DOCUMENT NO.: IPPX-6394-8310-TN-050-0001 PROJECT NAME: 1.2 MMTPA PX-PTA Project, IOCL Paradip Refinery Toyo Job No.: 6394
DOCUMENT NO.: IPPX-6394-8310-TN-050-0001 PROJECT NAME: 1.2 MMTPA PX-PTA Project, IOCL Paradip Refinery Toyo Job No.: 6394
DOCUMENT NO.: IPPX-6394-8310-TN-050-0001 PROJECT NAME: 1.2 MMTPA PX-PTA Project, IOCL Paradip Refinery Toyo Job No.: 6394
(EPCC - 2)
Table of Contents
1. GENERAL: .................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE OF WORK: ....................................................................................................................... 3
3. DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURES / FACILITIES ....................................................................... 8
4. DETAILED ENGINEERING AFTER AWARD OF CONTRACT................................................. 23
5. CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 28
6. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS........................................................................................................... 29
ANNEXURE 1 – OFFICE FURNITURE ............................................................................................ 32
ANNEXURE 2 – HVAC SCOPE OF WORK FOR PX TENDER ................................................... 37
< Security Level 2 >
The Scope of Civil, Structural and Architectural and HVAC works under this contract
shall include complete design, detailing, supply and construction of all relevant Civil,
Structural and Architectural works & Engineering, Supply, Installation, Testing &
Commissioning of HVAC Work required for successful completion of works as per
specifications, standards, codes and good engineering, national, international
standards/ practices as directed/ accepted by OWNER/ PMC for PX UNIT of
The enclosed soil investigation is indicative and enclosed only for information to the
bidder. The CONTRACTOR shall carryout detail soil investigation for the proposed
< Security Level 2 >
2.1.2 The EPCC-2 CONTACTOR shall adopt foundation type as per functional
requirements of structure, loads, settlement and other design criteria. Any treatment
required for concrete surfaces of underground structures shall be provided as per
soil investigation report recommendations.
The CONTRACTOR shall design and construct all foundations as per requirements
with no extra cost to OWNER / PMC.
Existing site shall be handed over to the EPCC-2 contractor, as it is condition. During
course of execution, removal of excess earth / debris is in EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR’s
The EPCC-2 contractor shall carry out the entire activities related site clearing like,
clear all trees, shrubs, hedges and other vegetation from the site and grub out all
routes. Existing underground facilities/ foundations shall be broken out and removed.
by EPCC-2 contractor. The cutting and back filling of uneven existing ground is in
EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR’s scope as and where required with no extra cost to
OWNER / PMC. The existing level is to be verified and established by EPCC-2
CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall visit site and acquaint himself about site
The EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall perform earthwork, excavation and filling to arrive
at micro grade level. Extra earth required to make up to paved levels shall be
arranged by the EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR at his own cost from the approved borrow
areas. Borrow areas shall be arranged by the EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR anywhere
outside the Paradip refinery limits for all leads and lifts. For the purpose of micro
grading, the CONTRACTOR’S scope is limited only up to the scope battery limit
areas as given in Civil Scope of Work drawing EPCC-2 IPPX-6394-8310-45-050-
The EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall dispose-off all surplus and unserviceable earth (if
any), outside the Plant, at his own cost with the consent of Local Authority and
Disposal or surplus earth shall be disposed outside the IOCL Paradip refinery
compound wall at suitable location identified by EPCC-2 contractor. If excavated soil
satisfies the requirement of backfilling soil quality then it is permitted to backfill with
excavated soil with the consent of OWNER / PMC. Any additional backfilling, if
required, shall be done by brought-out soil by EPCC-2 contractor at his own cost.
All scrap shall be stacked properly within the fabrication yard or at the location within
PX plot as directed by the OWNER / PMC.
2.6 Miscellaneous
2.6.1 Preparation of Concept Notes for all type of structures to include its analysis, design,
construction aspects and operational requirement.
2.6.2 Preparation of detail analysis and design drawing of structures and detail design
2.6.3 Reinforcement drawings showing all necessary details for foundations and
2.6.4 General Arrangement and detail drawings for concrete & Structural steel works.
2.6.5 General Arrangement drawings for road, storm water drains, effluent drains, cable
trenches, sewerage, pits, sumps, fencing & gate with all necessary details.
