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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8.468,154 B2

Leino et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 18, 2013
(54) DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FOR DATA ITEMS 2005/0262256 A1* 1 1/2005 Cheng ........................... TO9,231
2006/0080286 A1* 4/2006 Svendsen .......................... 707/3
2006/0208927 A1* 9, 2006 Poor et al. ...... 340,995.1
(75) Inventors: Ville V Leino, Turku (FI); Sami S 2006/0241859 A1 * 10, 2006 Kimchi et al. ................ TO1,208
Leino, Espoo (FI) 2006/0271277 A1 11, 2006 Hu et al.
2006/0285150 A1* 12/2006 Jung et al. .................... 358,115
(73) Assignee: Spinlet Oy, Espoo (FI) 2007/0061266 A1 3/2007 Moore et al.
2007/01625O2 A1* 7/2007 Thomas et al. ............ TO7 104.1
2007/0179750 A1* 8, 2007 Burfeind....................... TO2,188
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2007/0287.473 A1* 12/2007 Dupray ....... 455,456.1
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2008, OO74423 A1* 3, 2008 Gan et al. ....... ... 345/427
U.S.C. 154(b) by 711 days. 2008/0104649 A1 5/2008 Naaman et al. .... T25,116
2008/O189249 A1 8/2008 Petakov et al. ................... 707/3
(21) Appl. No.: 11/705,153 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(22) Filed: Feb. 12, 2007 DE 10351 684 A1 6, 2005
JP A 2006-24228 1, 2006
KR 2004-83.238 10, 2004
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2008/O195943 A1 Aug. 14, 2008
Dec. 23, 2011 Office Action issued in U.S. Appl. No. 13/228, 106.
(51) Int. Cl. Dec. 6, 2012 Office Action issued in U.S. Appl. No. 13/228, 106.
G06F 7/30 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl. * cited by examiner
USPC ........................................... 707/724; 707/752
Primary Examiner — Neveen Abel Jalil
(58) Field of Classification Search Assistant Examiner — Kevin L. Young
USPC ............................................................ 707/10
See application file for complete search history. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Oliff & Berridge, PLC
(56) References Cited (57) ABSTRACT
Distribution system for data items where information on
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS amounts oftopics may be used to scope further actions on the
6,741,864 B2 5, 2004 Wilcock et al. information. Data items are created topically in various loca
7,415,424 B1 8/2008 Donner ............................. 705/5 tions, provided with position-based annotation and made
2003, OOO6913 A1 1/2003 Joyce et al. publicly available. Search on desired data items is scoped
2004/0010204 A1 1/2004 Weber et al. .................. 600,547
2004/OO29622 A1 2, 2004 Laroia et al. using views that show the amount of available data items for
2004/0225635 A1 * 1 1/2004 Toyama et al. ................... 707/1 one or more sub-areas of a geographical area.
2005/0055353 A1 3/2005 Marx et al.
2005/0192727 A1 9, 2005 Shostalk et al. 35 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Jun. 18, 2013 Sheet 1 of 8 US 8.468,154 B2
U.S. Patent Jun. 18, 2013 Sheet 2 of 8 US 8.468,154 B2

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U.S. Patent Jun. 18, 2013 Sheet 7 of 8 US 8,468,154 B2

US 8,468,154 B2
1. 2

FIELD OF THE INVENTION In the following the invention will be described in greater
detail by means of preferred embodiments with reference to
The present invention relates to information techniques the attached accompanying drawings, in which
and especially to provision and distribution of information. FIG. 1 illustrates a number of communication endpoints
configured to communicate over a communication network;
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION FIG. 2 illustrates a reference configuration of an applica
tion node in which the invention may be embodied;
Conventionally people have been acquiring knowledge on 10 FIG.3 illustrates a functional description of a user terminal
various topics and their points of interest through established in which the invention may be embodied;
channels that feed information in a defined way in a defined FIG. 4 illustrates a procedure for providing data elements
time. It has been easy to turn to a particular page of a particu in a user terminal illustrated in FIG. 3;
lar newspaper to find the news on a train crash the day before, FIGS. 5A and 5B illustrate further embodiments of the
or to watch particular news broadcast to hear the latest update 15 basic procedure;
on the coup in the planned vacation resort. In return, it has FIG. 6 illustrates a basic procedure for receiving data ele
been accepted that between the occurrences and the time the ments in an application node;
information on the occurrence becomes available is a delay, FIG. 7 illustrates a basic procedure for selecting and
and that the choice of subjects, as well as the extent and scope retrieving data elements in a user terminal;
of their coverage follows a defined pattern characteristic for FIGS. 8A, 8B and 8C show exemplary data item views;
the policy adopted for the channel. Furthermore, the amount FIG. 9 illustrates a further embodiment of the basic proce
of reporters is limited so many subjects are missed. dure for selecting and retrieving data elements in a user ter
As a result of increased use of Internet, and other advanced minal;
communication mechanisms, the forms of providing and dis FIG. 10 illustrates a basic procedure for retrieving data
tributing information has recently changed. There are Internet 25 elements in an application node:
sites where people chat on any chosen topic and bring in news FIG. 11 illustrates a further embodiment in the application
and views. Succulent stories circulate quickly in the Internet node:
and sites comprising content on Such story may very quickly FIGS. 12A and 12B illustrate schematically alternative
be visited by a mass of users. There are even sites where configurations of a basic data item; and
individual users may post video clips on any Subject. Through 30 FIG. 13 illustrates a basic procedure for provision of asso
Such site postings information on any Subject may become ciated data items to the user terminal.
available with minimal delay. Furthermore, each of the posted
contents represents an editorial view of the person who cre SOME EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION
ated the content and thus by viewing several contents and
representations on one occurrence, the authenticity of the 35 It is appreciated that the following embodiments are exem
information, and thereby the accuracy of the news is plary. Furthermore, although the specification may in various
improved. Additionally, due to the large number of virtual places refer to “an”, “one', or “some embodiment(s), refer
reporters, the amount of Subjects that may be continuously ence is not necessarily made to the same embodiment(s), or
covered is huge. However, material that is created practically the feature in question does not only apply to a single embodi
randomly by a plurality of users and is made available in 40 ment. Single features of different embodiments may be com
various different sites and made accessible in various differ bined to provide further embodiments.
ent forms are extremely difficult to search systematically. The The present invention is applicable to a communication
search engines are powerful but rely only in use of search system that is capable of delivering data items between com
terms. Since the creators typically use different terms in nam municating endpoints. A variety of systems applying a variety
ing their content, finding a desired piece of information on a 45 of communication technologies may be used separately or in
particular topic is yet a matter of good luck more than a result combinations to implement the embodiments of the inven
of systematic operations. tion. Communication systems and technologies evolve con
tinuously, and embodiments of the invention will require a
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION number of modifications that, as such, are obvious for a
50 person skilled in the art. All words and expressions of this
An object of the present invention is thus to solve overcome specification should be interpreted broadly, as they are
the above problems such that information on amounts of intended merely to illustrate, not to restrict, the embodiments.
topics may be acquired and used to scope further actions for In the following, some embodiments of the invention will
searching and retrieving the information. The objects of the be described in the context of an exemplary communication
invention are achieved by a method, a system, a user terminal, 55 system that provides fixed and wide area connectivity to
an application node, a computer program product, or a com mobile user equipment, however, without restricting the
puter program distribution medium, which are characterized embodiment to any particular connectivity types. An embodi
by what is stated in the independent claims. The preferred ment of a communication system according to the present
embodiments of the invention are disclosed in the dependent invention is illustrated in FIG.1. It should be noted that only
claims. 60 elements necessary for illustrating the invention are shown. It
The invention is based on the idea of creating data items is apparent to a person skilled in the art that actual systems
topically in various locations, provide the data items with comprise other functions and structures that are not necessar
position-based annotation and make the data items availably ily discussed or depicted in more detail herein.
publicly. Search on desired data items may then be scoped The configuration shown in FIG. 1 is a logical representa
using data item views that show the amount of available data 65 tion of basic system architecture of an embodiment of the
items for one or more Sub-areas of a geographical area cor present invention and identifies functional entities thereof.
