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Pits 1986 Yearbook

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kain Stuaee in tHqprurd Silc
the nDSt crrmur ardaeological vesEige recovered frcrn tle majority of Irqr Age sites in
kitain and l.lorr}Ern Frarrce is tle pit (Villes 19BI). Ihe cmsiderable variety of strape ard
I size argr:e that pits r"ere r:sed for a range of different rctivities and prposes. lhforhrntely
r+tsr o<cavated tlrey rarely bear any txace Ltfldr might lead to identificatior of tleir origiml
purpose. lbrrmlty ttrey are filted with nrbble and often tlnt is depeited witlin the pit over
I a lorg period. ftcasion1ly they have been described as nrbbistr pits, a rost mlikely designatior
skrce tle tmbbistrt of that ciety in cqt::ast Lo rndern day society res prirerily biodegradable
and uas nmt pnobably throvn drto a midden and srbsequortly trandered to tle fields Ers rrnrure.
I{u,rever, wit}dn the nBss of pits recovered tho types are doninant in size and *rape, t}re cylinder
and t}re beehive pit averaging scne 1.50 m - 2.0 m deep by 1.50 m - 2.0 m in diareter. Witllin
tlds category ssrE are e:ct:lsrEly large being up to fo:r netres deep. Invariably tiey are to be
fqrd in perneable rock, ustnlly dnlk, llnesture, sand and gravel and sard. An hypot]resis as
to tteir ftnctior ms originally rade by Dr. Gerhard Bersu over forLy years ago rfur he cqrsidered
tirey crn:ld have been used for t}re hrlk storage of grain (Bersr 19,0). heviorsly tiey had even
been corsidened as potential dlrellings, the Irqr &e people a rice of troglodytes.

I Frun tle early sixties this hypotlesis has been srbjected to intsrsive o<aninatior (BCI^,sr & lfuod
1%8; Reyrnlds L%7, Lff9, L974, L978, 1979; Hi-11, Lacey & Reynolds 1983). Tte naLive pracLice
of grain storage is rcIt attested in Africa (Robircm 1%3) ard evm parts of North Anerica
I ffifson 1917) but it r.ras generall-y considered that the darp tnndd cltrate of Britain ras so different
tiat grain rmuld spoil in an octrarely short tjrrE if stored in this rarner. Tte earliest erAerimrts
proved qulte cordu.sively tlnt it uas possible to store grain in a single mljned pit in both
I chalk and ljresEure. Ttese results, truever, raised ratlren rcre qlrcsEions ttnn tlrey solved. For
ocarple, isolaticn of notirre, alrrnst lryossiUrc to envisage, is still a srbject for debate. hhre
t}tey caclres or hidden stores as in tle African systsn drereby srreak attack r^ufld be tlnarred?
AlterrnLively vas tle systm of pit storage a standard agricultu:aVecaronic practice? the stffi
1 mlnbexs of tlrese types of pits to be fcnnd sr individrnl sites irdicates ratlrer less of a s-u:virnl
store and rmre of a rcretu:sing facility. Again, sirae pits are freqr:rrtly fo:nd ctrt into eactr
other, they carrrot be corterporary ard the earlier sfficiently cnrt of rrEmory for t}re diggen of tle
later to be urarmre of its presence. Tle qrestior of utrich pits r,vene cmtqporary is alrDsE
insoluble sj-rtce even ufio similar arEefacts like pot$erds, ufdch stnre a cqmpn tire span, are
fotnd in djffenent. pits, the tire span is question can o<ceed a tn-rrdred years. Such a span in
agriculh:re is cosistsrt continuity of usage given inevitable productior
too lorg to srrrrise
variability brcught abort by climlic e:(EsrES. In this particulff curte:<t it is irportant to
rsrsnber tlnt tlp average capacity of eadr pit is in excess of tr.o tomes of grain. Thereforre,
a relatively 1o^, rnrnber of pits can iryly a quite cursiderable tonnage. Tte alternative questiqr
raised by tle ncxrcortemporareity of pits is the length of Lire a pit can rsrain as a viable
storage container.

