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PV Grid Integration: Backgrounds, Requirements, and SMA Solutions

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TechnologyCompendium 3.

PV Grid Integration

Backgrounds, requirements, and SMA solutions

4th revised edition, last revised: May 2012



The general conditions in Germany


The grid structure

Guidelines, rules and laws



The BDEW medium voltage directive


Feed-in management
Active power reduction in case of overfrequency
Provision of reactive power
Dynamic grid support
Inverter and plant certification
SMA product solutions
Centralized plant concepts
Decentralized plant concepts
Remote power limitation
Remotely controlled reactive power setpoint and reactive power control


The VDE 4105 code of practice


Basic requirements
Active power reduction in case of overfrequency
Connection criteria and permissible unbalanced load
Grid and plant protection
Supplementary requirements
Provision of reactive power
Three-phase feed-in
Remote power limitation
SMA product solutions



The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)


FNN recommendation and EEG transition period for simplified feed-in management
Design according to the 70 percent option
Retrofitting older PV plants



PV grid integration outside Germany



Background information: reactive power


What is reactive power?

How is reactive power created?
What are the effects on the distribution grid?
How is reactive power supplied in the grid?
What does the reactive power supply cost?
How does plant planning change?


Note: Current information on this topic can be found on the Internet at

SMA Solar Technology

The subject of grid integration coupled with renewable power generation is playing an increasingly
important role. The powerful growth in Germanys
photovoltaic capacity is attracting considerable
attention and rightfully so: According to data by
the Federal Network Agency, a total of nearly 25
gigawatts of PV power has already been installed
in the grid since the end of 2011. The PV plants
consequently supply more than 16 large nuclear
power plants under ideal irradiation conditions. The
optimum integration of this decentralized and variable power generation capacity into the existing
distribution grid (designed for unidirectional flows
of power) is as crucial as it is pressing for that very

Inverters as grid managers

For a long time, PV plants were only considered
negative consumers with a pure active power supply. However, photovoltaics has increasingly been
integrated into the grid regulations since 2009. For
example, various system requirements for larger
plants, which are ultimately targeted at improving
the way decentralized power generation plants
are integrated into the grids, are set out in art. 6 of
the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)1 and the
medium voltage directive2 of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW).
On January 1, 2012, fundamental new connection
regulations according to which small and mediumsized PV plants are also required to provide system
services now came into effect for the low-voltage








Fig. 1: Solar power can already entirely cover the noon-time peak in the German power distribution grid on sunny days

PV grid integration

grid with the VDE 4105 code of practice3, which

after all receives around 85 percent of the PV power
available in Germany. Being the market and technology leader in the field of PV system engineering,
SMA has been very committed to the subject of grid
integration from the very beginning by participating
in the relevant committees and working groups, on
the one hand, and by undertaking massive development efforts, on the other hand. With success:
SMA inverters were among the first to achieve full
compliance with the requirements of art. 6 of the
Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) 2009 and
the progressively adopted medium-voltage directive
including the additionally required communication
technology. SMA will also offer suitable product
solutions for the new VDE code of practice in due

the collaboration with PV forecast services, or the

advancement of the proven Sunny Backup system
for a grid-connected storage solution.
Whether it is coming from the European Photovoltaic
Industry Association (EPIA)4, the expert advisory
board of the German federal government, or from
the government in its own national action plan for
renewable energy: Virtually all experts foresee a
permanent increase in the share of solar power in
Europes energy mix. In addition to reducing energy
production costs further, the optimum grid integration of photovoltaics is therefore of vital importance.
As flexible, power electronic control elements, inverters are excellent at dealing with the system management tasks associated with this.

The future starts now

There are already progressive approaches for the
optimum grid integration of renewable power generation capacity that go beyond both directives:
Comprehensive energy management at the household level, the incorporation of solar radiation forecasts, and the use of local storage systems are paving the way to the intelligent grid, the smart grid.
SMA is also committed to this field with the development of the innovative Sunny Home Manager,

1 Renewable

Energy Sources Act (EEG)

Directive of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries

(BDEW) for the connection and parallel operation
of power generation plants in the medium-voltage grid

VDE-AR-N 4105: Generators connected to the low-voltage distribution

network Technical requirements for the connection to and parallel
operation with low-voltage distribution networks

4 European

Photovoltaic Industry Association

SMA Solar Technology

1. The general conditions in Germany

1.1 The grid structure
Up until now, the respectively applicable regulations
for connecting decentralized electricity generators
to the grid have focused on the design of the power
distribution grid, which is characterized by several
voltage levels arranged in a hierarchy. The voltage
level that the respective power generation plant
feeds electricity into is generally the decisive factor;
extra-high, high, medium, and low voltage levels are
distinguished in that context.
The extra-high-voltage grid operates with 220 to
380 kV and is used for long distance transmission
as well as the connection to the international power
distribution grid. Energy is transferred regionally via
the high-voltage grid operating with a voltage ranging from 60 to 110 kV. Large wind farms and largescale PV plants also feed in power at this grid level.

Fig. 2: The voltage levels in the German power distribution grid

The voltage in the medium-voltage grid is between

6 and 30 kV; the energy here is supplied to large
consumers as well as transformer stations in the lowvoltage grid. Municipal combined heat and power
plants with cogeneration of heat and power, larger
PV plants, and individual wind power plants feed the
generated energy into the power distribution grid at
the medium-voltage level.
Finally, the voltage in the low-voltage grid is 400 V
(three-phase) or 230 V (single-phase). This grid
handles the distribution of the energy to the end
consumer; however, the lions share of the PV plants
installed in Germany also feed in their energy at this
voltage level.

PV grid integration

1.2 Guidelines, rules and laws

Currently, there are three directives in Germany that
establish requirements for PV plants in terms of grid
The BDEW medium voltage directive
The BDEW medium voltage directive has been in
place since January 1, 2009, and is for all power
generation plants that feed in on the medium-voltage
level (with the exception of plants with a capacity
of less than 100 kW nominal power. They are governed by the VDE code of practice).

