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UPLB STP DAED TOR June 21 2018

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Design for the Rehabilitation of the

University of the Philippines-Los Baños Sewage Treatment Plant
Los Baños, Laguna

TOR as of July 11 2018
This project covers the design of the rehabilitation of the University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB)
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). The project site is the existing UPLB STP located along Rambutan Road, UPLB,
Los Banos, Laguna (Annex “A”).

The plans and designs shall be in accordance with the UPLB-approved Terms of Reference (TOR) for this


The existing UPLB’s Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) was originally constructed in the late 1960’s using Trickling
Filter (TF) system. The facility was designed to receive wastewater from buildings in the lower campus and the
houses at UP Cornell (UPCO) Staff Housing. The wastewater flows generated from the buildings in the lower
campus and the housing units are conveyed to the STP facility through a network of sewer lines. According to
records, the sewer network was also originally built in the 1960s. The sewer network can be separated into 2
main branches. The flows coming from UPCO and Biosciences are conveyed through a sewer main along
Victoria Ela Road. The sewer main then crossed the Molawin Creek from Victoria Ela Road to Rambutan Road
through a pipe bridge. Meanwhile, the flows coming from Vet-Med area are conveyed to the STP through a
sewer main buried under Aglibut Avenue Road through to the STP.

The STP has the following components:

 Inlet structure which include, flow meter, Parshall flume, bar screen and comminutor
 Wet and dry sewage pump station
 Control building
 2 primary clarifiers
 2 TF
 2 final clarifiers
 1 digester
 4 sludge drying beds

Meanwhile, the following are the original design parameters of the STP:

 Average dry weather flow: 2.27 MLD (0.60 MGD) for 3 units TF (However, only 2 units were
constructed with the 3rd TF for future expansion)
 Peak flow: 5.67 MLD (1.50 MGD) for 3 units TF (However, only 2 units were
constructed with the 3 TF for future expansion)
 Peak factor: 2.50
 Minimum flow: 0.75 MLD (0.20 MGD)
 Influent BOD5 (mg/L): 150 mg/L
 Influent TSS: 200 mg/L
 Recirculation ratio: 2:1

The STP was in operation until 1999 when it fell into disrepair. In 2002, UPLB rehabilitated the facility and
operated it again for a few years before falling again to disrepair mainly due to unavailability of trained
operator. At present, the wastewater coming from the campus is discharged into the STP’s receiving water
body, the Molawin Creek, through the STP’s bypass pipe. In addition, the pipe bridge carrying the sewer main
from Victoria Ela Road was destroyed in 2009 by typhoon Milenyo. Thus at present the sewer main along

TOR as of July 11 2018
Victoria Ela Road is discharging wastewater directly to Molawin Creek. UPLB is presently planning for the
reconnection of this sewer main to the STP once the latter is rehabilitated and operational.

Based on a study conducted in 2012 by an Ad-Hoc Committee on the Rehabilitation of the UPLB STP, it was
found that most, if not all of the electro-mechanical parts and equipment of the facility have deteriorated and
would likely require total replacement. These include screens, pumps, mechanical scrapers of the clarifiers,
rotary distribution arms of the TF system, valves, etc. The same study concluded however that the concrete
structures of the facility are still in good condition and thus could be utilized if the plant is to be rehabilitated.

In addition to condition assessment, one time flow measurement was likewise conducted by the committee to
establish the current flows in the UPLB sewer system. Based on the flow measurements conducted on 16
March 2012 from the sewer main along Victoria Ela Road that discharges wastewater to Molawin Creek
directly and from the inlet works of the STP, the current wastewater generation of UPLB is 3.1 MLD. The flow
along in the Victoria Ela Road sewer main was found to be 0.68 MLD and through the inlet works and by-pass
of the STP was 0.87 MLD. Since the STP as per design can treat an average flow of 1.5 MLD and up to a peak
flow of 3.78 MLD, the STP has therefore the capacity to treat UPLB’s current flows.

Following the findings of the committee, this project aims to rehabilitate the UPLB STP in order to treat the
university’s wastewater to DENR DAO 2016-08 standard for Class C water, the classification of Molawin Creek.

This project is for the complete Design of the rehabilitation of UPLB STP. It is the intent of the contract package
that all works be apposite to and considers all the requirements of UPLB in terms of site investigation and data
gathering, design and engineering, testing and commissioning, project documentation, turnover, technical and
operational support and functional guarantee and warranty.

