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Final Handbook Rie BBSR 2020

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(With alternative activities in view of Covid 19)


(National Council of Educational Research and Training)
About the Handbook
Teaching is a complex and dynamic process requiring a creative synthesis of
knowledge and a respect for learners and the learning process. Mastery of the teaching
process demands the development of a broad intellectual perspective on academic, policy,
and pedagogical issues, coupled with extensive and diverse experiences in the classroom.
This handbook is prepared for student teachers (interns), cooperating
teachers/mentors, principals, and institute faculty supervisors. The purpose of the handbook
is to describe the process of organization of the internship programme of Integrated
B.Sc.B.Ed & B.A B.Ed and Bachler of Education (B.Ed.) Programme.The intent of this guide
is to help the intern define purposes, gain information and skill concerning the internship
experience, and provide assistance in planning goals and direction for a career in teaching.
The contents of the handbook have been developed and evolved in due consultations with
faculty members over period. The alternatives for the session has been suggested after
discussion in the institute.It is by no means complete or exhaustive. Comments and
suggestions for future changes are welcome.


RIE, Bhubaneswar
1. Introduction
Teacher’s skills and competencies are important factors in the effectiveness of teaching
and pupil learning. Like all other professional programmes, field engagement is an essential
component of any teacher education programme. In the case of teacher education programmes,
field engagement involves engagement with the students and teachers in schools. The sustained
engagement with the school over a period is known as ‘school internship ‘which equips the
prospective teacher to build a repertoire of professional understandings, competencies and
skills , and positive attitude to schooling and teaching. Research has consistently shown that the
internship experience is the most significant component in preparing new teachers. The teacher
preparation culminates in the internship, which then helps beginning teachers make the transition
from being students to teaching professionals. It offers teacher candidates a realistic setting for
combining theory and practice in which to demonstrate their developing knowledge about and
skill in teaching.
The curricula of teacher training institutions are designed to provide for the acquisition of
these skills by student teachers. The National Curriculum Framework (NCF), 2005 while
suggesting improvement of quality of teacher education programme states that teacher education
must become more sensitive to the emerging demands from the school system. For this, it must
prepare the teacher for the roles of being an encouraging, supportive and humane facilitator in
teaching-learning situations. This will enable learners (students) to discover their talents, realize
their physical and intellectual potentialities to the fullest, and to develop character, desirable social
and human values to function as responsible citizens. The National Curriculum Framework for
Teacher Education developed by NCTE (2009) states that “A teacher functions within the broad
framework of the school education system – its goals, curricula, materials, methods and
expectations from the teacher. The past few years have witnessed a paradigm shift in the concept
of school internship courses in India. The NCTE Regulations, 2009 attempted to broaden the
scope of practice -teaching by emphasizing the importance of providing experience of all
activities and programmes of the school to the student teachers. The NCTE Regulations, 2014
have stipulated further strengthening of the component of ‘Field Engagement’. As per the
regulations the ‘Field Engagement ‘of 20 weeks has been further split into two parts consisting of
4 weeks and 16 weeks to be organized in the first and second year of the Two-Years programmes.
The engagement of 16 weeks’ duration is further split into 14 weeks of school internship and 2
weeks of engagement with the field other than the school (i.e. community engagement).
2. Objectives of Internship
The internship is conceived as a professional learning bridge between the of preservice
Professional preparation and teaching. It is an extended school-based placement in which student
teachers (interns) are expected to consolidate their knowledge and experience across all facets of
the role of the teacher in the school. It provides an opportunity to further develop skills in teaching
and for interns to be mentored in preparing themselves as thoroughly as possible for their early
experiences of teaching.The internship will enable the student teacher to:
 Develop the ability to define clearly the general and specific objectives of teaching the
subject, the different units, and the individual lessons.
 Develop the ability to select units and subject matter suitable to the class, and resource
material and aids - readymade, improvised - suitable to the units.
 Develop the ability to plan the lesson effectively with an understanding of the principles of
learning and organize the subject matter suitably indicating the appropriate techniques and
resources to be used at each stage and for each purpose.
 Develop the ability to prepare the pupils adequately for each lesson and develop it in ways
most suitable to the occasion and most appropriate for realizing the objectives set forth.
 Develop the ability to motivate the pupils sufficiently and sustain their interest as well as
maintain discipline in the class.
 Develop the ability to adjust the programme to the varying needs interests and abilities of
the pupils, while making for maximum group progress.
 Develop the ability, to use different methods and techniques of teaching and use them
effectively in appropriate situations. Develop the ability to plan the details of the
curriculum with the pupils (teacher pupil planning) and work out resource units, spelling
out the experiences, activities, aids, techniques, etc.
 Develop the ability to develop and apply different techniques and tools for the continuous
evaluation of the achievement and progress of the pupils, taken as individuals and as a
group, especially the ability to construct and use oral, written and performance tests.
 Develop the ability to judge the effectiveness of teaching and the success of each
programme in relation to the goals, from the participation and performances of the pupils.
 Develop the ability to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses and the achievements and
failures of the individual pupils, in relation to the objectives and decide, plan and organize
the reinforcement of remedial assistance needed by each.
 Develop the ability to correlate his subject and its teaching with other subjects taught in
the class, with other activities in the school with life, so that, the education of the child
becomes an integrated programme.
 Develop the ability to plan, organize and guide enrichment activities and field programmes
related to the subjects taught.
 Develop the ability to plan, organize and guide various co-curricular activities, which are
considered as important constituents of a rich education for the citizens of tomorrow.

