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Draft LOA

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Date: 2010

P. O. Box
Doha, Qatar
Tel.: +974-
Fax: +974-


Subject: WORK

Dear Sir,

We refer to ……………………Letter of Intent reference …………………dated ……….2010

and to your final revised offer reference no. ……………….dated …………..2010 addressed
to……………………….., pertaining to the ……………… for the above referenced
Project (hereinafter referred to as “the Works").

Based on the aforementioned final revised offer, …………………….(hereinafter referred to

as "the Client") hereby award ……………………. (hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor")
the Works for the total Contract Price of QR …………… (Qatar Riyals
…………………..Only) in accordance with the above referenced Documents.

The Terms and Conditions of this Letter of Award shall be as follows:

1. The contractual Commencement Date, "Effective Date", of the Works shall
be ...........2010.

2. The Time for Completion for the Works shall be .........months from the Effective Date
stipulated above i.e. the Completion Date shall be ...................2010. The ...... months
duration includes for mobilization and for obtaining the required approval from the
Client’s appointed Project Manager carry out the Works.

3. The Scope of Work

The Contractor shall carry out and complete the entire Scope of Works mentioned
above, with due care and diligence and to the full satisfaction of the Client, within the
Time for Completion stipulated hereinafter and within the Contact Price stated above.

3.1 Civil Works which includes

4. Timeframe

4.1 The Works are to be carried out and completed in accordance with Milestones
stipulated and described as follows:
Stage Description Milestone
1 Mobilization and materials submittals
2 Civil Work
3 Architecture , furniture and joinery Work
4 MEP Work

5. Contractor’s Mandatory Submissions

5.1 The Contractor is required to submit a Level 2 Program of Execution of the Works
within 2 weeks from the receipt of this Letter of Award, detailing in full the
sequence of the Works, dates of Contract Milestones and including the period for
Mobilization to the satisfaction of the QIQ Representative.
5.2 The Contractor shall submit a comprehensive Method Statement within 2 weeks
of the receipt of this Letter of Award which shall include but not be limited to the
5.2.1 Method of statement for the Corian items (Furniture and cladding)
5.2.2 Safety Procedures
5.2.3 Details and method of statement of the Resin materials to be used
5.2.4 Manpower CVs and qualifications

Any other document required by QIQ in order to ensure that safety standards are
respected by ..................................

5.3 Contractor shall provide and maintain the following insurances:

5.3.1 Loss or Damage to the Client property.
5.3.2 Workmen’s Compensation Policy.
5.3.3 Third Party General Legal and Contractual Liability.

5.4 The Contractor is requested to submit the following documents:

5.4.1 Unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bond, from a reputable bank
in Doha, with form approved by the Client, for the sum of 10% of the total
Contract Price, effective from the Commencement Date stipulated above
until 90 days after the Completion of the Works and issue of the
Completion Certificate by QIQ (see copy attached).
5.4.2 Insurance Policies as listed above to fulfil the contractual requirements
normally inherent in the carrying out of such specialist activities and to
protect the Client against any damages or claims resulting from the work.
5.4.3 A copy of the Contractor’s valid Registration Certificates in the State of
5.4.4 An original valid Power of Attorney in respect of Authorised Signatory.
The Power of Attorney shall confirm that the Authorised Signatory is
vested with the power and capacity to sign the Contract and legally bind
the Contractor.

6. Terms of Payment

6.1 The Terms of Payment shall be as follows:

6.1.1 A ten percent (10%) Advance Payment of the value of the contract amount
(subject to the Contractor request) will be paid against the provision of a
certified Advance Payment Guarantee Bond.
6.1.2 The Contractor shall submit monthly invoices of payment for the Works
carried out for certification by the Client’s Representative. The invoicing is
estimated to be in accordance with the above schedules.
6.1.3 The total contract value is QR ………………….(including Provisional
6.1.4 Payment shall be made within .......days from receipt by Client of a
correctly prepared and adequately supported invoice to the bank account
nominated by the Contractor.

7. Currently, the Contract Documents are being prepared and shall comprise the

7.1 This Letter of Award.

7.2 The final revised offer as per the Contractor's letter referenced no. …………..
dated ……………………2010.
7.3 An approved Execution Programme for the Works.
7.4 An approved Method Statement for the Works.
7.5 Any other documents as agreed by the Client and the Contractor.

Should there be any conflict, discrepancy or inconsistency among any of these

documents, the same shall be resolved by giving effect firstly to this Letter of Award,
secondly to the submitted Documents together with any related correspondence
/documentation, thirdly to the final revised offer submitted by the Contractor as
prescribed above, and fourthly to the other Contract Documents. Such order of
precedence shall be detailed, as outlined above, in the Contract Agreement.

