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Effectiveness of Homoeopathic Therapeutics in The Management of Childhood Autism Disorder

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Effectiveness of homoeopathic therapeutics DOI:


in the management of childhood autism Quick Response Code:

Praful M. Barvalia, Piyush M. Oza, Amit H. Daftary, Vijaya S. Patil,
Vinita S. Agarwal1, Ashish R. Mehta2

ABSTRACT Department of Homoeopathy,

Department of Clinical Psychology,
Department of Neurosurgery,
Background and Objectives: Childhood autism is severe and a serious disorder. A Spandan Holistic Institute of
study was conducted by Spandan holistic institute of applied Homoeopathy, Mumbai, Applied Homoeopathy, Mumbai,
with the objective of demonstrating the usefulness of homeopathic management in Maharashtra, India

autism. Address for correspondence:

Materials and Methods: Sixty autistic children of both sexes, ≤12 years were selected Dr. Praful Barvalia,
1/Shalibhadra Society,
for this study. It was nonrandomized, self‑controlled, pre and post‑intervention study, 248/Hingwala Lane Extension,
wherein the initial 6 months of observation period was used as the control period and the Near Popular Hotel, Ghatkopar (E),
same patients were thereafter treated for 1 year and compared with post‑intervention Mumbai ‑ 400 077,
Maharashtra, India.
findings. E‑mail:
Results: The study demonstrated significant improvement of autistic features with
Received: 26-03-2013
mean change in ATEC score (ATEC1‑pre‑treatment with ATEC5‑post‑treatment) was Accepted: 11-09-2014
15.12 and ATEC mean percent change was 19.03. Statistically significant changes
in ATEC scores were observed in all the quarters analyzed through repeated
measures ANOVA, with F‑value 135.952, P = 0.0001. An impact was observed on
all core autistic features, which included communication, 12.61%, socialization, 17%,
sensory awareness, 18.82%, and health and behavior, 29% (P = 0.0001). Significant
improvement was observed in behavior by Autistic Hyperactivity Scale, AHS1  36 to
AHS5  14.30 with F‑value 210.599 (P = 0.0001). Outcome assessment was carried
out using MANOVA, which showed statistically significant changes in post‑treatment
scores, P < 0.005. Total 88.34% cases showed improvement, 8.33% showed status quo,
and 3.33% cases worsened. Nine out of 60 cases showed a reversal of CARS putting
them into non‑autistic zone, P = 0.0001. A sharp decrease (34%) in ATEC scores, in
the first quarter implied positive effect of homoeopathic medicines, prescribed, as per
the homoeopathic principles.
Conclusion: The study has demonstrated usefulness of homoeopathic treatment in
management of neuropsychological dysfunction in childhood autism disorder, which
is reflected in significant reduction of hyperactivity, behavioral dysfunction, sensory
impairment as well as communication difficulty. This was demonstrated well in
psychosocial adaptation of autistic children.

Keywords: Autism treatment evaluation checklist, Autism, Childhood autism rating

scale, Regression, Symptomatology

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INTRODUCTION • Hyperactive behavior like restlessness and

Autism is a neuropsychiatric childhood disorder • Impaired sensory defenses
characterized by severe and pervasive impairment in • Eye contact
several areas of development such as social interaction • Speech.
skills, communication skills and/or presence of
• 60% of cases with mild autism regained speech
stereotype behavior, interest and activities. The onset
• 50% of cases  (without significant retardation),
is usually within the first three years of life.[1]
which continued for more than two years got
Developmental regression among children with rehabilitated in mainstream school or slow learners’
autism is a common phenomenon of unknown origin. setup while others were enrolled in Special School
Regression in language, social skills and play is usually • Obsessive acts and self‑stimulations showed
observed between the first and third years of life.[2] insignificant change in first six months and took
There has been an exponential rise in the prevalence longer to respond
of autism over the last 10 years.[3] Data released • All patients received indicated homoeopathic
medications in which Stramonium, Tarentula
from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and
hispanica, Calcarea carbonica, Natrum muriaticum
Prevention‑national public health institute of the
and Carcinosinum came more often.
United States of America) in April 2012 placed the
prevalence of autism in the U.S. at approximately (The study was presented at a seminar organized
1 in 88 children. No data is available from India to by Asian Homoeopathic League in August 2003 at
provide an India‑specific estimate of the prevalence.[4] New Delhi, India).
A review of homoeopathic literature identifies This study demonstrated modifications in the
clinical experience of physicians in treatment of behavior of autistic children as well as improvement
developmental and behavioral problems such as in sensory impairment thus reducing autistic
hyperactivity, impulsivity and delayed milestones. features. The findings were encouraging to
undertake a systematic study.
A pilot study provides details about the treatment
of seven autistic children with the remedies; Arnica A specific study was undertaken with following
montana, Carcinosin, Stramonium, Natrum muriaticum, objectives.
Thebaicum and Arsenic album in 200CH along with
compound of organo‑therapeutics in 6CH potency.[5] OBJECTIVES
Partial analysis of data of seven children out of 30
showed the positive interference of homoeopathic • To evaluate the usefulness of homoeopathic
treatment in the cognitive, motor and behavioral therapeutics in managing the neuro‑psychological
performance in autistic patients. These results dysfunctions in childhood autism disorder
also suggest that the longer the use of the • To demonstrate the role of homoeopathic
medication, the more remarkable the improvement medicines in managing behavioral dysfunctions
in PEP‑R (Psychoeducational Profile ‑ Revised) scores. like hyperactivity, impulsiveness etc., in autism.

