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Best Practices in Solar Operation & Maintenance PDF

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Best Practices in Solar Operation & Maintenance

1. Who we are?
2. EGP, how we work today within O&M
3. Maintenance strategy
4. Operational Efficiency and Diagnostic Analysis
5. O&M Innovative Solutions
▪ Solar cells optimizers
▪ PID Solution
▪ Drones for O&M
▪ Digitalization / Big Data

Who we are?
We are the world's largest producer of renewable energy

Over 65 years of experience


More than 63,500 collaborators

30 countries
We speak from Spanish, Italian, English,
Portuguese, Romanian, Greek and even Russian

+ 1,400 plants
You would need 4 whole years to visit each of

2.1 million km of energy distribution

Able to turn the earth around 52 times

+42 GW
Generation capacity
675 MW
+1.7 GW

52 MW 992 MW




Enel Green Power
How we work today within O&M

Optimize O&M Solar strategy, processes and activities
following solar significant growth at global scale,
with large plants (>100 MW) in emerging solar markets
for a total of 4,3 GW to be managed by 2Q 2018

Project work-streams

✓ Definition of optimized O&M Solar Strategy

✓ Operational Efficiency and
Diagnostic Analysis improvement
Installed capacity growth (GW)
✓ O&M Innovative Solutions & Practices
scouting, analysis and implementation
4,3 GW
✓ Training and professional growth
3 GW
992 MW for "solar" colleagues
2 GW 179 MW 34 MW
292 MW 275 MW
✓ Dedicated IT Systems
515 MW NEW
1.5 GW to optimize solar plant maintenance

Dec 2016 Jun 2017 Dec 2017 April 2018 ✓ Communication to boost involvement
of all EGP colleagues on Solar
Maintenance strategy

Preventive maintenance Corrective maintenance Extraordinary maintenance Preventive maintenance

Extraordinary Maintenance Predictive maintenance is a

Preventive Maintenance Corrective Maintenance covers the
actions are necessary when Condition-based maintenance
activities are the core element activities performed by the
major unpredictable events carried out by evaluating
of the maintenance services Maintenance team in order to restore
take place in the plant site that typical patterns of significant
to a PV plant. It comprises a PV plant system, equipment or
require substantial activities parameters of plant
regular visual and physical component to a status where it can
and Works to restore the components degradation.
inspections, as well as perform the required function.
previous plant conditions or any Predictive techniques help to
verification activities Corrective Maintenance include:
maintenance activity generally determine the condition of in-
conducted with specific
not covered or excluded from
frequencies. It is under the ✓ Fault Diagnosis: also called service equipment in order to
the O&M Contract. predict when and whether
responsibility of the O&M troubleshooting to identify fault
Extraordinary Maintenance maintenance should be
contractor to prepare the task cause and localization
interventions are required for:
plan until the end of the ✓ Temporary Repair: to restore performed.
✓ Damages that are a
contract the required function of a faulty
consequence of a Force
item for a limited time, until a
Majeure event
Repair is carried out
✓ Damages as a
✓ Repair: to restore the required 2 main activities to trigger:
consequence of a theft of
function permanently 1. DATA ANALYSIS ON MAIN
fire EQUIPMENTS (Modules, Inverter,
✓ Modifications required by transformers)
Routine -> embedded in
regulatory changes the Maintenance Plan
✓ Other upgrade activities for On Condition -> on
perfomance improvement main equipment
*Operation & Maintenance, Best Practices Guideline/ verison 2.0,
2018, Solar Powe Europe
Operational Efficiency and Diagnostic Analysis
Algorithms developed in house on SAS platform

Relevant features

✓ References Power Curves for single MPPT: created

through fully in-house developed algorithms based on
neural network approach and statistical analysis on
historical data and updated on yearly bases.

✓ Operational Efficiency Analysis for each MPPT to

monitor the performance until the day before. Lost
Production estimation and classification thanks to the
Alarm Logbook from SCADA and Manual Logbook
compiled by Supervisors on field.

✓ Smart Reporting and Iterative Analytic Tool

developed in-house and available on-line and on
personal mobile: ICARUS

Operational Efficiency and Diagnostic Analysis
Examples Unavailability Events without an alarm

Tracker problems Soiling Problems

Automatic Allarm Trigger • Daily acquisition of data from field and

automatic processing;
That consent to have a fast
• Evaluation of the Losses due to
intervention on field in order
the dirty on panel;
to solve the problems.
• Cleaning optimization for the Country.
O&M Innovative Practices
Stream Overview

Goals Activities carried out Main results Next step

• Preliminary examples of Predictive

• Preliminary Scouting and PoCs of 1. Strengthening the synergies with
Platforms (i-EM, M2D)
Predictive Monitoring Solutions with GRE Digital Hub for internalisation
Predictive Maintenance & • Risk analysis and Catalogue of
INN of Predictive mathematical models
Monitoring main PV modules Failures
• Completion of onsite inspections 2. Defining the Amendment of
• Webinar on PV Failures Detection.
within prototype project Contract for next tasks in 2018-2019
Involvement of EGP Solar Community

