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Makerere University Faculty of Computing and Information Technology Department of Information Systems

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Makerere University

Faculty of Computing and Information Technology

Department of Information Systems

Post Graduate Diploma in

Information Systems (PGD IS) Programme

Day / Evening Programme

August 2009

1  Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3 
2  The Programme .......................................................................................................................... 3 
2.1  Target Group ...................................................................................................................... 3 
2.2  Admission Requirements ................................................................................................... 4 
2.3  Nature of the Programme ................................................................................................... 4 
2.4  Tuition Fees........................................................................................................................ 4 
3  Regulations ................................................................................................................................. 4 
3.1  Course Module Assessments ............................................................................................. 4 
3.2  Grading of Courses ............................................................................................................ 5 
3.3  Pass Mark .......................................................................................................................... 5 
3.4  Retaking a Course or Courses ........................................................................................... 5 
3.5  Weighting System .............................................................................................................. 6 
3.6  Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) ................................................... 6 
3.7  Progression ........................................................................................................................ 6 
3.8  PGD IS Project ................................................................................................................... 6 
3.9  Minimum Graduation Load ................................................................................................. 7 
3.10  Knowledge Areas Covered in the Curriculum..................................................................... 7 
4  Proposed Curriculum .................................................................................................................. 8 
4.1  Course Outline ................................................................................................................... 8 
4.1.1  Detailed Curriculum for Postgraduate Diploma in Information Systems ........................ 8 
4.1.2  PGD Information Systems - Information Systems Management Option [ISM] ............... 9 
4.1.3  PGD Information Systems - Information Systems Technology Option [IST] ................ 10 
4.2  Course Distribution by Knowledge Area ........................................................................... 11 
5  Detailed Curriculum .................................................................................................................. 12 
5.1  Courses for Semester I .................................................................................................... 12 
5.1.1  MIS 7100: Systems Analysis and Design (3CU) .......................................................... 12 
5.1.2  MIS 7102: Modeling and Simulation (3CU) .................................................................. 14 
5.1.3  MIS 7110: Database Systems (3CU) ........................................................................... 16 
5.1.4  MIS 7111: Information Systems for Manager (3CU) .................................................... 17 
5.1.5  MIT 7116 Research Methodology ................................................................................ 19 
5.2  Courses for Semester II ................................................................................................... 21 
5.2.1  MIS 7206: Data warehousing (3CU) ............................................................................ 21 
5.2.2  MIS 7209: Project and Organisation Change Management (3CU) .............................. 24 

5.2.3  MIS 7210: Management for IS Professionals (3CU) .................................................... 25 
5.2.4  MIS 7212: Data Communication and Networking (3CU) .............................................. 27 
5.2.5  MIT 7215: IT Strategic Planning and Management (3CU) ........................................... 29 
5.2.6  MIT 7216: E-Service Delivery (3CU) ............................................................................ 31 
5.2.7  MIT 7217: Web Design and Usability (3CU) ................................................................ 32 
5.2.8  MIT 7218 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Computing ..................................................... 34 
5.2.9  MCS 7226: Seminar Series (2 CU) .............................................................................. 36 
6  Resources and Infrastructure .................................................................................................... 37 
6.1  Staff .................................................................................................................................. 37 
6.2  Lecture Space .................................................................................................................. 37 
6.3  Computer Laboratories..................................................................................................... 37 
6.4  Software ........................................................................................................................... 37 
7  Quality Assurance ..................................................................................................................... 37 
7.1  Feedback from Students Enrolled .................................................................................... 38 
7.2  Class Meetings ................................................................................................................. 38 
7.3  Use of E-Learning in Availing Lecture Materials............................................................... 38 
7.4  Peer Review ..................................................................................................................... 39 
7.5  External Examiners’ Reports ............................................................................................ 39 
7.6  Tracer Studies .................................................................................................................. 39 
Appendix A: Academic Staff - Course Load Distribution ................................................................. 40 

1 Introduction  
The Postgraduate Diploma in Information Systems programme offers a course of study
leading to the Postgraduate Diploma in Information Systems (PGD IS) by focusing on areas
such as data management, strategic management for business information systems,
systems modeling and technology issues. The course takes on two main tracks: information
systems management and information systems technology which provide students with an
option of specializing in management or technological issues. The programme is designed
to give students a thorough knowledge of the field and to provide an enduring foundation for
future professional growth. The programme blends theory and practice into a learning
experience that develops skills applicable to complex real-world problems.

The objectives of the PGD in Information Systems Programme are:

(i) To build human resource capacity in information systems discipline in both the
public and private sectors, especially in universities;
(ii) To address the increasing demand for information systems training at graduate
(iii) to develop professionals with theoretical and practical skills in the ICT sector.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Information Systems Programme is offered to give an

opportunity to prospective students to undertake training in information systems at graduate
level in Uganda. This programme provides an avenue to those already engaged in the ICT-
sector without postgraduate degree qualifications in ICT to join the PGD in Information
Systems Programme. By adopting this curriculum, faculty, students, and employers can be
assured that PGD IS graduates are competent in a set of professional knowledge and skills,
know about a particular field in detail from the career track, and are instilled with a strong set
of values essential for success in the Information Systems field. In short, it is a programme
that reflects current and future industry needs.

2 The Programme  
2.1 Target Group  
For the foreseeable future, it is anticipated that Information System (IS) programmes will
continue to attract students with a wide range of backgrounds. In traditional graduate
programmes, it is assumed that student enrolled have a common background obtained
through an undergraduate degree in that field. The PGD IS programme may also attract
experienced individuals including IS professionals and people seeking career changes. The
architecture of the PGD IS programme accommodates this wide diversity of backgrounds
and learning environments. Specifically, the PGD IS programme is appropriate for:
• Graduates with bachelor degrees in Information Systems, Computer Science,
Information Technology, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Business

with an IS concentration, and any other degree with evidence of having taken
acceptable courses in information systems.
• Experienced Information System professionals seeking to upgrade skills and to
understand management issues.
• Experienced management professionals seeking skills in managing technology.
• Professionals from many engineering fields seeking a change in careers.
• Post graduate diploma holders in IS who wish to upgrade to Masters Level.

2.2 Admission Requirements  
To qualify for admission, a candidate must fulfill the general Makerere University entry
requirements for a postgraduate diploma and in addition the candidate must be a holder of
(i) A Bachelor's degree in Information Systems or Computer Science or software
engineering or Information Technology of computer engineering from a recognized
University/ Institution; or
(i) Any other degree with evidence of having taken acceptable courses in information

2.3 Nature of the Programme  
The PGD IS will be run as a day/evening programme with privately sponsored students. The
duration of the day/evening programme is one year consisting of two semesters and a
recess term.

2.4 Tuition Fees  
Tuition fees payable by the students will enable the University sustain the program.
Ugandan students will pay tuition fees totaling to Three Million and Eight Hundred twenty
five thousands shillings (3,825,000/=) per year. International students will pay tuition fees of
3,350 US Dollars per year.

3 Regulations  
3.1 Course Module Assessments 
The general assessment of course modules will be based on of 100 total marks with
proportions as follows:-
a. Continuous coursework – 40 marks;
b. Examination – 60 marks.

However, some courses have varying assessment distributions that are described in the
detailed course descriptions. A minimum of two course assignments/tests shall be required
per course.

3.2 Grading of Courses 
(i) Each Course will be graded out of a maximum of 100 marks and assigned an
appropriate letter grade and a grade point as follows:


90 - 100 A+ 5.0 Exceptional
80 - 89 A 5.0 Excellent
75 - 79 B+ 4.5 Very good
70 - 74 B 4.0 Good
65 - 69 C+ 3.5 Fairly good
60 - 64 C 3.0 Pass
55 - 59 D+ 2.5 Marginal Fail
50 - 54 D 2.0 Clear Fail
45 - 49 E 1.5 Bad Fail
40 - 44 E- 1.0 Qualified Fail
Below 40 F 0.0 Qualified Fail

(ii) The following additional letters will be used, where appropriate: -

W - Withdraw from Course;
I - Incomplete;
AU - Audited Course Only;
P - Pass;
F - Failure.

3.3 Pass Mark 
A minimum pass grade for each course shall be 3.0 grade points.

3.4 Retaking a Course or Courses 
(i) A student shall retake a course(s) when next offered in order to obtain at least the
pass mark (60%) if he/she had failed during the first attempt in the course(s). A
Student may take a substitute elective, where the Student does not wish to retake a
failed elective.
(ii) A student who has failed to obtain at least the pass mark (60%) during the second
assessment in the same course(s) he/she has retaken shall receive a warning.
(iii) Where students miss to sit examinations for justified reasons; they should not be
recorded as those who retake when they sit the examinations when next offered.
(iv) A student shall not be allowed to accumulate more than five (5) retake courses at a
time. Students are required to register for retake course(s) first before registering for
new courses offered in that semester and the retake courses should fit into the
approved normal load so as to avoid time table clashes.
(v) Students who have a course(s) to retake and these course(s) fall beyond the set
normal semester load for their academic programmes shall pay tuition fees for any

course(s) to be retaken. Besides, such students also pay the re-examination fees
per course retaken as well as the registration fees.

3.5 Weighting System  
The weighting unit is based on a Credit Unit (CU). A Credit Unit is one contact hour per
week per semester or a series of fifteen (15) contact hours per semester. A contact hour is
equal to (i) one lecture hour, or (ii) two practical hours.

