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The PILOT - October 2020

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October Optimism or Calendar of RSCA Events

Preparing to Hibernate?! Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Instead of our usual Halloween Parade, this year
How was your transition to the fall season? Has San Mateo County RSCA invites you to participate in a community-
transitioned from the purple to the red tier according to wide pumpkin decorating contest! During the
California’s blueprint for recovery? Are community members week of October 24th - 31st, Shores residents can
holding on to any optimism or preparing for darker days ahead? submit photos of your best pumpkin decor and
RSCA members will be entered in a drawing to win
a prize for their efforts! See
e following pages reflect a range — from ways to safely celebrate
Halloween, and innovative virtual, online or drive-in events to
frequent reminders about staying safe from the virus that has kept for details and to submit your entry.
Share Your Traditions, Celebrations & Festivities
us mostly at home for seven months, and associated mental fatigue.

RSCA would like to learn more and share

Hopefully you will enjoy reading the various perspectives!

information about annual traditions and holidays

RSCA hosted two candidate forums in September to help you
that our community members celebrate — and
prepare for the arrival of your ballot for the November election. All
how they mark the occasions! Please send your
registered voters are encouraged to consider options and vote wisely.
In mid-October we recognize IndIgenous peoples’ day — descriptions, photos of decorations or festivities,
a holiday that celebrates and honors Native American people and and as much detail as you like using the form
commemorates their histories and cultures. It is celebrated across available at We may
the United States on the second Monday in October, and is an feature these in future editions of The PILOT.
Light Up the Shores Contest
official city and state holiday in various localities. It began as a

This annual tradition continues! You can use the

counter-celebration held on the same day as the U.S. federal

form available at to

holiday of Columbus Day, which honors Italian explorer

submit photos of your beautifully decorated

Christopher Columbus. ('_Day)

Shores home. More details coming next month!

e third weekend of this month marks the anniversary of the
loma prIeta earthquake, and serves as a reminder to set aside
time and supplies to make sure your home and family are as prepared You can always find more information about these
as possible for this type of catastrophic event to happen again. and other community events on our web site at
Reader Challenge: what was the date and ricter scale measurement
of this earthquake? Respond to!
October’s highlight is usually halloween on the 31st — a Saturday
this year, with costume discussions, pumpkin everything, and
spiderwebs becoming appropriate decor. e tips for having a safe
Halloween night have an additional layer this year. For suggestions
on how we can proceed cautiously, see Page 4, and additional tips
for celebrating at home will be available on
October also marks the 50th annIversary of the Redwood Shores
Community Association and we will kick off our celebrations soon,
with a gift in the mail to all Redwood Shores residents, along with
our membership plea for 2021. We hope you’ll join us with your
$45 annual contribution, and please join our email list!
L ET ’ S S E E Y OU R P U M P K I N S !
by Karen Hetz and Mylinh Nightengale Whether you carve it, paint it, or disguise it, we encourage you
Halloween is just around the corner! We wanted to share some to participate in the 2020 Pumpkin Decorating Contest
alternatives to how you can distribute candy this year in order sponsored by your Redwood Shores Community Association
to make trick o’ treating safer. (RSCA). As you prepare for Halloween by setting up your
1. safely gIvIng out treats. spooky decorations for this beloved fall holiday, snap some
• Set up a table either in photos to share with community members! Go to
your driveway or on your to submit your pumpkin photos.
porch. If you do not have RSCA members are eligible for prizes, and will be notified in early
an extra table simply place November. (You may contact to verify your
down a large sheet. membership status.) We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
• Place individually
wrapped treats spaced out
on the table to ensure
only one treat is touched
at a time. Make a sign
reminding trick o’ treaters
to take only one treat.
• Use painter’s tape on the
ground to mark a few “x’s”
so that the trick o’ treaters
will remember to stand at
least 6 feet apart in line, as
shown in the image.
• If you choose to sit
outside, replenishing the
candy will be easier. Just remember to keep your distance
from the kids. If you prefer to stay inside, please remember
to replenish the candy more often between 6pm - 8pm when
the bulk of kids comes through.
• In an effort to decrease personal contact, please DO NOT
leave a communal bucket of candy out and please DO NOT
hand out candy directly to children.
2. wear your masks. is is the perfect occasion for your
“real” mask! Get creative with your child and come up with fun
ways to incorporate a “real” mask into costumes.
3. don’t forget to soCIal dIstanCe. Halloween is exciting,
we know! Please remind your families to always social distance
as you go house to house. Please keep your kids back when
another child is retrieving his/her treat. Wait until they have
walked away before proceeding.
4. gIve your trICk o’ treaters lots of remInders on how
to stay safe around others.
Redwood Shores Community Association’s Halloween Parade
please remember, we all LOVE Halloween, but please, please if and photo opportunity with the good witch is a favorite annual
you or your child feel sick, choose to turn out your porch light, tradition. It feels like this is a TRICk year, but we look forward
stay home and participate next year instead. And if you’re still just to passing out a TREAT to you again when it is safe. In the
not comfortable celebrating Halloween with trick o’ treating this meantime, please visit to download
year, that’s understandable. For additional ideas to enjoy Halloween a copy of the RSCA Good Witch Zoom background so you can
in your own home, visit still take your annual photos, by screenshot. Happy Halloween!
Page 4 October 2020 e PILOT
274 Redwood Shores Pkwy, PMB #603
Redwood Shores, CA 94065 - 1173 |
Board of Directors

Nina Boire Don Long

kevin Brehmer Connie Munevar
Martha Cullimore Sue Nix
Jim Cvengros Ben Ploshay
Carol Ford Steven Tsujisaka
Rona Gundrum Bob Slusser
Shannon Guzzetta
(Email us if you would like to become a board member.)