responding to the view. Each of the shown entities represents a grouping of functional
US 8,468,154 B2
3 4
entities. On the other hand, each of the functions may be access points to which user terminals may be connected in
realized in a single physical entity or be distributed over order to connect to the services of the core network. Fixed
multiple physical entities. access points may be used by fixed and portable terminals. A
FIG. 1 illustrates a number of communication endpoints portable terminal may be moved from point to point but may
100, 101, 102, 103, 109 that are configured to communicate only used at a fixed point. A fixed terminal is Substantially
over a communication network 104. The communication net permanently connected to a fixed access point assigned to it.
work 104 typically comprises at least one or more core net It should be noted that the invention may be applied in mobile,
works 105 that provide network services, and one or more portable and fixed user terminals.
access networks 106, 107, 108 through which the communi A communication endpoint does not need to be operated by
cation endpoints access these core network services. Core 10 a user but may be implemented as computer that serves other
network 105 represents a transmission facility that intercon entities accessible through the same communication system
nects lower-speed distribution networks, like access net by operating as the other entities request. An application node
works. Access networks 106, 107.108 represent transmission 109 represents here a server or a program in a computer in a
facilities that provide final transmission laps to the commu distributed network that provides the business logic for an
nication endpoints 100, 101, 102, 103, 109. Communication 15 application that implements the functions according to the
endpoints represent herein system elements that source and invention. Depending on the implementation, the application
sink data streams of a defined communication protocol layer. node 109 may be connected to the communication network
In the current embodiment an endpoint may be implemented 105 directly without an access network, or indirectly through
in any fixed, mobile or portable device with connectivity to at an access network AN3 108. In FIG. 1, AN3 represents a
least one access network of the communication network 104 telecommunications network between a local exchange of the
and comprising an application that is configured to receive core network and the application node 109.
and transmit information over the protocol layers applied in FIG. 2 illustrates a functional description of an application
connectivity of the device. Communication endpoints shown, node in which the invention may be embodied. An application
in FIG. 1 are illustrated by means of a number of user termi node may be any networked computer element that is acces
nals 100, 101, 102, 103 as well as an application node 109, 25 sible to the participating user equipment using their respec
connected to the communication network 104. tive primary connectivity type. Advantageously an applica
As an access network AN1 for mobile user terminals, a tion node is also capable of accessing the charging interfaces
communication network 105 may comprise a radio network of the participating user equipment for the purpose of gener
subsystem 106. The radio network subsystem 106 may com ating charging records on the implemented operations.
prise one or more radio network controllers and one or more 30 The application node of FIG.2 comprises a processing unit
base tranceiverstations. A base tranceiver station performs air 20, an element for controlling the operations and executing
interface layer processing (for example, channel coding and functions of the application node. The processing unit 20
interleaving, rate adaptation, etc.) to interface with user comprises an arithmetic logic, a number of special registers
equipment 100, 101, 102, 103. The base transceiver stations and control circuits. The processing unit may be implemented
form a coverage area within which the mobile user equipment 35 as a single integrated circuit or as a combination of a number
may send and receive information. As the user moves around of integrated circuits.
the network, the mobile user equipment will handoff to vari The application node of FIG. 2 also comprises a commu
ous cell sites during calls, or while waiting between calls it nication unit 21 configured with receiving unit 22 for receiv
will reselect cell sites. A radio network controller is a network ing information from the network interface and processing it
node responsible for the control of the radio resources of one 40 for inputting to the processing unit 20, as well as with trans
or more base tranceiver stations and interfaces the core net mitting unit 23 for receiving information from the processing
work 105. For a person skilled in the art it is clear that the unit 20, and processing it for sending via the network inter
radio access network AN1 may comprise one or more inter face. The implementation of Such a communication unit, is
connected radio network Subsystems. generally known to a person skilled in the art. The connection
Mobile user terminal is user equipment primarily arranged 45 type used for communication with other communication end
to operate in a cellular network. By handing over the connec points is not relevant for the invention:- basically the appli
tion from one cell to another cell, mobile user equipment may cation node may operate towards the other endpoints through
access network Services also during movement. Mobile user its own access network, the core network and any access
equipment functions within a radio access network infra network of the respective communicating party. The applica
structure together with the Software, applications, and content 50 tion node may also be implemented as part of the core net
associated with the device, and thereby provides to its user work.
connectivity. A user equipment may be a simple terminal that Connected to the processing unit is a memory unit 24, a
is able to communicate with one media type service (for data medium where computer-readable data or programs or
example, speech) only or it can range to a terminal for diverse user data can be stored. The memory unit typically comprises
services that acts as a service platform and Supports loading 55 storage elements that allow both reading and writing (RAM),
and execution of various functions related to these services. In and storage elements whose contents can only be read
the current exemplary embodiment of accessing the radio (ROM). The application node may also comprise a user inter
access network, the mobile user terminal may be imple face unit (not shown) for inputting data by the user for internal
mented as any mobile equipment or any type of computer processing in the application node, and for outputting user
device to which a fixed or detachable radio interface element 60 data from the internal processes of the application node.
(for example, a card phone) has been coupled to provide a Examples of applicable input devices comprise a keypad, a
connection to the radio access network. touch screen, a microphone, or the like. Examples of appli
Other types of user terminals are connected to the system cable output devices comprise a screen, a touch screen, a
by means of their respective access types. A communication loudspeaker, or the like. Through the user interface unit an
network 105 may also comprise a fixed network subsystem 65 administrator of the application node may control the opera
107 to provide access network AN2 for fixed user terminals. tions of the application node and provision possible new users
A fixed network subsystem comprises a number of fixed for the service.
US 8,468,154 B2
According to the invention, the application node of FIG. 2 cated Short Range Communications (DSRC), HIPERLAN,
further comprises an application unit 25, an element that HIPERMAN, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi
comprises a logical collection of functions for implementing neers (IEEE) 802.11, Ultra-wideband (UWB), Institute of
the embodiment of the present invention. The application unit Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.16 (Wi
may be implemented, for example, as series of computer tasks 5 MAX), xMax, ZigBee. Institute of Electrical and Electronics
defined in a programming language. For a person skilled in Engineers (IEEE) 802.16 (WPAN), Wireless USB. The user
the art it is cleat that a combination of functions that provide equipment also comprises one or more interface connections
a capability for the interworking of application node invoca for direct provisioning of terminal Software. Access to Such
tions for a specific purpose may comprise functions specifi terminal software format is available to a restricted group of
cally configured in the application unit and/or basic functions 10 users only. It is clear that the user equipment may also com
available in the application node. The processing unit, the prise other functional units without deviating from the scope
communication unit, the memory unit and the application unit of protection.
of the application node are electrically interconnected for FIG. 4 illustrates a basic procedure for providing data
performing systematic execution of operations on the elements in a user terminal illustrated in FIG. 3. The proce
received and/or stored data according to predefined, essen- 15 dure begins in a state where the user terminal is Switched on
tially programmed processes of the unit. In solutions accord and registered into the communication system and thus ready
ing to the invention, these operations comprise the basic and to send and receive data over the air interface. In step 400, the
embodied functionality of the application node as will be user terminal subscribes an application program APP. Sub
described in more detail in the following. Scription refers here to a contract between an application
Correspondingly, FIG.3 illustrates a functional description 20 service provider and a Subscriber. At contracting a set of
of a user terminal in which the invention may be embodied. A communication protocols are agreed and possibly a charging
mobile user equipment is used as an example. Also the user relationship is formed. In the user terminal, the subscription is
equipment comprises a processing unit 30, an element for provisioned by means of an application program made acces
controlling the operations and executing functions of the user sible in the user terminal. The application program may be
equipment. The processing unit 30 comprises an arithmetic 25 delivered to the user terminal through the communication unit
logic, a number of special registers and control circuits, and over the air interface, through any of the local communication
may be implemented as a single integrated circuit or as a interfaces of the user terminal, or provisioned directly to the
combination of a number of integrated circuits. user terminal through the interface connections of the user
Also connected to the processing unit is a memory unit 31, terminal.
