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Your Guide to
Natural Remedies
A Collection of Our Most
Popular Natural Remedies

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Illness-specific Remedies 1-6

Hair Care Tips 7

Veggies, Herbs, Stems, Leaves 8-20

Fruits and Nuts 21-30

Condiments, Spices, Millets, Grains 31-37

Healthy Oils 38-39

Health Drinks 40-44

Yoga 45-49

Rejuvenating Therapies 50-51

Healthy Recipes 52

About 53

Contact 53

Special Offers 54

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Stretch Marks
Do you suffer from those embarrassing stretch marks? Here are some remedies to cover them up.

- Massage the affected area with any of these oils: Coconut oil, Tea tree oil, Olive oil, Castor oil, Lavender oil,
Almond oil. These oils heal and regenerate the skin covering up the stretch marks.

- Make a paste of raw sugar, almond oil and a few drops

of lemon juice and apply it on the marks. Follow this
process for a month, the marks will lighten over time.

- Aloe vera: Rub aloe vera on the affected area and wash
it with warm water after a few minutes. It provides mois-
ture to the skin and makes it smooth.

- Rub lemon juice on the marks and wash it with warm

water after 10 minutes.

- Apply cocoa butter twice a day on the marks - Make a paste of cocoa butter, wheat germ oil, beeswax and
vitamin E oil. Heat this mixture and apply it regularly.

- Apply egg whites on the area and let it dry. Once it dries up, clean it with warm water.

-Make a paste of aloe vera and jojoba and apply it on the area.

Are you anaemic? Anaemia is characterized by a decrease in the hemoglobin count and is usually caused by
iron deficiency but can also mean lack of Vitamin B12, B6, Folic acid or Copper. Here are a few remedies to
counter anaemia.

- Eat an iron rich diet. Green leafy vegetables, liver, beets, dried fruits, brown rice, lentils, molasses and bread
made of whole grain flour.

- Avoid coffee, tea and other antacids as they reduce iron


- Take an Epsom salt bath or soak your feet for 5-10


- Daily consumption of 3-4 figs is an excellent remedy.

- Make sure you eat a proper balanced diet and get all the
nutrients needed.

- Consumption of dandelion leaf extract also helps

against anemia.

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Guard Your Spine …

How safe is your spine? Spine health is absolutely crucial to your overall health because it directly connects to
the brain and carries signals from the brain to other parts of your body.

Here’s what you can and should do to take care of your backbone.

- Maintaining a proper posture is very important. Make sure to

keep your shoulders, neck and back as straight as possible and try
keeping your head high.

- If you have to lift something, bend your knees and squat if possible
but don’t bend down directly. This procedure prevents back pain
and strain.

- Stretch your back as much as possible.

- Get some proper exercise. Try doing some muscle building

exercises as more muscles help keep the spine in place.

- Always sleep on your back or side. Don’t sleep on your stomach.

And use only one pillow, never more than that.

- Get a proper nutritious diet. Make sure to get plenty of Omega-3, Calcium, Vitamin D and Proteins.

Caring for Your Bones

Do you know that bones are constantly being broken down and built up to create new bones and there needs to
be a perfect balance between these two processes. If you are losing more bone than what is being created, you
will be a victim of osteoporosis. So, here are a few ways in which you can strengthen your bones.

- Milk: All dairy products are rich in calcium, which is quintessential for strong bones. Also make sure to get vi-
tamin D along with calcium as it helps in the better absorption of calcium.

- Yogurt: This is a better source of calcium than milk. Eat yogurt every day.

- Fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines have high amounts of calcium in them.

- For the vegans, spinach is a splendid source of calcium. One cup of

cooked spinach gives 25% of daily calcium requirement. Kale also provides
calcium, though less than spinach.

- Eggs: Eat the whole egg as the yolk has Vitamin D.

- Soybeans, almonds, sesame seeds and paneer are good sources of calcium.

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Feeling constipated? Here are some tips.

- Drink water regularly and don’t wait till your thirsty. Thirst happens only when the body is already

- Add a pinch of salt in lemon water and drink every day.

- Eating a slice of papaya the first thing in the morning helps.

- Soak a handful of raisins overnight and eat them on empty stomach.

- Guavas, figs, oranges and flax seeds are full of fiber and should be a part of your diet.

- Mix a tbsp. of castor oil in a warm glass of milk and drink it before you go to bed.

- Also make sure to avoid foods made of white flour (maida) and white sugar.

- Get regular exercise every day.

- Caffeine also helps in easy bowel movement but make sure to not overdo it because of its diuretic

5 Ways to Cleanse Your Colon

Build up of toxins in the colon can inhibit it from functioning properly. If the toxins are not removed, it can
cause various diseases such as heart disease, gall bladder stones, skin allergies and liver ailments. Here is how
you can clean your colon.

- Eat fresh yogurt regularly. The good bacteria present in the yogurt fight the bad bacteria. It is also rich in
calcium, which protects the cell wall of the colon.

- Boil water with sea salt in it. Drink this mixture in the
morning on empty stomach. Make sure to drink lot of
water throughout the day.

- Keep away from processed food. Drink fresh vegetable

juice as it helps in bowel movement.

- Add lemon juice, salt and honey in warm water and

drink the mixture. This will thin the mucus in the bowel.

- Adding flaxseed to the diet is a great way to clean the

colon as it is rich in fiber and essential fats.

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Protecting Your Brain

6 foods that save you from stroke

When the brain is deprived of blood, it starts failing and that is when you are struck by stroke. But there are a
few foods that can save you from having a stroke.

- Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain an anti-oxidant called lycopene, which

helps prevent stroke. If you have more lycopene in your body, the
chances of developing a stroke decrease dramatically.

- Chocolate: Eating chocolate decreases the risk of stroke.

- Consuming whole grains helps a lot against stroke.

- Low fat dairy is also helpful in reducing stroke risk as the Vitamin
D present in the milk helps regulate blood pressure.