Since 1998, Spandan has worked with children Study hypothesis

having developmental disability, including autism. Our Administration of the homoeopathic medicines
co‑ordination with multidisciplinary team gave us quite selected on the basis of similarity as elaborated in
objective evaluation. Pilot study was carried out on the Organon of Medicine in appropriate potency and
autism, which gave us good insight about the nature of repetition can reduce intensity of autistic features
the disease. This study comprised a case series of 54 as reflected in significant reduction in the scores
children registered, studied and managed at Spandan, measured by study scales.
during July 1998 to June 2003, suffering from autism
spectrum disorder. The findings were as follows:
• 72% of cases who continued treatment for more Study design and setting
than six months showed significant improvement From October 2006 to September 2009, the
in following order institute conducted a study of 60 cases of autism.

148 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy / Vol. 8 / Issue 3 / Jul-Sep 2014

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The proposal was submitted to the institutional Children presenting with very severe autism as
ethics committee along with comprehensive safety diagnosed by CARS with history of severe and
measures. Their approval was received and the frequent violent exacerbations, which required
committee was updated from time to time during continuous allopathic medications and/or
the study. hospitalization
This study was a non‑randomized, self‑controlled, pre • Children undertaking pharmacological treatment
and post‑intervention study wherein six months was or any recent history of such treatment to treat
a self‑control period and one year was the treatment autism within 30 days of participation into the
period. Children were initially kept on observation study.
for six months without homoeopathic treatment Sample size
and their scores were recorded. This was followed A total of 60 children fulfilling above criteria were
by intervention with an observation period of one selected for the study.
year and at the end of one year, the children were
A sample size of 60 was selected on the following
evaluated. The initial six months of observation was
used as the control period (self‑controlled) and the
1. Type I error α was taken as 0.05 giving us 95%
same patients were treated and compared with the
confidence interval
one‑year treatment period post‑intervention. They
2. Power of the study was taken as 80%. As there was not
did not receive any other pharmacological treatment
much data with similar studies available, this study
during the entire period of study.
is a first of its kind and also considering a minimal
Study population and recruitment required sample size based on the availability of
The cases were enrolled from general OPD of M.B. such patients in the population, considering the
Barvalia Foundation’s Spandan Holistic Institute confidence interval of 95% and alpha as 0.05, Power
of Applied Homoeopathy and from the institute’s was conservatively taken as 80%
mobile clinic. Regular awareness and screening 3. 10% change in ATEC score was considered as
camp were conducted in the community to screen clinically significant. Autism research institute has
and spot the cases. A series of workshops were provided ATEC range from mild to severe with
held for parents to educate them. The seminars percentile and corresponding ATEC percentage
were conducted for teachers of mainstream school change in scale and subscale. When we study this
of urban areas to sensitize them about role of range, we get some idea about changes in score
homoeopathy in autism. Similar seminars were range 10% change from previous level before
held for teachers from Anganwadis and Balwadis intervention has been seen and clinically verified
conducted by Central Government in the urban slum as significant.
areas of M and N wards of BMC (Greater Mumbai
Municipal Corporation).
Clinical diagnosis of childhood autism disorder
The diagnosis of childhood autism disorder was
Potential cases identified from the above sources made conjointly by homoeopathic physicians
were screened by the attending physicians for (PMB, PO), clinical psychologist, neurologist and
prominent symptoms of autism. Voluntary informed psychiatrist.
written consent was taken from their parents/
guardians prior to their enrollment into the study, Diagnostic parameters were essentially DSM‑IV;
i.e. before the observation period. an autistic child presents with varying degree of
cognitive ability. This was assessed by SQ (Social
Eligibility criteria Quotient) through Vineland Social Maturity Scale.
Inclusion criteria
Additionally, EEG, BERA (Brainstem‑Evoked Response
• Children from both sexes up to the age of 12 years
Audiometry), audiometry, serum serotonin, and
• Children diagnosed as suffering from childhood
genetic karyotyping were carried out at the time of
autism as per DSM‑IV (Diagnostic and Statistical
enrollment. Serum serotonin was repeated at the
end of the study. According to previous reports,
Exclusion criteria serum serotonin levels were often but not always
• Children suffering simultaneously from other elevated in autistic children. Therefore, we examined
chronic infections like tuberculosis or HIV disease. any possible linkage.[6]
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Treatment A quantitative study was carried out with respect