3.6 Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) 
The CGPA shall be calculated as follows: -
CGPA = Σn i=1(GPi*CUi)
Σn i=1CUi
Where GPi is the Grade Point score of a particular course i;
CUi is the number of Credit Units of course i; and
n is the number of courses so far done.

3.7 Progression 
Progression shall be regarded as normal, probationary or discontinuation as per the
standard Makerere University Senate guidelines. Progression through the programme shall
be assessed in three ways:

(i) Normal Progress: This occurs when a student passes each course taken with a
minimum Grade Point of 3.0.

(ii) Probationary: This is a warning stage and occurs if either the cumulative grade point
average (CGPA) is less than 3.0 and/or the student has failed a core course.
Probation is waved when these conditions cease to hold.

(iii) Discontinuation: When a student accumulates three consecutive probations based

on the CGPA or the same core course(s), he/she shall be discontinued. A student
who has failed to obtain at least the pass mark (60%) during the third assessment in
the same course(s) he/she had retaken shall be discontinued from his/her studies at
the University. A student who has overstayed in an academic programme by more
than two (2) years shall be discontinued from his /her studies at the university.

3.8 PGD IS Project 
Students are required to demonstrate their ability to independently formulate a detailed
project proposal, as well as develop and demonstrate their project thoroughly.
(i) A candidate shall submit a project proposal to the Faculty of Computing and IT,
Higher Degrees and Graduate Research Committee during the second semester.
(ii) The candidate shall execute the project during the recess term.

(iii) A candidate shall be assigned a supervisor who is a specialist in the candidate’s
field of study to undertake supervision of the project.
(iv) The candidate shall submit the project report by the end of the recess term.

To pass the project, the candidate shall satisfy the examiners in a written report and viva
voce independently.

3.9 Minimum Graduation Load  
To qualify for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma in Information Systems, a full-time
candidate is required to obtain a minimum of 29 credit units for courses passed including all
the compulsory courses; and the Postgraduate Diploma project report (5 credit units) within
a period stipulated by the School of Graduate Studies, usually not exceeding three (3) years
from the date of registration.

3.10 Knowledge Areas Covered in the Curriculum  
The curriculum is based on 7 broad knowledge areas that make up practical and resourceful
information system. The seven knowledge areas are:
(i) Data Management
(ii) Research and Development
(iii) Policy, Strategy and Management
(iv) Security Issues
(v) Information Systems in Business
(vi) Web Computing Technologies
(vii) Systems Modeling

See Subsection 4.2 for a distribution of PGD IS programme courses in the knowledge

4 Proposed Curriculum  
4.1 Course Outline  
The diploma includes a standard set of core courses in IS which are offered in the first
semester. This provides a foundation for PGD IS graduates which provides them with
competence across the entire IS field. The course is then divided into two options IS
Management (Subsection 4.1.2) and IS Technology (Subsection 4.1.3) which allow students
(within the competency of the faculty) to concentrate in a specific area for which there is
demand and to achieve breadth across a topic area.
4.1.1 Detailed  Curriculum  for  Postgraduate  Diploma  in  Information 

Code Name LH PH CH CU

Semester I
MIS 7100 Systems Analysis and Design 30 30 45 3
MIS 7102 Modeling and Simulation 30 30 45 3
MIS 7110 Database Systems 30 30 45 3
MIS 7111 Information Systems for Managers 45 - 45 3
MIT 7116 Research Methodology 45 - 45 3

Semester II
MIS 7206 Data warehousing 30 30 45 3
MIS 7209 Project and Organisation Change 45 - 45 3
MIS 7210 Management for IS Professionals 45 - 45 3
MCS 7226 Seminar Series - 60 30 2
MIS 7212 Data Communication and Networking 45 - 45 3
MIT 7215 IT Strategic Planning and Management 45 - 45 3
MIT 7216 E-Service Delivery 45 - 45 3
MIT 7217 Web Design and Usability 30 30 45 3
MIT 7218 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Computing 45 - 45 3

Recess Term
PGD 6306 PGD Project in Information Systems - - - 5

4.1.2 PGD  Information  Systems  ­  Information  Systems  Management 
Option [ISM]  

Code Name LH PH CH CU

Semester I (5 Courses)
Cores:- (5 core courses)
MIS 7100 Systems Analysis and Design 30 30 45 3
MIS 7102 Modeling and Simulation 30 30 45 3
MIS 7110 Database Systems 30 30 45 3
MIS 7111 Information Systems for Managers 45 - 45 3
MIT 7116 Research Methodology 45 - 45 3
Total Credit Units 15

Semester II (5 Courses)
Cores:- (4 core courses)
MIS 7209 Project and Organisation Change 30 30 45 3
MIS 7210 Management for IS Professionals 45 - 45 3
MIT 7217 Web Design and Usability 30 30 45 3
MCS 7226 Seminar Series - 60 30 2
Electives:- (1 elective course)
MIT 7215 IT Strategic Planning and Management 45 - 45 3
MIT 7216 E-Service Delivery 45 - 45 3
MIT 7218 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Computing 45 - 45 3
Total Credit Units 14

Recess Term
PGD 6306 PGD Project in Information Systems - - - 5
Total Credit Units 5

4.1.3 PGD  Information  Systems  ­  Information  Systems  Technology 
Option [IST]  

Code Name LH PH CH CU

Semester I (5 Courses)
Cores:- (5 core courses)
MIS 7100 Systems Analysis and Design 30 30 45 3
MIS 7102 Modeling and Simulation 30 30 45 3
MIS 7110 Database Systems 30 30 45 3
MIS 7111 Information Systems for Managers 45 - 45 3
MIT 7116 Research Methodology 45 - 45 3
Total Credit Units 15

Semester II (5 Courses)
Cores:- (4 core courses)
MIS 7206 Data warehousing 30 30 45 3
MIS 7209 Project and Organisation Change 30 30 45 3
MIS 7212 Data Communication and Networking 45 - 45 3
MCS 7226 Seminar Series - 60 30 2
Electives:- (1 elective course)
MIT 7215 IT Strategic Planning and Management 45 - 45 3
MIT 7216 E-Service Delivery 45 - 45 3
MIT 7218 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Computing 45 - 45 3
Total Credit Units 14

Recess Term
PGD 6306 PGD Project in Information Systems - - - 5
Total Credit Units 5

4.2 Course Distribution by Knowledge Area  
The list below summarizes the distribution of the different PGD IS curriculum course units in
seven knowledge areas:

(i) Data Management

• MIS 7110: Database Systems
• MIS 7206: Data Warehousing

(ii) Research and Development

• MIS 7100: Systems Analysis and Design
• MIT 7116: Research Methodology
• MCS 7226: Seminar Series
• PGD 6306: PGD Project in Information Systems

(iii) Policy, Strategy and Management

• MIS 7209: Project and Organisation Change Management
• MIS 7210 Management for IS Professionals
• MIT 7215: IT Strategic Planning and Management

(iv) Security Issues

• MIT 7218: Legal and Ethical Aspects of Computing

(v) Information Systems in Business

• MIS 7111: Information Systems for Managers

(vi) Web Computing Technologies

• MIS 7212: Data Communication and Networking
• MIT 7216: E-Service Delivery
• MIT 7217: Web Design and Usability

(vii) Systems Modeling

• MIS 7102: Modeling and Simulation

5 Detailed Curriculum  
5.1 Courses for Semester I 
5.1.1 MIS 7100: Systems Analysis and Design (3CU) 

a) Description: Use management information systems techniques to solve managerial and

organizational problems of limited complexity. Includes solving formal analytic problems
and implementing solutions using MIS development techniques.

b) Aims and objectives: The Course focuses on the following aspects of Information
System Development:
• Study, Analysis and Design of a System
• Documenting and evaluating the System.
• Data Modeling.
• Developing Information Management System for an Organisation.
• Implementing and Testing.

c) Course learning outcomes: On completing this course, students should be able to:
(i) Understand the organizational, functional, non-functional and data requirements,
carry out system study and analyze information.
(ii) Document and evaluate a System.
(iii) Develop an Information Management System for an Organisation.
(iv) Implement and Test the system.

d) Teaching and learning patterns:

• lectures, tutorial/practical sessions as well as demonstrations.
• Individual and group-based tutorial.
• Wide range of computer-based learning and other tools will be used to
support the student's learning process.
• Use of real life case studies.