The transmission code governs the access to the

high-voltage connections. Several requirements
were adopted from it and incorporated in the
medium-voltage directive; however, it will soon be
replaced by a corresponding VDE code of practice.
The first draft is expected to be released for commenting prior to the summer recess in 2012. It will
likely be published at the end of 2012 or slightly
later, depending on the number of objections raised.

The VDE code of practice

The VDE 4105 code of practice has been in place
since August 1, 2011, and binding since January 1,
2012, and affects all PV plants that feed in to the
low-voltage grid, which means the vast majority of
The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)
The Renewable Energy Sources Act has laid down
the requirements in terms of grid integration since
2009. The version passed on January 1, 2012,
greatly expands on these requirements once again.

Feed-in management

Active power reduction in case of


Remote, temporary active power limitation of 60, 30 or 0

percent of the rated power

Automatic reduction of the active power output upon the

power frequency exceeding 50.2 Hz


Voltage support through the provision of reactive power

Fixed specication of
reactive power values by
the grid operator

Remote setting
of various
reactive power values

Automatic regulation of the reactive

power as a function of grid parameters
measured on-site

Dynamic grid support


Feed-in of reactive current during brief voltage drops

Unit and/or plant certicates are mandatory

Fig. 3: Chronological sequence of the requirements for the BDEW medium voltage directive

SMA Solar Technology

2. The BDEW medium voltage directive

Since January 1, 2009, the revised medium voltage directive has been in effect for all power generation plants that feed at the medium voltage level
into the power distribution grid i.e., typically for
plants with approximately 200 kW of power and
more. The revised version was formulated by the
German Association of Energy and Water Industries
(BDEW). However, the network technology / network operation forum (FNN) newly created in 2008
a committee of the VDE that also includes representatives of PV system technology manufacturers
was responsible for the final version. Its requirements
may be divided into four stages, which successively
came into effect.
2.1 Participation in feed-in management
If a section of the relevant medium-voltage grid or
higher level transmission grid is temporarily overloaded, the distribution grid operator should be
able to remotely limit the power of decentralized
power generation plants in increments of no more
than 10 percent of Pnom. To do this, the operator
generally sends a ripple control signal that is processed accordingly and must be implemented as
limitation of the fed-in active power (typically 60,
30 or zero percent of the rated power). The respectively required limitation must be implemented by the
inverter within 60 seconds.
Note: The EEG has also called for participation in
the feed-in management in art. 6 since January 1,
2009. The requirements are in many respects very
similar to those of the medium voltage directive.
However, the grid level into which the plant feeds is
not definitive in the Renewable Energy Sources Act,
but rather its nominal or installed power.

2.2 Active power reduction in case of overfrequency

The frequency in alternating current grids is kept constant within strict limits, in Europe at exactly 50 Hz. If
more energy is taken from the grid than is fed in by
the generators, the frequency will drop it will rise
in case of an energy surplus. Up to now, PV inverters
had to disconnect from the grid immediately upon
the power frequency exiting the permitted range of
47.5 to 50.2 Hz. Since the sudden disconnection of
large PV power generation capacities always has
a negative effect on the grid stability, the mediumvoltage directive now demands frequency-dependent power regulation in the inverter: The devices
should reduce their current power with a gradient
of 40 percent per Hertz from 50.2 through 51.5 Hz
and only disconnect from the grid above 51.5 Hz.
The disconnection limit in case of underfrequency
remains unchanged at 47.5 Hz.
Note: If the frequency drops again prior to reaching the disconnection limit, curtailing may still not
be canceled in accordance with the characteristic
curve. The inverter may only revert to feeding in at
the maximum possible power if the frequency has
dropped below 50.05 Hz (so-called drag pointer
function). In addition, decentralized power generation plants may only increase their power slowly
with a gradient of no more than ten percent of Pnom
per minute after a complete disconnection in order
to simplify the start-up of the grid by the grid operators after interference.

PV grid integration

2.3 Provision of reactive power

The voltage must be kept within defined limits on
all grid levels especially in the distribution grid.
However, voltage increases may occur there due
to the increasing (active power) feed-in on the low
and medium voltage levels, which make the connection of additional power generation plants more
difficult or impossible. Furthermore, existing phase
shifts and/or reactive power percentages in the grid
reduce its transmission capacity and increase the
accumulated transmission losses. The typical causes
of phase shifts are transformers, large motors, or
longer cable routes.
Inverters with reactive power capability can help to
compensate the reactive power balance in the grid
or keep the voltage stable at the grid connection
point in order to ensure the voltage quality stipulated
in EN 50160 in that manner. Consequently, the
medium-voltage directive requires power generation
plants to be able to supply or absorb both active
and reactive power (leading or lagging phase shift).
The grid operator may demand a displacement
power factor cos() of between 0.95 and 1 with
three variations for the definition of the target value
being available to that end:

1. The grid operator specifies fixed target values

that the plant operator is required to set.
2. Various reactive power values are set on the
basis of an agreed upon time schedule or specified
via supervisory control signal by a central control
center of the grid operator.
3. The reactive power percentage is regulated via
a characteristic curve depending on the grid voltage measured at the connection point or the ratio of
the currently supplied active power and the nominal
power of the inverter. The latter variation is frequently used when the PV plant strongly influences
the voltage at the connection point. In that context,
the voltage is supported at low output power levels
while it is reduced at high output power levels in
order to relieve the connection point. The grid operator provides the respective characteristic curve.

Fig. 4: Among others, the reactive power may be regulated as a function of the supplied active power

SMA Solar Technology

2.4 Dynamic grid support

In the past, local power generation plants had to
disconnect from the grid immediately, even in case
of brief drops in the grid voltage. However, this
requirement has become problematic in light of
todays significant power generation capacity, as
even brief system incidents that are generally easy
to manage could result in the sudden disconnection
of larger power generation capacities under certain
circumstances, resulting in an energy imbalance of
the grid.
The revised medium-voltage directive now requires
PV inverters to support the grid in case of an incident
by riding through voltage drops of up to several
seconds and then resuming normal feed-in immediately afterwards (so-called low-voltage ride-through,
or LVRT). The inverter behaves passively throughout
the course of the error in the limited version. The
device also needs to feed reactive power into the

Fig. 5: The dynamic grid support requirements in detail


power distribution grid during a voltage drop in the

complete version of the LVRT, as it has been required
since April 1, 2011. As a result, they contribute to
the resolution of the incident and help to trigger the
grid protection devices.

