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Instrukcja Obsługi Panelu DNAir 1

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Manuale centralina per compressori

User’s manual
Control unit for compressors


- DNAir1

Research and Development

Compilatore/Prepared by: Giunti Mattia

Approvato da/Approved by: Quaglia Eugenio

Emissione/Issue: 06/2015
Revisione/Revision: 1
Data revisione/Revision date 17/07/2015
File: Manuale Centralina DNAir1_ITA_R1
Tasto su
Up button
Tasto giù
Down button
Tasto menù (Enter)
Menù button (Enter)
Tasto Start/Stop
Start/Stop button
Tasto Esc/Reset
Esc/Reset button
A Display Lcd

Figura 1 / Figure 1

General features:
Power supply 12Vac ±10%
Max consumption at 12Vac 200mA
Relay outputs 5
Transistor outputs 1 12Vdc max 100mA
Relay maximum current 5 A resis. Max 24Vac
Serial standard RS232* 1
Serial standard RS485* Preset unmounted
Digital inputs 8
Phase sequence input 1 to 5 Vac
Temp. analog input 1 (12 bit)
LCD contrast adjustment 60 levels
Maximum lifespan 65,000 hours
Analog input 4-20mA 1 (12 bit)
Analog output 4-20mA 1 (10 bit)
Boot loader you can update the Firmware via RS232.

HOME PAGE: remains displayed for 2 seconds after turning on the control unit.
EasyMicro III
V.0.0.0 00/00/00

NORMAL OPERATION SCREEN (with electronic pressure transducer):

100°C 9.5Bar
Status = standby

OPERATION SCREEN (with mechanical pressure switch):

example b:
100°C h00001 m00
Status = standby

OPERATION SCREEN (with electronic pressure transducer and inverter):

example c:

100°C 9.5Bar 85%

Status = standby

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When the compressor is in Start mode, it is possible to display some information:
- Total time
- Vacuum time
- Load/operation pressure
- Vacuum pressure /delta operation
- Oil time
- Oil filter time
- Air filter time
- Oil Separator time

Press the buttons 1 and 2 to scroll through the different options, the information will be displayed for 15 seconds.

1) Rotation direction; in case of incorrect phase sequence, alarm signal is given. The alarm blocks
the compressor, to restore operation, restore the phase sequence. When the internal phase
sequence is enabled, the same is controlled only for the first 30 seconds after the ignition of the
controller; the incorrect sequence must last at least 10 seconds.
CAUTION: This alarm can only be reset by cutting off the power supply

110°C h00001 m00

err. Direct. of rot.

2) Temperature probe: is controlled by the temperature sensor (open or shorted probe) installed.
The alarm signal is given. The alarm locks the compressor, to restore the operation check the
probe and press the button 8.
110 h00001 m00

3) Maximum oil temperature: when maximum oil temperature is reached, the alarm is triggered.
This alarm locks the compressor. To restart the compressor, you need to wait for the temperature
to drop below the set value and press the button 8.

110°C h00001 m00

Max oil temp.

4) Minimum oil temperature: when the minimum oil temperature is reached, the alarm is triggered.
This alarm locks the compressor. To restart the compressor, you need to wait for the temperature
to rise above the set value and press the button 8.

-7°C h00001 m00

Min oil temp.

5) Oil temperature pre-alarm: when the oil pre-alarm temperature is reached, the alarm is
triggered. The alarm does not lock the compressor. To reset the alarm, press the button 8.
105°C h00001 m00
Oil temp. pre.
6) Motor thermal switches: when the motor or fan thermal switch is triggered, the alarm is
activated. This alarm locks the compressor. To reset the alarm press key 8 after having checked
the cause; if the cause is parameter 17 and every thermal breaker is triggered, 2 types of alarms
will be activated
Motor thermal switch and Fan thermal switch: according to the input which is activated by the
thermal switch.