Children were given homoeopathic medicine based to change in various scores. But, in addition to this,
on the totality of symptoms. All patients were a qualitative observation was also made regarding
given medicine in centesimal scale based on their changes in child’s behavior, social interaction,
individual susceptibility. activities, interests and academic performance.

Outcome measures Data analysis

Treatment response is evaluated through change in The following scores were utilized for analysis: ATEC
areas such as communication skills, socialization, (with its various components like communication,
cognitive and sensory awareness and general socialization, cognitive, sensory awareness, and
behavior. These were measured through ATEC[7] and health and behavior), CARS, AHS and SQ. In addition
CARS[8] where lower scores show improvement while to the above, impact of intervention on autistic
higher scores signify deterioration/regression of skills. features in relation to different variables like degree
of autism, cognitive level, time dimension etc., were
ATEC score was taken six months prior to also studied.
intervention (ATECprev). Just before intervention,
ATEC (Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist score) ATEC score was primarily taken for outcome
was repeated. ATEC score was evaluated every assessment. Subsequently CARS and other
three months during the entire period of study, parameters were also analyzed for outcome
which provided five readings during one year of assessment. Treatment outcome assessment was
intervention (ATEC1 to ATEC5). accordingly classified as Mild, Moderate and Marked
CARS was evaluated at the beginning and at the end
of intervention. Comprehensive analysis of ATEC scores taken at
quarterly intervals was carried out at 95% confidence
The AHS (Autistic Hyperactivity Scale) was evaluated
interval using Repeated measures ANOVA.
at every three months during the entire period of
study, which provided five readings during one year To check whether the difference is statistically
of intervention. significant after treatment between independent
variable (Improvement grades ‑ worsening, Status
The SQ was evaluated at the beginning and at the
Quo, Mild Improvement, Moderate improvement,
end of intervention.
and Marked Improvement) and among all the
A detailed homoeopathic case was taken on a dependent variables CARS, ATEC, AHS, and SQ, a
specially designed case record for autism and each multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was
case was processed through standardized protocol performed using SPSS software ver. 20. General
(Case analysis, Evaluation, Totality formation, linear model (GLM) was used in which CARS1
Repertorization, Drug differentiation and arriving CARS2, ATEC1 ATEC5, AHS1 AHS5, and SQ1 SQ2 are
at Similimum). Each case was examined by a kept as dependent variables and independent
neurologist and child psychiatrist who evaluated the variable (Improvement grades ‑ worsening, Status
response to intervention. The scales were applied by Quo, Mild Improvement, Moderate improvement
a clinical psychologist. and Marked Improvement) are kept as fixed
The children who were from special school and effects at 5% alpha level of significance. Change
OPD were receiving occupational therapy while in ATEC scores six months prior to intervention
those children who were identified through camps i.e.  ATECprev‑ ATEC1 was tested and found
were either not receiving any therapy or were statistically significant.
receiving therapy irregularly. This mode of adjuvant
therapeutic inputs received by the children regularly
or irregularly, during self‑control phase of six months A summary of baseline distribution of children is
was not disturbed during intervention phase.
provided in Table 1. The following observations
Safety measures described during the treatment period were made out of the study data with respect to the
was also followed during the observation period. following variables.

