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Issue No.: Index

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Issue No.

The Significance of the 700th Issue of the CAC Newsletter—2
Shared Past Lives of CAC Members—2
General Custer's Suicide—4
The Dark Night of the 'Body Physical'—5
The Real Reason Ambassador Stevens was Killed—6
What is Behind the Tattoo and Body Piercing Phenomenon in the US?--7
Is it Possible to Levitate and Fly in the Third Dimension?—8
An Update on Planet Nibiru—10
Do Vaccinations Harm our Psychic Abilities?—10
Challenging Times of the 'Dark Night of the Body Physical'—12
Are the Harry Potter Books the Work of the Devil?—13
Concerning the Human Obsession with Pets—14
Meditations on the Lovers—16
CAC General Reading May 16, 2014, Will Berlinghof, Interpreter; Awareness Communications will suddenly have an
Zoey Zen, questioner and energizer increase in its membership, but it does mean that
having reached this point, having made this
achievement, there is now available that extra energy
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE 700TH ISSUE to move things along. What will occur in the future is
OF THE CAC NEWSLETTER still unpredictable, in that many scenarios are seen by
this Awareness, but understand and know that in
QUESTIONER: reaching this significant milestone is an achievement
Vikki T let me know that CAC is having its 700th in itself that will launch the energies of this Awareness
issue in August. Is there anything significant about this to new heights, to new levels, and this is of great
number or anything Awareness would care to significance.
comment on? Therefore, it is not simply that it is an
achievement having lasted 40 years, having been
COSMIC AWARENESS: devoted to being of service to this Awareness, to Spirit
First of all, this is an achievement in and of itself: for so long, but that it has created an Energetic that can
700 issues of Revelations from this Awareness. 700 be released, that will move things forward from that
issues put out by this organization over four decades. point on in many ways, not simply focused on one
This organization CAC has been steadfast and small group that has been disseminating information
committed to bringing forward this message, the diligently and faithfully for 40-plus years, but to a new
messages of peace and love—the message of this level in human consciousness.
Awareness for the many who are part of this It is as if humanity itself is ready for the message
organization. of Cosmic Awareness, more than it has ever been so
In this, congratulations must be extended, first of before, and by achieving this 700th issue, the milestone
all to CAC and all who are involved from the point of issue, the critical mass is reached and the flow of
view of putting the newsletter out on a monthly basis, Cosmic Awareness Consciousness can expand even
but also to the members of CAC for holding the space, more so into other regions and areas. This Awareness
for being interested enough over the many years to sees that the organization will still play a part, but at
receive their monthly copy, and to energize the the same time, the energies are moving outward,
messages of this Awareness, both in their lives and by beyond even the scope of CAC.
extrapolation, outward into mass consciousness. It is of critical importance, and has been so for so
Achieving this milestone of 700 issues being put long, and yet it has also achieved a goal never
out also has relevance in terms of the sacredness of understood or perhaps focused upon previously: that
numbers. 700 is also 7, for through the process of the consciousness will morph into something greater
reduction in numerology, the two zeros are extraneous; and expand beyond the original intent and purpose of
leaving the 7 as the primary energy that is involved. CAC. This is part of the Greater Plan, and by reaching
Seven is a magical number, the number of the Divine, this milestone of the 700th issue of the newsletter, that
the Hidden. This also is involved in this 700th issue. this Awareness will break through a barrier, and will
It shows that magic is afoot. Magic is taking place help to achieve this critical mass that is also part of the
here, and the power of seven, 700, is 100 fold. This timing of release in consciousness at this time by the
means that 7 times 100 is 700, a true significant many that have focused for so long upon this moment
Energetic; the magical energies and powers increased in history and in time.
one hundredfold, and this energy is available both to Remember always that this does not mean one
the organization and to the members who receive this specific day, or one specific issue. It is a milestone to
700th issue. reach 700, but it is also the starting point to the next
This Awareness simply, in the end, says level of growth and development. This completes this
“Congratulations on a job well done!” both from the message for the question of Vikki T, regarding the
point of those who have been so committed over the upcoming 700th issue. It is of great significance that
many years of putting out the messages of this this milestone has been reached, and it is seen that it is
Awareness, as well as the members themselves who the opening for more to come.
have received, the mailings and have supported the Again, this Awareness congratulates Vikki T,
organization for so long. Avaton, Jon Strongbow, Will Berlinghof, the
This Awareness wishes to thank all that are Interpreter, Zoey Zen, energizer and questioner, Paul
involved in putting out the issues, in supporting Shockley, Grace, and all others who have been
Cosmic Awareness Communications, and for involved in the issuing of the newsletter over the last
disseminating the energies. Not only is this a milestone four decades. It also thanks the many who have been
that has been reached, but it also represents a point that part of this group consciousness, this group endeavor
is crucial and critical. It is similar to reaching critical for so long, and says that more is yet to come. This
mass. now completes this answer.
When critical mass is reached, an explosion can
occur. In some ways, by reaching this monumental CAC MEMBERS HAVE SHARED PAST
point, the 700th issue, a critical point has been reached LIVES IN VARIOUS TIMES AND
that can expand the message of Awareness and its CULTURES
impact, its potency, a critical mass that can explode QUESTIONER:
into consciousness, a critical mass that has taken 40 Thank you Awareness. This next one is a group
years to achieve. question. Several members of CAC feel that they have
This does not necessarily mean that Cosmic had past lives in Hawaii. Was the current membership
of CAC possibly involved in a group past life in though the involvement is still within the smaller
Hawaii? groups such as CAC, it is having a greater universal
effect than it has in the past.
COSMIC AWARENESS: For example, at the time of the Essenes in ancient
Palestine in the holy lands, this small group was the
Why would one stop with Hawaii and hold that a catalyst for the shift in consciousness toward a more
group reincarnation occurred only in Hawaii, when the humane conscious perception in humanity toward
truth of this matter is that those who are members of other human beings.
CAC have been together many times in many groups
in many times and many lands. Many who are The shift in consciousness that was sparked at that
members of Cosmic Awareness Communications time by this small group has grown since then and
belong to that group of consciousness that is known as there are many who now hold certain principles that
the Essenes. were introduced at that point as God Given and
blatantly obvious to them: that one should live a
Many have been together in Hawaii during times Christian life, and hold to Christian morals, but this is
before the whites arrived, before Captain Cooke not to suggest that only Christianity itself benefited
arrived in Hawaii. Many have held positions of from the appearance of those ones so many years ago,
authority and membership in the Hawaiian people, the for it has spread across all of human consciousness.
Kahunas, the royal ones, and the people themselves.
There was that time when the many who had the There are now many more who would hold this
spiritual awareness chose to come together in Hawaii to be true, that human understanding, kindness,
to create a new situation that was in advance of the generosity, charity, are important at this time in the
white explorers coming to their island nation, but these world, yet many of these ones are still manipulated
same ones have been together as well in times such as and controlled by those in power. What is now
the Biblical New Testament time of the Messiah occurring is that the power base is breaking up, and
known as Jesus Christ. this will necessitate many who hold the higher
spiritual values to truly become active and activated in
Many are part of that Essene group that helped living these principles and creating a society where
bring the new shifting consciousness into existence these principles are the bedrock and not simply
that was to lead the world forward from that time, two superficial values that many express, but few live.
thousand years ago. Many have been together in later
periods and in different groups. Many who are CAC This Awareness would also suggest that those in
members for example, were part of the Quaker CAC and in other groups that are also connected are
movement in England where a new religion was again serving as catalysts to this shifting
formed that was important to the understanding that consciousness. They have participated in the past for
peace and faith are essential ingredients to changing this reason, to build the base. They are participating
human consciousness. again so that this can continue and carry on and so that
the next shift in human consciousness, and in planetary
Therefore, many were with George and Martha consciousness can occur.
Fox when the Quaker movement started. Many came
across the Atlantic with William Penn Jr., to start the It is to be remembered that even though the ones
new colonies in Pennsylvania. Many have been who were involved in the community of the Essenes
involved in groups that have brought concepts of were small in number, they were a catalyst to the
peace, love and understanding to the planet. shifting in human consciousness that took several
thousand years. It is also so now that the shift begins at
Therefore, this Awareness, while confirming that a distinct point, a small vector of the entire human race
members of CAC have been together in Hawaii, must of collective human consciousness, and will then
also state that many have been together many other spread outwards.
times and are again coming together through the
organization Cosmic Awareness Communications and Many small acts are coming together at this time,
other organizations as well that they may be part of. It and while the results may not yet be obvious, this
is imperative to understand that at the deepest level, Awareness suggests that patience is needed here, and
the involvement of the soul stretches across all time understanding that the catalyst forces have activated
and space, and it is this singular focus of Spirit to something that will require more time to fully manifest
move things forward and to shift consciousness that as was the case 2,000 years ago when a man came
involves the soul, the soul groups, the soul families forward, when a group came forward to initiate a shift
that the members are part of; in particular, the soul in consciousness.
family that is the family of CAC members. It has brought humanity through much since then,
This Awareness has often spoken of the through good and evil, and has brought humanity and
Wanderers. The Wanderers are the Essenes, are the the planet to this point at this time. A new paradigm
Hawaiians, are the Quakers, and are those who have shift is underway and many groups are involved. The
always chosen to be involved in shifting ones in the organization Cosmic Awareness
consciousness, moving consciousness forward. In the Communications are one such group, are ones this
past this has been more focused on small groups, Awareness has referred to as the Wanderers, and have
significant in their placement to shift and begin the always participated when they wished in the events of
shift in consciousness. change, the events that have shifted consciousness.
In some ways this is so, but the effect at this time, It has been so, and is so now again.
due to the planning of consciousness, the planning of
Spirit to shifting human consciousness and the
consciousness of Mother Earth herself, that even
CAC General Reading; Paul Shockley Interpreter; Avaton & Vikki This Awareness indicates that essentially the reason
Energizers & Questioners for this Battle of Little Big Horn was a greed purpose
—that the Indians had been given a piece of land in the
GETTING HISTORY STRAIGHT Fort Laramie treaty 1868, located in the Black Hills of
Dakota, and when gold was discovered there in 1874,
the government decided to move the Indians further
One of U.S. Government's Most Closely-Guarded Secrets is
Now Revealed.... This Awareness indicates this led to the resistance,
and Custer, wishing to make a name for himself on the
centennial date or the 100th birth date of the United
GENERAL CUSTER AND HIS MEN States, rode out from Fort Lincoln in Bismarck, ND, in
COMMITTED SUICIDE OUT OF FEAR an effort to defeat the Indians, crush their resistance
and gain headlines for his glorious victory at the time
of the centennial celebrations occurring around the
QUESTIONER: country. This Awareness indicates however, that the
Indians reversed the headlines, and Custer was
Awareness mentioned Custer's famous battle of the defeated, which shocked the American public to
Little Big Horn, which brings to mind a question discover that there was still strength in the Indian
brought forth a few years back by a book that was tribes.
published and supposedly well-researched by an entity
who claimed that the situation was one of the biggest This Awareness indicates that the entity Custer was
cover-ups in American History—that Custer and his more of an egotist than a soldier, and the entity was
men did not die in the glory that our history books not using sensible maneuvers or tactics and
said. underestimated the power of the Indians, assuming
that they had no communication between the various
This Awareness indicates that this in the affirmative. This Awareness indicates that this was a kind of re-
This Awareness indicates that these entities essentially balancing on a small scale of the energies of conquest
began to commit suicide out of fear. This Awareness that had been thrown upon the American Indians by
indicates that the entities being totally surrounded, the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons on the 100th
assumed that they were going to be massacred and birthday of the United States.
began to panic without ever having been shot at. This
Awareness indicates when the first entity panicked and HOW CUSTER ENERGIES WERE
shot himself, the others also began to follow. RECONCILED BY THE INTERPRETER
This Awareness indicates there were some
exchanges after this first entity panicked and shot This Awareness indicates that another similar re-
himself, there were certain shots fired by some of the balancing occurred in York in July of 1977. This
soldiers but the others stopped these in fear of reprisal Awareness indicates that the Interpreter and several
and then, in a kind of awesome staring, the Indians others in the journey to York in `77, stopped at the
surrounding these soldiers, looked and stood and grave site of the Battle of the Little Big Horn. This
watched until the soldiers simply began to break and Awareness indicates this action affected an aka-cord
scatter and run in terror, and many of them committed connection with the area in York that was the place
suicide. This Awareness indicates that this is not in where the Constitution, where the Articles of
every case, and there were some who were killed. Confederation were signed and the nation had its true
birth. This Awareness indicates that this also had a
QUESTIONER: kind of reconciling or balancing action of the energies.
