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A publication under Free Textbook Programme of Government of Tamil Nadu

Department of School Education

Untouchability is Inhuman and a Crime

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Government of Tamil Nadu

First Edition - 2019

(Published under new syllabus)


Content Creation

The wise
possess all

State Council of Educational

Research and Training
© SCERT 2019

Printing & Publishing

Tamil NaduTextbook and Educational

Services Corporation


Introduction Pages.indd 2 4/2/2019 11:28:18 AM

Key features …

Awareness about higher education avenues in

Scope of Chemistry
the field of Chemistry
Describe the specific competency /
Learning objectives
performance capability acquired by the learner
Additional information provided to relate the
Do you know content to day-to-day life / development in the
Model problems worked out for clear-cut
Example Problems
comprehension by the learners
To help the students to assess their own
Evaluate yourself
conceptual understanding
Quick access to concepts, videos, animations
Q.R code
and tutorials
opens up resources for learning; enables the
ICT learners to access, extend transform ideas /

Summary A glance on the substance of the unit

Inter relating the concepts for enabling learners

Concept map
to visualize the essence of the unit
To assess the level of understanding through
Evaluation multiple choice question,numerical problems

Books for Reference List of relevant books for further reading

To help the learners confirm the accuracy of

Key answers the answers arrived and remedy the gaps in
Important terms are enlisted with equivalent
Tamil words


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Peptides and peptidomimetics: Sugar

amino acids
Indian institute Delivery of therapeutic oligonucleotides
of STcience (IISC) Carbohydrate-protein interactions
Bangalore, Karnataka Functional soft and hybrid materials
Studies of dendrimers and liquid crystals
Inorganicand organic semiconductors

Statistical Correlations and Information

Ionic liquid-templated ordered
Indian institute of mesoporous aluminosilicates
Technology (IITM) Energy and fuel research
Chennai, Tamilnadu Molecular engineering of materials
Environmental science and engineering
Catalysis and soft matter
System engineering and data science

Chemical Science
National Chemical Chemical Engineering
Laboratory(NCL) Catalytic materials
Pune, Maharashtra Nano materials
Chemical looping combustion(CLC)

Pharmaceutics & Drugs

Indian Institute of
Energy (Solar Coal)
Technology (IICT) Polymer & Functional Technology
Chemical Engineering
Hyderabad, Telungana
Membrane Technology

Li Batteries
Central Electrochemical
Research Institute
(CECRI) Bio-Sensors
Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu. Materials Electrochemistry
Electro catalysis and Fuel Cells


Introduction Pages.indd 4 4/2/2019 11:28:18 AM


Central Drug research Drug design

institute (CDRI) Pharmaceuticals and Biomedical Research
Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh.

Central Salt & Marine Salt and Marine Chemicals

Chemicals Research Inorganic Materials and Catalysis
Institute Electro Membrane Processes
Bhavnagar, Gujarat Reverse Osmosis

Development of oral anti diabetic drugs

Nano crystalline solid
xanthine oxidase inhibitors 
National Institute
microbial and marine origin for
of Pharmaceutical
therapeutic purposes
Education and Research
Standardization and quality control of
herbal drugs and products
Mohali, Punjab.
Development of chemical process
technologies for important natural
products involving isolation

Bio-inspired soft nanostructures

Bio-sensors and online diagnostics
Bio-targeting and therapeutics
Institute of Nano Microfluidics based devices
Science and Materials and devices for energy storage
Technology(INST) and harvesting
Mohali, Punjab Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Rural
Nano toxicology

Laboratory of Advanced Fuel Cells
Research in Polymeric Polymer Nano composite
Materials (LARPM) Carbon Nanotubes
Bhubaneswar, disha. Polymer Blends & Alloys
E Waste Recycling

Molecular biophysics and imaging

Tata institute
Chemical biology and synthetic
of fundamental
research (TIFR)
Bioinorganic and biomimetic chemistry
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Nano science and catalysis
Chemical physics and dynamics

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(National Eligibility Written test
cum Entrance test

(All India Institute of Written test MBBS.,
Medical Sciences)

(Jawaharlal Institute Of
Computer based test MBBS.,
Postgraduate Medical
Education & Research)

(Armed Forces Medical Written test (Should Serve 7 Years
College Entrance Exam in Armed Forces)

IIT – JEE B.E., B.Tech.,

Written test
(IIT- Joint Entrance Exam) B.Arch.,

Integrated M.Tech.,
Integrated B.Sc., B.Ed.,
(Central Universities Written test
Integrated M.Sc.,
Common Entrance Test)
Integrated M.A.,
B.Des., (craft and design)

NISER Integrated M Sc.,

(National Institute of (Biology, Chemistry,
Written test
Science Education Mathematics and
and Research Physics)

(Indian Institute of Written test
(4 years)
Science Bangalore)


Introduction Pages.indd 6 4/2/2019 11:28:19 AM


5-year BS-MS dual

IISER degree
(Indian Institutes of Written test (Biology, Chemistry,
Science Education Mathematics and
and Research ) Physics)
**IISER Kolkata offers
major in Earth Sciences

(National Aptitude Test Computer Based Test B.Arch.,
in Architecture)

(national institute of Written test
fashion technology)

(indian institute of Written test (in fashion &
fashion technology) apparel design)

(Nation al Entrance Written test B.Des., (4 years)
Exam for Design

(Avionics/ Aerospace
(Indian Institute of Written test
Engineering/ Physical
Space Technology)

(Common Law Written test Integrated LLB ( 5 years)
Admission Test)

(National Council for Hotel
Written test (Hospitality and Hotel
Management Catering
Technology Joint Entrance Exam)

NDA and NA 3 Years Training for

(National Defence Academy Written Exam entry into ARMY/
and Naval Academy) NAVY/AIRFORCE

B.Tech., Marine
AIMNET Engineering
(All India Merchant Navy Written Exam B.Sc., Nautical Science
Entrance Test) B.Tech.,Navel Architecture
and Ship Building


Introduction Pages.indd 7 4/2/2019 11:28:19 AM




Central Sector Scheme of Ministry of Human

Scholarship for College and Resource Development, July to October
University Students Government of India

Department of Science
Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan
and Technology (DST), June to August
Yojana (KVPY)
Government of India

Department of Science
and Technology (DST), October to December
Government of India

ONGC scholarship Oil and Natural Gas

January to March
( Applicable for SC/ST Students) Corporation Limited

National Fellowship and

Ministry of Tribal Affairs,
Scholarship for Higher Education July to October
Government of India
of ST Students

MOMA scholarship
Ministry of Minority Affairs,
(applicable only for Minority July to September
Government of India

Scholarships for Top Class Ministry of Social Justice

Education for Students with and Empowerment, July to October
Disabilities Government of India

Saksham Scholarship
AICTE September to November
(Applicable for Disable students)

AICTE Pragati scholarship for

AICTE September to November


Introduction Pages.indd 8 4/2/2019 11:28:19 AM



Metallurgy 01

p-Block Elements-I 26

p-Block Elements - II 56

Transition and Inner Transition Elements 100

Coordination Chemistry 130

Solid State 176

Chemical Kinetics 204



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Introduction Pages.indd 10 4/2/2019 11:28:19 AM


Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, students will be
Harold Johann Thomas Ellingham
able to
Ellingham was a British ’’ describe various methods of
physical chemist, best known concentrating ores
for his  Ellingham diagrams. ’’ explain various methods of extraction
Ellingham diagram summarizes a of crude metals
large amount of information about
’’ apply thermodynamic principles to
extractive  metallurgy, and are
metallurgical processes
useful in predicting the favourable
thermodynamic conditions under ’’ predict the favourable conditions for
which an  ore  will be reduced to the reduction process using Ellingham
its metal. Ellingham was able to diagram
compare the temperature stability ’’ describe the electrochemical principles
of many different  oxides. The of metallurgy
phenomenon of reduction of
’’ apply the electrochemical principles in
metal oxides into free metal by
the extraction of metals
carbon or carbon monoxide was
known before Ellingham's time, ’’ explain the electrode reactions in
but Ellingham demonstrated it in electrolytic refining.
a scientific manner.
’’ list the uses of Al, Zn, Fe, Cu and Au

XII U1 Metallurgy - Jerald.indd 1 4/2/2019 11:26:53 AM


Metallurgy relate to the science and technology of metals. In nature, only a few metals
occur in their native state, all other metals occur in a combined state as their oxides,
sulphides, silicates etc... The extraction of pure metals from their natural sources, is linked
to the history of human civilisation. Ancient people used the available materials in their
environment which includes fire and metals, and they were limited to the metals available
on the earth's surface. In the modern world, we use a wide range of metals in our daily life,
which is the result of the development of metallurgical knowledge over thousands of years.
Our need for the materials with specific properties have led to production of many metal
alloys. It is essential to design an eco-friendly metallurgical process that would minimize
waste, maximize energy efficiency. Such advances in metallurgy is vital for the economic
and technical progress in the current era. In this unit we will study the various steps
involved in the extraction of metals and the chemical principles behind these processes.

1.1 Occurrence of metals

In general, pure metals are shiny and malleable, however, most of them are found in
nature as compounds with different properties. Metals having least chemical reactivity
such as copper, silver, gold and platinum occur in significant amounts as native elements.
Reactive metals such as alkali metals usually occurs in their combined state and are
extracted using suitable metallurgical process.

1.1.1 Mineral and ore

A naturally occurring substance obtained by mining which contains the metal in free
state or in the form of compounds like oxides, sulphides etc... is called a mineral. In
most of the minerals, the metal of interest is present only in small amounts and some of
them contains a reasonable percentage of metal. For example iron is present in around
800 minerals. However, some of them such as hematite magnetite etc., containing high
percentage of iron are commonly used for the extraction of iron. Such minerals that
contains a high percentage of metal, from which it can be extracted conveniently and
economically are called ores. Hence all ores are minerals but all minerals are not ores. Let
us consider another example, bauxite and china clay (Al2O3.SiO2.2H2O). Both are minerals
of aluminium. However, aluminium can be commercially extracted from bauxite while
extraction from china clay is not a profitable one. Hence the mineral, bauxite is an ore of
aluminium while china clay is not.
The extraction of a metal of interest from
its ore consists of the following metallurgical
(i) concentration of the ore
(ii) extraction of crude metal
(iii) refining of crude metal
Malachite – copper mineral

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Table 1.1 List of some metals and their common ores with their chemical formula

Metal Ore Composition Metal Ore Composition

Zinc blende or
Bauxite Al2O3.nH2O ZnS
Aluminum Diaspore Al2O3.H2O Zinc Calamine ZnCO3

Kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4 Zincite ZnO

Haematite Fe2O3 Galena PbS

Magnetite Fe3O4 Lead Anglesite PbSO4

Iron Siderite FeCO3 Cerrusite PbCO3

Iron pyrite FeS2 Tin SnO2
(Tin stone)
Silver glance
Limonite Fe2O3.3H2O Ag2S
Copper pyrite CuFeS2 Ag3SbS3
(Ruby silver)
Copper glance Cu2S Silver AgCl
(Horn Silver)
Copper Cuprite Cu2O Stefinite Ag2SbS4

Malachite CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 Prousitite Ag2AsS3

Azurite 2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2

1.2  Concentration of ores

Generally, the ores are associated with nonmetallic impurities, rocky materials and siliceous
matter which are collectively known as gangue. The preliminary step in metallurgical process is
removal of these impurities. This removal process is known as concentration of ore. It increases the
concentration of the metal of interest or its compound in the ore. Several methods are available for
this process and the choice of method will depend on the nature of the ore, type of impurity and
environmental factors. Some of the common methods of ore concentration are discussed below.
1.2.1 Gravity separation or Hydraulic wash
In this method, the ore having high specific gravity is separated from the gangue that has
low specific gravity by simply washing with running water. Ore is crushed to a finely powdered
form and treated with rapidly flowing current of water. During this process the lighter gangue
particles are washed away by the running water. This method is generally applied to concentrate
the native ore such as gold and oxide ores such as haematite (Fe2O3), tin stone (SnO2) etc.

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1.2.2 Froth flotation
This method is commonly used to concentrate sulphide ores such as galena (PbS), zinc
blende (ZnS) etc... In this method, the metallic ore particles which are preferentially wetted by
oil can be separated from gangue.
In this method, the crushed
ore is suspended in water and
mixed with frothing agent such
as pine oil, eucalyptus oil etc.
A small quantity of sodium controller
ethyl xanthate which acts as
air supply froth concen-
a collector is also added. A layer trate
froth is generated by blowing
air through this mixture. The
collector molecules attach to
the ore particle and make them valve

water repellent. As a result, ore sensor

particles, wetted by the oil, rise stirrer

to the surface along with the tailings

froth. The froth is skimmed

off and dried to recover the
concentrated ore. The gangue Figure 1.1 Froth Flotation
particles that are preferentially
wetted by water settle at the bottom.
When a sulphide ore of a metal of interest contains other metal sulphides as impurities,
depressing agents such as sodium cyanide, sodium carbonate etc are used to selectively
prevent other metal sulphides from coming to the froth. For example, when impurities
such as ZnS is present in galena (PbS), sodium cyanide (NaCN) is added to depresses the
flotation property of ZnS by forming a layer of zinc complex Na2[Zn(CN)4] on the surface
of zinc sulphide.
1.2.3 Leaching
This method is based on the solubility of the ore in a suitable solvent and the reactions
in aqueous solution. In this method, the crushed ore is allowed to dissolve in a suitable
solvent, the metal present in the ore is converted to its soluble salt or complex while the
gangue remains insoluble. The following examples illustrate the leaching processes.
Cyanide leaching
Let us consider the concentration of gold ore as an example. The crushed ore of
gold is leached with aerated dilute solution of sodium cyanide. Gold is converted into a
soluble cyanide complex. The gangue, aluminosilicate remains insoluble.
- - -
4Au (s) + 8CN (aq) + O2 (g) + 2H2O (l) 4[Au(CN)2] (aq) + 4OH (aq)

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Recovery of metal of interest from the complex by reduction:
Gold can be recovered by reacting the deoxygenated leached solution with zinc. In this
process the gold is reduced to its elemental state (zero oxidation sate) and the process is called
- -
Zn (s) + 2[Au(CN)2] (aq) [Zn(CN)4]2 (aq) + 2Au (s)

Ammonia leaching
When a crushed ore containing nickel, copper and cobalt is treated with
aqueous ammonia under suitable pressure, ammonia selectively leaches these metals by
forming their soluble complexes viz. [Ni(NH3)6]2+, [Cu(NH3)4]2+, and [Co(NH 3)5H2O]3+
respectively from the ore leaving behind the gangue, iron(III) oxides/hydroxides and

Alkali leaching
In this method, the ore is treated with aqueous alkali to form a soluble complex.
For example, bauxite, an important ore of aluminum is heated with a solution of sodium
hydroxde or sodium carbonate in the temperature range 470 - 520 K at 35 atm to form
soluble sodium meta-aluminate leaving behind the impurities, iron oxide and titanium
Al2O3 (s) + 2NaOH (aq) + 3H2O (l) 2Na[Al(OH)4] (aq)

The hot solution is decanted, cooled, and diluted. This solution is neutralised by passing
CO2 gas, to the form hydrated Al2O3 precipitate.

2Na[Al(OH)4] (aq) + CO2 (g) Al2O3.xH2O (s) + 2NaHCO3 (aq)

The precipitate is filtered off and heated around 1670 K to get pure alumina Al2O3.

Acid leaching
Leaching of sulphide ores such as ZnS, PbS etc., can be done by treating them with hot
aqueous sulphuric acid.

2ZnS (s) + 2H2SO4 (aq) + O2(g) 2ZnSO4 (aq) + 2S (s) + H2O

In this process the insoluble sulphide is converted into soluble sulphate and elemental sulphur.

Evaluate yourself 1
1. Write the equation for the extraction of silver by leaching with sodium cyanide and
show that the leaching process is a redox reaction.

XII U1 Metallurgy - Jerald.indd 5 4/2/2019 11:26:56 AM

1.2.4 Magnetic separation
This method
is applicable to
ferromagnetic ores
and it is based on
the difference in the ore
magnetic properties
of the ore and the
impurities. For Wheel
example tin stone can
be separated from the Moving belt
wolframite impurities
which is magnetic. Magnetic
Similarly, ores such as ore
chromite, pyrolusite
having magnetic Figure 1.2 Magnetic separation
property can be
removed from the
non magnetic siliceous impurities. The crushed ore is poured on to an electromagnetic
separator consisting of a belt moving over two rollers of which one is magnetic. The
magnetic part of the ore is attracted towards the magnet and falls as a heap close to the
magnetic region while the nonmagnetic part falls away from it as shown in the figure 1.2.

1.3 Extraction of crude metal

The extraction of crude metals from the concentrated ores is carried out in two steps
namely, (i) conversion of the ore into oxides of the metal of interest and (ii) reduction of the
metal oxides to elemental metals. In the concentrated ore, the metal exists in positive oxidation
state and hence it is to be reduced to its elemental state. We can infer from the principles of
thermodynamics, that the reduction of oxide is easier when compared to reduction of other
compounds of metal and hence, before reduction, the ore is first converted into the oxide of
metal of interest.
Let us discuss some of the common methods used to convert the concentrated ore into the
oxides of the metal of interest.

1.3.1 Conversion of ores into oxides

Roasting is the method, usually applied for the conversion of sulphide ores into their
oxides. In this method, the concentrated ore is oxidised by heating it with excess of oxygen in
a suitable furnace below the melting point of the metal.

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2PbS + 3O2 2PbO + 2SO2

2ZnS + 3O2 2ZnO + 2SO2

2Cu2S + 3O2 2Cu2O + 2SO2

Roasting also removes impurities such as arsenic, sulphur, phosphorous by converting

them into their volatile oxides.
For example
4As + 3O2 2As2O3

S8 + 8O2 8SO2

P4 + 5O2 P4O10

The sulphur dioxide produced during roasting process is harmful to the

environment. In modern metallurgical factories, this by product is trapped
and converted into sulphuric acid to avoid air pollution.

Calcination is the process in which the concentrated ore is strongly heated in the absence
of air. During this process, the water of crystallisation present in the hydrated oxide escapes as
moisture. Any organic matter (if present) also get expelled leaving behind a porous ore. This
method can also be carried out with a limited supply of air.
For examples,
During calcination of carbonate ore, carbon dioxide is expelled

PbCO3 ∆ PbO + CO2

CaCO3 CaO + CO2

ZnCO3 ∆ ZnO + CO2

MgCO3.CaCO3 ∆ MgO + CaO + 2CO2

During calcination of hydrated ore, the water of hydration is expelled as vapour

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Fe2O3.3H2O ∆ Fe2O3 (s) + 3H2O (g)

Al2O3.2H2O ∆ Al2O3 (s)+ 2H2O (g)

Evaluate yourself 2
2. Magnesite (Magnesium carbonate) is calcined to obtain magnesia, which is used to
make refractory bricks. Write the decomposition reaction.

1.3.2 Reduction of metal oxides

Metal oxide can be reduced to crude metal by using a suitable reducing agent like carbon,
carbon monoxide, hydrogen, aluminium and other reactive metals such as sodium etc...The
choice of reducing agent depends on the nature of the metal. For example, carbon cannot
be used as a reducing agent for the reactive metals such as sodium, potassium, aluminium
etc...Similarly CO cannot be used to reduce oxides such as ZnO, Al2O3. Later in this,we study
selection of suitable reducing agents by applying Ellingham diagram.
In this method, a flux (a chemical substance that forms an easily fusible slag with gangue)
and a reducing agent such as carbon, carbon monoxide (or) aluminium is added to the
concentrated ore and the mixture is melted by heating at an elevated temperature (above the
melting point of the metal) in a smelting furnace. For example the oxide of iron can be reduced
by carbon monoxide as follows.
Fe2O3 (s) + 3CO (g) 2Fe (s) + 3CO2 (g)

In this extraction, a basic flux, limestone (CaO) is used. Since the silica gangue present in
the ore is acidic in nature, the limestone combines with it to form calcium silicate (slag).

CaO (s) + SiO2 (s) CaSiO3 (s)

Flux Gangue Slag

In the extraction of copper from copper pyrites, the concentrated ore is heated in a
reverberatory furnace after mixing with silica, an acidic flux. The ferrous oxide formed due
to melting is basic in nature and it combines with silica to form ferrous silicate (slag). The
remaining metal sulphides Cu2S and FeS are mutually soluble and form a copper matte.

2CuFeS2 (s)+ O2 (g) 2FeS (l)+ Cu2S (l)+ SO2 (g)

2FeS (l) + 3O2 (g) 2FeO (l) + 2SO2 (g)

FeO (s) + SiO2 (s) FeSiO3 (s)

Flux Gangue Slag

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The matte is separated from the slag and fed to the converting furnace. During conversion,
the FeS present in the matte is first oxidised to FeO. This is removed by slag formation with
silica. The remaining copper sulphide is further oxidised to its oxide which is subsequently
converted to metallic copper as shown below.

2Cu2S (l,s) + 3O2 (g) 2Cu2O (l,s) + 2SO2 (g)

2Cu2O (l) + Cu2S (l) 6Cu (l) + SO2 (g)

The metallic copper is solidified and it has blistered appearance due to evolution of SO2
gas formed in this process. This copper is called blistered copper.
Reduction by carbon:
In this method the oxide ore of the metal is mixed with coal (coke) and heated strongly in
a furnace (usually in a blast furnace). This process can be applied to the metals which do not
form carbides with carbon at the reduction temperature.

ZnO (s)+ C (s) Zn (s) + CO (g)

Mn3O4 (s) + 4C (s) 3Mn (s) + 4CO (g)

Cr2O3 (s) + 3C (s) 2Cr (s) + 3CO (g)

Reduction by hydrogen:
This method can be applied to the oxides of the metals (Fe, Pb, Cu) having less electro-
positive character than hydrogen.
Ag2O (s)+ H2 (g) 2Ag (s) + H2O (l)
Fe3O4 (s) + 4H2 (g) 3Fe (s) + 4H2O (l)

Nickel oxide can be reduced to nickel by using a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide
(water gas)
2NiO (s) + CO (g) + H2 (g) 2Ni (s) + CO2 (g) + H2O (l)

Reduction by metal:
Metallic oxides such as Cr2O3 can be reduced by an aluminothermite process. In this
process, the metal oxide is mixed with aluminium powder and placed in a fire clay crucible. To
initiate the reduction process, an ignition mixture (usually magneisium and barium peroxide)
is used.

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BaO2 + Mg BaO + MgO
During the above reaction a large amount of heat is evolved (temperature up to 2400°C, is
generated and the reaction enthalpy is : 852 kJ mol-1) which facilitates the reduction of Cr2O3
by aluminium power.

Cr2O3 + 2Al Δ 2Cr + Al2O3

Active metals such as sodium, potassium and calcium can also be used to reduce the
metal oxide
B2O3 + 6Na 2B + 3Na2O
Rb2O3 + 3Mg 2Rb + 3MgO
TiO2 + 2Mg Ti + 2MgO
1250 K
ThO2 + 2Ca Th + 3CaO

Simple roasting of some of the ores give the crude metal. In such cases, the use of
reducing agents is not necessary. For example, mercury is obtained by roasting of its ore
cinnabar (HgS)

HgS (s) + O2 (g) Hg (l) + SO2 

1.4 Thermodynamic principle of metallurgy

As we discussed, the extraction of metals from their oxides can be carried out by using
different reducing agents. For example, consider the reduction of a metal oxide MxO y.
y MxOy (s) 2x
y M (s) + O2 (g) ------ (1)

The above reduction may be carried out with carbon. In this case, the reducing agent
carbon may be oxidised to either CO or CO2.
C + O2 CO2 (g) ------ (2)

2C + O2 2CO (g) ------ (3)

If carbon monoxide is used as a reducing agent, it is oxidised to CO2 as follows,

2CO + O2 2CO2 (g) ------ (4)

A suitable reducing agent is selected based on the thermodynamic considerations. We

know that for a spontaneous reaction, the change in free energy (ΔG) should be negative.
Therefore, thermodynamically, the reduction of metal oxide [equation (1)] with a given


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reducing agent [Equation (2), (3) or (4)] can occur if the free energy change for the coupled
reaction. [Equations (1) & (2), (1) & (3) or (1) & (4)] is negative. Hence, the reducing agent
is selected in such a way that it provides a large negative ΔG value for the coupled reaction.

1.4.1 Ellingham diagram


= 2Ag 2
4A g + O2 O
0 2 Hg 2

–200 NiO
2C u 2O =2
+ O2 = O 2
4Cu 2N
= 2FeO
2 Fe+ O 2
G° = RT Inp O2 / kJmol O2

C + O2 = CO2

3 CrO 3
ZnO = 2/
–500 =2 r + O2
+O 2
2Zn 2M nO
–600 + O2 =
2C +
O2 =
–700 2CO

A l 2O 3
–800 = 2/3
Al +
–900 O
–1000 2C
–1100 g





















T / °C

Figure 1.4 Ellingham diagram


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The change in Gibbs free energy (ΔG) for a reaction is given by the expression.
ΔG = ΔH - TΔS ------ (1)

where, ΔH is the enthalpy change , T the temperature in kelvin and ΔS the entropy
change. For an equilibrium process, ΔG⁰ can be calculated using the equilibrium constant by
the following expression
ΔG⁰ =-RT lnKp
Harold Ellingham used the above relationship to calculate the ΔG⁰ values at various
temperatures for the reduction of metal oxides by treating the reduction as an equilibrium
He has drawn a plot by considering the temperature in the x-axis and the standard free
energy change for the formation of metal oxide in y-axis. The resultant plot is a straight line with
ΔS as slope and ΔH as y-intercept. The graphical representation of variation of the standard
Gibbs free energy of reaction for the formation of various metal oxides with temperature is
called Ellingham diagram
Observations from the Ellingham diagram.
1. For most of the metal oxide formation, the slope is positive. It can be explained as follows.
Oxygen gas is consumed during the formation of metal oxides which results in the decrease
in randomness. Hence, ΔS becomes negative and it makes the term, TΔS positive in the
straight line equation.
2. The graph for the formation of carbon monoxide is a straight line with negative slope. In
this case ΔS is positive as 2 moles of CO gas is formed by the consumption of one mole of
oxygen gas. It indicates that CO is more stable at higher temperature.
3. As the temperature increases, generally ΔG value for the formation of the metal oxide
become less negative and becomes zero at a particular temperature. Below this temperature,
ΔG is negative and the oxide is stable and above this temperature ΔG is positive. This
general trend suggests that metal oxides become less stable at higher temperature and their
decomposition becomes easier.
4. There is a sudden change in the slope at a particular temperature for some metal oxides like
MgO, HgO. This is due to the phase transition (melting or evaporation).

1.4.2 Applications of the Ellingham diagram:

Ellingham diagram helps us to select a suitable reducing agent and appropriate temperature
range for reduction. The reduction of a metal oxide to its metal can be considered as a
competition between the element used for reduction and the metal to combine with oxygen.
If the metal oxide is more stable, then oxygen remains with the metal and if the oxide of
element used for reduction is more stable, then the oxygen from the metal oxide combines
with elements used for the reduction. From the Ellingham diagram, we can infer the relative
stability of different metal oxides at a given temperature.


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1. Ellingham diagram for the formation of Ag2O and HgO is at upper part of the diagram and
their decomposition temperatures are 600 and 700 K respectively. It indicates that these
oxides are unstable at moderate temperatures and will decompose on heating even in the
absence of a reducing agent.
2. Ellingham diagram is used to predict thermodynamic feasibility of reduction of oxides
of one metal by another metal. Any metal can reduce the oxides of other metals that are
located above it in the diagram. For example, in the Ellignham diagram, for the formation
of chromium oxide lies above that of the aluminium, meaning that Al2O3 is more stable
than Cr2O3. Hence aluminium can be used as a reducing agent for the reduction of chromic
oxide. However, it cannot be used to reduce the oxides of magnesium and calcium which
occupy lower position than aluminium oxide.
3. The carbon line cuts across the lines of many metal oxides and hence it can reduce all
those metal oxides at sufficiently high temperature. Let us analyse the thermodynamically
favourable conditions for the reduction of iron oxide by carbon. Ellingham diagram for the
formation of FeO and CO intersects around 1000 K. Below this temperature the carbon
line lies above the iron line which indicates that FeO is more stable than CO and hence
at this temperature range, the reduction is not thermodynamically feasible. However,
above 1000 K carbon line lies below the iron line and hence, we can use coke as reducing
agent above this temperature. The following free energy calculation also confirm that the
reduction is thermodynamically favoured.
From the Ellingham Diagram at 1500 K,
2Fe (s) + O2 (g) 2FeO (g) ΔG1 = -350 kJ mol–1 ------ (5)

2C (s) + O2 (g) 2CO (g) ΔG2 = -480 kJ mol–1------ (6)

Reverse the reaction (1)

2FeO (s) 2Fe (s)+ O2 (g) – ΔG1 = +350 kJ mol–1 ------ (5)

Now couple the reactions (2) and (3)

2FeO (s) + 2C 2Fe (l,s)+ 2CO (g) ΔG3 = -130 kJ mol–1 ------ (8)
The standard free energy change for the reduction of one mole of FeO is, ΔG3/2 = -65 kJ mol-1

Limitations of Ellingham diagram

1. Ellingham diagram is constructed based only on thermodynamic considerations. It gives
information about the thermodynamic feasibility of a reaction. It does not tell anything
about the rate of the reaction. More over, it does not give any idea about the possibility of
other reactions that might be taking place.
2. The interpretation of ΔG is based on the assumption that the reactants are in equilibrium
with the products which is not always true.


XII U1 Metallurgy - Jerald.indd 13 4/2/2019 11:26:59 AM

Evaluate yourself 3
3. Using Ellingham diagram (fig 1.4) indicate the lowest temperature at which ZnO
can be reduced to Zinc metal by carbon. Write the overall reduction reaction at this

1.5 Electrochemical principle of metallurgy

Similar to thermodynamic principles, electrochemical principles also find applications
in metallurgical process. The reduction of oxides of active metals such as sodium, potassium
etc., by carbon is thermodynamically not feasible. Such metals are extracted from their ores
by using electrochemical methods. In this technique, the metal salts are taken in a fused form
or in solution form. The metal ion present can be reduced by treating it with some suitable
reducing agent or by electrolysis.
Gibbs free energy change for the electrolysis process is given by the following expression
ΔG° = -nFE°
Where n is number of electrons involved in the reduction process, F is the Faraday and E0
is the electrode potential of the redox couple.
If E0 is positive then the ΔG is negative and the reduction is spontaneous and hence a
redox reaction is planned in such a way that the e.m.f of the net redox reaction is positive.
When a more reactive metal is added to the solution containing the relatively less reactive
metal ions, the more reactive metal will go into the solution. For example,
Cu (s) + 2Ag+ (s) Cu 2+ (aq) + 2Ag (s)

Cu2+ (aq) + Zn (s) Cu (s) + Zn 2+ (aq)

1.5.1 Electrochemial extraction of aluminium - Hall-Herold process:

In this method, electrolysis is carried out in an iron tank lined with carbon which acts
as a cathode. The carbon blocks immersed in the electrolyte act as a anode. A 20% solution
of alumina, obtained from the bauxite ore is mixed with molten cyrolite and is taken in the
electrolysis chamber. About 10% calcium chloride is also added to the solution. Here calcium
chloride helps to lower the melting point of the mixture. The fused mixture is maintained at a
temperature of above 1270 K. The chemical reactions involved in this process are as follows.
Ionisaiton of alumina Al2O3 2Al3+ + 3O2-

Reaction at cathode 2Al3+ (melt) + 6e 2Al (l)

Reaction at anode -
6O2- (melt) 3O2 + 12e

Since carbon acts as anode the following reaction also takes place on it.


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C (s) + O2- (melt) CO + 2e
C (s) + 2O2- (melt) CO2 + 4e

Due to the above two reactions, anodes are slowly consumed during the electrolysis. The
pure aluminium is formed at the cathode and settles at the bottom. The net electrolysis reaction
can be written as follows.
4Al3+ (melt) + 6O2- (melt) + 3C (s) 4Al (l) + 3CO2 (g)

Evaluate yourself 4
4. Metallic sodium is extracted by the electrolysis of brine (aq. NaCl). After electrolysis
the electrolytic solution becomes basic in nature. Write the possible electrode

1.6 Refining process

Generally the metal extracted from its ore contains some impurities such as unreacted
oxide ore, other metals, nonmetals etc...Removal of such impurities associated with the isolated
crude metal is called refining process. In this section, let us discuss some of the common
refining methods.

1.6.1 Distillation
This method is employed for low boiling volatile metals like zinc (boiling point 1180 K)
and mercury (630 K). In this method, the impure metal is heated to evaporate and the vapours
are condensed to get pure metal.

1.6.2 Liquation
This method, is employed to remove the impurities with high melting points from metals
having relatively low melting points such as tin (Sb; mp= 904 K), lead (Pb; mp=600 K), mercury
(Hg; mp=234 K), and bismuth (Bi; mp=545 K). In this process, the crude metal is heated to
form fusible liquid and allowed to flow on a sloping surface. The impure metal is placed on
sloping hearth of a reverberatory furnace and it is heated just above the melting point of the
metal in the absence of air, the molten pure metal flows down and the impurities are left
behind. The molten metal is collected and solidified.

1.6.3 Electrolytic refining:

The crude metal is refined by electrolysis. It is carried out in an electrolytic cell containing
aqueous solution of the salts of the metal of interest. The rods of impure metal are used as
anode and thin strips of pure metal are used as cathode. The metal of interest dissolves from
the anode, pass into the solution while the same amount of metal ions from the solution will be
deposited at the cathode. During electrolysis, the less electropositive impurities in the anode,
settle down at the bottom and are removed as anode mud.


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Let us understand this process by considering electrolytic refining of silver as an example.
Cathode : Pure silver
Anode : Impure silver rods
Electrolyte : Acidified aqueous solution of silver nitrate.
When a current is passed through the electrodes the following reactions will take place
Reaction at anode -
Ag (s) Ag+ (aq) + 1e
Reaction at cathode Ag+ (aq) + 1e Ag (s)

During electrolysis, at the anode the silver atoms lose electrons and enter the solution. The
positively charged silver cations migrate towards the cathode and get discharged by gaining
electrons and deposited on the cathode. Other metals such as copper, zinc etc.,can also be
refined by this process in a similar manner.
1.6.4 Zone Refining
This method is based on the principles of fractional crystallisation. When an impure
metal is melted and allowed to solidify, the impurities will prefer to be in the molten region. i.e.
impurities are more soluble in the melt than in the solid state metal. In this process the impure
metal is taken in the form of a rod. One end of the rod is heated using a mobile induction
heater which results in melting of the metal on that portion of the rod. When the heater is
slowly moved to the other end the pure metal crystallises while the impurities will move on
to the adjacent molten zone formed due to the movement of the heater. As the heater moves
further away, the molten zone containing impurities also moves along with it. The process is
repeated several times by moving the heater in the same direction again and again to achieve
the desired purity level. This process is carried out in an inert gas atmosphere to prevent the
oxidation of metals . Elements such as germanium (Ge), silicon (Si) and galium (Ga) that are
used as semiconductor are refined using this process.
1.6.5 Vapour phase method
In this method, the metal is treated with a suitable reagent which can form a volatile
compound with the metal. Then the volatile compound is decomposed to give the pure metal.
We can understand this method by considering the following process.
Mond process for refining nickel:
The impure nickel is heated in a stream of carbon monoxide at around 350 K. The nickel
reacts with the CO to form a highly volatile nickel tetracarbonyl. The solid impurities are left
Ni (s) + 4 CO (g) Ni(CO)4 (g)

On heating the nickel tetracarbonyl around 460 K, the complex decomposes to give pure
Ni(CO)4 (g) Ni (s) + 4 CO (g)


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Van-Arkel method for refining zirconium/titanium:
This method is based on the thermal decomposition of metal compounds which lead to
the formation of pure metals. Titanium and zirconium can be purified using this method.
For example, the impure titanium metal is heated in an evacuated vessel with iodine at a
temperature of 550 K to form the volatile titanium tetra-iodide.(TiI4). The impurities are left
behind, as they do not react with iodine.
Ti (s) + 2I2 (s) TiI4 (vapour)

The volatile titanium tetraiodide vapour is passed over a tungsten filament at a temperature
aroud 1800 K. The titanium tetraiodide is decomposed and pure titanium is deposited on the
filament. The iodine is reused.
TiI4 (vapour) Ti (s) + 2I2 (s)

1.7 Application metals

1.7.1 Application of Al
Aluminium is the most abundant metal and is a good conductor of electricity and heat. It
also resists corrosion. The following are some of its applications.

ÂÂ Many heat exchangers/sinks and our day to day cooking vessels are made of aluminium.
ÂÂ It is used as wraps (aluminium foils) and is used in packing materials for food items,
ÂÂ Aluminium is not very strong, However , its alloys with copper, manganese, magnesium
and silicon are light weight and strong and they are used in design of aeroplanes and other
forms of transport.
ÂÂ As Aluminium shows high resistance to corrosion, it is used in the design of chemical
reactors, medical equipments,refrigeration units and gas pipelines.
ÂÂ Aluminium is a good electrical conductor and cheap, hence used in electrical overhead
electric cables with steel core for strength.

1.7.1 Application of Zn

ÂÂ Metallic zinc is used in galvanising metals such as iron and steel structures to protect them
from rusting and corrosion.
ÂÂ Zinc is also used to produce die-castings in the automobile, electrical and hardware
ÂÂ Zinc oxide is used in the manufacture of many products such as paints, rubber, cosmetics,


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pharmaceuticals, plastics, inks, batteries, textiles and electrical equipment. Zinc sulphide
is used in making luminous paints, fluorescent lights and x-ray screens.
ÂÂ Brass an alloy of zinc is used in water valves and communication equipment as it is highly
resistant to corrosion.

1.7.1 Application of Fe

ÂÂ Iron is one of the most useful metals and its alloys are used everywhere including bridges,
electricity pylons, bicycle chains, cutting tools and rifle barrels.
ÂÂ Cast iron is used to make pipes, valves and pumps stoves etc...
ÂÂ Magnets can be made from iron and its alloys and compounds.
ÂÂ An important alloy of iron is stainless steel, and it is very resistant to corrosion. It is used in
architecture, bearings, cutlery, surgical instruments and jewellery. Nickel steel is used for
making cables, automobiles and aeroplane parts. Chrome steels are used for maufacturing
cutting tools and curshing machines

1.7.1 Application of Cu
Copper is the first metal used by the human and extended use of its alloy bronze resulted in a
new era,'Bronze age'

Copper is used for making coins and ornaments along with gold and other metals.

Copper and its alloys are used for making wires, water pipes and other electrical parts

1.7.1 Application of Au

ÂÂ Gold, one of the expensive and precious metals. It is used for coinage, and has been used as
standard for monetary systems in some countries.
ÂÂ It is used extensively in jewellery in its alloy form with copper. It is also used in electroplating
to cover other metals with a thin layer of gold which are used in watches, artificial limb
joints, cheap jewellery, dental fillings and electrical connectors.
ÂÂ Gold nanoparticles are also used for increasing the efficiency of solar cells and also used
an catalysts.


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The Iron Pillar – Delhi:
The Iron pillar, also known as Ashoka Pillar,
is 23 feet 8 inches high, 16 inches wide and
weighs over 6000 kg.
The surprise comes in knowing its age, some 1600 years
old,an iron column should have turned into a pile of dust long ago.
Despite that, it has avoided corrosion for over the last 1600 years
and stands as an evidence of the exquisite skills and knowledge of
ancient Indians.
A protective film was created through a complicated
combination of the presence of raw and unreduced iron in the pillar and cycles of the weather,
which helped to create a thin, uniform layer of misawite on the pillar. Misawite is a compound of
iron, oxygen and hydrogen which does not rust and gives corrosion resistance.


„„ Metallurgy relates to the science and technology of metals.

„„ A naturally occurring substance obtained by mining which contains the metal
in free state or in the form of compounds like oxides, sulphides etc... is called a
„„ minerals that contains a high percentage of metal, from which it can be extracted
conveniently and economically are called ores.
„„ The extraction of a metal of interest from its ore consists of the following
metallurgical processes.
(i) concentration of the ore
(ii) extraction of crude metal
(iii) refining of crude metal
„„ The extraction of crude metals from the concentrated ores is carried out in two steps
namely, (i) conversion of the ore into oxides of the metal of interest and (ii) reduction
of the metal oxides to elemental metals.
„„ The graphical representation of variation of the standard Gibbs free energy of reaction
for the formation of various metal oxides with temperature is called Ellingham diagram
„„ Ellingham diagram helps us to select a suitable reducing agent and appropriate
temperature range for reduction.


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„„ Similar to thermodynamic principles, electrochemical principles also find applications
in metallurgical process.
„„ If E0 is positive then the ΔG is negative and the reduction is spontaneous and hence
a redox reaction is planned in such a way that the e.m.f of the net redox reaction is
positive. When a more reactive metal is added to the solution containing the relatively
less reactive metal ions, the more reactive metal will go into the solution.
„„ Generally the metal extracted from its ore contains some impurities such as unreacted
oxide ore, other metals, nonmetals etc...Removal of such impurities associated with the
isolated crude metal is called refining process.


Choose the correct answer:

1. Bauxite has the composition
a) Al 2O3 b) Al 2O3 .nH2O c) Fe2O3 .2H2O d)None of these
2. Roasting of sulphide ore gives the gas (A).(A) is a colourless gas. Aqueous solution of (A)
is acidic. The gas (A) is

a) CO2 b) SO3 c) SO2 d) H2S

3. Which one of the following reaction represents calcinations?
a) 2Zn + O2 →
 2ZnO b) 2ZnS + 3O2 →
 2ZnO + 2SO2
c) MgCO3 →  MgO + CO2 d)Both (a) and (c)
4. The metal oxide which cannot be reduced to metal by carbon is

a) PbO b) Al 2O3 c) ZnO d) FeO

5. Which of the metal is extracted by Hall-Heroult process?

a) Al b) Ni c) Cu d) Zn
6. Which of the following statements, about the advantage of roasting of sulphide ore before
reduction is not true?

a) Δ G f 0 of sulphide is greater than those for CS2 and H2S .

b) Δ Gr 0 is negative for roasting of sulphide ore to oxide

c) Roasting of the sulphide to its oxide is thermodynamically feasible.

d) Carbon and hydrogen are suitable reducing agents for metal sulphides.


XII U1 Metallurgy - Jerald.indd 20 4/2/2019 11:27:03 AM

7. Match items in column - I with the items of column – II and assign the correct code.

Column-I Column-II

A Cyanide process (i) Ultrapure Ge

B Froth floatation process (ii) Dressing of ZnS

C Electrolytic reduction (iii) Extraction of Al

D Zone refining (iv) Extraction of Au

(v) Purification of Ni


(a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(b) (iii) (iv) (v) (i)

(c) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

(d) (ii) (iii) (i) (v)

8. Wolframite ore is separated from tinstone by the process of

a) Smelting b) Calcination
c) Roasting d) Electromagnetic separation
9. Which one of the following is not feasible
a) Zn(s) + Cu 2+ (aq) →
 Cu(s) + Zn 2+ (aq)
b) Cu(s) + Zn 2+ (aq) →
 Zn(s) + Cu 2+ (aq)
c) Cu(s) + 2Ag + (aq) →
 2Ag(s) + Cu 2+ (aq)
d) Fe(s) + Cu 2+ (aq) →
 Cu(s) + Fe 2+ (aq)
10. Electrochemical process is used to extract
a) Iron b) Lead c) Sodium d) silver
11. Flux is a substance which is used to convert

a) Mineral into silicate b) Infusible impurities to soluble impurities

c) Soluble impurities to infusible impurities d) All of these
12. Which one of the following ores is best concentrated by froth – floatation method?

a) Magnetite b) Haematite
c) Galena d) Cassiterite


XII U1 Metallurgy - Jerald.indd 21 4/2/2019 11:27:04 AM

13. In the extraction of aluminium from alumina by electrolysis, cryolite is added to

a) Lower the melting point of alumina b) Remove impurities from alumina

c) Decrease the electrical conductivity d) Increase the rate of reduction
14. Zinc is obtained from ZnO by
a) Carbon reduction b) Reduction using silver
c) Electrochemical process d) Acid leaching
15. Cupellation is a process used for the refining of

a) Silver b) Lead
c) Copper d) iron
16. Extraction of gold and silver involves leaching with cyanide ion. silver is later recovered
by (NEET-2017)

a) Distillation b) Zone refining

c) Displacement with zinc d) liquation
17. Considering Ellingham diagram, which of the following metals can be used to reduce
alumina? (NEET-2018)

a) Fe b) Cu
c) Mg d) Zn
18. The following set of reactions are used in refining Zirconium
Zr (impure) + 2I2 523
 K
→ ZrI4
This method is known as
ZrI4 1800K
 → Zr (pure) + 2I2
a) Liquation b) van Arkel process
c) Zone refining d) Mond’s process
19. Which of the following is used for concentrating ore in metallurgy?

a) Leaching b) Roasting
c) Froth floatation d) Both (a) and (c)
20. The incorrect statement among the following is

a) Nickel is refined by Mond’s process

b) Titanium is refined by Van Arkel’s process

c) Zinc blende is concentrated by froth floatation

d) In the metallurgy of gold, the metal is leached with dilute sodium chloride solution


XII U1 Metallurgy - Jerald.indd 22 4/2/2019 11:27:04 AM

21. In the electrolytic refining of copper, which one of the following is used as anode?

a) Pure copper b) Impure copper

c) Carbon rod d) Platinum electrode
22. Which of the following plot gives Ellingham diagram

a) Δ S Vs T b) Δ G0 Vs T
c) Δ G 0 Vs d) Δ G Vs T
0 2

23. In the Ellingham diagram, for the formation of carbon monoxide

 ∆ S0   ∆ G0 
a)  is negative b)  is positive
 ∆ T   ∆ T 
 ∆ G0   ∆T 
c)  is negative d) initially  0
is positive, after 7000C ,
 ∆ T   ∆G 
 ∆G 0

 ∆ T  is negative

24. Which of the following reduction is not thermodynamically feasible?

a) Cr2O3 + 2Al →
 Al 2O3 + 2Cr
b) Al 2O3 + 2Cr →
 Cr2O3 + 2Al
c) 3TiO2 + 4Al →
 2 Al 2O3 + 3Ti
d) none of these
25. Which of the following is not true with respect to Ellingham diagram?

a) Free energy changes follow a straight line. Deviation occurs when there is a phase
b) The graph for the formation of CO2 is a straight line almost parallel to free energy axis.
c) Negative slope of CO shows that it becomes more stable with increase in temperature.
d) Positive slope of metal oxides shows that their stabilities decrease with increase in
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the differences between minerals and ores?
2. What are the various steps involved in extraction of pure metals from their ores?
3. What is the role of Limestone in the extraction of Iron from its oxide Fe2O3 ?
4. Which type of ores can be concentrated by froth floatation method? Give two examples for
such ores.
5. Out of coke and CO, which is better reducing agent for the reduction of ZnO? Why?
6. Describe a method for refining nickel.
7. Explain zone refining process with an example using the Ellingham diagram given below.


XII U1 Metallurgy - Jerald.indd 23 4/2/2019 11:27:06 AM

8. (A) Predict the conditions under which
(i) Aluminium might be expected to reduce magnesia.
(ii) Magnesium could reduce alumina.
(B) Carbon monoxide is more effective reducing agent than carbon below 983K but,
above this temperature, the reverse is true –Explain.
(c) it is possible to reduce Fe2O3 by coke at a temperature around 1200K
9. Give the uses of zinc.
10. Explain the electrometallurgy of aluminium.
11. Explain the following terms with suitable examples.
(i) Gangue (ii) slag
12. Give the basic requirement for vapour phase refining.
13. Describe the role of the following in the process mentioned.
(i) Silica in the extraction of copper.
(ii) Cryolite in the extraction of aluminium.
(iii) Iodine in the refining of Zirconium.
(iv) Sodium cyanide in froth floatation.
14. Explain the principle of electrolytic refining with an example.
15. The selection of reducing agent depends on the thermodynamic factor: Explain with an
16. Give the limitations of Ellingham diagram.
17. Write a short note on electrochemical principles of metallurgy.


XII U1 Metallurgy - Jerald.indd 24 4/2/2019 11:27:07 AM



ores gravity separation

concentration of ores froth floatation

magnetic separation


leaching acid

extraction of crude metal alkali

conversion of ore into oxides
smelting calcination
reduction by C
reduction of metal oxides
or H or metal

Auto reduction


Refining process principles of metalurgy
zone refining

vapour phase thermodynamic Electrochemical

method principles principles
DG = DH–TDS DG = –nFE0

Ellingham diagram

Pure metal Applications of Al ,Cu ,Zn , Fe and Au


XII U1 Metallurgy - Jerald.indd 25 4/2/2019 11:27:07 AM


Kenneth wade Learning Objectives

Kenneth Wade,  was a After studying this unit, the students will
be able to
British  chemist, and professor
emeritus at  Durham University. ’’ describe the general trends in the
He developed a method for the properties of p-block elements
prediction of shapes of borane
’’ explain the anomalous properties of the
clusters. Wade’s rules are used to first element of p-block groups
rationalize the shape of borane
clusters by calculating the total ’’ discuss the preparation, properties and
number of skeletal electron pairs uses of boron
(SEP) available for cluster bonding. ’’ discuss the preparation of important,
For his substantial contribution, compounds of boron and aluminium
Kenneth Wade was granted FRS
’’ discuss the preparation and properties
award from royal society, London
of important compounds of carbon and
In 1989.He received the  Tilden
prize award in 1999 from the Royal
Society of Chemistry for advances
in chemistry.


XII_U2-P-Block.indd 26 4/2/2019 10:53:58 AM


We have already learnt the classification of elements into four blocks namely s, p, d and
f. We have also learnt the properties of s-block elements and their important compounds in
the XI standard. This year we learn the elements of remaining blocks, starting with p-block
The elements in which their last electron enters the 'p' orbital, constitute the p-block
elements. They are placed in 13th to 18th groups of the modern periodic table and the first
member of the groups are B, C, N, O, F and He respectively. These elements have quite
varied properties and this block contains nonmetals, metals and metalloids. Nonmetallic
elements of this group have more varied properties than metals. The elements of this block
and their compounds play an important role in our day to day life, for example, without
molecular oxygen we cannot imagine the survival of living system. The most abundant
metal aluminium and its alloys have plenty of applications ranging from household
utensils to parts of aircraft. The semi conducting nature of elements such as silicon and
germanium made a revolutionary change in the field of modern electronics. In this unit
we discuss the properties of first three groups (Group 13 - 15) of p-block elements namely
boron, carbon and nitrogen family elements and their important compounds.

2.1 General trends in properties of p-block elements:

We already learnt that the properties of elements largely depends on their electronic
configuration, size, ionisation enthalpy, electronegativity etc... Let us discuss the general
trend in such properties of various p-block elements.

2.1.1 Electronic configuration and oxidation state:

The p-block elements have a general electronic configuration of ns2, np1-6. The
elements of each group have similar outer shell electronic configuration and differ only
in the value of n (principal quantum number). The elements of group 18 (inert gases)
have completely filled p orbitals, hence they are more stable and have least reactivity.
The elements of this block show variable oxidation state and their highest oxidation state
(group oxidation state) is equal to the total number of valance electrons present in them.
Unlike s-block elements which show only positive oxidation state, some of the p-block
elements show negative oxidation states also. The halogens have a strong tendency to
gain an electron to give a stable halide ion with completely filled electronic configuration
and hence -1 oxidation state is more common in halogens. Similarly, the other elements
belonging to pnictogen and chalcogen groups also show negative oxidation states.

Evaluate yourself :
Why group 18 elements are called inert gases? Write the general electronic configuraton
of group 18 elements


XII_U2-P-Block.indd 27 4/2/2019 10:53:59 AM

Table 2.1 General electronic configurations and oxidation states of p-block elements
Group No. 13 14 15 16 17 18
Group Name Inert
Icosagens Tetragens Pnictogens Chalcogens Halogens
General outer
electronic ns2 np1 ns2 np2 ns2 np3 ns2 np4 ns2 np5 ns2 np6
Highest oxidation
state (Group +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
oxidation state)
Other observed +5, +3, +6. +4,
+1 +2, -4 +3, -3 +4, +2, -2
oxidation states +1, -1 +2

2.1.2 Metallic nature:

The tendency of an element to form a cation by loosing electrons is known as electropositive
or metallic character. This character depends on the ionisation energy. Generally on descending
a group the ionisation energy decreases and hence the metallic character increases.
Figure 2.1 p-block elements with their ionisation IE1-2372.32

enthalpies, electronegativity and metallic nature.

Group No 13 14 15 16 17 EN-
IE1-800.63 IE1-800.63 IE1-1402.33 IE1-1313.94 IE1-1681.04 IE1-2080.67

EN-2.04 EN-2.55 EN-3.04 EN-3.44 EN-3.98 EN-

IE1-577.54 IE1-786.52 IE1-1011.81 IE1-999.59 IE1-1251.19 IE1-1520.57

EN-1.61 EN-1.90 EN-2.19 EN-2.58 EN-3.16 EN- Metalloids

IE1-578.84 IE1-762.18 IE1-944.47 IE1-940.96 IE1-1139.86 IE1-1350.76

EN-1.81 EN-2.01 EN-2.18 EN-2.55 EN-2.96 EN-

IE1-558.3 IE1-708.58 IE1-830.58 IE1-869.29 IE1-1008.39 IE1-1170.35

Non Metal

EN-1.78 EN-1.96 EN-2.1 EN-2.1 EN-2.66 EN-2.60

IE1-589.35 IE1-715.57 IE1-702.94 IE1-811.82 IE1- IE1-1037.07 Radio

EN-1.8 EN-1.8 EN-1.9 EN-2.0 EN-2.2 EN-

IE1- First ionisattion
IE1- IE1- IE1- IE1- IE1- IE1- energy
EN- Electro negativity



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In p-block, the elements present in lower left part are metals while the elements in the
upper right part are non metals. Elements of group 13 have metallic character except the first
element boron which is a metalloid, having properties intermediate between the metal and
nonmetals. The atomic radius of boron is very small and it has relatively high nuclear charge
and these properties are responsible for its nonmetallic character. In the subsequent groups
the non-metallic character increases. In group 14 elements, carbon is a nonmetal while silicon
and germanium are metalloids. In group 15, nitrogen and phosphorus are non metals and
arsenic & antimony are metalloids. In group 16, oxygen, sulphur and selenium are non metals
and tellurium is a metalloid. All the elements of group 17 and 18 are non metals.
2.1.3 Ionisation Enthalpy:
We have already learnt that as we move down a group, generally there is a steady
decrease in ionisation enthalpy of elements due to increase in their atomic radius. In
p-block elements, there are some minor deviations to this general trend. In group 13, from
boron to aluminium the ionisation enthalpy decreases as expected. But from aluminium
to thallium there is only a marginal difference. This is due to the presence of inner d and
f-electrons which has poor shielding effect compared to s and p-electrons. As a result, the
effective nuclear charge on the valance electrons increases. A similar trend is also observed
in group 14. The remaining groups (15 to 18) follow the general trend. In these groups,
the ionisation enthalpy decreases, as we move down the group. Here, poor shielding effect
of d- and f-electrons are overcome by the increased shielding effect of the additional
p-electrons. The ionisation enthalpy of elements in successive groups is higher than the
corresponding elements of the previous group as expected.
2.1.4 Electronegativity
As we move down the 13th group, the electronegativity first decreases from boron to
aluminium and then marginally increases for Gallium, thereafter there is no appreciable
change. Similar trend is also observed in 14 th group as well. In other groups, as we move down
the group, the electro negativity decreases. This observed trend can be correlated with their
atomic radius.
2.1.5 Anomalous properties of the first elements:
In p-block elements, the first member of each group differs from the other elements of
the corresponding group. The following factors are responsible for this anomalous behaviour.
1. Small size of the first member
2. High ionisation enthalpy and high electronegativity
3. Absence of d orbitals in their valance shell
The first member of the group 13, boron is a metalloid while others are reactive metals.
Moreover, boron shows diagonal relationship with silicon of group 14. The oxides of boron
and silicon are similar in their acidic nature. Both boron and silicon form covalent hydrides
that can be easily hydrolysed. Similarly, except boron trifluoride, halides of both elements are
readily hydrolysed.


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In group 14, the first element carbon is strictly a nonmetal while other elements are
metalloids (silicon & germanium) or metals (tin & lead). Unlike other elements of the group
carbon can form multiple bonds such as C=C, C=O etc... Carbon has a greater tendency to
form a chain of bonds with itself or with other atoms which is known as catenation. There
is considerable decrease in catenation property down the group (C>>Si>Ge≈Sn>Pb).
In group 15 also the first element nitrogen differs from the rest of the elements of the
group. Like carbon, the nitrogen can from multiple bonds (N=N, C=N, N=O etc...). Nitrogen is
a diatomic gas unlike the other members of the group. Similarly in group 16, the first element,
oxygen also exists as a diatomic gas in that group. Due to its high electronegativity it forms
hydrogen bonds.
The first element of group 17, fluorine the most electronegative element, also behaves
quiet differently compared to the rest of the members of group. Like oxygen it also forms
hydrogen bonds. It shows only -1 oxidation state while the other halogens have +1, +3, +5 and
+7 oxidation states in addition to -1 state. The fluorine is the strongest oxidising agent and the
most reactive element among the halogens.

2.1.6 Inert pair effect:

We have already learnt that the alkali and alkaline earth metals have an oxidation
state of +1 and +2 respectively, corresponding to the total number of electrons present in
them. Similarly, the elements of p-block also show the oxidation states corresponding to
the maximum number of valence electrons (group oxidation state). In addition they also
show variable oxidation state. In case of the heavier post-transition elements belonging to
the groups (13 to 16), the most stable oxidation state is two less than the group oxidation
state and there is a reluctance to exhibit the group oxidation state. Let us consider group
13 elements. As we move from boron to heavier elements, there is an increasing tendency
to have +1 oxidation state, rather than the group oxidation state, +3. For example Al is
+1 +1 +3
more stable than Al while Tl is more stable than Tl . Aluminium(III)chloride is stable
whereas thallium(III)chloride is highly unstable and disproportionates to thallium(I)
chloride and chlorine gas. This shows that in thallium the stable lower oxidation state
corresponds to the loss of np electrons only and not ns electrons. Thus in heavier post-
transition metals, the outer s electrons (ns) have a tendency to remain inert and show
reluctance to take part in the bonding, which is known as inert pair effect. This effect is
also observed in groups 14, 15 and 16.

2.1.7 Allotropism in p-block elements:

Some elements exist in more than one crystalline or molecular forms in the same physical
state. For example, carbon exists as diamond and graphite. This phenomenon is called
allotropism (in greek 'allos' means another and 'trope' means change) and the different forms
of an element are called allotropes. Many p-block elements show allotropism and some of the
common allotropes are listed in the table.


