Tugas Buk Puput Bahasa Inggris
Tugas Buk Puput Bahasa Inggris
Tugas Buk Puput Bahasa Inggris
Mrs Ns. Yelmi Reni Putri, S.Kep,MAN
Rosi Oktarida: 1814201054
Praise the authors for the presence of God Almighty because of the abundance of
His grace, taufiq, and guidance, so that the author can complete a paper entitled
The purpose and purpose of writing this paper is none other than to fulfill one of
the many obligations in the "ENGLISH III" course and is a form of the author's
direct responsibility for the given assignment. On this occasion, the author also
wishes to express his gratitude to all those who have helped in completing this
paper, either directly or indirectly.
Such is the introduction that the author can convey where the author is aware that
the author is only a human being who is not free from mistakes and shortcomings.
Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions are expected from readers.
Finally, the author can only hope that behind the imperfections of writing and
composing this paper, something is found that can provide benefits or even
wisdom for the writer, reader, or the whole. Amiin ya Rabbal ‘alamin.
Bukittingi, 30 september 2020
Created By
TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1
A. Background........................................................................................................1
B. Problem Formulation...........................................................................................2
C. Purpose...............................................................................................................2
CHAPTER II PURPOSE OF THEORY.............................................................3
A. Functional Anatomy of the Heart..................................................................3
B. Physical Examination of the Cardiovascular System..................................
1. General circumstances...................................................................................
2. Blood Pressure Check....................................................................................
3. Pulse Check...................................................................................................
4. Hands............................................................................................................
5. Jugular Vein Examination..............................................................................
6. Heart Examination.........................................................................................
7. Lungs.............................................................................................................
8. Abdomen......................................................................................................
9. Feet And Limbs............................................................................................
C. SOP of Cardiovascular System Assessment...............................................
1. Preparation Tools..........................................................................................
2. Client Preparation.........................................................................................
3. Physical Examination Procedure..................................................................
4. Inspection....................................................................................................
5. Palpation.....................................................................................................
6. Percussion...................................................................................................
7. Auscultation.................................................................................................
CHAPTER III CLOSING..............................................................................
A. Conclusion...................................................................................................
B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the anatomy of the cardiac system?
2. How is the blood circulation of the heart?
3. What is the pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system?
4. What are some physical examinations performed on the cardiovascular system?
5. What are the diagnostic tests of the cardiovascular system?
C. Purpose
1. Knowing about the anatomy of the heart system.
2. Knowing the heart blood circulation.
3. Knowing the pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system.
4. Knowing the physical examination performed on the cardiovascular system.
5. Knowing the diagnostic tests on the cardiovascular system.
b. Heart Structure
The heart measures slightly larger than a head of a hand and weighs in the
range of 7-15 ounces (200-425 grams). In each day the heart is able to
pump up to 100,000 times and can pump blood up to 7,571 liters. The
position of the heart is behind the sternum in the mediastinal cavity,
between the second and sixth ribs. The right heart receives non-
oxygenated blood from the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava and
then flows to the pulmonary for oxygenation. While the left side of the
heart receives oxygenation from the lungs through the pulmonary veins to
then be circulated throughout the body through the aorta.
c. pericardium
The pricardium is the covering layer of the heart which is composed of
fibroserosa membrane and the surface of the large blood vessels. The
pericardium is composed of two layers, namely the fibrous pericardium
which is the hard outer layer and the pericardium serosa which is the inner
layer. The serous pericardium also has two layers, namely the parietal
pericardium and the visceral pericardium. Pariental pericardium is the
inner surface of the fibrous pericardium. Meanwhile, the visceral
pericardium is attached to the surface of the heart. The space between the
pariental pericardium and the visceral pericardium is called the
pericardium space. Under normal conditions, this space is filled with fluid
which makes it easier for the heart to move and pulsate without any
The heart wall is composed of three layers, namely the outer layer called
the epicardium, the middle layer called the myocardium and the inner
layer called the endocardium. The epicardium is the outer layer formed
from the visceral layer of the pericardium serosa. Myocardium is a layer
that consists of heart muscle.
The endocardium is a thin inner layer composed of subendothelial
connective tissue that also covers the heart valve.
While the heart chamber consists of two parts, namely the right and the
left. Each part has one atrium and one ventricle so that in the heart there
are four chambers, namely the right antrium, left antrium, right ventricle
and left ventricle. Between the antrium and the ventricle there is an
atrioventricular opening and in each hole there is a valve.
