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FIN254 Project Final Abc

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Executive Summary................................................................................................................................. 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Time Series Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 3
Crown Cement .................................................................................................................................... 3
Premier Cement .................................................................................................................................. 4
Cross Sectional Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 5
Comparison ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Conclusion, Recommendation .............................................................................................................. 19
Appendix: .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Calculations for 2014-2015 ............................................................................................................... 20
Calculations for 2015-2016 ............................................................................................................... 24
Calculations for 2016-2017 ............................................................................................................... 28
Calculations for 2017-2018 ............................................................................................................... 32
References: ........................................................................................................................................... 36

Executive Summary

This report of the course Introduction to Financial Management comprises of ratio analysis on two

companies, Crown Cement and Premier Cement of Bangladesh. The analysis includes time series

analysis as well as cross sectional analysis and a detailed comparison of the ratios presented for each

company with graphical analysis. The time series analysis of each of the companies was analyzed

over a period of four years. The cross sectional data compared the two companies’ data in a given

period of time. The companies were assessed based on 5 different criteria that are liquidity, leverage,

activity, profitability and market position. After assessing with over twenty ratio analyzing tools, we

gave the verdict on each of the respective sections. Finally a more summarized conclusion is given in

the conclusion section.


This is a report assessing the financial condition of two cement manufacturing companies over four

year period for the course Introduction to Financial Management. The report is based upon the ratio

analysis learned throughout the course of FIN 254. The report consists of cross sectional and time

series data analysis of the companies as well as a detailed comparison section. The two companies

selected for the report are Crown Cement and Premier Cement. Throughout this report, we’ve

assessed their financial states based on different criteria. Firstly, we did a time series analysis. Then

the companies’ numerical data were compared with each other through cross sectional analysis.

Furthermore, all the information presented in the Time-Series and Cross-Sectional Analysis were

presented and compared thoroughly in the comparison section. The analysis was done by forming a

side-by-side tabulated format for better understanding. The tools used to analyze the financial states of

the companies are ratio analysis tools

Time Series Analysis
Crown Cement

Ratio 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

Current ratio 1.45 1.29 1.21 1.15
Quick (acid test) ratio 1.32 1.16 1.09 1.04

Inventory turnover 9.5 9.22 7.99 10.4
Average age of Inventory 38.42 days 39.5 days 45.7 days 35.2 days
Average collection period 51.6 days 43.1 days 62.3 days 69.6 days
Average payment period 7.48 days 20.79 days 12.04 days 7.52 days
Total asset turnover 0.69 0.63 0.53 0.637

Debt ratio 0.51 0.52 0.6 0.64
Debt to equity ratio 1.05 1.1 1.52 1.77
Times interest earned ratio 2.12 2.62 2.97 1.45

Gross profit margin 17.10% 18.40% 17.06% 13.09%
Operating profit margin 11.90% 13.26% 11.76% 7.97%
Net profit margin 7.85% 8.25% 7% 2.51%
Earnings per share (EPS) 4.37/share 5.01/share 4.45/share 2.13/share
Return on total assets (ROA) 5.37% 5.20% 4.50% 1.60%
Return on equity (ROE) 11.04% 11.06% 13.09% 4.43%

Price/earnings ratio (P/E) 17.35% 14.95% 20.97% 38.08%
Market/book ratio (M/B) 1.91 1.66 1.95 1.6

Premier Cement

Ratio 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

Current ratio 1.02 1.34 0.94 0.78
Quick (acid test) ratio 0.73 1.12 0.77 0.72

Inventory turnover 6.09 7.98 8.63 17.31
Average age of Inventory 59.9 days 45.77 days 42.31 days 21.1 days
Average collection period 61.5 days 72.1 days 86.8 days 87.3 days
Average payment period 15.97 days 28.87 days 21.4 days 38.63 days
Total asset turnover 0.8 0.943 0.89 0.75

Debt ratio 0.62 0.57 0.61 0.68
Debt to equity ratio 1.64 1.32 1.54 2.17
Times interest earned ratio 2.34 4.29 4.01 2.46

Gross profit margin 15.4% 21.68% 16.41% 14.70%
Operating profit margin 11.2% 14.68% 9.46% 9.67%
Net profit margin 5.25% 9.92% 5.29% 4.08%
Earnings per share (EPS) 3.55/share 5.99/share 4.66/share 3.89/share
Return on total assets (ROA) 4.50% 7.09% 4.73% 3.04%
Return on equity (ROE) 11.89% 16.47% 12.03% 9.70%

Price/earnings ratio (P/E) 14.08% 15.19% 19.5% 19.92%
Market/book ratio (M/B) 1.82 3.06 3.21 2.72

Cross Sectional Analysis

Ratio Crown Cement Premier Cement
Current ratio 1.45 1.02
Quick (acid test) ratio 1.32 0.73

Inventory turnover 9.5 6.09
Average age of Inventory 38.42 days 59.9 days
Average collection period 51.6 days 61.5 days
Average payment period 16.4 days 15.97 days
Total asset turnover 0.69 0.8

Debt ratio 0.51 0.62
Debt to equity ratio 2.05 1.64
Times interest earned ratio 0.687 2.34

Gross profit margin 17.10% 15.4%
Operating profit margin 11.90% 11.2%
Net profit margin 7.85% 5.25%
Earnings per share (EPS) 4.37/share 3.55/share
Return on total assets (ROA) 5.37% 4.50%
Return on equity (ROE) 11.04% 11.89%

