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Chapter 9 - History

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In Class Notes

Creating a new Economy

● Rise and dominance of the cotton industry dominated almost all

Americans- North and South
○ Making slavery more valuable
● North becoming more industrialized- factories
● South's economy based off of North's economy

Great expansion of the national economy

● Changin economic and social structures made slavery more valuable

King Cotton

● Dominate southern
● Samuel Slater- 1789
● Recreate textile factory in RH
● By water to power factories
● Eli WHitney- 1794
● Patents the cotton gin- separates 50 lbs. of cotton fiber from the
○ Slave could only pick by hand 1 lb a day
● Patented the idea of interchangeable parts- could replace a singular
part instead of entire machine

Gin transformed the nation

○ US now has huge export crop

○ Plantation grew in the south and factory town boomed in the

Cotton Black Belt

● Rich black soil from Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana

○ 1801-9% of the world's cotton came from US
○ 1801-60% of the world's cotton came from Indian
● 1820- US surpasses India and #1 cotton producer
● 1850- US producing 67% of the worlds cotton
● As cotton industry expands so does slavery


● Value increased as cotton become more lucrative

● Slaves sold into the interior
● Bc of growing cotton plantations- slaves are being transported more
● Marriages broke up (⅕), children sold (⅓) sales used as discipline- to
punish- stop slave rebellions + runaways

Cotton in the North

● Fancis Cabot Lowell- memorized British mill technology

● Developed business idea- multi shareholder corporation
○ Reduces the risk of starting a company
■ Don't need to put as much capital into building it
○ Stock exchange
● Built first cotton fabric mill- LARGE: Harsh conditions + bad salary
○ Created new city in Lowell, MASS- for workers to live
○ Hired young single women (factory girls) and boarded them in
factory town- had to pay to live in town-(over half of salary)
■ Women worked in the harsh conditions bc of limited jobs
for women


● NYC became the center of the shipment of cotton across the atlantic
○ Had the deep water harbor
○ Had enough infrastructure to accommodate shipping +
experienced coworkers and longshoremen
● 1817- NYSE founded financial capital- Banks, Insurance
companies,and investment houses- Hamilton was happy
● 1850- 500,000 residents

Panic of 1819

● Drop in the price of cotton and lower demand- grew beyond demand
○ Not profitable to grow cotton
● Bank of US calls in loans and limits credit
○ Investors and farmers could not pay their debts
● Small businesses failed and farmers foreclosed
● Started “Boom and Bust” cycle- economy explode and then falls
● Price of cotton recovered eventually

Transportation developments

● 1816- Former Mayor Dewitt CLinton runs for governor of NY-

promised to build a canal across rural NY using state funds
● “Clinton's big ditch”
● Man Made waterway 363 miles between Albany and Buffalo
● Cemented the role of NYC as a key city of trade, commerce, and
● Connected to great lakes
○ Allows exchange of good to be more rapid and widespread


● Steamboats, roads, travel, and news

● 1807- Robert Fulton incited the steamboat
● Transformed trade on the Mississippi River
○ Could travel up or down the current

National Roads

● Had poor and not many roads

● 1811- National road built across the APpalachian mountains
● Linked t5he potomac river and Ohio river
● Extended across Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois
● State built turnpikes- Lancaster Turnpike
● 1840s travel depended on proximity to canal, river, or atlantic coast


● Banks, corporations, and commerce

● Americans had distrust of large business enterprises
● Family farm was business model
○ People didn't dream of “climbing the corporate ladder”
○ Ideal way of living
● 1815- 200 state chartered banks
○ Had 2 services
1. Printed bank notes (paper currency)- backed by banks
2. Made loans and collected interest
3. Eventually issues notes based on loans in their portfolio


● Large commercial and industrial ventures funded by joint

○ Major ideas
1. Limited liability spread the risk- easier to come up with
2. Freedom from losing charter from the government- not
relying on government loans- capitalists idea

Era of good feelings

● President James monroe (1817-1825)

● By the time Monroe is running- opposition federalists party virtually
○ Almost unanimously elected
● Lack of partisan masked underlying political, social, and economic
tensions that blew wide open in 1820s- not being fought against

Supreme Court

● Chief Justice John Marshall 91801-1835)

● Expanded the role of the court and the power of the federal
● 1803- Marbury vs. Madison
● SC has power of judicial review

Mcculloch v Maryland- 1819

● Congress had established the 2nd bank of the US - state of Maryland

had imposed a tax on the branch located in Baltimore
● Congress has the power to establish a US bank- because of
necessary and proper clause
● Maryland does not have the right to tax the federal government
Gibbons v Ogden- 1824

● Case delt with the license to operate a ferry service btw NY and NJ
○ Gave the federal the government to interstate commerce- NY
couldn't regulate themselves

