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Opinions of Teacher Candidates On The Usage of Mob

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Paper—Opinions of Teacher Candidates on the Usage of Mobile Applications in the Multimed…

Opinions of Teacher Candidates on the Usage of Mobile

Applications in the Multimedia Development Processes

Fezile Ozdamli!!", Erinc Ercag

Near East University, Nicosia, Cyprus

Abstract—In order for mobile applications to be employed successfully in

education, the opinions of teachers on the use of these applications must be
identified and improved. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to identify
the opinions of teacher candidates, who are the teachers of the future, on the us-
age of mobile applications in the process of multimedia project development.
This study, which was conducted with the purpose of identifying the opinions
of teacher candidates on the usage of mobile applications in education as a
means of communication, employed a qualitative method. The results indicate
that using mobile applications in the multimedia project development process
attracted the attention of students and ensured effective communication.

Keywords—mobile learning, multimedia development, teacher candidates

1 Introduction

It is observed that wireless connections, GPRS connections, Bluetooth and infrared

connection facilities are increasingly employed so that mobile devices can connect
online individually or in combination with each other. Additionally, there has been
significant development in mobile device technologies such as recording, transferring
and transforming to the various formats of mobile devices. These developments in
mobile technologies have ensured that these technologies can be used for educative
purposes. Mobile devices with wireless networks have significant potential for formal
and informal education. Several learning activities can be performed with mobile
devices. Mobile learning can be used with the purpose of supporting conventional
learning [1] as well as for distance learning [2,3,4].
Analysis of the literature about learning and teaching reveals that in-class activities
are insufficient and extra-class activities should be included so that an effective envi-
ronment can be created [5,6,7]. However, many teachers state that insufficient effort
is being paid to the extra-class activities of students. Alessi and Trollip [8] claim that
this is due to a lack of motivation. With mobile technologies, the motivations of stu-
dents can be increased without the necessity to sit and study in front of a computer
and extra-class activities can be organized.
Education not only serves to prepare students for life; it is life in itself. The educa-
tion of an individual is realized within his/her culture and in a mutual communication

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process with other individuals in his/her society. The basic elements of the communi-
cation process include such concepts as source, message, channel, receiver and feed-
back. However, it is observed that this kind of communication is unidirectional. It is
acknowledged that bi-directional communication is needed so that students can
achieve their goals. In order to ensure student-centered education, the communication
process should be based on constructivist learning theories. In terms of the construc-
tivist learning environment, the interaction established with the student is more im-
portant than conveying the desired message.
Moore [9] mentions three types of interaction, namely, student-student, student-
teacher and student-content. Anderson [10] discusses the process between student-
teacher, student-student and student-material based on the constructivist learning
approach. Çuhadar and Kıyıcı [11] stated that in the learning process of distant educa-
tion based on constructivist learning, interactions occur between student-content,
student-student, student-teacher and student-media. The environment suitable for
students to use their knowledge and display their unique viewpoints can be realized
by creating a rich interaction environment between students [11]. Different from the
foregoing, Gülbahar [12] added the interaction between teachers as another type of
interaction. According to Oloruntoba [13], mobile learning provides more flexible
opportunities to students and teachers for interaction. Teachers must create interaction
with other teachers in the process and share knowledge and experiences among them-
selves. Teachers can share different experiences with each other in technical matters
and offer different suggestions. Experiencing different viewpoints will always be
beneficial, which will increase the success of applications. In all the interaction types
given above, it is noticeable that the student is at the center.
Students are the basic components of the system in mobile learning applications,
and assume more responsibility compared to conventional learning environments. In
mobile learning applications where mobile devices are used, students can interact
with their teachers, peers and course contents whenever and wherever they want.
With mobile learning applications, students can continue their communication by
participating in extra-class activities through media such as blogs, chats, forums and
wikis. If constructivist learning is taken as the basis, the student has to interpret
his/her own knowledge and actively participate in the learning process. In learning
processes performed using mobile devices, students have the opportunity to receive
instant feedback from the activities and learn from their teachers and other peers.
Learning is realized more rapidly by students who receive instant feedback.
According to the explanations given above, the basic elements for mobile learning
applications are student at the center as well as the teacher, environment and content.
According to new approaches in education, the student is at the center of learning-
teaching activities. All other elements serve the student. Before planning and activat-
ing m-learning applications, the focus should be on the student. The student assumes
an active role from the determination of targets to the evaluation stage. In mobile
learning, the student is an individual who is responsible for his/her own learning in
line with his/her own needs and area of interest in accordance to his/her own learning
speed. Furthermore, the student is able to explore and use their own learning styles,
can reach knowledge at the moment it is required, construct the information he/she