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Table 1: Baseline distribution of children Four children had elevated serum serotonin levels
Variables Sub‑groups Number Percentage before treatment. All of the four showed decrease in
of levels after the homoeopathic treatment. There was
children corresponding clinical improvement in these cases.
Age ≤6 years 24 40
>6 years 36 60 Four other cases had normal serum serotonin levels
Sex Male 44 73 before treatment, which increased above normal
Female 16 27 after homoeopathic treatment. These cases also
Degree of Autism Mild 24 40 showed significant clinical improvement.
Mod 27 45
In severe autism cases, out of nine cases, only one
Severe 9 15
showed high serotonin level before treatment.
Cognitive ability Dull normal 13 22
(high functioning) ATEC scores
Mild 30 50 The mean ATEC score obtained six months prior
Mod 11 18 to the treatment (ATECprev) was 72.70. The
Severe 6 10 children were observed for six months without any
Total 60 100
treatment. An ATEC was recorded at the time of
Number of children 6 10
with abnormal EEG
commencement of treatment; pre‑treatment (ATEC1)
Karyotype Fragile X 2 3.33
and post‑treatment (ATEC5) were 79.45 and 64.33,
distribution of cases respectively.
Y chromosome 1 1.6
Comparison of ATEC scores with six months
Translocation of 1 1.6 prior to the start of treatment
X chromosome When we examined the profile of cases in six
Total 4 6.6 months prior to homoeopathic treatment, where
Serotonin levels Normal 56 93.33 some children were receiving regular traditional
High 4 6.6 therapies but none of them received homoeopathic
Low 0 0 medicines, we could see that there were a number
BERA Abnormal 0 0 of children who were not doing well. When we
Audiometry Abnormal 0 0 analyzed these data, the following pattern emerged.
BERA: Brainstem-evoked response audiometry; EEG: Electroencephalogram
Ascending pattern of ATEC scores during the
A consort flow chart showing the number of self‑control period indicated deterioration of autism
participants at each stage of the study is provided and post‑intervention descending pattern of ATEC
in Figure 1. scores indicated improvement.

Autistic Savant cases ATEC1 score of 79.45 suggest worsening of autism

Autistic Savant is an autistic child who possesses when compared to ATECprev score of 72.70 at six
brilliantly exceptional qualities. Such three cases with months prior to treatment (self‑control period). After
age 9, 9 and 8 years, respectively, presented with starting the homoeopathic treatment, there was
possessing qualities like brilliant flair of languages, reversal in the post‑treatment ATEC3 score to 70.42.
ability to read and write nine languages. One child The difference of the mean ATEC scores six months
presented with a remarkable memory of recalling prior to homoeopathic treatment and at the start
any passage from epic or novel, superlative skills of the homoeopathic treatment (ATECprev‑ATEC1)
for swimming, skating and calculations and unusual was – 6.75 (minus 6.75). The difference in
ability to read mother’s mind. Another child had pre‑treatment and post‑treatment mean ATEC scores
amazing ability to draw sketches just from his (ATEC1  – ATEC3) were 9.03 i.e.  mean percent change
memory. of 11.36. Thus, we can see that there is a significant
change after the introduction of Homoeopathy.
Serum serotonin level
According to previous reports, serum serotonin Subsequently, ATEC scores repeated every three
levels were often but not always elevated in autistic months i.e.  ATEC4  (67.35) and ATEC5  (64.33) showed
children. Therefore, we examined any possible reduction. Post‑intervention, difference in ATEC
linkage.6 scores i.e.  ATEC1‑ATEC5 was 15.12 [Figure 2]. This

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$'+' Q 
‡ &DVHVZLWK3''126

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Figure 1: Consort flow chart

implies ATEC mean percent change was 19.03. A statistically significant difference (P = 0.0001) was
Post‑intervention highest change observed was 44% observed in ATEC score at one year (ATEC5) compared
and there were 16  cases where  ≥30% change was with baseline (ATEC1), which also justifies clinically
noted. significant improvement in autistic features of the
At the end of the observation period of six months children. Also, a statistically significant difference
before homoeopathic treatment, out of 60 cases, was observed in all the ATEC scores (ATEC2, ATEC3,
52 cases showed deterioration in ATEC scores, five and ATEC4) recorded at different quarters compared
cases showed status quo and three cases improved. with baseline (ATEC1) [Tables 2 and 3].

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6(/)&21752/3(5,2' 75($70(173(5,2'

