CSI-183IM Brochure - 2017 - EN
CSI-183IM Brochure - 2017 - EN
CSI-183IM Brochure - 2017 - EN
The CSI-183IM Injection Molder also referred to as the Mini-MAX Molder, is a small
The heater cup capacities is available in 4 cc. A variable speed control is a
scale injection, mixer and extrusion molding instrument for polymeric and
standard feature, which allows the operator to adjust the rotor speed from 10
pharmaceutical polymers. This versatile laboratory instrument is an invaluable
to 120 RPM.
research tool for the polymer-chemical industry.
倀伀圀䔀刀 Standard and custom molds of various geometries are available to use with
In the process of researching to develop new polymers, hundreds of new polymers
this apparatus. These mold specimens can be used for dynamic, tensile, and
are synthesized annually. The CSI-183IM can produce cost effective moldings from less
impact testing. Cycle times of less than 30 seconds from cold feed to cold
than one gram of polymer, when only a few grams of new polymers are available for
䌀唀倀 specimen can be easily achieved.
evaluation. The CSI-183IM accepts all physical forms of polymer, from physical forms 䠀䔀䄀吀䔀刀
containing microscopic forms to flakes to gross chunks.
The CSI-183IM uses heat plasticizing, in addition to both extensive and inten-
sive mixing to prepare the polymer melt for the injection molding. This en-
The unique design of the CSI-183IM accommodates the normal function of an
sures a proper level of heat each time, which is essential in achieving a
injection molders as well as: 匀倀䔀䔀䐀
homogeneous mixture before it is injected into the mold.
• The amount of time the polymer is subjected to high temperatures is kept to a
Polymer melts can be prepared for injection using either intensive mixing,
minimum to prevent thermal degradation.
䤀渀樀攀挀琀椀漀渀 䴀椀砀椀渀最 䴀漀氀搀攀爀 䌀甀猀琀漀洀 匀挀椀攀渀琀椀昀椀挀 䤀渀猀琀爀甀洀攀渀琀猀Ⰰ 䤀渀挀⸀ which produces high shear rates to break up clumps of polymer. Extensive
• Polymer waste is reduced to a minimum in the instrument after each shot.
mixing requires large magnitude of deformation of a “folding back” nature to
• Mixing is an important feature allowing for uniformity to the polymer and to
uniformly distribute the various ingredients of the melt. As a result of
distribute any additives.
intensive and extensive mixing, the melt will have thermal homogeneity i.e.,
uniform temperature. The fully molded and mixed polymer is then extruded
A Digital Temperature controller with dual display allows the operators to easily set
and injected into the specimen mold.
and observe the temperature of the stator cup. A Flat Mold Heated C-Clamp Assembly
may be optionally provided featuring a dedicated digital temperature controller to set
Since the CSI-183IM combines mixing with molding, it may be used for
and observe its temperature. The Flat Mold Heated C-Clamp makes sure the mold is
research on compound formulation and polymer blends without preblending
at the same temperature as the heater cup; creating the perfect environment for the
polymer melt to effortlessly flow between the heater cup to the mold.
Thermocouple ports give quick and easy access in replacing thermocouples when
Rev. 01/2017
Uses and Applications:
• Injection Molding
• Miniature Shapes
• Mixing and Homogenizing
• Fillers and Plasticizers
• Pharmaceuticals
• Polymer Blends
• Additives
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Molding Cycle Sequence:
As the rotor is raised, polymer near the center of the rotor is drawn up, while polymer on the The “rotor” (a cylindrical rotating member), is centrally positioned in the “stator” (a cup like
perimeter is drawn to the bottom of the heater cup. When the rotor is lowered polymer drawn member). The polymer which is to be melted, mixed, and injected is entrapped between the lower
up is now forced to the periphery at the top producing the folding action of the melt. This cycle is surface of the rotor and the bottom of the heater cup, both of which are heated. The polymer is
repeated until mixing is acceptable. heated by conduction from the rotor and stator and by the mechanical shearing of the rotor. As the
polymer begins to melt, the rotor is raised and lowered. This achieves a radial mixing of a “folding back” nature.
