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FamilyPr Lect2

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WS07-09-24: Family Practice: Lect.

2: Introduction to the Family penta

Alright, well, …welcome and let’s get right to it! And let’s get to the penta! It is a, you know,
as I tried to get across to last week in the general introduction, I am really trying to introduce
you to something that is different. The question earlier, before the class began, about, you
know, ‘Does this change our basic relationship to the other?’ Well, indeed, it does, as we well
know from our own experience within groups, from our own experience within family and
how different we are outside of those particular auric environments.

The auric environment is everything in we are by our very nature, we are a deeply social
species. We are governed by the laws of being a bio-form and genetic reproduction and our
addiction to attraction. And the necessity for us to be reproductive and all of the things that
we have looked at last week in terms of the genetic imperative that drives us into this aura

What is it really though? This is the thing that’s so interesting about it because it’s not like us,
it’s not flesh and bone, it is a, you know, it’s one of those things that’s so fascinating about
science, and Human Design is the science of differentiation, to be able to look at things that
you can’t see and to be able to look at them. And this is what we are doing, because we can’t
see it, we can see the impact of the penta aura, we can see the way in which we can verify,
verifiably, you know, work with these different values in this matrix and we can actually read
the family.

Yet, at the same time, we can’t see it. It is a thing that is so interesting. Not only can we not
see it but we don’t have any conscious access to. In other words, you know, we are really very
much something that is coexisting, in a sense, with another form entirely and that form, you
know, it derives its existence from us. Anything that derives its existence from anything, you
know, has a built in need to maintain it, in that sense.

The penta itself, you know, is so deeply coupled to our genetic imperative. the penta just
simply ends up dominating everything. What we have is an auric field. Now again, you know,
in order for me to transfer the knowledge, it’s necessary to establish certain graphic
principles. But in no way can this graph anymore than the, you know, the two-dimensional
bodygraph, it can’t really, in that sense, fully represent what's going on. It’s simply a graphic
way of looking at it.

And you can see here that there is an adaptation which makes it different in that sense from all
of the other auric form. If you look at the other auric forms, you know, I have done, and I
think that that kind of material is available, I have done basic introductions to all of the
various forms, that is the inanimate object, the single cell, you know, the insects and plants
and birds and reptiles and fish and mammals and so forth and so on.

Going through all of those forms, if you look at any of the representations of it, you will see
that all of the, what I refer to a ‘enclosed forms’, or forms with a shell, you know, an illusion
shell, that they all operate out of the same graphically represented grid. Here, when we get to
the penta, we see that there has been an adaptation of that grid, that is, when you are looking
at somebody’s design, and I’ll give you a design for a second. When you are looking at
somebody’s design, what in fact we are looking at, is this zone that is here, between the throat
centre, the G-centre and the sacral-centre. You know, this is the area that in fact we are
looking at.

And of course, the area that is represented in this particular illustration, you can see that here
is the representation of the sacral, here the representation of the G and here the representation
of the throat. Now you notice that I am not saying centre, because they are not! In other
words, we are looking at a graphic representation of something that is actually the only way
that I can describe it would be a vortex spiralling aura. Because that’s basically what it is! It is
a magnetic spiralling auric field. This is precisely in that sense, in that language, what it

So, here, we are looking at something very, very fixed in that sense. So, basically, what we
are looking at is ‘ZONES’. We are looking at the sacral zone, we are looking at the G-zone,
we are looking at the throat zone. The other thing is that, despite the fact despite the fact that
we are looking at similar configurations, for example, if we were looking in the bodygraph,
this here, this particular area, we would refer to as the 31st gate and this particular areas here,
this would be the 7th gate.

Now, the thing is that this is not a gate, I mean, they are not gates. And it is important to
understand that this is not something that really functions in the same way as the bodygraph
functions. And first of all, there is a number of things to see in that at a simple level. You’ll
notice that there is a break here. And this is very important, that is, you know, if we were
looking at this in terms of the bodygraph, you know, the ‘inner flow’ would be the 15th gate
and ‘home’ would be the 5th gate.

And of course in our way of understanding that, the gate itself is actually in the G centre. But
you can see here that the gate is not in the G-zone! It isn’t! It’s labelled there! But it’s not
there! As a matter of fact it can’t get there unless it is able to get there via a whole different
process. In other words, that what we are looking at is not only do we have a very different
construct here, but what we have to see is that there is, you know, an extremely different way
in which the movement of information operates within the penta.

And the first thing to grasp about the penta that makes it universally different and the same
thing is true for the ‘Wa’, that makes the trans-auric form so different from the enclosed auric
forms is that these trans-auric forms are UNIDIRECTIONAL. That is, the energy only moves
in ONE direction. Only in one direction!

