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The PILOT - May 2019

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Make Way For Goslings!

Calendar of RSCA Events

e month of May is always a busy one, filled with events, Sounds of the Shores in Marlin Park
holidays and celebrations. It’s also a time to keep a look out for Mark your calendar for fun times in the Shores
hatchlings — ducks, geese, hummingbirds, doves, and other this summer with live music and food trucks on
fuzzy friends are seen waddling around the Shores, and as their these three Sundays (from 5-7pm) in Marlin Park:
Sunday, June 23rd — The Shanks
neighbors, it’s important for us to help them stay safe.

Sunday, July 21st — The Groove Doctors

Likewise, please remember to drive safely and slow down on our

Sunday, August 18th — Cocktail Monkeys

Parkways. ey’re NOT Raceways! Last month, police caught
criminals in a stolen vehicle as it raced into Redwood Shores.
Frequently, residents complain to each other about speeding
For more information about the bands, see page 4.
Redwood Shores Annual Levee Cleanup
vehicles and those that ignore stop signs. If you see something,
say something. Call RCPD at 650-369-3333. Reporting
these incidents helps the police department monitor our area Saturday, August 24th from 8am to 12noon
for traffic violations and security. at Mariner Park and all around the Shores.
RSCA Halloween Parade at Marlin Park
Safety is just one of the many ways RSCA works to keep the

Saturday, October 26th at 2pm

Shores a GREAT place to live and work! If you’re interested in

Stay tuned for details.

joining the RSCA board of directors, or volunteering in some way,
please email <>.
An important city council meeting occurs on Monday, May 6th RSCA Hosted Santa Visit
in Redwood City. e council reconsidered their March decision Saturday, December 7th at the Sandpiper
regarding district elections, and accepted additional feedback in
Community Center. Stay tuned for details.
April. Please help us reiterate to the council that the Shores should
be ONE district. To review the many reasons why, see You can always find more information about these
and other community events on our web site at

Don’t forget to show appreciation and celebrate MotheR’s Day

on Sunday, May 12th! (Flowers, chocolate, spa certificates welcomed!)
Girl Scouts set-up a PLOGGING event on May 19th (see page 8).
e end of May tends to be time to get ready for summer, with
school year countdowns and BBQ plans underway. (Students are
invited to submit availability for summer projects. See page 17.)
e last Monday in May is MeMoRIal Day, a time to remember
the service of so many who have fought for our freedoms. ose
who do so much to protect others deserve recognition & gratitude.
We remember, and we thank you.
Get a surprise gift by mentioning The PILOT!

Page 2 May 2019 e PILOT

R C Pe a
We want to say thank you to everyone who attended our three summer sundays, 5-7pm @ Marlin Park
annual EGGstravaganza at Marlin Park in April. Extra thanks
june 23rd • Classic Rock • e Shanks are a premier classic
to the Girl scouts who came to help RSCA board members
rock cover band in the SF Bay Area. Members of the band have
with set-up and clean-up!! And we always appreciate our Fire
been in touring bands and professional troupes and they
and Police Departments for their presence, allowing tours of
thoroughly enjoy entertaining the crowd.
vehicles and important information offered. Our event
sponsor san Carlos orthodontics brought popsicles for july21st • Dance Party Band • The Groove Doctors bring high
families, on one of the first warm afternoons this year! energy to every event and help crowds have FUN, FUN, FUN!!!
Our incredibly diverse song list of home run hits from the last
50 years gets people of all ages onto the dance floor.
august 18th • R&B/Funk/Soul • e Cocktail Monkeys bring
you more than exciting music and perfect vocal harmony; they
bring fun, camaraderie, and professionalism to each show.
With an alluring and powerful stage presence, Renee and the
guys cover your favorite songs by your favorite bands.