3. Learning to Function as a Teacher

In EPC-1(Learning to Function as a Teacher) during first semester, the student teachers of B.Ed
were oriented on the process based skills essential for secondary schools . Similarly the Integrated
B.Ed student teachers are oriented on the process based skills during their fifth semester. The skills
focussed were critical thinking and reflection, Class room management, Managing diversity,
Contextualization, Observation , Communication , Organization of group activity/project, Assessing
learner and giving feedback and Facilitating learning .The core teaching learning processes
emphasised were . Introducing the lesson, Questioning in the class, Explaining and illustrating.
Encouraging and appreciating students (Verbal and non-verbal), Stimulus Variation, Using
Blackboard /white board/ smart board and Using learning resources and ICT, All the processes are
practiced and evaluated for each student during first semester and were internally evaluated

Field Engagement: School Exposure

To experience school activities in totality i.e. awareness about the functioning school and its relation
with neighbourhood and development of insight into the role of a teacher and learner as a preliminary

exposure activity the student teachers of B.Ed. were placed for two weeks in schools during first
semester and experienced school activities. The student teachers were engaged in pre-visit workshop
(three sessions) and post visit reflection sessions. Student teachers highlighting the school objectives,
processes and their reflection have submitted the reflection reports.
Field Engagement: Multi-cultural Placement
In order to provide school exposure in various cultural backgrounds of the society to the student
teachers, they were placed in different type schools on rotation during the second semester(B.Ed)
and sixth semester(BA.BEd and B.Sc.BEd) . During their placement in these schools they were
involved in different activities like (i) learning of teaching-learning process through observation of
lessons taught by regular teachers in the school. (ii) observation and collection of data about
schools processes i.e. day to day activities taken place in the school plant, for example, working of
the library, process of organizing other curricular activities, functioning of laboratory,
organization of school assembly and above all the school management (iii) development of
sample unit plan lesson plans /concept map and lesson note (vi) conducting case studies in the

4. Details of Academic Work of the Student Teachers during Internship

(This is as per syllabus. The information is provided to get ideas about overall internship activities as
per requirements. However, see alternative guidelines at later pages for specific alternatives during the
current year.)

In order to facilitate staged entry of student teachers in teaching, Internship in teaching is to be

organized in three phases viz. pre-internship, internship and post internship. The pre-internship
conference for student teachers, coopering school heads, mentors and institute supervisors intends
to orient them on the modalities of organization of the programme.

The details of activities are presented in the guideline. Post-Internship is to be organized to reflect
on /feedback reactions of students, cooperating teachers, school heads and institute supervisors.
This would help in fellow-up, remedial and strengthening activities to be taken up by the institute
in future years.

4.1 Demonstration of Criticism Lesson: The student teacher is required to present a lesson in
each pedagogy to a group of 16-17 students during the pre-conference. The demonstration will be
done as per the lesson plan format provided by the institution. These are to be submitted for
evaluation in the institute.
4.2 Observation of Lesson of regular teachers: The student-teachers are to observe 10 lessons, 5
in each Pedagogy subject taught by regular/experienced teachers. The exposure of experienced
teacher’s classes will help the student teachers to build confidence apart from learning about
contextualization of teaching learning processes. An observation schedule booklet is developed
and supplied to the student teacher to record the observation processes.
4.3. Development of unit plan: A student teacher has to prepare two unit plans in each pedagogy.
Unit plans consist of concepts and learning goals that are taught over a period and are woven
together, often across subject areas. A unit plan lasts two or three weeks (or longer) and includes
several standards, skills, and desired outcomes for interconnected learning. A unit plan overarches
all daily lesson plans with connections among key topics, concepts, skills, and desired outcomes.
All the following elements should be considered when developing a unit plan: objectives, Main
topic or topics , that unite lessons within the unit, academic goals and desired outcomes, Cross-
curricular connections, Methods to make the learning relevant throughout the unit, an
understanding of students' current knowledge, strategies,assessments for before, during, and after
lessons and the overall unit.
4.4 Lesson Plan: Lesson plan consists of statement of objectives, list of contents, learning
resources, teacher initiatives, strategies and process of assessing learning. It is simply a road map.
Each teacher is different, once you understand the basic elements of lesson planning; you can
modify the process to reflect on whatever makes you comfortable. So find the format that works
for you and your students. The student teacher has to develop lesson plan using concept maps in in
two school subjects and maintain detail records. They have to deliver minimum of 60 lessons (50
with detailed lessons and 10with lesson notes) in a method subject i.e. (60 + 60 lessons) minimum
in two subjects (Mathematics/Bioscience and Physical Science for Science and Language and
Social Science for Arts students).The transaction of lessons will be continually observed by
mentor teachers and or institute supervisors through an assessment profile. In Pedagogy of social
science, student teachers are required to transact lessons in all social sciences i.e. History,
Geography, Civics and Economics.

