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1617 HYS Annual School Plan

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Heep Yunn School

School Report


(1) Our School………………………………………………………………………………... p. 2-3

(2) Achievements and Reflection on Major Concerns……………………………………….. p. 4-10

(3) Our Learning and Teaching………………………………………………………………. p. 11-14

(4) Support for Student Development……………………………………………………….. p. 15-40

(5) Student Performance………………………………………………………………………p. 41-59

(6) Financial Summary………………………………………………………………………. p. 60-62

(1) Our School

School Vision
To provide our students with a Christian education that develops the whole person in the following
areas: moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual; to instill in our girls a spirit of public
service, and to build a firm foundation in both Chinese and English.

School Mission
To inspire our students to cherish and make good use of the talents each of them has been graced with,
to excel, not only in one area of their work, but holistically in their all-round development.

School Motto
“In strength and grace we stand united, In faith and love we are committed.”

School Background
Heep Yunn School is an Anglican (Sheng Kung Hui) school established in 1936 when two former
C.M.S. (Church Missionary Society) institutions, namely Fairlea (1886) and Victoria Home &
Orphanage (1887), were joined together. Hence, the name “Heep Yunn” means “United Grace”.

The founders of Heep Yunn were committed to bringing education to young women and orphans in
answer to the call of duty at a time of economic instability and threat of war in 1930’s Hong Kong.
They believed in empowering students to bring enlightenment to our nation and support to our people.
To this day, the school abides by its dedication to serve our fellow men in the love of Christ.

School Management Committee

The Right Revd. Dr. T. Kwok (Chairman)
Dr. A. Yuen (School Supervisor)
Mr. I. Bruce (Hon. Treasurer)
Miss B. Leung (Headmistress and Hon. Secretary)
Mrs. Y. Ip
Mr. K. C. Chow
Dr. Cheng Frank Chi Yan
Mrs. B. Cheng
Mr. M. Leung
Miss F. Lee (Alumni Manager)
Mrs. L. Fung
Dr. E. Chan
Dr. A. Cheng
Mr. H. Tsoi
The Revd. K.K. Chan
Dr. K. C. Wong (Independent Manager)
Mr. M. W. Tang (Teacher Manager)
Dr. C. Chan (Parent Manager)

School Campus & Facilities
The school is located on an 11,000 sq. m. campus consisting of six building blocks: the Main Building
(1936), the Chapel (1957), the Extension Building (1964), the Library (1966), the Jubilee Building
(1986) and the Multi-Purpose Building (2005). Outdoor facilities include a 25-meter swimming pool,
two tennis courts and two basketball courts (all-multi-purpose), a rest garden, a parking area and a lawn.
Other facilities include the School Hall, the Dining Room, the Student Activity Centre, the
Multi-purpose Room, the Drama Laboratory, 32 classrooms and a 3-storey high Sports Centre.

For further information, please visit our School’s homepage: or the respective
section under “School Profiles” for public reference (

(2) Achievements and Reflection on Major Concerns
1. 3-Year Development Goal: To enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching through the
promotion of e-learning.
Annual Major Concern/Priority Task 1: To strengthen the wifi platform in school and encourage
students’ involvement in e-learning.

The upgraded infrastructure
Through participation in the IT4 project of EDB, the IT facilities of our school were enhanced; For
instance, the bandwidth of the IT backbone was increased to allow more extensive wifi access
within the whole school campus to support students’ e-learning. This is evident by the
school-based survey conducted in June, 2017, with a majority of over 60% of the teachers and
students affirming the statement that “the wifi network recently installed provides a steady and
strong signal that can support students’ e-learning at school”, while only 3% of teachers and 11%
of students disapproved of it.

The implementation of e-learning

Besides the improved hardware, the previous school-based staff development programmes,
including a sharing by Doctor Wang Xiadong of the South China Normal University on flipped
classroom and a multiple staff sharing on educational mobile apps and online resources such as
Kahoot, Popplet, Socrative, Padlet, Nearpod etc., have also empowered teachers with confidence
and proficiency in using the e-learning platforms and the preparation of e-learning materials. As a
result, more than half (55%) of the teachers stated that they had engaged students in e-learning
more frequently in this academic year. About 60-90% of students expressed that they had taken
part in e-learning in different subjects. A deeper involvement in e-learning across all KLAs and
forms was shown. In particular, marked increase in the use of technology in class and beyond class
was observed in Chinese (and Putonghua), English (and Literature in English), Liberal Studies and
Integrated Humanities. For Liberal Studies and Integrated Humanities, 22% of the students
indicated that they “always or often” took part in e-learning. The application of innovative
pedagogies brought positive results, about 60% of students agreed or strongly agreed that lessons
that adopted e-learning activities helped them learn better, reflecting an enhancement of learning
and teaching effectiveness.

The strengthened hardware also allowed innovation and scientific investigation to thrive. With the
aid of the new wifi network in school, a team of students also learnt to write a mobile app about
Alzheimer’s disease as part of the STEM education programme. The group joined three science
competitions using their mobile app.


Promising progress was made in the second year of the promotion of e-learning in our school.
With the upgraded infrastructure that offered more stable wifi support and previous staff
development programmes, e-learning activities began to take place across various KLAs and
forms. With the use of iPads and other mobile applications and online platforms, lessons became
more interactive. Teachers could assess students’ progress and make relevant adaptations to cater
to learner diversity. The effectiveness of learning and teaching was raised with the aid of
technology and innovative pedagogies.

In the coming year, the school will seek further hardware enhancement. In addition to the 46 iPads,
more iPads will be purchased to support e-learning at school. Besides, peer sharing on the practice
of e-learning in departmental levels will be facilitated. The practising of flipped classroom and the
use of e-classrooms on the school’s intranet system will be further encouraged to promote learning
beyond classroom, equipping students with technology competence for self-directed learning.

2. 3-Year Development Goal: To enhance careers and life planning and personal development among
students and teachers.
Annual Major Concern/Priority Task 2: To strengthen the existing network of alumni and
community in providing careers guidance and related support to students.

Careers and Life Planning Initiatives-Work Experience Placement Programme
The Careers and Guidance Team continued to take the lead in strengthening the existing
network of alumni and community in providing careers guidance and related support to
students. The 4-day Work Experience Placement Progamme held in October for Form Four
students was another year of success. More than 60 places of work which came from a myriad
of different sectors, ranging from professions like legal, banking and accounting to
manufacturing, and from the service sector to NGOs, were liaised to provide on-the-site work
placement opportunities to the students. With the exposure to the workplace, students were
inculcated with the proper notions of professionalism and work ethics and were provided with
inspiration for their future pathways. The feedback from students was overwhelmingly

University Fair
The University Fair, a fair featuring admissions talks from Deans and veteran professors from
many prestigious universities and institutions, among them the University of Hong Kong, the
Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and
the British Council, was held on 8th April, 2017. Meaningful interactions between students,
parents and universities were facilitated. Students were better equipped to make informed
choices in their JUPAS applications.

A Whole School Approach

To help implement a whole school approach to Careers and Life Planning, quality training on
life planning was provided for all teaching staff through staff development by the Careers and
Guidance Team, in conjunction with CLAP for Youth project sponsored by the Hong Kong
Jockey Club. Relevant student profiles on their personality and career orientation were
compiled for teacher mentors, who provided timely and individualised support and guidance to
students on their development under the Mentorship Scheme. Not to mentioned the careers
lessons implemented across all forms with designated themes that catered to the students’
needs, other external leadership programmes like UNICEF and business-school partnership
programmes like partnership with two companies, Milton Exhibits and Pacific Century
Premium Developments, were promoted to widen students’ exposure and enrich their

Strengthening of the Network of Alumni

On top of the above, alumnae are another important source of support to students’ personal
development. The Alumnae Mentorship Scheme and the Alumnae sharing session were
launched to allow old girls from all walks of life to share their life experiences with the
students. Besides, graduates were liaised by the Enhancement Team to provide after-school
tutorial lessons to the students in need.

Overseas Connection
Apart from the local community, ties with overseas schools and education institutes were also
strengthened, for instance, the interflow with Shanghai Foreign Languages School, the High
School affiliated to the Beijing Renmin University, Wells’ Cathedral College and Benendon

College of UK etc.. Other overseas exchange programmes also gained rewarding global
exposure for teachers and students. Relevant support for students to study abroad was also

Harnessing of Community Support by the Academic Departments-External Programmes

The collaboration between various academic departments and the external parties was also
reinforced. The following are some examples: For Chinese, the Joint School Creative Writing
Programme held for the tenth year in collaboration with Munsang College, Ying Wa College, La
Salle College, St. Francis Xavier’s College and Cognitio College (Kowloon). Prominent writers
including Jun Bi, Kwan Mun Nam, Ke Luo, Tsang Cheuk Yin, Tang Siu Wa and Chung Yin Sze
were invited to share their inspirations on reading and various writing skills. As in Liberal
Studies, some students joined the “Magic Carpet” programme which was launched by the School
of Architecture and School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK. The outreach programme
combined documentation of daily life, community engagement and urban design, allowing our
students to build stronger bonds with the community members in To Kwa Wan and to
re-envision the possibilities of public space together. For Economics/ BAFS, some Form Four to
Form Five students participated in the JA Company Programme, in which they were given the
opportunity to start their own business “Cush!onary” under the guidance of business advisors.
The 20 aspiring entrepreneurs brought back encouraging results: they successfully transacted
350 units of their self-designed products, and all shareholders were given a 200% operating
liquidating dividend along with their original investment. Other external programmes included
the Millennium Entrepreneurship Programme, CPA firm visit, International Trade Workshop,
“It’s my business” entrepreneurship programme etc.. As for Tourism and Hospitality Studies,
two hotel visits and one cruise visit with careers talks and workshops were launched for Form
Four to Form Five students. 5 students also participated in two of the work experience
programmes organised by EDB (BSPP), bringing them insights into the hotel industry.

Sharing by Professionals and Members of the Community

In general, about half of the teachers invited guest speakers to their classrooms to support
students’ learning, with about 40% believed that the speakers gave insightful speeches catering
to students’ needs, while only 4% disapproved of the statement. For instance, Professor Gordon
Mathews, chairperson of the Department of Anthropology, CUHK and members of the Hong
Kong Journalist Association were invited to enhance students’ understanding of the society,
thereby allowing them to find their interests and career objectives. Overall, about 30% of both
teachers and students felt that there was stronger support from alumni and the community in
this academic year, with only 9% holding dissenting view.

Partnership with overseas institutions and the local community has been continuously fostered
with the concerted effort of various stakeholders. With the all-embracing and diverse activities
initiated by the Careers and Guidance Team and different academic departments and functional
groups across all forms, careers and life planning and personal development among students
and teachers were enhanced. The Work Experience Placement Progamme and the University
Fair were a resounding success. Participants gained valuable experiences and information
which inspired their career and tertiary study options.

