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Milegate Cps Handling Procedures: Engineering Bulletin

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Engineering Bulletin

MileGate CPS handling


CPS handling procedures Engineering Bulletin

Copyright and Confidentiality Copyright in this document vests in KEYMILE. This document contains confi-
dential information which is the property of KEYMILE. It must be held in con-
fidence by the recipient and may not be used for any purposes except those
specifically authorised by contract or otherwise in writing by KEYMILE. This
document may not be copied in whole or in part, or any of its contents dis-
closed by the recipient to any third party, without the prior written agreement

Disclaimer KEYMILE has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however
KEYMILE accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the
information contained herein and gives no other warranty or undertaking as
to its accuracy.
KEYMILE reserves the right to amend this document at any time without
prior notice.

Document PEC EN/LZTBU 881 107 RF

Document release MileGate R3 | 5. February 2013

Confidentiality level Unrestricted

Published by KEYMILE
Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

Table of Content

1 Purpose and scope 6

1.1 Purpose of this engineering bulletin 6
1.2 Intention of a CPS 6
1.3 CPS provisioning 6
1.3.1 ESW release update 7
1.3.2 CPS parameter update 7

1.4 CPS deployment tracking 8

2 CPS handling procedures 9

2.1 Procedure with a new MileGate installation 9
2.2 Procedure with an existing MileGate installation 10
2.3 CPS compatibility 12
2.4 How to get a new CPS 13
2.5 How to get an updated CPS 14
2.6 How to import and download a CPS 15
2.7 How to configure a CPS 17

3 Background information 18
3.1 CPS types and revisions 18
3.1.1 Introduction 18
3.1.2 CPS naming convention 18
3.1.3 CPS revision format 19

3.2 CPS release handling 21

3.2.1 CPS life cycles 21
3.2.2 CPS revisioning examples 21

3.3 CPS operation 22

3.3.1 Use cases 22 Set a CPS 22 Add an old CPS to a new ESW 22 Add a new CPS to an old ESW 22
3.3.2 MCST/UNEM warning messages 22

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Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

4 Annex 24
4.1 Terms and abbreviations 24
4.2 References 25
4.3 Document history 26
4.4 Technical support 27
4.5 Product training 28

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Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures


Table 1: CPS and unit release compatibility 12

Table 2: CPS prefixes 19
Table 3: CPS life cycle 21
Table 4: MCST/UNEM alarms 23
Table 5: Terms and abbreviations 24
Table 6: Document history 26

© KEYMILE February 2013 page 5 of 28 EN/LZTBU 881 107 RF

Purpose and scope Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

1 Purpose and scope

1.1 Purpose of this engineering bulletin

This engineering bulletin describes the intention and handling of a custom

parameter set (CPS) together with MileGate and MCST.
The engineering bulletin covers the situations when a new CPS is provi-
sioned, or when an updated CPS is required, and specifies the procedures
to be followed to
− order a CPS,
− define a CPS,
− install a CPS, and
− configure a CPS.

1.2 Intention of a CPS

A CPS is a set of pre-provisioned (i.e. not MCST controlled) parameters

used to provide parameter values to the ESW of MileGate units.
The following units in MileGate make use of a CPS:
− The V5 application with the PCOM1 or PCOM2 unit requires a
“PCOM_<name>_Rfistv.cps” CPS.
− The SIP application with the IPSS2 or IPSS3 unit requires a
“IPSS_<name>_Rfistv.cps” CPS.
− The H.248/MEGACO application with the IPSM2 or IPSM3 unit
requires a
“IPSM_<name>_Rfistv.cps” CPS.
The CPS parameters may be customer or country specific. The adaptation of
these parameters is the responsibility of KEYMILE.
Each customer can define one or more CPS’s. Together the CPS’s build a
database, which the MCST can access.
The CPS is delivered to the customers as a part of a major MileGate release
or as a customer-specific service pack.

1.3 CPS provisioning

With the first deployment of a PCOM1, PCOM2, IPSS2, IPSS3, IPSM2 or

IPSM3 unit in an operator’s network, a new CPS has to be defined and cre-
ated according to the procedures defined in section Procedure with a new
MileGate installation (on page 9) of this engineering bulletin.
Under the following conditions an updated CPS is required or distributed:

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Purpose and scope Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

1.3.1 ESW release update

An ESW release update is initiated by KEYMILE.

