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Disk 7 The New Age Agenda and Christian Deceptions in The End Time

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Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order: www.dievollewaarheid.





There is a very definite agenda behind this movement. Satan’s agenda in The Battle of the
mind explains that it is in direct opposition to that of Christ.

Jesus’s network is divided into two parts (Service to God by studying His Word and Service
to Man by evangelizing His Word). Satan’s network is split into sport, magazines, sex & porn,
music, parties, cell phones, drugs, movies, food, internet, pc games, tv, homo’s, spiritualism,
secret societies, work & wealth (too mention but a few) – different areas to channel our
focus away from God.

Self help books and books relating to the ‘power of the mind’ with the idea of the ‘more
you have, the more you have to give’ (even Dr Phil is mentioned) – is probably one of the
most profound hooks into new age with the aim of acquiring wealth. The Secret (Oprah
Winfrey) is mentioned as an example, with the under writing of it being able to ‘move
mountains and create miracles’. The Bible states that only Jesus can do that, not some
secret. Thus, they attempt taking a certain piece of power that belongs to God and placing it
in man’s hands. Affluence is an indicator of your association to enlightenment, according to

Ralf Walder Emmesson states that The Secret is “the answer to all that has been, all that is
and all that will ever be”. He was involved in many occult practices as are many others.
Buddha is quoted “all that we are is all that we thought”. Images shown of the moon over
the sungod pyramid structures as well as the symbol of humanism (man in circle) and even
changing the male/female. The eye is shown, astrology is advised etc. Trailer is shown.
Including a broken cross; sun and moon, eye of shiva (satan) is touched – midas, pam.
Symbolism is used throughout. The statements made refer to the ‘Godness’ in all of us and
through the process of evolution, we are evolving to a higher state of Godness (karma).
Evolution is the basis for the idea of New Age.

Re-incarnation is another lie and hypnosis is the only way that this can supposedly be done
to go to your ‘past life’ – this drops the cognitive thinking, and opens your mind to
influences you can’t identify. God does not work that way – he speaks to us cognitively.

The New Age agenda can be summed up in two words: Received. Become. Gen 2:7 ‘ man
became a living soul’. You don’t receive an immortal soul in this process. You become a

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

living soul through the fact the God breathed into you. The idea of spiritism and re-
incarnation are based on life after death. That is why Deuteronomy 18:10-11 warns us:
 ‘Don’t pass through the fire, or
 That useth divination, or
 An observer of times, or (using astronomy)
 An enchanter, or
 A witch, or
 A charmer, or
 A consulter with familiar spirits (spirits who impersonate the dead), or
 A wizard, or
 A necromancer’ (one who consult or believes in life after death).

Satan teaches the idea of immortality after death. The immortality of the soul – or the idea
thereof, if removed, destroys the whole new age movement. You can’t create anything in
your life – you are either given it from one source or another (in other words, either from
God, or from satan).

We don’t want God’s will, we want what we want when we want it. “I’ll do it myself, God
doesn’t know what I need, I’ll do it myself”. ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God..’ Satan says,
you can do it yourself. That’s why the Self-help Industry with the ‘idea/images of goodness’
is such a dangerous hook into New Age.

Satan wants no recognition as this stage – but he is the only other force that gives to us (you
either receive from God or from satan – who makes you believe that you ‘created’ it for
yourself) (Clife Barker The life of death).

What happens after death: Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 ‘For the living know that they shall die: but the
dead know not anything,..’ and ‘also their love and their hatred and their envy is now

Tarrot cards: the Bible warns us to stay away and not get involved with anything to do with
the supernatural because we cannot identify them. The war is a spiritual war. Harry Potter
with the line across his forehead (lightning bolt) this is the symbol of satan falling from
heaven, symbolizing enlightenment. Lev 19:31 ‘Do not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not
seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God.’ And Hebrews 9:17 ‘And as it is
appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.’ When you die, you are asleep
until judgment day.

The use of different methods (yoga, labyrinths, etc) opens up their mind to a spiritual
warfare that most humans have absolutely no idea about. By channeling energy, you
remove Christ, becoming the ‘alto Christos’. Because we are physical beings, we are not able

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

to get involved with spiritual warfare because we cannot identify them. You cannot practice
any of these occult practices in the name of the Father, Son or Holy Ghost. Mark issues a
challenge to crystal healers to pray in the name of the Holy Trinity and still attempt their
‘healing’ – it cannot happen because it’s satan doing it!!

Angel worship: There’s 2 sets of angels – Heavenly and demonic. Today people are dealing
with angels not knowing which ‘set’ they’re dealing with. It has nothing to do with how we
feel about it. Most angels depicted in the new age movement are depicted as female.
Angels in the Bible are depicted as a powerful male force. Satan hates mankind as much
because he himself are not able to pro-create like we do and in the process, being able to
understand how God feels about His children when we look at our own. He hates that about

Metatron was called in by a white witch to try and release Mark from his ‘blockages’, more
specifically, financial blockages, as explained in DVD 1. Metatron is an alias for satan and is
thus one and the same thing. He was unable to ‘unblock’ Mark’s problem because the
blockages was placed on Mark by God.

The Shekinah glory is the very presence of God in heaven, yet the occult books describes
this as ‘the female principle of God in man…’. ABSOLUTE RUBBISH – this is satanic.

The new age movement is dealing with ‘demons being transformed into angels of light’. explains how to become involved with angels and channeling:
never failing to mention the money aspect involved. Jesus is the only channel and He’s
certainly not asking any money for it. Metatron is even mentioned by Carlos Santana as the
inspiration behind his music. He is quoted in saying: “Methatron is the architect of the
electron and the angel inside the womb of every woman. He makes the fingerprints.” The
previous website also describes: “Metatron has also been identified as the liberating angel
and the one who wrestled with Jacob; the one who stayed Abraham’s hand from sacrificing
his son Isaac; and the one who led the Hebrews through the forty years in the wilderness. In
certain schools of mysticism, metatron said to be the tallest of all the heavenly beings (13 to
18 feet) became known as lesser YHWH. In Hebrew, the Letters ‘YHWH’ stand for the most
sacred and unpronounceable name of God.” He wants to be God, he still has his ‘I’ problem
today. He has been held to his followers as the ‘link’ between God and mankind”.