• Cleaning Business cases shared 1. Identification of Fully Automatic

• Testing of Anti Soiling Coating and Cleaning solution for O&M (if
within E&C Revolution Cleaning
Innovative Cleaning data analysis in collaboration with INN applicable, depending on specific
• PoC for dry-cleaning by Robots with INN
work stream
• Testing of Robots in ITUVERAVA site environments and PV plant
design i.e. trackers)
• Preliminary Gap analysis in Data • Check of signals in Cloud per Inverter 1. Strengthening the synergies with
Lake Manufacturer
Digitalization GRE Digital Hub for unified Digital
• Gathering of signals database from • Preliminary analysis of signals from MV
system, trackers, DC section from
systems to be used in O&M
LCR and WMR Cloud (Intellysinc) activites
• Scouting of Drones suppliers with INN • Business case for drones usage 1. Identification of solutions feasible
• AR project with INN. Definition of the and Smart Glasses case shared to be applied in current Operation
Drones and Smart Glasses demo for Smart Glasses at PV plant in within E&C Revolution dedicated activities
Europe work stream
• Release of O&M Guideline for
Drones inspections

O&M Innovative Solutions
Innovative PV Cleaning: use cases

Project objective
Assessing the best innovative solutions for PV modules’ cleaning to be applied in EGP PV Plants by using customized cleaning robots.

✓ Self-Powered
✓ Being automatic or semi-automatic (operated with some, or totally without human
✓ Suitable to be mounted on solar tracking structures
✓ Without (or with very short) water usage for cleaning
✓ Suitable to guarantee a soiling recovery (dust, sand) ≥ 95%
✓ Deployed with a target price according to EGP economical requirements (e.g.
LCOE reduction criterion) Highlights

• Technology reliability assessment performed by 2 different suppliers - operating

tests performed in Europe for 2 plants on 5 robot per technology

• Ituverava (Chile) on field test. 10

O&M Innovative solutions
Solar cells optimizers

Smart modules replace the bypass diodes in the module with the optimizer chip in order to push the MPPT function deep into the PV
system. Cell string optimizers allow to produce the most energy possible regardless of shading issues and mismatch, without the
complexity of DC Optimizers and with simplified system design, improving also the reliability of the modules .


1. Increase energy yield (each cell string delivers maximum power at the
best current)
2. Increase ground coverage and improve land utilization (allows 10%-
20% tighter row pitch at the same energy production per panel)
3. Higher reliability: Minimize power degradation over the panel and Avg 0.8%
eliminate hot spots
4. No additional BOS (control unit, network cabling, network configuration)

Results of La Silla project do not show

significant values of energy increase

O&M Innovative Solutions

PID solution
• The PID - Potential Induced Degradation - is a specific Failure Mode occurring at PV Modules and leading to a Performance
Degradation. The combination of several environmental stressors, quality of PV materials and exposure to a negative voltage
potential is responsible for its occurrence.

• When PID affect our PV plant, a lower yearly revenue will be obteined with a direct impact on our total financial profit. The impact of
PID could be so strong to invalidate the investment.

PID effect
Yearly Energy Production Loss
Profit and Revenue reduction
PID Impact PID recovery Impact
PV Plant Profit Loss

PV Plant PV Plant PID Device

Payback time Payback Payback

PID Recovery has to be considered as a corrective action in order to restore

profitability of PV Plant investment 12
O&M Innovative Solutions
PID Solution

COD 24-01-2013
Operating LifeTime 27 years (30-35 years is typical value for EGP plants)

4.45 MWp (JA Solar JAP6230-235 crystalline

modules) identified as impacted by reversible

After 1 year opeartion actual PR

lower (>5%) than theoretical one.

On going activities PID recovery benefits

Three different PID recovery technical solutions are under

evaluation: PID Recovery loss of yearly Energy Prod (x MWp) = 5%
• Grounding Kit by constructor Installed in January 2016 PID recovery Time (months) = 6
• Two differentes PID Commercial Device in December 13
2017/April 2018
O&M Innovative Solutions
Drones for O&M

➢ Aircrafts that can be remotely controlled or fly semi- New and innovative technique to
autonomously through software-controlled flight plans, reduce costs and timing of
working in conjunction with global positioning system (GPS) operation, maintenance and
construction activities

➢ Utilized in multiple industries, driven by a growing need to Substitute human workers during
improve productivity and efficiency via automation. Global inspections, reducing risks related to
market revenue is estimated to reach $6.66 bln by 2020 people operating at height and confined

➢ Able to perform a variety of tasks, most often involving

imaging or payload-bearing capabilities, leveraging on Support security activities through
precision robotics, computer vision, and artificial automatic anti-intrusion inspections
intelligence technologies


O&M Innovative Solutions
Drones for O&M

The Aim of the project is the development of Fully automated System for PV Inspections and data acquisition & reporting allowing to
• OPTIMIZE STANDARD PV INSPECTION (up to 4MW/day of 4 hours covered with drone flight, 30’ battery VS. 2%/plant only with manual
• REDUCE COSTS of PV Manual Inspections

Use case description

• Permanent robotic system that includes drones that are autonomous; Plant 1 Plant 2 Plant 3

• Exploits satellite imagery to locate the building site of a new plant;

• Monitor the status of the plant while it is under construction

• Totally automatic and radiometric images analysis of the PV field

• Verify the potential value for EGP using Big Data approach and define KPI
parameters of interest that can both drive action planning by means of Actions to
Solve (e.g. Decision Support System).