I Supplorentary questions reJating to both agriculture and ardneologr abornd. For agriorltrre
the rDsE criLical area of erquiry certres upcn the efficiency of tlre pit a.s a sEorage rrdt, effect
of stnpe and lining, tle percertage loss, contaniratiur by insects, bacteria and microflora,
i genninabi-Lity of the grain post storage and, indeed, the rpst ftnctional storage period.
Archaeologica[y t]e focus is upcrr Srysical trace evidence and potential rtraste prodtrct pnovided by
tlre storage process and ho', s:ctr might be used to determine definiLively t}at a pit r,as used
specificalty for tle pteoe of grain sEorage at scrE stage during its fr-rrctiqnl life.
i In onder to out the onshJers to tlrcse questiurs a conplo< series of ocperirurts tave been
carried out frcrn tte erlysixEies to tle presant. As in e'11 agricultu:al research tle lorger a
t trjal is rrEintained tle nrcre \ralid the resrlts beccrre. lrjhi-le the initial phase of e:qerirrertatict
proved tlre hypothesis to be a valid orre, it is only by repea.ted tria-ls and ideally by faiJ-ure

j that a fu1l understanding is gained.

Ihe rcttn1 teclnology of grain storage in r:ndergro:nd silos is relatively straiglrtfonmrd. I
Tte natr-mal respi::ation cycle of grain r:ses orygen and gives off carbon dio<ide as a uaste
product. Witldn a sealed container like a pit the r.rasEe gas quickly perrEates tlre aurnsphere
and intribits ftrther respiration. At this point tlrc grain enters a state of trrsEable dornancy,
tlre instability being caused by the presence of microrcrgani.srs utlich are present on tIre grain
prior Eo storage. Ihny of tlsn are able to Bintain ttreir life cycles in rnrginal corditions
and are only arrested UV toreeraures belo^, 12o - f+o Cutri,rs.
The srorage of grain uritldn a pit follcr+s ttese precepts. For tle achral practice of
rndergrornd storage of grain ia pretristory r,re have flrc cla.\s:ical references to Gernnny by liacitus,
t}le RcnBn political historian, utro describes r-ndergrourd charnbers sealed with dtng. SimiJarly I
Pliny refers to pits in Spain sealed witn day. lr[rile canrtion m:sL ahays be e:<ercised wtren
usfug t}e docurrentary eviderrce uhich has g:rvived, nornnlly r,rtren r+riters describe foreign prrctices
tlrey isolate and discuss tle differences, not tle similar-ities, betr'eeri tlreir qm and foreign
cr:ltr:res. the key to ttre storage systor lies alnosr ordusively r{ith t}le seal. Clay and dtng
drare the sane cha:zcteristic of, l*ren darp, befu€ iryenrEable to further uater peretration. Once
tlre pit ttas been fiIled Lrith grain, in tlrc case of tlre ergerirrcntal pits, the s:rface is tlrcrorgfrly
caulked with rpisc day orcending sore thirEy centiretres beyqrd the actr:al circr-nfererrce. To
keep this day noisE ard tlerefore. iryerrrEableredrth is layered over it to a depth of scne
fifteen to tul,enty centiretres. Witldn the pit tlle grains in irnediate'cultact with the soAl and
t}le pit ualJs have o<actly tle right cqrditions to germirnte. Witldn tlree to five days a dcin of I
germimting seeds is forred arotrrd the grain ness. The vaste prodtrct of this process is carbqr
d:io:cide gas ufrtidt sinks into t]rc intergranular atrnosSrene charging it quite significantly. lrlit}rin
tho heeks the aurcsptEre witldn tle pit has altered by a minirn-m of qre per cent by volue of
carbqr dio:cide, regularly nnre, the nornal in air being 0.m3 per cent. Ftcrn vftddt tire fi:rtlen
germimtion i-s radically slorcd. Exceptioally if the pit is penetrated by rrater germbaLim tdat
restart. Inevitably ttene is a degree of fine seepage into tlre seal and, tterefore, into tlre upper
sr:rface of the grain alto^ring firrtlrcr very slon, prodrrctlon of carbqr dio:ride but the s:rface loss
rarely otceeds tl4,o centiretres in depth. Indeed, this researctr has shohrn the loss to average scrrE
tlro to three per cent of tle hrlk stored. this figure decreases as tle pit size increases, a
fr-rrcuion of tle capacity of a cqttainer in ratio to its vall area. Ibr,'ever, t]ris loss is of great. I
signficance, not Jrt t}le agriculhral sense in that sudr a loss is rpre tten acceptable eraen in
nndern tems, but ratier because it is a mbbistr ccrnpurerrt subject to disposal and, tlrerefore,
potentially significant ardneologically. thj-s topic is discussed belor.

