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Have You Ever Game: Canada Canada Canada Canada

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Have you ever…game

This activity is a modification of a few different activities. This is a game for

students to practice making “Have you ever…” questions, and responding to
them. Divide students into groups of 4-10. Print out some play money and
distribute it equally to each student. There are many places on the web you can
find some play money, but to save you a little time looking, you can go to Cut out and shuffle
the “Tell the Truth” or “Tell a Lie” cards at the end of this page and place them in
one pile at the center of the table. Model “Have you ever” + past participle for
your students, as well as ways to respond to “Have you ever” questions.
Have you ever sung in public.
Yes, I have. or No, I haven’t.

You may want to give students the at the end of this lesson with some examples
of ‘Have you ever questions’ with verbs in the simple present. Remind students
that they will have to change the simple present to a past participle. The first
student starts and asks anyone else in his/her group a “Have you ever
question.” The student who is asked the question should draw a card from the
pile of “Tell the Truth” or “Tell a Lie” cards and answer according to the card.
The rest of the students are allowed to ask 3 more follow-up questions to try
and determine of the person answering is telling the truth or lying. Then all of
the students, except for the student who answered, bet on whether the student
is telling the truth or lying. It is the student answering the question that must pay
the bets. It’s a good idea to set a maximum bet, so one student doesn’t go
completely bankrupt on one question.

Example: In a group of six students (made up of Chandler, Joey, Monica,

Phoebe, Rachel and Ross) Ross starts and decides to ask Monica, “Have you
ever stayed up all night”. Monica, who has never stayed up all night, draws a
“Tell a Lie” card and answers, “Yes, I have.” Since three follow-up questions are
allowed, Joey begins and asks “When?” Monica replies, “Last summer”. Phoebe
then asks Monica, “Who were you with?” Monica replies, “My cousin.” Chandler
http://Canada- Free Online English Lessons & Information
about studying English in Canada.
All Rights Reserved 2003
http://Canada- Free Online English Lessons & Information
about studying English in Canada.
All Rights Reserved 2003

asks Monica, “Where were you?” Monica replies, “In our cabin.” Rachel then
asks, “What did you do all night?” Ross steps in and says, “Three questions are
up. It’s time to bet.”

Ross: “3 dollars it’s a lie”

Phoebe: “2 dollars. Truth”
Chandler: “uh…a buck, lie”
Joey: “2 dollars she’s lying”
Rachel: “3 dollars says she’s telling the truth”

Monica then shows her “Tell a Lie” card. She collects Phoebe’s and Rachel’s
money, since they were wrong, but has to pay Ross 3 dollars, Joey 2 dollars
and Chandler a dollar. Overall, she lost one dollar. Play proceeds for a set-time
period. This activity can also be used to practice “When was the last time
you…” or “Did you ever…”

http://Canada- Free Online English Lessons & Information
about studying English in Canada.
All Rights Reserved 2003
http://Canada- Free Online English Lessons & Information
about studying English in Canada.
All Rights Reserved 2003

Have you ever…

(you will have to change the verb and)

sing/in public think/out loud
find/money be/hangover
get drunk/party be/hang out to dry
tell/gossip stick/with the bill
shake hands/someone famous strike/a baseball
meet/someone famous swing/someone
made up/after an argument begin/book/never finish
lead/an expedition drink/Yak’s milk
pay/someone else’s dinner ring/a church bell
say/something you regret run/students’ council
sell/a car come home/past your curfew
shoot/a goal go/Europe
sit in a waiting room/more than 3 hours beat up/someone at school
stand in line/more than 3 hours blow up/at a friend
tell/a secret to a friend decide/to break up with someone
win/the lottery choose/a team
build/a model draw/a cartoon
burn/yourself drive/for more than 8 hours
feel/an earthquake eat/Yak
keep/diary fall/more than 10 feet
break/promise fly/to Hong Kong
leave a class/early forget to do something important
lose/something valuable get/ripped off
oversleep give/as well as you got
sleep in grow/your own vegetables
spend/more than 1,000 dollars at once hide/from someone
be/Paris know/a politician
bring a pet/school lie down on a straw bed
buy/anything expensive see/the sunrise
catch/a fish show someone around your town
fight/a cause steal/gum
seek/someone in the want ads take/a computer course
teach/anything throw/a party
http://Canada- Free Online English Lessons & Information
about studying English in Canada.
All Rights Reserved 2003
http://Canada- Free Online English Lessons & Information
about studying English in Canada.
All Rights Reserved 2003

Tell the Truth Tell a Lie

Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie
Tell the Truth Tell a Lie

http://Canada- Free Online English Lessons & Information
about studying English in Canada.
All Rights Reserved 2003

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