e) Indicative content:
• Introduction: System Definition and Concepts: General Theory systems,
Manual and automated systems, Real-life Business Sub-systems. System
Environments and Boundaries. Real-time and distributed systems. Basic
principles of successful systems. Approach to system development:
Structured System Analysis and Design, Prototype, Joint Application
• Systems Analyst: Role and Need of Systems Analyst. Qualifications and
responsibilities. System Analysis as a Profession
• System Development Cycle: Introduction to Systems Development Life
Cycle (SDLC). Various phases of SDLC: Study, Design, Development,
Implementation, Maintenance. System documentation consideration:
Principles of Systems Documentation, Types of documentation and their
importance, Enforcing documentation discipline in an organization
• System Planning: Data and fact gathering techniques: Interviews, Group
Communication - Questionnaires, Presentation and Site Visits. Assessing
Project Feasibility: Technical, Operational, Economic, Cost Benefits
Analysis, Schedule, Legal and contractual, Political. Modern Methods for
determining system requirements: Joint Application, Development Program,
Prototyping, Business Process Re-engineering. System Selection Plan and
• Modular and Structured Design: Module specifications, Top-down and
bottom-up design. Module coupling and cohesion. Structure Charts.
• System Design and Modeling: Process Modeling, Logical and physical
design, Conceptual Data Modeling: Entity-Relationship Analysis, Entity-
Relationship Modeling, ERDs and DFDs, Concepts of Normalization.
Process Description: Structured English, Decision Tree, Decision Tables.
Documentation: Data Dictionary, Recording Data Descriptions
• Input and Output: Classification of forms, Input / Output forms design. User-
interface design, Graphical interfaces. Standards and guidelines for GUI
design. Designing Physical Files and Databases: Designing Fields,
Designing Physical Records, Designing Physical Files, Designing
Databases. Introduction to CASE Tools, Features, Advantages and
Limitations of CASE Tools, Awareness about some commercial CASE
• System Implementation and Maintenance: Planning considerations.
Conversion methods, procedures and controls. System acceptance criteria.
System Evaluation and Performance. Testing and Validation. Preparing
User Manual. Maintenance Activities and Issues
• Computer System Audit and Security: Audit of Computer System Usage.
Types of Threats to Computer System and Control Measures: Threat and
Risk Analysis, Disaster Recovery and Contingency Planning, Viruses.
• OO Analysis/Design: Introduction to UML. OO Development Life Cycle and
Modeling. Static and dynamic modeling. Comparison of OO and Module-
oriented Approach. Modeling using UML

f) Assessment method: The assessment will be in form of tests and assignments (40%)
and final written exam (60%)

g) Course Reference List:

(i) Modern Systems Analysis and Design, Second Edition, 2000, Joey George and
Joseph Valacich Pearson Education. J. Hoffer
(ii) Systems Analysis and Design, First Edition, 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. A.
Dennis and B.H. Wixom

(iii) Systems Analysis and Design Methods, First Edition, 2000, Tata McGraw-Hill. J.
Whitten, L. Bentley and K. Dittman
Management Information Systems, Seventh Edition, 2002, Pearson Education. K.C. Laudon
and J.P. Laudon

5.1.2 MIS 7102: Modeling and Simulation (3CU) 
a) Description: This course will introduce systems thinking, modeling, and computer
simulation as a tool for the analysis, planning and management of industrial production
processes and for corporate policy analysis and strategic planning. The student will
obtain the knowledge and skills to conduct small simulation projects, consisting of input
data analysis, model building, verification and validation, and finally interpretation of
output data. Development of computer models to solve complex business problems in
MIS, operations. Introduction to computer modeling techniques, discrete-event
simulation and System Dynamics Modeling. Model development and testing.

b) Aims and objectives: This course provides an introduction to system modeling using
both computer simulation and mathematical techniques. A wide range of case studies
are examined, both in the lectures and tutorial exercises, although the emphasis is on
the analysis of computer and communication systems using a combination discrete-
event simulation and continuous modeling paradigms using System Dynamics

c) Course learning outcomes: On completing this course, students should be able to:
(i) Demonstrate an understanding of system modeling through the competent use of
Computer Simulation methods and Mathematical Modeling techniques.
(ii) Determine the type of systems whose behaviour can be investigated using Discrete
Event Simulation and Modeling.
(iii) Determine the type of systems whose behaviour can be investigated using System
Dynamics-simulation modeling technique;
(iv) Develop an understanding of the elements involved in the basic construction of a
causal loop diagram;
(v) Appreciate how a verbal description of a system can be translated into a causal
loop diagram and used to examine the system's behaviour;
(vi) Translate a causal loop diagram, representing a given system, into a quantitative
SD model (differential equations);
(vii) Develop an understanding of the stages involved in the model development

d) Teaching and learning patterns:

• lectures, tutorial/practical sessions as well as demonstrations.
• Individual and group-based tutorial.
• Wide range of computer-based learning and other tools will be used to
support the student's learning process.

• Use of real life case studies and individual literature review of current
developments in the simulation and modelling

e) Indicative content:
• Introduction to Simulation & Modeling – with the help of relevant examples
introduce concepts, uses, applications, advantages, disadvantages of
simulation and modeling. Look at a detailed example of hand simulation.
• Introduction to System Dynamics – Provide an introduction to system
dynamics, the stages of the modelling process and develop its
philosophical linkage to science and.
• Systems thinking and Causal Loop Diagramming – This section will provide
an introduction to systems thinking, the use of causal loop diagrams in
modeling, feedback structures and various exercises in the development of
causal loop diagrams.
• Discrete Event Simulation – a practical approach to Discrete Event
Simulation in the labs using CSIM software (which uses C++). Comparison
with the hand simulation.
• Introduction to System archetypes, their importance and various groups
present the different archetypes providing clear explanations and relevant
application to different public policies.
• Stock and Flows – Introduction to differential equations (Euler and 1st
Order Runge Kutta equations). A practical approach to drawing Stock and
Flow Diagrams . Introduction to STELLA modeling technique. Conversion of
Causal Loop Diagrams to Stock and Flow Diagrams.
• Graphical Integration – Graphical integration exercises-constant rates,
linearly increasing and decreasing flows, parabolic, Step functions, Ramp
• Feedback Structures / Functions – focus on improvement of behaviour
feedback dynamics. A review of different curves and other functions used in
modeling such as exponentials, oscillations, S-shaped, goal seeking graphs
• Model Development – A review of the phases of model development –
Conceptualisation, formulation, testing and implementation.
• Model Testing & Validation – A review of the model testing and validation

f) Assessment method: The assessment will be in form of tests and assignments (40%)
and final written exam (60%)

g) Course reference list:

(i) Coyle, R. G (2001) System Dynamics Modelling : A Practical Approach; Chapman &
Hall, London
(ii) Pid, M., (1992) Computer Simulation in Management Science, 3Ed John Wiley,
(iii) Richardson, G.P & Pugh, A L (1981); Introduction to System Dynamics Modelling
with DYNAMO; MIT Press
(iv) Senge Peter (2003). The Fifth Discipline.
(v) Steward Robinson (2004). Simulation. The Practice of Model Development and
Use. John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
(vi) Sterman, J.D. (2000). Business Dynamics : Systems Thinking and Modeling for a
Complex World. Irwin McGraw Hill.

5.1.3 MIS 7110: Database Systems (3CU) 
a) Description: The concepts, principles, issues and techniques for managing corporate
data resources of various types. Techniques for managing the design and development
of large database systems including logical data models, concurrent processing, data
retrieval, data distribution, and database administration.

b) Aims and objectives: This course provides an understanding of the issues in managing
database systems as an essential organizational resource. Students learn enterprise
data architecture components, data storage configurations, and information retrieval
methods. The course proceeds from the relational model to the multidimensional model,
object-relational techniques, and web accessed data.

c) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course the students should be able to :
(i) Demonstrate an understanding of the issues in managing database systems as an
essential organizational resource. Students learn enterprise data architecture
components, data storage configurations, and information retrieval methods.
(ii) Design, build and implement a database, exercise the database built under various
conditions, query the database using SQL and use SQL to demonstrate
implementation problems.
(iii) Evaluate file storage and transfer methods, Sort and merge files.
(iv) Demonstrate an advancement from the relational model to the multidimensional
model, object-relational techniques, and web accessed data.

d) Teaching and learning patterns: Suggested pedagogical approaches to delivering the

• Lectures
• Case discussions to demonstrate management issues
• Team projects
• In-class student presentations

e) Indicative content:
• The variety and complexity of current data management systems and
evolving data management technology
• Enterprise data architecture components and data requirements
• The entity relationship model and Normalization
• Comparison of normalized and denormalized models
• Relational integrity and concurrency control

• Limitations inherent in the relational model and possible solutions including
object-oriented databases, object-relational databases, and
multidimensional databases.
• Large text files, multi-media and embedded information needed for a
complete information set
• Retrieving information using SQL and other methods
• Overview of database security, maintenance, recovery and tuning

f) Assessment method: Assessment will be in terms of tests, coursework & database

system project (40%); and, a final examination (60%)

g) Reading list:
(i) Connolly, T., Begg, C. E., Holowczak, R. (2007). Business Database Systems.
(2007). Publisher: Addison Wesley.
(ii) Beynon-Davies, P. (2003). Database Systems. Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan; 3rd
Revised edition.