With the whole school approach, alongside the careers lessons, students have learnt to set
SMART goals and have reflected upon their progress since Form One under the Mentorship
Scheme. Through an array of self-exploration activities, they were able to find their own
aspirations. Elements of careers and life planning were also integrated in different subjects.
Most teachers and students found the external programmes and sharing meaningful and

The school is committed to exploring more opportunities locally and internationally to provide
more individualised support to students. In future, the collaboration with the HYSOGA, the
Parent-Teacher Association and the Holy Trinity Cathedral will be further strengthened to
foster students’ development.

3. 3-Year Development Goal: To promote a healthy school environment.
Annual Major Concern/ Priority Task 3: To create space and time for students and staff to
develop their personal interests and healthy lifestyles.

Creation of space and time
Given the hectic schedule of teachers and students in our school, lesson time was set aside to allow
room for self-reflection. The Chapel, Pastoral Care Room and Counselling Room remained places
reserved for staff and students to seek solitude and peace. E-attendance was introduced to
streamline administrative duties. As a result, 14% of teachers and 33% of students expressed that
they had sufficient space and time to develop their personal interests and healthy lifestyles in this
academic year.

The promotion of healthy lifestyles

To promote a healthy school environment, the Moral and Civic Education Committee has
facilitated different functional groups and departments, including the Counselling Team, Careers
and Guidance Team, Christian Activities Committee, Mentoring Team, Religious Studies
Department and Family and Life Education Department to organise all-inclusive activities in
accordance with the theme designed for the students in each form. The activities helped students
develop a more positive approach towards the healthy state of their spiritual, psychological and
physical beings. For instance, the Health in Mind programme jointly organised by Hospital
Authority and MINDSET, the Jardine Matheson Group’s philanthropic initiative, increased
knowledge and awareness of mental health issues among young people, while the Big Sisters
Scheme and Buddy Scheme promoted a culture of love and care between the senior students and
the junior students. Stress management programme was launched to cater to the needs of Forms
Five and Six girls who were facing the public examinations. The annual Evangelical Meeting and
the Summer Retreat Camp organised by Heep Kwong Tuen, the Christian fellowship, provided
moments of tranquility and reflection for participants and nurtured their spirituality. The regular
sharing on Christian life during the morning assembly and the class period conducted by dual class
teachers continued to instill positive values in students. As for teachers, leisure activities like
hiking were organised by the Staff Association for relaxation. The education psychologist was also
invited to conduct sharing on positive thinking skills in the staff development sessions.

The development of personal interests

To provide opportunities for students to develop their personal interests, a wide range of
co-curricular activities including sports, music, debate, drama, visual arts, science and technology
activities etc. was organised. To highlight, on top of the 19 sports teams, one new sports team,
namely the Archery Team, was established in this academic year to allow students to experience an
even wider spectrum of sports. The project of “One Sport One Life” implemented in Forms One
and Two with the aim to encourage students to lead a healthy lifestyle had positive results. 12
sports interest classes were organised this year and about 270 students joined the classes with an
attendance rate of over 80%. As for Visual Arts, a team of students (“illusdreamer”) created
masterpieces on blackboard in chalk and opened Facebook and Instagram pages to share their
passion for art. Inspired by American street artist David Zinn, a workshop was held to allow
students to draw freely on the school campus for beautification, bringing a more artsy vibe to the
school. Other activities included the icing cookie workshop, the flower bouquet workshop and a
series of calligraphy workshops. “Heartstrings”, the annual school concert and “Muse”, the annual
drama night held in July provided important platforms for students to exhibit their aptitudes and
zeal for music and drama. As to unleash students’ creativity and craving for scientific investigation
and innovation, students were given ample chances to participate in multifarious science and
engineering competitions. The Student Association has also engaged students in leisure activities

like singing contest, and for the first time, held the post-examination inter-house competitions in
dance, dodgeball etc. to cultivate and showcase their multiple and formidable talents.

With the yearning for quality all-round education and the devotion to the pursuit of excellence in
all aspects of school life, teachers and students in Heep Yunn lived a busy and fruitful life.
Therefore, despite efforts to streamline administrative duties and the introduction of
self-reflection periods, a considerable number of teachers and students still found that they had
insufficient time and space to develop personal interests and healthy lifestyles. This was
particularly evident in our dedicated team of teachers who were overloaded with various duties.

With the wide-ranging co-curricular activities held, most students developed their personal
interests and aspired to their dreams. To promote a healthy and balanced life among students, the
school will continue to instill positive values in students through a variety of curriculums and
programmes and create platforms to nurture students’ talents. In the coming year, more experts
will be invited to conduct sharing on positive thinking and attitudes to the whole school. The
Korean Culture Society will also be set up to cater to students’ diverse interests.

To address teachers’ needs, the school will expand the team of staff to 100 members and
streamline duties to create time and space for teachers to develop a healthier lifestyle. Staff
opinions are consulted before the allocation of responsibilities to functional groups so that the
work arranged will commensurate with their interests and expertise. In response to teachers’
suggestions, one of the staff development sessions will be designated for leisure activities and
physical education lessons will be offered for interested teachers during school time in future.

To better promote the concept of “healthy school”, the Healthy School Committee will be formed
next year.

(3) Our Learning and Teaching
Lesson Time for the 8 Key Learning Areas

Number of Active School Days

Our Teachers
Teachers’ Qualification and Professional Training

Teachers’ Experience

Language Proficiency Requirement

Continuous Professional Development

Our Students
Enrolment and Class Structure
There are 30 classes, with 1064 students enrolled. Class structure is as follows:
Level S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Total
No. of Classes 5 5 5 5 5 5 30
Total Enrolment 181 180 180 179 165 179 1064


Early Exit Students

(4) Support for Student Development
To embrace holistic education, various committees and teams of our school provided our students with
valuable opportunities beyond lesson time to develop in the moral, intellectual, physical, social,
aesthetic and spiritual aspects, details of which are as follows:

Counselling Team
Objectives Strategies/ Targets Time Scale
- To psychological prepare the Form 1 Orientation F.1 25th Aug, 2016
students about the upcoming
challenges that they may face
in the new learning
- To encourage parents to show Form 1 Parents’ F.1 parents 17th Sept, 2016
support to the school as well Day
as to the girls since much
school adjustment is required
- To improve the social Social Skills Selected F. 3 Oct 2016 to Apr
relationships among students Training students (15 2017
who are more isolated students)
- To promote positive values in
the participants
- To help the students better Form 6 Stress F.6 Oct 2016
manage stress brought by their Management (after Mid-term
studies Programme Assessment)
(2 sessions for 6D
and 1 session for
other classes)
- To enable students to learn Small Group for Selected F.3-F.5 Oct 2016-Apr
stress management skills in Managing Stress students 2017
order to promote their
emotional health.
- To enhance the students’ sense Sex F.1-F.5 Jan-Apr 2017
of self-protection and to raise Education-Talks (3 to 5 sessions)
their awareness towards sex
- To equip parents with positive Parents’ Talk F. 1 to 3 parents Jan 2017
parenting skills (On Parents’ Day)
- To enable the students to have Live for Life Talk: F. 4 Talk: Nov 2016
a better understanding of the Programme Service: selected Services: Apr 2017
needy F. 2 to F.3
- To raise students’ sense of students
appreciation towards their
own lives
- To encourage mutual support Fans Friends Club Selected F.2-F.3 Whole year
and care within the group students (around
- To develop a sense of 20)
belonging of the students
towards the school
- To introduce the message Health in Mind F.3- F.4 (15 ex-co In-school

Objectives Strategies/ Targets Time Scale
about mental health to the (HIM) Programme members and activities:
students and other Activities include: 2 around 15 Nov 2016 & Feb
schoolmates in-school activities sub-com 2017
for other members) Service:
schoolmates and 2 Feb / Mar 2017
social services
- To promote positive Placement Student F.1-F.3 Sep 2016-Mar
development in students Groups (About 10 2017
- To enhance students’ (4 small groups students in each
self-esteem and activities organised) group)
self-management skills
- To help the small sisters adapt Big Sisters Scheme Around 32 F. 1 Whole year
to the new learning students Tea gathering:
environment and achieve Around 16 F. 3 or Tuesday after
personal growth F.4 students school
- To raise the big sisters’ sense Camp: during
of responsibility Christmas
Vacation (Dec
Social service:
Mar 2017
- To promote the buddies’ sense Buddy Scheme F.1; Whole year;
of responsibility Selected F. 3, 4 Three formal
- To help the F. 1 students adapt and 5 students meetings in Sep &
to the new learning (buddies) Nov 2016 and Jun
environment in school 2017 in the Hall;
One informal
meeting during the
Activity Fortnight
- To deliver messages which Open a Counselling All students Whole year
carry positive values to Team Facebook
students Fans Page
- - To encourage the students to
help themselves via
electronic means

Disciplinary Board
Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To facilitate prefects to assist Training for new All new prefects Sep 2016
teachers in reinforcing discipline prefects New F.4 prefects Nov 2016
and providing suitable guidance to
their schoolmates.
- To strengthen students’ discipline Poster/slogan/video F.1-F.5 students Sep 2016
awareness. design competition on
- To nurture students’ creativity themes related to
student discipline.
- To experience nomination, election Election of second F.2-F.6 students Oct 2016
and vote-counting in the process. head prefects
- To promote working efficiency and Election of head F.4-F.6 prefects Nov 2016

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
strengthen prefects’ sense of prefect
belonging towards the team,
prefects directly choose their ideal
- To develop peer learning, better Junior prefect activity: F.3-F.5 prefects Jan-May
communication between junior and - 2 training sessions, 2017
senior students. a quiz and an
- To raise the abilities of junior evaluation meeting
prefects in making proper decisions held at lunch time
and equip them with skills for - Junior prefects
handling disciplinary matters. were accompanied
by senior prefects
to carry out duties
- To facilitate prefects to serve as role Leadership training F.4-F.5 new 11th Mar,
models to schoolmates. programme prefects 2017
- To strengthen the communication
skills and working spirit in the team.
- To help the prefects further develop
into responsible leaders.
- To encourage students to cultivate Presentation of merit F.6 students/ Mar-Jul
good virtues such as honesty, on good performance / F.1-F.5 students 2017
helpfulness and self-motivation. conduct award
- To recognise desirable behavior
among students and to create an
atmosphere of appreciation for
- To guide students to become more Regular check on F.1-F.6 students Whole year
self-conscious on acceptable students:
behavior. - Assignment record
- To encourage students to have good form
manners and courtesy. - Classroom
- To emphasise the importance of performance record
punctuality and handling in chit
assignment on time. - Late record form
- Prefect record form
- To assist the students to understand Detention class F.1-F.6 students Oct 2016 to
the cause of their misbehavior and with names May 2017
to encourage them to be responsible taken by
for their wrongdoings. teachers or
- To help the students to identify and prefects on
tackle problems so as to motivate breaking school
them to develop self-discipline. rules or
misbehavior for
more than 4
- To maintain good discipline in Prefects’ duty: F.4-F.6 prefects Sep 2016 to
school. - General duties: To Jul 2017
- To assist students to keep their patrol during
self-discipline and order in school, Morning assembly,
during assemblies and special recess, lunch,

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
school activities. perform uniform
check, keep record
of late comers, act
as detention helpers.
- To assist in school
functions such as
Swimming Gala
Finals, Inter-house
Athletics Heats &
Finals, Parents’
Meeting & Parents’
Day, Easter Service.