- Food rich in magnesium such as beans, lentils, nuts and green vegetables reduce the chances of developing

- Eating fish every week cuts down the possibility of a stroke. The omega-3s present in the fish work their magic
to prevent stroke.

Protecting Your Heart

Avoid foods that are not good for your heart health:

-MILK! What? Yes! A lot of dairy after a certain age is the

enemy of your heart. Skip full fat and go for skimmed milk.
Never skip milk completely though (you need calcium and

-Soda! Empty calories and no nutrition, try out iced tea or

fresh fruit juices instead.

-Microwaved Popcorn. Delete the trans fats here and

replace with airpopped pop corn.

-White Bread/Pizza/White Rice. Excess of refined

carbohydrates are bad for heart health. Whole grains are
the ideal choice.

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Good Cholesterol
Increase the good cholesterol.

Are your cholesterol levels shooting up? Then, it’s time to beat cholesterol with cholesterol. Our body contains
both good and bad cholesterol. Bad cholesterol (LDL) is what causes you all sorts of problems whereas the good
cholesterol (HDL) is what helps your body.

So, naturally it is good to have more HDL than LDL.

What’s more, having more HDL is not only beneficial to the heart but it also decreases the LDL amounts. Here’s
how you can increase the good cholesterol.

- Nuts: Walnuts, almonds, pecans, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and whatever other nuts are out
there! All these nuts help increase the HDL levels.

- Seafood: Fish like tuna, salmon, mackerel, and halibut are high in Omega-3 fats. These fats are much
needed to increase the HDL levels.

- Olive oil: Olive oil is also a rich source of Omega-3 fat and hence increases HDL. However, keep it in limit
as it is also high in calories.

- Avocado: If you want a good heart, you should eat avocado.

- Spike up your fiber levels as these help increase HDL levels. Oatmeals, rice, bran, barley and dried peas
are a good source.

- Last but not the least, garlic, orange juice and chocolate also help in increasing your HDL level.

Bid goodbye to sleepless nights with these simple tips:

-Rub a few drops of lavender oil on your forehead and temples

at bedtime

-Give sugary and spicy foods a miss after lunchtime

-Take warm milk mixed with almond powder before bedtime

-Turn off your TV and mobile before bedtime

-Avoid stimulants like tea, coffee, chocolate and alcohol

-Exercise daily to tune up the body clock with nature’s rhythm

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How to control your under-performing thyroid gland

A lot of people suffer from thyroid problems, which occur when the thyroid gland is either over or under

Thyroid plays an important role in controlling the body’s

temperature, metabolism and heartbeat.

Hypothyroidism results in lethargy, weight gain,

constipation, infertility, dryness of hair and skin to name
a few.

Here are a few ways to deal with it.

- Drinking ginger tea is beneficial for hypothyroidism.

- Take iodine rich food such as fish, white onions, potato


- Avoid food such as cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, sweet

potatoes, peanuts, spinach etc.

- Increase your intake of food rich in vitamin B complex and A.

- Practice yoga. Sarwangasana is the best posture for thyroid. Ujjayi pranayama is also beneficial.

- Kanchanar guggulu is highly effective in controlling hypothyroidism.

- Use of coconut oil also helps improve thyroid metabolism.

Hiccups occur due to disturbances in the digestive tract.

Here are 5 easy tips to stop hiccups:

-If hiccups are caused by eating spicy food, drink a glass of water

-Put your finger in your ears to block the airway

-Hold your left arm up for some time to stop hiccups

-Disturb the breathing process by holding breath for longer. Repeat this a few times.

-Gargling with water stops hiccups in some people

Try to find the remedy that works for you! If hiccups do not stop in an hour, it is a sure sign to go to a doctor.
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Hair Care
Feed your hair – Worried much about your hair falling down like snow in winter? Don’t worry. Here’s what
you can eat to prevent hair loss.

– Start munching on carrots: Carrots provide beta-carotene which makes the hair roots stronger. It helps the
scalp produce oils, which keep it healthy. A healthy scalp provides nourishment to the roots, strengthens the
follicles and stimulates hair growth.

- Food rich in silica such as baked potatoes, red & green peppers, bean sprouts stimulate blood circulation in
the scalp leading to reduction in hair loss.

- Spinach is an excellent source of beta-carotene along with Folic acid, Vitamins B, C and E, iron, magnesium,
calcium and potassium, all of which help the production of scalp oil leading to stronger hair follicles.

More Hair Care Tips

Here are some more tips on how you can control hair loss.

- Walnuts: The omega 6 fats, protein, zinc, iron and Vitamins B1, B6 and B9 present in walnuts work against
hair loss. Not only that, but walnuts also help build a better brain. But a word of caution, have walnuts in

- Fish: According to a study, excess of testosterone leads to hair loss. And fish provides the kind of protein,
which is less in testosterone.

- Eggs: Eggs being rich in omega 6 fatty acids, iron, zinc, proteins and vitamin B12 help reduce hair fall.

Eat healthy, keep your hair healthy!

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Here’s why you should eat ginger:

Ginger is not sweet but it definitely has some sweet benefits and here’s why you should eat it.

- It helps prevent colon cancer.

- It gives you quick relief form heart burn.

- If you suffer much from migraine, go get some ginger.

- It provides relief from menstrual cramps.

- It reduces pain and inflammation.

- Be it morning sickness or motion sickness, ginger has

the solution for it.

- Ginger helps prevent diabetic nephropathy.

- Ginger also works against flu and cold.

Discover the amazing benefits of Ashwagandha plant:

-It rejuvenates the body and strengthens the immune


-It is very beneficial for nursing mothers as it increases


-It helps in controlling blood sugar levels and keeps

cholesterol in check

-Its oil relieves mental stress and induces good sleep

-Its leaves are effective as insect repellent

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Snake Gourd
Snake gourd – the many benefits of it!

Do you know of these uses of snake gourd?

