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HBO - Chapter 1-3

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CHAPTER 1 Managerial Roles

BEHAVIOR Interpersonal Roles – all managers are
required to perform duties that are
ceremonial and symbolic in nature.
Management and Organizational Behaviour
Informational Roles – All managers, to
Manager - is an individual who achieves some degree, collect information from
goals through other people. outside organizations and institutions,
typically by scanning the news media and
Organization - is a consciously talking with other people to learn of
coordinated social unit, composed of two changes in the public’s tastes, what
or more people, that functions on a competitors may be planning, and the
relatively continuous basis to achieve a like.
common goal or set of goals.
Decisional Roles – Mintzberg identified
four roles that require making choices.
Managerial Activities
Planning - is a process that includes
defining goals, establishing strategy, and
developing plans to coordinate activities.

Organizing - is determining what tasks

are to be done, who is to do them, how
the tasks are to be grouped, who reports
to whom, and where decisions are to be

Leading - is a function that includes

motivating employees, directing others,
selecting the most effective
communication channels, and resolving

Controlling - is monitoring activities to

ensure they are being accomplished as
planned and correcting any significant
Management Skills improving an organization’s
Technical skills encompass the ability to
apply specialized knowledge or expertise.
Contemplating Intuition with Systematic Study
Human skills is the ability to work with,
understand, and motivate other people, Intuition is an instinctive feeling not
both individually and in groups. necessarily supported by research.

Conceptual skills is the mental ability to Systematic Study is looking at

analyse and diagnose complex situations. relationships, attempting to attribute
causes and effects, and drawing
conclusions based on scientific evidence.

Effective vs Successful Managers Evidence-Based Management (EBM) the

Managerial Activities basing of managerial decisions on the
best available scientific evidence.
1. Traditional management. Decision
making, planning, and controlling.
Disciplines that Contribute to the OB Field
2. Communication. Exchanging routine
information and processing paperwork.

3. Human Resource Management.

Motivating, disciplining, managing conflict,
staffing, and training.

4. Networking. Socializing, politicking, and

interacting with outsiders.

Organizational Behavior (OB)

A field of study that investigates the
impact individuals, groups, and
structure have on behavior within
organizations, for the purpose of
applying such knowledge toward
Disciplines that Contribute to the OB Field
Inputs are the variables like personality,
Psychology is the science that seeks to group structure, and organizational
measure, explain, and sometimes change culture that lead to processes.
the behavior of humans and other
animals. Processes are actions that individuals,
groups, and organizations engage in as
Social Psychology is an area of a result of inputs and that lead to certain
psychology that blends concepts from outcomes.
psychology and sociology to focus on
the influence of people on one another. Outcomes are the key variables that you
want to explain or predict, and that are
Sociology is the study of people in affected by some other variables.
relation to their social environment or
culture. Stress is an unpleasant psychological
process that occurs in response to
Anthropology is the study of societies to environmental pressures.
learn about human beings and their
activities. Task Performance is the combination
of effectiveness and efficiency at
doing core job tasks

Challenges and Opportunities in OB Organizational Citizenship Behavior

(OcB) - Discretionary behavior that
Economic Pressures
contributes to the psychological and
social environment of the workplace.
Workforce Demographics
Workforce Diversity Withdrawal Behavior the set of
Customer Service actions employees take to separate
Networked Organizations themselves from the organization.
Social Media
Employee Well-being at Work Group Cohesion the extent to which
Ethical Behavior members of a group support and
validate one another while at work.
Developing an OB Model
Group Functioning is the quantity and
A Model is an abstraction of reality, a quality of a group’s work output.
simplified representation of some real-
world phenomenon.
Productivity is the combination of the DISCRIMINATION
effectiveness and efficiency of an
Discrimination - is noting of a difference
Effectiveness is the degree to which between things; often we refer to unfair
an organization meets the needs of discrimination, which means making
its clientele or customers. judgments about individuals based on
stereotypes regarding their demographic
Efficiency is the degree to which an group.
organization can achieve its ends at
a low cost Stereotyping - is judging someone on the
basis of our perception of the group to which
that person belongs.
Organizational Survival is the degree
to which an organization is able to
Stereotype Threat - is the degree to which
exist and grow over the long term.
we internally agree with the generally
negative stereotyped perceptions of our
1. Sexual Harassment
Demographic Diversity 2. Intimidation
Levels of Diversity 3. Mockery and Insult
4. Exclusion Incivility
Surface-level Diversity - Differences in easily
perceived characteristics, such as gender,
race, ethnicity, age, or disability, that do not BIOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS
necessarily reflect the ways people think or
feel but that may activate certain
stereotypes. Biographical Characteristics are personal
characteristics—such as age, gender, race,
Deep-level Diversity - Differences in values, and length of tenure—that are objective
personality, and work preferences that and easily obtained from personnel
become progressively more important for records. These characteristics are
determining similarity as people get to know representative of surface-level diversity
one another better. 1. Age
2. Gender
3. Race and Ethnicity
4. Disabilities Physical ABILITY
5. Hidden disabilities

