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Gratittude Manufacturing Company Post-Closing Trial Balance DECEMBER 31, 2017

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Presented below is the pos t- closing trial bal ance of G RATITUDE Ma nufa ctu ring Company:


DEC EMBER 31, 2 017
Cash P142,500
Accounts Receivable 71,900
Finished Goods Inventory 24,600
Work in Process Inventory 18,400
Raw Materials Inventory 16,700
Office Building 856,000
Accumulated Depreciation - Office Building P171,200
Office Equipment 455,000
Accumulated Depreciation – Office Equipment 182,000
Factory Equipment 724,000
Accumulated Depreciation – Factory Equipment P278,400
Notes payable 100,000
Accounts payable 40,000
Income Taxes payable 5,000
Share Capital 1,327,400
Retained Earnings (Accumulated Profits) 205,100
Totals P2,309,100 P2,309,100
During the mo nth of January 2 018, the follo wing transa ctio ns took pla ce:

A. Raw materials p urchased on accou nt, P 450,0 00

B. Raw materials re quisitioned, P 275,0 00, of w hich P3 5,00 0 was indirect.
C. Factory lab or used, P3 24,50 0, of which P4 5,5 00 was indirect.
D. Various cos ts in curre d o n a ccoun t were u tilities for factory, P1 28,6 00; freight o ut,
P116,40 0; and repairs of administra tive of fic es, P72,50 0.
E. Miscellaneous cos ts on accou nt incu rred for fact ory overhead were P1 4,50 0; for selling
expenses, P12,3 00 ; an d f or a dministrative expenses, P8,90 0.
F. Deprecia tion of office building was P42,0 00; of of fice e quipment, P 21,50 0; and of
fact ory eq uipment, P1 4,50 0.
G. Factory overhead costs applied to jo bs, P35 6 ,400.
H. Jobs completed, P 726,5 00.
I. Cost o f goo ds s old, P71 5,00 0.
J. Sales on accou nt, P 950,0 00
K. Collection o f a ccoun ts re ceivable, 55 0,00 0.

Prepare a WORKSHEET fo r the compa ny to su pport you r a nswers f or the following ques tio ns.
Post to Adjustment columns the appr opriate entries with identifying let ters as indi cate d
1. Use periodic system t o pre pare the workshe et.
2. Use perpetual sys tem ONLY to de termine the ending b alances of inventories, to be
suppor ted by T-Accou nts presen ted in an oth er 12 columnar pa per.
(Note: Only inventory accounts are required to have T-Accounts).
3. Answers n ot s haded in the scannable alt h ough fou nd in t he W orkshee t will no t be
considered, and vice-versa.
4. Aside from the a ccoun ts in the P ost- closing Trial Balance, use t he following to record
the a bove trans actions as a djus tments (DO N OT CREAT E a ny o ther acco unt ti tle):
Indirect material used Factory overhead - over/under applied
Direct labor Factory overhead – depreciation factory equipment
Factory overhead – indirect materials Payroll
Factory overhead – indirect labor Salary and wages payable
Factory overhead – utilities Sales
Factory overhead – miscellaneous Raw Material Purchases
Freight Out Depreciation expense – office building
Selling expense - miscellaneous Depreciation expense – office equipment
Repairs and Maintenance Cost of Goods Sold
Administrative expense - miscellaneous

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NO T-a ccounts and Workshe et S chedule, NO CREDIT plus M INUS (-) o ne for every nu mber
shaded wi thou t s olutio n.