5.1.4 MIS 7111: Information Systems for Manager (3CU)

a) Description: There are several trends occurring in the world today, among many is the
movement to computer based information systems. Managers need to be informed about
the trends in information systems and hence participate fully in its development and
management. This course studies the range of information systems needed to provide
support for management in decision-making, planning and control. The starting point,
therefore, is the set of potential managerial problems and opportunities, and the
associated information requirements. Organisational diagnostics are considered for
problem/opportunity identification. Solution approaches are developed and used as the
basis for describing the structure, characteristics and management of generic categories
of systems such as Decision Support Systems (DSS), Executive Information Systems
(EIS) and Expert Systems (ES).

b) Aims and objectives: This course provides an enables students to identify information
systems needs and participate in its development in order to create a business
competitive advantage. It facilitates students to become aware of the benefits and
limitations of different kinds of computer-based IS commonly used in business, such as
database management systems, decision support and executive information systems,
and expert systems. Students are able to gain a sophisticated awareness of the rich
variety of managerial issues raised by information systems and information literacy by
attending to the managerial ramifications of selected additional topics, such as the
utilization of information systems for competitive advantage; technologies (hardware,
software, network technologies); outsourcing; and the process of systems development
(building an IS).

c) Learning outcomes: At the end of the course the students should be able to:
(i) Define different types of information systems and their role in today’s competitive
business environment.
(ii) Address what an information system is. What managers need to know about
information systems.
(iii) How information systems transform organizations and management. How the
Internet and Internet technology has transformed business.
(iv) The major management challenges in building and using information systems.
(v) Participate in structured information systems developments as a knowledgeable
person from planning, feasibility study, information requirement analysis, design,
implement, maintain, and evaluate. Identify other information systems development,
their advantages and Disadvantages, when they are appropriate and when they
should not be used.

d) Teaching and learning patterns: Suggested pedagogical approaches to delivering the

• Lectures
• Case discussions to demonstrate management issues
• Team projects
• In-class student presentations

e) Indicative content:
• Introduction to Information Systems: Definitions , Types, Basic features,
Examples of modem Information systems. Transaction Information
systems, Management reporting systems, Decision support systems.
Reports: detailed, historical, Summary and exception reports, Challenges in
building Information system
• Information Systems for Strategic Advantage : Discuss how organizations
can use information systems for automation, organizational learning, and
strategic support. Describe information systems’ critical strategic
importance to the success of modern organizations. Define the term
strategic advantage and discuss how organizations are using information
systems to gain such an advantage. How should a manager think about
competitive strategies? How can competitive strategies be applied to the
use of information systems by an organization ?
• Information Systems in the Enterprise : Describe what enterprise systems
are how they have evolved. Explain how organizations support business
activities by using information technologies. Understand and utilize the keys
to successfully implementing enterprise systems. Identify some of the
strategies employed to lower costs or improve service. Discuss how
organizations justify the need for information systems. Define the types of
roles, functions, and careers available in information systems.
• Hardware & Software : Describe how to select and organize computer
system components to support information system objectives and business

organization needs. Discuss how applications software can support
personal, workgroup, and enterprise business objectives.
• Telecommunications: Identify types of communications media and discuss
the basic characteristics of each. Identify several types of
telecommunications hardware devices and discuss the role that each plays.
Identify the benefits associated with a telecommunications network.
• Data and Knowledge Management Explain how organizations are getting
the most from their investment in database technologies. Describe what is
meant by knowledge management and knowledge assets as well as
benefits and challenges of deploying a knowledge management system
• Decision support systems, Decision making concept, Decision support
system versus management information systems, Decision support model
• Executive support systems
• Expert systems systems
• Group support systems

f) Assessment method: The assessment will be in form of tests and assignments (40%)
and final written exam (60%)

g) Reading List:
(i) Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E.
Aronson, Sixth Edition
(ii) Management Information Systems, A Managerial End User Perspective (1999),
James A. O’ Brien, 4th Edition, Irwin/McGraw Hill
(iii) Management Information Systems, Managing Information technology in Business
Enterprise (2004), James A. O’ Brien, 6th Edition, TATA -McGraw Hill
(iv) Management Information systems: Managing the Digital firm by K.C. Laudon and
J.P. Laudon, Prentice Hall.
(v) Management Information systems: Organisation and Technology by K.C. Laudon
and J.P. Laudon, Prentice Hall.

5.1.5 MIT 7116 Research Methodology 
a) Course Description: In this course, guidance will be given to students on how to identify
a research problem. Instructions will be provided which will enable students to perform
effective literature reviews. Students should be warned against plagiarism. Students will
be presented with various research paradigms and models of methodology and assist
with designing an appropriate method for their research. Students will be trained in the
analysis and presentation of results, exposition of processes and methods used and
conclusions drawn. Guidelines outlining the preparation and writing of a research
dissertation and or a project will be provided at the conclusion of the course.

b) Aims: The aims of the course are:

• To provide students with a firm foundation/underpinnings of research from
which they can undertake a research problem.
• To provide students with a number of separate, but related practical skills
associated with the research process

c) Learning outcomes: At the end of this course unit, the students will be able to identity
the aims of the research, selection of appropriate methodological approach, selection of
implementation methods, data collection and analysis techniques and its interpretation,
and how all this fits within the literature. In other words, the students will produce a
research proposal as a blue print for the whole research dissertation and or project.

d) Teaching and Learning Pattern: Lectures will be given through out the semester.
Group work and discussions to perform literature reviews will be done to enable
understanding and application of concepts. This will involve identification and reading
material which includes journal papers to be distributed to students a week in advance.
The lecturer addresses questions to the students to encourage them to think about and
understand the material. The students will identify researchable problems from which
they will apply the concepts taught in class with an aim of producing research/project
proposals by the end of the semester. The students will be required to build on their
proposals on a weekly basis in line with the new concepts that will be taught. The
students will make presentations of their draft proposal for critique and feedback from
both the students and the lecturer.

e) Indicative Content: The course will cover the following topics:

• Definition of Research Methodology
• Research Paradigms in Computing and Information Systems
• Research Planning and Management
• Types of Research Methods
• Scientific writing including abstracts; identifying research problems, research
objectives and questions; Interpretation of technical literature (literature
reviews); Selection of overall methodological approach; Selection of suitable
data collection and analysis techniques; Interpretation and conclusion of the
research; and Presentation of research findings.
• Research Ethics/Plagiarism

f) Assessment Method: Assessment will categorized as foolows:

• Progressive assessment 40%
o Group work (literature reviews) 20%
o Presentation (skills) 10%
o Theory and application (concepts) 10%

• Final written Exam 60%

o Individual work (scientific writing and research paper) 40%
o Theory and application (concepts) 20%

g) Reference books
(i) Practical Research: Planning and Design (March 2004): Paul D. Leedy, Jeanne E.
Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Paperback, Prentice Hall
(ii) Graduate research: A guide for Students in the sciences (May 1998): Robert V.
Smith, Paperback, University of Washington
(iii) Research Methods: A process of Inquiry ((May 2006)): Anthony M. Graziano,
Michael L. Raulin, Hardcover, Prentice Hall
(iv) Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource (1998):
Taylor, Steven J.; Bogdan, Robert, Hoboken, (3rd Ed.) NJ, US: John Wiley & Sons

5.2 Courses for Semester II  

5.2.1 MIS 7206: Data warehousing (3CU) 
a) Description: This course includes the various factors involved in developing data
warehouses and data marts: planning, design, implementation, and evaluation; review of
vendor data warehouse products; cases involving contemporary implementations in
business, government and industry; techniques for maximizing effectiveness through
OLAP and data mining. The course in data warehousing (DW) presents the necessary
fundamentals of DW (methodology, tools, techniques, systems and terminology) to
students by putting these concepts into context and comparing expert views in these
areas through seminars, discussions, and hands-on-work in computer labs. The
prerequisite for the course is a graduate course in Database Systems before taking this
course and having the skills of ER modeling, normalization, SQL and some other basic
DBMS skills.

b) Aims and objectives: The main purpose of the course is to develop and gain an
understanding of the principles, concepts, functions and uses of data warehouses, data
modeling and data mining in business. A DW project is usually business driven and will
work to improve the direction of the company by aligning the data warehouse technology
with business strategy. The following areas of interest are addressed in the course:
• DW methodology
• DW architectures
• The DW development processes: Logical and physical DW
• DW data modeling
• ETL, Data access, Data quality

c) Learning outcomes: At the completion of this unit students will have a theoretical and
conceptual understanding of:
(i) the knowledge of theories and principles of data warehousing and OLAP;
(ii) the potential benefits of data warehousing;
(iii) the techniques and tools used to design a data warehouse;
(iv) the theories and principles of data warehousing with regard to the practice of
decision support;
(v) and be able to design multi-dimensional data structures;
(vi) and appreciation of how to interact effectively with managers, consultants, and
vendors in the development of a data warehouse.