2.6.6 Item wise design bills of quantities for each unit/ structure as per drawing issued for
construction for all civil, structural and architectural works (In excel format also).
< Security Level 2 >
2.6.7 Statutory approvals including obtaining stability certificate for all buildings,
technological structures, etc. as per the regulation of government of Odisha state.
2.6.8 Local platforms, pipe sleepers, local foundations, local supports, etc. shall be
provided as per requirement.
2.6.9 RCC structures (columns and beams) shall have insert plates of suitable size,
thickness at suitable locations for installing junction boxes, support fabrication
(welding) for cable trays etc.
2.6.10 Interconnecting platforms between columns, pipe racks and technological structures
within battery limit of EPCC-2 contractor scope of work as given in scope of work
2.6.12 EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall submit the quantities for items as mentioned in the
form “Information required for assessment of quantum of work” along with the bid.
2.6.13 Permanent security fences and gates as per the standard drawing number PDRP-
8310-45-0010 wherever applicable.
2.6.15 Modification of existing roads where required due to the new construction.
2.6.16 Relocation and / or dismantling works as applicable that are interfering with the
proposed construction
2.6.18 EPCC-2 contractor to modify & reinstall existing facilities which required in order
bringing over dimentional consignment (ODC) of Equipment for PX project.
2.6.19 Where existing facilities such as pipe rack pipe sleepers are not available in
proposed route, EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall provide additional structure, sleeper,
culvert, road crossing etc. as necessary to facilitate routing and supporting of line
from tie-in to desired point within Battery limit.
< Security Level 2 >
2.6.20 EPCC-2 contractor to modify and reinstall existing facilities which required in order to
bringing ODC of equipment for IPPX project.
2.6.21 Suitable landscaping treatment shall also be done around the important buildings.
Such treatment shall generally consists of lawns, road side plantation and
beautification of building entracne areas. Standard lanscape elements such as earth
contours, paving, flower beds, hedges, shurbs, ground cover and ornamental tress
shall be incorporated in lanscape treatment. Necessary water upply/sprinkles shall
also be provided.
2.6.22 All rolling shutters of all sizes shall be gear operated only. If required rolling shutters
can be motor operated to meet operational requirements.
Preparation of detailed design / constructional drawings for all Civil, Structural &
HVAC facilities pertaining to PX UNIT shall be EPCC-2 Contractor’s scope of work.
T3 For HVAC scope of work refer ‘HVAC Performance Specification for Buildings’
HVAC doc. no. PDRP- 8340 –SP -0021 and Annexure -2
In case the existing facilities are to be maintained in position, adequate care shall be
taken during Engineering as well as Construction Stage.
The reference Benchmark is available inside the Project premises. This reference
Benchmark shall be decided during job stage and will be shown to the
CONTRACTOR during execution. Same shall be used to transfer the levels to new
benchmark near or inside the Unit.
< Security Level 2 >
All the facilities shall conform to all Local Rules and Regulations, Factory Inspector
Rules, TAC rules, OISD norms, etc. whichever is more stringent.
Getting the approval of the various documents through the various authorities shall
be in the CONTRACTOR’S scope at no extra cost and time to OWNER / PMC.
All relevant interface coordination with other EPCC CONTRACTOR’s (for all facilities
outside scope battery limit) shall be done by EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR through
OWNER / PMC only.
Design and execution of all civil works pertaining to Free Issue Items shall be by
2.12 For scope of other Civil Structural works, Mechanical, Electrical, Piping,
Instrumentation, Fire Fighting scope of works, drawings and job specifications shall
also be referred.
2.13 All relevant interface coordination with other CONTRACTOR’s (for all facilities
outside scope battery limit) shall be done by EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR though
OWNER / PMC only.
2.14 For Hard Stand (required for erection of heavy equipments) requirements,
CONSTRUCTION scope of work document shall be referred.
2.15 Grouting
For rotating equipment bases (above 300 kW rating), grout shall be as per
requirements of equipment vendor.
Epoxy grout shall be used for all towers/ Vessels having height more than 30m.
The dimensions and elevations of various units / facilities in the civil layouts attached
to the bid are indicative and minimum only. All dimensions shall be finalized by
< Security Level 2 >
EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR during detail engineering phase and shall be got approved
from OWNER / PMC.