• Hotspot failure detection

O&M Innovative Solutions and Practices
Business Case: USA
Drones are a catalyst for digital workflows

O&M Innovative Solutions and Practices
Business Case: USA
Combining these 2 capabilities for Innovate Mass

• Machine learning (ML) analytics for PV

installations is a launched product
• Previously built drone-mounted and fixedmount
thermal ML systems with onboard
Already working with EGP-NA partners in the
Restore 1.5% of lost capacity. Equivalent to
removing 35,000 cars from the road per GW of
installed solar.
Lower O&M cost for PV systems, making solar more

O&M Innovative Solutions
➢ Solar Digitization…What for?
▪ Reducing the Technical Risks
▪ Increasing Efficiency, Safety and Sustainability
1 Cloud Computing 2 Remote Sensoring 3 Digital Field Worker ▪ Reduction of Operational Costs
▪ Increasing of Solar Assets Lifetime
4 Autonomous Drones 5 Satellite Forecasting 6 Spares 3D printing

➢ Solar Digitization...How?
1. Cloud Big Data Computing with using Industrial Connectivity Data
Platforms and Predictive Patterns-components specific to manage Plant Data
and reduce emergency and periodic site visits

2. Remote Sensor & Control. IoT, 5G and wireless communications,

embedded test electronics and data analysis can help diagnose faults remotely

3. Digital Field Workers using mobile and AR/VR technologies such as

Smartphones and Smart Glasses to assist effectively O&M activities in a safer

4. Autonomous Drones equipped with on-board data analytics to visual

imaging modules and status of other PV components and IR imaging monitoring
and transfer those images to Big Data Cloud;

5. Satellite Forecasting service is the best practice for irradiance

measurements and remote sensing to allow better-timed maintenance and also
Source: Solar Power Europe Guideline, 2017
monitoring soiling accumulation for optimization of cleaning activities

6. 18 and costs
3D Printing to reduce spares in storage and theirs management
decreasing lead times
O&M Innovative Solutions and Practices
Digitalization: Proactive strategy

Self-organized devices that
autonomously detect failed modules
and plant components

Exploiting plant robotized solutions
for automatic maintenance work

O&M Innovative Solutions and Practices
Plant documentation archived on CSK (Company Knowledge System) in cloud and available globally to all users O&M

Objectives Benefits
➢ Global access to a unique system in cloud (web application)
➢ Create a unique document management and collaboration platform cross countries
and functions ➢ All O&M Power plant documentation available and well organized following IO 117
➢ Recuperate, store and digitalize all critical plant documents - currently stored in ➢ Collaboration instrument aimed at facilitating communication, project and knowledge
local files systems, facilities and power plants - to guarantee access, improved archiving management.
and retrieval of missing documentation.
➢ Lever for cross-functional & cross-country business process integration &
➢ Integration with other core systems (i.e SAP, Archibus, MDM) optimization

Documentation Management System (DMS)
Handover and as-built
Solar PV plant documentation is crucial for an in-depth understanding of design,
Agreements with Legal permissions, configuration and technical details thereof. It is Asset Owner´s responsibility to provide those
local stakeholders concessions and restrictions
documents and if not available, they shoul, as best practice, be recreated at the Asset
Owner´s cost. There are two important aspects related to the management of this
Plant Reports Property document

Maintenance plan
✓ Information type and depth of detail
✓ Management and control
Spare part Contracts and
documentation warranties

Manufacturer technical
manuals 20
*Operation & Maintenance, Best Practices Guideline/ verison 2.0,
2018, Solar Powe Europe
O&M Innovative Solutions and Practices


2093000 2163000

1200000 1270000 1350000
1200000 1300000
1100000 1240000
200000 316000
96000 128000 227000
100 8000 37000 66000


Complete the implementation of the Quality Check-list process for the EGP Perimeter by 1H 2018
Complete the upload of Latam documentation and implementation of the Quality Check-list process by 2Q 2018
Completion of documents upload process with further ~200.000 documents by 2Q 2018
O&M Innovative Solutions and Practices
Big data analysis
The models approaches for the generation and monitoring of predictive warnings at inverter level have been investigated:

✓ Event Detection to predict inverter deviations from nominal behavior

✓ Automatic Fault Recognition to predict a specific class of faults (e.g. ground fault): automatic report generation
✓ Short term prediction based on Cloud detection systems
✓ Mid term prediction based on BigData analysis and recognized faults

Event notification & decision for action

Inverter signals Event

Case Prahova1

Input inverter signals & predictive models

Inverter signals model

Operator Dashboard
Events Predictability > 80%
~3 days in advance

Predictive Alert mail 22

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