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Renewable Sources of Energy

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To keep pace with ever increasing demand of electrical energy in world, coal based

Power plants may not be sufficient .Also the generation of power by coal based power plants

or nuclear plants causes pollution .The recent severe crisis has forced the world to develop new

and alternative methods of power generation by using renewable sources of energy ,which could

not have been adopted due to various reasons till now. The various other renewable sources of

energy are solar cells ,fuel cells ,thermo-electric generator ,tidal power ,wind power, geo-

thermal, bio-gas.

This paper is an attempt to throw some light on the “CONCEPT OF FUEL CELLS

.AND APPLICATIONS “. This paper spans over the various topics such as what is a fuel cell,

Which tells about the basic function of fuel cell, about the evolution of fuel cell which

deals about the origin of fuel cells , The latest developments of fuel cells , Applications of fuel
cells in various fields, Sources of procuring hydrogen required for fuel cell ,Fuel cell benefits

and obstacles and finally about conclusion .



• 1. What is a fuel cell?

• 2. History of fuel cell

• 3. Fuel cells applications

• 4. Where will the hydrogen come from?

• 5. Cell voltage and efficiency

• 6. Benefits and obstacles to the success of fuel cells

• 7. Conclusion
• 8. Bibliography


Where as the 19th Century was the century of the steam engine and the 20th Century was the
century of the internal combustion engine, it is likely that the 21st Century will be the century of
the fuel cell. Fuel cells are now on the verge of being introduced commercially, revolutionizing
the way we presently produce power.
Fuel cells use hydrogen as a fuel, offering the prospect of supplying the
world with clean, sustainable electrical power.


A fuel cell by definition is an electrical cell. They convert hydrogen, or hydrogen-containing
fuels, directly into electrical energy plus heat through the electrochemical reaction of hydrogen
and oxygen into water. The process is that of electrolysis in reverse.
Overall reaction: 2 H2 (gas) + O2(gas) → 2 H2O + energy
Because hydrogen and oxygen gases are electrochemically converted into water, fuel
cells have many advantages over heat engines. These include: high efficiency, virtually
silent operation .


2.1 The “Gas Battery”
Sir William Grove (1811-96), a British lawyer and amateur scientist developed the first
fuel cell in 1839. When Sir William disconnected the battery from the electrolyzer and
connected the two electrodes together, he observed a current flowing in the opposite
direction, consuming the gases of hydrogen and oxygen (Fig.1). He called this device a
‘gas battery’. His gas battery consisted of platinum electrodes placed in test tubes of
hydrogen and oxygen, immersed in a bath of dilute sulphuric acid. It generated voltages

Fig 1The principle of an electrolyzer, shown left; of a fuel cell, shown right
of about one volt. . However, due to problems of corrosion of the electrodes and instability of
the materials there was little research and further development of fuel cells for many years to


3.1 Fuel cells for NASA
For space applications, fuel cells have the advantage over conventional batteries, in that
they produce several times as much energy per equivalent unit of weight.
In the1960s, International Fuel Cells developed a fuel cell power plant for the Apollo spacecraft.
providing 1.5 KW of continuous electrical power and drinking water , without a single in- flight
incident (IFC).
In the 1970s, International Fuel Cells developed a more powerful alkaline fuel cell for
NASA’s Space Shuttle Orbiter. The Orbiter uses three fuel cell power plants to
supply all of the electrical needs during flight.

NASA Space Shuttle Orbiter fuel cell. These fuel cells provide all of the electricity as well as drinking water when
Space Shuttle is in flight.
. Each fuel cell is capable of supplying 12 kilowatts continuously , and up to 16 kilowatts for
short periods. In the Shuttle program, the fuel cells have demonstrated outstanding reliability
(over 99% availability).


