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Shallow Water Acoustic Networks

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Shallow Water Acoustic Networks (SWANs)

Kishan R Motiyani
Student(BE Computer)
B.V.U.C.O.E, Pune
Abstract Keywords
Shallow water acoustic networks are generally Under water sensor network, acoustic network,
formed by acoustically connected ocean bottom acoustic communicat ion architectures.
sensor nodes, autonomous underwater vehicles
(AUVs), and surface stations that serve as gateways 1. INTRODUCTION
and provide radio communication links to on-shore
stations. The QoS of such networks is limited by the Underwater networks of sensors have the potential to
low bandwidth of acoustic transmission channels, enable unexplo red applications and to enhance our
high latency resulting from the slow propagation of ability to observe and predict the ocean. Unmanned
sound, and elevated noise levels in some or Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (UUVs,
AUVs), equipped with underwater sensors, are also
environments. The long-term goal in the design of
envisioned to find application in exp loration of
underwater acoustic networks is to provide for a self- natural undersea resources and gathering of scientific
configuring network of distributed nodes with data in collaborative monitoring missions. These
network links that automatically adapt to the potential applications will be made viable by
environment through selection of the optimum system enabling communications among underwater devices.
parameters. Here considers several aspects in the Under Water Acoustic Sensor Networks (UW-ASNs)
design of shallow water acoustic networks that will consist of sensors and vehicles deployed
underwater and networked via acoustic links to
maximize throughput and reliability while
perform collaborative monitoring tasks. Underwater
minimizing power consumption acoustic sensor networks can enable a broad range of
And In the last two decades, underwater acoustic applications, including:
communications has experienced significant • Ocean Sampling Networks. Networks of sensors
progress. The traditional approach for ocean-bottom and AUVs can perform synoptic, cooperative
or ocean-column monitoring is to deploy adaptive sampling of the 3D coastal ocean
oceanographic sensors, record the data, and recover environment.
the instruments. But this approach failed in real-time
• Environmental Monitoring. UW-ASN can
monitoring. The ideal solution for real-time perform pollution monitoring (chemical, b iological,
monitoring of selected ocean areas for long periods and nuclear), monitoring of ocean currents and
of time is to connect various instruments through winds, imp roved weather forecast, detecting climate
wireless links within a network structure. And the change, understanding and predicting the effect of
Basic underwater acoustic networks are formed by human activities on marine ecosystems, and
biological monitoring such as tracking of fishes or
establishing bidirectional acoustic communication
micro -organisms.
between nodes such as autonomous underwater
vehicles (AUVs) and fixed sensors. The network is Undersea Expl orations. Underwater sensor
then connected to a surface station, which can further networks can help detect underwater oilfields or
be connected to terrestrial networks such as the reservoirs, determine routes for laying undersea
Internet. cables, and assist in exploration for valuable

• Disaster Prevention. Sensor networks that measure

seismic act ivity fro m remote locations can provide
tsunami warnings to coastal areas, or study the effects
of submarine earthquakes (seaquakes).
monitoring mission is limited to the capacity of the
• Assisted Navig ation. Sensors can be used to onboard storage devices.
identify hazards on the seabed, locate dangerous
rocks or shoals in shallow waters, mooring positions, All of the above disadvantages can be overcome by
submerged wrecks, and to perform bathymetry connecting untethered underwater instruments by
profiling. means of wireless links that rely on acoustic
communicat ions.
• Distri buted Tactical Surveillance. AUVs and Although there exist many recently developed
fixed underwater sensors can collaboratively monitor network protocols for wireless sensor networks, the
areas for surveillance, reconnaissance, targeting, and unique characteristics of the underwater acoustic
intrusion detection. communicat ion channel, such as limited capacity and
high and variable propagation delays , require very
efficient and reliab le new data commun ication
• Mine Reconnaissance. The simultaneous operation protocols. Major challenges in the design of
of multip le AUVs with acoustic and optical sensors underwater acoustic networks are:
can be used to perform rapid environmental
assessment and detect minelike objects. • The available bandwidth is severely limited;