Was General Custer himself one who was killed, or This Awareness indicates that there are many other
one who committed suicide? types of activities that bring about the reconciliation of
these various energies. This Awareness suggests that
COSMIC AWARENESS: many of the Indians reincarnating into bodies of
This Awareness indicates it appears that this entity whites has the effect of reconciling the energies. This
was requested to come forward from the rest; the Awareness indicates that many of the whites
entity refused and began shouting orders to his reincarnating in the bodies of Indians also reconciles
soldiers, the soldiers failed to respond; the Indians then the energies.
rode down and took Custer. This Awareness indicates This Awareness indicates that these interchanges of
that it appears that they began a threatening move racial bodies between lifetimes occurs quite
toward this entity, and the entity shot himself. This frequently, depending on the need of an entity to
Awareness indicates this appears to have been the experience the other side of his or her previous
cause for the general panic and further suicides and the lifetime prejudices. This Awareness indicates that
scattering of the troops. This Awareness indicates that many of the Indians walking around in this life were
these entities were then taken, and were later buried in white invaders or conquerors of Indians in a previous
a mass grave—this by the troops which came later to lifetime.
find the soldiers. This Awareness indicates that this is also true in
U.S. GOVERNMENT GREED RIPPED OFF terms of other race situations. Many of the whites that
are prejudiced toward blacks or Jews may one day
THE INDIANS experience themselves in the body of a black or Jewish
person. This Awareness indicates vice versa, that
many blacks presently are reincarnated from white Facebook, etc., to dominate them, or to create a
bodies in a previous lifetime. The Law of Karma has a situation of imbalance.
way of balancing energies so that entities become The challenge will be during these times, and these
tolerant of that which they previously were prejudiced times are very much in play now. The challenge is to
toward. remain in a state of mind, a frame of feeling that can
absorb what is happening with that sensing, that
CAC General Reading June 18th, 2014; Will Berlinghof, feeling that it will be all right. Despite whatever
Interpreter; Zoey Zen, Energizer and Questioner upheaval is occurring in one’s personal life, or in the
collective, this too shall pass. As one goes through
events of turmoil and stress, there are ways of dealing
THE DARK NIGHT OF with this.
THE ‘BODY PHYSICAL’ What is to be remembered is that it is always a
matter of choice as to how one will react. When one is
Breaking Away from The Collective Hallucination and Shaping not in a place of balance and centeredness, it is easier
Your own Reality to be tipped over an edge. It is easy to panic and to go
into the fear and become Chicken Little running
around proclaiming the sky is falling. It is not time to
Does Awareness have an opening message? be Chicken Little. It is not time to panic and to give
It is a time when things are changing and a shift is
This Awareness does have an opening message at occurring, to remember that you are creator beings,
this time. In this crucial time, this critical time, this spiritual ones who are experiencing a physical reality
time of challenge and upheaval, this Awareness has that is part of a coordination of design and plan of
stated that the month of July would be of importance. High Spirit, of Divine Spirit, of your own spirit, and
There are energies coming together in July that may be thus, of your own making.
very chaotic and very challenging for the individual. It is difficult to understand that one is perhaps
This is both on the level of the personal and the shaping one’s own reality, and it is of course a
collective. These energies may well challenge one’s recommended way in the collective to believe that you
personal life and one’s collective reality. have no effect on the exterior events of life, on the
This Awareness will not make predictions as this is collective events that are occurring, and that you
not the best way forward on this matter, for cannot influence this, you cannot change this, you
predictions, due to the many timelines often fail to cannot engage this, for it is outside of your control,
manifest, yet the energies of these times and especially outside of your own ability to moderate and meditate
of July are seen by this Awareness as crucial and on, to control and to be in charge of.
critical, where shifts and changes can occur. When this experience occurs, if it is one that flows
By the time this channeling is read, many will have you into a position of fear and panic where you are
experienced the events on a personal and collective ready to give up and give in, that is the time you are
level. This Awareness is also aware that for many it most required to remember who and what you are, to
may not be a time of great upheaval in a personal or a look beyond the common reality that is experienced by
collective way, and as has often happened over the last you and by others, and to hold that you do have power
year and a half, since December 21st, 2012, many may in this situation of your life. You do have power in the
feel that very little has occurred. moment that is ‘Now’.
If this is so, or if you are experiencing a reality at At this time in particular there is a great challenge
this time where there has been upheaval, the message on the physical level. This great challenge is described
of this Awareness is still the same message: despite by this Awareness as the Dark Night of the Body
what is occurring or what has occurred, always stay Physical. This refers to the situation that many are
focused and positive and do not allow the events of going through on a personal level first and foremost,
one’s reality to put one into fear, into chaos and and then on the collective level in the physical reality
confusion, for this is simply an example of when one as well. This challenge on the physical level may show
is not centered in oneself, and does not have trust or itself through great physical discomfort and great
faith that there are greater forces that are playing out, physical challenge.
and a greater design or plan being fulfilled at this time. Many at this time are feeling the effects on their
Understand that the journey forward is always one’s physical body such as great aches and pains, and
own personal evolutionary soul journey and what is physical conditions that are challenging and
required of each and every individual is that they stay demanding. Many are finding great fatigue at this time
focused and centered and remain balanced and in their lives, in your lives, and many find it even
positive, and that they hold faith and trust that these difficult to engage in this physical world as if they are
deep and profound shifts in consciousness are what in the body, in the world, but not of the world—a type
they, on a personal level, have come here to of daydreaming effect, where they manage to move
experience and be part of. through the day not fully in the body, yet not
Do not allow yourself to go into blind panic, into a completely separated either.
situation where one is in absolute fear of the events During this time of the Dark Night of the Body
that have been experienced, both on a personal level Physical, remember that many of the pains are
and on a collective level, nor should one allow what is indicative of the shift in the body that is underway and
being energized on the television, in the newspapers, that is occurring. An equivalent experience is known
through the media and even through Twitter and by all who have grown up and have gone through
puberty, who have gone through the stages of growth God Universal Source Consciousness—that which you
and development as a child. As the child grows into are part of, that which you are partaking in, and have
the awkward body of the adolescent, there are times always partaken in.
when the body, through its growth process, does July is seen as a period of intensification, especially
deliver a painful experience. from mid-July on. As the intense events occur in the
Thus the child who is moving into adolescence, physical world around you and in your own physical
who is going through puberty and through great lives, remember this is so, that it is part of the plan,
change often will feel exhausted and in pain. The part of the design that is of Source, that is of God
muscles, the bones, and the body, because of the Divine, and is of your planning and participation. This
tremendous growth that is occurring, often feel like Awareness does say at this time that if one is able to
they have been beaten up, for it is painful to many as relax, to allow much that is of concern and of
they grow into adolescence and into maturity. demanding much of oneself, that one simply goes
This period of time is equivalent to that experience forward with the belief and attitude that, “ This too
that has been had by many but has been forgotten by shall pass. This too is part of what is making me
most, for this is an experience in the moment, and stronger, making me comprehend and understand that
when one is in the moment and the body is aching and I am part of the Divine, and that I am Spirit having this
exhausted, it is more profound in that moment than experience.”
many years later when one is trying to remember what This Awareness would also add that this pronounced
that felt like. It feels like what is now taking place change that is underway will continue after the middle
once again—the aches and pains, the physical of July and will intensity and grow stronger, but for
challenges, the awkwardness of being in a physical now, at this time, all that is required from each and
body, the fatigue and exhaustion that many are feeling every individual is that understanding that there is
at this time. great change going on, and one is experiencing this
This makes this time extremely important for it is great change even within one’s own body, and that one
indicative of the process of growth and change, but not has the faith, trust and willingness to go through the
simply the growth of the physical as one is growing change, to go with the flow of the change that is
older, as one is moving from the child to the occurring on the personal level, as well as the
adolescent, but rather the transformational process that collective level, and to move forward through the
the DNA in your body itself is going through that you changes that are occurring, the situations that are
are personally experiencing at this time. arising, in faith and in trust that all will be well, and
that one will come through this Dark Night of the
This being so, this Awareness recommends for Body Physical and will reach the other side, will grow
those who are acutely aware of this experience, to chill and mature and advance as one who is in a physical
out, to relax, to take it easy, to not force oneself reality, but not entirely of it.
forward when one is feeling the need to take it easy
and to relax. The body knows what is taking place at You are one who is having a physical experience,
the deep subconscious level. The low self is very much but remember you are also spiritual, and have chosen
participating in this event, for it is preordained, it is this as part of the reality you wished to experience and
predestined; it has always been known at the deeper you are experiencing. This time of the Dark Night of
level of one’s own being as that which would take the Body Physical is very much part of the design and
place in this lifetime, during these times. plan of Divine God Spirit. It is very much your plan
and your design as well. Remember this. Remember
But because of the social indoctrination process that all will be well and go forth into that Dark Night
that all have gone through; many feel that this is not a with true faith and true trust that it will be so, it is so,
time to simply relax. Many have been conditioned to and will always be so. This completes the opening
believe they must force issues, force matters, be active, message at this time.
be proactive even, and to not let the body rest. When
they go into aches and pains and physical ailments and
conditions, there is that way of thinking that suggests THE REAL REASON WHY
one must rush to the doctor, must be diagnosed and AMBASSADORSTEVENS WAS KILLED
that it must be determined what is physically wrong. AND WHO WAS BEHIND IT
For those who have serious concerns and a serious
need to partake in the allopathic and now traditional
way of medical treatment, this Awareness is not QUESTIONER:
saying, “Do not go to a doctor to get checked out” but Thank you Awareness. The next question is from LJ
this Awareness is saying that at this time of great and is a political question about Benghazi. She reports
physical challenge in the world, this time of great rumors that the real reason Ambassador Stevens was
physical challenge to oneself, one needs to remember killed is that he wrote to Benghazi to stop the arms
that this is a process of the body at a time when the smuggling. According to rumors, arms were being
body is being shifted, changed and transformed. funneled through Benghazi to Egypt and the Sinai
This will help individuals as they go through the Peninsula, and then into Israel and into Syria, and he
physical ailments and situations they are finding was opposed to this, and the attack on the consulate
themselves in so that they do not succumb to fear and was a deliberate hit on Ambassador Stevens by forces
panic, but rather go to that place of positivity and trust working with US Intelligence. Does this rumor have
and faith that is progressing and moving forward, and any truth to it? And what is the truth about the attack
what is occurring in one’s physical state and in the on the American consulate in Benghazi on
physical reality of the collective is that which is 9/11/2012?”
destined, planned, and which is part of God’s Plan, the
This Awareness sees there is great truth in what has PIERCING PHENOMENON IN
been described by the inquirer. She has indeed
captured the heart of the matter. The ambassador did AMERICA?
go to investigate certain evidence, certain allegations QUESTIONER:
that had come up before him. He wished to track down
if it was true that there were arms and drugs being Thank you. This question is relating to tattoos, from
traded to create resources that would be passed on to SK. He asks, “ What is it with the tattoo phenomenon
ones in Syria. He was set up. He was assassinated, not in America, and for all I know throughout the whole
by the enemy, whomever the enemy might be, but modern world? Can you help me understand its
rather by his own people. popularity? I am 64 years old and when I was growing
up, until only a few years ago, it seemed that only
Thus, those who went in, allegedly to protect him, those on the fringes of society had tattoos. Now I ride
were part of the hit squad, and those who were not part the city bus and maybe 80 to 90% of the people I see
of this were also themselves killed. There is not much have their bodies covered with tattoos. Maybe I’m just
more to say on this matter for LJ has so successfully old fashioned, but tattooed older people especially
provided the background information of what look cheap and trashy to me, while they think they
occurred, that this Awareness has nothing further to look gorgeous. I don’t know why anyone would want
add. to subject oneself to what I consider a revolting
Hillary Clinton’s Role in the Middle East endeavor. Perhaps I am being too judgmental. Could
Awareness please comment?”
