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AFI CINEMA On Sunday, September 29th. Free Entrance. Bring A Friend

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1. Look! A poster for a new film! Read the poster! 3.1

”Dolphin Tales” is the new documentary from WildQuest.

Come to AFI CINEMA on Sunday, September 29th. Free Entrance. Bring a friend.
 The title of the new film is ”Documentary”. - True or false? F
 The film is at Wild Cinema. - True or false?
 You can see the film on Sunday, June 17th. - True or false?

2. Read and answer:

Dolphin Tales is a new documentary from the WildQuest project. It is produced by a group of
1 marine biologists. They discovered many amazing aspects about dolphins. The film shows
dolphins in the ocean, where they are ”at home”. The ocean is their natural habitat, say the
marine biologists!

Dolphins are very good swimmers. The swimming record for men is 100 meters in 46 seconds. A
dolphin can beat that record very easily! A dolphin swims 100 meters in about 6-7 seconds!

Dolphins are social animals. They live in pods.

A ”pod” is a group of dolphins. There are about
twelve dolphins in a pod. Sometimes, many
pods come together in a part of ocean with a lot
of food. They form a ”superpod” with hundreds
and hundreds of dolphins!
Dolphins are also very intelligent and friendly creatures. They like to have fun. They can play and
jump in the water. Sometimes they play near human swimmers or near boats with tourists. They
like to have an audience!

There are many stories of dolphins helping swimmers who are attacked by sharks. There are also
stories of dolphins who are good friends with other creatures!

 Number the paragraphs. How many paragraphs are there in the text? 3.4 ……………….
 Find the correspondance: 3.4

What the paragraph is about… Number of paragraph:

An introduction about a new documentary 1

Dolphins are friends with people

Dolphins can be friendly with other creatures

Dolphins are swimming champions

 Answer the questions 3.2

o Are dolphins social animals?.....................................................................................

o How many dolphins are there in a pod? ……………………………

3. What can dolphins do? Write something about dolphins: 4.2

Dolphins can swim very well. ………………………………………………………………………... .


4. This is a message from the WildQuest marine biologists. Give a reply. 3.3.
Dear friend. You are invited to participate in our educational program. It is about
dolphins in their natural habitat. Are you interested? Send an email! 4.1


Ex. ascultare la începutul testului scris

I. Se ascultă de la 3:50 – 4:51 (fără imagine)


Listen carefully. What are they talking about? Tick the correct answer (1.2)

a) experiment into the dolphins swimming

b) the great efforts of the Olympic swimmers
c) advanced research about life in oceans

II. Se ascultă din nou concomitent cu video (același fragment de la 3.50 la 4.51)

Listen and watch. What is the clip about? Tick the correct answer (1.2)

a) Swimming at the Summer Olympics

b) Ocean research experiments
c) Experiment on dolphin swimming

CS/ aVa

1.1. Identificarea sensului global al unor mesaje și dialoguri uzuale, clar articulate-
Identificarea situaţiei de comunicare -Selectarea imaginii corespunzătoare dintr-un set (cu
distractori plauzibili)-Oferirea de răspunsuri scurte la întrebarea: „Despre ce este vorba ...

1.2. Identificarea semnificaţiei unor schimburi verbale uzuale și clar articulate, în situaţia în
care interlocutorul oferă ajutor pentru a facilita înţelegerea – se testează în proba orală

1.3 Manifestarea curiozităţii faţă de unele elemente specifice spaţiului cultural al limbii studiate
– se coroborează cu obs prof.!

How often do you look on the internet/ TV for various cultural aspects. Tick for every row

Cultural aspect Once a week – Once or twice a Not curious about it!
several times a week month I never look!
Songs, music
Exemplar elev – ascultare

I. Listen carefully. What are they talking about? Tick the correct answer
d) experiment into the dolphins swimming
e) the great efforts of the Olympic swimmers
f) advanced research about life in oceans

II. Listen and watch. What is the clip about? Tick the correct answer
d) Swimming at the Summer Olympics
e) Ocean research experiments
f) Experiment on dolphin swimming

III. How often do you look on the internet/ TV for various cultural aspects. Tick for every row
Cultural aspect Once a week – Once or twice a month Not curious about it!
several times a week I never look!
Songs, music

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