Acoustic communications are the typical physical • The underwater channel is severely impaired,
layer technology in underwater networks. In fact, especially due to mu ltipath and fading;
radio waves propagate at long distances through
conductive salty water only at extra low frequencies • Propagation delay is five orders of magnitude
(30 − 300Hz), wh ich require large antennae and high higher than in Rad io Frequency (RF) terrestrial
transmission power. For example, the Berkeley channels, and variable;
MICA 2 Motes, a popular experimental platform in
the sensor networking community, have been • High bit error rates and temporary losses of
reported to reach an underwater transmission range of connectivity (shadow zones) can be experienced;
120 cm at 433M Hz in experiments performed at the
University of Southern California. Optical waves do • Battery power is limited and usually batteries can
not suffer fro m such high attenuation but are affected not be recharged, also because solar energy cannot be
by scattering. Furthermore, transmitting optical exploited;
signals requires high precision in pointing the narrow
laser beams. Thus, links in underwater networks are • Underwater sensors are prone to failures because of
typically based on acoustic wireless communications. fouling and corrosion. In this survey, we discuss
The traditional approach for ocean-bottom or ocean- different communication architectures for underwater
column monitoring is to deploy underwater sensors sensor networks as well as the factors that influence
that record data during the monitoring mission, and underwater network design.
then recover the instruments. This approach has
several disadvantages:
2. Shallow Water Acoustic Network
• No real-time monitoring. The recorded data Communication Architectures:
cannot be accessed until the instruments are
recovered, which may happen several months after
the beginning of the monitoring mission. Two-di mensional UWANs for ocean bottom
monitoring. These are constituted by sensor nodes
• No on-line system reconfigurati on. Interaction that are anchored to the bottom of the ocean. Typical
between onshore control systems and the monitoring applications may be environ mental monitoring, or
monitoring of underwater p lates in tectonics.
instruments is not possible, which impedes any
adaptive tuning or reconfiguration of the system.
Three-di mensional UWANs for ocean col umn
monitoring. These include networks of sensors
• No failure detection. If failures or
misconfigurations occur, it may not be possible to whose depth can be controlled, and may be used for
detect them before the instruments are recovered. surveillance applicat ions or monitoring of ocean
phenomena (ocean bio-geo-chemical processes, water
• Li mited Storage Capacity. The amount of data streams, pollution, etc).
that can be recorded by every sensor during the
Three-di mensional networks of Autonomous each sensor directly sends the gathered data to the
Underwater Vehicles (AUVs). These networks selected uw-sink. This is the simplest way to network
include fixed portions composed of anchored sensors sensors, but it may not be the most energy efficient,
and mobile portions constituted by autonomous since the sink may be far fro m the node and the
vehicles. power necessary to transmit may decay with powers
greater than two of the distance.

Fig.1-Two-di mensional underwater Sensor Fig.2- Three-di mensional underwater Sensor

Networks Network
A reference architecture for two-dimensional Fu rthermore, direct links are very likely to reduce
underwater networks is shown in the figure above. A the network throughput because of increased acoustic
group of sensor nodes are anchored to the bottom of interference due to high transmission power. In case
the ocean with deep ocean anchors. By means of of mu lti-hop paths, as in terrestrial sensor networks,
wireless acoustic links, underwater sensor nodes are the data produced by a source sensor is relayed by
interconnected to one or more underwater sinks (uw- intermediate sensors until it reaches the uw-sink. This
sinks), which are network devices in charge of results in energy savings and increased network
relaying data fro m the ocean bottom network to a capacity, but increases the complexity of the routing
surface station. To achieve this objective, uw-sinks functionality as well. In fact, every network device
are equipped with two acoustic transceivers, namely usually takes part in a collaborative process whose
a vertical and a horizontal transceiver. The objective is to diffuse topology information such that
horizontal transceiver is used by the uw-sink to efficient and loop free routing decisions can be made
communicate with the sensor nodes in order to: i) at each intermed iate node. This process involves
send commands and configuration data to the sensors signaling and computation. Since, as discussed
(uw-sink to sensors); ii) collect monitored data above, energy and capacity are precious resources in
(sensors to uw-sink). The vertical link is used by the underwater environments, in UW-ASNs the objective
uw-sinks to relay data to a surface station. Vert ical is to deliver event features by exploiting mult i-hop
transceivers must be long range transceivers for deep paths and minimizing the signaling overhead
water applications as the ocean can be as deep as 10 necessary to construct underwater paths at the same
km. The surface station is equipped with an acoustic time.
transceiver that is able to handle mu ltiple parallel Three dimensional underwater networks are used to
communicat ions with the deployed uw-sinks. It is detect and observe phenomena that can not be
also endowed with a long range RF and/or satellite adequately observed by means of ocean bottom
transmitter to co mmunicate with the onshore sink sensor nodes, i.e., to perfo rm cooperative sampling
(os-sink) and/or to a surface sink (s-sink). of the 3D ocean environment. In three-dimensional
Sensors can be connected to uw-sinks via direct underwater networks, sensor nodes float at different
lin ks or through mu lti-hop paths. In the former case, depths in order to observe a given
phenomenon. One possible solution would be to
attach each uw-sensor node to a surface buoy, by
means of wires whose length can be regulated so as
to adjust the depth of each sensor node. However,
although this solution allows easy and quick
of the sensor network, mult iple floating buoys may
obstruct ships navigating on the surface, or they can
be easily detected and deactivated by enemies in