The politic of cotton and the missouri compromise- 1819

● Missouri applies for admission into union/ statehood

● Tallmadge amendment- would prohibit slavery there
○ Very heated
● Growing hostility to slavery in the north
○ Nervouse that slavery would take away their jobs- selfish
● South totally dependent on slavery
● If missouri became a slave state- threat to upset the balance in the
Congress and the electoral college
○ North worried if there were too many slaves states than slavery
would be around forver
○ South worried if not enough slave states then it'll be outlawed

Missouri Compromise

● Authored by Henry Clay of Kentucky- “The great compromiser”

● North and south had 11 states each in the senate
● Comprised the addition of Maine as a free state and missouri as a
slave state
○ Kept balance
● No slavery north of 36’30 noth latittude
● Opposition in North, but support in south

Contested elction of 1824

● Most confusing election in American history

● Demoratic Repunlican party only party in the nation
○ No opposition from federalists
● Lower property restriction on voting- poor white free males could
● No majority in electoral college- House divided among 3 candidates
as no one candidate had a majority in the electoral college

The Candidates

● John quincy Admas- Mass- 84votes

● William H Crawford- Georgia- 41
● Henry Clay- KY- 37 votes
● John C Calhoun- VERY for slavery- SC- didnt get any
● General ANdrew Jackson- Tenn- 99 votes
● Old Hickory won the popular vote! No majority in electoral college-
House chooses top 3


● Clay eliminated- not among top 3

● Crawford had stroke- eliminated
● Clay determined Jackson would not pres
● 5 days after votes- henry clay named SOS
● JQA elected by a 13/7 votes
● Jackson and his supporter denounce what they call a “corrupt
bargain”- in exchange for becoming secretary of state

Adams Clay Adenda

● Called for the “american system” to try to unify the nation

1. National improvements in infrastructure- roads + canals
2. Protective tariffs to protect american industry- popular in north
but no with the south plantation owner
■ Tariffs for the south- put against people who import
goods, higher price of goods

Election of 1828

● Jackson campaigning for president almost all 4 years

● Old demorcratic republican party splinters (only party previous year)
● Admas men- national republican- core of the new wing party
● Jakcson mem- deocratic republicans - core of new deocratic party
● Martin van Burna- VP and primary architect of campaign
● Many feature of modern campaigns, get out the vote, slogans,
● Nasty and hotly contested campaign
● Jackson wins!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: New Industries, New Politics

➔ Americans got ahold of florida after Andrew Jackson's victory in The

War of 1812

➔ Cotton transformed American physically, commorically, and the

political landscape

◆ Henry Bibb- former slave

◆ Women working in the mills or textile factories in

Massachusetts turned the cotton into cloth

◆ New inventions helped the cotton industry and the American

economy grow exponentially

● Inventions included:

● Cotton gins

● Steamboats

● Corporations

● Different kind of bank

◆ The new cotton based economy made lsvaes MUCH more

valuable- this caused the slave owners to feel uneasy and work
harder to defend slavery

◆ During this time the Northerner, including the northerner in the

cotton industries, became more hostile to slaveholding- this led
the nations division

➔ Creating The Cotton Economy

◆ Before The War of 1812, the dominant plantation cash crops

were rice, indigo, tobacco, and in Louisiana, sugar.

◆ Cotton remained the top cash crop until the 1930s

➔ Demand

◆ EWuropeans starting preferring cotton clothing over wool or


● Cotton was cooler and more comfortable, and cheaper

● Europe got most of its cotton from India but India couldnt
procude enough to meet Europe's needs

➔ Technology- England

◆ John Kay invented a “flying shuttle”- made weaving cloth much

faster and allowed a single weaver to handle a loom instead of
a weaver needing many people

◆ James Hargreaves incensed the spinning jenny- spins lots of

cotton into thread

◆ Richard Arkwright- patented a water frame- used waterpower

to dive the spinning process- helped with mass production

◆ James Wass- coal powered steam engine- added steam power

to English mils- expaniding their size- more production

➔ Englishmen

◆ Samuel Slater- Went to New York to bring secret inventions to

the US

● Ignored Arkwrights patents to crecreted the mechanical

spingin in mill in RH

◆ Cotton would only grow in the south, except for a few places on
the coast or coastal island

◆ Eli Whitney- Lives on Greene family plantation in Georgia-

created and patented the cotton gin

● Whitney didn't make a fortune bc too many people were

improving it
● He did become rich from his idea of interchangeable
parts- making things easier to repair

◆ As Cotton market continued to grow- coastal shipping also grew

➔ The Land Of Cotton

◆ First cotton export was grown along the Atlantic coast and on
the Sea Islands and Georgia

◆ Greatest cotton production involved the green seed variety

grown on “​balck belt​”- Cotton growing region that was
developed in the early 1800s, stretching from Georgia though
Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, names for its rich balck

◆ Quality of the soil made it perfect for growing cotton

➔ War of 1812 gave us Louisiana

➔ Federal government played an important role in the lands used for

cotton productions.