Price/earnings ratio (P/E) 17.35% 14.08%
Market/book ratio (M/B) 1.91 1.82

Ratio Crown Cement Premier Cement
Current ratio 1.29 1.34
Quick (acid test) ratio 1.162 1.12

Inventory turnover 9.22 7.98
Average age of Inventory 39.5 days 45.77 days
Average collection period 43.1 days 72.1 days
Average payment period 20.79 days 28.87 days
Total asset turnover 0.63 0.943

Debt ratio 0.52 0.57
Debt to equity ratio 1.1 1.32
Times interest earned ratio 3.25 4.29

Gross profit margin 18.40% 21.68%
Operating profit margin 13.26% 14.68%
Net profit margin 8.25% 9.92%
Earnings per share (EPS) 5.01/share 5.99/share
Return on total assets (ROA) 5.20% 7.09%
Return on equity (ROE) 11.06% 16.47%

Price/earnings ratio (P/E) 14.95% 15.19%
Market/book ratio (M/B) 1.66 3.06

Ratio Crown Cement Premier Cement
Current ratio 1.21 0.94
Quick (acid test) ratio 1.09 0.77

Inventory turnover 7.99 8.63
Average age of Inventory 45.7 days 42.31 days
Average collection period 62.3 days 86.8 days
Average payment period 12.04 days 21.4 days
Total asset turnover 0.53 0.89

Debt ratio 0.6 0.61
Debt to equity ratio 1.52 1.54
Times interest earned ratio 2.97 4.01

Gross profit margin 17.06% 16.41%
Operating profit margin 11.76% 9.46%
Net profit margin 7% 5.29%
Earnings per share (EPS) 4.45/share 4.66/share
Return on total assets (ROA) 4.50% 4.73%
Return on equity (ROE) 13.09% 12.03%

Price/earnings ratio (P/E) 20.97% 19.5%
Market/book ratio (M/B) 1.95 3.21

Ratio Crown Cement Premier Cement
Current ratio 1.15 0.78
Quick (acid test) ratio 1.043 0.72

Inventory turnover 10.4 17.31
Average age of Inventory 35.2 days 21.1 days
Average collection period 69.6 days 87.3 days
Average payment period 7.52 days 38.63 days
Total asset turnover 0.637 0.75

Debt ratio 0.64 0.68
Debt to equity ratio 1.77 2.17
Times interest earned ratio 1.45 2.46

Gross profit margin 13.09% 14.70%
Operating profit margin 7.97% 9.67%
Net profit margin 2.51% 4.08%
Earnings per share (EPS) 2.13/share 3.89/share
Return on total assets (ROA) 1.60% 3.04%
Return on equity (ROE) 4.43% 9.70%

Price/earnings ratio (P/E) 38.08% 19.92%
Market/book ratio (M/B) 1.69 2.72


Current Ratio:
Throughout the four years, Crown cement
Current Ratio
has maintained a Current Ratio of over 1:1. 2

1.5 1.34
Although it is a bit lower than the industry
1.45 1.02 0.94
1 1.29 1.21 0.78
average (2:1), the company will not face 1.15
any major liquidity issues. Since the ratio 0
2014 2015 2016 2017
is over 1:1, it means that for every TK1
Crown Cement Premiere Cement
worth of short-term liability, Crown

Cement has over Tk1 worth of Current Assets. Thus, the company can pay off its short-term liabilities

with its current assets quite easily.

On the other hand, although Premier Cement had a relatively positive current ratio figure in

2014 and 2015, even that was reduced to a problematic figure of 0.94 and 0.78 respectively. This

means that Premier Cement will have a hard time paying off its short-term debts compared to Crown


Quick Ratio:
Quick ratio is a more “immediate” format Quick Ratio (Acid Test)
of checking the liquidity of a business as it 1.5
omits the inventory calculation of a 1.32
1 1.162
0.73 1.09 0.77 1.0430.72
business and shows the direct cash
equivalency of a company.
Crown Cement had a healthy quick ratio 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

Crown Cement Premiere Cement

of 1.32 in 2014, but there was a gradual

decline in the recent years to 1.04, which means inventory levels have been rising, which could prove

challenging for Crown Cement when trying to acquire immediate cash flow.

Premier Cement had an unhealthy Acid Test Ratio of only 0.73, meaning their current assets were less

than current liabilities when stock of inventory was considered. The values moved up in recent years

and then fell to 0.72 in 2017 which means it’s worse than it was in the previous years and it is

definitely worse than Crown Cement.

Inventory Turnover:
Inventory turnover represents how
Inventory Turnover
quickly a firm is able to sell its 20 17.31
products. When compared, the higher 15

the number the quicker the firm is 10 7.98 8.63

9.5 6.09 10.4
able to sell. 7.99

Over the four years, the 0

2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018
inventory turnover had fluctuated for
Crown Cement Premiere Cement
Crown Cement. It decreased from 9.5

to 7.99 from 2014 to 2016 then increased to 10.4. It is observed that in the year 2017-2018, Crown

cement was able to sell its goods quickly compared to rest of the years. On the other hand, Premier

Cement had an improving inventory turnover ratio. Their ratio went from 5.3 in 2014-2015 to 17.31 in

2017-2018. This means that as time progressed, they were able to sell more quickly.