Mentoring Team
I. Buddy Scheme
Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To build relationship between Induction: Welcome to HYS F.1 Mentees 8th Sep,
buddies and mentees & 2016
Mode: Group F.3-F.5 Buddies
- To share experience and  Review of school life in F.1 Mentees 18th Nov,
devise plans on exam revision the 1st Term & 2016
 Sharing of revision F.3-F.5 Buddies
strategies by buddies
Mode: Group

II. Mentoring
Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
For F.1: 1st Formal Meeting F.1-F.5 Mentees 28th Sep,
- To identify difficulties  F.1-Induction & 2016
mentees have encountered  F.2-F.3-Goal Setting Teacher Mentors &
when adapting to school life at  F.4-F.5-Planning 4th Oct,
HYS 2016
- To provide information about Mode:
the school or advice/ F.1-in groups
suggestions to better adapt to F.2-F.5-one-to-one
school life
For F.1-F.3:
- To discuss with mentees their
short-term and long-term
For F.4-F.5:
- To discuss plan for the work
placement (F.4) or service and
learning trip (F.5) in October
- To build relationship between Informal meetings F.1-F.5 Mentees Twice a
mentors and mentees & year (during
Teacher Mentors Oct 2016 &
Jan 2017,
and Feb &

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
May 2017)
For F.1-F.3: 2nd Formal Meeting F.1-F.5 Mentees 20th Jan,
- To reflect on how successful  F.1-F.3-Review of & 2017
mentees achieve their goals Short-term Goals and Teacher Mentors &
For F.4-F.5: Performance 23rd Jan,
- To reflect on the work  F.4-F.5-Reflection 2017
placement or service and
learning trip experiences 3rd Formal Meeting 22nd Jun,
- To explore mentee’s strengths  F.1-F.3 - Review of 2017
and areas for improvement Long-term Goal &
with regard to her pursuit in  F.4-F.5- Review of 23rd Jun,
studies and careers planning Experiences in Careers 2017
- To encourage students to Monthly Self-Reflection F.1-F.3 Mentees Whole year
reflect on their performances
in achieving their goals Modes:
- To help them re-evaluate their Scheduled (school days);
goals Self-initiated (post-exam
- To raise their awareness periods & long holidays)
towards their strengths and

計劃目的 策略/活動 對象 時間表
- 增強學生思維能力 常規訓練計劃 全隊隊員 全年
- 增強學生溝通協作能力 粵語(每週四
- 提升學生辯論技巧 放學)
- 凝聚舊生力量 普通話(每週
- 提供機會讓同學實踐所學 香港校際辯論比賽 全隊隊員 十月至七月
- 增強學生口語及思維能力 約 50 場,包括:
- 培養學生關心時事 - 聯校初中辯論邀請賽
- 聯校中文辯論比賽
- 星島全港中學生辯論賽
- 基本法多面體全港中學
辯論比賽 (粵語及普通
- 大律師公會中學生辯論

- 鳴辯盃
- 思辯盃
- 經濟盃
- AIA 挑戰盃
- 奇趣盃

計劃目的 策略/活動 對象 時間表
- 開拓學生國際視野 國際辯論比賽 普通話辯論隊 十二月至八
- 鼓勵學生研究世界議題 約10場,包括: 月
- 精英盃-亞洲中學生辯論

- 港澳辯論交流賽
- 蘇州大學東吳盃-全國中
- 亞洲高中學生辯論賽
- 增強學生口語及思維能力 模擬法庭大賽 粵語辯論隊 九月至三月
- 培養學生法律知識 廣告大賽
- 推廣協恩思辯風氣 班際辯論賽 中一及中二同 十月至七月
- 增強學生溝通協作能力 (初級組) 學
- 增強學生活動組織能力 共21場
同上 班際辯論賽 中三同學 七月
- 推廣思辯風氣 全港小學思辯小菁英訓練 全隊隊員 七月
- 建立與小學良好協作關係 計劃 約40所小學
- 增強學生溝通協作能力
- 提供暑期活動予基層學生
- 凝聚舊生力量
- 開拓學生視野 粵港澳辯論交流 全隊隊員 七月(暑期)
- 豐富學習體驗
- 提升普通話能力
- 協助同學準備中文科文憑試 口語支援計劃--- 公開試學生 全年
說話考核 假期訓練
- 推廣口語才藝 口語才藝工作坊 思辯學會 全年
- 建立同學自信 演說訓練班 全校同學

English Debating Team

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To promote Participating in external competitions, such as: Team Whole year
the art of - the Hong Kong Schools Debating and Public members
debate and Speaking Community (HKSDPSC)
tournaments for Senior (Forms Four to Six)
eloquence of
and Junior forms (Forms Two to Four);
speech - the Hong Kong British Parliamentary
among Debating Championship 2017;
students - the Hong Kong Secondary Schools debating
- To enhance competition;
students’ - the Wah Yan College Kowloon Junior
critical Inter-school Debating Tournament;
- the Li Po Chun Invitational Tournament;
- the HKSDPSC Junior Public Speaking

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
skills and Championship;
global - the World Individual Debating and Public
awareness Speaking Championships (WIDPSC)
Organising internal programmes, such as: Team Whole year
- training schemes for the senior team, junior members/
team ; F.1 students
- an introductory programme for Form One

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To prepare for the drama Script meetings Executive Oct to Dec
productions for Hong Kong committee 2016
School Drama Festival and members of
English Drama Fest (Modern Drama Group
& Shakespearean Drama and EMI Drama
categories) Group
- To build up relationship and Day Camp & Whole crew of Dec 2016
foster team spirit Workshop(s) Drama Group (Christmas
- To enrich drama knowledge 1. Team building and EMI Drama and New
and experience activities Group Year
2. Workshop(s) Vacation)
conducted by
professional drama
- To prepare for the drama Drama rehearsals Whole crew of Dec 2016 to
productions for Hong Kong - Final editing of the Drama Group Mar 2017
School Drama Festival and script and EMI Drama (Drama
English Drama Fest (Modern - Read through Group Group)
& Shakespearean Drama - Blocking
categories) - Walk through Dec 2016 to
- Polishing & enriching Apr 2017
rehearsal (EMI Drama
- Run through Group)
- Technical & dress
- Pre-performance
Hong Kong School Whole crew of Feb/ Mar
Drama Festival Drama Group 2017
- Staging the
production for the
- To provide backstage support Pre-competition Whole crew of Feb/ Mar
to the music groups and Performance Drama Group 2017
- To coordinate the smooth English Drama Fest - Whole crew of Mar 2017
running of the event Shakespearean Drama EMI Drama
- To provide backstage support - Hosting the Group and
to the participating schools competition backstage crew of

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- Staging the Drama Group
production for the
English Drama Fest - Whole crew of Apr 2017
Modern Drama EMI Drama
- Staging the Group
production for the
Hong Kong School Whole crew of Apr/ May
Drama Festival - Public Drama Group 2017
- To liaise with the performing English Drama Fest - Executive May 2017
schools and the backstage Prize Presentation and committee
crew of one of the Town/City Outstanding members, Sub-
Halls in Hong Kong and Performances committee
provide support in logistics members of
matters Drama Group
- To facilitate and enhance the (and the whole
smooth running of the event crew of EMI
- To coordinate backstage Drama Group)
support for the performing

- To provide backstage support Annual Concert Executive Jun 2017

to the music groups and committee
choristers members, Sub-
members of
Drama Group
- To promote drama education Drama Night Whole crew of Jul 2017
at school Drama Group and
- To showcase the productions EMI Drama
of the Drama Groups to Group
students, teachers, parents and
other schools
- To acknowledge the concerted
efforts and dedication of all
artistic talents throughout the

計劃目的 策略/活動 對象 時間表
- 為推廣普通話提供人手,以達到計 招募 25 位不同年級的學 全校 2016 年 9
劃宗旨 生,成為普通話大使,加入 月
- 讓隊員互相認識及了解各崗位的 普通話大使訓練工作坊 全體隊員 2016 年 9
職責 月

- 讓學生輕鬆學習普通話鼓勵同學 普通話遊戲日 中一至中 2016 年 10

計劃目的 策略/活動 對象 時間表
多說普通話,提升普通話水平 三 月
- 讓學生輕鬆學習普通話鼓勵同學 普通話拼音活動 中一至中 2017 年 2
多說普通話,提升普通話水平 三 月
- 通過參加比賽前寫演講稿的訓 校外:全港中小學普通話演 參賽同學 2017 年 3
練,提升學生的組織及思維能力 講比賽 月至 5 月
- 通過演講的訓練,提升學生演講的 主辦:新市鎮文化教育協會
- 讓學生通過電影,學習當中地道的 普通話電影分享 中一至中 2017 年 4
普通話用詞或句式 五 月
- 透過團體參賽的形式,讓同學互相 班際普通話比賽 全校 2017 年 7
分工合作、培養默契,增加彼此交 - 中一至中三每班各派出一 月
流普通話的機會 隊參加;高中同學則可自
- 讓中一學生輕鬆學習普通話,幫助 普通話聊天活動 中一 全年
她們適應校園生活 (約 25 次)

Science Education/ Science Ambassador

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To introduce a basic EcoSphere Workshop All Students The end of
concept of material Schoolmates made an EcoSphere, Oct 2016 /
flow and energy containing a small shrimp and some the beginning
cycling to our seaweed, that could sustain itself of Nov 2016
schoolmates without feeding the shrimp.
- To show our visitors P. 6 Briefing Sessions P. 6 students Nov 2016
that HYS has been - Science Ambassadors held a
very devoted in
station for the briefing session.
promoting science
among students - The work and achievements of our
students in various science
competitions as well as the
scientific principles behind were
introduced to our visitors.
- To encourage Paper Plane Flying Competition All students The end of
participants to try to - Schoolmates from different forms Jan 2017 /
use different methods made their own paper planes to The
to solve a problem participate in the competition. beginning of
- To enable - There were 2 categories of Feb 2017
schoolmates to enjoy competition: longest distance and
science longest airtime.
- Science Ambassadors gave advice
to participants if necessary.
- To bring students of Science Week All students Late Mar
all forms together to 2017
- A large variety of interesting
share the joy of activities was held every day

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To arouse fellow during the Science Week.
schoolmates' interest - Science Quiz was also held during
in science the week. The questions of the
- To introduce quiz were updated daily through
scientific theories to Facebook.
our schoolmates
through the activities
and the quiz
- To update our Regular Facebook posts All students Whole year
schoolmates of the - Articles written and photos taken
latest science facts by Science Ambassadors as well
- To enable all students as some interesting
to enjoy science science-related links were posted
on our Facebook page regularly.