4.5 Observation of Lesson of peers: The student teachers are to observe 10 lessons, 5 in each
Pedagogy subject taught by fellow student teachers. An observation schedule booklet is
developed and supplied to them. The important features of teaching are mentioned overleaf of the
scheduled based on whom critical observations are to be made and record in the class itself. The
student teacher and the cooperating teachers/ institute supervisor are to put their signature on the
prescribed schedule at the end of the observation. As far as possible, varieties of lesson may be
observed. These are to be submitted in two separate bunches for evaluation in the institute.
4.6 Student assessment Record: Student teachers have to develop achievement test on two
subjects taught and administer, score and analyze by using qualitative and quantitate measures.
Based on the assessment the learner’s variation will be identified. The format of reporting
achievement test is provided. The candidate has to submit two separate report related to both
subjects tagged together.
4.7 Teaching learning resources. The student teacher will be preparing/ collecting and using a
large number of learning resources during their placement in the school. It is required that
appropriate and suitable learning resources must be used for the purpose. The details of the
preparation and use of learning resources are to be recorded as per the format provided.
4.8 Observation and reporting on School Site and Processes: A student-teacher has to observe of
day-to-day school activities and prepare a comprehensive report highlighting working of the
library, other curricular activities, games and sports, functioning of laboratory, school morning
assembly. The report needs to focus on critical reflection of the pupil teacher on school site and
activities of different type of schools i.e. rural/urban tribal, residential etc.
4.9 Action research: The student teacher has to identify the problem/issues in the classroom and
develop interventions to solve the problem. The school based small scale research may cover
areas related to the learner and learning like curricular and other curricular areas, processes and
startegies,assessment,disciplinary issues and others. The report covering the problem, objectives,
hypotheses, interventions, strategies and reflection will be assessed out of 20 marks.
4.10 Reflective diary: Used as part of the activities of pre-service teaching practice, it is a tool for
descriptive, reflective and/or critical recording of professional experiences lived by the teacher
trainee in teacher training situations. The reflective diary helps organize the activity of guided
analysis of pedagogical practice experiences aimed at: identifying students’ own needs, interests,
training motivation, the degree of mastery of past acquisitions, shaping an accurate image on their
effectiveness in practical teaching situations. The diary is to be continuously recorded along with
4.11 Assessment of student teachers by heads of schools: This will be done by the school head
on different dimensions i.e.Personal characteristics in terms of punctuality, initiatives, self-
confidence, capacity to manage class, relationship with school staff, cooperativeness etc.;
Participation in co scholastic activities such as games and sports, cultural activities,
science/literary exhibition, participation in special programmes, community service etc.; School
work, arrangement of classes, laboratory, library work etc. and Teaching: Preparation of lesson,
classroom teaching, correction of students work, testing and reporting, originality and novelty in

4.12. Presentation of Reflection in post conference: It is not sufficient to have an experience in

order to learn. Without reflecting on this experience, it may quickly be forgotten, or its learning
potential lost. The student teacher has to present the reflective report during the post conference
The assessment of the performance of student teachers shall be based on the feedback received
from all associated with the programme, including mentor teachers/HM/Principal, peers,
supervisors of the institute; and various records submitted by the student teachers. While
submitting the records the student teacher is required to submit the report activity wise. For
example, a student teacher has to submit separate report on each activity. The weightage to
different components of internship shall be assigned as presented in the following table.

Alternate Guidelines for Internship in Teaching-2020

Internship in Teaching Programme for B.A. B.Ed., B.Sc. B.Ed., and 2 Year B.Ed. will
be held from 21st September to 10th December 2020. Alternate guideline is prepared
taking into consideration the Covid-19 situation.
1. Pre-Internship Conference will be held virtually from 21 st September to 30th
September 2020. Programme schedule for the Pre-Internship conference is
attached herewith.
2. Interaction porgramme will be held from dt.1 st October to 30th November
3. Post-Internship Conference will be held from 1 st December to 10th December

Activities for Internship Programme

Internship in teaching programme will start from 1 st October to 30th November
2020. During this period student are required to undertake the following activities.