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Table 2.2 : Some of common allotropes of p-block elements

Element Most common allotropes

Amorphous boron, α-rhombohedral boron, β-rhombohedral boron,
Boron γ-orthorhombic boron, α-tetragonal boron, β-tetragonal boron
Carbon Diamond, Graphite, Graphene, Fullerenes, Carbon nanotubes
Silicon Amorphous silicon, crystalline silicon
Germanium α-germanium, β-germanium
Tin Grey tin, white tin, rhombic tin, sigma tin
White phosphorous, Red phosphorous, Scarlet phosphorous, Violet
phosphorous, Black phosphorous.
Arsenic Yellow arsenic, gray arsenic & Black arsenic
Anitimony Blue-white antimony, Yellow, Black
Oxygen Dioxygen, ozone
Sulphur Rhombus sulphur, monoclinic sulphur
Selenium Red selenium, Gray selenium, Black selenium, Monoclinic selenium,
Tellurium Amorphous & Crystalline

2.2 Group 13 (Boron group) elements:

2.2.1 Occurrence:
The boron occurs mostly as borates and its important ores are borax - Na2[B4O5(OH)4].8H2O
and kernite - Na2[B4O5(OH)4].2H2O.. Aluminium is the most abundant metal and occurs as
oxides and also found in aluminosilicate rocks. Commercially it is extracted from its chief
ore, bauxite (Al2O3.2H2O). The other elements of this group occur only in trace amounts. The
other elements Ga, In and Tl occur as their sulphides.
2.2.2 Physical properties:
Some of the physical properties of the group 13 elements are listed below
Table 2.3 Physical properties of group 13 elements
Property Boron Aluminum Gallium Indium Thallium
Physical state at
Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid
293 K
Atomic Number 5 13 31 49 81
27 69
Ga In


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Property Boron Aluminum Gallium Indium Thallium
Atomic Mass
10.81 26.98 69.72 114.81 204.38
(g.mol-1 at 293 K)
Electronic [Ar]3d10 4s2 [Kr]4d10 5s2 [Xe] 4f14
[He]2s 2p
2 1
[Ne]3s 3p2 1
configuration 4p1 5p1 5d10 6s2 6p1
Atomic radius (Å) 1.92 1.84 1.87 1.93 1.96
Density ( at
2.34 2.70 5.91 7.31 11.80
293 K)
Melting point (K) 2350 933 302.76 429 577
Boiling point (K) 4273 2792 2502 2300 1746

2.2.3 Chemical properties of boron:

Boron is the only nonmetal in this group and is less reactive. However, it shows reactivity
at higher temperatures. Many of its compounds are electron deficient and has unusual type
of covalent bonding which is due to its small size, high ionisation energy and similarity in
electronegativity with carbon and hydrogen.
Formation of metal borides:
Many metals except alkali metals form borides with a general formula MxBy (x ranging
upto 11 and y ranging upto 66 or higher)
Direct combination of metals with boron:

Cr + nB 1500 K CrBn

Reduction of borontrihalides:
Reduction of borontrichloride with a metal assisted by dihydrogen gives metal borides.
1500 K
BCl3 + W WB + Cl2+HCl

Formation of hydrides:
Boron does not react directly with hydrogen. However, it forms a variety of hydrides
called boranes. The simplest borane is diborane - B2H6. Other larger boranes can be prepared
from diborane. Treatment of gaseous boron trifluoride with sodium hydride around 450 K
gives diborane. To prevent subsequent pyrolysis, the product diborane is trapped immediately.
450 K
2BF3 + 6NaH B2H6 + 6NaF

Formation of boron trihalides:

Boron combines with halogen to form boron trihalides at high temperatures.


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2B + 3X2 2BX3

Formation of boron nitride:

Boron burns with dinitrogen at high temperatures to form boron nitride.
2B + N2 2BN

Formation of oxides:
When boron is heated with oxygen around 900 K, it forms its oxide.

4B + 3O2 900 K 2B2O3

Reaction with acids and alkali:

Halo acids have no reaction with boron. However, boron reacts with oxidising acids such
as sulphuric acid and nitric acids and forms boric acid.

2B + 3H2SO4 2H3BO3 + 3SO2

B + 3HNO3 H3BO3 + 3NO2

Boron reacts with fused sodium hydroxide and forms sodium borate.
2B + 6NaOH 2Na3BO3 + 3H2

Uses of boron:
1. Boron has the capacity to absorb neutrons. Hence, its isotope 10B5 is used as moderator in
nuclear reactors.
2. Amorphous boron is used as a rocket fuel igniter.
3. Boron is essential for the cell walls of plants.
4. Compounds of boron have many applications. For example eye drops, antiseptics, washing
powders etc.. contains boric acid and borax. In the manufacture of Pyrex glass , boric oxide
is used.

2.2.4. Borax [Na2B4O7.10H2O]:

Borax is a sodium salt of tetraboric acid. It is obtained from colemanite ore by boiling its
solution with sodium carbonate.

2Ca2B6O11 + 2NaCO3 + H2O Δ

3Na2B4O7 + 3CaCO3 + Ca(OH)2


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Borax is normally formulated as Na2B4O7.10H2O. But it contains, tetranuclear units [B4O5.
(OH)4]2-. This form is known as prismatic form. Borax also exists two other forms namely,
jeweller or octahderal borax (Na2B4O7.5H2O) and borax glass (Na2B4O7).
Borax is basic in nature and its solution in hot-water is alkaline as it dissociates into boric
acid and sodium hydroxide.
Na2B4O7 + 7H2O 4H3BO3 + 2NaOH
On heating it forms a transparent borax beads.
Na2B4O7.10H2O Na2B4O7 2NaBO2 + B2O3
Borax reacts with acids to form sparingly soluble boric acid.
Na2B4O7 + 2HCl + 7H2O 4H3BO3 + 2NaCl
Na2B4O7 + H2SO4 + 5H2O 4H3BO3 + 2Na2SO4

When treated with ammonium chloride it forms boron nitride.

Na2B4O7 + 2NH4Cl 2NaCl + 2BN + B2O3 + 4H2O
Uses of Borax:
1. Borax is used for the identification of coloured metal ions
2. In the manufacture optical and borosilicate glass, enamels and glazes for pottery
3. It is also used as a flux in metallurgy and also acts as a preservative

2.2.5. Boric acid [H3BO3 or B(OH)3]:

Boric acid can be extracted from borax and colemanite.
Na2B4O7 + H2SO4 + 5H2O Na2SO4 + 4H3BO3

Ca2B6O11 + 11H2SO4 + SO2 Ca(HSO3)2+ 6H3BO3

Boric acid is a colourless transparent crystal. It is a very weak monobasic acid and,
it accepts hydroxyl ion rather than donating proton.
B(OH)3 + 2H2O H3O+ + [B(OH)4]-
It reacts with sodium hydroxide to form sodium metaborate and sodium tetraborate.
NaOH + H3BO3 NaBO2 + 2H2O

2NaOH + 4H3BO3 Na2B4O7+ 7H2O

Action of Heat:
Boric acid when heated at 373 K gives metaboric acid and at 413 K, it gives tetraboric acid.
When heated at red hot, it gives boric anhydride which is a glassy mass.

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373 K
4H3BO3 4HBO2 + 4 H2O
413 K
4HBO2 H2B4O7 + H2O
Red hot
H2B4O7 2B2O3 + H2O

Acton of ammonia
Fusion of urea with B(OH)3, in an atmosphere of ammonia at 800 - 1200 K gives boron nitride.
B(OH)3 + NH3 BN + 3H2O

When boric acid or borate salt is heated with ethyl alcohol in presence of conc. sulphuric
acid, an ester, trialkylborate is formed. The vapour of this ester burns with a green edged flame
and this reaction is used to identify the presence of borate.
H3BO3 + 3C2H5OH B(OC2H5)3+ 3H2O
Note: The trialkyl borate on reaction with sodium hydride in tetrahydrofuron to form a
coordination compound Na[BH(OR)3], which acts as a powerful reducing agent.

Formation of boron trifluoride:

Boric acid reacts with calcium fluoride in presence of conc. sulphuric acid and gives boron
3CaF2 + 3H2SO4 + 2 B(OH)3 3CaSO4 + 2BF3 + 6H2O

Borax when heated with soda ash it gives borax

Na2CO3 + 4B(OH)3 Na2B4O7 + CO2 + 6H2O

Structure of Boric acid:

Boric acid has a two dimensional
layered structure. It consists of [BO3]
3- H
unit and these are linked to each other by
hydrogen bonds as shown in the Figure 2.2. B
Uses of boric acid:
1. Boric acid is used in the manufacture of
pottery glases, enamels and pigments. O O
2. It is used as an antiseptic and as an eye O B O
lotion. O
3. It is also used as a food preservative. H O B O H H

Figure 2.2 Structure of boric acid


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2.2.6 Diborane
As discussed earlier diborane can be prepared by the action of metal hydride with boron.
This method is used for the industrial production.
Diborane can also be obtained in small quantities by the reaction of iodine with sodium
borohydride in diglyme.
2NaBH4 + I2 B2H6 + 2NaI + H2

On heating magnesium boride with HCl a mixture of volatile boranes are obtained.
2Mg3B2 + 12HCl 6MgCl2 + B4H10 + H2
B4H10 + H2 2B2H6
Boranes are colourless diamagnetic compounds with low thermal stability. Diborane is a
gas at room temperature with sweet smell and it is extremely toxic. It is also highly reactive.
At high temperatures it forms higher boranes liberating hydrogen.
388 K
5B2H6 U - tube 2B5H11 + 4H2

198 - 373 K
2B2H6 B4H10 + H2

373 K
5B2H6 B10H14 + 8H2
sealed tube
473 - 523 K
5B2H6 2B5H9 + 6H2

523 K
10B2H6 2B5H9 + 2B 5H10 + 11H2
Red hot
B2H6 2B + 3H2

Diboranes reacts with water and alkali to give boric acid and metaborates respectively.
B2H6 + 6H2 O 2H3BO3 + 6H2
B2H6 + 2NaOH +2H2 O 2NaBO2 + 6H2

Action of air:
At room temperature pure diborane does not react with air or oxygen but in impure form
it gives B2O3 along with large amount of heat.
B2H6 + 3O2 B2O3 + 3H2O ΔH = -2165 KJ mol-1

Diborane reacts with methyl alcohol to give trimethyl Borate.


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B2H6 + 6CH3 OH 2B(OCH3)3+ 6H2

Diborane adds on to alkenes and alkynes in ether solvent at room temperature. This
reaction is called hydroboration and is highly used in synthetic organic chemistry, especially
for anti Markovnikov addition.
B2H6 + 6RCH =CHR 2B(RCH-CH2R)3

Reaction with ionic hydrides

When treated with metal hydrides it forms metal borohydrides
B2H6 + 2LiH 2LiBH4
B2H6 + 2NaH 2NaBH4

Reaction with ammonia:

When treated with excess ammonia at low temperatures diborane gives
diboranediammonate. On heating at higher temperatures it gives borazole.
+ -
3B2H6 + 6NH3 -153 K 3B2H6.2NH3 (or) 3[BH2(NH3)2] [BH4]

High temp B B B B

3B2H6+2NH3 Clossed vessel N N N N



2B3N3H6 (Borazole or Borazine - Inorganic benzene)

Structure of diborane:
In diborane two BH2 units
are linked by two bridged H

hydrogens. Therefore, it has

1S sp 3
sp 3 1S

eight B-H bonds. However, sp3 sp3

diborane has only 12 valance B B
electrons and are not sufficient sp 3 sp3
to form normal covalent 1S sp3 sp3 1S
bonds. The four terminal B-H H H

bonds are normal covalent

bonds (two centre - two
electron bond or 2c-2e bond). Figure 2.3 Structure of diborane.
The remaining four electrons
have to be used for the bridged bonds. i.e. two three centred B-H-B bonds utilise two electrons
each. Hence, these bonds are three centre- two electron bonds (3c-2e). The bridging hydrogen
atoms are in a plane as shown in the figure 2.3. In diborne, the boron is sp3 hybridised.


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Three of the four sp3 hybridised orbitals contains single electron and the fourth orbital is empty.
Two of the half filled hybridised orbitals of each boron overlap with the two hydrogens to form
four terminal 2c-2e bonds, leaving one empty and one half filled hybridised orbitals on each
boron. The Three centre - two electron bonds), B-H-B bond formation involves overlapping
the half filled hybridised orbital of one boron, the empty hybridised orbital of the other boron
and the half filled 1s orbital of hydrogen.

Uses of diborane:
1. Diborane is used as a high energy fuel for propellant
2. It is used as a reducing agent in organic chemistry
3. It is used in welding torches

2.2.7 Boron trifluoride:

Boron trifuloride is obtained by the treatment of calcium fluoride with boron trioxide in
presence of conc. sulphuric acid.
B2O3 + 3CaF2 + 3H2SO4 Δ 2BH3 + 3CaSO4.+ 3H2O
It can also be obtained by treating boron trioxide with carbon and fluorine.
B2O3 + 3C + 3F2 2BF3 + 3CO
In the laboratory pure BF3 is prepared by the thermal decomposition of benzene diazonium
tetrafluoro borate.
PhN2BF4 BF3 + PhF + N2

Boron trifluoride has a planar geometry. It is an electron deficient compound and accepts
electron pairs to form coordinate covalent bonds. They form complex of the type [BX4] .
BF3 + NH3 F3 B ←NH3
BF3 + H2O F3B ←OH2

On hydrolysis, boric acid is obtained. This then gets converted into fluoro boric acid.
4BF3 + 12H2O 4H3BO3 + 12HF
+ -
3H3BO3 + 12HF 3H + 3[BF4] + 9H2O
+ -
4BF3 + 3H2O H3BO3 + 3H + 3[BF4]

Uses of Boron trifluoride:

1. Boron trifluoride is used for preparing HBF4, a catalyst in organic chemistry
2. It is also used as a fluorinating reagent.


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2.2.8 Aluminium chloride:
When aluminium metal or aluminium hydroxide is treated with hydrochloric acid,
aluminium trichloride is formed. The reaction mixture is evaporated to obtain hydrated
aluminium chloride.
2Al + 6HCl 2AlCl3 + 3H2
Al(OH)3 + 3HCl AlCl3 + 3H2O

McAfee Process:
Aluminium chloride is obtained by heating a mixture of alumina and coke in a current
of chlorine.
Al2O3 +3C + 3Cl2 2AlCl3 + 3CO2
On industrial scale it is prepared by chlorinating aluminium around 1000 K
1000 K
2Al + 3Cl2 2AlCl3
Anhydrous aluminium chloride is a colourless, hygroscopic substance.
An aqueous solution of aluminium chloride is acidic in nature. It also produces hydrogen
chloride fumes in moist air.
AlCl3 + 3H2O Al(OH)3 + 3HCl

With ammonium hydroxide it forms aluminium hydroxide.

AlCl3 + 3NH4OH Al(OH)3 + 3NH4Cl
With excess of sodium hydroxide it produces metal aluminate
AlCl3 + 4NaOH NaAlO2 + 2H2O + 3NaCl

It behaves like a Lewis acid and forms addition compounds with ammonia, phosphine
and carbonylchloride etc... Eg. AlCl3.6NH3.

Uses of aluminium chloride:

1. Anhydrous aluminium chloride is used as a catalyst in Friedels Crafts reactions
2. It is used for the manufacture of petrol by cracking the mineral oils.
3. It is used as a catalyst in the manufacture on dyes, drugs and perfumes.

2.2.9 Alums:
The name alum is given to the double salt of potassium aluminium sulphate [K2SO4.
Al2(SO4)3.24.H2O]. Now a days it is used for all the double salts with M'2SO4.M"2(SO4)3.24H2O,
where M' is univalent metal ion or [NH4] and M" is trivalent metal ion.


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Potash alum [K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24.H2O]; Sodium alum [Na2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24.H2O] ,
Ammonium alum [(NH4)2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24.H2O], Chrome alum [K2SO4.Cr2(SO4)3.24.H2O].
Alums in general are more soluble in hot water than in cold water and in solutions they
exhibit the properties of constituent ions.
The alunite the alum stone is the naturally occurring form and it is K2SO4.
Al2(SO4)3.4Al(OH)3. When alum stone is treated with excess of sulphuric acid, the aluminium
hydroxide is converted to aluminium sulphate. A calculated quality of potassium sulphate is
added and the solution is crystallised to generate potash alum. It is purified by recrystallisation.
K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3 .4Al(OH)3 + 6H2SO4 K2SO4 + 3Al2(SO4)3 + 12 H2O

K2SO4 + Al2(SO4)3 + 24 H2O K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24 H2O

Potash alum is a white crystalline solid it is soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol. The
aqueous solution is acidic due to the hydrolysis of aluminium sulphate it melts at 365 K on
heating. At 475 K loses water of hydration and swells up. The swollen mass is known as burnt
alum. Heating to red hot it decomposes into potassium sulphate, alumina and sulphur trioxide.
500 K
K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24 H2O K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3 + 24 H2O
K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3 Red hot K2SO4 + Al2O3 + 3SO3

Potash alum forms aluminium hydroxide when treated with ammonium hydroxide.

K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24 H2O +6NH4OH K2SO4 + 3(NH4)2SO4 + 24 H2O + 3Al(OH)3

Uses of Alum:
1. It is used for purification of water
2. It is also used for water proofing and textiles
3. It is used in dyeing, paper and leather tanning industries
4. It is employed as a styptic agent to arrest bleeding.

2.3 Group 14 (Carbon group) elements:

2.3.1 Occurrence:
Carbon is found in the native form as graphite. Coal, crude oil and carbonate rocks such
as calcite, magnesite etc... contains large quantities of carbon in its combined form with other
elements. Silicon occurs as silica (sand and quartz crystal). Silicate minerals and clay are other
important sources for silicon.


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2.3.2 Physical properties:
Some of the physical properties of the group 14 elements are listed below
Table 2.4 Physical properties of group 14 elements
Property Carbon Silicon Germanium Tin Lead
Physical state at
Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid
293 K
Atomic Number 6 14 32 50 82
Isotopes 12
C, 13C, 14C Si, 30Si
Ge, 74Ge
73 120
Sn 208
Atomic Mass
12.01 28.09 72.63 118.71 207.2
(g.mol-1 at 293 K)
Electronic [Kr]4d10 5s2 [Xe] 4f14
[He]2s2 2p2 [Ne]3s2 3p2 [Ar]3d10 4s2 4p2
configuration 5p2 5d10 6s2 6p2
Atomic radius (Å) 1.70 2.10 2.11 2.17 2.02
Density ( at
3.51 2.33 5.32 7.29 11.30
293 K)
Melting point (K) Sublimes at 1687 1211 505 601
Boiling point (K) 4098 3538 3106 2859 2022
2.3.3 Tendency for catenation
Catenation is an ability of an element to form chain of atoms. The following conditions are
necessary for catenation. (i) the valency of element is greater than or equal to two, (ii) element
should have an ability to bond with itself (iii) the self bond must be as strong as its bond
with other elements (iv) kinetic inertness of catenated compound towards other molecules.
Carbon possesses all the above properties and forms a wide range of compounds with itself
and with other elements such as H, O, N, S
and halogens.
2.3.4 Allotropes of carbon
Carbon exists in many allotropic forms.
Graphite and diamond are the most common
allotropes. Other important allotropes are
graphene, fullerenes and carbon nanotubes.
Graphite is the most stable allotropic
form of carbon at normal temperature and
pressure. It is soft and conducts electricity. It
is composed of flat two dimensional sheets of
carbon atoms. Each sheet is a hexagonal net
of sp2 hybridised carbon atoms with a C-C Figure 2.4 Structure of graphite
bond length of 1.41 Å which is close to the


XII_U2-P-Block.indd 41 4/2/2019 10:54:10 AM

C-C bond distance in benzene (1.40 Å). Each carbon atom forms three σ bonds with three
neighbouring carbon atoms using three of its valence electrons and the fourth electron present
in the unhybridised p orbital forms a π-bond. These π electrons are delocalised over the entire
sheet which is responsible for its electrical conductivity. The successive carbon sheets are held
together by weak vander Waals forces. The distance between successive sheet is 3.40 Å. It is
used as a lubricant either on its own or as a graphited oil.
Unlike graphite the other allotrope
diamond is very hard. The carbon atoms in
diamond are sp3 hybridised and bonded to four
neighbouring carbon atoms by σ bonds with a
C-C bond length of 1.54 Å. This results in a
tetrahedral arrangement around each carbon
atom that extends to the entire lattice as shown
in figure 2.5. Since all four valance electrons
of carbon are involved in bonding there is
no free electrons for conductivity. Being the
hardest element, it used for sharpening hard Figure 2.5 Structure of diamond
tools, cutting glasses, making bores and rock
Fullerenes are newly synthesised allotropes
of carbon. Unlike graphite and diamond, these
allotropes are discrete molecules such as C32,
C50, C60, C70, C76 etc.. These molecules have cage
like structures as shown in the figure. The C60
molecules have a soccer ball like structure and
is called buckminster fullerene or buckyballs.
It has a fused ring structure consists of 20 six
membered rings and 12 five membered rings.
Each carbon atom is sp2 hybridised and forms Figure 2.6 Structure of Fullerenes
three σ bonds & a delocalised π bond giving
aromatic character to these molecules. The
C-C bond distance is 1.44 Å and C=C distance
1.38 Å.
Carbon nanotubes, another recently
discovered allotropes, have graphite like tubes
with fullerene ends. Along the axis, these
nanotubes are stronger than steel and conduct
electricity. These have many applications in
nanoscale electronics, catalysis, polymers and
Figure 2.7 Structure of carbon nanotubes


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Another allotrophic form of carbon is
graphene. It has a single planar sheet of sp2
hybridised carbon atoms that are densely
packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice.
2.3.5 Carbon monoxide [CO]:
Carbon monoxide can be prepared by
the reaction of carbon with limited amount of Figure 2.8 Structure of graphene
2C + O2 2CO

On industrial scale carbon monoxide is produced by the reaction of carbon with air.
The carbon monoxide formed will contain nitrogen gas also and the mixture of nitrogen and
carbon monoxide is called producer gas.
2C + O2/N2 (air) 2CO + N2
Producers Gas

The producer gas is then passed through a solution of copper(I)chloride under

pressure which results in the formation of CuCl(CO).2H2O. At reduced pressures this
solution releases the pure carbon monoxide.
Pure carbon monoxide is prepared by warming methanoic acid with concentrated
sulphuric acid which acts as a dehydrating agent.
HCOOH + H2SO4 CO + H2O + H2SO4
It is a colourless, odourless, and poisonous gas. It is slightly soluble in water.
It burns in air with a blue flame forming carbon dioxide.
2CO + O2 2CO2

When carbon monoxide is treated with chlorine in presence of light or charcoal, it forms
a poisonous gas carbonyl chloride, which is also known as phosgene. It is used in the synthesis
of isocyanates.
CO + Cl2 COCl2
Carbon monoxide acts as a strong reducing agent.
CO + Fe2O3 2Fe + 3CO2

Under high temperature and pressure a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen
(synthetic gas or syn gas) gives methanol.
CO + 2H2 CH3OH
In oxo process, ethene is mixed with carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas to produce


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CO + C2H4 + H2 CH3CH2CHO

Fischer Tropsch synthesis:

The reaction of carbon monoxide with hydrogen at a pressure of less than 50 atm using
metal catalysts at 500 - 700 K yields saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.
nCO + (2n+1)H2 CnH(2n+2) + nH2O
nCO + 2nH2 CnH2n + nH2O

Carbon monoxide forms numerous complex compounds with transition metals in which
the transition meal is in zero oxidation state. These compounds are obtained by heating the
metal with carbon monoxide.
Eg. Nickel tetracarbonyl [Ni(CO)4], Iron pentacarbonyl [Fe(CO)5], Chromium
hexacarbonyl [Cr(CO)6].
It has a linear structure. In carbon monoxide, three electron pairs are shared between
carbon and oxygen. The bonding can be explained using molecular orbital theory as discussed
in XI standard. The C-O bond distance is 1.128Å. The structure can be considered as the
resonance hybrid of the following two canonical forms.


Figure 2.9 Structure of carbon monoxide

Uses of carbon monoxide:
1. Equimolar mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide - water gas and the mixture of
carbon monoxide and nitrogen - producer gas are important industrial fuels
2. Carbon monoxide is a good reducing agent and can reduce many metal oxides to metals.
3. Carbon monoixde is an important ligand and forms carbonyl compound with transition
2.3.6 Carbon dioxide:
Carbon dioxide occurs in nature in free state as well as in the combined state. It is a
constituent of air (0.03%). It occurs in rock as calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate.
On industrial scale it is produced by burning coke in excess of air.
2CO + O2 2CO2 ∆H = 394 kJ mol

Calcination of lime produces carbon dioxide as by product.

CaCO3 CaO + CO2


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Carbon dioxide is prepared in laboratory by the action of dilute hydrochloric acid on
metal carbonates.
CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

It is a colourless, nonflammable gas and is heavier than air. Its critical temperature is 31⁰
C and can be readily liquefied.
Carbon dioxide is a very stable compound. Even at 3100 K only 76 % decomposes to
form carbon monoxide and oxygen. At still higher temperature it decomposes into carbon
and oxygen.
3100 K
CO2 CO + ½O2
high temperature
CO2 C + O2

Reducing behaviour:
At elevated temperatures, it acts as a strong reducing agent. For example,
CO2 + Mg 2MgO + C

Water gas equilibrium:

The equilibrium involved in the reaction between carbon dioxide and hydrogen, has many
industrial applications and is called water gas equilibrium.
CO2 + H2 CO + H2O
Water gas

Acidic behaviour:
The aqueous solution of carbon dioxide is slightly acidic as it forms carbonic acid.
CO2 + H2O + -
H2CO3 H + HCO3
Structure of carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide has a liner structure with equal bond distance for the both C-O bonds. In
this molecule there is one C-O sigma bond. In addition there is 3c-4e bond covering all the
three atoms.


Figure 2.10 Structure of carbon dixide

Uses of carbon dioxide
1. Carbon dioxide is used to produce an inert atomosphere for chemical processing.
2. Biologically, it is important for photosynthesis.


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3. It is also used as fire extinguisher and as a propellent gas.
4. It is used in the production of carbonated beverages and in the production of foam.
2.3.7 Silicon tetrachloride:
Silicon tetrachloride can be prepared by passing dry chlorine over an intimate mixture of
silica and carbon by heating to 1675 K in a porcelain tube
SiO2 + 2C + 2Cl2 SiCl4 + 2CO
On commercial scale, reaction of silicon with hydrogen chloride gas occurs above 600 K
Si + 4HCl SiCl4 + 2H2

Silicon tetrachloride is a colourless fuming liquid and it freezes at -70 ⁰C
In moist air, silicon tetrachloride is hydrolysed with water to give silica and hydrochloric acid.
SiCl4 + 4H2O 4HCl + Si(OH)4

When silicon tetrachloride is hydrolysed with moist ether, linear perchloro siloxanes are
formed [Cl-(Si Cl2O)nSiCl3 where n=1-6.

The chloride ion in silicon tetrachloride can be substituted by nucleophile such as OH,
OR, etc.. using suitable reagents. For example, it forms silicic esters with alcohols.
SiCl4 + C2H5OH Si(OC2H5)4 + 4HCl
Tetraethoxy silane

Similarly silicon tetrachloride undergoes ammonialysis to form chlorosilazanes.
330 K
2SiCl4 + NH3 Ether

1. Silicon tetrachloride is used in the production of semiconducting silicon.
2. It is used as a starting material in the synthesis of silica gel, silicic esters, a binder for
ceramic materials.

2.3.8 Silcones:
Silicones or poly siloxanes are organo silicon polymers with general empirical formula
(R2SiO). Since their empirical formula is similar to that of ketone (R2CO), they were named
“silicones”. These silicones may be linear or cross linked. Because of their very high thermal
stability they are called high –temperature polymers.


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Generally silicones are prepared by the hydrolysis of dialkyldichlorosilanes (R2SiCl2) or
diaryldichlorosilanes Ar2SiCl2, which are prepared by passing vapours of RCl or ArCl over
silicon at 570 K with copper as a catalyst.
Cu / 570 K
2RCl+ Si R2SiCl2

The hydrolysis of dialkylchloro silanes R2SiCl2 yields to a straight chain polymer which
grown from both the sides
Cl Si Cl HO Si OH

HO Si OH + HO Si OH HO Si O Si OH + HO Si OH

Etc HO Si O Si O Si OH

The hydrolysis of monoalkylchloro silanes RSiCl3 yields to a very complex cross linked
polymer.. Linear silicones can be converted into cyclic or ring silicones when water molecules
is removed from the terminal –OH groups.

Me Me O R
Me O Me
Me Si O Si Me Si Si R Si O Si O
Me Me
Me Si O Si Me Si O Si O Si O Si O
Me Me Me Me

Types of silicones:
(i) Liner silicones:
They are obtained by the hydrolysis and subsequent condensation of dialkyl or diaryl
silicon chlorides.


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a) Silicone rubbers: These silicones are bridged together by methylene or similar groups
b) Silicone resins: They are obtained by blending silicones with organic resins such as acrylic
(ii) Cyclic silicones
These are obtained by the hydrolysis of R2SiCl2.
(iii) Cross linked silicones
They are obtained by hydrolysis of RSiCl3
The extent of cross linking and nature of alkyl group determine the nature of polymer. They
range from oily liquids to rubber like solids. All silicones are water repellent. This property
arises due to the presence of organic side groups that surrounds the silicon which makes the
molecule looks like an alkane. They are also thermal and electrical insulators. Chemically they
are inert. Lower silicones are oily liquids whereas higher silicones with long chain structure are
waxy solids. The viscosity of silicon oil remains constant and doesn’t change with temperature
and they don't thicken during winter
1. Silicones are used for low temperature lubrication and in vacuum pumps, high temperature
oil baths etc...
2. They are used for making water proofing clothes
3. They are used as insulting material in electrical motor and other appliances
4. They are mixed with paints and enamels to make them resistant towards high temperature,
sunlight, dampness and chemicals.
2.3.9 Silicates
The mineral which contains silicon and oxygen in tetrahedral [SiO ] units linked
together in different patterns are called silicates. Nearly 95 % of the earth crust is composed
of silicate minerals and silica. The glass and
ceramic industries are based on the chemistry
Types of Silicates:   
Silicates are classified into various types 
based on the way in which the tetrahedral 
units, [SiO ] are linked together.
Ortho silicates (Neso silicates): The simplest
silicates which contain discrete [SiO ] Figure 2.11
tetrahedral units are called ortho silicates or Structure of Ortho silicates
neso silicates.


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Examples : Phenacite - Be2SiO4 (Be2+ ions are tetrahedrally surrounded by O2- ions), Olivine -
(Fe/Mg)2SiO4 ( Fe2+ and Mg2+ cations are octahedrally surrounded by O2- ions),
Pyro silicate (or) Soro silicates):
Silicates which contain [Si2O7]6-    
ions are called pyro silicates (or)
Soro silicates. They are formed by 
joining two [SiO ] tetrahedral 
units by sharing one oxygen atom 

at one corner.(one oxygen is

Figure 2.12 Structure of Pyro silicate
removed while joining). Example :
Thortveitite - Sc2Si2O7
Cyclic silicates (or Ring silicates)
Silicates which contain (SiO3)n2n- ions 
which are formed by linking three or more 
tetrahedral SiO44- units cyclically are called   

cyclic silicates. Each silicate unit shares two   

of its oxygen atoms with other units.

Example: Beryl [Be3Al2 (SiO3)6] (an  

aluminosilicate with each aluminium 

is surrounded by 6 oxygen atoms
Figure 2.13 Structure of Cyclic silicates
Inosilicates :
Silicates which contain 'n' number of silicate units liked by sharing two or more oxygen
atoms are called inosilicates. They are further classified as chain silicates and double chain
Chain silicates (or
pyroxenes): These   
silicates contain [(SiO3)
] ions formed by
linking ‘n’ number of
tetrahedral [SiO ] units
linearly. Each silicate unit
shares two of its oxygen
atoms with other units. Figure 2.14 Structure of Chain silicates

Example: Spodumene - LiAl(SiO3)2.

Double chain silicates (or amphiboles): These silicates contains [Si4O11]n6n- ions. In these
silicates there are two different types of tetrahedra : (i) Those sharing 3 vertices (ii) those
sharing only 2 vertices.


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1) Asbestos : These are
fibrous and non-
combustible silicates.
Therefore they are used
for thermal insulation
material, brake
linings, construction Figure 2.15 Structure of Double chain silicates
material and filters.
Asbestos being
carcinogenic silicates,
their applications are
Sheet or phyllo silicates   

Silicates which
contain (Si2O5)n 2n-
called sheet or phyllo
silicates. In these, Each    
[SiO ] tetrahedron
unit shares three oxygen   

atoms with others and

thus by forming two- Figure 2.16 Structure of Sheet or phyllo silicates
dimensional sheets. These
sheets silicates form layered structures in which silicate sheets are stacked over each other. The
attractive forces between these layers are very week, hence they can be cleaved easily just like
Example: Talc, Mica etc...
Three dimensional silicates (or tecto silicates):
Silicates in which all the oxygen atoms of [SiO ] tetrahedra are shared with other
tetrahedra to form three-dimensional network are called three dimensional or tecto silicates.
They have general formula (SiO2)n .
Examples: Quartz
These tecto silicates can be converted into Three dimentional aluminosilicates by replacing
[SiO4]4- units by [AlO4]5- units. E.g. Feldspar, Zeolites etc.,
2.3.10 Zeolites:
Zeolites are three-dimensional crystalline solids containing aluminium, silicon, and
oxygen in their regular three dimensional framework. They are hydrated sodium alumino
silicates with general formula NaO.(Al2O3).x(SiO2).yH2O (x=2 to 10; y=2 to 6).


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Zeolites have porous structure in which the monovalent sodium ions and water molecules
are loosely held. The Si and Al atoms are tetrahedrally coordinated with each other through
shared oxygen atoms. Zeolites are similar to clay minerals but they differ in their crystalline
Zeolites have a three dimensional crystalline structure looks like a honeycomb consisting
of a network of interconnected tunnels and cages. Water molecules moves freely in and out of
these pores but the zeolite framework remains rigid. Another special aspect of this structure is
that the pore/channel sizes are nearly uniform, allowing the crystal to act as a molecular sieve.
We have already discussed in XI standard, the removal of permanent hardness of water using

Boron Neutron Capture Therapy:

The affinity of Boron-10 for neutrons is the basis of a technique known as
boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for treating patients suffering from brain
It is based on the nuclear reaction that occurs when boron-10 is irradiated with low-energy
thermal neutrons to give high linear energy α particles and a Li particle.
Boron compounds are injected into a patient with a brain tumour and the compounds collect
preferentially in the tumour. The tumour area is then irradiated with thermal neutrons and results
in the release of an alpha particle that damages the tissue in the tumour each time a boron-10
nucleus captures a neutron. In this way damage can be limited preferentially to the tumour, leaving
the normal brain tissue less affected. BNCT has also been studied as a treatment for several other
tumours of the head and neck, the breast, the prostate, the bladder, andthe liver.


„„ The elements in which their last electron enters the 'p' orbital, constitute the p-block
„„ The p-block elements have a general electronic configuration of ns2, np1-6. The
elements of each group have similar outer shell electronic configuration and differ
only in the value of n (principal quantum number).
„„ Generally on descending a group the ionisation energy decreases and hence the
metallic character increases.
„„ The ionisation enthalpy of elements in successive groups is higher than the
corresponding elements of the previous group as expected.
„„ As we move down the 13th group, the electronegativity first decreases from boron
to aluminium and then marginally increases.


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„„ In p-block elements, the first member of each group differs from the other elements
of the corresponding group.
„„ In heavier post-transition metals, the outer s electrons (ns) have a tendency to
remain inert and show reluctance to take part in the bonding, which is known as
inert pair effect.
„„ Some elements exist in more than one crystalline or molecular forms in the
same physical state. For example, carbon exists as diamond and graphite. This
phenomenon is called allothropism
„„ Borax is a sodium salt of tetraboric acid. It is obtained from colemanite ore by
boiling its solution with sodium carbonate.
„„ Boric acid can be extracted from borax and colemanite.
„„ Boric acid has a two dimensional layered structure.
„„ The name alum is given to the double salt of potassium aluminium sulphate [K2SO4.
„„ Carbon is found in the native form as graphite.
„„ Silicon occurs as silica (sand and quartz crystal). Silicate minerals and clay are
other important sources for silicon.
„„ Catenation is an ability of an element to form chain of atoms
„„ Carbon nanotubes, another recently discovered allotropes, have graphite like tubes
with fullerene ends.
„„ Silicones or poly siloxanes are organo silicon polymers with general empirical
formula (R2SiO). Because of their very high thermal stability they are called high
–temperature polymers.
„„ The mineral which contains silicon and oxygen in tetrahedral [SiO ] units linked
together in different patterns are called silicates.
„„ Types of Silicates:
▶▶ Ortho silicates (Neso silicates), Pyro silicate (or) Soro silicates), Cyclic
silicates (or Ring silicates)
▶▶ Inosilicates : Chain silicates (or pyroxenes), Double chain silicates
(or amphiboles):
▶▶ Sheet or phyllo silicates
▶▶ Three dimensional silicates (or tecto silicates)
„„ Zeolites are three-dimensional crystalline solids containing aluminium, silicon,
and oxygen in their regular three dimensional framework.
„„ zeolites act as a molecular sieve for the removal of permanent hardness of water


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Choose the correct answer:

1. An aqueous solution of borax is
a) neutral b) acidic c) basic d) amphoteric
2. Boric acid is an acid because its molecule (NEET)
a) contains replaceable H+ ion
b) gives up a proton
c) combines with proton to form water molecule
d) accepts OH- from water ,releasing proton.
3. Which among the following is not a borane?
a) B2 H6 b) B3H6 c) B4 H10 d) none of these
4. Which of the following metals has the largest abundance in the earth’s crust?
a) Aluminium b) calcium c) Magnesium d) sodium
5. In diborane, the number of electrons that accounts for banana bonds is
a) six b) two c) four d) three
6. The element that does not show catenation among the following p-block elements is
a) Carbon b) silicon c) Lead d) germanium
7. Carbon atoms in fullerene with formula C60 have
a) sp3 hybridised b) sp hybridised
c) sp2 hybridised d) partially sp2 and partially sp3 hybridised
8. Oxidation state of carbon in its hydrides
a) +4 b) -4 c) +3 d) +2
9. The basic structural unit of silicates is (NEET)
b) ( SiO4 ) c) ( SiO ) d) ( SiO4 )
2− − 4−
a) ( SiO3 )2−

10. The repeating unit in silicone is R

a) SiO2 b) Si O

c) R O Si O d) Si O O R



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11. Which of these is not a monomer for a high molecular mass silicone polymer?
a) Me3SiCl b) PhSiCl3 c) MeSiCl3 d) Me2SiCl2
12. Which of the following is not sp2 hybridised?
a) Graphite b) graphene c) Fullerene d) dry ice
13. The geometry at which carbon atom in diamond are bonded to each other is
a) Tetrahedral b) hexagonal c) Octahedral d) none of these
14. Which of the following statements is not correct?

a) Beryl is a cyclic silicate

b) Mg2SiO4 is an orthosilicate

c) SiO4 4−is the basic structural unit of silicates

d) Feldspar is not aluminosilicate

15. AlF3 is soluble in HF only in the presence of KF. It is due to the formation of (NEET)
a) K 3 [AlF3H3 ] b) K 3 [AlF6 ]
c) AlH3 d) K [AlF3H ]
16. Match items in column - I with the items of column – II and assign the correct code.

Column-I Column-II A B C D
(a) 2 1 4 3
A Borazole 1 B(OH)3
(b) 1 2 4 3
B Boric acid 2 B3N3H6
(c) 1 2 4 3
C Quartz 3 Na2[B4O5(OH)4] 8H2O (d) None of these
D Borax 4 SiO2

17. Duralumin is an alloy of

a) Cu,Mn b) Cu,Al,Mg c) Al,Mn d) Al,Cu,Mn,Mg
18. Thermodynamically the most stable form of carbon is
a) Diamond b) graphite c) Fullerene d) none of these
19. The compound that is used in nuclear reactors as protective shields and control rods is
a) Metal borides b) metal oxides c) Metal carbonates d) metal carbide
20. The stability of +1 oxidation state increases in the sequence
a) Al < Ga < In < Tl b) Tl < In < Ga < Al
c) In < Tl < Ga < Al d) Ga< In < Al < Tl


XII_U2-P-Block.indd 54 4/2/2019 10:54:19 AM

Answer the following questions:
1. Write a short note on anamolous properties of the first element of p-block.
2. Describe briefly allotropism in p- block elements with specific reference to carbon.
3. Boron does not react directly with hydrogen. Suggest one method to prepare diborane
from BF3.
4. Give the uses of Borax.
5. What is catenation ? describe briefly the catenation property of carbon.
6. Write a note on Fisher tropsch synthesis.
7. Give the structure of CO and CO2.
8. Give the uses of silicones.
9. AlCl3 behaves like a lewis acid. Substantiate this statement.
10. Describe the structure of diborane.
11. Write a short note on hydroboration.
12. Give one example for each of the following
(i) icosogens (ii) tetragen (iii) prictogen (iv) chalcogen
13. Write a note on metallic nature of p-block elements.
14. Complete the following reactions
a. B ( OH )3 +NH3 →

b. Na 2 B4O7 + H2SO4 + H2O →

c. B2 H6 + 2NaOH + 2H
H2O →

d. B2 H6 + CH3OH →

e. BF3 + 9 H2O →

f . HCOOH + H2SO4 →

g . SiCl 4 + NH3 →

h. SiCl 4 + C 2 H5OH →

i. B + NaOH →

j. H2 B 4O7 Red
 hot

15. How will you identify borate radical?

16. Write a note on zeolites.
17. How will you convert boric acid to boron nitride?
18. A hydride of 2nd period alkali metal (A) on reaction with compound of Boron (B) to give a
reducing agent (C). identify A , B and C.
19. A double salt which contains fourth period alkali metal (A) on heating at 500K gives (B).
aqueous solution of (B) gives white precipitate with BaCl2 and gives a red colour compound
with alizarin. Identify A and B.
20. CO is a reducing agent . justify with an example.


XII_U2-P-Block.indd 55 4/2/2019 10:54:19 AM


Sir William Ramsay, Learning Objectives

(1852 – 1916) After studying this unit, the students will
be able to
Sir William Ramsay was a Scottish
chemist who discovered the  noble ’’ discuss the preparation and properties
gases. During the years 1885–1890 of important compounds of nitrogen
he published several important and phosphorus
papers on the  oxides  of  nitrogen.In
’’ describe the preparation and properties
August 1894, Ramsay had isolated
of important compounds of oxygen and
a new heavy element of air, and he
named it "argon", (the Greek word
meaning "lazy").In the following ’’ describe the preparation, properties of
years, he worked with Morris Travers halogens and hydrogen halides
and discovered  neon,  krypton,
’’ explain the chemistry of inter-halogen
and  xenon. In 1910 he isolated and
characterized  radon. In recognition
of his services in the discovery of the ’’ describe the occurrence, properties and
inert gases, he was awarded a noble uses of noble gases
prize in chemistry in 1904. His work
’’ appreciate the importance of p-block
in isolating noble gases led to the
elements and their compounds in day
development of a new section of the
today life.
periodic table.


XII U3-P-block.indd 56 4/2/2019 10:59:20 AM


We have already learnt the general characteristics of p-block elements and the first two
group namely icosagens (boron group) and tetragens (carbon group) in the previous unit. In
this unit we learn the remaining p-block groups, pnictogens, chalcogens, halogens and inert

3.1 Group 15 (Nitrogen group) elements:

3.1.1 Occurrence:
About 78 % of earth atmosphere contains dinitorgen (N2) gas. It is also present in earth
crust as sodium nitrate (Chile saltpetre) and potassium nitrates (Indian saltpetre). The 11th
most abundant element phosphorous, exists as phosphate (fluroapatite, chloroapatite and
hydroxyapatite). The other elements arsenic, antimony and bismuth are present as sulphides
and are not very abundant.
3.1.2 Physical properties:
Some of the physical properties of the group 15 elements are listed below
Table 3.1 Physical properties of group 15 elements
Property Nitrogen Phosphorus Arsenic Antimony Bismuth
Physical state at
Gas Solid Solid Solid Solid
293 K
Atomic Number 7 15 33 51 83
Isotopes 14
N, N
15 31
P 75
As 121
Sb 209
Atomic Mass
14 30.97 74.92 121.76 209.98
(g.mol-1 at 293 K)
Electronic [Ar]3d10 4s2 [Kr]4d10 5s2 [Xe] 4f14
[He]2s2 2p3 [Ne]3s2 3p3
configuration 4p3 5p3 5d10 6s2 6p3
Atomic radius (Å) 1.55 1.80 1.85 2.06 2.07
Density ( at 1.82 (white
1.14 x 10-3 5.75 6.68 9.79
293 K) phosphorus)
Melting point (K) 63 317 Sublimes at 904 544
Boiling point (K) 77 554 889 1860 1837
3.1.3 Nitrogen:
Nitrogen, the principle gas of atmosphere (78 % by volume) is separated industrially from
liquid air by fractional distillation
Pure nitrogen gas can be obtained by the thermal decomposition of sodium azide about
575 K
2NaN3 2 Na + 3N2


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It can also be obtained by oxidising ammonia using bromine water
8NH3 + 3Br2 6NH4Br + N2
Nitrogen gas is rather inert. Terrestrial nitrogen contains 14.5% and 0.4% of nitrogen-14
and nitrogen-15 respectively. The later is used for isotopic labelling. The chemically inert
character of nitrogen is largely due to high bonding energy of the molecules 225 cal mol-1 (946
kJ mol-1). Interestingly the triply bonded species is notable for its less reactivity in comparison
with other iso-electronic triply bonded systems such as -C≡C-, C≡O, X-C≡N, X-N≡C, -C≡C-,
and -C≡N. These groups can act as donor where as dinitrogen cannot. However, it can form
complexes with metal (M→ N≡N) like CO to a less extent
The only reaction of nitrogen at room temperature is with lithium forming Li3N. With
other elements, nitrogen combines only at elevated temperatures. Group 2 metals and Th
forms ionic nitrides.
6Li + N 2 →
 2Li 3 N
3Ca + N 2 red
 hot
→ Ca 3 N 2
2 B + N 2 bright
 red hot
→ 2BN
Direct reaction with hydrogen gives ammonia. This reaction is favoured by high pressures
and at optimum temperature in presence of iron catalyst. This reaction is the basis of Haber’s
process for the synthesis of ammonia.
1 3  
N2 + H2   NH 3 ∆ H f = −46.2 kJ mol
2 2
With oxygen, nitrogen produces nitrous oxide at high temperatures. Even at 3473 K
nitrous oxide yield is only 4.4%.
2N 2 + O2 
→ 2N 2O
Uses of nitrogen
1. Nitrogen is used for the manufacture of ammonia, nitric acid and calcium cyanamide etc.
2. Liquid nitrogen is used for producing low temperature required in cryosurgery, and so in
biological preservation .
3.1.4 Ammonia (NH3)
Ammonia is formed by the hydrolysis of urea.
Ammonia is prepared in the laboratory by heating an ammonium salt with a base.
2 NH 4 + + OH − 
→ 2 NH 3 + H 2 O

2NH 4 Cl + CaO 
→ CaCl 2 + 2NH 3 + H 2 O


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It can also be prepared by heating a metal nitrides such as magnesium nitride with water.
Mg 3 N 2 + 6H 2 O 
→ 3Mg(OH) 2 + 2NH 3

It is industrially manufactured by passing nitrogen and hydrogen over iron catalyst (a

small amount of K2O and Al2O3 is also used to increase the rate of attainment of equilibrium)
at 750 K at 200 atm pressure. In the actual process the hydrogen required is obtained from
water gas and nitrogen from fractional distillation of liquid air.
Ammonia is a pungent smelling gas and is lighter than air. It can readily liquefied by
at about 9 atmospheric pressure. The liquid boils at -38.4°C and freezes at -77° C. Liquid
ammonia resembles water in its physical properties. i.e. it is highly associated through strong
hydrogen bonding. Ammonia is extremely soluble in water (702 Volume in 1 Volume of water)
at 20°C and 760mm pressure.
At low temperatures two soluble hydrate NH3.H2O and 2NH3.H2O are isolated. In these
molecules ammonia and water are linked by hydrogen bonds. In aqueous solutions also
ammonia may be hydrated in a similar manner and we call the same as (NH3.H2O)

NH 3 + H 2 O 
 NH 4 + OH
+ −

The dielectric constant of ammonia is considerably high to make it a fairly good ionising
solvent like water.

2NH 3 
 NH 4 + NH 2
+ −

K −500C = [NH 4 + ][NH 2 − ] = 10−30

2H 2 O 
 H 3O + OH
+ −

K 230 C = [H 3O + ][OH − ] = 10−14

Chemical Properties
Action of heat: Above 500°C ammonia decomposes into its elements. The decomposition may
be accelerated by metallic catalysts like Nickel, Iron. Almost complete dissociation occurs on
continuous sparking.
500 C
2NH 3 > → N 2 + 3H 2

Reaction with air/oxygen: Ammonia does not burn in air but burns freely in free oxygen with
a yellowish flame to give nitrogen steam.

4NH 3 + 3O 2  
 N 2 + 6H 2 O

In presence of catalyst like platinum, it burns to produce nitric oxide. This process is used for
the manufacture of nitric acid and is known as ostwalds process.

4NH 3 + 5O 2  
 4NO + 6H 2 O

Reducing property: Ammonia acts as a reducing agent. It reduces the metal oxides to metal
when passed over heated metallic oxide.


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3PbO + 2NH 3 
→ 3Pb + N 2 + 3H 2 O
Reaction with acids: When treated with acids it forms ammonium salts. This reaction shows
that the affinity of ammonia for proton is greater than that of water.
Reaction with chlorine and chlorides: Ammonia reacts with chlorine and chlorides to give
ammonium chloride as a final product. The reactions are different under different conditions
as given below.
With excess ammonia
2 NH 3 + 3 Cl2 
→ N 2 + 6 HCl
6 HCl + 6 NH3 
→ 6 NH 4 Cl
With excess of chlorine ammonia reacts to give nitrogen
trichloride, an explosive substance.
2NH 3 + 6Cl 2 
→ 2NCl3 + 6 HCl
2NH 3 ( g ) + HCl(g) 
→ NH 4Cl (s)
Formation of amides and nitrides: With strong electro
positive metals such as sodium, ammonia forms amides
while it forms nitrides with metals like magnesium. Reaction of ammonia with HCL
2Na + 2NH 3 
→ 2NaNH 2 + H 2
3Mg + 2NH 3 
→ Mg 3 N 2 + 3H 2

With metallic salts: Ammonia reacts with metallic salts to give metal hydroxides (in case of
Fe) or forming complexes (in case Cu)

Fe3+ + 3NH 4 + 3
→ Fe(OH)3 + 3NH 4 +
Cu 2+ + 4NH 3 
→ [Cu(NH 3 ) 4 ]2+
(a coordinattion complex)

Formation of amines: Ammonia forms ammonated compounds by ion dipole attraction. Eg.
[CaCl2.8NH3]. In this, the negative ends of ammonia dipole is attracted to Ca2+ ion.

It can also act as a ligand and form coordination compounds such as [Co(NH3)6]3+, [Ag(NH3)2]+.
For example when excess ammonia is added to
aqueous solution copper sulphate a deep blue colour
compound [Cu(NH3)4]2+ is formed.
20 Å sp 3
Structure of ammonia 1.10

Ammonia molecule is pyramidal in shape N-H 107

bond distance is 1.016 Å and H-H bond distance H

is 1.645 Å with a bond angle 107 °. The structure N

of ammonia may be regarded as a tetrahedral with Figure 3.1 Structure of ammonia


XII U3-P-block.indd 60 4/2/2019 10:59:34 AM

one lone pair of electrons in one tetrahedral position hence it has a pyramidal shape as
shown in the figure.
3.1.5 Nitric acid
Nitric acid is prepared by heating equal amounts of potassium or sodium nitrate with
concentrated sulphuric acid.
KNO3 + H 2SO 4 
→ KHSO 4 + HNO3
The temperature is kept as low as possible to avoid decomposition of nitric acid. The acid
condenses to a fuming liquids which is coloured brown by the presence of a little nitrogen
dioxide which is formed due to the decomposition of nitric acid.
4HNO3 
→ 4NO 2 + 2H 2 O + O 2
Commercial method of preparation
Nitric acid prepared in large scales using Ostwald's process. In this method ammonia
from Haber’s process is mixed about 10 times of air. This mixture is preheated and passed into
the catalyst chamber where they come in contact with platinum gauze. The temperature rises
to about 1275 K and the metallic gauze brings about the rapid catalytic oxidation of ammonia
resulting in the formation of NO, which then oxidised to nitrogen dioxide.
4NH3 + 5O 2 
→ 4NO + 6H 2 O + 120 kJ
2NO + O 2 
→ 2NO 2
The nitrogen dioxide produced is passed through a series of adsorption towers. It reacts
with water to give nitric acid. Nitric acid formed is bleached by blowing air.
6NO 2 + 3H 2 O 
→ 4HNO3 + 2NO + H 2 O
Pure nitric acid is colourless. It boils at 86 °C. The acid is completely miscible with water
forming a constant boiling mixture (98% HNO3, Boiling point 120.5 °C). Fuming nitric acid
contains oxides of nitrogen. It decomposes on exposure to sunlight or on being heated, into
nitrogen dioxide, water and oxygen.
4HNO3 
→ 4NO 2 + 2H 2 O + O 2
Due to this reaction pure acid or its concentrated solution becomes yellow on standing.
In most of the reactions, nitric acid acts as an oxidising agent. Hence the oxidation state
changes from +5 to a lower one. It doesn’t yield hydrogen in its reaction with metals. Nitric
acid can act as an acid, an oxidizing agent and an nitrating agent.
As an acid: Like other acids it reacts with bases and basic oxides to form salts and water
ZnO + 2HNO3 
→ Zn(NO3 ) 2 + H 2 O
3FeO + 10HNO3 
→ 3Fe(NO3 )3 + NO + 5 H 2 O


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As an oxidising agent: The nonmetals like carbon, sulphur, phosphorus and iodine are
oxidised by nitric acid.
C + 4HNO3 
→ 2H 2 O + 4NO 2 + CO 2
S + 2HNO3 
→ H 2SO 4 + 2NO
P4 + 20HNO3 
→ 4H 3 PO 4 + 4H 2 O + 20NO 2
3I 2 + 10HNO3 
→ 6HIO3 + 10NO + 2H 2 O
HNO3 + F2 
→ HF + NO3 F
3H 2S + 2HNO3 
→ 3S + 2NO + 4H 2 O
As an nitrating agent: In organic compounds replacement of a –H atom with –NO2 is often
referred as nitration. For example.
C6 H 6 + HNO3 H
2SO 4
→ C6 H 5 NO 2 + H 2 O
Nitration takes place due to the formation of nitronium ion
→ NO 2 + + H 3O + + HSO4 −
HNO3 + H 2SO 4 
Action of nitric acid on metals
All metals with the exception of gold, platinum, rhodium, iridium and tantalum reacts
with nitric acid. Nitric acid oxidises the metals. Some metals such as aluminium, iron, cobalt,
nickel and chromium are rendered passive in concentrated acid due to the formation of a layer
of their oxides on the metal surface, which prevents the nitric acid from reacting with pure
With weak electropositive metals like tin, arsenic, antimony, tungsten and molybdenum,
nitric acid gives metal oxides in which the metal is in the higher oxidation state and the acid
is reduced to a lower oxidation state. The most common products evolved when nitric acid
reacts with a metal are gases NO2, NO and H2O. Occasionally N2, NH2OH and NH3 are also
+5 +4 +3 +2 +1 0 −3
HNO3 NO 2 HNO 2 NO N 2 O N2 NH 3

The reactions of metals with nitric acid are explained in 3 steps as follows:
Primary reaction: Metal nitrate is formed with the release of nascent hydrogen
M + HNO3 
→ MNO3 + (H)
Secondary reaction: Nascent hydrogen produces the reduction products of nitric acid.
HNO3 + 2H 
→ HNO 2 + H 2 O
Nitrous acid

HNO3 + 6H 
→ NH 2 OH + 2H 2 O

HNO3 + 8H 
→ NH 3 + 3H 2 O

2HNO3 + 8H 
→ H 2 N 2 O 2 + 4H 2 O
Hypo nitrous acid


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Tertiary reaction: The secondary products either decompose or react to give final products
Decomposition of the secondary:
3 HNO 2 
→ HNO3 + 2 NO + H 2O
Nitrous acid Nitric acid Nitric oxide

2 HNO 2 
→ NO 2 3 + H 2O
Nitrous acid Dinitrogentrioxide

H N O 

2 2 2 NO 2 + H 2O
Hypo nitrous acid Nitrous oxide

Reaction of secondary products:

HNO 2 + NH 3 
→ N 2 + 2H 2 O
HNO 2 + NH 2 OH 
→ N 2 O + 2H 2 O
HNO 2 + HNO3 
→ 2NO 2 + H 2 O
Copper reacts with nitric acid in the following manner
3Cu + 6HNO3 
→ 3Cu(NO3 ) 2 + 6(H)
6(H) + 3HNO3 
→ 3HNO 2 + 3H 2 O
3HNO 2 
→ HNO3 + 2NO + H 2 O
overall reation
3Cu + 8HNO3 
→ 3Cu(NO3 ) 2 + 2NO + 4H 2 O
The concentrated acid has a tendency to form nitrogen dioxide
Cu + 4HNO3 
→ Cu(NO3 ) 2 + 2NO 2 + 2H 2 O
Magnesium reacts with nitric acid in the following way
4Mg + 8HNO3 
→ 4Mg(NO3 ) 2 + 8[H]
HNO3 + 8H 
→ NH 3 + 3H 2 O
HNO3 + NH 3 
→ NH 4 NO3
overall reaction
4Mg + 10HNO3 
→ 4Mg(NO3 ) 2 + NH 4 NO3 + 3H 2 O
If the acid is diluted we get N2O
4Mg + 10HNO3 
→ 4Mg(NO3 ) 2 + N 2 O + 5H 2 O

Uses of nitric acid:

3. Nitric acid is used as a oxidising agent and in the preparation of aquaregia.
4. Salts of nitric acid are used in photography (AgNO3) and gunpowder for firearms. (NaNO3)

Evaluate yourself :
Write the products formed in the reaction of nitric acid (both dilute and concentrated) with zinc.


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XII U3-P-block.indd 64
Oxidation Physical
Name Formula Preparation
state properties

Colourless gas &

Nitrous oxide N2O +1 NH4NO3 →N2O + 2H2O

Colourless gas &

Nitric oxide NO +2 2NaNO2 +2FeSO4 +3H2SO4 → Fe2(SO4)3 + 2NaHSO4 + 2H2O + 2NO

3.1.6 Oxides and oxoacids of nitrogen

trioxide (or) Blue solid &

N2O3 +3 2NO + N2O4 → 2N2O3
Nitrogen acidic


Nitrogen Brown gas &

NO2 +4 2Pb(NO3)2→ 4NO2 +2PbO+3O2
dioxide acidic

Nitrogen Colourless solid

N2O4 +4 2NO2 ÆN2O4
tetraoxide & acidic

Nitrogen Colourless solid

N2O5 +5 2HNO3+ P2O5 Æ N2 O5+ 2HPO3
pentoxide & acidic

Preparation of nitrogen oxides

4/2/2019 10:59:47 AM
Structures of oxides of nitrogen:
Name Formula Structure
Nitrous oxide N2O

Nitric oxide NO N O
115 pm

Dinitrogen O O− O O
trioxide (or)
N2O3 N N+ N N+
O O−

N2O4 N N
N2O5 N O N

Structures of oxoacids of nitrogen:

Name Formula Structure


Hydronitrous N OH


XII U3-P-block.indd 65 4/2/2019 10:59:48 AM

Nitrous acid HNO2 O O
acid O N
Nitric acid HNO3
N+ H
Pernitric acid HNO4

Preparation of oxoacids of nitrogen:

Name Formula Oxidation state Preparation

H2N2O2 +1 Ag 2 N 2O2 + 2HCl →
 2AgCl + H2 N 2O2

Nitrous acid HNO2 +3 Ba  NO 2 2 + H 2SO 4 

 2HNO 2 + BaSO 4

HOONO +5 H 2 O 2 + ON  OH  
 ON  OOH  + H 2 O

4NH3 + 5O2 
→ 4NO + 6H2O
2NO+O2 
→ NO2
Nitric acid HNO3 +5
2NO2 
→ N 2O 4
2N 2O4 + 2H2O+ O2 
→ 4HNO3

Pernitric acid HNO4 +7 H 2 O 2 + N 2 O5 

 NO 2 OOH + HNO3


XII U3-P-block.indd 66 4/2/2019 10:59:51 AM

3.1.7 Allotropic forms of phosphorus:
Phosphorus has several allotropic modification
of which the three forms namely white, red and black
phosphorus are most common.
The freshly prepared white phosphorus is
colourless but becomes pale yellow due to formation
of a layer of red phosphorus upon standing. Hence it P P
is also known as yellow phosphorus. It is poisonous P
in nature and has a characteristic garlic smell. It
glows in the dark due to oxidation which is called Figure 3.2 Structure of white
phosphorescence. Its ignition temperature is very low phosphorous
and hence it undergoes spontaneous combustion in air
at room temperature to give P2O5.
The white phosphorus can be changed into red phosphorus by heating it to 420 ⁰C in
the absence of air and light. Unlike white phosphorus it is not poisonous and does not show
Phosphorescence. It also does not ignite at low temperatures. The red phosphorus can be
converted back into white phosphorus by boiling it in an inert atmosphere and condensing
the vapour under water.
The phosphorus has a layer structure and also acts as a semiconductor. The four atoms in
phosphorus have polymeric structure with chains of P4 linked tetrahedrally. Unlike nitrogen
P≡P is less stable than P-P single bonds. Hence, phosphorus atoms are linked through single
bonds rather than triple bonds. In addition to the above two more allotropes namely scarlet
and violet phosphorus are also known for phosphorus.