The description of structures / facilities shall be read in conjunction with the technical
requirements and specifications given in the bid document.
The dimensions and elevations of various units/ facilities in the civil layouts attached
to the bid are indicative and minimum.
The list of facilities included herein is minimum but not limited to the following.
Inside process area, pipe rack shall be of RCC framed construction up to 1st tier level
above HPP or as suggested in the plot plan of PX process plant and steel structure
above it with multiple tiers for supporting pipes / cable trays / ducts/ Air fin cooler,
with platforms/ walkways, handrail & ladders as per piping requirements. Open steel
staircase/ladder for operation and maintenance shall be provided from ground to top
level at appropriate locations. Secondary framing members supporting equipments
shall be fireproofed. Fireproofing shall be provided as per OISD requirement. For
pipe rack without air fin cooler, fireproofing is provided as per OISD or 9.1m above
HPP, whichever is higher. For pipe rack with air fin cooler, fireproofing is provided up
to air fin cooler supporting level. Blind floor below air fin cooler shall be in RCC with
minimum thickness of 150mm.
Entire bare concrete surface of pipe rack structure and bare concrete surface of
T3 equipment foundation above ground shall be painted with acrylic emulsion paint on
all concrete surfaces inside PX process unit and approved by OWNER / PMC.
RC paving shall be provided below pipe rack for entire width. Maintenance platform
of 1m width shall be provided for the entire length of pipe rack at cable tray level.
This platform will be used for maintenance of cable trays.
Fireproofing shall be provided for all structural columns, beams and bracings as per
OISD requirement and as per the fireproof zoning map generated by EPCC-2.
All technological structures shall be provided with at least TWO (2) escapes through
side staircases.
operating floor level should be able to carry out the pendant control station at the
same level throughout long travel length without any hindrance / gap in-between.
Provision for equipment entry and drop out area shall also be made as per
Refer Plot plan i.e. IPPX-6394-8230-01-050-0001 for Compressor Sheds. Size of the
compressor shed governed by the recommendations of compressor vendors and the
maintenance requirements.
The building shall be deigned as RCC framed structure. The conceptual layout of
substation is enclosed in the bid package. Blast proof design of this building shall be
decided based on the QRA study carried out by EPCC2. The building consists of the
following major activity areas:
The building shall be RCC frame structure with masonry wall, RCC roof. The building
shall comprise of the following minimum components but not limited to.
a) Cable Cellar.
b) Switchgear room
c) AHU room.
d) VAM room.
e) HVAC room.
f) Distribution transformer.
j) Maintenance Room.
< Security Level 2 >
k) Documentation Room.
l) Operator Room’s.
m) GIS Room.
n) Engineering Room
The layout attached with the bid is indicative only and detailed engineering shall be
done by the EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR.
EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall design and construct the building conforming to all bid
requirements and standard / code requirements as governing.
The building shall be a single storied blast proof RCC framed with RC wall, RCC roof
and shall comprise of the following minimum components but not limited to,
a) Rack Room.
d) Battery Room.
e) UPS Room.
f) Field engineers room, Operator rooms, test room/ staff room/ Workers room,
Documentation Room, Meeting Room,
g) Electrical room
h) Store room
i) AHU room
j) VAM room
l) Toilet/Janitor, Pantry, First-aid equipment & drinking water area as per functional
< Security Level 2 >
The layout attached with the bid is indicative only and detailed engineering shall be
done by the EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR.
EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall design and construct the building conforming to all bid
requirements and standard / code requirements as governing.
Refer document no. PDRP- 8310–SP-0004 Design of Blast Resistant Buildings for
High Hazardous Plant.
The building shall be a single storied blast proof RCC framed with RC wall, RCC roof
and shall comprise of the following minimum components but not limited to.
a) Console Room.
b) Rack Room
c) Battery Room.
d) UPS Room.
e) engineer room
g) HVAC room
h) VAM room
i) Offices
j) Instrument room
k) Calibration room
l) Documentation room
m) Printer room
n) Managers room
The layout attached with the bid is indicative only and detailed engineering shall be
done by the LSTK-2 CONTRACTOR.
LSTK-2 CONTRACTOR shall design and construct the building conforming to all bid
requirements and standard / codal requirements as governing.