While comparing both companies, according to the calculations, during the initial two years,

Crown Cement was able to sell more quickly than Premier Cement. But from 2016-2017 onwards,

Premier cement was able to sell its goods faster.

Average age of Inventory

Average age of Inventory: 60
45.77 42.31

40 45.7
38.42 39.5 21.1

0 10
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

Crown Cement Premiere Cement

Average age of inventory signifies how long an inventory is kept in a business until it is sold and

replaced. The lower the number, the better, as the firm can get rid of its inventory quickly.

Crown Cement’s age of inventory ranged between 38.4 days in 2014 to 35.2 days in 2017, however, it

did go up slightly in 2016.

Whereas, Premier Cement had a very high age of inventory of 59.9 days in 2014 but have surprisingly

reduced it to 21.1 in 2017, which is lower than Crown Cement.

Average Collection Period:

Average Collection Period calculates the
Average collection period
average amount of time it takes to collect
100 86.8 87.3
the Accounts Receivables. When 80 72.1
60 69.6

compared, the lower the number the 62.3

40 51.6
quicker the firm is able to collect its 20

receivables. 0
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

As the graph shows in 2014-2015, Crown Crown Cement Premiere Cement

Cement took an average of 51.6 days to collect an account receivable. On the following years, it took

them longer to collect their receivables from the customers.

On the contrary, Premier cement had a higher number of days to collect back their credit than Crown


Since both the company is in the cement manufacturing industry, it is normal to have a greater

number of average collection period because most of the time they offer credit to customers for one to

two months.

Average Payment Period:
The Average Payment Period shows the
Average payment period
average amount of days a firm takes to
pay off its accounts payables. Normally, 40

the higher the number, the more time the 20 15.97
business gets to arrange the money for its 10 16.4
12.04 7.52
payables. 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

Crown Cement Premiere Cement

According to the graphs, Crown

Cement took an average of 16.4 days to pay back its suppliers in 2014-2015. Whereas the number fell

to 7.52 days in 2017-2018 which means that the business gets only one week to pay back its payables.

When compared with average collection period, Crown Cement takes almost 70 days to collect its

receivables and only 7 days to pay back the payables in 2017-2018. this might deteriorate the

company’s cash flows.

On the other hand, Premier Cement had a much higher payment period i.e. the business got

more time to pay off its payables. in 2014-2015, the business had 50.5 days to pay for their credit

compared to only 16 days for Crown Cement. Although the payment period has declined to 38 days in

2017-2018, the company’s collection period is close. In 2017-2018, Premier Cement took

approximately 87 days to collect its debts and 39 days to pay off their own credits. This might not

affect much on their cash flows as much as it will for Crown Cement since the collection and payment

periods are comparatively close.

Total Asset Turnover:
This ratio indicates the amount of sales a firm
Total Asset Turnover
generates through the usage of the value of its 0.943
1 0.89
0.8 0.75
assets. A higher value would necessarily mean 0.8
0.6 0.69
that a firm is successfully able to turn more of 0.63 0.637
0.4 0.53
its assets usage to net sales. 0.2
Crown Cement has a marginally lower value of 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

Crown Cement Premiere Cement

total asset turnover ranging from 0.69 in 2014

to 0.637 in 2017.

On the other hand, Premier Cement has a much higher value in all four years and 0.75 in 2017,

making it higher than Crown Cement.

Debt Ratio:
The Debt Ratio measures the proportion of
Debt ratio
total assets financed by the firm’s Creditors.
0.8 0.68
0.62 0.61
The higher this ratio, the greater the amount of 0.6
0.6 0.64
other people’s money being used to generate 0.4 0.51 0.52

2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018
As the Chart shows, both the companies have a
Crown Cement Premiere Cement
debt ratio of more than 50%. This means that

more than half of the firm’s total assets are financed through Creditors. In 2014-2015, the Debt Ratio

for Crown Cement was 51% which later increased to 64% in 2017-2018. Similarly, Premier Cement

had a higher Debt ratio of 62% in 2014-2015 and 68% in 2017-2018 respectively. Higher debt ratio

could raise concerns for the company’s shareholders as it shows that the company will pay off its

debts before providing dividends and thus higher debts means higher interests needs to be paid and

less dividends for shareholders.

Debt to Equity Ratio:
Simply put, debt to equity ratio indicates the
Debt to equity ratio
proportion of shareholders’ equity to debt 2.5 2.17

used to finance a company’s assets. A higher 2 1.64

2.05 1.54
1.5 1.32 1.77
value would mean that a company has more 1.52
debt than shareholders’ equity. 0.5
Although in 2014 Crown Cement had a 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

Crown Cement Premier Cement

slightly higher value of debt to equity ratio of

2.05, it dropped to 1.1 in 2015 and gradually rose to 1.77 in 2017, making it slightly unhealthy for the


Meanwhile, although Premier Cement has had a steady rate of debt to equity, it has increased over the

past two years to 2.17 in 2017, making it quite bad for the company.

