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1) a.

Compliance (obey to non-authority)

While in elementary school, my friend asking me to do his homework and I did not agree. Then my
friend said at least helps him to find the answer together, and I agreed to help him.

Conformity (match with other)

While in class, when the teacher asked a question, I always had the feeling to follow the answers of
my classmates even though I felt the answer was wrong.

Obedience (obey to authority)

One day, at work, my boss told me to arrange the stock of new items on the shelf and I agreed even
though it was a break.


One subject that is favorable/unfavorable to you. (2m)

Mobile Legends game

Describe your attitudes towards the subject. (ABC model)

Affective component: I like to play mobile legends game because it’s fun and challenging.

Behavior component: I download that game and purchase items in that game.

Cognition component: I think this game is better than other games I played.

2) a.

Take an online test


Report/Summarize the results. (2m)

The result shows that my score on extroversion factor is only 37%, which mean I tend to be shut ins.
My score on emotional stability factor is 43%, which is quite low; I’m not likely than average to be
moody and to experience such feelings as anxiety. My score on agreeableness factor is low too, only
35%, means that I’m critical and aggressive. My score on conscientiousness is quite high, 67%,
means that I’m careful and diligent. I score quite low too on Intellect/imagination factor, 46%, which
mean I tend to be traditional and conventional.


Suitable future career for you, provide explanation based on Big 5 (3m)
Because my score on conscientious are higher than other factor, I thought that I would strive and
succeed in jobs in the public sector, such as the military or the police, because of the ability to be
time bounded, planned and organized.

3) a. (4m)

- I don’t feel good, doctor. I feel like my existence is wrong. I don’t deserve to be here in this world.
(Intruding thoughts)

- I can’t stop thinking that I’m going to get HIV so I make sure I wash my hands 30 times a day.
(Repetitive, ritualistic behavior)

b. (2m)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Obsession

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Compulsion

c. (6m)

Exposure and response prevention (ERP), which is a form of CBT, is the psychotherapy of choice for
the treatment of OCD. In ERP therapy, people with OCD are placed in situations where they are
gradually exposed to their obsession and are asked not to do coercion that usually relieves their
anxiety and distress. This is done at our own pace; the therapist cannot force someone to do
something that they do not want to do.

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