Refer document No. PDRP- 8310–SP-0004 Design of Blast Resistant Buildings for
High Hazardous Plant.
(a) Substation building including cable cellar, access staircases and toilet block shall
be reinforced concrete framed construction with brick infill panels. At least one
staircase shall go up to the roof of substation. Roof shall have slope of 1:35 for
speedy rainwater disposal. Transformer bays, including transformer foundation and
gravel filling, sumps, cable trenches with removable precast RC covers, fencing etc.
shall be provided as required.
(d) Cable cellar room floor shall be 500mm above approach road level.
(e) Cable cellar room shall have adequate natural ventilation by providing pre-cast /
cast-in-situ mesh type wall on external side.
(g) The cable cellar / substation shall have proper water draining arrangement
considering flooding of the cable cellar during cable cellar fires.
(h) Monorail of suitable capacity shall be provided in the first floor for lifting of the
(i) Cut-outs shall be provided in the floor slab of the first floor for cabling of the
< Security Level 2 >
(j) Columns and roof slab in cable cellar room shall be provided with insert plates
wherever required to support the cable trays.
(k) Top of base frame of switchgear panel shall match with the FFL of the panel
(l) Vertical Venetian blinds shall be provided for all Aluminum windows.
(m) All the future panel openings shall be covered with removable checkered plates.
(n) The area in-between the approach road (on all sides) and the Substation outside
walls shall be paved. Special care to be taken to ensure that the Earth pits pre-cast
covers are at the same level as HPP and earth pipe connections are easily
The building shall be deigned as Non-blast resistant type, RCC framed structure.
The conceptual layout is enclosed in the bid package. The building consists of the
following major activity areas:
The building shall be RCC frame structure with masonry wall, RCC roof. The building
shall comprise of the following minimum components but not limited to.
a) HVAC Room.
d) Washing room
e) Instrument room
f) GC room
g) Cylinder shed
j) Documentation room
k) Chemist office
m) Manager office
The layout attached with the bid is indicative only and detailed engineering shall be
done by the EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR.
EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall design and construct the building conforming to all bid
requirements and standard / code requirements as governing.
The building shall be a single storied RCC framed with RC wall, RCC roof. Firewall
shall be provided. Refer Plot plan i.e. IPPX-6394-8230-01-050-0001.
Separate exclusive RCC cable trench route shall be provided for cable routing to Fire
Water Booster Pump house
1 No. Operator shelter of size 20 m x 9 m x 4.2 m height (including toilet and bath)
shall be provided by EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR.
3.7.1 Operator shelter shall be of RCC framed structure with brick infill walls. For other
requirements of operator shelter, relevant documents of other disciplines shall also
be referred.
RCC foundation shall be provided for different equipments, heaters, flare, tanks and
pumps. All tank foundations shall be in RCC ring wall with sand filling type / suitable
type and shall be as per mechanical requirement. The tank foundation shall be
covered with asphalt sand anticorrosive layer. Foundations subject to vibration shall
be properly isolated from adjacent foundations.
3.9 Barricade
Isolate the same from the existing plant in the vicinity. The height of the barricade
shall be defined by the height of the adjacent equipment / structures.
< Security Level 2 >
EPCC -2 CONTRACTOR shall decide the extent and height of barricading after
Necessary site visit and shall indicate the same in his bid for Owner / PMC review.
Barricading shall ensure safety against transfer of heat / sparks during welding or
any other site activities.
EPCC -2 CONTRACTOR shall provide temporary security fence and gate separating
existing Plant and proposed Construction Site. Fencing and gate shall be as per
standard drawing number PDRP-8310-45-0010, which is included in the FEED.
EPCC -2 CONTRACTOR shall remove the temporary security fence and gate at the
end of construction as per Owner / PMC directions. EPCC -2 CONTRACTOR shall
include the layout of security fence and gates in his bid for Owner / PMC review.
