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Module 3 MIL Types of Media Week 3

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National Capital Region

Schools Division Office

Blk. 29, Congress Road, Bagumbong, Caloocan City

Media and Information Literacy

Module for Senior High School


Lesson 3: Types of Media

Learning Competencies Published by the Commission on Higher Education, 2016

Chairperson: Patricia B. Licuanan, Ph.D. , retrieved form
 Classify contents of different media types.
Google drive by Arniel Ping(PPT) retrieved from

 Define media convergence through current examples. Resources Heinich, R., Molenda, M., Russel, J. & Smaldino, S.
(1999). Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning, 6th ed.
MIL11/12TYM-IIId-11 NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc. Wilson, Carolyn; Grizzle, Anton; Tuazon,
Ramon; Akyempong; Kwane; Cheung, Chi-Kim (2011). Media and
 Discuss to class on how a particular individual is Information Literacy: Curriculum for Teachers. UNESCO Press
portrayed in public using different type of media. ISBN 978-92-3-104198-3 (EN); 978-959-18-07; 978-959-18-0787-8
Google Drive by Erwin D. Ferrer retirieved from

*DepEd module template

To the Learners

Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other TASK that will disturb you while enjoying
the lesson. Read the following instructions:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module. Use
separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises. (for printed copy)
2. Read the specific instruction carefully before doing each task.
3. Observe honestly and integrity in doing the task.
4. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
5. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the task in this module, do not hesitate to consult your
teacher or facilitator.


This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you understand the
different types of media and value them as part of the communication tools.

The module is divided into two lessons, namely:

1.1. Print, Broadcast, New Media
1.2. Media Convergence

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify different type of media.
2. Define media convergence in different contexts.

Formative Assessment

Types of Media
1. Classify the given media formats and write it in their corresponding columns.
Books magazines newsletter
Newspaper social network cellphone
Television radio journals
YouTube mimeograph film/movie

Print Broadcast New Media

Looking back to your lesson

Media and information have evolved throughout history. It allows people to have better and faster access
to information, which in turn allows them to easily adopt newer media technologies.
Given the available media that we now have in the world, what are their roles and functions in a democratic
society? Choose all that apply by shading the circle before the choices.
It provides opportunities for people to communicate, share ideas, speculate, tell stories
and give information
It exposes corrupt practices of the government and the private sector. Creating a space
wherein governance is challenged or scrutinized by the governed.
It acts as a gateway of information for the society’s consumption. Also, it becomes a
keeper of memories of the community, preserver of heritage and source of academic
Through its diverse sources or formats, it bridges the gap of digital divide.

Lesson Proper
Media is the term we use to refer to different types of media that provide us with important information
and knowledge. Media has always been part of our society, even when people used paintings and
writings to share information. As time passed, people came up with different modes to provide news to
the public. Based on the type of medium, their role may be different, but they all exist to communicate
to the audience and affect their perceptions. Today, we don’t have to travel oceans or wait for a pigeon
to get the latest news.

What are the different types of Media?

1. 1. Print Media
This type of news media used to be the only way of delivering information to the public. For
the generations of the 80s and 90s, print media was the only media of entertain. People relied on
newspapers and magazines to learn everything, from recipes and entertainment news to important
information about the country or the world. Print media includes:
2. Broadcast Media
Broadcast media describes the traditional forms of media that include television and radio.
Technically, the term ‘broadcast media’ can include the internet as well and even such things as
Bluetooth marketing and other forms of location-based transmissions.

This means to communicate or transmit a signal, a message, or content, such as audio or video
programming, to numerous recipients simultaneously over a communication network. To make knows
over a wide area. (Source:

3. Film/Cinema
The Term ‘Film’ is commonly applied to movies of an artistic or educational nature and is not
expected to have broad, commercial appeal. According to Wikipedia, a film is created by photographing
actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using
traditional animation techniques; by means of computer animation; or by a combination of some or all
of these techniques and other visual effects. It is a series of images, which when displayed on screen,
create an illusion of moving images by the phi phenomenon.

4. Video Games (Digital Games)

Any of various interactive games played using a specialized electronic gaming device or a
computer or mobile device and a television or other display screen, along with a means to control
graphic images.

5. New Media
Defines “new media” as “forms of communicating in the digital world, which includes
publishing... most significantly, over the Internet. It implies that the user obtains the material via
desktop and laptop computers, smartphones and tablets. Every company in the developed world is
involved with new media.” PC Magazine
(Source: media/2016/03/what-is-new-media.html)

Media Convergence
Media convergence is a term that can refer to either:
• The co-existence of traditional and new media.
• The co-existence of print media, broadcast media (radio and television), the Internet, mobile phones, as
well as others, allowing media content to flow across various platforms.
• The ability to transform different kinds of media into digital code, which is then accessible by a range
of devices (ex. from the personal computer to the mobile phone), thus creating a digital communication
• The joining, or ''converging,'' of distinct technologies into one. It takes completely separate ideas and
smashes them together, so that we're left with one big idea.

Mass Media
-refers to the various ways, especially television, radio, newspapers, and magazines, by which
information and news are given to large numbers of people.

Media Effects
-are the intended or unintended consequences of what the mass media does? (Denis McQuail, 2010)

 Third Party Theory

People think they are more immune to media influence than others. Behavioral hypothesis
predicts that third-person perception (i.e., seeing others as more influenced) will lead to support
for restrictions on media messages.
 Reciprocal Effect
When a person or event gets media attention, it influences the way the person acts or the way the
event functions.
 Boomerang Effect
Refers to media-induced change that is counter to the desired change.
 Cultivation Theory (George Gerbner)
It state media exposure, specifically to television, shapes our social reality by giving us a
distorted view on the amount of violence and risk in the world
 Agenda Setting Theory (Lippmann/ McCombs and Shaw)
Process whereby the mass media determine what we think and worry about.

Ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a
cause, a political leader, a government, etc. ( dictionary/propaganda)

Be Aware of Propaganda
• Propaganda manipulates and diverts
you from logical analysis of issues.
• Propaganda hides the truth.
• By understanding propaganda, you
will be able to protect yourself from
deceitful tactics

How to Spot a Propaganda

• Distorts and oversimplify evidence
• Shows internal inconsistency after
examining facts.

I. Write “P” for print media, “B” for broadcast media , “F” for film, and “N” for new media on the
space provided before each number.

1. ABS- CBN TV Patrol aired on channel 2

2. Harry Potter Complete Series Boxed Set Collection
3. Promotional poster uploaded in Facebook
4. Media and Information Literacy textbook
5. Don’t Let Me Down by The Chainsmokers in Spotify
6. 24- Oras news program uploaded on YouTube
7. One Punch-man manga uploaded in MyManga website
8. Jason Bourne movie shown in theaters
9. Philippine Daily Inquirer news paper
10. 7 Years by Lukas Graham played on 90.7 Love Radio

II. Answer the following questions briefly and sensibly.

1. What is the emerging role of social media in the society? What are the advantage/s and
2. How do you think social media is affecting our culture?
Put your output on a clean short bond paper.

III. Cartoon Analysis

Guide Questions:
1. What symbolisms are used in this picture?
2. What is the message of this picture?
3. Do you agree with the message? Why or why not?

Put your output on a clean short bond paper.

* Please see the Picture Analysis Rubric below

Source: Max , Muselmann,


The media can be influenced by society and can in turn influence society.

It has always been part of our society, even when people used paintings and writings to share
information. As time passed, people came up with different modes to provide news to the public.
Based on the type of medium, their role may be different, but they all exist to communicate to the
audience and affect their perceptions.

The appearance of many new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional media
that is, newspapers, radio, books, magazines even television to some extent, and new media which
is the internet, by changing the way people get their information. This merger has lessened the need
to read articles printed on paper or listen to the radio or get ideas from a book, it is all available
wherever there is wireless networking technology.

That process, in which some technologies are no longer useful and others are simply changed
in the way we use them is called Media Convergence. It is a process on how we create, consume,
and distribute media.

Media convergence changed the way we receive data. Instead of getting a news report from
TV, we are getting that same report from a television station by way of the internet and social media
in particular. We can also listen to music, see movies on our smart phones.

We use different types of media to find out news, learn new things, and entertain ourselves.
With the advance in technology, we can choose the type of media we want to use, no matter what
time or place.

Check Your Understanding

Directions: Write your answer on a clean short bond paper.
• Describe briefly and sensibly on how new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional and new
• Explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction.
• Describe the use of one or two forms of new media to share knowledge and information on a current issue
in society.
• Explain how a person could be portrayed in public in the age of media convergence.

*Refer to the rubric for criteria and grading.

Very Good Good Poor Needs Improvement

INTRODUCTION Well-developed Introductory paragraph Introduction does not Introduction was not
Background/ introductory paragraph contains some background adequately explain the presented.
Define the Problem contains detailed information and states the background of the
background information, a problem, but does not problem. The problem is
clear explanation or explain using details. stated, but lacks detail.
definition of the problem.
(5 points) (4 points) (2 points) (0 points)
BODY PARAGRAPHS Argument is well Argument was presented Argument was presented Argument was not
Main Argument developed with supporting with some supporting but lacks examples. presented.
examples. examples.
(5 points) (4 points) (2 points) (0 points)
CONCLUSION Conclusion was presented. Conclusion was presented Conclusion was presented Conclusion was not
Opinions and suggestions with some suggestions for but no suggestions for presented.
for change are logical and change are evident. change and/or opinions are
well thought out. included.
(5 points) (4 points) (2 points) (0 points)

Summative Assessment
A. Identification
Directions: Identify the following questions with the correct responses. Use another sheet of paper
for your answer.

1. It is all about integration or the coming together of computing networks, information and
communication technologies, and digital forms of information that are inherently adaptable,
delivered via ‘intelligent’ platforms, applications and devices.
2. It describes the traditional forms of media that include television and radio.
3. It is the printed version of telling the news, primarily through newspapers and magazines.
4. It is used to describe content made available using different forms of electronic communication
made possible through the use of computer technology.
5. It is the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, magazines, and the
internet, that reach or influence people widely

B. Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer
6. The following are the types of digital contents, except;
a. Owned media c. Paid Media
b. Offline media d. Earned Media
7. Which information source is best for comprehensive overview of a certain topic?
a. Websites c. Books
b. Databases d. Library
8. Digitalization offers new opportunities for the creation, presentation storage and distribution of
media products.
a. True c. In some ways
b. False d. Not at all
9. Internet has become an important part of our life and we could not possibly imagine a life
without it. However, it has its own share of dark side which is:
a. interactive medium c. high selectivity and flexibility
b. gives detailed information d. identity theft, hacking, viruses, and cheating
10. One of the down side of Media Convergence is:
a. In some cases, it provides only a select portion of its content while the more detailed
stories and the remainder of the content is available only through a subscription.
b. If the information about breaking news becomes available, the stories can be released
c. It is cheaper than employing multiple employees specializing in only one platform (e.g.
having separate employees for TV, separate employees for print, etc.)
d. It’s also extremely efficient and cost-effective for public outreach like simply keeping
the public informed on a personal level and it’s all for free.

1. Write an essay about your analysis and evaluation of the effects of media to the Filipino youth.
2. Your essay must have a title, an introduction, a body paragraph (1 main argument with 2 examples),
and a conclusion. Not less than 12 sentences

* Please see the Essay Rubric on the next page.


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