Sample References
Sample References
Sample References
Best wishes
The AIP Conference Proceedings team
Due to the wide range of disciplines published in AIP Conference Proceedings we do not mandate either
the Vancouver or Harvard system of references. Authors are free to use either system according to
personal preference, experience or requirements/traditions of their field. We ask authors to ensure that
all references are accurate, complete and correctly punctuated and styled. In particular, please ensure the
appropriate use of bold or italic styling for individual components of the reference as demonstrated in the
Journal references
Vancouver system
By number, in the order of first appearance, giving the names of the authors, the journal name, volume,
first page number only or page range or CID number, and year as in:
[1] Q. Zhao, H. Z. Zhang, Y. W. Zhu, S. Q. Feng, X. C. Sun, J. Xu, and D. P. Yu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86,
203115 (2005).
[2] H. R. Schober, C. Oligschleger, and B. B. Laird, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 156158, 965 (1993).
[3] T. Kawamura, H. Uchiyama, S. Saito, H. Wakana, T. Mine, M. Hatano, K.Torii, and T. Onai, Tech.
Dig. - Int. Electron. Device Meet. 2008, 77.
Harvard system
In alphabetical order according to the first author's last name, giving, in addition to the name, volume,
year, and page range, also the title of the paper cited, as in:
Bargmann, V., On the number of bound states in a central field of force, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
USA 38, 961966 (1952).
[4] Donald Spector, J. Math. Phys. 49, 082101 (2008); ibid. 39, 1919 (1998).
Different authors and same journal. Include all author names and use semicolon to separate entries.
Use ibid in place of the journal title followed by volume number, page or CID number, and year:
[5] S. Stellmer, M. K. Tey, B. Huang, R. Grimm, and F. Schreck, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 200401 (2009); Y.
N. M. de Escobar, P. G. Mickelson, M. Yan, B. J. DeSalvo, S. B. Nagel, and T. C. Killian, ibid. 103,
200402 (2009).
Different authors, same journal, and same volume. Include all author names and use semicolon to
separate entries. In the second entry use ibid in place of the journal title and volume number
followed by page number.
[6] S. L. Schmidt, Phys. Plasmas 2, 345 (1995); G. Fogaccia and F. Romanelli, ibid., 227.
Articles submitted to or accepted for publication (but not yet published) in a journal: Must include
authors names and the title of the article:
[7] W. Morris-Schmidt, "A theory for scrape off layer phenomena," Appl. Phys. Lett. (submitted).
[8] L. M. Lin and P. T. Lai, Improved high-field reliability for a SiC metaloxidesemiconductor
device by the incorporation of nitrogen into its HfTiO gate dielectric, J. Appl. Phys. (in press).
Unpublished articles. Must include authors names and article title. Journal name is not required:
[9] G.-H. Lee, R. Cooper, S. Joo An, S. Lee, A. van der Zande, N. Petrone, A. G. Hammerberg, C. Lee, B.
Crawford, W. Oliver, J. W. Kysar, and J. Hone, A theory of relativity J. Appl. Phys. (unpublished).
Private communication: Must include the year in which the communication took place:
List authors and editors. Must include publisher and year of publication, and the page numbers
(unless the entire book is being cited).
Government publications: Format as for a book citation. Each must include the author(s), title of the
publication, name of the publisher, city and year of publication, and page numbers (unless the entire
publication is being cited).
[14] D. Nunes, The Brillouin Effect (U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, 1992).
Conference proceedings: Include the list of authors, the title of the proceedings, the city and year of
the conference, the name of the publisher (cannot be a laboratory or institution), city and year of
publication (or the words to be published), and the page numbers. Include the full list of editors, if
they are given.
Laboratory report: May only be used if first deposited with a national depository such as the National
Technical Information Service. (Check with the NTIS librarian at 703-605-6000.) Materials or reports in
electronic formcodes, data tables, etc.may be uploaded as supplemental material files. If the
paper is on deposit with NTIS, use the following format:
[18] See National Technical Information Service Document No. DE132450 L. (R. Newchuck, SESAME
Tables, LANL Rep. 23453, 1983). Copies may be ordered from the National Technical Information
Service, Springfield, VA 22161.
[19] S. Casalbuoni, H. Schlarb, B. Schmidt, P. Schmuser, B. Steffen, and A.Winter, TESLA Report
2005-01 (2005).
Software manuals: If published, use the book format; if not published, give the entire address for the
software maker.
[20] C. M. Western, PGOPHER, a program for simulating rotational structure, University of Bristol, UK,
[21] K. Hermann and L. G.M. Pettersson, StoBe software V. 3.6, deMon Developers Group, 2011, see
[22] H.-J. Werner, P. J. Knowles, R. Lindh, F. R. Manby, M. Schtz, et al., Molpro, version 2006.1, a
package of ab initio programs, 2006, see
Thesis/dissertation: Include the author, institution and year. Use the title if available.
Patents: Include name, patent number, and year. Include titles if available. Patent pendingmay
include date of submission and number assigned.