Thank you Awareness. Could you please comment
on what Hillary Clinton’s role in Benghazi was? This Awareness would indeed agree that you are
being judgmental on this matter, and coming from a
COSMIC AWARENESS: personal perspective, yet this Awareness would also
She was aware of the situation. She was aware of the say that this is natural, and there is nothing wrong with
planned action that was to be taken. It could even be being in a judgmental attitude as long as one does not
said that she was at the highest level of this matter, and take this judgmental attitude to an extreme. Why this
that she and others at that level endorsed this action is important is because when one is judging another,
against Stevens who was becoming a problem to them, one is coming only from their own accepted
for here was a man who truly wished to help the parameters of what is tolerable, what is okay, what is
people of the Middle East, to solidify and balance the all right, and applying this to another who does not
energies of that region to bring normality and sanity share that perspective.
back, and here was one who would make waves, who You have stated that you are of an older generation,
would expose those of the highest levels if he was and it is so that for those in that time of life that are of
given a chance. that generation, did grow up with the belief that tattoos
Thus, he was seen by Hillary Clinton and others at are cheap and are only for those who are of a lower
that level as a distinct threat to them, and to the type of mentality or status. They conveyed this to
operations of selling arms and drugs, to get the arms to those who would see them and their tattoos and this is
those in Syria, to buy arms and provide income and deep within a generational mindset, such as that which
revenue. Again, this is a complex matter—the selling you hold on this matter.
of drugs for arms that could be traded off and passed But you are not seeing this matter from the
on, ultimately reaching Syria and those rebels that are perspective of those who are getting these tattoos. That
not only being armed by the US government, but is why this Awareness is saying it is a judgmental
funded by them as well. attitude that you are showing, and there is always that
All of this was in jeopardy—these plans, these inclination to want to be right, and have the right
efforts by those in power to alter the political situation attitude, and also to see that others have the wrong
of a country and a region—all of this was threatened attitude.
by the ambassador and it was decided he needed to be There is danger in this, for in the extreme, this does
removed. Thus it was an orchestrated event, even to not allow tolerance to difference, and does not allow
the point of the video that was released at that time— tolerance to another way of living and being. This
the video that so irritated and upset Muslims around Awareness is not accusing you of being intolerant. It is
the world. This too was part of the plot, part of the simply suggesting here that your attitudes are based on
cover-up and distraction so that no one would look too your upbringing, your social conditioning, what was
deeply into this event, because it would be the actions perceived as right during the time of growing up, when
of ones who were so irate at the film that had come out you adopted the beliefs that were current and prevalent
against their religion, their prophet, and their god. in your society at that time.
This was but a red herring, a false track laid down Yet the youth of today, for it is mostly younger ones
to take attention away from what really happened and that are seeking not only tattoos, but body piercings as
who really did this. Hillary Clinton is involved at the well, do not share what you hold to be proper and
highest of levels as are others as well. This completes acceptable. For them, they are ones who have lived in
this answer. a society that they are not individualized in. In other
words, many now feel that their individuality, their
uniqueness is lost and they have an attitude that it is
important for them to express themselves uniquely, to
make a point and for them, for those who seek tattoos
and piercings, the way to individualize themselves in then the situation that must be looked at, the situation
the great faceless majority of sheeple that are doing as that must be decided upon as to whether or not this
expected, is through a personal process—in this case means that one needs to get a tattoo or a piercing, or
through tattoos and piercings. whether not getting it is a stronger expression of one’s
This Awareness asks one and all not to judge own individuality and uniqueness.
those who wish to individualize themselves, but to It is a curious reverse situation to what you grew up
understand rather that it is the human desire to stand with and the attitudes and morals of your time. Look
apart, to be different, to be unique that is being therefore, upon those with the body tattoos and body
expressed by those who seek out the tattoos and the piercings as those who are simply trying to express
piercings. It is their way of saying, “I am not simply a themselves in a unique way. In some ways this was
mindless clone that will do what is told of it, and that fostered from the original attitude of those receiving
will not raise objections and does not speak out. I tattoos previously—an individual statement, a thumbs
speak out through my body through having tattoos, down to society, a rebellion against the social morals
through having piercings!” of their times, but it is now such a situation that many
This being so, they are in some ways in rebellion are simply doing it because it is being done by the
to the social order they find themselves in. This does majority.
not mean they are right in their attitude. It does not If this is so, and one receives the tattoo markings
mean they are wrong in their attitude. It is simply their because it is becoming popular by the majority, then
way of dealing with a situation that has grown to be one is still only endeavoring to be part of the faceless
oppressive to them: the situation of the standardization crowd, the mindless automatons that humanity has
of the human being—the automation of humanity to always produced. The true uniqueness of one’s life
create mindless clones rather than to create unique situation is to live individually and uniquely as a
thinking individuals. distinctive individual who has the right to choose what
It is their desire to be individual, to be unique, to he or she wishes in this world, be it a tattoo or body
stand up and not shout out to the world that they are piercing or not.
different, but to show the world they are different. To This Awareness thus suggests that when you next
them, their tattoos and piercings are things of beauty, look upon a tattooed individual; remember that they
things that differentiate them from everyone else. The are part of their generation. This is a norm for this
irony and paradox here of course is that it is becoming present generation that was not a norm for your
so commonplace now that they are copying what so generation. There is no right; there is no wrong here. It
many are now doing. is simply how those at this time who are part of the
You have said in your observation of being on the Now Generation are viewing things and expressing in
bus, that many have tattoos. It seems to be the new their own lives their own preferences and their own
norm; a norm that you cannot understand and choices.
appreciate, yet it is what many are taking part in. Their
original inclination toward having piercings and IS IT POSSIBLE TO LEVITATE AND FLY
getting a tattoo may have been so that they can come WHILE IN THE THIRD DIMENSION?
forward as individuals and not as part of a mindless
crowd but this has become somewhat adulterated and
watered down because it is the way of so many. It has Thank you Awareness. The next question is from
become the new norm. LD. His question is, “Is it possible for a person living
Now there are many who are getting tattoos not in the third dimension of physical reality to levitate or
because it is an expression of their individuality or fly? I know it sounds like a silly question, but I have
their uniqueness, but rather because so many are doing had many lucid dreams where I would be both
it and there is a social pressure now on many to get a levitating and flying, while telling others in the dream
tattoo because everyone else is getting one. For ones state that they could too. It has become almost
who are growing up now in this current generation, believable to me that if I raise my vibrations high
whose peers are being tattooed and pierced, it is enough, I could do so in the waking state. If it is
expected and even anticipated and there is a pressure possible, could Awareness suggest a method for
on them to have a tattoo and a piercing. achieving this?”
It is now creating a situation where those who do COSMIC AWARENESS:
not get tattoos are being looked at as strange and
ordinary and the situation that once was, of those who It is possible. It is possible that one in the third
did not have tattoos, looking at ones who did, is being dimensional state can also be aware of higher levels of
duplicated in the reverse. This means that many now consciousness and access these higher levels of
look disdainfully at those who do not get tattoos as consciousness and thus, by having access to higher
being abnormal, as being the different ones, those who states of consciousness, to break the laws of
are different to the crowd and to the norm. physicality that apply in the third dimensional reality.
However, this is not saying that it is easily achieved,
There is here an opportunity to look at this matter for to do so one must work diligently and deeply upon
and even to understand that perhaps the greatest oneself to break through the barriers of belief that are
expression of one’s own uniqueness is not to get a held by the majority in this physical third dimensional
tattoo if one truly does not wish to have one. If one reality.
wishes to have one, and it is what they find as
pleasing, then this is what they might need to do, but It is commonly and collectively held that it is
to receive a tattoo, to get a body-piercing simply impossible to levitate or to fly. This grounds people
because it is the new norm and everyone is doing it, is and chains people to the expression of this reality: that
one in the physical could not fly and cannot fly. Yet, in collective pressure is such that for those who believe
your lucid dreams, you experience on a nightly basis an alternative to reality is possible other than the hard-
that experience of flight and levitation. This pressed concepts held of physicality; those who hold
Awareness wishes to be very clear as to what is that it is possible to do things that are considered
occurring here. You are out of your body. It is your impossible are themselves considered to be part of the
raised consciousness, your middle self consciousness, lunatic fringe and to be those who are crazy.
the spirit that dwells in the body, being freed of the It would seem that the majority strive to be normal
body so that it can fly and levitate that you are and not to be part of the lunatic fringe, not to even be
experiencing. seen as part of the lunatic fringe. Therefore when LD
Thus in the dream state you are not flying the Body thinks he can fly, a majority immediately would think
Physical, you are experiencing the freedom of the he is crazy and it is absurd. No one can fly! Yet were
mind of the identity of the middle self that has been not the Wright Brothers told the same thing? Did not
liberated from the body, which is an anchor for it, those of that time believe that flight through the air
grounding it into the physical when it is awake. To was an impossibility? The masses, the collective held
achieve the experience of levitation, one must not any that one of their laws was that flight through the air in
longer be tied into the acceptance of the physical rules a machine was simply not possible.
and laws that exist on the planet that would prevent It took ones like the Wright Brothers and others to
one from levitating and flying. break this belief system. They did not jump straight
The difficulty here is that the low self, the into advanced aircraft. They created biplanes of very
consciousness of the physical body as it interfaces fragile design. They achieved results that were minor,
with the physical third dimensional reality one finds but were significant in that they did show that they
oneself in, has been programmed not to accept this as could fly, even though it was only a few hundred yards
truth and reality, that one can simply fly. It is chained down the field.
to the rules and laws of the physical and as there are This first monumental breakthrough began the
certain rules and laws that are held to be unbreakable change of the reality of the proscription against human
and undeniable, to simply think you can do this by flight through the air. Others began to believe. Others
choosing not to believe does not mean that the low began to create the airplanes that were able to fly, and
self, the subconscious, the Body Physical will be able there was great advancement so that within 100 years
to achieve that which the mind, the consciousness of mankind no longer held the belief that flight was
the middle self holds to be true or accepts to be impossible, and that God did not intend mankind to
possible. fly, for as the saying goes, “If he did, He would have
It will take a period of time of close given mankind wings!”
communication with the low self to teach it that it can There is no conjecture here of what was intended for
defy certain laws of the physical; not simply to jump womankind, but this is another matter. The point of
into the deep end and say “Now I wish to fly!” but to this is that at that time, the belief of the physical was
work toward this point through a long series of that it was impossible for anyone to fly through the air
developmental exercises of the mind, of the heart and in any type of machine. The difference here with LD’s
of the body. This means that one must start at a belief that he can fly, and others can fly through
shallow end of the pool of consciousness that is levitation of their body is simply that there is a
physicality and which defines the third dimensional removal of that which makes flight now believed in
state of existence. and possible; this being of course some form of
One must believe that one can accomplish certain airplane or jet that would contain the individual as they
things in one’s own life that are often denied for the fly through the air.
reasons of acceptance of physical rules and laws. For But is it any less absurd to believe that the human
example, one might start by working with the low self consciousness has such a quality to it, has such a
on the belief that one can manifest in their own possibility to it that it could learn to levitate the body
personal lives enjoyment, happiness, fulfillment and and to rise from the surface and it is possible for the
abundance. One often accepts that the situation is physical body to actually fly? This Awareness says it
such: that poverty and confusion and hardship and is indeed possible, but it requires a powerful
suffering are part of the physical way of things that all commitment to changing the realities of one’s life, one
must endure. step at a time. If one wished to simply focus only on
It is the overriding concept of belief that physical physical flight without changing the underlying
life is about suffering, about hardship, about denial of program of the subconscious low self, it might not
the manifestation possibilities that exist in one’s life. happen that the individual achieve this.