As an example, let’s say that, you know, that this particular 15 is activated and that’s what
this colouring in represents. But imagine for a moment that there is no activation here, in this
gate zone here. Now, what that would mean is that this particular area of activation if it were
in the bodygraph, it would be in the G-centre and would be a hanging gate of the G-centre and
in fact would have the potential of the G-centre, for example, was defined somewhere else,
have the potential of participating in being part of whatever the information is coming out of

But not here! As a matter of fact, if there is nothing in this zone down here, this information
never gets integrated into the process at all. In other words, the whole thing gets left out and
that becomes a problem. So, right away, we have something very unusual to recognize about
the process here, is that what we are looking at is that we are looking at a unidirectional
movement, everything is moving in this direction. Everything! And it’s all moving towards
the throat zone and it’s all moving towards what is in fact being a model. A model! You
know, this is the key to understanding this throat zone, it’s that each of these aspects are there
to demonstrate a specific model. And that demonstration of the specific model is the by-
product of what has been gathered up in that sense, and what is available for expression.

The other thing is that it doesn’t operate equally. Everything, everything, absolutely
everything is here, (14-02) everything. This is the whole key. You can have all of this as a
family and you can have all of this as a family, but if you have gaps anywhere in here, you
have got a problem, big problem. Big problem! 10:10~

So, one of the things to recognize about the unidirectional force, you know, is to see very
clearly that that tendency of the penta, there is this very, very powerful central direction.
Nothing works the other way, in that sense, nothing! And everything has to be empowered by
what is here in this zone. This is known as the, you know, the VORTEX-AREA. And here
you are dealing with what we know as the 2nd gate and the 14th gate.

What we are looking at is a DIRECTIONAL ENTITY! Directional entity! Think about the
image that I have been showing you, but think about it just this way for a moment. And just
think about these areas on either side as just being FUELS that are there to drive this central
theme. And when you look at this central theme and you see that it involves the 7th gate, and
the 1st gate and the 13th gate, and the 2nd gate, we’ll guess what? You have an empowered

And when you think about the way in which penta operates, this is one of the ways to really
grasp what this kind of entity is about! It’s NOT about LOVE! You know, WE have that
balance in us as humans, I mean, you know, one of the most wonderful places to look is the
G-centre. The G-centre is full of so many stories and so many angles to look at. And you look
at these two fundamental crosses, that is the G-centre only has these two crosses, and you
look at these two crosses, the vessel of love and the sphinx.

And then you look at penta, and you see that penta is this dynamic sphinx creature. And not
only is it a dynamic sphinx creature, but it’s very, very different from the human variants,
very different! Different in its directionality! This UNI-DIRECTIONALISM! Different in the
way in which the energy is resourced! And it’s something interesting to grasp. You know,
what you don’t get to see, because it’s not there, is you don’t get to see the root and you don’t
get to see the 3-60.

In other words, this is not a mutative entity, it isn’t! It’s not mutative at all! In a sense, it is
deeply stuck in what its form is. This is a driven form! You know, the whole thing about it
(the penta) is being driven and it’s being driven to find the direction for material wellbeing,
because after all, that’s what it’s about. You know, the penta is the family foundation for its
material wellbeing. It is in this construct that the material wellbeing as long as .., along with
many other things, obviously, are all here, but you can see here that the most important
themes of the penta do not concern itself with themes that we would consider to be so
important. It is a unidirectional force and that’s what it’s interested in. And anything that gets
in the way of that becomes a problem. A problem!

So, that unidirectional force that is there, in the sphinx energy, that is there. If there is no 14,
there is a problem, even if these are activated and these are activated, because this is
unidirectional, this is in the way of that energy moving through. Let alone, that the energy
itself is not present. And then you have a family that is going to flounder(14:29) because of
material problems. It just doesn’t flow through! You see, this is a unidirectional thing. And
it’s one of the first things and the most important things to grasp about penta, is that you need
to see it differently.

You need to see it differently and you need to begin to disassociate your personal concepts
about family and begin to see the homogenizing force of the penta. That is, it is the penta that
creates so many of the things that ultimately we regret, resist, you know, are angry about in
terms of, you know, the way, family operated. The whole frame is here and mechanically as
you get to see like anything in Human Design is that ultimately it is simple to see how this all
works! And how to apply that to be able to take advantage of it?

But today I want to talk about the ingredients, the ingredients! And to begin to see that in
understanding the ingredients and understanding who brings the ingredients, you begin to see
the way, roles that are established in families. You know, sometimes you look in families and
you see that the children have roles that you would assume the adults should have and vice
versa. All kinds of things that you get to see in this. And what we are looking at this coding
and I will briefly and only briefly, if I think it’s appropriate, refer to a chart, that these are
coded to a family that we are looking at.

That is, it is a family of three and it is a 9+0 and it is made up of these, you know, these three
color components, one representing each member of the family, the green, the blue and the
red. This is a very unusual configuration. But I wanted to show you the possibility of a
healthy family with great serendipity before I show you all the dysfunctional families that we
are going to take a look at. And the reason that I use this term, and this is a very, very
important term in working with penta, the term of ‘functional’, ‘FUNCTIONALITY’. And
it’s used in a very specific way.