Enhancement Team
Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To provide skill-based training for better After-school training F.1-F.6 Sep-Nov
learning & thinking skills course selected 2016
- To introduce a more disciplined and (school-financed) students (1st Term)
self-guided revision & learning habit to Feb-May
students 2017
(2nd Term)
- To strengthen the foundation for the F.1-F.6 Chinese, F.1-F.6 Sep-Nov
studies in the core subjects English & selected 2016
Mathematics (CEM) students (1st Term)
enhancement courses Feb-May
(2nd Term)
- To strengthen communication between the Parents’ Meeting F.1-F.5 Nov 2016
school and parents (Nov)- meetings of (after Test
- To show concern on students’ diverse 10-15 minutes were 1)
learning needs, personal development & arranged May 2017
learning attitudes (May)- phone (after
- To provide support and suggest measures conversation OR Mid-term
to help the students if any meeting were Assessment
arranged in the 2nd
- To strengthen the foundation for the F.1-F.3: CEM F.1-F.4 Aug 2017
studies in the core subjects lessons were (students (last 2
conducted by subject with weeks, from
teachers conditional Monday to
F.4: CEM and LS promotion) Friday)
lessons were
conducted by subject
- To set up a data base for tutoring service Private tutorials F.1-F.5 Whole year
& to provide source of private tutors (e.g. conducted by HYS

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
personal contacts and particulars) old girls
- To enhance collaboration with the Provided a data-bank Staff Whole year
Counselling Team and the Mentorship for the school’s and
Scheme teachers’ references;
- To improve students’ learning motivation Provided statistics
by individual counseling/ sharing sessions and information for
- To enhance communication among form reference during the
teachers, mentors, counselling teachers, form meetings and
social workers and Enhancement Team promotion meetings
in the first and
second terms

Enrichment Team
Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To stretch students’ potential in Chinese reading and writing F.1-F.3 Nov 2016
reading, comprehension and workshop
writing. - A multi-session
small-group workshop Apr 2017
- To share the joy of reading English creative writing F.1-F.3 Sep 2016 -
workshop May 2017
- To enable students to find their
- A multi-session
voices in creative writing
small-group workshop
through games, reading and - Works by participants
writing short stories and were collected for display
sharing. (in print or digitally).
- To appreciate the beauty of English public speaking F.1-F.3 Sep 2016-
poems and short stories, workshop May 2017
- To foster students’ confidence - A multi-session
when illustrating a poem or small-group workshop
telling a story in front of an
- To enhance students’ speech
clarity and fluency.
- To boost students’ confidence Workshop on presentation F.1-F.3 Apr 2017
in expressing ideas and skills for highly motivated
exchanging opinions in students
- To develop a habit of reading Reading club of leisure books F.3 Dec 2016-
and peer sharing among on Mathematics Mar 2017
students - Book reports were entered
- To diversify students’ for the Mathematics Book
experience in learning Report Competition
Mathematics and logic. organised by the EDB.
- To enhance their performances Enrichment lessons for core F.5-F.6 Oct 2016-
in the HKDSE exams through and elective subjects May 2017
exam practices and small-class

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To raise students’ interest in reading Newspaper All students 12th Sep,
newspaper and develop students’ critical Subscription Scheme 2016- 30th
thinking skill by reading the articles in (SCMP, Sing Tao, May 2017
the newspaper. Ming Pao & Hong
Kong Economic
- To inspire students to listen, to express Reading Sharing All students 12th Sep,
themselves and to develop dimensional 2016- 30th
thinking May, 2017
- To promote peer learning
- To provide the opportunities for students Library Prefect Library 12th Sep,
to train their leadership skills Scheme Prefects 2016- 30th
- To promote peer learning and increase (regular book May, 2017
communication between junior and sharing was held
senior students among library
- To provide an opportunity for students prefects after every
to develop presentation skills by sharing service)
books and learning with their fellows.
- To promote critical thinking and raise Magazine Quizzes All students 8th Nov,
students’ awareness of our community, (held once a couple 2016-
our nation and the world of weeks) 11th Apr,
- To diversify students’ interests and 2017
scope of learning through different
reading materials
- To encourage self-directed learning
- To encourage students to take initiatives Popular Reading All students 17th Oct,
in reading and writing Award Scheme 2016-12th
May, 2017

Physical Education
Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To promote “One Sport Interest Classes: Mainly Whole year
One Life” - Badminton F.1-F.2
- Handball (some
- Volleyball classes will
- Athletics be opened to
- Fencing F.3-F.5)
- Hockey
- Swimming
- Softball
- Squash
- Dancing
- Archery
- Bowling
- Tennis

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
Sports teams: All students
- Archery
- Athletics
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Beach Volleyball
- Bowling
- Cross-Country
- Fencing
- Handball
- Hockey
- Indoor Rowing
- Life-Saving
- Netball
- Rugby
- Softball
- Squash
- Swimming
- Table Tennis
- Tennis
- Volleyball
- To give chances to all Inter-house Athletics Meet and All students
students to participate in Inter-house Swimming Gala
sports and competitions
- To promote “sports is Heep Yunn Kindergarten Games Day All Heep Post Exam
fun” to Heep Yunn Yunn (2nd Term)
Kindergarten students Kindergarten
students and
and to enhance the
leadership of all team

Community Services
Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time
- To cultivate in Organising an educational service at the All Nov 2016
our students a Pentecostal Holiness Church HK Conference students
keenness to Gilead Social Service Centre (in collaboration
with our School’s Zonta Club)
Organizing the annual Lunar New Year Feast for All Feb 2017
- To offer new the Elderly (in collaboration with Hong Kong students
perspectives Family Welfare Society Senior Citizen Centre
for (Kowloon City), our School’s Parent-Teacher
participants to Association and the Counselling Team)
understand the Recruiting students to serve as enhancement class All Feb- Mar
needs in our tutors at the Mong Kok Kai Fong Association students 2017
community Limited Chan Hing Social Service Centre and
provide academic assistance to children in Tai
- To nurture Kok Tsui

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time
students to Recruiting 40 volunteers to pay home visits to All Apr and
become more senior persons living alone in public estates in students May 2017
caring and Tseung Kwan O and Sham Shui Po (Co-planning
with United Labour Chi Hong Association
Limited and the Hong Kong Federation of Youth
individuals Groups Felix Wong Youth S.P.O.T,)
Holding a Children Fun Day at the Hong Kong All May 2017
Children and Youth Services Jockey Club Fong students
Shu Chuen Integrated Youth Service Centre.
Recruiting members for the Volunteer Team and All Whole
carrying out different kinds of services in students year
collaboration with the Hong Kong Federation of
Youth Groups (Farm Road), such as:
- the “Happiness Delivery” project (visiting 60
elderly families living at the Ma Tau Kok ‘13
Streets’ area);
- assisting HKFYG in holding events like
game fairs and traditional “reunion meals”
for our neighbours in To Kwa Wan;
- visiting the TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching
Workshop cum Hostel, which provided
rehabilitation services and vocational support
to the less abled
Recruiting members for the Community Youth All Whole
Club and participating in various voluntary students year
services, such as:
- the “Stand with Seniors” flag-selling activity,
organised by the Salvation Army;
- the beach clean-up day named “Love Home,
Love the Nature” held by the Community
Youth Club - Kowloon City District

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time
- To improve the techniques of Performance programmes Musicians Whole
music playing and ensembles for musicians: Music groups of all music year
skills of our musicians. - Chinese Orchestra groups
- To build up teamwork. - Chinese Percussion
- To encourage lifelong Ensemble
participation in music making. - Orchestra
- String Orchestra
- Symphonic Band
- Junior Choir
- Senior Choir

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time
- Intermediate mixed choir
- Senior mixed choir
- To improve the techniques of Choral camp and camp for All choir 27th -29th
music playing and ensembles orchestral groups members Dec, 2016
skills of our musicians. and all
members of
- To build up teamwork.
- To encourage lifelong groups
participation in music making
- To enhance friendship between 69th Hong Kong Schools All 27th
schools. Music Festival musicians Feb-29th
- To promote musicians to strive for who were Mar, 2017
interested in
excellence and perfection through
participating in competitions. competitions
- To strengthen teamwork. and all
- To promote appreciation of artistry musicians
and musicality of music from music
performances through groups
performances from other schools.
- To share the joy of music making Christmas caroling Members of 23rd Dec,
with general public. Junior Choir 2016 (The
- To arouse the cross form and Senior Peninsula
Choir Hotel);
teamwork of choir members.
24th Dec,
2016 (The
- To provide students with the Instrumental classes Interested Sep
opportunity in learning musical students 2016-Jul
instruments. 2017
- To provide holistic development to Annual Concert Musicians 28th Jun,
our music leaders. - Cross over music 2017
programme with Heep
Yunn Primary school
- Venue: Hong Kong City
Hall Concert Hall
- To provide international exposure Summer music tour Members of Jul 2017
for musicians from our symphonic (Taiwan/ Singapore) Symphonic
band Band

