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Interview China Pictorial 22 May 2017

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May 2017

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Ahmad Rashid Malik: CPEC Is Transforming

Pakistan’s Economy
New roads, bridges and tunnels set to transform Pakistan are under construction,
with industrial zones being planned and new jobs being created. The China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor project will also strengthen Pakistan’s energy infrastructure and
modernize the education system in the country.

May 22, 2017

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), seen by many as a flagship project

of the Belt and Road Initiative, has made inspiring progress in generating
economic vitality and regional connectivity. With the Belt and Road Forum for
International Cooperation (BRF) having closed with fruitful results on May 15 in
Beijing, China Pictorial talked to Ahmad Rashid Malik, director of the China-
Pakistan Study Centre (CPSC) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad, in
Pakistan, for a review of the forum and a close examination of how the CPEC is
changing the South Asian country.

China Pictorial: What part of President Xi Jinping’s speech at the

opening ceremony of the BRF impressed you most?

Dr. Malik: I listened to his speech carefully, with emotion and a thriving heart. I
was impressed by his visionary leadership, not only for China but also for the world.
President Xi proved that he is a world leader. He called for every country to
participate in the Belt and Road Initiative, a project for this century. He remarked
that ‘history is our teacher,’ and talked about the ancient Silk Road, which connected
China with the rest of the world and opened up relations, as well as exchanges of
ideas, goods and knowledge. The Silk Road, as he said, was a civilizational corridor
that brought many civilizations together. The Belt and Road Initiative promotes
development and cooperation among nations across all continents. This is President
Xi’s vision of connectivity, where all are included.

China Pictorial: How do you evaluate the benefits that the CEPC has
brought to Pakistani people?
Dr. Malik: It is difficult to estimate because they are enormous and everywhere.
The CPEC is now transforming Pakistan’s economy to a large extent. We are
connecting various parts of Pakistan with new roads, bridges, tunnels and industrial
zones under construction. Around 60,000 jobs have been created in the past two
years. With technical and scientific education expanding and new universities being
planned, the CPEC is also revolutionizing Pakistan’s educational system in line with
modern demands. By March 2018, Pakistan is going to have 8,000 MW of additional
electricity in CPEC priority areas of energy infrastructure development. All this is
being done because of the CPEC. We are happy that China is collaborating with us on
a massive scale to convert our economy under the Belt and Road Initiative.

China Pictorial: Some critics were skeptical of China’s intentions when

the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed, and slammed it for ‘hidden
geopolitical purposes’. What do you think?

Dr. Malik: China has no hidden agenda. It is useless to criticize such motives that
are not there at all. The Belt and Road Initiative is an economic initiative, and all
countries share a common vision for cooperation and development. The agenda of
the Belt and Road Initiative is open, and China has attached no political conditions to
the Belt and Road projects for any country or international organization. The Belt
and Road Initiative is open to all. It is not an elite club. It involves developing,
emerging, and developed countries. The Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, where 29
foreign state leaders and an enormous number of experts gathered, is testament to
this fact. President Xi said that the Belt and Road Initiative does not put the
sovereignty of any nation at risk. It is a cooperative platform, and it jointly addresses

China Pictorial: Some regions of Pakistan are still disturbed by political

instability and unrest. Do you think the construction of the Belt and Road
will help improve the security situation, and how?

Dr. Malik: Sure, the CPEC addresses the issue of terrorism in Pakistan too. In two
years since the CPEC was introduced in Pakistan, the political and security situations
have improved greatly. Some countries that are not Belt and Road participants are
involved in terrorist activities within Pakistan, but the Pakistani government has
brought over 95 percent of terrorism under control. Today, we are much safer and
more secure. We enjoy political stability. The government is vigilant, and Pakistan is
cooperating with China to eliminate terrorism. Today, many other countries want to
learn from Pakistan’s counter-terrorism experience.

China Pictorial: Do you have any advice for Pakistan about further
engagement with the Belt and Road Initiative, or contributions to the
peaceful development and shared prosperity of the region?

Dr. Malik: The Belt and Road Initiative is a long-term initiative. It will continue to
grow in many directions. By the time the first phase of the CPEC is completed in
2030, Pakistan will become a powerful economy. This will open a new vista for
cooperation between Pakistan and China. By that time, Pakistan will be assisting
developing countries and sharing our development experience. For every upcoming
government in Pakistan, the CPEC should continue, as it has become vital to the
national interests of Pakistan. A prosperous Pakistan can contribute to regional
prosperity and peace. This is President Xi’s real vision for the Belt and Road.

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