In other words, most do not believe that you can However, as one begins to change the framework of
manifest a million dollars out of nothing. They do not one’s life, changing the concepts of possibilities of
believe that life is enjoyable, but rather the opposite. one’s life; as one works toward this and integrates
They believe that it is hardship, and there is much higher levels of spiritual awareness and consciousness,
demand upon one to experience what is held by the one approaches a point that for many is a divisional
collective. This means that very few believe that they point, a wall that needs to be passed through.
are in control of their own lives.
The ability to fly is not much different than the
This being so, the prospect of levitation and flight is ability to walk through a wall, to physically move
not only absurd, but almost madness to ones who one’s body through a wall. Yet again, many would
cannot even accept that they might be able to change state that this is an act that is impossible to achieve, for
their own lives in a little way each and every day if the human physical body cannot walk through a
they wished, and if they worked on it, because the physical wall.
As long as one sees the wall as a barrier and holds COSMIC AWARENESS:
that that the physical body cannot pass through this It is seen that Nibiru has been contained in that
physical barrier, it will indeed be impossible to do so. which one could call a Gravity Well of the sun through
If one were unable to see that the wall is basically the efforts of the Galactic Federation, for had Nibiru
empty space, collections of atoms and molecules, passed close to the planet earth at an earlier time, there
protons, electrons, and neutrons, with great spaces would have been great destruction and upheaval. This
between the particles of the cell, the nuclei, et cetera, containment is now starting to be relaxed, for it is also
then one will be limited in what one can achieve. part of the Divine Plan that the Planet Nibiru pass
If one can see that the wall is mostly open space, close to the earth and cause certain events to occur in
and if one can truly come to a deep knowing that their the physical plane that are needed to release the
own body is similar in nature and one can move the enslavement that mankind is in because of the reality
body through the spaces between the particles of the that is in existence at this time.
wall, then one will be able to walk through a wall. One Reality is defined by the accepted beliefs of the
will be able to levitate and fly if one knows and collective, and part of the collective belief of humanity
believes that one can rise above the surface of the is that it is governed by the laws of physics, the
planet and one can defy the laws of gravity for they physical world, and the physical reality. It is only
are part of a higher Universal Force, part of Spirit when the physical is shaken up and even shattered,
Itself. that new ways of thinking can emerge. This applies
This can be achieved. The mystery schools of also to the social/political situation of collective
ancient times taught such things. There are now on this thought. It applies to the concepts of humanity itself
planet those who know how to supersede the confined and what humanity seems to be. It applies to religious
beliefs that are held in the physical. There are those on beliefs, et cetera. The list goes on and on, but simply
the planet who can levitate. Recently a video clip was speaking, it is only when the old is shaken up and
released that showed a young girl in Russia levitating destroyed that the new can be birthed.
above the ground and when it was noted that the In many ways, the approach of Nibiru, which is
intruder with the camera was present, this girl came slowly underway again at this time, will help the
down to the ground where her mother was and they shakeup of the physical reality that many accept as
ran away. But it was recorded—this child hovering in being unchangeable, and that many cannot fathom
the air, completely free of any attachments to the could ever alter or come to an end. Thus, this
ground, and flying in the air. Awareness is in agreement; that Nibiru is in motion.
This Awareness does say finally that it is possible, Videos have been shared that seem to show a planet
but it is also important to realize that one need not emerging from the sun’s influence, and this is Nibiru.
focus on the hardest part. One need not jump in at the As to the Anunnaki on the planetoid itself, they are
deep end, for there is much disappointment for those well. They are activated toward the fulfillment of their
who go in at the deep end without preparation. It is plan of passing by Planet Earth.
important to learn how to swim in the shallow end What is also of importance is that Nibiru will not
before one advances into the deep end of the pool of follow the same trajectory that it once was on. There
consciousness that this wish and desire represents. But have been alterations, and it will not come as close to
it is so, and this Awareness does say it is possible to Planet Earth as would have been the case had it been
defy physical rules and structures. allowed to do so many months ago. It is still seen that
It is possible to learn how to fly as one learns how the passage by Mother Earth will be close enough to
to exceed the limitations of physicality and as one effect physical changes upon the planet, but not the
learns to accept that they are not simply physical ones total destruction of the planet herself or the total
trapped in a physical reality, but are in fact spiritual destruction of humanity itself.
beings that are here having an experience of the That is all that this Awareness is prepared to say at
physical, and as they adapt and understand the higher this time, but be aware that the passage of Nibiru is
concepts of consciousness, as they become imbued again underway, but it does not mean the total
with those higher levels of conscious awareness, then destruction of humanity and of the planet herself.
much that is considered impossible in this physical
reality will become possible, even levitation and flight.

Thank you Awareness. That was a very uplifting Thank you Awareness. The next question is from
answer. (Ed’s note: Thanks for the pun Zoey! Vikki VV, and she cites an article from a Zulu shaman: “We
would approve!) were told that there was a great smallpox epidemic
coming to the land and all the children must be
The next question is from LL and regards what vaccinated. Our grandmothers would give us great
happened to Nibiru and its Anunnaki inhabitants? At pain in order to save our spiritual eyes. Grains of maze
last report, the Galactic Federation was keeping them would be heated up and pressed against the skin of the
corralled so that they couldn’t make trouble for earth. child so that when the school inspectors came they saw
There has been a video released from End Times blisters and assumed the child had been vaccinated., where there is footage that the video claims to
show the planet Nibiru peaking out from behind the I noticed that children in mission schools who had
sun. What has happened to Nibiru and will it play any been vaccinated for smallpox and measles could not
role in the coming possible events this July?” see any spiritual entities at all. A flying saucer would
fly through the sky at great speeds, but men and
women and children who had been vaccinated would microchips were very small and were being inserted
see nothing, and I noticed this hundreds of times.” The by injection during vaccination. These microchips
question here is do vaccinations harm psychic were so small that an ant looks huge next to them. Is
abilities?” there truth to this, and for what reasons were
microchips then implanted in vaccinations, if this is
This of course depends on what is in the vaccination,
as is apparent to many who have studied this matter,
and who are open to the evidence of harm that comes What is referred to as microchips has been
through being vaccinated. Many would hold that previously talked about by this Awareness in terms of
vaccinations across the board are evil and not nanotechnology. Nanotechnology refers to artificial
desirable. The quoting by VV of evidence that those agents that are entered into the body that are
many children she has seen that have been vaccinated microchips. They can radically affect the human body
were unable to see UFOs or to be spiritually perceptive when activated. They can affect the bioelectrical
has accuracy to it. fields, and the mind, and impede the process of
Many vaccinations now have as a purpose and intent thinking. They can be used to create an automaton, an
the diminishing and squashing down of one’s psychic automatic robotic-like being, if activated. They can
abilities, but even more importantly, of one’s spiritual even induce death by shutting down the electrical
awareness and understanding. As children are system of the body, thus stopping the heart.
naturally psychically gifted and spiritually aware, the There are many dire things this Awareness could
use of vaccination at this early age would cause such a speak on and present at this time. All that truly is
situation of repression of those psychic/spiritual wished here is to understand that it is so that the
qualities and abilities to the degree that they would not microchips or the nanotechnology that is often
see Spirit or manifestations of Spirit, even UFOs that delivered through vaccinations is being presented by
might fly over their heads. those in power that have the knowledge as a way of
This of course is the intent of the Powers That Be, to controlling the human populace, of especially being
truly quash and curtail the psyche, to curtail and quash able to shut it down at a time of need.
spiritual understanding and awareness, spiritual For those in power and control what would be
seeking and striving to find the deeper truths of one’s designated as a time of need or a time of urgency is for
own being. Across the board vaccinations serve this example if humans rose up against the authorities and
purpose well, and is of course the major reason why demanded change, demanded accountability, and rise
the Powers That Be wish all to be vaccinated in the up in rebellion. Would this not be a good situation to
many ways and forms this comes forward. be able to throw a switch that would neutralize many
This is of course a personal choice. This Awareness that are standing up?
has spoken many times against vaccination and against The irony here is that those who would be standing
such forms of repression that are voluntarily accepted up are not those who would be accepting the
by the masses. In this situation, this Awareness vaccination, but those who are ordinary, those who are
therefore does confirm that vaccinations can suppress of the norm; those who have adopted and accepted the
the psychic abilities of children, their spiritual rhetoric of the politicians, the belief structure of their
awareness and understanding and that it also can have societies.
deep profound physical effects as well. The ultimate Yet even these ones, the masses if you will, present
situation is known as autism, whereby the child is so a danger to the small percentage who are at the top of
suppressed that they can barely function in the world, the pyramid, those who are in charge and in control,
to even engage in the world, for they have been so and they are feared greatly by these ones for if it ever
affected by the vaccinations. develops that the masses do rise up against their
The many claims by authorities that there is no proof overlords, their masters, they, because of their greater
that vaccinations are harmful is nothing more than numbers, would destroy these ones and thus part of the
ridiculous, for the evidence is clear, but whether one reason for vaccination is to have the means to shut
accepts the evidence is another matter. It is important them down, to destroy them and to stop them.
of course to come to one’s own decision on this All of this is within the philosophy of vaccination
matter, but in regards to vaccinations across the board, and why it is important to vaccinate according to the
this Awareness says that this is a way of suppressing beliefs of the Powers That Be. In other words, their
the immune system of the body, of curtailing the interpretation of reality and the situations of reality are
psyche and of shutting down spiritual awareness. such that humanity itself is seen as a possible threat
Thus, in warning, this Awareness would suggest that against them, and always something that needs to be
all think very deeply upon the matter of having one’s controlled and manipulated, and the use of micro-
children vaccinated. But it is, and must be, a personal technology or nanotechnology is something that is
choice of each and every individual in such situations. supported and passed on by these ones to the masses
without informing them of the their true intent and
Microchips Inserted by CIA Scientists During purpose.
There are Many Methods of Removing the
QUESTIONER: Effects of these Vaccinations
Thank you Awareness. There is a follow-up
question. She found an old article from David Icke.