RSCA’s Board of Directors meet on the 2nd ursday of each

month. (e board meets by phone while the library is
closed.) Our next Board Meeting will be at 7pm on:

october 8th, 2020

ArchitecturAl Design BoArD (non-HOA areas):

• October Optimism or Preparing to Hibernate?! .............Page 1
• RSCA Events Calendar ..................................................Page 1
For CC&R copies & information, email <> • Celebrate Halloween Safely in the Shores.......................Page 4
• Let’s See Your Pumpkins / Good Witch Photos ................Page 4
• RSCA Information ........................................................Page 5
• Message From the Mayor: Diane Howard........................Page 6
DEADLINES for e PILOT • Fires Spark New Environmental Conditions ......................Page 8
Space reservations are due at the end of the first week of each • It’s Elementary School Updates....................................Page 10
month, with articles and artwork due by the end of the second • Belmont Water Dog Run is a Virtual Event .................Page 10
• Sandpiper Welcomes New Leaders ...................................Page 12
week of each month, for the following month’s issue.
• Our Comeback Depends on All of Us / ADB..................Page 14
Please email <> for a precise schedule.
• San Mateo County History Museum Offerings ...............Page 14
PUBLISHER: Redwood Shores Community Association • St. Marks Corner: Voting by Virtue .............................Page 16
e PILOT is the official monthly publication of • Ruth Bader Ginsburg Quote........................................Page 16
the Redwood Shores Community Association. • keep Up the Clean Up Efforts .........................................Page 18
• e Social Dilemma Film Review ....................................Page 18
CIRCULATION: 6,000 Shores Households & Businesses • Mistral is Open for Waterfront & Patio Dining .............Page 19
Opinions published in e pIlot are solely those of the • Redwood Shores Tennis Club ......................................Page 20
authors and not the expressions of RSCA unless so officially and • ere’s No Tower?........................................................Page 20
expressly designated. • Silicon Valley Clean Water Update...............................Page 22
• Shores Business Classified Ads .....................................Page 23
• Library Programs in October .......................................Page 24
• AnewVista Offers Free Technology Classes.....................Page 24
• kids Consignment Sale / Zoppe Circus .......................Page 25 • Pumpkin Parsley Risotto..............................................Page 26
e PILOT October 2020 Page 5
from the mAyor If you need immediate help, there are resources available to you:

dIane howard disaster distress helpline: 1-800-985-5990 (press 2 for Spanish),

or text TalkWithUs for English or Hablanos for Spanish to 66746
redwood CIty
With all that is happening around us, between COVID-19, national suicide prevention lifeline: 1-800-273-TALk (8255)
catastrophic fires, a hurting economy, feelings of being cooped for English, 1-888-628-9454 for Spanish, or Lifeline Crisis Chat
up, etc., etc., etc., I want to focus this month’s message on
making sure we are taking care of ourselves mentally. Now more
national domestic violence hotline:,
than ever, we need to find ways to feel connected with each other
1-800-799-7233 or text LOVEIS to 22522
and our community.
Redwood City has been my home for 40 years and, even during national Child abuse hotline:,
these trying times, I wake up each morning with a full heart 1-800-4AChild (1-800-422-4453) or text 1-800-422-4453,
knowing I am surrounded by kind neighbors, friends and family. national sexual assault hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) or
I miss seeing you all in person and when a Zoom or phone call Online Chat,
just doesn’t feel like enough, I take a deep breath and visualize
veterans Crisis line:,
some of my favorite things about this City. I look at photos of
1-800-273-TALk (8255) or Crisis Chat or text: 8388255
our cherished community events like the Fourth of July Parade.
I think about the reimagined activities we have planned like our When I need an extra touch of inspiration and positive thinking,
drive-in Motor Movies at the Port. It never ceases to amaze me I remind myself that I am not alone. ere are 85,000+ others
how imaginative and creative our community is and how right here with me, just as I am here for you. I’m always just a
talented our City staff are to bring some of these dreams into phone call (650-208-4774) or email (
reality. Redwood City truly is my “happy place” and I am away, and I hope to be able to see you soon.
thankful for each and every one of you.
In community spirit,
Diane Howard
In a recent article from Yale Medicine, Dr. Fesharaki-Zadeh gives
advice that in order to prevent long-term mental health issues
during these trying times, you must allow yourself to fully mayor of redwood City
experience your emotions, overwhelming as they may feel.
“ese are human emotions. ey need to be out in the open,” he says.
“Allow yourself to sit with uncomfortable feelings of being anxious,
lonely, and fearful, and be compassionate to yourself in that moment.” Keep Busy — Visit our Virtual Recreation Center
In other words, it’s okay to not be okay. e article suggests some
strategies for managing uncomfortable emotions:
• Control your exposure to the news – Set a limited time each
day for checking the news
• practice mindfulness – Mindfulness meditation early in the
day can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol (which fuels
the fight-or-flight instinct) when it is most elevated
• exercise to strengthen your brain – It doesn’t matter what it is,
but get into the routine of doing some form of exercise every day Take an online enrichment class, Check out things to do,
learn to draw, how to play guitar, ways to be social, online tips,
• keep a daily journal – Writing down the events of the day or speak a language! get creative outdoors, and more!
helps you to process them
• find ways to be social – Make a phone call, enjoy an outdoor
coffee, send a card. Find someone to be with in a “buddy
system” and check-in regularly
• do something you enjoy – watch your favorite movie, listen
to music, go hiking
• get adequate sleep – stick to a sleep schedule to help reset
your body’s clock and supports falling and staying asleep Move your body! Find fitness Visit a museum online,
classes, dance, yoga, and go to the zoo, see a show, or
mindfulness online. visit a bay area landmark!
Page 6 October 2020 e PILOT
e PILOT October 2020 Page 7
For some students, school is not the only thing impacted by the
smoke. Student athletes are limited in regards to how and when
they can practice their chosen sport. Many practices are cancelled
or adjusted due the poor air quality, as high school gymnast Anna
Burford notes. “It’s really frustrating since sports have been my only
return to normal since the quarantine started, and to have my gym
being closed again is really hard. Especially since after 4 months off
I feel like I was finally starting to pick up where I left off, and now
the smoke is another thing blocking me from making progress.”
When it comes to exercise, dog owners have also had to adjust
their usual walking routines. Rather than taking full-length walks,
dog owners have had to shorten their outdoor exposure in order
to avoid health problems.
fIres spark: Ensuing smoke causes “Our two dogs usually get a 45 minute walk every day, but these last
few weeks we have been taking shorter walks (15 minutes) and have
Redwood Shores residents to adapt had to skip some days altogether due to hazardous conditions. We also
spend less time in our backyard relaxing, and more time inside,”
to new environmental conditions. resident Laurie Coleman said.
by Maya Kornyeyeva and Payton Zolck, Redwood Shores residents, ese toxic conditions are especially harmful for people suffering
Juniors at Carlmont Highschool and members of the Carlmont from respiratory conditions such as asthma. As stated in an article
Journalism Program from Healthy WA, “exposure to smoke from fires and the existence of
Since the start of September, the Bay Area has seen, smelled, and large particles in bushfire smoke can irritate the eyes, nose, throat and
felt the effects of the forest fires raging from Santa Cruz to lungs. e finer particles can penetrate deep into the lungs and are
Mendocino. Checking the air quality every couple of hours has more harmful, especially to asthmatic people. Smoke also contains toxic
become routine, as has looking outside at the hazy air, a sinking gases, such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen oxides.”
feeling in your chest. Not only does the air smell like smoke, Redwood Shores resident Jackie Cockreham has had to find
Redwood Shores residents often woke up in the morning to a several new ways to deal with how the smoke is affecting her
fine layer of ash on their cars and balconies. asthma. “During Covid, when our activities should be more
When the Santa Cruz fires began in mid August, hundreds of outdoors than indoors with others, the smoke isolated me inside. I
people were forced to evacuate on short notice. An article in the noticed almost immediately a heaviness in my chest. I was fortunate
SF Chronicle explains what brought on this catastrophic fire. to have an N95 mask from last year’s fires and relied on that when
“e lightning strikes were most likely the main cause. As it going outside. As the days wore on I was glad to have my inhaler,
sometimes happens in this season’s lightning-sparked blazes, the especially at night when it was more noticeable,” Cockreham said.
wildfire warning systems couldn’t keep up with the speed and Whether it is changing their
unpredictability of wildfires. is left some residents mere minutes outdoor schedule or taking
to escape the oncoming flames,” writer Megan Cassidy explained. extra precautions at home,
Soon after the start of the fires, the smoke drifted over the Redwood Shores residents have
mountains and towards San Mateo County, enveloping the had to adjust to a new normal.
Redwood Shores and Belmont areas.
“We believe that this is not the
Towards mid September, the smoke from the Mendocino fires end of these conditions, but just
also arrived in the Bay Area, changing the usually blue-gray sky the beginning due to climate
into a dark orange. Students learning from home felt the change change. e trend is not a positive
in the mood, and spent the day looking out their windows, one and I think we can expect
remarking on the different shades of the sky. longer and longer ‘fire seasons’ in
e arrival of smoke usually also signals the possibility of a power the future,” Coleman said.
outage, causing some students to have a hard time keeping up
with their online courses. “When there is a power outage it greatly
affects how much I can participate in school. First my WiFi goes Stay safe out there!
down so I have to use my phone, and then I’m also not able to click
some of the links on my computer. My battery runs low really fast as ank you fire fighters!
well,” junior Xin Yuan Zhang said.