Compared with other types of fuel cells, the alkaline variety offered the advantage of a
high power to weight ratio. Therefore alkaline fuel cells were ideal for space applications.
However, for terrestrial use, the primary disadvantage of these cells is that of carbon dioxide
poisoning of the electrolyte. This reduces the overall efficiency of the fuel cell. The eq is as
shown: 2 KOH + CO2 → K2CO3 + H2O
Because of the complexity of isolating carbon dioxide from the alkaline electrolyte, most fuel
cell developers have focused their attention on developing new types which are non-alkaline.
These fuel cells include: solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFC)


The NECAR 5 is the latest prototype fuel cell automobile by DaimlerChrysler.
This automobile is fuelled with liquid methanol which is converted into hydrogen and
carbon dioxide through use of an onboard fuel processor. The vehicle has virtually no
pollutant The efficiency of a fuel cell engine is about a factor of two higher than that of an
internal combustion engine .
Two prototype automobiles powered by fuel cells, the NECAR 5 and JEEP Commander.
The NECAR 5 drives and feels like a “normal” car. It has a top speed of over 150 km/hr
(90 mph), with a power output of 75 kW (100 horsepower). It is also believed that this
vehicle will require less maintenance , has low emission levels , quietness , smoothness , while
delivering a performance similar to that of an automobile with an internal combustion engine.

There are also plans for buses and trucks all powered with fuel cell engines. In 2000,
Ballard completed a two-year program of in-service field testing with six fuel cell buses,.
The results of the tests were exemplary – the six buses travelled almost 75,000 miles and
carried over 200,000 passengers. The resulting data will be used to further develop a commercial
fuel cell bus.


Electrical energy demands throughout the world are continuing to increase .Now how can these
energy demands be met responsibly and safely? Distributed power plants using fuel cells can
provide part of the solution

Distributed or “decentralized” power plants, are plants located close to the

consumer, with the capability of providing both heat and electrical power (a combination
known as “cogeneration”). Heat, the by-product of electrical power generation, is
transferred from the fuel cell to a heat exchanger. The exchanger transfers the heat to a
water supply, providing hot water to local customers. The overall efficiency of a
cogeneration system can be in excess of 80 percent, comparatively high compared to a
system producing electricity alone. An increase in efficiency naturally corresponds to a
decrease in fuel consumption. Distributed power plants have many additional advantages
such as providing power to a remote location without the need of transporting electricity
through transmission lines from a central plant , ability to quickly build up a power
infrastructure . Using fuel cell power plants obviates the need for an electrical grid.

3.4.1 Grid-connect applications

Distributed power plants can provide either primary or back-up power. In primary
applications they can provide base-load power, operating virtually continuously from the
consumption of natural gas, reducing the demand from the electrical grid. Should the power
plant provide an excess of electricity, the excess can be fed back into the electrical grid, resulting
in additional savings. Distributed power plant can supply power continuously eliminating the
need for UPS

3.4.2 Non-grid connect applications

Other applications for fuel cell distributed power plants are also possible e.g. stand-alone
back-up power generators. The PEM fuel cell plant can be started in seconds, supplying
power for as long as required from stored hydrogen, producing electrical power cleanly
and virtually silently. Shown in figure is a prototype fuel cell distributed power plant, by Ballard
Power .Systems. This unit provides 250 kilowatts of electricity and an equivalent amount of heat.
This is enough power for a community of about 50 homes, or a small hospital or a remote school.
A PEM fuel-cell distributed power plant. This unit, provides 250 kilowatts heat and electricity


Fuel cell power plants are also being developed by several manufacturers to provide
electricity and heat to single- family homes. These are fuelled by either natural gas or propane.
Plug Power, based in Latham New York has developed a new fuel cell power plant that supplies
5 kilowatts of electricity plus heat, using natural gas as a fuel .Initially these fuel cell power
plants will be operated in parallel with the grid. Eventually they will be able to operate either
grid parallel or grid independent Plug Power is presently installing and testing these units in
selected sites throughout North America, Europe and Japan. .
A fuel-cell cogeneration power plant for residential applications, using natural gas as a fuel


For providing power from few watts up to several kilowatts .Portable fuel cells may one day
replace both gasoline and diesel-engine generators for portable applications as well as
conventional batteries for uses such as remote lighting, laptop computers and mobile phones.
Compared with engine-driven mobile electrical generators, portable fuel cells have the
significant advantage of being quiet and having low emissions. As they have few moving parts
they are operate virtually silently. If stored hydrogen is the fuel, again the only emission is pure
A prototype portable fuel cell providing 50 watts electrical power,


A direct methanol fuel cell uses a PEM membrane. However, other catalysts in
addition to platinum are required on the anode side of the membrane to break the
methanol bond in the reaction forming carbon dioxide, hydrogen ions and free electrons.
As with the hydrogen fuel cell, the free electrons flow from the anode of the cell through
an external circuit to the cathode and the hydrogen protons are transferred through the
electrolyte membrane. At the cathode the free electrons and the hydrogen protons react
with oxygen to form water.
. A prototype direct methanol fuel cell used as a lithium battery charger provides up to 20
watts electrical power.