Figure 3.3 Structure of red phosphorous

3.1.8 Properties of phosphorus

Phosphorus is highly reactive and has the following important chemical properties
Reaction with oxygen: Yellow phosphorus readily catches fire in air giving dense white
fumes of phosphorus pentoxide. Red phosphorus also reacts with oxygen on heating to give
phosphorus trioxide or phosphorus pentoxide.

XII U3-P-block.indd 67 4/2/2019 10:59:52 AM

P4 + 3O 2 ∆
→ PO
4 6

P4 + 5O 2 ∆
→ PO
4 10

Reaction with chlorine: Phosphorus reacts with chlorine to form tri and penta chloride.
Yellow phosphorus reacts violently at room temperature, while red phosphorous reacts on
P4 + 6Cl2 
→ 4PCl 3
Phosphorous tri chloride

P4 + 10Cl2 
→ 4PCl 5
Phosphorous penta chloride

Reaction with alkali: Yellow phosphorous reacts with alkali on boiling in an inert atmosphere
liberating phosphine. Here phosphorus act as reducing agent.
P4 + 3NaOH + 3H 2 O 
→ 3NaH 2 PO 2 + PH 3 ↑
sodium hypo phosphite Phosphine

Reaction with nitric acid: When phosphorous is treated with conc. nitric acid it is oxidised to
phosphoric acid. This reaction is catalysed by iodine crystals.
P4 + 20HNO3 
→ 4H PO3 4 + 20NO 2 + 4H 2 O
Ortho phosphoric acid

Reaction with metals: Phosphorous reacts with metals like Ca and Mg to give phosphides..
Metals like sodium and potassium react with phosphorus vigorously.
P4 + 6Mg 
→ 2Mg P3 2
Magnesium phosphide

P4 + 6Ca 
→ 2Ca 3 P2
Calcium phosphide

P4 + 12Na 
→ 4Na 3 P .
Sodium phosphide

Uses of phosphorous:
1. The red phosphorus is used in the match boxes
2. It is also used for the production of certain alloys such as phosphor bronze

3.1.9 Phosphine (PH3)

Phosphine is the most important hydride of phosphorous
Phosphine is prepared by action of sodium hydroxide with white phosphorous in an inert
atmosphere of carbon dioxide or hydrogen.
P4 + 3NaOH + 3H 2 O 
→ 3NaH 2 PO 2 + PH 3 ↑
sodium hypo phosphite Phosphine

Phosphine is freed from phosphine dihydride(P2H4) by passing through a freezing

mixture. The dihydride condenses while phosphine does not.


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Phosphine can also prepared by the hydrolysis of metallic phosphides with water or dilute
mineral acids.
Ca 3 P2 + 6H 2 O 
→ 2PH 3 ↑ + 3Ca(OH) 2

AlP + 3HCl 
→ PH 3 ↑+ AlCl3

Phosphine is prepared in pure form by heating phosphorous acid.

4H 3 PO3 
→ 3H PO3 4 + PH 3 ↑
Phosphorous acid Ortho phosphoric acid Phosphine

A pure sample of phosphine is prepared by heating phosphonium iodide with caustic

soda solution.

PH 4 I + NaOH 
→ PH 3 ↑ + NaI + H 2 O

Physical properties:
It is colourless, poisonous gas with rotten fish smell. It is slightly soluble in water and is
neutral to litmus test. It condenses to a colourless liquid at 188 K and freezes to a solid at 139.5 K .
Chemical properties:
Thermal stability: Phosphine decomposes into its elements when heated in absence of air at
317 K or when electric current is passed through it.
4PH 3 317K
 → P4 + 6H 2
Combustion: When phosphine is heated with air or oxygen it burns to give meta phosphoric
4PH 3 + 8O 2 ∆
→ PO4 10 + 6H 2 O
Phosphorous pentoxide

P4 O10 + 6H 2 O ∆→ 4HPO 3 + 4H 2 O

Meta phosphoric acid

Basic nature: Phosphine is weakly basic and forms phosphonium salts with halogen acids.
PH 3 + HI 
→ PH 4 I
PH 4 I + H 2 O ∆→ PH 3 + H 3O + + I −

It reacts with halogens to give phosphorus penta halides.

PH 3 + 4Cl2 
→ PCl5 + 3HCl
Reducing property : Phosphine precipitates some metal from their salt solutions.
3AgNO3 + PH3 
→ Ag 3 P + 3HNO3
It forms coordination compounds with lewis acids such as boron trichloride.
→ [ Cl3 B ←: PH 3 ]
BCl3 + PH3 
Coordination compound


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In phosphine, phosphorus shows sp3 hybridisation.
Three orbitals are occupied by bond pair and fourth
corner is occupied by lone pair of electrons. Hence,
bond angle is reduced to 94°. Phosphine has a
P 1.42 å
pyramidal shape.
H 93.50 H
Uses of phosphine: H
Phosphine is used for producing smoke screen as Figure 3.4 Structure of
it gives large smoke. In a ship, a pierced container with phosphine
a mixture of calcium carbide and calcium phosphide,
liberates phosphine and acetylene when thrown into
sea. The liberated phosphine catches fire and ignites acetylene. These burning gases serves as a
signal to the approaching ships. This is known as Holmes signal.

3.1.10 Phosphorous trichloride and pentachloride:

Phosphorous trichloride:
When a slow stream of chlorine is passed over white phosphorous, phosphorous trichloride
is formed. It can also be obtained by treating white phosphorous with thionyl chloride.
P4 + 8SOCl2 4PCl3 + 4SO2 + 2S2Cl2
When phosphorous trichloride is hydrolysed with cold water it gives phosphorous acid.
PCl3 + 3H 2 O 
→ H 3 PO3 + 3HCl

This reaction involves the coordination of a water molecule using a vacant 3d orbital on
the phosphorous atom following by elimination of HCl which is similar to hydrolysis of SiCl4.
PCl3 + H2O PCl3.H2O P(OH)Cl2 + HCl

This reaction is followed by two more steps to give P(OH)3 or H3PO3.

HPOC12 + H2O H2PO2Cl + HCl
H2PO2Cl + H2O H2PHO3 + HCl

Similar reactions occurs with other molecules that contains alcohols and carboxylic acids.
C2H5OH + PCl3 C2H5Cl + H3PO3
C2H5COOH + PCl3 C2H5COCl + H3PO3


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Uses of phosphorus trichloride:
Phosphorus trichloride is used as a chlorinating
agent and for the preparation of H3PO3.

Phosphorous pentachloride:
When PCl3 is treated with excess chlorine,
phosphorous pentachloride is obtained.
PCl 3 + Cl 2 →
 PCl 5 Figure 3.5 Structure of
phosphorus trichloride
Chemical properties
On heating phosphorous pentachloride, it
decomposes into phosphorus trichloride and chlorine.
PCl 5 (g) →
 PCl 3 (g) + Cl 2 (g) .

Phosphorous pentachloride reacts with water to give phosphoryl chloride and

orthophosphoric acid.
PCl5 + H 2 O 
→ POCl3 + 2HCl
POCl3 + 3H 2 O 
→ H 3 PO 4 + 3HCl
Overall reaction
PCl5 + 4H 2 O 
→ H 3 PO 4 + 5HCl
Phosphorous pentachloride reacts with metal to give metal chlorides. It also chlorinates
organic compounds similar to phosphorus trichloride.
2Ag + 2PCl5 2AgCl + 2PCl3
Sn + 4PCl5 SnCl4 + 4PCl3
C2H5OH + PCl5 C2H5Cl + HCl + POCl3
C2H5COOH+ PCl5 C2H5COCl + HCl + POCl3
Uses of phosphorus pentachloride
Phosphorous pentachloride is a chlorinating agent
and is useful for replacing hydroxyl groups by chlorine
atom. O O
3.1.11 Structure of oxides and oxoacids of phosphorus
Phosphorous forms phosphorous trioxide, O
phosphorous tetra oxide and phosphorous pentaoxides P
In phosphorous trioxide four phosphorous atoms
Figure 3.6 Structure of P2O3
lie at the corners of a tetrahedron and six oxygen
atoms along the edges. The P-O bond distance is 165.6


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pm which is shorter than the single bond distance of
P-O (184 pm) due to pπ-dπ bonding and results in O
considerable double bond character. 160 pm

In P4O10 each P atoms form three bonds to oxygen O O
atom and also an additional coordinate bond with an 143 p
oxygen atom. O O 1230 O
Terminal coordinate P-O bond length is 143 pm, O O
which is less than the expected single bond distance. O
This may be due to lateral overlap of filled p orbitals of Figure 3.7 Structure of P4O10
an oxygen atom with empty d orbital on phosphorous.
Oxoacids of Phosphorous-Structure:

Name Formula Structure








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Oxoacids of Phosphorous-Preparation:


Name Preparation

H3PO2 +1 P4 + 6H2O →
 3H3PO2 + PH3
H3PO3 +3 P4O6 + 6H2O →
 4H3PO3
H4P2O6 +4 2P + 2O2 + 2H2O →
 H 4 P2O6
H3PO4 +5 P4O10 + 6H2O →
 4H3PO4
H4P2O7 +5 2H3PO3 →
 H 4 P2O7 + H2O

Group 16 (Oxygen group) elements:

Elements belonging group 16 are called chalgogens or ore forming elements as most of
the ores are oxides or sulphides. First element oxygen, the most abundant element, exists
in both as dioxygen in air (above 20 % by weight as well as volume) and in combined form
as oxides. Oxygen and sulphur makes up about 46.6 % & 0.034 & of earth crust by weight
respectively. Sulphur exists as sulphates (gypsum, epsom etc...) and sulphide (galena, Zinc
blende etc...). It is also present in the volcanic ashes. The other elements of this groups are
scarce and are often found as selenides, tellurides etc... along with sulphide ores.
Physical properties:
The common physical properties of the group 16 elements are listed in the Table.
Table 3.2 Physical properties of group 16 elements
Property Oxygen Sulphur Selenium Tellurium Polonium
Physical state at
Gas Solid Solid Solid Solid
293 K
Atomic Number 8 16 34 52 84
Isotopes 16
O 32
S Se
Po, 210Po

Atomic Mass
15.99 32.06 78.97 127.60 209
(g.mol at 293 K)

E le c t ronic [Ar]3d10 4s2 [Kr]4d10 5s2 [Xe] 4f14

[He]2s2 2p4 [Ne]3s2 3p4
configuration 4p4 5p4 5d10 6s2 6p4


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Atomic radius (Å) 1.52 1.80 1.90 2.06 1.97
Density ( at
1.3 x 10-3 2.07 4.81 6.23 9.20
293 K)
Melting point (K) 54 388 494 723 527
Boiling point (K) 90 718 958 1261 1235

3.2 Oxygen:
Preparation: The atmosphere and water contain 23% and 83% by mass of oxygen respectively.
Most of the world’s rock contain combined oxygen. Industrially oxygen is obtained by
fractional distillation of liquefied air. In the laboratory, oxygen is prepared by one of the
following methods.
The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of catalyst (MnO2) or by
oxidation with potassium permanganate.

2H 2 O 2  

 2H 2 O + O 2
5H 2 O 2 + 2MnO 4 − + 6H + 
→ 5O 2 + 8H 2 O + 2Mn 2+

The thermal decomposition of certain metallic oxides or oxoanions gives oxygen.

2HgO  → 2Hg + O 2

2BaO 2  → 2BaO + O 2

2KClO3 MnO
 2
→ 2KCl + 3O 2
2KNO3 ∆
→ 2KNO 2 + O 2
Under ordinary condition oxygen exists as a diatomic gas. Oxygen is paramagnetic. Like
nitrogen and fluorine, oxygen form strong hydrogen bonds. Oxygen exists in two allotropic
forms namely dioxygen (O2) and ozone or trioxygen (O3). Although negligible amounts of
ozone occurs at sea level it is formed in the upper atmosphere by the action of ultraviolet
light. In the laboratory ozone is prepared by passing electrical discharge through oxygen. At
a potential of 20,000 V about 10% of oxygen is converted into ozone it gives a mixture known
as ozonised oxygen. Pure ozone is obtained as a pale blue gas by the fractional distillation of
liquefied ozonised oxygen.


Oxygen atomic oxygen

O 2 + (O)  


The ozone molecule have

a bent shape and symmetrical
Figure 3.8   Structure of ozone
with delocalised bonding
between the oxygen atoms.


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Chemical properties:
The chemical properties of oxygen and ozone differ vastly. Oxygen combines with
many metals and non-metals to form oxides. With some elements such as s-block elements
combination of oxygen occurs at room temperature. Some of less reactive metals react when
powdered finely and made to react exothermically with oxygen at room temperature but a
lump of metal is unaffected under same condition. These finely divided metals are known as
pyrophoric and when set the powder on fire, heat is liberated during a reaction.
On the other hand ozone is a powerful oxidising agent and it reacts with many substances
under conditions where oxygen will not react. For example, it oxidises potassium iodide to
iodine. This reaction is quantitative and can be used for estimation of ozone.
O3 + 2KI + H 2 O 
→ 2KOH + O 2 + I 2
Ozone is commonly used for oxidation of organic compounds. In acidic solution ozone
exceeds the oxidising power of fluorine and atomic oxygen. The rate of decomposition of
ozone drops sharply in alkaline solution.
1. Oxygen is one of the essential component for the survival of living organisms.
2. It is used in welding (oxyacetylene welding)
3. Liquid oxygen is used as fuel in rockets etc...

3.2.1 Allotrophic forms of sulphur

Sulphur exists in crystalline as well as amorphous allotrophic forms. The crystalline

form includes rhombic sulphur (α sulphur) and monoclinic sulphur (β sulphur). Amorphous
allotropic form includes plastic sulphur (γ sulphur), milk of sulphur and colloidal sulphur.

Rhombic sulphur also known as α sulphur, is the only thermodynamically stable allotropic
form at ordinary temperature and pressure. The crystals have a characteristic yellow colour
and composed of S8 molecules. When heated slowly above 96 ⁰C, it converts into monoclinic
sulphur. Upon cooling below 96 ⁰C the β form converts back to α form. Monoclinic sulphur
also contains S8 molecules in addition to small amount of S6 molecules. It exists as a long
needle like prism and is also called as prismatic sulphur. It is stable between 96 ⁰ - 119 ⁰C and
slowly changes into rhombic sulphur.

When molten sulphur is poured into cold water a yellow rubbery ribbon of plastic sulphur
is produced. They are very soft and can be stretched easily. On standing (cooling slowly) it
slowly becomes hard and changes to stable rhombic sulphur.

Sulphur also exists in liquid and gaseous states. At around 140 ⁰C the monoclinic sulphur
melts to form mobile pale yellow liquid called λ sulphur. The vapour over the liquid sulphur
consists of 90 % of S8, S7 & S6 and small amount of mixture of S2, S3, S4, S5 molecules.


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3.2.2 Sulphur dioxide
From sulphur: A large-scale production of sulphur dioxide is done by burning sulphur in air.
About 6-8% of sulphur is oxidised to SO3.
S + O 2 
→ SO 2
2S + 3O 2 
→ 2SO3
From sulphides: When sulphide ores such as galena (PbS), zinc blende (ZnS) are roasted in
air, sulphur dioxide is liberated. Large amounts of sulphur dioxide required for manufacturing
of sulphuric acid and other industrial purpose is prepared by this method.
2ZnS + 3O 2 ∆
→ 2ZnO + 2SO 2
4FeS2 + 11O 2 ∆
→ 2Fe 2 O3 + 8SO 2
Laboratory preparation: Sulphur dioxide is prepared in the laboratory treating a metal or
metal sulphite with sulphuric acid
Cu + 2H 2SO 4 
→ CuSO4 + SO 2 + 2H 2 O

- +
SO3 + 2H H2O + SO2
Sulphur dioxide gas is found in volcanic eruptions. A large amount of sulphur dioxide gas
is released into atmosphere from power plants using coal and oil and copper melting plants.
It is a colourless gas with a suffocating odour. It is highly soluble in water and it is 2.2 times
heavier than air. Sulphur dioxide can be liquefied (boiling point 263 K) at 2.5 atmospheric
pressure and 288 K.
Chemical properties
Sulphur dioxide is an acidic oxide. It dissolves in water to give sulphurous acid.

SO 2 + H 2 O  

2 3
Sulphurous acid

H 2SO3  

 2H + SO3

Reaction with sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate: Sulphur dioxide reacts with sodium
hydroxide and sodium carbonate to form sodium bisulphite and sodium sulphite respectively.
SO 2 + NaOH 
→ NaHSO3
Sodium bisulphite

2SO 2 + Na 2 CO3 + H 2 O 
→ 2NaHSO3 + CO 2
2 NaHSO3 
→ Na 2SO3 + H 2 O + SO 2
Sodium sulphite

Oxidising property: Sulphur dioxide, oxidises hydrogen sulphide to sulphur and magnesium
to magnesium oxide.
2H 2S + SO2 
→ 3S + 2H 2 O
2Mg + SO 2 
→ 2MgO + S


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Reducing property: As it can readily be oxidised, it acts as a reducing agent. It reduces chlorine
into hydrochloric acid.
SO 2 + 2H 2 O + Cl2 
→ H 2SO 4 + 2HCl
It also reduces potassium permanganate and dichromate to Mn2+ and Cr3+ respectively.
2KMnO 4 + 5SO 2 + 2H 2 O 

K 2SO 4 + 2MnSO 4 + 2H 2SO 4
K 2 Cr2 O7 + 3SO 2 + H 2SO 4 

K 2SO 4 + Cr2 (SO 4 )3 + H 2 O
Reaction with oxygen: Sulphur dioxide is oxidised to sulphur trioxide upon heating with
oxygen at high temperature. This reaction is used for the manufacture of sulphuric acid by
contact process.
SO 2 (g) + O 2 (g) 450
 0 → 2SO 3 (g)
V2 O5

Bleaching action of sulphur dioxide: In presence of water, sulphur dioxide bleaches coloured
wool, silk, sponges and straw into colourless due to its reducing property.
SO 2 + 2H 2 O 
→ 2 H 2SO 4 + 2(H)
X + 2(H) 
→ XH 2
Coloured Colourless

However, the bleached product (colourless) is allowed to stand in air, it is reoxidised

by atmospheric oxygen to its original colour. Hence bleaching action of sulphur dioxide is
1. Sulphur dioxide is used in bleaching hair, silk, wool etc...
2. It can be used for disinfecting crops and plants in agriculture.
Structure of sulphur dioxide:
In sulphur dioxide, sulphur
atom undergoes sp2 hybridisation.
A double bond arises between S
and O is due to pπ- dπ overlapping.
Figure 3.9   Structure of sulphur dioxide.

3.2.3 Sulphuric acid: (H2SO4)

Sulphuric acid can be manufactured by lead chamber process, cascade process or contact
process. Here we discuss the contact process.
Manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process:
The contact process involves the following steps.
i. Initially sulphur dioxide is produced by burning sulphur or iron pyrites in oxygen/air.


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S + O 2 
→ SO 2
4FeS2 + 11O 2 
→ 2Fe 2 O3 + 8SO 2

ii. Sulphur dioxide formed is oxidised to sulphur trioxide by air in the presence of a catalyst
such as V2O5 or platinised asbestos.

iii. The sulphur trioxide is absorbed in concentrated sulphuric acid and produces oleum
(H2S2O7). The oleum is converted into sulphuric acid by diluting it with water.

SO3 + H 2SO 4 
→ H 2S2 O7 H
→ 2H 2SO 4

To maximise the yield the plant is operated at 2 bar pressure and 720 K. The sulphuric
acid obtained in this process is over 96 % pure.

Physical properties:
Pure sulphuric acid is a colourless, viscous liquid (Density: 1.84 g/mL at 298 K). High
boiling point and viscosity of sulphuric acid is due to the association of molecules together
through hydrogen bonding.
The acid freezes at 283.4 K and boils at 590 K. It is highly soluble in water and has strong
affinity towards water and hence it can be used as a dehydrating agent. When dissolved in water,
it forms mono (H2SO4.H2O) and dihydrates (H2SO4.2H2O) and the reaction is exothermic.
The dehydrating property can also be illustrated by its reaction with organic compounds
such as sugar, oxalic acid and formic acid.
C12 H 22 O11 + H 2SO 4 
→ 12C + H 2SO 4 .11H 2 O

HCOOH + H 2SO 4 
→ CO + H 2SO 4 .H 2 O
Formic acid

(COOH) 2 + H 2SO 4 
→ CO + CO 2 + H 2SO 4 .H 2 O
Oxalic acid

Chemical Properties:
Sulphuric acid is highly reactive. It can act as strong acid and an oxidising agent.
Decomposition: Sulphuric acid is stable, however, it decomposes at high temperatures to
sulphur trioxide.
H 2SO 4 
→ H 2 O + SO3
Acidic nature: It is a strong dibasic acid. Hence it forms two types of salts namely sulphates
and bisulphates.
H 2SO 4 + NaOH 
→ NaHSO 4 + H 2 O
sodium bisulphate

H 2SO 4 + 2NaOH 
→ Na 2SO 4 + 2H 2 O
sodium sulphate

H 2SO 4 + 2NH 3 
→ (NH 4 ) 2SO 4
Ammonium sulphate

Oxidising property: Sulphuric acid is an oxidising agent as it produces nascent oxygen as

shown below.


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H 2SO 4 
→ H 2 O + SO 2 + (O)
nascent oxygen

Sulphuric acid oxidises elements such as carbon, sulphur and phosphorus. It also oxides
bromide and iodide to bromine and iodine respectively.
C + 2H 2SO 4 
→ 2SO 2 + 2H 2 O + CO 2
S + 2H 2SO 4 
→ 3SO 2 + 2H 2 O
P4 + 10H 2SO 4 
→ 4H 3 PO 4 + 10SO 2 + 4H 2 O
H 2S + H 2SO 4 
→ SO 2 + 2H 2 O + S
H 2SO 4 + 2HI 
→ 2SO 2 + 2H 2 O + I 2
H 2SO 4 + 2HBr 
→ 2SO 2 + 2H 2 O + Br2
Reaction with metals: Sulphuric acid reacts with metals and gives different product depending
on the reactants and reacting condition.
Dilute sulphuric acid reacts with metals like tin, aluminium, zinc to give corresponding
Zn + H 2SO 4 
→ ZnSO 4 + H 2 ↑
2Al + 3H 2SO 4 
→ Al2 (SO 4 )3 + 3H 2 ↑
Hot concentrated sulphuric acid reacts with copper and lead to give the respective
sulphates as shown below.
Cu + 2H 2SO 4 
→ CuSO4 + 2H 2 O + SO 2 ↑
Pb + 2H 2SO 4 
→ PbSO4 + 2H 2 O + SO 2 ↑
Sulphuric acid doesn’t react with noble metals like gold, silver and platinum.
Reaction with salts: It reacts with different metal salts to give metal sulphates and bisulphates.
KCl + H 2SO 4 
→ KHSO 4 + HCl
KNO3 + H 2SO 4 
→ KHSO 4 + HNO3
Na 2 CO3 + H 2SO 4 
→ Na 2SO 4 + H 2 O + CO 2
2NaBr + 3H 2SO 4 
→ 2NaHSO4 + 2H 2 O + Br2 + SO 2
Reaction with organic compounds: It reacts organic compounds such as benzene to give
sulphonic acids.
C6 H 6 + H 2SO 4 
→ C H SO H + H 2 O
6 5 3
Benzene Benzene sulphonic acid

Uses of sulphuric acid:

1. Sulphuric acid is used in the manufacture of fertilisers, ammonium sulphate and super
phosphates and other chemicals such as hydrochloric acid, nitric acid etc...
2. It is used as a drying agent and also used in the preparation of pigments, explosives etc..


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Test for sulphate/sulphuric acid:
Dilute solution of sulphuric acid/aqueous solution of sulphates gives white precipitate
(barium sulphate) with barium chloride solution. It can also be detected using lead acetate
solution. Here a white precipitate of lead sulphate is obtained.
BaCl2 + H 2SO 4 
→ BaSO 4 ↓ + 2HCl
Barium sulphate
(White precipitate)

(CH 3COO) 2 Pb + H 2SO 4 

→ PbSO4 ↓ + 2CH3COOH
Lead sulphate
(White precipitate)

Structure of oxoacids of sulphur:

Sulphur forms many oxoacids. The most important one is sulphuric acid. Some acids like
sulphurous and dithionic acids are known in the form of their salts only since the free acids
are unstable and cannot be isolated.
Various oxo acids of sulphur with their structures are given below

Name Molecular Formula Structure

Sulphurous acid H2SO3
Sulphuric acid H2SO4 HO S OH
Thiosulphuric acid H2S2O3 HO S OH
Dithionous acid H2S2O4
Dithionic acid H2S2O5 HO S S OH


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Name Molecular Formula Structure

Disulphuric acid or
pyrosulphuric acid

Peroxymono sulphuric acid H2SO5 HO S O OH

Peroxodisulphuric acid.
Marshall’s acid

Dithionic acid H2S2O6 HO S S OH

Polythionic acid H2Sn+2O6 HO S (S)n S OH

3.3 Group 17 (Halogen group) elements:

3.3.1 Chlorine
The halogens are present in combined form as they are highly reactive. The main source
of fluorine is fluorspar or fluorite. The other ores of fluorine are cryolite, fluroapatite. The main
source of chlorine is sodium chloride from sea water. Bromides and iodides also occur in sea
Physical properties:
The common physical properties of the group 17 elements are listed in the table.


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Table 3.3 Physical properties of group 17 elements

Property Fluorine Chlorine Bromine Iodine Astatine

Physical state at
Gas Gas Liquid Solid Solid
293 K
Atomic Number 9 17 35 53 85
Isotopes 19
F Cl, 37Cl
127 210
At, 211At
Atomic Mass
18.99 35.45 79.9 126.9 210
(g.mol-1 at 293 K)
Electronic [Ar]3d10 4s2 [Kr]4d10 5s2 [Xe] 4f14
[He]2s2 2p5 [Ne]3s2 3p5
configuration 4p5 5p5 5d10 6s2 6p5
Atomic radius (Å) 1.47 1.75 1.85 1.98 2.02
Density ( at
1.55 x 10-3 2.89 x 10-3 3.10 4.93 -
293 K)
Melting point (K) 53 171 266 387 573
Boiling point (K) 85 239 332 457 623

Chlorine is highly reactive hence it doesn’t occur free in nature. It is usually distributed as various
metal chlorides. The most important chloride is sodium chloride which occurs in sea water.
Chlorine is prepared by the action of conc. sulphuric acid on chlorides in presence of
manganese dioxide.
4NaCl + MnO 2 + 4H 2SO 4 
→ Cl2 + MnCl2 + 4NaHSO4 + 2H 2 O
It can also be prepared by oxidising hydrochloric acid using various oxidising agents such
as manganese dioxide, lead dioxide, potassium permanganate or dichromate.
PbO 2 + 4HCl 
→ PbCl2 + 2H 2 O + Cl2
MnO 2 + 4HCl 
→ MnCl2 + 2H 2 O + Cl2
2KMnO 4 + 16HCl 
→ 2KCl + 2MnCl2 + 8H 2 O + 5Cl2
K 2 Cr2 O7 + 14HCl 
→ 2KCl + 2CrCl3 + 7H 2 O + 3Cl2
When bleaching powder is treated with mineral acids chlorine is liberated
CaOCl2 + 2HCl 
→ CaCl2 + H 2 O + Cl2
CaOCl2 + H 2SO 4 
→ CaSO 4 + H 2 O + Cl2


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3.3.1 Manufacture of chlorine:
Chlorine is manufactured by the electrolysis of brine in electrolytic process or by oxidation
of HCl by air in Deacon’s process.
Electrolytic process: When a solution of brine (NaCl) is electrolysed, Na+ and Cl ions are
formed. Na+ ion reacts with OH ions of water and forms sodium hydroxide. Hydrogen and
chlorine are liberated as gases.
→ Na + + Cl−
NaCl  At the cathode, At the anode,

H 2O 
→ H + OH
H + + e − 
→H Cl− 
→ Cl + e −

Na + OH 
→ NaOH H + H 
→ H2 Cl + Cl 
→ Cl2

Deacon’s process: In this process a mixture of air and hydrochloric acid is passed up
a chamber containing a number of shelves, pumice stones soaked in cuprous chloride are
placed. Hot gases at about 723 K are passed through a jacket that surrounds the chamber.
4HCl + O2 Cu
400 C
→ 2H 2O + Cl2 ↑
2 2

The chlorine obtained by this method is dilute and is employed for the manufacture of
bleaching powder. The catalysed reaction is given below,
2Cu 2 Cl2 + O 2 
→ 2Cu 2 OCl2
Cuprous oxy chloride

Cu 2 OCl2 + 2HCl 
→ 2CuCl2 + H 2 O
Cupric chloride

2CuCl2 
→ Cu 2 Cl2 + Cl2
Cuprous chloride

Physical properties:
Chlorine is a greenish yellow gas with a pungent irritating odour. It produces headache
when inhaled even in small quantities whereas inhalation of large quantities could be fatal. It
is 2.5 times heavier than air.
Chlorine is soluble in water and its solution is referred as chlorine water. It deposits
greenish yellow crystals of chlorine hydrate (Cl2.8H2O). It can be converted into liquid (Boiling
point – 34.6° C) and yellow crystalline solid (Melting point -102° C)
Chemical properties:
Action with metals and non-metals: It reacts with metals and non metals to give the
corresponding chlorides.
2Na + Cl2 
→ 2NaCl
2Fe + 3Cl2 
→ 2FeCl3
2Al + 3Cl2 
→ 2AlCl3
Cu + Cl2 
→ CuCl2
H 2 + Cl2 
→ 2HCl ; ∆H = − 44kCal


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2B + 3Cl2 
→ 2BCl3
2S + Cl2 
→ S Cl
2 2
disulphur dichloride

P4 + 6Cl2 
→ 4PCl3
2As + 3Cl2 
→ 2AsCl3
2Sb + 3Cl2 
→ 2SbCl3
Affinity for hydrogen : When burnt with turpentine it forms carbon and hydrochloric acid.
C10 H16 + 8Cl2 
→10C + 16HCl
It forms dioxygen when reacting with water in presence of sunlight. When chlorine in
water is exposed to sunlight it loses its colour and smell as the chlorine is converted into
hydrochloric acid.
2Cl2 + 2H 2 O 
→ O 2 + 4HCl
Chlorine reacts with ammonia to give ammonium chloride and other products as shown
With excess ammonia,
2NH 3 + 3Cl2 
→ N 2 + 6HCl
6HCl + 6 NH3 
→ 6 NH 4 Cl
overall reaction
8NH 3 + 3Cl2 
→ N 2 + 6 NH 4 Cl
With excess chlorine, NH 3 + 3Cl2 
→ NCl3 + 3HCl
3HCl + 3NH 3 
→ 3NH 4 Cl
overall reaction
4NH 3 + 3Cl2 
→ NCl3 + 3NH 4 Cl
Chlorine oxidises hydrogen sulphide to sulphur and liberates bromine and iodine from
iodides and bromides. However, it doesn't oxidise fluorides
H 2S + Cl2 
→ 2HCl + S
Cl2 + 2KBr 
→ 2KCl + Br2
Cl2 + 2KI 
→ 2KCl + I 2
Reaction with alkali: Chlorine reacts with cold dilute alkali to give chloride and hypochlorite
while with hot concentrated alkali chlorides and chlorates are formed.
Cl2 + H 2 O 
→ HCl + HOCl
HCl + NaOH 
→ NaCl + H2 O
HOCl + NaOH 
→ NaOCl + H 2 O
overall reaction
Cl2 + 2NaOH 
→ NaOCl + NaCl + H 2 O
sodium hypo chlorite


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(Cl + H O 
2 2 → HCl + HOCl ) × 3

( HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H O ) × 3 2

( HOCl + NaOH → NaOCl + H O ) × 3 2

3NaOCl 
→ NaClO3 + 2NaCl
overall reaction
3Cl2 + 6NaOH 
→ NaClO3 + 5NaCl + 3H 2 O
sodium chlorate
Oxidising and bleaching action: Chlorine is a strong oxidising and bleaching agent because
of the nascent oxygen.
H 2 O + Cl2 
→ HCl + HOCl
Hypo chlorous acid

HOCl 
→ HCl + (O)
Colouring matter + Nascent oxygen → Colourless oxidation product
The bleaching of chlorine is permanent. It oxidises ferrous salts to ferric, sulphites to
sulphates and hydrogen sulphide to sulphur.
2FeCl2 + Cl2 
→ 2FeCl3
Cl2 + H 2 O 
→ HCl + HOCl
2FeSO 4 + H 2SO 4 + HOCl 
→ Fe 2 (SO 4 )3 + HCl + H 2 O
overall reaction
2FeSO 4 + H 2SO 4 + Cl2 
→ Fe 2 (SO 4 )3 + 2HCl
Cl2 + H 2 O 
→ HCl + HOCl
Na 2SO3 + HOCl 
→ Na 2SO 4 + HCl
overall reaction
Na 2SO3 + H 2 O + Cl2 
→ Na 2SO 4 + 2HCl
Cl2 + H 2S 
→ 2HCl + S
Preparation of bleaching powder: Bleaching powder is produced by passing chlorine gas
through dry slaked lime (calcium hydroxide).
Ca(OH) 2 + Cl2 
→ CaOCl2 + H 2 O
Displacement redox reactions: Chlorine displaces bromine from bromides and iodine from
iodide salts.
Cl2 + 2KBr 
→ 2KCl + Br2
Cl2 + 2KI 
→ 2KCl + I 2
Formation of addition compounds: Chlorine forms addition products with sulphur
dioxide, carbon monoixde and ethylene. It forms substituted products with alkanes/arenes.
SO 2 + Cl2 
→ SO 2 Cl2
Sulphuryl chloride

CO + Cl2 
→ COCl2
Carbonyl chloride


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C2 H 4 + Cl2 
→ C2 H 4 Cl2
ethylene dichloride

CH 4 + Cl2 
→ CH 3Cl + HCl
C6 H 6 + Cl2 FeCl
 3
→ C6 H 5Cl + HCl

Uses of chlorine:
It is used in
1. Purification of drinking water
2. Bleaching of cotton textiles, paper and rayon
3. Extraction of gold and platinum
3.3.2 Hydrochloric acid:
Laboratory preparation:
It is prepared by the action of sodium chloride and concentrated sulphuric acid.
NaCl + H2SO4 NaHSO4 + HCl
NaHSO4 + NaCl Na2SO4 + HCl
Dry hydrochloric acid is obtained by passing the gas through conc. sulphuric acid
Hydrogen chloride is a colourless, pungent smelling gas, easily liquefied to a colourless
liquid (boiling point 189K) and frozen into a white crystalline solid (melting point 159K). It
is extremely soluble in water.
+ -
HCl (g) + H2O (l) H3O + Cl

Chemical properties:
Like all acids it liberates hydrogen gas from metals and carbon dioxide from carbonate
and bicarbonate salts.
Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2
Mg + 2HCl MgCl2 + H2
Na2CO3 + 2HCl 2NaCl + CO2 + H2
CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + CO2 + H2
NaHCO3 + 2HCl 2NaCl + CO2 + H2O
It liberates sulphur dioxide from sodium sulphate
Na2SO4 + 2HCl 2NaCl + H2O + SO2
When three parts of concentrated hydrochloric acid and one part of concentrated nitric
acid are mixed, Aquaregia (Royal water) is obtained. This is used for dissolving gold, platinum


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- - -
Au + 4H+ + NO3 + 4 Cl AuCl4 + NO + 2H2O
- -
Pt + 8H+ + 4NO3 + 6Cl [PtCl6]2- + 4NO2 + 4H2O

Uses of hydrochloric acid:

1. Hydrochloric acid is used for the manufacture of chlorine, ammonium chloride, glucose
from corn starch etc.,
2. It is used in the extraction of glue from bone and also for purification of bone black
3.3.3 Trends in physical and chemical properties of hydrogen halides:
Direct combination is a useful means of preparing hydrogen chloride. The reaction
between hydrogen and fluorine is violent while the reaction between hydrogen and bromine
or hydrogen and iodine are reversible and don’t produce pure forms.
Displacement reactions:
Concentrated sulphuric acid displaces hydrogen chloride from ionic chlorides. At higher
temperatures the hydrogen sulphate formed react with further ionic chloride. Displacement
can be used for the preparation of hydrogen fluorides from ionic fluorides. Hydrogen bromide
and hydrogen iodide are oxidised by concentrated sulphuric acid and can’t be prepared in this
Hydrolysis of phosphorus trihalides:
Gaseous hydrogen halides are produced when water is added in drops to phosphorus tri
halides except phosphorus trifluoride.
PX 3 + 3H 2 O 
→ H 3 PO3 + 3HX
Hydrogen bromide may be obtained by adding bromine dropwise to a paste of red
phosphorous and water while hydrogen iodide is conveniently produced by adding water
dropwise to a mixture of red phosphorous and iodine.
2P + 3X 2 
→ 2PX 3
2PX 3 + 3H 2 O 
→ H 3PO3 + 3HX
(where X=Br or I)
Any halogen vapours which escapes with the hydrogen halide is removed by passing the
gases through a column of moist red phosphorous.
From covalent hydrides:
Halogens are reduced to hydrogen halides by hydrogen sulphide.
H 2S + X 2 
→ 2HX + S
Hydrogen chloride is obtained as a by-product of the reactions between hydrocarbon of


XII U3-P-block.indd 87 4/2/2019 11:00:48 AM

Table 3.4: General Properties:
Bond dissolution enthalphy +562 +431 +366 +299
% of ionic character 43 17 113 7
In line with the decreasing bond dissociation enthalpy, the thermal stability of hydrogen
halides decreases from fluoride to iodide.
For example, Hydrogen iodide decomposes at 400° C while hydrogen fluoride and
hydrogen chloride are stable at this temperature.
At room temperature, hydrogen halides are gases but hydrogen fluoride can be readily
liquefied. The gases are colourless but, with moist air gives white fumes due to the production
of droplets of hydrohalic acid. In HF, due to the presence of strong hydrogen bond it has high
melting and boiling points. This effect is absent in other hydrogen halides.
Acidic properties:
The hydrogen halides are extremely soluble in water due to the ionisation.
→ H 3O + + X −
HX + H 2 O 
(X – F, Cl, Br, or I)
Solutions of hydrogen halides are therefore acidic and known as hydrohalic acids.
Hydrochloric, hydrobromic and hydroiodic acids are almost completely ionised and are
therefore strong acids but HF is a weak acid i.e. 0.1mM solution is only 10% ionised, but in
5M and 15M solution HF is stronger acid due to the equilibrium.

HF + H 2 O 
 H 3O + F

HF + F− 

At high concentration, the equilibrium involves the removal of fluoride ions is important.
Since it affects the dissociation of hydrogen fluoride and increases and hydrogen ion
concentration Several stable salts NaHF2, KHF2 and NH4HF2 are known. The other hydrogen
halides do not form hydrogen dihalides.
Hydrohalic acid shows typical acidic properties. They form salts with acids, bases and
reacts with metals to give hydrogen. Moist hydrofluoric acid (not dry) rapidly react with silica
and glass.
SiO 2 + 4HF 
→ SiF4 + 2H 2 O
Na 2SiO3 + 6HF 
→ Na 2SiF6 + 3H 2 O
Oxidation: Hydrogen iodide is readily oxidised to iodine hence it is a reducing agent.

 2H + I 2 + 2e

Acidic solution of iodides is readily oxidised. A positive result is shown by liberation of

iodine which gives a blue-black colouration with starch.


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Hydrogen bromide is more difficult to oxidise than HI. HBr reduces slowly H2SO4 into SO2
2HBr + H 2SO 4 
→ 2H 2 O + Br2 + SO 2
But hydrogen iodide and ionic iodides are rapidly reduced by H2SO4 into H2S and not into SO2.
8HI + H 2SO 4 
→ 4H 2 O + 4I 2 + H 2S
Reducing property of hydrogen iodide can be also explained by using its reaction with
alcohols into ethane. It converts nitric acid into nitrous acid and dinitrogen dioxide into
Hydrogen chloride is unaffected by concentrated sulphuric aid by only strong oxidising
agents like MnO2, potassium permanganate or potassium chloride.
To summarize the trend, Table 3.5
Property Order
Reactivity of hydrogen Decreases from fluorine to iodine
Stability Decreases from HF to HI
Volatility of the hydrides HF < HI < HBr < HCl
Thermal stability HF > HI > HBr > HCl
Boiling point HCl < HBr < HI
Acid strength Increases from HF to HI
3.3.4 Inter halogen compounds:
Each halogen combines with other halogens to form a series of compounds called inter
halogen compounds. In the given table of inter halogen compounds a given compound A is
less electronegative than B. Table 3.6


ClF ClF3 IF5 IF7

BrF BrF3 BrF5


BrCl ICl3



Properties of inter halogen compounds:

i. The central atom will be the larger one
ii. It can be formed only between two halogen and not more than two halogens.


XII U3-P-block.indd 89 4/2/2019 11:00:53 AM

iii. Fluorine can’t act as a central metal atom being the smallest one
iv. Due to high electronegativity with small size fluorine helps the central atom to attain high
coordination number
v. They can undergo the auto ionization.

2 ICl 

 I + ICl2

2 ICl3 
 ICl2 + ICl4

vi. They are strong oxidizing agents

Reaction with alkali:
When heated with the alkalis, larger halogen form oxyhalogens and the smaller forms halide.
− −
BrF5 
→ 5F + BrO3−
Bromate ion

ICl 
→ Cl− + OI −
Hypo iodite ion

Structure of inter halogen compounds:

The structures of different type of interhalogen compunds can be easily explained using
VSEPR theory. The details are given below.
Table 3.7
Type Structure Hybridisation bond pairs / lone pairs
AX Linear sp3 1/3
AX3 T shaped sp3d 3/2
AX5 Square pyrimidal sp3d2 5/1
AX7 Pentagonal bipyramidal sp3d3 7/0
3.3.5 Oxides of halogen
Fluorine reacts readily with oxygen and forms difluorine oxide (F2O) and difluorine
dioxide (F2O2) where it has a -1 oxidation state. Other halogens do not react with oxygen
readily. But the following oxides can be prepared by some indirect methods. Except fluorine
all the other halogens have positive oxidation states.
Table 3.8

Type X2O XO2 XO3 X2O6 X2O7 Others

Oxidation state +1 +4 +5 +6 +7 -

OF2 (-1)
F - - - - - O2F2 (-1)
O4F2 (-1)

Cl Cl2O ClO2 - Cl2O6 Cl2O7 Cl2O4 (+4)


XII U3-P-block.indd 90 4/2/2019 11:00:55 AM

Br Br2O BrO2 - - - -

I - - I2O5 - -
I2O4 (+4)

3.3.6 Oxoacids of halogens:

Chlorine forms four types of oxoacids namely hypochlorus acid, chlorous acid, chloric
acid and perchloric acid. Bromine and iodine forms the similar acids except halous acid.
Howeve, flurine only forms hypofulric acid. The oxidizing power oxo acids follows the order:
HOX > HXO2 > HXO3 > HXO4

Table 3.9
Common Name Hypohalous acid Halous acid Halic acid Perhalic acid
Oxidation state +1 +3 +5 +7
F HOF - - -

3.4 Group 18 (Inert gases) elements:

3.4.1 Occurrence:
All the noble gases occur in the atmosphere.
Physical properties:
As we move along the noble gas elements, their atomic radius and boiling point increases
from helium to radon. The first ionization energy decreases from helium to radon. Noble gases
have the largest ionisation energy compared to any other elements in a given row as they have
completely filled orbital in their outer most shell. They are extremely stable and have a small
tendency to gain or lose electrons. The common physical properties of the group 18 elements
are listed in the Table.
Property Neon Argon Krypton Xenon Radon
Physical state at
Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas
293 K
Atomic Number 10 18 36 54 86


XII U3-P-block.indd 91 4/2/2019 11:00:56 AM

Isotopes 211
Rn, 220Rn,
Ne 40
Ar Kr
Atomic Mass
20.18 39.95 77.92 131.29 [222]
(g.mol-1 at 293 K)
Electronic config- [He]2s2 [Ne]3s2 [Ar]3d10 [Kr]4d10 [Xe] 4f14 5d10
uration 2p6 3p6 4s2 4p6 5s2 5p6 6s2 6p6
Atomic radius (Å) 1.54 1.88 2.02 2.16 2.20
Density ( at
8.25 x 10-4 1.63 x 10-3 3.42 x 10-3 5.37 x 10-3 9.07 x 10-3
293 K)
Melting point (K) 24.56 83.81 115.78 161.4 202
Boiling point (K) 27.104 87.30 119.74 165.05 211.5
Table 3.10 Physical properties of group 18 elements
Properties of inert gases:
Physical properties:
Noble gases are monoatomic, odourless, colourless, tasteless, and non-inflammable. They
are highly unreactive. They are non-metallic in nature.
Chemical Properties:
Only the xenon and krypton show some chemical reactivity. Xenon fluorides are prepare
by direct reaction of xenon and fluorine under different conditions as shown below.
Xe + F2 400
0 → XeF2

Xe + 2F2 Ni
4000 C
→ XeF4
Xe + 3F2 Ni
/200 atm
4000 C
→ XeF6

When XeF6 is heated at 50 °C in a sealed quartz vessel it forms XeOF4.

2XeF6 + SiO 2 50 → 2XeOF4 + SiF4

When the reaction is continued the following reaction takes place.

2XeOF4 + SiO 2 
→ 2XeO 2 F2 + SiF4
2XeO 2 F2 + SiO 2 
→ 2XeO3 + SiF4
On hydrolysis with water vapour XeF6 gives XeO3
XeF6 + 3H 2 O 
→ XeO3 + 6HF
When XeF6 reacts with 2.5 M NaOH, sodium per xenate is obtained.
2XeF6 + 16NaOH 
→ Na 4 XeO6 + Xe + O 2 + 12NaF + 8H 2 O
Sodium per xenate is very much known for its strong oxidizing property. For example, it
oxidises manganese (II) ion into permanganate ion even in the absence of the catalyst.
5XeO 6 4− + 2Mn 2+ + 14H + 
→ 2MnO 4 − + 5XeO3 + 7H 2 O


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Xenon reacts with PtF6 and gave an orange yellow solid [XePtF6] and this is insoluble in
Xenon difluoride forms addition compounds XeF2.2SbF5 and XeF2.2TaF5. Xenon hexa fluorides
forms compound with boron and alkali metals. Eg : XeF6.BF3, XeF6MF, M-alkali metals.
There is some evidence for existence of xenon dichloride XeCl2.
Krypton form krypton difluoride when an electric discharge is passes through Kr and fluorine
at 183° C or when gases are irradiated with SbF5 it forms KrF2.2SbF3.
Table 3.11 Structures of compounds of Xenon:
Compound Hybridisation Shape / Structure
XeF sp3d Linear
XeF4 sp3d2 Square planar
XeF6 sp3d3 Distorted octahedron
XeOF2 sp3d T Shaped
XeOF4 sp3d2 Square pyramidal
XeO3 sp3 Pyramidal

Uses of noble gases:

The inertness of noble gases is an important feature of their practical uses.
1. Helium and oxygen mixture is used by divers in place of air oxygen mixture. This prevents
the painful dangerous condition called bends.
2. Helium is used to provide inert atmosphere in electric arc welding of metals
3. Helium has lowest boiling point hence used in cryogenics (low temperature science).
4. It is much less denser than air and hence used for filling air balloons
Neon is used in advertisement as neon sign and the brilliant red glow is caused by passing
electric current through neon gas under low pressure.
Argon prevents the oxidation of hot filament and prolongs the life in filament bulbs
Krypton is used in fluorescent bulbs, flash bulbs etc...
Lamps filed with krypton are used in airports as approaching lights as they can penetrate
through dense fog.


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Xenon is used in fluorescent bulbs, flash bulbs and lasers.
Xenon emits an intense light in discharge tubes instantly. Due to this it is used in high speed
electronic flash bulbs used by photographers
Radon is radioactive and used as a source of gamma rays
Radon gas is sealed as small capsules and implanted in the body to destroy malignant i.e.
cancer growth

„„ Occurrence: About 78 % of earth atmosphere contains dinitorgen (N2) gas. It is also

present in earth crust as sodium nitrate (Chile saltpetre) and potassium nitrates
(Indian saltpetre).
„„ Nitrogen, the principle gas of atmosphere (78 % by volume) is separated industrially
from liquid air by fractional distillation
„„ Ammonia is formed by the hydrolysis of urea.
„„ Nitric acid is prepared by heating equal amounts of potassium or sodium nitrate
with concentrated sulphuric acid.
„„ In most of the reactions, nitric acid acts as an oxidising agent. Hence the oxidation
state changes from +5 to a lower one. It doesn’t yield hydrogen in its reaction with
„„ The reactions of metals with nitric acid are explained in 3 steps as follows:
▶▶ Primary reaction: Metal nitrate is formed with the release of nascent hydrogen
▶▶ Secondary reaction: Nascent hydrogen produces the reduction products of
nitric acid.
▶▶ Tertiary reaction: The secondary products either decompose or react to give
final products
„„ Phosphorus has several allotropic modification of which the three forms namely
white, red and black phosphorus are most common.
„„ yellow phosphorus is poisonous in nature and has a characteristic garlic smell. It
glows in the dark due to oxidation which is called phosphorescence.
„„ Yellow phosphorus readily catches fire in air giving dense white fumes of phosphorus
„„ Phosphine is prepared by action of sodium hydroxide with white phosphorous in an
inert atmosphere of carbon dioxide or hydrogen.


XII U3-P-block.indd 94 4/2/2019 11:00:59 AM

„„ Phosphine is used for producing smoke screen as it gives large smoke.

„„ When a slow stream of chlorine is passed over white phosphorous, phosphorous

trichloride is formed.
„„ phosphorus trichloride: and Phosphorous pentachloride are used as a chlorinating
„„ Oxygen is paramagnetic. It exists in two allotropic forms namely dioxygen (O2)
and ozone or trioxygen (O3).
„„ Ozone is commonly used for oxidation of organic compounds.

„„ Sulphur exists in crystalline as well as amorphous allotrophic forms. The crystalline

form includes rhombic sulphur (α sulphur) and monoclinic sulphur (β sulphur).
Amorphous allotropic form includes plastic sulphur (γ sulphur), milk of sulphur
and colloidal sulphur.
„„ Sulphuric acid can be manufactured by lead chamber process, cascade process or
contact process.
„„ When dissolved in water, it forms mono (H2SO4.H2O) and dihydrates (H2SO4.2H2O)
and the reaction is exothermic.
„„ Halogens are present in combined form as they are highly reactive.

„„ Chlorine is manufactured by the electrolysis of brine in electrolytic process or by

oxidation of HCl by air in Deacon’s process.
„„ Chlorine is a strong oxidising and bleaching agent because of the nascent oxygen.

„„ When three parts of concentrated hydrochloric acid and one part of concentrated
nitric acid are mixed, Aquaregia (Royal water) is obtained. This is used for
dissolving gold, platinum etc...
„„ Hydrogen halides are extremely soluble in water due to the ionisation.

„„ Each halogen combines with other halogens to form a series of compounds called
inter halogen compounds.
„„ Fluorine reacts readily with oxygen and forms difluorine oxide (F2O) and difluorine
dioxide (F2O2) where it has a -1 oxidation state.
„„ All the noble gases occur in the atmosphere.

„„ They are extremely stable and have a small tendency to gain or lose electrons.

„„ Sodium per xenate is very much known for its strong oxidizing property.

„„ The inertness of noble gases is an important feature of their practical uses.


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Choose the best answer:

1. In which of the following , NH3 is not used?

a) Nessler’s reagent

b) Reagent for the analysis of IV group basic radical

c) Reagent for the analysis of III group basic radical

d) Tollen’s reagent

2. Which is true regarding nitrogen?

a) least electronegative element
b) has low ionisation enthalpy than oxygen
c) d- orbitals available
d) ability to form pπ − pπ bonds with itself

3. An element belongs to group 15 and 3 rd period of the periodic table, its electronic
configuration would be

a) 1s2 2s2 2p4 b) 1s2 2s2 2p3

c) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 d) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
4. Solid (A) reacts with strong aqueous NaOH liberating a foul smelling gas(B) which
spontaneously burn in air giving smoky rings. A and B are respectively

a) P4(red) and PH3 b) P4(white) and PH3

c) S8 and H2S d) P4(white) and H2S
5. In the brown ring test, brown colour of the ring is due to

a) a mixture of No and NO2 b) Nitroso ferrous sulphate

c) Ferrous nitrate d) Ferric nitrate
6. On hydrolysis, PCl3 gives

a) H3PO3 b) PH3
c) H3PO4 d) POCl3
7. P4O6 reacts with cold water to give

a) H3PO3 b) H4P2O7
c) HPO3 d) H3PO4

XII U3-P-block.indd 96 4/2/2019 11:01:00 AM

8. The basicity of pyrophosphorous acid ( H4P2O5) is

a) 4 b) 2
c) 3 d) 5
9. The molarity of given orthophosphoric acid solution is 2M. its normality is

a) 6N b) 4N
c) 2N d) none of these
10. Assertion : bond dissociation energy of fluorine is greater than chlorine gas
Reason: chlorine has more electronic repulsion than fluorine

a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of
c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
d) Both assertion and reason are false.
11. Among the following, which is the strongest oxidizing agent?

a) Cl2 b) F2
c) Br2 d) l2
12. The correct order of the thermal stability of hydrogen halide is

a) HI > HBr > HCl > HF b) HF > HCl > HBr > HI
c) HCl > HF > HBr > HI d) HI > HCl > HF > HBr
13. Which one of the following compounds is not formed?

a) XeOF4 b) XeO3
c) XeF2 d) NeF2
14. Most easily liquefiable gas is

a) Ar b) Ne
c) He d) Kr
15. XeF6 on complete hydrolysis produces

a) XeOF4 b) XeO2F2
c) XeO3 d) XeO2
16. On oxidation with iodine, sulphite ion is transformed to

a) S 4O6 b) S2O6
2− 2−


XII U3-P-block.indd 97 4/2/2019 11:01:01 AM

c) SO4 d) SO3
2− 2−

17. Which of the following is strongest acid among all?

a) HI b) HF
c) HBr d) HCl
18. Which one of the following orders is correct for the bond dissociation enthalpy of
halogen molecules? (NEET)

a) Br2 > I2 > F2 > Cl2 b) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > l2
c) I2 > Br2 > Cl2 > F2 d) Cl2 > Br2 > F2 > I2
19. Among the following the correct order of acidity is (NEET)

a) HClO2 < HClO < HClO3 < HClO4 b) HClO4 < HClO2 < HClO < HClO3
c) HClO3 < HClO4 < HClO2 < HClO d) HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4
20. When copper is heated with conc HNO3 it produces

a) Cu(NO3)2 , NO and NO2 b) Cu(NO3)2 and N2O

c) Cu(NO3)2 and NO2 d) Cu(NO3)2 and NO
Answer the following questions:
1. What is inert pair effect?

2. Chalcogens belongs to p-block. Give reason.

3. Explain why fluorine always exhibit an oxidation state of -1?

4. Give the oxidation state of halogen in the following.

a) OF2 b) O2F2 c) Cl2O3 d) I2O4

5. What are interhalogen compounds? Give examples.

6. Why fluorine is more reactive than other halogens?

7. Give the uses of helium.

8. What is the hybridisation of iodine in IF7? Give its structure.

9. Give the balanced equation for the reaction between chlorine with cold NaOH and hot

10. How will you prepare chlorine in the laboratory?

11. Give the uses of sulphuric acid.

12. Give a reason to support that sulphuric acid is a dehydrating agent.


XII U3-P-block.indd 98 4/2/2019 11:01:02 AM

13. Write the reason for the anamolous behaviour of Nitrogen.
14. Write the molecular formula and structural formula for the following molecules.
a) Nitric acid b) dinitrogen pentoxide
c) phosphoric acid d) phosphine
15. Give the uses of argon.
16. Write the valence shell electronic configuration of group-15 elements.
17. Give two equations to illustrate the chemical behaviour of phosphine.
18. Give a reaction between nitric acid and a basic oxide.
19. What happens when PCl5 is heated?
20. Suggest a reason why HF is a weak acid, whereas binary acids of the all other halogens
are strong acids.
21. Deduce the oxidation number of oxygen in hypofluorous acid – HOF.
22. What type of hybridisation occur in

a) BrF5  b) BrF3
23. Complete the following reactions.
1. NaCl + MnO2 + H2SO4 →

2. NaNO2 + HCl →

3. IO3 + I + H →

− − +

4. I2 + S2O3 →

5. P4 + NaOH + H2O →

6. AgNO3 + PH3 →

7. Mg + HNO3 →

8. KClO3  →

Hot conc
9. Cu + H2SO4 →

10. Sb + Cl 2 →

11. HBr + H2SO4 →

12. XeF6 + H2O →

13. XeO6 + Mn + H →

4− 2+ +

14. XeOF4 + SiO2 →

Ni / 200 atm
15. Xe + F2  

400 C

XII U3-P-block.indd 99 4/2/2019 11:01:09 AM


Martin Heinrich Klaproth,

Learning Objectives
(1743— 1817)
After studying this unit, the students will
Martin Heinrich Klaproth, be able to
German chemist who ’’ recognise the position of d and f block
discovered uranium, elements in the periodic table
zirconium and cerium . He ’’ describe the general trend in properties
described them as distinct of elements of 3d series
elements, though he did ’’ discuss the trends in Mn+/M standard
electrode potential
not obtain them in the pure
metallic state. He verified ’’ predict the oxidising and reducing
property based in Eo values
the discoveries of titanium,
’’ explain the tendencies of d-block
tellurium, and strontium, His
elements towards the formation of alloy,
role is the most significant
complex and interstitial compounds
in systematizing analytical
’’ describe the preparation and properties
chemistry and mineralogy.
of potassium permanganate and
potassium dichromate
’’ describe the properties of f-block
’’ compare the properties of lanthanoides
and actinides


XII U4-D-Block-Jerald Folder.indd 100 4/2/2019 11:25:04 AM

Generally the metallic elements that have incompletely filled d or f sub shell in the
neutral or cationic state are called transition metals. This definition includes lanthanoides
and actinides. However, IUPAC defines transition metal as an element whose atom has an
incomplete d sub shell or which can give rise to cations with an incomplete d sub shell. They
occupy the central position of the periodic table, between s and p block elements, and their
properties are transitional between highly reactive metals of s block and elements of p block
which are mostly non metals. Except group- 11 elements all transition metals are hard and
have very high melting point.
Transition metals, iron and copper play an important role in the development of human
civilization. Many other transition elements also have important applications such as tungsten
in light bulb filaments, titanium in manufacturing artificial joints, molybdenum in boiler
plants, platinum in catalysis etc. They also play vital role in living system, for example iron in
hemoglobin, cobalt in vitamin B12 etc.,
In this unit we study the general trend in properties of d block elements with specific reference
to 3d series, their characteristics, chemical reactivity, some important compounds KMnO4 and
K2Cr2O7, we also discuss the f-block elements later in this unit.