Gross Profit Margin:

The Gross Profit Margin for both the companies
Gross profit margin
was quite close. The GP margin has fluctuated 25.00% 21.68%
20.00% 15.40% 16.41%
for both the companies for the past four years. 14.70%
15.00% 18.40%
17.10% 17.06%
The GP margin for crown cement fell from 10.00% 13.09%
17.8% in 2014-2015 to 13.09% in 2017-2018. 5.00%
Similarly, the GP Margin for Premier Cement 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

fell form 15.4% in 2014-2015 to 14.7% in 2017- Crown Cement Premiere Cement

2018. The fall in GP Margin could be due to increased cost of sales or lower revenue for both the


Operating Profit Margin:
The Operating Profit Margin was almost the same

for both the companies throughout the four years. Operating profit margin
The Profit Margin for Crown Cement was 11.9%
in 2014-2015 which fell to 7.97% during 2017- 11.90% 14.68% 11.76%
11.20% 7.97%
2018. This might be a concern for some 9.46% 9.67%

shareholders. 0.00%
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

Likewise, Premier Cement also saw a fall in their Crown Cement Premiere Cement

Operating Profit margin. In 2014-2015, the Company had a Operating Profit of 11.2% which fell to

9.67% in 2017-2018. This downward trend in operating profit could be due to increased operating

expenses for both the companies.

Net Profit Margin:

The Net Profit Margin is one of the most important

ratios that shareholders see to make decisions

Net profit margin
about investments. Higher Net Profit Margin 10.00% 9.92%
8.00% 7.85% 8.25%
means higher return for the shareholders. 7%
5.25% 5.25%
4.00% 4.08%
The two company’s NP Margin also fell during the 2.00% 2.51%
four year period. In 2014-2015, Crown Cement 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

had a NP Margin of 7.85% which fell to only Crown Cement Premiere Cement

2.51% in 2017-2018.

On the other hand, Premier Cement started with a lower NP Margin of 5.25% in 2014-2015 which

slightly fell to 4.08% in 2017-2018. Since both the companies had a falling NP Margin, it can be

assumed that the cement manufacturing industry has not been profitable in recent years. The fall in

NP Margin could also be due to the fall in Operating and Gross Profit Margin for both companies.

Earnings per Share:

As the name suggests, earnings per share is the
Earnings per share (EPS)
amount of money an investor will earn from the
7 5.99
purchase of one equivalent share in a company. 6 5.01
4.37 4.66
5 3.89

In BD Tk/=
Higher value would necessarily mean a higher 4
3 2.13
return. 2
Crown Cement has been experiencing a declining 0
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018
EPS since 2015 and are at an all-time low of 2.13 Crown Cement Premiere Cement

in 2017, within the past four years.

Premier Cement was slightly lower than Crown Cement in terms of EPS in 2014, and has made a

recovery, as well as a relatively stronger position in a declining industrial situation, as suggested

through the recent trends in changes of profitability of the cement industry. Currently, it has a higher

EPS at 3.89 per share compared to 2.13 of Crown Cement.

Return on Total Assets (ROA):

Return on assets suggests how efficiently or
Return on total assets (ROA)
effectively a company is earning its profits 8.00% 7.09%
5.37% 5.20%
through the usage of its assets. A higher 6.00% 4.50% 4.73%
4.00% 3.04%
percentage would mean that the company is
earning higher amounts of profits given the 2.00%

amount of assets it has in its disposal.
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

Crown Cement Premiere Cement

Crown Cement has faced a declining ROA since 2014, and are at a staggering low value of 1.60%


Meanwhile, Premier Cement has also faced a decrease in the ROA, but less aggressively compared to

Crown, and currently are nearly double the return that Crown Cement have, at 3.04%.

Return on Equity (ROE):

Return on Equity refers to the percentage of
Return on equity (ROE)
earnings that a company earns from the
investment of share capital in the company. A 16.47%
11.89% 11.06%
higher percentage means that the company has 10.00%11.04% 9.70%

efficiently used the investment to acquire 5.00% 4.43%

greater return. 0.00%

2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

Crown Cement Premiere Cement

Crown Cement has experienced a steady ROE

from 2014 to 2016, but a significant drop in 2017 to nearly half of what it was before, at 4.43%.

Furthermore, Premier Cement has had a better ROE compared to Crown for a while, and are at a

strong 9.70%, making this also higher than Crown’s.

Market/Book Ratio (M/B):

The marker/book ratio shows how the investors
Market/book ratio (M/B)
view the firm’s performance. During 2014-2015
4 3.21
the M/B Ratio for Crown Cement was 1.91. this 3
1.82 1.95
1.66 1.69
means that during that period investors were 2

paying Tk.1.91 for each Tk.1 of book value of
Crown Cement stock. The value later fell to 1.69 in 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

Crown Cement Premiere Cement

2017-2018 which means investors are paying less than what they used to earlier.

On the other hand, Premier Cement had an improving M/B Ratio. The value went from 1.82 to 2.72 in

just four years. This shows that the investors are willing to pay more than double the book value of

the stock of Premier Cement.

Price Earning Ratio (PER)

The P/E Ratio measures the amount
that investors are willing to pay for
each Taka of firm’s earnings. Higher
the P/E Ratio, the more confident are
20 Crown Cement
the investors of future performance of Premier Cement
the company.

The P/E Ratio of Crown Cement 5

skyrocketed from 17.35 to 38.08 from 0

2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018
2014-2015 to 2017-2018 respectively.

This shows that the company has been able to gain Investors’ confidence and create a

positive impression about the company in the market.