Paper—Opinions of Teacher Candidates on the Usage of Mobile Applications in the Multimed…

learns and produce and share new knowledge/product, and work in cooperation with
his/her peers who are distant when necessary. Suitable media must be organized so
that the experiences of students in mobile learning applications move in a positive
direction. In order to obtain successful results, teachers must take the learning styles
of students into consideration. For example, some students can learn better in envi-
ronments where audio, video and visuals are included. Additionally, they are required
to actively participate in classes, participate in synchronous or asynchronous activities
in accordance with the rules and within the determined time period, possess mobile
technologies and use them in an effective way in order to complete their assignments.
Gülbahar [12] states that regardless of whether classes are delivered in conventional
or electronic media, this does not affect the student attendance and active participation
in classes and that they have to meet these requirements in both styles of lecturing.
Howell and Lee [14] state that with mobile learning, students are not passive but are
active participants, not only producing knowledge but sharing the knowledge they
produce. Furthermore, they do not participate as experts and learn individually, but
learn in cooperation.
Current developments in storing knowledge and using technology have increased
the accessible sources of information for students in terms of both volume and genre.
This, in turn, has created a new dimension which is dissimilar to the conventional
teacher roles in terms of seeking and using knowledge [15]. The role of the teacher is
changing within the scope of mobile learning applications. The guiding, directing and
collaborative-learning characteristics of teachers are coming to the forefront instead
of merely the transferal of knowledge. The teacher who acts as a guide helps student
in their knowledge construction processes.
According to researchers [16], the purpose of teachers in using information and
communication technologies is not to ensure that the most innovative technologies are
used, but that they use technologies that are suitable for their needs and purposes. In
regard to the use of technology, the first step must be to determine whether the atti-
tude of teachers towards technology is positive or not. The next step must be to ascer-
tain the technological competences of teachers and the development of the program in
this direction. Employment of technology by teachers consists of four stages [17; 16].
These stages are the adherence stage, comprehension stage, influencing stage and
renewal stage.
The first stage, the adherence stage, is where teachers experience application prob-
lems in their usage of technology in teaching-learning processes in their own field as
well as adaptation problems. In the comprehension stage, teachers develop coping
strategies for the problems they experienced in technology usage and try to adapt to
this new situation. In the influencing stage, they share their experiences with their
colleagues regarding technology usage in the teaching-learning process. Thus, they
create an effective and efficient learning environment and influence their students and
colleagues with their experiences. In the final stage, which is the renewal stage, they
introduce new innovative technology in their learning-teaching activities and renew
themselves so that they can proceed towards specialization [16;17]. Faculties who
train teachers are responsible for promoting Technological Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (TPCK) [18]. Teacher educators must be technology literate so that they

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can combine mobile technologies and social media tools with course content. As
mentioned above, in order for mobile applications to be employed successfully in
education, the opinions of teachers regarding the use of these applications must be
identified and improved. For this reason the purpose of this study is to identify the
opinions of teacher candidates, who are teachers of the future, on the usage of mobile
applications in the process of multimedia project development.