the grain storage reserdr prograrrrE of the last tr^o years has been partially fwrded rnsu
genero:sly by the John S@an fehris IhsE. Because it is easy to accept a sirple digest of reolts,
a digest utridt rarely indicates the detailed naEure of tle data, or even ocplains r^fry those data are I
colJ-ected, tle foltouring section preserts all $e data gathered fron tlre trials wtr-i-le tIre csrchrsion
seeks to drar^r together tlE treds fuplied by tle data. In fact, tle results of the pasL trrro seasons
are representative to a Iarge oGent of tlre rain trerrds of trnenty years of rnork. I
By oay
of an introdrction to the data a najor caveat nust. be explained. the very retlrod of
inforrmtuion frcrn an srpirical trjal, can, trnless great care is taken, o<ent an trdue
influence on the ue hand, on the otlrer d:zrmtically dlange the resrrlts. Ihe critical factors in
tndergrcn:nd storage are aurDsptere dnnge, tsrperature and npisEr.rre content. This 'last has pnwed
too costly to adrieve by romte sensors, the information relating to rDi-stu:e content being obtairred
by sarpfiry irmEdiately before storage and inrediately after recovery. Internal terpe::atrres of I
the pits have been nnrritored bV Xsing firsu tlermistor probes and tlrereafter drcueahrrel thernncorples.
Both systels are accLrate to O.I"Oelsius. Sanpl-ing t}re aurosptrere, hcnrever, is a littJ-e npre
djJficttlt. Analysis of the cdrpotertt parts of carbon ronoxide, carbon dioxide and oxygea requires
a mirltn,in of 10 m1 pen sanple trrit. Sirrce a full representauiur of t]e atrrcsSrer:e is needed, a
minimm of eiglrt points are eryloyed, tlre sarple bejrg errtr:acted by syringe frcm polyErere pipes
sf::atigicafly laaLed within t]e pits. Tr,'o problers are inrrolved. First, and rnst fuportantrt]E I