Premier Cement has also experienced a rise in P/E Ratio but not as much as Crown Cement.

The P/E Ratio went from 14.08 to 19.92 during the four years.

Conclusion, Recommendation

Except for a given few situations, Crown Cement has recently experienced a downturn in its

performance compared to Premier Cement. Although their liquidity and debt ratios are much stronger,

they have been lacking in performance in their profitability scenarios, and underperforming Premier

in nearly every ratio, in every year. Their return on assets, equity and earnings, as well as net profit

margin, per share has experienced a steep fall in the recent years, making it reluctant for investors to

want to invest in the company.

Meanwhile, Premier Cement has been performing better than Crown in many situations, making it the

clear better choice for investors, especially including the fact that Premier’s earnings per share is

higher than that of Crown, in the recent years. Although the company is going through slight liquidity

and debt issues, it will be able to turn around those problems through increased investments and

reduction of inventory.

Therefore, we would formally like to recommend investors to purchase Premier Cement, instead of

Crown Cement, through the research we have done and a future expectation of Premier outperforming

Crown Cement in terms of both profitability as well as market share situation.


Calculations for 2014-2015

Crown Cement
Liquidity Ratios Formula Calculations Answer

Current Ratio Current Asset 7754595168

───────── ───────── = 1.45:1
LIQUIDITY Current Liability 5343980909

Current Asset –Inventory 7754595168 – 722240942

────────────── ────────────────── =1.32:1
Liquidity Ratio Current Liability 5343980909

Inventory Turnover Cost of Sales 6850549283

─────────── ───────── =9.49
Inventory 722240942

Average Age of 365 365

Inventory ──────────── ───── =38.48
Inventory Turnover 9.49

Average Payment Accounts Payable 126122045

ACTIVITY Period ─────────── ─────────── =7.48 days
RATIOS Average Purchase/Day (6152142497/365)

Average Collection Accounts Receivable 1169678553

Period ──────────── ─────────── =51.6days
Average Sales/Day (8264240985/365)

Total Asset Sales 8264240985

Turnover ──────── ───────── =0.69
Total Asset 12061702982

Debt Ratio Total Liabilities 6182373334

──────────── ─────────── =51%
Total Assets 12061702982

Debt to Equity Ratio Total Liabilities 6182373334

───────────── ────────── =0.105
Common Stock Equity 58793239648

Earnings Before Tax & 984673291
Times Interest Earned Interest ──────────────── =2.52 times
───────────── (389630596)

Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit 1413691702

──────── ─────────── ×100 =17.1%
Sales 8264240985

Operating Profit 984673291

Operating Profit Margin ────────── ─────────── ×100 =11.9%
Sales 8264240985

Net profit 648850994

Net Profit Margin ──────── ────────── ×100 =7.85%
Sales 8264240985
Ratio Earnings Per Share Earnings Available for
(EPS) Common Stock Holders 648850994
────────────── ──────── =4.37/share
Total Number of Shares 148,500,000

Earnings Available for

Common Stock Holders 648850994 =5.37%
Return on Total Asset ───────────── ─────────
Total Asset 12061702982

Earnings Available for

Common Stock Holders 315,612,768 =11.04%
Return on Equity ────────────── ──────────
Common Stock Equity 7,124,354,456

Market Price / Share 75.8
Price/Earnings Ratio ───────────── ────── =17.35
Earnings / Share 4.37

Market Ratio
Market/Book Ratio Common Stock Equity 5879329648
─────────────── ───────── =39.59
Number of shares of 148,500,000
common stock outstanding


Liquidity Ratios Formula Calculations Answer

Current Ratio Current Asset 3602877481

───────── ───────── =1.02:1
Current Liability 3549233141

Current Asset –Inventory 3602877481-990529590

────────────── ────────────────── =0.73:1
Liquidity Ratio Current Liability 3549233141

RATIOS Cost of Sales 6033283166
Inventory Turnover ─────────── ───────── =6.09
Inventory 990529590

Average Age of 365 365

Inventory ──────────── ───── =59.9
Inventory Turnover 6.09

Average Payment Accounts Payable 205436496

ACTIVITY Period ─────────── ─────────── =15.97
RATIOS Average Purchase/Day (4694564312/365) days

Average Collection Accounts Receivable 1201309891

Period ──────────── ─────────── =61.5 days
Average Sales/Day (7133420289/365)

Total Asset Sales 7133420289
Turnover ──────── ────────── =0.86
Total Asset 8321832369

Debt Ratio Total Liabilities 5174473096

──────────── ─────────── =0.62
Total Assets 8321832369

Debt to Equity Ratio Total Liabilities 5174473096

Debt Ratio ───────────── ───────── =1.64
Common Stock Equity 3147359273

Earnings Before Tax &

Times Interest Earned Interest 799803548
───────────── ───────── =2.34
Interest 342527207

Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit 1100137123

──────── ─────────── ×100 =15.4%
Sales 7133420289

Operating Profit 799803548

Operating Profit Margin ────────── ────────── ×100 =11.2%
Sales 7133420289

Net profit 374214171

Net Profit Margin ──────── ───────── ×100 =5.25%
Sales 7133420289

Earnings Per Share Earnings Available for 374214171
(EPS) Common Stock Holders ──────── =3.55/share
────────────── 105,450,000
Total Number of Shares