Events like our annual EGGstravaganza would not be possible

without support of Shores residents and businesses through
annual membership contributions.
We want to give our sincerest thaNK yoU to the 327
members who have paid their membership dues for 2019.
All it takes to be a member is an annual
donation of $45 and confirming your News From Our Neighbors In Belmont
contact information. RSCA membership
Belmont is seeking input for a new community center!
is based on address, so it doesn’t matter
Please complete the online survey and read about upcoming
whether you own or rent a home, condo or
meetings and events at
Upcoming Community Outreach Events:
apartment, if you live, or work, in
Redwood Shores, you should be a member.
You can send your annual membership contribution of $45 to May 6: Belmont Redwood Shores Rotary Club Meeting
the Redwood Shores Community Association at 274 Redwood May 29: 6pm – 8pm Community Advisory Committee
Shores Pkwy, PMB #603, Redwood Shores, CA 94065. Meeting #2 – Room 4 @ Barrett – Preview of Design Options
Please joIN oUR eMaIl lIst to be kept aware of news between June 13: 6pm – 7pm Barrett Community Centre Neighbors
monthly issues of e PIlot. To join our list, go to our website Focus Group Meeting Barrett Annex
at At the top of the left column is a big yellow button
that says “Join our email list”. Just click on that button and add
yourself to our list. You’ll find a copy of our Privacy Policy that e 2nd annual Belmont Water Dog Run will be held
you can read before completing your registration. (You may also on saturday, october 12th, 2019. Register now for a
want to follow us on FaceBook and sign up for NextDoor.) 5K, 10K, Kids 1-Mile Run or Fido (Dog) Run.
Page 4 May 2019 e PILOT
274 Redwood Shores Pkwy, PMB #603
Redwood Shores, CA 94065 - 1173 |

Board of Directors
Nina Boire Connie Munevar
Kevin Brehmer Sue Nix
Jim Cvengros Ben Ploshay
Carol Ford Harris Rogers
Shannon Guzzetta Steven Tsujisaka
Don Long Bob Slusser
Mike Mancusi John Zolck

RSCA’s Board of Directors meet at the

Redwood Shores Library on the 2nd ursday of each
month at 7pm. Our next Board Meeting will be:
May 9th, 2019
(Email us if you would like to be or help a board member.) • Make Way For Goslings .............................................Page 1
• RSCA Events Calendar..............................................Page 1
ArChiTECTUrAl DESiGn BOArD (non-HOA areas): • Shores Traditions & RSCA Membership................Page 4
• EGGstravaganza Recap & Sounds of the Shores.......Page 4
For CC&R copies & information, email <>
• News From Our Neighbors In Belmont.................Page 4
• From the Mayor: Transportation............................Page 6
DEADLINES for e PILOT • Redwood Shores Architectural Design Board ...........Page 6
• Weather... Or Not? ................................................Page 8
e deadline for space reservation is usually the end of the • It’s Elementary School Update ...............................Page 8
first week of each month for the following month’s issue.
• Girl Scouts Plogging Project: May 19 ....................Page 8
Please email <> for a precise schedule. • Allergy Awareness & Clean Living .......................Page 10
PUBLISHER: Redwood Shores Community Association • At Home in the Shores: Powder Rooms ...............Page 12
e PILOT is the official monthly publication of • Latest News from SVCW ....................................Page 14
the Redwood Shores Community Association. • Redwood Shores Tennis Club ...............................Page 16
CIRCULATION: 6,000 Shores Households & Businesses • Shores Business Classified Ads .............................Page 16
Opinions published in e PIlot are solely those of the • Library Events for May ........................................Page 17
authors and not the expressions of RSCA unless so officially • Pirate Ship Art Installation Update ......................Page 17
and expressly designated. • Travel Opportunities for Shores Seniors...............Page 17
• Calling Shores Teens ............................................Page 17
• St. Mark’s Corner: A Signature Moment ..............Page 18 e PILOT May 2019 Page 5
frOM ThE MAYOr Do You Know...
I aN B aIN , C Ity oF R eDWooD C Ity ... that EVERY residence in the Shores is
covered by Covenants, Codes &
Restrictions (CC&Rs)?
“tRaNsPoRtatIoN” has long been one of the Council’s strategic
initiatives, but earlier this year the Council elevated it to one of Whether you live in one of our many
our top priorities. e increase in jobs in the region over the last Home Owners Associations (HOAs) or in
several years has compounded an already difficult problem, so the original sections of the Shores, there
the City is looking at many things we can do both locally and are CC&Rs on ALL Shores homes!
regionally to improve the situation. ere are several projects
You should have received a copy of the CC&Rs when you
the City is involved in, but I would like to highlight just a few:
purchased your home. But if you live west of Shell and NOT
• FeRRy seRvICe – In partnership with the Port of Redwood City in an HOA, that might have been some time ago. If you need
we have launched a feasibility study to evaluate potential costs, a new copy, email <>.
ridership and other project factors. is potential service would
provide new way to connect Redwood City with San Francisco
and the East Bay.
• tRaIN seRvICe – We are working the San Mateo County Transit