Tailhard Chardin – one of the main energies behind evolution and paleonthology and the
energy behind New Age wrote a book on Christianity and evolution with the purpose of
‘creating’ a Jesus that is acceptable to all mankind with evolution etc. He works through
many channels, especially the ‘Wandering Bishops’ – inside Catholicism, pushing the
evolution concept and the one world religion (accepting of all religions) with the idea of
accepting the cosmic Christ. Mary Baker Eddy: Founder of Christian Science, her book,

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures was voted one of ’75 books by women whose
words have changed the world’ by the USA’s Women’s National Book Association: (P.71)
“Evil has no reality. It is neither person, place nor thing but is simply a belief, an illusion of
material sense. (p. 589) “Jesus. The highest human corporeal concept of the divine idea,
rebuking and destroying error and bringing to light man’s immortality.” (p.302). “Let us
remember that harmonious and immortal man has existed gfor ever.” (p584). “Death. An
illusion, the lie of life in matter..Any material evidence of death is false, for it contradicts the
spiritual fact of being.” (p480) “Soul is the divine principle of man and never sins, hence the
immortality of the soul”

In other words, it’s according to her, it’s only the outer shell of you that sins, thus when you
die, that ‘pops’ off and the soul continues…satanic.


The finger in the pie: the Jesuits. The idea that God wants you to be rich is something which
is being promoted and promulgated today in Christianity. It’s a lie. God says in His word that
if you do His will first, He will provide for you what you need. Today that is not enough. We
want to ‘create’ wealth for ourselves, through this ‘godliness’ we are told that are in us. Yet,
we cannot create anything. We are either given it through the grace of God, or we are given
it by satan. We cannot create anything. The ‘self-help’ industry is an oxymoron in itself, as
you cannot ‘help yourself’.

The immortality of the soul has infiltrated into various churches. The Mormons are
discussed – showing their angel called Moroni on one of the pillars (obelisks) of their
temples. They have no windows on their temples, just like the freemason temples. Do they
have satanic affiliations?

Joseph Smith and Mormon leader Brigham Young: Vatican Assasins (p.182): ‘The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints – Mormonism: ..its founder,, Joseph Smith, was a high-level
Freemason. His successor, Brigham Young, was also another high Freemason. According to
the book Blackrobe, Brigham Young was an intimate friend of Peter De Smet, one of the
most powerful American Jesuits of the Nineteenth Century.’

Let’s ask Brigham Young himself. His History of the Church, March 15, 1842, Vol.4 -.551-2:
“In the evening, I received the first degree in Free Masonry in the Nauvoo Lodge, assembled
in my general business office. I was with the Masonic Lodge and rose to the sublime degree.”
Also read the book Mormonism’s Temple of Doom and notice the occult and Masonic
symbolism on the cover.

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

Joseph Smith received his golden plates from the angel Moroni, as the foundation of the
Mormon Church. Looking at their cathedrals – symbols of the sun and moon, the all-seeing
eye, the handshake and the inverted pentagram are clearly visible. J. Edward Decker,
Freemasonry: Satan’s Door to America? (Issaquah, Washington: Free the Masons Ministries,
n.d., p3): Former witch, Mason, Mormon, and Satanist, Bill Schnoebelen, ‘emphasized that
to the magician, the inverted pentagram has one use only and that is to call up the power of
Satan and bring the Kingdom of the Devil into manifestation on earth.’ This is confirmed in
CASH (brochure from Continental Association of Satan’s Hope): “You will find the satanic
pentagram invaluable and indispensable as you attempt to draw from the infernal power of
our lord satan! This extremely powerful amulet is the sign of the microcosm and is the
summation of all the occult forces!”

So why is this on the Mormon temple? It is found all over the temples. The Mormons
believe in the Aaronic Priesthood. John the Baptist conferred the priesthood of Aaron onto
Joseph Smith – that’s the thinking behind their religion. Cathy Burns: ‘Both Masonry and
Mormonism refer to the Melchizedek Priesthood..In scottish Rite Masonry, the 19th degree is
called the “Grand Pontiff”. It is during this ceremony that the Candidate is anointed with oil,
is made and proclaimed a priest for ever according to the Order of Melchizedek.’ This is
sacrilegious because according to Hebrews 5:5 ‘Christ glorified not Himself to be made a
high priest’, but was ‘called of God an high priest after the order of Melchizedek,’ but
occultists, Mormons and Masons glorify themselves and take on themselves the honor of
priesthood that was given to Christ alone. (Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, Sharing,
July 2002, p 269.).

There is no shortage of money, with marble pillars and magnificent chandeliers. According
to Joseph Fielding Smith in The Restoration of All Things, p 192. ‘Mormonism denies the
atonement: “One of the most pernicious doctrines ever advocated by man is the doctrine of
‘justification by faith alone’, which has entered into the hearts of millions since the days of
the so-called ‘reformation’. What else do they have to say? “Adam fell that men might be;
and men are that they might have joy.” (2 Nehpi 2:22-25). Sterling W. Sill who is a member
of the First Chorum of Seventy states in Desert News, July 31, 1965, p.7: “Under Christ,
Adam yet stands as head…Adam fell, but he fell in the right direction. He fell toward the
foal…Adam fell, but he fell upward. Jesus says to us, ‘come up higher.’ So through sin, you
can reach godhood.