Figure 2: ATEC Means comparison

Table 2: Repeated measures ANOVA for ATEC Table 3: Post‑hoc test for repeated measure
Mean SD N 95% F P Pair‑wise comparisons
confidence Measure: ATEC
(I) (J) Mean Std. P valueb 95%
Lower Upper factor factor difference error confidence
bound bound 1 1 (I‑J) interval for
ATEC1 79.45 20.929 60 74.044 84.856 135.952 0.0001 differenceb
ATEC2 74.28 20.348 60 69.027 79.540 Lower Upper
ATEC3 70.42 20.138 60 65.214 75.619 bound bound
ATEC4 67.35 20.224 60 62.126 72.574 ATEC1 ATEC2 5.167* 0.654 0.0001 3.858 6.475
ATEC5 64.33 20.130 60 59.133 69.533 ATEC3 9.033* 0.867 0.0001 7.298 10.769
AHS1 36.60 11.537 60 33.620 39.580 210.599 0.0001 ATEC4 12.100* 1.082 0.0001 9.935 14.265
AHS2 28.53 9.661 60 26.038 31.029 ATEC5 15.117* 1.074 0.0001 12.968 17.265
AHS3 22.47 7.901 60 20.426 24.508 ATEC2 ATEC1 −5.167* 0.654 0.0001 −6.475 −3.858
AHS4 17.93 7.201 60 16.073 19.794 ATEC3 3.867* 0.433 0.0001 2.999 4.734
AHS5 14.30 6.667 60 12.578 16.022 ATEC4 6.933* 0.686 0.0001 5.561 8.306
SD: Standard deviation; ANOVA: Analysis of variance; ATEC: Autism treatment ATEC5 9.950* 0.738 0.0001 8.473 11.427
evaluation checklist; AHS: Autistic hyperactivity scale
ATEC3 ATEC1 −9.033* 0.867 0.0001 −10.769 −7.298
ATEC2 −3.867* 0.433 0.0001 −4.734 −2.999
ATEC sub‑scores reflecting on changes in ATEC4 3.067* 0.367 0.0001 2.333 3.800
autistic features ATEC5 6.083* 0.467 0.0001 5.149 7.018
ATEC assesses change in impairment in specific ATEC4 ATEC1 −12.100* 1.082 0.0001 −14.265 −9.935
aspects of autistic features like communication, ATEC2 −6.933* 0.686 0.0001 −8.306 −5.561
socialization, sensory awareness, and health and ATEC3 −3.067* 0.367 0.0001 −3.800 −2.333
behavior. A statistically significant difference was ATEC5 3.017* 0.308 0.0001 2.401 3.632
observed in all the autistic features recorded at ATEC5 ATEC1 −15.117* 1.074 0.0001 −17.265 −12.968

different quarters compared with baseline, which ATEC2 −9.950* 0.738 0.0001 −11.427 −8.473
ATEC3 −6.083* 0.467 0.0001 −7.018 −5.149
also justifies clinical improvement in all the autistic
ATEC4 −3.017* 0.308 0.0001 −3.632 −2.401
features of the children [Table 4].
Based on estimated marginal means. *The mean difference is significant
at the 0.05 level. b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least significant
Maximum improvement observed is in behavioral difference (equivalent to no adjustments). ATEC: Autism treatment evaluation
component followed by sensory aspects [Figure 4]. checklist; ANOVA: Analysis of variance

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Table 4: Repeated measures ANOVA for ATEC components

Mean SD 95% confidence interval F P % difference in means
Lower bound Upper bound
Communication Comm1‑Comm5
Comm1 18.5 5.137 17.173 19.827 20.167 0.0001 12.61
Comm2 17.43 5.16 16.1 18.766
Comm3 17.03 5.165 15.699 18.368
Comm4 16.53 5.173 15.197 17.87
Comm5 16.17 5.192 14.825 17.508
Socialization Soc1‑Soc5
Soc1 20.33 7.104 18.498 22.168 18.435 0.0001 17.00
Soc2 19.15 6.859 17.378 20.922
Soc3 18.22 6.747 16.474 19.96
Soc4 17.62 6.623 15.906 19.328
Soc5 16.88 6.421 15.225 18.542
Sensory aspects Sens1‑Sens5
Sens1 23.67 5.827 22.161 25.172 37.578 0.0001 18.82
Sens2 22.47 5.744 20.983 23.951
Sens3 21.22 5.752 19.731 22.703
Sens4 20.25 5.786 18.755 21.745
Sens5 19.22 5.883 17.697 20.736
Health and behavior H and B1‑H and B5
H and B1 16.78 8.253 14.651 18.915 27.63 0.0001 29.00
H and B2 15.07 8.107 12.972 17.161
H and B3 13.6 7.76 11.596 15.604
H and B4 12.78 7.632 10.812 14.755
H and B5 11.92 7.312 10.028 13.806
ATEC: Autism treatment evaluation checklist; ANOVA: Analysis of variance

Improvement in autistic features with respect

to time dimensions (quarter‑wise)
ATEC scores were evaluated every three months. 7+
Hence, we could compare changes in autistic 
features at the end of each quarter and quantify 48$57(5

in percentage form. There was a reduction in
the ATEC score after starting the homoeopathic 5'
treatment i.e. 34% improvement in the first quarter 

[Figure 3]. 1'
Degree of behavioral dysfunction (AHS) 