Visual Arts
Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time
To enhance students’ Participating in the Creative Express F.4 24th Jun,
understanding of the Programme organised by the School of 2017
contemporary art Creative Media of City University of Hong
scene Kong
Participating in the HK Territory-wide Youths F.4 8th Jul,
Painting Day 2017 organised by the Young 2017
Artists Development Foundation
To allow students to Participating in various external All students Whole
showcase their competitions and schemes, such as: year
creativity through the Outstanding Student Artist Award of
different kinds of Hong Kong
media 2016 International Year of Pulses Art and
Design Competition
Arts-Ambassadors-in-School scheme
To promote the Organising on campus activites, including: All students Whole
visual arts culture on - an icing cookie workshop; year
campus - a flower bouquet workshop;
- a series of calligraphy workshops;
- a chalk drawing event
To broaden students’ Visiting Juming Museum in Taiwan AND F.3 Oct 2016
cross-cultural Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei (a
understanding of compulsory learning element in the personal
contemporary art in growth programme)
the region
To enhance students’ Visiting the “Ikko Fukuyama Artist-monk” F.3 Jan-Apr
art appreciation and (福山一光 “畫僧”) in Our Gallery OR 2017
criticism of Chinese “Lost Treasures of the Shiqu Baoji in Hong
art Kong-Selection of Chinese Paintings and
Calligraphies from the Xubaizhai
Collection”(石渠寶笈之香江拾遺) in Hong
Kong Heritage Museum
finish an exhibition reflection
To enhance students’ Visiting Museums, Galleries, Art spaces- F.4-F.6 Whole
understanding of the Exit Gallery, Lehmann Maupin Gallery, year
contemporary scene Giant Year Gallery, Mill6 Gallery, Cattle
Depot, M+
To enhance students’ Visiting annual art events Art Central and F.4-F.6 Mar 2017
understanding of the Art Basel
contemporary scene
To introduce Visiting local art institutions-Asia Art F.4-F.6 Whole
resources of local Archive, SCAD, CUHK graduation show, year
contemporary art EDB Joint School Visual Arts Exhibition &
spaces and SBA Portfolio Exhibition
institutions to

Christian Activities Committee
Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To equip the Committee Training for the All fellowship Whole year
members to be humble servant of Committee members committee
God of fellowship members
- To strengthen the communication Retreat camp All fellowship Feb 2017
among the committee members committee (during Lunar
members New Year
- To reinforce committee members’
discipleship to Jesus Christ.
- To allow students to share their Regular Friday All students Whole year
faith, hope and love for others meetings (Every Friday
with communion in God from 4:00 to
6:30 p.m.)
- To bring students together and Prayer meetings All students Whole year
help them submit to God through (Every day
common prayers from 7:45 to
8:10 a.m.)
- To allow students to study the Bible study sessions All students Whole year
Bible together (During
lunch time)
- To provide pastoral care for all
- To gather all Christians in Heep Annual Christians’ All Christians Sep 2016
Yunn at the beginning of term so gathering (During
as to remind them of the lunch time)
responsibilities of a believer
- To promote Christian values Monthly morning All students Whole year
through regular sharing of the assembly
- To preach the gospel of Jesus Evangelical Week All students Jan 2017
Christ to non-believers
- To enlighten students to Summer camp All students Jul 2017
experience God (before the
- To allow spiritual discussion
among teachers and students
- To provide support to F6 students Prayer meeting for F. 6 students Jul, 2017
before the release DSE results DSE students

Careers and Guidance

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To provide JUPAS applications F.6 Aug 2016-
students with Coordinators: Jan 2017
adequate info for F.5
- guided students through process of JUPAS (1st Term)
choices. applications
- To motivate - checked and advised students’ JUPAS May-Aug,

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
students to give applications - including group follow-up by 2017
consideration to Careers teachers (2nd Term)
your choices
- verified students’ documents
- liaised with universities regards JUPAS
- To provide Work Experience Placement Programme F.4 11th-14th Oct,
students with - Coordinators liaised with companies & ran 2016
exposure to the preparation workshop
- To acquire basic - Careers and Guidance Team teachers
skills & attitude visited students on placement
required for work
- To motivate
students to do
further workplace
- To inform students Other Learning Experiences F.4-F.6 Oct 2016-
of OLE & other info Coordinators: Jun 2017
about work-related
- Coordinated information about external
- To provide programmes, activities and workshops which
teachers with better boosted OLE opportunities for students.
student profile to aid- Disseminated & promoted OLE activities to
careers and life target students
counselling - Recorded and logged details of OLE
activities for future reference
- To provide Alumnae Mentorship F.4 - Whole year
students with advice, (i) oragnised Alumnae Mentorship Scheme F.5 (New
perspectives & Scheme will
(including alumnae workshops)
support in their begin in June,
career exploration (ii) oragnised Alumnae sharing sessions 2017)
and planning (post-exam F.5 Careers Morning)
- To build & nurture
connections between
students & alumnae
to strengthen school
- To provide Leadership programmes F.4-F.5 Whole year
students with Coordinators:
- Recruited students for various leadership
experience & programmes and workshops e.g. UNICEF,
opportunities Business-School Partnership Programme,
- To build “I Can Fly”
connections with
organisations to
relationships with

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To provide Careers Lessons F.1-F.6 Sep 2016-Jun
students with F.1-Adapting to Secondary School & Study 2017
(There are
practical F.2-Teamwork Skills usually
information and life F.3-A preview of Elective Subject Choices & between 5 to
skills to assist with 8 lesson
Aptitude programme
their academic and periods
F.4-Preparation for Tertiary study and throughout
working careers.
workplace the year.)
F.5-Careers & Tertiary Study / Preparation for
University admission
F.6-JUPAS / Mainland / Taiwan applications
- To improve University Fair F.4-F.5 16th Apr,
dissemination of A fair featuring admissions talks from HKU, 2016
CUHK, HKUST, Poly U, City U, Baptist U,
information and HK Ed University
enable interaction Open to students and parents
between universities
and students/parents
and interflow
between universities
and school.
- To develop External Liaison F.1-F.6 Whole year
opportunities for The Careers and Guidance Team liaised and
student development looked to build up partnerships with external
via programmes,
talks, visits, bodies
workshops etc.
- To provide Overseas Applications / References F.1-F.4 Whole year
students with (UCAS, US, Canada, Australia, NZ)
support in their
application to - assisted students with applications /
overseas universities references for studying abroad,
- To encourage scholarships, summer courses, enrichment
capable students to
consider applying programmes etc.
for highly selective - This information was recorded and logged
universities to for future reference.
develop their
- To provide Enrichment & Enhancement student F.4-F.6
students facing consultancy
challenges and
- Coordinators liaised and coordinated with
opportunities in CLP
planning with Enrichment Team and Enhancement Team
support to assist students in finding suitable

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To motivate post-secondary academic & career
‘at-risk’ students to pathways.
- Coordinators liaised with suitable external
difficulties in CLP
planning organisations to actualise pathways for
- To provide China & Taiwan (C&T) tertiary pathways F.5-F.6 Whole year
students with e.g. Tsinghua University nomination
support in their
application to programme
Chinese language - Teachers liaised with universities in C&T
universities to find appropriate pathways for tertiary
- Teachers disseminated better information
regarding C&T universities.
- Teachers assisted students with

Study Tours and Exchange Committee

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
- To develop students’ Experiential Learning Week F.1 10th-16th
confidence and - The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Oct, 2016
independence H.K. Bradbury Camp.
- The students participated in adventure
activities. These activities were
challenging but safe
- Service provider: The Boys' & Girls'
Clubs Association of H.K. Bradbury
- To experience Outbound Study Tour to Liannan F.2 10th-14th
school life in rural - A voluntary service programme Oct, 2016
areas and share their - Service provider: Guangzhou Foreign
English learning Youth Exchange Center
experience with the
local students.
- To broaden students’
horizon, enrich their
life experience and
develop their critical

- To explore artistic, Outbound Study Tour to Taiwan F.3 12th-15th

cultural and - Service provider: Wing On Travel Oct, 2016
development in
- To broaden students’

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
horizon, enrich their
life experience and
develop their critical
- To provide students Work Experience Placement Programme F.4 11th-14th
with exposure to the - Careers and Guidance Team teachers Oct, 2016
workplace liaised with companies & run
- To acquire basic preparation workshop.
skills & attitude
- Careers and Guidance Team teachers
required for work
visited students on placement.
- To motivate students
to do further
workplace exploration
- To explore the Outbound Study Tour to Vietnam / F.5 10th-16th
cultural Cambodia Oct, 2016
development in - Service provider: Wing On Travel/ Hong
South Asian regions Kong Study Tour Centre
and encourage
students to serve the
local community as
global citizens.
- To broaden students’
horizon, enrich their
life experience and
develop their critical

- To enhance students’ Beijing (RDFZ) Exchange HK Session Participating 15th-21st

understanding of (joint programme with LaSalle College & students Jan, 2017
what they have Maryknoll Convent School) from F.3 &
learnt in the - On school days RDFZ girls attended
classroom with various lessons and activities at the
practical knowledge. School.
- To develop students’ - During the weekend and after school
cultural awareness Hong Kong participating students
and understanding accompanied the visitors around Hong
of other schools in Kong to explore its culture and
China. development.
- Students acted as hosts and provided
accommodation to the RDFZ girls.
Host students were automatically
accepted to join the Beijing Session if
they wished.
- To enhance students’ Shanghai (SFLS) Exchange HK Session Participating 5th-11th
understanding of (joint programme with LaSalle College) students Feb,
from F.2 & 2017

Objectives Strategies/ Activities Targets Time Scale
what they have - Arrangement similar to Beijing F.3
learnt in the (RDFZ) Exchange HK Session (joint
classroom with programme with LaSalle College &
practical knowledge. Maryknoll Convent School), see
- To develop students’ above.
cultural awareness
and understanding
of other schools in
- To enhance students’ Beijing (RDFZ) Exchange Beijing Session Participating 13th-19th
understanding of (joint programme with LaSalle College & students Mar, 2017
what they have Maryknoll Convent School) from F.3 &
learnt in the - Our students resided at the RDFZ
classroom with dormitory and attended lessons and
practical knowledge. activities organised by the schools.
- To develop students’ - Our students visited museums and
cultural awareness cultural spots to further enhance their
and understanding understanding of the history and
of other schools in culture of Beijing / Shanghai and
China. China.
- During the weekend Hong Kong
students were housed by their Beijing
- To enhance Shanghai (SFLS) Exchange Shanghai Participating 13th-19th
students’ Session (joint programme with LaSalle students Mar, 2017
understanding of College) from F.2 &
what they have - Arrangement similar to Beijing
learnt in the (RDFZ) Exchange HK Session (joint
classroom with programme with LaSalle College &
practical Maryknoll Convent School), see
knowledge. above.
- To develop
students’ cultural
awareness and
understanding of
other schools in

Student Association
Objectives Strategies/ Targets Time
Activities Scale
- To enhance F.1 students’ sense of belonging to F.1 Orientation F.1 Aug
and understanding of the school Programme House 2016
- To provide support and suggestions to F.1 Committee