4.1 Position of d- block elements in the periodic table:

We have already learnt the periodic classification of elements in XI std. the transition
metals occupy from group –3 to group-12 of the modern periodic table.
s-Block p-Block
hydrogen helium
1 2

lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Na Mg
22.990 24.305
d-Block Al
Cl Ar
35.453 39.948
potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Ca Sc
40.078 44.956
Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se
51.996 54.938 55.845 58.933 58.693 63.546 65.38 69.723 72.64 74.922 78.96
Br Kr
79.904 83.798
rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Rb Sr
85.468 87.62
Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In
91.224 92.906 95.96 [98] 101.07 102.91 106.42 107.87 112.41 114.82
Sn Sb Te
118.71 121.76 127.60
caesium barium hafnium tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum gold mercury thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine radon
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

Cs Ba La Hf Ta
132.91 137.33 178.49 180.95
W Re Os
183.84 186.21 190.23
Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
195.08 196.97 200.59 204.38 207.2 208.98 [209] [210] [222]
francium radium actinium rutherfordium dubnium seaborgium bohrium hassium meitnerium darmstadtium roentgenium Copernicium Nahonium Flerovium Mascovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganessom
87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118

Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh
[223] [226] [227] [261] [262] [266] [264] [277] [268] [271] [272] [285] [286]
Fl Mc Lv
[289] [289] [293]
Ts Og
[294] [294]

cerium praseodymium neodymium promethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium lutetium
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
140.12 140.91 144.24 [145] 150.36 151.96 157.25 158.93 162.50 164.93 167.26 168.93 173.05 174.97
thorium protactinium uranium neptunium plutonium americium curium berkelium californium einsteinium fermium mendelevium nobelium lawrencium
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

Th Pa
232.04 231.04
Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf
[237] [244] [243] [247] [247] [251]
Es Fm Md No Lr
[252] [257] [258] [259] [262]

Figure 4.1-Position of d- block elements in the periodic table

XII U4-D-Block-Jerald Folder.indd 101 4/2/2019 11:25:06 AM

d- Block elements composed of 3d series (4th period) Scandium to Zinc ( 10 elements), 4d
series ( 5th period) Yttrium to Cadmium ( 10 elements) and 5d series ( 6th period) Lanthanum,
Haffinium to mercury. As we know that the group-12 elements Zinc, Cadmium and Mercury
do not have partially filled d-orbital either in their elemental state or in their normal oxidation
states. However they are treated as transition elements, because their properties are an
extension of the properties of the respective transition elements. As per the IUPAC definition,
the seventh period elements, starting from Ac, Rf to Cn also belong to transition metals. All of
them are radioactive. Except Actinium; all the remaining elements are synthetically prepared
and have very low half life periods.

4.2 Electronic configuration:

We have already learnt in XI STD to write the electronic configuration of the elements
using Aufbau principle, Hund’s rule etc. According to Aufbau principle, the electron first fills
the 4s orbital before 3d orbital. Therefore filling of 3d orbital starts from Sc, its electronic
configuration is [Ar]3d1 4s2 and the electrons of successive elements are progressively filled
in 3d orbital and the filling of 3d orbital is complete in Zinc, whose electronic configuration
is [Ar] 3d10 4s2. However, there are two exceptions in the above mentioned progressive filling
of 3d orbitals; if there is a chance of acquiring half filled or fully filled 3d sub shell, it is given
priority as they are the stable configuration, for example Cr and Cu.
The electronic configurations of Cr and Cu are [Ar] 3d5 4s1 and [Ar] 3d10 4s1 respectively.
The extra stability of half filled and fully filled d orbitals, as already explained in XI STD, is due
to symmetrical distribution of electrons and exchange energy.

Note: The extra stability due to symmetrical distribution can also be visualized as follows.
When the d orbitals are considered together, they will constitute a sphere. So the half filled and
fully filled configuration leads to complete symmetrical distribution of electron density. On
the other hand, an unsymmetrical distribution of electron density as in the case of partially
filled configuration will result in building up of a potential difference. To decrease this and to
achieve a tension free state with lower energy, a symmetrical distribution is preferred.

With these two exceptions and minor variation in certain individual cases, the general
electronic configuration of d- block elements can be written as [Noble gas] ( n −1) d1−10 ns1−2,
Here, n = 4 to 7 . In periods 6 and 7, (except La and Ac) the configuration includes 
((n −2 ) f orbital ; [Noble gas] ( n −2 ) f 14 ( n −1) d1−10ns1−2 .
4.3 General trend in properties:
4.3.1 Metallic behavior:
All the transition elements are metals. Similar to all metals the transition metals are good
conductors of heat and electricity. Unlike the metals of Group-1 and group-2, all the transition
metals except group 11 elements are hard. Of all the known elements, silver has the highest
electrical conductivity at room temperature.

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Most of the transition elements are hexagonal close packed, cubic close packed or body
centrered cubic which are the characteristics of true metals.
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Sc Ti  V Cr  Mn Fe  Co  Ni  Cu  Zn 

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Y  Zr  Nb  Mo  Tc  Ru  Rh  Pd  Ag  Cd 

57* 72 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
La Hf  W  Re  Os  Ir Pt  Au  Hg 

89** 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn

Figure 4.2 lattice structures of 3d, 4d and 5d transition metals

As we move from left to right along the transition metal series, melting point first
increases as the number of unpaired d electrons available for metallic bonding increases, reach
a maximum value and then decreases, as the d electrons pair up and become less available for
For example, in the first series the melting point increases from Scandium ( 1814K)
to a maximum of 2183 K for vanadium, which is close to 2180K for chromium. However,
manganese in 3d series and Tc in 4d series have low melting point. The maximum melting
point at about the middle of transition metal series indicates that d5 configuration is favorable
for strong interatomic attraction. The following figure shows the trends in melting points of
transition elements.

Ti Ni
Sc Co



Figure 4.3-Variation in melting point of 3d series elements


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4.3.2 Variation of atomic and ionic size:
It is generally expected a steady decrease in atomic radius along a period as the nuclear
charge increases and the extra electrons are added to the same sub shell. But for the 3d transition
elements, the expected decrease in atomic radius is observed from Sc to V , thereafter up to
Cu the atomic radius nearly remains the same. As we move from Sc toZn in 3d series the extra
electrons are added to the 3d orbitals, the added 3d electrons only partially shield the increased
nuclear charge and hence the effective nuclear charge increases slightly. However, the extra
electrons added to the 3d
sub shell strongly repel
the 4s electrons and these 2.3
Atomic radus (in Å)

two forces are operated Ti

V Cr Mn
2.1 Fe Zn
in opposite direction and Co Ni Cu
as they tend to balance 1.9
each other, it leads to
constancy in atomic radii.
At the end of the 1.5
Atmoic Number
series, d – orbitals of Figure 4.4 (a) Atomic radius of 3d Elements
Zinc contain 10 electrons
in which the repulsive
interaction between the 2.5

electrons is more than Y

the effective nuclear Zr
Atomic radus (in Å)

Nb Mo Cd
Tc Ag
charge and hence, the 2.1
Ru Rh Pd

orbitals slightly expand

and atomic radius slightly
increases. 1.7

Generally as we move
down a group atomic Atmoic Number

radius increases, the Figure 4.4 (b) Atomic radius of 4d Elements

same trend is expected
in d block elements also. 2.5
As the electrons are
added to the 4d sub shell, Lu Hf Ta
Atomic radus (in Å)

W Re Os Au
the atomic radii of the 2.1
Ir Pt

4d elements are higher

than the corresponding
elements of the 3d series. 1.7
However there is an
unexpected observation 1.5
Atmoic Number
in the atomic radius of 5d Figure 4.4 (c) Atomic radius of 5d Elements


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elements which have nearly same atomic radius as that of corresponding 4d elements. This is
due to lanthanoide contraction which is to be discussed later in this unit under inner transition

4.3.3 Ionization enthalpy:

Ionization energy of transition element is intermediate between those of s and p
block elements. As we move from left to right in a transition metal series, the ionization
enthalpy increases as expected. This is due to increase in nuclear charge corresponding to
the filling of d electrons. The following figure show the trends in ionisation enthalpy of
transition elements.

The increase in first ionisation enthalpy with increase in atomic number along a particular
series is not regular. The added electron enters (n-1)d orbital and the inner electrons act as a
shield and decrease the effect of nuclear charge on valence ns electrons. Therefore, it leads to
variation in the ionization energy values.
The ionisation enthalpy values can be used to predict the thermodynamic stability of their
compounds. Let us compare the ionisation energy required to form Ni2+ and Pt2+ ions.
For Nickel, IE1 + IE2 = ( 737 + 1753 )
= 2490 kJmol

For Platinum, IE1 + IE2 = ( 864 + 1791)

= 2655 kJmol −1
Since, the energy required to form Ni2+ is less than that of Pt2+, Ni(II) compounds are
thermodynamically more stable than Pt(II) compounds.


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Evaluate yourself:
Compare the stability of Ni4+ and Pt4+ from their ionisation enthalpy values.
IE Ni Pt
I 737 864
II 1753 1791
III 3395 2800
IV 5297 4150

4.3.4 Oxidation state:

The first transition metal Scandium exhibits only +3 oxidation state, but all other transition
elements exhibit variable oxidation states by loosing electrons from (n-1)d orbital and ns
orbital as the energy difference between them is very small. Let us consider the 3d series; the
following table summarizes the oxidation states of the 3d series elements.
Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu
+6 +6 +6
+5 +5 +5
+4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4
+3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3
+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
At the beginning of the series, +3 oxidation state is stable but towards the end +2 oxidation
state becomes stable.
The number of oxidation states increases with the number of electrons available, and it
decreases as the number of paired electrons increases. Hence, the first and last elements show
less number of oxidation states and the middle elements with more number of oxidation states.
For example, the first element Sc has only one oxidation state +3; the middle element Mn has
six different oxidation states from +2 to +7. The last element Cu shows +1 and +2 oxidation
states only.
The relative stability of different oxidation states of 3d metals is correlated with the
extra stability of half filled and fully filled electronic configurations. Example: Mn2+ ( 3d 5 ) is
more stable than Mn 4+ ( 3d 3 )
The oxidation states of 4d and 5d metals vary from +3 for Y and La to +8 for Ru and Os.
The highest oxidation state of 4d and 5d elements are found in their compounds with the
higher electronegative elements like O, F and Cl. for example: RuO4, OsO4 and WCl6. Generally
in going down a group, a stability of the higher oxidation state increases while that of lower
oxidation state decreases.It is evident from the Frost diagram (ΔG0 vs oxidation number) as
shown below,For titanium,vanadium and chromium, the most thermodynamically stable
oxidation state is +3. For iron, the stabilities of +3 and +2 oxidation states are similar.Copper


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is unique in 3d series having a stable +1 oxidation state. It is prone to disproportionate to the
+2 and 0 oxidation states.
Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu
Evaluate yourself: +7

+6 +6
Why iron is more stable in +3 +5 +6

oxidation state than in +2 and the reverse +4

is true for Manganese?

ΔGo/F or -nEo (V . mol e-

+2 +3

4.3.5 Standard electrode potentials of +1

0 0 0 0 0 0
transition metals +4 0
+3 0
+5 +2 +2 +2
-1 +3

Redox reactions involve transfer of -2 +4

+2 +3

electrons from one reactant to another. Such -3 +4


reactions are always coupled, which means -4 +3

that when one substance is oxidised, another 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Oxidation number
must be reduced. The substance which is
oxidised is a reducing agent and the one Figure 4.6 Frost diagram
which is reduced is an oxidizing agent. The oxidizing and reducing power of an element is
measured in terms of the standard electrode potentials.
Standard electrode potential is the value of the standard emf of a cell in which molecular
hydrogen under standard pressure ( 1atm) and temperature (273K) is oxidised to solvated
protons at the electrode.
If the standard electrode potential (E0), of a metal is large and negative, the metal is a
powerful reducing agent, because it loses electrons easily. Standard electrode potentials (reduction
potential) of few first transition metals are given in the following table.
Reaction Standard reduction 0.5 Cu
potential ( V )
Ti 2+ + 2e − →
 Ti −1.63 Co
Fe Ni
V + 2e →
V −
–1.19 0.5

Cr 2+ + 2e − →
 Cr –0.91 Cr
Mn2+ + 2e − →
 Mn –1.18 V Mn
Fe + 2e →
 Fe −
–0.44 Ti
Co2+ + 2e − →
 Co –0.28 2
Ni + 2e →
 Ni −
–0.23 Sc
3d -Series
Cu + 2e →
 Cu −
+0.34  0 
Figure 4.7 (a)  E M 2+  -3d series
Zn + 2e →
 Zn −
–0.76  M

 
In 3d series as we move from Ti to Zn, the standard reduction potential  E 0 2+  value
 M M
is approaching towards less negative value and copper has a positive reduction potential. i.e.,


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elemental copper is more stable than Cu2+. There are two deviations., In the general trend,
 
Fig shows that  E 0 2+  value for manganese and zinc are more negative than the regular
 M M
trend. It is due to extra stability which arises due to the half filled d5 configuration in Mn2+ and
completely filled d10 configuration in Zn2+.

Transition metals in their high oxidation states tend to be oxidizing . For example,
Fe3+ is moderately a strong oxidant, and it oxidises copper to Cu2+ ions. The feasibility of the
reaction is predicted from the following standard electrode potential values.
Fe 3+ (aq) + e −  Fe2+ E0 = 0.77V

Cu2+ (aq) + 2e −  Cu(s) E0 = +0.34 V

The standard electrode potential for the M half-cell gives the relative stability
M 2+
between M3+ and M2+. The reduction potential values are tabulated as below.
Standard reduction
potential ( V ) 2 Co

Ti 3+ + e − →
 Ti 2+ –0.37 

V 3+ + e − →
 V 2+ –0.26 

Cr + e →
 Cr − 2+

Mn + e →
 Mn
3+ − 2+

Fe + e →
 Fe
3+ − 2+ Cr
+0.77 3d-Series
Co3+ + e − →
 Co2+ +1.81 Figure 4.7 (b) M3+
M 2+ -3d series

The negative values for titanium, vanadium and chromium indicate that the higher
oxidation state is preferred. If we want to reduce such a stable Cr3+ ion, strong reducing agent
which has high negative value for reduction potential like metallic zinc ( E0 = − 0.76 V ) is
The high reduction potential of Mn Mn2+ indicates Mn2+ is more stable than Mn3+. For
Fe3+ 2+ the reduction potential is 0.77V, and this low value indicates that both Fe3+ and Fe2+ can
exist under normal conditions. The drop from Mn to Fe is due to the electronic structure of the ions

concerned.Mn3+ has a 3d4 configuration while that of Mn2+ is 3d5. The extra stability associated with a

half filled d sub shell makes the reduction of Mn3+ very feasible (E0 = +1.51V).

4.3.6 Magnetic properties

Most of the compounds of transition elements are paramagnetic. Magnetic properties
are related to the electronic configuration of atoms. We have already learnt in XI STD that

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the electron is spinning around its own axis, in addition to its orbital motion around the
nucleus. Due to these motions, a tiny magnetic field is generated and it is measured in terms
of magnetic moment. On the basis of magnetic properties, materials can be broadly classified
as (i) paramagnetic materials (ii) diamagnetic materials, besides these there are ferromagnetic
and antiferromagnetic materials.

Materials with no elementary magnetic dipoles are diamagnetic, in other words a

species with all paired electrons exhibits diamagnetism. This kind of materials are repelled
by the magnetic field because the presence of external magnetic field, a magnetic induction is
introduced to the material which generates weak magnetic field that oppose the applied field.

Paramagnetic solids having unpaired electrons possess magnetic dipoles which are
isolated from one another. In the absence of external magnetic field, the dipoles are arranged
at random and hence the solid shows no net magnetism. But in the presence of magnetic field,
the dipoles are aligned parallel to the direction of the applied field and therefore, they are
attracted by an external magnetic field.

Ferromagnetic materials have domain structure and in each domain the magnetic dipoles
are arranged. But the spin dipoles of the adjacent domains are randomly oriented. Some
transition elements or ions with unpaired d electrons show ferromagnetism.

3d transition metal ions in paramagnetic solids often have a magnetic dipole moments
corresponding to the electron spin contribution only. The orbital moment L is said to be
quenched. So the magnetic moment of the ion is given by

µ= g S (S + 1) µB

Where S is the total spin quantum number of the unpaired µelectrons

= g S (and
S + 1is
) µB Bohr
For an ion with n unpaired electrons S = and for an electron g=2
Therefore the spin only magnetic moment is given by

 n  n 
µ= 2  2   2 + 1 µB

 n ( n + 2) 
µ= 2   µB
µ= n ( n + 2 ) µB

The magnetic moment calculated using the above equation is compared with the
experimental values in the following table. In most of the cases, the agreement is good.


XII U4-D-Block-Jerald Folder.indd 109 4/2/2019 11:25:15 AM

Ion Configuration n µ= n ( n + 2 ) µB μ (observed)

Sc3+ ,Ti4+ ,V5+ d0 0 µ= 0 ( 0 + 2 ) = 0 µB diamagnetic

Ti3+, V4+ d1 1 µ= 1 (1 + 2 ) = 3 = 1.73 µB 1.75

Ti2+, V3+ d2 2 µ= 2 ( 2 + 2 ) = 8 = 2.83 µB 2.76

Cr3+, Mn4+, V2+ d3 3 µ= 3 ( 3 + 2 ) = 15 = 3.87 µB 3.86

Cr2+, Mn3+ d4 4 µ= 4 ( 4 + 2 ) = 24 = 4.89 µB 4.80

Mn2+, Fe3+ d5 5 µ= 5 ( 5 + 2 ) = 35 = 5.91 µB 5.96

Co3+, Fe2+ d6 4 µ= 4 ( 4 + 2 ) = 24 = 4.89 µB 5.3-5.5

Co2+ d7 3 µ= 3 ( 3 + 2 ) = 15 = 3.87 µB 4.4-5.2

Ni2+ d8 2 µ= 2 ( 2 + 2 ) = 8 = 2.83 µB 2.9-3.4

Cu2+ d9 1 µ= 1(1 + 2 ) = 3 = 1.732 µB 1.8-2.2

Cu+ , Zn2+ d10 0 µ= 0 ( 0 + 2 ) = 0 µB diamagnetic

4.3.7 Catalytic properties

The chemical industries manufacture a number of products such as polymers, flavours,
drugs etc., Most of the manufacturing processes have adverse effect on the environment so
there is an interest for eco friendly alternatives. In this context, catalyst based manufacturing
processes are advantageous, as they require low energy, minimize waste production and
enhance the conversion of reactants to products.
Many industrial processes use transition metals or their compounds as catalysts. Transition
metal has energetically available d orbitals that can accept electrons from reactant molecule or
metal can form bond with reactant molecule using its d electrons. For example, in the catalytic
hydrogenation of an alkene, the alkene bonds to an active site by using its π electrons with an
empty d orbital of the catalyst.
The σ bond in the hydrogen molecule breaks, and each hydrogen atom forms a bond with
a d electron on an atom in the catalyst. The two hydrogen atoms then bond with the partially
broken π -bond in the alkene to form an alkane.
Ni /H2


Alkene Alkane

In certain catalytic processes the variable oxidation states of transition metals find
applications. For example, in the manufacture of sulphuric acid from SO3, vanadium pentoxide

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(V2O5) is used as a catalyst to oxidise SO2. In this reaction V2O5 is reduced to vanadium (IV)
Oxide (VO2).
Some more examples are discussed below,
(i) Hydroformylation of olefins

Co2(CO)8 CHO
+ CO + H2 +
Propene Butan-1-al 2-methylpropan-1-al
(ii) Preparation acetic acid from acetaldehyde.
Rh / Ir complex CH3- COOH
Acetaldehyde Acetic acid

(iii) Zeigler – Natta catalyst

A mixture of TiCl4 and trialkyl aluminium is used for polymerization.
TiCl4 + Al(C2H5)3
n CH CH2
* CH CH2 *

Propylene poly propylene

4.3.8 Alloy formation

An alloy is formed by blending a metal with one or more other elements. The elements
may be metals or non-metals or both. The bulk metal is named as solvent, and the other
elements in smaller portions are called solute. According to Hume-Rothery rule to form a
substitute alloy the difference between the atomic radii of solvent and solute is less than 15%.
Both the solvent and solute must have the same crystal structure and valence and their electro
negativity difference must be close to zero. Transition metals satisfying these mentioned
conditions form a number of alloys among themselves, since their atomic sizes are similar and
one metal atom can be easily replaced by another metal atom from its crystal lattice to form an
alloy. The alloys so formed are hard and often have high melting points. Examples: Ferrous
alloys, gold – copper alloy, chrome alloys etc.,
4.3.9 Formation of interstitial compounds
An interstitial compound or alloy is a compound that is formed when small atoms like
hydrogen, boron, carbon or nitrogen are trapped in the interstitial holes in a metal lattice. They
are usually non-stoichiometric compounds.Transition metals form a number of interstitial
compounds such as TiC, ZrH1.92 , Mn 4 N etc . The elements that occupy the metal lattice
provide them new properties.
(i) They are hard and show electrical land thermal conductivity
(ii) They have high melting points higher than those of pure metals

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(iii) Transition metal hydrides are used as powerful reducing agents
(iv) Metallic carbides are chemically inert.
4.3.10 Formation of complexes
Transition elements have a tendency to form coordination compounds with a species
that has an ability to donate an electron pair to form a coordinate covalent bond. Transition
metal ions are small and highly charged and they have vacant low energy orbitals to accept an
electron pair donated by other groups. Due to these properties, transition metals form large
number of complexes. Examples: [Fe(CN)6]4- , [Co(NH3)6]3+ , etc..
The chemistry of coordination compound is discussed in unit 5.

4.4 important compound of Transition elements

Oxides and Oxoanions of Metals
Generally, transition metal oxides are formed by the reaction of transition metals with
molecular oxygen at high temperatures. Except the first member of 3d series, Scandium, all
other transition elements form ionic metal oxides. The oxidation number of metal in metal
oxides ranges from +2 to +7. As the oxidation number of a metal increases, ionic character
decreases, for example, Mn2O7 is covalent. Mostly higher oxides are acidic in nature, Mn2O7
dissolves in water to give permanganic acid (HMnO4 ) , similarly CrO3 gives chromic acid
(H2CrO4) and dichromic acid (H2Cr2O7). Generally lower oxides may be amphoteric or basic,
for example, Chromium (III) oxide - Cr2O3, is amphoteric and Chromium(II) oxide, CrO, is
basic in nature.

Potassium dichromate K2Cr2O7

Potassium dichromate is prepared from chromate ore. The ore is concentrated by gravity
separation. It is then mixed with excess sodium carbonate and lime and roasted in a reverbratory
4 FeCr2O4 + 8 Na 2CO3 + 7 O2 900 - 1000 C
 → 8 Na 2CrO4 + 2 Fe2O3 + 8 CO2 ↑

The roasted mass is treated with water to separate soluble sodium chromate from
insoluble iron oxide. The yellow solution of sodium chromate is treated with concentrated
sulphuric acid which converts sodium chromate into sodium dichromate.
2 Na 2 CrO4 + H2 SO4 →
 Na 2 Cr2 O7 + Na 2 SO4 + H2 O
sodium chromate sodium dichromate
(yellow) (orange red)

The above solution is concentrated to remove less soluble sodium sulphate. The resulting
solution is filtered and further concentrated. It is cooled to get the crystals of Na2SO4.2H2O.
The saturated solution of sodium dichromate in water is mixed with KCl and then
concentrated to get crystals of NaCl. It is filtered while hot and the filtrate is cooled to obtain
K2Cr2O7 crystals.

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Na Cr O + 2KCl →
2 2 7
 K 2Cr2O7 + 2NaCl
sodium dichromate potassium dichromate
(orange red) (orange red)

Physical properties:
Potassium dichromate is an orange red crystalline solid which melts at 671K and it is
moderately soluble in cold water, but very much soluble in hot water. On heating it decomposes
and forms Cr2O3 and molecular oxygen. As it emits toxic chromium fumes upon heating, it is
mainly replaced by sodium dichromate.
4 K 2Cr2O7 ∆
→ 4 K 2CrO4 + 2 Cr2O3 + 3O2 ↑
potassium potassium chromium(III)
dichromate chromate oxide

Structure of dichromate ion:

Figure 4.8 (a) Structure of Figure 4.8 (b) Structure of

chromate ion dichromate ion
Both chromate and dichromate ion are oxo anions of chromium and they are moderately
strong oxidizing agents. In these ions chromium is in +6 oxidation state. In an aqueous solution,
chromate and dichromate ions can be interconvertible, and in an alkaline solution chromate ion
is predominant, whereas dichromate ion becomes predominant in acidic solutions. Structures
of these ions are shown in the figure.
Chemical properties:
1. Oxidation
Potassium dichromate is a powerful oxidising agent in acidic medium. Its oxidising action
in the presence of H+ ions is shown below. You can note that the change in the oxidation
state of chromium from Cr6+ to Cr3+.Its oxidising action is shown below.
Cr2O7 2− + 14H+ + 6e− →
 Cr 3+ + 7 H2O

The oxidising nature of potassium dichromate (dichromate ion) is illustrated in the

following examples.


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(i) It oxidises ferrous salts to ferric salts.

Cr2O7 2− + 6Fe2+ + 14H+ →
 2Cr 3+ + 6Fe3+ + 7H2O

(ii) It oxidises iodide ions to iodine

Cr2O7 2− + 6I + 14H+ →
 2Cr 3+ + 3I2 + 7H2O

(iii) It oxidises sulphide ion to sulphur


Cr2O7 2− + 3S + 14H+ →
 2Cr 3+ + 3S + 7H2O

(iv) It oxidises sulphur dioxide to sulphate ion

Cr2O7 2− + 3SO2 + 2H+ →
 2Cr 3+ + 3SO4 2− + H2O

(v) It oxidises stannous salts to stannic salt

2+ 4+

Cr2O7 2− + 3Sn + 14H+ →
 2Cr 3+ + 3Sn + 7H2O

(vi) It oxidises alcohols to acids.

 2K 2SO4 + 2Cr2 ( SO4 )3 + 3CH3COOH + 11H2O
2K 2Cr2O7 + 8H2SO4 + 3CH3CH2OH →

2. Chromyl chloride test:

When potassium dichromate is heated with any chloride salt in the presence of Conc
H2SO4, orange red vapours of chromyl chloride (CrO2Cl2) is evolved. This reaction is used to
confirm the presence of chloride ion in inorganic qualitative analysis.
K 2Cr2O7 + 4NaCl + 6H2SO4 →
 2KHSO4 + 4NaHSO 4 + 2CrO2Cl 2 ↑ + 3H2O
Chromyl chloride

The chromyl chloride vapours are dissolved in sodium hydroxide solution and then
acidified with acetic acid and treated with lead acetate. A yellow precipitate of lead chromate
is obtained.
CrO2Cl 2 + 4NaOH →
 Na 2CrO4 + 2NaCl + 2H2O
Na 2CrO4 + ( CH3COO )2 Pb →
 PbCrO4 ↓ + 2CH3COONa
(Yellowprecipitate )

Uses of potassium dichromate:

Some important uses of potassium dichromate are listed below.
1. It is used as a strong oxidizing agent.
2. It is used in dyeing and printing.
3. It used in leather tanneries for chrome tanning.
4. It is used in quantitative analysis for the estimation of iron compounds and iodides.


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Potassium permanganate - KMnO4
Potassium permanganate is prepared from pyrolusite (MnO2) ore. The preparation involves
the following steps.
(i) Conversion of MnO2 to potassium manganate:
Powdered ore is fused with KOH in the presence of air or oxidising agents like KNO3 or
KClO3. A green coloured potassium manganate is formed.
2MnO2 + 2KOH + O2 →
 K 2 MnO4 + 2H 2 O
potassium manganate
(ii) Oxidation of potassium manganate to potassium permanganate:
Potassium manganate thus obtained can be oxidised in two ways , either by chemical
oxidation or electrolytic oxidation.
Chemical oxidation:
In this method potassium manganate is treated with ozone (O3) or chlorine to get
potassium permanganate.
2MnO4 2− + O3 + H2O →
 2MnO4 − + 2OH− + O2
2MnO4 2− + Cl 2 →
 2MnO4 − + 2Cl −

Electrolytic oxidation
In this method aqueous solution of potassium manganate is electrolyzed in the presence
of little alkali.

K 2 MnO4  
 2K + MnO4
+ 2−

H 2O 

 H + OH
+ −

Manganate ions are converted into permanganate ions at anode.

MnO4 2−  −
 MnO4 + e

Green purple

H2is liberated at the cathode.

2H+ + 2e− →
 H2 ↑
The purple coloured solution is concentrated by evaporation and forms crystals of
potassium permanganate on cooling.

Physical properties:
Potassium permanganate exists in the form of dark purple crystals which melts at 513 K.
It is sparingly soluble in cold water but, fairly soluble in hot water.


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Structure of permanganate ion
Permanganate ion has tetrahedral geometry in which the central Mn7+ is sp3 hybridised.

Figure 4.9 Structure of permanganate ion

Chemical properties:
1. Action of heat:
When heated, potassium permanganate decomposes to form potassium manganate and
manganese dioxide.

2KMnO4 →
 2K 2 MnO4 + MnO2 + O2

2. Action of conc H2SO4

On treating with cold conc H2SO4, it decomposes to form manganese heptoxide, which
subsequently decomposes explosively.
2KMnO4 + 2H2SO4 →
 Mn2O7 + 2KHSO4 + H2O
Mn2O7 

→ 2MnO2 + 3O2

But with hot conc H2SO4, potassium permanganate give MnSO4

4KMnO4 + 6H2SO4 →
 4MnSO4 + 2K 2SO4 + 6H2O + 5O2

3. Oxidising property:
Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidising agent, its oxidising action differs in different
reaction medium.
a) In neutral medium:
In neutral medium, it is reduced to MnO2.
MnO4 − + 2H2O + 3e− →
 MnO2 + 4OH−
(i) It oxidises H2S to sulphur
2MnO4 − + 3H2S →
 2MnO2 + 3S + 2OH− + 2H2O
(ii) It oxidises thiosulphate into sulphate
8MnO4 − + 3S2O32− + H2O →
 6SO4 2− + 8MnO2 + 2OH−


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b) In alkaline medium:
In the presence of alkali metal hydroxides, the permanganate ion is converted into
MnO4 − + e− →
 MnO4 2−
This manganate is further reduced to MnO2 by some reducing agents.
 MnO2 + 2OH− + [O ]
MnO4 2− + H2O →
So the overall reaction can be written as follows.
MnO4 − + 2H2O + 3e− →  MnO2 + 4OH−
This reaction is similar as that for neutral medium.
Bayer’s reagent:
Cold dilute alkaline KMnO4 is known as Bayer’s reagent. It is used to oxidise alkenes into
diols. For example, ethylene can be converted into ethylene glycol and this reaction is used as
a test for unsaturation.
c) In acid medium:
In the presence of dilute sulphuric acid, potassium permanganate acts as a very strong
oxidising agent. Permanganate ions is converted into Mn2+ ion.
MnO4 − + 8H+ + 5e− →
 Mn2+ + 4H2O
The oxidising nature of potassium permanganate (permanganate ion) in acid medium is
illustrated in the following examples.
(i) It oxidises ferrous salts to ferric salts.
2MnO4 − + 10Fe2+ + 16H+ →
 2Mn2+ + 10Fe3+ + 8H2O
(ii) It oxidises iodide ions to iodine
2MnO4 − + 10 I− + 16H+ →
 2Mn2+ + 5I2 + 8H2O
(iii) It oxidises oxalic acid to CO2
2MnO4 − + 5 ( COO ) + 16H+ →
 2Mn2+ + 10CO2 + 8H2O
(iv) It oxidises sulphide ion to sulphur
2MnO4 − + 5 S2− + 16H+ →
 2Mn2+ + 5 S + 8H 2O
(v) It oxidises nitrites to nitrates
2MnO4 − + 5NO2 − + 6H+ →
 2Mn2+ + 5NO3 − + 3H2O
(vi) It oxidises alcohols to aldehydes.
2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5CH3CH2OH →
 2K 2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 5CH3CHO + 8H2O
(vii) It oxidises sulphite to sulphate
2MnO4 − + 5SO32− + 6H+ →
 2Mn2+ + 5SO4 2− + 3H2O


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Uses of potassium permanganate:
Some important uses of potassium permanganate are listed below.
1. It is used as a strong oxidizing agent.
2. It is used for the treatment of various skin infections and fungal infections of the foot.
3. It used in water treatment industries to remove iron and hydrogen sulphide from well
4. It is used as a Bayer’s reagent for detecting unsaturation in an organic compound.
5. It is used in quantitative analysis for the estimation of ferrous salts, oxalates, hydrogen
peroxide and iodides.

Note HCl cannot be used for making the medium acidic since it reacts with KMnO4 as follows.
2MnO4 − + 10 Cl − + 16H+ →
 2Mn2+ + 5Cl 2 + 8H2O

HNO3 also cannot be used since it is good oxidising agent and reacts with reducing agents
in the reaction.
However,H2SO4 is found to be most suitable since it does not react with potassium

Equivalent weight of KMnO4 in Molecular weight of KMnO4 158
= = = 31.6
acid medium no of mols of electrons transferred 5
Equivalent weight of KMnO4 in Molecular weight of KMnO4 158
= = = 158
basic medium no of mols of electrons transferred 1
Equivalent weight of KMnO4 in Molecular weight of KMnO4 158
= = = 52.67
neutral medium no of mols of electrons transferred 3

f-block elements – Inner transition elements

In the inner transition elements there are two series of elements.
1) Lanthanoids ( previously called lanthanides)
2) Actinoids ( previously called actinides)
Lanthanoid series consists of fourteen elements from Cerium (58Ce) to Lutetium (71Lu)
following Lanthanum (57La).These elements are characterised by the preferential filling of
4f orbitals, Similarly actinoids consists of 14 elements from Thorium (90Th) to Lawrencium
(103Lr) following Actinium (89Ac).These elements are characterised by the preferential filling
of 5f orbital.
The position of Lanthanoids in the periodic table
The actual position of Lanthanoids in the periodic table is at group number 3 and period


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number 6.However, in the sixth period after lanthanum, the electrons are preferentially filled
in inner 4f sub shell and these fourteen elements following lanthanum show similar chemical
properties. Therefore these elements are grouped together and placed at the bottom of the
periodic table. This position can be justified as follows.
1. Lanthanoids have general electronic configuration [Xe] 4 f 1−14 5d 0−1 6s 2
2. The common oxidation state of lanthanoides is +3
3. All these elements have similar physical and chemical properties.
Similarly the fourteen elements following actinium resemble in their physical and
chemical properties. If we place these elements after Lanthanum in the periodic table below
4d series, the properties of the elements belongs to a group would be different and it would
affect the proper structure of the periodic table. Hence a separate position is provided to the
inner transition elements as shown in the figure.
s-Block p-Block
hydrogen helium
1 2

lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Na Mg
22.990 24.305
d-Block Al
Cl Ar
35.453 39.948
potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Ca Sc
40.078 44.956
Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se
51.996 54.938 55.845 58.933 58.693 63.546 65.38 69.723 72.64 74.922 78.96
Br Kr
79.904 83.798
rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Rb Sr
85.468 87.62
Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In
91.224 92.906 95.96 [98] 101.07 102.91 106.42 107.87 112.41 114.82
Sn Sb Te
118.71 121.76 127.60
caesium barium hafnium tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum gold mercury thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine radon
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

Cs Ba La Hf Ta
132.91 137.33 178.49 180.95
W Re Os
183.84 186.21 190.23
Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
195.08 196.97 200.59 204.38 207.2 208.98 [209] [210] [222]
francium radium actinium rutherfordium dubnium seaborgium bohrium hassium meitnerium darmstadtium roentgenium Copernicium Nahonium Flerovium Mascovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganessom
87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118

Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh
[223] [226] [227] [261] [262] [266] [264] [277] [268] [271] [272] [285] [286]
Fl Mc Lv
[289] [289] [293]
Ts Og
[294] [294]

cerium praseodymium neodymium promethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium lutetium
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
140.12 140.91 144.24 [145] 150.36 151.96 157.25 158.93 162.50 164.93 167.26 168.93 173.05 174.97
thorium protactinium uranium neptunium plutonium americium curium berkelium californium einsteinium fermium mendelevium nobelium lawrencium
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

Th Pa
232.04 231.04
Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf
[237] [244] [243] [247] [247] [251]
Es Fm Md No Lr
[252] [257] [258] [259] [262]


Figure 4.10 position of inner transition elements

Electronic configuration of Lanthanoids:

We know that the electrons are filled in different orbitals in the order of their increasing
energy in accordance with Aufbau principle. As per this rule after filling 5s,5p and 6s and
4f level begin to fill from lanthanum, and hence the expected electronic configuration of
Lanthanum(La) is [Xe] 4 f 1 5d 0 6s 2 but the actual electronic configuration of Lanthanum is


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[Xe] 4 f 0 5d1 6s 2 and it belongs to d block. Filling of 4f orbital starts from Cerium (Ce) and its
electronic configuration is [Xe] 4 f 1 5d1 6s 2 . As we move from Cerium to other elements the
additional electrons are progressively filled in 4f orbitals as shown in the table.
Table : electronic configuration of Lanthanum and Lanthanoids
Name of the element Symbol Electronic configuration
Lanthanum 57 La [Xe] 4 f 0 5d1 6s 2
Cerium 58 Ce [Xe] 4 f 1 5d1 6s 2
Praseodymium 59 Pr [Xe] 4 f 3 5d 0 6s 2
Neodymium 60 Nd [Xe] 4 f 4 5d 0 6s 2
Promethium 61 Pm [Xe] 4 f 5 5d 0 6s 2
Samarium 62 Sm [Xe] 4 f 6 5d 0 6s 2
Europium 63 Eu [Xe] 4 f 7 5d 0 6s 2
Gadolinium 64 Gd [Xe] 4 f 7 5d1 6s 2
Terbium 65 Tb [Xe] 4 f 9 5d 0 6s 2
Dysprosium 66 Dy [Xe] 4 f 10 5d 0 6s 2
Holmium 67 Ho [Xe] 4 f 11 5d 0 6s 2
Erbium 68 Er [Xe] 4 f 12 5d 0 6s 2
Thulium 69 Tm [Xe] 4 f 13 5d 0 6s 2
Ytterbium 70 Yb [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 0 6s 2
Lutetium 71 Lu [Xe] 4 f 14 5d1 6s 2

In Gadolinium (Gd) and Lutetium (Lu) the 4f orbitals, are half-filled and completely filled,
and one electron enters 5d orbitals. Hence the general electronic configuration of 4f series of
elements can be written as [Xe] 4 f 2−14 5d 0−1 6s 2

Oxidation state of lanthanoids:

The common oxidation state of lanthanoids is +3. In addition to that some of the
lanthanoids also show either +2 or +4 oxidation states.
Gd3+ and Lu3+ ions have extra stability, it is due to the fact that they have exactly half filled
and completely filled f-orbitals respectively.their electronic c onfigurations are
Gd 3+ : [ Xe ]4 f 7
Lu 3+ : [ Xe ]4 f 14


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Similarly Cerium and terbium attain 4f 0 and 4f 7 configurations respectively in the +4
oxidation states. Eu2+ and Yb2+ ions have exactly half filled and completely filled f orbitals
The stability of different oxidation states has an impact on the properties of these elements.
the following table shows the different oxidation states of lanthanoids.

Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

+2 +2 +2 +2 +2

+3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3

+4 +4 +4 +4 +4

Atomic and ionic radii: 1.04

As we move across 1.02

4f series, the atomic and

ionic radii of lanthanoids 0.96
show gradual decrease 0.94

with increse in atomic 0.92

number. This decrese 0.9
in ionic size is called
lanthanoid contraction. 0.84
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Figure 4.11 Variation of atomic radii of lanthanoids

Cause of lanthanoid contraction:
As we move from one element to another in 4f series ( Ce to Lu) the nuclear charge
increases by one unit and an additional electron is added into the same inner 4f sub shell. We
know that 4f sub shell have a diffused shapes and therefore the shielding effect of 4f elelctrons
relatively poor.hence, with increase of nuclear charge, the valence shell is pulled slightly towards
nucleus. As a result, the effetive nuclear charge experienced by the 4f elelctorns increases and
the size of Ln3+ ions decreases. Lanthanoid contraction of various lanthanoids is shown in the
Consequences of lanthanoid contraction:
1. Basicity differences
As we from Ce3+ to Lu3+ , the basic character of Ln3+ ions decrease. Due to the decrease
in the size of Ln3+ ions, the ionic character of Ln −OH bond decreases (covalent character
increases) which results in the decrease in the basicity.
2. Similarities among lanthanoids:
In the complete f - series only 10 pm decrease in atomic radii and 20 pm decrease in ionic
radii is observed. because of this very small change in radii of lanthanoids, their chemical
properties are quite similar.


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The elements of the second and third transition series resemble each other more closely
than the elements of the first and second transition series. For example
Series Element Atomic radius
3d Series Ti 132 pm
4d Series Zr 145 pm
5d Series Hf 144 pm
The fourteen elements following actinium ,i.e., from thorium (Th) to lawrentium (Lr) are
called actinoids. Unlike the lanthanoids, all the actinoids are radioactive and most of them
have short half lives. Only thorium and uranium(U) occur in significant amount in nature
and a trace amounts of Plutonium(Pu) is also found in Uranium ores.Neptunium(Np) and
successive heavier elements are produced synthetically by the artificial transformation of
naturally occuring elements by nuclear reactions.
Similar to lanthanoids, they are placed at the bottom of the periodic table.
Electronic configuration:
The electronic configuration of actinoids is not definite. The general valence shell electronic
configuration of 5f elements is represented as [Rn ]5f 2−14 6d 0−2 7s 2 . The following table show the
electronic configuration of actinoids.

Table : electronic configuration of actinoids

Name of the element Symbol Electronic configuration
Actinium 89 Ac [Rn] 5f 0 6d1 7s 2

Thorium 90 Th [Rn] 5f 0 6d 2 7s 2

Protactinium 91 Pa [Rn] 5f 2 6d1 7s 2

Uranium 92 U [Rn] 5f 3 6d1 7s 2

Neptunium 93 Np [Rn] 5f 4 6d1 7s 2

Plutonium 94 Pu [Rn] 5f 6 6d 0 7s 2

Americium 95 Am [Rn] 5f 7 6d 0 7s 2

Curium 96 Cm [Rn] 5f 7 6d1 7s 2

Berkelium 97 Bk [Rn] 5f 9 6d 0 7s 2

Californium 98 Cf [Rn] 5f 10 6d 0 7s 2


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Name of the element Symbol Electronic configuration
Einstenium 99 Es [Rn] 5f 11 6d 0 7s 2

Fermium 100 Fm [Rn] 5f 12 6d 0 7s 2

Mendelevium 101 Md [Rn] 5f 13 6d 0 7s 2

Nobelium 102 No [Rn] 5f 14 6d 0 7s 2

Lowrentium 103 Lr [Rn] 5f 14 7s 2 7 p1

Oxidation state of actinoids:

Like lanthanoids, the most common state of actinoids is +3. In addition to that actinoids
show variable oxidation states such as +2 , +3 , +4 ,+5,+6 and +7.
The elements Americium(Am) and Thorium (Th) show +2 oxidation state in some
compounds , for example thorium iodide (ThI2). The elements Th , Pa, U ,Np , Pu and Am
show +5 oxidation states. Np and Pu exhibit +7 oxidation state.

Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
+2 +2
+3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3
+4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4
+5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5
+6 +6 +6 +6
+7 +7 +7
Differences between lanthanoids and actinoids: Lanthanoids Actinoids

Differentiating electron eneters in 4f Differentiating electron eneters in 5f

orbital orbital

2 Binding energy of 4f orbitals are higher Binding energy of 5f orbitals are lower

They show less tendency to form They show greater tendency to form
complexes complexes

Most of the actinoids are coloured. For

4 Most of the lanthanoids are colourless example.
U3+ (red), U4+ (green) , UO2 2+ (yellow)


XII U4-D-Block-Jerald Folder.indd 123 4/2/2019 11:25:33 AM Lanthanoids Actinoids

They do form oxo cations such as

5 They do not form oxo cations
UO2 2+ , NpO2 2+ etc

Besides +3 oxidation states lanthanoids Besides +3 oxidation states actinoids

6 show +2 and +4 oxidation states in few show higher oxidation states such as +4,
cases. +5, +6 and +7.

„„ IUPAC defines transition metal as an element whose atom has an incomplete d
sub shell or which can give rise to cations with an incomplete d sub shell. They
occupy the central position of the periodic table, between s and p block elements,
„„ d- Block elements composed of 3d series (4th period) Scandium to Zinc ( 10
elements), 4d series ( 5th period) Yttrium to Cadmium ( 10 elements) and 5d
series ( 6th period) Lanthanum, Haffinium to mercury.
„„ the general electronic configuration of d- block elements can be written as
[Noble gas] ( n −1) d
1−10 1−2
ns ,
Here, n = 4 to 7 . In periods 6 and 7, the configuration includes
((n −2 ) f orbital ; [Noble gas] ( n −2 ) f 14 ( n −1) d1−10ns1−2 .
„„ All the transition elements are metals. Similar to all metals the transition metals
are good conductors of heat and electricity. Unlike the metals of Group-1 and
group-2, all the transition metals except group 11 elements are hard.
„„ As we move from left to right along the transition metal series, melting point first
increases as the number of unpaired d electrons available for metallic bonding
increases, reach a maximum value and then decreases, as the d electrons pair up
and become less available for bonding.
„„ Ionization energy of transition element is intermediate between those of s and
p block elements. As we move from left to right in a transition metal series, the
ionization enthalpy increases as expected.
„„ The first transition metal Scandium exhibits only +3 oxidation state, but all other
transition elements exhibit variable oxidation states by loosing electrons from
(n-1)d orbital and ns orbital as the energy difference between them is very small.
 
„„ In 3d series as we move from Ti to Zn, the standard reduction potential  E 0
 M M 

value is approaching towards less negative value and copper has a positive
reduction potential. i.e., elemental copper is more stable than Cu2+.


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„„ Most of the compounds of transition elements are paramagnetic. Magnetic
properties are related to the electronic configuration of atoms.
„„ Many industrial processes use transition metals or their compounds as catalysts.
Transition metal has energetically available d orbitals that can accept electrons
from reactant molecule or metal can form bond with reactant molecule using its
d electrons.
„„ Transition metals form a number of interstitial compounds such as
TiC, ZrH1.92 , Mn 4 N etc .
„„ Transition elements have a tendency to form coordination compounds with a species
that has an ability to donate an electron pair to form a coordinate covalent bond.
„„ In the inner transition elements there are two series of elements. 1)  Lanthanoids
( previously called lanthanides) 2)  Actinoids ( previously called actinides)
„„ Lanthanoids have general electronic configuration [Xe] 4 f 1−14 5d 0−1 6s 2
„„ The common oxidation state of lanthanoides is +3
„„ As we move across 4f series, the atomic and ionic radii of lanthanoids show
gradual decrease with increse in atomic number. This decrese in ionic size is
called lanthanoid contraction.
„„ The electronic configuration of actinoids is not definite. The general valence
shell electronic configuration of 5f elements is represented as [Rn ]5f 2−14 6d 0−2 7s 2 .
„„ Like lanthanoids, the most common state of actinoids is +3. In addition to that
actinoids show variable oxidation states such as +2 , +3 , +4 ,+5,+6 and +7.


Choose the best answer:

1. Sc( Z=21) is a transition element but Zinc (z=30) is not because

a) both Sc3+ and Zn2+ ions are colourless and form white compounds.
b) in case of Sc, 3d orbital are partially filled but in Zn these are completely filled
c) last electron as assumed to be added to 4s level in case of zinc
d) both Sc and Zn do not exhibit variable oxidation states
2. Which of the following d block element has half filled penultimate d sub shell as well as half
filled valence sub shell?
a) Cr b) Pd
c) Pt d) none of these


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standard electrode potential is
3. Among the transition metals of 3d series, the one that has highest negative M

M )
a) Ti    b) Cu     c) Mn    d) Zn
4. Which one of the following ions has the same number of unpaired electrons as present in
a) Ti3+ b) Fe3+
c) Ni2+ d) Cr3+
5. The magnetic moment of Mn2+ ion is
a) 5.92BM b) 2.80BM
c) 8.95BM d) 3.90BM
6. Which of the following compounds is colourless?
a) Fe3+ b) Ti4+
c) Co2+ d) Ni2+
7. the catalytic behaviour of transition metals and their compounds is ascribed
mainly due to
a) their magnetic behaviour
b) their unfilled d orbitals
c) their ability to adopt variable oxidation states
d) their chemical reactivity
8. The correct order of increasing oxidizing power in the series
a) VO2 < Cr2O7 < MnO4 b) Cr2O7 < VO2 < MnO4
+ 2− − 2− + −

c) Cr2O7 < MnO4 < VO2 d) MnO4 < Cr2O7 < VO2
2− − + − 2− +

9. The alloy of copper that contain Zinc is

a) Monel metal b) Bronze
c) bell metal d) brass
10. Which of the following does not give oxygen on heating?
a) K2Cr2O7 b) (NH4)2Cr2O7
c) KClO3 d) Zn(ClO3)2
11. In acid medium, potassium permanganate oxidizes oxalic acid to
a) oxalate b) Carbon dioxide
c) acetate d) acetic acid


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12. Which of the following statements is not true?
a) on passing H2S, through acidified K2Cr2O7 solution, a milky colour is observed.
b) Na2Cr2O7 is preferred over K2Cr2O7 in volumetric analysis
c) K2Cr2O7 solution in acidic medium is orange in colour
d) K2Cr2O7 solution becomes yellow on increasing the PH beyond 7
13. Permanganate ion changes to ________ in acidic medium
a) MnO4 b) Mn2+

c) Mn3+ d) MnO2
14. A white crystalline salt (A) react with dilute HCl to liberate a suffocating gas (B) and also
forms a yellow precipitate . The gas (B) turns potassium dichromate acidified with dil
H2SO4 to a green coloured solution(C). A,B and C are respectively
a) Na 2SO3 , SO2 , Cr2 ( SO4 )3 b) Na 2S2O3 , SO2 , Cr2 ( SO4 )3
c) Na 2S , SO2 , Cr2 ( SO4 )3 d) Na 2SO4 , SO2 , Cr2 ( SO4 )3
15. MnO4- react with Br- in alkaline PH to give

a) BrO3 , MnO2 b) Br2 , MnO4

− 2−
c) Br2 , MnO2 d) BrO , MnO4
16. How many moles of I2 are liberated when 1 mole of potassium dichromate react with
potassium iodide?
a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4
17. The number of moles of acidified KMnO4 required to oxidize 1 mole of ferrous
oxalate(FeC2O4) is
a) 5   b) 3   c) 0.6   d) 1.5
18. When a brown compound of Mn (A) ids treated with HCl , it gives a gas (B) . The gas (B)
taken in excess reacts with NH3 to give an explosive compound (C). The compound A, B
and C are
a) MnO2 , Cl 2 , NCl 3 b) MnO, Cl 2 , NH 4Cl
c) Mn3O4 , Cl 2 , NCl 3 d) MnO3 , Cl 2 , NCl 2
19. Which one of the following statements related to lanthanons is incorrect?
a) Europium shows +2 oxidation state.
b) The basicity decreases as the ionic radius decreases from Pr to Lu.
c) All the lanthanons are much more reactive than aluminium.
d) Ce4+ solutions are widely used as oxidising agents in volumetric analysis.


XII U4-D-Block-Jerald Folder.indd 127 4/2/2019 11:25:37 AM

20. Which of the following lanthanoid ions is diamagnetic?
a) Eu2+ b) Yb2+
c) Ce2+ d) Sm2+
21. Which of the following oxidation states is most common among the lanthanoids?
a) 4 b) 2
c) 5 d) 3
22. Assertion : Ce4+ is used as an oxidizing agent in volumetric analysis.
Reason: Ce4+ has the tendency of attaining +3 oxidation state.
a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of
c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
d) Both assertion and reason are false.
23. The most common oxidation state of actinoids is
a) +2 b) +3
c) +4 d) +6
24. The actinoid elements which show the highest oxidation state of +7 are
a) Np, Pu ,Am b) U, Fm, Th
c) U, Th, Md d) Es, No, Lr
25. Which one of the following is not correct?
a) La(OH)3 is less basic than Lu(OH)3
b) In lanthanoid series ionic radius of Ln3+ ions decreases
c) La is actually an element of transition metal series rather than lanthanide series
d) Atomic radii of Zr and Hf are same because of lanthanide contraction
Answer the following questions:
1. What are transition metals? Give four examples.
2. Explain the oxidation states of 4d series elements.
3. What are inner transition elements?
4. Justify the position of lanthanides and actinides in the periodic table.
5. What are actinides? Give three examples.
6. Why Gd3+ is colourless?
7. Explain why compounds of Cu2+ are coloured but those of Zn2+ are colourless.
8. Describe the preparation of potassium dichromate.


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9. What is lanthanide contraction and what are the effects of lanthanide contraction?
10. complete the following
a. MnO4 2− + H+ →
→ ?
b. C 6 H5CH3 acidified
KMnO 4

c. MnO4 + Fe →
? − 2+

d. KMnO4 Red
e. Cr2O7 2− + I− + H+ →
f. Na 2Cr2O7 + KCl →

11. What are interstitial compounds?

12. Calculate the number of unpaired electrons in Ti3+ , Mn2+ and calculate the spin only
magnetic moment.
13. Write the electronic configuration of Ce4+ and Co2+.
14. Explain briefly how +2 states becomes more and more stable in the first half of the first row
transition elements with increasing atomic number.
15. Which is more stable? Fe3+ or Fe2+ - explain.
16. Explain the variation in E0 3d series. M

17. Compare lanthanides and actinides.

18. Explain why Cr2+ is strongly reducing while Mn3+ is strongly oxidizing.
19. Compare the ionization enthalpies of first series of the transition elements.
20. Actinoid contraction is greater from element to element than the lanthanoid contraction,
21. Out of Lu(OH)3 and La(OH)3 which is more basic and why?
22. Why europium (II) is more stable than Cerium (II)?
23. Why do zirconium and Hafnium exhibit similar properties?
24. Which is stronger reducing agent Cr2+ or Fe2+?
25. The E0 M
value for copper is positive. Suggest a possible reason for this.
26. predict which of the following will be coloured in aqueous solution Ti2+ , V3+ Sc4+, Cu+ ,Sc3+,
Fe3+, Ni2+ and Co3+
27. Describe the variable oxidation state of 3d series elements.
28. Which metal in the 3d series exhibits +1 oxidation state most frequently and why?
29. Why first ionization enthalpy of chromium is lower than that of zinc?
30. Transition metals show high melting points why?


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Alfred Werner Learning Objectives

(1866 –1919)
After studying this unit, students will be
Alfred Werner  was a  Swiss  chemist able to
who explainedthe bonding in ’’ define important terms in coordination
coordination complexes. Werner chemistry
proposed his coordination theory ’’ nomenclate the coordination
in 1893. It must be remembered compounds in accordance with the
that this imaginative theory was guidelines of IUPAC
proposed before the electron had ’’ describe different types of isomerism in
been discovered by J.J. Thompson coordination compounds
in 1896. Werner did not have any ’’ discuss the postulates of Werner's
modern instrumental techniques theory of coordination compounds
at his time and all his studies ’’ predict the geometry of coordination
were made using simple reaction compounds using valance bond theory
chemistry. Complexes must have ’’ apply crystal field theory to explain
been a complete mystery without the colour and magnetic properties of
any knowledge of bonding or coordination compounds
structure. This theory and his ’’ differentiate high spin and low spin
painstaking work over the next 20 coordination compounds
years won Alfred Werner the Nobel ’’ explain the stability of coordination
Prize for Chemistry in 1913.He was compounds interms of stability
the first inorganic chemist to win the constants.
Nobel Prize. ’’ explain the applications of coordination
compounds in day to day life


XII U5 Coordination jagan.indd 130 4/2/2019 11:04:08 AM


We have already learnt in the previous unit that the transition metals have a tendency
to form complexes (coordination compounds). The name is derived from the Latin
words 'complexus' and 'coordinate' which mean 'hold' and 'to arrange' respectively. The
complexes of transition metals have interesting properties and differ from simple ionic
and covalent compounds. For example, chromium(III)chloride hexahydrate, CrCl3.6H2O,
exists as purple, pale green or dark green compound. In addition to metals, certain non
metals also form coordination compounds but have less tendency than d block elements.
Coordination compounds play a vital role in the biological functions, and have wide range
of catalytic applications in chemical industries. For example, haemoglobin, the oxygen
transporter of human is a coordination compound of iron, and cobalamine, an essential
vitamin is a coordination compound of cobalt. Chlorophyll, a pigment present in plants
acting as a photo sensitiser in the photosynthesis is also a coordination compound. Various
coordination compounds such as Wilkinson's compound, Ziegler Natta compound are
used as catalysts in industrial processes. Hence, it is important to understand the chemistry
of coordination compounds. In this unit we study the nature, bonding, nomenclature,
isomerism and applications of the coordination compounds.

5.1 Coordination compounds and double salts:

When two or more stable compounds in solution are mixed together and allowed
to evaporate, in certain cases there is a possibility for the formation of double salts or
coordination compounds. For example when an equimolar solution of ferrous sulphate
and ammonium sulphate are mixed and allowed to crystallise, a double salt namely
Mohr's salt (Ferrous ammonium sulphate, FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O) is formed. Let
us recall the blood red colour formation in the inorganic qualitative analysis of ferric
ion, the reaction between ferric chloride and potassium thiocyanate solution gives a
blood red coloured coordination compound, potassium ferrithiocyanate K3[Fe(SCN)6].
If we perform a qualitative analysis to identify the constituent ions present in both the
compounds, Mohr's salt answers the presence of Fe2+ ,NH4+ and SO42-ions, whereas the
potassium ferrithiocyanate will not answer Fe3+ and SCN ions. From this we can infer that
the double salts loose their identity and dissociates into their constituent simple ions in
solutions , whereas the complex ion in coordination compound, does not loose its identity
and never dissociate to give simple ions.

5.2 Werner's theory of coordination compounds:

Swiss chemist Alfred Werner was the first one to propose a theory of coordination
compounds to explain the observed behaviour of them.

Let us consider the different coloured complexes of cobalt(III) chloride with ammonia
which exhibit different properties as shown below.


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No. of moles of AgCl precipitated on reaction of
Complex Colour
one mole of complex with excess Ag+
CoCl3.6NH3 Yellow 3

CoCl3.5NH3 Purple 2

CoCl3.4NH3 Green 1

CoCl3.4NH3 Violet 1

In this case, the valences of the elements present in both the reacting molecules, cobalt(III)
chloride and ammonia are completely satisfied. Yet these substances react to form the above
mentioned complexes.
To explain this behaviour Werner postulated his theory as follows
1. Most of the elements exhibit, two types of valence namely primary valence and secondary
valence and each element tend to satisfy both the valences.In modern terminology, the
primary valence is referred as the oxidation state of the metal atom and the secondary
valence as the coordination number. For example, according to Werner, the primary and
secondary valences of cobalt are 3 and 6 respectively.
2. The primary valence of a metal ion is positive in most of the cases and zero in certain cases.
They are always satisfied by negative ions. For example in the complex CoCl3.6NH3, The
primary valence of Co is +3 and is satisfied by 3Cl ions.
3. The secondary valence is satisfied by negative ions, neutral molecules, positive ions or the
combination of these. For example, in CoCl3.6NH3 the secondary valence of cobalt is 6
and is satisfied by six neutral ammonia molecules, whereas in CoCl3.5NH3 the secondary
valence of cobalt is satisfied by five neutral ammonia molecules and a Cl ion.
4. According to Werner, there
are two spheres of attraction
Inner sphere or coordination sphere
around a metal atom/ion in a NH3
complex. The inner sphere is NH3 NH3 Cl
known as coordination sphere
and the groups present in this
Cl Co
sphere are firmly attached to
the metal. The outer sphere is
called ionisation sphere. The
groups present in this sphere NH3
are loosely bound to the Cl
central metal ion and hence outer sphere or ionization sphere
can be separated into ions
upon dissolving the complex Figure 5.1 inner and outer spheres of attraction in
in a suitable solvent. coordination compounds


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1. The primary valences are non-directional while the secondary valences are directional. The
geometry of the complex is determined by the spacial arrangement of the groups which
satisfy the secondary valence. For example, if a metal ion has a secondary valence of six, it
has an octahedral geometry. If the secondary valence is 4, it has either tetrahedral or square
planar geometry.
The following table illustrates the Werner's postulates.