PV grid integration

2.5 Equipment and plant certification

2.6 SMA product solutions

A unit certificate confirming conformity with all

requirements of the medium voltage directive has
become mandatory for each generation unit (i.e.,
each inverter type) at the same time as the dynamic
grid support capability. The manufacturer receives
this certificate following comprehensive testing of
the respective device by specially authorized testing
institutes. A simulation model, which may be used to
simulate the behavior of the inverter in the event of
an error, is also part of the respective certificate. In
addition, the date of commissioning is decisive for
the certification obligation.

Being a pioneer in the field of grid integration, SMA

offers a complete product range for the implementation of larger PV plants complying with the requirements of the medium voltage directive: PV inverters
with the prescribed unit certificate confirming their
conformity with the regulations have been available
for both centralized and decentralized plant concepts since April 2011 In addition, SMA also has
a wide range of product and system solutions available for the necessary communication tasks, which
also fulfils individual requirements.

If the total apparent power of a larger PV plant

exceeds 1 MVA or the connection line to the grid is
longer than two kilometers, the entire plant must also
be certified. The so-called plant certificate is based
on calculations and simulations utilizing a grid
model and the respective unit models The settings of
the protective devices and power generation plant
parameters are defined here in order to facilitate
compliance with the individual specifications of the
grid operator. The plant certificate is required for
the grid connection permit. It has the character of
an individual agreement that must be negotiated
separately as part of the feed-in agreement with the
respective grid operator.

SMA Utility Grade is an integrated concept that

bundles SMA system engineering and services to
enable successful power plant projects. All products
and services that have this label meet the high and
complex requirements demanded of modern, competitive PV power plants. In addition to unit certificates for all Utility Grade inverters, SMA also offers
support for simulated inspections of the grid connection. An example is the calculation of the PQ diagram of the entire PV plant taking into consideration
the topology and plants own electric equipment.
If there are characteristics available for the connected grid, it is also possible to perform dynamic
simulations based on inverter models developed by
SMA. When using the inverter models in your own
studies, SMA also offers support in performing them.


SMA Solar Technology

2.6.1 Centralized plant concepts

2.6.2 Decentralized plant concepts

The inverters of the Sunny Central CP production series already fulfilled all requirements of the
medium voltage directive including full dynamic grid
support upon their market introduction.

Decentralized large-scale PV plants may easily and

flexibly be implemented with the three-phase feeding in Sunny Tripower. This device was recognized
with the Innovation Award by the PV symposium
Bad Staffelstein in 2010 and also fulfills all requirements of the medium voltage directive, in addition to
VDE 4105 code of practice.

Their enclosure suitable for outdoor use renders

the need for a heavy concrete station obsolete.
In addition, their power characteristics match the
temperature-dependent behavior of PV modules in
an ideal manner: The compact devices deliver a full
10 percent more than the specified nominal power
during continuous operation at outdoor temperatures up to 25C; the nominal power only marks the
actual limit at 50C. Accordingly, a Sunny Central
800CP can deliver 880 kVA of apparent power at
25C which still yields 836 kW of active power,
even with a displacement power factor of 0.95.
Due to these and other characteristics that all contribute to the reduction of the system costs, the Sunny
Central CP was the winner of the Intersolar Award in
2010. The prescribed unit certificates are available
for all power variations (500, 630, 720, 760, and
800 kVA); as a result, maximum planning reliability
is achieved.

Bestseller with power reserves: Sunny Central 800CP


So far, the Sunny Tripower is available in six power

variations, which may be combined in an arbitrary
manner. And with the exception of the 8 kVA
model, all include the corresponding unit certificates. The Sunny Tripower 20000TL High Efficiency
with 20 kVA nominal power, available since the
beginning of 2012, offers a maximum conversion
efficiency rate of 99.15 percent by concentrating
on the essentials and being the first to use silicon
carbide switches in a series-produced inverter. The
inverter is ideally suited for high-efficiency medium to
large-scale PV plants because the specific price has
also been reduced.

World champion in efficiency: Sunny Tripower 20000TLHE

PV grid integration

2.6.4 Remotely controlled reactive power setpoint and reactive power control

2.6.3 Remote power limitation

Since the beginning of 2009, SMA has offered
the Power Reducer Box for remote power limitation
required by both the medium voltage directive and
art. 6 of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).
The device provides the communication interface
between the grid operator and the plant. A radio
ripple control receiver is typically used for the target
value transmission. It receives the specifications of
the grid operator, for instance via longwave radio
(similar to the DCF77 time signal), and makes them
available via four relay contacts.
The SMA Power Reducer Box converts the incoming signal into a control command for the Sunny
WebBox, which in turn communicates with the
inverters. In the process, each switching procedure
is logged both in the Power Reducer Box and in
the Sunny WebBox as a result, this data may be
accessed via the Sunny Portal from anywhere in the

As an alternative to the active power specifications,

the Power Reducer Box is also able to process target
values for the reactive power or the displacement
power factor cos() and consequently facilitates the
variable specification of the reactive power by the
grid operator. The control of the reactive power as
a function of the voltage at the grid connection point
or other, more complex control tasks may be implemented by means of a flexibly programmable logic
controller or the SMA Power Plant Controller. It can
actively control both centralized and decentralized
large-scale plants (one or several Sunny WebBoxes
may be required in the latter situation).

