When you are looking at the penta, you can see that, if you count all the boxes that are
involved, in other words , if you look at the fact that we have 6 so called, you know,
‘Channels’ in the bodygraph, you know, that will give us 12 gates and in this case these
twelve areas of these zone, that, when we are looking at that, the moment that you see that all
12 of them are active, in other words, all 12 of them result in an activation, obviously these
activations, taken from the participating members of the penta, that, what this gives you and
only this, gives you a functional penta, only this, only!

Now, a functional penta is actually something that is rare, rare! The functional penta is rare in
every kind of group that you can imagine. So, the fact that we are looking at one and it’s only
three members in this family, this is a real serendipity. But again, everything exists. And it’s
important to see that all the variants are there. It’s also important to see the possibility of
inherent functionality.

And that’s what we have in this case, because I am introducing the basic themes here. I didn’t
want to get into working with, you know, the questions about this kind of functionality and
this kind of this functionality and the other. What's important is to grasp the term, the other
term that goes along with this, if there is an areas where there are no activations, in other
words, if this green wasn’t there, in the language that we use, this is called a ‘GAP’, a gap!

And of course, the thing is that when we are looking at the pentas of anyone, what we are
looking for the first glimpse of a penta, is that we are looking for the gaps, because the
moment that we see the gaps, we see where the problem is immediately. And if there are
multiple gaps there are multiple problems. And these are the problems that completely absorb
the family and take the family away from the possibility of what we actually have here, which
is a functional potential.

Now, we know that in the family functionality or the lack of it isn’t necessarily something we
can do anything about. What to do, you know? I mean, it’s a family you are born into! It’s
conceivable if you are a family of three and you are dysfunctional and you know, you want to
continue the family construct and you are going to have another child, the chances may
increase that you get to that place of functionality. I mean, the genetic pressures that I talked
about of moving from the 3 to a 4 and ultimately to a 5, these pressures are often simply
rooted in the lack of functionality. And it becomes a very powerful force driving on that, that
whole reproductive engine.

Okay, so let’s look at a couple of things first of all! And I want to begin with these two very
unusual zones. They are unusual because in fact, despite the fact that we have a very different
kind of illustration, here, in these two areas, what we are looking at are two areas that are
distinctly different. In other words, they are not related any more to, not so much related to
the understanding that we have for these particular areas, but they are not related in terms of
their core functionality, what they are necessary for for the penta itself.

And they are very different in that sense, and as you’ll see, similar to a way of our seeing
logically how that relates to our understanding of these gates. But to recognize that they have
a very, very important task. Remember that this is an illustration of what is in fact a spiralling
electromagnetic field. So the best way to really see for example this particular zone, the 15, is
that if you are looking at this spiralling, you know, you, what you are looking at is, if you go
back into the inside of the spiral from the outside of the spiral, when you get down there to the
beginning of that spiral, you have got the 15th gate.

So that’s something that’s very, very important! And very, very distinctive about this
particular zone is that this particular zone is the key to the ability to attract the aura together. It
pulls the auras together. And what I mean by that is that it is through here and remember that
if you, you know, if you look at your design, you know, your basic design knowledge, in
looking at the 15th gate, it is a gate that is associated with magnetism. As a matter of fact, it is
the most magnetic of the gates. It is a vessel of love gate, you know, it is magnetic in the
context of the larger context like the love of humanity as an example. This magnetic quality
that is there in the 15th gate, here, as a zone, it becomes a key, because it is the entry point, in
essence, that pulls in the auric information from the members of the penta. This is the gate
that’s pulling it in!

So, let me give you an example, another way of looking at this. Let’s say that this is a gap.
Let’s say that here is a family, and they don’t have this particular zone active. Now what it
means is that it is a family that’s not going to be able to be together for very long periods of
time. They are just not going to be able to be together, there is nothing that is holding them
together into the penta. So, the 15 becomes something very important. In other words, it is the
hook, if you will, at the beginning of that spiral. It is the hook and it is going on and on. It’s
constant, it is the hock that is pulling the auras in. You can see why these people are very
powerful, you can see why when you are talking about people who have the channel 15-5, the
channel of being in the flow, that in fact, these are forces that do pull people into their rhythm,
pull them into their pattern.

Here we are seeing it at an even more powerful level. In other words, accentuated to the point
that not, it isn’t simply about pulling the other in to your rhythm and pattern, it is about
pulling a group in! And of course, this pulling of the group in, you know, this is the key of

Again, these, these hanging parts, if you could really look at it, because in fact, this is actually
the way that (click), it is actually what it looks like that is mystically. When I was given the
information, this is also, if you turn this in this direction, you will see that it’s one of the
juxtaposition’s symbols, happens to be the juxtaposition’s symbol for illusion, for space.