Earnings Available for

Common Stock Holders 374214171
Return on Total Asset ───────────── ───────── =4.50%
Total Asset 8321832369

Earnings Available for 374214171

Common Stock Holders ────────── =11.89%
Return on Equity ────────────── 3147359273
Common Stock Equity

Market Price / Share 58.6
Price/Earnings Ratio ───────────── ────── =16.5
Earnings / Share 3.55

Market Ratio
Market/Book Ratio Common Stock Equity 3147359273
─────────────── ───────── =30.12
Number of shares of 104500000
common stock outstanding

Calculations for 2015-2016

Crown Cement

Liquidity Ratios Formula Calculations Answer

Current Ratio Current Asset 8609003487

───────── ───────── = 1.29:1
LIQUIDITY Current Liability 6721249003

Current Asset –Inventory 8609003487-797868489

────────────── ───────────────── =1.162:1
Liquidity Ratio Current Liability 6721249003

Inventory Turnover Cost of Sales 7357193512

─────────── ───────── =9.22
Inventory 797868489

Average Age of 365 365

Inventory ──────────── ───── =39.5
Inventory Turnover 9.22

Average Payment Accounts Payable 349900640

ACTIVITY Period ─────────── ─────────── =20.79
RATIOS Average Purchase/Day (6141824436/365)

Average Collection Accounts Receivable 1065262109
Period ──────────── ─────────── =43.1days
Average Sales/Day (9016548629/365)

Total Asset Sales 9016548629

Turnover ──────── ───────── =0.63
Total Asset 14159618877

Debt Ratio Total Liabilities 7434795022

──────────── ─────────── =52.5%
Total Assets 14159618877

Debt to Equity Ratio Total Liabilities 7434795022

───────────── ────────── =1.10
Common Stock Equity 6724823855

Earnings Before Tax & 1196135443

Times Interest Earned Interest ──────────────── =2.62
───────────── 457411326

Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit 1659355117

──────── ─────────── ×100 =18.40%
Sales 9016548629

Operating Profit 1196135443

Operating Profit Margin ────────── ─────────── ×100 =13.26%
Sales 9016548629

Net profit 744247825

Net Profit Margin ──────── ────────── ×100 =8.25%
Sales 9016548629
Ratio Earnings Per Share Earnings Available for 744247825
(EPS) Common Stock Holders
────────────── ──────── =5.01/share
Total Number of Shares 148500000

Earnings Available for

Common Stock Holders 744247825 =5.2%
Return on Total Asset ───────────── ─────────
Total Asset 14159618877

Earnings Available for 744247825

Common Stock Holders ────────── =11.06%
Return on Equity ────────────── 6724823855
Common Stock Equity

Market Price / Share
74.9 =14.95
Price/Earnings Ratio ───────────── ──────
Earnings / Share 5.01

Market Ratio
Market/Book Ratio Common Stock Equity 6724823855
─────────────── ───────── =45.2
Number of shares of 148500000
common stock outstanding

Liquidity Ratios Formula Calculations Answer

Current Ratio Current Asset 4998892720

───────── ───────── =1.34:1
LIQUIDITY Current Liability 3725301387

Current Asset –Inventory 4998892720-825535471

────────────── ────────────────── =1.12:1
Liquidity Ratio Current Liability 3725301387

Cost of Sales 6583235529

Inventory Turnover ─────────── ───────── =7.98
Inventory 825535471

Average Age of 365 365

Inventory ──────────── ───── =45.77
Inventory Turnover 7.98

Average Payment Accounts Payable 398789287

ACTIVITY Period ─────────── ─────────── =28.87
RATIOS Average Purchase/Day (5041153658/365)

Average Collection Accounts Receivable 1659672321
Period ──────────── ─────────── =72.1days
Average Sales/Day (8405992543/365)

Total Asset Sales 8405992543

Turnover ──────── ────────── =0.943
Total Asset 8912549333

Debt Ratio Total Liabilities 5074504317

──────────── ─────────── =0.57
Total Assets 8912549333

Debt to Equity Ratio Total Liabilities 5074504317

Debt Ratio ───────────── ───────── =1.32
Common Stock Equity 3838045016

Earnings Before Tax &

Times Interest Earned Interest 1232652629
───────────── ───────── =4.29
Interest 287440455

Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit 1822757014

──────── ─────────── ×100 =21.68%
Sales 8405992543

Operating Profit 1232652629

Operating Profit Margin ────────── ────────── ×100 =14.67%
Sales 8405992543

Net profit 834206421

Net Profit Margin ──────── ───────── ×100 =9.92 %
Sales 8405992543

Ratio Earnings Per Share Earnings Available for
(EPS) Common Stock Holders 632068456
────────────── ──────── =5.99/share
Total Number of Shares 105,450,000

Earnings Available for

Common Stock Holders 632068456
Return on Total Asset ───────────── ───────── =7.09%
Total Asset 8912549333

Earnings Available for
Common Stock Holders 632068456 =16.47 %
Return on Equity ────────────── ──────────
Common Stock Equity 3838045016

Market Price / Share 89.7

Price/Earnings Ratio ───────────── ────── =14.97
Earnings / Share 5.99

Market Ratio
Market/Book Ratio Common Stock Equity 3838045016
─────────────── ───────── =36.40
Number of shares of 105450000
common stock outstanding