AHS allows us to perceive degree of behavioral

dysfunction. The mean pre‑treatment score
(AHS1  36.6) and post‑treatment score (AHS5  14.3) Figure 3: Quarter‑Wise Change in ATEC
showed statistically significant change of 22.30,
which is 59.08% change (P = 0.0001), which
CARS scores
clinically indicates improvement in behavioral
A mean value of CARS score before treatment (CARS1)
dysfunction by reduction in hyperactivity,
impulsivity, tantrums, self‑injurious behavior, was 33.93 while the mean CARS score after treatment
etc., Also, a statistically significant difference was (CARS2) was 31.44. A paired t‑test showed a T‑value
observed in all the AHS scores (AHS2, AHS3, and of 9.496 and P value of 0.0001, which indicates
AHS4) recorded at different quarters compared statistically significant difference at one year (CARS2)
with baseline (AHS1) [Table 2]. compared with baseline (CARS1) [Table 5].
154 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy / Vol. 8 / Issue 3 / Jul-Sep 2014
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Barvalia, et al.: Homoeopathic therapeutics in childhood autism disorder

Of 60 children, a total of 9 children, who had mild different categories of cognitive ability
autism, had CARS score as <30 at post treatment A statistically significant difference in the mean
which indicates becoming non‑autistic after scores was also observed in autistic children
intervention (P value 0.0001), while 10 cases with belonging to different categories of cognitive ability,
moderate autism became mild [Table 9]. i.e.  dull normal, mild MR, moderate MR, and severe
Improvement in autistic features with respect MR (17.46, 15.23, 14.64, and 10.33, respectively
to degree of autism with P < 0.05) [Table 6].
A statistically significant difference in the mean Changes in cognitive ability (mental retardation)
scores was observed in children belonging to all A statistically significant difference was observed in
the categories based on degree of autism, i.e.  mild, SQ score at one year (SQ2) compared with baseline
moderate, and severe (14.45, 16.81 and 11.78 (SQ1) [Table 5]. It was observed that 43 children
respectively with P < 0.005) [Table 6]. belonging to dull normal and mild MR category
Improvement in autistic children belonging to have shown significant change in cognitive ability;
however, very less significant change in SQ was
observed in children with moderate and severe
Parents, teachers and therapist reported positive
improvement in behavior and activities of daily living.
High‑functioning children reported improvement in
scholastic performance.
Overall outcome assessment
Autism research institute has provided ATEC range
from mild to severe with percentile and corresponding
ATEC scores. Based on changes in category, outcome
measures in ATEC were defined. CARS gives range of
Figure 4: Percentage change in ATEC sub‑scores pre and post‑treatment
mild, moderate and severe Autism, based on that %
of improvement was taken up.
Table 5: Mean values comparison for CARS
scores and SQ scores pre and post‑treatment At one year post‑treatment, a mild (16), moderate
with paired T‑test (21), and marked (16) improvement was observed in
Mean N SD T P majority of the children. However, a total of seven
CARS1 33.925 60 3.6311 9.496 0.0001 children were observed with either worsening or
CARS2 31.433 60 3.1856 status quo scores [Table 7 and Figure 5].
SQ2 61.083 60 18.1316 3.864 0.0001
SQ1 57.917 60 16.0231
A multivariate analysis of variance performed on CARS,
P value is calculated for the comparison of CARS and comparison of SQ using
ATEC, AHS, and SQ scores showed significant results.
paired t‑test. SQ: Social quotient A statistically significant difference in almost all the

Table 6: Improvement in autistic features with respect to degree of autism and with respect to
different categories of cognitive ability
No of cases Mean ATEC1 Mean ATEC5 Difference of means T P
Autism degree
Mild 24 64.33 49.88 14.45 11.08 0.0001
Moderate 27 85.74 68.93 16.81 8.69 0.0001
Severe 9 100.89 89.11 11.78 5.56 0.001
Cognitive ability
Dull normal (high functioning) 13 61.69 44.23 17.46 7.968 0.0001
Mild MR 30 78.07 62.83 15.23 8.995 0.0001
Mod MR 11 91.64 77 14.64 6.715 0.0001
Severe MR 6 102.5 92.17 10.33 5.622 0.002
ATEC: Autism treatment evaluation checklist; MR: Mental retardation

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scores at one year post‑treatment compared with Remedy response and posology observed
baseline indicates the significant change in all the during the study
dependent variables of improvement grade [Table 8]. Centesimal scale potencies were utilized
A trend in improvement of degree of autism commencing with 200C potency. Symptomatology
and different categories of cognitive ability was was reviewed periodically. When there was no
observed with regards to number of cases assessed further improvement, potency was raised to 1 M and
pre‑treatment and post‑treatment. It was noted that later 10 M. Changes in symptomatology necessitated
a total of nine children became non‑autistic after the second prescription.
treatment [Table 9]. A total of 23 cases demanded infrequent doses
List of remedies that came during management (where remedy is repeated at an interval of two or
of cases [Table 10] greater than two weeks), while 28 cases demanded
First prescription means, first remedy which was moderately frequent repetition (where remedy is
prescribed at the time of commencement of treatment. repeated one in a week or for three consecutive
In 22 cases, symptomatology changed, which demanded days of the week), while nine cases required very
second prescription. Similarly four cases demanded frequent repetition (where remedy is repeated once
further change leading to a third prescription. At a every day of more than once in a day) to the extent
given time, only one indicated remedy was prescribed of being repeated even twice or thrice in a day.
irrespective of the severity of the autism. Acute exacerbations of intense autistic features
From above Table 10, Carcinosinum has come up in during the course of treatment
maximum number of cases (18 + 1 + 1) and it has Eight cases presented with acute exacerbations
also come maximum times as first prescription (18). of symptoms like intense agitation, restlessness,
Hyoscyamus came up in maximum cases as the unmanageable aggression, oversensitivity especially
second prescription. to sound and sometimes marked self‑injurious
behavior and incontinence of urine and stool.
Stramonium and Hyoscyamus came up to control these
:RUVHQHG episodes and required to be repeated very frequently,