From the Architectural Design Board

District on a number of projects including Caltrain electrification
and modernization and potential Dumbarton Rail.
• transportation Demand Management – We are working with
nearby cities to establish a Transportation Management is is a reminder to everyone who lives in Redwood Shores:
Association (TMA) to provide employer-supported transportation every property in Redwood Shores has CC&Rs (Covenants,
services within a specific area. Conditions & Restrictions) attached to the deed. is means the
• el CaMINo Real BICyCle aND PeDestRIaN saFety – e City property owner has a responsibility to maintain their property.
is taking a long-term approach to enhance mobility and safety is includes landscaping, paint and fencing. With the recent
along the corridor. City staff are seeking a grant to support rains, weeds have come up uncontrolled in the front yards of
planning efforts and community engagement. many homes. If you receive a letter that your home is in need of
• U.s. hIGhWay 101 PeDestRIaN UNDeRCRossING – Creating maintenance, this is something that must be taken care of.
a physical link between the Bayfront areas and downtown has thIs Is Not volUNtaRy. CC&Rs on properties are neither
been a long-term goal for the City. e goal is to make it easier voluntary nor dependent upon membership in RSCA or RSOA.
and safer to walk or bike between Bair Island and downtown, e Redwood Shores Architectural Design Board (ADB) and
and construction will begin soon. Redwood Shores Owners Association (RSOA) are the legal
• MaNaGeD laNes – We are working with the Transportation custodians and administrators of this area’s CC&Rs. ADB is
Authority to construct a new lane in each direction of Highway required to enforce the CC&Rs, for the betterment and value of
101 in San Mateo Country, with the far left lane in each direction the community.
converted to an express lane. Also, any exterior project (INCLUDING painting your home,
• GRaDe sePaRatIoNs – We are examining grade crossings at adding a fence and any landscape change) MUst be approved
Whipple Avenue, Brewster Avenue, Broadway, Maple, Main before you start the project. is is particularly notable if you
and Chestnut Streets, with Whipple being the top priority. have a home on the water. If your property is on the water,
Separating these crossing will be very expensive and will require anything done to the rear of your home MUst be approved. If
much long-term planning and some tough choices. A study will you proceed without approval, you may have to make costly
begin later this year and that will include several opportunities changes -- even if Redwood City was involved in project
for community input and engagement. approvals, the Redwood Shores Lagoon requires special
• hIGhWay 101/84 INteRChaNGe – is project will help relieve handling and planning in order not to compromise its banks.
existing and future traffic congestion, and improve traffic safety Legal means will be pursued (at cost to the homeowner with
and vehicular access to and from 101 and 84 (Woodside Road). the violation) to maintain adherence to these rules.
is project is currently in the design phase, and a major focus for e CC&Rs are in place to maintain home values and the
the coming year will be securing funding to further this project. quality of life in the Shores. We urge your cooperation in doing
While none of these projects provides a silver bullet, we hope your part for the community. If you have any questions, please
that collectively they will make it easier to get around our city contact us at <>.
and around the region.
Page 6 May 2019 e PILOT
e PILOT May 2019 Page 7
MIChael MIllIKeN, Ph.D.