The works shall include but not limited to the following:

a. Design for the Rehabilitation of the UPLB STP which shall treat the university’s current wastewater to
DENR DAO 2016-08 effluent standards for Class C waters.
b. Conduct of pertinent site surveys and investigation of the existing STP facility and analysis of the
original 1967 design and construction drawings of the STP to determine the extent of design
intervention needed to rehabilitate the facility.
c. Design all mechanical, hydraulic, electrical and instrumentation equipment and accessories for the
inlet works, pump station and the control building, primary and secondary clarifiers, treatment
system and including pipes and valves.
d. Design new chlorine disinfection system.
e. Design suitable means of metering, displaying and recording the amount of influent and effluent
water conveyed to the STP and discharged from the STP and for obtaining flow composite samples of
both the influent and effluent.
f. Design PLC system for control and monitoring of all drives that are essential to ensure the ongoing
achievement of the treated sewage quality from the whole works.
g. Design the refurbishment of the existing STP control building including all associated architectural,
civil, electrical and mechanical works. These include replacement and rehabilitation of windows,
doors, cabinets, countertop (for wastewater sample preparation) and toilet and bath.
h. Design all associated civil and electrical works including site development, clearing of the STP site,
installation of security fencing and gates, perimeter lighting, site utilities including water supply,

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sewerage and drainage systems and facilities for all the works. The design works shall also include
connection to public utilities outside of the STP site boundary where necessary.
i. Design all required site utilities both temporary and permanent including power, water, sewerage and
j. Design of site wide Fire Protection, Lightning Protection, and Alarm System.
k. All other design works and services necessary and/or as defined in the contract documents needed to
obtain a complete an efficiently functioning STP facility.


3.1 General Requirements

a. The Design Consultant shall be wholly responsible for all aspects of the design of the STP including
process, mechanical, electrical, control and automation, site development and civil works,
architectural, and building services.
b. The processes and installation designs proposed by the Design Consultant shall be compatible and
c. The design proposed by the Design Consultant shall be based on well proven technology. Specification
requirements shall be met in the first instance. Where no requirements are given the design shall be
in accordance with good international practice, modern guidance and published information including
Water Environment Federation MOP 8, 5th Edition, Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants.
d. The STP shall be designed to be economical to operate and maintain and the layout shall facilitate
safe and easy access for operation and maintenance purposes.
e. The STP shall be designed such that in the event of failure, or an emergency, the STP will revert to
standby units or fail to a safe status, as appropriate, to allow the STP to operate continuously.
f. The STP shall be designed to treat raw wastewater with characteristics as shown in
g. Table 1 below. However, the influent quality parameters indicated in the table are for information
purposes only and it shall be the full responsibility of the Design Consultant to verify and validate the
parameters for use in the design.
h. The STP shall be designed to provide effluent complying with DENR DAO 2016-08 partially given in
Error! Reference source not found..

3.2 Reference Design

a. A copy of the original 1967 design and construction drawings are provided for the Design Consultant’s
guidance only. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Design Consultant to identify and define the
appropriate and pertinent process parameters for his design.
b. The detailed design adopted by the Design Consultant can depart from the original design provided it
satisfies UPLB’s requirements and effluent quality requirements as per DENR DAO 2016-08. The
Design Consultant shall carry out a review of the information available and of the process parameters
to confirm that it meets their requirements for developing the design. The original 1967 design and
construction drawings are provided for information only.

3.3 Design Parameters

3.3.1 Influent Characteristics

The process design shall be in accordance with the wastewater characteristics as obtained from one time
sampling in the UPLB sewer system as shown in
Table 1 below.

TOR as of July 11 2018
Table 1 Influent Characteristics

Constituents Unit Average

Color PCU 70
pH (range) 6.8-7.3
COD mg/L 395
BOD mg/L 200
TSS mg/L 200
Surfactants (MBAS) mg/L No Value Recorded
Oil/Grease (Petroleum mg/L No Value Recorded
Ether Extract)
Phenolic Substances as mg/L No Value Recorded
Total Coliforms* MPN/100mL 1.6E+08

3.3.2 Effluent Characteristics

The STP shall achieve a final effluent quality meeting the requirements of DENR DAO 2016-08 for
Class C Water body classification.