a data medium where computer-readable data or programs or 30 At some point of operation the user initiates (step 402) the
user data can be stored. The memory unit may comprise RAM application, for example by entering a defined key sequence
and ROM elements. The user equipment UE also comprises a in the keypad, or activating a defined icon in the screen of the
user interface unit 32 with user input unit 33 for inputting data user terminal. After initiation the application provides for
by the user for internal processing in the user equipment, and user activation a function for data item generation. It is clear
user output unit 34 for outputting user data from the internal 35 that in a full application implementation, various functional
processes of the unit. Examples of applicable input devices or other options available to the user at a particular operating
comprise a keypad, a touch screen, a microphone, or the like. stage are provided as a combined selection view, where the
Examples of applicable output devices comprise a screen, a selection can be made in several ways. The layout and imple
touch screen, a loudspeaker, or the like. mentations of the views and menus through which the func
The mobile user equipment UE also comprises a radio 40 tion is made available to the user are not relevant for the
communication unit 35 configured with a receiving unit 36 embodiment and will not be discussed in more detail herein.
for receiving information from the base transceiver station of At some point of operation the user equipment detects (step
the radio network subsystem over the air interface and pro 404) a data item. A data item is a combination of one or more
cessing it for inputting to the processing unit 30, as well as information elements, joined together at least for transmis
with a transmitting unit 37 for receiving information from the 45 sion purposes. Information elements of the data item may
processing unit 30, and processing it for sending via the air comprise user data or index data. User data carries content
interface to the base tranceiver station of the radio network that may be consumed by users, index data comprises addi
Subsystem. The implementation of Such radio communica tional information that is associated with the data item but is
tion units is generally known to a person skilled in the art. not essential in consumption of the data item. User data
The user equipment may advantageously comprise also a 50 information elements in the data item may be in any format in
positioning unit 38 for determining the geographical position any media type. Index data information elements need to be in
of the user equipment and provide the position data for Sub at least one of the formats that can be interpreted by various
sequent use in the functions of the user equipment. An communication parties
example of positioning units is an integrated Global Position A data item may be generated in the user terminal, received
ing System (GPS) device. It should be noted that a separate 55 locally into the user terminal through any of the local com
positioning unit is optional in that the position information munication devices, or received from another user via the
associated with data items can be provided in other ways also, communication system. Data items may be generated in the
for example input manually by the user. Other automatic user terminal by photographing, video imaging, recording,
positioning schemes are also available, for example, position inputting text, and adopting output information from a user
ing based on base tranceiver station identity or measurements 60 terminal application, like a game, for example. By choice of
carried out in the base transceiver stations. The user equip the user or as an automated function of the user terminal,
ment may also comprise one or more local communication information on the existence of the data item is input to the
units (not shown) for enabling transmission and reception of application program and a procedure for data item processing
information locally, for example, a device implementing any is initiated in the user terminal.
of the following technologies: Bluetooth, Infrared Data Asso- 65 The user terminal checks (step 406) whether to index the
ciation (IrDA), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Digi data item. As discussed above, indexing may be performed by
tal Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), Dedi including indexing information elements to the data item.
US 8,468,154 B2
7 8
Indexing may be performed to all data elements or only to item is to be treated as private, the indexing record is not
selected data items. The decision whether a data item is to be forwarded outside of the user equipment, and the embodied
indexed may be prompted from the user via the user interface procedure terminates.
or it may be determined automatically according to a pre The user terminal further checks (step 418) whether to
defined scheme. For example, at Subscribing the user may transmit the data item to a predefined external database
create a profile that includes one or more indexing conditions assigned to the application service. If the check is positive, the
that a data item need to fulfill in order to be indexed. For user terminal sends (step 420) the data item to the predefined
example, a condition may include a definition that data items external database. If the data item is to be treated as private,
created with a camera integrated to the user equipment will by the data item is not forwarded outside of the user equipment,
default be indexed. It is clear that a variety of schemes may be 10 and the embodied procedure terminates.
applied without deviating from the scope of protection. FIG. 5A illustrates a further embodiment of the basic pro
According to the invention, the indexing data comprises an cedure of FIG. 4. Indexing of the data items may be per
information element that indicates a position to be associated formed directly after the decision to index is available. Alter
natively, the user terminal may be configured to detect
with the data item. Indexing data may be generated automati 15 operational states (OS) during which indexing may be per
cally by the user terminal and/or prompted from the user. For formed with least interference to other essential procedures of
example, the position information element may be derived as the user terminal. An example of such operational states is an
a coordinate determined with the positioning unit of the user idle state during which the user terminal is not sending or
terminal or provided as a name of a location (e.g. Helsinki) receiving user data through the telecommunication system.
typed in by the user. In addition, the user terminal may include Such states are referred to as indexing states (IS). The proce
in the data item a number of other indexing information dure illustrated in FIG. 5A begins when the user terminal has
elements, for example, an indexing information element that detected that indexing would be performed. In step 500, the
indicates the data item to be public, an indexing information user terminal checks (step 502) its operating state to see
element that indicates a time of generation of he data item, an whether is matches with the one or more predefined indexing
indexing codeword that describes the subject of the content, 25 states. If the check is positive, the user terminal continues to
for example. A variety of information elements applicable for step 408. If the check is negative, the user terminal performs
annotating the content may be used without deviating from a standby operation (step 504) after which it again checks
the scope of protection. All or part of the indexing informa whether the indexing state exists.
tion elements of the data item are combined into an indexing FIG.5B illustrates another further embodiment of the basic
record of the data item. 30 procedure of FIG. 4. Data items generated by a user terminal
If the check is positive, the user equipment will perform may be stored in one or more of the memories in the user
indexing (step (408). If the check is negative, the procedure terminal, or transmitted for storing to an external database.
will continue directly to the next step where the user terminal Data items that are transmitted from the user terminal to an
checks (step 410) whether or not to store the data item into a external storage may be transmitted directly after the decision
user terminal memory that is assigned for the use of the 35 to transmit is available. Alternatively, the user terminal may
application. If the check is positive, the data item is stored be configured to detect operational states (OS) during which
(step 412) to the user terminal. If the check is negative, the transmission of data items may be performed with least inter
procedure will continue directly to the next step where the ference to other essential procedures of the user terminal. An
user equipment, according to the invention, further checks advantageous state for initiating transmission of data items is,
(step 414) whether the data item will be treated as public or 40 as in the embodiment of FIG. 5a, the idle mode of the user
private. terminal. Such states are referred to as transmission states
Public data item refers to data items that after their submis (TS). The procedure illustrated in FIG. 5B begins when the
sion to the system are inherently accessible to users of the user terminal has detected that a data item would be transmit
application service. Access to public data items may be ted. In step 510, the user terminal checks (step 512) its oper
restricted by additional control definitions provided in the 45 ating state to see whether is matches with the one or more
application program protocols. Private data item refers to data predefined transmission states. If the check is positive, the
items that are inherently accessible only to the user that sub user terminal continues to step 420. If the check is negative,
mits them to the system. Access to private data may be the user terminal performs a standby operation (step 514)
granted by additional control definitions provided in the after which it again checks whether the transmission state
application program protocols. The decision whether a data 50 exists.
item is to be treated as public or private may be prompted The standby operation in FIGS.5A and 5B may comprise
from the user via the user interface or it may be determined waiting for a predefined period before performing a new
automatically according to a predefined scheme. For check. Alternatively, the standby operation may comprise
example, at Subscribing the user may create a publication interaction with the mobility management and radio resource
profile that includes one or more conditions that a data item 55 functions of the user terminal such the procedure will be
need to fulfill in order to be marked public. For example, a paused, and as soon as the desired indexing or transmission
condition may include a definition for an area and a definition state (for example, the idle mode of the user terminal) is
that data items created with a camera integrated to the user entered, the procedure will be automatically resumed. Other
equipment within that defined area may by default be marked standby operations are possible without deviating from the
public. It is clear that a variety of schemes may be applied 60 Scope of protection.