● The revenue from the land sales were spent on

maintaining the army that protected the new lands

● Also aided used the money for building a road from

Columbia, SOuth Carolina, to COlumbus, Georgia - and
then further into the black belt region

➔ In 1801- 9% of cotton came from america + 60% came from India

➔ In 1850- The american south was producing more than ⅔ of the

worlds cotton

➔ The People Who Worked The Land- Cotton And The

Tansformation Of Slavery

◆ Landowners in the Old South did not do most of the hard work-
That was the African slaves
◆ Btw 1800-1860: More than 1 million black Americans were
forced to move from their homes and families to cotton growing

● Slavery was slowly dissipering in the north after 1800

● Slaves were kept in “order” by them being threatened to

be sold and taken away from their families and homes

◆ Men were sold more than women so they could bear more
children (ages 14-35)

◆ Arena Screven- literate slaves- learned that he was to be sold

from Georgia to New Orleans and wrote his wife, “If we shall
not meet in this world I hope to meet you in heaven.”

◆ Laura Clark- slave- Remembered her mother asking another

slave to “take care of my baby child and if I never sees her no
more reasie her for God.”

● This treatment lead many slaves to despair, to run away,

or to rebel

◆ Slave coffles- 20 to 50 slaves walking west after being sold.

Walking 15 to 20 miles a day- taking 2 months to go from
Virginia to the Mississippi Valley

● In later years slaves were transported by ship to New

Orleans- which became the largest slave trading center in
the US by 1820

◆ 1814- Slaves on the Creole (ship) forced the captain to deliver

them to the Bahamas where they found freedom

◆ Cotton was planted in the early spring- Harvesting in August

lasting through Sep- Oct.

● Winter- women worked the cotton gin and packed the

cotton for market
● Winter- men cleared more land and repaired buildings

◆ Men slaves- plowed

◆ Women and children slaves- hoed

◆ Owners worked with the slaves when having smaller farms

◆ African American culture started to fade in later generations- a

new culture was created in the slave communities
● Slaves grew their own food with permission from owner
● Made cloth for better clothing
● Earned cash by selling surplus food and clothing

Cotton In The North- Factories And The People Who Worked In


➔ The British checked Francis Lowell's luggage before leaving, to check

for drawing or plan from the British mills, but he had already
memorized it
➔ Lowell also brought to America- the idea of multi shareholder
corporation- less risk for investors
➔ Lowell and Paul Moody recreated a British style power loom in
◆ Established the heart of American manufacturing for the next
● Produced cotton fabric in large factories
● Built on Charles River- to power factory
➔ After Lowell's death, his parternes created a new city- Lowell
Massachusetts- that housed even more people
◆ Caused more placed like this to spring up everywhere
◆ Industrial revolution was born
➔ Men had been heading west for a while- leaving many single young
women left
◆ Gave an opportunity for young women to be brought into these
housing units
◆ These units were clean, with chaperones and opportunities for
religious and educational activities
● Knows as factory girls
➔ Lowell Offering- used to tell the world about the success of the good
life the woman who worked there enjoyed
● Attracted new investors to the business and new young
recruits to work in the mills
◆ Lied about the Conditions- they were harsh
➔ Dover Gazette- New Hampshire newspaper- reported on 1834 strike
by the young women- the first strikes in AMerica
◆ Strikes did not last long + did not win
◆ Second strike 2 years later- failed
➔ By 1840 the conditions were even worse
◆ THe option of quitting and returning home was disappearing

New York and the International Cotton Trade

➔ Most american cotton was shipped in its raw state to Manchester and
Leeds in England
◆ Permanent peace had been create btw the US and Britain after
the end of the War of 1812
● This made trade easy
➔ NYC was now the center of the shipment of cotton across the Atlantic
◆ Became the nation's largest city and commercial center
● This allowed NYC to have many advantages- raised the
economy there greatly

The Panic of 1819

➔ As more americans invested in land or slaves to grow cotton

◆ This led them to become financially overextended
◆ More cotton was being delivered to Liverpool then the mills
could process
● Value of cotton- 32.5 → 24 → 14 cents
➔ Europe started growing more food
◆ Meant less need for imported American grain
➔ The bank of the US protected itself by limiting credit and calling in
◆ Farmers could not pay their debts
● Small businesses failed
➔ Evenly the economy recovered but it took many hard years