3.3.3 Design Flows

a. The STP shall be designed and constructed for an average flow of 1.5 MLD influent flow rate.
b. The minimum and maximum STP treated wastewater flowrates shall be 0.8 MLD and 3.75 MLD,

3.3.4 Design Lives

a. The designed systems provided by the Consultant shall be designed in order to provide the following
minimum design lives for the duties and environments.
b. The assumption of a design life for an element of the STP means that the element will continue to be
fit for purpose until the end of its design life with regular inspection and routine maintenance.
c. The design life of the STP components shall be:
i. Mechanical and electrical parts: 20 years
ii. HV switchgear and transformers: 20 years
iii. Switchboards: 20 years
iv. Overhead gantry cranes & lifting equipment: 30 years
v. Pumps: 20 years
vi. PLC systems: 15 years
vii. Flow meters: 20 years
viii. Analytical and process instrumentation: 15 years
ix. All civil works unless specified otherwise: 50 years
x. Pipework: 50 years

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3.4 STP Facilities

3.4.1 Inlet Works

The Design Consultant shall design the replacement of the plant’s receiving chamber’s screening facility
complete with mechanical screens, screenings wash units complete with ancillaries. All components shall be
manufactured from AISI 304 stainless steel including the housing. Automatic cleaning shall occur when a
predetermined time or head differential across the screen occurs. The installation shall include all ancillary
equipment such as lifting devices as required for maintenance and servicing.

3.4.2 Pump Station

The Design Consultant shall design replacements for the STP’s pumps, including all appurtenances such as
piping, valves, etc. All components shall be of the same material type and quality as the original or accepted

The Design Consultant shall likewise refurbish the raw sewage wet and dry wells and the sludge sump which
include cleaning the sumps, epoxy lining the sumps’ internal surface, provision of new stainless ladder rungs,
and cleaning and/or replacement of the inlet and outlet pipes.

3.4.3 Control Building

The Design Consultant shall design the refurbishing of the STP’s control building complete with all the required
architectural, civil, electro-mechanical, and plumbing works as provided for in the original 1967 design.

The refurbishment shall include but not limited to replacement of doors, windows, toilet and bath tiling and
fixtures, lighting, floor finish (epoxy coating) plumbing, cabinets, working tables and countertops.

3.4.4 Primary Clarifiers

The Design Consultant shall design replacements for the STP’s primary clarifier’s mechanical skimmer,
including the overflow weir and all other appurtenances. Overflow weirs shall be manufactured from AISI 304
stainless steel. All other components shall be of the same material type and quality as the original or accepted

The Design Consultant shall likewise design the refurbishing of the primary clarifiers which include cleaning of
the tanks, epoxy lining the tanks’ internal surface, painting the tanks’ external surface and cleaning and/or
replacement of the inlet and outlet pipes.

3.4.5 Trickling Filters (if TF system is still applicable to conform to DENR DAO 2016-08)
The Design Consultant shall design replacements for the STP’s trickling filter tanks’ mechanical distribution
arms, filter media, under drains and all other appurtenances. All components shall be of the same material
type and quality as the original or accepted equivalent.

The Design Consultant shall likewise design the refurbishing of the trickling filter tanks which include cleaning
of the tanks, epoxy lining the tanks’ internal surface, painting the tanks’ external surface and cleaning and/or
replacement of the inlet and outlet pipes.

3.4.6 Secondary Clarifiers

The Design Consultant shall design replacement1s for the STP’s secondary clarifier’s mechanical skimmer
including the overflow weir and all other appurtenances. Overflow weirs shall be manufactured from AISI 304
stainless steel. All other components shall be of the same material type and quality as the original or accepted

The Design Consultant shall likewise design of the refurbishing of the secondary clarifiers which include
cleaning of the tanks, epoxy lining the tanks’ internal surface, painting the tanks’ external surface and cleaning
and/or replacement of the inlet and outlet pipes.

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3.4.7 Disinfection System
The Design Consultant shall design the STP’s new chlorine disinfection system.

3.4.8 Outfall
The Design Consultant shall design the STP’s outfall at a minimum in accordance with original 1967 design.

3.4.9 Digester (if TF system is still applicable to conform to DENR DAO 2016-08)
The Design Consultant shall design the refurbishing of the STP’s digestive chamber which include but not
limited to cleaning of the tank, epoxy lining the tank’s internal surface, painting the tank’s external surface and
cleaning and/or replacement of the inlet and outlet pipes and other piping systems.

3.4.10 Sludge Drying Bed (if TF system is still applicable to conform to DENR DAO 2016-08)
The Design Consultant shall design the refurbishing of the STP’s sludge drying bed which include but not
limited to cleaning of the tank, cleaning and/or replacement of the inlet and outlet pipes and other piping

3.4.11 Piping System

The Design Consultant shall determine through inspection and testing the usability of the existing STP cast iron
(CI) pipes. All pipes that are deteriorated as determined from testing and found to have a remaining life of less
than 50 years shall be designed to be replaced using the same material type or equivalent. All pipes with
asbestos content shall likewise be designed to be replaced with equivalent material type.