Groups satisfy the No. of ionisable Cl No. of moles of
secondary valence ions in the complex AgCl formed =
(non-ionaisable, inner (outer coordination no. of moles of
coordination sphere) sphere) ionisable Cl

CoCl3.6NH3 6 NH3 3 Cl- 3 AgCl

CoCl3.5NH3 5 NH3 & 1 Cl- 2 Cl- 2 AgCl

CoCl3.4NH3 4 NH3 & 2 Cl- 1 Cl- 1 AgCl

CoCl3.4NH3 4 NH3 & 2 Cl- 1 Cl- 1 AgCl

5.2.1 Limitations of Werner’s theory:

Even though, Werner’s theory was able to explain a number of properties of coordination
compounds, it does not explain their colour and the magnetic properties.

Evaluate yourself 1:
When a coordination compound CrCl3.4H2O is mixed with silver nitrate solution, one
mole of silver chloride is precipitated per mole of the compound. There are no free solvent
molecules in that compound. Assign the secondary valence to the metal and write the
structural formula of the compound.

5.3 Definition of important terms pertaining to co-ordination compounds

5.3.1 Coordination entity:
Coordination entity is an ion or a neutral molecule, composed of a central atom, usually
a metal and the array of other atoms or groups of atoms (ligands) that are attached to it. In
the formula, the coordination entity is enclosed in square brackets. For example, in potassium
ferrocyanide, K4[Fe(CN)6], the coordination entity is [Fe(CN)6] . In nickel tetracarbonyl, the
coordination entity is [Ni(CO)4].
5.3.2 Central atom/ion:
The central atom/ion is the one that occupies the central position in a coordination
entity and binds other atoms or groups of atoms (ligands) to itself, through a coordinate

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covalent bond. For example, in K4[Fe(CN)6], the central metal ion is Fe2+. In the
4- -
coordination entity [Fe(CN)6] , the Fe2+ accepts an electron pair from each ligand, CN
and thereby forming six coordinate covalent bonds with them. since, the central metal ion
has an ability to accept electron pairs, it is referred to as a Lewis acid.
5.3.3 Ligands:
The ligands are the atoms or groups of atoms bound to the central atom/ion. The atom in a
ligand that is bound directly to the central metal atom is known as a donor atom. For example,
in K4[Fe(CN)6], the ligand is CN ion, but the donor atom is carbon and in [Co(NH3)6]Cl3 the
ligand is NH3 molecule and the donor atom is nitrogen.
Coordination sphere:
The complex ion of the coordination compound containing the central metal atom/ion
and the ligands attached to it, is collectively called coordination sphere and are usually enclosed
in square brackets with the net charge. The other ionisable ions, are written outside the bracket
are called counter ions. For example, the coordination compound K4[Fe(CN)6] contains the
complex ion [Fe(CN)6] and is referred as the coordination sphere. The other associated ion
K+ is called the counter ion.
Coordination polyhedron:
The three dimensional spacial arrangement of ligand atoms/ions that are directly attached
to the central atom is known as the coordination polyhedron (or polygon). For example,
in K4[Fe(CN)6], the coordination polyhedra is octrahedral. The coordination polyhedra of
[Ni(CO)4] is tetrahedral.
Coordination number:
The number of ligand donor atoms bonded to a central metal ion in a complex is called
the coordination number of the metal. In other words, the coordination number is equal to the
number of σ-bonds between ligands and the central atom.
For example,
i. In K4[Fe(CN)6], the coordination number of Fe2+ is 6.
ii. In [Ni(en)3]Cl2, the coordination number of Ni2+ is also 6. Here the ligand 'en' represents
ethane-1,2-diamine (NH2-CH2-CH2-NH2) and it contains two donor atoms (Nitrogen)
Each ligand forms two coordination bonds with nickel. So,totally there are six coordination
bonds between them.
Oxidation state (number):
The oxidation state of a central atom in a coordination entity is defined as the charge it
would bear if all the ligands were removed along with the electron pairs that were shared with
the central atom. In naming a complex, it is represented by a Roman numeral. For example, in
the coordination entity [Fe(CN)6] , the oxidation state of iron is represented as (II). The net
charge on the complex ion is equal to the sum of the oxidation state of the central metal and


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the charge the on the ligands attached to it. Using this relation the oxidation number can be
calculated as follows
Net charge = (oxidation state of the central metal) + [(No. of ligands) X (charge on the ligand)]

Example 1:
In [Fe(CN)6] ,
let the oxidation number of iron is x :
The net charge: -4 = x + 6 (-1) => x = +2

Example 2:
In [Co(NH3)5Cl] ,
let the oxidation number of cobalt is x :
The net charge: +2 = x + 5 (0) + 1 (-1) => x = +3

Evaluate yourself 2:
2. In the complex, [Pt(NO2)(H2O)(NH3)2]Br , identify the following
i. Central metal atom/ion
ii. Ligand(s) and their types
iii. Coordination entity
iv. Oxidation number of the central metal ion
v. Coordination number

Types of complexes:
The coordination compounds can be classified into the following types based on (i) the
net charge of the complex ion, (ii) kinds of ligands present in the coordination entity.
Classification based on the net charge on the complex:
A coordination compound in which the complex ion
i. carries a net positive charge is called a cationic complex. Examples: [Ag(NH3)2] ,
3+ 2+
[Co(NH3)6] , [Fe(H2O)6] , etc
ii. carries a net negative charge is called an anionic complex. Examples: [Ag(CN)2] ,
3- 4-
[Co(CN)6] , [Fe(CN)6] , etc
iii. bears no net charge, is called a neutral complex. Examples: [Ni(CO)4], [Fe(CO)5] ,

Classification based on kind of ligands:

A coordination compound in which
i. the central metal ion/atom is coordinated to only one kind of ligands is called a homoleptic
complex. Examples: [Co(NH3)6]3+ , [Fe(H2O)6]2+,


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ii. the central metal ion/atom is coordinated to more than one kind of ligands is called a
heteroleptic complex. Example, [Co(NH3)5Cl]2+, [Pt(NH3)2Cl2)]

4.3 Nomenclature of coordination compounds

In the earlier days, the compounds were named after their discoverers. For example,
K[PtCl3(C2H4)] was called Zeise’s salt and [Pt(NH3)4][PtCl4] is called Magnus’s green salt etc...
There are numerous coordination compounds that have been synthesised and characterised.
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has developed an elaborate
system of nomenclature to name them systematically. The guidelines for naming coordination
compounds based on IUPAC recommendations (2005) are as follows:
1. The cation is named first, followed by the anion regardless of weather the ion is simple or
complex. For example
+ 4-
• In K4[Fe(CN)6], the cation K is named first followed by[Fe(CN)6] .

• In [Co(NH3)6]Cl3, the complex cation [Co(NH3)6]3+ is named first followed by the

anion Cl
• In [Pt(NH3)4][PtCl4], the complex cation [Pt(NH3)4] is named first followed by the
complex anion [PtCl4]

2. The simple ions are named as in other ionic compounds. For example,

Simple cation Symbol Simple anion Symbol

Sodium Na+ Chloride Cl-
Potassium K+ Nitrate NO3-
Copper Cu2+ Sulphate SO42-

3. To name a complex ion, the ligands are named first followed by the central metal atom/ion.
When a complex ion contains more than one kind of ligands they are named in alphabetical
a. Naming the ligands:
i. The name of anionic ligands ends with the letter 'o' and the cationic ligand ends with
'ium'. The neutral ligands are usually called with their molecular names with fewer
exceptions namely, H2O (aqua), CO (carbonyl), NH3 (ammine) and NO (nitrosyl).
ii. A κ-term is used to denote an ambidendate ligand in which more than one coordination
mode is possible. For example, the ligand thiocyanate can bind to the central atom/
ion, through either the sulfur or the nitrogen atom. In this ligand, if sulphur forms a
coordination bond with metal then the ligand is named thiocyanato-κS and if nitrogen
is involved, then it is named thiocyanato-κN.


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Common name Formula IUPAC ligand name
Bromide Br bromido
Chloride Cl chlorido
Furoride F fluorido
Cyanide CN cyanido
Hydroxide OH hydroxido
Carbonate CO3 carbonato
Nitrate NO3 nitrato
←NO2 ; nitrito-κN
- -
Nitrite NO2 ←ONO ; nitrito-κO

Sulphate SO4 sulphato
Sulphide S sulphido
Oxalate (ox) C2O4 oxalato
H 2N
Ethylenediamine (en) NH2 ethane-1,2-diamine

-O O
Ethylenediaminetetraacetate -O N 2,2',2'',2'''-(ethane-1,2-
N O-

Triphenylphosphine P(Ph)3 triphenylphosphane

Pyridine (py) pyridine

iii. If the coordination entity contains more than one ligand of a particular type, the
multiples of ligand (2, 3, 4 etc...) is indicated by adding appropriate Greek prefixes
(di, tri, tetra, etc...) to the name of the ligand. If the name of a ligand itself contains a
Greek prefix (eg. ethylenediamine), use an alternate prefixes (bis, tris, tetrakis etc..)
to specify the multiples of such ligands. These numerical prefixes are not taken into
account for alphabetising the name of ligands.
b. Naming the central metal: In cationic/neutral complexes, the element name is used
as such for naming the central metal atom/ion, whereas, a suffix 'ate' is used along with
the element name in anionic complexes. The oxidation state of the metal is written
immediately after the metal name using roman numerals in parenthesis.


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Name of the metal in
cationic complex anionic complex
Cr Chromium Chromate
Zn Zinc Zincate
Al Aluminum Aluminate
Fe Iron Ferrate
Cu Copper Cuprate
Co Cobalt Cobaltate
Pb Lead Plumbate
Ag Silver Argentate
Sn Tin Stannate
Au Gold Aurate
Pt Platinum Platinate

Naming of coordination compounds using IUPAC guidelines.

Example 1:

Coordination Compound : K4[Fe(CN)6]

Cation (Simple) K+ Potassium

Anion (complex) [Fe(CN)6]

Ligands CN

6 ligands - prefix: hexa

Name of the ligand
Anionic ligand: cyanido-κC hexacyanido-κC
with prefix -
(Coordinating atom in CN is carbon)

Central metal Fe (in anionic complex) ferrate

Oxidation state of x + 6 (-1)= -4

central metal (x) x = -4 + 6 = +2

IUPAC Name: Postassium hexacyanido-κC ferrate(II)


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Example 2: Coordination Compound : [Co(NH3)4Cl2]Cl
Cation (complex) [Co(NH3)4Cl2]

ligands NH3 and Cl
Name of the ligand 4 ligands - prefix: tetra
(NH3) with prefix
Neutral ligand: ammine tetraamminiedichlorido

2 ligands - prefix: di (alphabatically ammine

comes before chlorido)
Anionic ligand: chlorido

Central metal Co (in cationic complex) cobalt

Oxidation state of x + 4 (0) + 2 (-1)= +1
central metal (x) (III)
x = 1 + 2 = +3
Anion (simple) Cl chloride
IUPAC Name: Tetraamminedichloridocobalt(III) chloride

Example 3:. Coordination Compound : [Cr(en)3][CrF6]

Cation (complex) [Cr(en)3]3+
ligands en - (ethylenediamine)
Name of the ligand
with prefix 3 ligands - prefix: tris
(Ligand itself contains Neutral ligand:
a Greek prefix - di, use ethane-1,2-diamine
alternate prefix)
central metal Cr (in cationic complex) chromium
Oxidation state of x + 3 (0) = +3
central metal (x) x = +3
Anion (Complex) [CrF6]
ligands 6F
Name of the ligand 4 ligands - prefix: hexa
with prefix Anionic ligand: Fluorido
central metal Cr (in anionic complex) chromate
Oxidation state of x + 6 (-1)= – 3
central metal (x) x = -3 + 6 = +3
IUPAC Name: Tris(ethane-1,2-diamine)chromium(III) hexafluoridochromate(III)


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More examples with names are given in the list below for better understanding of IUPAC

i. [Ag(NH3)2]Cl Diamminesilver(I) chloride

ii. [Co(en)2Cl2]Cl

iii. [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 Tetraamminecopper(II) sulphate

iv. [Co(CO3)(NH3)4]Cl Tetraamminecarbonatocobalt(III) chloride

v. [Cr(NH3)3(H2O)3]Cl3 Triamminetriaquachromium(III) chloride

vi. K3[Fe(CN)5 NO] Potassiumpentacyanidonitrosylferrate(II)

Sodium 2,2',2'',2'''-(ethane-1,2-diyldinitrilo)
vii. Na2[Ni(EDTA)]

viii. [PdI2(ONO)2(H2O)2] Diaquadiiododinitrito-κO palladium(IV)

ix. [Cr(PPh3)(CO)5] Pentacarbonyltriphenylphosphanechromium(0)

x. [Co(NO2)3(NH3)3] Triamminetrinirito-κNcobalt(III)

xi. [Co(NH3)5CN][Co(NH3)(CN)5]

xii. [Pt(py)4][PtCl4]

Tetraamminedichloridocobalt(III) hexacyanido-
xiii. [Co(NH3)4Cl2]3 [Cr(CN)6]

xiv. [Ag(NH3)2]+ diamminesilver(I) ion

xv. [Co(NH3)5 Cl]2+ pentaamminechlorocobalt(III) ion

xvi. [FeF6]4- Hexafluoridoferrate(II)ion


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Evaluate yourself 1:
14. Write the IUPAC name for the following compounds.
(i) K 2 Fe ( CN )3 ( Cl )2 ( NH3 )
(ii) Cr ( CN )2 ( H2O ) 4  Co ( ox )2 ( en ) 
(iii) Cu ( NH3 ) Cl 2 
 2 
(iv) Cr ( NH3 )3 ( NC )2 ( H2O )

(v) Fe ( CN )6 
15. Give the structure for the following compounds.
1. (i) diamminesilver(I) dicyanidoargentate(I)
2. (ii)Pentaammine nitrito-κNcobalt (III) ion
3. (iii)hexafluorido cobaltate (III) ion
4. (iv)dichloridobis(ethylenediamine) Cobalt (III) sulphate
5. (v) Tetracarbonylnickel (0)

4.4 Isomerism in coordination compounds

We have already learnt the concept of isomerism in the context of organic compounds,
in the previous year chemistry classes. Similarly, coordination compounds also exhibits
isomerism. Isomerism is the phenomenon in which more than one coordination compounds
having the same molecular formula have different physical and chemical properties due to
different arrangement of ligands around the central metal atom. The following flow chart gives
an overview of the common types of isomerism observed in coordination compounds,
arises due to the arises due to different
difference in the spatial orientation of
structures of ligands around the
coordination compounds Isomerism metal ion

Structural Stereo
Isomerism Isomerism

Ionisation Hydration Linkage Coordination Geometrical Optical

isomerism isomerism isomerism isomerism isomerism isomerism

Figure 5.2 Isomerism in coordination compounds

4.4.1 Structural isomers

The coordination compounds with same formula, but have different connections among
their constituent atoms are called structural isomers or constitutional isomers. Four common
types of structural isomers are discussed below.


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Linkage isomers:
This type of isomers arises when an ambidentate ligand is bonded to the central metal
atom/ion through either of its two different donor atoms. In the below mentioned examples, the
nitrite ion is bound to the central metal ion Co3+ through a nitrogen atom in one complex,and
through oxygen atom in other complex.

2+ 2+
Co Co
H 3N NH3 H 3N NH3

Figure 5.3 Linkage isomers

Coordination isomers:
This type of isomers arises in the coordination compounds having both the cation and
anion as complex ions. The interchange of one or more ligands between the cationic and the
anionic coordination entities result in different isomers.
For example, in the coordination compound, [Co(NH3)6][Cr(CN)6] the ligands ammonia
and cyanide were bound respectively to cobalt and chromium while in its coordination isomer
[Cr(NH3)6][Co(CN)6] they are reversed.
Some more examples for coordination isomers

1. [Cr(NH3)5CN][Co(NH3)(CN)5] and [Co(NH3)5CN][Cr(NH3)(CN)5]

2. [Pt(NH3)4][Pd(Cl)4] and [Pd(NH3)4][Pt(Cl)4]

Ionisation isomers:
This type of isomers arises when an ionisable counter ion (simple ion) itself can act as
a ligand. The exchange of such counter ions with one or more ligands in the coordination
entity will result in ionisation isomers. These isomers will give different ions in solution. For
example, consider the coordination compound [Pt(en)2Cl2]Br2. In this compound, both Br
and Cl have the ability to act as a ligand and the exchange of these two ions result in a different
- -
isomer [Pt(en)2Br2]Cl2. In solution the first compound gives Br ions while the later gives Cl
ions and hence these compounds are called ionisaiton isomers.
Some more example for the isomers,

1. [Cr(NH3)4ClBr]NO2 and [Cr(NH3)4Cl NO2]Br

2. [Co(NH3)4Br2]Cl and [Co(NH3)4Cl Br]Br


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Evaluate yourself :
3. A solution of [Co(NH3)4l2]Cl when treated with AgNO3 gives a white precipitate. What
should be the formula of isomer of the dissolved complex that gives yellow precipitate
with AgNO3. What are the above isomers called?

Solvate isomers.
The exchange of free solvent molecules such as water , ammonia, alcohol etc.. in the
crystal lattice with a ligand in the coordination entity will give different isomers. These type
of isomers are called solvate isomers. If the solvent molecule is water, then these isomers are
called hydrate isomers. For example, the complex with chemical formula CrCl3.6H2O has three
hydrate isomers as shown below.

a violet colour compound and gives three chloride

ions in solution,
a pale green colour compound and gives two chloride
ions in solution and,
dark green colour compound and gives one chloride
ion in solution

4.4.2 Stereoisomers:
Similar to organic compounds, coordination compounds also exhibit stereoisomerism. The
stereoisomers of a coordination compound have the same chemical formula and connectivity
between the central metal atom and the ligands. But they differ in the spatial arrangement of
ligands in three dimensional space. They can be further classified as geometrical isomers and
optical isomers.
Geometrical isomers:
Geometrical isomerism exists in heteroleptic complexes due to different possible three
dimensional spatial arrangements of the ligands around the central metal atom. This type of
isomerism exists in square planer and octahedral complexes.
In square planar complexes of the form [MA2B2]n± and [MA2BC]n± (where A, B and C are
mono dentate ligands and M is the central metal ion/atom), Similar groups (A or B) present
either on same side or on the opposite side of the central metal atom (M) give rise to two
different geometrical isomers, and they are called, cis and trans isomers respectively.
The square planar complex of the type [M(xy)2]n± where xy is a bidentate ligand with two
different coordinating atoms also shows cis-trans isomerism. Square planar complex of the
form [MABCD]n± also shows geometrical isomerism. In this case, by considering any one
of the ligands (A, B, C or D) as a reference, the rest of the ligands can be arranged in three
different ways leading to three geometrical isomers.


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Figure 5.4 MA2B2 MA2BC M(xy)2 MABCD - isomers

Cis Isomer Trans isomer

2+ 2+ 2+ 2+
H3N H3NNH3 NH3 H3 N H3N Cl Cl

MA2B2 Pt Pt Pt Pt

Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl NH3 NH3

2+ 2+ 2+ 2+
H3N H3N NH3 NH3 H3 N H3 N Br Br

MA2BC Pt Pt Pt Pt

Cl Cl Br Br Cl Cl NH3 NH3

H2 H H2N H2N NH2 NH2 O O NH2 NH2
C 2C C C
M(xy)2 O O Pt Pt H2C H2C Pt Pt
O O O O O O H2 N H2 N O O O O

+ + +
H3N Br Br NH Br NO




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Octahedral complexes:
Octahedral complexes of the type [MA2B4]n±, [M(xx)2B2]n± shows cis-trans isomerism.
Here A and B are monodentate ligands and xx is bidentate ligand with two same kind of
donor atoms. In the octahedral complex, the position of ligands is indicated by the following
numbering scheme.


5 L

X′ L Mn+ L X
4 M 2


Figure 5.5 Position of ligands in
6 octahedral complex Y′

In the above scheme, the positions (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,5), (2,3), (2,5), (2,6), (3,4), (3,6),
(4,5), (4,6), and (5,6) are identical and if two similar groups are present in any one of these
positions, the isomer is referred as a cis isomer. Similarly, positions (1,6), (2,4), and (3,5) are
identical and if similar ligands are present in these positions it is referred as a trans-isomer.
Octahedral complex of the type [MA3B3]n± also shows geometrical isomerism. If the three
similar ligands (A) are present in the corners of one triangular face of the octahedron and the
other three ligands (B) are present in the opposing triangular face, then the isomer is referred
as a facial isomer (fac isomer)- Figure 5.6 (a).
If the three similar ligands are present around the meridian which is an imaginary
semicircle from one apex of the octahedral to the opposite apex as shown in the figure 5.6(b),
the isomer is called as a meridional isomer (mer isomer). This is called meridional because
each set of ligands can be regarded as lying on a meridian of an octahedron.
Cl Cl


Cl Co3+ CN CN Co3+ CN

Cl Cl


Figure 5.6 (a) Facial isomer    Figure 5.6 (b) Meridional isomer


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As the number of different ligands increases, the number of possible isomers also
increases. For the octahedral compled of the type [MABCDEF]n±, where A, B, C, D, E and
F are monodentate ligands, fifteen different orientation are possible corresponding to 15
geometrical isomers. It is difficult to generate all the possible isomers.

Evaluate yourself 1:
5. Three compounds A ,B and C have empirical formula CrCl3.6H2O. they are kept in a
container with a dehydrating agent and they lost water and attaining constant weight
as shown below.
Compound Initial weight of the Constant weight after
compound(in g) dehydration (in g)
A 4 3.46
B 0.5 0.466
C 3 3

6. Indicate the possible type of isomerism for the following complexes and draw their
(i) [Co(en)3][Cr(CN)6] (ii) [Co(NH3)5(NO2)]2+ (iii) [Pt(NH3)3(NO2)]Cl

4.4.4 Optical Isomerism

Coordination compounds 

which possess chairality exhibit 

optical isomerism similar to organic 

Co 3+

compounds. The pair of two optically 

active isomers which are mirror  

images of each other are called Co 3+ 

enantiomers. Their solutions rotate 

the plane of the plane polarised light
either clockwise or anticlockwise 

and the corresponding isomers are [()]+ H2N-CH2-CH2-NH2

called 'd' (dextro rotatory) and 'l'
(levo rotatory) forms respectively. Figure 5.7 - Optical isomer
The octahedral complexes of type
[M(xx)3]n±, [M(xx)2AB]n± and [M(xx)2B2]n± exhibit optical isomerism.
The optical isomers of [Co(en)3]3+ are shown in figure 5.7.


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The coordination complex [CoCl2(en)2]+ has three isomers, two optically active cis forms
and one optically inactive trans form. These structures are shown below.





Figure 5.8 - Optical isomers

Evaluate yourself 1:
10. Draw all possible stereo isomers of a complex Ca[Co(NH3)Cl(Ox)2]

4.5 Theories of coordination compound

Alfred Werner considered the bonding in coordination compounds as the bonding
between a lewis acid and a lewis base. His approach is useful in explaining some of the observed
properties of coordination compounds. However, properties such as colour, magnetic property
etc.. of complexes could not be explained on the basis of his approach. Following werner theory,
Linus pauling proposed the Valance Bond Theory (VBT) which assumes that the bond formed
between the central metal atom and the ligand is purely covalent. Bethe and Van vleck treated
the interaction between the metal ion and the ligands as electrostatic and extended the Crystal
Field Theory (CFT) to explain the properties of coordination compounds. Further, Ligand
field theory and Molecular orbital have been developed to explain the nature of bonding in the
coordination compounds. In this porton we learn the elementry treatment of VBT and CFT to
simple coordination compounds.
4.5.1 Valence Bond Theory
According to this theory, the bond formed between the central metal atom and the ligand
is due to the overlap of filled ligand orbitals containing a lone pair of electron with the vacant
hybrid orbitals of the central metal atom.
Main assumptions of VBT:
1. The ligand → metal bond in a coordination complex is covalent in nature. It is formed by sharing
of electrons (provided by the ligands) between the central metal atom and the ligand.


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2. Each ligand should have at least one filled orbital containing a lone pair of electrons.
3. In order to accommodate the electron pairs donated by the ligands, the central metal ion
present in a complex provides required number (coordination number) of vacant orbitals.
4. These vacant orbitals of central metal atom undergo hybridisation, the process of mixing
of atomic orbitals of comparable energy to form equal number of new orbitals called
hybridised orbitals with same energy.
5. The vacant hybridised orbitals of the central metal ion, linearly overlap with filled orbitals
of the ligands to form coordinate covalent sigma bonds between the metal and the ligand.
6. The hybridised orbitals are directional and their orientation in space gives a definite
geometry to the complex ion.
Hybridisation Geometry Examples
- -
2 sp Linear [CuCl2] , [Ag(CN)2]
Trigonal -
3 sp2 [HgI3]
4 sp3 Tetrahedral [Ni(CO)4], [NiCl4]2-
4 dsp2 [Ni(CN)4]2-, [Pt(NH3)4]2+
5 (dx2-y2 orbital is Fe(CO)5
[Ti(H2O)6]3+, [Fe(CN)6]2-, [Fe(CN)6]3-,
6 (dz2 and dx2-y2 Octahedral [Co(NH3)6]3+
orbitals of inner shell
(Inner orbital complexes)
are involved)
[FeF6]4-,[CoF6]4-, [Fe(H2O)6]2+
6 (dz2 and dx2-y2 Octahedral
orbitals of the outer (Outer orbital complexes)
shell are involved)

7. In the octahedral complexes, if the (n-1) d orbitals are involved in hybridisation, then they
are called inner orbital complexes or low spin complexes or spin paired complexes. If the
nd orbitals are involved in hybridisation, then such complexes are called outer orbital or
high spin or spin free complexes. Here n represents the principle quantum number of the
outermost shell.
8. The complexes containing a central metal atom with unpaired electron(s) are paramagnetic.
If all the electrons are paired, then the complexes will be diamagnetic.

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9. Ligands such as CO, CN , en, and NH3 present in the complexes cause pairing of electrons
present in the central metal atom. Such ligands are called strong field ligands.
10. Greater the overlapping between the ligand orbitals and the hybridised metal orbital,
greater is the bond strength.
Let us illustrate the VBT by considering the following examples.
Illustration 1

Complex [Ni(CO)4]

Central metal atom

and its outer electronic Ni: 3d8, 4s2

Outer orbitals of metal      

atom/ion 3d8 4s2 4p

Nature of ligand Strong field ligand causes the pairing of 4s electron with 3d
electrons in the metal

Outer orbitals of metal

    
atom/ion in presence of
3d10 4s0 4p0

Coordination number - 4
Hybridsation - sp3

Hybridised orbitals of
        
the metal atom in the
3d10 sp3 Hybridised orbitals

Geometry Tetrahedral

No. of unparied electrons = 0;

Magnetic property
Hence diamagnetic

Magnetic moment
(Using spin only µs = n(n+ 2) = 0


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Illustration 2

Complex [Ni(CN)4]4-
Central metal
atom/ion and its
Ni2+: 3d8, 4s0
outer electronic
Outer orbitals of metal     
atom/ion 3d8 4s2 4p
Nature of ligand
Strong field ligand causes the pairing of 3d electrons in the metal
Outer orbitals of metal
   
atom/ion in presence
3d8 4s0 4p0
of ligands
Coordination number - 4
Hybridsation - dsp2
Hybridised orbitals of
       
the metal atom in the
3d8 dsp2 Hybridised orbitals 4pz0
Geometry Square planar
No. of unparied electrons = 0;
Magnetic property
Hence diamagnetic
Magnetic moment
(Using spin only µs = n(n+ 2) = 0

Illustration 3
Complex [Fe(CN)6]
Central metal
atom/ion and its
Fe3+: 3d5, 4s0
outer electronic

Outer orbitals of metal     

atom/ion 3d5 4s0 4p0
Nature of ligand
Strong field ligand causes the pairing of 3d electrons in the metal


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Complex [Fe(CN)6]
Outer orbitals of metal
  
atom/ion in presence
3d5 4s0 4p0
of ligands
Coordination number - 6
Hybridsation - d2sp3
Hybridised orbitals of
       
the metal ion in the
3d5 d sp3 Hybridised orbitals
Geometry In this complex inner d orbitals are involved in hybridisaion and
hence the complex is called inner orbital complex
No. of unparied electrons = 1;
Magnetic property
Hence paramagnetic
Magnetic moment
(Using spin only µs = n(n+ 2) = 1(1+ 2) = 1.732 BM

Illustration 4
Complex [CoF6]

Central metal atom

and its outer electronic Co3+: 3d6, 4s0

Outer orbitals of metal     

atom/ion 3d6 4s0 4p
Nature of ligand Weak field ligand and hence no pairing of 3d electrons in the

Outer orbitals of metal

    
atom/ion in presence of
3d6 4s0 4p0 4d0

Coordination number - 6
Hybridsation - sp3d2


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Complex [CoF6]

Hybridised orbitals of
          
the metal atom in the
3d6 sp3d2 Hybridised orbitals 4d0

Geometry In this complex outer d orbitals are involved in the hybridisaion
and hence the complex is called outer orbital complex

No. of unparied electrons = 4;

Magnetic property
Hence paramagnetic

Magnetic moment
(Using spin only µs = n(n+ 2) = 4(4 + 2) = 4.899 BM

Limitations of VBT
Eventhough VBT explains many of the observed properties of complexes, it still has following
1. It does not explain the colour of the complex
2. It considers only the spin only magnetic moments and does not consider the other
components of magnetic moments.
3. It does not provide a quantitative explanation as to why certain complexes are inner orbital
complexes and the others are outer orbital complexes for the same metal. For example,
4- 4-
[Fe(CN)6] is diamagnetic (low spin) whereas [FeF6] is paramagnetic (high spin).

Evaluate yourself 1:

7. The spin only magnetic moment of Tetrachloridomanganate(II)ion is 5.9 BM. On the

basis of VBT, predict the type of hybridisation and geometry of the compound.

8. Predict the number of unpaired electrons in [CoCl4]2- ion on the basis of VBT.

9. A metal complex having composition Co(en)2Cl2Br has been isolated in two forms
A and B. (B) reacted with silver nitrate to give a white precipitate readily soluble in
ammonium hydroxide. Whereas A gives a pale yellow precipitate. Write the formula of
A and B. state the hybridization of Co in each and calculate their spin only magnetic


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4.5.2 Crystal Field Theory
Valance bond theory helps us to visualise the bonding in complexes. However, it has
limitations as mentioned above.Hence Crystal Field Theory to expalin some of the properties
like colour, magnetic behavior etc.,This theory was originally used to explain the nature of
bonding in ionic crystals. Later on, it is used to explain the properties of transition metals and
their complexes. The salient features of this theory are as follows.

1. Crystal Field Theory (CFT) assumes that the bond between the ligand and the central metal
atom is purely ionic. i.e. the bond is formed due to the electrostatic attraction between the
electron rich ligand and the electron deficient metal.

2. In the coordination compounds, the central metal atom/ion and the ligands are considered
as point charges (in case of charged metal ions or ligands) or electric dipoles (in case of
neutral metal atoms or ligands).

3. According to crystal field theory, the complex formation is considered as the following
series of hypothetical steps.

Step 1:  In an isolated gaseous state, all the five d orbitals of the central metal ion are degenerate.
Initially, the ligands form a spherical field of negative charge around the metal. In this filed, the
energies of all the five d orbitals will increase due to the repulsion between the electrons of the
metal and the ligand. L 4

Step 2: The ligands

are approaching the
metal atom in actual Z
bond directions.
To illustrate this dz2

let us consider an -X dyz

octahedral field, in dxz

which the central dxy
metal ion is located at dx2 - y2

the origin and the six

L6 -Y
ligands are coming
from the +x, -x, +y, -y, X
+z and -z directions L2
as shown below.


Figure 5.9 octahedral ligand field


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As shown in the figure, the orbitals lying along the axes dx2-y2 and dz2 orbitals will
experience strong repulsion and raise in energy to a greater extent than the orbitals with lobes
directed between the axes (dxy, dyz and dzx). Thus the degenerate d orbitals now split into two
sets and the process is called crystal field splitting.
Step 3: Up to this point the complex formation would not be favoured. However, when the
ligands approach further, there will be an attraction between the negatively charged electron
and the positively charged metal ion, that results in a net decrease in energy. This decrease in
energy is the driving force for the complex formation.
Crystal field splitting in octahedral complexes:
During crystal field splitting in octahedral field, in order to maintain the average energy of the
orbitals (barycentre) constant, the energy of the orbitals dx2-y2 and dz2 (represented as eg orbitals)
will increase by 3/5Δo while that of the other three orbitals dxy, dyz and dzx (represented as t2g orbitals)
decrease by 2/5Δo. Here, Δo represents the crystal field splitting energy in the octahedral field.
dx2 y2, dz2

+ 3 ∆o

- 2 ∆o
Average energy of 5
the d orbitals in a t2g
sphercial crystal dxy , dyz , dxz
d orbitals field
in free ion Splitting of d-orbitals
(dxy , dyz , dxz, dx2-y2 and dz2) in an octahedral
crystal field

Figure: 5.10 - Crystal field splitting in octahedral field

Crystal field splitting in tetrahedral L4
complexes: Z

The approach of ligands in

tetrahedral field can be visualised as
follows. Consider a cube in which X'
the central metal atom is placed at its Y

centre (i.e. origin of the coordinate

axis as shown in the figure). The Y' X

four ligands approach the central

metal atom along the direction of
the leading diagonals drawn from L1 L2
alternate corners of the cube.

Figure 5.11 tetrahedral ligand field


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In this field, none of the d L3
orbitals point dirctly towards the
ligands,however the t2 orbitals (dxy,
dyz and dzx) are pointing close to
the direction in which ligands are
approaching than the e orbitals dz2

(dx2-y2 and dz2). dyz

As a result, the energy of t2 Y
orbitals increases by 2/5Δt and that

d x2 - y2
of e orbitals decreases by 3/5Δt as
shown below. when compared to X

the octahedral field, this splitting is

inverted and the spliting energy is
less. The relation between the crystal
field splitting energy in octahedral L1 L2
and tetrahedral ligand field is given
by the expression; ∆ t = 4 ∆ 0 Z'
9 Figure 5.12 d-orbitals in tetrahedral ligand field

dxy , dyz , dxz

2 ∆ t2
5 t
∆t = 94 ∆o

3 ∆
5 t
Average energy of e
the d orbitals in a
sphercial crystal dx2 y2, dz2
d orbitals field Splitting of d-orbitals
in free ion in an tetrahedral
(dxy , dyz , dxz, dx2-y2 and dz2) crystal field

Figure: 5.13 - Crystal field splitting in tetrahedral field

Crystal filed splitting Energy and nature of ligands:
The magnitude of crystal field splitting energy not only depends on the ligand field
as discussed above but also depends on the nature of the ligand, the nature of the central
metal atom/ion and the charge on it. Let us understand the effect of the nature of ligand
on crystal field splitting by calculating the crystal field splitting energy of the octahedral
complexes of titanium(III) with different ligands such as fluoride, bromide and water using

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their absorption spectral data. The absorption wavelengths of complexes [TiBr6]3-, [TiF6]3-
and [Ti(H2O)6]3+ are 12500, 19000 and 20000 cm-1 respectively. The energy associated
with the absorbed wavelength of light (λ), corresponds to the crystal field splitting energy
(Δ) and is given by the following expression,
Δ = hν = = hcν

where h is the Plank' s constant; c is velocity of light, υ is the wave number of absorption
maximum which is equal to 1/λ

[TiBr6]3- [TiF6]3- [Ti(H2O)6]3+

Δ = hcν Δ = hcν Δ = hcν

= (6.626 × 10–34 Js ) = (6.626 × 10–34 Js ) = (6.626 × 10–34 Js )

× (3 × 108 ms–1 ) × (3 × 108 ms–1 ) × (3 × 108 ms–1 )
× (12500 × 102 m–1) × (19000 × 102 m–1) × (20000 × 102 m-1)

= 248 × 10–24 J = 377682 × 10–24 J = 397560 × 10–24 J

= 2.48 × 10–16 kJ = 3.78 × 10–16 kJ = 3.98 × 10–16 kJ

To express Δ on a per To express Δ on a per To express Δ on a per

mole basis, multiply it by mole basis, multiply it by mole basis, multiply it by
Avogadro number Avogadro number Avogadro number

= (2.48 × 10–16 kJ) = (3.78 × 10–16 kJ) = (3.98 × 10–16 kJ)

× (6.023 × 1023mol–1) × (6.023 × 1023mol-1) × (6.023 × 1023mol-1)

= 149.4 kJ mol–1 = 227.7 kJ mol–1 = 239.7 kJ mol–1

From the above calculations, it is clear that the crystal filed splitting energy of the Ti3+ in
- -
complexes,the three ligands is in the order; Br < F < H2O. Similarly, it has been found form
the spectral data that the crystal field splitting power of various ligands for a given metal ion,
are in the following order
- - - - 2- - 2- - 4- - -
I <Br <SCN <Cl <S <F-<OH ≈urea< ox < H2O< NCS <EDTA <NH3<en<NO2 <CN < CO
The above series is known as spectrochemcial series. The ligands present on the right side
of the series such as carbonyl causes relatively larger crystal field splitting and are called strong
ligands or strong field ligands, while the ligands on the left side are called weak field ligands
and causes relatively smaller crystal field splitting.


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Distribution of d electrons in octahedral complexes:

The filling of electrons in the d orbitals in the presence of ligand field also follows Hund's
rule. In the octahedral complexes with d2 and d3 configurations, the electrons occupy different
degenerate t2g orbitals and remains unpaired. In case of d4 configuration, there are two
possibilities. The fourth electron may either go to the higher energy eg orbitals or it may pair
with one of the t2g electrons. In this scenario, the preferred configuration will be the one with
lowest energy.

If the octahedral crystal field splitting energy (Δo) is greater than the pairing energy
(P), it is necessary to cause paring of electrons in an orbital, then the fourth electron will pair
up with an the electron in the t2g orbital. Conversely, if the Δo is lesser than P, then the fourth
electron will occupy one of the degenerate higher energy eg orbitals.

For example, let us consider two different iron(III) complexes [Fe(H2O)6]3+ (weak field
complex; Δo is 14000 cm-1) and [Fe(CN)6]3- (Strong field complex; Δo is 35000 cm-1). The pairing
energy of Fe3+ is 30000 cm-1. In both these complexes the Fe3+ has d5 configuration. In aqua
complex, the Δo < P hence, the fourth & fifth electrons enter eg orbitals and the configuration is
t2g3, eg2. In the cyanido complex Δo > P and hence the fourth & fifth electrons pair up with the
electrons in the t2g orbitals and the electronic configuration is t2g5, eg0.

The actual distribution of electrons can be ascertained by calculating the crystal field
stabilisation energy (CFSE). The crystal field stabilisation energy is defined as the energy
difference of electronic configurations in the ligand filed (ELF) and the isotropic field/barycentre

CFSE (ΔEo) = {ELF } - {Eiso }

= {[nt2g(-0.4)+neg(0.6)] Δo + npP} - {n'p P}

Here, nt2g is the number of electrons in t2g orbitals; neg is number of electrons in eg orbitals;
np is number of electron pairs in the ligand field; & n'p is the number of electron pairs in the
isotropic field (barycentre).

Calculating the CFSE for the Iron complexes

Complex: [Fe(H2O)6]3+

High Spin Complex Low spin complex

Electronic configuration in isotropic field : d5     

No. of paired electrons (n'p)= 0 ; Therefore, Eiso = 0


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High Spin Complex Low spin complex
Electronic configuration( for high spin com- Electronic configuration ( for low spin com-
plex) : t 32g e2g plex) : t 5 2g e0g
CFSE = {[3(-0.4)+2 (0.6)] Δo + 0 × P} - {0} CFSE = {[5(-0.4)+0 (0.6)] Δo + 2 × P} - {0}
=0 = -2 Δo + 2P
= (-2 ×14000) + (2× 30000)
= 32000 cm-1
High positive CFSE value indicates that low
spin complex is not a favourable one.
Actual nature of [Fe(H2O)6]3+ High spin (Spin free)
Electronic configuration of central metal ion t 32g e2g

No. of unparied electrons = 5;

Magnetic property
Hence paramagnetic

Magnetic moment
µs = n(n+ 2) = 5(5 + 2) = 5.916 BM
(Using spin only formula)

Complex: [Fe(CN)6]3-

High Spin Complex Low spin complex

Electronic configuration in isotropic field : d5     

No. of paired electrons (n'p)= 0 ; Therefore, Eiso = 0

Ligand field: Ligand field Electronic configuration : t5 2g e0g

Electronic configuration : t 32g e2g CFSE = {[5(-0.4)+0 (0.6)] Δo + 2 × P} - {0}
CFSE = {[3(-0.4)+2 (0.6)] Δo + 0 × P} - {0} = -2 Δo + 2P
=0 = (-2 ×35000) + (2× 30000)
= -10000 cm-1
Negative CFSE value indicates that low spin
complex is favoured


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Nature of the complex Low spin (Spin paired)

Electronic configuration of central metal ion t 5 2g e0g

No. of unparied electrons = 1;

Magnetic property
Hence paramagnetic
Magnetic moment
µs = n(n+ 2) = 1(1+ 2) = 1.732 BM
(Using spin only formula)

Colour of the complex and crystal field splitting

energy: 450-480 nm

Most of the transition metal complexes are Indigo

400-450 nm
coloured. A substance exhibits colour when it absorbs Green
480-560 nm

the light of a particular wavelength in the visible region

and transmit the rest of the visible light. When this Violet
400-450 nm
560-600 nm
transmitted light enters our eye, our brain recognises
its colour. The colour of the transmitted light is given Red 600-640 nm
640-700 nm
by the complementary colour of the absorbed light.
For example, the hydrated copper(II) ion is blue
Figure 5.15 Colour Wheel -
in colour as it absorbs orange light, and transmit
Complementary colours are shown
its complementary colour, blue. A list of absorbed
on opposite sides.
wavelength and their complementary colour is given
in the following table.

Wave length(λ) of Wave number(ν) of the Colour of Observed

absorbed light (Å) absorbed light (cm-1) absorbed light Colour
4000 25000 Violet Yellow
4750 21053 Blue Orange
5100 19608 Green Red
5700 17544 Yellow Violet
5900 16949 Orange Blue
6500 15385 Red Green

The observed colour of a coordination compound can be explained using crystal field
theory. We learnt that the ligand field causes the splitting of d orbitals of the central metal atom
into two sets (t2g and eg). When the white light falls on the complex ion, the central metal ion
absorbs visible light corresponding to the crystal filed splitting energy and transmits rest of the
light which is responsible for the colour of the complex.


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This absorption causes excitation of d-electrons of central metal ion from the lower energy
t2g level to the higher energy eg level which is known as d-d transition.
Let us understand the d-d transitions
dx2 y2, dz2
by considering [Ti(H2O)6]3+ as an example. -
In this complex the central metal ion is eg
Ti3+, which has d1 configuration. This
single electron occupies one of the t2g
orbitals in the octahedral aqua ligand field.
When white light falls on this complex
the d electron absorbs light and promotes ∆o=239.7 kJ mol-1
itself to eg level. The spectral data show
the absorption maximum is at 20000 cm-1
corresponding to the crystal field splitting
energy (Δo) 239.7 kJ mol-1. The transmitted
colour associated with this absorption is
dxy , dyz , dxz
purple and hence ,the complex appears Figure 5.16 d-d Transition
purple in colour.
The octahedral titanium(III) complexes with other ligands such as bromide and fluoride
have different colours. This is due to the difference in the magnitude of crystal field splitting
by these ligands (Refer page 156). However, the complexes of central metal atom such as of
Sc3+, Ti4+, Cu+, Zn2+, etc... are colourless. This is because the d-d transition is not possible in
complexes with central metal having d0 or d10 configuration.

Evaluate yourself 1:
11. The mean pairing energy and octahedral field splitting energy of [Mn(CN)6]3- are
28,800 cm-1 and 38500 cm-1 respectively. Whether this complex is stable in low spin or
high spin?
12. Draw energy level diagram and indicate the number of electrons in each level for the
complex [Cu(H2O)6]2+. Whether the complex is paramagnetic or diamagnetic?
13. For the [CoF6]3- ion the mean pairing energy is found to be 21000 cm-1 . The magnitude
of Δ0 is 13000cm-1. Calculate the crystal field stabilization energy for this complex ion
corresponding to low spin and high spin states.

Metallic carbonyls
Metal carbonyls are the transition metal complexes of carbon monoxide, containing Metal-
Carbon bond. In these complexes CO molecule acts as a neutral ligand. The first homoleptic
carbonyl Ni ( CO ) 4  nickel tetra carbonyl was reported by Mond in 1890.These metallic
carbonyls are widely studied because of their industrial importance, catalytic properties and
their ability to release carbon monoxide.


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Generally metal carbonyls are classified in two different ways as described below.
(i) Classification based on the number of metal atoms present.
Depending upon the number of metal atoms present in a given metallic carbonyl, they are
classified as follows.
a. Mononuclear carbonyls

These compounds contain only one metal atom, and have comparatively simple structures.
For example, Ni ( CO ) 4  - nickel tetracarbonyl is tetrahedral, Fe ( CO )5  - Iron pentacarbonyl
is trigonalbipyramidal, and Cr ( CO )6  - Chromium hexacarbonyl is octahedral.
b. Poly nuclear carbonyls
Metallic carbonyls containing two or more metal atoms are called poly nuclear carbonyls. Poly

nuclear metal carbonyls may be Homonuclear Co2 ( CO )8  , Mn2 ( CO )10  , Fe3 ( CO )12  )
or hetero nuclear MnCo ( CO )9  , MnRe ( CO )10  etc. )
(ii) Classification based on the structure:
The structures of the binuclear metal carbonyls involve either metal–metal bonds or
bridging CO groups, or both. The carbonyl ligands that are attached to only one metal atom
are referred to as terminal carbonyl groups, whereas those attached to two metal atoms
simultaneously are called bridging carbonyls. Depending upon the structures, metal carbonyls
are classified as follows.
a.  Non-bridged metal carbonyls:
These metal carbonyls do not contain any bridging carbonyl ligands. They may be of two
(i) Non- bridged metal carbonyls which contain only terminal carbonyls. Examples:
Ni ( CO ) 4  , Fe ( CO )5  and Cr ( CO )6 
Ni C

(ii) Non- bridged metal carbonyls which contain terminal carbonyls as well as Metal-Metal
bonds. For examples,The structure of Mn2(CO)10actually involve only a metal–metal
bond, so the formula is more correctly represented as (CO)5Mn−Mn(CO)5.


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Other examples of this type are,Tc2(CO)10, and Re2(CO)10. 
b.  Bridged carbonyls:
These metal carbonyls contain one or more bridging carbonyl ligands along with terminal
carbonyl ligands and one or more Metal-Metal bonds. For example,
(i) The structure of Fe2(CO)9, di-iron nona carbonyl molecule consists of three bridging CO ligands,
six terminal CO groups





(ii) For dicobaltoctacarbonylCo2(CO)8two isomers are possible. The one has a metal–metal
bond between the cobalt atoms, and the other has two bridging CO ligands.

Co OC Co Co CO
2.52 A


Bonding in metal carbonyls

In metal carbonyls, the bond between metal atom and the carbonyl ligand consists of
two components. The first component is an electron pair donation from the carbon atom
of carbonyl ligand into a vacant d-orbital of central metal atom. This electron pair donation
forms M ← σ bond
 CO sigma bond. This sigma bond formation increases the electron density
in metal d orbitals and makes the metal electron rich. In order to compensate for this increased
electron density, a filled metal d-orbital interacts with the empty π* orbital on the carbonyl
ligand and transfers the added electron density back to the ligand. This second component


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is called π-back bonding . Thus in metal carbonyls, electron density moves from ligand to
M C O bond
metal through sigma bonding and from metal to ligand through pi bonding, this synergic
effect accounts for strong M ← CO bond in metal carbonyls. This phenomenonbond is shown
diagrammatically as follows. π ,π
x y
π-back π-forward
M C OM bond
O bond π-forward
M O bond
πx,πy πx,πy
Mπ-forwardC O σ-forward
M O bond
bond M
σs C O σ-forward
5.11. Stability of metalπcomplexes:

x y σs
The stability of coordination complexes can be interpreted in two different ways. The first
one isM C stability
thermodynamic O and second
one is kinetic stability. Thermodynamic stability
of a coordination complex refers to thebond free energy change (∆G) of a complex formation
reaction. Kinetic stability of sa coordination complex refers to the ligand substitution. In some
cases, complexes can undergo rapid ligand substitution; such complexes are called labile
complexes. However, some complexes undergo ligand substitution very slowly (or sometimes
no substitution), such complexes are called inert complexes.
Stability constant:(β)
The stability of a coordination complex is a measure of its resistance to the replacement of
one ligand by another. The stability of a complex refers to the degree of association between two
species involved in an equilibrium. Let us consider the following complex formation reaction

 Cu ( NH3 ) 4 

Cu 2+ + 4 NH3 

Cu ( NH3 ) 4 

β =  2+
Cu  [NH3 ]

   ---------( 1 )

So, as the concentration of Cu ( NH3 ) 4  increases the value of stability complexes also

increases. Therefore the greater the value of stability constant greater is the stability of the
Generally coordination complexes are stable in their solutions; however, the complex ion
can undergo dissociation to a small extent. Extent of dissociation depends on the strength of
the metal ligand bond, thus Stronger the M ← L , lesser is the dissociation.


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In aqueous solutions, when complex ion dissociates, there will be equilibrium between
undissociated complex ion and dissociated ions. Hence the stability of the metal complex can
be expressed in terms of dissociation equilibrium constant or instability constant ( α) . For
example let us consider the dissociation of Cu ( NH3 ) 4  in aqueous solution.

Cu ( NH3 ) 4  

 Cu + 4 NH3

The dissociation equilibrium constant or instability constant is represented as follows,

Cu 2+  [NH3 ]

α =
Cu ( NH3 ) 4     ---------( 2 )

From (1) and (2) we can say that, the reciprocal of dissociation equilibrium constant ( α)
is called as formation equilibrium constant or stability constant ( β) .
 1
β=  
 α

Significance of stability constants

The stability of coordination complex is measured in terms of its stability constant ( β) .
Higher the value of stability constant for a complex ion, greater is the stability of the complex
ion. Stability constant values of some important complexes are listed in table

Complex ion Instability constant value ( α) stability constant value ( β)

Fe ( SCN )

1.0 × 10 1.0 × 103

Cu ( NH3 ) 4 
1.0 × 10 1.0 × 1012

Ag ( CN )2  1.8 × 10
5.4 × 1018

Co ( NH3 )6 
6.2 × 10 1.6 × 1035

Hg ( CN ) 4  4.0 × 10
− 42
2.5 × 10 41

By comparing stability constant values in the above table, we can say that among the five

complexes listed, Hg ( CN ) 4  is most stable complex ion and Fe ( SCN )
2− 2+
is least stable.
5.11.1. Stepwise formation constants and overall formation constants
When a free metal ion is in aqueous medium, it is surrounded by (coordinated with)
water molecules. It is represented as [MS6]. If ligands which are stronger than water are added
to this metal salt solution, coordinated water molecules are replaced by strong ligands.


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Let us consider the formation of a metal complex ML6 in aqueous medium.(Charge on the
metal ion is ignored) complex formation may occur in single step or step by step.
If ligands added to the metal ion in single step, then

[MS ] 6

+ 6L  [ML 6 ] + 6 S

[ML ] [S ]

βoverall = 6

[MS ] [L ]

βoverall is called as overall stability constant. As solvent is present in large excess, its
concentration in the above equation can be ignored.

∴ βoverall =
[ML ] 6

[MS ] [L ]

If these six ligands are added to the metal ion one by one, then the formation of complex
[ML6] can be supposed to take place through six different steps as shown below. Generally step
wise stability constants are represented by the symbol k.
[MS L ]
[MS ] 
+ L [MS5L ] + S
 k1 = 5
[MS ][L ]

[MS L ]
[MS L ] 
+L  [MS 4 L 2 ] + S
 k2 = 4 2
[MS L ][L ]

[MS L ]
[MS L ] 
+ L  [MS3L 3 ] + S
 k3 = 3 3

4 2
[MS L ][L ]
4 2

[MS L ]
[MS L ] 
+ L [MS2 L 4 ] + S
 k4 = 2 4
3 3
[MS L ][L ]
3 3

[MSL ]
[MS L ] + 
L  [MSL5 ] + S
 k5 = 5

2 4
[MS L ][L ]
2 4

[ML ]
[MSL ] 
+ L [ML 6 ]
 + S k6 = 6
[MSL ][L ]

In the above equilibrium, the values k1 , k 2 , k 3 , k 4 , k 5 and k 6 are called step wise stability
constants. By carrying out small a mathematical manipulation, we can show that overall
stability constant β is the product of all step wise stability constants k1 , k 2 , k 3 , k 4 , k 5 and k 6 .
β = k1 × k 2 × k 3 × k 4 × k 5 × k 6

On taking logarithm both sides

log ( β) = log ( k1 ) + log ( k 2 ) + log ( k 3 ) + log ( k 4 ) + log ( k 5 ) + log ( k 6 )


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5.12. Importance and applications of coordination complexes:
The coordination complexes are of great importance. These compounds present in many
plants, animals and in minerals. Some Important applications of coordination complexes are
described below.
1. Phthalo blue – a bright blue pigment is a complex of Copper (II) ion and it is used in
printing ink and in the packaging industry.
2. Purification of Nickel by Mond’s process involves formation [Ni(CO)4], which Yields 99.5%
pure Nickel on decomposition.
3. EDTA is used as a chelating ligand for the separation of lanthanides,in softening of hard
water and also in removing lead poisoning.
4. Coordination complexes are used in the extraction of silver and gold from their ores by
forming soluble cyano complex. These cyano complexes are reduced by zinc to yield metals.
This process is called as Mac-Arthur –Forrest cyanide process.
5. Some metal ions are estimated more accurately by complex formation. For example, Ni2+
ions present in Nickel chloride solution is estimated accurately for forming an insoluble
complex called [Ni(DMG)2]

6. Many of the complexes are used as catalysts in organic and inorganic reactions. For example,

(i) Wilkinson’s catalyst - ( PPh 3 )3 RhCl  is used for hydrogenation of alkenes.

(ii) Ziegler-Natta catalyst - [TiCl 4 ]+ Al ( C 2 H5 )3 is used in the polymerization of ethene.

7. In order to get a fine and uniform deposit of superior metals (Ag, Au, Pt etc.,) over
− −
base metals, Coordination complexes Ag ( CN )  and Au ( CN )  etc., are used in
 2  2

electrolytic bath.
8. Many complexes are used as medicines for the treatment of various diseases. For example,
(1) Ca-EDTA chelate, is used in the treatment of lead and radioactive poisoning. That is for
removing lead and radioactive metal ions from the body.
(2) Cis-platin is used as an antitumor drug in cancer treatment.
9. In photography, when the developed film is washed with sodium thio sulphatesolution
(hypo), the negative film gets fixed. Undecomposed AgBr forms a soluble complex called
sodiumdithiosulphatoargentate(I) which can be easily removed by washing the film with
 Na 3 Ag ( S2O3 )2  + 2 NaBr
AgBr + 2 Na 2S2O3 →


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10. Many biological systems contain metal complexes. For example,
(i) A red blood corpuscles (RBC) is composed of heme group, which is Fe2+- Porphyrin plays an important role in carrying oxygen from lungs to tissues and
carbon dioxide from tissues to lungs.
(ii) Chlorophyll, a green pigment present in green plants and algae, is a coordination complex
containing Mg2+ as central metal ion surrounded by a modified Porphyrin ligand called
corrin ring. It plays an important role in photosynthesis, by which plants converts CO2 and
water into carbohydrates and oxygen.
(iii) Vitamin B12(cyanocobalamine) is the only vitamin consist of metal ion. it is a coordination
complex in which the central metal ion is Co+ surrounded by Porphyrin like ligand.
(iv) Many enzymes are known to be metal complexes, they regulate biological processes. For
example, Carboxypeptidase is a protease enzyme that hydrolytic enzyme important in
digestion, contains a zinc ion coordinated to the protein.

Cisplatin is a square planar coordination
complex (cis- [Pt (NH3)2Cl2]), in which two
similar ligands are in adjacent positions.
It is a Platinum-based anticancer drugThis drug undergoes
hydrolysis and reacts with DNA to produce various
crosslinks. These crosslinks hinder the DNA replication
and transcription, which results in cell growth inhibition and ultimately cell death.
It also crosslinks with cellular proteins and inhibits mitosis.

„„ When two or more stable compounds in solution are mixed together and allowed
to evaporate, in certain cases there is a possibility for the formation of double
salts or coordination compounds. The double salts loose their identity and
dissociates into their constituent simple ions in solutions , whereas the complex
ion in coordination compound, does not loose its identity and never dissociate to
give simple ions.
„„ According to werner, most of the elements exhibit, two types of valence namely
primary valence and secondary valence and each element tend to satisfy both the
valences.In modern terminology, the primary valence is referred as the oxidation
state of the metal atom and the secondary valence as the coordination number.
„„ Coordination entity is an ion or a neutral molecule, composed of a central atom,
usually a metal and the array of other atoms or groups of atoms (ligands) that
are attached to it.


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„„ The central atom/ion is the one that occupies the central position in a coordination
entity and binds other atoms or groups of atoms (ligands) to itself, through a
coordinate covalent bond.
„„ The ligands are the atoms or groups of atoms bound to the central atom/ion. The
atom in a ligand that is bound directly to the central metal atom is known as a
donor atom.
„„ The complex ion of the coordination compound containing the central metal
atom/ion and the ligands attached to it, is collectively called coordination sphere
and are usually enclosed in square brackets with the net charge.
„„ The three dimensional spacial arrangement of ligand atoms/ions that are
directly attached to the central atom is known as the coordination polyhedron
(or polygon).
„„ The number of ligand donor atoms bonded to a central metal ion in a complex
is called the coordination number of the metal.
„„ The oxidation state of a central atom in a coordination entity is defined as the
charge it would bear if all the ligands were removed along with the electron pairs
that were shared with the central atom.
„„ This type of isomers arises when an ambidentate ligand is bonded to the central
metal atom/ion through either of its two different donor atoms.
„„ This type of isomers arises in the coordination compounds having both the cation
and anion as complex ions. The interchange of one or more ligands between the
cationic and the anionic coordination entities result in different isomers.
„„ Ionisation isomers arises when an ionisable counter ion (simple ion) itself can
act as a ligand. The exchange of such counter ions with one or more ligands in
the coordination entity will result in ionisation isomers.
„„ Geometrical isomerism exists in heteroleptic complexes due to different possible
three dimensional spatial arrangements of the ligands around the central metal
atom. This type of isomerism exists in square planer and octahedral complexes.
„„ Coordination compounds which possess chairality exhibit optical isomerism
similar to organic compounds. The pair of two optically active isomers which
are mirror images of each other are called enantiomers.
„„ Linus pauling proposed the Valance Bond Theory (VBT) which assumes that the
bond formed between the central metal atom and the ligand is purely covalent.
Bethe and Van vleck treated the interaction between the metal ion and the
ligands as electrostatic and extended the Crystal Field Theory (CFT) to explain
the properties of coordination compounds.