David said that a CIA scientist told him that Thank you Awareness. For those of us who have had
vaccinations as a child, or for children whose parents these devices as well. Remember this, as it is
who have unwittingly had them vaccinated, what are important to know that even though the Powers That
the recommended methods of removing the effects of Be are introducing such devious methods as the
these vaccinations? vaccination of children to destroy and control them,
that they are not, at the end of the day, those who will
COSMIC AWARENESS: be successful, those who will hold power.
First this Awareness would say that the vaccinations In the meantime, it is regrettable that many will still
of the Fifties and the Sixties were quite different from have to struggle to find their way forward. This
the vaccinations that are being used at this time. There Awareness is aware that many would expect this
is not much here that needs to be worried about, for Awareness to give them an answer of what should be
the effects of the vaccinations received by ones who taken. There are deeper reasons why this Awareness
have received them so long ago are minimal at the through this Interpreter cannot provide the information
worst. There is virtually not seen by this Awareness at this time to the degree that many would wish it, but
any negative effects at this time for those who have It does say that this is a matter that is of concern and is
received vaccinations so long ago. being dealt with at higher levels.
For those who might be receiving nanotech-type
vaccinations now, the vaccinations that have much SYRIANS AND SIRIANS?
toxicity contained with them, there are things available IS THERE A CONNECTION?
to be taken but remember also this is a complex area of
what should be done. There are many, many things to QUESTIONER:
be done that can help the situation, far too many for Thank you Awareness. I think that was clear to the
this Awareness to go into at this time. membership. The next question is again from LJ, and
When one is aware of such situations, be prepared she wants to know if there are any ties between the
to use alternative approaches to resolve the situation. name of the country Syria and the advanced entities in
Take alternative treatments and medications that are the Sirius star system. Also she wants to know in what
non-pharmaceutical and not involved with the medical ways do the ongoing post World War II Middle East
industry as presented at this time in the collective conflict relate to the overall competition between
consciousness of humanity. There are many herbs that various factions for control of our planet?
can be taken. There are many types of alternative
treatment that can be employed. COSMIC AWARENESS:
The importance here is to understand that one can As to the first question, whether there is a
countermand the effects of vaccination. One can shut connection with the Sirians, the extraterrestrial ones,
down the nanotech devices, the microchips that have and the country or region of Syria, this Awareness can
been placed within the human body through the use of indeed state that there is a connection. These ones at
many approaches and devices. This Awareness cannot one time came to the planet and colonized that region,
simply state that this or that should be purchased by all and had colonies and bases there. At that time it was
and used by all. There are treatments that can disrupt recognized that the Sirians did reside in that part of the
the negative electromagnetic effects of the world, and this became attached to the lands
vaccinations and of devices that are prevalent and used themselves, and this is still so, although the connection
in society at this time. is no longer remembered by the majority.
There are such devices as the Smart Meters, now Thus, it is positive and affirmative that there is a
being disseminated around the world with the excuse connection between the Sirian ones and the land, area
that this is a much better way of metering the use of and region that is now called Syria. As to the second
electricity in one’s home. There is much complexity question about the importance of the Middle East
here. At this time it is difficult for this Awareness to region, it is simply a pawn in the game of chess that is
address this matter completely and thoroughly. It being played around the globe. The Ukraine of course,
wishes entities to know that there are means by which is another pawn, as are other regions. This Awareness
one can counteract the effects of not only vaccinations, would say there are regions that are politically and
but electromagnetic fields of resonances, of certain socially unstable that the Powers That Be seek to
vibrational weaponry that is being used such as manipulate and use to mold mass-consciousness in a
HAARP. way that they then can lead around and manipulate
There is also new information that is ready to come further. This is what is seen by this Awareness as the
out that has not been released yet. It is more for this importance of the Middle East.
reason that this Awareness at this time will not go It is not because there are any prophecies in the
further into this question as to what can be used, what Bible. This too is a manipulation itself, for many
could be purchased. Be aware that this is a challenge believe that Armageddon will begin in the Middle East
that has been noted by those who are here to assist at and that World War III will spread from this region.
this time. There will be in the future many who have Remember that those who are responsible for such
the means by which to deal with the situation and the predictions and such material are the same ones now
means by which to deal with this will become very that are still in control, just as they once were when
available to all. such predictions were made and distributed through
In the meantime, one is left to their own devices to the Bible and through the church and through other
find different tools, different devices, and different means as well.
methods of treatment to deal with the situation. QUESTIONER:
Remember also that the mind itself and the low self as
well have strength here, have power here to neutralize Thank you Awareness. Is there a closing message?
Challenging Times of the ‘Dark Night of the books and stories, this saga as something dark and
Body Physical’ sinister, or one can look at this in a completely
different way. One can see in these books, this great
COSMIC AWARENESS: work by Rowling that there are forces that have
always been available, hidden from the muggles for
The closing message that this Awareness has at this their own protection, the protection of those who have
time is that it is a challenging time. It is a time of great the knowledge versus those who do not.
physical challenge, and of all things physical. As this
Awareness spoke in the Opening message, it is the As this Awareness has said, it can be seen to be
Dark Night of the Body Physical at this time. This sinister, especially by those who are Christian in their
concern of the physical has been highly manipulated belief system or fundamental in their belief systems.
so that the majority thinks that it is only the physical These works can be called the work of the devil, the
that exists and it is only the physical that matters. Dark Side, the Dark Ones; but this Awareness does not
hold this to be so. This Awareness states that this is a
The physical is of extreme importance in this third grand saga of the growth in consciousness, of the dark
-dimensional physical reality, but what is of greater and the Light; of the recognition that the dualistic
importance is the understanding and awareness that it reality that is in existence can be seen to be one where
is not everything. There is that force in consciousness there is division and separation, where one holds that
that supersedes the physical, and even though their way of belief is correct and right and the other is
humanity itself has been dumbed down to such a opposite, incorrect, false and evil.
degree that it is virtually impossible for the majority to
consider that there is more to one’s being than simply This was an epic saga of the growth in
the physical, nonetheless it is so that Spirit is consciousness from a young child state to a young
beginning its long period of return, of bringing back adult. It could be understood that it is a story that is
spiritual awareness to the understanding of one’s paralleling the advancement of human consciousness
physical body and one’s physical condition. from a juvenile state into the state of responsibility of
the young adults, who fought those forces of darkness.
Therefore, at this time when the challenge of the Harry Potter is of course an allegorical figure, a heroic
physical is the strongest, do not forget that this too is figure by the definition of the one known as Joseph
part of a long-term plan. What is known as the Kali Campbell. He is an archetype. He is one who has been
Yuga is of importance here as well, for what is touched by Spirit, as indicated by the lightning bolt on
occurring is that the Kali Yuga is coming to a the forehead.
completion, and a New Age is dawning. This is in
alignment with what this Awareness has spoken of for It is more a channeled work by the author J.K.
so long, and that many others have talked about. The Rowling, and as such she was outside of herself in the
importance here is to remember that the cycles of writing of this book. She allowed the deeper message
humanity are long-standing and have ahead of them and story lines to come through her: this battle
still a long history. between good and evil, light and dark. It is interesting
that these books that started out as children’s books,
Even though at this time it may be that one is by the end had become a tale of great proportion and
extremely challenged in their physical realities and great significance, not only to children, but to their
their experiences of the physical, it is not that this is a parents as well.
time of punishment or a time where one must suffer
even more so. It is simply a time of shift and change, This is an epic saga about the battle between good
and it is important to know that one has access to and evil, Light and Dark, but it is more than that, for it
greater energy. Greater consciousness and greater truth also awakens in many this deeper knowing that
is that which will assist and help you at this time of the perhaps they are more. Perhaps humans can be wizards
Dark Night of the Body Physical. and magicians and witches and warlocks. There are
CAC General Reading, May 1, 2014; Will Berlinghof, Interpreter; those who have access to the arcane knowledge, the
Zoey Zen, Questioner and Energizer. hidden knowledge, and they have long worked with
this secret knowledge, but to present it in a popular
ARE THE HARRY POTTER BOOKS AND fictional form has brought it to a whole new arena of
MOVIES THE WORK OF THE DEVIL? readers and participants in the saga.
Much that is presented in fictional form has a basis
QUESTIONER: in fact, and there are those with the knowledge of the
Thank you Awareness. That was very interesting. arcane skills that have worked magic for the entirety of
The next question is from LD. Would Awareness human existence. There are those who have used their
please comment upon the spiritual appropriateness of arcane knowledge for good, but there most certainly
the Harry Potter novels and films. They seem to me to are those who have used it for ill and evil.
become darker and darker with each installment. They Those Powers That Be have long held such arcane
seem very dark, low and strong to me. Please comment knowledge, have long performed ceremonies to the
on the author’s intent in writing these books as well as dark ones and have pledged themselves to the
the effects of the Harry Potter books and movies on destruction of humanity and the Light of
children and very sensitive people. Consciousness. The parallel between the Harry Potter
books and the true division that exists between the
COSMIC AWARENESS: Elite Powers That Be versus the ordinary ignorant
The effect of the Harry Potter books is wide ones, the dumbed-down asleep human beings, has long
reaching and multidimensional. It has many be playing itself out.
applications and many reasons for being so now, for While the Harry Potter movies and books have been
having been channeled now. One can look at these entertaining, they have also been presenting some
deeper secret knowledge and information that because of a darker sinister theme of the Harry Potter books
it is presented in the way it is, this fictional way, is and films has more to do with the awakening of human
more accepted than if this was a documentary consciousness, the understanding that these forces
presentation or an academic work. There are many have long been active and would destroy and enslave
academic works that have dealt with such issues, but if allowed, and they must be opposed.
they do not normally capture the attention of the The Hero must rise up and the masses must awaken.
children or their parents, or a vast public. But the masses are not ready to awaken. Therefore, it
These books have triggered a deep remembrance is a handful of ones who are enlightened, who have
within the human soul. Many children truly believe in been taught, who are guided, that are responsible for
magic now and believe that they can access magic. an active opposition. Hopefully it will follow that the
This type of belief has always been available in masses will wake up due to the efforts of a few, but as
children. Children have always believed in magic and in the Harry Potter films and books, this journey is one
miracles. It is when they grow up and become the of certain ones who have the knowledge, both in the
rational adults they are meant to be that magic Light and of the Light, and in the dark, and of the dark.
disappears and is replaced by rationality and disbelief. Therefore, this Awareness will conclude by stating
The Harry Potter books and films have brought back that the Harry Potter series was of great importance.
to the surface an active belief in magic and such They have sparked an understanding and awareness
possibilities that magic would bring forward. It is now within many that magic truly exists and that it can be
something that adults, even though they may have good or bad, and used for good or for ill, and that it is
simply thought they were being entertained, also hold the personal responsibility of each who finds the
in a way different than previously. The fear that these magic and the power to use it effectively and in the
are sinister works unfortunately is more a reflection of Light or not.
a mind of one who holds such works, such fictional Therefore, this Awareness most heartily endorses
entertainment as something that can be dangerous. But the Harry Potter series for those who wish to
why would it then be considered dangerous? understand the long-standing battle that has been
It would be considered dangerous because it is occurring on this dualistic planet, this third
putting Light on something that has for so long been dimensional planet. This completes the long answer to
shrouded and kept in shadow. The fundamentalist way this question.
of thinking is that one should never bring such
information forward. One should never question. One CONCERNING THE HUMAN OBSESSION
should only believe the teachings of the Bible, of the WITH PETS
Lord, of the ones in authority.
