012), and it provides numerical

solutions of fluid flow in a reservoir by including input data such as rock/fluid properties and

initialization of well condition. The outputs from the simulator, including fluid rates and pressure

forecast, are important for future field development strategy and reservoir management.

The dual porosity model is characterized by highly permeable fractures and a porous

matrix, which provides the most fluid storage (Gilman, 2003). Production from the naturally

fractured reservoirs can be associated with various physical mechanisms including: oil

expansion, imbibition, gravity drainage, and viscous displacement. In the studied reservoir the

production from the porous matrix is associated with oil expansion mechanisms. The matrix

system of the studied section is carbonate rock with low permeability. The properties of rock and

fluids including pressure, volume, and temperature (PVT) measurements and real permeability
curves for the reservoir are taken from a previous study of this reservoir (Hoffman et al., 2009).

Well-A and Well-B are vertical producing wells. Well-A was completed as an open hole

allowing the fluid to flow directly from the formation, while Well-B is perforated in several

places along the wellbore.

As was mentioned before, no effective fractures were defined in Well-C, and this was

confirmed by the well test simulation. The permeability values were decreased gradually around

the wellbore in order to match well test curves. The greatest reduction by 50 times was near the

wellbore and as moved away from the well, the permeability reduced less and less, eventually

reaching the original values. Five steps of gradual reduction were implemented around the well

with 50% reduction of initial permeability until reaching target value (Figure 6.7).

Figure 6.7 Reduced permeability in y direction around Well-C Model 1, 3-D view in Petrel.

6.4 Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis was performed to see how various simulation inputs influence the

simulation outputs. The simulation inputs which are analyzed consist of fracture orientation, size,

permeability, and water influx rate. Since the problem of water influx is investigated in this

research, water breakthrough time and cumulative water production rates are utilized from the

simulation outputs. In the following subsections each input is analyzed separately to see its

influence on simulated outputs.

6.4.1 Fracture orientation

Various simulations were run based on various fracture orientation of fracture sets which

were defined in Chapter 4 (Table 4.1). Besides the various fracture orientations (Figure 4.15),

different water influx rates were utilized. In total, nine cases were run. Simulated results of oil

production rates did not match with actual rates. In order to match them, the fracture

permeability in simulator was increased by 3.6 times for Model 1, by 5.5 times for Model 2, and

by 3.7 for Model 3. As we can notice, fracture permeability in generated DFN Model 2 with two

fracture sets is lower than in models with single fracture set. Water influx is introduced into

Well-C at different flow rates. Ranges of the rates were defined based on the last PLT survey

(314 bbl/d), initial water influx rate (1824 bbl/d), and proposed worst case scenario (5000 bbl/d),

where the water might crossflow not only through the well but also through other sources. Inputs

and outputs of sensitivity analysis on fracture orientation are presented in Table 6.1.

Oil production rates do not show dependence on fluctuated water influx rates (Figure

6.8a). The main production mechanism in the reservoir is oil expansion. When the pressure drops

in the permeable fractures, oil starts flowing from matrix to fractures to balance the pressures.
Initial pressure is so high, that water influx does make any difference in supporting pressure in

reservoir. The difference can be noticed only when a closer look is taken (Figure 6.8b).

Individual oil production responses of each well are also same as the total oil production trend

(Figure 6.9), where different water influx rates have no influence on oil production trends.

Table 6.1 Sensitivity analysis on fracture orientation

Rate Cumulative Water Breakthrough

Case Model Water Cut (%)
(bbl/d) Production (bbl) Time (month)

1 314 59756 11% 60

2 Model 1 1824 350306 31% 27
3 5000 978718 41% 19
4 314 59941 11% 53
5 Model 2 1824 350048 30% 23
6 5000 970099 41% 15
7 314 54698 11% 60
8 Model 3 1824 327492 31% 28
9 5000 927039 41% 19

Figure 6.8 Constant oil rates at different water influx rates, Model 1.

Figure 6.9 Constant oil rates at different water influx rates, Well-A (a), Well-B (b), Model 1.