 even every four hours. Acuteness reduced in 4‑5 days
while the indicated medicine was required to be
continued for two weeks. None of the cases required
to be hospitalized or transferred to other experts.
But of course it needed close supervision.


The study demonstrated a significant reduction

in autistic features (P = 0.0001). Homoeopathic
,PSURYHG intervention brought about modification in the behavior
 followed by significant changes in other aspects viz.,
Figure 5: Study outcome sensory impairment, socialization and communication.

Table 7: Outcome assessment of improved cases

ATEC and/or CARS Improvement No. of Percentage
grades cases (n) of cases
Worsening <0% change (increase in score <0% change 1 2 3.33
from baseline)
Status quo 0% (no change in baseline scores) 0% (no change in baseline scores) 2 5 8.33
Mild improvement <15% ‑ ≥10% change <7% change 3 16 26.67
Moderate improvement ≥15% ‑ <30% change ≥7% ‑ <10% change 4 21 35.00
Marked improvement ≥30% change ≥10% change or CARS score<30 5 16 26.67
( non‑autistic range)
ATEC: Autism treatment evaluation checklist

156 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy / Vol. 8 / Issue 3 / Jul-Sep 2014

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Barvalia, et al.: Homoeopathic therapeutics in childhood autism disorder

Challenges in the treatment of autism have been of autism viz. repetitive and stereotyped patterns of
phenomenal. Allopathic medications like Risperidone behavior, interests, and activities as well as social and
therapy addresses hyperactivity and aggressive communicative impairment of autism.[9] Homoeopathic
behaviors and is more suited to conditions like ADHD medicinal treatment of autism by Gupta et al.[10] found
60% (n = 6) improvement in autistic symptoms by
as it does not help in addressing to the core features
classical method of homeopathic treatment, whereas
non‑classical showed 38% (n = 3) improvement.
Table 8: Multivariate analysis This showed positive role of Homoeopathy in the
Source Dependent variable F value P value
management of autism. Patient compliance and small
Improvement grade CARS1 6.898 0.0001
sample size were the limitations of this study.
ATEC1 8.802 0.0001 Current study was extensive enough to cover up children
ATEC5 from both the sexes as well as evenly distributed in age
AHS1 4.208 0.005 groups. It covered up the entire range of autism; mild,
AHS5 moderate and severe, while from the standpoint of
SQ1 10.616 0.0001 cognitive ability, children were from high functioning to
SQ2 mild, moderate, and severe mental retardation.
P value is calculated for the comparison of all dependent variable using
multivariate analysis of variance Children who were gradually regressing and showing
trend toward deterioration showed improvement
Table 9: Distribution of cases pre and in the autistic features. Across this range, changes
post‑treatment with respect to degree of autism achieved in the scores were statistically significant
and different categories of cognitive ability and intervention helped to bring down the autistic
No. of cases load. When we study the pattern of response in
Pre‑treatment Post‑treatment behavioral disturbances as well as core autistic
Degree of autism features, following points emerge.
Non‑autistic 0 9
A statistically significant difference (P = 0.0001)
Mild 24 34
was observed in ATEC score at one year (ATEC5)
Moderate 27 13
Severe 9 4
compared with baseline (ATEC1), also a statistically
Total 60 60
significant difference was observed in all the ATEC
Cognitive ability
scores (ATEC2, ATEC3, and ATEC4) recorded at
Dull normal 13 21 different quarters compared with baseline (ATEC1),
Mild MR 30 23 which justifies the clinically significant improvement
Moderate MR 11 10 in autistic features of the children reflected not only
Severe MR 6 6 in behavior like hyperactivity and impulsivity, but
Total 60 60 also in all the core autistic features, such as sensory
MR: Mental retardation impairment, socialization, communication etc.