without deviating from the scope of protection. FIG. 6 illustrates a basic procedure for receiving data ele
If the data item is to be treated as public, the user terminal ments in an application node illustrated in FIG. 2. In the
sends (step 416) the indexing record of the data item to a beginning the application node is Switched on detects (step
defined application node. The address of the application node 60) incoming data. The application node checks (step 62)
is configured to the user terminal, for example, at Subscribing 65 whether the data comprises an indexing record of a data item.
the application service and the connectivity to the application If the check is positive it stores (step 64) the indexing record
node is provided via the communication system. If the data and thus makes the record and the indexing information ele
US 8,468,154 B2
9 10
ments into a data item index registry. The data item index particular indexing codeword, or data may be searched by a
registry comprises indexing records of data items received group of users that have generated data or any combination of
and recorded by the application node. This data item index these etc.
registry is available for search and/or data retrieval as will be When the user terminal receives (step 706) a selection of
described in more detail later on. The storing step may com one or more coordinate elements ce, the user equipment
prise further functions where the index is, for example, determines (step 708) the position information elements pie,
checked, verified, and/or complemented with indexing infor that correspond to the selected coordinate elements and sends
mation elements by the application node. If the check is (step 710) to the application node a message that comprises an
negative, the procedure continues directly to the next step indication on the determined position information elements
where the user terminal checks (step 66) whether the data
10 pie, and a request to provide information on data items, the
comprises user data information elements (UIE). If the check indexing record of which comprises any of the determined
is positive it stores (step 68) the user data information ele position information elements. The information requested
ments and thus makes them available for data retrieval. Data
from the application node on data items may vary according
to the implementation, but comprises at least the position
elements may be stored in a database integrated to or directly 15 information for each of the data items to be included in the
accessible from the user terminal, or in one or more external data item view.
databases accessible through the communication system. The When the user terminal receives (step 712) the requested
application node will record the storing operations such that information it outputs (step 714) to the user a data item view
for data items whose indexing record is available for search, that provides information on the availability of data items
the address of the storage is derivable for data retrieval. associated by indexing with the selected geographical area,
It is appreciated that provision of data items in a plurality of the availability information provided in such form that the
locations and making them publicly available provides a new amount of available data elements in defined subareas of the
independent media channel that considerably increases the geographical area of the data item view is, shown. The data
amount of consumable information. The information comes item view again that comprises a plurality of coordinate ele
directly from content generators that, for some consumers, 25 ments, where each coordinate element corresponds to an
may represent increased authenticity of the newscast. The actual geographical area, and thereby to a group of one or
information may be made available without editorial delays more position information elements. In addition the data item
inherently associated with the conventional news broadcasts. view provides an indication on the availability of data items in
The associated position information enables a variety of that particular geographic area. A data element is available in
search function that may be utilized to improve the accuracy 30 a geographic area when its position information element cor
of the searches, as will be discussed herein. responds to the coordinate element that, on the other hand,
FIG. 7 illustrates a basic procedure for selecting and corresponds to the particular geographic area. The format of
retrieving data elements, for consumption in a user terminal the first selection view and the indications on data items may
illustrated in FIG. 3. The application service may be sepa vary according to the implementation. FIG. 8A shows an
rately such that a user may act as a provider of data elements 35 exemplary data item view where the view is output in the user
oras a consumer of data elements or as both. The embodiment terminal screen as a map Such that one pixel of the map
of FIG. 7 illustrates operations from the point of view of a user corresponds to an actual geographical area. In case the search
terminal used for consuming the data elements. For concise base formed by the indexing records of data items in the data
ness, definitions for same terms are not repeated here, but item view comprises at least one data item indexed with a
reference is made to description of FIG. 4. Thus the procedure 40 position information element that corresponds with the coor
begins in a state where the user terminal is Switched on and dinate element, the pixel corresponding to the coordinate
registered into the communication system and thus ready to element is shown as contrasted from the map. In FIG. 8A, the
send and receive data over the air interface. In step 700, the contrast is accomplished by an asterisk output on the corre
user terminal Subscribes an application program APP. At sponding coordinate element. A further effect may be pro
some point of operation the user initiates (step 702) the appli 45 duced by changing the brightness or color of the pixel accord
cation. ing to the amount of data items per the coordinate element of
The application provides (step 704) for user selection an the pixel.
area selection view that comprises a plurality of coordinate FIGS. 8B and 8C shows alternative views illustrating the
elements, where each coordinate element corresponds to an availability of the same data items in the same geographic
actual geographical area, and thereby to a group of one or 50 area. In FIG. 8B the geographic area is divided into a mesh of
more position information elements that may be included in Subareas and the number of available data items in each
the indexing records of data items. In the area selection view subarea is printed in the corner of the respective subarea. In
the user is prompted to select one or more coordinate ele FIG. 8C the geographic area is divided into two subareas
ments and thereby choose a geographic area for a Subsequent corresponding to the division of the land around the two cities
data item view. As discussed earlier, the format of the menus 55 CITY A and CITY B by the river RIVER, The number of data
and selections is, as such, not relevant for the scope of pro items in each of the subareas is listed in the data item view. For
tection. Furthermore, the area selection is optional Such that a person skilled in the art it is clear that alternative implemen
the user may be merely shown a common view that illustrates tations of the data view may be used without deviating from
the geographic area from which data items will by default be the scope of protection.
searched. However, advantageously, the area selection view 60 The granularity of the first view may be insufficient so the
provides options for scoping the search to a defined geo selection by the user may comprise a selection of one of the
graphical area of interest. In addition to position-related Subareas such that the Subarea becomes a new geographic
restrictions, the user may be provided with a possibility to area of interest. Thus the user terminal checks (step 716)
define some further search conditions, based on the other whether the selection points to a subarea of the data item view.
indexing information elements. For example, the further 65 If the check is positive, the procedure will return to step 706
search conditions may limit the search to data items generated with a new set of coordinate elements ce. If the check is
within a defined time period, or data items that comprise a negative, the selection points to one or more data items that
US 8,468,154 B2
11 12
the user wishes to be retrieved. It is appreciated that the data running in the application node. A plurality of data items are
item views may be configured to change according to the level received and recorded to the data item index registry of the
of detail. For example, viewing the availability of data items application node. The application node receives (step 1000)
may started from a geographic area that corresponds to a map from one of the user terminals a message that comprises an
view of whole USA and scoped in successive data item views indication on determined position information elements pie,
to the level of a list of data items in a particular airport in USA. and a request to provide information on data items, the index
From this list the user may select the data items he wishes to ing record of which comprises any of the determined position
download to his or her user terminal. information elements. The application node searches the data
The user terminal determines (step 718) the data items di item index registry and on the basis of information in the
selected for retrieval and sends (step 720) to the application 10 indexing records generates the requested information on the
node a a message that comprises an indication on the selected selected data items RIpie). It should be noted that other
data items di, and a request for retrieving the data items. The indexing information elements may be additionally used for
procedure end when the user terminal receives (step 722) the limiting the amount of searched data items. Provision of
requested data items. search criteria for conventionally annotated information is
Showing the availability of data items in the context of their 15 generally known to a person skilled in the art and will not be
respective geographical area provides for the user a consistent described here in more detail.
and systematic way to approach the desired subject and The application node generates a response comprising the
search for the relevant data items. requested information RIpie) and sends (step 1004) it to the
FIG. 9 illustrates a further embodiment of the basic proce requesting user terminal. When a new request from the user
dure of FIG.7. As will be discussed in more detail later on, the terminal arrives (step 1006), the application node checks
retrieval of data items may be performed by the application (step 1088) the type of the new request. In case the new
node Such that after requesting the data items, the user termi request again comprises an indication on determined position
nal may receive the retrieved data items or notification from information elements pie, and a request to provide informa
the application node on unsuccessful retrieval of one or more tion on associated data items, the procedure returns to step
data items. Such case is illustrated in FIG.7. Alternatively, the 25 1000 with a new set of position information elements. In case
application node may act only as an indexing party and pro the new request comprises a request to retrieve one or more
vide addresses to the data storages from which the data items data items (step 1010), the application node initiates a proce
may be retrieved. For example, some data items may be stored dure for retrieving (step 1012) the requested data item or data
and available for download in the user terminal where it was items. When data items are retrieved, the application node
originally created. In Such situation the multiplicity of Stor 30 sends (step 1014) the data items to the requesting user termi
ages that are uncontrollably available or unavailable for nal. Data items may be forwarded to the user terminal accord
access, and the delay on the retrieval operation may exceed ing to a predefined schedule, for example, one by one at the
the service session, i.e. the time that the user is willing to time they become available, combined into groups and deliv
remain standby to interact for retrieving the data item. This ered by a separate invitation that the user terminal gives when
could potentially severely handicap the user experience of the 35 it is ready to receive information. It is clear that other delivery
service. The disadvantage may, however, be avoided by an schedules may be applied without deviating from the scope of
arrangement shown in FIG. 9. protection.