- Snake gourd is high in water content and helps

cool down the body. It is also low in calories,
which makes it a great addition to your weight
loss menu.

- It is full of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous,

vitamin B complex and fibre. This is very helpful
for diabetics.

- The juice of snake gourd leaf helps treat irregular heartbeat.

- An infusion made of snake gourd makes it an effective remedy for jaundice.

- It is filled with anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties.

- It is also used as a laxative.

More on Gourds
Let these gourds guard your life! Gourds are among the most ignored yet the healthiest vegetables that should
be included in your daily diet. These gourds are life savers with their amazing benefits. Here are a few gourds
that you should seriously consider.

- Bitter gourd (Karela): This gourd is not everybody’s favourite because of its bitter taste but it helps purify the
blood and gives you a glowing skin. This is the best medicine for diabetes.

- Bottle gourd: This gourd benefits you just as a bottle of water. It helps fight urinary problems and weak

- Snake gourd (Chichinda): If you are dieting, your dieting is incomplete without this gourd. The high water
content of this gourd helps your body stay cool and what’s more – it has very few calories.

- Ridge gourd: Rare minerals and nutrients like zinc, magnesium, thiamine and riboflavin are found in this

- Ivy gourd: This gourd is very important for diabetics as it helps lower their sugar levels.

- Pointed gourd: This gourd is good for heart and liver.

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Coriander is an herb that is used by many. Not only does it look and smell good on your food, it also has
many health benefits to offer.

- Coriander helps you digest food better. It prevents gas from forming in the stomach.

- It lowers blood sugar by stimulating insulin production.

- Coriander is a good source of magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorous, vitamins A and C, phyto-nutrients
and flavanoids.

- The anti-inflammatory properties of coriander help against arthritis.

- It helps in lowering the LDL levels. It also helps increase the HDL level.

- Its anti-microbial and anti-septic properties fight against all sorts of infections and ulcers. It is also
useful in healing wounds.

- It helps regulate menstrual cycles properly. It is also great for obese people as it helps reduce fat resulting in
weight loss.

- Coriander prevents involuntary contraction of muscles and hence as a result there are no body cramps.

- It helps in the proper functioning of the liver and helps prevent cancer

- It also prevents nausea and urinary tract infections.

More on Coriander
Discover some more health benefits of fresh Coriander:

-It helps in digestion and improves cardiovascular health

-It helps in removing phlegm and reduces fever

-It is rich in essential oils, Vitamin C and 6 types of acids boost your

-It is helpful in relieving heart burn, colitis and gastric formation

-It helps in lowering cholesterol and aids in weight loss

-Coriander leaves clubbed with buttermilk, cumin powder, pepper and curry leaves is a great coolant in

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Mint Mantra for wellness! Mint or commonly recognized ‘pudina’ in Hindi, is very effective for curing
common ailments. Its benefits are:

-Gargling with fresh mint juice mixed with 1 tablespoon salt will take care of hoarseness of voice.

-Applying fresh mint juice over face every night prevents dryness of skin. It also cures pimples, insect stings,
eczema, scabies and contact dermatitis.

-Take 3-4 tablespoons of fresh mint juice twice a day i.e. before breakfast and dinner. It helps in generating new
blood cells and cures anemia and low blood pressure.

-Chewing 3-4 mint leaves daily prevents bad breath, tooth decay and pyorrhea. It also makes the gums stronger.

-Drinking fresh mint juice mixed with 1 tablespoon each of honey and lime juice cures indigestion, diarrhea,
morning sickness and flatulent colic.

-To prevent bleeding through nose or mouth (gums) due to excessive heat in body, drink fresh mint juice
(100ml) mixed with sugar 2-3 times a day.

Keep sickness at bay with the Bayleaf!

Bay leaf also known as tej-patta is used in a lot of cuisines and is also present in the famous ‘garam masala’.

Bayleaf also works its magic outside the kitchen.

- It helps in treating diabetes, migraine, gastric ulcers, abdominal pains, high blood pressure and bacterial/
fungal infections.

- It has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and astringent properties.

- They are also rich in vitamin C, A, B, copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, folic acid, selenium, zinc
and magnesium.

- Bay leaf juice helps promote menstruation.

- Bay leaf oil helps against paralysis, muscle pain, arthritis and flu.

- Bay leaves help maintain sugar level in the blood, pulse rate of the heart & improve the immune system of
the body.

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Ashoka BarK
Ashoka tree has immense medicinal benefits.

- A decoction from the bark of Ashoka relieves piles and internal


-It is very beneficial in treating gynaecological disorders in women

-Methanol extract from Ashoka relieves rheumatoid arthritis

-It is anti-bacterial in nature,which fights infections and insect bites

-It is a good blood purifier

Spinach has very high nutritional value.

Its top 5 advantages are:

-It contains lutein that saves you from cataract and other eye diseases

-It is a rich source of iron and increases haemoglobin levels

-Being anti inflammatory in nature, it relieves migraine, arthritis, osteoporosis and asthma

-It has antioxidants that help in lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure

-It is very helpful in losing weight due to its high fibre content

Add tangy tomato to your cuisine for its amazing benefits:

-Tomato is biologically a fruit that is famous as a vegetable as it is widely used in cooking

-Chromium content in tomato controls blood sugar

-It has Lycopene that protects your skin against harmful ultraviolet rays

-Tomato juice mixed with carrot juice increases your haemoglobin levels

-Eating 2 ripe tomatoes in the morning helps you lose weight

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Beetroot can boost up your health immensely.