Upon completion of this subject, students should be able to accomplish the following:
(i) Demonstrate the concept of enterprise modeling as a conceptual framework in
building data warehouses.
(ii) Develop the data model using the enterprise-modeling framework, the model of the
requirements for analytical functions is developed in conjunction with the
development of the data model.
(iii) Create and populate databases and develop of ETL routines, user interface,
analytic applications, reports, system and application interfaces.
(iv) Extract data from the OLTP database to the DW (they created) by addressing ETL

d) Teaching and learning patterns: The course is delivered in the form of lectures, group
discussions, teamwork and seminars where participants are required to actively
participate both in presentation & discussions and investigate agreed upon topics.

e) Indicative content:
• Requirements Analysis: The concept of analytical requirements and their
differences from operational requirements are introduced. Key concepts in
analytics that deal with forecasting, projection and formation of strategies
are explored. Data gathering techniques such as user interviews, joint
application design (JAD) are explored and practiced by doing project work
in small groups.
• Conceptual Design: For the topic of conceptual design, modeling
techniques specific to DW are discussed. They include the Entity-
Relationship (ER) modeling and dimensional modeling including the Star
Schema and Snowflake Schema, which utilize fact tables and dimension
tables. Strategies in modeling with regard to the data warehouse ER model,
the data warehouse dimensional model and the independent data marts
Data sourcing strategies and the logical mapping of the data schema of
sourcing systems to the conceptual model can be developed during the
conceptual design phase.
• Physical Design: Various levels of the physical design for the data
warehouse are explored. They consist of three levels: the data level, the
application level and the technical infrastructure level. Topics for the data
warehouse database design include the general database design principles
and specific data warehouse considerations such as de-normalization. The
data level design also includes the design of data extraction, transformation
and loading (ETL). At the technical infrastructure level general concepts of
technical architecture for data warehousing include requirements in
hardware, software and networking are discussed. The design phase also
includes development of user interfaces (UI) and considerations of
scalability in terms of both the growth in the number of users and the
increase of use by each user.
• Development and Testing: For the topic of development, concepts and
techniques in the creation of databases and applications in a development
environment are introduced. They include the creation and population of
databases and the development of ETL routines, user interface, analytic
applications, reports, system and application interfaces. Topics of unit
testing, system testing and performance testing are studied. Special topics
in development sourcing strategies can be included.
• Implementation and Deployment: Different deployment strategies are
discussed. They include the big-bang approach and various phased
approaches. In the big-bang approach the data warehouse is deployed to
the entire organization with all functionalities all at once. In the phased
approach, the data warehouse can be deployed by phases based on
various criteria such as geography, organizational units or data warehouse
• Data Modeling: For the data modeling part of the course the starting point is
to understand the basics of ER modeling and also its limitation for creating
an enterprise wide data model for decision-making purposes. The STAR or
dimensional modeling is used for creating data warehouses (DW). Idea
behind a data warehouse is to centralize company wide information to
create and deliver the necessary analytical environment, for example data
mining and business intelligence; to meet the business needs. The use of
an accepted methodology provides big advantages in the conversion of the
ER model to the STAR model in DW creation.
• ETL: Decision-making data are extracted from OLTP source and further
organized as per fact/s or burning question/s for decision-making purposes.
Data are cleansed, aggregated, transformed and loaded in the DW.

f) Assessment method: The assessment will be in form of tests and assignments (40%)
and final written exam (60%).

g) Course reference list:

(i) Kimball , R., Reeves, L., Ross, M., & Thornthwaite, W. (1998 - or later editions) The
Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit. John Wiley & Sons
(ii) Kimball, R. & Ross, M. (2002). The Data Warehouse Toolkit : The Complete Guide
to Dimensional Modelling (2nd Ed). John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 047120024-7
(iii) Todman, C. (2001). Designing a Data Warehouse Supporting Customer
Relationship Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR.

5.2.2 MIS 7209: Project and Organisation Change Management (3CU) 
a) Description: Managing projects within an organizational context, including the
processes related to initiating, planning, executing, controlling, reporting, and closing a
project. Project integration, scope, time, cost, quality control, and risk management.
Software size and cost estimation. Assigning work to programmer and other teams.
Monitoring progress. Version control. Managing the organizational change process.
Identifying project champions, working with user teams, training, and documentation.
The change management role of the IS specialist. The use of sourcing and external
procurement; contracts and managing partner relationships.

b) Aims and objectives: Students develop detailed project plans, schedules, and budgets;
estimate project resources; allocate/coordinate resources; and interface with
management. They are expected to learn tools and techniques of project planning and
management, including the use of project management software. The course develops
skills in the human and organizational implications of change including understanding the
organizational change process; identifying stakeholders; assessing potential impacts of
projects; and overcoming resistance, politics, and other human issues.

c) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course the students should be able to :
(i) Develop detailed project plans, schedules, and budgets
(ii) Estimate project resources; allocate/coordinate resources; and interface with
(iii) Use tools and techniques of project planning and management, including the use of
project management software.
(iv) Have skills in the human and organizational implications of change including
understanding the organizational change process; identifying stakeholders;
(v) Assess potential impacts of projects; and overcome resistance, politics, and other
human issues.

d) Teaching and learning patterns: Teaching will be in terms of lectures, case studies and
group work.

e) Indicative content:
(i) Managing software / technology projects:
• Project lifecycle, Project stakeholders, Project management skills (leading,
communicating, negotiating, influencing, and presenting)
• Project planning (definition, scope, schedule, costs, quality, resources, and
• Estimating software size and cost.
• Software work module design, assignment, and control.
• Role of repository, project library, and version control.
• Contingency planning
• Project reporting and controls (definition, scope, schedule, costs, quality,
resources, and risks),

• Testing and testing plans; alpha and beta.
(ii) Managing organization change:
• The role of IS specialists as change agents, Envision change and the
change process, Diagnose and conceptualize change
• Deal with the challenges of implementation and understand and cope with
• Deal with issues of motivation, interpersonal relations, group/team
dynamics, and leadership in the change process; implications of cross-
organization and international teams.
• Manage organizational politics
• The limitations of projects as organizational change initiatives
• Organizational influences on project success (culture, organizational
structure, rewards, and measures)
• Software project management resources and professional development
such as SMI and PMI.
• Additional activities required to ensure the success of IT projects (training,
job redesign, communication, etc.)
• Manage sourcing partners as well as define contract and relationships
• Hands-on experience using project management software (e.g., Microsoft

f) Assessment method: The assessment will be in form of tests and assignments (40%)
and final written exam (60%)

g) Reading list:
(i) Project management for information systems, Edited by James Cadle and Donald
Yeates, Prentice Hall, 2001.
(ii) Breakthrough technology project management, Bennet P. Lientz, Academic Press,
(iii) The project manager's desk reference: a comprehensive guide to project planning,
scheduling, evaluation, and systems, James P. Lewis, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
(iv) Project management for business and technology : principles and practice, John M.
Nicholas, Prentice Hall, 2001.

5.2.3 MIS 7210: Management for IS Professionals (3CU) 
a) Description: The course introduces students to the management process and develops
a critical awareness of current management issues relevant to IS professionals. The unit
examines managerial decision-making techniques and provides an understanding of
planning, finance, marketing and human resource decision-making techniques and
supporting information systems. It builds on this understanding of managerial processes
and functions to show how organizations can be analysed, interpreted and modeled as

b) Aim of the course: The aim of the course is to develop the student’s prior exposure to
the practical issues and theoretic concepts of management, through advanced
theoretical study and complex case studies, so as to enable students to evaluate current
research and advanced scholarship. And in particular:
• To critically evaluate current research issues in the management domain
that are of interest to information system professionals.
• To analyse the relationships between financial, marketing, operations and
human resource management, the incorporation of their outputs in the
overall corporate strategic planning process and their role in the delivery of
the strategic plan.
• To analyse the requirement for financial, marketing, operations and human
information systems.
• To analyse organizations in a systematic manner and show how policy
issues may be evaluated using an organizational model.

c) Course learning outcomes:

(i) Knowledge and understanding. On successful completion of the course, the student
is expected to:
• Demonstrate clear understanding of the nature of the management issues
of interest to Information System Professionals (Assessment 1)
• Demonstrate an understanding of the techniques for analyzing
organizations in a systematic manner. (Assessment 1 &2 )
• Competently discuss current research trends and issues in management
issues relevant to information system professionals. ( Assessment 2)
• Apply to a complex problem situation an appropriate selection from the
methods utilized by corporate bodies when making planning, financial,
marketing, operations and human resource management decisions and to
make sound judgments leading to well-argued conclusions. (Assessment 2)
• Apply originality and creativity to the analysis and evaluation of alternative
strategic plans. ( Assessment 2)

(ii) Intellectual skills – able to:

• Formulate/express management problems
• Analyse and evaluate academic management literature

(iii) Practical skills - write reports:

• Analyse, design, implement and evaluate management systems
• Construct influence diagrams and other systems-based models of

(iv) Transferable skills – able to:

• Communicate
• Manage oneself and one’s time
• Work independently
• Evaluate one’s work objectively

d) Teaching and learning patterns: The course is delivered in the form of lectures, group
discussions, teamwork and seminars where participants are required to actively
participate both in presentation and discussions and investigate agreed upon topics.

e) Indicative content:
• Introduction to Case Study
• Business Planning & Performance metrics
• Marketing and marketing IS
• Accounting
• Resource Management and budgets
• IT cost structures and FIS
• Corporate strategy
• Operations and Development in Management thinking
• Human Resource Management and HRIS
• Entrepreneurship & Leadership
• System thinking

f) Assessment method: The assessment will be in form of tests and assignments (40%)
and final written exam (60%)

g) Course reference list:

(i) Kennedy M. (Ed), 2005, Management for Information systems professionals,
(ii) Hannagan T. (2005), Management concepts and practices, Prentice Hall
(iii) Maani K. E. and Cavan R.Y. (2000), Systems thinking and modeling, Prentice Hall
(iv) Sherwood D. (2002), Seeing the Forest for the Trees – A manager’s guide to
applying systems thinking, Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
(v) Warren K. (2002), Competitive Strategy Dynamics, Wiley
(vi) Bell, G.A, Cooper, M, A, Kennedy, M, and Warwick, J. (2001) The Holon Planning
Framework: From Enquiry to Metrication, Proceedings of the Nineteenth
International System Dynamics Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
(vii) Kennedy, M. and Clare, C (2003), A comparison of the application of performance
indicators, system dynamics models and the Holon Framework to quality
assessment in higher education, Proceedings of the twenty first International
system dynamics Conference, New York, USA
(viii) Various articles on the topics from

