United States Patent Office: Benzylideneacetone-CH-CH CH-CO-CH3
United States Patent Office: Benzylideneacetone-CH-CH CH-CO-CH3
United States Patent Office: Benzylideneacetone-CH-CH CH-CO-CH3
Stannous Sulfate----------------------- 60 60 80 80 60 70 60 80
Sulfuric acid--------------------------- 100 00 80 120 80 160 120 00
Formalin.------ - I 1.5 0.8 .. 6 0.8 5 0, 8 1.
Wetting agent 2 6 5 6 6 6 4.
Brightener.--- - 0.35 0.65 1.3 0.35 0.32 0.4
Temperature, ---20-30 20-30 15-30 20-30 8-30 18-30 20-30 15-30
Current density, amps.fsq. decimeter. 1-2.5 1-2.5 0.8-4 1-2.5 0.7-3.5 0.7-3.5 1-2.5 1-3.5
The following eight brighteners were used in these Less bright, but still very smooth deposits were ob
eight solutions: tained when the pyrocatechol was omitted from the bath
(I) Styrene - composition. The ether of polyglycol was the same as in
(II) Cinnamyl alcohol 75 Example 2.
Example 5 6
fonic acids as conductivity increasing and ionization re
A bright tin plating solution was prepared from the pressing agents. Fully bright tin electrodeposits were ob
following materials: tained from a solution of the following composition under
Grams/liter the operating conditions indicated:
Tin as divalent Sulfate ------------------------ 35 Tin, as sulfate ------------------grams/liter.-- 30
Sulfuric acid -------------------------------- 150 Phenolsulfonic acid -------------------do---- 250
Wetting agent -------------------------------- 6 Formalin ----------------------------do---- 1.
Formalin ----------------------------------- 1. Benzylideneacetone -------------------do---- 0.48
Benzylideneacetone --------------------------- 0.3 Wetting agent ------------------------do---- 5
Pyrocatechol -------------------------------- 0.8 Brightener B ------------------------------- 0.8
At a bath temperature of 20 to 35 C., the bright Temperature -------------------------- C 20-35
cathode current density range extended from 1 to 4 Current density ---------------amps./sq. dm-- 1-3.5
amps./sq. decimeter. The wetting agent employed was a The wetting agent used was an ether of polyethylene
ether of polyethyleneglycol containing approximately 15 5 golycol having approximately 15 CHO radicals. The
CHO radicals per molecule. Omission of the pyrocatechol brightener B was an imidazoline derivative of the formula
from the bath resulted in smooth, but less bright deposits. shown in Example 6 in which R1 was CH5, R2 was
Example 6 CH-COONa, R was sodium. Omission of brightener B
Four electroplating solutions were prepared from stan from the composition reduced the bright plating range,
nous sulfate, sulfuric acid, a polyethylene glycol wetting 20 and particularly the semi-bright plating range.
agent, an olefinic brightener and a secondary brightener Example 8
which was an imidazolidine derivative. Pyrocatechol and A stock solution was prepared to the following com
formalin were used in some of these brighteners. Their position:
compositions, preferred operating temperatures, and the 25 Grams/liter
bright plating ranges at these temperatures as listed in Tin (as stannous Sulfate) ---------------------- 30
Table II. Free sulfuric acid ----------------------------- 10
TABLE Ether of polyglycol (abt. 15 C2H4O groups) ------- 6
Benzylideneacetone --------------------------- 0.26
Composition, grams/liter Plating Solution No. 30 Three batches of this solution were mixed with the follow
ing secondary brighteners respectively:
Tin (as Sulfate).------------------------- 30 40 35 35 (a) Formalin -------------------------------- 1.5
Sulfuric acid (free).
Wetting agent---
6 35
(b) Imidazoline derivative --------------------- 0.5
Formalln------- 1.5 0.8 ------------- Formalin -------------------------------- 0.8
Brightener All- 0.25 0.4 2
(c) Imidazoline derivative ---------------------- 1.0
Brightener B---
Temperature, C----
0.6 .. O
8-30 20-30 20-35
.0 The imidazoline derivative employed was the same as in
Current density amps. per sq. decimeter. -4. 0.8-3.5 1-4 1-4 Example 6, DX. The three plating solutions were used at
40 temperatures between 20 and 30° C. and gave at least
The wetting agents in solutions IX to XII had approxi semi-bright, Smooth deposits at cathode current densities
mately 10-15, 30, 25, 15 CHO radicals per molecule from 0.5 to 4 amps. per square decimeter (about 4.5 to 36
respectively. The olefinic brighteners A were benzylidene amps./sq. ft.). The fully bright range, however, was
acetone (IX and XII), furfurylideneacetone (X), and 2 broadened significantly as the formalin of batch (a) was
furylacrylic acid (XI). The imidazolidine derivatives em 45
gradually replaced by the imidazoline derivative.
ployed as brighteners B may be prepared by the method While the invention has been described with particular
of U.S. Patents 2,528,378, 2,773,068 and 2,781,354, and reference to specific embodiments it is to be understood
were of the formula that it is not limited thereto but is to be construed broadly
and restricted solely by the scope of the appended claims.