3.5 Electrical and Control Systems Requirements

a. The Design Consultant shall be responsible for all the electrical, instrumentation, control and
automation works design including but not limited to the following elements:
i. Switchboards
ii. Motor control center (MCC)/ local control panels
iii. Emergency generator set
iv. Instrumentation
v. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) system
vi. Cables
vii. Lightning protection and earthing system

a. The STP control shall be designed for an unmanned works with fully automatic operation including
manual override facilities. The electrical control system shall include main and branch circuit breakers,
starters, contactors and reset buttons selector switches, push buttons and pilot lights, circuit control
items for electrical control or liquid level control of the various plant components and all necessary
wiring and conduits. Electrical controls shall be wired so that the various items of plant equipment
can be operated either manually or automatically to achieve the intended sequence of operation. All
electrical controls for all processes shall be at the motor control centers (MCCs)/ local control panels
and located in the control building.
b. Electrical components of mechanical equipment and systems shall be designed as necessary for
complete and operable systems. Interconnecting wiring for factory-wired plant components shall be
designed as an integral part of the STP.
c. The Design Consultant shall provide design for surge protection to prevent damage to electric motors
and all other electrical and electronic components during fluctuation of power voltage, during
resumption of power supply after a power interruption and from the effects of lightning.
d. The STP shall be designed to resume normal operation after a power interruption, even if unmanned,
without causing damage to or undue shortening of the economic life of the electric motors. The
emergency generator shall be provided with automatic transfer system (ATS).

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3.6 Incoming Power Supply and Distribution
a. The electricity supply to the STP is currently cut. New mains incomers to the STP shall be designed by
the Design Consultant.
b. Likewise, the Design Consultant shall provide design of power distribution to all the facilities and
appurtenant structures in the STP.

3.7 Instrumentation Design

a. The Design Consultant shall provide all design for instrumentation necessary for the safe, reliable,
fully automatic and efficient operation of the STP.
b. All instrumentation shall be designed in accordance with industry’s best practices
c. Flow meters shall be designed in line with manufacturer’s recommendations for maximum accuracy.
d. Flow meters shall be designed to include suitable isolation / bypass arrangements to enable
replacement without interruption to treatment.
e. Analogue level measurement shall be designed to be carried out by ultrasonic level detectors with a
separate high level alarm.
f. Back-up high level alarms shall be designed via a float switch.
g. All instrumentation shall be designed to be interconnected to the PLC systems/network.

3.8 Instrumentation, Control and Automation System

a. The Design Consultant shall provide complete design of instrumentation, control and automation
systems for full automatic operation of the process at the STP.
b. The STP shall be designed to be provided with the following minimum on-line instruments which
display the following real time at the control panels and operator work stations and on-site as follows:
Influent Flow rate
Effluent DO, Turbidity, pH, Flow rate
Control and monitoring As indicated in the PFD
c. PLC equipment shall be designed complete with Local Operator Interface (LOI).
d. Each MCC shall be designed to be provided with a PLC system to control the associated plant.
e. Design shall have System integration to integrate all PLCs.

3.9 STP Support System

a. The Design Consultant shall provide design for the Constructor to provide a complete domestic water
supply for permanent use throughout the normal operation of the STP.
b. The Design Consultant shall provide design for the Contractor to construct and maintain a temporary
water supply to the site during construction and commissioning.

3.10 Site Boundary

a. The Design Consultant shall provide a design of chain-link fence around the entire perimeter of the
STP site.

3.11 Electrical Requirements

a. The Design Consultant shall provide designs for all required electrical installations for the proper
operation of the STP. All such installations shall be designed to comply with industry’s best practices
and all applicable latest local requirements such as the Electrical Code of the Philippines.
b. All installation fittings and materials shall be designed for suitable and long term exposure to the
environment into which they will be installed.