For Quest ions 1 -22, comp ute the following A DJUSTED b alances :
1. Cash
A. P692,50 0 C. P941,90 0
B. P471,90 0 D. P962,50 0

2. Accou nts receivable

A. P471,90 0 C. P477,90 0
B. P692,50 0 D. P962,50 0

3. Accumulate d de precia tion – Of fice B uilding

A. P203,50 0 C. P292,50 0
B. P213,20 0 D. P210,20 0

4. Accumulate d de precia tion – Of fice Equipmen t

A. P213,20 0 C. P203,50 0
B. P292,50 0 D. P210,20 0

5. Accumulate d de precia tion – Fa ctory Equipme nt

A. P203,50 0 C. P210,20 0
B. P213,20 0 D. P292,90 0

6. Accou nts payable

A. P324,50 0 C. P834,20 0
B. P843,20 0 D. P334,50 0

7. Salaries and wages paya ble

A. P843,20 0 C. P334,50 0
B. P324,50 0 D. P834,20 0

8. Sales
A. P950,00 0 C. P590,00 0
B. P955,00 0 D. P960,00 0

9. Raw materials p urchases

A. P450,00 0 C. P455,00 0
B. P350,00 0 D. P540,00 0

10. Direct labor

A. P729,00 0 C. P279,00 0
B. P779,00 0 D. P229,00 0

11. Factory overhead – indire ct materials

A. P45,500 C. P128,60 0
B. P14,500 D. P35,000

12. Factory overhead – indire ct labor

A. P45,500 C. P128,60 0
B. P14,500 D. P35,000

13. Factory overhead – u tilities

A. P128,60 0 C. P45,500
B. P14,500 D. P35,000

14. Factory overhead - mis cellaneous

A. P128,60 0 C. P45,500
B. P14,500 D. P35,000

15. Factory overhead – fa ctory e quipment depre ciation

A. P45,500 C. P14,500
B. P128,60 0 D. P35,000
16. Factory overhead – over/undera pplied
A. P181,30 0 undera pplied C. P118,30 0 undera pplied
B. P181,30 0 overapplied D. P118,30 0 overapplied

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17. Freight o ut
A. P12,300 C. P8,900
B. P72,500 D. P116,40 0

18. Selling expense - mis cellaneous

A. P72,500 C. P12,300
B. P116,40 0 D. P8,900

19. Repairs and Main tenan ce

A. P8,900 C. P42,000
B. P72,500 D. P21,500

20. Administrative expense - mis cellaneous

A. P8,900 C. P42,000
B. P72,500 D. P21,500

21. Deprecia tion ex pense – offi ce b uilding

A. P42,000 C. P72,500
B. P8,900 D. P21,500

22. Deprecia tion ex pense – offi ce eq uipment

A. P42,000 C. P8,900
B. P21,500 D. P72,500
------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
23. What is the t otal DEBIT column o f Adjusted Balances?
A. P4,618,10 0 C. P4,861,10 0
B. P4,681,10 0 D. P4,168,10 0

24. Calculate the Cost of Goods Manufactured.

A. P726,50 0 C. P751,00 0
B. P715,00 0 D. P762,50 0

25. What is the t otal DEBIT column o f Cos t of G o ods Manufa ctured?
A. P1,120,50 0 C. P1,200,50 0
B. P1,201,50 0 D. P1,220,50 0

26. How much is the W ork in Pro cess inven tory e nd?
A. P191,70 0 C. P167,30 0
B. P36,100 D. P177,30 0

27. How much is the R aw Ma terials inven tory en d?

A. P36,100 C. P177,30 0
B. P167,30 0 D. P191,70 0

28. Calculate the b alance of Finished Goo ds inve ntory end.

A. P167,30 0 C. P191,70 0
B. P177,30 0 D. P36,100

29. How much is the net opera ting in come/loss?

A. P79,700 ne t operating loss C. P97,700 ne t operating loss
B. P79,700 ne t operating income D. P97,700 ne t operating income

30. What is the t otal CREDIT Column of the Inco me Sta tement after the net income/loss?
A. P1,100,40 0 C. P1,114,40 0
B. P1,104,40 0 D. P1,141,40 0

31. How much is the to tal CR EDIT Column of the Balance Sheet after the net income/loss?
A. P3,594,50 0 C. P3,954,50 0
B. P3,555,50 0 D. P3,554,50 0

32. Show a separ ate solutio n f or a nd comp ute th e ADJUSTED balan ce o f Cos t of G oods Sold
after over/un derapplied overhead
A. P715,00 0 C. P755,00 0
B. P833,30 0 D. P596,70 0

------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -End o f Quiz 3--- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -----

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