Direct Methanol Fuel Cell:

Anode reaction: CH3OH + H2O → CO2 + 6H+ + 6e-
Cathode reaction: 3/2O2 + 6H+ + 6e- → 3H2O
Overall reaction: CH3OH + 3/2O2 → CO2 + 2 H2O


There are three methods of producing hydrogen which are:

4.1 Reformation of hydrocarbon fuels

Reformation of a hydrocarbon fuel is the most cost efficient method of producing hydrogen.
However, there is an emission of carbon dioxide. Although carbon dioxide is not considered a
pollutant, controversy exists that man-made emissions may contribute to global warming.
4.2 Renewable Energy Systems
Hydrogen can be produced sustainably with no emission of carbon dioxide from
renewable energy systems. An example of such a system is the use of a solar panel, a
wind turbine or a micro-hydro generator to convert the radiant energy of sunlight into
electrical power, which drives an electrolyzer. The electrolyzer breaks apart water
producing hydrogen and oxygen gases. The hydrogen is stored for use by the fuel cell and
the oxygen is released into the atmosphere. Thus when the sun shines, the wind blows or
the water flows, the electrolyser can produce hydrogen.

Electrical power from renewable energy sources
These systems are truly sustainable, for as long as there is sunlight ,but there can be electrical
power, available where and when required.

4.3 Biological Methods

Research and development is taking place on the production of hydrogen from biological
methods (BioHydrogen). This and other BioHydrogen mechanisms are presently in the R & D
stage but may one day provide the world with an additional source of hydrogen.

5.Cell Voltage and Efficiency

The ideal cell voltage of the hydrogen fuel cell would be at 25º C, 1 atmosphere, is about
1.23 volts. As the fuel cell heats up to operating temperature, around 80º C the ideal cell
voltage drops to about 1.18 volts. However there are many limiting factors that reduce the
fuel cell voltage further such as Activation losses, Ohmic losses, Concentration losses.


6.1 Benefits
• Fuel cells are efficient., clean,. quiet., modular , environmentally safe ..
• Fuel cells provide the world with sustainable electrical power.
6.2 Obstacles
At present there are many uncertainties to the success of fuel cells and the development
of a hydrogen economy:
• Fuel cells must obtain mass-market acceptance to succeed
• At present a large portion of the investment has come from auto manufacturers.
• At present platinum is a key component to fuel cells.

As our demand for electrical power grows, it becomes increasingly urgent to find new
ways of meeting it both responsibly and safely.
In the past, the limiting factors of renewable energy have been the storage and transport
of that energy. With the use of fuel cells and hydrogen technology, electrical power from
renewable energy sources can be delivered where and when required, cleanly, efficiently
and sustainably..

BERRY M. & MACDONALD A., (2000) Energy through Hydrogen, Heliocentris
COLELL H., (1998) Solar Hydrogen Technology, Heliocentris
CONNIHAN M.A., (1981) Dictionary of Energy, Routledge and Kegan Paul
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY, (1997) Energy Policies of IEA countries, OECD Publications
KHATIB H., (1998) "Electrical power in developing countries" Power Engineering Journal, Vol.12, no.10
KOPPEL, T., (1999) Powering the Future, John Wiley and Sons
LARMINIE J. & DICKS A., (2000) Fuel Cell Systems Explained, John Wiley & Sons
MELIS, A AND HAPPE , T., (2001) Hydrogen Production: Green Algae as a Source of Energy. Plant
Physiology, Volume 127: pp.740-748
THOMAS, S & ZALBOWITZ, M., (1999) booklet: Fuel Cells, Green Power, Los Alamos National

8. Internet sources
Ballard Power Systems:
HDR Engineering and Architecture:
Jet Propulsion Laboratory:
Los Alamos National Laboratory:
NASA: Gemini:
Space Shuttle Orbiter:
Pembina Institute:
Plug Power:
Smithsonian Institution:
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