105°C h00001 m00

Motor Thermal

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7) Emergency: this alarm signals that the emergency button that locks the compressor has been
pressed. To silence the alarm press key 8 after having released the emergency button.
105°C h00001 m00
Emergency button
8) Machine maintenance pre-alarm: this alarm warns the user that the machine requires a
maintenance on the 4 meters:
-Oil Hours
-Oil Filter Hours
-Air Filter Hours
-Oil Separator Hours
This alarm should be reset by the service centre that carried out the maintenance, resetting the
meter to the desired value.
105°C h00001 m00
Scheduled maintenance

9) Pressure sensor broken: this alarm is activated when the pressure sensor connected to the
input 4-20mA is not working properly. : this alarm locks the compressor. To reset the alarm press
key 8 Reset, after having restored the normal state of the pressure sensor.
105°C h00001 m00

10) Maximum pressure reached: this alarm is activated when the maximum pressure set for the
maximum pressure alarm parameter is exceeded; this alarm locks the compressor. To reset the
alarm press key 8, after having restored the correct value of the pressure.
105°C h00001 m00
Max. pressure

11) Inverter Faulty: the alarm is triggered when the external phase sequence inverter is active
turning into inverter faulty signal; it is active only after 20 seconds after controller ignition. It can be
deactivated via the internal phase control menu; the faulty inverter control is deactivated and the
external phase sensor is restored.
This alarm can also be triggered by the I/O (COMP09) circuit board.
105°C h00001 m00
Inverter Fault

12) Dryer alarm: This alarm is triggered when the dryer parameter is active and the dryer alarm input
is high; the alarm does not block the compressor.

105°C h00001 m00


13) Remote pressure alarm: This alarm is triggered when the remote pressure is active and the
pressure reaches the set vacuum value.

85°C h00001 m00

remote press.alarm

If there are multiple consecutive alarms, the same will be displayed in sequence and by pressing the 5
key you can reset all alarms for which the cause was restored.

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It is possible to view the history of the last 100 alarms, you can scroll through the alarms with the
arrows; for each alarm is indicated the activation time and the temperature.

1st alarm
0)95°C h1 m0
Motor Thermal
5th alarm
5)40°C h1864 m56
Emergency button

Input Activation
• Motor thermal switch: Always active.
• Rotation direction: Always active except for the case in which you turn on the inverter of the
parameter or the internal phase sequence parameter is ON.
• Remote ON/OFF: Always active except for the case in which the active remote pressure turns into
remote pressure input
• Emergency: Always active.
• Work pressure switch: Active only when the electronic pressure sensor is disabled.
• 4-20mA in: Input active only if the electronic pressure switch is enabled
• Temperature probe: Always active.
• +5V phase sequence transformer: Active only if the internal phase sequence is enabled

Output activation
• Line remote control switch: active during start-up
• Star remote control switch: active during start-up
• Triangle remote control switch: active after 5 seconds from start-up
• Load solenoid valve: active after 3 seconds after switching to triangle (with inverter the time is
• Fan: active only when the motor is running and after having exceeded the set temperature
• 4-20mA out: active only with the inverter active.
• AUX output: active when an alarm is triggered

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Fixed parameters:
Unit of
Initial Stand-By Duration 15 Sec
Load delay time 3* Sec
Delay time between restarts 15 Sec
*= with the enabled inverter, it is variable

Settable parameters:

Unit of
Parameter MIN MAX TYP Measure Password

Pre-alarm hours (oil, oil filter, air filter, oil

1 -32768 32768 - time Support
2 Line hours 0 65535 1 time Factory
3 Vacuum time 0 65535 0 time Factory
4 Alarm history -
5 Pre-alarm temperature (DELTA) 0 20 5 °C Factory
6 Maximum temperature 0 150 110 Factory
7 Minimum Temperature -13 -1 -7 °C Factory
8 Fan temperature 0 150 80 °C Support
9 Vacuum time 30 250 75 Sec Support
10 Automatic reset YES NO NO Support
11 Internal phase sequence YES NO YES Support
12 Language ITA -
13 Temperature drift 0 20 10 °C Factory
14 Stop Time 1 250 10 Sec Support
15 Extra fan time 1 250 10 Sec Support
16 Star to delta time 1 250 3 Sec Factory
17 Separate thermal switches YES NO NO sec Support
18 PTC enabled YES NO NO Support
19 PSI/BAR/KPa - - BAR -
20 °C / ° F °C °F °C -
21 Operating pressure/vacuum setting 0 15.0** 10.0 bar -
22 Operation delta/load setting 0 15.0*** 8.5 bar -
23 Maximum settable pressure 0 15.0 11.0 bar Factory
24 Maximum alarm pressure 0 16.0 13.7 bar Factory
25 Remote pressure NO YES NO Support
26 Dryer NO YES NO Support
27 Inverter YES NO NO Support
28 Minimum operating % 0 100 50 % Factory
29 Load delay 0 250 10 Sec Support
30 Supplementary inverter 0 250 0 Support
31 Proportional inverter 0 250 30 Support
32 Derivative inverter 0 250 180 Support
* = Default parameters: Oil time = 2000, oil filter = 2000, air filter = 1000, oil separator = 4000
**= the maximum settable value is the value set in parameter 22, if the parameter 26 is set to ON, the parameter turns into operating
*** = if the parameter 26 is set to ON, the parameter becomes the delta function, maximum settable is 2.

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Contrast: When the machine is in standby (state=OFF) by pressing the key 5 for at least 3 seconds you will
access the configuration menu to adjust the contrast from 1 (darker) to 50 (brighter) with the keys 1 and 2, confirm
with the key 3 to adjust the display brightness 0 (light off) to 255 (maximum brightness) and confirm with the key 3.

Parameters Menu

Press the key OK with the machine at a standstill (Status = OFF) to access the parameters menu:

1) Pre-alarm time: Menu of service hours, these meters are calibrated automatically after each hour of
operation of the machine, when the meter reaches the value 0, the controller sends the maintenance
alert, there are 4 meters
-Oil Hours
-Oil Filter Hours
-Air Filter Hours
-Oil Separator Hours
The meter with the sign – in front indicates the hours passed from the maintenance alert; use the keys 1
or 5 to set the new value desired; press the key 4 to set the meter to 2000 (to restore the maintenance
alarm set the greater value to 0).

2) Alarm history: Access to scroll through the last 100 alarms and read the working time and the
temperature of oil at which the alarm was triggered.

3) Fan temperature: this parameter is the fan enabling temperature; the adjustment range is from 0 to 150
°C, at a preset temperature the fan starts, the hys teresis is fixed at 10 °C.

4) No load time: in this parameter you can change the no load cycle time of the machine, the adjustment
range is from 30 to 250 seconds.

5) Automatic Start: The parameter enables the automatic start, when this parameter is activated the
compressor starts automatically, even after a power outage; the first start can be enabled by pressing
the key 4 on the keyboard. For safety reasons we strongly advise you NOT to use it.

6) Int. phase sequence: The parameter enables the internal phase sequence control.

7) Language: This parameter is used to change the language

8) Stop time: It defines the delay of compressor shutdown from the moment in which stop is requested via
the key START/STOP. The solenoid valve is turned off immediately.

9) Fan extra time: It defines the time within which the fan remains active after the temperature returns within the
safety limits.

10) Separate thermal switches: Indicate whether the motor and fan thermal switches are separate, or if they are
together. If they are separated, the alarms will be separated as well.

11) PTC enabled: If set to ON, the input is prepared to accept the PTC in input with triggering threshold at about
2Khom; check the wiring diagram.

12) PSI/BAR/KPa: In this parameter the user can choose the unit of measurement for the pressure.

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13) °C °F : Select the temperature display mode.

14) Operating pressure/vacuum setting: in this parameter you can enter the operating pressure at which
the compressor stop; if the inverter is active, this parameter indicates the operating pressure at which
the inverter must begin to modulate to keep it steady.