Fig. 6: Remote power limitation with the SMA Power Reducer Box


SMA Solar Technology

3. The VDE 4105 code of practice

The VDE-AR-N 4105, often also referred to as low
voltage directive, is the amended version of the
VDEW guideline Generators connected to the lowvoltage distribution network following thorough
revision by the network technology / network operation forum in the VDE. It came into effect on August
1, 2011, and is binding for all new PV plants starting on January 1, 2012. Being the leading manufacturer of PV inverters, SMA also participated in the
revision of the code of practice within the framework
of the FNN.
The requirements are in many respects very similar
to those of the medium voltage directive: On the one
hand, the aim is to support the voltage and avoid
extension measures by providing reactive power.
On the other hand, the goal is to achieve a gradual
reduction of the PV plant power while the power
frequency rises. Background: In 2009, the PV power
installed in the German low-voltage grid already
exceeded the European spinning reserve, which
meant that the disconnection conditions previously
applicable to grid-connected PV plants in the lowvoltage grid were no longer viable. Another focus is
on the topic of three-phase feed-in; the connection
criteria and targets for symmetry and unbalanced
load are defined more clearly here than in the past.
Note: VDE-AR-N 4105 is also binding for power
generation plants on the medium voltage level,
providing their nominal power is less than 100 kVA.


3.1 Basic requirements

The requirements of the VDE code of practice are
manifold, although some are only valid for certain
applications or upwards of a certain plant power.
For this reason, the following is a list of the basic
requirements with which each inverter and each PV
plant are required to comply.

PV grid integration

3.1.1 Active power reduction in case of

This directive has no impact on planning a PV plant
and the consequences for the respective yields are
negligible. However, it is extremely important for
grid safety. The problem: According to the previous
connection regulations, PV plants had to disconnect
from the grid instantly when the power frequency
was too high. However, the simultaneous disconnection of the now installed PV power in the German
low-voltage grid could lead to instabilities in the
European power distribution grid (see The 50.2 Hz
For this reason, PV plants should not disconnect
immediately when the power frequency is too high,
but first reduce their power on an infinitely adjustable scale. The permissible frequency band will
be expanded to a range from 47.5 to 51.5 Hz
accordingly. The current feed-in power must be
reduced by 40 percent/Hz. The plant needs to be
disconnected only if 51.5 Hz is attained. According
to this characteristic curve, the curtailing percentage
is always based on the current power when the
50.2 Hz mark is exceeded. If the irradiation condi-

tions improve in the meantime, the inverter may only

increase its power with a defined slope to the new,
non-throttled maximum value upon dropping below
the curtailing limit. The increase in power may take
several minutes.
Note: This point is practically identical with the
corresponding requirement of the medium voltage directive. The only difference: While inverters
may only cancel curtailing at the medium voltage
level again upon the frequency dropping below
50.05 Hz, the VDE code of practice stipulates
operating according to the characteristic curve.
Retrofitting requirements
Many of the existing plants pose a difficulty in terms
of the 50.2 Hz issue. They were initially parameterized by disconnection criteria that were once valid
but not advantageous in terms of technology. For
this reason, one key solution approach is to gradually retrofit or modify these existing plants, in addi-

Fig. 7: The frequency/active power characteristic curve in accordance with the VDE code of practice: The power is limited from 50.2 Hz.


SMA Solar Technology

tion to the transition of the connection regulations for

new plants. However, it is not clear when the retrofitting needs to start and be completed. Yet, the costs
will be split between the EEG payment provisions
and the grid feed payment as adopted in the EEG
amendment by the Bundestag on March 29, 2012.
It is expected that a regulation to ensure the technological system stability and safety will be passed
sometime in 2012, regulating all requirements and
possible sanctions for plant operators. It is already
clear that the retrofitting requirement affects all PV
plants that were connected after August 30, 2005,
and exceed a capacity of 10 kWp. Similar to retrofitting in the 50.2 Hz transition regulation, either the
existing characteristic curve function is activated or
the disconnection limit of 50.2 Hz is set to a higher
value. It may be necessary to update the firmware
of some older inverter types in order to use the
characteristic curve function from the BDEW medium
voltage directive. SMA will prepare a technical
description on the details for the retrofitting work for
all device types that are affected in good time.

3.1.2 Connection criteria and permissible

unbalanced load
The connection criteria have become clearer as far
as the maximum unbalanced load is concerned: a
general limit of 4.6 kVA per phase applies and the
previous option of feeding in up to 110 percent of
this power as a single phase has been dropped.
Hence, a maximum plant power of 13.8 kVA
results when using single-phase, uncoupled inverters
(3 x 4.6 kVA) only. Therefore, at least the proportion
of the power exceeding 13.8 kVA must be designed
with three-phase or communicatively coupled singlephase inverters in larger plants. Conversely, larger
three-phase plants may also be supplemented with
single-phase and non-coupled devices as long as
their aggregate power of 4.6 kVA per phase is not
exceeded. For the Sunny Mini Central production
series, SMA provides for this coupling with the
Power Balancer function. This ensures that if even
if a device fails, no incorrect unbalanced load may
occur in this case either.

Fig. 8: The VDE code of practice allows a maximum of 4.6 kVA of apparent power from single-phase inverters per phase


PV grid integration

3.1.3 Grid and plant protection

An additional new requirement concerns grid and
plant protection (short: G/P protection), i.e., the
protective device that monitors all relevant grid
parameters and disconnects the plant from the grid,
if necessary. A freely accessible disconnection point
for plants with more than 30 kVA of apparent power
is no longer required, but more extensive grid monitoring including the power frequency and single
error safety is stipulated in return.
Plants with less than 30 kVA of apparent power
may still be operated with G/P protection integrated
in the inverter. The higher requirements that apply
here, including the fail-safe protected switch device,
have already been met by SMA inverters for a long
time. If all inverters include separate stand-alone grid
detection with grid disconnection via the tie breaker
integrated in the device, separate stand-alone grid
detection may be omitted in the central G/P protection. This solution is a considerable cost-saver and is
possible with all SMA inverters.