Page 8 October 2020 e PILOT

e PILOT October 2020 Page 9
it’s elementAry
Brssd superIntendent
dan deguara

Starting the School Year Strong With consistent digital communication platforms, parents can
see the student work assigned and completed, and our Illuminate
While the start to the school year was different than ever before, Parent Portal and School Loop (for grades 6-8) will also allow
the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District has settled into parents to monitor student progress. is allows the teachers the
the 2020-21 school year with success. We are very proud of our ability to monitor work completion on a daily basis and maintain
staff who worked exceptionally hard to ensure a strong and strong communication ties with families.
smooth beginning for our students and for our families. We are Over the summer, we offered numerous learning opportunities
appreciative of our families who are at home supporting children to our staff that were focused specifically on distance learning
with technology and assisting with the day-to-day routines and honing technology skills. Prior to school starting, teachers
allowing our teachers to connect with their students. Together were offered live webinars to learn the new platforms purchased
we make a great team! over the summer, and we have hired an Instructional Support
New this year is the Learning Continuity Plan intended to Teacher to provide live coaching throughout the school year.
memorialize the planning process already underway for the Professional development opportunities will continue to be
2020–21 school year. e Plan highlights important elements offered for staff throughout the school year.
such as how BRSSD will address potential learning gaps, conduct Together we are working to ensure a strong education for all
meaningful stakeholder engagement, address the needs of Belmont-Redwood Shores students. We invite you to review
students with unique needs and work to support student and the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District Learning
staff mental health and social emotional well-being. Continuity Plan (
We believe that the Learning Continuity Plan helps us celebrate
the opportunities we provide to our students during this time.
In addition, this plan reminds us of the pivotal role that schools
play within a community. is level of support and these
opportunities would not be possible without the generous
support of our community and the SchoolForce Education
Public School Foundation ( During
distance learning, we are proud to share with you some of our
work to support our students, families, and staff.
Students will receive daily, live instruction from their assigned
teacher(s). Instructional materials will include our adopted
curriculum and supplemental materials to support standards-
aligned instruction. Teachers will continue to monitor student
learning through formative and summative assessments.
rough a consistent classroom schedule that is aligned within
grade levels, all teachers will deliver 3-5 blocks of instruction
each day with live, synchronous instruction during each
instructional block. Teachers will take daily attendance records
as well as note participation and weekly engagement.
With our existing ChromeBooks, we are able to supply all
students who need a device with a personal loaner for the
duration of Distance Learning. Our Tech Department worked
with our site administrators to ensure that we dismantled
classroom carts equally across classrooms, maintaining a ratio
of 16:1 in all carts so that we are able to provide 1-to-1
classroom access when our students return to hybrid learning
without any lead time.

is ad was sponsored by the campaigns for Jim Howard for BRSSD 2020 and Sam Leinbach for BRSSD 2020.
Page 10 October 2020 e PILOT
e PILOT October 2020 Page 11
Sandpiper Welcomes New Leaders: Principal Karrie Amsler starts 3rd year
Principal Gloria Higgins and at Redwood Shores Elementary School
Assistant Principal Nick Walker karrie Amsler was hired as Redwood Shores Elementary School’s
Gloria grew up in a military family and attended seven different Principal in 2018. She is an experienced teacher and
schools for kindergarten through 12th grade. She earned a administrator who had been on staff at the San Carlos Charter
Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Philosophy from Learning Center (a k-8 public school) for 14 years, including
Wheaton College in Massachusetts. She earned her Teaching serving as the Assistant Director and head of special education.
Credential, Master’s in Educational Leadership, and Administrative Prior to that, she gained a wealth of experience working with
Credential from San Jose State University. Having moved around non-profits, coaching sports, and studying abroad.
so much as a student is one of the reasons Gloria is passionate about Ms. Amsler lives in San Mateo with her identical twin daughters,
ensuring every child feels connected to school. husband, and their dog Max. When not working, she enjoys
Gloria moved to Mountain View with her husband, Terry, 27 years reading, going for runs, and misses eating good food with friends.
ago. Together they have two adult children, Joseph who is studying Principal Amsler promotes community building and connection
archeology, and katherine who is studying land and food between and among staff, students, and families as an essential
management systems. Gloria began her foundation for academic success. In a recent Principal Message,
involvement in education as a volunteer she wrote: “I’m proud of staff as they embrace learning new
in the parent participation elementary technology and formats this year. I am deeply appreciative of our
school they attended. She has since served students and families. You have extended support and good cheer
in many roles over the last 20 years through change. It’s my goal to give you as much information as
including board member, teacher, soon as I can about our plans so we can continue to work together.
instructional coach, and principal. With everything feeling so different and unusual this year, it helps
On a personal note, Gloria loves to spend to focus on our mission: At Redwood Shores Elementary School,
her free time in nature. She is an avid we are a cohesive learning community where all students grow socially,
hiker. When she can’t get out on the trails she enjoys her garden emotionally and academically. Faculty, staff, and families work in
and taking care of her backyard chickens and beehive. close partnership to educate and nurture every child. Together we foster
Nick Walker is the Assistant Principal for students who create, collaborate, think critically and work hard to
Sandpiper and Nesbit k-8 schools. become positive contributors to our community and the world.
Previously he spent seven years in the ings will not always be perfect. We will continue to face
SMFCSD as an 8th Grade Social Studies challenges. And by working together with respect and kindness
Teacher at Bowditch, District Restorative we will persevere as a community.”
Practices Teacher Leader and Trainer, and
as Dean/Teacher on Special Assignment
at Bayside. Additionally, he has worked
as a teacher and educational leader at
Yavneh Day School in Los Gatos, Catalina Foothills High School Former Sandpiper Principal Tami Moore is
and San Xavier Mission School in Tucson, AZ, and at Pleasant Hill now the Director of Human Resources/
High School in rural Illinois. He lives in San Francisco with his Teacher and Administrator Development at
son, Elijah and is excited to join these wonderful communities. the San Mateo County Office of Education.
Page 12 October 2020 e PILOT
Star YOUR Bay Area
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bedrooms, 4 baths ready for you to customize or, better yet, create the Beautiful new hardwood floor. Fabulous outdoor pool, rec area and gym.
home of your dreams!!! Listed for $7,888,000 Value priced at $2,198,000!