This Awareness could say much more about the
ones in authority, the ones that have been put high on Thank you Awareness. There’s much valuable
the pedestal, that are cherished and worshiped, but it is information there. The next question is from MS, and
not the right time for this Awareness to speak further she is asking about pets in the United States. There are
on that matter. It may do so on another occasion, people in the United States who are wondering if
however, It still wishes to say that the sinister household pets are an out-of-control obsession. Some
application of these Harry Potter books and movies is are even calling these pets social parasites. This year,
more in the mind of those who hold that this is a bad an estimated 60 billion dollars will be spent on pets in
thing: that magic is bad, and the Light is bad, and that the US. 80% of the pet owners call themselves mom
the use of magic is bad. and dad in relationship to the pets.
This Awareness would point out that ultimately the Pets are increasing subjects of custody battles, get
books reflect a growing up from a child to an adult, a alimony, inherit money and have their own lawyers. It
loss of childhood innocence as the dark ones pressed is also quite a status symbol to have a rescue dog or
harder and harder. These children who grew up to do cat. Sometimes the animals are flown in from other
the battle between themselves, Forces of Light against countries such as Mexico or Taiwan and given
the forces of darkness, did seem to become darker and thousands of dollars of veterinarian care by the rescue
the heaviness that was not present in the early days networks before being adopted by the new owners. In
when the initial books were light and fanciful, even the last 14 years the number of small dog ownership
though they did at that time have a dark and sinister has increased from 12 million to 25 billion.
thread, became seemingly darker and more sinister. I know that dogs and cats have valuable uses:
As a reflection to the state of things now on this therapy for the elderly, search and rescue and so forth,
planet: is the planet not controlled and manipulated by yet there is so much human need in the US, I am
the dark ones? Is humanity not enshrouded in the wondering what is behind this pet fascination. Could
shadow? Is it not kept dumbed-down, asleep and Awareness please comment?
ignorant to truths that are deep within the human
psyche and the individual understanding? Therefore, COSMIC AWARENESS:
these books very clearly portray the struggle between This Awareness would start by saying there are none
Light and Dark. so queer but folk. People are the ones who are going to
The victory of the Light over the dark is the greatest extreme and ludicrous measures and ludicrous levels
message of all, but it is also a message tempered with in their ownership of pets and more specifically their
the understanding that one must fight for the Light, treatment of their pets. It is so there is much
one must fight for the truth. One cannot simply roll indulgence in domesticated pets, their caring and their
over and still keep sleeping. One must wake up. welfare than has ever been the case in human history.
Therefore, this Awareness would say the interpretation This is because those who indulge their pets, their
children, can do so, for they have the means and assets and with nature, then the animals will be treated well,
to do exactly this: to spoil their pets, to treat them with with honor, love and respect as well.
grandeur and magnitude, perhaps overly so.
Do Humans Reincarnate as Animals and
This Awareness cannot judge the individual who
lavishes attention upon his or her pet, for obviously Vice-Versa?
there is a need, and there is a reason why this is so. To
judge this matter as something that needs to be looked QUESTIONER:
at for it is taking away assistance and charity that can Thank you Awareness. There is a follow-up
be given to human beings who are in need is not a way question. “Do humans reincarnate as human or can
of understanding what this is really about. It is a humans reincarnate as animals, and vice-versa, under
distraction to say that 25 billion now have pets and this what circumstances?”
is somehow wrong, and that the attention lavished on
these pets is wrong is a personal opinion. COSMIC AWARENESS:
There is some merit in what is being spoken of in Many circumstances, for humans are part of
terms of the great money that is being put out toward consciousness and consciousness expresses itself in
pets, but this also is showing a new level of many, many ways. You are to remember that you are
compassion and care toward animals, in this case right now in a single Focus Personality. You are
domestic animals. It is also an indicator of humanity’s focused in a way that does not participate in multiple
capacity to recognize that animals are of great levels of conscious awareness. It is a focus on the here
importance too, and when one brings an animal, a pet and now of your life, and not a focus on your greater
into one’s family, it becomes part of the family. An being that is collective in nature and participates in
exchange occurs between animal and human, and both collective consciousness. You are part of a collective
are benefited. consciousness, part of a human collective
Many have through their pets a focus, a creature that consciousness, but most do not go around every day in
they can love, especially those without children. a grand way where they are expanded into that
Animals, such as dogs and cats and other animals have collective. They go around every day focused on the
a therapeutic effect, not only on the elderly, but on the tasks of the day, the events that are in front of one:
infirm, on children and this is something that is of what is needed for dinner, what is on the news or on
great importance. The strangeness of the exotic the television in the evening. They are focused in the
treatment of pets is perhaps an area that could be singular Focus Personality way.
looked at for it is out of balance. The scope of animal As one begins to expand in human consciousness,
welfare and treatment ranges from neglect and abuse the understanding that one is more than this simple
to overindulgence and lavish treatment. single Focus Personality begins to reestablish itself.
Somewhere in the middle however, is the balance One can partake in different focuses of consciousness
point. There are still ones who mistreat animals, who or different experiences in consciousness, including
abuse them, who starve and neglect them. These ones the consciousness that is associated with animals or
must be brought up on the scale. There are those who plants, or even minerals. One must escape the
overplay the hand, who give too much lavish attention restriction that thought brings into this matter, that one
and treatment to their pets at ludicrous levels. These is a human being, and how can one be an animal
ones must be brought down into a balance of consciousness, or partake in animal consciousness?
treatment. An animal is still an animal worthy of love How can one be a plant or even a mineral? One is not.
and caring, but does it need the indulgence that the One is part of a greater collective, a greater
rich often give to their animals, more so than they establishment of consciousness that is all-reaching
would give to other human beings? across all spectrums of experiences in consciousness.
This issue is very complex. It is an indicator of the The soul is a collective construct. The soul has many
human capacity to recognize and treat animals fairly parts within it, many points of consciousness that
and justly in alignment with Mother Earth, in come together to create the Long Soul, the Greater
alignment with Spirit. There are those who do not Soul, which itself is part of other souls, other
understand this and do not see that animals are to be expressions in consciousness.
treated well, but that there is also something wrong in Equally, the soul can extend itself into other areas
a manner of speaking when one gives to an animal far of consciousness such as the consciousness of an
more attention and service than one would give to animal. This is not human consciousness, but
another human being. responding from this level, the soul is not looking to
Ultimately, it is a personal journey, and this have a human experience. It is willing to have an
Awareness can only say that pets are treated in a experience as an animal, or to be contained within a
manner that is in accordance to the individual that tree for hundreds of years, or perhaps being buried
owns the pet, and there are lessons that are being deep under the surface as a mineral, as a rock.
learned or could be learned in the ownership of pets Consciousness is unlimited. Thus it is that individuals
and rather than look at it as a condemnation of the can have experiences in consciousness where they can
overindulgence pets are receiving, one should rather share the consciousness of an animal, plant, vegetable
look at this as part of the evolution of the human or mineral.
psyche, human consciousness as it becomes more Often, most think of the development of humans as
aware of its role on the planet and more aware that it is something that is linear in nature, progressing from an
part of this planet and one of the creatures of Mother ancient time to modern times into the future times.
Earth. They have difficulty even with this concept, let alone
When one truly is in alignment with Mother Earth the expansion into a conscious awareness that one can
partake in other levels and experiences of THE TAROT OF COSMIC AWARENESS
consciousness, including the animal, the plant world
and the mineral world; even the elemental world, the
world of bacteria, the world of chemical elements, the
world of fairy, et cetera.
There are many levels in consciousness that can be
experienced, but the most important thing to remember
is that you are here to have the present experience, the
Focus Personality and to grow and expand in this
understanding that you are more than simply an
isolated and separate being.
You are part of the multiverse. You are part of
multidimensional consciousness and awareness and
this has many, many facets, including the facet that
one could look into if one wished to have an
experience as an animal, or certainly to experience
what consciousness is about in such a state.
Finally, this Awareness would add that one does not Key Number Six - The Lovers
need simply to go back into Spirit so that it can go This Awareness indicates in this seventh chapter of
elsewhere to have an experience as a pet, or a rock, or Awareness and the Age of Aquarius, the Key Number
an amoeba. One can have such experiences while in 6, the Lovers, as that which is considered. This is a
the state of Focus Personality. One can have such an card that is removed from the Tarot during this new
experience through one’s imagination. One can extend age. It has been useful in the past, but is no longer of
one’s consciousness to other realms. One can partake any value. The complete understanding of this card
of those higher states of consciousness without leaving and the reason for its dismissal is that which is
the living room. discussed in this reading. As has been given, the High
Imagination is also a key way this can be done, a Priestess, the Lovers, these are both removed. Others
conduit into other experiences in consciousness, even are removed and will also be included in these
to experience for example, animal consciousness. readings.
Those known as shamans have often been known to do This Awareness indicates that as the spirit,
what is called shape-shifting, but shape-shifting Akasha, moves toward itself, it moves in no particular
doesn’t mean necessarily that they physically become direction. Whether it moves or remains still is of no
the animal, but that they project themselves into the particular importance. Once something within Akasha
form of an animal: an eagle, a wolf, a bear, et cetera, takes on identification, this then becomes the
and are then integrated into the consciousness of that Magician. Then what is left is the High Priestess on
animal, and are having the experience of the animal, or which the Magician acts. This is the first separateness.
tree or plant. The High Priestess is now removed, and separateness
How is it for example, that indigenous people have is now becoming lessened and will eventually fade.
known the medicinal properties of plants? It is because This then will move entities as humans and as
their shamans integrated with the plant and were able concepts back into that which is the Law of One, the
to understand their nature and their gifts that could be Fool.
offered to humans. This was common practice This Awareness indicates that moving on
amongst ones who could imagine, who could allow through, mankind then became concerned with the
their consciousness to flow and to go into other creation of images. Image creation, the imagination, is
realms, other spaces. that which was the Empress. The Empress became the
Therefore, if one wishes to experience animal subconscious or unconscious –the memories, the
consciousness, one does not need necessarily to die desires, the faith, feeling, and ritual parts of mind, and
and re-enter Spirit and refocus one’s consciousness in of consciousness. The word 'mind' here is used in the
another way to another being, another creature. One greater sense, rather than in the sense of thought.
can use one’s own imagination to make such an This Awareness indicates that following this was
occurrence happen, and to have such an experience. the thought. This first thought of mind focusing and
It is a multiverse. You are one small Focus holding and confining these images is that which is the
Personality in that multiverse that does not necessarily Emperor. This pertains to laws, forms, controls, and
see or understand how immense you are, what you can various types of holding. This Awareness indicates
accomplish, and what you can achieve when you put that this holding was authority, that which did speak
your mind to it, when you put your imagination to it, from the side of will, which did will itself to be the
and when you are willing to expand the borders of creator of what it acted upon. This is a reflection of
your own being to include the many other layers and the Magician. The Emperor is like the Magician
levels of consciousness that exist, including the animal working within matter; the Magician prior to this was
world, the plant world and the mineral world. working in spirit, in consciousness levels.