Brigham Young states in the Doctrine of Covenants: “The devil told the truth about godhead.
I do not blame mother Eve. I would not have her miss eating the forbidden fruit for anything.
Through the gift of sin, humanity can achieve godhood.” “Ye were also in the beginning with
the Father. Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was
not created or made, neither indeed can be.”

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

Many of the influential people today have either Mormon or Masonic influences in their
‘family tree’ – Unbeknownst to most people, the Mormon Church has got the most
incredible database with regards to all people in the world – including where you stay, your
bank details etc. they know everything about everyone around the world – embedded in the
world’s biggest and most profound database about humanity. Why is that the property of
the Mormon Church, unless this information is something that will be used in future?

NASA is also a very interesting organization to look at. You either have to be a high
Freemason, or a Mormone to go into space for an extended period. Geral Ford is a 33rd
Degree freemason. What are they doing up there? Have you ever wondered? This will be
covered in Christian Deceptions at the end times.

What about the Jehovah’s Witnesses? CT Russel (1852-1916) was the founder/leader of this
movement and he predicted many events. Mark acknowledges the fact the one thing we as
Christians can certainly learn from them, is their tenacity. These are beautiful people, yet
the system they find themselves in, is false. One of the founding documents of the Jehova’s
witnesses is called; The Divine Plan of the Ages. The symbol of the god Rah is on the front,
again claiming to be the protector instead of Jesus. Russel’s grave stone is in a pyramid form
with the capstone different from the rest – it has to do with the New Order of the Ages
(bottom of the One Dollar Bill). Looking at the watchtower – the symbol of the crown and
cross through the middle has been accepted as the symbol of the Rhema Church. How do
we know he was involved with the Freemasons? Just read what was said at a discussion as
he was busy dying how he was putting on his cloak of Freemasonry.

The Bible is very clear and clinical when it speaks about predictions and the claims to be
prophets. It mentions if there is just one prophecy that is incorrect (unfulfilled), that person
is a false prophet. CT Russel made all the following false predictions:
1874 Coming of Christ
1878 Resurrection (they then taught that they did take place but were invisible).
1881 Close of favor to Gentiles
1914 Armageddon does not take place
1915 Abraham, Isaac and Jacob not resurrected
1918 Christendom and its churches not destroyed
1920 The republics did not disappear
1925 Establishment of Kingdom. After 1925 people could call up Abraham in Jerusalem
and have their loved one resurrected – Way to Paradise
1950 The New World Bible
1975 End of the world does not come

The Bible says one false prophecy – and you’re a false prophet!

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

The use of subliminals – please understand that the people on the ground don’t know this,
so don’t accuse them as they are unaware. Inside their documentation, they use pictures to
impute or impart certain information into the subconscious. Notice the hand signals, two
fingers, the pinky standing slightly ajar – occult symbol – use of the ‘s’ figure in clothing/hair
– happening too often to just be chance. The occult number 13 and Jesus depicted with a
goat’s foot – Azazel – satan. Originally the Jehovah’s witnesses used the King James Bible.
There came a time in the late 1800’s, where when they arrived at church, they were told to
cross out certain passages in their Bible. And today if you open up the New World
Translation, you’ll see that certain of them are missing. For Example, turn to Mark 16 verse
9-20. You will see, that it not there – it has been removed in its entirety. Why? Because it
has to do with Jesus’ resurrection.

The Jehova’s witnesses are well-known for being anti-Trinitarian. Outwardly they ‘market’
the Trinity, but inside, it has to do with father, mother, child – the false trinity. The reason
why you cannot argue with them on the subject of the Trinity is because 1 John 5:7-8 is not
in their Bible:

KJV: (7) ‘For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy
ghost: and these three are one. (8) And there are three that bear witness in the eart, the
spirit and the water and the blood: and these three agree in one.

JW: (7) For there are three witness bearers, (8) The spirit and the water and the blood and
the three are in agreement.

Going back to Freemasonry – their magazine used to be called The New Age! With their blue
or yellow magazine depicting the two pillars of Joachim and Boas, and the equilateral
triangle at the bottom with the idea of immortality. Modern channel JZ Knight (Horus
Publishing, Inc. Publications to uplift the Spirit) is a channel who is able to channel
information from the spirit guides from the universe people who pay her a lot of money to
do this. Ramtha is the ‘demon’ that she is channeling from to people like Shirley McLane,
Burt Reynolds, Clint Eastwood, Richard Chamberlain – bowing down to divination to
receive information. Ramtha is just another word once again for satan – we’ve come to
realize it just doesn’t matter what you call him, he changes his name all the time. Whenever
he wants to give information to you, he channels it through a person – occult writers like
Alistair Crowley had this ‘automatic writing’ and he wrote the Book of the Law and his
demon was called Iwaz – quite funny, as he used to be the guy that was in heaven!

When satan wants to give information, he doesn’t do it by offering the information and then
letting the person DECIDE if they want to share it or not. Once you’ve given him authority,
he will impute that information and channel in through you to make sure you get it. All
occult writings are channeled. Occult write Alistair A Baley received her writings through

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

Dwal Khul, Karl Yung received his occult writings from a demon named Filemon! You don’t
have to search far by investigating her images to understand her affiliation. Ramtha
(Channelled by JZ Knight as reported in New Age Catalogue, pg 5): “Throughout history, we
have tried many different avenues to remind you of your greatness, your power and the
foreverness of your life. We have been king, conqueror, crucified Christ, teacher, friend,
philosopher – anything that would permit knowledge to occur. At times we have intervened
in your that life here would continue to provide a playground for your experiences
and your evolution into joy.”