What we claim is:
50 1. An aqueous acid bright tin electroplating solution
N / including a tin salt, free acid, and as a primary brightener,
R3-O O C-CH-N-CH-CH-O-R, an effective amount of a compound of the formula
OH X-CH=CH-Y, wherein X is phenyl, furfuryl, or
in which the substituents were as follows: pyridyl, and Y is a member of the group consisting of
55 hydrogen, formyl, carboxyl, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, formyl
alkyl, and acyl radicals of carboxylic acids, said compound
X X XI XII being dissolved in said aqueous plating solution.
R!------- CH23---------- CH:0 CH23 C11H23
2. A solution as set forth in claim 1, further including,
R2------- CH-COOH H CH-COOH CH-COOH as a secondary brightener, an effective amount of at least
R3------- H Na H. H 60 one member of the group consisting of formaldehyde and
imidazoline derivatives of the formula
A substantial broadening of the bright plating range was N-CH
achieved by the addition of the imidazoline derivatives as
compared to otherwise identical solutions not containing
an imidazoline derivative. This effect was noticeable not
only in the range of fully bright deposits, but also in the
semi-bright range. The use of formaldehyde is not abso
R-ooc-city CH-CH-O-R,
lutely necessary when imidazoline derivatives are employed wherein R1 is an alkyl radical having at least five carbon
as secondary brighteners. 70 atoms, R2 is a member of the group consisting of hydrogen
Example 7 and -CH-COOH, and R3 is a member of the group
The imidazolidine derivatives of the invention are equal consisting of hydrogen and monovalent metal, said sec
ly effective as secondary brighteners in tin plating solu ondary brightener being dissolved in said solution.
tions which contain sulfuric, fluoboric, and aromatic sul 75
3. A solution
a wetting agent. as set forth in claim 2, further including
3,361,652 8
- 7
4. A solution as set forth in claim 3, wherein said consisting of formaldehyde and imidazoline derivatives of
the formula
wetting agent is nonionic.
5. A solution as set forth in claim 3, wherein said
wetting agent is a water-soluble ether of polyglycol. R1-C
6. A solution as set forth in claim 3, wherein X is N /
phenyl. R3-OO C-CH-N-CH-CH-O-R,
7. A solution as set forth in claim 3, wherein X is
methoxyphenyl. wherein R1 is an alkyl radical having at least five carbon
8. A solution as set forth in claim 3, wherein X is atoms, R2 is a member of the group consisting of hydrogen
furfuryl. - 0. and -CH-COOH, and R is a member of the group
9. A solution as set forth in claim 3, wherein X is consisting of hydrogen and monovalent metal, said Sec
pyridyl. ondary brightener being dissolved in said solution.
10. A solution as set forth in claim 3, wherein Y is 14. A method as set forth in claim 13, wherein said
the acyl radical of a carboxylic acid. Wetting agent is a water soluble ether of polyglycol.
11. A Solution as set forth in claim 5, wherein X is 5 15. A method as set forth in claim 13, wherein said
sulfophenyl. free acid is selected from the group consisting of sulfuric
12. A solution as set forth in claim 5, further including acid, fluoboric acid, and phenolsulfonic acids.
pyrocatechol as an antioxidant. 16. A method as set forth in claim 13, wherein said
13. A method of electrodepositing bright tin on an solution is at a temperature not substantially higher
article which comprises making said article the cathode 20 than 35 C.
in an aqueous solution including a soluble tin salt, free References Cited
acid, a nonionic wetting agent, and effective amounts of UNITED STATES PATENTS
primary and secondary brighteners, said primary bright
ener being a compound of the formula X-CH=CH-Y, 2,598,486 5/1952 Andrews ------------ 204-54
wherein X is phenyl, furfuryl, or pyridyl, and Y is a 25 3,082,157 3/1963. Francisco et al. ------- 204-54
member of the group consisting of hydrogen, formyl,
carboxyl, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, formylalkyl, and acyl radi ROBERT K. MIHALEK, Primary Examiner.
cals of carboxylic acids, said compound being dissolved JOHN H. MACK, Examiner.
in said aqueous plating solution, and said secondary G. KAPLAN, Assistant Examiner.
brightener including at least one member of the group 30