➔ 9.2-Commerce, Technology, and Transportation
➔ After 1815-
➔ wheat and corn highly profitable
➔ wood from trees providing wood for ships and buildings on both sides
of the Atlantic
➔ North American furs were still high in demand
◆ This made transportation more and more important
● Industrial revolution was beginning

The Erie Canal

➔ New Yorkers wanted a way to ease transportation across the state,

but saw none
◆ COngress refused to fund a canal linking upstate NY with the
Hudson Valley
● Mayor DeWitt Clinton ran for governor (he won) with a
promise to build a canal using state funds- canal would
make NYC the commercial capital of the nation

Steamboats, Roads, Travel, and News

➔ Steamboats transformed the way of transportation- was able to

travel up and down stream on the Mississippi
◆ With an increase in travel time new spread faster
● This had the government develop the post office system
➔ States built their own roads- still slow and expensive

Banks, Corporations, and Finance

➔ Americans distrusted the large business enterprises

◆ Family farms were the business model- small businesses
➔ As commerce developed, large commercial and industrial companies-
like mills- were too large and risky to be financed solely by
◆ A new idea was born- multiple stockholders
➔ Limited liability for individual stockholders
➔ Corporations freedom from having it charter withdrawn or altered by
the government
Reality of the New Market Economy

➔ Before the revolution most farmers lived in a barter economy- most

good and services were traded
◆ By 1820s- the barter economy had disappeared
● Farmers sold their goods and used the cash to purchase
◆ Money was more important now

9.3- From the Era of Good Feelings to the Politics of Division

➔ Era of good feeling- 2 terms of James Monroe's presidency- virtually

unanimous election + reelection
◆ Federalist Party had almost disappeared causing the almost
unanimous vote

Supreme Couth Defines its Place

➔ John Marshall was able to convince a moarjoy of the justices to go

along with his views no matter what their prior beliefs were
● Used his position to define the role of the court
◆ Expanded the role and power of the federal government
➔ Marshall's 1803- ​Marbury v Madison- ​Supreme Court had the power
to review the constitutionality of acts of Congress
◆ Important in expanding the role of the Supreme court and the
federal government
➔ Dartmouth College v Woodward​- rules that state charter, including
charter from colonial legislatures like Dartmouths, were contract and
the contrast were invisible
◆ the legislatures actions were unconstitutional
◆ After the nationals growing businesses and industries were able
to be certain that their contract could not be overturned by
legislative action
➔ McCulloch v Maryland​- Congress had the right to charter a bank if it
though it was in the national interest
◆ States could not interfere with the workings of the federal
➔ Gibbon v Ogden-​ the state of NY did not have the right to give Ogden
a monopoly to ferry service- only congress can control
➔ Worcester v. Georgia-​ the state of Georgia could not regulate private
dealings by US citizen within the territory controlled by the cherokee

The Politics of Cotton and the Missouri Compromise of 1820

➔ Population grew tanks to the westward movement

➔ COngress was asked if Missiour could be a state- could not introduce
new slaves into their state, freeing those who were already there
➔ Missouri Compromise- allowed missouri and Manie to be admitted to
the union

Contested Election of 1824

➔ Leaving president during the time- James Monroe- served his 4 terms
➔ Federalist party was gone and all that was left was the
democratic-republican party
➔ 3 members of Manures cabinet sought the presidency
◆ Jackson- 99 electoral votes- Served 1 year in the Senate and
other government posts- military leader
◆ Admas- 84 votes- Secretary of State
◆ Crawford- 41 votes- Secretary of Treasury
◆ Clay- 37 votes- Speaker of the HOuse of Representatives
➔ Jakson won the popular vote- election was tossed to the House
◆ House had to choose the top 3 candidates
● Clay eliminated the
● Crawford had a stroke
● Jackson + Adams only candidate left- Clay , who was
master of the house, determines Jackson should not be
◆ Adams was elected- vote of 13 states-
● Secret agreement with Clay????- It's said Clay agreed to
let someone in the president's seat if he was given
Secretary of State

The Adams- Clay Agenda

➔ Adams proposed the idea of roads, canals to improve the nation
➔ “American System”- Protective tariffs
◆ Tariff raised the cost of everything southern cotton planters had
to buy- did nothing to raise the cotton prices on the market

The Jackson Victory of 1828- The Rebirth of Political Parties

Jackson felt cheated on by previous years election

➔ Adams men- Later started calling themselves National Republicans

◆ Henry Clay would biome the core of the new Whig Party- party
that advocated for a strong national government role in the
economy- such as roads and canals
➔ Jackson men- After the midterm jackson men controlled congress
◆ Later called themselves Deocratic-republicans
➔ NASTY election
◆ Jackson won

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