Cozy 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths in a waterfront community in Redwood Two houses for the price of one in desirable Sugarloaf! Amazing duplex - each
Shores! Beautifully upgraded kitchen with a center island. No neighbor with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, family room, 2 car garage offering 2,250 sq. ft. Live in one
behind you! Walk to top-rated Sandpiper School. Enjoy the community pool, & rent out the other or convert it to a 6 bedroom, 5 bath house, 4 car garage, 4,500
spa and private boat dock! Listed for $1,738,000. sq. ft. on a 10,000 sq. ft. lot. Listed for $2,798,000 www.3405-3407glendora

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A special pocket in Redwood City adjacent to Woodside and Atherton! Bright & airy on a huge lot with water views! 3 bedrooms plus den, 3
Lovely home with 4 bedrooms + bonus room + study. Built in 2003. baths. Direct access to bike & jogging trail. Walk to park and shopping!
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Planning on Selling? With our experience, local market knowledge plus resources, we help package
your home & craft a winning marketing strategy to get you the maximum potentail!

e PILOT October 2020 Page 13

e San Mateo County History Museum
Continues its Free First Fridays Program
Online on October 2nd and November 6th
Friday, October 2, 2020 — two programs are planned for the
public without any fees. Preschool children will be invited to learn
about the California State animal. ey will create a Grizzly Bear
paw print at home. Museum staff will read the story, What the
Grizzly Knows. ere will also be an online tour of the Museum
for adults.
Friday, November 6, 2020 — two programs are planned for the
public without any fees. Preschool children will be invited to learn
about the Mexican holiday, Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead).
ey will decorate a calavera (skull) mask at home. Museum staff
will read the story, e Day of the Dead. ere will also be an
online tour of the Museum for adults.
Go to to view the recordings
within the month they are offered.
e San Mateo County History Museum
features exhibits related to the use of natural
resources, suburban development, ethnic
experience and entrepreneurial achievement
on the Peninsula from the time of the
Ohlone Indian through today. e Museum
is currently closed due to the COVID-19
crisis. e “Free First Fridays” program is
sponsored by San Mateo Credit Union.

Share Your COVID-19 Stories

e San Mateo County Historical Association is collecting stories
reminder — every property in redwood shores has CC&rs. that chronicle changes to people’s daily lives in the wake of
COVID-19. J ournal entries from the past provide a glimpse into
It’s understandable that many things have changed with COVID
what daily life was like during a specific time period. ey also
precautions in place, but all home owners still have an obligation
provide insight by showing individual reactions to significant
to maintain their properties.
historical events. e San Mateo County Historical Association’s
We greatly appreciate those that have responded and corrected any valuable collection of memories of the 1989 Loma Prieta
problems previously reported. If you received a letter from your Earthquake relate to a single day’s incident. is time, there is
HOA or the Architectural Design Board (ADB) please respond an on-going adjustment to a necessary change in lifestyle.
ASAP. It’s not a notice to put aside. e various governing boards Everyone is welcome to participate.
have an obligation to their communities to enforce the CC&Rs.
Please help keep the Shores a great place to live and work. Do your Your story will be compiled and saved for educational use,
part to make it happen. Look around and check: does your house exhibitions, and historic research in our archives. Select stories
need paint? Or does the front/entry need some sprucing? If you will be featured on our website and social media accounts.
need help, let the boards know — possibly we have ways to help. You can participate by submitting a written journal, fill out a
Please also remember that everything you do to the outside of your short form and describe your daily life, or send photographs, art
home needs to be approved BEFORE you start your project. is or video. Submissions can be done in a variety of mediums;
includes paint, landscaping, solar and fencing. instructions for submitting content are available at:
For CC&R copies and information in non-HOA areas of
Redwood Shores, email <>. ank you. If you have questions, please email
Page 14 October 2020 e PILOT
Justice seems a little easier to understand, however, that’s not always
Voting by Virtue the case. Voting with justice doesn’t mean voting with a sense of tit-
St. Mark’s Corner by Richard Watkins for-tat or giving the other side a taste of their own medicine or what’s
good for the goose is good for the gander mindset. Justice is the equal
e 2020 Presidential campaign season is coming to an end and sharing of rights between one and all. It is injustice when one person
soon it will be election day. A day that habitually causes angst for or a group of people are purposely withheld from their liberties; or
many Christians who are often left to grapple with their own moral those liberties are purposely withheld from a group of people or even
imperatives versus the ethical facts and realities of the time. I say one person. When we vote with a sense of justice, we vote for that
that because often times, people tend to vote for the window which will attempt to give all people equal footing and not for one
dressing and not the substance of the product. It’s like judging a side or another to be given a leg up.
book by its cover or in my case, buying a bottle of wine based on fortitude, often referred to as courage, is the third virtue that should
whether or not I like the label. be considered when voting. However, when we say courage, we don’t
For example, someone may not want to vote for Candidate A really mean facing down danger as in an act of bravery. Voting with
because he doesn’t believe that marriage should only be between a fortitude means holding true to your own principles of prudence and
man and a woman, but will vote Candidate B who does believe justice and not compromising those beliefs. e person you may end
marriage should only be between a man and woman… so much so up voting for may not hold to the same opinions or beliefs, but it
that he has divorced two wives and is now working on a third doesn’t mean you have to give up your own if you vote for them. It
divorce and fourth marriage. Or, someone may not want to vote means you must work that much harder to not faulter in our own
for Candidate C because of their opposition to make abortion values. Now granted, it can be argued that those fighting for voting
illegal, but will vote for Candidate D who favors making abortion rights during this country’s history faced great threats of physical
illegal, but has pushed for his pregnant mistress to have one because danger and were indeed courageous and brave. But they were also
if she didn’t, it would destroy his political career. courageous in standing up for their convictions of what was right and
On top of all that, many people cast their votes from a “what if ” fair just as much as they stood up to the physical risks of fire hoses,
mindset. It’s as though people vote based on the fear of the billy-clubs and attack dogs. eir beliefs were equal rights and they
unknown rather than the dismay of current events: “If he is elected never backed down from those beliefs even when they were not being
he might do things we never thought he’d do so let’s vote for the other treated equally—which is a true test of fortitude.
guy because at least we know what messed-up things he’s done in front e final virtue for which to vote is temperance. temperance is
of our faces.” not simply limitations or the giving up on bad habits or acts. It is
en there are some (a lot actually) that seem to instinctively equate having the knowledge to know when one thing has gone too far one
the act of voting as nothing more than a decision between way or the other. In this case, it is perfectly acceptable to for vote
malevolence or maliciousness. A “vote for the lesser of two evils” or for the right and the fair and the just. But when right goes too far
“vote for the devil you know, not the devil you don’t.” is is like one way and not the other, it is no long fair. And when fair goes
playing a gallows version of would you rather: Would you rather too far one way, it is no longer just. And when just goes too far one
be shot through the head or stabbed in the heart? Does it really way, it is no longer right. And when that happens, it may be
matter which one is the lesser evil of the two? Either way, you’re necessary to next time, vote counter to how one voted before in
bound to end up dead so, what’s the point? order to temper what has become wrong.
With all the negative connotation associated with voting is it any Yes, it’s easy to simply vote one’s ideology. Easier yet for one’s
wonder why the mere thought of voting has become a sad, gloomy, political affiliation. Easier still to vote out of misguided or
and miserable proposition? Why not, instead, take the approach of misunderstood hate or spite. It is said the election this year is for
voting based on the Cardinal Virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, the soul of the nation. Well, I’m sorry but if anyone is looking for
and temperance? But not from the perspective of which candidate some mortal to the restore the soul of anything, you’re always going
is prudent or just or temperate. Rather, from our own prudence, to back the wrong horse in the wrong race. However, if, for whatever
justice, fortitude, and temperance. After all, voting should be based reason, it is necessary for you to use this election to restore your own
on our own attitudes, feelings and beliefs. Not about the attitudes, soul; then you must vote virtuously, as anything less is a more
feelings and beliefs of the person for whom we may or may not vote. damning indictment of one’s own unvirtuousness.
But before we can vote from a place a virtue, we must first know
what those virtues are and then how to apply them to voting.
To have prudence is to have the quality of being wise, so when we
vote with prudence, we vote from a place of wisdom or intellect. It If you have an item of interest,
gives us the ability to judge correctly what is right and what is wrong business or an organization
in any given situation. What’s important is not to think that people affiliated with the Shores and
choose to vote for wrong, rather, they vote for what they think is right. would like to contribute an
e problem is what many people think is right, isn’t. It seems a little article to e PILOT on a
farfetched to ever think that anyone purposefully or willfully votes for rotating basis, please contact
wrong. Instead it’s more a matter of voting for what they believe to be <>.
right because of a lack of prudence.