Breakthrough Performance is one of the ways (books) used in business today (bosberaad/
team building etc) to walk over coals to realize what you’re capable of. This is demon spirits
protecting you from being burnt – that’s why the Lord says ‘do not walk through fire.’ Helen
Schucman wrote A Course in Miracles this was one of the cornerstones that found the
information on which the New Age Movement was built. She started ‘hearing’ an inaudible
voice which dictated message to her. This continued for 7 years. “Three startling months
preceded the actual writing, during which time Bill suggested that I write down the highly
symbolic dreams and descriptions of the strange images that were coming to me. Although I
had grown more accustomed to the unexpected by that time, I was still very surprised when I
wrote ‘This is a course in miracles..’ That was my introduction to the Voice. It made no
sound, but seemed to be giving me a kind of rapid, inner dictation which I took down in a
shorthand notebook. The writing was never automatic. It could be interrupted at any time
and later picked up again. It made me very uncomfortable, but it never seriously occurred to
me to stop. It seemed to be a special assignment I had somehow, somewhere agreed to
complete.” The same as with Darwin, something was started early on in his years which had
to be completed later on. This ‘start’ could either be somewhere where she was playing
with a widgy board as a child or possibly using acupuncture which is a mystical eastern type
of door opener as explained in may occult books. It could be through hypnoses.

In contradiction, Christ lays the truth in front of you, letting you decide for yourself whether
you want to accept it or not. She asks “But why me…? Because you wish to know the true
me, are willing to serve and have given me permission to enter your life.” Where Jesus says
He knocks and asks ‘who will open for Me?, Satan does the same. However, should you ask
Jesus to leave, He leaves, but once satan enters and you ask him to leave, he laughs at you.
She clearly states that these channelings were uncomfortable to her – then you known it’s
NOT Jesus Christ because nothing about Him will make you feel uncomfortable. It continues;
“Jesus Christ. There is no need for help to enter Heaven for you have never left. But there is
need for help beyond yourself as you are circumscribed by false beliefs of your Identity,
which God alone established in reality. There is no death because the Son of God is like his
Father. Nothing you can do can change Eternal Love. Forget your dreams of sin and guilt
and come with me instead to share the resurrection of God’s Son. And bring with you all
those whom He has sent to you to care for as I care for you.”

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:


 Jesus is the son of God  Jesus is one of the Masters
 Saved by grace  Achieve godhood through works
 Awake Christ consciousness within
 Jesus the only way, salvation outside  Lucifer is the true son of God
oneself  Worship the creation
 Lucifer is the devil  Physical man evolved, spiritual man
 Worship God always existed
 Man was created  God is part of creation – pantheism
 Teaches reincarnation
 God is not part of creation  Truth is within
 Waits for the Maitreya who will assist
 Teaches resurrection with the establishment of a one
 The Word is truth world government, monetary system
 Teaches us to wait for the second and religion.
coming of Christ which will be visible
to all. His coming and glory is the  Turn from ignorance, there is no sin.
blessed hope.  Discover you own divinity
 Turn from sin

 Become Christ like through


The New Age leads people into thinking that they are more Spiritually evolved than others.
These people thinking that they are spiritually advanced identify themselves as spiritual
leaders/masters/guru’s/coaches. There is no such thing as being spiritually more advanced,
yet the idea behind this when projected into future, ultimately leads to the worship of these
‘spiritually advanced’ guru’s. Mother Theresa: “Oh, I hope I am converting. I don’t mean
what you think…If in coming face to face with God we accept Him in our lives, then we are
converting. We become a better hindu, a better Muslim, a better Catholic, a better whatever
we are.” In other words, you don’t have to change and become associated to Christ…that’s
not what the Bible says. Mother Theresa beliefs and writings were found in exactly the same
principles are prescribed in the evolution concept and the New Age Movement.

The Dalai Lama promotes this idea of a ‘path to Nirvana’. He is shown hugging the pope
[photo]. Through meditations and very things, you can open your mind, freeing yourself up
to being the ‘spiritual being’ that you truly are…The Bible says the opposite in that you
should fill your mind, but not with rubbish, but with the Word of God, ’Gird up the loins of
your mind’. The New Age Movement says ‘open your mind, free your mind, meditate and
become emptier. That way, you can become more ‘spiritual’. If you empty yourself, you are
going to get filled up again, but not with a spirit being that you would want if you knew what
it was – a demon.

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

An idea of people being worshipped seems ridiculous, yet it is happening already. An image
is whown of Ruchira Avatar Adi da Samraj: The promised God-man is here. People revere,
bow down and worship this man in their thousands. Another one is Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai
Baba attracting in their thousands, European people that are seeking this ‘love’ that he
eminates, wearing their orange clad outfits. Allmost military precision are being displayed at
their ceremonies. Once again, the Jesuits are deeply involved. Photo’s are shown of Jesuit
Swamis adopting the dress, diet and customs of the local Lingayats of Belgaum District so as
to work with them more effectively, even celebrating the mass in the Indian way. The
catechumen don’t know that they are slowly being twisted to acknowledge firstly sun
worship and secondly the papacy as being in control.

And then there is the very well known Bhagwen Shree Rajneesh (1931-1990). He had so
many Rolls Royces it was unbelievable. People worshipped him as god. Video clips are
shown of him and his 100 mile square mile ranch he bought in Oregon to which his red clad
disciples flock from all over the world. His astonishing title actually means, highest spiritual
teacher, lord of the universe, honorable sir and king. He is literally worshipped and adored
by 100’s of thousand of Western people who worships this mere man as God. They are even
changing their names to Indian names. For the Hindu the guru is his lord, savior, healer,
master etc. Cruelty and inhumanness is seen as spiritual and excused as holy. ‘I was really
interested in their worship and their adorations and their gifts and offerings that they
brought to me. But I was certainly not interested in their problems, difficulties and
hardships.” The guru actually feeds off the emotions of these people to maintain his own
ego. They are seeking his love, his wisdom etc.