When an ESW release update requires a new CPS, KEYMILE delivers to
each customer also an updated version of his specific CPS’s. Together with
the updated ESW release, these CPS’s have to be installed and configured
by the customers according to section Procedure with an existing MileGate
installation (on page 10) of this engineering bulletin.
The CPS delivery is performed on the CD-ROM together with the new ESW.
For registered customers, the most recent CPS is also available for down-
load from KEYMILE’s Extranet (access via After
the login to the Extranet follow the path
− «Documentation & Software – MileGate / MCST – Software – Custom
Parameter Sets».

1.3.2 CPS parameter update

A CPS parameter update is initiated by the customer.

A CPS parameter update may be necessary, e.g.
− when operating with a different type of Local Exchange or Softswitch,
− when the functionality of the Local Exchange or Softswitch changes,
− when new ring signals have been defined,
− when the national PSTN-mapping changes, or
− when an interoperability problem has to be fixed.
The customer notifies KEYMILE if a new CPS is required. KEYMILE creates
the updated CPS and delivers it to the customer. This CPS has to be
installed and configured by the customer according to section Procedure
with an existing MileGate installation (on page 10) of this engineering bulle-

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Purpose and scope Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

1.4 CPS deployment tracking

The tracking of the CPS deployment status in an operator’s network is a task

of the operator, i.e. the operator must know which CPS release is deployed
in which network element, together with the corresponding unit ESW

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CPS handling procedures Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

2 CPS handling procedures

2.1 Procedure with a new MileGate installation

With a new MileGate installation using a PCOM1, PCOM2, IPSS2, IPSS3,

IPSM2 or IPSM3 unit, the following procedure has to be followed:

new MileGate installation

interop yes
request the detailed questionnaire from test OK ?
the KEYMILE customer support


fill in the questionnaire and send it back send the parameter change request to
to the KEYMILE customer support the KEYMILE customer support

KEYMILE customer support creates the KEYMILE customer support creates an

requested CPS file and sends it to the updated CPS file and sends it to the
project leader or directly to the customer project leader or directly to the customer

import the CPS file with the CPS tool of

MCST into the management system

download the CPS file with the CPS tool KEYMILE customer support releases the
of MCST to the network element (NE) final CPS

select the CPS in the unit „Configuration“ with any new ESW release KEYMILE
access point , apply and save the customer support will create an updated
configuration version of the CPS and send it to the

if required restart the unit

perform an interop test

Figure 1: New installation procedure

Certain CPS parameters require a restart of the unit in order that a modifica-
tion becomes applied and operational. These parameters are marked with a
“#” prefix in the parameter description. Select a CPS and click the “View...”
button to display the CPS content.

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CPS handling procedures Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

2.2 Procedure with an existing MileGate installation

With an existing MileGate installation using a PCOM1, PCOM2, IPSS2,

IPSS3, IPSM2 or IPSM3 unit, the following ESW and CPS upgrade proce-
dures have to be followed.
KEYMILE recommends the use of the newest ESW and CPS in all installa-
tions since this eliminates bugs and deficiencies of legacy ESW and CPS.

existing MileGate installation

KEYMILE distributes software on the

extranet or on the ESW CD -ROM.

No new ESW included . New ESW included . No new ESW included . New ESW included .
No new CPS included . No new CPS included . New CPS included . New CPS included .

the MileGate configuration is not import the new ESW file with the ESW import the CPS file with the CPS tool of import the CPS file with the CPS tool of
changed . package manager of MCST into the
MCST into the management system MCST into the management system
Unit services are not interrupted management system

download the ESW file to the download the CPS file with the CPS tool download the CPS file with the CPS tool
corrsponding unit of MCST to the network element (NE) of MCST to the network element (NE)

select the new ESW in the unit „Main“ select the CPS in the unit „Configuration“ select the CPS in the unit „Configuration“
access point , apply and save the access point and apply and save the
access point and apply the configuration
configuration and start the unit configuration

the unit will reboot with the new ESW . the unit applies the new CPS .
Unit services are interrupted if required restart the unit Unit services are not interrupted

the unit applies the new CPS . import the new ESW file with the ESW
Unit services are not interrupted only if package manager of MCST into the
the unit has been restarted management system

download the ESW file to the

corrsponding unit

select the new ESW in the unit „Main“

access point , apply and save the
configuration and start the unit

the unit will reboot with the new ESW .