Its topmost benefits are:

-It contains nitrate, which increases oxygen supply in the body and boosts up the energy

-It is a minefield of iron that increases haemoglobin level

-It has a lot of fibre that regulates bowel movement and relieves constipation

-It is rich in folic acid that is good for pregnant women

-It has loads of calcium that makes bones and teeth stronger

Crunchy Radish has many health benefits for you:

-Radish is rich in sodium phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium and Vitamins A, B and C

-Gargling with warm juice of radish mixed with a pinch of rock salt relieves pain and swelling in the throat

-Eating raw radish with its leaves cures constipation

-Radish is beneficial in jaundice, diabetes and urinary ailments

-It lowers cholesterol levels and high blood pressure

Peas are extremely rich in proteins. Its topmost benefits are:

-Eat raw green peas to cure constipation

-Eat peas roasted in ghee to overcome weakness and build up your stamina

-Put a paste of crushed peas to relieve burning sensation on the skin

-Use peas with garlic and ginger to get relief in gastric ailment

-It is very nutritious for pregnant women and increases lactation after delivery

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Discover the excellent health benefits of Cauliflower:

-Regular intake of cauliflower improves eyesight

-Eat raw cauliflower after meals to treat ulcer

-Eat cauliflower regularly to detoxify blood and heal skin ailments

-Drink juice of cauliflower regularly to alleviate pain in joints

-Wash leaves of cauliflower with warm water, dry them with a

cloth and apply them over burns and wounds for healing.

Add Corn to your platter for its charismatic health benefits:

- Corn is full of fibre that prevents constipation, haemorrhoids and

colon cancer

- Corn has many nutrients that make the bones stronger and boosts
kidney health

- Corn is rich in vitamin B and folic acid that increases haemoglobin

-Corn is a bundle of antioxidants that keep your skin younger

-Corn helps lower the bad cholesterol and enhances heart health

Spring Onions
Enjoy the superb benefits of scallions or spring onions:

-They have loads of Vitamin C, calcium, carotene, potassium, iron,

protein and fibre

-They prevent gastrointestinal problems and reduce inflammation

-They help with digestion and stimulate perspiration

-They enhance blood circulation in the body

-They lower the blood sugar level and reduce the LDL cholesterol

-They reduce the risk of developing colon cancer 14

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Sahjan or Moringa is an excellent way to enjoy splendid health:

-It helps in controlling blood sugar levels and reduces high blood pressure

-It relieves gastric ailment and relieves diarrhoea

-It enhances the immunity level and boosts milk production after delivery

-It increases the haemoglobin level and acts as an aphrodisiac

-It relieves constipation, stomach ulcers, headache and infections

Discover the benefits of Capsicum for captivating health:

-It is full of Vitamin C that enhances your immunity levels

-It prevents respiratory ailments like asthma and wheezing

-It contains capsaicin that treats and prevents cancer cells

-It boosts your metabolism by lowering triglycerides and helps you lose

-It has loads of antioxidants that help in treating cataract, heart ailments and osteoporosis

Add leafy lamb’s quarters (Bathua in Hindi) to your diet.

Its top 5 amazing benefits are:

-It is rich in vitamin A,B and C, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus

-Eat lamb’s quarters regularly for a few days to treat constipation and piles

-Wash your hair with water boiled with leaves of lamb’s quarters to
remove dryness and lice from the scalp

-Drink half a cup of juice of lamb’s quarters with a pinch of salt to eliminate worms in your tummy

-Apply a paste of lamb’s quarters on burnt skin to relieve the burning sensation

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Jatamansi is a perennial herb. Discover its topmost benefits:

-It regularises digestion and prevents constipation

-It is good brain tonic and helps in treating mental disorders

-It reduces restlessness and enhances calmness in the mind

-It boosts the appetite and relieves general body weakness

-Its medicated oil is beneficial for silky and healthy hair

Lotus Stem
Discover the benefits of nutritious lotus stem:

-It contains pyridoxine that helps enhance your mood and relieves nervousness, tension and headaches

-Drink lotus stem juice and carrot juice mixed in equal quantities
to dissolve the mucus in the body and relieve bronchitis, asthma,
cold and cough

-Its juice or soup builds up haemoglobin level in the body

especially if taken for 3 days continuously after menstruation

-It is a great source of dietary fibre that relieves constipation and

lowers bad cholesterol

-It is rich in B-complex vitamins that lower the risk of heart attacks
and increases vitality

Sunflower Seeds
Add Sunflower seeds in your salads, yogurt, rice and dishes for its superb health benefits:

-Selenium content in sunflower seeds prevents cancer

-They are full of copper and magnesium that keep your bones healthy

-Sunflower seeds are rich in Vitamin E that keeps your skin young and

-They help in protecting against heart ailments, asthma, ulcers and

joint pain

-They help in soothing your nerves and help you de-stress and relax
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Potato is profitable for your health. Its topmost benefits are:

-It is rich in magnesium, potassium, zinc and vitamin B complex that is good for your skin

-It is loaded with carotenoids that keep your heart healthy

-It is full of antioxidants that repair body cells and relieves intestinal inflammations

-Apply a paste of mashed raw potato with 1 tsp honey on your face for soft skin

-Chew raw potato slices to ward off heartburn

-To reduce swelling, apply a paste of raw potato on the swollen area

- Boiled or baked potato gives you maximum health benefits

Add turnip to your daily diet for terrific health benefits:

-It contains glucosinolates that lowers the risk of colon, rectal

and breast cancer

-It is full of Vitamin K and folate, which prevent heart related


-It is rich in calcium content that checks osteoporosis and

rheumatoid arthritis

-It boosts appetite, aids digestion and reduces wheezing in


-It enhances immunity levels and its juice wards off body
odour in summer.

Pumpkin has amazing benefits for your health:

-It is rich in fibre that promotes probiotic bacteria, which boosts your immunity

-It has low glycemic index and it helps in regulating blood sugar levels

-It has loads of cucurbitacin content that prevents arthritis and lowers cholesterol

-It is full of Omega-3 oils that improve your heart health

-It is a great diet food as it is very low in calories 17

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Green chillies
Include Green chilli in small amounts to your daily diet.