Page 16 October 2020 e PILOT

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e PILOT October 2020 Page 17
e Social Dilemma, a new film on Netflix
Keep is Eye-opening Documentary Sounds the Alarm
e film e Social Dilemma was released on Netflix in
Up September, and I strongly encourage you to watch it. If you’re
concerned about the mental health of teens, the rise of climate

e change denial, and the spread of COVID-19 misinformation,

this documentary film will help you understand one of the root
causes of these problems and what to do about it.
Clean e film features interviews of
engineers and user interface
Up designers who built social
media platforms like Facebook,

Efforts! Instagram, and Twitter,

including some folks whom I
used to work with myself. e
film describes, in lay terms,
how the algorithms, interfaces,
and manufactured feedback
anks for
loops of these platforms
cleaning up:
negatively impact the lives of
Nina Boire, millions of people.
Danielle Fairbairn, e film shows how our
Vidyut & Ramesh thoughts and actions are being
Lingamneni quietly and subtly influenced in ways that we may not like.
Almost half of American teens say that they are online ‘almost
constantly,’ according to a 2018 Pew Research Center study, so
RSCA’s 2020 you can imagine how much influence social media has on our
Cleanup Event youth. e film also helps explain how misinformation and
began as a week conspiracy theories are spreading like wildfire online and have
long time to get out led to political polarization and devisiveness.
and explore your
neighborhood or
another part of the
Shores, and help keep
it a beautiful place to
live and work.
However, the awful air quality from fires throughout the Western
United States really diminished our ability to be outside in late
August and early September. RSCA thanks those who did
participate and provided members who cleaned up and
submitted photos with their Nob Hill gift cards.
e effort to do a little clean up whenever we are out and about ere are many positive aspects of social media. For example,
seems like a worthwhile activity to promote, so the Redwood these apps connects us with family and friends who live far away,
Shores Community Association board of directors would like to something especially important during a pandemic. Online
encourage residents and workers to continue this wonderful groups and messaging apps allow marginalized people to connect
community event on an on-going basis. Participants will be with each other and organize. However, there are dangerous
entered into a monthly drawing for a Nob Hill Gift Card if they downsides to these technology platforms that I think everyone
are RSCA members, and submit a picture from being out and should be aware of. Please watch this film and decide for yourself.
about in Redwood Shores picking up litter. Photos can be Andrew Chang is a 15-year resident of Redwood Shores who has
uploaded using the form available at worked at companies including Google and Twitter. You can reach
anks for doing your part to keep our community clean and safe! him at
Page 18 October 2020 e PILOT
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e PILOT October 2020 Page 19