Last month, we assigned 472 incoming kindergartners to

elementary schools for the 2019-20 school year. is was a big
group, up 60 students from the prior year. anks to the
Weather... Or Not? community’s support via bond measures in 2008 and 2014, we
have the classroom capacity in the Shores to provide for all
by Harvey Radin kindergarten students living in the Shores. is is terrific news
I was hearing, last month, one of those sounds smart phones for us, and it is a credit to the Shores community. ank you!
make, a ting, ting, ting sound. A weather app on my wife’s phone state tests
was sounding off, letting her know that a brief shower would be
Each year, the month of May is the testing window for the
starting at 10:17 AM. And I’ll be darned, raindrops began falling
standardized state tests in reading, writing, math, and science for
on the Shores, almost to the minute. Figuring out one sound,
students in grades 3-8, 10 and 11. Recently, the state moved to
on the phone, from another is challenging. Is the ting, ting, ting
computer-based tests, which allows the test to adjust to the student
a weather advisory? A traffic alert? A reminder you’re scheduled
to obtain a better assessment of his or her knowledge. is is called
to do something at a certain time, or something else, entirely?
computer-adaptive testing. For example, if a student gets a
Weather forecasting is so precise, now. Imagine years ago, before question wrong, the test will adjust, and the next question will be
weather satellites were circling the planet and radar was pinging a little easier. However, if a student keeps answering correctly, the
cloud formations, high and low pressure areas and all the rest. test becomes a little more challenging with each correct answer.
Well, one day a few weeks ago, the wind was really howling. As a result, fewer students “ace” the test, and we get more accurate
Maybe the weather app had tinged something about that? I was data on the students’ knowledge and performance levels.
weighing whether to challenge the forces of nature by attempting New Preschool in the shores
a bicycle ride. After hemming and hawing, for some reason, Starting in late August, Footsteps Child Care plans to open a
going for it, captured my imagination. (But full disclosure, those morning preschool for students as young as 2 years 9 months at
gale-force winds could have caused real problems. Staying safe, Redwood Shores Elementary School. Footsteps runs childcare
bike riding, is the key objective.) programs at three Belmont-Redwood Shores elementary schools,
When I started out, strong, gusty winds immediately slammed and they have been in business for 24 years. See the Footsteps
into me. e winds were constantly shifting, from headwinds to website for more details.
crosswinds, to my personal favorite, that day, tailwinds. Upcoming events--everyone’s Invited!
Fighting the headwinds, even downshifting to the lowest gears on Ralston Middle School students will perform Legally Blonde Jr.,
my bike, my speed dropped to -- Oh I’d say -- maybe 10 MPH. May 17-19, see the website <>
Or much slower, to be totally honest. e winds were so strong, for details and to purchase tickets.
that as I was approaching an area where construction work was Redwood Shores Elementary School Open House and Art Show
underway, I got a thumbs-up from the construction crew. is ursday, May 23rd at 7-8pm.
Even the few joggers I saw on the trail were leaning into the Sandpiper’s Open House and Art Show event will be ursday,
wind. Hate to admit, even in my lowest gear, I had to peddle like May 30th @ 6-8pm.
mad to pass one of the joggers, who must have been training for
the Olympics. I pressed on, heading toward the San Mateo Ralston Spring Music Concerts, May 29th and May 30th, 6-8pm,
Bridge, but ended up a little short of my goal. Like slightly south at Ralston Middle School. No tickets required.
of the bridge, by only a mile...or two or... anks again for your support. You are welcome to contact me
Back home after what felt like hours of riding, I described my on any topic at 650-620-2703 or <>.
biking adventure, to anyone listening, as exhilarating. And brutal.
(After a career in corporate communication, r-CUBED rElAY rUn: MAY 19, 2019 - 9AM-12pM
Harvey Radin wrote books and articles about Ralston Girl Scouts Amelia and Haley are going after their
public opinion and PR. His articles have been Silver Award by planning and hosting a PLOGGING event where
published in Business Insider, American Banker participants will help clean up the levee area along the Bay Trail
and Talking Biz News. You can reach out to him behind the Redwood Shores Library. Please review details and
by email at <>.) sign up at
Page 8 May 2019 e PILOT
jUst lIsteD FoR lease!
Welcome to this lovely 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom
town home in the desirable Cove at CA Bayside.
Walking distance to sought after elementary
schools and serene greenbelts, the Bay Trail and the
Cove’s community pool and spa. is home offers
beautiful rich wood floors throughout, custom
window treatments and stainless steel kitchen
appliances with an eat-in kitchen nook. Washer
and dryer upstairs in between all 3 bedrooms and
a 2 car attached garage plus bonus storage in the
garage area. e vaulted ceilings give you an open
and spacious feeling and in the cooler months you
can cozy up by the gas fireplace. Enjoy BBQs or a
potted garden on the deck overlooking the
landscape. Offered at $4500/month.