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3.12 Lighting
a. Lighting shall be designed to provide for sufficient illumination levels.
b. Lighting shall be designed to cover the inside of the control building and external areas including
c. Design for external site lighting shall be provided as per original 1967 design and areas where
required for safety or security.
d. Design for emergency lighting shall be provided in the following areas: i) inside the control building, ii)
inside the sewage dry pit and iii) entrance to the STP.


a. The Design Consultant shall submit as a minimum the following documents during the design. These
documents shall be developments, where applicable, of information submitted during the tender
i. Environmental Plan
ii. Health and Safety Plan
iii. Quality Plan
iv. STP Testing and Commissioning Plan
v. STP Operation and Maintenance Training Plan
vi. Process Control Philosophy
vii. Process Calculations
viii. Process Flow Diagram (PFDs)
ix. Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs)
x. Plant chemical requirements and anticipated consumption
xi. Hydraulic profiles and supporting calculations
xii. Control system architecture diagram
xiii. Functional design specifications, including details of instruments, settings, limits, operator
interface, automatic and manual control, hardwired and software interlocks (including
latching and reset conditions), alarms and fail-safe mode for all plant.
xiv. Electrical drawings including schematics, electrical single line diagrams, cable routes and
cable schedules.
xv. Electrical design calculations.
xvi. Details of lightning protection and earthing schemes
xvii. Details showing the location, number and type of socket outlets, lighting, distribution boards
and wiring.
xviii. Technical schedules and data sheet for equipment, plant, valves and instrumentation
xix. System curves with the pump curves superimposed for each pump selection.
xx. Plans showing the location of all services and interconnecting pipelines together with general
pipework routes, materials, sizes, connections and by-pass arrangements.
xxi. General layouts of the STP including, but not limited to access roads, footpaths, domestic
water, plumbing, surface water drainage and lighting.
xxii. General arrangement drawings, plans and sections of all buildings, structures, chambers,
plant, sumps and pumping stations and details of mechanical installations for all items of the
STP including elevations where applicable.
xxiii. Architectural finishing schedules, door schedules, window schedules and louver schedules
xxiv. General arrangement of handrailing, ladders, platforms, access and walkways together with
statements of allowable imposed loadings
xxv. Details of materials for the STP
xxvi. Structural calculations, drawings and reinforcement and steelwork schedules.

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xxvii. Details of fire fighting, suppression, detection and alarm systems.

b. The Design Consultant shall submit 3 hard copies of drawings and documents, and one copy of
calculations for approval by UPLB. Digital files shall also be provided. The Design Consutant shall
utilize AutoCAD software for the preparation and submission of all drawing submittals.
c. The Design Consultant shall use Excel or approved alternative software for design and modelling of
the STP.
d. All design documents shall be reviewed by UPLB. The Design Consultant shall stagger the submissions,
in order to facilitate a 14 days review period for each set of drawings, documents and calculations.
UPLB shall provide written comments on drawings, calculations or documents submitted by the
Design Consultant..


a. The Design Consultant shall join a Joint Commissioning Team (JCT) with UPLB in order to plan the
commissioning and handover of the STP.
b. The Design Consultant shall join in developing the commissioning procedures necessary for the
interfacing, testing and handing over of the STP. The document shall be submitted to UPLB prior to
commissioning activities.
c. The Design Consultant shall join and advise UPLB on the following tests that are required to
demonstrate that the STP and equipment are reliable in their operation and that their output and
performance meet the stipulated criteria:
i. Functional Tests – to ensure installed equipment (such as pumps, valves, MCC, electrical,
instrumentation, pipes, etc) complies with specifications.
ii. Take Over Tests (including water quality tests, reliability tests, chemical / power / noise
assessments) – this shall be carried out to demonstrate satisfactory operation of the STP
under manual and automatic control after successful Functional Tests..
iii. Performance Tests (6 month operation period) - As part of the Take-Over Tests a
performance test shall be carried out on the effluent quality for six (6) months to verify the
STP’s compliance with the requirements of DENR DAO 2016-08.
a. , upon the request and posting of the required one (1) year guarantee bond for such phase.


The Approved Budget for Contract (ABC) of Design Consultancy Service is Two Million One Hundred Thousand
Pesos (PHP 2,100,000).

The Approved Period for the contract is One Hundred Sixty (160) calendar days for the complete Design

a. The Design Consultant shall prepare and submit a cost estimate of the designed system
b. The Design Consultant shall prepare and submit for the purpose of the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) in his
contract a detailed cost estimates in accordance with the limit of the available Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC)
c. In the preparation of all detailed cost estimates the Design Consultant shall be guided by format
prescribed by UPLB.
d. The labor component of the cost estimates shall follow the ranges provided in the ordinance and the
latest wage order of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) of the Region 4-A.

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e. The Design Consultant shall draw up a unit price analysis for each of the pay item.


CONSULTANT’s services is expected to be 160 Calendar Days excluding periods used
during construction.