So pulling out this idea of one person being slightly higher spiritually and having more
information than the next, to now be a master or leader; and by allowing people like
Depach Oprah or Wayne Dier or Allan Cohan, or Anthony Robins to come and give you
more ‘information’ because they’ve gone through some illuminative process that allowed
them to ‘evolve’ to some higher plane, you end up where people are being worshipped as
god. This can all be traced back once again to the lie in Genesis, where ‘ye shall become as
gods’, with the Jesuits trying to get the whole of humanity to accept sun worship. Whether
you buy a talisman, dream catcher, tarot cards, get involved in the self-help industry, new
age healing, channeling, etc. Whatever you motivation, you are being mislead by becoming
involved in a system that is preparing people to accept what is known as the Cosmic Christ.
This is the whole idea of the New Age Movement.

Matthew fox in the Coming of the Cosmic Christ, Harper San Francisco, p7, 8, 31: “If my
thesis is correct, that it is time to move from the quest for the historical Jesus to the quest
for the Cosmic Christ, this would help to diffuse the distorted religion and pseudo-mystical
movement of our time popularly known as fundamentalism and sometimes called
Christofascism. Perhaps a new ecumenical council will be forthcoming in our lifetime. This

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

one would be deeply ecumenical and would call forth the wisdom of all the world’s religions.
The Cosmic Christ will make things happen, will effect a change of heart, a change of culture,
a change of ways. This Cosmic Christ will lead to deep sexuality; deep communication
between young and old; deep creativity in lifestyles, work and education; deep worship; deep
ecumenism and interaction among all religions on the planet. The Eucharist..there is a
promise of maternal eros in all this..religion that represses and distorts the maternal will
also repress the ancient tradition of God as Mother and of the goddess in every person ” This
is where the pagan religions of father, mother child comes into truth and through the
eucharist, people are being prepared to accept the cosmic Christ. And then this article in
Christian Laporte – Article in a Belgian newspaper ‘Le Soir’ on the 30th of August 2000: “A
general rehearsal is taking place at the highest level in a forum where the Supreme Being,
grand architect, or watchmaker of the universe, if he exists at all, is to recognize his own: a time when the United Nations will shortly host the summit of the millennium, with the
presence of the heads of state of the entire world, all the world’s religious leaders have been
gathering in New York to discuss the most important theme of world peace and tolerance.
The most distant objective: to create a kind of United Nations of faith where the
representatives of faith and philosophies could meet and in order to discuss the future
together, whilst abandoning their fatwas, theses and other terrible arms of
excommunication and exclusion and relegating them to the cloak room. This is a very noble
ecumenical initiative with the widest possible meaning, having been called into being
despite the lack of initiative of the UN, by a Ted Turner, who funded the initiative. He is the
vice-president of Time Warner Inc. and founder of CNN. For every sin there is grace: ten
years ago, the flamboyant boss of instantaneous television had declared that Christianity
was nothing but an affair for losers and freaks.”

As mentioned Alice A Bailey, High Priestess and prophetess of the New Age Movement
received all her message from the Tibetan Djwal Khul. She set up Lucifer Publishing
company and later changed it to Lucis Trust – the publishing company printing most
information in the United Nations. Her books are the foundation on which the UN was built
Amongs an array of books, she wrote Problems of Humanity and The reappearance of the
Christ. She also writes in Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 11, New York: Lucis Trust, p 226:
“Forgetting the things that lie behind, I will strive myself anew to the service of the Coming
One and will do all I can to prepare men’s minds and hearts for that event. I have no other
life intention.”

Benjamin Creme whom believes himself to be the marketing agent for the Maitreya (cosmic
Christ) started taking out entire pages in papers to advertise this in 1982. C Cumbey in
Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p 140: ‘In 1982 his Tara Centre organization took out full
page advertisements in major news papers to prepares world-wide declaring that The Christ
is here now. Revitalized Christian churches as well as Masonic lodges will be used for
purposes of giving mass planetary initiations.’ This idea of love, love, love into one big

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

ecumenical hug! No, Jesus came to bring separation, to cut and divide and to ensure that his
Word remains clean. Not some ecumenical big bunny hug. And then there are these reports
of mysterious crosses of light that appeared in California shortly after a mystic healed 20
cripples at the church of Bethlehem near Nairobi Kenya. See the image of the Maitreya
Logo. Satan is trying to pre-empt this idea of what is being prophesized in revelations in that
‘All eyes will see Him’ and he will use the media to do it. To be continued in the next lecture.


Changing the Word

Isaiah 8:20 ‘To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is
because there is no light in them’.

The argument about ‘which Bible’ has been going on since the time of Jesus. Rival sects
after Christ had documents that were very similar to the true scripture. These documents
were identified as error over time and got left behind and packed away. They were not used
as constantly and continuously as the true scriptures.

Some of these inaccurate documents have been discovered and through programs like
Discovery channel, are now being publicized as the oldest original true scripture. If fact,
many of the new translations are taken from old manuscripts, with the misguided idea that
they are more reliable.

Older translations:
Reliable manuscripts were used over and over – papyrus started falling apart – fray – these
were then transcribed onto another papyrus scroll – word for word, to produce a new
document. This was then again used over and over – and after a few years, copied again
word for word, in the process, producing numerous copies. In other words, the reliable,
used scriptures have become younger and younger and younger.

The unreliable scriptures are today being called the original oldest manuscripts in the
world – comparing it to today’s scripture – old, when it comes to scripture, is not necessarily
better. Yet another satanic deception.

What matters is how many copies there are of the used ones and the King James Version is
made of 1900 copies that all confer to agree that the info in this version is accurate.

The other 2 streams:

The Siniticus text was found in a waste paper basket in mount Sinai and the Alexandria text
originated in the seat of paganism in ancient Egypt.