1. Lesson plan preparation.

Lesson plan consists of statement of objectives, list of contents, learning

resources, teacher initiatives and strategies and process of assessing learning. It
is simply a road map. Each teacher is different, once he/she understands the basic
elements of lesson planning; he/she can modify the process to reflect on whatever
is comfortable.
 Students are required to develop e-Content in 5+5 lesson plans for
method 1 and method 2 subjects. They will be attached school any
nearby school / JNV / KV / Govt. or Private Schools / Adharsh Vidyalaya /
Aided School. Exploration of the nearby schools for attachment may be
initiated by the student teacher. The record of the e content the visual
along with audio and these need to be submitted to the coordinators.
 Along with this, they are required to submit lesson plans of 30+30
lessons in two methods and to be delivered either to the students in the
schools selected or in the peer group. The lesson plans are required to
be submitted to their respective coordinators.
 Lesson plan records will be assessed at the institute after completion of
the Internship.
2. Unit Plan
 A student teacher has to prepare two unit plans in each pedagogy. Unit
plans consist of concepts and learning goals that are taught over a
period and are woven together, often across subject areas. A unit plan
lasts two or three weeks (or longer) and includes several standards,
skills, and desired outcomes for interconnected learning. A unit plan
overarches all daily lesson plans with connections among key topics,
concepts, skills, and desired outcomes. All the following elements
should be considered when developing a unit plan: objectives, Main
topic or topics , that unite lessons within the unit, academic goals and
desired outcomes, Cross-curricular connections, Methods to make the
learning relevant throughout the unit, an understanding of students'
current knowledge,strategies,assessments for before, during, and after
lessons and the overall unit. Students are required to submit unit plans
as per the format provided by the Institute.

3. School Profile
Students are required to collect information from the school where they were
studying earlier / any nearby school / JNV / KV / Govt. or Private Schools / Adharsh
Vidyalaya / Aided School. A student-teacher has to collect information on day-to-
day school activities and prepare a comprehensive report highlighting working of
the library, other curricular activities, games and sports, functioning of laboratory,
school morning assembly. The report needs to focus on critical reflection of the
pupil teacher on school site and activities of different type of schools i.e.
rural/urban tribal, residential etc.

4. Action Research
Students are required to prepare two proposals on Action Research. The student
teacher has to imagine the problem/issues in the classroom and develop tentative
interventions to solve the problem. The small scale research may cover areas
related to the learner and learning like curricular and other curricular areas,
processes, strategies, assessment, disciplinary issues and others. The report
covering the problem, objectives, hypotheses, interventions, strategies and
reflection will be assessed at the institute level.
5. Achievement Tests
Student teachers have to develop 50 assessment test items on two subjects
taught out of which 10 questions should be MCQ type. The format of
reporting achievement test is provided. It carries (10+10) marks. The
candidate has to submit two separate report related to both subjects tagged

6. Teaching – Learning Resource

The student teacher will be preparing/ collecting and using a large number of
learning resources during their placement in the school. It is required that
appropriate and suitable learning resources must be used for the purpose. The
details of the preparation and use of learning resources are to be recorded as per
the format provided. Either the student teachers as per instructions have to exhibit
two innovative learning resources at the cooperating JNV or in the institute.
Students are required to prepare two teaching learning resource in two method
7. Participation in School Activities

 Due to Covid situation, it is not possible for the students to participate in
school activities. Hence students are required to prepare a write up on
Role & Responsibilities of Teachers in the context of NEP – 2020.

8. Peer observation
 The student teachers are to observe 10 lessons, 5 in each Pedagogy
subject taught by fellow student teachers. An observation schedule
booklet is developed and supplied to them. The important features of
teaching are mentioned overleaf of the scheduled based on whom
critical observations are to be made and record in the class itself. As far
as possible, varieties of lessons may be observed virtually. These are to
be submitted in two separate bunches for evaluation in the institute.

9. Overall Assessment by School

This will be done by the school head on different dimensions i.e.Personal
characteristics in terms of punctuality, initiatives, self-confidence, capacity
to manage class, relationship with school staff, cooperativeness etc.;
Participation in co scholastic activities such as games and sports, cultural
activities, science/literary exhibition, participation in special programmes,
community service etc.; School work, arrangement of classes, laboratory,
library work etc. and Teaching: Preparation of lesson, classroom teaching,
correction of students work, testing and reporting, originality and novelty in
teaching. However due to Covid situation, it is not possible for students to
take part in these activities. However, on the basis of their online teaching,
students are required to collect such a report from school heads.