ere’s No
by Monique Seibel When
In September RSTC members missed out on the annual tennis
weekend at Pajaro Dunes on Monterey Bay. Besides the tennis, Did at
of course, one of the most popular features of that event is the
Saturday night cioppino dinner. Happen?
But our talented social directors came up with a virtual dinner.
by Harvey Radin
e recipe for the cioppino base was emailed to everyone.
Members then made their own and added their favorite types of Maybe you know. High tech throws me for a loop. Even being
seafood. Everyone gathered virtually on Zoom to enjoy the results here — in the land of high tech — just getting up to speed on
and talk about the U.S. Open, which ended on September 13, and my first smart phone was a big deal. Right now, at this very
the French Open taking place September 21 through October 11. moment, I’m attempting to get a handle on a new PC.
Visit for information about the club. We welcome e best way to describe what happened is to borrow from an
new members for our 2021 season! article I wrote, recently, in a Colorado online magazine, the
Pagosa Daily Post. I’m a contributing columnist, my columns
are called HMPRESENTLY.

Memories of Pajaro
“My trusty old PC, patched up after a serious hard drive scare
several years ago, finally reached retirement age.
For a long time, family and friends had been urging me to get
with it. Yes… my old PC had served me well, putting up with
all kinds of words I’ve been writing on it, for how long? For 10,
maybe 12 years, or more? I did see subtle signs of aging. e
PC’s tower, at the side of my desk, was looking worn and stodgy,
compared to the newest PCs, featured in ads.
Everything, all the parts – the guts – of the new machines, are
built into a thin screen. ere’s no tower? When did that
happen? And there’s only a couple of cables? All those wires and
cables, looking like spaghetti, under my desk would be gone? I’d
have legroom?
When the time, finally, had come, when the last cable was being
disconnected from my old PC, and the screen flickered one last
Nob Hill Market Closes Early time, the bugle song, called ‘Retreat’ – that played at the end of
work each day at an Army base where, years ago, I’d spent some
for Deep Cleaning in September time – was playing in my mind. e next morning, I was hearing
‘Reveille,’ that peppy music played at the start of the new day.”
On the afternoon of September 11th, I went on, in the column, about typing on a wireless keyboard.
shoppers were notified that Nob Hill “Wireless! I can move all around! Even the mouse is wireless!”
Market would be closing shortly to
undergo a deep cleaning process. I’ve got to tell you, this isn’t bad, but I’m still learning… and
An employee who had been in the store wondering if I’ll be able to find this article for e PILOT, again,
on September 9th tested positive for after I’ve logged off, for the day.
COVID-19, according to Raley’s website
of reported incidents: (After a career in corporate communication, Harvey
Radin wrote books and articles about public opinion and PR. His articles have been published in Business
19-update/local-store-covid-19-information/ Insider, American Banker, Talking Biz News and
the Pagosa Daily Post. You can reach out to him by
Hopefully the employee will have an easy recovery.
email at
Page 20 October 2020 e PILOT
e PILOT October 2020 Page 21
gravIty pIpelIne
Contractor partner Barnard-Bessac Joint Venture (BBJV)
completed the installation of support equipment
platforms, aka gantries, behind the tunnel boring
machine (TBM), SALUS. By mining ahead a few hundred
feet from the previous stopping point, the gantries were
installed as SALUS took a break from mining. All 17
gantries were installed successfully behind SALUS.
Pipe sections that will carry raw wastewater by gravity
to the SVCW plant are now arriving at the Inner Bair Island access shaft, and will be installed this month. e carrier pipe
will be installed section by section, each section is 20 feet long, within the tunnel that SALUS bored through during her first
drive. A pipe transporter, which is a custom piece of transportation equipment that was designed and fabricated specifically
for this project, also arrived at the Inner Bair Island access shaft. e transporter will carry the heavy (approximately 20,000-
30,000 lbs. each!) pipe sections a mile into the first-drive tunnel for assembly with other pipe sections. Prior to this
installation however, crews will participate in trainings for safety, proper use of equipment and installation methods.

front of plant
Our contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), is constructing the fourth and
final lift of the interior stairwell structure walls of the Receiving Lift Station (RLS), which
can be seen in the photo to the left. e forms that were placed to support the concrete
while the interior walls are curing will be stripped and removed once the concrete is cured.
Safety decks were installed on the third and fourth lift panels to ensure the safety of the
crews working inside the stairwells of the RLS. Two stairwells are currently under
construction, with the expectation that construction will continue over the next few months.
In addition, SPJV is installing a 48-inch High Density Polyethylene overflow pipe. e
overflow pipe will allow wastewater flows from the Headworks Facility to be carried to
the sludge drying beds, which serve as a relief basin in an unlikely event that incoming
wet weather flows exceed the Headworks Facility’s capacity. is rare scenario was
accounted for during the design and construction phases to provide contingency and
provision for such an event.

pump station Improvement project

Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV) is working to complete 100% designs for each pump station. SVCW is currently in the
process of reviewing the hydraulic models for average day and peak flow conditions.
SPJV continues to prepare for construction on the Belmont Gravity Pipeline and its connection to the gravity tunnel at the
San Carlos pump station. Soil investigation work was completed along the Belmont Gravity Pipeline alignment and
inspections were carried out of the existing sewer pipeline that carries flows between the Menlo Park pump station and the
Redwood City pump station.

Page 22 October 2020 e PILOT

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e PILOT October 2020 Page 23
AnewVista technology classes empower adults to break through
learning roadblocks in a friendly, fun and interactive environment.
Our curriculum is designed around three central ideas for
beginner and advanced users to: reduce the fear of technology,
improve “ease of use”, and make technology more usable.
Technology classes are complimentary, pre-registration is required.
Sign up on our website at
Call 650-300-0688 or email with questions.