2 Method

This study, which was conducted with the purpose of identifying the opinions of
teacher candidates on the usage of mobile applications in education as a means of
communication, employed the qualitative method.

2.1 Procedure

The working group of the study consisted of 23 teacher candidates who were tak-
ing the Multimedia Development Course in the Department of Computer and Teach-
ing Technology Education. Multimedia development course videos were prepared by
the teacher and questions were added inside the Vizia application, which were up-
loaded to Moodle media. Each student group that conducted projects within coopera-
tive learning groups identified the mobile application that would be used with the
purpose of ensuring communication with teachers and among themselves. At the
beginning of the semester, students installed Moodle and other mobile applications on
their phones. Students preferred Viber, WhatsApp and Messenger applications for
communication purposes. Researcher students were asked to use Tellagami, Padlet
and Movie Edit Touch Applications while developing multimedia. Students created
educative videos using the Tellagami application on their phones and uploaded them
on their Padlets. The teacher candidates viewed course videos on Moodle media while
developing the multimedia development for which they were responsible during the
14 weeks and communicated with each other and their teachers whenever they want-
ed. Figure 1 gives examples of the media used.
In the learning process of the teacher candidates, a semi-structured interview form
was used with the purpose of determining their opinions on the use of mobile applica-
tions for material development and communication purposes. Opinions of faculty staff
who delivered the Multimedia development course and education technologists were
obtained and minor changes were made to the prepared form according to their sug-
gestions. At the end of the semester, the researcher interviewed all the teacher candi-
dates and recorded these interviews on his phone after permission had been obtained.
Each interview lasted for approximately 15 minutes. The data obtained were subject-
ed to content analysis individually by the researchers. The harmony between the two
encoders was calculated as 88 percent. The controversial parts were reviewed and
corrections were made. One expert who did not participate in the study performed a
double-check in order to ensure the reliability and quality of the data. The categories
that were formed after coding were tabulated as frequencies. Additionally, the ob-

Paper—Opinions of Teacher Candidates on the Usage of Mobile Applications in the Multimed…

tained qualitative data were supported with direct citations from the opinions of the
teacher candidates. In these citations, the names of the teacher candidates were kept
confidential and were marked as Learner.

Fig. 1. Mobile Moodle and Padlet Screenshoot

Fig. 2. Course video prepared with Tellagami

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3 Results

The findings obtained from the answers given to the questions asked to the teacher
candidates with the purpose of determining their opinions on using mobile applica-
tions with the purpose of multimedia development and communication are provided

3.1 Online tools used for supporting learning activities

With the purpose of determining the mobile applications used for educative pur-
poses, the teacher candidates were asked the question “which applications have you
used so far for education purposes?” According to the obtained findings, it was found
that “E-mail”, “Facebook”, “Edmodo”, “Moodle” and “Kahoot” were used as sup-
portive tools for the education of teacher candidates.

Table 1. Tools used to support learning activities

E-mail 21
Facebook 11
Moodle 9
Edmodo 2
Kahoot 2

As can be seen in the table above, most of the students who participated in the
study have an e-mail application on their phones and use it constantly. Additionally,
when the most widely used applications are considered, Facebook was the most fre-
quently used social web site. Moodle, Edmodo and Kahoot are also other applications
that they used. Some of the answers given by students are given below:
Learner3: “In most of our courses, we send our homework and projects to our
teachers through e-mail. In some courses, using Moodle media, we can receive the
documents that our teacher shares and upload our projects.”
Learner7: “The application we use most frequently is e-mail. For each course, we
send our projects or homework through e-mail or Moodle.”
Learner21: “In our group work, we formed a Facebook group and share infor-
mation with our friends. In addition, we send our teacher necessary documents
through Moodle or e-mail.”
Learner9: “We are using e-mail and Moodle all the time, but last semester, we
used the Edmodo and Kahoot applications in one course, both of which made positive

