Sws v. Comelec
Sws v. Comelec
Sws v. Comelec
This resolves the Petition1 for certiorari and prohibition under Rule 64, in
relation to Rule 65, of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure praying that
respondent Commission on Elections' Resolution No. 96742dated April 23,
2013 be nullified and set aside and that the Commission on Elections be
permanently enjoined from enforcing the same Resolution, as well as
prosecuting Social Weather Stations, Inc. and Pulse Asia, Inc. for violating it
or otherwise compelling compliance with it.3
SWS and Pulse Asia are social research and public polling firms. Among their
activities is the conduct of pre-election surveys.6
If the elections were held today, whom would you most probably vote for
as SENATORS of the PHILIPPINES? Here is a list of candidates. Please
shade the oval beside the name of the persons you would most likely vote for.
You may choose up to twelve (12) candidates.
(LIST OF CANDIDATES OMITTED)8 (Emphasis in the original)
SWS and Pulse Asia recounted that during the hearing, COMELEC Chairman
Sixto S. Brillantes, Jr. (COMELEC Chairman Brillantes) stated that the
proceeding was merely a clarificatory hearing and not a formal hearing or an
On April 23, 2013, COMELEC issued the assailed Resolution No. 9674. The
entire dispositive portion of this Resolution reads:
As basis for Resolution No. 9674, COMELEC cited Article IX-C, Section 2(1)19 of
the 1987 Constitution and Sections 5.1 to 5.320 of Republic Act No. 9006,
otherwise known as the Fair Election Act, as implemented by COMELEC
Resolution No. 9615.21
SWS and Pulse Asia alleged that following the issuance of Resolution No. 9674
and as of their filing before this court of the present Petition, they had not
been furnished copies of Resolution No. 9674.22(They emphasized that while
a certified true copy of this Resolution was attached to their Petition, this was
a copy which they themselves secured "for the purpose of complying.with the
requirement that Rule 65 petitions must be accompanied by a certified true
copy of the assailed order or resolution[.]"23)
In the letter24 dated April 30, 2013, SWS and Pulse Asia informed COMELEC
Chairman Brillantes that they had not received a copy of Resolution No. 9674.
They also articulated their view that Resolution No. 9674 was tainted with
irregularities, having been issued ultra vires (i.e., in excess of what the Fair
Election Act allows) and in violation of the non-impairment of contracts clause
of the Constitution. They also expressed their intention to bring the matter
before this court on account of these supposed irregularities. Thus, they
requested that COMELEC defer or hold in abeyance Resolution No. 9674's
On May 8, 2013, the COMELEC Law Department issued a Notice26 to SWS (and
also to Pulse Asia) directing it to furnish COMELEC with a list of the names of
all "commissioners, subscribers, and payors of surveys published from
February 12, 2013 until April 23, 2013."27 SWS was warned that failure to
comply with the Notice shall constitute an election offense punishable under
the Omnibus Election Code.28
On July 1, 2013, COMELEC issued a Subpoena29 notifying SWS and Pulse Asia
that a Complaint "for violation of Section 264[,] par. 1 and 2 of the Omnibus
Election Code30 in relation to R.A. 9006"31 was filed against them. (This was
docketed as E.O. Case No. 13-222). They were also directed to appear and to
submit their counter-affidavits and other supporting documents at the hearing
set on August 6, 2013.32
SWS and Pulse Asia maintained that before receiving the Subpoena, they were
never informed that a criminal case had been filed against them. They added
that they were never furnished copies of the relevant criminal Complaint.33
On July 26, 2013, petitioners Social Weather Stations, Inc. and Pulse Asia,
Inc. filed the present Petition.34 They assail Resolution No. 9674 as having
been issued ultra vires. They are of the position that Resolution No. 9674, in
requiring the submission of information on subscribers, is in excess of what
the Fair Election Act requires.35 Likewise, they, assert that Resolution No.