Set values for the G/P protection:

Deactivation limits:
Voltage drop protection (U <)
Voltage increase protection (U >)
Voltage increase protection (U >>)
Frequency drop protection (f <)
Frequency increase protection (f >)

< 184 V
> 253 V
> 264.5 V
< 47.5 Hz
> 51.5 Hz

Reconnection limits:
Voltage greater than 195.5 V and less than 253 V
Frequency greater than 47.5 Hz and less than
50.05 Hz

Fig. 9: Another option includes the communication-based coupling of three single-phase Sunny Mini Central inverters


SMA Solar Technology

3.2 Supplementary requirements

3.2.1 Provision of reactive power

The following requirements of the code of practice

are only valid for a certain plant power. The threephase feed-in connection criteria and specifications
are considered a special situation. The topic has
already been addressed in the basic requirements
due to the modified unbalanced load and the new
approach. The topic will be addressed here again
because the specifications also contain an indirect
power limit.

Far more PV plants can utilize the existing infrastructure of the low-voltage grid by means of inverters
with reactive power capability; as a result, the supply of reactive power is also now required on this
voltage level. Background: The feed-in of active
power into the low-voltage grid with its predominantly ohmic properties generally results in an increase
of the voltage at the feed-in point. In the case of long
network feeder, an additional aspect is that the voltage must already be set higher on the transformer
side in order to ensure that the lower voltage threshold of 207 V is still maintained at the consumer.
If active power is to be fed in on the side of the
consumer now without absorbing power of a similar magnitude at the same time, the upper voltage
limit may be exceeded at the feed-in point (fig. 10).
However, inverters may lower the voltage at the
grid connection point by simultaneously consuming
lagging reactive power. Consequently, the code

Fig. 10: The required voltage setting may cause the maximum voltage to be exceeded at the feed-in point. The solution: lagging reactive power


PV grid integration

of practice requires the capability of the inverters

to feed in with displacement power factors up to
0.95lagging/leading from an apparent plant power of
3.68 kVA If the plant power exceeds 13.8 kVA,
even displacement power factors up to 0.9 must be

the respective plant. This standard characteristic

curve should already be preset in the delivery state
of the devices.

Important: The present plant power is included

when expanding or retrofitting existing plants. As
a result, limiting values that are based on the new
total power apply to the newly added plant section.
However, contrary to the medium voltage directive,
the VDE code of practice forgoes requiring the
remote, variable cos() specification. The respective target value is either specified as a fixed value
or results from the currently supplied active power
as detailed in a standardized characteristic (fig.
11): The respective inverter must feed in without
phase shift up to half its nominal power of active
power. After that, it is to be steadily increased until
it operates at full nominal power with the maximum
displacement power factor (underexcited) valid for

Fig. 11: Power generation units must absorb lagging reactive power above 50 percent of their nominal power in order to reduce the voltage


SMA Solar Technology

3.2.2 Three-phase feed-in

3.2.3 Remote power limitation

The code of practice aims to achieve the goal of

actively balancing the voltage in the low-voltage
grid by having larger plants feed into the grid
as symmetrically as possible. However, there are
not any special regulations for plants exceeding
13.8 kVA; the unbalanced load of 4.6 kVA per
phase applies independent of the power, even in
case of an error.

The distribution grid operator should also be able to

remotely limit the power of PV plants in increments of
no more than 10 percent of Pnom in the low-voltage
grid (in that context, proven increments are 60,
30, or zero percent of the nominal power). Among
others, conceivable reasons for a power limitation
include the operation of emergency generating
units, a short term overload of the superordinate
medium-voltage or transmission grid, or a systemendangering frequency increase. This requirement
of the code of practice applies to all plants with
more than 100 kW of power and is otherwise comparable to that in the medium voltage directive.

Yet the unbalanced load limit means that at least a

portion of the plant power exceeding the 13.8 kVA
needs to feed in using three-phase voltage. In addition to deploying three-phase inverters, there is also
another solution in the communication-based coupling of single-phase inverters into three-phase feedin units, such as the ones SMA offers with its Power
Balancer for the Sunny Mini Central production
series. With this option, if one device fails, the other
devices are also disconnected so that no significant
unbalanced load can occur (see also section 3.1.2).

Note: According to art. 6 of the Renewable Energy

Sources Act (EEG) 2012, the feed-in management
will also apply to plants with a nominal power of
less than 100 kWp (see also section 4).

Fig. 12: Single-phase inverters can only be designed with a maximum of 4.6 kVA of total apparent power per phase in accordance with AR 4105


PV grid integration

3.3 SMA product solutions

SMA provides PV inverters that conform to the requirements of the new code of practice in terms of
all relevant power ranges. In addition, SMA offers
communication solutions for the participation in the
feed-in management and grid and plant protection
conforming to AR 4105 (SMA Grid Gate). The table
below provides a product overview. In addition, an
overview poster that gives an example of two plant

configurations for five different power classes each

is available at SMA. They comply with the requirements of the VDE code of practice and the Renewable Energy Sources Act 2012.

Reactive powercapable

Smax [kVA]

Fulllment of
the basic

1.2/ 1.7/ 2.5/ 3

1.3/ 1.6


2/ 2.5/ 3

2.5/ 3


3.6/ 3.8


3/ 3.68 / 4/ 4.61)



With communicative

5.5/ 6

With communicative

With communicative

9/ 10/ 11

With communicative

8/ 10/ 12/ 15/ 17

STP 15000/20000TLEE-103)

15/ 20

STP 15000/20000TLHE-103)

15/ 20

Product identication

SB 1200/1700/2500/3000
SB 1300/1600TL-10
SB 2100TL
SB 2000/2500/3000HF-30
SB 2500/3000TLST-213)
SB 3300-11/3800-11
SB 3000/3600/4000/5000TL-213)
SMC 4600A-11
SMC 5000/6000A-11
SMC 7000HV-11
SMC 9000/10000/11000TLRP-10
STP 8/10/12/15/17000TL-103)

Feed-in management:


Use for plants >

13.8 kVA

Power Control Module, Sunny WebBox and Power Reducer Box

Grid and plant protection:


(Use for plants >

3.68 kVA)

Limitation to 4.6 kVA when selecting the country data record for Germany only
Compatible with the Power Control Module

SMA Grid Gate


Deployable while observing the 4.6 kVA unbalanced load limit


SMA Solar Technology

4. The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)

The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) as
amended mid-2011 and valid from the beginning
of 2012 also includes new requirements regarding
the grid integration of PV plants. It now stipulates
unequivocally that plants with more than 100 kW
peak power must participate in feed-in management
and, at the same time, extends this demand to smaller plants albeit in somewhat less stringent form:
for instance, there is no longer any obligation to
let the distribution grid operator retrieve the current
actual power of the plant. Furthermore, operators of
PV plants with less than 30 kWp of power may skip

installing the device for remote power limitation if

they accept a general limitation of feed-in power to
70 percent of the installed generator power in return.
As for the obligation to retrofit, both power categories also differ: plants between 30 and 100 kWp
are to be retrofitted by the end of 2013, if they
were commissioned after December 31, 2008.
There is no obligation to retrofit plants with less than
30 kWp.




Fig. 13: Requirements of the EEG 2012 on the participation of new and existing PV plants in feed-in management


PV grid integration

4.1 FNN recommendation and EEG transition

period for simplified feed-in management
The practical introduction of the simplified feed-in
management for smaller PV plants before the beginning of the year has proved to be difficult, since
many grid operators still do not have the necessary
control technology. Since according to art. 11 of
the EEG in PV plants 100 kWp, feed-in management measures are implemented as a second-tier
option (first, conventional generators are curtailed,
then EEG generators > 100 kWp, and only then PV
plants 100 kWp), it is unlikely that specific curtailing will take place in the coming years.
For this reason, the FNN published a recommendation in agreement with the Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety in December 2011. This body recommends
the installation of an externally controlled relay or
contactor, and if necessary a (radio) ripple control
receiver (fig. 14) as a compromise. This equipment
enables the remote curtailing of plant power to 0
percent as soon as the distribution grid operator
himself has the relevant control technology at his
disposal. The Federal Ministry for the Environment,
Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the
Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology published an application note on December 21, 2011.

Furthermore, the Bundestag agreed on a transitional period for PV plants 100 kWp in terms of
participation in the feed-in management as part of
the recent EEG amendment on March 29, 2012.
All plants commissioned in 2012 are required to
be capable of remotely limiting the active power
starting on January 1, 2013. The version with the
limitation to 70 percent for plants up to 30 kWp will
only be relevant as of this date.
Compared to the possible yield losses incurred by
capping feed-in capacity at 70 percent of generator nominal power, the installation of an additional
contactor (and ripple control receiver, if required)
is usually the cheaper option. Furthermore, SMA is
working on an inverter-integrated solution for active
power limitation.



Fig. 14: Remote controlled disconnection: The FNN recommendation for simplified feed-in management for PV plants 100 kWp


SMA Solar Technology

4.2 Design according to the 70 percent option

4.3 Retrofitting older PV plants

The application of the 70 percent option is only

advantageous if the maximum expected feed-in
capacity on the grid-connection point is substantially less than the generator nominal power. Typical
situations include a heavy shading of the modules,
substantial self-consumption at the same time as the
generation maximum or east/west-facing PV arrays
because the maximum power of the substrings will
never occur simultaneously. SMAs design program,
Sunny Design, can take this into account when sizing
the inverters from version 2.20 and later. SMA will
provide information on any new inverter-integrated
solutions or solutions in conjunction with the Sunny
Home Manager in due time.

Based on todays perspective, the required retrofitting of older PV plants is not a problem. The
appropriate technology is available for plant and
distribution grid operators for plants with more than
100 kWp, meaning that retrofitting work could be
completed by mid-2012 without any difficulties. For
this reason, SMA has offered the Power Reducer
Box since the beginning of 2009 as a solution for
remote power limitation.

Note: The potential yield losses increase disproportionately as the size of the inverter becomes smaller.
If intermediate sizes are yielded by the design when
applying the 70 percent option, it is often not costeffective to choose the next smaller device version.
Normally, you should choose the next larger inverter
and limit it based on the corresponding parameterization to the precisely required power value.


PV plants between 30 and 100 kWp can be retrofitted in accordance with the FNN recommendation.
However, we expect to encounter more technically
demanding solutions for the feed-in management
before the retrofitting deadline at the end of 2013.

PV grid integration

5. PV grid integration outside Germany

The optimum grid integration of PV plants is also
of great interest to many committees, authorities,
and institutions outside Germany. A first draft of
the European Network of Transmission System
Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) for a corresponding European directive is available on the
European level.
The new CEI 0-21 standard governing the connection of power generation and consumption plants
in the low-voltage grid was published in Italy in
December 2011. The corresponding transition regulations were established by the AEEG 084-12 from
March 8, 2012. Two annexes to the Italian Grid
Code call for new PV plants to have the frequencydependent active power limitation on all voltage
levels and for the expansion of the frequency band
for existing medium-voltage plants. The CEI 0-21 is

just the first step in the direction of an optimized grid

integration of PV plants. The standard CEI 0-16 for
plants on the medium voltage level is expected to
be revised shortly as well. Due to royal decree RD
1565/2010, dynamic grid support is already mandatory for all PV plants exceeding two megawatts
in Spain today, even retroactively for existing plants
with a certain transitional period.
Regulations comparable to those of the medium
voltage directive of the German Association of
Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) are also
being discussed and demanded in the United
States and Canada, e.g., by the North American
Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and
other institutions, as well as grid operators.


SMA Solar Technology

6. Background information: reactive power

As it happens, the ability to provide reactive power is
just one of many requirements of the new directives
for improved grid integration. However, the topic
of reactive power is predestined to lead to misunderstandings with regard to the physical principles,
the technical correlations, and last but not least, the
effects on the plant planning. Against this backdrop,
since 2009, SMA has offered informational material
that explains the technical background of reactive
power provision and the impact on plant planning
using example calculations.