Fracture orientation has no influence on cumulative water production and water cut

percent (Table 6.1). All three models showed almost the same responses to various water influx

rates. The water breakthrough time is faster in Model 2 with two fracture sets, while it is almost

the same for models with single fracture sets (Figure 6.10). Model 2 has more complex fracture

network in comparison to other two models, where Fracture Set 2 has scattered fracture


Responses of individual wells are different in terms of water production rates and

breakthrough time, which are highly dependable on fracture orientation and individual

productivity of each well. Well-A is twice as productive as Well-B. In Model 1, water

breakthrough time and rates in Well-B are earlier and higher, respectively, than in Well-A, in

spite of the distance from Well-C to Well-A being shorter (Figure 6.11). This can be explained

by the fracture orientation (Figure 4.15a), which is in the N-S direction.

In Model 2 with two fracture sets, at an earlier period the breakthrough time and

production rates are governed by higher productivity of Well-A. After some time fracture
permeability takes over in Well-B (Figure 6.12), since the fracture intensity of Fracture Set 1 is

twice more than Fracture Set 2.

In Model 3 with NW-SE fracture orientation, the water breakthrough time and rates in

Well-A are earlier and higher, respectively, than in Well-B (Figure 6.13). At an earlier period the

water production trend is governed by both fracture orientation and well productivity. Shortly

after the reaching the total maximum production rate, the trend is governed by fracture

orientation that keeps high water production rate in Well-A. Overall the production trends of

individual wells in each model are the same with different magnitude due to various water influx


Figures from 6.14 to 6.16 show water saturation propagation through the simulated

reservoir as a function of time at the maximum water influx rate 5000 bbl/d. Some of the influx

water bypassed the producing wells and accumulated in the lower part of the reservoir.

Especially it is obvious in Model 2 with distinctive fracture orientation sets.

6.4.2 Fracture permeability

Three cases were run to check how different permeability inputs affect water saturation

propagation at constant influx rates. In order to examine the influence of various permeability

inputs, all simulations were performed using the same model, Model 1. The first case uses

fracture permeability inputs exported from the base FracMan model. In the second case, the base

permeability increased by 3.5 times in order to match simulated oil production rates with actual

history data. Finally, in the third case very high permeability is tested. The results are presented

in Table 6.2.


5000 bbl/d
Water Production (bbl/day)


Model 2
Model 3
Model 1

1824 bbl/d


314 bbl/d
Dec-12 Sep-15 May-18 Feb-21 Nov-23 Aug-26 May-29 Feb-32 Nov-34
Time (months)

Figure 6.10 Water production trends of the models at different water influx rates.

Figure 6.11 Water production trends of the wells at different water influx rates, Model 1.
Figure 6.12 Water production trends of the wells at different water influx rates, Model 2.

Figure 6.13 Water production trends of the wells at different water influx rates, Model 3.

Figure 6.14 Simulated water saturation in December, 2012, snapshot from ECLIPSE, Model 1
(a), Model 2 (b), and Model 3 (c).

Figure 6.15 Simulated water saturation in December, 2022, snapshot from ECLIPSE, Model 1
(a), Model 2 (b), and Model 3 (c).

Figure 6.16 Simulated water saturation in October, 2032, snapshot from ECLIPSE, Model 1
(a), Model 2 (b), and Model 3 (c).
Table 6.2 Sensitivity analysis on fracture permeability

Case Model Permeability Water Water Cut (%)
Time (month)
Production (bbl)

1 Model 1_1 Base 207096 37% 58

2 Model 1_2 3.5X 350306 31% 27
3 Model 1_3 10X 378451 29% 16

As was expected, the breakthrough time and cumulative water production are the highest

in the most permeable model. It is interesting to notice that water cut does not follow the same

trend (Table 6.2). Fractures enhance the reservoir permeability and act as conduits within the

reservoir for fluid flow, including oil and water. With increased permeability, not only water

production increased, but oil production also increased leaving the water cut percent low. When

the fracture permeability is high, the water production rates reach the maximum quickly, while

the model with initial permeability has not reached the maximum water production in the time

allowed for the simulation (Figure 6.17).

Behavior of individual wells also depends on fracture permeability (Figure 6.18). The

production trends of individual wells are different from case to case. For Model 1_3 with the

highest permeability, the production rate in Well-B keeps growing rapidly until it almost reaches

the influx rate, while the production rate in Well-A slightly increases at the beginning and stops

producing after some time. For the second model with moderate permeability, at an earlier period

the water production trend is governed by both fracture orientation and well productivity. Shortly

after the reaching the total maximum production rate, the trend is governed by fracture

orientation that keeps high water production rate in Well-B. Finally, in Model 1_1 both wells



Water Production (bbl/day)


1000 3.5x




Dec-12 Sep-15 May-18 Feb-21 Nov-23 Aug-26 May-29 Feb-32 Nov-34
Time (months)

Figure 6.17 Breakthrough time of the total water production trend at various permeability
inputs, Model 1.