This Awareness indicates that following this was
the Hierophant. The Hierophant rests between the
Empress and the Emperor, between the unconscious or
sub-conscious, and the conscious, scientific, rational
aspects of consciousness. The Emperor may be seen
as the alchemist. The Empress may be seen as the
faithist, as the church. there are two other combinations of three in the Huna
The movement of alchemy did and does create philosophy. The next level refers to a higher body
through science. The alchemists have set the stage for composed of three parts. The level beyond that is also
scientific movement. This was understood by the of a higher body composed of three parts. This relates
alchemists long before science came about and became to mind, emotion, feeling, awareness, awareness of
manifested as this scientific age. Science is now feeling, awareness of emotion, awareness of mind;
beginning to move back toward alchemy. these as being the seven levels. These first three levels
of Huna representing conscious, subconscious, and
This Awareness indicates that the action of the Superconscious minds is referring to mind, emotion,
alchemists, through Hermes down, created the one and feeling as this Awareness has given.
aspect that has led and still leads to the development of
the mind. This Awareness indicates that this is This Awareness indicates the next three levels
control, this is sadism, and this as analysis and reach into the level of awareness. The level of
jurisdiction. This is direction, discrimination and awareness contains three of these in one. In this sense,
desire. The desire and the will as but aspects of that the Lovers card is thrown out. This Awareness
which is power. This Awareness indicates that down indicates that the three in one is also symbolic in a
through the ages, that which is power is the reflection reflective sense of the Holy Trinity. This is the fourth
of the symbology shown in the Emperor, and this all level, the trance level, this level of awareness.
led to alchemy. This Awareness indicates that the levels five, six,
This Awareness indicates that the Empress and seven - awareness of feeling, awareness of
related down through the ages to blind faith, to mere emotion, awareness of mind having moved out of
obedience, to that which would desire to understand trance and back into action while remaining in the
this force of will, this direction, this energy which level of awareness that is understood in trance, as that
would penetrate and control. The desire to understand which relates to the higher levels of the Kahuna. The
is that which is masochism, is that which is three selves in tune with this Awareness in its three
passiveness, is that which is synthesis, and is that aspects as one having communion with all of these
which is obedience. It is that which is dependence, that polarities and reconciliations, completes the
which is waiting, and that which would slow itself philosophy of the Kahunas, which brings about magic
down to a state of poise and allow that which is will, that is greater than what was known only by the
which is mind, which is desire, to work its deeds. Emperor, or by the Western sciences. This composes
nine parts of the Huna philosophy.
In this slowing down to understand, that this force
of masochism, this Empress, does indeed become that The ancient Egyptian philosophy was identical,
which is feeling. The emotions and the mind moving except that this was given a tenth part, which was the
together then lead to this feeling which is both name. The tenth part is the name that in the Qabalah is
understanding and release from the desire—this as the represented as the Kingdom. This Awareness
climax between mind and emotion. This may be indicates that the Qabalah being of four levels; this
understood as intuition. Feeling is the offspring of dealing with Fire, Air, Water, and Earth as given in
mind and emotion. The marriage of these two results previous readings. This dealing with ten parts as
in feeling, which is spontaneity, which is immediate indicated from the Kahuna and Egyptian messages as
response, immediate understanding without thought, just given, that there may be understood this same
and this is the higher mind. philosophy on the four levels of Fire, Air, Water, and
Earth. These four are but a fraction of those levels that
This Awareness indicates that the Tarot card the may be understood by those who would investigate
Lovers, as expressing these two aspects, the Emperor further.
and the Empress, before the Hierophant. This
Awareness indicates that the Hierophant stands This Awareness indicates that as far as you
between and above these two. The Hierophant is would investigate into various levels of creation, you
feeling, and moving close to this Awareness. This will find symbolism; you will find substance for
Awareness indicates that the Hierophant may look in investigation. This movement toward investigation on
both directions. The Hierophant moves in silence varying levels always into the unknown, always
through listening to that state where he sees between looking for what is not controlled in order to gain
the Emperor and the Empress, between what is plus knowledge and control of it; this is the Emperor
and what is minus. This Awareness indicates that in moving into the Empress.
this vision of seeing the two sides at once, the This Awareness indicates that when this becomes
Hierophant is the medium. obsessive, this desire to know, this desire to control,
This Awareness indicates that this as the link; this is what this Awareness terms polarity. The
that in the card of the Lovers, this symbolizes also reconciliation of yes and no, the merging of polarities,
what goes into the Huna philosophy. This Awareness the mystical marriage, the marriage of the Emperor
suggests that the works of Max Freedom Long be and the Empress, the marriage of religion and science
studied. The Huna philosophy shows three parts of the into that which this Awareness through channels has
human in the aspects of a low self, middle self, and indicated as the "What Is;" this is that which now is
high self. The low self is the Empress, the occurring in your time.
unconscious mind, the emotion, and the animal. This This Awareness indicates that this may be
Awareness indicates this as the emotions. The middle likened unto the climax in sex. The desire to move
self is the desire, the will, the Emperor; and the higher into the womb and the womb waiting to understand
self is the feeling, the super-conscious. This as desire, as that which leads through the clashes, through
composing three parts, three minds. the violence, through the expression of passion
This Awareness indicates that in addition to this, throughout the various intensities of relationship,
which become the movement from "Mary plus John," toward heaven, reaching toward what would satisfy
to the plus sign becoming the swastika of Nazi their craving to create, to reach that level which they
Germany, through such communication as hurling a continually project in front of them now begins to
bomb toward another in order to get your point across, crumble. This relates unto the Tower of the Tarot.
to such communication as butchering, burning, This Awareness indicates that this babble relates
enslaving, terrorizing, in all levels, the minds and to the work of the alchemists. The alchemists were
masses, the emotions of those who would understand those who brought about an understanding, a
this need for power. restriction, and a control over the creation whereby the
This Awareness indicates that those who would sit images and the passions were not the flowing, wispy,
and seek to understand as those who express and uncontrolled fickle whims of imagination, but
masochism. You who are not concerned with moved into some kind of order.
understanding of power but know what power is and This Awareness indicates this relates unto the work
see power for what it is, are no longer influenced by of that force that is symbolized as that which brought
power and are no longer considered in this light as a forth the Antichrist. This Antichrist reaches its
masochist. completion, and then it dies. The Beast, which is the
This Awareness indicates that this action of rational mind, which is the Emperor, is that which
looking at power for what it is without a need for loses its head. This is symbolized in many Masonic
understanding does in itself hold power away so that stories.
the power cannot affect and move into your field. This Awareness indicates that the Kahunas, the
Those Emperors looking for an expression of their will Masons, the builders, the alchemists, are all the same
on that which would understand and obey their will, energy. This relates unto Atlantis. Those who would
finding no such outlet, become terrorized by their own understand that those who moved into the passive,
image, and they feel their power being totally useless. masochistic actions, are relating to Lemuria. These
It matters not whether they hold the gun and the two polarities and all aspects discussed are that which
whip, for you do not respond to these things. This now merge. When this occurs, this is likened to the
Awareness indicates that there is nothing for them to action given in the Book of Revelation, that the beast
do but to look and seek to understand why you are not grew sore and is capable of healing himself. This is the
terrorized by their gun and whip. When this occurs, rational, scientific world.
you join with them and ask them to join with you. This Awareness indicates that the Whore of
This Awareness indicates the reconciliation of Babylon, the Empress, the church, the faithists, the
those who would express themselves through power emotions, the passions, the imagination also become
and those who would seek to understand power merge clearly seen and manifested at this time, and those
into that state which is no longer concerned with either partake of the lake of fire in this time of radiation. The
trip, but merely concerned with relating clearly bottomless pit is the movement inward toward this
together. In this sense, the Tarot card, the Lovers, is Awareness, toward that which is infinity.
taken out of consciousness. The concept of This Awareness indicates that this relates unto
separateness, the concept of duality, the concept of scientific explorations of the minute particles and the
contrast, all of these are being drawn in. Contrast will cosmos itself. This relates to inner space explorations
not seem quite so significant, and separateness will not and outer space explorations. The Russian studies
seem quite so significant. As these are drawn in, these being done on the mind and the inner space of man are
may be likened to a symbol such as the cat of nine tails leading into that other universe, that other dimension
in which the strings are being shortened. into which man now begins to move.
This Awareness indicates that this leads now to This Awareness indicates that in this sense, you
what brings forth another dimension of mind. The consider the octave of light, the 49th octave. Below
mind of the past as separates, analyzes, splits, defines, this the infrared octave moves down through heat,
polarizes, and creates division. This division now sound, and to matter. Above this, the ultra-violet
begins to move into addition, synthesis, and a coming octave move upward into radiation and those higher
together. When division that has occurred down forces.
through these times becomes so great that it requires
multiplication upon multiplication upon multiplication This Awareness indicates that you refer to Dinshah's
to name the parts, that eventually the schizophrenia of chart for this information. This 49th octave is that
consciousness shattering and scattering into so many which is the balance between two directions of
thousands and millions of descriptions and names and consciousness. These are radiating and contracting
laws and boundaries and formations becomes too great consciousness levels. The movement toward one or
for the mind to fathom. For the mind to even begin to the other takes place in the center of one's head. The
comprehend such things, it must stop analyzing and light is there, and the light may be seen through the
synthesize, joining together those things that were senses, in which case the slower vibrations are
once separate. experienced; these slower vibrations moving into heat,
sound, and matter, taste, and smell.
This Awareness indicates that the specialization that
has occurred in science has created so many names This Awareness indicates that in the movement in
and so many aspects and definitions of the things of another direction from the center of the head, entities
nature, of concepts, of legalities, of systems on all again look out at the universe and see the backside of
levels, that there is virtually no communication it. If you move far enough into your own head for your
between the various specialists outside of their own identity, looking for the eye, you will find that the
immediate field. This is the Tower of Babel; the eye which you seek is the Osiris eye, is the eye of the
babble that occurs from all these Emperors reaching needle, is nothing but a hole. When you find this
identity, this hole within the center of your head, and
you move through that hole, you will come out on a power and seek certain glories representing and
reversed side of the universe. expressing the Antichrist; these are but a projection of
This Awareness indicates that this has often been the masses of minds of the people who look to power.
called the subconscious. It is through this hole that This Awareness indicates that these entities who
you travel in your dreams. This hole, this doorway to move up into power in this manner are merely the
and from the subconscious is symbolized in the projection of the people over which they rule. As
Empress card. Daleth is the door. She also is the womb these people over which they rule cease to care about
through which entities enter into this world. This the power, the projections begin to lessen and the
Awareness indicates that in coming through the tower begins to crumble. A reading given previously
subconscious to this conscious world, this is likened described this as the pyramid of people being held up
unto birth. and those at the base of the pyramid were walking
This message relates also unto the Tibetan Book away and the pyramid was sinking. Those frantically
of the Dead and the Bardo states. This Awareness seeking the top were climbing in vain, and as they
indicates that in the New Being that comes forth, this climbed, the pyramid diminished.
may be likened unto one who has found that eye of This Awareness indicates that this is still
identity, that eye of the needle, and does choose to occurring. The polarity at this time is intensifying in
remain close to that level wherein there is no polarity, certain areas wherein the Emperor is frantically
wherein there is little polarity, if any. seeking to remain that creator and yet is finding the
This Awareness indicates that when moving into this world unresponsive. This is creating absolute chaos
level of non-polarity wherein the conscious and the on many levels. It is only through chaos that looking
subconscious minds merge, wherein desire and will can really come into being when things have been
lessens, wherein the seeking to understand lessens, polarized.
there comes forth an understanding in its self that This Awareness indicates that at any time one
stands under and observes clearly what is. structure sets up itself, it automatically sets up an
This is the eye of the needle. This has no identity, opposite. Wherein anything determines itself to be
has no desire, but has being and non-being. It is significant, it automatically creates these two. These
whatever it is. The New Being as described in these two shall eventually come together. At this time,
concepts will manifest on this plane soon. The many of these are coming together. The movement
movement now by entities is closer and closer to this now is toward a creation of a force that looks at power
level. for what it is. This is a parabolic mirror that becomes
so intense that those having the power cannot cope
This Awareness indicates that there is no definite with it.