) rurf

& copsoil

f riablc



Scalc ln Dcclmctrcs

sampfirg frequerry m.r.sE be strictly Lirdted ia order to avoid alteriry tIre aurns$rcre by tle
very act of sarpling it. Itre securd problan is a npre sirple bnrt equally critical sre of
ens:rirg tiat the safipf-hg tubes are propenly sealed and t]rat tlrcjr ercit points frcm tle piL
are r,,aterproof. h tlre case of the forrner, eaecia:fy wift sla'lJ- rexperinrentalr pits, it is
possible drfuS a season to o<drange corpletely tle aurns$rere witldn tlre piE, tlre sarpliry
prccess using over si:<ty per cenL of tle vol"ne. To avoid tiis a fortnigfrtly sanpfing period
has bem adopted. In tlrc latten case, on tr.o occasions a pit virhnlly faiJ.ed bear:se vater
srte!:ed the pit t}ro$h irndequate seals aro.rrd t]re saryLing tubes proftcing colurrs of spoiled
g:ain. Forturntely not all tixe grain res affected and representative results cor:Id be obtained.
the data collected frcm eadr storage period, t]rerefore, fal-1- into t]e foltowing categories. t
Fhcm tlE pit itself aEnosphere sanrples and tarperatures are colleted frrrn eigfrt points set in
tlree \rerLical colurns. One colrrrn set at tlre pit centre, one at tlre pit side each carrying
tlree points at pit top, pit centre and pit bottcrn, the ftird co}xn being set halfvay betteen tlese
trD and carrying tho points at a quarter and three quarter depti. Thus tle pit is fully sanpled
throrglnut its volure. ftLitial tests are carried out on the gfain prior to and posL sEorage
for germirnbi-Lity and rmisuure content (Figrre 1). t
the balarrce to t}re above data rtrich relates specificatly to tlre interior of tle sLorage pit
is provided by tenperature data, collect6fl dai'ly, relaliry to tle rock nass witldn wtLidr t}te pit
is dug and the incident rairrfall on the site. In principle the terperature of tlre greater nass t
wi-Ll directly affect the tarpemture of t]re lesser nass. Therefore, as t]e rock qmls in auttrrn
and during ti* *iot"o so the-piL and its contents ri-Lt also be cooled belor^r tlre 14o CeLsius nnrk
and tftus fuhibit tlle life cydes of tie bacteria ard fmgi present. the ot]rer rajor factor,
probably nnre sigrrificant tlnn terperature, is the rafufalt and its effct upon tln rocl< nnss on
the one hand, on t}re ot}rcr its potortial perretration into tte pit throug[r the clay or dtng seal.
As rentioned above hypottresised storage pits arerecovered prfuerily in perneable rocks wtLidr rain
uater nornally traverses verLicaily. I{u,'ever, if the rafufa1l is curulatively considerable lateral
nDvsrEnt of uater does occtr'. SimiJarly l',tren rafurfaff is octrerely treavy witlin Limited tim spans
lateral rpvsmlt will aLso take place. In boti events peneE:atior of the pit is likely h'ith t}re
res:lt of regoroated and an irrcrease of tlre loss percentage. 0n orrly ure occasicn
in a pit dug into lirrestorre rock has poreE:ation of rainfall proved totally destrrrctive ard Ulat
occasion r^as caused by a previously unobserved far:It in the rock forrmtion. this fault created
a dnamLlc sluice effect. T
the storage period adopted for tlre researctr programE correlates to traditional agricrflEuu:a1
praclice. the prire cqrcem is the safe keeping of tle hawest. t}roug[rout the winten againsE srch
tfues a^s it nay be required. The Iimit to the period is tlrc fol-lo,ring spring. Given tie laEer T
hanresting dates of ttre early cereals tlre storage period cqrrrEnces in late October and concludes
in late }hrci/early Apri1. Depending upon the naLure of eadr seercon these tines nay strift slig[rtly.
Ttre curent prograrrE corprises fcirr sLorage rnits e:<arnining a mnnber of ccrnparable
rrariables e]'l gonsldered againsL a clinatic background. Tr.o are large pits wtridr sirnrlate t}e
typical preldstoric ocanples in size and stnpe, one is cylindrical 1.50 m deep and 1.50 m in di.areter,
tlre othen is beelLive sttaped 1.50 m deep with a base dianeter of 1.50 m na:ro,ring to a nnuth dianeter
of c. 1.0 m. Both are cut into chalk rock, corpletely trrljned and have no protective buildiag over
tlrsn. The third is simi-larly unprotected but is a smIL cylinder 1.0 m deep and & centiretres in
diarrEter with tlrc mIls caulked with a thin covering of day. Ihe fcrurth, similar in sfrape and T
size is carpletely unlirred but set inside a simrlated Iron Age rcn-rrd-house. Eadr has its o,n
designation befug an acronym fornBd frcm tlxe above variables. In order tley are I,fMlJNLlJIrlC (I'lNful.rn
srzE - llNlined - lll€ryered by any strucLure), I"IN(H.JNLIJ]C (]'lMirrun sze - Bee]rive shaped - Lll{"Iined -
llltF-overed by any stnrcture), flXC (CIay lined - lJlrlCovered by any structure) and covr.rnl (OVered by
a stnrcture - IlNlined). ltrc data relevant to eadr are recorded belovl with tlrese designations.
in all previous seasons storage uas ccrryletely successful with an average germinabiliLy
of tlre grain body ot 93.92. Another feature of ttds particufar pit, not obsenved jn tle previor:.s
season, ms a decrease of nearly U in the rrcisElre contmt of the gfain. lhstage is restricted to
the interface betkem the grain body and tlre seal and a srBII- qr.nntity at t}e base of tle pit. thi-s
season uastage r*a.s Z.
l}e cqrclusion to
similar to seesons.
of rndergrond gnain storage are bredly
be d::awn frcm tlese U{o seasms
npst obvior:s and, in a sense, sLi-ll t]e rrcsL rgrnrkable is t]nt
preceding The
graia can be stored srrccessfully in hrlk in a sirple mUned pit cut into dnlk rock and sealed up
with day. The srccess is nmsured in terns of t}re gerrrinabi-lity of tle grain after storage. In
nndern terns tnlless grain i.s specificalty kept as seed grain in controlled conditions leading to
an ocpected germirnbi-lity of W" altlrough nerclnnt*rilI orAy gr.rarantee 8m, t}le nornal germimbiJity
of grain stored in stack or sj-lo ranges between 7W.. In order to achieve tlds the seed mrst be
carefirlly dried Eo a rmisture conEent less tlnn 1fl and averagiag 72" altd theneafterbekept cm1 and
tr.'ett grain. Earlier
rodent free. Storing the grain ia pits at \ff" is, in effect, storing
erperfusrts with grain stored in pits aL2Y" rpi-sture content rnere eqr:ally successful (Reynolds 1978).
CermirnbitiLy as a tesE of s,rcess or faiLr:re in grain storage is, of corrse, the npst sbringmt.
Grairr can be perfectly arceptable as a food with zero germimbi-Lity.