This is actually the best way, in a sense of understanding, you know, what this 15 is and as
we’ll see what the 29 is, if you take this and see it, as if it were a hanging leg over here that’s
feeding into this, this whole zone here, you know, then you really begin to get a better grasp
of what this is really doing. It’s constantly pulling in the auras.

Now again, this is a living process and of course, there is nothing more extraordinary in the
fact that the trans-auric being is something that can morph. That is, somebody steps out,
somebody steps in, so that there is this ongoing breath by breath, moment by moment
electromagnetic relationship that exists in terms of the individual and their auric field and the
way in which this gate is pulling in that information moment by moment.

And then we go to the other side to what is in fact that hanging 29, pardon me, that hanging
46. And of course, one of the things to see very clearly about this is that this is the
homogenizing process. And it is really something that takes place, both, in the 46 and the 29
it’s just different ways that they do it.

And of course the same thing is true here as we’ll see is that all this is about HARMONIZING
the auras that are brought in. Think about this creature as a frequency creature. And slowly as
you bring in these auras all of the sudden what happens, is that they become closer and closer
and closer to each other, so that they eventually begin to merge into a harmonic aura.

You know, you can feel that! If you are ever a, you know a surprise outsider stepping into a
family environment, you know, you can feel this force. It is simply there. And of course this is
the power of homogenizing those different beings. Again, it goes back to the question about,
you know, how our one-on-one relationships are impacted, you know, we are homogenized
with forces that in fact, naturally we might not even like. I mean, you know, it’s one of those
jokes about a family, that, you know, you can love people that you do not like and you know,
the nature of our relationship, you know, the toleration of that is that from our family history
in the pentas that we belong to, there was or could have been a homogenizing agent.

Now again, it is one of those things that, you know, I like it in any aspect of the knowledge of
Human Design, you don’t have to be a rock inside to figure these things out, because it’s
really about just using logic. You know, if you see that, you know, the aura for example is
constantly being replenished with energy; that is auric energy.

Yet, at the same time, you know, there is some kind of problem in being able to harmonize
that energy. Then, you know, you automatically see where the problem is going to be! You
know, the problem is going to be that nobody gets along with each other. And that’s going to
be the big problem in the family, and yet, they are stuck with each other.

You know, a 9+0 and there is ‘nowhere to go’ and you know, they are going to be stuck in a
problem. And you can immediately deduce that at the surface level. See the beauty of the
penta is that it is very, very expressive. The moment that there is any kind of dysfunctionality,
and of course that’s generally the case, but it is the first thing to grasp about it.

See, here again we are looking at, you know, a fortunate one, an ideal in that case. But we are
also looking at a problem, that is, the problem is that this family is a 3 and of course, you
know, it’s what I mentioned in the, in our last class, is that it may be a penta, but it is not
family. Even if the penta is functional, it is not family, because there is no consistent family

In other words, this is two adults and this is two adults and their child and the child is no
longer, I mean, the child is in upper school, this is a family that, as an example, is rarely, is
rarely together as a 3. I mean, rarely in terms of, you know, the amount of time, literally, the
timing per day that this group might be together. In other words, the 3 is always a dilemma,
basically you end up in a situation where this is very much about partnerships.

You know, despite the fact that you have a functional penta, you know, it means that, when,
you know, they are together, obviously it is a relatively comfortable thing for each member of
that group. But again, it is misleading in the sense that, because they are 3, you not really
dealing with the consistency of the family experience. This is why, you know, in most cases
3’s are dysfunctional, that’s the first thing to grasp. Again, I am showing you something
unusual, I will show you a whole group of families and show you how incredibly
dysfunctional they actually are.

But again, you know, it’s just something to understand. If you have a 3-family and they have
two gaps or 3 gaps, you have all of these problems that are there. And as a 3, you don’t have
any consistency and because all those problems that are there, the family itself begins to have
a bad taste.You know, these are family that go to divorce very, very, very quickly. And it’s
not because the, now, its one of the sad things about all of that, it isn’t about the fact that the
couple, the adults involved are incorrect for each other or don’t love each other, you know, in
most cases with humans it isn’t very correct anyway, but I mean, to really understand that the
dilemma arises out of the dysfunctionality that is there and the fact that there is no inherent

It would be very different if you were a family of 4 and you had a gap. You know, a family of
4 and you have a gap, what you will see in terms of the way in which you work with this
knowledge, is that you don’t work with this knowledge to change it, you work with this
knowledge to accommodate it.

And this is one of the things that, you know, is so much apart/ a part of the highest levels of
awareness is to be able to recognize something for what it is to understand that by simple
mechanical laws it’s not something that can be changed. And therefore, the only thing to do is
to accept it for what it is and to rely on your inner authority to guide you in terms of to what
level you connect or not with, you know, whatever that grouping happens to be.