5.2.4 MIS 7212: Data Communication and Networking (3CU) 
a) Description: Telecommunications fundamentals including data, voice, image, and video.
The concepts, models, architectures, protocols, standards, and security for the design,
implementation, and management of digital networks. Server architectures, server farms,

cluster computing, and grid computing. Storage area networks and network attached
storage, Data center design and implementation. Development of an integrated technical
architecture (hardware, software, networks, and data) to serve organizational needs in a
rapidly changing competitive and technological environment. Network, data and
application architectures. Enterprise application integration, XML. Web Services.

b) Aims and Objectives: This course develops a managerial level of technical knowledge
and terminology for data, voice, image, and video communications and computer
networks to effectively communicate with technical, operational and management people
in telecommunications. Students are expected to understand and apply data
communications concepts to situations encountered in industry; learn general concepts
and techniques of data communications; understand the technology of the Internet;
understand the most important server and storage architectures and the main
mechanisms for providing high-capacity processing and storage capacity; and
understand the regulatory environment.

c) Learning outcomes: The course develops capabilities that enable the students to make
intelligent choices about computer architectures and platforms with appropriate
emphasis on both organizational integration and flexibility. By the end of this course the
students should be able to:
(i) Understand the capabilities as well as the strengths and weaknesses of various
computational, data, networking, and software architectures.
(ii) Provide an understanding of managerial issues and technologies related to
interoperability: issues and technologies.
(iii) Provide an appreciation of the choice between open standards and proprietary
(iv) Understand the product strategies of major hardware, software, and
telecommunications vendors.
(v) Understand how national and global standards organizations influence architectural
standards, regulations, and future developments.
(vi) Design, implement and manage security and disaster recovery plans and business
continuity from an overall organizational perspective.
(vii) Examine issues related to the acquisitions and ongoing management of products,
services, and contracts.

d) Teaching and learning patterns: Teaching will be in terms of lectures, case studies and
laboratory demonstrations/practicals.

e) Indicative content:
Philosophy underlying the selection of topics: Because the student should be able to design
and supervise the building of organizational telecommunication networks, this course
focuses on technical as well as managerial aspects. The course may be organized into
three major activities:
(i) State of the Practice: describe the components, software, and practices of currently
installed computer networks.
(ii) State of the Market: given a set of new requirements for global and/or enterprise-
wide computer networking capability (including e-commerce) identify, examine,
evaluate, and chose a set of available components and software that an
organization can buy and/or build to satisfy the requirements. Estimate initial and
recurring costs.
(iii) State of the Art: project the development of aspects of computer communications
into the foreseeable future (two to five years) and provide feasibility, capability, and
market projections.

f) Assessment method: The assessment will be in form of tests and assignments (40%)
and final written exam (60%).

g) Reading list:
(i) Behrouz Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking (McGraw-Hill Forouzan
Networking) McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 4 edition (February 9, 2006).
ISBN-10: 0073250325, ISBN-13: 978-0073250328
(ii) James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach
(4th Edition) (Hardcover) Addison Wesley; 4 edition (April 2, 2007). ISBN-10:
0321497708, ISBN-13: 978-0321497703

5.2.5 MIT 7215: IT Strategic Planning and Management (3CU) 
a) Course description: This course addresses the ways in which managers use modern
business information systems and networks to enhance the management process and
promote business outcomes. Building on core concepts of the role and function of
information systems in the organization, the course focuses on the key areas of
management decision making related to investment in and strategic management of
information technology resources. The impact of digital networks and communications
technology on modern business activities and strategies is a core theme of the course.

b) Aims of the course: A student that undertakes this course should:

• Be able to understand concepts relating to the role and function of
networked business information systems, and the typical applications found
in the modern organization;
• Be able to understand typical activities and decisions involved in the
acquisition and/ or development and management of networked business
information systems and their impact on organizations;
• Be able to understand information systems and eBusiness strategy ;
• Be able to understand the development and use of networked business
information systems in the context of promoting overall business objectives,
and the place of information technology management within the
• Be able to understand how networked business information system
activities are led and managed in the context of the intersecting interests of
business executives, IT executives, partner organizations, and IT users.
c) Learning outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course the student will reliably
demonstrate the ability to:
(i) explain the role of, and comment on a range of modern business applications;
(ii) survey the range of activities involved in, and decisions related to, the acquisition
and/or development of a business information system;
(iii) comment critically on information systems and eBusiness strategy;
(iv) appreciate the effective use of communications and information technology;
(v) present a rationale for decision-making around the strategic use of networked
business information systems using appropriate supporting data

d) Teaching and learning patterns: The course is delivered in the form of lectures, group
discussions, teamwork and seminars where participants are required to actively
participate both in presentation and discussions and investigate agreed upon topics.

e) Indicative content:
• Understanding information, its management, and the history of IT
• The role and importance of BIS and IT management in the enterprise.
• Where does BIS management fit in the organization and what kind of
leaders are needed?
• IT processes in the organization
• Planning-related IT processes
• Managing the essential technologies in the digital economy
• Methods of acquiring information systems
• Systems development life cycle
• Initiating systems development
• Systems analysis and design
• Information technology project management
• Outsourcing and vendor management
• Managing information security
• Systems for supporting decision-making, collaboration and knowledge work
• IT planning, strategy and strategic alignment
• Assessing the value of IT
• The future of IT in the enterprise: commodity or business driver?
• E-Business: technologies and business models
• E-business strategy
• Defining strategic direction in E-Business
• Managing emerging technologies

f) Assessment method: The assessment will be in form of tests and assignments (40%)
and final written exam (60%)

g) Course reference lists:
(i) McNurlin, Barbara C., Ralph Sprague and Tung Bui. 2008. Information Systems
Management in Practice. 8th Edition. Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0132437155
(ii) Afuah, Alan and Tucci Christopher L. (2003). Internet Business Models and
Strategies: Text and Cases. 2nd ed. McGraw Hill, New York. (Chapter 11, pp. 203 –
(iii) Bocij, Paul et al. (2005) Business Information Systems: Technology, Development
and Management for the e-business. 3rd Edition. Financial Times / Prentice Hall.

5.2.6 MIT 7216: E­Service Delivery (3CU) 
a) Course description: The course begins by looking at the definitions of e-governance
and e-government. The course then introduces policy and management issues specific
to e-governance. The course seeks to introduce students to topics salient to effective
governmental adoption and implementation of initiatives mediated by the Internet,
including e-procurement, e-licensing, online citizen access to governmental databases,
and e-democracy initiatives, both in terms of prerequisites to successful implementation
and in terms of organizational and social impacts of these initiatives. Core questions
addressed in the course include what government functions are best implemented
through e-government methods, how e-government initiatives may be evaluated to
assess effectiveness, what exemplary practices might improve e-government
effectiveness, what the sociopolitical implications of e-governance are, and how the
training of public administrators must change given new roles emerging due to the rise of

b) Aims and objectives: The course aims to provide basic knowledge on the delivery of
Electronic Services and its importance to society. In particular, it examines the basics of
e-governance; e-governance laws and policies; and different kinds of e-services
delivered by governments. In addition, models of best practices in e-service delivery will
be taught. Specific objectives of the course are to:
• provide knowledge and understanding of existing and emerging Electronic
• provide knowledge and understanding of possible innovations in public
administration through Electronic Services delivery;
• develop skills of the effective use of Electronic Services as citizens;
• to help graduate students to choose topics for their future Masters projects
and dissertations.

c) Learning outcomes: knowledge and understanding of:

(i) Electronic Services and its importance to society;
(ii) basics of E-governance and its laws and policies;
(iii) models of best practices in e-service delivery;
(iv) possible innovations in public administration through E-services delivery.

d) Teaching and learning patterns: Since this course is supposed to have only lecture
hours, it will form mostly the theoretical knowledge. To provide students with practical
skills, they will be given individual and group assignments to be done as a form of
extracurricular activity.

e) Indicative content:
E-governance; E-government. Policy and management issues specific to E-governance.
Effective governmental adoption. E-government initiatives: E-procurement; E-licensing;
Online citizen access to governmental databases; E-democracy initiatives. Successful
implementation of E-government initiatives. Organizational, social and political impacts of E-
government initiatives. E-government functions. E-government methods. E-government
effectiveness evaluation and improvement. Training of public administrators on E-

f) Assessment method:
• Course Work: 40% (Test I: 10%, Test II: 10%, Assignment: 20%)
• Exams: 60%

g) Reference books:
(i) Lamersdorf, W., Tschammer, V. & Amarger, S. (2004). Building the E-Service
Society: E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government. Kluwer Academic
(ii) Malkia, M., Savolainen, R., Anttiroiko, A.-V. (2003). E-Transformation in
Governance: New Directions in Government and Politics. Idea Group Publishing.
(iii) Pavlichev, A., Garson, G.D. (2003). Digital Government: Principles and Best
Practices. Idea Group Publishing.
(iv) Gronlund, A. (2002). Electronic Government: Design, Applications and
Management. Idea Group Publishing.
(v) Curtain, G.G., Sommer M.H., Vis-Sommer, V. (2004). The World of E-Government.
Haworth Press, 2004
(vi) Huang, W., Siau, K., Wei, K.K. (2005). Electronic Government Strategies and
Implementation. Idea Group Publishing.
(vii) Dunleavy, P., Margetts, et al. (2006). Digital Era Governance: IT Corporations, the
State, and e-Government. Oxford University Press.
(viii) Curtain, G. G. et al. (2004). The World of E-Government. Haworth Press.