10. Reflective Diary

Used as part of the activities of pre-service teaching practice, it is a tool for
descriptive, reflective and/or critical recording of professional experiences
lived by the teacher trainee in teacher training situations. The reflective
diary helps organize the activity of guided analysis of pedagogical practice
experiences aimed at: identifying students’ own needs, interests, training
motivation, the degree of mastery of past acquisitions, shaping an accurate
image on their effectiveness in practical teaching situations. The diary is to
be continuously recorded along with reflections.

Post – Conference
To be conducted from 1st December to 10th December.

It is not sufficient to have an experience in order to learn. Without reflecting on

this experience, it may quickly be forgotten, or its learning potential may be lost.
The student teacher has to present the reflective report during the post

Date Prepare a Concept map on the lesson/topic Unit:
(the concept map may be prepared in additional sheet and
Class appended before the lesson plan) Subject:


Major concepts/Learning Points:

Learning Objectives:
Pre requisites/Previous Knowledge:
Learning Resources(Specific to Learning points)
Learning Processes (Strategies):

Phases of the lesson Teacher Initiatives Student learning process/activities Continuous assessment

Introduction (ENGAGE)





Descriptions of terminologies

Major concepts/Learning The content that needs to be learnt are stated as major concepts and learning points. It needs to be stated in statement/sentence form .The
points unit, scheme of lessons, levels of students and duration of the period will decide the number of cconcepts. For example in Biology class
(VII) in the topic Vegetative Propagation(Unit-Reproduction in Plants) it may be stated as:
1. Reproduction in plants takes place through sexual and asexual method
2. Asexual production is a process by which new plants are obtained without the production of seeds
3. There are different methods of asexual production like vegetative propagation,budding,spore formation and fragmentation
4. The new plants resemble their parent plant in all characteristics

Learning objectives To be stated in terms of learning processes and outcomes. The learning outcomes prepared by NCERT (2016) may form the base for
deriving the objectives. Depending on the nature of subject, the learning objectives may be stated differently. Illustrative action verbs for
writing learning objectives that is the base for assessment are given below as a sample.

Taxonomy Sample verbs for stating learning outcomes


Rememberin Recognise,recall,name,match,label,select,reproduce,state

Understandin Classify, covert, describe, distinguish, explain, extend, give/cite examples,interpret,summarise,translate,estimate,relate


Applying Apply,arrange,compute,construct,demonstarate,discover,modify,operate,predict,prepare,produce,solve,use,differentiate ,infer etc.

Analysing Analyse,associate,determine,infer,differentiate,estimate,outline,separate,subdivide etc.

Evaluating Appraise,assess,compare,conclude,contrast,criticize,evaluate,judge,justify,support etc.

Creating Combine,compile,compose,constrcu,create,design,develop,devise,formulate,modify,plan,organise,propose,rearrange,reorganise,revise,re
write etc.

Previous knowledge The prior knowledge taking in to account the local specificity and previous contents transacted in same class or previous classes.

Learning resources The resources that are used as learning support or scaffolds such as visual aids, audio visual aids ,experiments materials, CT etc.

Learning process The process skills that are intended to be developed in learning tasks and activities such as observing, measuring, classifying
,experimenting,demonstaring,analysing needs to be specified. The process may be focussing combination of different strategies. The
strategies may vary subject to subject

Teacher Initiatives Teacher plays multiple roles in facilitating learning-connecting to prior knowledge,inquring,demonstrating,explaining,giving examples and
10 | P a g e
analogies,giving tasks to perform wherever required, forming groups and assigning tasks to perform, identifying alternative strategies or
explanations to clarify misconceptions.

Student learning Students response in term of cognitive processes such as observing, inferring,
processes and activities interpreting,relating,hypothesising,classifying,verifying,generalising,predicting, analysing etc. takes place while engaged in activities
,experimentation, discussion and contextualised situations. This may also focus on doubts or questions on concept

Continuous assessment The teacher assesses learning after every concept or group of concepts. This may be through oral questions, or through some tasks given to
students to perform. The activities and group discussions of certain problem solving tasks are also covered under continuous assessment.
The strategies may be observations, open-ended questions covering the concepts/learning points.

Introduction Connecting to prior knowledge, drawing upon the daily experiences, engaging learners in contextual situation, problem situations, issues,
(Engage) narration, activity or experiment and /or use of ICT resources that lead to inquiry and exploration. The activities at this stage capture the
learner’s attention, stimulate their thinking and help to assess the prior knowledge.