So, you know, I want to caution you about a few things, you know, I would like you all by the
way, if you have family charts, and if you have a penta configuration like this illustration
here, if you want to send me an image of a penta that I can use in classroom environment,
don’t send me all the charts by the way, this is just superficial analysis.

But if you would like to send me your family charts or, you know, the family you come from
or the family that you have created or whatever the case may be, feel free to do so. You can
send that to Alissa, at and she will make sure that it would be
forwarded to me. So, you know, because if you want to have me take a look at a family of
yours, I am sure that you could find that interesting.

Okay, so let’s continue our little journey here. Let’s begin with remembering that we are
dealing with unidirectional force. So as a unidirectional force, the first thing that we have here
is that we have a situation where we have, you know, the, the auric pull, the bringing in of the
auric energy. But of course, it’s all part of a process. I mean, after all, it is, you know, this, an
isolation means nothing. It needs to be part of the engine that drives the whole directional
dynamic that’s there in the sphinx configuration.

So, of course, you know, it is essential that there is an activation that is there and what we
know as the sacral, the sacral zone. And you can see something interesting about the sacral
zone is that it is really the key to driving this whole machine.

Because basically, you know, this is the energy resource of the penta. I mean, that’s what you
are looking at! This is the whole energy resource and all of this energy resource is expressed
through one gate, and ONE GATE ONLY. That is, it’s expressed through the 14.

You know, it doesn’t matter what you have got, if you don’t have the 14, you have no way of
expressing what is the necessary energy, the necessary power, if you will, to drive this whole
process. So, everything is geared in this structure, everything is geared towards moving the
energy to the 14, so it can do its job.

So, you know, yes, it’s one thing to say, okay, this area, this zone, the 15-zone is very
important, yes, yes, yes, as you will see, they are all very important! I mean, you know, you
are dealing with a system that does not accept imperfection. It’s so different from being
human, isn’t it? You know, it’s not possible for us to fill up all the gates. I mean, it’s not
possible for us, we are born with activation deficiency, you know?

And everything about the penta is that it demands perfection, and if it’s not perfect, you
suffer. It’s quite something, but it demands perfection. It says: ‘12 activations=functionality!’
Anything less, you know, the fact is that you’ll say: ‘Wow, this family has three, you know,
and this family only has one’, you know, it makes no difference, that one will be tree times as
big a problem, you know? You can’t compare them, you can’t! They are real problems! And
will, you see, because as I begin to do, you know, the analysis of this functionality, you will
see that any gap, any of these 12 gaps, creates a problem that is unavoidable. I mean, as I said,
mechanically, and I will show you, you can learn how to, yes, accept these things. You know,
and acceptance is half of the battle, because it takes away all the pressure.

We can’t get rid of it, you know? If this was a family and they had a gap here in this 15, you
know, my advice to them is: ‘Don’t worry about the fact that, you know, you are not attracted
to being together all the time. It’s okay, it’s nothing wrong with you, it doesn’t mean, that you
are bad people, you know, you are bad parents or you are a problem child or any of that. It is
just not natural for you. And it’s okay! And you know, (they’d all breathe the cye of relief
?36:13), because it’s the truth.

Again, you know, it ?wouldn’t help you go away?, it’s not like that’s going to help them
suddenly become a touchy, feely family, it’s not going to happen, you know, it isn’t! But at
the same time, being able to come to grips with it by being able to understand that this is
something that is beyond their control, this is something that is simply, you know, part of
what happens to them in this grouping, you know, that then they can find the grace to move
beyond that and it’s no longer the issue.

So, let’s go down here to the linchpin, because, of course, you know, this is the thing that this
is going to lock this ability to bring, you know, and attract the aura information into the penta.
You know, hocking things into the vortex, here it gets grounded in a sense. Now, we know
that this is related to the 5th gate and of course the 5th gate is about the gate of patterns and
habits. And what we are going to learn to see is that the15 and the 5 together establish the
viability of the home life.

And they do that by insuring the consistency of the aura, in other words, ensuring that the
family is there together and ensuring that there is a way in which the inner life of the family
operates correctly, for example on the mundane level, this has to do with, whether the house is
going to be cleaned or not, as an example, whether it’s going to be a tidy house or a messy
house, whether it’s going to be an orderly house or a disorderly house, whether it’s going to
be a loud house or a quiet house and it goes on and on and on, all of the possibilities that are
inherent in this particular configuration.

So that you can see that just bringing in the auric energy that this gets grounded into an
established pattern, that is an inner life pattern of the family. This becomes a resource
ultimately, if possible, becomes a resource to be expressed here. And of course, in this
particular case so it does!

Now, it’s interesting to note something, you know, and again, just that to give you a little
insight. Here we have the situation where green, which is going to be one of the members of
this family, that it’s green that is really responsible for bringing this family together. And it’s
green that’s really responsible even though the rest of the family is there, it is green that
brings continuity to the movement of holding the family together and controlling in a sense
the environment that the family will be held together in.