9674 transgresses the Fair Election Act in making itself executory immediately
after publication.36 Moreover, they claim that it violates the non-impairment
of contracts clause of the Constitution,37 and was enforced in violation of their
right to due process (as they were charged with its violation despite not having
been properly served with copies of the complaint filed against
them).38 Petitioners pray for the issuance of a temporary restraining order
and/or writ of preliminary injunction in the interim.39
In this court's July 30, 2013 Resolution,40 COMELEC was required to file a
Comment on the Petition. In the same Resolution, this court issued a
temporary restraining order "enjoining the enforcement of COMELEC
Resolution No. 9674 with respect to submission of the names of regular
subscribers but not to the submission of (1) the names of specific subscribers
for the limited period of February 12, 2013 to April 23, 2013 who have paid a
substantial amount of money for access to survey results and privileged
survey data; and (2) the names of all commissioners and payors of surveys
published within the same period."41
On October 10, 2013, COMELEC filed its Comment.42 On February 12, 2014,
petitioners filed their Joint Reply.43
In this court's February 18, 2014 Resolution,44 the present Petition was given
due course, and the parties were directed to file their memoranda. Petitioners
complied on May 16, 201445 and COMELEC on June 25, 2014.46
First, whether Resolution No. 9674 is invalid in that it requires the disclosure
of the names of "subscribers" of election surveys;
Lastly, whether COMELEC deprived petitioners of due process of law when it:
a) failed to provide them with a copy of Resolution No. 9674 and the criminal
complaint for an election offense; and
b) refused to specify the election offense under which they were being
We sustain the validity of Resolution No. 9674. The names of those who
commission or pay for election surveys, including subscribers of survey firms,
must be disclosed pursuant to Section 5.2(a) of the Fair Election Act. This
requirement is a valid regulation in the exercise of police power and effects
the constitutional policy of "guarantee[ing] equal access to opportunities for
public service[.]"47Section 5.2(a)'s requirement of disclosing subscribers
neither curtails petitioners' free speech rights nor violates the constitutional
proscription against the impairment of contracts.
COMELEC, for its part, insists on the "wide latitude of discretion"50 granted to
it in the performance of its constitutional duty to "[e]nforce and administer all
laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an election[.]"51 It adds that
"as the specialized constitutional body charged with the enforcement and
administration of election laws,"52 its contemporaneous construction of
Section 5.2(a) of the Fair Election Act is "entitled to great weight and
respect."53 Citing the supposed legislative intent of Section 5.2 as
"broaden[ing] the subject of disclosure,"54 COMELEC claims that Section
5.2(a) "draws no distinction between the direct payors and the indirect payors
of the survey."55 It adds that requiring the disclosure of survey subscribers
addresses the requirement of reporting election expenditures by candidates
and political parties, thereby helping COMELEC check compliance with this
Section 5.2(a) of the Fair Election Act, read in a manner consistent not only
with its text but also with the purpose for which it, along with the Fair Election
Act, was adopted, sustains COMELEC's position.
Republic Act No. 9006 was adopted with the end in mind of "guarantee[ing]
or ensuring] equal opportunity for public service"57 and to this end, stipulates
mechanisms for the "supervision] or regulation of] the enjoyment or utilization
of all franchises or permits for the operation of media of communication or
information[.]"58 Hence, its short title: Fair Election Act.
Situated within the constitutional order, the Fair Election Act provides means
to realize the policy articulated in Article II, Section 26 of the 1987
Constitution to "guarantee equal access to opportunities for public service[.]"
Article II, Section 26 models an understanding of Philippine political and
electoral reality. It is not merely hortatory or a statement of value. Among
others, it sums up an aversion to the perpetuation of political power through
electoral contests skewed in favor of those with resources to dominate the
deliberative space in any media.
Apart from making real Article II, Section 26's constitutional policy, the Fair
Election Act represents the legislature's compliance with the requirement of
Article XIII, Section 1: "Congress . . . give[s] highest priority to the enactment
of measures that. . . reduce . . . political inequalities ... by equitably diffusing
wealth and political power for the common good."59
Specific provisions in the Fair Election Act regulate the means through which
candidates for elective public office, as well as political parties and groups
participating in the party-list system, are able to make themselves known to
voters, the same means through which they earn votes.