Figure 6.18 Water production trends of individual wells with a different fracture permeability.
have the same water production trend. Fracture orientation and well productivity have same

influence with different magnitude.

Figures from 6.19 to 6.21 show water saturation propagation through the simulated

reservoir as a function of time at a constant water influx rate of 1824 bbl/d. Model 1_1 has

spread water saturation footprint; on the other hand, Model 1_3 aim down the reservoir and has

narrow footprint. It can be explained by swept efficiency, which is higher in low permeable


6.4.3 Fracture size

Three cases were run to check how different fracture length inputs affect water saturation

propagation at constant influx rates of 314 bbl/d. To examine the influence of various fracture

length inputs, all simulations were performed using the same model, Model 1. The first case

assumes constant size fractures with 100 m (328 ft). of fracture length. In the second case, the

fracture length inputs exported from the base FracMan Model 1. Finally, in the third case the

highest fracture length was tested, which is twice bigger than the length from base model. The

results are presented in Table 6.3.

According to simulation results, the smallest fractures with constant size have the smallest water

cut (9%) and cumulative water production (7907 bbl/d) in 20 years forecast (Table 6.3). The

same Model 1_4 has the latest breakthrough time, 161 months. Only Model 1_6 barely reached

the same water production rate as the influx rate, while the rest models have not reached this rate

in the time allowed for the simulation.

Figure 6.19 Simulated water saturation in December, 2012, snapshot from ECLIPSE Model
1_3 (a), Model 1_2 (b), and Model 1_1 (c).

Figure 6.20 Simulated water saturation in December, 2022, snapshot from ECLIPSE Model
1_3 (a), Model 1_2 (b), and Model 1_1 (c).

Figure 6.21 Simulated water saturation in October, 2032, snapshot from ECLIPSE Model 1_3
(a), Model 1_2 (b), and Model 1_1 (c).

Table 6.3 Sensitivity analysis on fracture length

Rate Water Water Cut Breakthrough
Case Model Size
(bbl/d) Production (%) Time (month)
1 Model 1_4 Constant 7907 9% 161
2 Model 1_5 314 Base 26886 14% 101
3 Model 1_6 2X 40303 22% 71

Behavior of individual wells also depends on fracture length (Figure 6.23). The

production trends of individual wells are almost same for Model 1_5 and Model 1_6 with

different magnitude. Water breakthrough time and rates in Well-B are earlier and higher,

respectively, than in Well-A. This can be explained by the fracture orientation which is in the N-

S direction. Model 1_6 shows completely different trends of individual wells. Well-A is

dominant in production in comparison to Well-B. In Model 1_6 fractures are so big that several

fractures can control water movement from Well-C. Water saturation propagations through the

simulated reservoirs are not obvious due to low influx rate.



Water Production (bbl/day)


200 2X




Dec-12 Sep-15 May-18 Feb-21 Nov-23 Aug-26 May-29 Feb-32 Nov-34
Time (months)

Figure 6.22 Breakthrough time of the total water production trend at various length inputs,
Model 1.

Figure 6.23 Water production trends of individual wells with a different fracture length.


This chapter briefly summaries the main points of research and contains conclusions

derived from this research and proposed future work. The main objective of this thesis was to

build a DFN model for realistic representation of fracture networks in the carbonate reservoir.

Another objective was to perform dynamic analysis to predict potential water flow from the

aquifer through the fractures to the producing wells.

7.1 Summary

1. DFN models have been built for a three well section using well data inputs from

conventional logs, drilling information, and production logs. The fracture intensity,

orientation, and aperture are taken directly from the image logs. Fracture length is

estimated based on the aperture correlation in the form of lognormal distribution.

Fracture permeability is also correlated to aperture based on production logs, which

shows power law relationship.

2. Three DFN models were generated using various fracture orientation of fractures sets

defined in Chapter 4 (Table 4.1, Figure 4.15). Fracture sets represent distinctive trends

observed in studied wells. Orientations of Fracture Sets 1 and 3 are parallel to platform

margin, which agrees with the syn-sedimentary theory of the fractures origin. Orientation

of Fracture Set 2 is more scattered, while the overall trend is also parallel to the platform

margin. Most of the fractures have steep dip angle which implies that fractures are almost

subparallel to the wellbore.