Physical Abilities - is the capacity to do

tasks that demand stamina, dexterity,
OTHER DIFFERENTIATING CHARACTERISTICS strength, and similar characteristics.

1. Tenure 1. Trunk strength

2. Religion 2. Static strength
3. Sexual Orientation and Gender 3. Dynamic strength
Identity 4. Explosive strength
4. Cultural Identity 5. Extent flexibility
6. Dynamic flexibility
7. Stamina
ABILITY 8. Balance
9. Body coordination

Ability - is an individual’s capacity to perform

Intellectual Abilities - are the capacity to do Diversity Management - is the process and
mental activities—thinking, reasoning, and programs by which managers make
problem solving. everyone more aware of and sensitive to
the needs and differences of others.
1. Verbal comprehension
2. Number aptitude Attracting, Selecting, Developing and
3. Perceptual speed Retaining Diverse Workforce
4. Spatial visualization
5. Inductive reasoning One method of enhancing workforce
6. Deductive reasoning diversity is to target recruitment messages
7. Memory to specific demographic groups that are
underrepresented in the workforce. This
General Mental ability (GMa) - is an overall means placing advertisements in
factor of intelligence, as suggested by the publications geared toward those groups;
positive correlations among specific pairing with colleges, universities, and
intellectual ability dimensions other institutions with significant numbers
of underrepresented minorities, as
Microsoft is doing to encourage women
into technology studies.
Attitudes and job satisfaction
Diversity in Groups
Attitudes are evaluative statements - either
Most contemporary workplaces require favorable or unfavorable – about objects,
extensive work in group settings. When people or events. They reflect how we feel
people work in groups, they need to about something. When you say “I like my
establish a common way of looking at and job,” you are expressing your attitude
accomplishing the major tasks, and they about your work.
need to communicate with one another
often. If they feel little sense of Components of Attitude:
membership and cohesion in their groups,
all group attributes are likely to suffer. 1. Cognitive component - is the opinion
or belief segment of an attitude.
2. Affective component - is the emotional
Effective Diversity Programs or feeling segment of an attitude.
3. Behavioral component – is an intention
Organizations use a variety of diversity to behave in a certain way toward
programs in recruiting and selection someone or something.
policies, as well as training and development
practices. Effective, comprehensive
workforce programs encouraging diversity Attitudes and Behavior
have three distinct components. First, they
teach managers about the legal framework
Did you ever notice how people change
for equal employment opportunity and
what they say so it doesn’t contradict what
encourage fair treatment of all people
they do? Perhaps a friend of yours
regardless of their demographic
consistently argued that her apartment
characteristics. Second, they teach
complex was better than yours until
managers how a diverse workforce will be
another friend in your complex asked her
better able to serve a diverse market of
to move in with him; once she moved to
customers and clients. Third, they foster
your complex, you noticed her attitude
personal development practices that bring
toward her former apartment became
out the skills and abilities of all workers,
more critical. Cases of attitude following
acknowledging how differences in
behavior illustrate the effects of cognitive
perspective can be a valuable way to
dissonance, these are contradictions
improve performance for everyone.
individuals might perceive between their
attitudes and their behavior.
Job attitudes Employee engagement - is an individual’s
involvement with, satisfaction with, and
JOB SATISFACTION AND JOB INVOLVEMENT enthusiasm for the work he or she does.