The Fair Election Act also governs published surveys during elections.
5.2 During the election period, any person, natural as well as juridical,
candidate or organization who publishes a survey must likewise publish the
following information:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Section 5.3 facilitates the inspection, copying, and verification not only of an
election survey but also of the raw data used as bases for its conclusions:
5.3 The survey together with raw data gathered to support its conclusions
shall be available for inspection, copying and verification by the COMELEC or
by a registered political party or a bona fide candidate, or by any COMELEC-
accredited citizen's arm. A reasonable fee sufficient to cover the costs of
inspection, copying and verification may be charged.
As with all the other provisions of the Fair Election Act, Section 5 is a means
to guarantee equal access to the deliberative forums essential to win an
elective public office. Any reading of Section 5 and of its individual
components, such as Section 5.2(a), cannot be divorced from this purpose.
The inclusion of election surveys in the list of items regulated by the Fair
Election Act is a recognition that election surveys are not a mere descriptive
aggregation of data. Publishing surveys are a means to shape the preference
of voters, inform the strategy of campaign machineries, and ultimately, affect
the outcome of elections. Election surveys have a similar nature as election
propaganda. They are expensive, normally paid for by those interested in the
outcome of elections, and have tremendous consequences on election results.
Views vary on the precise extent to which surveys or "polls" shape voter
preferences, if at all.
Election surveys have been critiqued for amplifying the notion of an election
as a "horse race"72 and for reducing elections to the lowest common
denominator of percentage points or a candidate's erstwhile share in the vote
market rather than focusing on issues, principles, programs, and platforms.
Second, there is the underdog effect where "electors rally to support the
candidate trailing in the polls."75 This shift can be motivated by sympathy for
the perceived underdog.76
Third, there is the motivating effect where "individuals who had not
intended to vote are persuaded to do so,"77 having been alerted to the fact of
an election's imminence.78
Fourth, there is also the demotivating effect where "voters abstain from
voting out of certainty that their candidate or party will win[.]" 79
Lastly, there is also the theory of a free-will effect where "voters cast their
ballots to prove the polls wrong[.]"81
Of the six (6) effects, the bandwagon effect has a particular resonance and
has been of concern. Surveys, or opinion polls, "by directly influencing
individual-level support . . . , can be self-fulfilling prophecies and produce
opinion cascades."83 "[A] poll's prediction may come to pass not only because
it measures public opinion but also because it may influence public opinion."84
(3) people resolving cognitive dissonance by switching to the side they infer
is going to win based on the poll.85cralawlawlibrary
Likewise, it has been argued that the bandwagon effect is but the obverse of
the so-called false-consensus effect or false-consensus bias:
The bandwagon effect, a form of conformity, is the mirror image of the false
consensus effect, where people misperceive that their own behaviors and
attitudes are more popular than they actually are. In the political domain, one
mechanism underlying the false consensus effect is wishful thinking - people
gaining utility from thinking their candidate is ahead or their opinions are
Speech that promotes dialogue on public affairs, or airs out grievances and
political discontent, should thus be protected and encouraged.
In this jurisdiction, this court held that "[t]he interest of society and the
maintenance of good government demand a full discussion of public affairs."