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

“Who but those with Roman Catholic sympathies could ever be pleased with the notion
that God preserved the true New Testament text in secret for almost 1000 years and then
finally handed it over to the Roman pontiff for safekeeping?” Les Garrett

Two interesting influences were Westcott and Hort (member of a secret society – The
Apostles – these are people with strange affiliations and saw themselves as being
responsible for merging these old unreliable documents into current bibles. Published in
1896 by their sons, Westcott writes to Hort: “As to our proposed resension of the New
Testament text, our object would be, I suppose, to prepare a text for common and general
use..with such an end in view, would it not be best to introduce only certain emendations
into the received text, and to note in the margin such as seem likely or notable?”

In other words, just change a little here and there and hide these indications to the old
text at the margin or bottom – thus not as obviously notable. It continues:

‘I feel most keenly the disgrace of circulating what I feel to be falsified copies of Holy
Scripture and am most anxious to provide something to replace them..The margin will give
ample scope for our own ingenuity or wish would be to leave the popular
received text except where it is clearly wrong.” The reply:

“I entirely agree – correcting one word – with what you there say on the Atonement..[that it]
is an amoral and material counterfeit..Certainly nothing can be more unscriptural than the
modern limiting of Christ’s bearing our sins and sufferings to His death; but indeed that is
only one aspect of an almost universal heresy.” 1 John 5:7 might be got rid of in a month;
and if that were done, I should prefer to wait a few years.”

In other words, the King James Version is a bit ‘tight’, not giving room for people’s own

KJV (King James Version) of 1 John 5:7 “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the
Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one”
ESV (English Standard) – for there are three that testify
GNB (Good News Bible) – There are three witnesses
ISV (International Standard) – Fore there are three witnesses
BBE (Bible in Basic English) – And the Spirit is the witness, because the Spirit is true
ASV (American Std) – And it is the spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is the truth.
NIV( New International Version) – For there are three that testify
NASB (New American Standard Bible) – For there are three that testify
NLT = (New Living Translation) So we have threes three witnesses

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

Our 1933 translation has the same wording as that of the King James Version.

The NIV removed 17 complete verses and over 64000 words.

Dr Frank Logsdon was the co-founder of the NASB – “I must under god denounce every
attachment to the New American Standard Version. I’m afraid I’m in trouble with the
Lord…I wrote the format…I wrote the preface…I’m in trouble;…its wrong, terribly wrong; its
frighteningly wrong…Are we so naïve that we do not suspect satanic deception in all of

Luc 4:4
 KJV: ‘And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, that man shall not live by bread
alone, but by every word of God.’
 RSV “man shall not live by bread alone.’ This is the same in the NIV, the 1983
Version and in our new translation NLT

Matt 18:11 ‘For the son of man is come to save that which was lost.’ This verse is not even
in the new translations!! Why remove this? Jesus has to be removed from His pedestal as
the one and only Redeemer, so that these Bibles can align with the one world one religion

Rev 22:14

KJV ‘Blessed are they that do his commandments’

RSV ‘Blessed are those who wash their robes..
NIV ‘Blessed are those who wash their robes..
ASV Blessed are they that wash their robes..
This is the same in the 1983 Version and NLV.

By doing this – you break the chiasm, as explained on dvd1.

Kol 1:14

KJV ‘In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins’

RSV and NIV, KJV, 1983 Version and NLV – not there

Dan 3:25

KJV ‘Lo, I see four men loose..and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.
RSV ‘..and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods.’
NIV ’..and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.’

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

ASV ‘..and the aspect of the fourth is like a son of the gods’.
1933 – the same 1983 – hemelwese, NLV ‘’n bo-aardse wese’

Describes how Jesus accompanies His people in times of trouble.

Markus 15:28

KJV ‘And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the
transgressors.’ (in other words, by His death, the scriptures have been fulfilled)

RSV, NIV not there, nor 1983 (NLV – subscript)

Luke 11:2-4

KJV ‘..when ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy
kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. …and lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil’

RSV ‘..when you pray, say: Father, hallowed by thy name. thy kingdom come. Give us each
day our daily bread and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is
indebted to us and lead us not into temptation.’

Hand 8:36,37

KJV ‘And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water….see, here is water;
what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, if thou believest with all thine heart,
thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.’

RSV and NIV – verse 37 is not there, NLV – subscript, 1983 – not there

Rev 1:11

KJV ‘saying, I am alpha and Omega, the first and the last…

RSV, ’83, NLV –not there

So we now sit with a Bible that’s easy to read – softening the words of God – removing the
Christians ability to defend themselves – opening doors to false prophets, new doctrines,

Food for thought

The Food laws (ceremonial laws) were done away with in the Old Testament.

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

With reference to Markus 7:11, a theological statement is made in the New Version Bibles
that is not in the KJV: Daarmee het Jesus gewys dat ‘n mens enige sort kos mag eet. (With
that, Jesus showed that man can eat eat kind of food).

Hand 10:9-19 – describes Peter dreaming about food – suddenly, there is a knock at the
door – 3 men are looking for him ‘rise Peter, kill and eat’– vs 17 ‘rise and go down and
accompany them without hesitation’ vs 28 ‘’You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a Jew
to associate with or to sit anyone of another nation, but God has shown me that I should not
call any person common or unclean.’ – Peter now understands what God meant. It’s not
about the food – it’s about the gentiles.

God created this world as a system (certain things come in whilst certain things get dumped
and used by others, cleaning up..)

Lev 11:2-8 was given to us describing what we may eat (excluding horses, pigs – no split
foot animals, chew the cud..etc). With regards to seafood, has to have fins and scales –
excluding sharks, crabs, crayfish etc). [Interesting when considering how many people
become violently ill and are allergic to seafood! – own statement]. God wants to protect us
and want us to be healthy. That is the main reason for these laws. Thus, the New Testament
sanctification of food has to do with people, not food!