Discover its benefits:

-It has Vitamin A that keeps your skin young and improves your eyesight

–It has Vitamin C that enhances immunity and aids digestion

-It steps up the metabolism and helps in weight loss

-It is rich in capsaicin, which is an anti depressant and improves good mood

-It has potassium that keeps high blood pressure in check

Hibiscus is a sweet and cooling herb.

Discover its benefits:

-It is very effective for treating dandruff and preventing

hair fall

-It is rich in antioxidants and reduces cholesterol and high

blood pressure

-It is helpful in treating fluid retention and stomach


-Hibiscus tea has a cooling effect and makes you sleep better

-It is a very good diuretic and a gentle laxative

Curry leaves
Curry leaves form a part of daily cooking in our Indian homes. Its top 5 benefits are:

-Take 1/4 cup juice of curry leaves with juice of half a lemon and a pinch of sugar to treat nausea

-Curry leaves reduce the side effects of chemotherapy

-Curry leaves help in improving the eyesight and prevent cataract

-Boil a few curry leaves with your hair oil and apply it on the scalp for healthy hair

-Curry leaves reduces bad cholesterol and keeps high blood pressure in check
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Sem ki Fali
Discover the benefits of Sem ki Fali for splendid health effects:

-Boil whole sem ki fali and eat it with a little salt and spices to get strength

-Its regular intake provides a lot of energy to pregnant women and keeps
them active

-Apply a paste of its leaves in the armpits to ward off body odour

-Apply the juice of its leaves on the area of scorpion bite to neutralize the
poisonous effect

Discover the fantastic health benefits of Cubeb or Kababchini:

-It helps to relieve cough, sore throat and oral ailments

-It is used in the aromatic oils that relieve joint pains and arthritis

-It is used in treating dysentery, leucorrhoea and asthma

-It is useful in treating dyspepsia and flatulence

-It acts as a stimulant, diuretic and helps singers maintain a clear throat

Ginseng also known as Korean Ginseng has great health benefits:

-It stimulates the nervous system, improves your mood and alleviates

-It enhances the oxygenation of the cells in the body and relieves fatigue

-It reduces bad cholesterol and keeps high blood pressure in check

-It boosts your metabolism and enhances your immunity against


-It helps to detoxify and increases a sense of well being as well as stamina

Pregnant or lactating women, diabetics, hypoglycemics and people under medication should consult with
a physician before consuming Ginseng in any form.
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Spirulina is a micro algae that is full of nutrients to keep you in superb health:

-Spirulina has ten times more beta carotene than carrots, which is
good for your vision and eyes

-Spirulina enhances your immunity level and it is full of proteins that

help build your muscles

-Spirulina is the highest vegetarian source of vitamin B12 for healthy

tissues and nerves

-Spirulina reduces cramps and fatigue as it oxygenates the body cells

with its chlorophyll content

-Spirulina improves digestion, lowers bad cholesterol, protects you

against cancer and relieves insomnia

Discover the benefits of Bhringraj to enhance your wellness:

-Bhringraj prevents ageing and helps to rejuvenate bones, teeth, hair,

sight and memory

-Bhringraj is the best herb for treating liver ailments like cirrhosis

-Bhringraj oil makes hair black and luxuriant and also reverses

-It is a good tonic for the mind and helps you to sleep better

-Bhringraj is effective in preventing repeated miscarriage and also

relieves post delivery uterine pain

Discover the great health benefits of Amaranth leaves:

-Amaranth leaves are rich in Potassium, Vitamin C, Protein and Folic acid

-Juice from Amaranth leaves relieves bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses

-Amaranth leaves are rich in dietary fibre and roughage that aids digestion

-Juice from Amaranth leaves will give you a lot of essential amino acids and proteins

-Amaranth lowers the risk of cancer and reduces bad cholesterol levels 20
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If it’s not your favourite already, here are a few facts about jack fruit, which can help you change your mind.

- The potassium content in jackfruit helps prevent high blood pressure and subsequently heart attack and

- Vitamin C and E present in jackfruit helps strengthen the immune system.

- It protects against cancer as it is rich in

phytonutrients, which contain anti-cancer and
anti-ageing qualities.

- It boosts your overall energy levels due to the pres-

ence of glucose and fructose. It also
has no cholesterol in it.

- Copper present in it helps maintain normal thyroid

and increases metabolic rate.

- Iron content helps against anemia.

- Its anti-ulcer properties cure ulcers and also the

fiber helps prevent constipation.

- Vitamin A in jackfruit helps maintain a clear skin

and good eye sight.

- It is also high in calcium and prevents bone loss.

More on Jackfruit
Add Jackfruit to your diet for remarkable health:

-It is rich in Vitamin C that strengthens your immune system

-It has a lot of Vitamin A that gives you good eyesight and clear skin

-It has loads of iron content that boosts your haemoglobin

-It is a minefield of potassium that lowers high blood pressure

-It improves digestion and thyroid functioning due to high fibre and water content

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The tasty benefits of tasty chickoo!

- The presence of vitamin A in chickoo helps keep the eye healthy and improve eye sight.

- Chickoos are rich in fiber, anti-oxidants and nutrients because of which it prevents many types of cancer. The
fiber also helps prevent constipation.

- Chickoos are full of calcium, iron, phosphorous and help in

strengthening the bones.

- The Vitamin E and B content in chickoos help keep the skin and
hair healthy. Vitamin B also helps against stress and fatigue.

- Chickoos are rich in tannins and hence reduce any inflammation

that may be present in the body such as gastritis and bowel disorders.

- This fruit is rich in glucose and acts as an energy booster.

- Chickoos have a high dose of carbohydrates and essential nutrients,

which is good for pregnant women

- A decoction made of boiling chickoo in water can help against piles, dysentery and diarrhoea.

- Its diuretic properties help in removing waste from the body.