1.2 The schedule of submissions for ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DESIGN

Documentation shall be implemented following the scheme in Table 4.

1.3 Bidding and Construction activities shall proceed thereafter.



DESIGN services, duly registered with the Security and Exchange
Commission (SEC) or the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), owned
and managed by professionals qualified to undertake work in

An Architectural Firm, at least 70% owned by a Filipino Architect, who must

be registered and licensed to practice architecture in the Philippines, in full
compliance with R.A. No. 9266 (Architecture Act of 2004), registered under
Philippine Laws, a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporate entity;

An Architectural and Engineering (A&E) Firm, partly owned by a Filipino

Architect, registered and licensed to practice architecture in the Philippines,
in compliance with R.A. No. 9266, registered under Philippine Laws, a sole
proprietorship, partnership or corporate entity, provided that said Architect
shall be nominated in the bid documents as the professional responsible to
lead the Consultant’s team in the design and who shall be tasked with
signing all contract and permit documents;

Or a Joint Venture (JV), Association or Consortium of Firms where the lead

firm must be an architectural or architectural and engineering firm,
following the same conditions cited in paragraphs 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 above,
provided that all member firms of said JV, association or consortium shall
satisfy the pertinent eligibility requirements.

The A&E DESIGN CONSULTANT shall have demonstrated competence and creativity
to address the design problem for projects of similar complexity, use and character.
experience in design of state of the art sewage treatment plant.

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The Bidder shall indicate in his technical proposal, a description of completed and
ongoing projects, citing features and merits of particular projects where the above-
mentioned requirements have been fulfilled.

1.4 The A&E DESIGN CONSULTANT must be operational for at least fifteen (10) years
and shall have proven capacity to complete the project and provide the appropriate
experts and project staffing.



manpower requirements upon the effectivity of the contract with the following
qualifications and functions:


requirement for the A&E design shall include the following:


Team Members Education Qualification and Experience

 Minimum: Graduate in BS Architecture
Architect Experience:
 Total experience – 5 years
 Registered Architect
 Minimum: Graduate in Chemical
Engineering/Environmental Engineering
Wastewater Process Experience:
Specialist  Total experience – 5 years
 Experience in design of STP – 3 years
 Registered Chemical Engineer or Environmental Engineer

 Minimum: Graduate in Civil Engineering
Civil/Structural Specialist
 Total experience – 5 years
 Registered Civil Engineer

 Minimum: Graduate in Electrical Engineering
Electrical Specialist Experience:
 Total experience – 5 years
 Registered Professional Electrical Engineer
 Minimum: Graduate in Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Specialist
 Total experience – 5 years

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Team Members Education Qualification and Experience
 Registered Mechanical Engineer
 Minimum: Graduate in Electronics and Communications
Engineering or Electronics Engineer or Communications
Automation Specialist Engineer
 Total experience – 5 years
 Registered ECE, Electronics Engr. or Communications Engr.

The A&E DESIGN CONSULTANT may assign tasks of Project Key Personnel to
professionals outside of his firm or organization provided that the necessary
documents to support the agreement between the ARCHITECTURAL AND
ENGINEERING DESIGN CONSULTANT and Key Personnel are submitted with the Bid.

The A&E DESIGN CONSULTANT may assign other support personnel in addition to
those listed below, for the optimal performance of all DETAILED ARCHITECTURAL AND
ENGINEERING DESIGN Services at no additional cost to UPLB.

The A&E DESIGN CONSULTANT shall provide the Curriculum Vitae (CVs) (Annex “A”)
of their KEY AND SUPPORT personnel staff clearly showing the relevant skills, work
experience, trainings and professional certifications issued by the respective
organization/association. The CVs must be accompanied with certified true copy of
the following:

Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) License and Current Professional

Tax Receipt (PTR);
Diploma for college degree;
Diploma for post graduate degree, if applicable;
Professional certifications issued by the respective organization/association;
Certificate of Employment for the last five (5) years stating satisfactory
performance of the employee;
Job Description/s on the projects handled;
Professional Indemnity Insurance coverage for all the manpower


General Scope of Work

The scope of the Consultant’s work shall include the preparation of building plan
schemes, design developed drawings and final contract documents for the
construction work to be done on STP. In general, the design engagement shall include,
but not limited, to the following:

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Detailed Scope of Work

The CONSULTANT shall execute this assignment through a graduated, consultative
and iterative process starting with the architectural space program and design
schematics, thence into more detailed architectural design (during the Design
Development Phase) and then finally to the preparation of detailed architectural and
engineering contract document services of the proposed building. The process shall
be consultative, engaging the client and facility end-users through all stages of the
consultancy work.