*Also 60 Hertz in certain countries


6.1 What is reactive power?

The correlations are still simple in terms of direct current: The product of voltage and current is referred
to as power; the unit of power is the watt. However,
matters are more complex for alternating current:
The intensity and direction of current and voltage
change here at regular intervals. Both exhibit a sinusoidal curve with a frequency of 50 Hertz* in the
power distribution grid. The product of the pulsating current and the pulsating voltage consequently
specifies a pulsating power.
However, the alternating current power can assume
differing forms depending on whether current and
voltage are phase-shifted or not. Without a phase
shift (current and voltage reach their maximum
and minimum values at the same time), the power
oscillates between zero and the positive maximum
value. This consequently results in a positive power

PV grid integration

value in the temporal average; only active power is

generated (fig. 15). In contrast, the power assumes
alternating positive and negative values during a
phase-shift of 90 degrees or period (maximum
current at zero voltage). The temporal average is
consequently zero; this is known as reactive power,
which effectively shuttles back and forth in the
lines (fig. 16). During smaller phase shifts, the power
fluctuation is only pushed slightly below the zero
line; a mixture of reactive and active power results
in this case.

The sum of active and reactive power is the so-called

apparent power. It is to be noted in this context that
they are not added normally, but geometrically:
Active and reactive power form the catheti of a
right-angled triangle; the hypotenuse corresponds
to the apparent power. In other words, 5 kW of
active power and 3 kvar of reactive power result
in just 5.8 kVA of apparent power. However, all
components of an alternating current circuit must
be designed for the resulting apparent power on
principle (also refer to 6.3).

The following generally applies: Only active power

is actually usable power. It may be used to power
machines, operate electric heaters, or make lamps
glow. The matters are different for reactive power:
It cannot be consumed and consequently cannot
perform electrical work. Instead, it simply shuttles
back and forth in the power distribution grid and
consequently burdens it further.

As the phase shift can occur in two directions, there

are also two types of reactive power: lagging and
leading. A consumer will absorb reactive power or
behave in a lagging manner if the current phase follows the voltage phase it will behave in a leading
manner or supply reactive power in the opposite
case. If a generator produces reactive power, it is
also referred to as overexcited operation (or underexcited operation in the case of reactive power

Fig. 15: Fluctuating, but always positive power pure active power
results when the current i and the voltage v are in phase

Fig. 16: The average value of the power is zero pure reactive power in
case of a phase shift of 90 degrees between i and v


SMA Solar Technology

The phase shift is specified in angular degrees (a

periodic cycle of the sine wave corresponds to 360
degrees); the phase angle is identified by the Greek
letter (pronounced phi). The direction of the shift
is designated by the suffix leading or lagging.
However, the displacement power factor cos() is
used for calculations most of the time due to the fact
that this results in a very simple correlation between
active and apparent power: A value of 0.95 means
that 95 percent of the apparent power is usable as
active power the remainder comprises reactive

It results from geometric subtraction and consequently does not amount to about five, but rather
approximately 31 percent of the apparent power
in this case (see example calculation). Viewed from
the opposite side, the apparent power is about
5.26 percent greater than the given active power at
a cos() of 0.95 (apparent power = active power
divided by displacement power factor, ref. example





Apparent power


Active power


Reactive power


cos()leading / lagging

Factor without unit

Displacement power factor

S2 = P2 + Q2 (Pythagorean theorem for right-angled triangles)


PV grid integration

40 Sunny Tripower 15000TL inverters feed into the grid with a displacement power factor of 1 and a
total active power of 600 kW. As an alternative, grid feed-in should take place with a displacement
power factor of 0.95. Which apparent, active, and reactive power results? Are the available inverters
The available active power P is 600 kW.
The following applies
to the apparent power S: S =



The following applies

to the reactive power Q: Q = S2 P2 i.e.,


= 631.57 kVA

Q = 6312 6002


Q = 197.2 kvar

Due to the phase shift with a displacement power factor of 0.95, the inverters must provide additional
197.2 kvar of reactive power in addition to the 600 kW of active power. The geometric total indicates an apparent power of 631.6 kVA. The inverters and the downstream grid infrastructure must be
designed for this apparent power. 631.6 kVA of inverter power are consequently required to operate
at the same PV generator e.g., 42 Sunny Tripower 15000TL inverters (or 37 STP 17000TL inverters
as an alternative if this is more favorable in terms of the module configuration).
When planning with a reactive power supply, the power of the PV generator must be evenly distributed
to the now greater number of inverters. The power of inverters with reactive power capability is generally to be regarded as apparent power and must always be indicated in VA in that context. Active and
apparent power have the same value in case of a displacement power factor cos() = 1 only, resulting
in the power of devices without reactive power capability being indicated in watt as has been customary up to now.

6.2 How is reactive power created?

Just as active power develops at ohmic resistances,
reactive power is generated by reactive impedances
the so-called reactances. All types of coils (inductances) and capacitors (capacities) act as reactive
impedances: While they have no (coil) or an infinitely large resistance (capacitor) in the direct current

circuit, they cause a phase shift in one or the other

direction and consequently lagging or leading reactive power in the alternating current circuit. Decisive
for the use in the alternating current grid is that
practically all electronic components regardless
of their primary function act as leading or lagging


SMA Solar Technology

reactances. For example, long cables behave like

capacitors (leading reactances) due to the conductors being in close proximity to one another while
the coils built into transformers or electric motors act
as lagging reactances. Even high voltage overhead
lines may be imagined as extremely long-stretched
coils with just one winding and they actually do
cause a lagging phase shift.
Conclusion: It is nearly impossible to keep the voltage and current in phase at every point of an alternating current grid. The more or less strong phase
shift corresponds to a certain amount of reactive
power that constantly oscillates in the grid.


