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Intelligent System For Brooding Process in Poultry Farming

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Dr. R. Poovendran1, S. Shaguftha2, R. Shanthini3 Sneha Nair4, R. Srilekha5
Asst. Professor 1,UG Student2,3,4,5 Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Krishnagiri district, Tamilnadu.
poovendranr@gmail.com1, shagufthashaguf@gmail.com2, rshanthini01620@gmail.com3, nairsneha37@gmail.com4,

Abstract: Brooding is a period which is done immediately after The temperature inside the poultry house varies according
hatching where special care and attention are given to the to the climatic conditions. An increase in temperature
chicks to support their health and survival. A recently hatched causes a loss of chick growth and also harms their internal
chick cannot develop its own mechanism to regulate its own organs. The decrease in temperature makes the chick to
body temperature hence it cannot maintain its body consume more feed and lowers egg-laying qualities. An
temperature properly for the first week. Therefore the chicks increase in humidity helps in the growth and development
will not take its required feeds and water, so this will decrease of microorganisms in chick and eggs. Harmful gases like
their growth and response of digestion. This project mainly carbon dioxide, ammonia can lead to unhygienic conditions,
aims at the brooding process in poultry farming using various bad ventilation, and disease outbreaks.
parameters such as temperature, humidity, IR sensors are
used. This will transfer the signals to a micro-controller and if
any abnormalities occur it will be indicated through buzzer
and also a message will be passed to the mobile.
Brooding is generally classified as artificial brooding and
Keywords: Micro-controller, LCD, Triac, Temperature sensor,
natural brooding. The pre worked broodings are classified
Humidity sensor, IR sensor, Buzzer. as Pot charcoal brooding, Kerosene brooding, Radiant
Tube Heater brooding, and Underfloor, heater brooding.


Poultry is one of the creating areas in India. It In this method, Pot Charcoal brooding is used as a heat
requires low capital investment and can be a secondary supplier which is implemented in rural and remote areas.
economical source for individuals. Presently a day’s quickly But it carries some disadvantages such as it creates smoke
expanding fuel and feed cost is a major issue for poultry in high quantity which is harmful to chick health.
farming owners. Well, being, development and least feed
utilization are fundamental things for chicken. Because of B. KEROSENE BROODING:
conduction, convection and radiation in poultry farm huge
amount of losses are created. These factors can be Kerosene brooding plays a major role in rural and remote
accomplished by keeping up a legitimate climate as chicken areas. It needs 40 liters of kerosene in one day for
can't keep up their own internal heat level. Brooding is approximately 1000 chicks. It creates harmful gases and
important to give artificial warmth to chickens to keep up harms the chicks. As the requirement of kerosene is high
their internal heat level with the environmental temperature. and their cost is also high.

A decent scope of advances is accessible for brooding. Be

that as it may, there are various favorable circumstances
disservices to each sort of brooding, poultry makers must
consider numerous variables earlier to speculation,
including capital costs, working expenses furthermore,
execution like heat output and heat dispersion supported the
wood brooders for open houses produce smoke and uneven
temperature inside the house. Kerosene oil introverts
generally utilized in ecological control houses are

advantageous to work and products to run however very

costly alongside natural risks and such introverts need to
warm the quality of shed up to 49°C to warm bedding.
Radiant tube heater cannot be utilized in poultry farming C. RADIANT TUBE HEATER BROODING:
being costly and hard to manage.
Radiant tube heater is used as a heat source. It covers more (d).Under Floor Heater
space with radiant heat. The requirement for electricity is
less but the temperature varies over the tube. This leads to
the discontinuous power supply and causes overheating.


In this system, the heat is transferred through the

underground electric heater and underground pipes. It
depends on conduction, radiation, and convection. The
disadvantage of this system is it requires external boiling
and cooling system and also occupies more space.


LPG gas is used as a heat supplier in gas brooding. This is

not a fully automated system and requires the labor force.
A constant increase of prize in the LPG gas cylinder
affects the rural poultry farmers.
(e).Gas Brooder


To implement an intelligent brooding process in poultry
farming, a micro-controller is used along with a triac, relay,
buzzer, keypad, mobile Bluetooth and different types of
sensors are used.

(a). Pot Charcoal Brooder

(b)Kerosene Brooder

(a). Block diagram


A single micro-controller can control all other
components either in a direct way or in an indirect way.
Two steps down the transformer and power board are used.
An equal power supply is given to all over the circuit. The
temperature sensor is fixed and it senses both high and low
temperatures inside the poultry house. The humidity sensor
detects the moisture content inside the poultry house. An
Infrared sensor is used to detect predators. A carbon dioxide
sensor is used to detect harmful gases. A heater is fixed and
controlled by a relay to supply the required level of heat
throughout the house for the development of chicks
generally termed as brooding. A keypad is set and
connected to the heater for the continuous heat supply. A
motor and motor driver is set to open and close the curtains
of the poultry house. A Bluetooth module is set and all the
messages are passed to the mobile application. All the
components are connected to the Bluetooth module and
every message is notified through the Bluetooth mobile
(a) , (b)


Figures show the results of variations in temperature,

humidity, human interruption, curtain open and curtain
close. Fig1. (a) shows the heater is in on state. (b) shows
that the human is intruded, (c). Shows that the curtain is
open, (d). shows that the curtain is closed.







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