This court has, thus, adopted the principle that "debate on public issues should
be uninhibited, robust, and wide open . . . [including even] unpleasantly sharp
attacks on government and public officials."87cralawlawlibrary
Politics in the Philippines has been criticized as "a lucrative means of self-
aggrandizement."93 Ours is an exclusive system that perpetuates power and
provides sanctuary to those who have already secured their place. Traditional
Filipino politics connotes elite families that, with the state, are "engaged in a
reciprocal relationship that constantly defines and redefines both."94 As
recounted by Alfred McCoy, this reciprocal relationship, typified by rent-
seeking (i.e., "taking advantage of their access to state privileges to expand
proprietary wealth"95), is a vicious cycle propagated for as long as the
Philippines has been a republic: "The emergence of the Republic as a weak
postcolonial state augmented the power of rent-seeking political families — a
development that further weakened the state's own resources."96
The old political families, however are not as strong in the Senate as they are
in the House. This could be read, if not as a total repudiation by voters of
family power, then at least as an attempt by them to tap other sources of
national leadership. Celebrities and military and police officers have emerged
as alternatives to traditional politicians. It could be that these new men and
women have captured the popular imagination or that they are more in tune
with the public pulse. But their emergence could very well be seen as an
indication of the paucity of choices: Political parties, for one, have not
succeeded in proffering a wider range of options to an electorate weary of
The main criterion for a Senate seat is now name recall. This is where
celebrities have the edge even over older political families with bankable
names. . . .
. . . .
Thus, where once there was elitism solely along lines of kinship — Alfred
McCoy's so-called "anarchy of families" — now there is also elitism demarcated
by name recall, populist projection, and media exposure, arguably, an
"anarchy of celebrities."
Certainly, it is not the business of this court to engage in its own determination
of the wisdom of policy. Nevertheless, having to grapple with the tasks of
adjudication and interpretation, it has become necessary to bring to light the
intent that underlies the disputed statutory provision, as well as the
constitutional regime and social context, in which this provision is situated.
It is necessary that the Fair Election Act be appreciated for what it is: a
mechanism for ensuring equality. The Fair Election Act is a means to effect
the "necessary condition" to a genuine democratic dialogue, to realizing a
deliberative democracy. The concept of this "necessary condition" was
previously considered by this court in Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC:100
Marcuse suggests that the democratic argument — with all opinions presented
to and deliberated by the people — "implies a necessary condition, namely,
that the people must be capable of deliberating and choosing on the basis of
knowledge, that they must have access to authentic information, and that, on
this basis, their evaluation must be the result of autonomous thought'." He
submits that "[different opinions and 'philosophies' can no longer compete
peacefully for adherence and persuasion on rational grounds: the 'marketplace
of ideas' is organized and delimited by those who determine the national and
the individual interest."
A slant toward left manifests from his belief that "there is a 'natural right' of
resistance for oppressed and overpowered minorities to use extralegal means
if the legal ones have proved to be inadequate." Marcuse, thus, stands for an
equality that breaks away and transcends from established hierarchies, power
structures, and indoctrinations. The tolerance of libertarian society he refers
to as "repressive tolerance."101
The nature of the speech involved, as well as the Fair Election Act's purpose
of ensuring political equality, calls into operation the equality-based approach
to weighing liberty to express vis-a-vis equality of opportunities. As explained
in Diocese of Bacolod:103
In an equality-based approach, "politically disadvantaged speech prevails over
regulation[,] but regulation promoting political equality prevails over speech."
This view allows the government leeway to redistribute or equalize 'speaking
power,' such as protecting, even implicitly subsidizing, unpopular or dissenting
voices often systematically subdued within society's ideological ladder. This
view acknowledges that there are dominant political actors who, through
authority, power, resources, identity, or status, have capabilities that may
drown out the messages of others. This is especially true in a developing or
emerging economy that is part of the majoritarian world like ours.
. . .
The scope of the guarantee of free expression takes into consideration the
constitutional respect for human potentiality and the effect of speech. It
valorizes the ability of human beings to express and their necessity to relate.
On the other hand, a complete guarantee must also take into consideration
the effects it will have in a deliberative democracy. Skewed distribution of
resources as well as the cultural hegemony of the majority may have the effect
of drowning out the speech and the messages of those in the minority. In a
sense, social inequality does have its effect on the exercise and effect of the
guarantee of free speech. Those who have more will have better access to
media that reaches a wider audience than those who have less. Those who
espouse the more popular ideas will have better reception than the subversive
and the dissenters of society. To be really heard and understood, the
marginalized view normally undergoes its own degree of struggle.