The antrium is a receiving cavity that pumps blood into the ventricles. The
right antrium gets blood from the superior vena cava and inferior vena
cava, the left antrium gets blood from the pulmonary vein. The ventricle is
the blood receiving cavity from the right antrium to be pumped into the
lungs through the pulmonary artery. While the left ventricle gets blood
from the left antrium, it gets blood from the left antrium to pump blood
around the body through the aortic valve. The heart muscle (myocardium)
in the ventricle is thicker than the antrium and the left ventricular muscle
is thicker than that of the right ventricle. This is because the ventricular
muscle has a duty to produce more pressure than the other muscles. The
left ventricle is responsible for memopa blood throughout the body.
Conducted by the atria and ventricles there are valves that separate them.
This valve is called the atriovebtrikular valve, which functions to keep
blood flow from the atria to the ventricles in a unidirectional way and
prevent back blood flow from the ventricles to the atria. The
antroventricular valve is divided into two, namely the tricuspid valve and
the bicuspid valve (mital valve). The tricuspid valve is a valve that has
three leaves that separate the right antrium from the right ventricle.
Meanwhile, the bicuspid valve (mitral valve) is a valve with two leaves
that separates the left antrium from the left ventricle. In addition to the
atrioventricular valve, there is a semilunar valve which consists of two
valves, namely the pulmonary valve and the aortic valve. The pulmonary
valve prevents backflow from the pulmonary artery to the right ventricle.
The aortic valve prevents backflow from the aorta to the left ventricle.
Within the walls of the ventricles are also thick bundles of muscles called
the papillary muscles. Below the papillary muscles there are thin tendon
threads called the cord tendinea and functions to prevent the valve lid from
being pushed into the atria when the ventricles contract.
There are also blood vessels that are directly connected to the heart. On the
right side of the heart there is the superior vena cava and the inferior vena
cava, which drain blood into the right atrium. Next there is also the
pulmonary artery. This artery serves to carry blood out of the right
ventricle to enter the lungs. Meanwhile, what brings blood flow from the
lungs to the heart again, namely into the left atrium, is called the
pulmonary vein. The next blood vessel is the aorta, which carries blood
out of the left ventricle.
e. Heart sound
In the heart there are two kinds of sounds. This sound comes from the
valves closing passively. The first sound is caused by closing the
atrioventricular valve and contracting the ventricles. While the second
sound is the sound due to closing the semilunar valve after ventricular
The right coronary artery supplies blood to the right atrium, most of the
right ventricle, part of the left ventricle, part of the intraventricular septum,
sino atrial nodes (SA Nodes) and atryo ventricular nodes (AV Nodes).
Meanwhile, the left coronary artery supplies blood to the left atrium, most
of the left ventricle, most of the right ventricle and SA nodes (in about
40% of people). Meanwhile, the heart veins are located superficial to the
arteries. The coronary sinus is the largest vein, opening into the right
arterium. Most of the main heart veins drain into the coronary sinus except
for the anterior veins of the heart which drain into the right atrium.
The main task of the heart is to pump blood around the body. In the heart
there are various activities related to blood circulation, this is called the
cardiac cycle. Heart movement is the result of atrial and ventricular
contractions. This heart movement consists of two types, namely systole
and diastole. Systole is the simultaneous contraction of both atria or both
ventricles. Meanwhile, diastole is the relaxation phase of the atria and
ventricles. Through the systolic and diastolic phases, the heart will
continue to beat throughout its life.
The contraction of the atria takes a shorter time than the contraction of the
two ventricles. In the ventricles, apart from the contraction lasting longer,
the force generated is also higher than that of the main atrium in the left
ventricle. The left ventricle is responsible for pushing blood throughout
the body and maintaining systemic arterial blood pressure. Whereas the
right ventricle also pumps the same velome of blood, but the pressure is
much lower than the left ventricle because it only pushes blood into the
Blood vessel
In the vascular system, there are five different types of blood vessels that
will play a role, namely arteries, veins, arterioles, venules and capillaries.
The lining of the blood vessel walls except for the capillaries has three
layers, namely:
1. Tunica intima
Is the inner layer of blood vessels.
2. Media tunica
Is a layer of blood vessels in the middle.
3. Tunica adventisia
Is the outer layer of blood vessels.