3.11.1 Architectural features shall be as per design specification for Building and General
civil. Anti-termite treatment, plinth protection, damp-proofing course, approach roads,
etc. and all other associated structural, architectural, masonry; general civil works
shall be in the scope of the EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR. All work shall be carried out as
per relevant specifications. EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall develop architectural
plans, section and elevations for OWNER/PMC’s approval before proceeding with
T3 further engineering. Roof drain of Heavy-duty uPVC/CPVC pipes enclosed by RCC
ducts for maintaining aesthetics.
b) Electrical cable routing in PX process unit, ISBL tank farm and OSBL tank farm area
shall be through RCC cable trench filled with sand (after laying of cables) and
< Security Level 2 >
provided with removable RCC precast covers. Cable trenches shall be provided with
heavy-duty removable precast covers with sealing compounds at the joints for
anticipated heavy vehicular loads / movements wherever required. In case of road
crossing, cable trays shall be routed through culverts without sand filled. Culverts
shall be considered without sand filling and with cable tray supports. Sufficient space
shall be provided for maintenance inside culvert. Electrical Cable routing in PX OSBL
area shall be considered above ground. Wherever pipe racks are available, cable
trays shall be routed along them.
3.11.3 Roads
a) The EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for complete planning of the roads
for access to all buildings and units of the plant from the existing roads including
necessary tie in connections.
c) Approach roads shown on the Civil Scope drawing are indicative. Any additional
approach roads around units to facilitate crane movement or any other vehicle
movement during construction shall be in EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR’S scope of work.
EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient heavy-duty approaches between
unit battery limit and roads surrounding unit wherever required from erection /
maintenance / operation point of view and as per detail engineering requirement.
a) OWS (oily water sewer) from area shall be collected and sent as per details in
relevant Piping / Process documents.
b) CRWS (contaminated rain water system) system shall be designed for discharge
from all process area inside battery limit, except buildings, sheds and shelters.
< Security Level 2 >
CRWS system from unit area shall be conveyed through underground sewer and
shall be hooked up with the main CRWS header.
c) Storm water, firewater and all process waste streams and spills that fall within the
curbed paved process areas are collected by means of a CRWS network of catch
basin and manholes and are routed to the CRWS Pit. And then routed to WWPT by
pumps and aboveground pipes. Catch basins, manholes and pits internally lined with
protective coating.
d) Contaminated rain water rich in hydrocarbon and aromatic during dry weather
season shall be route to Pr-Effluent Treatment plant. However during normal
operation, contaminated rain water during wet season shall be routed to existing
CRWS lifting station.
e) CRWS system shall be designed as per the requirements in Design Specification for
General Civil.
f) For chemical drains related requirements, Basic Engineering Design Basis for
Paradip refinery shall be referred.
g) All road crossings for underground pipes shall be suitably designed and provided by
EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR including cutting and making them good. Wherever EPCC-
2 CONTRACTOR’s underground system interferes with existing facilities (like roads,
storm water drainage, etc.), EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall provide the system after
prior approval from OWNER / PMC. In case modifications to existing facilities are
required to be done, the same shall be done by EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR with no
extra cost and time to OWNER / PMC.
h) Hume pipe (NP3 Class) sleeves shall be provided for underground piping crossing
the roads.
i) RCC trenches shall be provided for chemical drain lines, firefighting network lines;
routed through paved areas. Trenches for firefighting network lines shall be covered
with removable RCC precast covers designed for anticipated heavy duty vehicular
loads. Trenches for chemical drains within paved areas shall be provided with heavy
duty Grating covers.
j) Safety shower and eyewash areas shall be provided with curb walls and drained to
storm water drainage.
< Security Level 2 >
k) RCC Culverts shall be provided on the approach roads on existing or new storm
water drains.
l) The EPCC-2 contractor shall ensure proper drainage of all the area in EPCC-2
contractor’s scope. The surface drainage shall be designed for surface washing and
/or rain/fire water as per the requirements. RCC Storm Water Drains shall be
provided with Grating Cover and edge protection angle and shall be limited up to
battery limit. At crane approaches to units, drains between roads and unit battery
limit shall of RCC and covered with removable heavy duty RCC precast covers.
Storm water drains shall be designed for rainwater intensity specified in the job
specifications. Storm water drainage system shall be developed and provided by
EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR for respective unit and hooked up with the existing storm
water drainage system.
m) At road crossing storm water drain shall be provided with heavy-duty grating or RCC
3.11.5 Paving
a) RCC paving shall be provided for entire battery limit in PX process area. The EPCC-
2 CONTRACTOR’s scope is limited up to battery limits as marked in Civil Scope
drawings. The pavement shall be designed and provided as per actual design
requirement. The requirement given in the bid document shall be minimum.
b) Heavy-duty paving shall be provided for crane movements, drop out areas for
maintenance purpose. .
c) At crane approaches to units, drains between roads and unit battery limit shall be
covered with heavy-duty removable RCC precast covers.
b) RCC Catch basins, Manholes shall be provided wherever required. These shall be
designed as liquid retaining structures.