Objectives Strategies/ Targets Time
Activities Scale
- To strengthen communication among different
forms of students
- To help F.1 students be physically and
mentally prepared for secondary school life
- To develop the leadership potential of student Leadership All Sports team Sep
leaders Training Camp captains and 2016
- To empower student leaders to be Student
self-disciplined and independent Association
- To enhance communication and cooperation Executive
between leaders of student organizations Committee
- To promote school unity Foundation F.1-F.6 Oct
- To enhance students’ sense of belonging to and Day and 80th 2016
understanding of the school anniversary
- To celebrate the 80th anniversary of the school dinner
- To encourage communication between
teachers and students
- To develop a harmonious and joyful ambience
in the school
- To promote school unity Inter-school Swimming Oct
- To enhance students’ sense of belonging to the Swimming Team members, 2016
school Competition Cheering Team
- To foster mutual support among students and helpers
- To demonstrate the school image of unity and
- To enhance parents’ understanding towards the P.6 Briefing P.6 Parents and Nov
school in different aspects Prospective 2016
- To convey an accurate and positive image of students
the school to parents and prospective students
with diverse student ambassadors and
co-curricular activities
- To demonstrate the school image of unity and
- To provide a platform for students to unleash Singing F.1-F.6 Dec
their performing talents and step out of their Contest 2016
comfort zone
- To encourage communication between
teachers and students
- To develop a harmonious and joyful ambience
in the school
- To develop the leadership potential of Sub-committee Student Dec
Sub-committee Members Members Association 2016
- To empower Sub-committee Members to be Training Camp Sub-committee
self-disciplined and independent members
- To enhance communication and cooperation
between Executive Members and
Sub-committee Members
- To better prepare Sub-committee Members for
future possible tasks and administrative work

Objectives Strategies/ Targets Time
Activities Scale
- To raise funds for school development Fun Fair F.1-F.6 Jan
- To develop students’ creativity, self-discipline, 2017
independence and problem solving skills
- To enhance class unity and cooperation
- To promote school unity
- To enhance students’ sense of belonging to the
- To promote school unity Inter-school Athletics Team Feb
- To enhance students’ sense of belonging to the Athletics members, 2017-M
school Competition Cheering Team ar 2017
- To foster mutual support among students and helpers
- To demonstrate the school image of unity and
- To look for potential Executive Committee Executive Candidates for May
Members (potential candidates) through Committee Student 2017-Ju
different tasks and cooperation games Members Association n 2017
- To enhance communications and cooperation Camp Executive
between potential candidates Committee
- To better prepare potential candidates for members
future possible tasks and administrative work
- To arouse students’ awareness towards world Inter-house F.1-F.5 Post-
affairs News Quiz exam
- To develop an intellectual learning Competition
environment with international vision and
global horizons within the school
- To provide a platform for students to unleash Talent Quest F.1-F.5 Post-
their performing talents and step out of their exam
comfort zone
- To encourage creativity and peer appreciation
- To develop a harmonious and joyful ambience
in the school
- To arouse students’ interest in different Forums and F.1-F.6 Whole
international as well as local issues Seminars year
- To widen students’ horizons by providing
seminars related to different topics, for
examples, creativity and personal growth
- To encourage intellectual exchange between
students and speakers (i.e. Q&A)
- To raise students’ awareness about local Community F.1-F.6 Whole
current issues of human interest Services year
- To encourage students to pay attention to the
needy in their communities
- To encourage the giving and sharing of time,
skills, and hospitality
- To improve communication between students Student Class Whole
and the school Council Representatives year
- To encourage students to formulate and voice
their opinions about school affairs
- To foster student ambassadors’ understanding School Tours Student Whole

Objectives Strategies/ Targets Time
Activities Scale
of school history and characteristics Ambassadors year
- To train presentation skills of student
ambassadors through trainings and practical
- To impress school guests with the decency and
Heep Yunn uniqueness
- To further revitalise the “House System” by Inter-house F.1-F.6 Whole
organizing more House-based activities Activities year
- To use House as a tool to gather
- To enhance student unity and sense of
belonging to the school
- To provide assistance in all kinds of school Supporting School body Whole
activities School year
- To promote school unity Support All CCA groups Whole
- To enhance students’ sense of belonging to co-curricular and teams year
and understanding of the school activities
- To provide assistance and support to CCA
groups and teams
- To use Social Media to unite different Managing School body, Whole
stakeholders of the school Social Media teachers, current year
- To update recent school activities and news students, old
- To show the lively image of Heep Yunn girls, parents

Other Co-curricular Activities

Liaison Team
- Audio Visual
- Media/ School News
- Photography

Publications Department
- School Magazine
- School Newspaper

Clubs and Societies

- Art Club
- Careers Club
- Chinese Society
- Community Youth Club
- Computer Society
- Counselling Club
- Dance Club
- Debating Club
- Earth Science Society
- English Society
- Girl Guides and Rangers
- Heritage and Cultural Society
- Home Economics Club

- Library and Library Prefects
- Maths and Chess Club
- Photography Club
- Psychology Club
- Zonta Club

(5) Student Performance

Students’ Reading Habit

 The above data reflects the circulation record of library resources.

 Students also made use of resources via internet services and public libraries.

Attainment of students in HKDSE Examination 2017

Attainment of students in HKDSE Examination 2017
Subject Percentage of students attaining 5 or above
Physics 81.8% 28.9%
Chemistry 80.9% 26.6%
Maths (Algebra & Calculus) 57.1% 43.1%
English Language 52.8% 10.1%
Biology 50.0% 19.3%
Literature in English 50.0% 24.8%

Destination of Exit Students

Other Achievements and Awards

Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme

Juliet Leung (6D)

John Hopkins University Centre for Talented Youth Full Scholarship (Year 1)
Chung Man Sze (2B)
Fang Yi Fei (2A)
Leung Wai Ting (2A)

John Hopkins University Centre for Talented Youth Full Scholarship (Year 2)
Chow Yuen Kei (3B)
Hung Oi Yi Charlie (3A)
Lui Tsz Kiu (3A)

CUHK Admissions Scholarship

Cheung Ka Man Ruby (6D)
Chu Holly Keh Erh (6D)
Ho Yan Lam (6E)
Kong Cheuk Yi Sharie (6D)
Lau Cheuk Ting (6D)
Leung Hiu Tung (6D)

CUHK Sports Scholarship

Chian Hoi Ning (6E)
Chiu Wai Ming (6E)
Ip Choy Man Gabrielle (6E)
Leung Chun Wing (6C)
Sham Tsz Ching (6B)
Yeung Sum Yee (6E)

CUHK Kunkle and Pommerenke Grand Admission Scholarship

Lau Cheuk Ting

CUHK S.H. Ho College Matriculation Scholarship for Academic Excellence (Local)

Kong Cheuk Yi

CUHK Victoria Lee Admission Scholarship

Leung Hiu Tung

Kowloon City District Outstanding Student Award

Yuen Chu Ki Zoe (5D)

American Chamber of Commerce’s Prize Book Awards 2017

Lam Chi Yan (5E)

Language Arts
68 Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival
Choral Speaking
3 Form Two English Groups 4 and 5
Fong Sum Yeung 2A Fang Yi Fei 2A
Lam Ming Yan 2A Ko Yan Ting 2A
Lau Tsz Ka 2A Kwok Yip Ching 2A
Leung Wai Ting 2A Lau Jessie 2A
Seto Ashley Wing Hay 2A Lee Cheuk Wing Charmaine 2A
Wong Wing Man 2A Ling Hiu Yi 2A
Yau Tsz Lam 2A Ma Mo Yin Joyce 2A
Chow Helen 2B Tse Tsz Ching 2A
Chung Man Sze 2B Tsoi She Ron Josephine 2A
Kwong On Shin 2B Wu Hoi Ching 2A
Lau Ka Wing 2B Yan Hiu Tung 2A
Lee Ching Yan Crystal 2B Yeung Siu Yi 2A
Mak Wing Ting Ashley 2B Yeung Tsz Yan 2A
Man Yui Ting 2B Kwong Ching Lok Audrey 2B
Poon Sze Hang Eunice 2B Lam Chung Chi 2B
Suen Wing Kiu 2B Shiu Yan Tung Hitomi 2B
Tam Pui Ki 2B Tang Yee Lam 2B
Wu Renee Wing 2B Wong Hoi Kiu 2B
Liu Yan Tug Christy 2D Yung Long Ching 2C
Ting Man Yee 2D Cheung Lok To 2E

Solo Verse
1st Lee Yuen Lam 1A 2 Syeeda Ezah Zunehra 1C
1st Wong Chin Man 1C 2 Lee Bing 1D
st nd
1 Chan Wing Nam 1E 2 Fong Sum Yeung 2A
st rd
1 Yeung Siu Yi 2A 3 Ng Yan Hei 1A
1st Tang Yee Lam, Elim 2B 3 Chau Tsz Yiu 1A
nd rd
2 Chan Wing Yau, Christy 1A 3 Chow Ho Ching 3B
nd rd
2 Fung Wan Yee 1A 3 Keung Ka Ching 3D
2 Leung Yuen Ching, Erin 1C

Solo Prose
nd Poon Sik Yi 5D rd
2 3 Chong Yan Hei 3B
nd rd
2 Tam Yuen Ting 6C 3 Lam Yan Wai 4D
nd rd
2 Wong Lai Ying 6C 3 Ting Wing Yan 5D

Public Speaking Solo

1st Leung Sin Yi Hayley 3B
2 Leung Yue Yi Emily 3A

Dramatic Duologue
nd Li Tsun Kiu 3B rd Li Shan Shan 3A
2 3
Keung Ka Ching 3D Leung Yue Yi Emily 3A

HKFYG Standard Chartered Hong Kong English Public Speaking Contest 2017

Leung Sin Yi Hayley 3B

Top Ten in Session-Senior Top Ten in Session-Junior

Wong Hok Yi Tiffany 4C Chan Lee Nga 1A
Chan Pui Yu 4D Chen Ying Qi 1A
Chiu Siu Ting Pamela 4D Au Ka Wai Tiffany 1B
Punavanichsiri Vanessa 4D Lam Yin Hei 1B
Yeung Kit Lai Prudence 4E Siew Ka Yan 1B
Yum Ka Wing 4E Fung Wai Yi Wendy 1C
Lai Sin Ting 5A Lui Ching Audrey 1D
Wong Mia 5B Ng Man Huen Agnes 2A
Ho Nga Ying, Michelle 5E Lai Cin Ki Grace 2B
Ma Hiu Lam 2B
Wan Hiu Nam 2C
Chan Lok Lam Anna 3A
Leung Yue Yi Emily 3A
Mak Pui Ying JoJo 3B
Award for Most Actively Participating School
Heep Yunn School

Mrs. Lilly Wu Cups-English Public Speaking Award 2017 (Internal)

Junior Section
Chong Yan Hei Kylie 3B
First Runner-up
Huang Lena Grace 3B

Second Runner-up
Zhu Yidan Dannie 1D

Senior Section
Wong Mia 5B
First Runner-up
Ma Wan Ki Jess 5E
Second Runner-up
Li Ho Wan Emelie 5B