The correlation betheen the internal aurDsdrere ard terper:atrre of tlre pit with tlre external
ctilmUic condiLions ard the overall rock telperatr:res is simifarly quite clear. That the effects
are cr:striored by tle netlpds of sCorage are pD\ren by tle results both frcrn the germiratiot trials and
t5e miniral *.iaUifity of the noisture contert of tte grain. One particular long term
been tlp effect of ttre- sLorage proces on tlre side ualls of the unfirred pits. Ihe
reult has
tsldnt of sprorting I
this in ccnrbjrntion with tle dalnpress through tine
$rysically altens tte L,aIt surfaces nekhg t]tan
tlre sprouting seeds adhere uo the rough torure
of tle ctnlk and u,hen the 'ddrt isr pflled a!€y at clearring,
ofLen been observed by ttre r.sriter on ne*ly o<carnated Iron &e
tlny fragnErlts of dnlk are also rolpved-
t}e pit ualls. This $renorenon has
pit-s on a large nr.nrber of sites
furcludiry hneh:ry and lhiden Gstle. Since the effect occurs only after a mrnben of seasms use it
is potentja-Ily not only an indicator of furation but a]so of frequerrcy of fr:nction. T
Further potential proof of finction is also offered by tlre sldn hfiich is essentially the only
reste prodrct of the process. Nornnlty this slcin is a rmtted conplo< of seeds, stnots and rmtlets. T
The skin can be stripped ar,ey fron tlre pit r^ralls and bottcrn and rsrpved fron tIre pit. ff left in
a treap it attracts bi-rds and rodents for a rnfrile. A certain arpunt of germination takes place but
genezlly it is a nalodorous piJ-e of wtrich could easily be consigned to t]E midden. An
alEernative disposal systsn rnas tried utridr involved stripprng away the tddr' and burniag it within
t}e pit. the end product vas a residtnl qrnntity of carbonised seed. Because tjre mbbistr vas darp
the bonfire burned slor^r1y ideal conditions for tle carbonisalion of ccnpact and dsrse
raterial. A long term sEudy of tlre carbonisatj-on of seeds in bqLfire condiEions has been carried T
ort by the autlror with the strrprising corclusion tlnt cereal seeds have a c. 667o sunrival rate
(Reynolds - forrhconing). The carbonlsed seeds frcm the bundng of tlre uaste slcin, hor,rever, wene
proportionately quite distjnctive. ScrE 7ffi shCI,'Ed clear erridence of sproutirrg. The sprouts and T
rootlets uere, of course, totally destroyed. Wi*dn t]re skin there r.'ere seeds u,tlich had germinated
hrt tIre gro*th cycle had been concluded by tlre carbon dioxide atrnosphere within the pit. Coryarison
of ttrese seeds h'ith carbonised ores for.nrd in Iron Age pits u,tdch displayed o<actly tle sare cqrdition
rathen elegantly supports tle process. The corparable evidence uas drawn frcm the bneh:ry
o<carraLiqts (persornl ccnmrlicaLion - M.Jones).