Job Satisfaction - is a positive feeling

about one’s job resulting from an
evaluation of its characteristics.
Job Conditions
Job Involvement - is the degree to which a
Generally, interesting jobs that provide
person identifies with a job, actively
training, variety, independence, and
participates in it, and considers
control satisfy most employees.
performance important to self-worth.
Interdependence, feedback, social
support, and interaction with co-workers
Psychological Empowerment - is the
outside the workplace are also strongly
employees’ belief in the degree to which
related to job satisfaction, even after
they affect their work environment, their
accounting for characteristics of the work
competence, the meaningfulness of their
job, and their perceived autonomy in their
As important as job conditions are to job
Organizational Commitment satisfaction, personality also plays an
Organizational Commitment - is the
important role. People who have positive
degree to which an employee identifies with
core self-evaluations (CSEs)—who believe
a particular organization and its goals and
in their inner worth and basic
wishes to maintain membership in the
competence—are more satisfied with their
jobs than people with negative CSEs.

Perceived Organizational Support Pay

Perceived Organizational Support (POS) -
You’ve probably noticed that pay comes
is the degree to which employees believe
up often when people discuss job
an organization values their contribution
satisfaction. Pay does correlate with job
and cares about their well-being.
satisfaction and overall happiness for
many people, but the effect can be
Power Distance - is the degree to which
smaller once an individual reaches a
people in a country accept that power in
standard level of comfortable living.
institutions and organizations is distributed
Corporate Social Responsibility Satisfied employees appear to increase
customer satisfaction and loyalty.
An organization’s commitment to
corporate social responsibility (CSR), or its
self-regulated actions to benefit society or Life Satisfaction
the environment beyond what is required Research in Europe indicated that job
by law, increasingly affects employee job satisfaction is positively correlated with
satisfaction. Organizations practice CSR in life satisfaction, and your attitudes and
a number of ways, including environmental experiences in life spill over into your job
sustainability initiatives, non-profit work, approaches and experiences.54
and charitable giving. Furthermore, life satisfaction decreases
when people become unemployed,
OUTCOMES OF JOB SATISFACTION according to research in Germany, and
not just because of the loss of income.55
For most individuals, work is an important
Job Performance part of life, and therefore it makes sense
As several studies have concluded, happy that our overall happiness depends in no
workers are more likely to be productive small part on our happiness in our work
workers. Individuals with higher job (our job satisfaction).
satisfaction perform better, and
organizations with more satisfied The impact of job dissatisfaction
employees tend to be more effective than
those with fewer.
Exit - the exit response directs
behaviour toward leaving the
Organizational Citizenship Behavior organization, including looking for a
OCBs include people talking positively new position or resigning. To measure
about their organizations, helping others, the effects of this response to
and going beyond the normal expectations dissatisfaction, researchers study
of their jobs. Evidence suggests job individual terminations and collective
satisfaction is moderately correlated with turnover, the total loss to the
OCB; people who are more satisfied with organization of employee knowledge,
their jobs are more likely to engage in skills, abilities, and other
citizenship behaviour. characteristics.

Voice - the voice response includes

Customer Satisfaction actively and constructively attempting
For frontline employees who have regular to improve conditions, including
customer contact, the answer is “yes.” suggesting improvements, discussing
problems with superiors, and
undertaking union activity.

Loyalty - the loyalty response means

passively but optimistically waiting for
conditions to improve, including
speaking up for the organization in the
face of external criticism and trusting
the organization and its management
to “do the right thing.”

Neglect - the neglect response passively

allows conditions to worsen and
includes chronic absenteeism or
lateness, reduced effort, and an
increased error rate.

Substance abuse, stealing at work,

undue socializing, gossiping,
absenteeism, and tardiness are
examples of behaviours that are
destructive to organizations. They are
indicators of a broader syndrome called
counterproductive work behavior
(CWB), also termed deviant behavior in
the workplace, or simply employee

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