3.2 Differences made by mobile applications in learning activities

In the study, the question “What kind of impact did the mobile applications you
used in the multimedia development course have on the learning process?” was asked
with the purpose of determining the impact created by using mobile applications in

Paper—Opinions of Teacher Candidates on the Usage of Mobile Applications in the Multimed…

the learning process. Such themes as “interesting”, “effective communication”, “prep-

aration of projects”, “motivating” and “collaboration” were obtained in regard to the
learning process of the used mobile applications. Frequencies related to these themes
are given in the table below. When the differences made by mobile applications in
learning activities are examined, it can be seen that the majority of students stated that
using mobile technologies in learning activities created a positive impact.

Table 2. Differences in learning activities

Interesting 21
Effective communication 18
Preparation of projects 15
Motivating 15
Collaboration 13

Students who participated in the study showed significant interest in Padlet and in-
stant messaging applications in particular.
Learner19: “Especially the Padlet application was interesting; it provided conven-
ience so that we could work in cooperation. We dragged the multimedia elements that
we developed to the Padlet media and received feedback and corrections from our
Learner16: “The course became more enjoyable with the applications used”
Additionally, students stated that usage of instant messaging applications allowed
for effective communication with their teachers and teammates.
Learner12: “We preferred using Viber for communication purposes with our
teachers and teammates so that we could create an effective communication environ-
ment. We do not have to check our e-mails or call on the phone in order to obtain
information from each other. I think that this kind of application must be used in all
courses. Moreover, we began to follow the same path in our project groups in other
courses. We are finding and trying free-of-charge applications such as Padlet. Be-
fore, we were progressing with our projects through our Facebook groups, but you
cannot deny that there are distracting elements.”
With the purpose of determining the mobile applications used for educative pur-
poses, the teacher candidates were asked the question “what applications have you
used so far for education purposes?” According to the obtained findings, it was found
that “E-mail”, “Facebook”, “Edmodo”, “Moodle” and “Kahoot” were used as sup-
portive tools for the education of teacher candidates.

3.3 References The most popular features of mobile applications

One of the aims of this study was to determine which features were most widely
used in mobile applications that were employed for communication purposes. Within
this scope, teacher candidates were asked the question “what were the most widely
used features of the applications you chose while developing your multimedia pro-

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Table 3. Features of mobile application

Messaging 20
Course note sharing 16
Sharing instructional videos 7
Online course material sharing 4

When the most widely used features of the Viber, WhatsApp and Messenger appli-
cations that the teacher candidates determined themselves and used with the project
groups and the trainer were examined, it was revealed that communication was con-
ducted in an audio-visual manner and that they tried to solve problems though voice
calling and messaging features. The opinions of teacher candidates on this subject are
provided below:
Learner 14: “I share the ideas that come to my mind with my group friends through
instant messages.”
Learner 16: “I accessed missing lecture notes through Moodle and the instant mes-
saging application”
Learner 7: “I use them mostly for sharing files; when we have homework we can
send the file to our teacher and receive feedback rapidly”
When the findings obtained from the opinions of teacher candidates are examined,
it can be observed that the most widely used features were messaging and lecture note
sharing. The teacher candidates stated that they used the screen sharing application
with their friends for information sharing for the topics with which they had difficulty
in the multimedia development course and received help from their peers and the

3.4 Missing/negative aspects of the used mobile applications

In the multimedia project development course, the teachers who used mobile appli-
cations were asked the question “what are the missing/negative aspects of the mobile
applications you use?” with the purpose of determining their negative opinions on the

Table 4. Missing / adverse aspects of mobile applications

Spend Internet quota 4
Inadequate screen size 3
Message others 1

As can be seen in the table above, one of the negative aspects of the application
that the teacher candidates mentioned was that it finished their Internet quotas prema-
turely. Three teacher candidates stated that the screen size was not sufficient, whereas
one teacher candidate complained that he was disturbed by constant incoming mes-