e PILOT May 2019 Page 9

SuperDan Helps Raise Understanding the Different
Allergy Awareness Purposes of RSCA and RSOA
by Paris Jalali is publication is mailed to everyone in the Shores, so if you’re
Part of daily life, for many parents, is being constantly on alert and reading this you already know that Redwood Shores is a BEAUTIFUL
ready to spring into action to save their child from the onset of an place to live (and work)! For nearly 50 years, the Redwood Shores
allergic reaction. Now there is an awareness, prevention and action Community Association (RSCA) has been working to keep the
kit available for anybody with a child who has {food} allergies. Shores a great place to live and work. Note — that’s CoMMUNIty
MyKeepsafe™ is a creatively packaged, engaging storybook with in RSCA, not OWNERS in RSOA. ese are two very different
interactive stickers to bring awareness of food allergies to children, Shores organizations with different purposes.
caregivers, and teachers. It also contains disposable wristbands (for Do you know the difference between RSCA and RSOA?
daycare facilities, play dates, camps, trips, parties, and other events). RSCA = Redwood Shores COMMUNITY Association (
e book covers the top food allergies and possible symptoms that RSOA = Redwood Shores OWNERS Association (
may arise as a result of exposure. e story is dedicated to Daniel
RSCA invites ALL residents in our Redwood Shores Community
(the author’s first born) who has 10+ allergies. superDan faces
to become members and participate in community events such
multiple food allergies, learning how to navigate his kryptonite and
our spring eGGstravaganza, sounds of the shores summer
keep safe in the allergy fight!
concerts, our annual levee Cleanup in August, October’s
e MyKeepSafe™ kit also contains an emergency care plan and an halloween Parade, and santa’s visit to the shores in December.
allergy alert poster, a silicone wristband with 14 allergy charms to Our Annual Meeting each February provides the community with
help parents identify their child’s allergies. information related to projects and programs offered in the Shores,
is educational and preventative kit will including an opportunity to meet officials from Redwood City
easily save young lives and provides peace and our schools.
of mind to parents, and caregivers. Part of RSCA’s mission is to communicate with all members of
For the National Asthma and Allergy the Shores, and e PIlot helps us accomplish that. e two
Awareness Month of May, and lasting median signs on each parkway are also maintained by RSCA.
until June 15th, MyKeepSafe™ kit is ese are intended to provide reminders and safety information
available at a 15% discount. Email your relevant to everyone who lives in the Shores.
order to <>. RSCA is in contact with staff members and officials in Redwood
City, San Carlos, Belmont, San Mateo County, and Silicon Valley
(e author, Paris Jalali, has always been passionate about saving lives,
Clean Water about any and all issues that affect the Shores.
previously serving as an ICU nurse in Canada. Her hands-on
experience combined with a master’s degree in leadership in healthcare RSCA asks for all residents and businesses in Redwood Shores
lead her to focus on a life-threatening topic that needs more awareness. to become members by paying a $45 contribution each year.
She is now a stay-at-home mom raising her four wonderful boys in Information about membership is available on page 4.
Redwood Shores, California. She was inspired to write about this RSOA requires payment of annual homeowner dues for Shores
important topic as two of her sons have multiple food allergies.) homes built after 1981. RSOA oversees architectural and landscape
guidance for the areas with individual Home Owner Associations.