15) Operation delta/load setting: indicates the pressure at which the controller enables the compressor
restart. If the inverter is active, this parameter becomes the delta of operation, i.e. , it indicates the range
of pressure at which the compressor has to work for example, if set to 1.0 bar and the operating
pressure is 9.0 bar, it means that the compressor will shut down to 9.5 bar and will restarts at 8.5 bar.

16)Remote pressure: By enabling this parameter, you will maintain the pressure display and the associated
alarms, but compressor restart is controlled via remote pressure switch contact, the remote on/off
input is disabled. If the pressure measured by the internal electronic transducer exceeds the set
pressure, the compressor stops, even if the external pressure switch prompts you to continue.

17) Dryer: Enables dryer alarm input.

18) Inverter: Enables the inverter. By enabling the inverter

19) Load delay: this parameter is only active in the presence of the INVERTER; you can set the delay in
seconds, from the moment in which the start-up cycle ends to the moment in which you activate the air
load solenoid valve.

20) Supplementary inverter: Parameter that changes the complementary constant of inverter speed

21) Proportional inverter: Parameter that changes the proportional constant on the calculation of inverter
speed; by raising this parameter you can track the speed more responsively.

22) Derivative inverter: Parameter that changes the derivative constant; by raising this parameter you will
have an estimate and a correction of the anticipated speed.

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Start-up procedure with mechanical pressure transducer:
Press the key 4. If no alarms are on, the start-up cycle is enabled:
a) Wait for start-up: on display appears “STATE= STAND-BY” and the controller waits for the following
conditions to be met prior to activating the compressor:
1) If the machine was switched off or a previous stoppage was executed, the control unit waits 15
seconds before starting the compressor. The machine state button flashes.
2) The controller waits for the work Pressure switch contact to close.
b) Compressor start-up: the line remote control switch and triangle output closes and the message
“STATE=VACUUM” is displayed
c) Operational start-up: Switching from start to triangle after 5 sec. After 2 seconds, if requested by the
work pressure switch, is energized the load solenoid valve and on display appears “STATE=LOAD”.
d) Compressor shutdown: When the compressor reaches the set pressure and the pressure switch cuts
off the enabling signal, the controller disables the load solenoid valve and the vacuum cycle starts if the
switch does not enable the operation again once the load is completed; after the vacuum time set elapses
the controller stops the compressor and the latter remains in “STATE= STAND-BY”.
e) Compressor stop: If you press the key 4 while the controller is in Stand-by, the controller stops instantly
and on display appears “STATE=STOP”, ; on the other hand, if the key is pressed during the load cycle,
the controller goes in vacuum mode and on display appears “STATE=VACUUM” that flashes once the
vacuum time elapses, and the controller goes in STOP mode, in case you press the key 5 STOP during
the vacuum cycle, the controller waits until the remaining vacuum time elapses and then goes in STOP
f) remote ON/OFF: Via the remote on/off the user can shut down or start the compressor. (the remote
on/off control is active only if the controller is in START mode).

Start-up procedure with electronic pressure transducer:

Press the key 4. If no alarms are on, the start-up cycle is enabled:
a) Wait for start-up: on display appears “STATE= STAND-BY” and the controller waits for the following
conditions to be met prior to activating the compressor:
1) If the machine was switched off or a previous stoppage was executed, the control unit waits 15
seconds before starting the compressor. The machine state button flashes.
2) The control unit waits for the pressure to go below the value set in the “Load pressure” set before
starting the compressor.
3) The controller waits for the work pressure switch, which becomes the oil separator pressure switch,
to close.
b) Compressor start-up: the line remote control switch and triangle output closes and the message
“STATE=VACUUM” is displayed
c) Operational start-up: Switching from start to triangle after 5 sec. After 2 seconds, if requested by the
work pressure switch, is energized the load solenoid valve and on display appears “STATE=LOAD”.
d) Compressor shutdown: When the compressor reaches the set vacuum pressure the controller disables
the load solenoid valve and the vacuum cycle starts if the pressure does not drop below the set value;
after the vacuum time set elapses the controller stops the compressor and the latter remains in “STATE=
e) Compressor stop: If you press the key 4 while the controller is in Stand-by, the controller stops instantly
and on display appears “STATE=STOP”, ; on the other hand, if the key is pressed during the load cycle,
the controller goes in vacuum mode and on display appears “STATE=VACUUM” that flashes once the
vacuum time elapses, and the controller goes in STOP mode, in case you press the key 6 STOP during
the vacuum cycle, the controller waits until the remaining vacuum time elapses and then goes in STOP
f) remote ON/OFF: Via the remote on/off the user can shut down or start the compressor. (the remote
on/off control is active only if the controller is in START mode).

Start-up procedure with electronic pressure transducer and INVERTER:

Press the key 4. If no alarms are on, the start-up cycle is enabled:
a) Wait for start-up: on display appears “STATE= STAND-BY” and the controller waits for the following
conditions to be met prior to activating the compressor:

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a. If the machine was switched off or a previous stoppage was executed, the control unit waits 15
seconds before starting the compressor. The machine state button flashes.
b. The control unit waits for the pressure to drop below the value set in the "Working Pressure-
Working Delta" parameter before starting the compressor.
c. The controller waits for the work pressure switch, which becomes the oil separator pressure
switch, to close.
b) Compressor start-up: the line remote control switch and star output closes and the message
“STATE=VACUUM” is displayed; the motor starts at minimum speed % set.
c) Operational start-up: After the time set in the load delay parameter elapses, the load solenoid valve is
enabled and on display appears “STATE=LOAD”, when the compressor reaches the operating pressure,
the inverter output will begin to modulate the motor to keep the pressure steady. The pressure will be
adjusted from minimum % set to 100% of speed.
d) Compressor shutdown: When the compressor reaches the set operating pressure + operating delta, the
controller disables the load solenoid valve and the motor works at minimum operating speed % and the
vacuum cycle starts if the pressure does not drop below the set value; after the vacuum time set elapses
the controller stops the compressor and the latter remains in “STATE= STAND-BY”.
e) Compressor stop: If you press the key 4 while the controller is in Stand-by, the controller stops instantly
and on display appears “STATE=STOP”, ; on the other hand, if the key is pressed during the load cycle,
the controller goes in vacuum mode and on display appears “STATE=VACUUM” that flashes once the
vacuum time elapses, and the controller goes in STOP mode, in case you press the key 6 STOP during
the vacuum cycle, the controller waits until the remaining vacuum time elapses and then goes in STOP
f) remote ON/OFF: Via the remote on/off the user can shut down or start the compressor. (the remote
on/off control is active only if the controller is in START mode).

Support service password = 2954

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Wiring diagram

Inverter alarm input

Emergency button input
Fan thermal breaker input
Rotation err. input
Motor thermal breaker input
ON/OFF remote input
Remote input
Dryer alarm input


Pressure sensor

Fan relay
Star relay
Triangle relay
SV relay
Motor relay
Common relay

used, set the PTC input parameter to ON)

12Vdc max 100Ma

relay or a 12Vdc max 100mA LED lamp

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0 Creazione (tutte le pagine) Created on (all pages) 17/06/2015
1 Modificata tabella parametri settabili (pag. 6) Settable parameters Table edited (page 6) 17/07/2015

Questa pubblicazione annulla e sostituisce ogni precedente edizione This publication replaces and supersedes any previous issue and
o revisione. La FINI NUAIR si riserva il diritto di apportare modifiche revision. FINI NUAIR reserves the right to implement modifications
senza preavviso. E' vietata la riproduzione anche parziale senza without notice. This manual cannot be reproduced, even partially,
specifica autorizzazione. without prior written consent.

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