Capacitor (capacity)
A capacitor constitutes a real interruption in the direct current circuit i.e., an infinitely large resistance.
However, the electrical charges only oscillate back and forth in the case of alternating current. A capacitor is consequently charged and discharged again in an alternating manner in the alternating current
circuit. The voltage between the capacitor poles builds up during the charging process and reaches its
maximum when the capacitor is completely charged and the current flow has come to a standstill. The
behaviors are reversed during the discharge process: The current is at its greatest upon the capacitor
being completely discharged.
Result: A capacitor in the alternating current circuit delays the voltage as opposed to the current. Or
the other way round: It ensures that the current precedes the voltage and consequently acts as leading
reactive impedance.
Coil (inductance)
A coil conducts direct current like a normal wire. A respective time delay in the current flow, which is
caused by the build-up and the drop of the magnetic field, only occurs during the activation and deactivation. Every change in the current direction results in these delays in alternating current conditions.
Result: A coil delays the current flow as opposed to the voltage and consequently acts as lagging reactive impedance.


PV grid integration

6.3 What are the effects on the distribution

In short: Reactive power subjects the grid and the
entire grid infrastructure to a load without contributing to the energy transmission. In contrast to active
power which is consumed as usable power, i.e.,
transformed into motion, light, or heat, reactive
power at first provides no visible use in the grid.
Nevertheless, all lines, switches, transformers, and
other components must take the additional reactive
power into consideration. Specifically: They need
to be designed for the apparent power, i.e., the
geometric total of effective and reactive power. In
addition, the ohmic losses during the energy transmission occur as a function of apparent power;
any additional reactive power consequently causes
bigger transmission losses. (Mnemonic: Reactive currents also cause active losses!)

consumers, one will also lower the transmission

losses. In addition, the grid will only be subjected
to the active power load anymore the released
line resources could consequently be used for the
transmission of additional active power.
However, reactive power (i.e., the deliberate shifting of the phases) can also be used to control the
line voltage as a leading or lagging phase shift
increases or lowers the voltage in the grid. In other
words: Just as feeding in or consuming active power
affects the frequency, the provision or absorption
of reactive power will affect the voltage though
depending on the design of the respective grid level
(e.g., cable or overhead line). The monitoring and
control of the phase shift is consequently also of
extraordinary importance for the grid control.

The opposite applies: If one compensates the

unavoidable phase shifts in the grid and at the


SMA Solar Technology

The voltage-lowering effect of reactive power depends on the design of the respective grid level (overhead line or underground cable, cable design): For example, the German high and extra-high-voltage
grid is almost exclusively characterized by reactive impedance due to the large proportion of overhead
lines and the big line distances, while the (ohmic) active resistance has a more significant share at the
medium and low voltage level.
Therefore, the supply of reactive power has significantly less effects on the voltage at the lower grid
levels than in the high-voltage grid. Instead, the supply of active power also causes a noticeable increase
of the voltage here. This is exactly why the provision of reactive power should also become mandatory
on the low voltage grid starting from a plant power of 3.68 kVA: While the voltage-regulating effect is
comparably small, compensation of the voltage increase caused by active power is still essential.

Example 1: Given a grid impedance angle of 30 degrees (typical low-voltage grid), the voltage increase from feeding-in
27 kW of PV power with a displacement power factor of 0.95lagging may be reduced by almost 20 percent (from 0.94 percent to 0.76 percent)

Example 2: Twice as many PV inverters may be operated when feeding in with a displacement power factor of 0.9lagging. This results in a maximum
active power of 163 kW, instead of 90 kW without reactive power an increase of approximately 80 percent


PV grid integration

6.4 How is reactive power supplied in the


6.5 What does the reactive power supply


Synchronous generators used in large power plants

are able to make both lagging as well as leading
reactive power available via the corresponding
control of the exciting current. Due to the many overhead lines and transformers for the various voltage
levels, the power distribution grid exhibits a lagging
inductive reactance overall. In addition, a majority
of the consumers also causes a lagging phase shift.
In large power plants, a leading phase shift is fed in
during power generation in order to counter this and
raise the resulting drop in voltage again.

The cost greatly varies from case to case: For example, a radio ripple control receiver will be used, even
in large PV plants, only if the grid operator wants to
remotely control the reactive power supply on short
notice. An SMA Power Reducer Box is also needed
in that case. If stabilization of the desired reactive
power is also required at the grid-connection point,
a PLC-based control solution, such as the SMA
Power Plant Controller, is needed. Inverters with
reactive power capability do not incur any additional costs because this functionality is available
in virtually all SMA devices as standard due to the
relevant connection directives.
Besides that, the changed dimensioning of the inverters has an effect on the total costs of the plant: Either
more or more powerful inverters are necessary in
order to facilitate feeding in the entire active power
of the PV generator with phase shift. However, this
makes up less than one percent of the plant costs for
a required displacement power factor of 0.95.


SMA Solar Technology

6.6 How does plant planning change if

reactive power is required by the grid
It goes without saying that the provision of reactive power must be considered when designing
the PV plant. The desired or required displacement
power factor plays the decisive role in that context:
It determines the amount of apparent power and
consequently the required inverter power. Given
a cos() of 0.95, approximately 33 percent of
additional reactive power results; this equals an
apparent power of approximately 105 percent of
the active power provided by the PV generator in
the geometric total. Consequently, an inverter with
at least 105 kVA of nominal apparent power will
be required to feed in 100 kW of active power with
this phase shift (also refer to the example calculation
in 6.1).

The active power absorbed by the inverter will be

fully preserved in the process. The respective reactive power also occurs in the inverter, which is why it
needs to be dimensioned larger accordingly.
If this is not the case, the active power offered cannot be absorbed in full. Less available active power
consequently results from the given apparent power
of the inverter and the desired displacement power
factor. Version 1.5 and later of the free SMA planning software Sunny Design may be used to calculate all possibilities for the reactive power supply.

Displacement power factor cos(): 0.90

Displacement power factor cos(): 0.95

Fig. 17: The active power of the PV generator is maintained in full; however, the inverter must be dimensioned to the larger
apparent power


SMA Solar Technology

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Tel.: +49 561 9522-0
Fax: +49 561 9522-100

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