Unit services are interrupted

Figure 2: Existing installation procedure

Certain CPS parameters require a restart of the unit in order that a modifica-
tion becomes applied and operational. These parameters are marked with a
“#” prefix in the parameter description. Select a CPS and click the “View...”
button to display the CPS content.

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CPS handling procedures Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

Note that the imported CPS files are stored on the element manager in the
C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\
An updated MCST release will access the same CPS files as the previous
MCST release.

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CPS handling procedures Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

2.3 CPS compatibility

In MileGate the CPS has to be compatible with the unit ESW release accord-
ing to the table below:

Table 1: CPS and unit release compatibility

Unit release CPS release
R1 R2 R3 R4
R2 Alarm OK OK OK
R3 Alarm Alarm OK OK
R4 Alarm Alarm Alarm OK

Please note:
Using an old CPS with a new ESW is possible. The alarm “Incomplete CPS
Version” is set.
For missing parameters the default value of the ESW is used, parameters
that are no longer used are ignored.

Please note:
Using a new CPS with an old ESW is possible. The ESW will ignore the
parameters of the extended CPS structure.

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CPS handling procedures Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

2.4 How to get a new CPS

If you need a CPS other than the default CPS you first have to fill in a ques-
tionnaire. The questionnaires for the different MileGate applications can be
ordered at the KEYMILE technical support:
Please refer to the KEYMILE Extranet (via for sup-
port contact information.
Normally the questionnaires are filled in in close cooperation with the KEY-
MILE technical support. Finally the filled in questionnaire has to be returned
to the KEYMILE technical support who then will create the requested CPS.
The CPS creation requires in maximum 2 weeks.
The new CPS is delivered to the project leader or directly to the customer.

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CPS handling procedures Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

2.5 How to get an updated CPS

In some cases, it may be necessary to change the CPS (refer to section

CPS parameter update (on page 7)). Please notify KEYMILE or your supplier
if a new CPS is required. KEYMILE may send you a new CPS questionnaire.
After receiving the filled in questionnaire, KEYMILE will return a modified
CPS. The customer has to install the new CPS file and verify that it behaves
as expected together with the Local Exchange or Softswitch.
The CPS creation requires in maximum 2 weeks.

Please note:
CPS files can not be modified or renamed by a customer. Any change of a
CPS must be performed by KEYMILE.

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CPS handling procedures Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

2.6 How to import and download a CPS

Unless not already installed, you must first install your MCST before you can
install any CPS file.
The CPS files received from KEYMILE have to be imported to the manage-
ment system and downloaded to the network element with the CPS tool of

Figure 3: CPS tool

To import a CPS file from the file system to the management system press
the button.
The left part of the CPS tool displays all imported CPS files, i.e. CPS files
that are available on the management system.

Please note:
With the import of the first CPS file the MCST automatically creates the CPS
directory in the element manager:
→ C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\
→ The CPS files of all applications are stored in the same directory.
→ Do not copy or delete any CPS files manually to or from the CPS
Selected CPS files are downloaded from the management system to the
network element with the button. To select a CPS file click on the cor-
responding CPS name. To unselect a CPS file click on the button.

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CPS handling procedures Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

The right part of the CPS tool displays all CPS files available on the network
element, i.e. CPS files that have been downloaded. Only CPS files available
on the network element can be selected in the unit configuration.
For more information on the CPS tool handling, refer to "[304] User Guide
“MileGate & MCST”".

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CPS handling procedures Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

2.7 How to configure a CPS

To make use of a CPS, it must be configured in the MCST and the configu-
ration must be applied to the MileGate network element.
The PCOM1, PCOM2, IPSS2, IPSS3, IPSM2 or IPSM3 CPS configuration is
done on the access point AP: /unit-x, Configuration, on the “CPS” tab:

Figure 4: CPS configuration

Applying the configuration with a changed CPS does not interrupt the Mile-
Gate services.

Please note:
Certain CPS parameters require a restart of the unit in order that a modifica-
tion becomes applied and operational. These parameters are marked with a
“#” prefix in the parameter description.
→ The restart of a unit interrupts the MileGate services.

© KEYMILE February 2013 page 17 of 28 EN/LZTBU 881 107 RF

Background information Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

3 Background information

3.1 CPS types and revisions

3.1.1 Introduction

The following means exist in MileGate to provide parameter values to

ESW, starting from no flexibility to full flexibility:

1) Hard coded:
Parameters defined at ESW compile time, same values for all custom-

2) Custom Parameter Set (CPS):

Global set of parameters, pre-provisioned and released. Typically one
set per customer network.