The procedure of FIG.9 begins when the user terminal has As discussed in context of FIG.9, the application node may
senta request for data items di, to the application node and the act to retrieve the requested data items and deliver them to the
application node does not provide the data item but an address 40 requesting user terminal, as shown in FIG. 10. Alternatively,
Addr(di) from which the data item may be retrieved. When it may act as a mediator that enables the search for a data item
the user terminal receives (step 900) the address Addr(di) it and returns to the requesting user equipment one or more
generates a request for the data item and sends (step 902) it to addresses from which the data item may be retrieved, but does
a communication endpoint in the provided address. The user not itself retrieve the data items. In such case step 1012 of
terminal checks (step 904) whether a response is received 45 FIG. 10 would illustrate the act of sending addresses addr(di)
within a defined period of time or not. If the check is positive, to the requesting user terminal. The application node may
it means that the communication endpoint is accessible, the assume either or both of the above roles, depending on the
response comprises the data item and the procedure may implementation. For example, the application node may be
continue as in step 722 of FIG. 7. If not, the communication configured to retrieve the information from internal or exter
endpoint is not accessible, and the retrieval is not successful. 50 nal databases directly available to it, but for data items only
In response to a negative check, the user terminal initiates a stored in the user terminals, merely provide the address to the
standby procedure (step 906) after which the request is resent other communication endpoint from which the data item may
to the communication endpoint. The standby procedure may retrieved.
be any procedure that keeps the data retrieval procedure auto However, in case the application node assumes the respon
matically running Such that whenever the communication 55 sibility for retrieving the data item, the problem of accessi
endpoint becomes accessible again, the data item will be bility of data items, as discussed in connection with FIG. 9.
automatically retrieved and provided for consumption. arises. FIG. 11 illustrates a procedure for overcoming the
Standby operation may comprise, for example, waiting for a problem encountered in operating on a plurality of data Stor
predefined period before performing a new check. Other ages whose availability for access varies uncontrollably. The
standby operations are naturally possible without deviating 60 procedure beings when the user equipment at step 1010 has
from the scope of protection. received a request for aparticular data item distored in a user
FIG. 10 illustrates a basic procedure for retrieving data terminal. The application node determines (step 1100) from
elements in an application node embodied in FIGS. 2 and 6. If the data item index registry the address of the data item. The
not specified otherwise, definitions of similar terms and nota address of the data item corresponds to an address of the user
tions may be referred from the description of the earlier 65 terminal where the data item is stored. The application node
embodiments. The procedure begins when the application sends (step 1102) to the user terminal a message that indicates
node is Switched on and the application service program is the identity of the data item and a request for retrieval of the
US 8,468,154 B2
13 14
data item. The application node checks (step 1104) whether a addition to improving the possibilities to search interesting
response is received within a defined period of time If the content, the Solution provides a way to search for communi
check is positive, it means that the communication endpoint is cating parties with similar interests.
accessible, the response comprises the data item and the According to a further aspect of the invention, FIG. 13
procedure may continue as in step 1012 of FIG. 10. If not, the illustrates a basic procedure for provision of associated data
communication endpoint is not accessible, and the retrieval is items to the user terminal. The possibility to provide further
not successful. In response to a negative check, the user data items, for example advertisements, selected according to
terminal initiates a standby procedure (step 1106) after which the codewords used in the search of data items has been
the request is resent to the communication endpoint. The conventionally used to create a commercial basis for provi
standby procedure may be any procedure that keeps the data 10 sion of the data item distribution service. This mechanism
retrieval procedure automatically running such that whenever provides a clear and quick procedure that allows advertises to
the communication endpoint becomes accessible again, the focus their important information to target groups that are
data item will be automatically retrieved and provided for interested in the areas to which the codewords may be related.
consumption. Standby operation may comprise, for example, Another state of the art mechanism is provision of location
waiting for a predefined period before performing a new 15 based information in cellular systems. For example, in a
check. Other standby operations are possible without deviat location based service, a user registered to a particular cell
ing from the scope of protection. and requesting information on nearby restaurants may be
A group of conditions related to the indexing information positioned by the system and identity information on restau
elements and used for restricting the amount of data items rants in the current cell and the neighboring cells is provided
may be combined into a search profile Such that a search for for his perusal.
data items on a particular point of interest may be easily These mechanisms can be significantly improved by fur
searched at any time. For example, an interested fisherman ther focusing the content of the information Such that is more
may create a profile that follows the availability of data items compatible with the possibilities to use the information. For
in subareas crossed by the river of FIG. 8A and/or in the near example, an bar owner in Thailand might be interested to
vicinity of the river. Correspondingly, fishermen may agree 25 forward to a user that searched and retrieved a data item about
that best catches will be photographed and shared through the a nearby beach an advertising invitation to, his bar. This
application service. By activating the created profile, the fish information would, on the other hand, not be that interesting
erman may quickly browse the available pictures and be fully to a user that at the time of retrieving the data item was in the
aware of the latest triumphs of the fellow fishermen. As USA. However, a US travel agent selling vacations to a resort
another example, a person who drives to work along the road 30 at that beach, would most likely be willing to provide some
in FIG. 8A may create a profile that follows the availability of more information on their services to the user.
data items in the subareas through which the road passes. By Inline with the set example, the procedure of FIG. 13 starts
making a search using this profile, the user may access first at a situation where a user terminal has subscribed the service
hand knowledge on occurrences, like accidents, in the road and the application program is running in the user terminal.
and whenever necessary reroute the drive. 35 The application node records a continuous accumulation of
Typically, after a data item has been created and indexed its data items di, the indexing data of which includes a position
content cannot be changed anymore. A further embodiment information element (step 1300). Additionally, in the appli
of the invention enables interaction between users that have cation node the data item is associated with at least two
retrieved the data item. FIG. 12A illustrates schematically the additional data items A, A, for example, advertisement data
configuration of a basic data item. The data item comprises a 40 items (step 1302). When a user terminal retrieves (step 1304)
user data part UDIE that includes one or more user data a data item dik, using the procedures disclosed in the
information elements, and an indexing data part, which com examples above, the application node determines (step 1306)
prises a position information part PIE that includes one or the position of the user terminal that retrieved the data item,
more position data information elements and additional infor and on the basis of the position determines (step 1308) which
mation part AIE that includes one or more additional infor 45 of the additional data items to provide to the consuming user
mation elements applicable for scoping the searches as dis terminal.
cussed in connection with FIG. 7. FIG. 12B illustrates a data For example, if the position of the user terminal is POS1
item applicable in a further embodiment of the invention. The that is within a defined range from the bar, additional data
data item comprises an editable information part E-UDIE that item A, for example an invitation to the happy hour in the
is configured such that the user may edit the existing content 50 same evening, is provided (step 1310) to the user terminal
or add new content on top of the existing content. For example along with the data item. On the other hand, if the position of
a user in Japan may submit a data item where the user infor the user terminal is POS2 that is within a defined range from
mation part comprises a picture of a comet X, the indexing a particular travel agent, additional data item A, for example
data part comprises a codeword comet X, and the data item an advertisement and a quick link to the travel agents contact
comprises an editable information part. In minutes another 55 information, is provided to the user terminal along with the
user in Sweden accesses the data item, adds an appreciative data item. Thus a data item associated with one position
comment to the data item and resubmits the data item to the information may be used to deliver different types of mes
data item index registry. The application node detects that the sages to users in different geographical positions.