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Page 10 August
May 2019
2018 e

Picture Perfect Powder Rooms

Powder rooms are a universal feature in many newer American
homes. Often the smallest room in the house, a powder room is
an ideal place to give creativity free reign. Because of its small
size and light traffic, the color, style, and decor of a powder room
can be more luxe and dramatic than elsewhere. Here are a few
ways to think outside the box and create a veritable jewel-box of
a powder room in your home.
1. Go bold with color or pattern. If you’re intrigued by dark
wall colors, a jewel-toned handcrafted tile, or a graphic-patterned
wallpaper, this is the perfect place to try out the look. Because of
the room’s small square footage, even high-end materials can
become affordable since only a limited quantity is needed. Also
consider materials that may not be suitable for a workhorse
bathroom, such as hardwood floors, textured wallcovering, or a
specialty paint effect.
2. Up the design quotient with an unusual sink and vanity.
Because there’s less need for abundant storage, and fewer
encounters with water and dampness in powder rooms, you have
the option to be innovative when it comes to choosing a sink
and vanity. Up the design quotient by considering unusual looks
such as a live-edge wood counter or a rough-faced stone bowl
vessel sink. Consider repurposing a piece of furniture, such as a
vintage dresser or cabinet, into a sink vanity. If you have only a e powder room is the perfect place to go bold with color or pattern.
sliver of space, a freestanding or wall mounted sink is a good Photo courtesy of Walker Zanger.
option, as they can take up as little as 18 inches. If you have a 4. Complete your look with mirrors and artwork. Complete
larger space, a vanity width of at least 24 inches ensures the sink your powder room with a statement mirror and/or artwork that
area doesn’t feel cramped. complements the overall design—in fact, a specialty mirror or piece
3. transform the room with lighting and electrical. of art can be the inspiration for your design. Narrow frameless
Appropriate lighting may be the single most important element mirrors work well with sleek modern styles, while glamourous
in transforming your powder room into a jewel box. Consider framed mirrors exude a more elegant vibe. As for artwork, don’t
replacing the standard overhead light with wall sconces or limit yourself to framed poster prints. ink textural, sculptural, or
pendants. You can also add a secondary light source such as a 3-dimensional artwork, either on the wall or suspended from the
back-lit mirror or soft undercabinet lighting beneath a floating ceiling—imagine a Zen statue in a wall niche, lit by an accent light,
vanity. Opt for light fixtures that are dimmable to create drama presiding serenely over your new powder room.
and warmth. Traditionally, the best looking light sources were
Changing any one of the above elements will make a great
from incandescent fixtures, but you can now buy dimmable LED
difference. Due to the unique characteristics of a powder room
light fixtures that give warmly-colored, incandescent-looking
being a small, separate, and sparingly used space, it can be the
light. To comply with code, the switch that controls the main
ideal place to transform into something as special and spectacular
light should be either a vacancy-sensor switch (manual-on, auto-
as you desire.
off) or occupancy-sensor switch (auto-on, auto-off). Also, a
ventilation fan is always a good idea in a bathroom space. Even Liza Riguerra is a technology professional turned
though new lighting and fans may involve electrical rewiring, the award-winning interior designer who lives in
upgrade in design potential is well worth it. Redwood Shores. Connect with her on Houzz,
LinkedIn or Twitter.
Page 12 May 2019 e PILOT
Amiciʼs East Coast Pizzeria 654-3333 New Life Acupuncture Clinic 549-5278 ReMax Star Real Estate 802-5800
Bagel Street Cafe 593-0103 Nob Hill Foods 654-2106 Select Physical Therapy 591-9581
Bank of America 631-5476 Orange Theory 562-6577 Starbucks Coffee 654-4037
Falafel Tazah 622-9983 Otuko Sushi 264-8418 The Grill House 264-8017
GNC 654-2782 Postal Annex 622-9094 Togoʼs Eatery 654-7760
Jamba Juice 802-2900 Provident Credit Union 591-7845 Una Mas Restaurant 654-4690
Palo Alto Medical Foundation 691-6407 Redwood Shores Dental Care 654-6545 Vision One Optometry 716-4981

Go to our website for valuable coupons.