3) Profile:
Global set of parameters, provisioned. Multiple profiles can be edited
in the GUI or CLI and re-used in configurations.

4) GUI:
Individual provisional parameters
A Custom Parameter Set is a set of pre-provisioned (i.e. not GUI-controlled)
parameters that define an environment-specific behaviour of MileGate units.
The environment is the sum of the operator’s service requirements, the
applicable telecommunication standards, the type and release of the inter-
working equipment as well as the type and release of the MileGate units:
− the parameter value is the same for the whole customer network
− the parameter is difficult to be understood by the network operator
− the parameter is global per unit
The advantages of this approach are:
− simplifies the GUI.
− parameters are pre-provisioned rather than hard coded, resulting in
higher flexibility (customization), e.g. to solve interoperability prob-
− the number of combinations of parameter settings is limited and under
control of KEYMILE.

3.1.2 CPS naming convention

The name of a CPS typically consists of prefix, name, revision and exten-

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Background information Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

The prefix is used to distinguish the different types of custom parameter set

Table 2: CPS prefixes

Prefix Unit Application Parameters
IPSM_ IPSM2, VoIP - PSTN national mappings,
IPSM3 H.248/MEGACO - parameters for the H.248/MEGACO,
SIGTRAN and RTP protocol implementa-
- traffic related parameters (codec, ringing
signal parameters etc.),
- call progress tones
IPSS_ IPSS2, VoIP SIP - PSTN national mappings,
IPSS3 - parameters for the SIP and RTP protocol
- traffic related parameters (codec, tone,
ringing signal parameters etc.)
- call progress tones
PCOM_ PCOM1, V5 - V5 protocol implementation,
PCOM2 - V5 PSTN national mappings (ringing signal
parameters etc.)

The name contains a subset of the following parameters:

− country
− operator
− switch or softswitch manufacturer
− switch or softswitch type
− software load
The revision has a format as described in the paragraph below.
The extension of the CPS file for MileGate is .cps.

3.1.3 CPS revision format

The CPS revision format is structured as follows:

Format = Rfistv
Example: R1A001
• R = constant for “Revision“
• f = function version:
One digit 1 to 9. A different function version stands for a functionality
change, i.e. an extension of the CPS data structure.
f is always the same for ESW and CPS, i.e. for every new ESW function
version a new CPS function version is created.
• i = implementation version:
One capital letter A to Z except I O P Q R U W. A different implementa-
tion version stands for a bug-fix or a parameter modification.
The implementation version is incremented whenever a CPS gets modi-
fied after it has been released to a customer for field deployment (not for
interoperability testing).
It is not linked to the ESW implementation version.
• s = CPS structure:

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Background information Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

One character 0 to 9, then a to z. Minor structure change, adding of CPS

• t = CPS template file version:
One character 0 to 9, then a to z. E.g. text changes done in the common
CPS template file.
• v = CPS value file version:
One character 0 to 9, then a to z. Change of parameter values in the indi-
vidual CPS value file.
CPS structure, template file and value file versions are for KEYMILE internal
use only.

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Background information Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

3.2 CPS release handling

3.2.1 CPS life cycles

Table 3: CPS life cycle

CPS revision Description
R1A Þ R1B Parameter value change
R2B New structure of CPS
R3B Þ R3C New structure of CPS, later any value modifica-

Please note:
If the structure of the CPS changes, i.e. the function version, then the imple-
mentation version remains and does not start with A again (e.g. R2B 

3.2.2 CPS revisioning examples

1) A new CPS is created:

 filename_R1A001.cps

2) CPS parameter values get changed in the development cycle:

filename_R1A001.cps filename_R1A002.cps

3) CPS parameters get added or removed in the development cycle:

filename_R1A002.cps  filename_R1A102.cps

4) CPS detail text gets changed in the development cycle:

filename_R1A102.cps filename_R1A112.cps

5) CPS parameter values get changed after a CPS was released:

filename_R1A112.cps filename_R1B113.cps

6a) The CPS structure is extended because of added functionality (syn-

chronized with ESW function revision change), existing parameters are NOT
filename_R1B113.cps filename_R2B001.cps

6b) The CPS structure is extended because of added functionality and

existing parameters get changed:
filename_R1B113.cps filename_R2C001.cps

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Background information Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