What does ‘long-suffering’ mean? Can God feel our pain? – Absolutely and he suffers along
in this pain, as his love for mankind is so indescribably, He wants to give everyone a chance
to know and choose Him. However, satan wants us to see him as cruel, vengeful, hateful, a
liar, thief, and that He wronged lucifer (the wronged One… - Bono (U2)..tbc). Does eternal
hell show a loving God? – No, because if God feels our pain, he will feel that pain too.

Why is there a pit of hell? The Lord wants to remove sin in all aspects from the universe. If
the pit of hell were to burn forever, the universe could not be completely clean. Would God
allow satan to remain active and alive or come back and challenge Him again, somehow
start another rebellion? No, satan, sin, angels and all the associated have to be destroyed
completely. Nothing constructive can be done with ash. Ash symbolizes the completion and
shutting off of the system of sin. Under the brazen alter in the Old Testament Sanctuary,
are the ashes – Psalms 73:12-17 ‘Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world;
they increase in riches…when I thought to know this, it was too painful for me; until I went
into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.’

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

When does hell actually start burning? II Petrus 2:9 ‘ the Lord knoweth how to deliver the
godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished’
Matt 24:46 ‘and these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into
eternal life’. Jude 7: ‘..suffering the vengeance of eternal fire..’ which refers to the eternal
fire on Sodom and Gomorra – they’re not burning at the moment!. Therefore, it’s not the
punishing that’s eternal – it’s the punishment! Gen 19:24 ‘turned Sodom and Gomora into
ashes..’ It’s not the punishing itself but the effects that will last forever. In other words,
there is no way to come back from that.

Gen 19:17 ‘Escape for your life, lest thou be consumed.’ Mal 4:1 ‘..and all that do wickedly,
shall be stubble.’ Ps 37:20 ‘the wicked shall perish.into smoke shall they consume away.’
Oba 16 ‘they shall be as though they had never been.’ Rev 20:10 ‘and the devil that
deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone..(14) ‘this is the second death’
(15) ‘and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire’.
Once again, there’s no way to come back from it. Nahum 1:9 ‘Affliction shall not rise up the
second time’. There’s good news about hell – it’s not burning yet – only on the Day of
Judgment – and it will not burn forever – the punishment will endure forever.

Secret Rapture (Wegraping)

This is an idea that has been filtering through the churches (biblically based) and also
inspired the ‘Left behind’ books written by Tim Le Hay. Matt 24:38-42 ‘For as in the days
that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage,
until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came and took
them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field;
the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one
shall be taken and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth
come.’. Luk 17:34-37 ‘the one shall be taken..and the other left’. ‘whereto Lord?’ The very
next verse (which most people seem to miss) ‘wheresoever the body is, thither will the
eagles be gathered together.’ (In other words, the eagles are going to be eating that which is

Matt 24:38-42 ‘..and took them all away’. Who was taken? – The wicked was taken! The
people left after the flood were Noah and his family. The righteous is left, the wicked is
taken. ‘Taken’ in the Bible speaks about taken away. The idea of the rapture is being used
because people are not reading carefully. Rev 19:21 ‘and the beast was taken and with him
the false prophet..’ Taken means you are going to be destroyed.

Throughout history, God has expected us to go through tribulation – but he promises that
He is always with us – this is a test of our faith. Deut 4:30 ‘..even in the latter days..’

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

Major theological errors with this theory of rapture:

 It suggests a ‘second chance’ doctrine
 Who is going to do all the work when all the Christians are gone?
 God contradicts Himself as now God’s people will be safe from turmoil for the first
time in history
 It contradicts the Bible, because the righteous are taken and the wicked remain.

Why is this theory so popular – where does it come from? The Jesuit order (R.P. Jesuit
Rouquette, op.cit.p440) Founded August 15, 1534 by the Spaniard, Ignatius Loyola and
sanctioned by Pope Paul III, September 27, 1540. Loyola wanted the order to be the
champions of catholic unity. He set up a system whereby the reformers who had broken
away (Protestants) could be brought back. In the Jesuit Catechism is says: What if the holy
Scriptures command one thing and the Pope another contrary to it? “The Holy Scriptures
must be thrown aside” (What is the Pope? “He is the Vicar of Christ, King of Kings and Lord
of Lords and there is but one Judgment-Seat belonging to God and the Pope.!!!! Roy Livesey,
1998 Understanding the New Age: World government and World Religion (Chichester,
England: New Wine Press, p104).

These Jesuits are from satan himself. They are run by satanic influences. Francisci Riberae
(Jesuit priest and doctor of theology 1537-1591) came up with an idea of throwing the
antichrist into the future. In his commentary, Ribera believed that the rapture would occur
45 days before the end of the 3.5 year tribulation period..this was the first time the second
coming was split into two separate comings, one for the church and then one at the end of
the age with the raptured church returning with Christ in wrath. This was the Birth of the
Pre-tribulation Doctrine in the 1800’s. Manuel de Lacunza (1731-1801), a Jesuit Priest,
claimed to be a converted Jew under the alias of ‘Rabbi Ben Ezra’ and wrote a book: ‘The
coming of messiah in glory and majesty.’ In that book he theorized that the church would be
raptured (taken up to be with the Lord) some 45 days before the real return of Jesus to the
earth. Jesuits hides within systems (under cover) and spread poison. Lacunza wrote his
manuscript in Spanish and it was published in 1812 under a pseudo-name Juan Josafa
[Rabbi] Ben-Ezra. By doing so, his book would more easily be accepted by Protestantism.
This proved true as it was placed on Rome’s Index of prohibited books, which only made it
sought out even more by the Protestants. The futurism of Ribera never posed a positive
threat to the Protestants for 3 centuries. It was virtually confined to the roman church. But
early in the 19th century, it sprang forth with vehemence and latched on to Protestants of
the Established Church of England. What happened? Lacunza’s book would have a dramatic
influence on Edward Irvind and his formation of the Pre-tribulation Doctrine. It most likely
influenced Irvine to add another coming of Christ to the one described in Scripture.