Succulent Kiwi has immense health benefits:

-It boosts your immune system and increases the absorption of iron

-It is full of phytonutrients that repair DNA and protect

against cancer

-It is loaded with folic acid that enhances red blood cells dur-
ing pregnancy

-It prevents hardening of arteries and enhances cardiovascu-

lar health

-It has a lot of Vitamin C that keeps your hair, teeth, nails and
skin healthy

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Custard Apple
Here are some of the benefits that custard apple has to offer.

- The Vitamin A in custard apple helps keep the skin and hair healthy.

- The copper content helps against constipation.

- The high magnesium content in it maintains proper water balance in the body.

- It also removes acids from the joints thereby reducing the symptoms of arthritis.

- It also protects the heart.

- The potassium present in this fruit removes lethargy and makes you feel active.

- If you want to gain weight in a healthy way, eat custard apple.

- Dried and grounded custard apple helps against dysentery and diarrhoea.

- The leaves of custard apple work well against cancer while the bark helps against toothache and gum pain.

More on Custard Apple

Delicious Custard Apple has immense health benefits for you:

-Custard apple is full of Vitamin A that is good

for healthy eyes and hair

-It has loads of antioxidants that help in fighting

the free radicals

-It is rich in magnesium content that relaxes the

muscles and prevents heart ailments

-It is beneficial in treating arthritis, gout,

anaemia, indigestion and nausea

-Its skin is helpful in maintaining healthy gums

and teeth

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Green Grapes
Juicy grapes are great for health. Discover their benefits:

-To relieve migraine, drink the juice from 100gm grapes

before sunrise

-To ease teething in toddlers, give them 2 tsp grape juice


-Eating grapes daily is beneficial in arthritis

-Grape juice is very useful in treating acidity, indigestion

and constipation

-It also increases haemoglobin and relieves anxiety

Black Grapes
Pop a handful of black grapes daily for their immense

-Eat black grapes regularly to enhance your concentration,

reduce migraine and prevent Alzheimer’s disease

-Black grapes protect against damage to the heart muscles

and help in lowering LDL cholesterol

-They are full of resveratrol that protects you against

infections and inflammations

-Lutein and zeaxanthin in black grapes keep your eyes

healthy with a good vision

-Black grapes have loads of Vitamin C and E that give you a

smooth, young and glowing skin

- It is a good fruit for diabetics as it contains a good amount of fiber because of which it reduces sugar
spikes. The fiber also helps in proper digestion.

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The guava advantage! This common, inexpensive tropical fruit is a super food due to the health benefits it

- Guava helps build the immune system as it is rich in vitamin C. It has 4 times more vitamin C than oranges.
It fights infections, cold, cough and flu.

- Lycopene present in guava helps fight tumors. Also, its

anti-oxidant properties fight against cancerous cells.

- Guava contains potassium, which helps maintain

electrolyte balance and blood pressure. It also reduces the
risk of stroke and heart attack.

- Vitamin A in guava promotes eye and skin health.

- Guava also helps in promoting thyroid function as the

copper in it helps in production of hormones.

- Guavas are rich in Vitamin B, which help promote blood circulation, which increases brain function.

- Guava also helps in fertility as it supplies folate to the body.

Banana is a wholesome fruit, which has many health benefits:

-It has loads of potassium, which helps in reducing high

blood pressure

-It boosts the secretion of serotonin that has a soothing

effect on nerves

-Eat a ripe banana with curd and sugar to relieve acidity

-Apply banana peels over cuts and wounds for faster


-Eat unripe boiled banana to relieve constipation

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Juicy Pineapple is a nutritious tropical fruit. Discover its benefits:

-It has lots of manganese that strengthens your bones and teeth

-It prevents macular degeneration (damage to the retina) as it contains beta carotene

-It reduces morning sickness during pregnancy

-It aids digestion of protein and reduces arthritis pain

-It quenches excessive thirst in summers and also helps in weight loss

Avocado is extremely advantageous for your health:

-Avocado is beneficial in nephritis or kidney ailments as it has

very less protein content

-It removes putrefactions in the intestines that cause bad breath

and coated tongue

-Avocado oil is an indispensable part of moisturizers, cleansers

and anti-ageing creams

-Eat avocado along with ripe papaya to relieve hyperacidity,

colitis and duodenal ulcer

-Avocado oil is effective in treating psoriasis

Delicious Apricot adds richness to your health:

-It is full of iron content that improves blood flow and prevents anaemia

-It is rich in dietary fibre that enhances digestion and checks constipation

-It is a storehouse of carotenoids and Vitamins A, C and E, which are good for your eyesight

-It reduces bad cholesterol and keeps your heart healthy

-It is loaded with antioxidants that stop early signs of ageing and keep your skin young

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Juicy orange fruit is a rich source of Vitamin C. Its top 5 benefits are:

-It helps in preventing cancer due to its D-Limonene content

-It helps in controlling high blood pressure

-Its juice is good in relieving arthritis pain

-Its antioxidant property keeps the skin smooth and


-It has calcium, which is good for bones and teeth


Sweet Lime
Enjoy the superb health benefits of Sweet Lime:

-Sweet lime adds luster to your skin as it is rich in

vitamin C

-A glassful of sweet lime juice daily alleviates fatigue

and insomnia

-A glass of sweet lime juice daily keeps your heart

healthy and reduces cholesterol

-Sweet lime juice is very beneficial during pregnan-

cy as it is full of calcium

-Add a pinch of salt and 5-6 drops of ginger juice to

a glass of sweet lime juice to treat cold

Add the richness of plum to your health:

-It is a rich source of dietary fibre, sorbitol and isatin that improve your digestion and prevent constipation

-It is full of iron and potassium that enhances your haemoglobin and keeps your heart healthy

-It has loads of antioxidants that keep your immunity high and keep you looking young

-It is filled with vitamin A that protects your retina from harmful UV rays and improves your vision

-It has a lot of vitamin C that protects your body from inflammations and infections 27
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Cashews are a good source of iron, phosphorous, selenium, magnesium, zinc, phytochemicals,
antioxidants and protein and offer a lot of health benefits.