For these reasons, a different approach can be to

anchor sensor devices to the bottom of the ocean. In
this architecture, depicted in the figure above, each
sensor is anchored to the ocean bottom and equipped
with a floating buoy that can be inflated by a pump.
The buoy pushes the sensor towards the ocean
surface. The depth of the sensor can then be regulated
by adjusting the length of the wire that connects the
sensor to the anchor, by means of an electronically
controlled engine that resides on the sensor.

Many challenges arise with such an architecture, that

need to be solved in order to enable 3D monitoring, Fig-3 Three-Dimensional Sensor Network with
including: AUVs
Sensing coverage. Sensors should collaboratively
regulate their depth in order to achieve full colu mn
coverage, according to their sensing ranges. Hence, it Adapti ve sampling. Th is includes control strategies
must be possible to obtain sampling of the desired to command the mobile vehicles to places where their
phenomenon at all depths. data will be most useful. This approach is also known
Communication coverage. Since in 3D underwater as adaptive sampling and has been proposed in
networks there is no notion of uw-sink, sensors pioneering monitoring missions. For examp le, the
should be able to relay information to the surface density of sensor nodes can be adaptively increased
station via mult i-hop paths. Thus, network devices in a given area when a higher sampling rate is needed
should coordinate their depths such a way that the for a g iven mon itored phenomenon.
network topology is always connected, i.e., at least
one path from every sensor to the surface station Self-Configuration. This includes control procedures
always exists. to automatically detect connectivity holes due to node
failures and request the intervention of an AUV.
Sensor Networks with Autonomous Underwater AUVs can either be used to deploy new sensors or as
Vehicles(AUVs) relay nodes to restore connectivity.

AUVs can function without tethers, cables, or remote 3. UNDERWATER ACOUSTIC

control, and thus have a multitude of applications in
oceanography, environmental mon itoring, and SENSOR NETWORKS: DESIGN
underwater resource study. Previous experimental CHALLENGES
work has shown the feasibility of relatively
inexpensive AUV submarines equipped with mult iple In this section, we itemize the main differences
underwater sensors that can reach any depth in the between terrestrial and underwater sensor networks,
ocean Hence, they can be used to enhance the detail the key challenges in underwater
capabilit ies of underwater sensor networks in many communicat ions that influence protocol development,
ways. The integration and enhancement of fixed and give motivations for a cross -layer design
sensor networks with AUVs is an almost unexplo red approach to imp rove the efficiency of the
research area which requires new network communicat ion process in the challenging
coordination algorith ms, such as: underwater
challenges posed by the underwater channels for
underwater sensor networking. These include:

Differences with Terrestrial Sensor

Path loss
The main differences between terrestrial and
underwater sensor networks can be outlined as Attenuati on. Is main ly provoked by absorption due
follows: to conversion of acoustic energy into heat, which
increases with distance and frequency. It is also
• Cost. While terrestrial sensor nodes are expected to caused by scattering an reverberation (on rough
become increasingly inexpensive, underwater s ensors ocean surface and bottom), refraction, and dispersion
are expensive devices. This is especially due to the (due to the displacement of the reflection point
more co mplex underwater transceivers and to the caused by wind on the surface). Water depth plays a
hardware protection needed in the extreme key role in determining the attenuation.
underwater environment.
Geometric Spreading. Th is refers to the spreading
• Depl oyment. While terrestrial sensor networks are of sound energy as a result of the expansion of the
densely deployed, in underwater, the deployment is wavefronts. It increases with the propagation distance
generally more sparse. and is independent of frequency. There are two
common kinds of geometric spreading: spherical
• Power. The power needed for acoustic underwater (omn i-d irectional point source), and cylindrical
communicat ions is higher than in terrestrial radio (horizontal rad iation only).
communicat ions due to higher distances and to more
complex signal processing at the receivers to Noise
compensate for the impairments of the channel.
Man made noise. This is mainly caused by
• Memory. While terrestrial sensor nodes have very mach inery noise (pumps, reduction gears, power
limited plants, etc.), and shipping activity (hull fouling,
storage capacity, uw-sensors may need to be able to
animal life on hull, cav itation), especially in areas
do some data caching as the underwater channel may encumbered with heavy vessel traffic.
be intermittent.

• Spatial Correlati on. While the readings from Ambient Noise. Is related to hydrodynamics
terrestrial sensors are often correlated, this is more (movement of water including tides, current, storms,
unlikely to happen in underwater networks due to the wind, rain, etc.), seismic and biological phenomena.
higher distance among sensors.
Underwater acoustic communications are mainly
influenced by path loss, noise, multi-path, Doppler Multi-path propagation may be responsible for severe
spread, and high and variable propagation delay. All degradation of the acoustic communication signal,
these factors determine the temporal and spatial since it generates Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI).
variability of the acoustic channel, and make the
available bandwidth of the UnderWater Acoustic The mu lti-path geometry depends on the link
channel (UW-A) limited and dramatically dependent configuration. Vertical channels are characterized by
on both range and frequency. Long-range systems litt le time dispersion, whereas horizontal channels
that operate over several tens of kilo meters may have may have ext remely long mult i-path spreads.
a bandwidth of only a few kHz, while a short-range
system operating over several tens of meters may
The extent of the spreading is a strong function of
have more than a hundred kHz bandwidth. In both
depth and the distance between transmitter and
cases these factors lead to low bit rate.
Hereafter we analyze the factors that influence
acoustic communications in order to state the
High delay and del ay variance oceanic and atmospheric variability. With a few
exceptions the current time series are primarily
The propagation speed in the UW-A channel is five physical in nature (i.e., temperature). Biological and
orders of magnitude lower than in the radio channel. chemical oceanographers are now looking to
This large propagation delay (0.67 s/km) can reduce continuous observations of biological and chemical
the throughput of the system considerably. properties so they can also determine the spectrum of
variability in these fields and when taken
concurrently with the physical and meteorological
The very high delay variance is even more harmful
for efficient protocol design, as it prevents from observations determine the relation to climate and
ocean variability. Spatial coverage will ult imately
accurately estimating the round trip time (RTT),
come fro m observations made fro m space, but high-
which is the key parameter for many common
communicat ion protocols. frequency temporal and added vertical coverage will
need to come fro m moorings and drifters with arrays
of in-situ sensors. The paucity of biological and
chemical time series has been due, in part, to the lack
of this type of instrumentation, however, increased
Doppler s pread effort has recently been placed on the development of
chemical and bio-optical instrumentation for the
The Doppler frequency spread can be significant in collection of these time series. Realizing that
UW-A channels, causing a degradation in the advances in ocean sciences are limited by the lack of
performance of digital co mmun ications: instrumentation and systems capable of collecting
transmissions at a high data rate cause many adjacent these time series, the Monterey Bay Aquarium
symbols to interfere at thereceiver, requiring Research Institute (MBARI) has established a
sophisticated signal processing to deal with the vigorous developmental program geared at making
generated ISI. these observations possible.