8. General

8.1 This Agreement shall not be assigned or otherwise transferred by either Party, in
whole or in part, without the express prior written consent of the other Party.
8.2 All notice hereunder shall be given in writing, to the addresses given in this
Agreement. The effective date of a notice shall be the date of its sending by
courier service or the date of transmittal by fax or e-mail.
8.3 No exercise or failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right, power, or
remedy vested in either party under or pursuant to this Agreement shall constitute
a waiver by that Party of that or any other right power or remedy.
8.4 This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and cancels and
supersedes any previous understanding or agreement related to the project,
whether written or oral.

9. Confidentiality

9.1 All information acquired by either Parties from the other shall be treated as
confidential by the recipient and shall not be used otherwise than for the
purposes of this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Party
providing such information unless it:
9.1.1 Is or later becomes public knowledge other than by breach of the
foregoing paragraph; or
9.1.2 Is in the possession of the recipient with full rights of disclosure prior to its
receipt from the other Party; or
9.1.3 Is independently received by the recipient from a third party having the full
rights of disclosure.
10. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

10.1This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the

Laws of the State of Qatar
10.2Any disputes or differences arising out of this Agreement shall initially be settled
amicably by the Parties at the level of their respective Managing Directors (or
equivalent). If the Parties are not able to settle any matter referred to them within
a period of 42 days or any such period as the Parties may subsequently agree,
then that matter or those matters shall immediately be referred to Arbitration.
10.3Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Regulations of the Qatar
International Centre for Arbitration (QICA). It is agreed that the Arbitration shall
be located in Doha, Qatar in the English language unless otherwise required by
the prevailing stipulations of the pertaining Laws of the State of Qatar. It is further
agreed that the Arbitration Committee shall consist of 1 or 3 Arbitrators who will
be selected and agreed upon by the Parties.
10.4Notwithstanding the above, in the event that the Regulations of the Qatar
International Centre for Arbitration are silent on any subject, the Parties agree
that the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce shall

11. Term of This Agreement

11.1Until the Contract Documents are duly signed by the Client and the Contractor,
this Letter of Award together with the Contractor's final revised offer as
referenced above, the relevant Documents submitted as well as any other
documents as may be agreed by the Client and the Contractor shall constitute a
binding Contract between the Client and the Contractor.
11.2The Works shall be conducted under the supervision and direction of the Client's
Representative, Mr………………………, Managing Director, …………………, at
the following address:

P.O Box
State of Qatar
Tel. No: +974-
Fax No: +974-

11.3All correspondence pertaining to this Contractual Agreement shall be addressed

to Mr……………….., Chief Executive Officer, QIQ, acting on behalf of the Client,
at the following address:
P.O. Box 33175
Doha, State of Qatar
Fax: +974 4990297
Tel: +974 4990299
To indicate your acceptance of this Letter of Award, please sign the original and
duplicate copy hereof by your Authorized Signatory and return it to the undersigned as
soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,



1) Letter of Intent dated …………………2010

2) Letter reference …………………being final revised offer dated ……………..2010.
3) Specimen Performance Bond.

Acknowledgement and Acceptance

We hereby acknowledge acceptance of all the Terms and Conditions as set forth in this
Letter of Award including its attachments, and confirm that we shall proceed promptly with
performing the Services in accordance with the Terms & Conditions stated herein.


.................................................................. .................................................................
(Signature) (Signature)

................................................................... .................................................................
(Name in Block Capitals) (Name in Block Capitals)

................................................................... .................................................................
(Designation) (Designation)

Company Stamp/Seal

(Name of Company in Block capitals)


To: .....................
Doha - Qatar

WHEREAS: .........................................................................................................................

(hereinafter called 'the Contractor') has undertaken to execute and complete .....................

......................................................................................... (hereinafter called 'the Contract')

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor shall
furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognised bank for an amount specified therein as
security for his proper performance of the Contract;

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee;

NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and are responsible to you,
on behalf of the Contractor, up to a total amount of Qatari Riyals
(QR) ................................................such sum being payable in the currency in which the
Contract Price is expressed, and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand
and without objection or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of the total amount as
aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for
the sum specified therein.

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor before
presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
Contract or of the Works to be executed thereunder or of any of the Contract Documents
which may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any
liability under this Guarantee, and we hereby waive requirement for notice of any such
change, addition or modification.

This Guarantee is valid until issuance by the Engineer of the Final Certificate of Completion
in accordance with Clause 29 of the Conditions of Contract.

Signature and Seal

of the Guarantor


Bank ......................................................


Date .......................................................

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