- Proanthocyanidins present in cashews stop tumors

from growing thereby preventing cancer.

- The presence of copper content makes them fight

free radicals and also provides healthy hair and skin.

- There is less fat in cashews and most of it is the healthy

form which keeps the heart healthy.

- Magnesium present in cashew nuts helps make the

bone stronger and lowers blood pressure.

- It inhibits the formation of gall stones.

- They are dense in energy and high in dietary fiber. Hence they are ideal for managing weight gain.

The Almond Advantage!

Did you know that –

-Eating almonds soaked in water prevents

cancer and diabetes

-Almond is rich in folic acid, which prevents

birth defects and constipation in pregnancy

-Almond milk (made by grinding almonds in

water) is helpful in weight loss

-Eating almonds daily keeps the skin soft and youthful as it has antioxidants

-Almonds keep the bad cholesterol (LDL) in check and keeps your heart healthy

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Walnut has amazing health benefits.

Its top 5 benefits are:

-It is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which is good for

nervous system and memory.

-Eating 3-4 walnuts daily lowers the chances of get-

ting breast cancer in women.

-It is very beneficial in eczema, arthritis and asthma.

-It contains lots of antioxidants, so it’s very good for wrinkle free skin.

-It helps you sleep better and lose weight as it is a great source of fibre and protein.

Peanuts are a healthy food choice.

Did you know that:

-It is good for heart health as it lowers the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the good cholesterol (HDL)

-It is a rich source of minerals like iron, zinc, magne-

sium, potassium, manganese, selenium and calcium

-It contains Niacin that increases the flow of blood to

the brain and prevents nerve disorders and
Alzheimer’s disease

-It contains amino acids that promote growth and de-


-It reduces the chances of getting stomach cancer and

fungal infections

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Water Chestnuts
Singhara is the common name for Water chestnut or Paniphal.

Apart from using its flour in fasting, it has many more benefits:

-It is cooling in nature and reduces excessive thirst

-It is beneficial in jaundice (in raw or juice form) and removes bodily toxins

-In raw form, it is rich in fibre and contains very few calories

-It contains manganese and iodine that helps in proper functioning of thyroid gland

-It is helpful in insomnia, fatigue and it is a good appetiser

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Black Pepper
Just a pinch of it is all that is needed to bring the zing to your food. Black pepper, used in many parts of the
world has a lot more to add than just the flavor.

- Black pepper helps prevent cancer due to the presence of piperine. It also contains vitamin A, C, flavonoids
and anti- oxidants which increase its anti-cancerous properties.

- Piperine in black pepper also makes it a great source that aids in digestion and prevents other gastro related
diseases. It stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid which takes care of proper digestion.

- Black pepper boosts the metabolism. It burns excess fat and unwanted calories, making itself an important
part of diet for weight loss.

- It also takes care of all dental problems and gives quick relief from toothaches. - Piperine also
acts as an anti-depressant and stimulates the nervous system.

- Black pepper also helps cure vitiligo and other skin related disorders.

- It provides relief from sinusitis and nasal congestion. It also acts as a remedy for cold and cough.

- Its anti-bacterial properties also heal respiratory problems.

- It also helps get rid of dandruff. Mix a tbsp. of crushed black pepper in curd and apply it to scalp. Rinse after
½ hour. Wash with shampoo the next day.

Sweet reasons to use bitter Fenugreek Seeds (Methi dana) for fabulous health:

-They help to lower LDL cholesterol levels

-They help to prevent colon cancer by binding

themselves to toxins

-They are full of amino acids that regulate your blood

sugar levels, especially in Type II diabetes

-They enhance digestion, bowel movements and help

to increase lactation in nursing mothers

-They are highly cooling for the head and induce good

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Cardamom is the king of spices. Also known as elaichi, it is the favorite of many people in India.

The health benefits offered by it are many

- Regular use of paste made of cardamom powder and honey gives relief from asthma and whooping cough.

- Black cardamom can help against oral disorders such as dental infections, gum infections etc. It also cures bad
breath, mouth and throat ulcers.

- Cardamom prevents dangerous blood clots by preventing platelet aggravation. It also detoxifies the body by
removing toxins.

- It also acts as a powerful aphrodisiac and helps with erectile dysfunction and impotency.

- Cardamom has diuretic properties and helps clean the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract.

- Consuming cardamom on a regular basis helps those suffering from hypertension by reducing blood

- Cardamom makes the hair roots stronger thereby providing beautiful and strong hair.

Asafoetida also known as heeng is a cooking ingredient combined with many medicinal properties. Here
are a few:

- The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of heeng help reduce problems related to indigestion,
intestinal worms, flatulence, IBS etc. It also acts as a laxative.

- It helps diabetics by lowering the sugar levels by increasing the production of insulin.

- It helps thin the blood, prevent blood clots, reduce blood pressure and remove cholesterol.

- Heeng helps fight migraines and headaches.

- Heeng is helpful for women suffering with issues like menstrual cramps, irregular periods and pain.

- It also acts as a nerve stimulant and is used in ailments like hysteria, paralysis, convulsions and syncope.

- Quick use of heeng for toothache: Mix ½ tbsp. heeng in 2 tbsp lime juice and heat it. Dab a cotton ball in this
and place it on the aching tooth for quick relief.

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This good looking spice is not only famous for its flavor but also for its health benefits.

- Star anise helps treat digestive problems and keeps the digestive system functioning well.

- Its anti-septic properties help it cure many skin diseases and wounds. It is also used in treating scabies
and lice.

- It increases libido in both men and women.

- Star anise helps treat asthma, bronchitis and dry cough. It also boosts the immune system and gives relief
from rheumatism and lower back pain.

- It has sedative properties and helps get a good night’s sleep.

- Shikimic acid present in anise helps cure influenza.