Fimfty attention needs to be drar,n to tlre $rysical sEate of ttre pits aften scne fourteen T
consecuLive seasons of usage. Snnply by filfing and erptying the pits the upper edges of the pits,
to a depth of tr"enty csrtinetres irrcludiag tle soi-l- layer of ten centinetres, has been eroded auay
quite nnrkedly. In practice this erosion rathen then posirg a problan is of scne benefit since soil {
particles and fragnrnts of clnlk do not falI into the pit during storage and recovery and the s@1 is


I rErgirE11y iuprorred sfue t]E day seql achrally rakes up for the missing soil presorting a mrh

I ,ore sigoifi.-rt barrier

deffuEd ttE er€ct state
c66idered. lbrrever, the
to flDi.shre penetration. Since the ar&aeofogicaf process has not yet
of t}le upper edges of a pit, tlEe is rp ccryaralive enidence to be
r:se of tle pits has podr:ced this trerrere evidsrer and greater attentiqr

i durfu€ e:<ca'raticn qight r'ell pnove remrdlng.

all tte cqrsideratiqrs corerntg grain storage in urdergrcrund pits, perlaps tlE rcst critical
to sEress is tlat ttre pits described above have best irr use arrn:ally for a period of fq-rUeen yeElrs.

I tn pit b, fu fact, an furrocertt csrtainer ard r^uild sesn at present rrot to have a finite life span.
this has csrsiderableiryticatiors for tle interpretatiur of Irqr Age sites, partla:Urfy iryortant
centres Uke hrehry lfiIl Fort, vfrerc pit capacity is subo.ued into arymrts cmcelning the

I agricultwal ccncrry (Crrrfiffe 1S4). For tle airgumts to be cogent a life span for a sEorage pit
is regularly assred to be ten J@s, a tire scale recognised to be rnpnoven hrE rstetheless qloyed
significantly in the econcmic argusrEnt. the rorprllal of this elsrrent frcm the form.rla ine\ritably
debases tlE res.flts and irrylicatiors drarm qr t}re qre hand, on the other, in order to apply the

i ffudfugs above, a rs, formrla reeds to be corstnrted.


i Bersr, G. 1qO B<cavatioirs

at Little l,Ioodhry, lfilt*rire, P,zocPnphi,tt.loc26,

I Bouren, H.C. & I&od' P. 1968 B9erirutal storage of corn maergom and its irylicaticts for
Ircn Age ettlsmrts, &rJleLin l{o. 7, Intt hrtfunL, Uniu.tttilg

t G:nltffe, B. 1934
4. Ladsl
bneh:4r : An
Report 52, C-ondl /nz
I::sr Age HiJ.lFort in lhrystrire, Vol. 2,
Ddil/A frldwpD(.., '557€

I Ifi-ll, R.A., Iacey, J.

Reynolds, P.J. 1S
& Storage of Barley &ain in 116r Age Type Urdergrqmd Yr*c,, J.Stond.
Pnd., Res. Vol. 19, l.lo. 4, L6Yl7l-

I Pliry Ihtural History, 18, 306

Bperirrelts in Irqr Age Agriculu:re, -/nma. Eil,ttol- e Qlarce,nztthitu.

fuyrolds, P.J. 1%7
fuldwpD!..foc.r VoI. 6, G73

Reynolds, P.J. 1969 tsAerirrErfs in Ircr fue furictrltu:e, 7,zrn5, h,inil S.Qlortnetultinz

I Reyrnlds, P.J. L974

Ardoeol..iocr Vo1. 88, P33
Uper-inentaf Irm Age Storage Pits : An Int€rim ReporL, Pnoc. Pnehir:L

I Reynolds, P.J. 19ru

Soc-, tp., 11&131

7/e €xlpniru*ril Sta/?a#. 4 Q,nin in llrcletzgaud. Si,b^,

leicesten ltrriversity: tmpublished Hi'r.D. Thesis

I Reynolds, P.J. L979 A general report of tfrrdergrcund Grain Storage Bperjrutts at tle
Butser Arcient Farm Reserch h,oject, t-e.s Tedniryu dz convnxniot

I dp, Eriltu d lmg ta/up, Vo1. 1. hris: C.N.R.S. 70S

A ncteor Storzge Pits : Rhodesian Iron Age and }bdern Africa,

5"711trnitrt hrtloeo!. EilL, L8 (7O), 6243

t. Gernnnia 16.4

t 1eclnirlu,s
cle. cm,ytuxtlim clil %ilra d lDng tzruE Paris: C.N.R.S.

I lfiJsor, G.L. 1917 Agriculture of t]re Hidatsr lrdians, an Irdian Interpretation,

Sfuf,lib in the. Scinerl 9, [hriv. of Minnesota, Minrmpolis

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