And it’s going to be interesting for us, for you, mostly, because I have added the charts in this
particular package, when you download, so you are going to be able to do your own analysis
in that sense from the clues that I give you. So look at the green and see who that is and begin
to understand that even though that maybe not be something on their own that would really
care to be responsible for, there they are, you know? And they are the ones that are going to
carry the weight of that.

When we go to the other side, you know, again, we have the same dilemma that is that the
29th gate is really the key in bringing the homogenization. See, the 40th gate brings, how can
I put this, the attractiveness of it. We all know this that is if you are a child, your family is
deeply attractive, I mean in most cases because it provides you with what? It provides you
with security, it provides you with the sustenance you need. 40:00

We think about the 46-29 in the bodygraph. We think about success or failure in the context
of the 46, its relationship to whether the 29 is ready to make a commitment to something that
is going to be a success or whether it is going to make a commitment to something that is
going to be a failure.

And one of the things about the 46th gate is that its impact, aurically speaking, is to enforce
this concept that the family together is going to be more protective and nurturing than
anything else. In other words, the promise of security, you know, the kids that take it for
granted that their parents are going to look after them, are going to pay for the things that they
want, are going to pay for the things that they need and on and on.

So, it is a, it is a seductive force that is there in that 46-zone. The 29 grounds it, because the
29 is really the commitment to doing it together! And this commitment to doing it together
this is the force that homogenizes the family aura! And of course, this, you know, this forces
really what holds the family grouping together.

Now, you can see the energy dynamic and the logic of this, for the, you know, for the penta
itself. Again, going back to thinking about the penta as an entity, all of this that we are
looking at above (zones), is dependant on what is below. All of it! In other words, all of this,
you know, these seven different zones are totally dependant for the resources to be able to
function, you know, through all of this to be able to operate correctly.

And obviously it is something that becomes very important, whether or not, you know, there
is this power. And as we are going to see, there is a different value in gaps that are here in the
lower part of the graph and gaps that are present in the upper part of the graph. And obviously
there are different functions that are there.

Again, remembering as well that the real key to understanding penta is again to see this
unidirectionalism and how important this is in terms of understanding penta. It puts enormous
pressure on the presence of the 14. If there is a gap that causes greater dilemmas, I don’t know
where it could possibly be. Because this is really it!

You see, the 14th gate represents the necessary resources, the necessary resources for the
material success of the family. It represents the necessary resources. Now again, it’s going to
be relative to the family, its dynamic, its environment, its culture, its society, where it is on
this planet, you know, all of these things, you know, all of these are all ingredients in the mix.
But it’s very important to understand something, if you are in a deeply poverty stricken
village, somewhere in the middle of the 9th world, you know, and you happen to have the 14,
and it happens to go all the way up to the top in your family, you have got more fire wood and
you have got more water. And it’s easier to get it!

You know, this is simply something to grasp, for me it is relative obviously, to all kinds of,
you know, different variations, we are nearly seven billion on this planet, so there is an awful
lot of variations in the pentas in terms of what's available in the society. But it’s still the same
principle, no matter where you find it. It is still the same thing, it is a human penta condition
in that sense. And what you are looking at is that this becomes an absolutely important

The moment that the 14 is there, the resources of the family are going to be there. It doesn’t
mean the family is going to be super rich, by the way, it simply means that they would always
find a way, and that’s something else. You know, the family that can always find a way, is a
family that is always secure in the material plane.

It’s those families that struggle, I mean, one of the most interesting phenomena is the families
that, you know, the children slowly leave home to go off to university, to go into the working
world, or whatever the case may be. And you know, you have a child as an example that may
have been the only one that’s carrying the 14th gate for the family and the family has done
remarkably well, you know, they have done well, they have managed to get their kids through
school and they are sending a kid off the college and everything seems alright. And the
moment, that that 14 leaves, is the moment that the father may loose his job, you know,
something may happen that is terribly costly, there may be a real problem, you know, out of
the blue! Because it’s not there suddenly!

You know, and I don’t want to frighten people, but at the same time it’s just simply something
to grasp. I mean, you know, it’s one of the jokes of my family penta, we don’t have a 14 in
my family, it will never matter how much money I make, it really wouldn’t. It will always
seem like we are still relatively in the same position we were always in.

And it’s not about fiscal irresponsibility or anything else, it’s the absence of the 14th gate and
there is absolutely nothing that can be done about that, at least not within the family context.
It's something to grasp, you know, is, that we are all subject, all of us are subject to the laws
that are there. All of us!

You know, so, what happens, is that, you know, if you have a family without the 14,
everybody is trying to get ahead, which means that the family begins to suffer. You know,
you end up with both, you know, both of the adults going out into the working world, the kids
as soon as they are old enough, they want an extra job, you know, do things, whatever the
case may be! All of that is driven by the insecurity that arises out of the gap. And the fact is
that of course the family suffers as a consequence of that!