October 2020 Virtual Class Schedule

Wednesday – September 2nd at 10:30am:
Google Photos – let’s take advantage of unlimited storage and a
free google photo’s account.
Friday – October 2nd at 9:30 am
Smarthome – Is it time to have a smarthome?
Monday – October 5th at 2:00 pm
Make your own YouTube Channel
Wednesday – October 7th at 10:30am
Ordering Online – How can I be sure if it’s a good site or trusted?
Plus our favorite shopping sites.
Friday – October 9th at 9:30 am
Advanced Google Photos – What can we really do with the power
of Google Photos.
Monday – October 12th at 2:00 pm
Google Calendars – get organized & migrate to online calendaring.
Wednesday – October 14th at 10:30 am
Getting Apps on your phone? How do I do that and how do we
know what’s the best ones?
Friday – October 16th at 9:30 am
Advanced Google Calendars
Monday – October 19th at 2:00 pm
Managing Backups – 3-2-1 methodology for backing up devices!
Wednesday – October 21st at 10:30 am
Facebook privacy – using it and protecting ourselves.
Friday – October 23rd at 9:30 am
Product Demo: Presenting a product from a partner that focuses
on older adults in the home.
Monday- October 26th at 2:00 pm
Computers and voice tools. How to setup and use your computer
for voice commands
Wednesday – October 28th at 10:30 am
Google Translate and Maps – way more than just the obvious!
Friday – October 30th at 9:30 am
Amazon Prime: Black Friday shopping – how to master the
biggest shopping day of the year!
Page 24 October 2020 e PILOT
e PILOT October 2020 Page 25
Next, add the
pumpkin and cook
until fork-tender.
is could take
anywhere from 5-20
minutes, depending
Reminiscing about Risotto & Ripasso on the pumpkin. If
I can’t believe it’s been over six months. Six. Months. We’ve literally it starts to stick, add
been on lockdown for half a year. How is that even possible? I’m a few spoons of
still trying to get my head around the fact that trick-or-treating is stock to keep
probably not going to happen this year. But at least we still have everything loose.
fantasy football, right? When you can cut through the pumpkin with the side of your
As much as I love Fall, I must admit I’ve already started to dread wooden spoon, add the rice and saute for 1-2 minutes until the rice
the imminent takeover of pumpkin spice everything. But this is is well coated and slightly toasted.
my absolute favorite season (at least it was when I lived in Chicago When the rice is slightly translucent or spotted, turn up the heat to
where we actually had seasons) and pumpkin is one of my favorite high and stir for about 30 seconds to keep it from burning before
things to cook so I’m going to embrace the cliche and offer you a adding the white wine - it should make that great sizzling sound
pumpkin recipe. I hate to disappoint all you pumpkin spice fans, and begin to evaporate immediately.
but there isn’t a speck of cinnamon, cloves, or nutmeg in this dish.
en turn the heat back to medium and continue cooking (and
stirring) until the wine has evaporated. Add enough stock to cover
is particular risotto is perfect for the the rice completely and continue to cook, stirring often, until all
changing seasons: light enough to serve the liquid is absorbed.
during an unseasonably warm night but
Add one cup at a time of the remaining stock, and keep stirring
hearty enough to be the perfect fall comfort
until it is absorbed again. It is this act of constant stirring that
food. It also happens to pair well with one
gives risotto its creamy texture. It is also one of the things that
of my favorite wines —>
makes risotto such a great group activity, as it permits plenty of
I’m happy to report that one of my taste- time to drink and gossip.
testers liked it so much he literally stuck his
Repeat until the rice is al dente,
head in the pot. I hope you like it as well.
tender but still very chewy. e
pumpkIn-parsley rIsotto consistency should be slightly
1/2 cup olive oil liquid, somewhere between solid
1-4 shallots (or 1 onion), chopped and soupy. en season with a bit
of pepper and check the salt.
2-3 cloves garlic, chopped
If you happen to have some
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
parmesan, you can toss it in at
1/2 teaspoon sugar
this point or sprinkle it on top for
1 small bunch Italian (flat) parsley, chopped serving.
1-1/2 cups pumpkin, cubed (500g/1lb) Spoon it into 4 shallow bowls, sprinkle with remaining parsley
2 cups risotto rice (300g) and enjoy immediately.
1 cup vino bianco (white wine) For a glimpse into my former life in the Netherlands (including a
5-6 cups (1.5L) vegetable broth nostalgic football win, cool coffee pics, and a peek at the house we
freshly ground pepper painted the wrong color) check out the rest of this post at
1/2 cup vegan parmesan (optional)
In a medium saucepan, heat the vegetable broth.
Buon appetito!
In a separate, heavy-bottomed saucepan, start by making your
soffritto. is is the base for every good risotto. Heat the butter Guyanne Lufrano is a startup consultant at
or olive oil over medium-high heat. Add the shallots (or onion) Keating Consulting Group and Founder of the
and the sea salt - this will help onion soften the onion without Clean Beauty Project. She’s a Redwood Shores
browning to keep the flavor delicate. Add the sugar and cook for resident, proud Sandpiper mom, Wine Society
3-5 mins. Add the garlic and half the parsley and cook another Director for the Boisset Collection, and lifestyle
3-4 mins, stirring frequently. blogger at
Page 26 October 2020 e PILOT
e PILOT October 2020 Page 27

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