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The Three (3) Components of Agrarian Reforms Are The Following: The LAP

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The three (3) components of agrarian reforms are the following: The LAP

1. Land Tenure Improvement;

2. Agrarian Justice Delivery; and
3. Program Beneficiaries Development.

Definition and Nature of each component:

Land Tenure Improvement – seeks to secure the tenurial status of the farmers and
farmworkers in the lands they till. 1 It is operationalized either through land acquisition
and distribution (LAD) or leasehold operations. LAD involves the redistribution of
government and private agricultural lands to landless farmers and farm
workers. Leasehold operations on the other hand, is the alternative non-land transfer
scheme which covers all tenanted agricultural lands such those in the retained areas,
not yet acquired for distribution under CARP, and those which may be validly
covered under existing laws.

LTI provides property rights to ARBs over land which is the most powerful
resources available to them to increase and extend their collection of assets beyond
land and labour to the full portfolio necessary for sustainable livelihoods, i.e., natural
resources, social, human, and financial capital as well as physical assets.2

Agrarian Justice Delivery - refers to the provision of legal support to agrarian reform
beneficiaries in the course of agrarian disputes.3 It has two features: the Adjudication of
Cases and Agrarian Legal Assistance4, otherwise stated, the adjudication and

Land Tenure Services. Date retrieved: August 28, 2020
Why Land Tenure Is Important. Date retrieved: August
28, 2020
Rationalizing Public Expenditures in Agrarian Justice Delivery in the Philippines. (2012). Article
by Antonio B. Quizon, CARRD
delivery-in-the-philippines/. Date retrieved: August 28, 2020.
Agrarian Legal Services.
Agrarian legal assistance is comprised of resolution of agrarian law
implementation (ALI) cases, ARB representation before judicial and quasi-judicial
bodies, and mediation and conciliation while Adjudication of Cases involves the
resolution of cases by the DAR Adjudication Board (DARAB) and any of its salas.6

The program covers three types of cases namely: judicial or court cases, quasi-
judicial, and cases related to agrarian law implementation (ALI). 7 Some cases under
AJD are evictions of farmers from their landholdings, landowners selling or converting
their agricultural lands to avoid land reform, harassment and threats against farmers
and farm workers, cancellation of farmers’ land certificates, disputes between farmers
over awarded lands, disputes between DAR and landowners over land valuation,
questions on the identification and selection of farmer-beneficiaries.8

Program Beneficiaries Development – refers to support service delivery component

of the agrarian reform program. It aims to capacitate the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries
(ARBs) and provide them access to necessary support services to make their lands
more productive, and enable them to venture in income generating livelihood projects.9

PBD is pursued under three (3) major sub-components:

(1) Social Infrastructure and Local Capacity Building (SILCAB);

(2) Sustainable Area-based Rural Enterprise Development (SARED); and
(3) Access Facilitation and Access Enhancement Services (AFAES).

For me, these three (3) components are intertwined and interdependent for an
effective agrarian reform in the country, hence, shall be given equal attention by DAR.

l%20courts. Date retrieved: August 28, 2020
Supra 3.
Supra 4.
Supra 3.
Program Beneficiaries Development.
%20projects. Date retrieved: August 28, 2020

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