The traditional view has been to tolerate the viewpoint of the speaker and the
content of his or her expression. This view, thus, restricts laws or regulation
that allows public officials to make judgments of the value of such viewpoint
or message content. This should still be the principal approach.
This does not mean that there cannot be a specie of speech by a private citizen
which will not amount to an election paraphernalia to be validly regulated by
Concededly, what is involved here is not election propaganda per se. Election
surveys, on their face, do not state or allude to preferred candidates. As a
means, election surveys are ambivalent. To an academician, they are an
aggrupation of data. To a journalist, they are matters for reportage. To a
historian, they form part of a chronicle. Election surveys thus become
unambiguous only when viewed in relation to the end for which they are
employed. To those whose end is to get a candidate elected, election surveys,
when limited to their own private consumption, are a means to formulate
strategy. When published, however, the tendency to shape voter preferences
comes into play. In this respect, published election surveys partake of the
nature of election propaganda. It is then declarative speech in the context of
an electoral campaign properly subject to regulation. Hence, Section 5.2 of
the Fair Election Act's regulation of published surveys.
First, the text of Section 5.2(a) of the Fair Election Act supports the inclusion
of subscribers among those persons who "paid for the survey[.]"106 Thus,
Resolution No. 9674 is a regulation finding basis in statute.
COMELEC correctly points out that in Section 5.2(a) of the Fair Election Act,
those who "commissioned" and those who "paid for" the published survey are
separated by the disjunctive term "or."107 This disassociates those who
"commissioned" from those who "paid for" and identifies them as alternatives
to each other.108 Section 5.2(a) thus requires the disclosure of two (2) classes
of persons: "[first,] those who commissioned or sponsored the survey; and
[second,] those who paid for the survey."109
The second class makes no distinction between those who pay for a specific
survey and those who pay for election surveys in general. Indeed, subscribers
do not escape the burden of paying for the component articles comprising a
subscription. They may pay for them in aggregate, but they pay for them just
the same. From the text of Section 5.2(a), the legislative intent or regulatory
concern is clear: "those who have financed, one way or another, the
[published] survey"110 must be disclosed.
Here, we have established that the regulation of election surveys effects the
constitutional policy, articulated in Article II, Section 26, and reiterated and
affirmed in Article IX-C, Section 4 and Article XIII, Section 26 of the 1987
Constitution, of "guarantee[ing] equal access to opportunities for public
Resolution No. 9674 addresses the reality that an election survey is formative
as it is descriptive. It can be a means to shape the preference of voters and,
thus, the outcome of elections. In the hands of those whose end is to get a
candidate elected, it is a means for such end and partakes of the nature of
election propaganda. Accordingly, the imperative of "fair" elections impels
their regulation.
Petitioners harp on what they claim to be Section 5.2(a)'s "plain meaning" and
assert that there is no room to entertain COMELEC's construction of Section
It has been said that "[a] cardinal rule in statutory construction is that when
the law is clear and free from any doubt or ambiguity, there is no room for
construction or interpretation. There is only room for application."116
First, verba legis or the so-called plain-meaning rule applies only when the
law is completely clear, such that there is absolutely no room for
interpretation. Its application is premised on a situation where the words of
the legislature are clear that its intention, insofar as the facts of a case demand
from the point of view of a contemporary interpretative community, is neither
vague nor ambiguous. This is a matter of judicial appreciation. It cannot apply
merely on a party's contention of supposed clarity and lack of room for
Third, the assumption that there is, in all cases, a universal plain language is
erroneous. In reality, universality and uniformity of meaning is a rarity. A
contrary belief wrongly assumes that language is static.
The more appropriate and more effective approach is, thus, holistic rather
than parochial: to consider context and the interplay of the historical, the
contemporary, and even the envisioned. Judicial interpretation entails the
convergence of social realities and social ideals. The latter are meant to be
effected by the legal apparatus, chief of which is the bedrock of the prevailing
legal order: the Constitution. Indeed, the word in the vernacular that describes
the Constitution — saligan — demonstrates this imperative of constitutional
Thus, we refuse to read Section 5.2(a) of the Fair Election Act in isolation.