data item is the same but the editable information part has It will be obvious to a person skilled in the art that, as the
been amended, and distributes the data item back to a defined 60 technology advances, the inventive concept can be imple
group of user that have accessed the data item. The defined mented in various ways. The invention and its embodiments
group may comprise, for example, all users that have are not limited to the examples described above but may vary
accessed the data item, or the creator of the data item and any within the scope of the claims.
user that has earlier commented the data item. Other distri
bution schemes may be applied within the scope of protec 65 The invention claimed is:
tion. The arrangement allows instant contact and exchange of 1. A method for providing and distributing information, the
opinions for various parties interested in same topics. Thus, in method comprising:
US 8,468,154 B2
15 16
contracting in a plurality of mobile user terminals of a 2. A method for providing and distributing information
telecommunication system a distribution policy for data according to claim 1, further comprising:
items, the distribution policy of each respective mobile connecting through a cellular network said plurality of
user terminal defining automatic accessibility of data mobile user terminals to said application node:
items generated by adopting output information from an 5 recording in the application node indexing records of data
application running in the respective mobile user termi items of the plurality of mobile user terminals:
nal to other ones of said plurality of mobile user termi providing the recorded data items for searching to the
nals contracting a same distribution policy; plurality of mobile user terminals:
generating in the mobile user terminal each data item by receiving from the at least one of said plurality of mobile
adopting the output information from an application 10 user terminals a request for a searched data item of one
running in the mobile user terminal; of said plurality of mobile user terminals:
marking, in each of said plurality of mobile user terminals, checking the availability of the requested data item from
data items adopted from the application output auto said one of said plurality of mobile user terminals;
initiating, in response to the requested data item not being
matically accessible to other ones of said plurality of 15 available, a follow-up procedure for detecting an
mobile user terminals contracting the same distribution instance when the requested data item becomes avail
policy when the data item is created in a defined geo able in said one of said plurality of mobile user termi
graphic area; nals;
annotating, in each of said plurality of mobile user termi receiving a notification from said one of mobile user ter
nals, the data items with a geographical position infor minals in response to said one of said plurality of mobile
mation element; user terminals registering with the cellular network;
generating, in each of said plurality of mobile user termi retrieving the requested data item from one of said plurality
nals, for data items an indexing record, an indexing of mobile user terminals in response to detecting the
record of a data item including the geographical position notification; and
information element; 25 providing the retrieved data item to said at least one of said
configuring, in the mobile user terminals, at least one trans mobile user terminal.
mission state, a transmission state corresponding with 3. The method for providing and distributing information
an operational state of the mobile user terminal during according to claim 2, further comprising
which transmission one or more of the data items from recording data items of mobile user terminal, storing gen
the mobile user terminal is allowed; 30 erated data items and transmitting the data items only at
sending the indexing records of each of said plurality of predefined transmission states;
mobile user terminals to an application node storing the storing received data items in a database accessible by the
indexing records of said plurality of mobile user termi application node,
nals contracting the same distribution policy only when checking the availability of the data item first from a data
the mobile user terminal is in a transmission state; 35 base; and
providing, in at least one of said plurality of mobile user checking the availability of the data item stored in the
terminals contracting the same distribution policy, geo mobile user terminal, in response to the data item not
graphical position selection view based on the indexing being available in the database.
records stored in the application node, the geographical 4. The method for providing and distributing information
position selection view comprising a number of separate 40 according to claim 2, further comprising
coordinate elements dividing the geographic area into a receiving from said at least one of said plurality of mobile
mesh of Subareas, the contrast or brightness or color of user terminals information for determining at least one
the coordinate elements on the map view varying geographical position information element of a data
according to the proportion of interesting data items, item; and
whose display is filtered in accordance with setting in a 45 sending information on the data item, an indexing record of
search profile that: which includes the determined geographical position
i) restricts an amount of the interesting data items in each information element.
specific Subarea and 5. The method for providing and distributing information
ii) follows the availability of the interesting data items in according to claim 4, further comprising
each specific Subarea, based on geographical position 50 defining a filter that includes at least one filter condition for
information elements of the indexing records of said at least one further information element included in the
plurality of mobile user terminals stored in the appli indexing records of the data items; and
cation node, each coordinate element corresponding sending information only on data items, the indexing
to at least one geographical position information ele record of each of which comprises the at least one further
ment, 55 information element that fulfils the at least one filter
determining the address of one of the plurality of mobile condition.
user terminals that contains a data item listed in the 6. The method for providing and distributing information
search results; according to claim 5, wherein
requesting the data item from the mobile user terminal that the filtercondition includes a requirement for at least one of
contains the listed data item when it is determined the 60 the following information elements:
user terminal is available and periodically retrying the time of generation of the data item,
request when it is determined that the addressed mobile type of Source of the data item,
user terminal is not available; size of the data item,
adding a comment to a data item provided in response to search term associated with the data item,
the request; and 65 media type of the data item,
redistributing the commented data item to a group of users output device type definition associated with the data
that have accessed the commented data item. item,
US 8,468,154 B2
17 18
capabilities of output device related to the data item sending the indexing record for each data item to an appli
reflecting to data item itself, cation node also storing indexing records of said plural
location of the data item, ity of other mobile user terminals contracting the same
location where the data item was created, distribution policy only when the mobile user terminal is
type of data item, 5 in a transmission state; and
annotation of data item, and providing, in the mobile user terminals, a geographical
private or public status of data item. position selection view based on the indexing records
7. The method for providing and distributing information stored in the application node, the geographical position
according to claim 2, further comprising Selection view comprising a number of separate coordi
storing values of one or more information elements in the
10 nate elements dividing the geographic area into a mesh
indexing record of one or more data items parallelly or of subareas, the contrast or brightness or color of the
Subsequently requested by said at least one of said plu coordinate elements on the map view varying according
to the proportion of interesting data items, whose display
rality of mobile user terminals into a search profile. is filtered in accordance with setting in a search profile
8. The method for providing and distributing information 15 that:
according to claim 2, further comprising i) restricts an amount of the interesting data items in each
receiving a search profile comprising values of one or more specific Subarea and
information elements in the indexing record of one or ii) follows the availability of the interesting data items in
more data items parallelly or Subsequently requested by each specific Subarea, based on geographical position
said at least one of said plurality of mobile user termi information elements of the indexing records of said
nals. plurality of mobile user terminals stored in the appli
9. The method for providing and distributing information cation node, each coordinate element corresponding
according to claim 7, further comprising to at least one geographical position information ele
searching for data items fulfilling the search profile at ment,
defined intervals through the telecommunication sys 25 determining the address a mobile user terminal that con
tem. tains a data item listed in the search results;
10. The method for providing and distributing information requesting the data item from the mobile user terminal that
according to claim 1, further comprising: contains the listed data item when it is determined the
providing the indexing records of each of said plurality of user terminal is available and periodically retrying the
mobile user terminals in an application node; 30 request when it is determined that the addressed mobile
associating in the application node the data items with at user terminal is not available;
least two additional data items: adding a comment to a data item provided in response to
determining a geographical position of said at least one of the request; and
said plurality of mobile user terminals; redistributing the commented data item to a group of users
Selecting at least one of the at least two additional data 35 that have accessed the commented data item.
items to be output to said at least one of said plurality of 12. The method for providing and distributing information
mobile user terminals viewing the data item according to according to claim 11, further comprising
the geographical position of said at least one of said storing the generated data items in the mobile user termi
plurality of mobile user terminals. nal;
11. A method for providing and distributing information, 40 configuring the mobile user terminal with at least one
the method comprising: transmission state, a transmission state corresponding
contracting in a mobile user terminal of a telecommunica with an operational state of the mobile user terminal
tion system a distribution policy for data items, the dis during which transmission of one or more of the data
tribution policy defining automatic accessibility of data items from the mobile user terminal is allowed; and
items generated by adopting output information from an 45 preventing transmission of the data items from the mobile
application running in the mobile user terminal to a user terminal during operational states that do not cor
plurality of other mobile user terminals contracting the respond with any of the transmission States.