Table 10: Remedies list and their frequencies of prescriptions

First prescription (n=60) Second prescription (n=22) Third prescription (n=4)
Carcinosinum (18) Borax (1) Carcinosinum (1) Carcinosinum (1)
Stramonium (7) Medorrhinum (1) Stramonium (4) Nux vomica (1)
Nux vomica (5) Lyssin (1) Nux vomica (1) Lachesis (1)
Hyoscyamus (1) Zincum metallicum (1) Hyoscyamus (5) Veratrum album (1)
Tuberculinum bovinum (4) Cina (1) Tuberculinum bovinum (2)
Tarentula hispanica (5) Baryta carbonica (1) Natrum muriaticum (1)
Phosphorus (5) Calcarea carbonica (1) Silicea (1)
Natrum muriaticum (2) Veratrum album (1) Calcarea silicata (2)
Opium (2) Lycopodium clavatum (2)
Silicea (1) Causticum (1)
Natrum phosphoricum (2) Plumbum metallicum (1)
Calcarea carbonica (1)

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Barvalia, et al.: Homoeopathic therapeutics in childhood autism disorder

This is further validated by statistically significant about significant change in child’s adaptive skills. To
difference (P = 0.0001) in ATEC components mean, that extent, we can see improvement occurring in
viz. communication, socialization, cognitive and retardation as reflected in SQ as well as in special
sensory awareness, and health and behavior. Analysis educator's observation about child’s improved
of the components also indicates that Homoeopathy ability.
brought about improvement in the area of behavior By effectively reducing core autistic features
and sensory impairment quite early during the consistently over a one‑year period, the study
course of treatment. These changes facilitated demonstrated a good improvement in these
psychosocial adaptation of autistic children. children’s psychosocial adaptation, activities of daily
Pace of improvement after homoeopathic intervention living, and even scholastic performance.
is worth studying. There was reduction in the ATEC Carcinosinum came up in maximum number of
score within the first quarter after intervention. instances as first prescription (n = 18), which was
This implies the positive role of intervention. This is followed by Stramonium. What is significant is to
consistent with what Dr Rimland has written about observe second prescription coming up in the
ATEC. If improvement occurs due to maturation, then management. Changes in the set of characteristic
gradual improvement is seen over a period of time. indications demanded the second prescription. We
However, if there is a perceivable improvement after observed this phenomenon in 22 instances. Thus, out
the intervention is started then treatment is helping of 60 cases, in 22 cases, 2 remedies were required
(Autism Research Institute).[11] in sequence, for e.g. Opium followed by Causticum,
Rate of change as well as quantum of change in Stramonium followed by Hyoscyamus. While in four
the autistic features is not directly proportional to cases, three remedies were required in sequence.
degree of autism but partially dependent on it. For e.g. Nux Vomica – Stramonium – Carcinosin and
Medorrhinum‑Lycopodium‑Lachesis, while in 34 cases,
There is a statistically significant difference
only one remedy was required. The study allowed
(P  ≤0.005) in the mean scores of all the types of
us to obtain the profile of characteristic symptoms
autism, i.e.  mild, moderate, and severe. This implies of prescribed medicines and has also given us a
that Homoeopathy can bring about significant number of clinical indications. These aspects have
improvement in all the types of cases of autism. not been discussed here.
However, mild and moderate autism indicate
superior change in comparison to severe autism. Autism is a serious chronic disorder hence
homoeopathic treatment will demand careful
Treatment had impact on all the categories of autistic observation and analysis of the changes in
children classified from the standpoint of cognitive symptomatology, which will be reflected in
ability (P = 0.0001). However, children with dull identification of second prescription.
normal intelligence showed the highest improvement
followed by children with mild retardation. This The number of children suffering from mild,
implies that cognitive ability is an imoportant variable, moderate, and severe autism is not uniform, nor
which has an impact on the outcome of treatment. large enough to study comprehensively differential
impact on different types of autism. Multi‑centric,
Overall mean SQ has shown improvement post double‑blind, placebo‑controlled, randomized study
treatment. Study demonstrated significant change in will be further helpful.
SQ in children with dull normal and mild retardation
while those with moderate and severe retardation Change in cognitive ability with regards to mental
have not shown significant change in SQ, while their retardation is a complex phenomenon and would
autistic features have improved. take into account number of variables. To analyze all
these is beyond the scope of the current study.
Children who were diagnosed to have mental
retardation demonstrate significant adaptive living CONCLUSION
skills deficits. Measured intellect deficit could be
reflection of current behavioral, communicative, The study has demonstrated the usefulness of
and social difficulties in autistic children.[12] Overall homoeopathic treatment in the management of
improvement in core autistic features can bring neuropsychological dysfunction in childhood autism
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Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy / Vol. 8 / Issue 3 / Jul-Sep 2014 159

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