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Choose the correct answer:

1. The sum of primary valance and secondary valance of
the metal M in the complex M ( en )2 ( Ox )  Cl is L
a) 3 b) 6 c) ­-3 d) 9

2. An excess of silver nitrate is added to 100ml of a 0.01M solution of

pentaaquachloridochromium(III)chloride. The number of moles of AgCl precipitated
would be

a)0.02 b) 0.002 c) 0.01 d) 0.2

3. A complex has a molecular formula MSO4Cl. 6H2O .The aqueous solution of it gives white
precipitate with Barium chloride solution and no precipitate is obtained when it is treated
with silver nitrate solution. If the secondary valence of the metal is six, which one of the
following correctly represents the complex?

a) M ( H2O ) 4 Cl  SO4 .2H2O b) M ( H2O )6  SO4

c) M ( H2O )5 Cl  SO4 .H2O d) M ( H2O )3 Cl  SO4 .3H2O

4. Oxidation state of Iron and the charge on the ligand NO in Fe ( H2O )5 NO SO4 are

a) +2 and 0 respectively b) +3 and 0 respectively

c) +3 and -1 respectively d) +1 and +1 respectively
5. As per IUPAC guidelines, the name of the complex Co ( en )2 ( ONO ) Cl  Cl is

a) chlorobisethylenediaminenitritocobalt(III) chloride

b) chloridobis(ethane-1,2-diamine)nitro -Ocobaltate(III) chloride

c) chloridobis(ethane-1,2-diammine)nitrito -Ocobalt(II) chlorid


d) chloridobis(ethane-1,2-diamine)nitro -Ocobalt(III) chloride

6. IUPAC name of the complex K 3 Al ( C 2O4 )3  is

a) potassiumtrioxalatoaluminium(III)

b) potassiumtrioxalatoaluminate(II)

c) potassiumtrisoxalatoaluminate(III)

d) potassiumtrioxalatoaluminate(III)


XII U5 Coordination jagan.indd 169 4/2/2019 11:04:30 AM

7. A magnetic moment of 1.73BM will be shown by one among the following (NEET)

a) TiCl 4 b) [CoCl 6 ]

c) Cu ( NH3 ) 4  d) Ni ( CN ) 4 

8. Crystal field stabilization energy for high spin d5 octahedral complex is

a) −0.6∆ 0 b) 0
c) 2(P −∆ 0 ) d) 2(P + ∆ 0 )
9. In which of the following coordination entities the magnitude of Δ0 will be maximum?
b) Co ( C 2O4 )3 
a) Co ( CN )6 

c) Co ( H2O )6  d) Co ( NH3 )6 

3+ 3+

10. Which one of the following will give a pair of enantiomorphs?

a) Cr ( NH3 )6  Co ( CN )6  b) Co ( en )2 Cl2  Cl

c) Pt ( NH3 ) 4  [PtCl 4 ] d) Co ( NH3 ) 4 Cl2  NO2
11. Which type of isomerism is exhibited by Pt ( NH3 )2 Cl2  ?
a) Coordination isomerism b) Linkage isomerism
c) Optical isomerism d) Geometrical isomerism
12. How many geometrical isomers are possible for Pt ( Py ) ( NH3 ) ( Br )( Cl )  ?

a) 3 b) 4 c) 0 d) 15
13. Which one of the following pairs represents linkage isomers?

a) Cu ( NH3 ) 4  [PtCl 4 ] and Pt ( NH3 ) 4  [CuCl 4 ]

b) Co ( NH3 )5 ( NO3 ) SO4 and Co ( NH3 )5 ( ONO ) 

c) Co ( NH3 ) 4 ( NCS )2  Cl and Co ( NH3 ) 4 ( SCN )2  Cl

d) both (b) and (c)

14. Which kind of isomerism is possible for a complex Co ( NH3 ) 4 Br2  Cl ?

a) geometrical and ionization b) geometrical and optical

c) optical and ionization d) geometrical only
15. Which one of the following complexes is not expected to exhibit isomerism?

a) Ni ( NH3 ) 4 ( H2O )2  b) Pt ( NH3 )2 Cl2 


c) Co ( NH3 )5 SO4  Cl d) Fe ( en )3 


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16. A complex in which the oxidation number of the metal is zero is

a) K 4 Fe ( CN )6  b) Fe ( CN )3 ( NH3 )3 

c) Fe ( CO )  d) both (b) and (c)
 5

17. Formula of tris(ethane-1,2-diamine)iron(II)phosphate

a) Fe ( CH3 -CH(NH2 )2 )3  ( PO4 )3 b) Fe ( H2 N-CH2 -CH2 -NH2 )3  ( PO4 )

c) Fe ( H2 N-CH2 -CH2 -NH2 )3  ( PO4 )2 d) Fe ( H2 N-CH2 -CH2 -NH2 )3 3 ( PO4 )2
18. Which of the following is paramagnetic in nature?

b) Co ( NH3 )6 
a) Zn ( NH3 ) 4 

d) Ni ( CN ) 4 
c) Ni ( H2O )6 
19. Fac-mer isomerism is shown by
a) Co ( en )3  b) Co ( NH3 ) 4 (Cl )2 

c) Co ( NH3 )3 (Cl )3  d) Co ( NH3 )5 Cl  SO4

20. Choose the correct statement.

a) Square planar complexes are more stable than octahedral complexes
b) The spin only magnetic moment of Cu ( Cl ) 4  is 1.732 BM and it has square planar

c) Crystal field splitting energy ( ∆ 0 ) of [FeF6 ] is higher than the ( ∆ 0 ) of Fe ( CN )6 

4− 4−

d) crystal field stabilization energy of V ( H2O )6  is higher than the crystal field
stabilization of Ti ( H2O ) 
 6

Answer the following questions:

1. Write the IUPAC names for the following complexes.

i) Na 2 Ni ( EDTA )

ii) Ag ( CN )2 
iii) Co ( en )  ( SO4 )
 3 2 3

iv) Co ( ONO ) ( NH3 ) 


 5

v) Pt ( NH3 )2 Cl(NO2 )


XII U5 Coordination jagan.indd 171 4/2/2019 11:04:43 AM

2. Write the formula for the following coordination compounds.
a) potassiumhexacyanidoferrate(II)
b) pentacarbonyliron(0)
c) pentaamminenitrito −κ −N -cobalt(III)ion
d) hexaamminecobalt(III)sulphate
e) sodiumtetrafluoridodihydroxidochromate(III)
3. Arrange the following in order of increasing molar conductivity
i) Mg Cr ( NH3 ) ( Cl )5      ii) Cr ( NH3 )5 Cl  [CoF6 ]2

iii) Cr ( NH3 )3 Cl 3 

4. Ni2+ is identified using alcoholic solution of dimethyl glyoxime. Write the structural
formula for the rosy red precipitate of a complex formed in the reaction.
5. [CuCl 4 ] exists while [CuI4 ] does not exist why?
2− 2−

Ag + 
6. Calculate the ratio of + in 0.2 M solution of NH3. If the stability constant for
Ag ( NH3 )2 
the complex Ag ( NH3 )2  is 1.7 × 107

7. Give an example of coordination compound used in medicine and two examples of

biologically important coordination compounds.
8. Based on VB theory explain why Cr ( NH3 )6 
3+ 2−
is paramagnetic, while Ni ( CN ) 4  is
9. Draw all possible geometrical isomers of the complex Co ( en )2 Cl 2  and identify the

optically active isomer.

10. Ti ( H2O )6 
is coloured, while Sc ( H2O )6  is colourless- explain.

11. Give an example for complex of the type [Ma 2 b2 c2 ] where a, b, c are monodentate ligands
and give the possible isomers.
12. Give one test to differentiate Co ( NH3 )5 Cl  SO4 and Co ( NH3 )5 SO4  Cl .
13. In an octahedral crystal field, draw the figure to show splitting of d orbitals.
14. What is linkage isomerism? Explain with an example.
15. Write briefly about the applications of coordination compounds in volumetric analysis.
16. Classify the following ligand based on the number of donor atoms.
a) NH3  b) en   c) ox2-   d) triaminotriethylamine   e) pyridine


XII U5 Coordination jagan.indd 172 4/2/2019 11:04:48 AM

17. Give the difference between double salts and coordination compounds.
18. Write the postulates of Werner’s theory.
19. Ni ( CN ) 4  is diamagnetic, while [NiCl 4 ] is paramagnetic , explain using crystal field
2− 2−

20. Why tetrahedral complexes do not exhibit geometrical isomerism.
21. Explain optical isomerism in coordination compounds with an example.
22. What are hydrate isomers? Explain with an example.
23. What is crystal field splitting energy?
24. What is crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE) ?
25. A solution of Ni ( H2O )6  is green, whereas a solution of Ni ( CN ) 4 
is colorless -
26. Discuss briefly the nature of bonding in metal carbonyls.
27. What is the coordination entity formed when excess of liquid ammonia is added to an
aqueous solution of copper sulphate?
28. On the basis of VB theory explain the nature of bonding in Co ( C 2O4 )3  .
29. What are the limitations of VB theory?
30. Write the oxidation state, coordination number , nature of ligand, magnetic property and
electronic configuration in octahedral crystal field for the complex K 4 Mn ( CN )6  .


XII U5 Coordination jagan.indd 173 4/2/2019 11:04:50 AM

XII U5 Coordination jagan.indd 174
Cental metal
ion (CMI) structural isomerim
Ligands isomerism

sphere Terms
Stereo isomerim Optical
polyhedron Hybridisation
Werner’s Theory

Charge on a coordination theories of
complex compounds coordination Primary valency
Secondary valency


IUPAC Nomenclature Stability of Applications Octahedral Splitting of

cordination of coordination d orbitals
complexes compounds

tetrahedral Splitting of d orbitals

4/2/2019 11:04:50 AM
ICT Corner


By using this tool you can understand Please go to the URL

the crystal field splitting of different
metal ions in octahedral and tetrahedral php?sub=2&brch=193&sim=
ligand field and also calculate the Crystal 610&cnt=4
Field Stabilisation Energy (CFSE) of a (or) Scan the QR code on the
complex using crystal field theory. right side

• Open the browser and type the URL given (or) Scan the QR Code. You will see the webpage as
shown in the figure.
Note: One time sign up is needed to access this webpage. Login using your username and password.
Once logged in click the simulation tab.
• You can select a suitable ligand field splitting using the drop down menu (box 1). Select a metal of
interest and a ligand using the drop down menu (box 2). Now crystal field splitting for the selected
complex appears on the screen.
• Apply crystal field theory to the selected complex and fill the d-electrons in the t2g and eg orbitals by
clicking each orbital. Click on the orbitals thrice to remove electrons. After completion, click submit
button (box 4). Now you can check the correctness of the electron distribution. If wrong try again.
• Enter the number of electrons in the t2g & eg orbitlals in the work sheet at the bottom of the page
(box 6), The calculated Crystal Field Stabilisation Energy (CFSE) will be displayed.


XII U5 Coordination jagan.indd 175 4/2/2019 11:04:51 AM


Sir William Henry Bragg Sir Lawrence Bragg

(1862 –1942) (1890 –1971)
Learning Objectives

Sir William Henry Bragg was a After studying this unit, the students will
British physicist, chemist, and a be able to
mathematician. Sir William Henry
Bragg and his son Lawrence Bragg ’’ describe general characteristics of solids
worked on X-rays with much ’’ distinguish amorphous and crystalline
success. They invented the X-ray solids
spectrometer and founded the new
’’ define unit cell
science of X-ray crystallography,
the analysis of crystal structure ’’ describe different types of voids and
using X-ray diffraction. Bragg close packed structures
was joint winner (with his son, ’’ calculate the packing efficiency of
Lawrence Bragg) of the Nobel different types of cubic unit cell
Prize in Physics in 1915, for their ’’ solve numerical problems involving
services in the “analysis of crystal unit cell dimensions
structure by means of ray”. The
’’ explain point defects in solids
mineral Braggite (a sulphide ore of
platinum, palladium and Nickel) is
named after him and his son.


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INTRODUCTION molecules) have fixed positions and
can only oscillate about their mean
Matter may exist in three different positions
physical states namely solid, liquid and gas.
If you look around, you may find mostly 6.2 Classification of solids:
solids rather than liquids and gases. Solids
Classification of solids
differ from liquids and gases by possessing
definite volume and definite shape. In the
solids the atoms or molecules or ion are
Crystalline solids Amorphous solids
tightly held in an ordered arrangement Ex: Glass, rubber etc
and there are many types of solids such Ionic crystals Ex: NaCl ,KCl
as diamond, metals, plastics etc., and
most of the substances that we use in Covalent crystals Ex: Diamond, SiO2

our daily life are in the solid state. We

Molecular crystals Ex: naphthalene, anthracene, glucose
require solids with different properties for
various applications. Understanding the Metallic crystals Ex: All metallic elements

relation between the structure of solids (Na, Mg,Cu,Au,Ag etc..)

and their properties is very much useful Atomic solids - ex: frozen elements of Group 18

in synthesizing new solid materials with

different properties. We can classify solids into the
In this chapter, we study the following two major types based on the
characteristics of solids, classification, arrangement of their constituents.
structure and their properties; we also (i) Crystalline solids
discuss the crystal defects and their (ii) Amorphous solids.
significance. The term crystal comes from the
Greek word “krystallos” which means
6.1 General characteristics of solids clear ice. This term was first applied to the
We have already learnt in XI STD that transparent quartz stones, and then the
gas molecules move randomly without name is used for solids bounded by many
exerting reasonable forces on one another. flat, symmetrically arranged faces.
Unlike gases, in solids the atoms , ions or
molecules are held together by strong force
of attraction. The general characteristics
of solids are as follows,
(i) Solids have definite volume and
(ii) Solids are rigid and incompressible
(iii) Solids have strong cohesive forces.
(iv) Solids have short inter atomic, ionic
or molecular distances.
(v) Their constituents ( atoms , ions or


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A crystalline solid is one in which its constituents (atoms, ions or molecules), have
an orderly arrangement extending over a long range. The arrangement of such constituents
in a crystalline solid is such that the potential energy of the system is at minimum. In
contrast, in amorphous solids (In Greek, amorphous means no form) the constituents are
randomly arranged.
The following table shows the differences between crystalline and amorphous solids. Crystalline solids Amorphous solids
Long range orderly arrangement of Short range, random arrangement of
constituents. constituents.
2 Definite shape Irregular shape
Generally crystalline solids are
3 They are isotropic* like liquids
anisotropic in nature
They are considered as pseudo solids (or)
4 They are true solids
super cooled liquids
5 Definite Heat of fusion Heat of fusion is not definite
Gradually soften over a range of
6 They have sharp melting points.
temperature and so can be moulded.
7 Examples: NaCl , diamond etc., Examples: Rubber , plastics, glass etc

Table 6.1 differences between crystalline and amorphous solids

Isotropy means uniformity in all directions. In solid state isotropy means having identical
values of physical properties such as refractive index, electrical conductance etc., in all
directions, whereas anisotropy is the property which depends on the direction of measurement.
Crystalline solids are anisotropic and they show different values of physical properties when
measured along different directions. The following figure illustrates the anisotropy in crystals
due to different arrangement of their constituents along different directions.


Anisotropy in Crystals Isotropy in Amorphous solids


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6.3 Classification of crystalline 6.3.2 Covalent solids:
solids: In covalent solids, the constituents
6.3.1 Ionic solids: (atoms) are bound together in a three
dimensional network entirely by covalent
The structural units of an ionic crystal
bonds. Examples: Diamond, silicon
are cations and anions. They are bound
carbide etc. Such covalent network crystals
together by strong electrostatic attractive
are very hard, and have high melting
forces. To maximize the attractive force,
point. They are usually poor thermal and
cations are surrounded by as many anions
electrical conductors.
as possible and vice versa. Ionic crystals
possess definite crystal structure; many
solids are cubic close packed. Example:
The arrangement of Na+ and Cl- ions in
NaCl crystal.

6.3.3 Molecular solids:

In molecular solids, the constituents
are neutral molecules. They are held
together by weak van der Waals forces.
Generally molecular solids are soft and
they do not conduct electricity. These
molecular solids are further classified into
three types.

Characteristics: Graphite is used

inside slips
1. Ionic solids have high melting points. easily off the pencil
2. These solids do not conduct electricity, onto the paper and
because the ions are fixed in their leaves a blackmark. Graphite is also
lattice positions. a component of many lubricants , for
3. They do conduct electricity in molten example bicycle chain oil , because it
state (or) when dissolved in water is slippery
because, the ions are free to move in
the molten state or solution. (i) Non-polar molecular solids:
4. They are hard as only strong external In non polar molecular solids
force can change the relative positions constituent molecules are held together by
of ions. weak dispersion forces or London forces.


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They have low melting points and are molecules, relative to one another in a
usually in liquids or gaseous state at room three dimensional pattern. The regular
temperature. Examples: naphthalene, arrangement of these species throughout
anthracene etc., the crystal is called a crystal lattice. A basic
(ii) Polar molecular solids repeating structural unit of a crystalline
solid is called a unit cell. The following
T h e figure illustrates the lattice point and the
c ons t itu e nt s unit cell.
are molecules
formed by
polar covalent
bonds. They
are held
together by
strong dipole-dipole interactions. They
have higher melting points than the non-
polar molecular solids. Examples are solid – Unit cell – Lattice points

CO2 , solid NH3 etc.

A crystal may be considered to
(iii) Hydrogen bonded molecular solids
consist of large number of unit cells,
The constituents are held together by each one in direct contact with its nearer
hydrogen bonds. They are generally soft neighbour and all similarly oriented in
solids under room temperature. Examples: space. The number of nearest neighbours
solid ice (H2O), glucose, urea etc., that surrounding a particle in a crystal is
6.3.4 Metallic solids: called the coordination number of that
You have already studied in XI STD
about the nature of metallic bonding. A unit cell is characterised by the
In metallic solids, the lattice points are three edge lengths or lattice constants a ,b
occupied by positive metal ions and a and c and the angle between the edges α,
cloud of electrons pervades the space. β and γ
They are hard, and have high melting
point. Metallic solids possess excellent
electrical and thermal conductivity. They
possess bright lustre. Examples: Metals
and metal alloys belong to this type of
solids, for example Cu,Fe,Zn, Ag ,Au, Cu-
Zn etc.   b
6.4 Crystal lattice and unit cell:
Crystalline solid is characterised by Unit cell
a definite orientation of atoms, ions or


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Primitive and non-primitive
unit cell
There are two types of unit cells:
primitive and non-primitive. A unit cell
that contains only one lattice point is
called a primitive unit cell, which is made Primitive

up from the lattice points at each of the

In case of non-primitive unit cells,
there are additional lattice points, either
on a face of the unit cell or with in the unit
cell. Non-Primitive

There are seven primitive crystal systems; cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, hexagonal,
monoclinic, triclinic and rhombohedral. They differ in the arrangement of their crystallographic
axes and angles. Corresponding to the above seven, Bravis defined 14 possible crystal systems
as shown in the figure.

Cubic Rhombohedral Hexagonal Tetragonal

abc abc abc abc
90 90 90120 90


Orthorhombic Monoclinic Triclinic

abc abc abc
90 9090 


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Table 6.2  14 Bravais Lattices


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Number of atoms in a cubic unit cell: 6.5.2 Body centered cubic unit cell.
6.5.1 Primitive (or) simple cubic unit (BCC)



2rr a

a a

In a body centered cubic unit cell,

In the simple cubic unit cell, each each corner is occupied by an identical
corner is occupied by an identical atoms particle and in addition to that one atom
or ions or molecules. And they touch occupies the body centre. Those atoms
along the edges of the cube, do not touch which occupy the corners do not touch
diagonally. The coordination number of each other, however they all touch the
each atom is 6. one that occupies the body centre. Hence,
each atom is surrounded by eight nearest
Each atom in the corner of the cubic neighbours and coordination number
is 8. An atom present at the body centre
unit cell is shared by 8 neighboring unit
belongs to only to a particular unit cell i.e
cells and therefore atoms `per unit cell is unshared by other unit cell.
equal to c , where N c is the number of ∴ Number of atoms  Nc   N b 
atoms at the corners. in a bccunitcell =  8  +  1 

 Nc   8 1
∴ no of atoms in a SC unit cell =   = + 
 8   8 1
 8 = (1 + 1)
= =1
 8 =2


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6.5.3 Face centered cubic unit cell.(FCC) is not an easy task. The constituents in
a unit cell touch each other and form a
three dimensional network. This can be
simplified by drawing crystal structure
with the help of small circles (spheres)
corresponding constituent particles and
connecting neighbouring particles using a
straight line as shown in the figure.
6.5.4 Calculations involving unit cell
X-Ray diffraction analysis is the most
powerful tool for the determination of
crystal structure. The inter planar distance
(d) between two successive planes of atoms
can be calculated using the following
equation form the X-Ray diffraction data
2r 2dsinθ = nλ

r a The above equation is known as
Bragg’s equation.
In a face centered cubic unit cell,
λ is the wavelength of X-ray used for
identical atoms lie at each corner as well diffraction.
as in the centre of each face. Those atoms θ is the angle of diffraction
in the corners touch those in the faces By knowing the values of θ,λ and n
but not each other. The atoms in the face we can calculate the value of d.

centre is being shared by two unit cells, d=
 1 2sinθ
each atom in the face centers makes  
 2 Using these values the edge of the unit
contribution to the unit cell. cell can be calculated.
∴ Number of atoms
N  N  6.5.5 Calculation of density:
in a fcc unitcell =  c  +  f 
    8 2 Using the edge length of a unit cell, we
 8 6 can calculate the density ( ρ) of the crystal
= +  by considering a cubic unit cell as follows.
 8 2
= (1 + 3) Density of
ρ =
mass of the unit cell
the unit cell volume of the unit cell
Drawing the crystal lattice on paper

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total number of 
  mass of 
mass of the unit cell= atoms belongs to  ×  
that unit cell   one atom 
  ...(2)
molar mass (gmol −1 )
mass of one atom =
Avagadro number (mol −1 )

NA ...(3)
Substitute (3) in (2)

mass of the unit cell= n ×
NA ...(4)

For a cubic unit cell, all the edge lengths are equal i.e , a=b=c
volume of the unit cell = a × a × a = a 3 ...(5)
∴ Density of the unit cell ρ = a 3 N ...(6)

Equation (6) contains four variables namely ρ , n , M and a . If any three variables are
known, the fourth one can be calculated.

Example 2

Barium has a body centered cubic unit cell with a length of 508pm along an edge.
What is the density of barium in g cm-3?

ρ =
a 3NA

In this case,
n=2 ; M=137.3 gmol-1 ; a = 508pm= 5.08X10-8cm
2 atoms × 137.3 g mol −1
ρ =
(5.08 × 10 cm ) ( 6.023 × 1023 atoms mol −1 )
−8 3

2 × 137.3
ρ = g cm −3
(5.08 )
× 10 −24
× 6.023 × 10 23

ρ = 3.5 g cm −3


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Evaluate yourself -1
1. An element has a face centered cubic unit cell with a length of 352.4 pm along an edge. The
density of the element is 8.9 gcm-3. How many atoms are present in 100 g of an element?
2. Determine the density of CsCl which crystallizes in a bcc type structure with an edge
length 412.1 pm.
3. A face centered cubic solid of an element (atomic mass 60) has a cube edge of 4 A .
Calculate its density.

6.6 Packing in crystals:

Let us consider the packing of fruits for
display in fruit stalls. They are in a closest packed
arrangement as shown in the following fig. we can
extend this analogy to visualize the packing of
constituents (atoms / ions / molecules) in crystals,
by treating them as hard spheres. To maximize
the attractive forces between the constituents, they generally tend to pack together as close as
possible to each other. In this portion we discuss how to pack identical spheres to create cubic
and hexagonal unit cell. Before moving on to these three dimensional arrangements, let us first
consider the two dimensional arrangement of spheres for better understanding.
6.6.1 Linear arrangement of spheres in one direction:
In a specific direction, there is only
one possibility to arrange the spheres in
one direction as shown in the fig. in this
arrangement each sphere is in contact with two
neighbouring spheres on either side.
6.6.2 Two dimensional close packing:
Two dimensional planar packing can be
done in the following two different ways.
(i) AAA… type:
Linear arrangement of spheres in one
direction is repeated in two dimension i.e., more
number of rows can be generated identical to
the one dimensional arrangement such that all
spheres of different rows align vertically as well
as horizontally as shown in the fig. If we denote
the first row as A type arrangement, then the
above mentioned packing is called AAA type, because all rows are identical as the first
one. In this arrangement each sphere is in contact with four of its neighbours.


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(i) ABAB.. Type:
In this type, the second row spheres are
arranged in such a way that they fit in the
depression of the first row as shown in the
figure. The second row is denoted as B type.
The third row is arranged similar to the first
row A, and the fourth one is arranged similar
to second one. i.e., the pattern is repeated as
ABAB….In this arrangement each sphere is in
contact with 6 of its neighbouring spheres.
On comparing these two arrangements
(AAAA...type and ABAB….type) we found
that the closest arrangement is ABAB…type.

6.6.3 Simple cubic arrangement:

This type of three dimensional packing
arrangements can be obtained by repeating the
AAAA type two dimensional arrangements
in three dimensions. i.e., spheres in one layer
sitting directly on the top of those in the Simple Cubic (SC)
previous layer so that all layers are identical. All spheres of different layers of crystal are
perfectly aligned horizontally and also vertically, so that any unit cell of such arrangement
as simple cubic structure as shown in fig.
In simple cubic packing, each sphere is in contact with 6 neighbouring spheres -
Four in its own layer, one above and one below and hence the coordination number of the
sphere in simple cubic arrangement is 6.
Packing efficiency:
There is some free space between the spheres of a single layer and the spheres of
successive layers. The percentage of total volume occupied by these constituent spheres
gives the packing efficiency of an arrangement. Let us calculate the packing efficiency in
simple cubic arrangement,
Total volume occupied by 
 
Packing fraction  spheres in a unit cell  × 100
 =
(or) efficiency  Volume of the unit cell

Let us consider a cube with an edge length ‘a’ as shown in fig.

Volume of the cube with edge length a is = a × a × a = a 3 a

Let ‘r’ is the radius of the sphere. From the figure, a=2r ⇒ r =


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∴ Volume of the sphere with radius ‘r’ coordination number of 8, four neighbors
in the layer above and four in the layer
4 3 below.
= πr
4  a
= π   Layer a
3  2
4  a3  Layer b
= π  
3  8
Layer a
πa 3
6   ... (1)
Body Certered Cubic (BCC)
In a simple cubic arrangement, number of
spheres belongs to a unit cell is equal to one Packing efficiency:
∴ Total volume 3
 πa  Here, the spheres are touching along the
occupied by the = 1× 
spheres in sc unit cell  6  ... (2)
leading diagonal of the cube as shown in
the fig.
Dividing (2) by (3) H

 πa 3  E
 6  100 π

Packing fraction = × 100 =

(a )
6 F

= 52.31%
2rr a

i.e., only 52.31% of the available D

volume is occupied by the spheres in simple r

cubic packing, making inefficient use of C
available space and hence minimizing the a a
attractive forces. B

More to know Of all the metals

In ∆ ABC
in the periodic table, only polonium
AC 2 = AB2 + BC 2
crystallizes in simple cubic pattern.
AC = AB2 + BC 2
6.6.4 Body centered cubic arrangement
AC = a 2 + a 2 = 2a 2 = 2 a
In this arrangement, the spheres
in the first layer ( A type ) are slightly In ∆ ACG
separated and the second layer is AG2 = AC 2 + CG 2
formed by arranging the spheres in the
AG = AC 2 + CG 2
depressions between the spheres in layer
( 2a )
A as shown in figure. The third layer is a AG = + a2
repeat of the first. This pattern ABABAB
is repeated throughout the crystal. In AG = 2a 2 + a 2 = 3a 2
this arrangement, each sphere has a AG = 3 a

XII U6 Solid State - Jerald.indd 188 4/2/2019 11:22:26 AM

i.e., 3a = 4r  3 π a3  3 π a3
=2 ×   =
 16  8
r= a
Dividing (2) by (3)
∴ Volume of the sphere with radius ‘r’
 3 π a3 
4 3  8 
= πr 
3 Packing fraction = × 100
3 (a 3 )
4  3 
= π a
3  4  =

× 100
3 3
πa= = 3 π × 12.5
16  ...(1)
= 1.732 × 3.14 × 12.5
Number of spheres belong to a unit
cell in bcc arrangement is equal to two = 68 %
and hence the total volume of all spheres i.e., 68 % of the available volume is
occupied. The available space is used more
efficiently than in simple cubic packing.

6.6.5 The hexagonal and face centered

cubic arrangement: 

Formation of first layer:

In this arrangement, the first layer 

is formed by arranging the spheres as 

in the case of two dimensional ABAB 

arrangements i.e. the spheres of second   

row fit into the depression of first row.   
Now designate this first layer as ‘a’. The
next layer is formed by placing the spheres
in the depressions of the first layer. Let   
the second layer be ‘b’.

Formation of second layer: 

In the first layer (a) there are two     
types of voids (or holes) and they are   

designated as x and y. The second layer         

(b) can be formed by placing the spheres 

either on the depression (voids/holes) x
(or) on y. let us consider the formation of       
second layer by placing the spheres on the    
depression (x).


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Wherever a sphere of second layer
(b) is above the void (x) of the first layer
(a), a tetrahedral void is formed. This      
constitutes four spheres – three in the
lower (a) and one in the upper layer (b).     
When the centers of these four spheres
are joined, a tetrahedron is formed.      

At the same time, the voids (y) in the      

first layer (a) are partially covered by the
spheres of layer (b), now such a void in (a)
is called a octahedral void. This constitutes
The number of voids depends on
six spheres – three in the lower layer (a)
the number of close packed spheres.
and three in the upper layer (b). When
If the number of close packed spheres
the centers of these six spheres are joined,
be ‘n’ then, the number of octahedral
an octahedron is formed. Simultaneously
voids generated is equal to n and the
new tetrahedral voids (or holes) are also
number of tetrahedral voids generated
created by three spheres in second layer 
is equal to 2n.     

(b) and one sphere of first layer (a)


Formation of third layer:

The third layer of spheres can be formed in two ways to achieve

(i) aba arrangement - hcp structure      

(ii) abc arrangement – ccp structure

The spheres can be arranged so as to fit into the depression in such a way that the third
layer is directly over a first layer as shown in the figure. This “aba’’ arrangement is known
as the hexagonal close packed (hcp) arrangement. In this arrangement, the tetrahedral
voids of the second layer are covered by the spheres of the third layer.

Alternatively, the third layer may be placed over the second layer in such a way that all
the spheres of the third layer fit in octahedral voids. This arrangement of the third layer is
different from other two layers (a) and (b), and hence, the third layer is designated (c). If
the stacking of layers is continued in abcabcabc… pattern, then the arrangement is called
cubic close packed (ccp) structure.

In both hcp and ccp arrangements, the coordination number of each sphere is 12 – six
neighbouring spheres in its own layer, three spheres in the layer above and three sphere in
the layer below. This is the most efficient packing.


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Layer a

Layer b

Layer a

aba arrangement   - hcp structure

Layer a

Layer c

Layer b

Layer a

abc arrangement – ccp structure


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The cubic close packing is based on Radius ratio:
the face centered cubic unit cell. Let us
calculate the packing efficiency in fcc unit The structure of an ionic compound
cell. depends upon the stoichiometry and
From the figure the size of the ions.generally in ionic
r AC = 4r
crystals the bigger anions are present in
4r = a 2
the close packed arrangements and the
B a 2
r a r= cations occupy the voids. The ratio of
A 4
 rC+ 
In ∆ ABC radius of cation and anion   plays

 rA− 
AC 2 = AB2 + BC 2
an important role in determining the
AC = AB + BC 2 2

structure. The following table shows the

AC = a + a = 2a = 2 a
2 2 2

rleation between the radius ratio and the

Volume of the sphere 3
4  2a  structural arrangement in ionic solids.
with radius r is = π
3  4 


 rC+ 

4  2 2a 3 
= π  
3  64   rA− 

2 πa 3
= 0.155 – Trigonal
24 0.225

Total number of spheres belongs to a 0.225 –

4 Tetrahedral ZnS
single fcc unit cell is 4 0.414
0.414 –
∴ the volume  2 πa 3  6 Octahedral NaCl
of all spheres in a fcc
= 4× 
 24  0.732 – 1.0 8 Cubic CsCl
unit cell
 2 πa 3  Table 6.3 Radius ratio
= 
 6  6.7 Imperfection in solids:
 2 π a3  According to the law of nature
 6  nothing is perfect, and so crystals need

packing efficiency = × 100
(a 3 ) not be perfect. They always found to have
some defects in the arrangement of their
r 2π constituent particles. These defects affect
= × 100
6 the physical and chemical properties
1.414 × 3.14 × 100 of the solid and also play an important
r =
a a
6 role in various processes. For example, a
= 74% process called doping leads to a crystal


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imperfection and it increases the electrical conductivity of a semiconductor material such
as silicon. The ability of ferromagnetic material such as iron, nickel etc., to be magnetized
and demagnetized depends on the presence of imperfections. Crystal defects are classified
as follows
1) Point defects
2) Line defects
3) Interstitial defects
4) Volume defects
In this portion, we concentrate on point defects, more specifically in ionic solids.
Point defects are further classified as follows
Point defects

stiochiometric non- stiochiometric impurity defects

defects defects

metal excess metal deficiency

Schottky defect Frenkel defect
defect defec
Stoichiometric defects in ionic solid:
This defect is also called intrinsic (or) thermodynamic defect. In stoichiometric ionic
crystals, a vacancy of one ion must always be associated with either by the absence of
another oppositely charged ion (or) the presence of same charged ion in the interstitial
position so as to maintain the electrical neutrality.

6.7.1 Schottky defect:

Schottky defect arises due to
the missing of equal number of
cations and anions from the crystal        
lattice. This effect does not change       
the stoichiometry of the crystal.
Ionic solids in which the cation
and anion are of almost of similar          Cl
size show schottky defect. Example:       
Presence of large number of
schottky defects in a crystal, lowers
Schottky Defect

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its density. For example, the theoretical density of vanadium monoxide (VO) calculated
using the edge length of the unit cell is 6.5 g cm-3, but the actual experimental density
is 5.6 g cm-3. It indicates that there is approximately 14% Schottky defect in VO crystal.
Presence of Schottky defect in the crystal provides a simple way by which atoms or ions
can move within the crystal lattice.

6.7.2 Frenkel defect:

Frenkel defect arises Ag+ Missing
due to the dislocation of ions
     Ag in interstitial
from its crystal lattice. The   
ion which is missing from       
the lattice point occupies 

an interstitial position. This          Ag+

defect is shown by ionic solids 
in which cation and anion
differ in size. Unlike Schottky       
Ag+ Missing

defect, this defect does not        
affect the density of the crystal.
For example AgBr, in this case,
Ag+ in interstitial position
small Ag+ ion leaves its normal
site and occupies an interstitial Frenkel Defect
position as shown in the figure.
6.7.3 Metal excess defect:
Metal excess defect
arises due to the presence
of more number of metal Na+
ions as compared to anions. e
Alkali metal halides NaCl, Cl
KCl show this type of defect.
The electrical neutrality of F center
the crystal can be maintained Metal Excess Defect
by the presence of anionic vacancies equal to the excess metal ions (or) by the presence of
extra cation and electron present in interstitial position.
For example, when NaCl crystals are heated in the presence of sodium vapour, Na+
ions are formed and are deposited on the surface of the crystal. Chloride ions (Cl-) diffuse
to the surface from the lattice point and combines with Na+ ion. The electron lost by the
sodium vapour diffuse into the crystal lattice and occupies the vacancy created by the
Cl- ions. Such anionic vacancies which are occupied by unpaired electrons are called F
centers. Hence, the formula of NaCl which contains excess Na+ ions can be written as
Na1+ x Cl .


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ZnO is colourless at room temperature. When it is heated, it becomes yellow in colour.
On heating, it loses oxygen and thereby forming free Zn2+ ions. The excess Zn2+ ions move
to interstitial sites and the electrons also occupy the interstitial positions.

6.7.4 Metal deficiency defect:

Metal deficiency defect
arises due to the presence of
less number of cations than the
anions. This defect is observed
in a crystal in which, the cations 

have variable oxidation states.

For example, in FeO
crystal, some of the Fe2+ ions are +
missing from the crystal lattice.
To maintain the electrical
neutrality, twice the number of
other Fe2+ ions in the crystal is Metal Deficiency Defect
oxidized to Fe3+ ions. In such cases, overall number of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions is less than the
O2- ions. It was experimentally found that the general formula of ferrous oxide is FexO,
where x ranges from 0.93 to 0.98.
6.7.5 Impurity defect:
A general method of introducing defects in ionic solids is by adding impurity ions. If
the impurity ions are in different valance state from that of host, vacancies are created in
the crystal lattice of the host. For example, addition of CdCl2 to silver chloride yields solid
solutions where the divalent cation Cd2+ occupies the position of Ag+. This will disturb the
electrical neutrality of the crystal. In order to maintain the same, proportional number
of Ag+ ions leaves the lattice. This produces a cation vacancy in the lattice, such kind of
crystal defects are called impurity defects.

Energy harvesting by piezoelectric crystals:

Piezoelectricity (also called the piezoelectric effect) is the appearance of
an electrical potential across the sides of a crystal when you subject it to
mechanical stress. The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting
from pressure and latent heat. Even the inverse is possible which is known
as inverse piezoelectric effect.
If you can make a little amount of electricity by pressing one piezoelectric crystal
once, could youmake a significant amount by pressing many crystals over and over
again? What happens if we bury piezoelectric crystals under streets to capture energy
as vehicles pass by?


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This idea, known as energy harvesting, has caught many people's interest.
Even though there are limitations for the large-scale applications, you can produce
electricity that is enough to charge your mobile phones by just walking. There are
power generating footwears that has a slip-on insole with piezoelectric crystals that
can produce enough electricity to charge batteries/ USB devices.`


„„ Solids have definite volume and shape.

„„ solids can be classified into the following two major types based on the arrangement
of their constituents. (i) Crystalline solids (ii)Amorphous solids.
„„ A crystalline solid is one in which its constituents (atoms, ions or molecules),
have an orderly arrangement extending over a long range.
„„ In contrast, in amorphous solids (In Greek, amorphous means no form) the
constituents are randomly arranged.
„„ Crystalline solid is characterised by a definite orientation of atoms, ions or
molecules, relative to one another in a three dimensional pattern. The regular
arrangement of these species throughout the crystal is called a crystal lattice.
„„ A crystal may be considered to consist of large number of unit cells, each one in
direct contact with its nearer neighbour and all similarly oriented in space.
„„ A unit cell is characterised by the three edge lengths or lattice constants a ,b and
c and the angle between the edges α, β and γ
„„ There are seven primitive crystal systems; cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic,
hexagonal, monoclinic, triclinic and rhombohedral. They differ in the
arrangement of their crystallographic axes and angles. Corresponding to the
above seven, Bravis defined 14 possible crystal systems
„„ In the simple cubic unit cell, each corner is occupied by an identical atoms or
ions or molecules. And they touch along the edges of the cube, do not touch
diagonally. The coordination number of each atom is 6.
„„ In a body centered cubic unit cell, each corner is occupied by an identical particle
and in addition to that one atom occupies the body centre. Those atoms which
occupy the corners do not touch each other, however they all touch the one
that occupies the body centre. Hence, each atom is surrounded by eight nearest
neighbours and coordination number is 8.
„„ In a face centered cubic unit cell, identical atoms lie at each corner as well as in
the centre of each face. Those atoms in the corners touch those in the faces but


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not each other.The coordination number is 2.
„„ X-Ray diffraction analysis is the most powerful tool for the determination of crystal
structure. The inter planar distance (d) between two successive planes of atoms
can be calculated using the following equation form the X-Ray diffraction data
2dsinθ = nλ
„„ The structure of an ionic compound depends upon the stoichiometry and the
size of the ions.generally in ionic crystals the bigger anions are present in the
close packed arrangements and the cations occupy the voids. The ratio of radius
 rC+ 
of cation and anion   plays an important role in determining the structure
 rA− 
„„ Crystals always found to have some defects in the arrangement of their constituent
„„ Schottky defect arises due to the missing of equal number of cations and anions
from the crystal lattice.
„„ Frenkel defect arises due to the dislocation of ions from its crystal lattice. The ion
which is missing from the lattice point occupies an interstitial position.
„„ Metal excess defect arises due to the presence of more number of metal ions as
compared to anions.
„„ Metal deficiency defect arises due to the presence of less number of cations than
the anions.


Choose the best answer:

1. Graphite and diamond are
a) Covalent and molecular crystals b) ionic and covalent crystals
c) both covalent crystals d) both molecular crystals
2. An ionic compound AxBy crystallizes in fcc type crystal structure with B ions at the
centre of each face and A ion occupying entre of the cube. the correct formula of AxBy
a) AB b) AB3
c) A3B d) A8B6
3. The ratio of close packed atoms to tetrahedral hole in cubic packing is
a) 1:1 b) 1:2
c) 2:1 d) 1:4


XII U6 Solid State - Jerald.indd 197 4/2/2019 11:22:34 AM

4. Solid CO2 is an example of
a) Covalent solid b) metallic solid
c) molecular solid d) ionic solid
5. Assertion : monoclinic sulphur is an example of monoclinic crystal system
Reason: for a monoclinic system, a≠b≠c and α = γ = 900 , β ≠ 900
a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
d) Both assertion and reason are false.
6. In calcium fluoride, having the flurite structure the coordination number of Ca2+ ion
and F- Ion are (NEET)
a) 4 and 2
b) 6 and 6
c) 8 and 4 d) 4 and 8
7. The number of unit cells in 8 gm of an element X ( atomic mass 40) which crystallizes
in bcc pattern is (NA is the Avogadro number)
a) 6.023 X 1023 b) 6.023 X 1022
 6.023 × 1023 
c) 60.23 X 10 d) 
 8 × 40 
8. The number of carbon atoms per unit cell of diamond is
a) 8 b) 6 c) 1 d) 4
 1
9. In a solid atom M occupies ccp lattice and   of tetrahedral voids are occupied by
 3
atom N. find the formula of solid formed by M and N.
a) MN b) M3N c) MN­3 d) M3N2
10. The composition of a sample of wurtzite is Fe0.93O1.00 what % of Iron present in the
form of Fe3+?
a) 16.05% b) 15.05% c) 18.05% d) 17.05%
11. The ionic radii of A+ and B− are 0.98 × 10−10 m and 1.81 × 10−10 m . the coordination
number of each ion in AB is
a) 8 b) 2 c) 6 d) 4
12. CsCl has bcc arrangement, its unit cell edge length is 400pm, its inter atomic distance
 3
a) 400pm b) 800pm c) 3 × 100 pm d)   × 400pm
 2 

XII U6 Solid State - Jerald.indd 198 4/2/2019 11:22:36 AM

13. A solid compound XY has NaCl structure. if the radius of the cation is 100pm , the
radius of the anion will be
 0.732   0.414 
a)  100  b)  c) 100 × 0.414 d) 
 0.414   100    100 
14. The vacant space in bcc lattice unit cell is
a) 48% b) 23% c) 32% d) 26%
15. The radius of an atom is 300pm, if it crystallizes in a face centered cubic lattice, the
length oif the edge of the unit cell is
a) 488.5pm b) 848.5pm c) 884.5pm d) 484.5pm
16. The fraction of total volume occupied by the atoms in a simple cubic is
 π   π  π  π 
a)  b) c)  4  d)  
 4 2   6  3 2
17. The yellow colour in NaCl crystal is due to
a) excitation of electrons in F centers
b) reflection of light from Cl- ion on the surface
c) refraction of light from Na+ ion
d) all of the above
18. if ‘a’ stands for the edge length of the cubic system ; sc , bcc, and fcc. Then the ratio of
radii of spheres in these systems will be respectively.

1 3 2 
a)  a :
2 2
a: a b) 1a : 3a : 2a
2 
( )
1 3 1  1 1 
c)  a : a: a d)  a : 3a : a
2 4 2 2  2 2 
19. If ‘a’ is the length of the side of the cube, the distance between the body centered atom
and one corner atom in the cube will be
 2   4 
a)   a b)   a
 3  3
 3  3
c)   a d)   a
 4   2 
20. Potassium has a bcc structure with nearest neighbor distance 4.52 A0 . its atomic weight
is 39. its density will be
a) 915 kg m-3 b) 2142 kg m-3 c) 452 kg m-3 d) 390 kg m-3
21. S chottky defect in a crystal is observed when
a) unequal number of anions and anions are missing from the lattice


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b) equal number of anions and anions are missing from the lattice
c) an ion leaves its normal site and occupies an interstitial site
d) no ion is missing from its lattice.
22. The cation leaves its normal position in the crystal and moves to some interstitial
position, the defect in the crystal is known as
a) Schottky defect b) F center
c) Frenkel defect d) non-stoichiometric defect
23. Assertion: due to Frenkel defect, density of the crystalline solid decreases.
Reason: in Frenkel defect cation and anion leaves the crystal.
a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
d) Both assertion and reason are false
24. The crystal with a metal deficiency defect is
a) NaCl b) FeO
c) ZnO d) KCl
25. A two dimensional solid pattern formed by two different atoms X and Y is shown
below. The black and white squares represent atoms X and Y respectively. the simplest
formula for the compound based on the unit cell from the pattern is

a) XY8 b) X4Y9
c) XY2 d) XY4
Answer the following questions:
1. Define unit cell.
2. Give any three characteristics of ionic crystals.
3. Differentiate crystalline solids and amorphous solids.
4. Classify the following solids
a. P4 b. Brass c. diamond d. NaCl e. Iodine

XII U6 Solid State - Jerald.indd 200 4/2/2019 11:22:39 AM

5. Explain briefly seven types of unit cell.
6. Distinguish between hexagonal close packing and cubic close packing.
7. Distinguish tetrahedral and octahedral voids.
8. What are point defects?
9. Explain Schottky defect.
10. Write short note on metal excess and metal deficiency defect with an example.
11. Calculate the number of atoms in a fcc unit cell.
12. Explain AAAA and ABABA and ABCABC type of three dimensional packing with the
help of neat diagram.
13. Why ionic crystals are hard and brittle?
14. Calculate the percentage efficiency of packing in case of body centered cubic crystal.
15. What is the two dimensional coordination number of a molecule in square close packed
16. Experiment shows that Nickel oxide has the formula Ni 0.96O1.00 . What fraction of Nickel
exists as of Ni2+ and Ni3+ ions?
17. What is meant by the term “coordination number”? What is the coordination number
of atoms in a bcc structure?
18. An element has bcc structure with a cell edge of 288 pm. the density of the element is
7.2 gcm-3. how many atoms are present in 208g of the element.
19. Aluminium crystallizes in a cubic close packed structure. Its metallic radius is 125pm.
calculate the edge length of unit cell.
20. if NaCl is doped with 10-2 mol percentage of strontium chloride, what is the concentration
of cation vacancy?
21. KF crystallizes in fcc structure like sodium chloride. calculate the distance between K +
and F − in KF.( given : density of KF is 2.48 g cm )

22. An atom crystallizes in fcc crystal lattice and has a density of 10 gcm with unit cell

edge length of 100pm. calculate the number of atoms present in 1 g of crystal.

23. Atoms X and Y form bcc crystalline structure. Atom X is present at the corners of the
cube and Y is at the centre of the cube. What is the formula of the compound?
24. S odium metal crystallizes in bcc structure with the edge length of the unit cell
4.3 × 10−8 cm . calculate the radius of sodium atom.
25. Write a note on Frenkel defect.


XII U6 Solid State - Jerald.indd 201 4/2/2019 11:22:41 AM


Crystalline solid Amorphous solid

Ionic crystals

Covalent crystals
Crystalline structure
Molecular crystals

Crystal lattice Close packing Imperfection in crystals

Sc Schottky defect
Unit cell

Bcc Frenkel defect

Simple Cubic
Hcp Metal excess defect
Body Centered Cubic
Ccp Metal deficiency defect
Face Centered Cubic

Packing fraction


XII U6 Solid State - Jerald.indd 202 4/2/2019 11:22:41 AM

ICT Corner


By using this tool, you will be Please go to the URL

able to visualize different crystal
systems and know their unit cell (or) Scan the QR code on the
parameters. right side


Open the Browser and type the URL given (or) Scan the QR Code. In the webpage click physical
science tab and then click solid state virtual lab. Then go to crystal structure and then click
Note: One time sign up is needed to access this webpage. Login using your username and password.
Once logged in click the simulator tab.
• Now the using the menu (box 1) select any one of the seven crystal systems and the lattice type.
Now the unit cell of the selected crystal system will appear on screen (box 2) and the unit cell
parameters will also be displayed in the measurement tab (box 3)

2 1


XII U6 Solid State - Jerald.indd 203 4/2/2019 11:22:42 AM


Svante August Arrhenius

Learning Objectives
(1859 –1927)

After studying this unit, the students will

Svante August Arrhenius was
be able to
a Swedish scientist. Arrhenius
was one of the founders of the ’’ define the rate and order of a reaction,
science of physical chemistry.
He focused his attention on the ’’ derive the integrated rate equations for
conductivities of electrolytes. zero and first order reactions,
He proposed that crystalline
’’ describe the half life period,
salts dissociate into paired
charged ions when dissolved
’’ describe the collision theory,
in water, for which he received
the Nobel Prize for Chemistry ’’ discuss the temperature dependence of
in 1903. He also proposed the rate of a reaction, and
definitions for acids and bases.
He formulated the concept of ’’ explain various factors which affect the
activation energy. rate of a reaction.


XII U7 kinetics - Jerald Folder.indd 204 4/2/2019 11:13:36 AM

INTRODUCTION 7.1 Rate of a chemical reaction:
A rate is a change in a particular
We have already learnt in XI standard that
variable per unit time. You have already
the feasibility of a chemical reaction under
learnt in physics that change in the
a given set of conditions can be predicted,
displacement of a particle per unit time
using the principles of thermodynamics.
gives its velocity. Similarly in a chemical
However, thermodynamics does not
reaction, the change in the concentration
provide an answer to a very important
of the species involved in a chemical
question of how fast a chemical reaction
reaction per unit time gives the rate of a
takes place. We know from our practical
experience that all chemical reactions take
some time for completion. Reaction speeds Let us consider a simple general reaction
ranging from extremely fast (in femto A 
seconds) to extremely slow (in years). For The concentration of the reactant
example, when the reactants BaCl2 solution ([A]) can be measured at different time
and dilute H2SO4 are just mixed, a white intervals. Let the concentration of A at two
precipitate of BaSO4 is immediately formed; different times t 2 and t 2 , (t2>t1) be [A1] and
on the other hand reactions such as rusting [A2] respectively. The rate of the reaction
of Iron take many years to complete. The can be expressed as
answers to the questions such as (i) how fast
a chemical change can occur and (ii) What – [Change in the concentration
happens in a chemical reaction during the of the reactants]
period between the initial stage and final Rate=
(Change in time)
stage are provided by the chemical kinetics.
The word kinetics is derived from the Greek - ([A 2 ] - [A1 ])  ∆[A]
word “kinesis” meaning movement. i.e., Rate = = - ...(7.1)
(t 2 -t1 )  ∆ t 

Chemical kinetics is the study of the rate
During the reaction, the concentration
and the mechanism of chemical reactions,
of the reactant decreases i.e. [A 2 ]  < [A1 ]
proceeding under given conditions of
and hence the change in concentration
temperature, pressure, concentration etc.
[A 2 ] - [A1 ] gives a negative value. By
The study of chemical kinetics not only convention the reaction rate is a positive
help us to determine the rate of a chemical one and hence a negative sign is introduced
reaction, but also useful in optimizing in the rate expression (equation 7.1)
the process conditions of industrial
manufacturing processes, organic and If the reaction is followed by measuring
inorganic synthesis etc.
the product concentration, the rate is given
In this unit, we discuss the rate of a
chemical reaction and the factors affecting  ∆[B]
by  since [B2 ]>[B1 ] , no minus sign
it. We also discuss the theories of the  ∆ t 
reaction rate and temperature dependence is required here.
of a chemical reaction.


XII U7 kinetics - Jerald Folder.indd 205 4/2/2019 11:13:40 AM







0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (mins)
* Schematic representation- Not to scale -A -B

Fig 7.1 change in concentration of A and B for the reaction A → B

Unit of rate of a reaction: Now, let us consider a different reaction

unit of concentration A 
→ 2B
unit of rate =
unit of time In this case, for every mole of A, that
Usually, concentration is expressed disappears two moles of B appear, i.e., the
in number of moles per litre and time is rate of formation of B is twice as fast as the
expressed in seconds and therefore the rate of disappearance of A. therefore, the rate
unit of the rate of a reaction is mol L-1s -1 . of the reaction can be expressed as below
Depending upon the nature of the reaction,
minute, hour, year etc can also be used. + d[B]  -d[A]
Rate = = 2
dt  dt 
For a gas phase reaction, the
In other words,
concentration of the gaseous species is
usually expressed in terms of their partial -d[A] 1 d[B]
Rate = =
pressures and in such cases the unit of dt 2 dt
reaction rate is atm s-1 . For a general reaction, the rate of the
7.1.1 Stoichiometry and rate of a reaction: reaction is equal to the rate of consumption
of a reactant (or formation of a product)
In a reaction A  → B , the
divided by its coefficient in the balanced
stoichiometry of both reactant and product
are same, and hence the rate of disappearance
xA + yB  → lC + mD
of reactant (A) and the rate of appearance of
product (B) are same. -1 d[A] -1 d[B] 1 d[C] 1 d[D]
Rate = = =
x dt y dt l dt m dt


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7.1.2 Average and instantaneous rate: Let us calculate the average rate for an
Let us understand the average rate initial and later stage over a short period.
and instantaneous rate by considering the − (2.0 −1.4 )
( Rate)initial =
isomerisation of cyclopropane. stage (10 −0)
= = 6 x 10 -2 mol L-1 min-1
780 K 10
-( 0.69 - 0.98)
cyclopropane propene (Rate)later =
stage (30-20)
The kinetics of the above reaction is = = 2.9 x 10-2 mol L-1min-1
followed by measuring the concentration
of cyclopropane at regular intervals and the From the above calculations, we come
observations are shown below. (Table 7.1) to know that the rate decreases with time
as the reaction proceeds and the average
Table 7.1 Concentration of cyclopropane rate cannot be used to predict the rate of
at various times during its isomerisation at the reaction at any instant. The rate of the
780K reaction, at a particular instant during the
[cyclopropane] reaction is called the instantaneous rate.
Time ( min) The shorter the time period, we choose, the
( mol L-1 )
closer we approach to the instantaneous
0 2.00
5 1.67
As ∆ t → 0;
10 1.40
-∆[cyclopropane] -d[cyclopropane]
15 1.17 =
∆t dt
20 0.98
A plot of [cyclopropane] Vs (time)
25 0.82
30 0.69 gives a curve as shown in the figure 7.2.

– ∆ [cyclopropane] Instantaneous rate at a particular instant ‘t ’

Rate of the reaction= -d [cyclopropane]
∆t is obtained by calculating
The rate over the -(0.69-2) molL-1 the slope of a tangent drawn to the curve at
entire 30 min (30-0) min that instant.
1.31 −2 -1 -1 In general, the instantaneous
= = 4.36 × 10 molL min
30 reaction rate at a moment of mixing the
It means that during the first 30 minutes reactants is calculated from the slope of the
of the reaction, the concentration of the tangent drawn to the curve at mol L , the rate

calculated by this method is called initial

reactant ( cyclo propane) decreases as an
rate of a reaction.
average of 4.36 × 10-2 mol L-1 each minute.