3. All DFN models for Well-A show reasonable matches to the well tests. Curve matching

approach is used for comparison of the actual pressure response of the wells with the

simulated models. The main matching involves skin effect and transmissibility. No

effective fractures are observed in Well-C; therefore, fracture permeability is decreased

by 50 times to match with actual tests. No data available for Well-B. Generated DFN

model for Well-A, with relatively little calibration, reproduce the well test behavior.

4. The upscaled DFN model preserves the properties of actual fractures in the studied sector

including porosity, permeability, and sigma factor. Those properties are exported to

simulator to predict fluid flow through the fractures. Since the problem of water influx is

investigated in this research, water breakthrough time and cumulative water production

rates are utilized from the simulation outputs. Many different scenarios are simulated

with different water influx rate and different DFN models, which show the wide range of

water breakthrough time (from 16 to 161 months) and water rates (from 7907 to 978718

bbl) in the producing wells.

5. Fracture orientation has no influence on cumulative water production and water cut

percent. All three models with various fracture orientation showed almost the same

responses to various water influx rates. The water breakthrough time is faster in Model 2

with two fracture sets, while it is almost the same for models with single fracture sets.

Individual wells show very high dependence on fracture orientation and productivities of

the wells. When the production rate reaches its maximum rate, it is governed mainly by

the fracture orientation.

6. Various fracture permeability inputs have high influence on cumulative water production

and water cut percent. Increased permeability increases breakthrough time and

cumulative water production, while the water cut percent decreases. With increased

permeability, not only water production increased, but oil production also increased

leaving the water cut percent low. Behavior of individual wells also depends on fracture

permeability. Well productivity dominates water production rates in more permeable


7. Different fracture length inputs have high influence on cumulative water production and

water cut percent. All simulated outputs including water cut percent, breakthrough time,

and cumulative water production are higher and faster in the models with the biggest

fractures. Behavior of individual wells also depends on fracture length. Several big

fractures can control water movement in the whole sector.

7.2 Conclusion

Built DFN models show wide range in water breakthrough time from 16 months to 161

months, in water cut percent from 9% to 41%, and in cumulative water production from 7907 bbl

to 978718 bbl in 20 years of simulated time. This large range of possibilities is due (1) the

different amount of water influx around Well-C, and (2) the variability in fracture properties

such as fracture permeability and size. The amount of water influx is not well known. There

could be water going through the fractures and not going only through the well. In the model, the

water influx ranged from 314 bbl/d to 5000 bbl/d.

In worst case scenario, where fracture permeability was increased by 10 times or at high

constant water influx rate of 5000 bbl/d, water might be seen in 15-16 months, which is not since

the water would be seen today.

In best case scenario, water might be seen in produced wells in 161 months or 13-14 years, if

the water influx determined from the last PLT survey remains constant at 314 bbl/d and fracture

length is considered constant and equal to 100 m. Even if fracture size is increased by correlating

to aperture, the water breakthrough time is still relatively low about 101 months.

Sensitivity analyses show that fracture conductivity has strong influence on studied

parameters; therefore, fracture properties should be studied very carefully to build representative

models of fracture network.

Even if the crossflow remains low at around 314 bbl/d, it is likely that water will start to be

produced in the wells A and B in 5-10 years. Planning for increased water production should

begin sooner rather than waiting for water to be produced and then try to manage it.

7.3 Future Work

During this study several recommendations are developed for future work:

1. Extend analyses on DFN model by performing cluster analysis and pathway analysis.

Cluster analysis gives an opportunity to evaluate isolated groups of self-connected

fractures, showing how the area is compartmentalized. Pathway analysis calculates the

geometric connection between two wells through the fracture network. It then reports

either the shortest or the most conductive pathway.

2. Better understand fracture properties, including orientation, size, and permeability to

build more realistic DFN model in order to predict fluid flow. Study the range of influx

rate from the aquifer, since water influx rates show huge influence on water breakthrough

time and other parameters.

3. Study the propagation of water remained in the reservoir, since not all influx water is

produced through the production wells. Understand the source of the water and water

movement mechanism.

4. Study water flooding as a second recovery method, when the pressure drops during



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