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

Dave Mac Pherson in ‘The Incredible Coverup’: ‘Edward Irvind is the acknowledged
forerunner of both the Pentecostal and charismatic movements. He pastured the large
Chalcedonian chapel in London with over 1000 members and eventually accepted the one-
man antichrist idea of Ribera, yet he went a step further. Somewhere around 1830, Edward
Irvind began to teach the unique idea of a two-phase return of Christ, the first phase being a
secret rapture prior to the rise of the antichrist. Where he got this idea is a matter of much
dispute. It is believed that Irvind accepted it as a result of a prophetic revelation given to a
young Scottish girl named Margaret McDonald. Her revelation was first published in Robert
Norton’s Memoirs of James and George Macdonald, Port Glasgow (1840), pp171-176.
Norton published it again in The Restoration of apostles and prophets; in the Catholic
Apostolic church (1861), pp15 – 18. Today, he’s acknowledged as the father of the
Pentecostal and the Charismatic churches. He founded the catholic apostolic church, and
then eventually the New Apostolic Church. So Irvind bases his doctrines on the Jesuits as
well as a so called revelation received by a 15 year old girl – and comes up with the idea of
restoration of apostles and prophets… Irvind translated (Jesuit) Lacunza’s work from Spanish
into English in 1827 with the title ‘Preliminary Discourse to the Work of Ben Ezra – Coming
of Messiah in Glory and Majesty.’ Robert Caringola in (Seventy weeks : The Historical
Alternative, p 6) ‘The futuristic school of Bible prophecy came from the Roman Catholic
church, specifically her Jesuit theologians. It is a matter for deep regret that those who hold
and advocate the Futurist system at the present day, Protestants as they are for the most
part, are thus really playing into the hands of Rome, and helping to screen the papacy from
detection as the antichrist.”

Tim LeHay is fiction – an idea, just a novel.

Alcasar came up with the idea of the antichrist should become part of history at the time of
Nero – to get the ‘heat’ of the papacy).

In summary, where does the rapture doctrine come from? – the Jesuit Francisco Ribera. This
satanic doctrine is carried further by De Lacunza who hides - then to Edward Irving –
Pentecostal and Charismatic churches. They are hiding the antichrist system without even
knowing it. What’s in it for satan? Some people believe that they’ve experienced heaven
(tunnel, light etc). Whose implanting that vision – God or satan? If it strengthened their
relationship with God – it was from God. God will only give that vision if you are going to
heaven. If not – it’s from satan. Satan is preparing for this rapture. Angels can manifest as
humans – they can disappear. This resultant confusion, hatred, jealousy will cause
Christianity to wobble and fall. We know from the Word that the second coming of Christ
cannot be disputed. However, there are plans for the secret rapture as well as for the
coming of Christ.

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

Look up H.A.A.R.P. (High Frequency Auroral Research Program). It is located and owned by
the US Airforce property and jointly managed by their research lab and the Office of Naval
Research. This station was chosen to take advantage of specific ionosperic features found in
limited geographic regions of the world. ( They
are able to ‘bounce’ something out into space, it comes back and reflects (US patent
number 4 686 605: HAARP). Jerry E Smith in “HAARP: the ultimate weapon of the
conspiracy: Holographic images from the sky – new world order planners can possibly take
over the world by projecting holographic images into the sky while beaming thoughts
directly into our heads, telling us to accept the new ‘god’ of their design.”

It will be used to create an illusion of the secret rapture and the coming of Christ. The new
agers are behind these plans. David Spangler (New Ager) in ’82: “I have learned that the new
age movement has devoted a great deal of research and attention to the use of holographic
images. These are 3-dimensional images created in space by use of laser beams. Laser beam
projectors had been installed for use on top of the Cathedral of st. John the Divine, Episcopal
in New York City. ( I talked to lighting experts to see
what laser beam projectors are capable of and I was told they can be beamed onto
telecommunications satellites. The New Agers have several of these at their disposal. When
the lasers bounce from the satellite back to earth, the light rays can be bent in such a
manner as to appear that flames are coming from the sky. These satellites can also be used
to project a 3-dimensional holographic image viewable by up to one third of the earth’s
population. There is even technology to make the image speak in the language of the areas
to which is beamed.” (Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow pp24, published in 1983).

New agers are quoted as saying ‘belief sometimes needs a physical crutch..Various
commentators have suggested that “even during the Exodus itself, the semi-legendary Cloud
of the Presence may, like the equally-legendary pillar of fire and smoke which accompanied
the long march, have been some kind of technological phenomenon. Certainly, therefore,
the use of such special effects should not be ruled out on this occasion (appearance of
antichrist) (New Age leader Peter Lemesurier, The Armageddon Script’, pp236). New Age
author David Spangler (part of UN): “Lying signs and wonders accompanying the appearance
of the New Age Christ are technologically feasible.’ It’s going to drive confusion into
Christianity – they believe it not because it’s in the Bible, but because their pastors are
preaching it to them.

Rev 1:7 ‘and every eye will see him’

Matt 24:27 ‘lighting from the east to the west’ (not 1/3rd – everyone!!)

This is not going to be anything secret – it will be with power and glory.

Acts 1:11. ‘This same Jesus….will come in the way you have seen Him going into heaven.’

Nicolene Filmalter
Compiled from Mark Woodman’s DVD series ‘God’s final Call (Order:

2 Thes 2:8 ‘and the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the
breath of His mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming..’

Jer 25:33 ‘And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from the one end of the earth even
unto the other….they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung
upon the ground.’

Nicolene Filmalter

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