South China Morning Post Student of the year 2016

Linguist English (Shortlisted)
Ma Wan Ki Jess 5E

SCMP News Report Writing Competition 1st Term (2016-2017)

Senior Section
1st Place Outstanding
Ma Ho Ying Hetty 6D Yip Ning Ching Serene 4A
2 Place Sek Ngai Tsin Natalie 5A
Lam Wing Sum Kristy 5D Chan Lok Yee Yoyo 5B
3 Place Chiang Yuet Yung Ashley 5E
Cheng Hoi Yan Maggie 6D Leung Noka 6C

Junior Section
1st Place Outstanding
Liu Wing Man Maisie 3E Yeung Tsz Yan Giann 2A
2 Place Choi Kei Sin Phyllis 2C
Chow Yuen Kei Casey 3B Mak Hoi Ching Avery 2D
3 Place Ng Yi Ka Yikoa 2E
Lo Hin Hing Veronica 2D Lam Wai Yan Angel 3B

SCMP News Report Writing Competition 2nd Term (2016-2017)

Senior Section
1st Place Outstanding
Law Man Chi Jasmine 5D Cheng Yuen Ting Kitty 4D
2 Place Hung Cheuk Ying Kristy 4D
Yip Yau Sophie 4E Lam Tsz Yi Happy 4D
3 Place Chan Yan Kiu Yannes 4E
Ho Pak Yee Sabrina 5D Ma Wan Ki Jess 5E

Junior Section
1st Place Outstanding
Lau Yu Sik Eunice 2B Wong Yuk Ki Yuki 1C
2 Place Chan Wing Nam Christy 1E
Tsui Yu Hei Iris 1A Tse Wing Yung Emily 2A
3 Place Chan Ka Wing Amy 2B
Ling Hiu Yi Flora 2A Huang Lena Grace 3B

4.23 World Book Day Creative Writing Competition in 2017

Junior Secondary English Category
Ling Hiu Yi Flora 2A
Ng Yan Wing Natalie 3A

Senior Secondary English Category

Leung Angie Lok Sze 4D
Ma Wan Ki Jess 5E

Hong Kong Young Writers Awards 2017

Fiction Group 3-shortlisted for publication
Tsui Yu Hei Iris 1A
Chong Yan Hei Kylie 3B

The Harvard Book Prize 2017

Winner 1st Runner-up
Ma Wan Ki Jess 5E Yip Wing Lam Tiffany 5D
2 Runner-up
Lam Wing Sum Kristy 5D

Good People Good Deeds: English Story Writing Competition 2017

Bronze Award in the Senior Level Lin Bernice Wen 4D
Ho Kim Ka Natalie 5A
Silver Award in the Middle Level Choi Yee Tung Jasmine 3C

17 Lions International Youth Exchange Scholarship Essay Competition 2017
4 Position Certificate of Merit
Wong Fong Ching Fontane 5E Cheung Tsz Yat Yolanda 4D
5 Position Punavanichsiri Vanessa 4D
Lam Wing Sum Kristy 5D Lam Chi Yan Melody 5E
th Shih Di Yi Hosanna
8 Position 5E
Ma Wan Ki Jess 5E

Hong Kong School Drama Festival (Category: English) 2016-2017
Outstanding Script Award
Li Chyau An Leanne 5C

Outstanding Director Award

Fung Wan Ki Mica 5B
Liu Nicole Cheuk Wai 5D

Outstanding Performer Award

Wan Hiu Nam Elmo 2C Ng Yuet Yee Luna 3D
Leung Yue Yi Emily 3A Pat Hing Yee Coey 4A
Chong Yan Hei Kylie 3B

Award for Outstanding Stage Effect and Award for Outstanding Cooperation
Pat Hing Yee Coey 4A Chan Yu Yan Krystal 4E
Wong Hei Yi Haley 4A Kwok Chin Yau Yoyo 4E
Cho Wing To Cheri 4B Leung Fu Ting Ivy 4E
Lam Cheuk Ying Natalie 4B Chan Kwan Yui Katie 5A
Wu Sin Yee Michelle 4B Chen Joying Ally 5A
Ko Hau Ying Karen 4C Tsui Tsz Ki Chloe 5A
Leung Alvina Ah Woon 4C Leung Ka Hei Kelly 5B
Cheung Tsz Yat Yolanda 4D Cheng Chiao Yin Joanne 5C
Shih Rui Yi Yirah 4D Chiu Chi Hei Hazel 5C
Wong Lok Sum Ella 4D Yung Hei Yin Hailey 5C
Chan Hiu Lam Maisy 4E Ng Hei Lam Candace 5E

Adjudicators’ Award
Heep Yunn School

English Drama Fest 2017
Outstanding Teamwork (Shakespearean Drama)
Au I Shan Emmalyn 1B Li Hoi Tung Audrey 3B
Cheung Yan Nam Sabrina 1B Tai On Kei Angel 3B
Zeng Tsz Siu Vita 1B Au Shin Ming Sharmaine 3C
Ip Cheuk Tung Geraldine 1C Kwan Nga Man Emily 3C
Leung Po Yiu Cheryl 1D Ng Charlotte 3C
Lee Cheuk Wing Charmaine 2A Yu Wing Yiu Cherry 3C
Kwong Ching Lok Audrey 2B Ng Yuet Yee Luna 3D
Lai Cin Ki Grace 2B Ho Wing Pui Bobo 4A
Sun Lok Yan Angel 2B Ko Hoi Ching Gabriella 4A
Wong Yuet Yin Megan 2B Kwong Sarah 4A
Lam Antonia 2C Cho Wing To Cheri 4B
Wan Hiu Nam Elmo 2C Wu Sin Yee Michelle 4B
Fung Hin Marie 3A Leung Alvina Ah Woon 4C
Hung On Yi Charlie 3A Lam Tsz Yi Happy 4D
Leung Yue Yi Emily 3A Lee Joanne 4D
Li Hoi Yee Eilly 3A Shih Rui Yi Yirah 4D
Li Shan Shan Elizabeth 3A Wong Lok Sum Ella 4D
Ng Yan Wing Natalie 3A Hseuh Xiao Lin Audrey 4E
Chong Yan Hei Kylie 3B Tse Wing Yan Kelly 4E
Chow Yuen Kei Casey 3B Yu Cheuk Suen Jovy 4E
Lam Wai Yan Angel 3B

Hong Kong Schools Debating and Public Speaking Community Junior Public Speaking
2nd runner-up in impromptu speaking Wong Wing Man Sonia 2A
Overall 9th Chong Yan Hei Kylie 3B

Hong Kong Schools Debating Championships, Junior Division

Semi-finalists Leung Yue Yi Emily 3A
So Ching Yau Shannon 3A
Chong Yan Hei Kylie 3B
Leung Sin Yi Hayley 3B
So Ching Yin Sophia 3B
Yeu Cheuk Wing Christie 3B
Lui Ho Ching Rosina 3B

Hong Kong British Parliamentary Debating Championship 2017

Semi-finalists Chong Yan Hei Kylie 3B
Leung Sin Yi Hayley 3B
6th best speaker Law Man Chi Jasmine 5D
9 best speaker Lam Wing Sum Kristy 5D
Quarter-finalists Lam Man Chi Jasmine 5D
Lam Wing Sum Kristy 5D








「吳糜榴麗演講盃」中文演講比賽 2017(校內)




香港兒童文藝協會、青田教育基金會主辦 2016 學生故事/詩歌創作比賽


中國青少年語言文化學會主辦 2016-2017 全國青少年語言知識大賽


香港中學生文藝月刊主辦第三屆香港中學生文藝散文即席揮毫大賽 2017

香港中學生文藝月刊主辦校園小記者計劃 2016-2017


陳贊一博士聯校微型小說創作獎比賽 2016-2017

香港中華文化促進中心主辦 2016-2017 中國中學生作文大賽(香港賽區)


香港教育專業人員協會、香港公共圖書館合辦「第 28 屆中學生好書龍虎榜讀後感寫作比賽」


南華早報傑出學生年度選舉 2016
普通話(得獎者):文嘉宜 (六丁)
粵語(入圍):葉寧思 (五戊)

第十六屆《基本法》多面體全港中學生辯論賽 基本法盃(粵語組)

第十六屆《基本法》多面體全港中學生辯論賽 基本法盃(普通話組)
半準決賽及準決賽最佳辯論員:曾雪兒 (五戊)
決賽最佳辯論員:馬仲寧 (五丙)




決賽最佳辯論員:馬仲寧 (五丙)

香港善導會主辦 《模擬法庭.公義教育計劃》
銀盃賽 亞軍

香港大律師公會辯論比賽 2016-2017
決賽最佳辯論員:阮曙淇 (五丁)

初級組至 SELL 得優異獎

Science and Mathematics

Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition 2017
Junior Division-Investigation Wong Ching Laam 2A
Champion Lee Wing Yu 2B
Project title: “I’ve Bin Recycling Paper” Ma Hiu Lam 2B
Senior Division-Invention Chan Yuet Yan 4A
2 runner-up Lam Yan Wai Chloe 4D
Project title: “Falling Tree Alarm” Punavanichsiri Vanessa 4D
Yip Yong Qiao Christy 4D
Leung Chun Yuet Janice 4E
Senior Division - Investigation Lam Wing Sum 5D
Champion Lui Sze Wing 5D
Project title:” The Teeth Guardian” Cheung Dawn 5E
Chiu Ching Hei 5E

SME- Students Safety & Health Creative Design Competition 2016-2017
2nd runner-up Cheung Ho Hei Hazel 4D
Project Title : “Let Them Breathe” Lam Tsz Yi Happy 4D
Ho On Lap Athena 4E
Tang Sin Tung Tori 4E
Tse Wing Yan Kelly 4E

Hong Kong Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition 2016-2017

Junior Division Low Jun Jun Ashley 3A
Honourable Mention Yue Wing Kee Kelly 3C
Project Title : “Leakage Alarm”
Senior Division Cheung Ho Hei Hazel 4D
Third Award Ho On Lap Athena 4E
Project Title : “Let Them Breathe”

Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition 2016

Highly Commended Chiu Chui Yi Cherry 5D
Winner Lee Ka Yi Jessica 5D

The Hong Kong Mathematics High Achievers Selection Contest 2016-2017

2nd Prize Cheung Tin Wing 3A
2 Prize Ng Wai In 3B
2nd Prize Yeu Cheuk Wing 3B
3 Prize Hung On Yi Charlie 3A
3 Prize Wong Yi Shan 3D

The Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest Final 2016

Gold Honor Yan Hiu Tung 2A
Silver Honor Ma Mo Yin Joyce 2A
Silver Honor Ng Wai In 3B

16th China Girl’s Mathematical Olympiad

Bronze Medal Yeu Cheuk Wing Christie 3B

BOCHK Bauhinia Bowl Inter-school Competitions (organised by HKSSF)
Event A grade B grade C grade Overall
st st st
Basketball 1 1 1 1st
Handball AB combined: 1st 1st 1st
Netball 1st 3rd 3rd 1st
Softball 1st
Squash 1st
Table Tennis 2nd 1st 1st 1st
Badminton 2nd 1st 2nd 2nd
Cross-country 2nd 1st 3rd 2nd
Fencing Epee (1st ) Foil (2nd) Sabre (5th ) 2nd
Life-saving 2nd BC combined: 2nd 2nd
Swimming 2nd 2nd 1st 2nd
Tennis 2nd
Athletics 3rd 3rd 2nd 3rd
Hockey Senior: 3rd Junior: 3rd 3rd
Volleyball 5th 6th 1st 3rd
BOCHK Bauhinia Bowl Award: Girls Schools Champion (33 consecutive years)

BOCHK Rising Star Inter-school Competitions (organised by HKSSF):

Event A grade B grade C grade Overall
Beach Volleyball 5th BC combined: 2nd 2nd
Indoor Rowing 2nd 2nd 1st 2nd
Rugby Sevens AB combined: 2nd (cup) 2nd (cup) 2nd
Tenpin Bowling 3rd
Archery 9th 10th 6th 6th
BOCHK Rising Star Award: Girl Schools 2nd

Inter-school Jing Ying Competitions (organised by HKSSF):

Individual Events
Event Student Class Result
Athletics 100m Hurdles Yum Ka Wing 4E 2nd
400m Fong Ching 1A 5th
800m Lo Cheuk Yat 1E 7th
1500m Chan Hiu Yee 3C 5th
Lau Fong Ying 4E 2nd
Leung Yuet Yi 5A 4th
High Jump Cheung Ching Laam 4A 1st
Javelin Ng Pui Yan 4D 4th
Jiang Cheuk Lam 1B
Luo Tsz Yuen 1C
4x100m 3rd
Yum Ka Wing 4E
Han Cheuk Tung 5E
Fong Ching 1A
Lo Cheuk Yat 1E
4x400m 2nd
Ho Kin Ning 2C
Tsui Wing Yu 5A
Badminton Singles Yu Ho Yuet 5B 5th
Yau Mau Ying 5B 8th
Ng Shiu Yee 6A
Doubles 1st
Yeung Sum Yee 6E
Cross Country Au Che Yi 1E 7th
Wong Yuet Ching 3B 13th
Chan Yan Woon 1C 15th
Cho Wing To 4B 26th
Lo Cheuk Yat 1E 33rd
Table Tennis Singles Leung Ka Wan 4C 5th
Fan Wing Sze 3E
Doubles 3rd
Leung Ka Sin 6C
Swimming 50m Backstroke Tsang Hoi Lan 4C 6th
50m Butterfly Wong Ching Lam 4C 3rd
Yeung Tsoi Yuk 2C 4th
Wong Wai Nam 3C 7th
50m Breast stroke Chan Tsz Kiu 3C 1st
Yeung Tsoi Yuk 2C 5th
50m Freestyle Tsui Sze Yu 5A 3rd
100m Freestyle Tse Ching Ting 5A 4th
200m Breast stroke Chan Wing Sze Kelly 4E 7th
Lui Hoi Ching 5B 8th
200m Freestyle Tse Ching Ting 5A 7th

Chan Wing Sze Kelly 4E 8th
Wong Ching Lam 4C 1st
200m Individual
Yip Charis Gabrielle
Medley 2E 3rd
Chak Yan
Sham Cheuk Ki 2D
Yip Charis Gabrielle
4x50 Freestyle Chak Yan 2nd
Tse Ching Ting 5A
Tsui Sze Yu 5A
Ha Yuen Wai 3B
Chan Tsz Kiu 3C
4x50 Medley 1st
Tsang Hoi Lan 4C
Wong Ching Lam 4C

Team Events
Event Rank Individual Award Name Class
Badminton 1st
MVP Lai Nga Man 5B
Best Rookie Chan Yan Man 4B
Basketball 1st
Best Defensive Player Tsui Wing Yu 5A
Leader in Steals Wong Nga Man 6C
Handball 1st MVP Lau Fong Ying 4E
Volleyball Quarter Final
Outstanding School Award in Jing Ying Team Sports Competitions: Heep Yunn School
(10 consecutive years)

Grantham Outstanding Student Athlete Awards:

(Organised by HKSSF and sponsored by Grantham Scholarships Fund)
Category Student Class
Basketball Lai Nga Man 5B
Handball Lau Fong Ying 4E
Indoor Rowing Tsang Jin Nuo 5E
Life-saving Yue Wing Suet 6A
Netball Chian Hoi Ning 6E
Softball Leung Tak Yi 6E
Squash Chan Sin Yuk 3D

Table-Tennis Leung Ka Wan 4C
Sports Girl of the Year Tsui Wing Yu 5A

Bank of China Outstanding Athlete Awards:

(Organised by HKSSF)
Category Student Class
Basketball Tsui Wing Yu 5A
Handball Leung Hiu Ki 5C
Netball Tsui Wing Yu 5A
Rising Star Award for C grade athlete Yip Charis Gabrielle Chak Yan 2E
BOCHK Sports Girl of the Year Lau Fong Ying 4E

BOCHK 2017 All Hong Kong Schools Badminton Championships:

Secondary Senior Girls Section: Champion
Secondary Junior Girls Section: Champion

Panasonic Inter-school Basketball Competition 2017

Girls Section: Champion

All Hong Kong School Basketball Marathon 2017

Girls Section: Champion

A.S. Watson Group HK Student Sports Awards 2016-2017

Chian Hoi Ning (6E)

South China Morning Post Student of the year 2016

Sportsperson (Winner)
Yeung Sum Yee (6E)

69th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival
Group results
Symphonic Band
2nd Merit
Secondary School Intermediate
String Orchestra
3rd Merit
Secondary School Intermediate
Senior Choir
3rd Merit
Girls’ Choir Age 18 and Under 1st Division Chinese Language
Senior Mixed Choir (in collaboration with Wah Yan College Kowloon)
3rd Merit
Age 18 and Under 1st Division Chinese Language
Intermediate Mixed Choir (in collaboration with Diocesan Boys’ School)
2nd Merit
Age 16 and Under 1st Division Chinese Language
Intermediate Mixed Choir (in collaboration with Diocesan Boys’ School)
1st Merit
Age 16 and Under 1st Division Foreign Language
2nd Merit Madrigal (In collaboration with Wah Yan College Kowloon)

Individual Entries
1st Vocal Solo - Foreign Language (Age 16 or Under) Lau Tsz Ki Edwina 4B

1st Vocal Solo - Foreign Language (Age 14 or Under) Cheung Tin Wing 3A

2nd Vocal Solo - Foreign Language (Age 14 or Under) Ng Charlotte 3C

2nd Vocal Solo - Chinese (Age 16 or Under) Lau Tsz Ki Edwina 4B

2nd Female Voice Duet - Age 14 or Under Chiu Yuet Yin 3C

2nd Graded Piano Solo - Grade 8 Man Yui Ting 2B

2nd Piano Solo - Composer of the Year Cheung Tin Wing 3A

2nd Bassoon Solo - Junior Ng Yan Kiu 1A

3rd Female Voice Duet - Age 14 and Under Cheung Hiu Nam 2A
Fang Yi Fei 2A

3rd Piano Duet - Senior Cheung Tin Wing 3A

3rd Piano Duet -Senior Ma Mo Yin Joyce 2A

Man Yui Ting 2B

3rd Clarinet Solo - Senior Yu See Wing 3B

3rd Flute Solo - Junior Chung On Ching 1E

3rd Oboe Solo - Junior Law Wai Yu 1D

Visual Arts
Outstanding Student Artist Award of Hong Kong
HKOVAS Award Fong Cheuk Yiu 6C
Kwok Wan Kiu 6B

2016 International Year of Pulses Art and Design Competition

Third Class Honours Leung Yue Yi Emily 3A

Arts Ambassadors-in-School Scheme

Arts Ambassadors Wan Lok Yiu 5C
Tse Yuen Lam Phyllis 5A

South China Morning Post Student of the year 2016

Visual Artist Wan Lok Yiu 5C

(7) Financial Summary
Donations Received in 2016-2017
Source Amount
Chow Yin Yung Esther (To Basketball Team) $20,000
Cheung Joseph (For Basketball Fitness training) $50,000
Chow Yin Yung Esther (To Basketball Team for Taiwan Trip) $80,000
Pacgear Int’l HK Ltd (To Basketball Team for Taiwan Trip) $120,000
Lobo Law Foundation Ltd. $150,000
Dr. Gallant Ho Scholarship $540,000
Total: $960,000

Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2016 / 2017

Balance brought forward : $140,229.90
Grant for 2016 / 2017: $704,504.00
Total: $844,733.90

Two teaching assistants and a no. of student helpers were employed to shoulder part of the
administrative work of teachers so that they could commit more time to learning and teaching.

Teaching Assistant: $25,415 X 1.05 X 12 $ 320,229.00

Teaching Assistant: $26,700 X 1.05 X 12 $ 336,420.00
Student Helpers assisting Academic Team, Exam. Team,
Sports Teams and Exchange Tours $37,320.00

Total: $693,969.00

Balance brought forward to 17-18: $ 150,764.90

Report on the Use of School-based After-school Learning and Support Grant 2016 / 2017

Grant received from the Government: $32,000

Actual no. of
Participating Average Name of partner/ Remarks if any
Period/Date Actual expenses Method(s) of evaluation
Type of activity attendance service provider (e.g. students’ learning and
target students* activity held ($) (e.g. test, questionnaires, etc.)
rate (if applicable) affective outcome)
Sports 2 9 0 100% Dec 2016 $29,500.00 Teachers’ Report N.A. Students’ skills and
Training to confidence have
Aug 2017 improved
Language 3 0 0 100% Sept. 2016 $550.00 Assessment results and HKU Students’ confidence
Training to Teacher’s Report in using the
Course July 2017 language has

Personal 1 1 0 100% Dec 2016 $940.00 Teachers’ Observation N.A. Students were able
Growth to grow more
Training holistically through
through taking part in the
co-curricular activities
Total no. of
6 10 0
Total no. of Total Expenses $30,990.00
* Students in receipt of CSSA (A), SFAA Full-Fee Remission (B), SFAA Half-Fee Remission / School Discretionary consideration (C)

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