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[Cyclopropane] (M)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Time (mins)

Fig 7.2 Concentration of cyclopropane vs time - graph

Let us calculate the instantaneous The rate law for the above reaction is
rate of isomerisation cyclopropane at generally expressed as
different concentrations: 2 M, 1M and 0.5 M Rate = k [A]m[B]n
from the graph shown in fig 7.2, the results
Where k is proportionality constant
obtained are tabulated below.
called the rate constant. The values of m and
[cyclopropane] n represent the reaction order with respect
Rate mol L-1min-1 to A and B respectively. The overall order of
mol L-1
the reaction is given by (m+n). The values
2 6.92 × 10 –2 of the exponents (m and n) in the rate law
must be determined by experiment. They
1 3.46 × 10 –2 cannot be deduced from the Stoichiometry
of the reaction. For example, consider the
0.5 1.73 × 10 –2 isomerisation of cyclopropane, that we
discussed earlier.
Table 7.2 Rate of isomerisation
The results shown in table 7.2 indicate
7.3 Rate law and rate constant: that if the concentration of cyclopropane
We have just learnt that, the rate of the is reduced to half, the rate also reduced to
reaction depends upon the concentration of half. It means that the rate depends upon
the reactant. Now let us understand how the [cyclopropane] raised to the first power
reaction rate is related to concentration by i.e., Rate = k[cyclopropane]1
considering the following general reaction.
xA + yB 
→ products
⇒ =k


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Table 7.3 Rate constant for isomerisation
38.40 X10-2 = k [1.3]m[2.2]n ...(2)

For experiment 3
Rate Rate

mol L-1
mol L-1min-1 [cyclopropane] Rate3 = k [NO]m [O 2 ]n

76.8 × 10-2 = k [2.6]m[1.1]n

6.92 × 10 –2 2 3.46 × 10 –2 (2) 38.40 x 10-2 k [1.3]m[2.2]n
⇒ =
(1) 19.26 x 10-2 k [1.3]m[1.1]n
3.46 × 10 –2 1 3.46 × 10 –2  2.2 

2= 
 1.1 
1.73 × 10 –2 0.5 3.46 × 10 –2
2=2n i.e., n=1
Let us consider an another example, the
oxidation of nitric oxide (NO) Therefore the reaction is first order with
respect to O 2
2NO(g) + O2 ( g ) 
→ 2NO2 (g)
(3) 76.8 x 10-2 k [2.6]m [1.1]n
⇒ =
Series of experiments are conducted (1) 19.26 x 10-2 k [1.3]m [1.1]n
by keeping the concentration of one of the m
 2. 6 
reactants constant and the changing the 4=  
 1. 3 
concentration of the others.
4=2m i.e., m=2

Therefore the reaction is second order

[NO] X 10-2 [O 2 ] X 10-2 Initial rate x 10-2
with respect to NO
(mol L-1 ) (mol L-1 ) (mol L-1min -1 )
The rate law is Rate1 = k [NO]2 [O 2 ]1
1 1.3 1.1 19.26 The overall order of the reaction = (2 + 1) = 3

Differences between rate and rate constant

2 1.3 2.2 38.40 of a reaction:

3 2.6 1.1 76.80 Rate of a Rate constant of a

reaction reaction

Rate = k [NO]m[O2 ]n
For experiment 1, the rate law is It represents the
speed at which
Rate1 = k [NO]m[O2 ]n It is a
the reactants are
1 proportionality
19.26 X10-2 = k [1.3]m[1.1]n ...(1) converted into
Similarly for experiment 2 products at any
Rate 2 = k [NO]m [O 2 ]n


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H 2 O 2 and I− ,which indicates that I− is also
Rate of a Rate constant of a involved in the reaction. The mechanism
reaction reaction involves the following steps.
2 It is measured as It is equal to the Step:1
decrease in the rate of reaction, H 2 O 2 (aq) + I−(aq) 
→ H 2 O(l ) + OI−(aq)
concentration of when the
the reactants or concentration Step : 2
H 2 O 2 (aq) + OI−(aq) → H 2 O(l ) + I−(aq) + O2 (g)
increase in the of each of the
concentration of reactants in unity Overall reaction is
2H2O2 (aq) 
→ 2H2O(l ) + O2 (g)
3 It depends It does not
on the initial depend on These two reactions are elementary
concentration of the initial reactions. Adding equ (1) and (2) gives the
reactants. concentration of overall reaction. Step 1 is the rate determining
reactants. step, since it involves both H 2 O 2 and I−, the
overall reaction is bimolecular.
7.4 Molecularity:
Differences between order and
Kinetic studies involve not only
measurement of a rate of reaction but
also proposal of a reasonable reaction Order of a Molecularity of a
mechanism. Each and every single step in a

reaction reaction
reaction mechanism is called an elementary
reaction. 1 It is the sum of It is the total
An elementary step is characterized the powers of number of
by its molecularity. The total number of concentration reactant species
reactant species that are involved in an terms involved in that are involved
elementary step is called molecularity of that the experimentally in an elementary
particular step. Let us recall the hydrolysis determined rate step.
of t-butyl bromide studied in XI standard. law.
Since the rate determining elementary step
involves only t-butyl bromide, the reaction 2 It can be zero (or) It is always a
is called a Unimolecular Nucleophilic fractional (or) whole number,
substitution (SN ) reaction.
1 integer cannot be zero
or a fractional
Let us understand the elementary
reactions by considering another reaction,
the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
3 It is assigned for a It is assigned
catalysed by I− .
overall reaction. for each
2H2O2 (aq) 
→ 2H2O(l ) + O2 (g) elementary step
It is experimentally found that the of mechanism.
reaction is first order with respect to both

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Example 1 5Br −(aq ) + BrO3−(aq ) + 6H+ (aq ) 
→ 3Br2 (l ) + 3H 2 O(l )
The experimental rate law is
Consider the oxidation of nitric
oxide to form NO 2 Rate = k [Br −][BrO3−][H+ ]2

2NO(g) + O2 (g) 
→ 2NO 2 (g) (b). CH 3CHO( g )  → CH 4 ( g ) + CO( g )
(a). Express the rate of the reaction in the experimental rate law is
terms of changes in the concentration of Rate = k [CH 3CHO] 2
NO,O 2 and NO 2 .
(b). At a particular instant, when [O 2 ] is Solution:
decreasing at 0.2 mol L−1s −1 at what rate is a) First order with respect to Br − , first
[NO 2 ] increasing at that instant? order with respect to BrO3− and second
order with respect to H+ . Hence the
Solution: overall order of the reaction is equal to
-1 d[NO] - d[O 2 ] 1 d[NO 2 ]
a) Rate
= = = 1+1+2=4
2 dt dt 2 dt
b) Order of the reaction with respect to
-d[O2 ] 1 d[NO2 ]
b) = 3
dt 2 dt acetaldehyde is and overall order is
3 2
d[NO2 ]  -d[O2 ] also
= 2x   = 2 x 0.2 mol L−1s −1 2
dt  dt 
Example 3
−1 −1
= 0.4 mol L s
The rate of the reaction
Evaluate yourself 1
x + 2y → product is 4 x 10 mol L−1s −1 −3

Write the rate expression for the , if [x]=[y]=0.2 M and rate constant
following reactions, assuming them as at 400K is 2 x 10-2 s -1 , What is the
elementary reactions. overall order of the reaction.
i) 3A + 5B2 
→ 4CD
Solution :
ii) X 2 + Y2 
→ 2XY
Rate = k [x]n [y]m
2). Consider the decomposition of N 2 O5 (g) 4 x 10-3 mol L-1s -1 = 2 x 10-2 s -1 (0.2mol L-1 ) n (0.2mol L-1 ) m
to form NO 2 (g) and O 2 (g) . At a
4 x 10−3 mol L−1s −1
particular instant N 2 O5 disappears at a = (0.2) n + m ( mol L−1 )
−2 −1
2 x 10 s
rate of 2.5x10-2 mol dm -3s-1 . At what rates
0.2 ( mol L-1 ) = (0.2) n + m ( mol L-1 )
are NO 2 and O 2 formed? What is the
rate of the reaction? Comparing the powers on both sides
Example 2 The overall order of the reaction n + m = 1

1. What is the order with respect to each Evaluate yourself 2

of the reactant and overall order of the
For a reaction, X + Y  → product  ;
following reactions?
quadrupling [x] , increases the rate by a
− − +
(a). 5Br (aq ) + BrO3 (aq ) + 6H (aq) 
→ 3Br2 (l ) + 3H 2 O(l )of 8. Quadrupling both [x] and [y],


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increases the rate by a factor of 16. Find the reactant after a time ‘ t ’?. To answer such
order of the reaction with respect to x and questions, we need the integrated form of
y. what is the overall order of the reaction?
the above rate law which contains time as a
2). Find the individual and overall order of variable.
the following reaction using the given
data. 7.5.1 Integrated rate law for a first order
2NO(g) + Cl2 (g) 
→ 2NOCl(g) reaction
A reaction whose rate depends on
Initial the reactant concentration raised to the first
Initial rate power is called a first order reaction. Let

us consider the following Cl2 first order


NO NOCl mol L-1s -1
A 
→ product
Rate law can be expressed as
1 0.1 0.1 7.8 x10 −5
Rate = k [A]1

2 0.2 0.1 3.12 x10−4 Where, k is the first order rate constant.
= k [A]1
3 0.2 0.3 9.36 x10 −4 dt
⇒ = k dt
[A] ...(1)
7.5 The integrated rate equation:
Integrate the above equation between
We have just learnt that the rate of change the limits of time t = 0 and time equal to t,
of concentration of the reactant is directly while the concentration varies from the initial
proportional to that of concentration of the concentration [A 0 ] to [A] at the later time.
reactant. For a general reaction, [A]-d[A] t

A 
→ product
∫[A 0 ] [A]
= k ∫ dt

The rate law is ( −ln [A ])[ ] = k ( t )0

A t

A0 
− d[A]
Rate = = k [A]x
dt - ln [A]- ( - ln [A0 ]) = k (t-0)

Where k is the rate constant, and x is the - ln [A] + ln [A 0 ]= kt

order of the reaction. The above equation is  [A ] 
-d[A] ln  0  = kt
a differential equation, , so it gives the  [A]  ...(2)
rate at any instant. However, using the above
This equation is in natural logarithm.
expression, we cannot answer questions To convert it into usual logarithm with base
such as how long will it take for a specific 10, we have to multiply the term by 2.303.
concentration of A to be used up in the  [A ] 
2.303 log  0  = kt
reaction? What will be the concentration of  [A] 


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ln [A]



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (in mins)

Fig: 7.3 A plot of ln[A] Vs t for a first order reaction, A 

→ product with initial
concentration of [A] = 1.00 M and k = 2.5 x10−2 min -1 .

2.303  [A ] 
k= log  0  ----- (3)
t  [A] 
Equation (2) can be written in the form y = mx + c as below
ln [A 0 ] −ln [A] = kt
ln [A] = ln [A 0 ] −kt
⇒ y = c + mx

If we follow the reaction by measuring the concentration of the reactants at regular time
interval‘t’, a plot of ln[A] against ‘t’ yields a straight line with a negative slope.From this, the
rate constant is calculated.
Examples for the first order reaction
(i) Decomposition of dinitrogen pentoxide
N 2 O5 (g) 
→ 2NO 2 (g) + O 2 (g)

(ii) Decomposition of thionylchloride; SO 2 Cl2 (l) 

→ SO 2 (g) + Cl 2 (g)
(iii) Decomposition of the H2O2 in aqueous solution; H 2 O 2 (aq) 
→ H 2 O(l) + O 2 (g)
(iv) Isomerisation of cyclopropane to propene.


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Pseudo first order reaction:
Kinetic study of a higher order reaction is difficult to follow, for example, in a study of
a second order reaction involving two different reactants; the simultaneous measurement of
change in the concentration of both the reactants is very difficult. To overcome such difficulties,
A second order reaction can be altered to a first order reaction by taking one of the reactant
in large excess, such reaction is called pseudo first order reaction. Let us consider the acid
hydrolysis of an ester,
CH 3COOCH 3 (aq) + H 2 O (l ) H→ CH 3COOH (aq) + CH 3OH (aq)

Rate = k [CH3COOCH 3 ] [H 2 O]

If the reaction is carried out with the large excess of water, there is no significant change
in the concentration of water during hydrolysis. i.e.,concentration of water remains almost a
Now, we can define k [H 2 O] = k' ; Therefore the above rate equation becomes

Rate = k' [CH3COOCH 3 ]

Thus it follows first order kinetics.
7.5.2 Integrated rate law for a zero order reaction:
A reaction in which the rate is independent of the concentration of the reactant over a
wide range of concentrations is called as zero order reactions. Such reactions are rare. Let us
consider the following hypothetical zero order reaction.
A 
→ product

[A] in M



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (in mins)

Fig 7.4 : A plot of [A] Vs time for a zero order reaction A → product with
initial concentration of [A] = 0.5M and k = 1.5x10 mol−1L−1min −1


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The rate law can be written as,
Rate = k [A]0 General rate equation for a nth order

−d[A] reaction involving one reactant [A].

=k (1)
= 1)
A 
→ product
⇒ −d[A] = k dt −d[A]
Rate law = k[A]n
Integrate the above equation between dt
the limits of [A 0 ] at zero time and [A] at Consider the case in which n≠1,
some later time 't', integration of above equation between
[ A] t
−∫ d[A] = k ∫ dt [A 0 ] and [A] at time t = 0 and t = t
[ A0 ] 0
1 1
respectively gives - = (n-1)kt
−([ A])[ A ] = k ( t )0
[ A] t
[A] [A 0 ]n -1
n -1

[A 0 ] −[A] = kt
7.6 Half life period of a reaction:
[A 0 ] −[A]
k= The half life of a reaction is defined
as the time required for the reactant
Equation (2) is in the form of a straight concentration to reach one half its initial
line y = mx + c value. For a first order reaction, the half life
is a constant i.e., it does not depend on the
Ie., [A] = −kt + [A 0 ]
initial concentration.
⇒ y = c + mx
The rate constant for a first order
A plot of [A] Vs time gives a straight reaction is given by
line with a slope of −k and y - intercept of k=
2.303 [A ]
log 0
[A 0 ] . t [A]

[A 0 ]
Examples for a zero order reaction: =at t t= ; [A]
2 2
1. Photochemical reaction between H2 and I2
2.303 [A 0 ]
H2 (g)+Cl 2 (g) hv
→ 2HCl(g) k= log
t1 [A 0 ]
2. Decomposition of N2O on hot platinum
2 2
surface 2.303
k= log 2
1 t1

N 2 O(g)  N 2 (g) + O 2 (g) 2
2.303x0.3010 0.6932
=k =
3. Iodination of acetone in acid medium is t1 t1
zero order with respect to iodine. 2 2

CH 3COCH3 + I 2 H→ ICH 2 COCH 3 + HI 0.6932
t1 =
2 k
Rate = k [CH3COCH3 ] [H + ]


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Let us calculate the half life period for a 2.303  100 
k= log 
zero order reaction. t 80%  20 
[A 0 ] −[A]
Rate constant, k = 2.303
t t 80% = log ( 5) −−−−−(2)
[A 0 ] k
=at t t= ; [A]
2 2 Find the value of k using the given data
[A 0 ]  100 
[A 0 ] − k=
log 
 10 
k= 2
t1 t 90%
[A 0 ] k= log 10
k= 8 hours
2t 1
k= (1)
[A 0 ] 8 hours
t1 =
2 2k
Substitute the value of k in equation (2)
Hence, in contrast to the half life of a 2.303
first order reaction, the half life of a zero t 80% = log ( 5)
order reaction is directly proportional to the 8 hours
initial concentration of the reactant. t 80% = 8hours x 0.6989
t 80% = 5.59hours
More to know
Example 5
Half life for an nth order reaction involving
reactant A and n ≠ 1 (ii) 
The half life of a first order
n −1
2 −1 reaction x  → products is
t1 =
2 (n −1)k [ A0 ]n−1 6.932 x 104s at 500K  .  W h a t
percentage of x would be
Example 4 decomposed on heating at 500K
for 100 min. (e0.06 = 1.06)
(i) A first order reaction takes 8 hours
for 90% completion. Calculate the Solution:
time required for 80% completion. Given t 1 = 0.6932 x 104 s
(log 5 = 0.6989 ; log10 = 1) To solve : when t=100 min,

Solution: [A 0 ] −[A]
x 100 = ?
For a first order reaction, [A 0 ]
We know that
2.303  [A ] 
k= log  0  ....(1) 0.6932
t  [A]  For a first order reaction, t 1 =
2 k
Let [A 0 ] = 100M 0.6932
When 6.932 x 104
t = t 90% ; [A]=10M (given that t90 % =8hours) k = 10−5 s −1
t = t 80% ; [A]=20M


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 1  [A ]  t 99.9% =
k =   ln  0 
 t  [A]  k
−5 −1  [A ]  t 99.9%  10 x
10 s x 100 x 60 s = ln  0  k
 [A] 
t 99.9%  10 t 1
 [A ]  2
0.06= ln  0 
 [A] 
Evaluate yourself:
[A 0 ]
= e0.06 (1) In a first order reaction A → products
60% of the given sample of A decomposes
[A 0 ]
= 1.06 in 40 min. what is the half life of the
[A 0 ] - [A]
∴ × 100 % (2) The rate constant for a first order
[A 0 ]
reaction is 2.3 X 10−4 s −1 If the initial
 [A]  concentration of the reactant is 0.01M .
=  1- × 100 %
 [A 0 ]  What concentration will remain after 1

 1 
= 1- × 100 %
 1.06  (3) Hydrolysis of an ester in an aqueous

solution was studied by titrating the
= 5.6 %
liberated carboxylic acid against sodium
Example 6 hydroxide solution. The concentrations
of the ester at different time intervals are
Show that in case of first order given below.
reaction, the time required for 99.9%
completion is nearly ten times the time Time (min) 0 30 60 90
required for half completion of the Ester
reaction. concentration 0.85 0.80 0.754 0.71
mol L−1
Show that, the reaction follows first
[A 0 ] = 100; order kinetics.
when t = = =
t 99.9% ; [A] (100-99.9) 0.1
7.7 Collision theory :
2.303  [A ] 
k= log  0  Collision Theory was proposed
t  [A] 
independently by Max Trautz in 1916 and
2.303  100  William Lewis in 1918. This theory is based
t 99.9% = log 
k  0.1  on the kinetic theory of gases. According
2.303 to this theory, chemical reactions occur as
t 99.9% = log 1000
k a result of collisions between the reacting
2.303 molecules. Let us understand this theory by
t 99.9% = (3) considering the following reaction.
A 2 (g) + B2 (g) 
→ 2AB(g)


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Potential energy Æ



Reaction progress Æ

Fig 7.5 progress of the reaction

If we consider that, the reaction are not effective to lead to the reaction. In order
between A 2 and B2 molecules proceeds to react, the colliding molecules must possess
through collisions between them, then the a minimum energy called activation energy.
rate would be proportional to the number of The molecules that collide with less energy
collisions per second. than activation energy will remain intact and
Rate ∝ number of molecules colliding no reaction occurs.
per litre per second (collision rate) Fraction of effective collisions (f) is
The number of collisions is directly given by the following expression
proportional to the concentration of both
A 2 and B2 . f = e RT

Collision rate ∝ [A 2 ][B2 ] To understand the magnitude of

collision factor (f), Let us calculate the
Collision rate = Z [A 2 ][B2 ]
collision factor (f) for a reaction having
Where, Z is a constant. activation energy of 100 kJ mol at 300K.
The collision rate in gases can be  100 × 103 J mol-1 
calculated from kinetic theory of gases. - 
 8.314J K -1 mol-1 × 300 K 
For a gas at room temperature (298K) and f =e
1 atm pressure, each molecule undergoes f = e-40 ≈ 4 x 10-18
approximately 109 collisions per second, i.e., 1
collision in 10-9 second. Thus, if every collision Thus, out of 1018 collisions only four
resulted in reaction, the reaction would be collisions are sufficiently energetic to
complete in 10-9 second. In actual practice this convert reactants to products. This fraction
does not happen. It implies that all collisions of collisions is further reduced due to


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Proper allignment
Effective collission A
+ Products
Reactants B

improper allignment

A A + B B A A B B A A + B B

Reactants ineffective collision Reactants

Fig 7.6 - Orientation of reactants - schematic representation

orientation factor i.e., even if the reactant 7.8 Arrhenius equation – The effect
collide with sufficient energy, they will not of temperature on reaction rate
react unless the orientation of the reactant
Generally, the rate of a reaction
molecules is suitable for the formation of
increase with increasing temperature.
the transition state.
However, there are very few exceptions. The
The figure 7. 6 illustrates the importance magnitude of this increase in rate is different
of proper alignment of molecules which for different reactions. As a rough rule, for
leads to reaction. many reactions near room temperature,
The fraction of effective collisions (f) reaction rate tends to double when the
having proper orientation is given by the temperature is increased by 100 C .
steric factor p.
⇒ Rate = p x f x collision rate
Let us understand the effect of
temperature on reaction rate by doing
i.e., Rate = p x e RT x Z [A 2 ][B2 ] ...(1) this activity.
As per the rate law, i. Take two test tubes, label them as A
Rate = k [A2] [B2] ...(2) and B
Where k is the rate constant ii. Take 5 ml of cold water in A, add a
drop of phenolphthalein indicator and
On comparing equation (1) and (2), the
then add Magnesium granules.
rate constant k is ‘
−Ea iii. Repeat the above with 5 ml of hot
k=pZe RT
water in test tube B.


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iv. Observe the two test tubes. Where A the frequency factor,

v. The observation shows that the R the gas constant,

solution in test tube B changes to pink E a the activation energy of the reaction
colour and there is no such colour and,
change in test tube A. That is, hot water T the absolute temperature (in K)
reacts with magnesium according to The frequency factor (A) is related
the following reaction and there is no to the frequency of collisions (number
such reaction in cold water. of collisions per second) between the
→ Mg 2+ + 2OH − + H 2 ↑
Mg + 2H 2 O  reactant molecules. The factor A does not
vary significantly with temperature and
hence it may be taken as a constant.
is the activation energy of the
reaction, which Arrhenius considered as the
minimum energy that a molecule must have
to posses to react.
Taking logarithm on both side of the
equation (1)
Ea 
-  RT 
ln k = ln A + ln e
E 
ln k = ln A − a 
 RT 
(∴ ln e =1)

vi. The resultant solution is basic and it is  E   1

ln k = ln A − a   
 R   T  ....(2)
indicated by phenolphthalein.
A large number of reactions are
The above equation is of the form of a
known which do not take place at room
straight line y = mx + c.
temperature but occur readily at higher
temperatures. Example: Reaction between A plot of ln k Vs 1 T gives a straight
H 2 and O 2 to form H 2 O takes place only
line with a negative slope − E a . If the rate
when an electric spark is passed. R
constant for a reaction at two different
Arrhenius suggested that the rates of
temperatures is known, we can calculate the
most reactions vary with temperature in
such a way that the rate constant is directly activation energy as follows.
 Ea 
proportional to e−  RT  and he proposed At temperature T = T1 ; the rate constant
k = k1
a relation between the rate constant and
temperature.  E 
ln k1 = ln A-  a 
E 
− a   RT1  ....(3)
 RT 
k=Ae ....(1)

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At temperature T = T2 ; the rate constant Ea  1 
log ( 2 ) = −1  
k = k2 2.303 x 8.314 JK mol  400K 

 E  E a = log ( 2 ) x 2.303 x 8.314 JK −1mol−1 x 400K

ln k 2 = ln A-  a 
 RT2  ....(4) E a = 2305 J mol−1

(4) –(3)
Example 8
 E   E 
ln k 2 - ln k1 = -  a  +  a 
 RT2   RT1 
Rate constant k of a reaction varies
k  E  1 1  with temperature T according to the
ln  2  = a  -  following Arrhenius equation
 k1  R  T1 T2 
Ea  1 
 k  E  T −T  log k = log A −  
2.303 log  2  = a  2 1  2.303R  T 
 k1  R  T1T2 
Where E a is the activation energy.
k  E a  T2 −T1  1
log  2  = When a graph is plotted for log k Vs
 k1  2.303R  T1T2  T
a straight line with a slope of -4000K
 E   E 
ln k 2 −ln k1 = − a  +  a  is obtained. Calculate the activation
 RT2   RT1 
This equation can be used to calculate
E a from rate constants k1 and k 2 at
temperatures T1 and T2 . Solution

Example 7 Ea  1 
log k = log A-  
2.303R  T 
The rate constant of a reaction y = c + mx
at 400 and 200K are 0.04 and 0.02 s-1
respectively. Calculate the value of m= -
activation energy.
E a = − 2.303 R m

Solution E a = − 2.303 x 8.314 J K −1 mol−1 x (− 4000K )

According to Arrhenius equation
Ea = 76, 589J mol −1
k  E a  T2 −T1 
log  2  = E a = 76.589 kJ mol−1
 k1  2.303R  T1T2 
T2 = 400K ; k 2 = 0.04 s −1 Evaluate yourself
T1 = 200K ; k1 = 0.02 s −1 For a first order reaction the rate
constant at 500K is 8 X 10−4 s −1 . Calculate the
 0.04 s −1   400K −200K 
log  =
  frequency factor, if the energy of activation
 0.02 s −1  2.303 x 8.314 JK −1mol−1  200K x 400K 
for the reaction is 190 kJ mol-1 .


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7.9 Factors affecting the than the reaction between solid sodium and
reaction rate: solid iodine.

The rate of a reaction is affected by the Let us consider another example that
following factors. you carried out in inorganic qualitative
analysis of lead salts. If you mix the
1. Nature and state of the reactant aqueous solution of colorless potassium
2. Concentration of the reactant iodide with the colorless solution of lead
nitrate, precipitation of yellow lead iodide
3. Surface area of the reactant take place instantaneously, whereas if
4. Temperature of the reaction you mix the solid lead nitrate with solid
potassium iodide, yellow coloration will
5. Presence of a catalyst appear slowly.
7.9.1 Nature and state of the reactant:
We know that a chemical reaction
involves breaking of certain existing bonds
of the reactant and forming new bonds
which lead to the product. The net energy
involved in this process is dependent on the
nature of the reactant and hence the rates
are different for different reactants.
Let us compare the following two
reactions that you carried out in volumetric
Redox reaction between ferrous
ammonium sulphate (FAS) and KMnO 4
2). Redox reaction between oxalic acid and
KMnO 4
The oxidation of oxalate ion by
KMnO 4 is relatively slow compared to the 7.9.2 Concentration of the reactants:
reaction between KMnO 4 and Fe2+ . In fact The rate of a reaction increases with
heating is required for the reaction between the increase in the concentration of the
KMnO 4 and Oxalate ion and is carried out reactants. The effect of concentration is
at around 600 C . explained on the basis of collision theory
The physical state of the reactant also of reaction rates. According to this theory,
plays an important role to influence the rate the rate of a reaction depends upon the
of reactions. Gas phase reactions are faster number of collisions between the reacting
as compared to the reactions involving solid molecules. Higher the concentration,
or liquid reactants. For example, reaction of greater is the possibility for collision and
sodium metal with iodine vapours is faster hence the rate.


XII U7 kinetics - Jerald Folder.indd 222 4/2/2019 11:16:35 AM


1. Take three conical flasks and label them as A, B, and C.

2. using a burette, add 10, 20 and 40 ml of 0.1M sodium thiosulphate solution to the flask
A, B and C respectively. And then add 40, 30 and 10 ml of distilled water to the respective
flasks so that the volume of solution in each flask is 50ml.
3. Add 10 ml of 1M HCl to the conical flask A. Start the stop watch when half of the HCl
has been added. Shake the contents carefully and place it on the tile with a cross mark as
shown in the figure. Observe the conical flask from top and stop the stops watch when
the cross mark just becomes invisible. Note the time.
4. Repeat the experiment with the contents on B and C. Record the observation.
Flask Volume of Na 2S2 O3 Volume of water Strength of Na 2S2 O3 Time taken ( t)

A 10 40 0.02
B 20 30 0.04
C 40 10 0.08
1 1
Draw a graph between Vs is a direct measure of rate of
t t
concentration of sodium thiosulphate. A reaction and therefore, the increase in the
graph like the following one is obtained. concentration of reactants i.e Na 2S2 O3 ,
increases the rate.
(s )
1 1

0 0.02 0.04 0.08


7.9.3 Effect of surface area of the reactant:

In heterogeneous reactions, the surface areas of the solid reactants play an important role
in deciding the rate. For a given mass of a reactant, when the particle size decreases surface
area increases. Increase in surface area of reactant leads to more collisions per litre per second,
and hence the rate of reaction is increased.For example, powdered calcium carbonate reacts
much faster with dilute HCl than with the same mass of CaCO3 as marble

XII U7 kinetics - Jerald Folder.indd 223 4/2/2019 11:16:41 AM


A Known mass of marble chips are taken in a flask and a known volume of dilute HCl is
added to the content, a stop clock is started when half the volume of HCl is added. The mass
is noted at regular intervals until the reaction is complete. Same experiment is repeated with
the same mass of powdered marble chips and the observations are recorded.
→ CaCl2 (aq) + H 2 O (l ) + CO 2 ( g )
CaCO3 (s) + 2HCl (aq) 

Since, carbon dioxide escapes during

reaction, the mass of the flask gets lighter as ec
the reaction proceeds. So, by measuring the



flask, we can follow the rate of the reaction.



A plot of loss in mass Vs time is drawn and
it looks like the one as shown below.
For the powdered marble chips, the 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

reaction is completed in less time. i.e., rate Time

of a reaction increases when the surface

area of a solid reactant is increased.

7.9.4 Effect of presence of catalyst:

So far we have learnt, that rate of reaction can be increased to certain extent by increasing
the concentration, temperature and surface area of the reactant. However significant changes
in the reaction can be brought out by the addition of a substance called catalyst. A catalyst
is substance which alters the rate of a reaction without itself undergoing any permanent
chemical change. They
may participate in the
reaction, but again
regenerated and the end
of the reaction. In the
presence of a catalyst,
Potential energy Æ

the energy of activation Ea Without

is lowered and hence,
greater number of Ea With
molecules can cross
the energy barrier and Reactants

change over to products, Products

thereby increasing the Reaction progress Æ

rate of the reaction.


XII U7 kinetics - Jerald Folder.indd 224 4/2/2019 11:16:43 AM


Take two test tubes and label them as A and B. Add 7 ml of 0.1N oxalic acid solution, 5
ml of 0.1N KMnO 4 solution and 5 ml of 2N dilute H 2SO 4 in both the test tubes. The colour
of the solution is pink in both the test tubes.
Now add few crystals of manganese sulphate to the content in test tube A. the pink
colour fades up and disappears. In this case, MnSO4 acts as a catalyst and increases the rate

of oxidation of C2O 4 by MnO 4

Chemical kinetics in pharmaceuticals

Chemical kinetics has many applications in the field of pharmaceuticals. It is used
to study the lifetimes and bioavailability of drugs within the body and this branch
of study is called pharmacokinetics Doctors usually prescribe drugs to be taken at
different times of the day. i.e.some drugs are to be taken twice a day, while others
are taken three times a day, or just once a day. Pharmacokinetic studies is used to determine the
prescription (dosage and frequency). For example, Paracetamol is a well known anti-pyretic and
analgesic that is prescribed in cases of fever and body pain. Pharmacokinetic studies showed that
Paracetamol has a half-life of 2.5 hours within the body i.e.the plasma concentration of a drug
is halved after 2.5 hrs. After 10 hours (4 half-lives)only 6.25 % of drug remains. Based on such
studies the dosage and frequency will be decided. In case of paracetamol, it is usually prescribed
to take once in 6 hours depending upon the conditions.


„„ Chemical kinetics is the study of the rate and the mechanism of chemical reactions,
proceeding under given conditions of temperature, pressure, concentration etc.
„„ The change in the concentration of the species involved in a chemical reaction per
unit time gives the rate of a reaction.
„„ The rate of the reaction, at a particular instant during the reaction is called the
instantaneous rate. The shorter the time period, we choose, the closer we approach
to the instantaneous rate,
„„ The rate represents the speed at which the reactants are converted into products at
any instant.
„„ The rate constant is a proportionality constant and It is equal to the rate of reaction,
when the concentration of each of the reactants in unity
„„ Molecularity of a reaction is the total number of reactant species that are involved
in an elementary step.
„„ The half life of a reaction is defined as the time required for the reactant concentration
to reach one half its initial value. For a first order reaction, the half life is a constant


XII U7 kinetics - Jerald Folder.indd 225 4/2/2019 11:16:44 AM

i.e., it does not depend on the initial concentration.
„„ According to collision theory, chemical reactions occur as a result of collisions
between the reacting molecules.
„„ G enerally, the rate of a reaction increase with increasing temperature. However,
there are very few exceptions. The magnitude of this increase in rate is different
for different reactions. As a rough rule, for many reactions near room temperature,
reaction rate tends to double when the temperature is increased by 100 C .
„„ According to Arrhenius, activation energy of the reaction is the minimum energy
that a molecule must have to posses to react.
„„ The rate of a reaction is affected by the following factors.
1. Nature and state of the reactant 4. Temperature of the reaction
2. Concentration of the reactant 5. Presence of a catalyst
3. Surface area of the reactant

ln k

1. For a first order reaction A → B 1/T

the rate constant is x min . If the
initial concentration of A is 0.01M , the
concentration of A after one hour is log k
given by the expression.
a) 0.01 e−x b) 1 × 10−2 (1 −e−60 x )
c) ­(1 × 10 −2
)e −60 x
d) none of these c)
2. A zero order reaction X →  Product ,
with an initial concentration 0.02M has ln k

a half life of 10 min. if one starts with

concentration 0.04M, then the half life
is 1/T
d) both (b) and (c)
a)  10 s    b) 5 min    c) 20 min
d) cannot be predicted using the given 4. For a first order reaction A →
 product
with initial concentration x mol L−1 , has
3. Among the following graphs showing
variation of rate constant with a half life period of 2.5 hours . For the
temperature (T) for a reaction, the one same reaction with initial concentration
that exhibits Arrhenius behavior over  x −1
the entire temperature range is  2  mol L the half life is


XII U7 kinetics - Jerald Folder.indd 226 4/2/2019 11:16:48 AM

a) ( 2.5 × 2 ) hours
 2. 5 
b)   hours
c) mol
L 2 s −1 , ( mol L−1s −1 )
 2 
d) ( mol L s −1 ) , mol( )
1 1

L s

c) 2.5 hours
8. The addition of a catalyst during a
d) Without knowing the rate constant,
t1/2 cannot be determined from the chemical reaction alters which of the
following quantities? (NEET)
given data
a)  Enthalpy b)Activation
5. For the reaction, 2NH3 →
 N 2 + 3H2 energy
−d [NH3 ] c)  Entropy d) Internal energy
, if = k1 [NH3 ] ,
dt 9. Consider the following statements :
d [N 2 ]
= k 2 [NH3 ], [ 2 ] = k 3 [NH3 ]
d H (i) increase in concentration of the
dt dt reactant increases the rate of a zero
order reaction.
then the relation between k1 ,k 2 and k 3 is
(ii) rate constant k is equal to collision
a) k1 = k 2 = k 3
frequency A if Ea = 0
b) k1 = 3 k 2 = 2 k 3
(iii) rate constant k is equal to collision
c) 1.5 k1 = 3 k 2 = k 3 frequency A if Ea = °
d) 2k1 = k 2 = 3 k 3 (iv) a plot of ln ( k ) vs T is a straight
6. The decomposition of phosphine (PH3) line.
on tungsten at low pressure is a first  1
order reaction. It is because the (NEET) (v) a plot of ln ( k ) vs   is a straight
 T
rate is proportional to the surface line with a positive slope.
coverage Correct statements are
b) rate is inversely proportional to the a) (ii) only b) (ii) and (iv)
surface coverage
c) (ii) and (v) d) (i), (ii) and (v)
c) rate is independent of the surface
coverage 10. In a reversible reaction, the enthalpy
change and the activation energy in
d) rate of decomposition is slow the forward direction are respectively
7. For a reaction Rate = k [acetone ] 2 then −x kJ mol −1 and y kJ mol −1 . Therefore ,
unit of rate constant and rate of reaction the energy of activation in the backward
respectively is direction is
a) ( y −x ) kJ mol
) , ( mol )

a) ( mol L s
−1 1
−1 −1 −1
L2 s
b) ( x + y ) J mol

b) mol
L 2 s −1 , ( mol L−1s −1 ) c) ( x − y ) kJ mol −1
d) ( x + y ) × 103 J mol −1


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11. What is the activation energy for a
2A + B 
→ C + 3D
reaction if its rate doubles when the
temperature is raised from 200K to Reaction [A] [B] Initial rate
400K? (R = 8.314 JK-1mol-1) number (min) (min) (M s-1)
a) 234.65 kJ mol −1K −1 1 0.1 0.1 x
−1 −1
b) 434.65 kJ mol K 2 0.2 0.1 2x
−1 −1
c) 434.65 J mol K 3 0.1 0.2 4x
−1 −1
d) 334.65 J mol K
4 0.2 0.2 8x
12. ; This reaction
a) rate = k [A ] [B ] b) rate = k [A ][B ]
2 2
follows first order kinetics. The rate
constant at particular temperature c) rate = k [A ][B ]
is 2.303 × 10 hour . The initial
−2 −1 3
d) rate = k [A ] 2 [B ] 2

concentration of cyclopropane is 0.25

16. Assertion: rate of reaction doubles when
M. What will be the concentration
the concentration of the reactant is
of cyclopropane after 1806 minutes?
doubles if it is a first order reaction.
( log 2 = 0.3010 )
Reason: rate constant also doubles
a) 0.125M b) 0.215M
a) Both assertion and reason are true
c) 0.25 × 2.303M d) 0.05M and reason is the correct explanation
13. For a first order reaction, the rate of assertion.
constant is 6.909 min-1.the time taken b) Both assertion and reason are
for 75% conversion in minutes is true but reason is not the correct
 3  2 explanation of assertion.
a)   log 2 b)  3  log 2
 2 c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
 3  3  2  4 d) Both assertion and reason are false.
c)   log   d)
 2  4  3  log  3 
17. The rate constant of a reaction is
14. In a first order reaction x →  y ; if 5.8 × 10 s . The order of the reaction is
−2 −1

k is the rate constant and the initial a) First order b) zero order
concentration of the reactant x is 0.1M,
c) Second order d) Third order
then, the half life is
 log 2   0.693 
a)   b)   18. For the reaction
 k   ( 0.1) k  1
N 2O5 (g) →
 2NO2 (g) + O (g) , the
 ln2  2 2
c)  d) none of these
 k  value of rate of disappearance of N2O5

15. Predict the rate law of the following is given as 6.5 × 10−2 mol L−1s −1 . The
reaction based on the data given below rate of formation of NO2 and O2 is given


XII U7 kinetics - Jerald Folder.indd 228 4/2/2019 11:17:04 AM

 2.303   2P0 
respectively as d) k =   log 
 t   3P0 −2P 
a) ( 3.25 × 10 mol L s ) and (1.3 × 10 mol L s )
−2 −1 −1 −2 −1 −1

22. If 75% of a first order reaction was

× 10 mol L s ) and (1.3 × 10−2 mol L−1s −1 )
−2 −1 −1
completed in 60 minutes , 50% of the
same reaction under the same conditions
b) (1.3 × 10−2 mol L−1s −1 ) and ( 3.25 × 10−2 mol L−1s −1 )
would be completed in
3 × 10−2 mol L−1s −1 ) and ( 3.25 × 10−2 mol L−1s −1 )
a) 20 minutes b) 30 minutes
c) (1.3 × 10 mol L s ) and ( 3.25 × 10 mol Lc)s 35
−1 −1 −1 −2 −1 −1
) minutes d) 75 minutes
× 10−1 mol L−1s −1 ) and ( 3.25 × 10−2 mol L−1s −1 )
23. The half life period of a radioactive
d) None of these element is 140 days. After 560 days , 1 g
19. During the decomposition of H2O2 to of element will be reduced to
give dioxygen, 48 g O2 is formed per  1  1
minute at certain point of time. The rate a)   g b)  4  g
 2
of formation of water at this point is
 1
c)  1  g d)  16  g
a) 0.75 mol min−1  8
b) 1.5 mol min−1 24. The correct difference between first and
c) 2.25 mol min−1 second order reactions is that (NEET)

d) 3.0 mol min−1 a) A first order reaction can be

catalysed; a second order reaction
20. If the initial concentration of the reactant
cannot be catalysed.
is doubled, the time for half reaction
is also doubled. Then the order of the b) The half life of a first order reaction
reaction is does not depend on [A0]; the half
life of a second order reaction does
a) Zero b) one
depend on [A0].
c) Fraction d) none
c) The rate of a first order reaction
21. In a homogeneous reaction does not depend on reactant
A →  B + C + D , the initial pressure concentrations; the rate of a second
was P0 and after time t it was P. expression order reaction does depend on
for rate constant in terms of P0 , P and t reactant concentrations.
will be
d) The rate of a first order reaction does
 2.303   2P0  depend on reactant concentrations;
a) k =  log
 t   3P −P 
the rate of a second order reaction
does not depend on reactant
 2.303   2P0  concentrations.
b) k =   log 
 t   P0 −P 
25. After 2 hours, a radioactive substance
 2.303   3P0 −P  th
c) k =  log  1
 t   2P  becomes   of original amount.
 16 


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Then the half life ( in min) is (iv) Concentration of [A] is reduced to
a) 60 minutes b) 120 minutes
1( )
3 and concentration of [L] is
c) 30 minutes d) 15 minutes quadrupled.
Answer the following questions: 11. The rate of formation of a dimer in a second
order reaction is 7.5 × 10 mol L s at
−3 −1 −1
1. Define average rate and instantaneous
rate. 0.05 mol L−1 monomer concentration.
Calculate the rate constant.
2. Define rate law and rate constant.
3. Derive integrated rate law for a zero 12. For a reaction x + y + z →  products
the rate law is given by rate = k [x ] 2 [ y ] 2
order reaction A →
 product .
4. Define half life of a reaction. Show what is the overall order of the reaction
that for a first order reaction half life is and what is the order of the reaction with
independent of initial concentration. respect to z.
5. What is an elementary reaction? Give 13. Explain briefly the collision theory of
the differences between order and bimolecular reactions.
molecularity of a reaction.
14. Write Arrhenius equation and explains
6. Explain the rate determining step with the terms involved.
an example.
15. The decomposition of Cl2O7 at 500K in
7. Describe the graphical representation of the gas phase to Cl2 and O2 is a first order
first order reaction. reaction. After 1 minute at 500K, the
8. Write the rate law for the following pressure of Cl2O7 falls from 0.08 to 0.04
reactions. atm. Calculate the rate constant in s-1.
(a) A reaction that is 3/2 order in x and 16. Hydrolysis of methyl acetate in aqueous
zero order in y. solution has been studied by titrating
the liberated acetic acid against sodium
(b) A reaction that is second order in
hydroxide. The concentration of an ester
NO and first order in Br2.
at different temperatures is given below.
9. Explain the effect of catalyst on reaction
17. Explain pseudo first order reaction with
rate with an example.
an example.
10. The rate law for a reaction of A, B and 3C
18. Identify the order for the following
has been found to be rate = k [A ] [B ][L ] 2

. How would the rate of reaction change
when (i) Rusting of Iron
(ii) Radioactive disintegration of 92 U
(i) Concentration of [L] is quadrupled
 products ; rate = k [A ] 2 [B ]
1 2
(ii) Concentration of both [A] and [B] (iii) 2A + 3B →
are doubled 19. A gas phase reaction has energy of
(iii) Concentration of [A] is halved activation 200 kJ mol-1. If the frequency
factor of the reaction is 1.6 × 1013 s −1


XII U7 kinetics - Jerald Folder.indd 230 4/2/2019 11:17:12 AM

10 g L−1 , the volume of N2 gas obtained
. Calculate the rate constant at 600 K.
at 50 °C at different intervals of time was
(e −40.09 = 3.8 × 10−18 ) found to be as under:
20. For the reaction 2x + y → L find the
t (min): 6 12 18 24 30 ∞
rate law from the following data.
Vol. of N2 19.3 32.6 41.3 46.5 50.4 58.3
[x] [y] rate (ml):
(min) (min) (M s-1)
Show that the above reaction follows the
0.2 0.02 0.15 first order kinetics. What is the value of
0.4 0.02 0.30 the rate constant?
0.4 0.08 1.20 29. From the following data, show that the
21. How do concentrations of the reactant decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is
influence the rate of reaction? a reaction of the first order:
22. How do nature of the reactant influence t (min) 0 10 20
rate of reaction.
V (ml) 46.1 29.8 19.3
23. The rate constant for a first order reaction
is 1.54 × 10-3 s-1. Calculate its half life Where t is the time in minutes and V is
time. the volume of standard KMnO4 solution
24. The half life of the homogeneous gaseous required for titrating the same volume of
reaction SO2Cl2 → SO2 + Cl2 which obeys the reaction mixture.
first order kinetics is 8.0 minutes. How 30. A first order reaction is 40% complete
long will it take for the concentration of in 50 minutes. Calculate the value of
SO2Cl2 to be reduced to 1% of the initial the rate constant. In what time will the
value? reaction be 80% complete?
25. The time for half change in a first order
decomposition of a substance A is 60
seconds. Calculate the rate constant.
How much of A will be left after 180
26. A zero order reaction is 20% complete
in 20 minutes. Calculate the value of
the rate constant. In what time will the
reaction be 80% complete?
27. The activation energy of a reaction is 225
k Cal mol-1 and the value of rate constant
at 40°C is 1.8 × 10−5 s −1 . Calculate the
frequency factor, A.
28. Benzene diazonium chloride in aqueous
solution decomposes according to the
equation C 6 H5 N 2Cl →
 C 6 H5Cl + N 2 .
Starting with an initial concentration of


XII U7 kinetics - Jerald Folder.indd 231 4/2/2019 11:17:14 AM

Chemical kinetics

XII U7 kinetics - Jerald Folder.indd 232

Initial rate

factors affecting
Average rate Reaction rate
reaction rate
Instantaneous rate

Rate law Surface area

Zero order [A 0 ] −[A]
reaction t
Order Molecularity Rate constant

First order

2.303 [A ]
Collision theory Temperature k= log 0
dependence of t [A]
rate ( Arrhenius

4/2/2019 11:17:15 AM
ICT Corner


By using this tool you can Please go to the URL

understand collision and the
activation energy. You can also simulation/legacy/reactions-
perform virtual kinetic experiment and-rates
to understand the effect of (or) Scan the QR code on the
temperature on reaction rate. right side

• Open the Browser and type the URL given (or) Scan the QR Code. You can see a webpage
which displays the java applet called reactions and rates. You can click it and you will get a
window as shown in the figure. This applet contains three modules which can be selected by
clicking the appropriate tab (box1).
• Select single collision tab (tab 1) to visualise collision between two molecules. You can visualise
the progress of the reaction (box 5) by varying the temperature using the slider (box 2). You
can visualise that the raise in temperature, will raise the energy of the system and allows the
reactants to cross the energy barrier to form products. You can repeat this simulation with
more molecules in the many collisions tab (box 1).
• You can also perform virtual kinetic experiment, using rate experiments mode. Choose the types
reacting molecules and their stoichiometry using the options provided (box 2). The number of
reactant and product molecules at a given time will be displayed in panel (box-3). You can see
the effect of temperature on reaction rate by varying the temperature (box 4).




XII U7 kinetics - Jerald Folder.indd 233 4/2/2019 11:17:15 AM

Choose the correct answer
1. b) Al 2O3 .nH2O 2. c) SO2   3. c) MgCO3 →
 MgO + CO2
4. b) Al 2O3 5. a) Al
6. d) Carbon and hydrogen are suitable reducing agents for metal sulphides.
7. c) A-iv , B-ii , C-iii , D-i
8. d)Electromagnetic separation
9. b) Cu(s) + Zn 2+ (aq) →
 Zn(s) + Cu 2+ (aq)
10. c) sodium 11. b) Infusible impurities to soluble impurities
12. c) Galena 13. a) Lower the melting point of alumina
14. a) Carbon reduction 15. a) Silver
16. c) Displacement with zinc 17. c) Mg
18. b) van Arkel process 19. d) Both (a) and (c)
20. d) In the metallurgy of gold, the metal is leached with dilute sodium chloride solution
21. b) Impure copper 22. b) Δ G0 Vs T
 ∆ G0 
23. c)  is negative 24. b) Al 2O3 + 2Cr →  Cr2O3 + 2Al
 ∆ T 
25. b) The graph for the formation of CO2 is a straight line almost parallel to free energy axis.

Choose the correct answer:
1. c) basic

Na 2 B4O7 + 7H2O 
 2NaOH + 4H3BO3
Strong base Weak acid


Answers.indd 234 4/2/2019 11:11:05 AM

2. d) accepts OH- from water ,releasing stability of +1 oxidation state decreases
proton. down the group due to inert pair effect

B ( OH )3 + H2O 

 B ( OH ) 4  + H

3. b) B3H6 UNIT-3
nido borane : BnH4+n Choose the correct answer:
aracno borane : BnH6+n
1. a) Nessler’s reagent
B3H6 is not a borane
ability to form pπ − pπ bonds with
2. d) 
4. a) Aluminium
5. c) four
3. d) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
There are two 3c – 2e bonds i.e., the
4. b) P4(white) and PH3
bonding in the bridges account for 4
electrons. 5. b) Nitroso ferrous sulphate
6. c) Lead 6. a) H3PO3
7. c) sp2 hybridised 7. a) H3PO3
8. a) +4 8. b) 2
Example : CH4+ in which the oxidation 9. a) 6N
state of carbon is +4 10. d) Both assertion and reason are wrong.
9. d) ( SiO4 )
The converse is true.
11. b) F2
10.  b) Si O
12. b) HF > HCl > HBr > HI
11.  a) Me3SiCl 13. d) NeF2
12.  d) dry ice 14. c) He
dry ice – solid CO2 in which carbon is 15. c) XeO3
in sp hybridized state
16. c) SO4 2−
13. a) Tetrahedral
17. a) HI
14. d) Feldspar is a three dimensional silicate
18. d) Cl2 > Br2 > F2 > I2
15. b) K 3 [AlF6 ]
19. d) HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4
 K 3 [AlF6 ]
AlF3 + 3KF →
20. c) Cu(NO3)2 and NO2
16. a) A-b , B-1 , C-4 , D-3
17. d) Al,Cu,Mn,Mg
Al-95% , Cu-4% , Mn-0.5% , Mn-0.5%
18. b) graphite
19. a) Metal borides
20. a) Al < Ga < In < Tl


Answers.indd 235 4/2/2019 11:11:12 AM

Choose the correct answer:
1. b) in case of Sc, 3d orbital are partially filled but in Zn these are completely filled
2. a) Cr
Cr ⇒ [Ar ]3d 5 4s1
3. a) Ti
4. c) Ni2+
5. a) 5.92BM
Mn2+ ⇒ 3d 5contains 5 unpaired electrons
n=5 ; …= n(n + 2)BM
…= 5(5 + 2) = 35 = 5.92 BM
6. b) Ti4+
Ti4+ contains no unpaired electrons in d orbital, hence no d-d transition.
7. c) their ability to adopt variable oxidation states
8. a) VO2+ < Cr2O7 2−< MnO4 −
+5 +6 +7
V O2+ < Cr 2 O7 2−< MnO4 − greater the oxidation state, higher is the oxidising power
9. d) brass
Brass contains 70% Cu + 30% Zn
10. b) (NH4)2Cr2O7
 3
2K 2Cr2O7  → 2K 2CrO4 + Cr2O3 +   O2
 2
( NH4 )2 Cr2O7 
→ Cr2O3 + 4H2O + N 2
 3
KClO3  → KCl +   O2
 2
Zn ( ClO3 )2 
→ ZnCl 2 + 3O2
11. b) Carbon dioxide
5 ( COO )2 + 2MnO4 − + 16H+ 
→ 2Mn2+ + 10CO2 ↑ + 8H2O
12. b) Na2Cr2O7 is preferred over K2Cr2O7 in volumetric analysis
13. b) Mn2+
MnO4 − + 8H+ + 5e − →
 Mn2+ + 4H2O
14. a) Na 2SO3 , SO2 , Cr2 ( SO4 )3


Answers.indd 236 4/2/2019 11:11:21 AM

Na 2S2O3 + 2HCl →
 2NaCl + SO2 ↑ + S ↓ + H2 O
(A) (B) yellow ppt
 K 2SO4 + Cr2 ( SO4 )3 + H2O
K 2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 + 3SO2 →
(C )

15. a) BrO3 , MnO2
2MnO4 − + Br − + H2O →
 2OH− + 2MnO2 + BrO3 −
16. c) 3
 4K 2SO4 + Cr2 ( SO4 )3 + 7H2O + 3I2
K 2Cr2O7 + 6KI + 7H2SO4 →
17. c) 0.6
7+ +2 +3 +4
Mn O4 − + FeC 2 O4 →
 Mn2+ + Fe3+ + 2C O2
5 e − acception 3e − release

5 moles of FeC 2O4 ≡ 3 moles of KMnO4

 3
1 mole of FeC 2O4 ≡   moles of KMnO 4
 5
1 mole of FeC 2O4 ≡ 0.6 moles of KMnO4

18. a) MnO2 , Cl 2 , NCl 3

MnO2 + 4HCl →
 MnCl 2 + Cl 2 ↑ + H2O
(A) (B)
NH3 + 3Cl 2 →
 NCl 3 + 3HCl
(C )
19. c) All the lanthanons are much more reactive than aluminium.
As we move from La to Lu , their metallic behaviour because almost similar to that of
20. b) Yb2+
Yb2+ - 4f14 –no unpaired electrons - diamagnetic
21. d) 3
22. a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
23. c) +4
24. a) Np, Pu ,Am
25. a) La(OH)2 is less basic than Lu(OH)3


Answers.indd 237 4/2/2019 11:11:26 AM

Choose the correct answer:
1. In the complex M ( en )2 ( Ox )  Cl For the central metal ion M3+
The primary valance is = +3
The secondary valance = 6
sum of primary valance and secondary valance = 3+6 = 9
Answer : option (d)
2. The complex is M ( H2O )5 Cl  Cl 2
1000 ml of 1M solution of the complex gives 2 moles of Cl − ions
1000 ml of 0.01M solution of the complex will give
100 ml × 0.01M × 2Cl −
= 0.002 moles of Cl −ions
1000 ml × 1M
Answer : option (b)
3. Molecular formula: MSO4Cl. 6H2O .
Formation of white precipitate with Barium chloride indicates that SO4 2− ions are outside
the coordination sphere, and no precipitate with AgNO3 solution indicates that the Cl −
ions are inside the coordination sphere.Since the coordination number of M is 6, Cl and

5 H2O are ligands, remaining 1 H2O molecular and SO4 are in the outer coordination

Answer : option (c)
+ +

4. Fe ( H2O )5 NO SO4

 
+1 and +1 respectively
Answer : option(d)
5. Answer : option(d)
6. Answer : option(d)
7. Answer : option(c)
Ti 4+ ( d 0 ⇒ 0BM )
Co2+ d 7spin free ⇒ t 2 g 5 , e g 2 ; n = 3 ; µ = 3.9 BM )
Cu 2+ (d Low spin ⇒ t
, e g 3 ; n = 1 ; µ = 1.732 BM )
Ni 2+ (d Low spin ⇒ t
, e g 2 ; n = 2 ; µ = 2.44 BM )
8. Answer : option(b)
The electronic configuration t 2 g 3 , e g 2
3 × ( −0.4 ) + 2 ( 0.6 )  ∆ 0


Answers.indd 238 4/2/2019 11:11:37 AM

[−1.2 + 1.2 ]∆
=0 0
9. Answer : option(a)
In all the complexes, the central metal ion is Co3+, among the given ligands CN − is the
strongest ligand, which causes large crystal field splitting i.e maximum ∅0
10. Answer : option(b)
en en M en

Cl N Cl N N Cl
Co Co Co
N Cl Cl N N Cl

en en en
inactive Active forms ( enantiomorphs)

Complexes given in other options (a), (c) and (d) have symmetry elements and hence they
are optically inactive.
11. Answer : option(d)
Cl NH3 H3N Cl
Pt Pt
Cl NH3 Cl NH3

12. Three isomers. If we consider any one of the ligands as reference ( say Py), the arrangement
of other three ligands ( NH3, Br- and Cl-) with respect to (Py) gives three geometrical
13. Answer : option(c)
(a)coordination isomers
(b) no isomerism ( different molecular formula)
(c) ← NCS , ← SCN coordinating atom differs : linkage isomers
14. Answer : option(a)
For [MA 4 B2 ] complexes-geometrical isomerism is possible

 Co ( NH3 ) Br2  Cl 

 4 
  → ionisation isomers
 Co ( NH3 ) 4 Br Cl  Br 
15. Answer : option(d)
Option (a) and (b) – geometrical isomerism is possible
Option (c) – ionization isomerism is possible
Option (d) – no possibility to show either constitutional isomerism or stereo isomerism
16. Answer : option(c)
(a) Fe2+ (b) Fe3+ (c) Fe0


Answers.indd 239 4/2/2019 11:11:41 AM

17. Answer : option(d)

Fe ( en )3  ( PO4 )
  3−

18. Answer : option(c)

(a) Zn2+ ( d10 ⇒ diamagnetic )
(b) Co3+ d 6 Low spin ⇒ t 2 g 6 , e g 0 ; diamagnetic )
(c) Ni 2+
(d Low spin ⇒ t
, e g ; paramagnetic
(d) [Ni(CN)4 ] ( dsp ; square planar, diamagnetic )
2− 2

19. Answer : option(c)

Co ( NH3 )3 (Cl )3 

 
20. Answer : option(d)

V 2+ t 2 g 3 , e g 0 ; CFSE = 3 × (-0.4)∆ 0 = −1.2∆ 0 )

Ti 2+ t 2 g 2 , e g 0 ; CFSE = 2 × (-0.4)∆ 0 = −0.8∆ 0 )
Statements given in option (a) ,(b), and (c) are wrong.
The current statements are
(a) since, the crystal field stabilization is more in octahedral field , octahedral complexes
are more stable than square planar complexes.
(b)  Fe2+ −d 6 High Spin −t 2 g 4 , e g 2 ) 
[FeF ]
− 
 CFSE = 4 × (-0.4) + ( 0.6 ) × 2 + P

 Fe2+ −d 6 Low Spin −t 2 g 6 , e g 0

4− )
Fe ( CN )6  − 
 CFSE = 6 × (-0.4) + 3P 

Choose the correct answer:
1. c) both covalent crystals
2. b) AB3
 N   8
number of A ions =  c  =   = 1
 8   8
 Nf   6
number of B ions =   =   = 3
 2   2
simplest formula AB3
3. b) 1:2
if number of close packed atoms =N; then,
The number of Tetrahedral holes formed = 2N
number of Octahedral holes formed = N
therefore N:2N = 1:2


Answers.indd 240 4/2/2019 11:11:49 AM

4. c) molecular solid =2n
 1
lattice points are occupied by CO2 given that   rd of tetrahedral voids
 3 1
molecules are occupied i.e.,   × 2n are occupied
by N atoms  3
5. a) Both assertion and reason are true
and reason is the correct explanation of
 2
assertion. ∴ M:N ⇒ n :   n
 3
6. c) 8 and 4
 2
1:  
CaF2 has cubical close packed arrangement  3
Ca2+ ions are in face centered cubic 3 : 2 ⇒ M3 N 2
arrangement, each Ca2+ ions is
10. b) 15.05%
surrounded by 8 F − ions and each F −
ion is surrounded by 4 Ca2+ ions. let
Therefore coordination number of Ca2+ the number of Fe2+ ions in the crystal be x
is 8 and of F − is 4 the number of Fe3+ ions in the crystal be y
7. b) 6.023 × 1022 total number of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions is
in bcc unit cell, x+ y
2 atoms ≡ 1 unit cell given that x + y = 0.93
Number of atoms in 8g of element is , the total charge =0
8g x ( 2 + ) + ( 0.93 −x ) (+ 3) −2 = 0
Number of moles = = 0.2 mol
40 g mol −1 2 x + 2.97 −3x −2 = 0
1 mole contains 6.023 × 1023 atoms x = 0.79
0.2 mole contains 0.2 × 6.023 × 1023 atoms Percentage of Fe3+
 1unit cell   ( 0.93 −0.79 ) 
 2 atoms  × 0.2 × 6.023 × 10
23 =  100 = 15.05%
 ( 0.93) 
6.023 × 1022 unit cells 11. c) 6
8. a) 8 rC 0.98 × 10−10
= = 0.54
in diamond carbon forming fcc. Carbon rA 1.81 × 10−10

occupies corners and face centres and it is in the range of 0.414 - 0.732 ,
also occupying half of the tetrahedral hence the coordination number of each
voids. ion is 6
 Nc   N f 
 8  +  2  + 4 C atoms inTd voids  3
  12. d)  2  × 400pm
 
 8  6
 8  +  2  + 4 = 8

9. d) M3N2
if the total number of M atoms is n,
then the number of tetrahedral voids

Answers.indd 241 4/2/2019 11:12:02 AM

3 a = rCs + 2rCl + rCs a
+ − +
sc ⇒ 2r = a ⇒ r =
 3 2

 
 2  a = rCs + rCl + − ) bcc ⇒ 4r = 3a ⇒ r =
 3 2a a
 2  400 = inter ionic distance fcc ⇒ 4r = 2a ⇒ r = =
  4 2 2
 a   3a   a 
 100   2  :  4  :  
13. a)  0.414    2 2
= 0.414

for an fcc structure  3

ry −
19. d)   a
given that rX = 100 pm
 2 
if a is the length of the side, then the
100 pm
ry =
− length of the leading diagonal passing
through the body centered atom is 3a
14. c) 32%
 3
packing efficiency = 68% Required distance =   a
 2 
therefore empty space percentage =
(100-68) = 32% 20. a) 915 kg m-3
15. b) 848.5pm n × M
a 3NA
let edge length =a
2a = 4r for bcc
4 × 300 n=
n = 22
2 M=39
a = 600 × 1.414 nearest
nearest distance
distance 2r
2r =
= 4.52
a = 848.4 pm 44rr 22 × × 44..52
52 ×
× 10

 π aa =
= 3= = 3
= 55..21
21 ×
× 100−−10
1 10

16. b)   3 3
 6 22 × 39
ρ × 39
 43 πr 3   3 π  a2    π  ((55..21 10 ) 3 × ( 6.023 × 1023 )
3 3
21 × 10−−10
) × ( 6.023 × 10 )
4   23
× 10
 a 3  =  a 3  =  6  ρ
915 Kg
= 915 Kg mm −3
 
17. a) excitation of electrons in F centers NA
1 3 1  21. b) equal number of anions and anions
18. c)  a : a: a are missing from the lattice
2 4 2 2 
22. c) Frenkel defect
23. d) Both assertion and reason are false
24. b) FeO
25. a) XY8


Answers.indd 242 4/2/2019 11:12:12 AM

Choose the correct answer:
1. option (c)
 2.303   [A 0 ]
k=  log
 t   A 
 [ ]
 1  [A ]
k =   ln  0 
 t   [A ] 
 [A ]
e kt =  0 
 [A ] 
[A ]= [A ]e 0

In this case
k = x min−1 and [A 0 ] = 0.01M = 1 × 10−2 M
t = 1 hour = 60 min
[A ] = 1 × 10−2 ( e−60 x )

2. option (c)
22n−1 −
for n
for n≠≠ 11 =
tt 112 =
n-1)) kk [[A
(( n-1 A 0 ]]n−1
for n
for n== 00 tt 1 =
22 kk [[A
A 0 ]]
12 −1

tt 1 =
[[AA0 ]]
= 0 22 kk
tt 1 α
α [[A
A 00 ]] −−−−−
[[AA00 ]] == 00..02
02MM ;; tt 112 =
= 10
10 min
[[AA ]] == 00..04
04MM ;; tt 1
= ??
substitute in
in (1)
10 min α 0.02M −−−−−
10 min α 0.02M −−−−−((22))
tt 1 α
0.04M −−−−−
α 0.04M −−−−−((33))
((22 ))
tt 1
⇒ = 04 M
⇒ 10 min
= 0.02 M
10 min 0.02 M
tt 1 == 22 ×
× 10 min =
10 min = 20
20 min


Answers.indd 243 4/2/2019 11:12:14 AM

3. option (b)
E 
− a 
 RT 
k= Ae
 E  1
ln k = ln A − a   
 R  T
this equation is in the form of a straight line equatoion
 1
a plot of lnk vs   is a straight line with negative slope
 T

4. option(d)
For a first order reaction
t1 =
2 k
2 does not depend on the initial concentration and it remains constant (whatever may

be the initial concentration)

t 1 = 2.5 hrs

5. option(c)
 −1 d [NH3 ] d [N 2 ]  1  d [H2 ]
Rate =   = = 
 2  dt dt  3  dt
 1  1
 2  k1 [NH3 ] = k 2 [NH3 ] =  3  k 3 [NH3 ]
 3
 2  k1 = 3k 2 = k 3
1.5 k1 = 3k 2 = k 3

6. option(c)
Given :
At low pressure the reaction follows first order, therefore
Rate α[reactant ]

Rate α ( surface area )

At high pressure due to the complete coverage of surface area, the reaction follows zero
Rate α[reactant ]

Therefore the rate is independent of surface area.