< Security Level 2 >
c) All underground liquid retaining structures shall be tested for leakage for 24 hours.
The EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall design, supply and apply vermiculite type of Fire
proofing to structural steel members, wherever required, as per Fire proofing
requirements in OISD and requirements as per relevant Fire Fighting documents
and drawing for all equipment supporting structure, technological structures, pipe
rack structures.
Chemical resistant lining to suit type of acid / alkali, concentration, temperature etc.
shall be provided wherever required.
EPCC-2 contractor shall lay the drinking water lines underground directly buried or
supported above ground. The size of header and lateral pipes shall be designed by
EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR. However, the header size shall not be less than 2” dia.
The drinking water header shall supply water to safety shower and eyewash units,
drinking water and sanitary system in buildings. The header shall be hooked from the
main drinking water header along with isolation valve in valve pit.
Drinking water system, sanitary and plumbing system shall be provided to meet the
requirements of human consumption for drinking and sanitation purpose. As a
minimum, 2 Nos overhead water tank of capacity at 1000 lit shall be provided.
Internal plumbing and sanitary lines shall be provided. Sanitary sewer system shall
be developed and provided with all details as per requirements in Design
Specifications. EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall provide hook-up of internal sanitary
sewage system to the nearest sanitary line to WWTP.
The Licensor BDEP contents of CCR – PSA Unit Revamp are not included in this
Tender Package. However, in absence of same, Licensor BDEP of CCR-PSA Unit
Revamp will be made available to successful EPCC-2 Contractor at later date
through ADDENDUM.
Based on this, CONTRACTOR shall perform all the Engineering and EPCC of CCR
PSA Unit Revamp without any cost and schedule impact to PMC/OWNER.
< Security Level 2 >
CONTRACTOR shall execute all the scope mentioned for CCR – PSA Unit Revamp
including all Residual Engineering such as, all associated Utility Distribution, Tie-in
executions, others as mentioned in the elsewhere in tender. Contractor shall review
& consider Civil, Structural and Architectural and HVAC works accordingly with no
extra cost.
3.13 Any work that is not covered under the TENDER document, but which is required for
successful completion of the Architectural/CIVIL/HVAC units / facilities shall be in
scope of work of CONTRACTOR. Any Architectural/CIVIL/HVAC related facility or
T3 work not explicitly mentioned in this document, but necessary for successful
completion of this project, shall be included by the CONTRACTOR in their scope of
supply and work without any cost and time implication to the OWNER/PMC.
3.15 All the dimensions and sizes mentioned in drawings are indicative and minimum and
for reference only. Any changes in this during detail engineering shall be borne by
CONTRACTOR without any cost and time implication to the OWNER/PMC.
3.16 The Architectural Drawings developed for the Tender Documents are the minimum
required. Considering the total scope of work based on Plot plan & requirements
stated elsewhere in the Tender documents, any additional Architectural drawings
that may be required for estimation & for execution at a later stage, are to be
developed by the Contractor at no time, cost & schedule impact.
3.17 EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR to note that HVAC Scope and system mentioned is
minimum requirement, any Additional building / system required as per project
tender requirement to be decided by bidder as per application without any extra cost
and time implication.
< Security Level 2 >
a) EPCC-2 shall collect all the required information from other EPCC contractor that are
required for design & construction within EPCC-1, EPCC-3 & EPCC-4 contractors
scope of work.
b) EPCC-2 contractor shall furnish necessary information to other contractor that
required for design and construction within other contractor scope of work and
c) EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall provide ‘right of way’ for access to other contractor
wherever required.
d) All relevant interface coordination with other contractor’s (for all facilities outside
scope battery limit) shall be done by EPCC-2 contractor.
4.1 General
4.1.1 Licensor shall review certain drawings, documents & 3-D model during execution
stage. EPCC-2 contractor to incorporate all comments/ changes provided by
Licensor without cost and schedule impact. EPCC-2 contractor to provide all
required data to Licensor as and when requested.