Arteries have a thicker muscular wall structure than veins. This
aims to accommodate the function of the arteries to drain blood at
high speeds and pressures. In contrast, the veins have a thinner
muscular wall structure. However, veins have a larger diameter
than arteries because the blood pressure that flows back from the
veins to the heart is lower. In addition, the veins have a valve that
aims to prevent back blood flow.
Arteriols have walls that are thinner than arteries, which functions
to regulate blood flow to the capillaries by construction and
dilation. Whereas venules have walls that are thinner than
arterioles, function to collect blood from the heart, veins are
responsible for carrying blood to the heart, while capillaries act as
a link between arteries and veins which are the traffic route for
distribution of substances needed by the body and substances
which must be removed by the body. In addition, it is in these
capillaries that gas exchange occurs in the extracellular or
interstitial fluid.
The pulse is a wave that is felt in the arteries as a result of blood
being pumped out of the heart. Arterial pulsations are easily felt
and felt in a place that crosses a bone that is located close to the
surface, the minuses of the radial artery, temporalis artery and
dorsalis pedis artery. In addition, there are also large arteries that
are easy to feel, namely the carotid, brachial artery and femoral
Lymph channels are also part of the cardivascular system,
functioning to collect, filter and channel back into the lymph blood
which is excreted through the walls of the delicate capillaries to
clean the tissue.
Blood circulation
the heart is the main organ of blood circulation. There are two
kinds of circulation that occur, namely the systemic circulation and
the pulmonary circulation.
1. Systemic circulation
Systemic circulation starts from the flow of blood from the left
ventricle through the arteries, arterioles, and capillaries back to the
right atrium through the veins.
2. Pulmonary circulation.
Pulmonary circulation starts from the flow of blood from the right
ventricle into the lungs then from the lungs into the left atrium.
1. general condition,
2.blood pressure,
3. pulse,
6. heart,
7. lungs,
1. General Conditions
Observe the patient's distress level. The level of consciousness must be noted
and explained. Evaluation of the patient's ability to think logically is very
important because it is a way to determine whether oxygen is able to reach the
brain (brain perfusion). Client awareness needs to be assessed in general, namely
compos mentis, apathy, somnolence, sopor, soporokomatous, or coma.
Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the artery walls. This pressure is
influenced by several factors such as cardiac output, arterial tension, and blood
volume, rate and viscosity (viscosity). Blood pressure is usually described as the
ratio of systolic pressure to diastolic pressure, with normal adult values ranging
from 100/60 to 140/90. Blood pressure measurement techniques include:
3. When the pulse starts to sound again, read the pressure listed on the
spigmomanometer scale, this pressure is systolic pressure.
4. The sound of the next pulse is a bit loud and still sounds that loud until one
day the pulse weakens or disappears completely. The last pulsating sound is the
diastolic pressure.
3. Pulse Check
Todler 90-140/mnt
Preschol 80-110/mnt
Youth 60-90/mnt
adults 60-100/mnt
a. Rhythm
Normally the rhythm is the regular interval that occurs between each pulse or
heart. If the pulse is irregular, then the heart rate should be calculated by
auscultating the apical pulse for one full minute while feeling the pulse.
Any difference between audible contraction and palpable pulse should be
noted. Rhythmia (dysrhythmias) often results in pulse deficits, a difference
between the apex frequency (the frequency of the heart heard at the apex
of the heart) and the pulse rate. Pulse deficits usually occur with atrial
fibrillation, atrial flutter, premature ventricular contractions and varying
degrees of heart block.
a. Pulse strength
The strength or amplitude of the pulse indicates the volume of blood injected
into the artery wall with each contraction of the heart and the state of the
arterial system leading to the pulse. Normally, the pulse strength remains
the same with each heart beat.
0 does not exist, cannot be palpable
1+ pulse missing, very difficult to palpate, easy to lose
2+ easy to palpate, normal pulse
3+ full pulse, increasing
4+ strong, pulse ricochet, irreversible
1. Hands
In cardiac patients, the following are the most important findings to pay
attention to when examining the upper limb:
1. Peripheral cyanosis, in which the skin appears bluish, indicates a decreased
rate of blood flow to the periphery, so it takes longer for hemoglobin to
desaturate. Normal occurs with peripheral vasoconstriction due to cold air,
or in pathological decreased blood flow, for example, cardiac shock.
2. Pale, can indicate anemia or increased systemic vascular resistance.
3. Capillary refill time (CRT = Capillary Refill Time), is the basis for
estimating peripheral blood flow velocity. To test capillary refill, press
firmly on the tip of your finger and then release quickly. Normally,
reperfusion occurs almost immediately with the return of color to the
fingers. Slow reperfusion indicates a slower rate of peripheral blood flow,
as occurs in heart failure.