Answers.indd 244 4/2/2019 11:12:20 AM

7. option(b)
rate = k [A ]

−d [A ]
rate =
mol L−1
unit of rate = = mol L−1s −1

unit of rate constant =

( mol L−1s −1 )
= mol1−n Ln−1s −1
( mol L )
−1 n

in this case
rate = k [Acetone ] 2
n= 3
( 2 ) ( 3 2 )−1
1− 3
mol L s −1
−( 1 ) (1 )
mol 2 L 2 s −1
8. option(b)
A catalyst provides a new path to the reaction with low activation energy. i.e., it lowers
the activation energy.
9. option(a)
In zero order reactions, increase in the concentration of reactant does not alter the rate.
So statement (i) is wrong.
E 
− a 
 RT 
k= Ae
if Ea = 0 so, statement (ii) is correct, and statement (iii) is wrong
k= Ae 0

k= A
 E  1
ln k = ln A − a   
 R  T
this equation is in the form of a straight line equatoion
 1
a plot of lnk vs   is a straight line with negative slope
 T
so statements (iv) and (v) are wrong.


Answers.indd 245 4/2/2019 11:12:22 AM

10. option(d)

(Ea)f = y kJ mol-1
(Ea)b = (x + y) kJ mol-1

x kJ mol-1

( x + y ) kJmol −1
( x + y ) × 103 Jmol −1
11. option(c)
T1 = 200K ; k = k1
T2 = 400K ; k = k 2 = 2k1
 k  2.303 Ea  T2 −T1 
log  2  =  T T 
 k1  R 1 2

2k  2.303 Ea  400 K −200K 

log  1  = −1  
 k1  8.314 J K mol  200K × 400K 

0.3010 × 8.314 J mol −1 × 200 × 400

Ea =
2.303 × 200
Ea = 434.65 J mol

12. option(b)
 2.303   [A ]
k=   log  0 
 t   [A ] 
 2.303   0.25 
2.303 × 10-2 hour −1 =  log
 1806 min   A 
 [ ]
 2.303 × 10-2 hour −1 × 1806 min   0.25 
  = log  A 

2.303  [ ]
 1806 × 10-2   0.25 
  = log  
60  [A ] 
 0.25 
0.301 = log  
 [A ] 
 0.25 
log 2 = log  
 [A ] 
 0.25 
2=  
 [A ] 
 0.25 
[A ] =  2 
= 0.125M

Answers.indd 246 4/2/2019 11:12:24 AM

 2.303   0.25 
2.303 × 10-2 hour −1 =   log  
 1806 min   [A ] 
 2.303 × 10-2 hour −1 × 1806 min   0.25 
  = log  A 
2.303  [ ]
 1806 × 10-2   0.25 
  = log  
60   [A ] 
 0.25 
0.301 = log  
 [A ] 
 0.25 
log 2 = log  
 [A ] 
 0.25 
2=  
 [A ] 
 0.25 
[A ] =  2 
= 0.125M

13. option(b)
 2.303   [A ]
k=   log  0 
 t   [A ] 
[A ]= 100 ; [A ]=25

 2.303   100 
6.909 =   log 
 t   25 
 2.303 
t=  log ( 4 )
 6.909 
 1
t =   log 22
 3
 2
t =   log 2
 3

14. option(c)
 1  [A ]
k =   ln  0 
 t   [A ] 
[A ]=0.1 ; [A ]=0.05

 
1  0. 1 
k =   ln  
 t 1   0.05 

 
k =   ln ( 2 )
 t 1 

ln ( 2 )
t1 =
2 k


Answers.indd 247 4/2/2019 11:12:25 AM

15. option(b) 18. option(c)
rate1 = k [0.1] [0.1] −−−−−(1)
n m
d [N 2O5 ]  1  d [NO2 ] 2 d [O2 ]
Rate = =  =
rate2 = k [0.2 ] [0.1] −−−−−(2)
n m dt  2  dt dt

(2) Given that

(1) d [[N
d O55 ]] = 6.5 × 10−−22 mol L−−11s −−11
N 22O
= 6.5 × 10 mol L s
2 x k [0.2 ] [0.1]
n m
x k [0.1]n [0.1]m d [[NO
d NO22 ]] = 2 × 6.5 × 10−−22 = 1.3 × 10−−11 mol L−−11s −−11
dt = 2 × 6.5 × 10 = 1.3 × 10 mol L s
2x dt
d [O
= 2n ∴ n =1
[O22 ]] == 66..55 ×× 10
x d 10−2 = 3.25 × 10−−22 mol L−−11s −−11
dt 22 = 3.25 × 10 mol L s
rate3 = k [0.1] [0.2 ] −−−−−(3)
n m

19. option(d)
rate4 = k [0.2 ] [0.2 ] −−−−−(4)
n m

H2O2 →
 H2O + 12 O2
(2) −d [H2O2 ] d [H2O ] 2d [O2 ]
Rate = = =
dt dt dt
8 x k [0.2 ] [0.2 ]
n m

=  48 
2 x k [0.2 ]n [0.1]m no of moles of oxygen =   = 1.5 mol
 32 
= 2m ∴ m =2 ∴ rate of formation of oxygen = 2 × 1.5 = 3 mol min-1
∴ rate = k [A ] [B ] 20. option(a)
1 2

For a first order reaction 12 is independent of
16. option(c)
initial concentration .i.e., ∴ n ≠ 1; for such cases
For a first reaction, If the 1
t1 α
concentration of reactant is n−1 ------- (1)
doubled, then the rate of reaction
[A0 ]
also doubled. If [A0] = 2[A0] ; then t 12 = 2t 12
Rate constant is independent of
concentration and is a constant 1
2 t1 α
at a constant temperature, 2
[2 A0 ]n−1 ------ (2)
17. option(a) (2) ⇒
The unit of rate constant is s-1 (1)
and it indicates that the reaction
[A ]
is first order. 2= × 0

[2A ]

[A ]

2= 0

[2A ]


Answers.indd 248 4/2/2019 11:12:32 AM

 1
2=  
 2
2 = ( 2−1 )

21 = ( 2−n+1 )
n= 0
21. Answer : option(a)
A →
 B C D
Initial a 0 0 0

Reacted at time t x x x x

After time t (a −x ) x x x

Total number of moles = (a + 2x )

a α P0
(a + 2x ) α P
a P
= 0
(a + 2x ) P
( P −P ) a0

 ( P −P0 ) a 
(a −x ) = a −
 2P  0

 3P0 −P 
(a −x ) = a  
 2P0 
 2.303 
k= 
[A ]
log 0

 t  [A ]
 2.303   a 
k=   log 
 t   a −x 
 
 a 
 2.303   
k=  log
 t    3P0 −P  
 a 
  2P0  
 2.303   2P0 
k=  log
 t   3P −P 


Answers.indd 249 4/2/2019 11:12:39 AM

22. Answer : option(d)5
t 75% = 2t 50%
 t   60 
t 50% =  75%  =   = 30 min
 2   2
23. Answer : option(d)
 11 
in140 days ⇒
in140 days ⇒ initial
initial concentration
concentration reduced
reduced to
to  2  gg
 2
 11 
in 2280
in days ⇒
80 days ⇒ initial
initial concentration
concentration reduced to  4  gg
reduced to
 4
 11 
in days ⇒
in 442200 days ⇒ initial
initial concentration
concentration reduced to  8  gg
reduced to
 8
in ⇒ initial  11  g
in 56
5600 days
days ⇒ initial concentration
concentration reduced
reduced to
 16
16  g

24. Answer : option(b)

For a first order reaction
t1 =
2 k
For a second order reaction
2n−1 −1
t1 =
( n-1) k [A0 ]

n= 2
22−1 −1
t1 =
(2-1) k [A0 ]
2 −1

t1 =
2 k [A 0 ]

25. Answer : option(c)

t1  1 t 1  1  t 1  1 t 1  1 
1  2 →    2 →    2 →    2 →  
 2  4  8  16 
∴ 4 t 1 = 2 hours

t 1 = 30 min


Answers.indd 250 4/2/2019 11:12:41 AM

Answer the following:
10 solution
Rate = k [A ] [B ][L ] 2 -----(1)

(i) when [L ] = [4L ]

Rate = k [A ] [B ][4L ] 2

( 3
Rate = 8 k [A ] [B ][L ] 2 -----(2)
Comparing (1) and (2) ; rate is increased by 8 times.
(ii) when [A ] = [2A ]and [B ] = [2B ]
Rate = k [2A ] [2B ][L ] 2

( 3
Rate = 8 k [A ] [B ][L ] 2 -----(3)
Comparing (1) and (3) ; rate is increased by 8 times.
(iii) when [A ] =  
A 3
Rate = k   [B ][L ] 2
 1
 4 ( 2 3
Rate =   k [A ] [B ][L ] 2 -----(4) )
Comparing (1) and (4) ; rate is reduced to ¼ times.
(iv ) when [A ] =   and [L ] = [4L ]
A 3
Rate = k   [B ][4L ] 2
 8
 9 ( 2 3
Rate =   k [A ] [B ][L ] 2 -----(5) )
Comparing (1) and (5) ; rate is reduced to 8/9 times.
11. solution
Let us consider the dimerisation of a monomer M
2M →  ( M )2
Rate= k [M ]

Given that n=2 and [M] = 0.05 mol L-1

Rate = 7.5 X 10-3 mol L-1s-1


Answers.indd 251 4/2/2019 11:12:43 AM

[M ]

7.5 × 10−3
k= = 3 mol −1Ls −1

12. Solution
 3  1
rate = k [x ]  2 
[y] 2 

 3 1
overall order =  +  = 2
 2 2
i.e., second order reaction.
Since the rate expression does not contain the concentration of z , the reaction is zero order
with respect to z.

15. Solution:

2.303 [A ]
log 0
t [A ]
[0.08 ]
1 min [0.04 ]
k = 2.303 log 2
k = 2.303 × 0.3010
k = 0.6932 min−1
 0.6932  −1
k=  s
 60 
k = 1.153 × 10−2 s −1
19. Solution
E 
− a 
 RT 
k= Ae
 200 ×103 J mol −1 
− −1 −1 
13 −1  8.314 JK mol × 600 K 
k = 1.6 × 10 s e
k = 1.6 × 1013s −1 e −( 40.1)
k = 1.6 × 1013s −1 × 3.8 × 10−18
k = 6.21 × 10−5s −1


Answers.indd 252 4/2/2019 11:12:46 AM

20. Solution For a first order reaction,
rate = k [x ] [ y ]
n m

2.303 [A ]
log 0
0.15 = k [0.2 ] [0.02 ] −−−−−(1)
n m k [A ]
0.30 = k [0.4 ] [0.02 ] −−−−−(2)
n m
2.303  100 
t= log  1 
1.20 = k [0.4 ] [0.08 ] −−−−−(3) 0.087 min −1
n m

t = 52.93 min
(2 )
1.2 k [0.4 ] [0.08 ]
n m
25 Solution:
0.3 k [0.4 ]n [0.02 ]m i) Order of a reaction = 1; t1/2 = 60 ;
seconds, k = ?
 [0.08 ]

4=  
 [0.02 ]
We know that, k =
4 = (4)

∴ m =1 k= = 0.01155 s −1
(2) ii) [A 0 ] = 100% t = 180 s , k = 0.01155
(1) seconds-1, [A ] = ?
0.30 k [0.4 ] [0.02 ]
n m
For the first order reaction
0.15 k [0.2 ]n [0.02 ]m 2.303 [A ]
k= log 0
 [0.4 ]
t [A ]
2=    100 
 [0.2 ]
0.01155 = log  
180  [A ] 
2 = (2)

∴ n =1 0.01155 × 180  100 

= log  
Rate = k [x ] [ y ] 2.303  [A ] 
1 1

0.15 = k [0.2 ] [0.02 ]

1 1

0.9207 = log100 −log [A ]

=k log [A ] = log100 −0.9207
[0.2 ] [0.02]
1 1

log [A ] = 2 −0.9207
k = 37.5 mol L s −1 −1
log [A ] = 1.0973
[A ] = antilog of (1.0973)
[A ] = 12.5%
We know that, t1/2 = 0.693/ k
26 Solution:
t1/2 = 0.693/1.54x 10-3 s-1 = 450 s
i) Let A = 100M, [A0]–[A] = 20M,
For the zero order reaction
We know that, k = 0.693/ t1/2  [A ] −[A ]
k=  0 
k = 0.693/ 8.0 minutes = 0.087 minutes-1  t


Answers.indd 253 4/2/2019 11:12:57 AM

 20M   E 
k=   = 1 Mmin−1 log A = logk +  a
 20min  
 2.303RT 
Rate constant for a reaction = 1Mmin-1
 
log A = log (1.8 × 10−5 ) + 
ii) To calculate the time for 80% of
completion  2.303 × 1.987 × 313 
log A = log (1.8 ) −5 + (15.7089 )
k = 1Mmin-1, [A0] = 100M, [A0]-[A] =
80M, t = ? log A = 10.9642
Therefore, A = antilog (10.9642 )

 [A ] −[A ]  80M  A = 9.208 × 1010 collisions s −1

t=  0  =  1Mmin-1  = 80min 28.Solution:
 k
For a first order reaction
27 Solution:
Here, we are given that k=
2.303 [A ]
log 0
Ea = 22.5 kcal mol-1 = 22500 cal mol-1
t [A ]
T = 40°C = 40 + 273 = 313 K 2.303 V∞
k= log
k = 1.8 × 10-5 sec-1 t V∞ - Vt
Substituting the values in the In the present case, V∞ = 58.3 ml.
The value of k at different time can be
calculated as follows:

2.303 V°
t (min) Vt V∞ - Vt log
t V° - Vt

2.303  58.3 
6 19.3 58.3-19.3 = 39.0 k= log   = 0.0670 min-1
6  39 

2.303  58.3 
12 32.6 58.3-32.6 = 25.7 k= log  = 0.0683 min-1
12  25.7 

2.303  58.3 
18 41.3 58.3-41.3 = 17.0 k= log  = 0.0685 min-1
18  17 

2.303  58.3 
24 46.5 58.3-46.5 = 11.8 k= log  = 0.0666 min-1
24  11.8 


Answers.indd 254 4/2/2019 11:13:04 AM

Since the value of k comes out to be nearly constant, the given reaction is of the first
order. The mean value of k = 0.0676 min-1


2.303 [A ]
log 0
t [A ]
 2.303  V 
k=   log  0 
 t   Vt 

In the present case, Vo = 46.1 ml.

The value of k at each instant can be calculated as follows:

 2.303   V0 
t (min) Vt k= 
 t 
log  V 

2.303  46.1
10 29.8 k= log   = 0.0436 min-1
10  29.8 

2.303  46.1
20 19.3 k= log  = 0.0435 min-1
20  19.3 

Thus, the value of k comes out to be nearly constant. Hence it is a reaction of the first
30. Solution:

i) For the first order reaction k =

2.303 [A ]
log 0
t [A ]
Assume, [A0] = 100 %, t = 50 minutes
Therefore, [A] = 100 – 40 = 60
k = (2.303 / 50) log (100 / 60)
k = 0.010216 min-1
Hence the value of the rate constant is 0.010216 min-1
ii) t = ?, when the reaction is 80% completed,
[A] = 100 – 80 = 20 %
From above, k = 0.010216 min-1
t = (2.303 / 0.010216) log (100 / 20)
t = 157.58 min
The time at which the reaction will be 80% complete is 157.58 min.


Answers.indd 255 4/2/2019 11:13:07 AM


I-ORGANIC QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS Experiment Observation Inference

Preliminary tests
1 Odour: (i) Fish odour (i) May be an amine
Note the Odour of the organic (ii) Bitter almond odour (ii) May be benzaldehyde
(iii) Phenolic odour (iii) May be phenol
(iv) Pleasant fruity (iv) May be an ester
2 Test with litmus paper: (i) Blue litmus turns red (i) M  ay be a carboxylic acid
Touch the Moist litmus paper or phenol
with an organic compound. (ii)  Red litmus turns (ii) May be an amine
Absence of carboxylic
(iii) No colour change is acid , phenol and amine
3 Action with sodium (i) Brisk effervescence (i) P
 resence of a carboxylic
bicarbonate: acid.
(ii) No brisk
Take 2 ml of saturated sodium effervescence (ii) A
 bsence of a carboxylic
bi carbonate solution in a test acid.
tube. Add 2 or 3 drops (or a
pinch of solid) of an organic
compound to it.
4 Action with Borsche’s reagent: yellow or orange or red Presence of an aldehyde or
Take a small amount of an precipitate ketone
organic compound in a test
tube. Add 3 ml of Borsche’s
reagent, 1 ml of Conc HCl to it,
then warm the mixture gently
and cool it.


organic analysis.indd 256 4/2/2019 11:15:15 AM

5 Charring test: Charring takes place with Presence of carbohydrate
Take a small amount of an smell of burnt sugar
organic compound in a dry test
tube. Add 2 ml of conc H2SO4
to it, and heat the mixture.
Tests for Aliphatic or Aromatic nature:
6 Ignition test: (i) B  urn with sooty (i) P
 resence of an aromatic
Take small amount of the flame compound
organic compound in a Nickel (ii) P
 resence of an aliphatic
spatula and burn it in Bunsen (ii) Burns with non compound
flame. sooty flame
Tests for an unsaturation:
7 Test with bromine water: (i) O  range - yellow (i) Substance is
Take small amount of the colour of unsaturated.
organic compound in a test bromine water is
tube add 2 ml of distilled water decolourised
to dissolve it. To this solution (ii) No Decolourisation (ii) Substance is saturated.
add few drops of bromine water takes place
and shake it well.
(iii) Decolourisation (iii) Presence of an aromatic
with formation of amine or phenol.
white precipitate.
8 Test with KMnO4 solution: (i) P  ink colour of (i) Substance is
Take small amount of the KmnO4 solution is unsaturated.
organic compound in a test decolourised
tube add 2 ml of distilled water (ii) No Decolourisation (ii) Substance is
to dissolve it. To this solution takes place unsaturated.
add few drops of very dilute
alkaline KmnO4 solution and
shake it well.


Test For Phenol

9 Neutral FeCl3 test: (i) V  iolet colouration is (i) Presence of phenol.
Take 1 ml of neutral ferric seen
chloride solution is taken in a (ii)  violet – blue (ii) P resence of α–naphthol
dry clean test tube. Add 2 or colouration is seen
3 drops (or a pinch of solid) (iii) P resence of β– naphthol
oforganic compound to it. If no (iii) green colouration is
colouration occurs add 3 or 4 seen
drops of alcohol.


organic analysis.indd 257 4/2/2019 11:15:16 AM

10 Esterification reaction: A Pleasant fruity odour is Presence of carboxylic group.
Take 1 ml (or a pinch of solid) noted.
of an organic compoundin
a clean test tube. Add 1 ml of
ethyl alcohol and 4 to 5 drops
of conc. sulphuric acid to it.
Heat the reaction mixture
strongly for about 5 minutes.
Then pour the mixture into a
beaker containing dil. Sodium
carbonate solution and note the
Test for aldehydes.
11 Tollen’s reagent test: Shining silver mirror is Presence of an aldehyde
Take 2 ml of Tollen’s reagent in formed.
a clean dry test tube. Add 3-4
drops of an organic compound
(or 0.2 g of solid) to it, and
warm the mixture on a water
bath for about 5 minutes.
12 Fehling’s test: Red precipitate is formed. Presence of an aldehyde
Take 1 ml each of Fehling’s
solution A and B are taken in
a test tube. Add 4-5 drops of
an organic compound (or 0.2g
of solid) to it, and warm the
mixture on a water bath for
about 5 minutes.
Test for ketones
13 Legal’s test: Red colouration. Presence of a ketone.
A small amount of the
substance is taken in a test tube.
1 ml sodium nitro prusside
solution is added. Then sodium
hydroxide solution is added
Test for an amine.


organic analysis.indd 258 4/2/2019 11:15:16 AM

14 Dye test: Scarlet red dye is Presence of an aromatic
Take A small amount of an obtained. primary amine
organic substance in a clean
test tube, add 2 ml of HCl to
dissolve it. Add few crystals of
NaNO2, and cool the mixture
in ice bath. Then add 2 ml of ice
cold solution of β-naphtholin
Test for diamide
15 Biuret test: Violet colour is appeared. presence of a diamide
Take A small amount of an
organic compound in a test
tube. Heat strongly and then
allow to cool. Dissolve the
residue with 2 ml of water.
To this solution Add 1 ml of
dilute copper sulphate solution
and few drops of 10% NaOH
solution drop by drop.
Test for carbohydrates
16 Molisch’s test: Violet or purple ring is Presence of carbohydrate
Take A small amount of an formed at the junction of
organic compound in a test the two liquids.
tube. It is dissolved in 2 ml of
water. Add 3-4 drops of alpha
naphthol to it.Then add conc
H2SO4 through the sides of test
tube carefully.
17 Osazone test: Yellow crystals are Presence of carbohydrate
Take A small amount of an obtained
organic compound in a test
tube. Add 1 ml of phenyl
hydrazine solution and heat the
mixture for about 5 minutes on
a boiling water bath.

The given organic compound contains /is
(i) Aromatic / aliphatic
(ii) Saturated / unsaturated
(iii) __________ functional group


organic analysis.indd 259 4/2/2019 11:15:16 AM

List of organic compounds for analysis:

1. Benzaldehyde 5. Benzoic acid 9. Aniline

2. Cinnamaldehyde 6. Cinnamic acid 10. Salicylic acid
3. Acetophenone 7. Urea
4. Benzophenone 8. Glucose


3. Action with sodium bicarbonate:

Carboxylic acids react with sodium bi carbonate and liberate CO2. Evolution of
carbon dioxide gives brisk effervescence.
2R-COOH+ 2NaHCO3 
→ 2R-COONa+CO2 ↑ + H2O

4. Action with Borsches reagent:

Borsches reagent is prepared by dissolving 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in a solution
containing methanol and little of conc sulphuric acid.
Aldehydes and ketones react with borsches reagent to form yellow, orange or red
precipitate (dinitro phenylhydrazone)
Aliphatic carbonyl compounds give deep yellow precipitate.
Aromatic carbonyl compounds give red precipitate.
2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine can be used to qualitatively detect the carbonyl group
of an aldehyde or ketone. A positive result is indicated by the formation of an yellow or
orange-red precipitate of 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazone.


C O + H2N N NO2 C N N NO2


Aldehyde 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazine Aldehyde 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazone

(Yellow or orange)

C O + H2N N NO2 C N N NO2


Ketone 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazine Ketone 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazone

(Yellow or orange or red)


organic analysis.indd 260 4/2/2019 11:15:17 AM

5.Charring test:
When carbohydrates are treated with concentrated sulphuric acid, dehydration of
carbohydrates results in charring.

C X ( H2O ) y 

→ x C + yH2O

6. Ignition test
Aromatic compounds burn with a strong sooty yellow flame because of the high
carbon–hydrogen ratio. Aliphatic compounds burn with non-sooty flame.
7.Test with bromine water:
In this test, the orange-red colour of bromine solution disappears when it is added
to an unsaturated organic compound.

Br Br

C C + Br Br C C

unsaturated Orange-yellow Colour less


8. Test with KMnO4 (Baeyer’s Test )

In this test, pink colour of KMnO4 disappears, when alkaline KMnO4 is added to
an unsaturated hydrocarbon. The disappearance of pink colour may take place with or
without the formation of brown precipitate of MnO2.

2KMnO4 + H2O 2KOH + 2MnO2 + 3(O)


C C + H2O + (O) C C

unsaturated Colour less


9. Neutral FeCl3 test:

Phenol reacts with ferric ions to form violet coloured complex.

Aqueous solution Naphthols do not give any characteristic colour with neutral
ferric chloride. But alcoholic solution of α and β naphtholsgiveblue-violet and green
colouration respectively due to the formation of binaphthols.


organic analysis.indd 261 4/2/2019 11:15:19 AM

10. Esterification test:
Alcohols react with carboxylic acids to form fruity smelling compounds called
esters. This esterification is catalysed by an acid such as concentrated sulphuric acid.

FeCl3 +O 3C6H5OH [Fe(OC6H5)3]3+ + 3HCl O

Ferric Phenol violet complex

chloride C OH + HO R' R C O R' + H 2O

Carboxylic acid Ester
OH fruity odour)
2FeCl3 + + 2FeCl2 + 2HCl
11. Tollen’s reagent test: OH

Aldehydes react with Tollen’s reagent to form elemental silver, accumulated onto the
inner surface of the test tube. Thus silver mirror is produced on the inner walls of the
test tube. Green complex

R-CHO  2  Ag  NH 3 2  OH 
 2Ag   R  COONH 4 + H 2 O + 3NH 3
Aldehyde Metallic silver
(Silver mirror)

Tollen’s reagent preparation:

Tollen’s reagent is ammoniacal silver nitrate. It is prepared as follows. About 1 g
of silver nitrate crystals are dissolved in distilled water in a clean dry test tube. To this
aqueous solution of silver nitrate, add 2 ml of dilute NaOH solution to it. A brown
precipitate of silver oxide is formed. This precipitate is dissolved by adding dilute
ammonia solution drop wise.
12. Fehling’s Test
Fehling’s solution A is an aqueous solution of copper sulphate.

Fehling’s solution B is a clear solution of sodium potassium tartrate (Rochelle salt)

and strong alkali (NaOH).

The Fehling’s solution is obtained by mixing equal volumes of both Fehling’s solution
A and Fehling’s solution B that has a deep blue colour. In Fehling’s solution, copper (II)
ions form a complex with tartrate ions in alkali. Aldehydes reduces the Cu(II) ions in the
Fehling’s solution to red precipitate of cuprous oxide(copper (I) oxide).

RCHO + 2Cu 2  5OH  

 Cu 2 O   RCOO   3H 2 O
Aldehyde  (Cuprous oxide)
 (Red colour)
Fehling's solution

Note: Benzaldehyde may not give this test as the reaction is very slow.


organic analysis.indd 262 4/2/2019 11:15:23 AM

13. Sodium nitroprusside Test
The anion of the ketone formed by a alkali reacts with nitroprusside ion to form a
red coloured complex.this test is not given by aldehydes.

CH 3COCH3   CH 3COCH 2   H 2 O
[Fe  CN 5 NO]2  CH 3COCH 2  
 [Fe  CN 5 NO.CH 3COCH 2 ]3
sodium nitro prusside (Red coloured complex)

14. Azo-Dye Test

This test is given by aromatic primary amines. Aromatic primary amines react with
nitrous acid to form diazonium salts. These diazonium salts undergo coupling reaction
with β-naphthol to form orange coloured azo dye.

NH2 + HNO2 + HCl N N Cl

aniline benzenediazonium chloride HO


N N Cl + 00C

benzenediazonium chloride β-naphthol

Azo dye
(Orange red )

15. Biuret test

On strong heating Diamide (like urea) form biuret, which forms a copper complex
with Cu2+ ions from copper sulphate solution. This copper –biuret complex is deep violet



1800C Cu2+ Cu2+

H2N NH2 -NH3 H2N N NH2 H2N NH2

urea NH
(Excess) biuret O NH O


[Cu(Biuret)4]2+ complex
(violet colour)


organic analysis.indd 263 4/2/2019 11:15:26 AM

16. Molisch’s test:
Disaccharides, and polysaccharidesare hydrolysed to Monosaccharides by strong
mineral acids. Pentoses are then dehydrated to furfural, while hexoses are dehydrated to
5-hydroxymethylfurfural. These aldehydes formed will condense with two molecules of
α-Naphthol to form a purple-coloured product, as shown below.


HO H -3H2O
H OH 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural


+2 HO [O] O
-H2O O H3O+
5-(hydroxymethyl) α-naphthol
A purple dye

17.Osazone test:
Phenyl hydrazine in acetic acid, when boiled with reducing sugars forms Osazone.
The first two carbon atoms are involved in this reaction. The sugars that differ in their
configuration on these carbon atoms give the same type of Osazone. Thus glucose,
fructose and mannose give the same needle type yellow crystals.





H C OH phenyl hydrazine H C OH

Glucose (Yellow crystals)


organic analysis.indd 264 4/2/2019 11:15:28 AM

1. Estimation of Ferrous Sulphate (Fe2+)
Aim :
To estimate the amount of ferrous sulphate dissolved in 750 ml of the given unknown
solution volumetrically. For this you are given with a standard solution of ferrous
ammonium sulphate (FAS) of normality 0.1102 N and potassium permanganate solution
as link solution.

During these titrations, Fe2+ ions (from ferrous salts) are oxidised to MnO4- ions and
MnO4- ion (from Mn2+) is reduced to Mn2+ ion.

Oxidation : 5 Fe 2+ 
→ 5 Fe3+ + 5e −

Reduction : → Mn 2+ + 4H 2 O
MnO 4 − + 8H + + 5e − 
Pink colourless

Overall reaction :
5Fe 2+ + MnO 4 − + 8H + 
→ 5Fe3+ + Mn 2+ + 4H 2 O
Short procedure: Content Titration-I Titration-II

1 Burette solution KMnO4 KMnO4
2 Pipette solution 20 ml of standard FAS 20 ml of unknown FeSO4
3 Acid to be added 20ml of 2N H2SO4 (approx) 20ml of 2N H2SO4 (approx)
4 Temperature Lab temperature Lab temperature
5 Indicator Self-indicator (KMnO4) Self-indicator (KMnO4)
Appearance of permanent Appearance of permanent pale
6 End point
pale pink colour pink colour
7 Equivalent weight of FeSO4 = 278

Procedure :
(Link KMnO4)Vs (Standard FAS)

Burette is washed with water, rinsed with KMnO4 solution and filled with same
KMnO4 solution up to the zero mark. Exactly 20 ml of standard FAS solution is pipetted
out into the clean, washed conical flask. To this FAS solution, approximately 20ml of 2N
sulphuric acid is added. This mixture is titrated against KMnO4 Link solution from the
burette. KMnO4 is added drop wise till the appearance of permanent pale pink colour.
Burette reading is noted, and the same procedure is repeated to get concordant values.

organic analysis.indd 265 4/2/2019 11:15:28 AM

Titration –I
(Link KMnO 4 )Vs (Standard FAS)

Burette readings Concordant value

Volume of standard FAS Initial Final (Volume of KMnO4)
(ml) (ml) (ml)
1 20
2 20
3 20

Calculation :
Volume of KMnO4 (link) solution (V1) = ----------ml

Normality KMnO4 (link) solution (N1) =-----------N

Volume of standard FAS solution (V2) = 20 ml

Normality of standard FAS solution (N2) = 0.1102 N

According to normality equation: V1× N1 = V2 × N2

V2 × N 2
N1 =
Normality of KMnO4 (link) solution X
(N1) = ­_______________ N

(Unknown FeSO 4 ) Vs (Link KMnO4)
Burette is washed with water, rinsed with KMnO 4 solution and filled with same KMnO 4
solution up to the zero mark. Exactly 20 ml of unknown FeSO 4 solution is pipetted out into
the clean, washed conical flask. To this FeSO4 solution approximately 20ml of 2N sulphuric
acid is added. This mixture is titrated against KMnO4 Link solution from the burette. KMnO 4
is added drop wise till the appearance of permanent pale pink colour. Burette reading is noted
and the same procedure is repeated to get concordant values.


organic analysis.indd 266 4/2/2019 11:15:28 AM

Titration –II
(Link FeSO 4 )Vs (Unknown FeSO 4 solution)

Volume of Burette readings Concordant value Unknown FeSO 4 Initial Final (Volume of KMnO 4 )
(ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)

1 20
2 20
3 20

Calculation :
Volume of Unknown FeSO 4 solution V1 = 20 ml
Normality of Unknown FeSO4 solution N1 = ?N
Volume of KMnO4 (link) solution V2 = ml
Normality KMnO 4 (link) solution N2 = X N
According to normality equation: V1× N1 = V2 × N2
V2 × N 2
N1 =
N1= _______________ N
The normality of unknown FeSO 4 solution = ________________ N
Weight calculation:

The amount of FeSO 4 dissolved in 1 lit of the

solution = (Normality) x (equivalent weight)
The amount of FeSO4 dissolved in 750 ml of the
Normality x equivalentweight x 750
solution =

Y × 278 × 3
N1 =
= g

Report :
The amount of FeSO 4 dissolved in 750 ml of the solution = g


organic analysis.indd 267 4/2/2019 11:15:29 AM

2. Estimation of Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate (FAS)
Aim :
To estimate the amount of ferrous ammonium sulphate (FAS) dissolved in 1500 ml of
the given unknown solution volumetrically. For this you are given with a standard solution of
ferrous sulphate ( FeSO 4 )of normality 0.1024 N and potassium permanganate solution as link
Oxidation : 5 Fe2+ 
→ 5 Fe3+ + 5e −

Reduction : 5Fe 2+ + MnO 4 − + 8H + 

→ 5Fe3+ + Mn 2+ + 4H 2 O
Overall reaction : 5Fe2+ + MnO4 − + 8H+ 
→ 5Fe3+ + Mn2+ + 4H2O
Short procedure: Content Titration-I Titration-II
1 Burette solution KMnO4 KMnO 4

2 Pipette solution 20 ml of standard FeSO 4 20 ml of unknown FAS

3 Acid to be added 20ml of 2N H2SO4(approx)

20ml of 2N H 2SO 4 (approx)
4 Temperature Lab temperature Lab temperature
5 Indicator Self-indicator ( KMnO 4 ) Self-indicator ( KMnO 4 )

6 End point Appearance of permanent Appearance of permanent

pale pink colour pale pink colour
7 Equivalent weight of FAS = 392

Procedure :
(Link KMnO4)Vs (Standard FeSO4 )
Burette is washed with water, rinsed with KMnO4 solution and filled with same FeSO 4
solution up to the zero mark. Exactly 20 ml of standard FeSO4 solution is pipetted out into
the clean, washed conical flask. To this solution, approximately 20ml of 2N sulphuric acid
is added. This mixture is titrated against KMnO 4 Link solution from the burette. KMnO 4 is
added drop wise till the appearance of permanent pale pink colour. Burette reading are noted,
the same procedure is repeated to get concordant values.


organic analysis.indd 268 4/2/2019 11:15:29 AM

Titration –I
(Link KMnO4)Vs (Standard FeSO 4 )

Volume of Burette readings Concordant value standard FeSO 4 Initial Final (Volume of KMnO 4 )
(ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)
1 20
2 20
3 20

Calculation :
Volume of KMnO4 (link) solution V1 = ml
Normality KMnO4 (link) solution N1 = ?N
Volume of standard FeSO4 solution V2 = 20 ml
Normality of standard FeSO4 solution N2 = 0.1024 N

According to normality equation:

According to normality equation: V1× N1 = V2 × N2

V2 × N 2
N1 =
Normality of KMnO4 (link) solution X
(N1) = ­_______________ N

(Unknown FAS) Vs (Link KMnO 4 )
Burette is washed with water, rinsed with KMnO4 solution and filled with same KMnO 4
solution up to the zero mark. Exactly 20 ml of unknown FAS solution is pipetted out into the
clean, washed conical flask. To this FAS solution approximately 20ml of 2N sulphuric acid
is added. This mixture is titrated against KMnO 4 Link solution from the burette. KMnO4 is
added drop wise till the appearance of permanent pale pink colour. Burette reading is noted
and the same procedure is repeated to get concordant values.


organic analysis.indd 269 4/2/2019 11:15:30 AM

Titration –II
(Link KMnO4)Vs (Unknown FAS)
Burette readings Concordant value
Volume of Unknown FAS Initial Final (Volume of KMnO 4 )
(ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)
1 20
2 20
3 20

Calculation :
Volume of Unknown FAS solution V1 = 20ml
Normality of Unknown FAS solution N1 = ?N
Volume of KMnO4 (link) solution V2 = ml
Normality KMnO4 (link) solution N2 = N
According to normality equation: V1× N1 = V2 × N2
V2 × N 2
N1 =
N1= _______________ N

The normality of unknown FAS solution Y

= ________________ N

Weight calculation:

The amount of FAS dissolved in 1 lit of the = (Normality) x (equivalent weight)

The amount of FAS dissolved in 1500 ml of the Normality × equivalentweight × 1500
solution 1000

Y × 392 × 1500
= g

Report :
The amount of FAS dissolved in 1500 ml of the solution = g


organic analysis.indd 270 4/2/2019 11:15:31 AM

3. Estimation of oxalic acid
Aim :
To estimate the amount of oxalic acid dissolved in 500 ml of the given solution
volumetrically. For this you are given with a standard solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate
(FAS) of normality 0.1 N and potassium permanganate solution as link solution.
During these titrations, oxalic acid is oxidized to CO2 and MnO4- ions (from KMnO 4 ) is reduced
to Mn 2+ ion.
MnO 4 +
Oxidation :

→ Mn 2+ + 4H 2 O
8H + + 5e − 
Pink colourless

Reduction : → Mn 2+ + 4H 2 O
MnO 4 − + 8H + + 5e − 
Pink colourless

Overall reaction : →10CO 2 + 2Mn 2+ + 8H 2 O

5(COOH) 2 + 2MnO 4 + 6H − +

Since one mole oxalic acid releases 2 moles of electrons, the equivalent weight of oxalic
acid = 2 = 63 (oxalic acid is dihydrated)
Short procedure: Content Titration-I Titration-II
1 Burette solution KMnO 4 KMnO 4

2 Pipette solution 20 ml of standard FAS 20 ml of unknown oxalic acid

3 Acid to be added 20ml of 2N H2SO4(approx) 20ml of 2N H 2SO 4 (approx)
4 Temperature Lab temperature 60 – 70 0C
5 Indicator Self-indicator ( KMnO 4 ) Self-indicator (KMnO4)
Appearance of permanent Appearance of permanent
6 End point
pale pink colour pale pink colour
7 Equivalent weight of oxalic acid = 63
Procedure :
(Link KMnO4)Vs (Standard FAS )
Burette is washed with water, rinsed with KMnO 4 solution and filled with same KMnO4
solution up to the zero mark. Exactly 20 ml of standard FAS solution is pipetted out into the
clean, washed conical flask. To this FAS solution, approximately 20ml of 2N sulphuric acid
is added. This mixture is titrated against KMnO4 Link solution from the burette. KMnO4 is
added drop wise till the appearance of permanent pale pink colour. Burette reading is noted
and the same procedure is repeated to get concordant values.


organic analysis.indd 271 4/2/2019 11:15:31 AM

Titration –I
(Link KMnO 4 )Vs (Standard FAS solution)

Volume of Burette readings Concordant value standard FAS Initial Final (Volume of KMnO 4 )
(ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)
1 20
2 20
3 20

Calculation :
Volume of KMnO 4 (link) solution V1 = ml
Normality KMnO 4 (link) solution N 1 = ?N
Volume of standard FAS solution V2 = 20 ml
Normality of standard FAS solution N2 = 0.1 N
According to normality equation:

V1 x N1 = V2 x N 2

V2 x N 2
N1 = =

Normality KMnO4 (link) solution N1 = ____________ N

(Unknown oxalic acid ) Vs (Link KMnO 4 )
Burette is washed with water, rinsed with KMnO 4 solution and filled with same KMnO4
solution up to the zero mark. Exactly 20 ml of unknown oxalic acid solution is pipetted out
into the clean, washed conical flask. To this oxalic acid solution approximately 20ml of 2N
sulphuric acid is added. This mixture is heated to 60 – 700C using Bunsen burner and that
hot solution is titrated against KMnO 4 Link solution from the burette. KMnO 4 is added drop
wise till the appearance of permanent pale pink colour. Burette reading are noted, the same
procedure is repeated to get concordant values.


organic analysis.indd 272 4/2/2019 11:15:33 AM

Titration –II
(Link KMnO 4 )Vs (Unknown oxalic acid)

Volume of Burette readings Concordant value Unknown oxalic Initial Final (Volume of KMnO 4 )
acid (ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)
1 20
2 20
3 20
Calculation :
Volume of Unknown oxalic acid solution V1 = 20 ml
Normality of Unknown oxalic acid solution N1 = ?N
Volume of KMnO4 (link) solution V2 = ml
Normality KMnO4 (link) solution N 2 = N
According to normality equation:

V1 x N1 = V2 x N 2

V2 x N 2
N1 =
Normality of Unknown oxalic acid solution N1 = _______________ N

Weight calculation:
The amount of oxalic acid dissolved in 1 lit
=(Normality) x (equivalent weight)
of the solution
The amount of oxalic acid dissolved in 500 Y × 63 × 500
ml of the solution = 1000
x 63 x 500
= g
Report :
The amount of oxalic acid dissolved in 500 ml of given the solution = g


organic analysis.indd 273 4/2/2019 11:15:34 AM

4. Estimation of sodium hydroxide
Aim :
To estimate the amount of sodium hydroxide dissolved in 250 ml of the given unknown
solution volumetrically. For this you are given with a standard solution of sodium carbonate
solution of normality 0.0948 N and hydrochloric acid solution as link solution.
Neutralization of Sodium carbonate by HCl is given below. To indicate the end point, methyl
orange is used as an indicator.

Na 2CO3 + 2HCl 
→ 2NaCl + CO2 + H2O
Neutralization of Sodium hydroxide by HCl is given below. To indicate the end point,
phenolphthalein is used as an indicator.
NaOH + HCl 
→ NaCl + H 2 O

Short procedure: Content Titration-I Titration-II
1 Burette solution HCl ( link solution) HCl ( link solution)
20 ml of standard Na2CO3 20 ml of unknown NaOH
2 Pipette solution
solution solution
4 Temperature Lab temperature Lab temperature
5 Indicator Methyl orange Phenolphthalein
Colour change from straw
6 End point Disappearance of pink colour
yellow to pale pink
7 Equivalent weight of NaOH = 40
Procedure :
(Link HCl )Vs (standard Na2CO3)
Burette is washed with water, rinsed with HCl solution and filled with same HCl solution up to
the zero mark. Exactly 20 ml of standard Na2CO3solution is pipetted out into the clean, washed
conical flask. To This solution 2 to 3 drops of methyl orange indicator is added and titrated
against HCl link solution from the burette. HCl is added drop wise till the colour change from
straw yellow to pale pink. Burette reading is noted and the same procedure is repeated to get
concordant values.


organic analysis.indd 274 4/2/2019 11:15:34 AM

Titration –I
(Link HCl )Vs (standard Na2CO3)

Volume of Burette readings Concordant value standard Initial Final (Volume of HCl)
Na2CO3 (ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)
1 20
2 20
3 20

Calculation :
Volume of HCl (link) solution V1 = ml
Normality HCl (link) solution N1 = ? N
Volume of standard Na2CO3 solution V2 = 20 ml
Normality of standard Na2CO3 solution N2 = 0.0948 N

According to normality equation:

According to normality equation: V1× N1 = V2 × N2

V2 × N 2
N1 =
Normality of HCl (link) solution (N1) = ­_______________ N
(Unknown NaOH ) Vs (Link HCl)
Burette is washed with water, rinsed with HCl solution and filled with same HCl solution up
to the zero mark. Exactly 20 ml of unknown NaOH solution is pipetted out into the clean,
washed conical flask. To This solution 2 to 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator is added and
titrated against HCl link solution from the burette. HCl is added drop wise till the pink colour
disappears completely. Burette reading is noted and the same procedure is repeated to get
concordant values.


organic analysis.indd 275 4/2/2019 11:15:34 AM

Titration –II
(Link HCl )Vs (Unknown NaOH solution)

Volume of Burette readings Concordant value

s.n Unknown NaOH Initial Final (Volume of HCl)
(ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)
1 20
2 20
3 20

Calculation :
Volume of Unknown NaOH solution V1 = 20 ml
Normality of Unknown NaOH solution N1 = ? N
Volume of HCl (link) solution V2 = ml
Normality HCl (link) solution N 2 = N
According to normality equation:

V1 x N1 = V2 x N 2

V2 x N 2
N1 =
Normality of Unknown HCl solution N1 = _______________ N

Weight calculation:

The amount of NaOH dissolved in 1 lit of the

= (Normality) x (equivalent weight)
The amount of NaOH dissolved in 250 ml of the Normality x equivalentweight x 250
solution 1000

= Y × 40 × 250
x 40 x 250
=      g
Report :
The amount of NaOH dissolved in 750 ml of the solution = g


organic analysis.indd 276 4/2/2019 11:15:34 AM

5. Estimation of oxalic acid
Aim :
To estimate the amount of oxalic acid dissolved in 1250 ml of the given unknown solution
volumetrically. For this you are given with a standard solution of HCl solution of normality
0.1010 N and sodium hydroxide solution as link solution.
Neutralization of Sodium hydroxide by HCl is given below. To indicate the end point,
phenolphthalein is used as an indicator.
NaOH + HCl 
→ NaCl + H 2 O
Neutralization of Sodium hydroxide by oxalic acid is given below. To indicate the end point,
phenolphthalein is used as an indicator.

2NaOH + ( COOH )2 
→ ( COONa )2 + 2H 2 O
Oxalic acid Sodium oxalate

Short procedure: Content Titration-I Titration-II
Oxalic acid ( unknown
1 Burette solution HCl (standard solution)
20 ml of NaOH link
2 Pipette solution 20 ml of NaOH link solution
4 Temperature Lab temperature Lab temperature
5 Indicator Phenolphthalein Phenolphthalein
Disappearance of pink
6 End point Disappearance of pink colour
7 Equivalent weight of oxalic acid = 63

Procedure :

(standard HCl )Vs (link NaOH)
Burette is washed with water, rinsed with HCl solution and filled with same HCl solution up
to the zero mark. Exactly 20 ml of NaOH is pipetted out into the clean, washed conical flask.
To This solution 2 to 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator is added and titrated against HCl
solution from the burette. HCl is added drop wise till the pink colour disappears completely.
Burette reading is noted and the same procedure is repeated to get concordant values.


organic analysis.indd 277 4/2/2019 11:15:34 AM

Titration –I
(standard HCl )Vs (link NaOH)
Burette readings Concordant value
Volume of Initial Final (Volume of std HCl)
(ml) (ml) (ml)
1 20
2 20
3 20

Calculation :
Volume of NaOH(link) solution V1 = 20 ml
Normality NaOH(link) solution N1 = ? N
Volume of standard HCl solution V2 = ml
Normality of standard HCl solution N 2 = 0.1010 N
According to normality equation:

V1 x N1 = V2 x N 2

× 0.1010
N1 = =

Normality NaOH (link) solution N1 =_______________ N

(Unknown oxalic acid ) Vs (Link NaOH)
Burette is washed with water, rinsed with oxalic acid solution and filled with same
oxalic acid solution up to the zero mark. Exactly 20 ml of NaOH solution is pipetted out into
the clean, washed conical flask. To This solution 2 to 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator is
added and titrated against oxalic acid solution from the burette. oxalic acid is added drop wise
till the pink colour disappears completely. Burette reading is noted and the same procedure is
repeated to get concordant values.


organic analysis.indd 278 4/2/2019 11:15:35 AM

Titration –II
(Link NaOH )Vs (Unknown oxalic acid solution)
Burette readings Concordant value
Volume of NaOH Initial Final (Volume of oxalic acid)
link (ml)
(ml) (ml) (ml)
1 20
2 20
3 20

Calculation :
Volume of Unknown oxalic acid solution V1 = ml
Normality of Unknown oxalic acid solution N1 = ?N
Volume of NaOH solution V2 = 20 ml
Normality NaOH solution N 2 = N
According to normality equation:

V1 x N1 = V2 x N 2

V2 x N 2
N1 =
Normality of Unknown oxalic acid solution N1 = _______________N
Weight calculation:
The amount of oxalic acid dissolved in 1 lit of
= (Normality) x (equivalent weight)
the solution
The amount of oxalic acid dissolved in 1250
= Normality x equivalentweight x 1250
ml of the solution 1000

Y × 63 × 1250
x 63 x 1250
=      g
Report :
The amount of oxalic acid dissolved in 1250 ml of the solution = g


organic analysis.indd 279 4/2/2019 11:15:35 AM

Glossary - கலைச்சொற்கள்
Acidic oxide அமிலஆக்சைடு
Activated complex கிளர்வுற்ற அணைவு
Activation energy கிளர்வுறு ஆற்றல்
Ambidentate ligand இருமுனைஈனி
Amorphous solid படிகவடிவமற்றதிண்மம்
Amphoteric oxide ஈரியல்புத்தன்மைக�ொண்டஆக்சைடு
Anionic complex எதிரயனிஅணைவு
Anisotropy திசைய�ொப்புபண்புஅற்றவை
Antiferromagnetic எதிர்பெர்ரோகாந்ததன்மை
Basic oxide காரஆக்சைடு
Blast furnace ஊதுஉலை
Bleaching வெளுப்பான்
BM ப�ோர்மேக்னடான்
Body cantered cubic unit cell ப�ொருள்மையகனசதுரஅலகுக்கூடு
Brass பித்தளை
Bronze வெண்கலம்
Brown ring test பழுப்புவளையச�ோதனை
Cast iron வார்ப்பிரும்பு
Catalysts வினைவேகமாற்றி
Cationic complex நேரயனிஅணைவு
Central metal ion மையஉல�ோகஅயனி
CFT படிகபுலக்கொள்கை
Chalcogens சால்கோஜன்கள்( தாதீனிகள்)
Chelating ligand க�ொடுக்கிணைப்புஈனி
Chemiluminescence வேதி ஒளிர்தல்
Chile saltpeter சிலிவெடியுப்பு
Chromatography வண்ணப்பிரிகைமுறை
Close packed arrangement நெருங்கிப�ொதிந்தகட்டமைப்பு
Coinage metals நாணயஉல�ோகங்கள்
Collision theory ம�ோதல் க�ொள்கை
Column chromatography குழாய்வண்ணப்பரிகைமுறை
Completely filled முழுவதுமாகநிரம்பிய
Concentration of the ore தாதுக்களை செறிவூட்டல்


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Conductivity கடத்துத்திறன்
Coordination compounds அணைவுச்சேர்மங்கள்
Coordination isomerism அணைவுமாற்றியம்
Coordination number அணைவுஎண்
Coordination sphere அணைவுக்கோளம்
Crystal defect படிகக்குறைபாடு
Crystal field splitting படிகபுலப்பிரிப்பு
Crystalline solid படிகவடிவமுடையதிண்மம்
Cupellation புடமிடுதல்
Decay சிதைவு
Degenerate orbitals சமஆற்றல்கொண்டஆர்பிட்டால்கள்
Deliquescent நீர்உறிஞ்சிநீர்மமாதல்
Density அடர்த்தி
Dibasic acid இருகாரத்துவஅமிலம்
Diffraction விளிம்புவளைவுவிளைவு
Double salts இரட்டைஉப்புகள்
Ductility கம்பியாகஇழுபடும்தன்மை
Earth’s crust புவிமேலடுக்கு
Edge விளிம்பு
Electro metallurgy மின்வேதிஉல�ோகவியல்
Electrolytic refining மின்னாற்தூய்மையாக்கல்
Electroplating மின்முலாம்பூசுதல்
Enameling கனிமபூச்சிடுதல்
Excited state கிளர்வுநிலை
Extraction பிரித்தெடுத்தல்
Extrinsic semiconductor புற மாசுக்குறைக்கடத்தி (புறமார்ந்த குறைகடத்தி)
Face முகப்பு
Face cantered cubic unit cell முகப்புமையகனசதுரஅலகுக்கூடு
Facial isomer முகப்பு மாற்றியம்
Ferromagnetic பெர்ரோகாந்ததன்மை
Flash photolysis துடிப்பு ஒளிப்பகுப்பாய்வு
Flints தீக்கல்
Fluorescence ஒளிர்தல்
Fluorescing surface ஒளிரும்பரப்புகள்


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Froth floatation நுரைமிதப்புமுறை
Galvanizing துத்தநாகமுலாம்பூசுதல்
Gangue கனிமக்கழிவு
Garlic உள்ளிப்பூண்டு
Geometrical isomerism வடிவமாற்றியம்
Gravity separation புவிஈர்ப்புபிரித்தெடுத்தல்
Half filled பாதிநிரம்பிய
Halogens ஹேலஜன்கள் ( உப்பீனிகள்)
Hardness of water நீரின்கடினத்தன்மை
Heteroleptic complex பல்லினஈனிஅணைவு
High spin complex நிறைசுழற்சிஅணைவு
Hole துளை
Homoleptic complex ஓரினஈனிஅணைவு
Hybrid orbitals இனக்கலப்புஆர்பிட்டால்கள்
Hydration energy நீரேற்றஆற்றல்
Hydro metallurgy நீர்ம உல�ோகவியல்
Hygroscopic நீர்உறிஞ்சிஇறுத்திவைத்தல்
Incompressibility அமுக்கஇயலாத்தன்மை
Indian saltpeter இந்தியவெடியுப்பு
Inert gases மந்தவாயுக்கள்
Inert pair effect மந்தஇணைவிளைவு
Inner d orbital complex உள்dஆர்பிட்டால்அணைவு
Inner transition metals உள்இடைநிலைத்தனிமங்கள்
Instantaneous rate of reaction வினைவேகம்
Interfacial angle முகப்பிடைக்கோணம்
Interstitial defect இடைச்செறுகல்படிககுறைபாடு
Interstitial void இடைவெளிவெற்றிடம்
Intrinsic semiconductor இயல்குறைக்கடத்தி (உள்ளார்ந்தகுறைகடத்தி)
Ionisation enthalpy அயனியாக்கஎன்தால்பி
Ionisation isomerism அயனியாதல்மாற்றியம்
Isotropy திசைய�ொப்பு பண்பு உடையவை
Kinetic stability வேகவியல் நிலைப்புத் தன்மை
Lanthanide contraction லாந்தனைடுகுறுக்கம்
Lattice plane அணிக்கோவைத்தளம்


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Leaching வேதிக்கழுவுதல்முறை
LFT ஈனிபுலக்கொள்கை
Ligands ஈனிகள்
Linkage isomerism இணைதல்மாற்றியம்
Low spin complex குறைசுழற்சிஅணைவு
Luminescence ஒளிர்தல்
Magnetic resonance imaging காந்தஒத்ததிர்வுபடமாக்கி
Magnetic separation காந்தப்பிரிப்பு
Malleability தகடாகநெகிழும்தன்மை
Meridional isomer நெடுவரை மாற்றியம்
Metal deficiency defect குறைஉல�ோகஅயனிக்குறைபாடு
Metal excess defect அதிஉல�ோகஅயனிக்குறைபாடு
Metallic lustre உல�ோகபளபளப்புத்தன்மை
Metalloids உல�ோகப�ோலிகள்
Metallurgy உல�ோகவியல்
Minerals கனிமங்கள்
Molecularity வினைமூலக்கூறு எண்
Molten state உருகியநிலை
Monobasic acid ஒருகாரத்துவஅமிலம்
MOT மூலக்கூறுஆர்பிட்டால்கொள்கை
Mustard கடுகு
Negative catalyst வினை தளர்த்தி ( எதிர்வினைவேக மாற்றி)
Nitrogenous fertilizers நைட்ரஜன்உரங்கள்
Octahedral எண்முகி
Opaque ஒளிபுகா
Optical isomerism ஒளியியல்மாற்றியம்
Orbital angular momentum ஆர்பிட்டால்கோணஉந்தம்
Order of the reaction வினைவகை
Ores தாதுக்கள்
Outer d orbital complex வெளிdஆர்பிட்டால்அணைவு
Oxidation number ஆக்ஸிஜனேற்றஎண்
Oxoanion ஆக்சோஎதிரயனி
Oxocations ஆக்சோநேரயனி
Packing fraction ப�ொதிவுபின்னம்
Phosphorescence நின்றொளிர்தல்


Glossary.indd 283 4/2/2019 11:14:03 AM

Photo sensitizer ஒளிவேதிவினைத் தூண்டி
Photochemical reaction ஒளி வேதி வினை
Pickling of steel எஃகுவேதித்தூய்மையாக்கல்
Pig iron கசடுஇரும்பு
Planar ஒருதளவடிவம்
Positive catalyst வினையூக்கி ( நேர்வினைவேக மாற்றி)
Preservative பதப்படுத்தி
Primary valency முதன்மைஇணைதிறன்
Pulverization மீநுண்துகளாக்குதல்
Pyro metallurgy வெப்பவேதிஉல�ோகவியல்
Quantum efficiency ஒளிவேதி வினைத்திறன்
Radioactive கதிரியக்கம்
Rate constant வினைவேக மாறிலி
Refrigerant குளிரூட்டி
Rigid கட்டிறுக்கம்
Roasting வறுத்தல்
Rocket fuels ராக்கெட்எரிப�ொருள்
Seaweeds கடற்பாசி
Secondary valency இரண்டாம்நிலைஇணைதிறன்
Self-reduction சுயஒடுக்கம்
Simple cubic unit cell எளியகனசதுரஅலகுக்கூடு
Slag கசடு
Smelting உருக்கிபிரித்தல்
Solvate isomerism கரைப்பானேற்றமாற்றியம்
Spectrochemical series வேதிநிறமாலைத�ொடர்
Square planar சதுரதளம்
Stability constant நிலைப்புத்தன்மைமாறிலி
Stabilizers நிலைநிறுத்திகள்
Strong field ligands நிறைபுலஈனி
Structural isomerism அமைப்புமாற்றியம்
Successive reaction அடுத்தடுத்து நிகழும் வினைகள்
Super conducting magnets அதிமின்கடத்துகாந்தங்கள்
Superconductivity அதிமின்கடத்துத்திறன்
Symmetry சமச்சீர்த்தன்மை
Synergic effect ஒருங்கிணைந்த விளைவு


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Tetrahedral நான்முகி
Thermal decomposition வெப்பச்சிதைவு
Thermodynamic stability வெப்பஇயக்கவியல்நிலைப்புத்தன்மை
Transition metals இடைநிலைத்தனிமங்கள்
Transition state பரிமாற்ற நிலை
Tribasic acid முக்காரத்துவஅமிலம்
Trigonal bipyramidal முக்கோணஇருபிரமிடு
Trigonal pyramid முக்கோணபிரமிடு
Unit cell அலகுக்கூடு
Unpaired electrons இணைசேராஎலக்ட்ரான்கள்
Unpleasant நறுமனமற்ற
Vapour phase refining வாயுநிலைதூய்மையாக்கல்
VBT இணைதிறன்பிணைப்புக�ொள்கை
Void வெற்றிடம்
Weak field ligand குறைபுலஈனி
Wool கம்பளி
Wrought iron தேனிரும்பு
Zone refining கரைதிறவேறுபாட்டுபிரித்தெடுத்தல்

Books for Reference

1. Basic concept of chemistry, L. J. Malone, T. O. Dolter, 8th Edition.

2. Chemistry in your life, Colin Baird, 2nd Edition.
3. Chemistry structure and properties, N. J. Tro, 2nd Edition.
4. General chemistry, R. Chang, 5th Edition.
5. Introductory chemistry for today, S. L. Seagal, M. R. Slabaugh, 8th Edition.
6. Basic Inorganic Chemistry, F. A. cotton, G. Wilkinson and P. L. Gaus, 3rd Edition.
7. Inorganic chemistry principles structure and reactivity, O. K. Medhi, E. A. Keiter,
J. E. Huheey, R. L. Keiter, 4th Edition.
8. Inorganic chemistry, A. K. De.
9. Inorganic chemistry, Holleman-wiberg, 1st Edition.
10. Elements of physical chemistry, P. Atkins, 7th Edition.
11. Physical chemistry, I. Levine, 6th Edition..
12. Physical chemistry, G. Mortimer, 3rd Edition.


Glossary.indd 285 4/2/2019 11:14:03 AM

Chemistry – Class XII

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