3.3 CPS operation

3.3.1 Use cases Set a CPS

This use case describes the setting of the custom parameters in the Mile-
Gate. The custom parameters are pre-provisioned parameters.
• Pre conditions:
A custom parameter set has to fulfil the following requirements to be visi-
ble to the user:
− The name prefix must be correct
− The CPS file has to be imported into the element manager and down-
loaded to the MileGate network element.
• Result:
The correct custom parameter set is applied to the configuration. Add an old CPS to a new ESW

This use case describes the situation, when an old CPS (from a former ESW
revision) is used with a new ESW function revision that requires an extended
CPS structure.
• Result:
When an old CPS which is not compatible with the ESW in respect of the
CPS structure (ESW function version > CPS function version, e.g.
ESW_R2, CPS_R1) is provided to the ESW, the alarm “Incomplete CPS
Version” is set.
For missing parameters the default value of the ESW is applied, i.e. the
unit is working but the behaviour is untested.
Parameters that are in the CPS but no longer used in the ESW are
ignored. Add a new CPS to an old ESW

This use case describes the situation, when a new CPS (with an extended
CPS structure) is used with a former ESW that does not support the
extended structure.
• Result:
It is allowed to apply a new CPS with extended structure (different func-
tion version) to an old ESW revision.
The ESW will ignore the parameters of the extended structure, as they
are not known.
Note that all parameters will be shown in the MCST “Preview…” window,
even though they are not used by the ESW.

3.3.2 MCST/UNEM warning messages

The following table shows the CPS related error and warning messages of

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Background information Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

Table 4: MCST/UNEM alarms

Situation CPS related error message
The user updates the unit ESW with a Incomplete CPS Version
newer version (function or implementa- (the configured CPS is not complete or
tion version) outdated, i.e. from a previous release)

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Annex Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

4 Annex

4.1 Terms and abbreviations

Table 5: Terms and abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning Explanation
AP Access Point Specific point in the MCST GUI
managed objects tree
COGE1 MileGate core unit Core/control unit of MileGate
COGE3 MileGate core unit Core/control unit of MileGate
CPS Custom Parameter Set
EA Element Agent The MCST network element agent
EB Engineering Bulletin
ESW Embedded Software Software that is running on a spe-
cific HW unit of the MileGate
GUI Graphical User Interface
HW Hardware
IPSM2 MileGate service unit H.248/MEGACO media gateway
IPSM3 MileGate service unit High density H.248/MEGACO
media gateway unit
IPSS2 MileGate service unit SIP gateway unit
IPSS3 MileGate service unit High density SIP gateway unit
IPSX2 MileGate service unit Hardware for the voice gateway
and V5 protocol conversion units,
IPSX3 MileGate service unit Hardware for the high density voice
gateway and V5 protocol conver-
sion units, IPSM3, IPSS3 and
MCST MileGate Configuration Soft- Network element manager
ware Tool
PCOM1 MileGate service unit V5.2 protocol conversion unit
PCOM2 MileGate service unit High density V5.2 protocol conver-
sion unit
PCV51 MileGate service unit V5.1 protocol conversion unit

© KEYMILE February 2013 page 24 of 28 EN/LZTBU 881 107 RF

Annex Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

4.2 References

[304] User Guide “MileGate & MCST”

[808] Engineering Bulletin “MileGate CPS handling procedures”

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Annex Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

4.3 Document history

Table 6: Document history

KEYMILE PEC Date MileGate Changes since previous
EN/LZTBU 881 113 RF September 2012 R3 - Profile creation also with CLI.
EN/LZTBU 881 113 RE December 2011 R3 - Minor editorial changes
EN/LZTBU 881 113 RD June 2011 R2 - Minor editorial changes
EN/LZTBU 881 113 RC June 2010 R2 - Minor editorial changes
EN/LZTBU 881 113 RB June 2009 R2 - Basic questionnaire removed
- Unit restart required after some CPS parameter modi-
EN/LZTBU 881 113 RA November 2007 R2 First release of the MileGate CPS handling procedures
Engineering Bulletin.

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Annex Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

4.4 Technical support

Please refer to the KEYMILE Extranet (via for sup-

port contact information.

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Annex Engineering Bulletin
CPS handling procedures

4.5 Product training

Training courses are available for a wide range of KEYMILE products and
For contact information, course descriptions, locations and dates, go to the
Website:, then select “Services - Training” from the

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