4. Temperature and humidity of the hands are controlled by the autonomic
nervous system. Normally hands feel warm and dry. In a state of stress, it
will feel cold and damp. In cardiac shock, hands are very cold and wet due
to stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system and result in
5. Edema stretches the skin and makes it difficult to fold.
6. Decreased skin turgor occurs with dehydration and aging.
7. Clubbing of the fingers and toes indicates chronic desaturation of
hemoglobin, as in congenital heart disease.
1. Palpation
Apical impulses can also sometimes be palpated. Normally felt as a light
pulsation, 1 to 2 cm in diameter. The palms were first used to determine
their size and quality. When the apical impulse is wide and strong, it is
called the heave or lift of the left ventricle. It is so named because it seems
to "lift" the hand off the chest wall during palpation. PMI is abnormal. If
the PMI is located below the V intercostal space or lateral to the
medioclavicular line, the cause is left ventricular enlargement due to left
heart failure. Normally, PMI is only felt in one intercostal space. If the
PMI is palpable in two separate areas and the pulsation is paradoxical (not
concurrent), a ventricular aneurysm should be suspected. In addition to the
pulsation, pay attention to the vibration of "thrill" that is felt in the palms,
due to abnormal heart valves. These vibrations correspond to a strong
heart sound (murmur) on auscultation so that they can be palpated. Thrill
can also be palpated over the blood vessel if there is significant obstruction
of blood flow, and will occur over the carotid artery if there is narrowing
(stenosis) of the aortic valve. Determine at what phase the vibration is felt,
as well as its location.
2. Percussion
The use of percussion is to define the boundaries of the heart. In patients with
pulmonary emphysema there is difficulty percussion of the boundaries of the
heart. In addition to percussion of the boundaries of the heart, large blood vessels
in the basal part of the heart must also be percussed. In normal circumstances
between the left and right sternal lines in the manubrium sterni there is a deaf
which is the aortic area. If this area is widened, possibly due to aortic aneurysm.
To determine the left border of the heart perform percussion from the lateral to the
medial direction. The left heart border extends from the medioclavicular line in
the intercostal spaces III to V. The change between sonor sounds from the lungs
to the relative dimness is defined as the left heart border.
The right border lies below the right border of the sternum and cannot be
detected. An enlarged heart either to the left or right will usually be seen. In some
people whose chest is very thick or obese or has emphysema, the heart is located
so far below the surface of the chest that even the left border is not clear unless it
is enlarged.
1. Heart auscultation
a. Heart Sounds
To hear heart sounds, pay attention to the localization and origin of heart
sounds, determine S1 and S2 heart sounds, sound intensity and quality, presence
or absence of S3 heart sounds and S4 heart sounds, heart sound rhythm and
frequency, and other accompanying heart sounds.
• Ictus cordis to hear heart sounds coming from the mitral valve
• Left intercostal II to hear heart sounds coming from the pulmonary valve.
• Right intercostal III to hear heart sounds coming from the aorta
• Intercostal IV and V on the right and left edges of the sternum or end of the
sternum to hear heart sounds coming from the tricuspidal valve.
The sites of auscultation above are incompatible with the anatomical location
and location of the valves in question. This is due to the delivery of heart sounds
to the chest wall.
Heart sound I (S1), caused by closing the mitral and tricuspidal valves. This
sound is a sign of the start of the ventricular systole phase. The I heart sound is
heard to coincide with the palpation of the pulse in the carotid artery.
Heart sound II (S2), caused by closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves and
signs the start of the ventricular diastolic phase.
The intensity of the heart sound is greatly influenced by the thickness of the
chest wall and the presence of fluid in the pericardial cavity.
The intensity of the heart sound must be determined according to how slow or
loud the sound is heard. The heart sound I is generally louder than the second
heart sound at the apex of the heart, while the basal sound of the II heart sound is
greater than the I heart sound.
In a state of splitting (sound of a broken heart), namely the sound of the heart I
burst due to closing the mitral and tricuspid valves not simultaneously. This may
be found under normal circumstances. A second heart sound that is broken, is
normally found at the time of inspiration where P 2 is slower than A 2. In a
situation where the splitting of the heart sound does not disappear in respiration
(fixed splitting), this condition is usually pathological and is found in ASD and
Right Bundle branch Block (RBBB).