Again, these are simple things to grasp, these are mechanics that are there. And then of
course, we begin another process, that is, we begin the process of transforming this, you
know, energy field, because that’s basically what it is! You know, can transforming this
energy field into a directional force. And this directional force, you know, has to go through
the 2nd gate! (click)

Now, in any investigation of this field in the G-centre and the G-centre, as I mentioned, is
really something to investigate. You know, looking at the 2nd gate, this is the place of the
driver, this is the place of the magnetic monopole, that is, you know, this is really the source
of direction that is there in the identity.

And the source of direction and what I mean by that is an identity is established by its
relationship to time and space and its movement within that! Everything about the 2nd gate is
about the beginning the directional process. There is no direction per se, that is there in the
engine that drives this particular entity.

Here is where the direction is established. So obviously, if you have a family and they have a
gap here, it doesn’t matter how much energy potential is there, there is no way, there is no
way to get it out! And of course, you know, this is, this leads to all kinds of problems. And
again, I, you know, I am already short on time to give you little keys to all of these. We will
get to it as we move along, we have time in this, in this introductory program.

But again, I want you to begin to, you know, Human Design is logical knowledge, use your
logic, you know, and begin to work with seeing what gaps mean, seeing where they are, just
at a very simple level.

The moment that we step into the upper part of the pentagraph, we step into something else
entirely. In other words, the way in which direction that is established here in this 2nd zone, in
the vortex, the way, the direction is going to be demonstrated on the outside. Now, you
noticed that I used this word ‘demonstration’, it is a key note here, again, reminding you that
it is a unidirectional force.

Even if all of this energy is available, the proportion of energy contributed from here, doesn’t
go to here. And the energy proportion from here doesn’t directly go to here. In other words,
this is not a direct transference, this is not Human Design, this is not energy moving through
this way. And the fact that it moves through this way, you know, that it comes through in this
upward movement that the main flow of this energy is always going to be to the centre.

And basically what you are looking at is that, you know, if you divide the energy potential in
4, each of these is a one and this is a two. In other words, the main theme is always being
driven up through the centre. Now, of course, the moment that you have got a gap in the
centre, you always have a problem. 50:00~

So, for example, let’s say there is a gap here; now, this would be the first gate and in this
context, the zone. If the gap is here, then it means that all of this energy that’s flowing, it can
only do two things: it can go on this side of it, it can go on that side of it. So, guess what?
You know, you have a family that’s over-energized in a discipline trip, Do you know what I
mean, you have got a family that’s over-energized in, you know, making sure that, you know,
they attend every kind of family function and all kinds of things and that their children have to
have relationship with their 19 cousins and, I am exaggerating, but nonetheless, you get the
point. The point is that these areas get enormous amount of energy. And in fact, this becomes
the way in which the family gives off its pentic auric impression. Oh!, impression!

I mean, anthropomorphising the penta; pentas are always trying to impress other pentas! I
mean, they are! Always! I mean, this is what pentas do! They are highly competitive, in that
sense and they are very much display creatures. You know, they put it on display!

So when you have this function, think about the family that has a gap here and a gap here!
And all the energy of this would be flowing through to the discipline side. You know, making
plans for the future, you know, taking your one year old and, you know, trying to train it to be
something that, you know, is going to be devastating for them in terms of the way in which
they handle, you know, and so forth and so on. I mean, I can come up with a zillion horror
stories but that’s not really the point! It’s just again to lead you into the understanding that,
where we began today, is with the FLOW, the unidirectional nature of this creature. And this
is something that’s going to allow you, logically to be able to interpret it properly.

Because you are really going to see the ramification of the gap! If we were looking at the
design and you had a gap over here and a gap over here, but you still had these activations
here, and this, you know, we would say, well there is a defined throat and these are hanging
gates and they are working. But it’s not the way that it works! You know, they need to be
fuelled! And if they are not fuelled, they are not working. So, it’s a real dilemma! You know,
this is why gaps are so significant, because they have an enormous effect particularly if they
are in, you know very, very important places and that’s all running down the centre. I don’t
mean, to minimize gaps that are going to take place on either of these sides. As I said and as I
will show you, every single gap, every single gap brings dysfunction and as such becomes a
true problem.

But family that have this whole centre configuration, you know, these are families that no
matter what the problem may be, you know, these are family, that manage to, you know,
maintain and establish, you know, not establish, but maintain, what is basically a healthy
family construct. At least, that’s the way it appears! You know, there are going to be those
problems, but again, those problems aren’t going to emerge in terms of, you know, their
material direction or, you know, in the advantages that are there for the children.