The Doppler spreading generates: i) a simple

frequency translation, which is relat ively easy for a Objectives
receiver to co mpensate for; ii) a continuous spreading
of frequencies, wh ich constitutes a non-shifted signal, The init ial scientific and technical objectives were:
which is mo re difficu lt for a receiver to compensate
for. 1) Establish a platform for the deployment of a set of
unattended sensors and samplers.
If a channel has a Doppler spread with bandwidth B
and a signal has symbol duration T, then there are 2) Design a general purpose controller that collects
approximately BT uncorrelated samples of its data from scientific instrumentation via mult iple
complex envelope. When BT is much less than unity, interfaces and then telemeters the information real-
the channel is said to be under spread and the effects time.
of the Doppler fading can be ignored, wh ile, if
greater than unity, it is overspread.
3) Make continuous observations of physical,
chemical and biological properties in Monterey Bay
In the above sections 1, 2 and 3 of paper the and the associated coastal central California
introduction, commun ication architectures and design ecosystem so as to describe time-vary ing aspects with
challenges of the under water acoustic network are increased resolution and over long periods of time.
discussed. Now in the further section 4 of the paper
some technologies for real-time monitoring of
4) Contribute to the improvement of mooring and
SWANs are discussed.
unattended sensor technology, with emphasis on
biological and chemical properties.
4. OASIS - Ocean Acquisition System for
Inte rdisciplinary Science 5) Provide groundtruthing for properties sensed from
The importance of time series in oceanographic space.
research is clear. Time series measurements of
physical and meteorological properties, currently
taken throughout the globe, have allowed
investigators to resolve the important scales of
Software data files are concatenated into files that span the
entire deployment period.
There are two major software efforts for the OASIS
project, on the mooring and on shore. On the mooring 5. Conclusion
the programs running on the 87C196 are written in C.
The core of the code is a mult itasking scheduler that In this paper represented the state of art in shallow
controls wake up and interfaces with a series of water acoustic networks with its application,
drivers. There are drivers for the user interface, disadvantages, communication architectures and also
packet radio and each instrument. In this sense the some design challenges of acoustic water
programming is modular, so that if a new instrument communicat ion. In the last section of the paper also
is to be added, a new driver is developed and added discussed ocean acquisition system for inter
to a table. In addition each driver has a generic set of disciplinary science for real time monitoring
parameters. There are a set of default parameters for developed by Monterey Bay Aquariu m Research
each driver that are called fro m a table when the Institute (MBARI).
system boots or resets and these can be modified
through the user interface either direct ly or over the
packet radio link. The current C code occupies 25K Acknowledgme nt
of the available 32K of EPROM space. A significant
aspect of the software is that it allows users to
directly connect to serial devices via the user I express my sincere thanks to Prof. Suhas Patil
interface. (H.O.D of Co mputer Engineering Depart ment,
B.V.U.C.O.E, pune) and Prof. P.D.joshi (lect. of
Co mputer Engineering Depart ment, B.V.U.C.O.E,
A typical set of operations is as follows. The clock pune) for their kind co-operation and guidance.
wakes up the controller at a predetermined time. The
scheduler starts the drivers that are on its list and then
waits until they return with a task completed
message. Once all tasks are completed the scheduler
6. References
requests that the clock put it to sleep and wake it up
for its next schedule of tasks. One particular task 
involves communication between a computer on 
shore and the controller. Currently the controller 
listens for the remote connection for twenty seconds 
once every ten minutes (under software control). 
Once communication is es tablished the on shore
computer requests all data since the previous request
for data. The data from the instruments are
uuencoded by the controller software to reduce the
size of the files and therefore reduce storage and
radio transmission time.

The collection of data fro m shore is automated by

software running on a Hewlett-Packard wo rkstation.
The software is combination of C code, UNIX shell
scripts and UNIX cron jobs. A cron job is in itiated
once an hour on the hour to request data, through
shell scripts, fro m n (maximu m nu mber has been four
when a drifter has been deployed) controllers
deployed in Monterey Bay. The shell scripts request
data fro m the controllers and then initiate a series of
C programs that extract and decode the data files
These programs apply calibrations and append the
data to daily files ASCII in instrument-specific
directories. Each file has a header that describes the
contents of the file. Once daily, during off hours, the

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