5.2.7 MIT 7217: Web Design and Usability (3CU) 
a) Course description: This course provides students with non-IT educational background
with necessary knowledge of core principles and technologies of Web design. Topics
covered in this course include fundamental principles of Web design such as information
architecture, page layout, color principles, style consistency, use of multimedia.
Overview of Web technologies is dealt with markup languages (HTML, XHTML, XML),
Style Sheet Languages (CSS, XSL), client-side scripting (JavaScript, VB Script), service-
side scripting (PHP, ASP) and multimedia technologies (Flash). Other topics focus on
practical issues of building effective Web sites in terms of enhancing their usability.
Students will be given individual and group assignments to form practical skills.

b) Aims: This course aims to provide students with non-IT educational background with
necessary knowledge of core principles and technologies of Web design. Those students
who already studied Web technologies being at the bachelor’s level this course helps to
systemize their knowledge before taking further courses like XML and Web Services.

c) Learning outcomes:
(i) Knowledge and understanding of
• fundamental principles of Web design
• main Web technologies
(ii) Practical skills of
• using principles of Web design
• Web technologies
• building effective (usable) Web sites

d) Teaching and learning patterns: Since this course is supposed to have both lecture
and practical hours, it will form the theoretical knowledge as far as practical skills. To
provide students with practical skills, they will be given individual and group assignments
to be done within practical and extracurricular hours.

e) Indicative content: Fundamental principles of Web design: Information architecture;

Page layout. Color principles; Style consistency; Use of multimedia. Overview of Web
technologies: Markup languages (HTML, XHTML, XML); Style Sheet Languages (CSS,
XSL); Client-side scripting (JavaScript, VB Script); service-side scripting (PHP, ASP);
Multimedia technologies (Flash). Building effective Web sites in terms of enhancing their

f) Assessment method:
• Course Work: 40% (Test I: 15%, Test II: 15%, Assignment: 10%)
• Exams: 60%

g) Reference books:
(i) Fowler, S., Stanwik V. (2003). Web Application Design Handbook: Best Practices
for Web-Based Software. Elsevier Inc, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San
Francisco. ISBN: 1-55860-752-8
(ii) Brink, T., Gergle, D. & Wood, S. (2003) Usability for the Web: Designing Web Sites
that Work. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco.
(iii) Spool, J. M., Scanlon, T. et al. (2003) Web Site Usability: A Designer’s Guide.
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco.
(iv) Johnson, J. (2003). Web Bloopers: 60 Common Web Design Mistakes, and How to
Avoid Them. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco.

(v) Yuen, P.K., Lan, V. (2003). Practical Web Technologies. Pearson Education Ltd.
ISBN 0201 750767
(vi) Welling, L., Thomsen, L. (2005). PHP and MySQL Web Development (Third
Edition). Sams Publishing. ISBN 0-672-32672

5.2.8 MIT 7218 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Computing  
a) Course Description: The course focuses on issues that involve computer impact on
society and related concerns. The students will be taught issues on: Transitional data
flow; copyright protection; Information as a source of economic power; rights to access
computer systems; computer crime; data privacy; establishing national priorities in the
technical and social aspects of computing; current and anticipated uses of computer
prediction. The course will also examine and evaluate the meaning of ethics and
professional conduct including the protection of personal ethical concerns. The students
will also be exposed to the status of the regulation and emerging markets.

b) Aims: This course aims at providing students with:

• A good grounding in social, legal, ethical and management issues affecting
their probable role as researchers and or working computer scientists,
practitioners or engineers in Computing and Information Technology-related

• The basic background to develop their professional role in the workplace,

beyond simply performing technical tasks assigned to them.

c) Learning outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the students will:
• Apply the ethical concepts relevant to resolving moral issues in business,
industry, and other relevant areas of concern;
• Articulate and defend with good reasons his/her own ethical point of view
pertaining to specific problem areas in business, industry, and related areas;
• Analyze business plans, working procedures and policies in terms of current
legislative and case law;
• Evaluate proposed and actual changes in the law for their effect on their working
and personal environments in terms of rights, liabilities and responsibilities;
Present compelling arguments about the social impact of new technological
developments; and
• In addition, students should be able to maintain and develop their awareness of
the social, legal and ethical framework in which they find themselves, through
knowledge of the underlying mechanisms of change in these areas.

d) Teaching and Learning Pattern: The course will primarily be taught by external
seminar speakers (i.e. professionals in the field of IT and Law related disciplines) and
directed reading (from internet resources and text books as seen in the reading list). Also
interactive lectures i.e. presenting a topic to the class and giving a starting point from
which the students can give their own ideas will be used in learning this course. Strong
encouragement will be given for students to continue these discussions outside lectures
both in person and using online discussion tools such as MUELE (Makerere University
Elearning). Current IT-related legislation and case law will be taught by direct lectures,
supported by directed reading. Assignments with strong formative aspects (requiring
self-directed research on a topic) will support each of the sections of the course.

e) Indicative Content: The course will cover the following topics:

• Nature of ethics, ethical development, responsibilities and basic ethical
• Ethical principles, values, and their foundations
• Specific computing and information technology related business, industry, and
engineering ethical issues
• Social impact of technological change:
Internet communications; medical technologies; bio-engineering; education;
entertainment; industry, commerce and working practices; globalization; public
misunderstanding of science; environmental impact of high technology
• National and international legal frameworks; specific legislation and case law
involving IT issues
• Domain Names; IP law; Data Protection; Computer misuse; Software Licensing,
Transitional data flow; copyright protection; Information as a source of
economic power; rights to access computer systems; computer crime; data
privacy; establishing national priorities in the technical and social aspects of

f) Assessment Method: Assessment will be made up of coursework (40%) and a final

written exam (60%). Coursework will entail four parts:
o A portfolio or similar on social issues (10%);
o An essay on a legal question (10%);
o Individual questions from the external speakers requiring short answers
o In-depth concise online discussions on legal and social issues (10%)

g) Reference books
(i) Computer Ethics: Integrating Across the Curriculum by Marion Ben-Jacob, Mercy
College, ISBN-13: 9780763778095, ISBN-10: 0763778095, Cd-rom, 2010
(ii) Pandora’s Box: Social and Professional Issues of the Information Age by Andrew A.
Adams and Rachel McCrindle (Paperback - 14 Dec 2007)
(iii) Engineering Ethics by Charles B. Fleddermann, 1st edition Prentice Hall, 1999.
ISBN 13: 9780137842247
(iv) Engineering, Business and Professional Ethics by Moodley, Krisen, Elsevier
Science \& Technology 2007, ISBN-13: 9780750667418

5.2.9 MCS 7226: Seminar Series (2 CU) 
a) Description: The course helps students to strengthen their ability to do guided research,
make a report on technical issues and present these issues in a scientific set up. While
lecturers will give the students guidelines on the topics to research on, they will not
formally teach them in class. However, what is expected out of the students will be
explicitly given to them and examined.

b) Aims and objectives: The aims of the course are:

• To develop the students’ ability to search for and internalize scientific
academic material.
• To develop the student’s skills in technical writing.
• To develop the student's presentation skills.

c) Learning outcomes: Successful completion of the module will demonstrate that

students are able to:
(i) Have defined their research questions
(ii) Developed appropriate conceptual and methodological approaches to their research
(iii) Have developed a full proposal for their own research-based dissertation
(iv) Learned how to offer and received constructive comments on their work in progress

d) Teaching and learning patterns: Students will be given broad areas of study together
with research questions to address by the beginning of the second semester. Each
student will be given a senior staff from whom they can get advice and guidance
whenever necessary. The student will then be required to address one research problem
and make a write up on it. The student will then be required to present his work to the
staff and his/her peers. As part of the course, the student will also be obliged to attend all
(weekly) research talks in the faculty (for the entire second semester).

e) Indicative content:
The content is both in terms of skill and technical content:
• Technical content: This depends on the problem addressed. The student is
expected to show understanding and comprehension of the subject matter.
• Skill content: a student is expected to show ability to comprehend scientific
literature, correctly make a technical report and competently prepare and
make an academic presentation.

f) Assessment method:
• Attendance of Workshops (40%);
• Presentation of Concept Paper (20%)
• Presentation of 15 page Proposal (40%)

g) Course reference lists:

(i) J. W. Cresswell, Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, Sage,

(ii) Makerere University, Faculty of Computing and IT, Research Guide [available on
the website]

6 Resources and Infrastructure  
The Department of Information Systems and the Faculty of Computing and Information
Technology have enough resources and infrastructure to sufficiently run the revised
programme. Refer to Appendix B for a detailed representation of the various resource and
infrastructure in the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology.

6.1 Staff  
The Faculty of Computing and Information Technology has a big pool of staff who can
competently teach the courses. The list of staff members in the Department of Information
Systems and other departments is in Appendix A

6.2 Lecture Space  
Initially, the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology housed in a 2,500 square
meter building (Block A). In January 2009, a new 12,000 square meter building (Block B)
was officially opened. The new building has lecture rooms together with general and
specialized laboratories. The two buildings sufficiently cater for all the lecture and lab space
requirements for all the teaching in the faculty.