Cumin also known as jeera is indispensable in the kitchen. Along with its flavor, it also offers many health

- The anti-septic property of cumin helps fight cold and flu. Drinking a cup of water boiled with cumin seeds,
ginger, basil leaves and honey is excellent for quick relief.

- Cumin is rich in iron and is essential for anemic patients. Including jeera in everyday meals is a good way to
obtain iron.

- The fiber content and laxative properties make cumin ideal for treating piles.

- Cumin also helps digestion and controls stomach pain, indigestion, diarrhea and nausea.

- Cumin seeds are also known to have anti-carcinogenic properties and help fight cancer.

Rock Salt
Rock salt or ‘Saindhav lavana’ is a natural salt with many benefits.

Its top 5 benefits are:

-It is a great appetiser and helps in digestion

-It is rich in calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and more than 50 minerals which make the immune
system stronger

-It is beneficial in acidity and sinusitis

-It is very useful in treating asthma, cold and allergies

-Lamps made up of rock salt increase oxygen flow in the air and are useful in stress management
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Mustard is found in 3 varieties- yellow, black and white.

Here are benefits of yellow mustard seeds:

-Eat yellow mustard seeds regularly to reduce attacks of migraine

-They prevent rheumatoid arthritis as they contain magnesium and


-They contain phytonutrients that protect against gastrointestinal


-Yellow mustard seeds boost the metabolism of the body and aid digestion

-Put a few mustard seeds in your tea for treating cough

5 reasons why you should add jaggery to your food list:

-It is a healthy substitute for sugar (except for people with


-It has a lot of iron content so it increases haemoglobin level

-Eating a handful of jaggery after meals is good for digestion

-Having milk mixed with jaggery make bones stronger

-It helps in reducing water retention as it contains potassium

Flax Seeds
Add Flax seeds to your diet for fantastic wellness:

-Flax seeds are full of lignans that provide protection against breast
cancer, colon cancer and prostrate cancer

-Flax seeds are a great source of soluble and insoluble fibre

-Flax seeds act as a mild laxative and improve digestion

-Flax seeds improve heart health as they lower your bad cholesterol

-Pregnant women, mothers who are breast feeding and people

with IBS should avoid flaxseeds and if you are on medication
consult your doctor before consuming flax seeds 34
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Discover the benefits of rice for magnificent health:

-It is low in sodium content that is beneficial in high blood pressure

and hypertension

-It is a rich source of carbohydrates that boosts energy levels

-It also stimulates neuroprotective enzymes in the brain and reduces

the risk of Alzheimer’s diseas

-It is full of nutrients like niacin, vitamin D, calcium, iron, riboflavin

and thiamine

-It prevents chronic constipation at it contains lots of insoluble fibre

Brown Rice
Brown Rice is a good choice over white rice to enjoy superior health:

-It is loaded with natural oils that help the body reduce bad cholesterol

-It keeps your blood sugar stabilized as it releases sugar very slowly

-It boosts metabolism and burns fat as it is filling but low in calories

-It is very high in fibre that stabilizes digestion and regulates bowel

-It reduces the chances of developing cancer, heart disease and rheu-
matoid arthritis

Oatmeal is a nutritious choice for breakfast.

Discover its health benefits:

-It contains a plant chemical called lignans that prevents heart

ailments and lowers bad cholesterol

-It is a rich source of fibre that keeps you from feeling hungry for a
long time

-It is a great healthy diet food choice as 1 cup of oats has just 130

-It is full of beta-gluten that boosts your immunity levels against infections tremendously

-It lowers the risk of Type 2 diabetes and improves bowel movement 35
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Moong Dal
Moong dal is advantageous for health.

Discover its benefits:

-It is helpful in reducing high cholesterol and high blood pressure

-It is beneficial in diabetes as it controls blood sugar levels

-It is rich in protein and fibre and helps in losing excess weight

-Apply a paste of moong dal powder and water to remove acne

-Apply a paste of moong dal powder and water to relieve burning sensation

Arhar Dal
Discover the topmost benefits of Arhar dal:

-Apply a paste of Arhar dal on the affected part of the body to

reduce swelling

-Chewing leaves of Arhar plant with rock sugar relieves cough and
cures boils in the mouth

-It is rich in folic acid that prevents brain and spinal birth defects
in the foetus

-It is full of dietary fibre that prevents constipation and aids digestion

Black Urad Dal

Add black Urad dal to your diet for fabulous health benefits:

-It boosts your energy levels, as it is full of iron content

-It acts as a natural aphrodisiac and also enhances digestion

-It lowers your bad cholesterol and boosts heart health

-It is a rich source of plant protein that keeps your bones and
muscles healthy

-It increases your hair growth and adds softness to your skin when
applied as a pack

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Soybean has excellent health benefits to keep you in splendid health:

-It has loads of plant protein that enhances immunity and overcomes

-It contains isoflavone that alleviates menopausal syndrome and


-It is full of antioxidants that keep your skin free from wrinkles

-It is rich in fibre content, calcium and vitamin B12

-It is low in fat, reduces bad cholesterol and lowers the risk of heart ailments

Discover the benefits of Wheat for wonderful wellness:

-It is full of magnesium that prevents heart ailments and controls blood

-It is full of plant lignans that prevents breast cancer

-It helps in lowering bad cholesterol and high blood pressure

-Its betaine content prevents inflammations, osteoporosis and

Alzheimer’s disease

-It is rich in insoluble fibre and lowers triglycerides or fats in the blood

Have nutritious Muesli for breakfast to boost your health:

-Muesli is full of dietary fibre that keeps your tummy full for a long time

-It is loaded with vitamin B complex vitamins that helps to break down fat in the body and speeds up your
metabolic rate

-It is rich in lignans, antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids that prevent colon, breast, ovarian and prostate cancer

-Muesli controls blood sugar levels and enhances bowel movement as it is full of roughage content

-Its nutritional value is so high that it keeps you energetic throughout the day and improves your concentration

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