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Behavior Change Project

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Behavior Change Project

NHM 442 Nutrition Care Process

30 Points Possible
Due ___________

The Project

1. Choose a behavior. (Hint: Choose a behavior that you will be able to track over a two-week period.)

2. At the onset of this intervention, evaluate your Stage of Change for this behavior.

3. Develop a behavioral contract with yourself. (See attached).

4. Track your progress for two full weeks. Develop a method to track your progress, such as a calendar, journal or spreadsheet.

5. Note the processes used from the Stages of Change Model. What specific processes are you using? Are they appropriate for your stage?

6. At the end of the two-week period, evaluate your Stage of Change toward this behavior again.

7. Finish this project by completing the written discussion outlined below.

Written Discussion of the Project

Your grade on this project will be based on your written work only. Your grade will not be based on whether you were successful at changing your
behavior. The paper should clearly describe each element of the project and portray your knowledge of behavior modification. Please include any
documents developed during the project as appendices to your paper. Please write in clear, coherent, and carefully edited prose. Your paper should be
no longer than 2 pages, double spaced, 12 font with 1-inch margins. Use the following section headings: Starting the Project, My Journey, and Final
Analysis. Organize the material listed in the enclosed rubric into one of these three headings. Points will be awarded based on the enclosed rubric.
Behavior Change Project Rubric

Name _______________ Total Points _______

Description of the Problem (5 Points)

 Brief description of the behavior you are attempting to change, your reasons for choosing this behavior, and the potential barriers
you will need to overcome
5 points Described the behavior adequately and frequency in which you engage in the desired behavior prior to the onset of the project;
discussed at least two reasons for choosing this behavior and two potential barriers
3 points Described the behavior but did not discuss reasons for choosing the behavior or potential barriers
0 points Omitted this section

Identification of Stage of Change-Start of Project (2 points)

 Identification of Stage of Change at the onset of the Project with your rationale for placing yourself in this stage
2 points Stage of Change is appropriate based on rationale
1 point Correctly identified one of the stages within TTM but the stage identified was not appropriate based on rationale provided
0 points Did not identify one of the stages of change

Discussion of Processes of Change (6 points)

 Discussion of Processes of Change and whether the processes used were appropriate for the stage
6 points Listed and identified at least five processes; provided examples of how the process was used and stated whether they were
appropriate based on stage
4 points listed three processes; described how the processes were used; and stated whether they were appropriate based on stage
3 points listed only one process; described its use, and stated whether it was appropriate
1 point talked in general terms about changing behavior but did not mention processes from TTM
0 points Section omitted

Identification of Stage of Change-End of Project (2 points)

 Identification of Stage of Change at the end of the project with your rationale for placing yourself at this stage
2 points Stage of Change is appropriate based on rationale
1 point Correctly identified one of the stages within TTM but the stage identified was not appropriate based on rationale provided
0 points Did not identify one of the stages of change

Reward (2 points)
 State whether your reward was motivating. If not, what type of reward would be motivating?
2 points Addressed whether the reward was motivating and provided suggestions on how to improve reward
1 point Discussed whether the reward was motivating
0 points Section omitted
Goal and Goal Attainment (5 points)
 State whether your goal was appropriate based on your level of motivation and potential barriers
5 points Described the frequency in which you engage in the behavior after the two week intervention period; addressed whether the goal
was appropriate based on motivation and barriers; discussed whether the goal was met completely (if the goal was not reached,
discussed how to improve the stated goal in the future so it is reachable); (if the goal was reached, described how to improve the
goal to continue to improve the stated behavior)
1-4 points One or more elements are missing
0 points Section omitted

Monitoring (3 points)
 Discuss whether monitoring your behavior aided your progress toward your goal
3 points Adequately described the monitoring device used; Addressed whether monitoring behavior helped and how monitoring devices
could be altered in the future
1 point Addressed whether monitoring behavior helped
0 points Section omitted

Grammar and Organization (3 points)

3 points Content is organized and author uses section headings, correct grammar and punctuation; no misspelled words; author followed
2 points One of the following conditions is present: unorganized and difficult to follow, punctuation errors, grammatical errors, or
misspelled words
1 point Two of the following conditions are present: unorganized and difficult to follow, punctuation errors, grammatical errors, or
misspelled words
0 points All of the following conditions are present: unorganized and difficult to follow, punctuation errors, grammatical errors, or
misspelled words

Inclusion of Documents (2 points)

 Project Documents are included
2 points Both the contract and monitoring records are included
1 point Either the contract or monitoring records are missing
0 points All supporting documents are missing
Behavioral Contract

Name ___________________________ Date ___/____/____

During the next _________________________

(period of time, ie, days, weeks)

I plan to do the following:

1. _________________________________________________
(specific behavioral goals, self-monitoring)

If successful, I will reward myself _____________________

(when-daily, weekly)
with the following: _____________________________________________
(name of specific reward)

Signed: ____________________________________________ date __/__/__


Signed: ____________________________________________ date __/__/__


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