Motivation: # Drive Reduction Theories
Motivation: # Drive Reduction Theories
Motivation: # Drive Reduction Theories
A Motive is an impulse that causes a person to act. Motivation is an internal process that makes a
person move toward a goal. Motivation, like intelligence, can’t be directly observed. Instead, motivation
can only be inferred by noting a person’s behavior.
Researchers have proposed theories that try to explain human motivation. These theories include Drive
Reduction Theories and Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Theory.
Example: Some people fast for long periods for political causes, despite feeling extreme hunger.
Sometimes, people continue being motivated even when they have satisfied internal needs.
Example: People sometimes eat even when they don’t feel hungry.
Example: If a person is hungry, he or she may choose to eat a salad rather than a cheeseburger because
he or she wants to be slimmer.
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
A motivation may be intrinsic, extrinsic, or both. Intrinsic Motivation is the motivation to act for the sake
of the activity alone. For example, people have intrinsic motivation to write poetry if they do it simply
because they enjoy it.Extrinsic Motivation, on the other hand, is the motivation to act for external
rewards. For example, people have extrinsic motivation to write if they do so in the hopes of getting
published, being famous, or making money.
An Incentive is an environmental stimulus that pulls people to act in a particular way. Getting an A on an
exam may be an incentive that pulls a student toward studying.
First, most basic level: physiological needs, such as the need for food, water, safety, and security.
Second level: needs for social interaction, such as the need to belong.
Third level: needs for esteem, which include the need for respect from oneself and others.