The fourth heart sound occurs due to forced ventricular distension due to atrial
contraction, most clearly heard at the apex cordis, normal in children and in adults
found in pathological conditions, namely with A - V block and systemic
hypertension. The rhythm that occurs by the 4th heart is called the presystolic
1. The rhythm and frequency of heart sounds
The rhythm and frequency of the heart sounds must be compared with the
pulse rate. The normal rhythm of the heart is regular and when it is irregular it is
called an arrhythmia cordis.
1. Lungs
• Tachypnea. Rapid, shallow breathing can be seen in patients who have heart
failure or are in pain, or who are very anxious.
• Cough. Dry and deep cough due to minor airway irritation is common in
patients with pulmonary congestion due to heart failure.
• Krekels. Heart failure or atelectasis associated with bed rest, splinting due to
ischemic pain, or the effects of painkillers and sedatives often result in cramps.
2. Abdomen
In cardiac patients, there are two common components for abdominal
Most patients with heart disease also develop peripheral vascular disease, or
peripheral edema due to right ventricular failure. Therefore, in all cardiac patients
it is important to assess the peripheral arterial circulation and venous return.
1. Preparation of tools
• Stethoscope
• Spignomanometer
• Stationary
• Ruler
• Client records
• Blankets
• Sampiran
• Wristwatch
2. Client preparation
• Set the client's position (lying on his back) with the upper body slightly
• Washing hands
4. Inspection
• Inspection of the eye for xanthoma palpebra / soft yellow spot / eyelid plague
• Determine the jugular vein pressure (JVP), measure the height between the
angle of the strnum and the place of the highest palpation of the internal jugular
vein using a ruler.
• Check the precordium for: visible palpation, lift, 50% adult wave will show
in the PMI area, lower apical impulses suggest ventricular enlargement
• Inspect for edema in the area around the scapula, abdomen, sacrum, wrists
and feet.
5. Palpation
• Palpate the whole chest for: Apical impulses, vibrations, waves and
tenderness. Impulses can be palpated in the inter-costal area (AIK) to the mid-5
• Palpation of the pulse: Compare one side to the other, note palpation of the
carotid, radial, femoral, polyeal, tibial posterior and dorsalis pedis areas.
0 = Nothing
+ 1 = Decreasing, weak, smooth
+ 2 = Normal
+ 3 = Full, jumping
• Palpation for peripheral edema, edema is graded on a scale of four:
+ 1 = 0 - ¼ inches
+ 2 = ¼ - ½ inch
+ 3 = ½ - 1 inch
+ 4 = more than an inch
6. Percussion
• Percussion of the left heart border sequentially between the 5th, 4th and
3rd intercostal cavities, indicating where percussion shows a change in
7. Auscultation
• Eliminate room noise
• If it takes a few seconds to hear heart sounds, explain to the client to
reduce anxiety
• Raise the client's breasts to hear over the chest wall better
• Auscultate for high notes. Take the time to listen to every sound
• Start with the aortic area or PMI, then slowly move the stethoscope
systematically across 5 areas of the heart
• Make sure to hear the heart sound clearly at each location
• Repeat the series of assessments by placing the bell side of the
stethoscope to the chest
• If necessary ask the client to do three different positions during the
assessment (sitting straight and body slightly forward, lying on his back,
left lateral recmben position)
• Check heart rate:
After the two sounds are clear like 'lupdup' count each combination of S1
and S2 as one heartbeat and count for one minute
• If irregular, compare the apical and radial frequencies. Pulse deficit
occurs when the radial pulse is less than the apical
• Use the bell side of the stethoscope to listen for extra low-pitched sounds
(S3 and S4) S3 (ventricular galop) occur after S2 and S4 (atrial gallops)
occur after S1
• Auscultate for murmurs, note time, location and so on
• Auscultate blood pressure
• Record abnormalities and results in the client's nursing record
A. Conclusion
The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and the vascular system including
the heart muscle, atria, ventricles, valves, coronary arteries, cardiac veins, electrical
conduction structures and cardiac breathing. While the blood vessel system (vascular)
is formed by the body's blood vessels including arteries, arterioles, veins, venules, and
capillaries. The main function of the cardiovascular system is the transportation of
nutrients and oxygen to the body, removing waste substances and carbon dioxide,
maintaining adequate perfusion of organs and tissues.
Safri, & ,Sofiana Nurchayati, S. R. (2018). Gambaran Asuhan Keperawatan. 9(1), 1–10.