same distribution policy; 13. The method for providing and distributing information
generating in the mobile user terminal each data item by according to 12, further comprising
adopting output information from an application run 50 allowing transmission of indexing records during opera
ning in the mobile user terminal; tional states that do not correspond with any of the
marking in the mobile user terminal each generated data transmission states.
item adopted from the application output automatically 14. The method for providing and distributing information
public, the public marking indicating that said plurality according to claim 11, further comprising
of other mobile user terminals may inherently access the 55 storing generated data items in the mobile user terminal;
generated data item according to the contracted distri configuring the mobile user terminal with at least one
bution policy; indexing state, the indexing state corresponding with an
annotating, in the mobile user terminal, each data item with operational state of the mobile user terminal during
a geographical position information element; which generation of the indexing records for the data
generating, in the mobile user terminal, an indexing record 60 items is allowed; and
for each data item including the geographical position preventing generation of the indexing records during
information element; operational states that do not correspond with any of the
configuring, in the mobile user terminal, at least one trans indexing states.
mission state corresponding with an operational state of 15. The method for providing and distributing information
the mobile user terminal during which transmission of 65 according to claim 14, further comprising
one or more of the data items from the mobile user configuring an indexing state to correspond with an idle
terminal is allowed; state of the mobile user terminal, the idle state of the
US 8,468,154 B2
19 20
mobile user terminal being an operational state during application node, each coordinate element corre
which the mobile user terminal is not sending or receiv sponding to at least one geographical position infor
ing user data through the telecommunication system. mation element;
16. The method for providing and distributing information determining the address of one of the plurality of other
according to claim 11, further comprising mobile user terminals that contains a data item listed in
annotating each data item with a geographical position the search results:
information element; and requesting the data item from the mobile user terminal that
including the geographical position information elements contains the listed data item when it is determined the
in the indexing record. user terminal is available and periodically retrying the
17. method for providing and distributing information 10 request when it is determined that the addressed mobile
according to claim 11, further comprising user terminal is not available;
contracting the distribution policy for data items inform of adding a comment to a data item provided in response to
the request; and
an application program executed in the mobile user ter redistributing the commented data item to a group of users
minal. 15 that have accessed the commented data item; and
18. The method for providing and distributing information retrieving through the telecommunication system the data
according to claim 17, further comprising items selected through the selection view.
storing the generated data items in the mobile user termi 21. The method according to claim 20, further comprising
nal; and sending, in response to a selection of a coordinate element,
sending to an application node a notification when entering to the telecommunication system information for deter
the telecommunication system. mining at least one geographical position information
19. The method for providing and distributing information element that corresponds to the selected coordinate ele
according to claim 18, wherein ment; and
the contracting the distribution policy is in a mobile user receiving from the telecommunication system information
terminal of a cellular network, and 25 on at least one data item, an indexing record of which
the sending the notification to the application node is from includes the determined geographical position informa
the mobile user terminal in response to registering with tion element.
the telecommunication system. 22. The method according to claim 20, further comprising
20. A method for providing and distributing information in defining for information retrieval a filter that includes at
a mobile user terminal of a telecommunication system, the 30 least one filter condition for at least one further informa
method comprising: tion element included in indexing records of the data
contracting a distribution policy for data items, the distri items; and
bution policy defining automatic accessibility to data providing in the selection view only data items, the index
items comprising output information from applications ing record of each of which comprises the at least one
running in a plurality of other mobile user terminals 35 further information element that fulfils the at least one
contracting the same distribution policy, each of the data filter condition.
items having an associated indexing record comprising 23. The method according to claim 22, further comprising
at least one geographical position information element including in the filter condition a requirement for at least
of the respective one of said plurality of other mobile one of the following information elements: type of the
user terminals in which the data item, is generated and 40 data item, time of generation of the data item, type of
the time it is generated and having been marked auto Source of the data item, size of the data item, search term
matically accessible when the data items were created in associated with the data item, media type of the data
a defined geographic area, the indexing records of said item, output device type definition associated with the
plurality of other mobile user terminals being stored in data item.
an application node: 45 24. The method according to claim 20, further comprising
configuring, in the plurality of other mobile user terminals, providing the selection view in form of a map comprising
at least one transmission state corresponding with an a number of map coordinate elements, and data items
operational state of the plurality of other mobile user being shown as visual indications in place of the corre
terminals during which transmission of one or more of sponding map coordinate elements.
the data items from the plurality of other mobile user 50 25. The method according to claim 23, further comprising
terminals is allowed, the plurality of other mobile user providing before the selection view a further selection view
terminals only sending indexing records to the applica for selecting a group of coordinate elements from a
tion node when the plurality of mobile user terminals are number of groups of coordinate elements.
in transmission state; 26. The method according to claim 23, further comprising
providing a selection view for selecting a number of coor 55 defining for information retrieval a filter that includes at
dinate elements dividing the geographic area into a mesh least one filter condition for at least one further informa
of Subareas, the contrast, brightness or color of the coor tion element included in indexing records of the data
dinate elements on the map view varying according to items;
the proportion of interesting data items of said plurality providing before the selection view a further selection view
of other mobile user terminals, whose display is filtered 60 for selecting at least one filter condition for the filter; and
in accordance with settings in a search profile that: providing in the selection view only data items, the index
i) restricts an amount of the interesting data items in each ing record of each of which comprises the at least one
specific Subarea, and further information element that fulfils the at least one
ii) follows the availability of the interesting data items in filter condition.
each specific Subarea, based on geographical position 65 27. The method according to claim 20, further comprising
information elements of the indexing records of said utilizing a data item in at least one of the following ways:
plurality of other mobile user terminals stored in the outputting the data item through a user equipment device
US 8,468,154 B2
21 22
of the mobile user terminal, initiating a communication at least one of said plurality of mobile user terminals:
session by activating a link included in the data item. i) determines the address of one of the plurality of
28. The method according to claim 20, further comprising mobile user terminals that contains a data item listed
storing values of one or more information elements in in the search results,
indexing records of the selected data items into a search 5 ii) requests the data item from the mobile user terminal
profile. that contains the listed data item when it is determined
29. The method according to claim 28, further comprising the user terminal is available and periodically retrying
sending the search profile to an application node accessible the request when it is determined that the addressed
through the telecommunication system. mobile user terminal is not available,
30. The method according to claim 28, further comprising 10 iii) adds a comment to a data item provided in response
sending a request for data items fulfilling the search profile to the request, and
at defined intervals through the telecommunication sys iv) redistributes the commented data item to a group of
tem. users that have accessed the commented data item.
