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The scientific definition for Alkenes, is that they are a group of unsaturated hydrocarbons having
one double bond. They can also be defined as any member of the homologeous series of the
unsaturated having at least one double bond. The formula is CnH2n.

The double bond of this Alkenes helps it to be more reactive than any over single covalent bond.
For that the Alkenes can go through many reactions that a saturated hydrocarbons go through.

Since alkenes are hydrocarbons, that means they are attached to one another as in a chain. Each
carbon is bonded to hydrogen bonds making 4 bonds with each single carbon.

Single covalent bonds are called sigma, the double bond is called pi bond. The more bonds there
are the weaker it is to break, so that means the single bonds are much stronger than the double
covalent bond. Another thing about the double bond, is that it doesn’t allow any free rotation.
Single bonds can do things such as twist and flip. But the double bond is still not moving. They
can be named according to their placement. Named as cis or tran, if they are on the same line its
cis and if its on opposite sides it is called trans.

You can identify different alkenes by looking at their General formula. The general formula tells
us how many hydrogens are available withina bond.

For each extra double bond, two hydrogens must be subtracted. For example:

- Two Double Bonds: CnH2n-2

- Three Double Bonds: CnH2n-4
- Four Double Bonds: CnH2n-6

How do we name our Alkenes?

There are a couple of rules that needs to be memorized in order to know what is the name of
the Alkenes.

Most important first step, we have to see where does the longest chain start and ends.
Whether it goes in branches or a straight line. We count longest unbroken chain we have.
We have numbers, and prefixes. For example

- One Meth-
- Two Eth-
- Three Prop-

-Four But-

-Five Pent-

-Six Hex-

- Seven Hept-

- Eight Oct-

- Nine Non-

- Ten Dec-

For the second step, we will have to check if we have only single bonds, double, or triple.

For the double, the suffix must be ene, if we have 2 double bonds its diene, if 3 its triene and

For our 3rd step, Look for any substituents on the carbon chain. A substituent is any group
coming off the chain that isn't a hydrogen. For example, there might be a CH3 group attached
to the chain. In this case, the word methyl- would be put in front of the name of the parent
alkene. A C2H5 group is named as ethyl and a C3H7 group is called a propyl group. Other
common substituents include halogens (group 17 elements). If a fluorine atom is attached, the
word fluro- is used. If it's chlorine, it's chloro-, if it's bromine, it's bromo-, and if it's iodine it's
iodo-. Of course, there are hundreds of potential substituents that could be attached to a
carbon chain, but in naming basic alkenes these are the most common.

Step 4th, the double-bonded carbons must have the lowest number possible. Once you've
numbered each carbon you can assign a number to any substituent.

Step 5th, we will need to know whethere it’s a cis or trans. And to so, we will need to check to
see whether each of the carbon atoms participating in the bond has two different groups
attached to it or not.
Prepration of Alkenes

Alkenes are generally prepared through β elimination reactions, in which two atoms on
adjacent carbon atoms are removed, resulting in the formation of a double bond.

In the preparations it include the dehydration of alcohols, the dehydrohalogenation of alkyl

halides, and the dehalogenation of alkanes. In dehydration reactions, a molecule of water is
eliminated from an alcohol molecule by heating the alcohol in the presence of a strong mineral
acid. A double bond forms between the adjacent carbon atoms that lost the hydrogen ion and
hydroxide group. Alcohols containing a β-hydrogen on heating with concentrated sulphuric acid
(H2SO4) lose a molecule of water to form alkenes. Due to the elimination of water and use of
acid, this reaction is known as acidic dehydration of alcohols. Since a hydrogen atom is
eliminated from β-carbon, this reaction is an example of β-elimination.

Preparation of Alkenes from Vicinal Dihalides. In vicinal dihalides, two halogens are attached to
adjacent carbon atoms. Vicinal dihalides on reaction with Zn lose a molecule of ZnX2 to form
Physical properties of alkenes

1. Physical State

These double-bonded compounds are colourless and odourless in nature.

However, ethene is an exception because it is a colourless gas but has a faintly sweet odour.

The first three members of the alkene group are gaseous in nature, the next fourteen members
are liquids and the remaining alkenes are solids.

2. Solubility

The alkenes are insoluble in water due to their nonpolar characteristics.

But are completely soluble in nonpolar solvents such as benzene, ligroin, etc.

3. Boiling Point

The boiling points of the compounds increase as the number of carbon atoms in the compound

When alkenes are compared with alkanes, it is found that the boiling points of both are almost
similar, as if the compounds are made up of the same carbon skeleton.

The boiling point of straight-chain alkenes is more that branched-chain alkenes just as in

4. Melting Point

The melting points of these double-bonded compounds depend upon the positioning of the

The melting point of alkenes is similar to that of alkanes.

However, cis-isomer molecules have a lower melting point than trans- isomers as the molecules
are packed in a U-bending shape.

5. Polarity

Alkenes are weakly polar just like alkanes but are slightly more reactive than alkanes due to the
presence of double bonds.
The π electrons which make up the double bonds can easily be removed or added as they are
weakly held.

Hence, the dipole moments exhibited by alkenes are more than alkanes.

The polarity depends upon the functional group attached to the compounds and the chemical

Uses Of Alkenes

Alkenes play a major role in modern and biological chemistry . Beta-carotene, for example, is a
very important part of human diet as a source of vitamin A. Ethylene Ethylene Ethylene is a
hydrocarbon which has the formula C₂H₄ or H₂C=CH₂. It is a colorless flammable gas with a faint
"sweet and musky" odour when pure. It is the simplest alkene. and propylene
Propene Propene, also known as propylene or methyl ethylene, is an unsaturated organic
compound having the chemical formula C₃H₆. It has one double bond, and is the second
simplest member of the alkene class of hydrocarbons. It is a colorless gas with a faint
petroleum-like odor , sometimes referred to as ethene and propene
respectively, are the two most industrially produced organic chemicals.

1. Ethene is used in the manufacture of polyethylene or polythene-a plastic material. Similarly,

propene is used in the manufacture of polypropene. These polymers are used in making plastic
bags, pipes electrical insulation, etc.

2. Ethene is used in the preparation of solvents like ethylene glycol, dioxane, etc. Ethylene
glycol is also used as an antifreeze in automobile radiators.

3. Ethene is a plant hormone which controls growth, seed germination and fruit development.
Therefore, ethene is used for artificial ripening of fruits, flower maturation, etc.

4. Alkenes are used as a starting material for the manufacture of many compounds such as alkyl
halides, ethylene oxide, ethanol and other alkanols, etc.

5. 1, 3-Butadiene is used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber.

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