Here, we consider not an abstruse provision but a stipulation that is part of
the whole, i.e., the statute of which it is a part, that is aimed at realizing the
ideal of fair elections. We consider not a cloistered provision but a norm that
should have a present authoritative effect to achieve the ideals of those who
currently read, depend on, and demand fealty from the
[T]he rule that factual findings of administrative bodies will not be disturbed
by courts of justice except when there is absolutely no evidence or no
substantial evidence in support of such findings should be applied with greater
force when it concerns the COMELEC, as the framers of the Constitution
intended to place the COMELEC—created and explicitly made independent by
the Constitution itself—on a level higher than statutory administrative
Proceeding from this, we emphasize that this norm of deference applies not
only to factual findings. This applies with equal force to independent
constitutional organs' general exercise of their functions. The constitutional
placing of independent constitutional organs on a plane higher than those of
administrative agencies created only by statute is not restricted to
competence in fact-finding. It extends to all purposes for which the
Constitution created them.
This is not the case here. There is no grave abuse of discretion. Resolution
No. 9674 serves a constitutional purpose and works well within the bounds of
the Constitution and of statute.cralawlawlibrary
Petitioners argue that Resolution No. 9674 constitutes a prior restraint in that:
Resolution No. 9674 makes it an election offense for a survey firm not to
disclose the names of subscribers who have paid substantial amounts to them,
even if ihe survey portions provided to them have not been published. 1'his
requirement is unduly burdensome and onerous and constitutes a prior
restraint on the right of survey firms to gather information on public opinion
and disseminate it to the citizenry.
Petitioners' claim that "[i]f Resolution No. 9674 is allowed to stand, survey
firms will no longer be able to operate because they will not have enough
clients and will not be financially sustainable"130 is too speculative and
conjectural to warrant our consideration. The assumption is that persons who
want to avail of election survey results will automatically be dissuaded from
doing so when there is a requirement of submission of their names during the
campaign period. This is neither self-evident, nor a presumption that is
susceptible to judicial notice. There is no evidence to establish a causal
Petitioners' free speech rights must be weighed in relation to the Fair Election
Act's purpose of ensuring political equality and, therefore, the speech of others
who want to participate unencumbered in our political spaces. On one hand,
there are petitioners' right to publish and publications which are attended by
the interests of those who can employ published data to their partisan ends.
On the other, there is regulation that may effect equality and, thus, strengthen
the capacity of those on society's margins or those who grope for resources
to engage in the democratic dialogue. The latter fosters the ideals of
deliberative democracy. It does not trump the former; rather, it provides the
environment where the survey group's free speech rights should
Petitioners argue that Resolution No. 9674 violates Article III, Section 10 of
the 1987 Constitution.131They claim that it "unduly interferes with [their]
existing contracts . . . by forcing [them] to disclose information that, under
the contracts, is confidential or privileged."132
For its part, COMELEC argues that "[t]he non-impairment clause of the
Constitution must yield to the loftier purposes sought to be achieved by the
government."133 It adds that "[petitioners' existing contracts with third parties
must be understood to have been made in reference to the possible exercise
of the COMELEC's regulatory powers."134
Petitioners point out that Section 13 of the Fair Election Act provides that
"[r]ules and regulations promulgated by the COMELEC under and by authority
of this Section shall take effect on the seventh day after their publication in at
least two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation." In contrast, Resolution
No. 9674 provides that it "shall take effect immediately after
publication."142 Thus, they assert that Resolution No. 9674's effectivity clause
is invalid. From this, they argue that Resolution No. 9674 has not taken effect
and cannot be enforced against them or against other persons.143
COMELEC counters that Section 13 of the Fair Election Act's provision that
rules shall take effect "on the seventh day after their publication" applies only
to Resolution No. 9615, the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the
Fair Election Act, and not to Resolution No. 9674, which "merely enforces
Section 26144 of Resolution No. 9615."145
Noting that Resolution No. 9674 was nevertheless published in the Philippine
Daily Inquirer and the Philippine Star both on April 25, 2013, COMELEC adds
that, in any case, "the lapse of the seven-day period from the date of its
publication has rendered the instant issue moot and academic."146
Violation of this Act and the rules and regulations of the COMELEC issued to
implement this Act shall be an election offense punishable under the first and
second paragraphs of Section 264 of the Omnibus Election Code (Batas
Pambansa Bldg. 881). (Emphasis supplied)
The only conceivable reason that would lead COMELEC to the conclusion that
it is only Resolution No. 9615 (and not the assailed Resolution No. 9674) that
needs to comply with the requirement of Section 13 of the Fair Election Act is
Section 13's use of the phrase "rules and regulations for the implementation
of this Act[.]" That is, since Resolution No. 9615 is the Resolution which, by
name, is called the "Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No.