Project Inception Stage– The CONSULTANT shall:

 Consult and verify with the UPLB Adhoc Committee for this project to
ascertain project requirements, establish protocols for reporting and
project coordination, and to firm-up the project work program,
schedule of coordination meetings and submission of project
 Conduct ocular visit of the site to gather the necessary data from the
organization and administration patterns as well as procedures in
order to optimize space allocation and increase productivity.
 Present and submit the Inception Report documenting the:
 Work program and project schedule.
 Project organizational chart and protocols for reporting and
project coordination.
 Rapid site assessment and review of site data identifying site
potentials and constraints.
 Request for additional site and project information.

Conceptual Framework Plan and Architectural Program Report Stage – The

 Conduct studies required for the project in compliance with
government laws, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations,
functional relationships, cost and effectiveness and others.
 Present and submit the Conceptual Framework Plan and
Architectural Program Report containing;

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 Description and illustration of the Master Development Plan for
the project integrating all space requirements, immediate and
future developments, and adjacent and ancillary services; and
 Recommended options and strategies for architectural and
engineering development.

Schematic Design and Preliminary Site Development Design Stage

The work under this phase includes the analysis of the design problem and
the presentation of solutions in the form of schematic plans. The Schematic
Report shall include, but is not limited, to the following:
a) Site development plan showing landscape scheme
b) Schematic floor plans, elevations, sections, interior and exterior
c) Preliminary scope of construction work
d) Budgetary estimates

Design Development Stage

The work under this phase includes the preparation of developmental
designs and design data including recommended systems and corresponding
costs in aid of finalizing the design program and plans prior to the
preparation of dialed and final construction drawing and contract
The following design development submissions are to be made based on the
latest and approved building schematic and preliminary site development
a) Design developed architectural and engineering plans
b) Detailed floor plans and sections
c) Scope of construction work
d) Schedule of materials and finishes
e) Outline specifications
f) Updated budgetary estimates

Contract Document Stage

Based on the approved design development plans, the Consultant proceeds
to the preparation of the following:
a) Detailed architectural and engineering construction drawing
b) Scope of work and schedule of materials and finishes
c) Technical Specifications
d) Detailed bill of quantities and cost estimates

The Consultant shall ensure that all Final Contract Documents are
coordinated across all design disciplines and outputs.

Bidding Phase and Construction Stage

TOR as of July 11 2018
The CONSULTANT’s work includes assistance and advice to the University
Planning and Maintenance Office (UPMO) in the preparation of Bid
Documents during this phase.

 During Bidding Phase, the Consultant is expected to:

 Attend pre-bid conferences; and
 Respond to questions from bidders.

 During Construction Phase, the Consultant is expected to:

a) Advise the UPMO and the appointed Project Construction
Manager regarding decisions on all claims of the Client and
Contractors on all matters relating to the execution and progress
of work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents.
b) Make periodic visits (at least twice a month) to the project site to:
 familiarize himself with the general progress and quality of work
and to ascertain that the work in progress is proceeding in
accordance with the Contract Documents and report; and
 report to UPMO, defects and deficiencies noted in the work of
Contractors and hall condemn
c) As needed, advise the UPMO and the appointed Project
Construction Manager in:
 preparation of variation orders and in the review of written
guarantees required of the Contractor and Sub-contractors;
 determining the amount owing and due to the Contractor and
certifying that the quality of work performed by the Contractor
is in accordance with the Contract Documents; and
 work found failing to conform to the Contract Documents

TOR as of July 11 2018

The following are the submissions and output requirements of the Project:


Stage Submission Review and Outputs Format Payment
Schedule Approval Schedule
Project Due 15 CD Max 6 CD after Project Inception 3 copies of bound 5%
Inception after NTP receipt of inception and Site Analysis A3 size report, CD
report Report: containing an
Project electronic file in
Methodology PDF.
• Project Timetable
& Schedule
• Review of Project
• Initial Site
• Photo Survey of
the site
• Initial
Presentation of PowerPoint/Visual
Findings Presentation
Conceptual Due 15 CD Max 6 CD after Conceptual 3 copies of bound 10%
Framework after receipt receipt of Framework Plan A3 size report, CD
Plan Stage of the schematic design Report containing an
approved electronic file in
inception PDF.
report Presentation of the Visual Presentation
Conceptual in PowerPoint and
Framework Plans Poster Boards
Schematic Due 15 CD Max 7 CD after Schematic Design 3 copies of bound 20%
Design Stage after receipt receipt of Stage Report A3 size report, CD
of the schematic design containing an
approved electronic file in
Conceptual PDF.
plan report
Presentation of the Visual Presentation
Schematic Designs in PowerPoint and
Poster Board
Design Due 30 CD Max 7 CD after Design 3 copies of bound 25%
Development after receipt of design Development A3 size report, CD
Stage development Report containing an