31. A system comprising a plurality of mobile user termi 32. The system according to claim 31 wherein the network
nals and a network node, wherein 15 node is an application node comprising an interface unit, a
each of said plurality of mobile user terminals contracts memory and a processor module connected to the interface
distribution policy for data items, the distribution policy unit and the memory and configured with instructions to
of each respective mobile user terminal defining auto cause the application node to:
matic accessibility of the data items generated by adopt record indexing records of data items of the plurality of
ing output information from an application running in mobile user terminals applying the distribution policy
the respective mobile user terminal to other ones of said for data items;
plurality of mobile user terminals contracting the same provide the recorded data items for searching to the plural
distribution policy; ity of mobile user terminals applying the distribution
each data item is generated in the mobile user terminals by policy for data items;
adopting output information from an application run 25 receive from at least one of said plurality of mobile user
ning the mobile user terminals; terminals a request for a searched data item of one of said
each of said plurality of mobile user terminals marks data plurality of mobile user terminals:
items adopted from the application output automatically check the availability of the requested data item from said
accessible to other ones of said plurality of mobile user one of said plurality of mobile user terminals;
terminals contracting the same distribution policy when 30 initiate, in response to the data item not being available, a
the data items are created in a defined geographic area; follow-up procedure for detecting an instance when the
each of said plurality of mobile user terminals annotates requested data item becomes available in said one of said
the data items with a geographical position information plurality of mobile user terminals:
element; receive a notification from said one of said plurality of
each of said plurality of mobile user terminals generates for 35 mobile user terminals in response to said one of said
data items an indexing record, an indexing record of a plurality of mobile user terminals registering to the com
data item including the geographical position informa munication system;
tion element; retrieve the requested data item from said one of said plu
each of said plurality of mobile user terminals has at least rality of mobile user terminals in response to detecting
one transmission state corresponding with an opera 40 the notification; and
tional state of the mobile user terminals during which provide the retrieved data item to said at least one mobile
transmission of one or more of the data items from the user terminal.
mobile user terminal is allowed; 33. A mobile user terminal comprising an interface unit, a
each of said plurality of mobile user terminals sends, only memory and a processor module connected to the interface
when in a transmission state, its indexing records at least 45 unit and the memory, and configured with instructions to
to the application node storing the indexing records of cause the mobile user terminal to:
said plurality of mobile user terminals contracting the contract a distribution policy for data items, the distribution
same distribution policy; policy defining automatic accessibility of the data items
at least one of said plurality of mobile user terminals out generated by adopting output information from an appli
puts a selection view based on the indexing records 50 cation running in the mobile user terminal to a plurality
stored in the network node, the geographical position of other mobile user terminals contracting the same dis
Selection view comprising a number of separate coordi tribution policy;
nate elements dividing the geographic area into a mesh generate data items by adopting output information from
of subareas, the contrast or brightness or color of the an application running in the mobile user terminal;
coordinate elements on the map view varying according 55 mark each data item automatically public, the public mark
to the proportion of interesting data items, whose display ing indicating that said plurality of other mobile user
is filtered in accordance with settings in a search profile terminals may inherently access the data item according
that: to the contracted distribution policy when the data item
i) restricts an amount of the interesting data items in each is created in a defined geographic area;
specific Subarea, and 60 annotate each data item with a geographical position infor
ii) follows the availability of the interesting data items in mation element
each specific Subarea, based on geographical position generate an indexing record on each data item including the
information elements of the indexing records of said geographical position information element;
plurality of mobile user terminals stored in the net generate at least one transmission state corresponding with
work node, each coordinate element corresponding to 65 an operational sate of the mobile user terminal during
at least one geographical position information ele which transmission of one or more of the data items from
ment, the mobile user terminal is allowed;
US 8,468,154 B2
23 24
provide the indexing record to an application node also user terminals contracting the same distribution policy
storing indexing records of said plurality of other mobile only when the mobile user terminals are in a transmis
user terminals contracting the same distribution policy sion state;
only when in a transmission state; providing, in at least one of said plurality of mobile user
provide a geographical position selection view based on terminals contracting the same distribution policy, geo
the indexing records stored in the application node, the graphical position selection view based on the indexing
geographical position selection view comprising a num records stored in the application node, the geographical
ber of separate coordinate elements dividing the geo position selection view comprising a number of separate
graphic area into a mesh of Subareas, the contrast or coordinate elements dividing the geographic area into a
brightness or color of the coordinate elements on the 10 mesh of Subareas, the contrast or brightness or color of
map view varying according to the proportion of inter the coordinate elements on the map view varying
esting data items, whose display is filtered in accordance according to the proportion of interesting data items,
with setting in a search profile that: whose display is filtered in accordance with setting in a
i) restricts an amount of the interesting data items in each search profile that:
specific Subarea and 15 i) restricts an amount of the interesting data items in each
ii) follows the availability of the interesting data items in specific Subarea and
each specific Subarea, based on geographical position ii) follows the availability of the interesting data items in
information elements of the indexing records of said each specific Subarea, based on geographical position
plurality of mobile user terminals stored in the appli information elements of the indexing records of said
cation node, each coordinate element corresponding plurality of mobile user terminals stored in the appli
to at least one geographical position information ele cation node, each coordinate element corresponding
ment, to at least one geographical position information ele
determine the address of a mobile user terminal that con ment,
tains a data item listed in a search result produced in determining the address of a mobile user terminal that
accordance with the search criteria; 25 contains a data item listed in a search result produced in
request the data item from the mobile user terminal that accordance with the search criteria;
contains the listed data item when it is determined the requesting the data item from the mobile user terminal that
user terminal is available and periodically retrying the contains the listed data item when it is determined the
request when it is determined that the addressed mobile user terminal is available and periodically retrying the
user terminal is not available; 30 request when it is determined that the addressed mobile
add a comment to a data item provided in response to the user terminal is not available;
request; and adding a comment to a data item provided in response to
redistribute the commented data item to a group of users the request; and
that have accessed the commented data item. redistributing the commented data item to a group of users
34. A computer-readable storage medium for storing a 35 that have accessed the commented data item.
computer executable instruction, which when executed by a 35. A mobile user terminal comprising an interface unit, a
computer, perform a method comprising: memory and a processor module connected to the interface
contracting in each of a plurality of mobile user terminals unit and the memory and configured with instructions to
of a telecommunication system a distribution policy for contract a distribution policy for data items, the distribution
data items, the distribution policy of each respective 40 policy defining automatic accessibility to data items
mobile user terminal defining automatic accessibility of comprising output information from an application run
data items generated by adopting output information ning in a plurality of other mobile user terminals con
from an application running in the respective mobile tracting the same distribution policy, each of the data
user terminal to a plurality of other mobile user termi items having an indexing record comprising at least one
nals contracting the same distribution policy; 45 geographical position information element of respective
generating in each of said plurality of mobile user termi ones of said plurality of other mobile user terminals in
nals data items by adopting output information from an which the data item is generated at the time it is gener
application running in the respective mobile user termi ated and having been marked automatically accessible
nal; when the data items were created in a defined geo
marking in each of said plurality of mobile user terminals 50 graphic area, the indexing records of said plurality of
the data item adopted from the application output auto other mobile user terminals being stored in an applica
matically public, the public marking indicating that tion node:
other ones of said plurality of mobile user terminals may generate the data items by adopting the output information
inherently access the data item according to the con from an application running in the processor module;
tracted distribution policy when the data item is created 55 configuring, in the mobile user terminal, at least one trans
in a defined geographic area; mission state corresponding with an operational state of
annotating the data item with a geographical position infor the mobile user terminal during which transmission of
mation element one or more of the data items from the mobile user
generating an indexing record on the data item including terminal is allowed, the mobile user terminal only send
the geographical position information element; 60 ing indexing records to the application node when the
configuring, in the mobile user terminals, at least one trans mobile user terminal is in a transmission state;
mission state corresponding with an operational state of provide a selection view for selecting a number of coordi
the mobile user terminal during which transmission of nate elements, the first selection view being configured
one or more of the data items from the mobile user Such that the first selection view comprises a group of
terminal is allowed; 65 coordinate elements dividing the geographic area into a
providing the indexing record to an application node stor mesh of Subareas, the contrast, brightness or color of the
ing the indexing records of said plurality of other mobile coordinate elements on the map view varying according
US 8,468,154 B2
25 26
to the proportion of interesting data items of said plural
ity of other mobile user terminals, whose display is
filtered in accordance with settings in a search profile
i) restricts an amount of the interesting data items in each
specific Subarea, and
ii) follows the availability of the interesting data items in
each specific Subarea, based on geographical position
information elements of the indexing records of said
plurality of other mobile user terminals stored in the 10
application node, each coordinate element corre
sponding to at least one geographical position infor
mation element;
determine the address of one of a plurality of mobile user
terminals that contains a data item listed in a search 15
requesting the data item from the mobile user terminal that
contains the listed data item when it is determined the
user terminal is available and periodically retrying the
request when it is determined that the addressed mobile
user terminal is not available;
adding a comment to a data item provided in response to
the request; and
redistributing the commented data item to a group of users
that have accessed the commented data item; 25
retrieve the selected data items.
k k k k k

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