dividing line between the old being and the new being,
but it will come about. That which would find a This Awareness indicates that this parabolic
definite division, is that which is the mind. The mind mirror shining through from that which might be
seeks to bring about this definite division for its own termed the unconscious, from the passive, from the
control, for its own descriptive abilities. This is that unconscious masses, those who have been hypnotized,
one aspect, that one side, the conscious mind in its those who have been sleeping while the power was
death throes seeking to define and describe the New built, is shining through into the conscious world, into
Being and when it would appear. the contextual region, into the hierarchy system,
wherein they find themselves being exposed by this
As the conscious mind reaches that level wherein it light of consciousness, by this light of understanding,
cannot analyze this, it then begins to lose its own by this which did continue sleeping and yet knows all
being. This is symbolized in the Masonic stories of the that they have been doing.
alchemists as the Mason losing his head. This is the
Antichrist losing his time. This is the collapse of This Awareness indicates that the secrets have
power. This is the end of that pyramidal and hierarchy been released, and more are being released constantly.
system. These are striking terror in those who would operate in
secret ways, as that power cannot exist without
This Awareness indicates that as the conscious mind secrecy. This movement at this time shall intensify up
can no longer analyze what is happening to it and it to election time of this year.
moves more and more into looking toward that hole
within and discovering who in fact it really is, it moves The struggles between the Emperor and the
toward the light of Lucifer. This seeks to find that Empress is also reflected at this time in the "Women's
power which comes from the unconscious. This is Lib" movement. This is reflected in the establishment
termed the occult. The occult is linked with the Devil, and the "hippie" movement. This as reflected in the
and with Lucifer. power of the large nations over the weak. This is
reflected in the religious actions.
This Awareness indicates Lucifer as seen from the
side of the power seeker is but the other side of the This Awareness indicates that the hierarchy
Christ which is coming in from the subconscious systems of churches based on faith, based on the
levels. Through the religion, through the church, authority are but another reflection of what occurs on
through the Empress, through the emotions, through national and international levels. Entities are simply
that which was hidden, the veil is torn open and the walking out of the door. Entities simply no longer
New Being, the Christ, becomes that which returns. care to believe authority. Faith is no longer holding
This Awareness indicates that the Christ and the
Antichrist are but two sides of the same coin. This is in This Awareness indicates that entities now look and
reference to the concept. This shall have a physical see, and they do not believe what they do not
manifestation on this plane wherein those who seek themselves see. This in no way denies the looking and
discovering. Entities simply do not take the word of
others as they once did. Magic once worked by word, to affect their reincarnated bodies and those who had
and where once a powerful magician in certain actions communication with them, through Aka-cords and
gave the word to send thirty thousand troops to their through hereditary levels.
death, now would find himself or herself without much This has been referred to in earlier readings as a
magic. group reincarnation. The souls, the accumulated past
This Awareness indicates those actions involved in experiences of these mummies did seep out slowly.
authority, the Emperor, and those actions involved in Wherein the mummy held part of a soul and part was
dependency, the Empress, the expression of sadism in released, the released part could reincarnate, but would
relation to masochism, is that which has been be somewhat retarded, as this would be only part of
symbolized by this card and has come from ancient the being. Down through the ages many have
times long before the earliest records. This goes back reincarnated in retarded forms. Many have
to the very formation of the earth at a time when it was reincarnated with certain concepts that were controlled
fire and water beginning to come into a separation. by these mummified bodies.
The fire became that which was the Emperor, and Many have been directed by their own mummy,
water was the Empress. This goes even farther back wherein they lie still and go into a meditational state
into magnetism and radiation. Coming down through and tune in to their own mummy. When this occurs,
time, and as far as this chapter is concerned, the time this releases that force that is contained in the mummy.
of Egypt to the present, shall be considered here. As this force is released, it goes out into the
consciousness of man in general and brings about a
This Awareness indicates that at the time of Ra-Ta, reconciliation of those forces that were in conflict.
Edgar Cayce in a previous incarnation, understood this This breaks out on occasions in earthquakes, in wars,
relationship and created that action whereby the two and in violence, but the purpose of this is a releasing
serpents, the white and the black climbing up the action on these polarities that were set up at that time
Caduceus, could be used to heal the nations, and bring long ago in Egypt.
about the healing of man. This entity Ra-Ta, as one In addition to this, there was that group
who saw the futility of man on the wheel, and by reincarnation wherein entities from Egypt came
creating an intensification of polarities—these together, studied the mysteries and were able to bring
polarities symbolized in this card—he wished and about a new philosophy, a new understanding that
desired to shatter the wheel. This Awareness indicates worked as a mirror, as an opposition to the established
that this action brought about the conflict between the powers. This occurred many times down through the
occult control and the power people, and the masses Essenes, through the Carmelites, into Java, and in
that would seek to understand power. This relates many other areas where new philosophies did emerge.
back to Atlantis, the priests of Atlantis and their These worked on one level. The reincarnating
Things, the hypnosis forces. Ra-Ta learned this entities from this time may be thought of as one of the
information from those priests from Atlantis and serpents. The other serpent of the Caduceus may be
particularly through Hep-Sut. The High Priest of understood as the hierarchy system moving down
Atlantis did bring this information and help bring an through Egypt, passing from father to son, down from
understanding of the creative forces. the Egyptian priests to the Hebrew priests, and up
through the Zionist actions throughout the world today
This Awareness indicates that as this occurred in and in the past history.
the movement down into Egypt, into Nubialand, the This Awareness indicates that the serpent of Zion
New Being emerged as one. The many who journeyed is the black snake. The white snake is the reincarnated
down to this area returned to Egypt as one. In this entities from this time of Egypt appearing in different
oneness, they were capable of understanding what zones at different times. This may be linked in
needed to be done, and this action was one of symbology to the DNA and RNA of late scientific
response. In this action, many of those volunteered to discoveries in terms of the protein chain. The DNA as
help, led to the building of the first pyramid and to the memory is likened unto the dark snake of the hierarchy
building of the Sphinx. These were built in a system moving down through from Egypt, through
reasonably short time. The first pyramid was built Babylonia and the Hebrews and Zionist movement.
through levitation and a base for the second was built This Awareness indicates that this Zionist
as a challenge, and this challenge was left for the next movement did infiltrate and influence the faithists, the
group to build upon. church, and the effect has been felt on all levels. This
has brought about much anti-Semitism, and relates to
Once this occurred, many of the entities who the actions of the Second World War. The
were involved in this action went into the pyramid and understanding of these two serpents, the concepts of
were mummified and entombed together with certain polarity and the effects of all of this came about from
concepts. These concepts were those concepts that Egypt, from the time of the Great Pyramid. This was
created a certain holding pattern in consciousness. about ten thousand BC.
These early mummies were given deep hypnotic This Awareness indicates that entities not judge
trances and then injected with a drug that would the rightness or the wrongness of this action, for this
crystallize their nerves and cells at that time. In this cannot be judged. The tragedy that has occurred is
mummification, they held certain concepts. what has built the individuality of entities. Nothing in
These concepts would slowly be released over long the universe dies, but everything in the universe
periods of time down through the ages. This changes.
Awareness indicates that as the cells deteriorated on That which changes toward that which would seek,
these mummies, these concepts leaked out and began would have power, would feel itself and would
become a center, is that which does, over a period of point of reconciliation in between two polarized
time, become an individual thing. This moves from points. This goes on indefinitely until you reach this
simple awareness to self-awareness. This would Awareness, until you reach Essence.
simply rest, and would be silent, would attempt to die In the past, this card was used to move from these
and disappear, and move away from the development reconciliation points, outward towards the polarized
of individuality. positions, but this came through directions from
This Awareness indicates that the action of Ra- authority, directions of right and wrong, of good and
Ta, of the polarity, of conflicts, of the tragedy down evil, of pleasure and pain. All of this did send entities
through these ages, of the intense desire, of the intense out from this Awareness toward all those points
violence; this action in the Western world, this action wherein entities found themselves isolated, separate,
of the beast, of science, of wars, of control, did bring confused, and in a maze in which they knew not where
about individuality. In the Eastern world, wherein they were nor who they were, but they did have an
entities denied their desires, they have moved into identification with a point of view, a certain idea, a
levels of understanding, but not understanding the certain way of thinking. All of these things are
concept of desire. They are together, but have little polarities, and they were polarized in a certain point.
individuality. They yet need to understand this. This Awareness indicates that as entities look
In the West we need to understand togetherness back upon that journey where they have been and
and need to understand that which is without desire. where they are now and where they shall go, they
Our desire bodies have been built strong. Our ideal should not judge themselves as good or bad, but
bodies have failed to be constructed properly through simply look at the trip, what it has been, what it has
this action. This is now being constructed. The done, and what it means. Entities sum up, and the
intense suffering, the friction, the destruction, the summing up is the synthesizing. The synthesizing is
sorrow, the tragedy on this plane in this Western world the reconciliation, and the reconciliation is what comes
allows an individuality to merge back into Essence and and brings forth the New Being.
still remain an individuality; this may be likened unto January 16, 1972
a jellyfish in the ocean.
This Awareness indicates this is becoming a HOW TO GET THE CAC MONTHLY NEWSLETTER
multiplied reflection of the original Magician as he ONLINE VERSION: $32 per year. Sign up on the CAC
emerged from the Fool. The point within the universe website: or receive the
is dotted now by many individualities. This printed newsletter by writing to…
Awareness indicates that in this respect, there are
many gods, and each entity is a god. Each group is a
This Awareness indicates that any thing with an
individuality may be thought of as a god, yet the P.O. Box 115
greatest god is the Fool, the Law of One, the Unity, the Olympia WA 98507 USA
All in All, the Essence, the Akasha, the Spirit, the
Anti-matter which permeates all things, which moves
through all levels, which understands, which knows,
which controls, and does all of these things without the PRINTED RATES:
slightest interest itself. INDIVIDUAL: $52 per year or $15 quarterly
This Awareness indicates that it is a churning, CONTRIBUTING: $77 per year or $25 quarterly
disinterested universe, and the interest comes only in SPONSORING: $144 per year or $40 per quarter
relationship of one part to the other. The identification
of one part to another creates interest. One becomes BENEFACTOR: $500 per year or $150 per quarter
the principle, and the other becomes the interest. This PATRON: $1000 per year or $250 per quarter
duality then can begin to move into intensified states ANGEL: $5000 per year or $1500 per quarter
and again move back into polarities and again down
into what has occurred in our past history. We would like to thank you all so much for
This Awareness indicates that the extremes of
polarities bring about tragedy. As polarities are your continued support! 700 issues would
lessened to that point which this Awareness calls not be possible without you!! Here is to
"walking the tightrope," the path is straight and
narrow; the razor's edge is thin. When you can walk another 700 issues of Revelations of
the tightrope without tripping out on polarities, and Awareness. We couldn't have done it with-
giving attention, you will find yourself walking to a
point of reconciliation and that you have walked from out our loyal members! Thank you all so
some polarized position.
so so so so much!
When you reach that point of reconciliation, you
will find that you are on a perpendicular mark in
which you must walk again a straight and narrow path ~Vikki T and the Staff here @ CAC~
and this leads to a point of reconciliation, and as you
look back, you find you were on a polarized point.
Once you reach this reconciliation point, again you
look and you will see that you are on a straight and
narrow path, and as you move, you move toward a

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