6.3 Computer Laboratories  
The old and new faculty buildings have general laboratories (strictly for students practice),
teaching laboratories and specialized laboratories (multimedia lab, GIS lab) for graduate
programmes. These laboratories are shared among the departments of the faculty and are
scheduled by the ICT services unit. Currently, the faculty has approximately 2000
computers and 5000 students. This leads to a student to computer ratio of 1: 2.5 which is
adequate for the practical components of the curriculum.

6.4 Software  
On top of the physical computers, students need software for the different practicals.
Different computers are installed with different software depending on their focus. Most of
the software is available as free distributions for academic purposes. The faculty and
department therefore have (and can access) enough software that can run the practical
aspects of the programme.

7 Quality Assurance  
Several activities will be carried out as quality assurance measures so as to:
(i) Measure the general extent to which the required skills have been achieved.
(ii) Ascertain the Implementation of the methodological changes proposed.
(iii) Create a feed back bench mark for possible future revisions in the curriculum.

The activities in the proceeding subsections will be carried out in the process of monitoring
and assuring quality in the proposed programme.

7.1 Feedback from Students Enrolled  
In the current set up, each class has 1 student representative. These representatives are in
constant contact with the Head of Department in case there are any quality of teaching and
learning related matters in a particular class. This set up is to be maintained.

At the end of the semester, samples of students are given questionnaires to respond to
several quality related matters like staff punctuality, delivery mode, course content and the
general perceived usefulness of the course unit. The Faculty of Computing and Information
Technology is the process of creating a computerized system that will capture and analyze
the data. With the computerized system:
(i) Every student will be required to assess every lecturer teaching him/her, the sample
space will therefore be increased.
(ii) No time will be required in the analysis of the results. Staff and faculty management
will be able to get the feedback instantly.
(iii) Data will be easily archived and therefore the trend of staff performance in specific
areas will be easy to visualize.

7.2 Class Meetings  
The faculty management makes at least 2 meetings with every class every semester. In this
meeting, general quality issues are addressed. Students are also given a chance to raise
any questions that are answered and/or addressed by the department management. This
set up will also continue

7.3 Use of E­Learning in Availing Lecture Materials  
Currently, Makerere University has the blackboard e-learning tool on its Intranet. Students in
the Department of Information Systems have adequate access to computers. This creates a
conducive environment for e-learning blended teaching. All courses in the new curriculum
will be taught in a blended way. All course materials will be put on blackboard. Staff will, as
much as possible, make use of e-learning facilities like discussion forum and drop boxes for
assignments. This will increase student activity/participation and reduce staff effort (e.g. staff
will not need to dictate notes). This in turn will, in turn, increase the material covered and
taken in by the students.

7.4 Peer Review  
All members of staff will enroll (as students) to all classes taught in the department. They
will therefore be able to view contents of courses taught by their peers. Staff will be free to
advise fellow staff on the content, depth and presentation of materials. Consequently, for
every course, students will access the best possible material in the view of all staff in the
department not the course instructor

7.5 External Examiners’ Reports  
Like it is everywhere in Makerere University, student results are reviewed every semester by
a senior external academician. This is to bring a ’foreign view’ of the quality of the
programme. External examiners write reports on their view of the curriculum/examinations.
Some recommendations can be implemented immediately while others have to be
implemented in a longer term. The department will make the maximum possible use of
external examiners’ reports as a means of assuring quality in the revised programme.

7.6 Tracer Studies  
The Faculty of Computing and Information Technology is devising ways of keeping in
contact with its alumni together with their employers. This is with a view of making a tracer
study of its graduates. The Department of Information Systems will use outputs of the tracer
studies to gauge the quality of the programme and whenever necessary, improve it.

Appendix A:  Academic Staff  ­  Course Load Distribution 

(I): Information Systems Full Time Staff

Current Teaching Load Proposed Teaching Load Total Load (CU)
Name Rank Qualification Specialization Sem. 1 Sem. 2 Sem. 1 Sem. 2 Sem. Sem. 2
1 Patrick Associate B.Sc., M. Sc., GIS, Computer MIS 7111: MIS 8116: 6 6
Ogao Professor PhD IS graphics, Information Enterprise
visualization Systems for Integration
Managers and
(3CU) MIS Collaborative
8110: Communicati
Geographic on (3CU) &
Information MIT 8106:
Systems and Web
Remote Database
Sensing Applications
(3CU) (3CU)
2 Martin Lecturer B.Sc. Eng. Web Services, MIS 8101 MIS 7203: MIS 7110: MIS 7210: 6 6
Bagaya (Elec.), M.Sc. Database Design Client Server E- Database Management
(ISM) , PhD IS and Administration, and Commerce Systems for IS
Offshore Distributed on the (3CU) MIS Professionals
outsourcing, Computing Internet 8115: (3CU) MIS
Security (3CU) (3CU) Information 7206: Data
Systems Warehousing
Security (3CU)
3 Agnes R Lecturer B. Sc. ED ( Education MIS 8105: MIS 7102: 3 3
Semwanga Maths, (specifically maths), Decision Modeling and
chemistry, Management Support Simulation
M.Sc.(CS), PhD Information Systems (3CU) & MIS
IS Systems, Computer (3CU) 8117:

Modelling and Business
simulation, Decision Process
support systems Modeling and

(II): Full Time Staff from other Departments
Current Teaching Load Proposed Teaching Load Total Load (CU)
S/N Name Rank Qualification Specialization
Sem. 1 Sem. 2 Sem. 1 Sem. 2 Sem. 1 Sem. 2
1 Irina Ya. Visiting PhD eLearning, Theory MIT 7211: MIT 8104: MIT 7211: E- 6 6
Zlotnikova Professor and Methodology of E- Online Governance
Computer Science Governanc Information (3CU) & MIT
Education, Software e (3CU) & Services 7213: XML
Engineering for MIT 7213: (3CU) & MIT and Web
Educational XML and 8100 Network Services
Purposes, Web Security (3CU)
Development of Services (3CU)
Educational Web (3CU)
2 Josephine Lecturer PhD Collaboration MIT 8102: MIT 7116 MIT 7218: 3 6
Nabukenya Ag. Head of Engineering, Database Research Legal and
Department Analysis and design Security Methodology Ethical
of information and (3CU) (3CU) Aspects of
systems flows; and Computing
Facilitating (3CU)
change by adoption
and diffusion of ICT
3 Joseph K. Senior PhD Business process MIS 7113: MIS 7209: 3 6
Ssewanyan Lecturer modeling, and ICT System Project and
a for Analysis & Change
development Design(3CU) Management
(3CU) & MIT
7215: IT
Planning and
4 Jude T Lecturer PhD Tracking and MIS 8108: MIT 7214: 3 3

Lubega Ag. Deputy Assessment in e- Business Audit &
Dean (GSR) learning, Content Intelligence Security
Authoring, and Data Assurance
Multimedia, Multi- mining (3CU) Principles(3C
Agent Systems, U)
Data Warehousing,
5 Jose Lecturer PhD Computer Science, MCS 7226: 3
Quinum Software Seminar
Engineering, Series (2CU)

(III): Visiting Staff

Name Highest Rank Specialization University Proposed Proposed Visiting

Degree Teaching Load Teaching Period
Sem 1
Sem 2
1 Greg Gibbon PhD Senior Mathematical University of New MIT 7216: E- August 2009-
Lecturer Logic Castle Service May 2010
Delivery (3CU)
2 Janet Aisbett PhD Professor Information University of New MIT 7217: Web August 2009-
Systems Castle Design and May 2010
Usability (3CU)
3 HN Muyingi PhD Professor Information University of Fort MIS 7212: Data August – Dec
Systems Harare Communication 2009
and Networking

(IV): Part-time Staff from Other Institutions outside Uganda under the project ‘Strengthening ICT Training and Research Capacity in the
Four Public Universities in Uganda’
Name Highest Rank Specialization Comments
1 Koos Duppen PhD Professor CS University of Groningen
2 Wim H Hesselink PhD Professor CS University of Groningen
3 Jan Bosch PhD Professor CS Universityof Groningen
4 Gert Vetger PhD Professor CS University of Groningen
5 Doitse Swierstra PhD Professor CS Utrecht University
6 Hendrik Alex Proper PhD Professor CS Radboud University Nijmegen
7 Theodorus Petrus van der PhD Professor IS Radboud University Nijmegen
8 Peter Lucas PhD Ass. Professor CS Radboud University Nijmegen

9 Renardel de Lavalelte, Gerald PhD Professor Math / CS University of Groningen

10 Karl Leo Lambert Marie PhD Assistant Professor Management University of Groningen
11 Richard Wait PhD Professor IT Uppsala (Sweden)

12 Hendrik Jan Van Linde PhD ICT Consultant Mathematics/ CS University of Groningen

13 John Nerbonne PhD Professor IS University of Groningen

14 Jan Folkert PhD Ass. Professor Educational ICT University of Groningen
15 Jos Tolboom PhD Programme Manager Math/ CS University of Groningen
16 Robert Janz PhD Director IT University of Groningen
17 Marc Petit PhD Senior Consultant Math/ CS University of Groningen
18 Rein Smedinge PhD Faculty IT Staff CS University of Groningen
19 Marinus (Rien) A.C Dam PhD Management Earth Sciences University of Groningen
20 Harm Bakker Msc. Senior Lecturer CS University of Groningen
21 Ria Klasine Jacobi MSc Senior Educational Consultant ICT & Education University of Groningen


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