Paper—Opinions of Teacher Candidates on the Usage of Mobile Applications in the Multimed…

Learner13: “We have to work on videos while developing multimedia projects. Our
Internet quota decreases while uploading and downloading videos we developed
Learner21: “I think that using a mobile device is not healthy as the screen is very
small and I cannot work comfortably.”
Learner19: “As my teammates are working at different hours of the day, messages
are coming from the group constantly; although it can be viewed as a positive aspect,
I begin to think about the project when I am doing other things”

4 Discussion and Conclusion

In the age of informatics when the usage ratio of mobile device and applications is
increasing on a daily basis, multimedia projects are gaining importance. Additionally,
it is inevitable that multimedia projects are being developed using these applications
in education. The aim of this study was to determine the opinions of teacher candi-
dates on the usage of mobile applications in multimedia project development stages
and for 14 weeks, teachers and teacher candidates used mobile applications with the
purpose of communicating and developing multimedia. According to the results ob-
tained in the study, it was concluded that teacher candidates predominantly used e-
mail and Facebook applications for communication purposes prior to the implementa-
tion of this study. Furthermore, Edmodo and Moodle mobile applications were among
those that they had used in gamification activities before and it was found that they
had positive attitudes towards these applications.
Another finding is that the use of mobile applications in the multimedia project de-
velopment process attracted the interest of students and ensured effective communica-
tion. Parallel to these findings, Imlavi, Gregg and Karimi [19] stated that creating
online groups with these applications provided favorable opportunities for continuing
communication and education through these groups. It was reported that by using
mobile applications in the multimedia project development process, project prepara-
tion became easier and motivation and communication opportunities were provided.
In a similar study, Can [20] stated that using mobile applications as a support for
learning activities provided space for active collaboration.
According to the obtained results, the most widely used features by teacher candi-
dates in instant messaging were voice calls and messaging. According to the results
obtained from the teacher opinions, the free-of-charge voice call, messaging and file
sharing features of instant messaging applications ensured that they communicated
instantly and were able to contact their teachers or teammates whenever they experi-
enced problems. In other studies in which mobile learning applications were realized,
it was concluded that communication between students was easier [21; 22; 23;24;25].
The problems faced by teacher candidates when using mobile applications were listed
as the requirement of preparing and uploading videos online as well as viewing and
downloading them, which exhausted their Internet quotas and generated additional
charges. Furthermore, as mentioned by a few students, another problem was that the
screen size was not sufficient for working on the application. In order to prevent these

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problems, a Wi-Fi connection must be provided not only in the classrooms, but
throughout the entire campus.
In conclusion, this study, which was conducted with the purpose of examining the
usage of mobile applications in the multimedia project development process, teacher
candidates generally provided positive opinions on the usage of applications and
made several recommendations. However, as in every study, this study has its limita-
tions. The most important limitation of the study is that it used a qualitative method.
This qualitative study, which was conducted with the purpose of collecting in-depth
information, can be supported with quantitative methods in the future. Additionally,
project development applications for multimedia project development other than mo-
bile applications can be used and their effectiveness can be investigated. It is hoped
that this study will be beneficial for future studies and those who develop multimedia.

5 Acknowledgment

This work was supported by the Research Fund of Near East University. Project
Number: SOS-2016-2-001.

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7 Authors

Fezile Ozdamli is member of the Association of Cyprus Education Researchers.

She often works as chair for international conferences (WCETR, WCES) and is editor
of the World Journal on Educational Technology. Also, she is Associate Professor Dr.
in the Computer Education and Instructional Technology Department, Near East Uni-
Erinc Ercag is a member of the Association of Cyprus Education Researchers. Al-
so, he is Assist Prof. Dr. at the Computer Education and Instructional Technology
Department, Near East University.

Article submitted 08 September 2017. Resubmitted 29 November 2017 and 04 December 2017. Final
acceptance 05 March 2018. Final version published as submitted by the authors.


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