Calculations for 2016-2017

Crown Cement
Liquidity Ratios Formula Calculations Answer

Current Ratio Current Asset 10138764676

───────── ────────── =1.21:1
LIQUIDITY Current Liability 8372771301

Current Asset –Inventory (10138764676-980360894)

────────────── ───────────────── =1.09:1
Liquidity Ratio Current Liability 83727713019

Inventory Turnover Cost of Sales 7829382292

─────────── ───────────── =7.99
Inventory 980360894

Average Age of 365 365

Inventory ──────────── ───── =45.68
Inventory Turnover 7.99

Average Payment Accounts Payable 234043729

ACTIVITY Period ─────────── ────────── =12.04days
RATIOS Average Purchase/Day 19435178.69

Average Collection Accounts Receivable 1610719068
Period ──────────── ───────── =62.3days
Average Sales/Day 25862520.61

Total Asset Sales 9439820021

Turnover ──────── ─────────── =0.53
Total Asset 17919446707

Debt Ratio Total Liabilities 10821651958

──────────── ───────── =0.603
Total Assets 17919446707

Debt to Equity Ratio Total Liabilities 7829382292

───────────── ────────── =1.10
Common Stock Equity 7097794749

Earnings Before Tax &

Times Interest Earned Interest 1296338450 =2.97 times
───────────── ────────
Interest 436454746

Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit 1610437729

──────── ──────── X100 =17.1%
Sales 9439820021

Operating Profit
Operating Profit Margin ────────── 1109776984 =11.75%
Sales ─────────── ×100
Ratio Net profit 661079097
Net Profit Margin ──────── ────────×100 =7.0%
Sales 1109776984

Earnings Per Share Earnings Available for

(EPS) Common Stock Holders 661079097
────────────── ───────── =4.45/share
Total Number of Shares 148500000
Ratio Earnings Available for
Common Stock Holders 661079097 =3.69%
Return on Total Asset ───────────── ─────────
Total Asset 17919446707

Earnings Available for
Common Stock Holders 661079097 =9.31%
Return on Equity ────────────── ───────────
Common Stock Equity 7097794749

Premier Cement
Liquidity Ratios Formula Calculations Answer

Current Ratio Current Asset 5065111082

───────── ───────── =0.94:1
LIQUIDITY Current Liability 5397727405

Current Asset –Inventory 5065111082-899312614

────────────── ────────────────── =0.77:1
Liquidity Ratio Current Liability 5397727405

Cost of Sales 7757675988

Inventory Turnover ─────────── ─────────── =8.63
Inventory 899312614

Average Age of 365 365

Inventory ──────────── ───── =42.31
Inventory Turnover 8.63

Average Payment Accounts Payable 661,152,352

ACTIVITY Period ─────────── ─────────── = 21.4 days
RATIOS Average Purchase/Day (5,928,205,601/365)

Average Collection Accounts Receivable 2207273393

Period ──────────── ──────── =86.8 days
Average Sales/Day (9280420526/365))

Total Asset Sales 9280420526

Turnover ──────── ──────── =0.89
Total Asset 10379000089

Debt Ratio Total Liabilities 6301109153
──────────── ─────────── =0.61
Total Assets 10379000089

Debt to Equity Ratio Total Liabilities 6301109153

Debt Ratio ───────────── ────────── =1.55
Common Stock Equity 4077890936

Earnings Before Tax &

Times Interest Earned Interest 972,019,688
───────────── ───────── =4.01
Interest 395,287,871

Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit 1522744538

──────── ────────── =16.4%
Sales 9280420526

Operating Profit 877533665

Operating Profit Margin ────────── ────────── ×100 =9.46%
Sales 9280420526

Net profit 490965931

Net Profit Margin ──────── ───────── ×100 =5.29%
Sales 9280420526

Earnings Per Share Earnings Available for 490965931
(EPS) Common Stock Holders ──────── =4.66/share
────────────── 105,450,000
Total Number of Shares

Earnings Available for

Common Stock Holders 490965931
Return on Total Asset ───────────── ───────── =4.73%
Total Asset 10379000089

Earnings Available for

Common Stock Holders 490965931 =12.03%
Return on Equity ────────────── ──────────
Common Stock Equity 4077890936

Market Price / Share 90.8

Price/Earnings Ratio ───────────── ────── =19.48
Earnings / Share 4.66

Market Ratio
Market/Book Ratio Common Stock Equity 4,227,242,114
─────────────── ───────── =28.47
Number of shares of 148,500,000
common stock outstanding

Calculations for 2017-2018

Crown Cement (2017-2018)

Liquidity Ratios Formula Calculations Answer

Current Ratio Current Asset 11,304,321,269

───────── ───────── = 1.15:1
LIQUIDITY Current Liability 9,829,557,849

Current Asset –Inventory 11,304,321,269 –

────────────── 1,052,792,176 =1.043:1
Liquidity Ratio Current Liability ──────────────────


Inventory Turnover Cost of Sales 10,915,891,226

─────────── ───────── =10.37
Inventory 1,052,792,176

Average Age of 365 365

Inventory ──────────── ───── =35.2
Inventory Turnover 10.37

Average Payment Accounts Payable 193,298,498

ACTIVITY Period ─────────── ─────────── =7.52 days
RATIOS Average Purchase/Day (9,384,755,108/365)

