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Example of Nursing Care Plan (Pathophysiology)

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The document discusses three patient case scenarios involving compromised airway, immune system, and nutrition. Nursing care plans are outlined for each case.

Monitoring vital signs and respiratory status, educating on disease transmission and isolation protocols, and preventing spread of infection.

Identifying diet requirements and daily intake, educating on disease management and balanced diet, monitoring blood glucose levels, and referring to a dietician.



Prepare a Nursing Care Plan of the following:

A. Patient with Compromised Airway

Scenario: A 57-year-old man goes to the hospital because he is experiencing flu-like symptoms.

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

 Patient is Impaired  Prevent the  Monitoring  Need to monitor body  The patient was able to
complaining of breathing spread of patient’s vital temperature because infection prevent the spread of
fever, fatigue, pattern infection. signs. usually begins with high infection by no other
cough, shortness related to  Restoring  Monitoring temperature. family member has
of breath and shortness breathing respiratory  Shortness of breath is one of contacted the disease.
other flu-like of breath as pattern back isolation. the symptoms of an infection  Patient was able to
symptoms for 3-5 evidence by to normal.  Place contact that’s why monitoring return breathing
days. low 02  Improve body isolation sign respiratory rate and 02 patterns to normal.
 Patient also saturation temperature or chart in the saturations is important.  Showed improvement
reported a level with level. room, visible to  Advice the patient to use mask on body temperature
headache, sore 88% in  Understanding everyone. at all times when coughing or levels,
throat, and room air. more about  Educating the sneezing.  Patient and family
generalize body the disease family and the  The patient is isolated in an verbalize understanding
ache. and its patient about individual room. more about the disease
 He’s been off to management. the disease.  Instruct everyone entering the and its management.
work for a week.  Referring the patient’s room to wear  Patient and family
 The patient is family to personal protective practice importance of
monitoring his Center for equipment. strict hand hygiene

Zamora, Elizabeth O. (NR 23)
stats at home. Disease Control  Teaching the patient and techniques and
According to him, (CDC). family to wash hands after isolation.
he’s current 02 coughing, and before and after
saturated in entering the room to prevent
room air is 88%. transmission of the virus.
 Providing information about
the disease like transmission,
diagnostic testing
complications, etc.

Zamora, Elizabeth O. (NR 23)

B. Patient with Compromised Immune System

Scenario: A 48 years old man goes to the hospital to have checkup because he is experiencing weakness and sluggishness.

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

 Patient complain of Risk for  Identify the  Assess the patient's  It will help provides  After 1 week of
feeling week and infection diet eating pattern and individualize dietary monitoring patient's
sluggish for the related to requirement of current instruction that contributes food intake, the
past 4 weeks low blood the patient. understanding to fluctuations of blood patient is able to
(sluggishness and glucose  Identify the about balanced diet. glucose level. identify the food than
weakness). level. daily food  Refer to a registered  To have individualize meal decrease his blood
 Patient reported intake of the dietician for plan depending on patient's sugar.
his blood glucose patient. individualize diet body weight, blood glucose  The patient gradually
level is between  Provide instruction. level/values, and activity at normalizing his blood
150-200 mg/dcl information  Educating patient home. glucose level.
every morning and knowledge about importance of  Modifying patient's food  The patient able to
(fasting blood about the following a intake will help stabilize record his early
glucose) And his disease. prescribed meal blood glucose level. morning blood sugar.
last AI C level is  Identify which plan.  A balanced diet will help  The patient able to
7.3%. factors are the  Instruct the patient patient maintain stable identify the signs and
 Patient doesn't reasons of about action when blood glucose level. symptoms of low
have a proper diet. patients experiencing low  Helps the patient to prevent blood sugar.
He reported she unstable blood blood sugar. complication when  Patient reported
loves to eat bread glucose level. increased in energy to

Zamora, Elizabeth O. (NR 23)
and pasta (his diet experiencing low blood do and completing his
is uncontrolled). sugar. daily activities.

C. Patient with Compromised Nutrition

Scenario: A 83 years old woman goes to the hospital with her caregiver because she is experiencing weight loss and poor

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

 The patient loss 15 Imbalance  Identify  Assess and record  The patient is a very  After 1 week of
lbs. in a month. nutrition less factors that patient's daily weight and poor historian, she's providing adequate
From 145 lbs. to than body can monitor hydration status not reliable to tell her nursing intervention,
130 lbs. requirement promote a for signs of dehydration. own perception of the patient has better
 The caregiver as evidence better  Document actual weight. actual intake because appetite and has
reported that the by memory eating  Involved family or it may differ from the enough energy to do
patient has a very disturbances, habits caregiver (or significant reality. her daily activities.
poor appetite and poor  Locate or others) in obtaining  Elderly patients with  The patient gradually
needs assistance appetite, and find all the nutritional history of the memory impairment meeting the actual
during feeding. needs community patient. needs full assistance weight requirement.
 The patient was assistance resources  Determine factors for in preparing their  The patient has
recently diagnosed when feeding like "meals reduced nutritional food. gained 0.5 lbs. in 1
by moderate related to on wheels" intake.  Activity enhances week.
Alzheimer’s inability to program.  Monitor environmental metabolism and  The patient has
Dementia. procure factors that can affect utilization of generated a daily
adequate nutrients. caregiver to assist her

Zamora, Elizabeth O. (NR 23)
amount of patient's daily eating in food preparation
food. habits. and food intake.
 Establish daily exercise
and activity for the

Zamora, Elizabeth O. (NR 23)

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