Development Learning takes place through exploring or working on a given problem or task. Teacher facilitates by providing guidance o those who
(Explore, Explain) require assistance in solving problems or performing the tasks.
Teacher explains using examples, analogies and resource materials whenever required. Learners are also encouraged to explain their
concepts in their own words, ask for evidence and clarifications of their explanation and listen critically to others explanation

Application This covers providing new situations/questions/problems where in the students can apply the concepts learnt in order to solve the given
(Extend) problems, derive new examples. The teachers guided activities are mostly withdrawn here and learner work independently or in groups.

Review/Evaluation/Closur Teacher asks questions keeping the learning objectives in mind to assess the attainability. The lesson is summarised, and misconception if
e of the Lesson any are identified.

Assignment Activities/Task/project etc. are assigned related to the lesson and taking into account the levels of students. The assignments need to be
reflective and project based rather than factual in nature.

11 | P a g e
The first step to plan lesson is analyze the content to be transacted. It will help to identify major
idea/concepts and minor idea/sub-concepts. For better teaching , teacher needs to develop
wholistic understanding of content. Understanding of content will be better by analysing contents.
Content analyssi is process of identifying major idea/concept and minor idea/sub concepts and
finding relations between and among concepts. It can better be done by developing concept
map.It is a tangible way to display how your mind sees a particular topic. It helps teacher to
visualise the subjet matter to be taught, which in turn assist in effective teaching-learning.
The steps of developing concept map are given below.

1. Reading intensively to identify major and minor ideas/ concepts and sub concepts. This
can be done by using a pen for identifying major ideas and pencil for identifying the
minor ideas.
2. Organising phase: Spread out your concepts on a flat surface so that all can be read
easily and together, creat groups and sub groups of related items.
3. Lay out Phase. On a large sheet of paper, try to come up with an arrangement that best
represent your collective understanding of the interrelationship and connections among
4. Linking phase: Use lines with arrows to connect and shows the relationship between
connected items. Write a word or short phrase by each arrow to specify the
5. Finalising the concept map: Give a title, creative and constructive by using colors,
fronts, shapes, border thikness.

Examplars of Topic/Concept Map on Diffeent Subjects


Matter can be
classifed on basis

Physical State Chemical State

Solid Liquid Gas Element Compund Mixture

Rigid & Fluid & Relatively Fluid and Only one kind of Two or more More than one
Incompressible Imcompressible Compressible atom elements substance

12 | P a g e
Social Science


Planets Satellites Comets Metors

Mercury Venues Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

13 | P a g e
Language: Grammar


Proper Common Collective Material Abstract

Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun

Delhi, Class, Water, Honesty,

Letter, City
India Crowd Gold Wisdom



14 | P a g e
Classes of Vedic

Aranyanks and
The Vedas The Brahamans

Contains hymns, Contains

prayers, charms, Contains rituals and philosophical
litanies and sacrificial philosophies meditations of
formula hermits and ascetics

RigVeda Sam Veda Yajur Veda Atharva veda

Collection of Collection of spells

Collection of hymns Collection of songs
sacrifical formula and charms

Story Map in English

Story Title: The Friendly Mongoose
A farmer, his wife and their small child lived in a village. There was also a baby Mongoose in the
house who they believed would be their son’s companion and friend in future. One day the farmer
and his wife went out leaving the child alone with the Mongoose.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Middle: The
farmer’s wife returned home from the market carrying a heavy basket. She found the Mongoose
an entrance of the house with blood on his face and paws. She jumped to the conclusion that it
was her son’s blood, and the Mongoose was the guilty one.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------End: The
farmer’s wife was blind with rage and with all her strength brought down the heavy basket full of
groceries on the blood-smeared Mongoose and ran inside to the child cradles. The baby was first
asleep but the floor laid a black snack torn and bleeding. She said Oh! You killed the snack! What
have I done? After that, she realized and cried by touching the Mongoose who lay dead and still,
unaware of her sobbing.

15 | P a g e
1. Name of the Student Teacher: _____________________________________________
2. Roll No:____________________Class: _________________________
3. Name and Address of the Cluster/ Centre: _________________________________
4. Name and Address of the School: ________________________________________
5. Name of the Regular Teacher: ____________________________________________
6. Subject Taught: __________________________PC 1/2: ________________________
7. Topic: ________________ 8. Class: __________ 9. Date: ______________
8. Lesson plan/ teacher note prepared : Yes/No
9. Approach (es) followed Constructivist/Behavioristic.
Details of the observation (a separate sheet may be used)
Reasons for
Learning suggesting alternate/
points Sequential Learning Activities Additional activities
and teaching
and teaching-
-learning materials
learning materials
Teacher activities Student
responses &
/Engagement phase

Presentation phase
and elaboration

Evaluation phase

 Reflection and feedback of student-teacher

Signature of Institution Supervisor Signature of Student Teacher

16 | P a g e

Name of cooperating School: Date:

Name of the Student Teacher: Class:
Roll No: Period:
Pedagogy Subject: Topic:

1. Content Analysis (Concept Map):

2. Learning Objectives:

3. Learning Process/Strategies:

4. Learning Resources:

5. Description of Learning Activities:

6. Assessment Procedures:

7. Home work/Assignments:

Signature of the Student Teacher Signature of the Supervisor/ Mentor Teacher

17 | P a g e
Title of the Unit: Title/Publisher of the Text Book:
Grade/Class Level: Author:
Length of the unit: Major Learning points to be covered:
Overall goals of the unit:
Division of Unit to lessons and Rationale:

Lesson wise Activity Processes/Strategies to Learning Resources Assessment

be adopted to be used practices proposed

Remarks if any

Signature of the Student Teacher Signature of the

cooperating school Head/Mentor

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Achievement Test+

1. Name of the Student Teacher:

2. Roll No with(PCM/CBZ for B.Sc.BEd) :

3. Name and Address of the School:

4. Date of Conducting Tests:

5. Achievement Test in (Subject-1/Subject-2)

A) Construction of Test (Design/blueprint, Test Items, Scoring Key and Instructions)
B) Administration and Interpretation of the Result

6. Identification of variation with regard to learning:

Counter signature by the Head of school with seal Signature of the Student Teacher

+Note :The student teachers are advised to see the alternative guidelines.

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Name of cooperating School: Date:

Name of the Student Teacher: Class:
Roll No : Period:
Pedagogy Subject: Subject:
Name of Peer Teacher whose lesson is observed: Topic:
Name of the Supervisor/Mentor Teacher:
Steps Learning Teacher Initiatives Suggested Reasons for
Points and Learning Alternative/Additi Suggested
Process onal Activities Alternative/Addit
ional Activities




Any other significant observation

Signature of Peer Teacher Signature of Supervisor/Cooperating teacher

20 | P a g e

1. Personal Information:
2. Name and address of Cooperating School:
3. Name of the Student Teacher:
4. Roll No with Science /Arts:
Body of the Action Research Proposal
1. Title of the Action Research:

2. Analysis and Description of the Action Research Problem:

3. Objectives and Action Hypothesis:

4. Designing Tentative Intervention/s

5. Planning for Implementing Intervention/s

6. References

7. Appendix if any

Signature of the Student Teacher Signature of the Supervisor/ Head Teacher

21 | P a g e

Name of the Student Teacher : Roll No :

1. Name of the School:

2. Historical Background and context of the School(Vision, mission and

objectives,growth etc)

3. Infrastructural facilities in the school (both quantitative and qualitative descriptions):

a) Classroom
b) Hostel
c) Library
d) Laboratory(Subject,ICT other)
e) Games and Sports
f) Playground
g) Toilets (boys and girls)
h) Any other

4. Number of students: (Class wise, Category wise and gender wise):

5. Number of teachers: (Subject, Gender, Qualification and Experience):

Signature of Head of School Signature of the Student Teacher

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Name of the School:

Name of the Student Teacher:
Roll No(Arts or Science):
Classes allotted in the school:
Method Subject: PC-1/PC-2
List of Teaching Aids Developed and Used during teaching to be given in following format.

Date Topic Name and description of Self When & how it is Signature of
the resources used developed/ used mentor/cooper
Procured ating teacher

Signature of Head of School Signature of the Student Teacher

23 | P a g e
Student Teaching Profile
Name of the Cooperating School:
Class: Subject: Topic: Period: Date:
Name of the Student Teacher: Name of the Course: BSc.BED/BABEd/B.Ed Roll No with Arts/ Science:
Name of Supervisor/Mentor Teachers:
Sl Aspects/ Criteria Rating: Very Poor to Excellent (1-10)

1 Lesson Planning: (Concept map is prepared by indicating relations between and among 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
concepts/ideas, learning objectives are stated in behavioural terms, appropriate learning
resources/methods are identified )

2 Introducing Lesson: (Readiness among students created, suitable climate set in classroom,
appropriate techniques used for introducing lesson)

3 Presentation of Topic: (New topic is presented with simple and interesting ways, appropriate
learning resources are used, appropriate strategy is used for teaching )

4 Participation of Students: (Students are involved by asking questions, class work and group
work are undertaken, interaction among peers/ teachers )

5 Classroom Management: (Equal opportunity to all students, reinforcement for continuous

participation, management of student activity )

6 Assessment: (Students understanding is assessed during and at end of teaching, all learning
objectives are evaluated, asked questions that encourage divergent thinking, creative and critical
thinking among students)

7 Overall Personality: ( Proper speed, intonation and pitch, pleasing appearance, positive manners
and confidence)

Signature of Supervisor/Mentor Teacher

24 | P a g e
Reaction Anticipation Guide and Reflection Template
To be completed before teaching in classroom Topic decided for Teaching To be completed after teaching (Reaction)
(Anticipation) with key points and sub- Your experience about teaching (both positive and
Plan made for Teaching points negative)

Reaction: On basis of your experience write down

What you have learned from this lesson?

