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Alkyd G

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Our services


• Synthetic resin plants

• Urea resin plants

• Melamine resin plants

• Phenol resin plants

• Polymerization plants

• Polyurethan plants

• Alkyd- and polyester

resin plants

• Plants for printing ink


• Laboratory plants

• Process control systems

Alkyd and Polyester Resin
• Mobile containers Gebrüder Hagemann GmbH & Co. KG
Anlagen- und Behälterbau
• Storage tanks

• Heating-cooling units P. B. 1565

59245 Beckum/Germany
• Containers
Sudhoferweg 55
• Blending tanks 59269 Beckum/Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 2521 – 4094/95

Fax: +49 (0) 2521 – 4099

Application-dependent design
Hagemann alkyd and polyester bases and covering lacquers
Hagemann Technology in More Detail
resin plants guarantee an effi- with short drying times.
cient production process that The production of alkyd and needed in large amounts and The same applies to vacuum, to the amount of reaction water
ensures consistently high pro- • Polyester resins are ingre- polyester resins as well as poly- are therefore stored as liquids which, depending on the appli- – the proportion of diols and
duct quality by tailoring the dients of clear and pigmented esterimides involves condensation and fed to the reactor via mass cation, can be regulated up to glycols is only 0.5-2%. This uni-
plant to the customer’s indivi- paraffin-free lacquers that are
processes that will be referred to flow meters. high vacuum. que Hagemann concept together
dual requirements and special used to coat wood.
application needs. here as esterization processes. with the optimum design of
Polyester resins are also used as No exact boundary between Heating Operation dephlegmator size and tempera-
clear and pigmented paraffin- alkyd and polyester resins has ture control to ensure the maxi-
Applications containing lacquers for grinda- been defined. In practice, resins The plants for these resins are The reaction water is continuous- mum possible heating rate coor-
ble and polishable surfaces;
produced with fatty acids or oils almost exclusively heated by ly drained off via a height-adjus- dinated with all parts of the
• Alkyd resins are processed in they may be duct cured, e.g. by
many modifications to yield heating or under UV irradiation. using phthalic acid anhydride heat carrier oil systems that in table drain. Therefore, only 2- plant results in a minimum overall
paint resins for high-lustrous, are referred to as alkyd resins, the forerun work at temperatures 4% carrier (in relation to the reaction time.
air- and heat-drying lacquer whereas oil-free resins that are up to 300°C (in exceptional total reactor volume) is required.
based on other aromatic or satu- cases up to 340°C). This mode of operation is also
rated carboxylic acids are called possible when working under
polyester resins. The reactor is heated at multiple vacuum.
levels via outer half-coil pipes of
Dosage a special design to reduce pres- Reactions for polyester and
sure loss and to increase the polyesterimide production pro-
Mass flow meters are used to effective heat exchange area. cesses are often carried out
meter out liquid raw materials, The need to heat or cool inde- without carriers. They run under
e.g. solvents. However, dosage pendently of the primary circuit equilibrium conditions, and it is
devices incorporating electronic has resulted in designs with therefore essential to remove
balances offer more flexibility. secondary circuits allowing opti- freshly synthesized reaction
Solid, pneumatically transported mum temperature control for water by distillation. As the tem-
raw materials are normally filled each cycle as well as cooling of perature for this process is higher
into the reactor via a feeding the product by an integrated oil than the boiling point of the
tank with a weighing system. condenser. Depending on the residual diols or glycols, a portion
Melting and dissolution contai- process, inner coils may also be of them is vaporized and swept
ners that are designed as weig- used for cooling. away. Hagemann plants guide
hing containers are used for raw these vapors via the dephleg-
materials with relatively low Hagemann plants are standardly mator running parallel to the
melting points and for solid raw equipped with safety cut-outs ascension pipe.
materials that can be easily dis- for all critical parameters, such
solved in liquids. Dicarboxylic as temperature, pressure and fil- Hagemann dephlegmators offer
acids (e.g. maleic acid and ling level to prevent overtempe- perfect phase separation in the
phthalic acid anhydride) are rature and overpressure events. vapor phase, so that - in relation

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