Follow us on facebook for pop up specials from your favorite merchants.

e PILOT May 2019 Page 13

Page 14 May 2019 e PILOT
e PILOT May 2019 Page 15

Redwood Shores Handyman

No job too small, can do almost anything.
Redwood Shores Resident
by Monique Seibel

Call Scott 650-464-3276

By 9am on March 23, a tantalizing sun emerged. But it had

or email
rained all night, rendering the courts unplayable, and the first
tournament of the year had to be canceled. Socials, however, are
always a “rain or shine” affair, so players gathered for lunch at


the Grill House. Over a tasty meal, impromptu plans were made

Excellent service, good references.

for casual tennis the following day—which, as per meteorological
predictions, turned out to be the only dry day that week.

Call Ana or Edgar 650-924-0406

By April 13, however, the rains had gone and we had a full
complement of 24 players eager for team tennis. e Jetsons,
the Simpsons, the Rugrats and the Flintstones were captained,

Redwood Shores
respectively, by Robin George, Karen Brodersen, Mike Venturino

Certified Public Accountant

and Sundar Venkateswaran. Despite the silly names, the
competition was fierce—but fun as always.

Providing tax preparation and planning,

accounting and bookkeeping services
e social, whose theme, perhaps appropriately, was “finger

15+ years experience Shores Resident

foods,” was held at the waterside home of Natalie and John

Call Kerman at 650-291-4219

Jordan. When all were happily sated by the delectable assortment
of dishes, president Nicola Tidwell announced the winning
team—the Simpsons,
who evidently beat the
others by quite a bit

20% OFF for

(“ran away with it”

(Van Available)
according to Nicola).

(650) 921-2038
Team members (Karen
Brodersen, Les Kobzik,

Silvia’s Housecleaning Service

Valery Soloviev, Micki
Carter, Monique Seibel

License #22085 - Bonded and Insured

and Barb Urrutia) each

References available on request

received a beach towel

Serving the Shores 25 years

as a prize.

(650) 722-6556
Many thanks are due to
tournament director

Redwood Shores Resident Professional Travel Agent

Nicola Tidwell, Kathy
Miles for doing the

Over 35 years of Worldwide Expertise

draw and shopping for

Affiliated with Travel Advisors of Los Gatos

prizes, Barb Urrutia for

Call Linda at 650-591-9112 or 408-505-4506

courtside refreshments,
Sundar Venkateswaran for organizing the social, and Mike

Venturino, Karen Brodersen and Nicola Tidwell for photography.
Upcoming events include an open play (the only one this year)
on May 12 and a mixed-scramble tournament the following
week, May 18. Please note that open plays are for members only,
but that guests invited by members are welcome.
For more information about the club, or to join, visit Let’s play tennis!

Page 16 May 2019 e PILOT

Pirate Ship Art Installation Update
In response to recent community questions about the Pirate Ship
Art Installation/Imaginative Play Area that is planned alongside
the Redwood Shores Branch Library and the Bay Trail, the
following is a brief update. City staff is still working on this
project and anticipate welcoming the Pirate Ship to the Redwood
Shores Branch Library and Bay Trail in late 2019.
e project plans are currently in the Bay Conservation and
Development Commission (BCDC) permit process due to the
site’s adjacency to the Bay Trail. e installation of the ship and
the surrounding landscaping work cannot begin without an
approved permit from BCDC.
While the space is envisioned as an area for imaginative play by
children, there will not be a playground in the traditional sense.
Kids can take inspiration from the ship itself, and the installation
will also include a small amphitheater where Library programs
can be held. We will provide another update with a more defined
timeline once the permit process is complete.
For additional updates or questions, reach out to Derek Wolfgram,
Library Director at <> or Chris Beth,
Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director at

Travel Opportunities for Shores Seniors

In response to the request for programs to serve Redwood Shores,
the Veterans Memorial Senior Center is partnering with the
Sunnyvale Senior Center to offer Shores Seniors the opportunity
to join in the Sunnyvale Seniors extended trip program. Trips
are open to all Seniors 55+. Many U.S. as well as International
destinations are scheduled each year. For information about the
2020 travel season, contact <>.
Additional programs are in process of planning and development
and will be announced in future editions of e PILOT.

Calling Shores Teens!