What changes you will make for the next lesson?

Signature of the student teacher

25 | P a g e
The Reflective Diary Template
Name of the Student Teacher_____________________________________________________________________
Name of the School________________________________________________________________________________
7. What did I learn? 8. What are my next steps? 2a. Whose fault (if relevant)? Now
move on

Date each entry – add new reflections any time

6. How would I improve on this? 1. What happened/what did I do? 2. How did I feel/do I now
okay to keep
some/all of
feedback can be helpful

5. What went not so well? 4. What went well? 3. Unemotional view, incl. causes

26 | P a g e
Reflective diary/journal – supplementary sheet Date:

reflection stage: date of entry reflection stage: date of entry

 each stage is optional – seek feedback where helpful

 date each entry – add new thoughts later
 use the quick notes template for each issue/event
 use supplementary sheets as necessary
 You can use different coloured text, e.g. red: priority, green: positive etc.
 Try to focus on things you can change and accept those you cannot.

27 | P a g e


Name of the Principal:

Name of the School:

Name of the Course: B.Ed

Roll No Name of the Student 1* 2** 3*** 4**** Total

(2) (3) (2) (3) (10)

NB: This form is to be sent in a closed cover to the Coordinator, Internship in Teaching, RIE,
Bhubaneswar-751022. Please specify the course i.e.B.Ed
1*-Personal characteristics in terms of punctuality, initiatives, self confidence, capacity to manage
class, relationship with school staff, cooperativeness etc.
2**-Participation in co scholastic activities such as games and sports, cultural activities,
science/literary exhibition, participation in special programmes, community service etc.
3***-School work, arrangement of classes, laboratory, library work etc.
4****-Teaching: Preparation of lesson, classroom teaching, correction of students work, testing and
reporting, originality and novelty in teaching.

Name and Signature of the Principal with Seal

28 | P a g e
Assessment Report by Institute Supervisor
Name of the Institute Supervisor:
Name of the Course: B.Ed
Sl Roll Name of the Student- Name of the Pedagogy No of Total
No No Teachers school Subject lesson









NB: This form is to be handed over in sealed cover along with all student teaching profile to the Coordinator,
Internship in Teaching, RIE, Bhubaneswar.

Signature of the Institute Supervisor

29 | P a g e
Supervision and Monitoring Report of B.Ed.
Name of the JNV ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Name of the Institute Supervisor…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Period of Supervision From…...To…………………………………………………….
Details of Monitoring and Supervision
Programme in different activities
Unit No of No. of No. of peer Achievement Learning Action School Remarks
Class and Roll plan Observatio lessons lesson Test Report resources Research site and
Name of the Pedagogy
No. n of regular completed observation Report activities
Student Subjects
(Arts/Science) teachers completed

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

N. B.: Please submit one copy to the programme Coordinator after your visit.
Signature of the Supervisor(s)

30 | P a g e
Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar
Final Internship Reflection
Name of the Student Teacher ____________________________
Roll No____________________________
These reflection questions ask you to connect your learning experience to key competencies of
Experiential learning.
•Reflection, Critical Analysis, and Synthesis
•Opportunities for students to take initiative, make decisions, and be accountable for the results
•Opportunities for students to engage intellectually, creatively, emotionally, socially, and/or physically
•Designed learning experiences that include the possibility to learn from natural consequences,
mistakes, and successes
To support your reflections with concrete examples make reference to your weekly journal and
feedback from mentors/ supervisors, and feel free to reference achievements, challenges, and
observations. Your response to each prompt should be 250--500 words.
1. Please evaluate ways in which you achieved or struggled with each of the learning goals you
set in your proposal.
2. If you were to continue the experience, what learning goals would you set now and what
strategies would you use to achieve them?
3. What contributions did you make through this activity? What did you do that seemed to be
effective and what personal strengths did you discover?
4. Identify and describe an example of a different decision or action you could have made and
discuss the potential impact of such a change. What areas for personal improvement did you
find through the experience?
5. How has this experience affected your development as a student and emerging professional,
and how might it influence your approach to academics, work, and career in the future?
Your feedback on your internship site will help us continue to provide interns with high quality
1. Please describe your experience of the site. In what ways has it been positive or negative?
2. Would you recommend this site for future interns? Why or why not?

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(National Council of Educational Research and Training)

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