The CSI-183IM’s system used to achieve this uniform melt mixture resembles the LE-075,
Laboratory Mixing Extruder. The CSI-183IM includes an injection system; its operation is depicted in the When the polymer has been melted and mixed, the valve at the outlet from the heater cup is opened and
schematic below: the rotor is forced downward – thus extruding the polymer and injecting it into the mold under the action of
both the pressure from the rotor and the elastic melt extruder effect. Any polymer remaining in the heater
cup may be extruded out later; the mold can remain in the heater cup to form a portion of the next shot.
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Technical Specifications: Standard Features:
Operating Heater Cup Temperature: Ambient to 842°F Control Console: Main Power Switch with LED Indicator
Ambient to 450°C Rotor Start Switch with LED Indicator
Cup Heater Power Switch with LED Indicator
Heater Cup Capacity: 4.0 CC
Adjustable Speed Mixing Drive Control Knob
Rotor Capacity: 4.0 CC
Range: 0-100%
Rotor Diameter: 0.625 or 0.5 in. (optional)
Resolution: 2%
1.5875 or 1.27 cm (optional)
Digital Temperature Controller, Cup, Dual Display
Manual Injection Valve and Lever 0.5kg (1 lb) force applied to injection level exerts a down- Resolution: 0.1 °C
Force: ward force of 5.3kg (12 lb) or 4.2kg/cm2(60 psi)
Display: LCD, 4 digits, red
Adjustable Speed Mixing Drive Range: 10 - 120 RPM
0.0166 - 0.1995 m/s Temperature Sensor: Two included, with Quick Connect Plugs
Power 0.25 HP Rotor and Cup Included, 4.0 CC capacity
Flat Molded C-Clamp Assembly, Supported Mold Length: 1 – 4 in. Mixing Drive: Adjustable with control knob
Non-Heated: 2.54 – 10.16 cm Standard Mold Type: Flat Dumbbell
Maximum Mold Size: 0.625th x 3.5L x 1W in. Mold Actuator Rad Assembly Two included
15.875 x 88.9 x 25.4 cm. Tools Included: Spatula and Hardware
Standard Flat Dumbbell Mold: Documentation Included: Operator’s Manual
Reference Test Standard: ASTM D1709
Warranty: 1 Year Manufacturer’s Warranty
Type: Stainless Steel, 3 piece
Thickness: 0.0590 in.
0.14986 cm.
Optional Accessories:
Width at Tabs: 0.1960 in. Rectangular Mold, Stainless Steel: Type: Stainless Steel, 3 piece
0.49784 cm. Thickness: 0.0590 in
Width at Narrow Section: 0.1985 in. 0.14968 cm.
0.50419 cm. Width: 0.5906 in.
Overall Length: 1.4960 in. 1.500124 cm.
3.79984 cm. Overall Length: 1.4960 in.
3.79984 cm.
Physical Dimensions
Accessory: Rod Mold, Stainless Steel: Type: Stainless Steel, 3 piece
Instrument Weight: 125 lbs.
56.7 kg. Thickness: 0.0620 in
Instrument Dimensions: 14 x 16 x 25 in. 0.15748 cm.
35.56 x 40.64 x 63.5 cm. Width: 1.5 in.
Shipping Weight: 200 lbs. 3.81 cm.
91 kg. User specified molds: Different material, different dimensions, etc.
Shipping Dimensions: 22 x 35 x 25 in.
55.88 x 88.9 x 63.5 cm Ventilation Hood with Exhaust Blower: Includes: Variable Speed Control
Installation Requirements:
Electrical Specifications: 115VAC, 50/60Hz, 1Ph, 10A
220VAC, 50/60Hz, 1Ph, 5A
Rev. 01/2017