4.1.3 The CONTRACTOR shall carry out Analysis and Design of the structures required
for this Contract and prepares all the required Civil and Structural & HVAC drawings
needed for correct and accurate construction as per the Design Specifications given
in the Contract.
< Security Level 2 >
4.1.4 The CONTRACTOR shall keep the OWNER / PMC informed of any major Design
revisions simultaneously in progress.
4.1.5 All deliverables shall be submitted in requisite number of prints as per the
requirements mentioned in the bid package.
4.1.6 The CONTRACTOR shall incorporate all the comments / suggestions given by
OWNER / PMC on the CONTRACTOR’s deliverables; without any extra cost to the
OWNER / PMC and any implication of time-schedule for completion of works. The
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that these comments are duly incorporated in the
deliverables and revised set of deliverables is issued to the site for construction and
simultaneously to OWNER / PMC for their records.
4.2.1 The CONTRACTOR shall prepare the Design Calculations based on the standard
accepted practice and guidelines from OWNER / PMC.
For Structures, Analysis and Design shall be done on latest version of STAADPRO
For other miscellaneous works, MS-Excel and MS-Word shall be used. Design
calculations shall be done on A4 size sheet only.
Static checks of all basic load cases shall be performed by manual estimation
method and compared with software output.
4.2.2 All design calculations (typed and properly bound in complete compiled PDF
format),), detail drawings and execution drawings for each independent buildings
and structures, along with their editable soft copies (in MS Word, MS Excel,
T3 AutoCAD, Foundation3D / Mat3D) shall be submitted as and when demanded by
PMC / OWNER during the project by EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR in one lot so as to
facilitate an overall systematic review by OWNER / PMC. Detail design and
execution drawings for each building shall be submitted after approval of
architectural drawings.
4.2.3 All design calculations shall be supported by relevant latest civil information
drawings, data sheets, documents, sketches, etc. as required.
4.2.4 All design documents, drawings and associated transmittals submitted by EPCC-2
CONTRACTOR shall be complete in all respect and thoroughly checked, approved,
< Security Level 2 >
deliverable status (For Approval / Review / AFC / Information) and signed by EPCC-
2 CONTRACTOR’s own responsible engineer (irrespective of whether the same are
prepared in the EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR’s design office or by an approved agency)
to ensure accuracy, correctness and completeness before submission to OWNER /
4.2.5 Deliverables for “Approval”, “Review” or “Information” shall not be issued through the
same transmittal. Transmittals shall be segregated by deliverable category.
4.2.6 Incomplete, unchecked, unsigned and unstamped documents / drawings and design
shall not be accepted for review / construction and shall be returned forthwith.
4.2.7 Verification of the foundation loading data for all equipments / structures etc. which
forms the part of the comprehensive packages supplied by the respective vendors
shall be entirely the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.
4.3 Drawings
vi) All Bar Bending Schedule and fabrication drawings prepared by the
CONTRACTOR shall be directly issued for construction to his site office
and simultaneously to OWNER / PMC’s site office for their records.
4.4.1 It shall be OWNER / PMC’s right to review any / all or none of the deliverables
submitted by the CONTRACTOR. OWNER / PMC reserve the right to amend the
“Approval”, Review” and “Information” requirements during the course of project.
< Security Level 2 >
4.4.2 The document deliverable’s Approval / Review / Information category matrix shall be
developed and agreed with EPCC-2 contractor once contractor’s detailed
deliverables list is received by OWNER / PMC.
4.4.3 Review by OWNER / PMC shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of his responsibility
for correct Design, Engineering and Construction. The sole responsibility of
correctness of Design, Engineering and Construction shall lie with the
CONTRACTOR irrespective of the fact that the submitted deliverables are reviewed
or not reviewed by OWNER / PMC. The CONTRACTOR shall correct all faulty
design and construction detected at any stage of work without any cost and time
implication to OWNER / PMC.
4.4.5 All revisions shall be clearly marked and clouded for easy identification. Subsequent
review of such revised documents shall be limited to the revision as clouded.