If you’re available over the summer for jobs or projects such as
gardening, cleaning, childcare, pet sitting, window washing, etc.,
email to be listed in our June/July edition.
Include your name, age, phone, email and the tasks you are
available to do. (Discuss rates and details with interested neighbors.)
e PILOT May 2019 Page 17
So back to my email. At the beginning of Lent, I changed my
A Signature Moment personal email signature to read “Repent and live the Gospel” and
“Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”; the two
St. Mark’s Corner By Richard Watkins
options for being said when being given ashes on Ash Wednesday.
I’m sure, either for work or even personally, you have run across
A couple of weeks after changing my signature, I was exchanging
an email that was sent to you that had a pre-formatted signature.
emails with a group of people with whom I have personal
If it were for work, it would be something like:
business. After about four or five back-and-forths, one member
of the group sends a reply to me alone and asks, “Where did the
John Doe, Executive Director
quote in purple come from?” (I put the quote in purple because it
123-456-7890 
e John Doe Company
is the color of penance and that’s what we are supposed to do
during Lent). I told her it was just part of my email signature.
Or maybe it’s a friend’s email that includes an abbreviated signature
And life went on. About a month later, after some more back and
like “anks – Julie B” or “---Chris”. Or maybe there is a quote at
forth, the same person includes in an email to the whole group:
the end like: “Never look down when you’re not giving up”. Even
“I would prefer to get future emails without the ‘Repent’ lecture.”
those people who live in the 19th century and are using Juno for
email have ads that appear at the end of their messages. First, it’s hardly a lecture. It’s more like a suggestion. Second, why
wasn’t there any mention of “…you are dust, and to dust you shall
For a while now in my signature line, I have been including either
return”? I would think that’s a little more brazenly foreshadowing
an inspirational quote or picture that relates to whatever liturgical
of something bad happening than just telling someone to repent
season we are in or if there was something I read from a daily
and live the Gospel. I mean, there isn’t even an implied consequence
gospel or reflection that spoke to me and stuck out. But that
if you don’t repent. But here’s the thing…
wasn’t always the case. Long before I began this evangelical
journey, I was very much a “Sermon on the Mount” kind of guy. At one time in my life, I would have felt guilty about offending
When I gave alms, I folded up the bill so small that it was hard to anyone and would have considered changing my signature line
make out the denomination. Of course, that was not to keep or removing it altogether. I was very much a Peter denying Jesus
others from knowing how much I was giving, rather how little. three times before the cock crows and not a Paul getting knocked
When I would fast… oh let’s face it; those who know me could off his “ass” and proclaiming it to the nations. I would retreat
figure out very easily I have never fasted a day in my life. And for into that inner room and feel embarrassed; for me, for them, for
those of you who don’t know me, I would say Job 15:27 is a fair God and for Jesus.
representation. And when I would pray, I would go into my inner But I have come to learn that you if you listen to Jesus on one thing,
room so no one would see me or hear. But it was more than that. you best listen to Him on all things. Even though I thought I was
I kept my relationship with God hidden. Secret. If someone being righteous by “not praying on the street corner”, what I was
brought up the subject in a small group, I was more than willing doing by retreating was denying Him before others. Of which the
to discuss and share my views. But I was never the type of guy to consequence will be Him denying me before our heavenly Father.
lead a group of people in public discourse on Jesus and salvation. Now, I’ve never visited Gehenna, but according to all the post-
In fact, whenever someone would bring up or praise Jesus in a apocalyptic travel guides I’ve read (Joshua 15:8, 18:16. Isaiah 30:33,
large public setting such as rallies or demonstrations, I would get 66:24. Jeremiah 7:31-32, 32:35.) it’s not a place I’m too keen on
nervous for what would come next because what I always seemed checking out. So, I will continue, in email, in e PILOT and
to encounter as the follow up to those touting Jesus was in articles on the St. Mark Facebook page (@SaintMarkBelmont),
something quite un-Jesus, like “and burn in hell” or “and go back to acknowledge Jesus before others so He will acknowledge me
to your own country” or “and that’s why your god is a fake”. before our heavenly Father.

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Page 18 May 2019 e PILOT

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e PILOT May 2019 Page 19

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