Remember, genetically, you know, we thing about it so differently, because we are so far
removed from, you know, our evolutionary path, but, you know, being able to provide for the
young is something that is, you know, part and parcel of the penta’s role, in that sense. It is
penta that ensures that, you know, this union that is created out of genetic imperative has
some kind of proper financial material direction, whatever that happens to be.

And that every single family is in competition with every single other family! And it’s
something that’s really cute! And I mean, you cannot have children and have related to all
kinds of other families without realising that and seeing that. And in essence, participating in
it, because, pentas are pentas and it’s fascinating to think about it and of course out of the
competitiveness of the penta, you know, remember, as you build pentas into Wa’s and as you
build Wa’s into a gene-pool, you know, slowly but surely you establish a competitive

And you know, so this competition leads to the hierarchies ultimately that are established in
tribes. We know traditionally that, you know, those families that were able to establish and
maintain wealth over generations were the families that ruled. I mean, they were the one’s that

And despite the fact that we are living in a so called modern age, we are living with an old
penta. You know, it doesn’t, I mean, it’s something to really grasp about penta, it was there
when we arrived and it’s going to be there in a theoretical sense, it will be there, when we are
gone. The penta is a mechanism and it is an essential mechanism to the way in which the
whole material program unfolds.

And this whole business of functionality, you know, all of us, because we are all brought
through in this life, with the exception of children that are raised in homes, we all go through
this process of looking at our families in many different ways in our life. Being in their thrall,
when we were tiny, beginning to find our place, you know, when we begin to reach sexual
maturity, to begin to redefine a relationship when we leave the family home, to begin to
reflect on that when we become parents ourselves. And you go through all of these stages all
of these ways.

And to be able to see it now, within mechanical context is so important in liberating yourself
from the blame that is so ugly in the way in which it distorts our ability to accept what the
not-self can not do anything about. I long ago accepted that my parents and they loved me and
they did a good job of raising me, my siblings, they were all not-self. They were helpless in
that, that the dilemmas that were there within my own family construct, are deeply evident in
the way in which penta works and relative to the questions that we were asked earlier, I was
asked the 6th, that came into a well established penta of 5, they had been a penta 5 for 5 years,
I was born 5 years after the last, I have 3 siblings.

You know, when you see the mechanism, so many of the things that you thought were, you
know, their problem and they could have done it better or it could have been this way or, you
know, that sibling that was awful or whatever the case may be. You get to see that they were
just simply helpless. It doesn’t make it any better, it’s not about any of them. Awareness
brings grace, that’s what it’s for, you know, it’s one of the beauties of this. All of life is about
surrender! We are all here to be surrendered! That is, to be surrendered to what is an authority
that bypasses our mind and its illusions! And we have a lot of illusions about family and our
relationship to the family.

The beauty of seeing things mechanically is that you can see the dilemmas in a family and
you can stop making them a problem. They don’t have to be a problem! Gaps do not have to
be a problem, they don’t! Awareness, awareness can solve those things! You can’t remove
them, fix them, but it gives us a way to understand them. And in understanding them moving
away from always making that gap the bone of contention, the problem.

You know, it like not having, you know, what is the 8th gate zone here: DEMONSTRATION.
You know, demonstration is literally the family that goes out together; everybody sees them
as a family. You know, they are seen as a family. You know, when I look at my family penta,
my family penta, we don’t have this, you know, there is a gap.

We were never out together! I mean, it’s so rare, I mean, it is so rare, it is, it is, you know,
may be, may be two or three or four times a year. I mean, it just doesn’t happen, you know,
and of course, that could very easily be a big bone of contention, you know, why don’t we go
out together, why aren’t we out together, I mean, you know, it is just not like that. I don’t
even take vacations with my family.

I mean, and, you know, the beauty of being able to come to grips with these things is see them
for what they are and you don’t have to suffer from guilt, you don’t have to suffer from shame
or blame, you don’t have to be defensive and you don’t have to be this or that, you can simply
accept what's there! 1:00:00

And move on! Because none of it is a handicap, it isn’t. The handicap arises out of the gap
becoming the whole story. And the moment that the gap becomes the whole story, the family
automatically descends into deeper and deeper and deeper dysfunction until there are real
problems that emerge.

Okay, we’ll continue with our introduction to penta next week and nice to see you all here and
I hope you enjoyed it and in the download, because I am going to be looking at this family to
finish off next week. In the download the charts will be there. So, I’d like you to take a look at
them and to have your own thoughts about what you begin to see about matching up members
of the family to what, were they actually impact the penta itself. The other thing, again, I
remind you, if you want me to take a look at a family that you are particularly interested in,
then please do send it along to our office and I mean, I wouldn’t be able to use all of them, if
I get a lot of them, I certainly do the best to use as many as possible.

Anyway, to all of you, you take care, until next week. Bye 01:01:20

17:45 band
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18:01 pict.2.2 penta graphic like last week
18:05 pict.2.3 design
1806 zurück graph
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18: pict.2.2W


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