4.4.6 Following parameters of deliverables shall not be reviewed by OWNER / PMC and
the same shall be CONTRACTOR’s responsibility. OWNER / PMC may review
these at randomly only:
(a) All the functional requirements such as access, cutouts, clearances, interference
etc. while designing / detailing of various Structures / Facilities. The CONTRACTOR
shall ensure correctness of such provisions
4.5.1 CONTRACTOR shall submit the quantities for items as mentioned in the form
“Information required for assessment of quantum of work” after award of contract for
overall review of the project planning. The same shall be submitted within 45 days
after award of Contract. Contractor shall also submit detail BOQ of every civil
structure along with drawing issue in pdf and xls format.
< Security Level 2 >
4.5.3 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that released drawings shall indicate the quantities of
concrete (grade-wise), reinforcement (diameter-.wise) and structural steel (section-
All the reference drawings / documents of various existing facilities shall be taken as
a guideline only.
Tekla 3D modelling
SP3D 3D modelling
< Security Level 2 >
5.1 General
5.1.1 Construction of all civil and structural works including all material, labour,
supervision, tools and tackles etc. shall be carried out by the CONTRACTOR.
5.1.2 All materials shall be procured as per the approved vendor list given elsewhere.
5.1.3 All materials and construction shall confirm to the specification given elsewhere.
5.1.4 Materials of construction, construction method etc. shall be such, so as to protect the
structures and foundations against any harmful effect of chemical, fumes etc.
present in the plant, its vicinity, in ground and /or subsoil water.
5.1.5 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for obtaining the statutory approval from
local authorities such as Inspector of Factories, Development Authorities, Municipal
Corporation and other concerned authorities before starting the work.
5.1.6 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain and operate an adequate system of control of
availability of latest drawings and specifications, at all the places where work is
5.1.7 Construction shall include excavation in all types of soils / controlled rock blasting
and backfilling inclusive of necessary dewatering as applicable. Only controlled
blasting is permitted. Permission from OWNER/PMC shall be obtained after giving
detail method statement and safety precautions that will be implemented during such
5.1.8 The CONTRACTOR shall redo/ repair all the existing facilities viz. roads, paving,
drainage etc. which are damaged during transportation, construction and erection
activities performed by him.
5.1.9 The CONTRACTOR shall provide stability certificate duly signed by statutory
5.1.10 The CONTRACTOR shall submit list of all the sub-vendors / authorised applicators
to be engaged for execution of various finishing items (like Doors, Windows,
Waterproofing, False Ceiling, False Flooring etc.) for approval.
< Security Level 2 >
< Security Level 2 >
This document gives the requirement of Furniture to be provided in various buildings. EPCC-2
CONTRACTOR shall supply adequate furniture in all the buildings under his scope including but
not limited to Tables, chairs, cupboards, storage racks, workstations, office accessories, etc.
Furniture shall be supplied in line with the image of the OWNER - one of the MAHARATNA of
Public sector enterprises.
Scope of supply for furniture shall include but not limited to the following requirements.
Specification of interior furniture and fittings shall be selected by the contractor based on
considerations of comfort, functionality, safety, strength, durability and appearance. Furniture
generally shall be of ergonomic design featuring good quality modern furniture systems to
Owner/PMC approval.
All descriptions of furniture and fittings are generic. EPCC-2 CONTRACTOR shall develop
detailed furniture layout drawings for each building, develop specifications, prepare list of
furniture & schedule and submit along with product brochures for OWNER / PMC approval during
detail engineering stage.
The numbers of furniture mentioned are minimum. Actual size and quantity shall be agreed with
OWNER / PMC during detail engineering to suit with project requirements.
Furniture shall be manufactured to withstand minimum live loading at any point without distortion,
deflection or collapse in accordance with applicable fire, safety and manufacture codes and
All furniture and fittings will be subject to approval of samples by Owner/PMC prior to order.
EPCC-2 contractor shall not claim any additional cost or time extension in case there is any
change in furniture quantity, material, quality, make, style, etc., during approval of contractor's
1. PX Substation Building
2. PX SRR Building
Below table gives the minimum furniture to be provided in various offices / rooms by EPCC
Following Table gives the list of buildings, rooms and furniture requirement. Furniture shall be
provided in each room as per the detailed requirements given in clause 3 above.
< Security Level 2 >
AC TFA + Split AC
3 Shelter
System unit
Building System