9006," COMELEC seems to think that other rules named differently need not
Section 13 applies to all rules and regulations implementing the Fair Election
Act, regardless of how they are denominated or called. COMELEC's further
reasoning that what Resolution No. 9674 intends to implement is Resolution
No. 9615 and not the Fair Election Act itself is nothing but a circuitous denial
of Resolution No. 9674's true nature. COMELEC's reasoning is its own
admission that the assailed Resolution supplements what the Implementing
Rules and Regulations of the Fair Election Act provides. Ultimately, Resolution
No. 9674 also implements the Fair Election Act and must, thus, comply with
the requirements of its Section 13.
Accordingly, Resolution No. 9674 could not have become effective as soon as
it was published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer and the Philippine Star on April
25, 2013. Taking into consideration the seven-day period required by Section
13, the soonest that it could have come into effect was on May 2, 2013.
Petitioners point out that they were never served copies of Resolution No.
9674. Thus, they claim that this Resolution's self-stated three-day period
within which they must comply has not begun to run and that COMELEC's
insistence on their compliance violates their right to due process. They add
that COMELEC has also failed to provide them with copies of the criminal
complaint subject of E.O. Case No. 13-222 for which the Subpoena dated July
1, 2013 was issued against them.
COMELEC, however, insists that "[petitioners were given fair notice of the
Resolution"148 in that:
[t]he-Notice dated 08 May 2013 sent to and received by petitioners not only
makes reference to the Resolution by its number and title but also indicates
its date of promulgation, the two newspapers of general circulation in which it
was published, it date of publication, and, more important [sic], reproduces
in full its dispositive portion[.]149
COMELEC adds that, in any case, petitioners were "able to secure a certified
true copy of the [assailed] Resolution."150 On the filing of a criminal complaint,
COMELEC asserts that attached to the Subpoena served on petitioners was a
copy of Resolution No. 13-0739 of the COMELEC En Bane which "provides a
verbatim reproduction of the Memorandum of the Director of the Law
Department detailing petitioners' failure to comply with the assailed
Resolution and of the Memorandum of Commissioner [Christian Robert S.] Lim
submitting the matter for the appropriate action of the COMELEC en bane."151
By its own reasoning, COMELEC admits that petitioners were never actually
served copies of Resolution No. 9674 after it was promulgated on April 23,
2013. It insists, however, that this flaw has been remedied by service to
petitioners of the May 8, 2013 Notice which reproduced Resolution No. 9674's
dispositive portion.
Not having been served with copies of Resolution No. 9674 itself, petitioners
are right in construing the three-day period for compliance as not having
begun to run. From this, it follows that no violation of the requirement "to
submit within three (3) days from receipt of this Resolution the names of all
commissioners and payors of surveys published from February 12, 2013 to
the date of the promulgation of this Resolution[.]"153 could have been
committed. Thus, there was no basis for considering petitioners to have
committed an election offense arising from this alleged violation.
These facts considered, it was not only grave error, but grave abuse of
discretion, for COMELEC to pursue unfounded criminal charges against
petitioners. In so doing, COMELEC violated petitioners' right to due process.