TOR as of July 11 2018
Stage Submission Review and Outputs Format Payment
Schedule Approval Schedule
receipt of electronic file in
approved PDF.
plans and
Presentation of the Visual Presentation
Design in PowerPoint and
Development Plans Poster Boards
Final Report Max 45 CD Max 14 CD after Presentation of the Visual Presentation 30%
and Final after receipt of contract Final Report and in PowerPoint and
Contract receipt of the documents Final Contract Poster Boards
Documents approved Documents formats
Submission design
Architectural First submission
Programming and (for review and
Conceptual approval: 3 copies
Framework Plan of bound A3 size
Final Report report CD
containing an
electronic file in

Second submission
(as approved by
UPLB): 3 copies of
bound A3 size
report CD
containing an
electronic file in
Architectural and 7 copies of A1 size
Engineering Blueprints with 1
construction plans set of Tracing
and detailed Paper (thick) prints
drawings and electronic files
of CAD drawings
Technical 5 copies Bound
Specifications A4size report,
electronic file in
Word format and
Bill of Materials 5 copies Bound
and Cost Estimates A4size report,
electronic file in
excel format and

TOR as of July 11 2018
Stage Submission Review and Outputs Format Payment
Schedule Approval Schedule
Blank Forms for 1 copy of bound
Proposal of A4 size report
TOTAL number 120 CD 40 CD 160 CD Total=
of CD 90% +
fee to be
paid after
on is
) = 100%

1.5 Oral/ visual presentation meetings shall be scheduled with the Client at least 2-3
days after the submission of the report to be presented.

1.6 Succeeding revisions in schemes and design development plans including revised
cost estimates, resulting from consultations with the Client, should be submitted in
bound A3 size compilations, but need not contain full report contents, to be
attached in the original report as “ANNEXES.”


UPLB shall designate personnel responsible for plan review and approval. All plans
submitted shall use the UPLB-recommended title blocks, with the following
(a) the appointed End-user representative
(b) the UPMO Director
(c) the OVCPD Vice Chancellor
(d) the UPLB Chancellor

Prior to progressing to succeeding stages of design, a final copy of the plans should be
submitted for signature of the above University personnel.


The ownership of all designs, drawings, specifications and copies thereof including electronic
files, prepared and furnished by the CONSULTANT in the performance of the services subject
of this Agreement shall be vested with the UPLB.


TOR as of July 11 2018
it shall conform strictly with the terms and conditions of these Terms of


represents and undertakes reliability of the service required to the
satisfaction of the UPLB. It shall employ highly skilled, well behaved and
honest employee with ID displayed conspicuously while working within the
compound. It shall not employ UPLB employees to work in any category.


with the laws, governing employees’ compensation, rules and regulations
applicable to its personnel employed on account of contract services. The
CONSULTANT shall pay its personnel not less than the minimum wage and
benefits mandated by law.


performance of its service shall secure and maintain at its own expense all
registration, license or permits required by national or local laws and shall
comply with the rules, regulations and directives of the regulatory Authorities
and Commissions.


shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of all persons and properties
at or near their area of work and shall comply with all the standards and
established safety regulations, rules and practices.


coordinate with any authorized and/or designated UPLB personnel in the
performance of their jobs.


for loss, damage or injury as may be due directly through the fault or
negligence of its personnel. It shall assume responsibility thereof and the
UPLB shall be specifically released from any responsibility arising therefrom.


with all documents to be required by the Commission on Audit even after
completion of the project at no additional cost to the UPLB.


assign, transfer, pledge, nor sub contract any part or interest therein.


service at no cost in the UPLB in case of any extension of the contract

TOR as of July 11 2018
The Terms of Reference for the Consulting Services for the
Detailed Architectural and Engineering Design (DAED) of the

TOR as of July 11 2018
proposed Rehabilitation of UPLB Sewage Treatment Plant is

Fernando C. Sanchez Jr.

Chancellor-UP Los Baños


TOR as of July 11 2018
TOR as of July 11 2018

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