Average Collection Accounts Receivable 2,395,121,071

Period ──────────── ─────────── =69.6 days
Average Sales/Day (12559311599/365)

Total Asset Sales 12559311599

Turnover ──────── ───────── =0.637
Total Asset 19713912115

Debt Ratio Total Liabilities 12,589,557,659
──────────── ─────────── =64%
Total Assets 19,713,912,115
Debt Ratio
Debt to Equity Ratio Total Liabilities 12,589,557,659
───────────── ────────── =1.77
Common Stock Equity 7,124,354,456

Earnings Before Tax & (410,224,857+725,338,688

Times Interest Earned Interest +195,795,104) =1.45 times
───────────── ────────────────
Interest (725,338,688+195,795,104)

Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit 1,643,420,373

──────── ─────────── ×100 =13.09%
Sales 12,559,311,599

Ratio Operating Profit 1,001,289,845
Operating Profit Margin ────────── ─────────── ×100 =7.97%
Sales 12,559,311,599

Net profit 315,612,768

Net Profit Margin ──────── ────────── ×100 =2.51%
Sales 12,599,311,599

Earnings Per Share Earnings Available for

(EPS) Common Stock Holders 315,612,768
────────────── ──────── =2.13/share
Total Number of Shares 148,500,000

Earnings Available for

Common Stock Holders 315,612,768 =1.6%
Return on Total Asset ───────────── ─────────
Total Asset 19,713,912,115

Earnings Available for

Common Stock Holders 315,612,768 =4.43%
Return on Equity ────────────── ──────────
Common Stock Equity 7,124,354,456

Market Price / Share 81.1
Price/Earnings Ratio ───────────── ────── =38.1
Earnings / Share 2.13

Market Ratio
Market/Book Ratio Common Stock Equity 7124354456
─────────────── ───────── =47.98
Number of shares of 148,500,000
common stock outstanding

PREMIER CEMENT (2017-2018)

Liquidity Ratios Formula Calculations Answer

Current Ratio Current Asset 6,658,342,049

───────── ───────── =0.78:1
LIQUIDITY Current Liability 8,557,798,754

Current Asset –Inventory 6,658,342,049-495,177,438

────────────── ────────────────── =0.72:1
Liquidity Ratio Current Liability 8,557,798,754

Cost of Sales 8,570,910,412

Inventory Turnover ─────────── ───────── =17.31
Inventory 495,177,438

Average Age of 365 365

Inventory ──────────── ───── =21.1
Inventory Turnover 17.31

Average Payment Accounts Payable 661,152,352

ACTIVITY Period ─────────── ─────────── = 40.71
RATIOS Average Purchase/Day (5,928,205,601/365) days

Average Collection Accounts Receivable 2,404,625,585

Period ──────────── ─────────── =87.3 days
Average Sales/Day (10,049,865,124/365)

Total Asset Sales 10,049,865,124

Turnover ──────── ────────── =0.75
Total Asset 13,467,994,951

Debt Ratio Total Liabilities 9,190,752,837
──────────── ─────────── =0.68
Total Assets 13,467,994,951

Debt to Equity Ratio Total Liabilities 9,190,752,837

Debt Ratio ───────────── ────────── =2.17
Common Stock Equity 4,227,242,114

Earnings Before Tax &

Times Interest Earned Interest 972,019,688
───────────── ───────── =2.46
Interest 395,287,871

Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit 1,478,954,712

──────── ─────────── ×100 =14.7%
Sales 10,049,865,124

Operating Profit 972,019,688

Operating Profit Margin ────────── ────────── ×100 =9.67%
Sales 10,049,865,124

Net profit 410,251,180

Net Profit Margin ──────── ───────── ×100 =4.08%
Sales 10,049,865,124

Ratio Earnings Per Share Earnings Available for
(EPS) Common Stock Holders 410,251,180
────────────── ──────── =3.89/share
Total Number of Shares 105,450,000

Earnings Available for

Common Stock Holders 410,251,180
Return on Total Asset ───────────── ───────── =3.04%
Total Asset 13,467,994,951

Earnings Available for

Common Stock Holders 410,251,180 =9.7%
Return on Equity ────────────── ──────────
Common Stock Equity 4,227,242,114

Market Price / Share 77.5

Price/Earnings Ratio ───────────── ────── =19.92
Earnings / Share 3.89

Market Ratio
Market/Book Ratio Common Stock Equity 4,227,242,114
─────────────── ───────── =28.47
Number of shares of 148,500,000
common stock outstanding


All the data for the calculations were taken from the Annual Report of the two Companies and Lanka

Bangla Financial Portal

 Annual Report : Year 2014-2015 Crown Cement ( Pg. 52- Pg. 86)

 Annual Report : Year 2015-2016 Crown Cement ( Pg. 57- Pg. 100)

 Annual Report : Year 2016-2017 Crown Cement ( Pg. 78- Pg. 118)

 Annual Report : Year 2017-2018 Crown Cement ( Pg. 104- Pg. 146)

 Annual Report : Year 2014-2015 Premier Cement ( Pg. 91- Pg. 123)

 Annual Report : Year 2015-2016 Premier Cement ( Pg. 108- Pg. 130)

 Annual Report : Year 2016-2017 Premier Cement ( Pg. 157- Pg. 178)

 Annual Report : Year 2017-2018 Premier Cement ( Pg. 171- Pg. 196)



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